Leontief paradox

的革命话语联系在一起的ꎮ 马克思把黑人同种族问题联系在一起ꎬ用以说明社会革命和资本主义本质
的观点ꎬ说明种族主义的斗争ꎮ 塞泽尔和桑戈尔作为早期法国共产党的继承者ꎬ显然坚持马克思主义立
博看网 场ꎮ
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对种族歧视和争取民族平等方面发挥重要作用ꎮ 黑人精神已经超越了文学领域ꎬ渗透社会的各个领
关键词: 黑人精神ꎻ 非洲文学ꎻ 文学伦理
中图分类号: I106 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671 ̄7023(2018)01 ̄0051 ̄08
命家” ( our black revolutionaries) 同“ 单个的、集体的黑人” 之间无法协调起来ꎬ黑人没有自己的声音ꎮ 或
① 参见 Christopher L. Miller. “ The ( Revised) Birth of Negritude: Communist Revolution and ‘ the Immanent Negro’ in 1935” ꎬ PMLA.
Vol. 125ꎬ No. 3 ( May 2010) ꎬ p.743.
第 32 卷 第 1 期
黑人精神( Negritude) :非洲文学的伦理
摘要: Negritude( 黑人精神) 从 nègre 改造而来ꎬ是非洲黑人作家用来表达非洲黑人种族优秀品质的术语ꎮ 非
洲黑人作家借助这个术语描写和颂扬黑人优秀品质ꎬ从伦理上为黑人找回自信与自尊ꎮ 黑人精神是黑
杰斯杰斯 S 型监测器产品说明书

MécaniqueProcédés de mesure1 / 2SphéromètreDETERMINATION DE RAYONS DE COURBURE SUR DES VERRES DE MONTRESUE101010003/16 JSNOTIONS DES BASE GÉNÉRALESLe sphéromètre est constitué d'un trépied avec trois pointes en acier qui forment un triangle équilatéral de 50 mm de côté. Une vis micrométrique avec pointe de mesure passe par le centre du trépied. Une règle graduée verticale indique la hauteur h de la pointe de mesure au-dessus ou au-dessous du plan défini par les pointes des pieds. Le déplacement de la pointe de mesure peut être lu à 1 µm près à l'aide d'une graduation sur un disque circulaire qui tourne avec la vis micrométrique.L'équation suivante décrit le rapport entre l'écart r des pointes des pieds avec le centre du sphéromètre, le rayon de courbure recherché R et la hauteur de bombe-ment h :()222h R r R -+=(1)Après la conversion, on obtient pour R :hh r R ⋅+=222 (2)L'écart r résulte de la longueur de côté s du triangle équi-latéral formé par les pointes des pieds :3sr =(3)Pour R, l'équation est donc la suivante :262h h s R +⋅=(4)Fig. 1: Représentation schématique pour la mesure du rayonde courbure avec un sphéromètreEn haut : coupe verticale pour objet de mesure avec surface convexeMilieu : coupe verticale pour objet de mesure avec sur-face concaveEn bas : vue du hautUE1010100 3B SCIENTIFIC® PHYSICS EXPERIMENT3B Scientific GmbH, Rudorffweg 8, 21031 Hamburg, Allemagne, © Copyright 2016 3B Scientific GmbHLISTE DES APPAREILS1 Sphéromètre de précision 1002947 (U15030) 1 Miroir plan1003190 (U21885)1 Jeu de 10 coupes en verre de montre, 80 mm 1002868 (U14200) 1 Jeu de 10 coupes en verre de montre, 125 mm 1002869 (U14201)MONTAGENote : pour reconnaître que la pointe de mesure du sphé-romètre touche juste la surface de l'objet à mesurer, tour-nez avec précaution la vis micrométrique en observant si le trépied suit le mouvement et que le sphéromètre produit un léger basculement. ∙Nettoyez le miroir plan et les coupes en verre avec un chiffon non pelucheux et en utilisant de l'eau con-tenant un peu de produit de rinçage.∙ Placez le sphéromètre sur le miroir plan et vérifiez la position zéro sur la graduation.REALISATION∙ Posez le grand verre de montre sur une surface lisse avec le bombement tourné vers le haut.∙Placez le sphéromètre par-dessus de manière à ce que la pointe de mesure touche juste la surface du verre.∙ Lisez et notez le bombement h .∙ Placez le verre de montre avec le bombement vers le bas et répétez la mesure.∙Répétez les mesures avec un verre plus petit.Fig. 2: Agencement de la mesureEXEMPLE DE MESURE ET EVALUATIONL'écart des pointes des pieds s du sphéromètre s'élève à 50 mm. Pour de faibles hauteurs de bombements h , (4) peut être simplifié :hh h s R 222mm 4206mm 25006≈⋅=⋅=Tab. 1: Hauteur de bombement mesurée h et rayon decourbure R qui en résulte pour les verres de montres。
国际关系依附理论 PPT课件

6.特奥托尼奥·多斯·桑托斯( Theotonio dos Santos ,1936~) 巴西著名政治学家、经济学家,依附理论的提出者之
一,弗卢米伦斯联邦大学终身教授,联合国全球经济 与可持续发展课题组协调人。
理论贡献:提出“新依附论”, 成为正统主流依附理论的代 表人物
• 在整个世界经济体系中,“宗主---卫星”关系不仅存在于 世界层次,即发达国家和不发达国家之间,也存在于每个 卫星国内部,即不发达国家内部的城市和农村之间。
• a)政治方面,主张走社会主义道路,为此甚至可以进行 革命; b)经济方面,主张“脱钩论”,即自力更生摆脱对西方发
和方法系统的对不发达国家与发达国家在世界 资本主义经济体系中的不平等关系进行了分析 代表作:《不平等的发展》
• 世界范围内不平等的国际分工,国际贸易中所产 生的不平等交换,是发达资本主义国家与发展中 国家之间不平等发展的导因。
• 发展中国家必须与发达资本主义国家进行“脱 钩”,即改变民族国家的发展战略屈从于世界资 本主义的所谓“全球化”战略。
二、背景 a. 对古典经济学的批判 b. 对现代化理论的批判 c. 对结构主义者的超越 d. 对拉美经济发展现状的理论解释
1.劳尔·普雷维什( Raúl Prebisch) 2.保罗·亚历山大·巴兰(Paul Alexander Baran) 3.安德烈·冈得·弗兰克(Andre Gunder Frank) 4.萨米尔·阿明(Samir Amin) 5.费尔南多·恩里克·卡多佐
主要观点 • 发达国家通过殖民政策,掠夺了落后国家大量的经

3B SCIENTIFIC® PHYSICSIstruzioni per l’uso10/15 ALF1 Spinotto da 4 mm per ilcollegamento dell’anodo2 Anodo3 Supporto4 Spirale riscaldante5 Piastra catodica6 Connettore da 4 mm peril collegamento diriscaldamento e anodo I tubi catodici incandescenti sono bulbi in vetro apareti sottili, sotto vuoto. Maneggiare con cura:rischio di implosione!∙Non esporre i tubi a sollecitazionimeccaniche.∙Non esporre il cavi di collegamento asollecitazioni alla trazione.∙Il tubo può essere utilizzato esclusivamentecon il supporto D (1008507).Tensioni e correnti eccessive e temperaturecatodiche non idonee possono distruggere i tubi.∙Rispettare i parametri di funzionamento indicati.Durante il funzionamento dei tubi, possonoessere presenti tensioni e alte tensioni cherendono pericoloso il contatto.∙Eseguire i collegamenti soltanto congliapparecchi di alimentazione disinseriti.∙Montare e smontare il tubo soltanto con gliapparecchi di alimentazione disinseriti.Durante il funzionamento il collo del tubo siriscalda.∙Se necessario far raffreddare i tubi prima dismontarli.Il rispetto della Direttiva CE per la compatibilitàelettromagnetica è garantito solo con glialimentatori consigliati.Il diodo consente test fondamentali sull´effettoEdison (effetto termoionico), serve perdimostrare la dipendenza della corrente diemissione dalla potenza di accensione delcatodo incandescente, per il rilevamento dellelinee caratteristiche del diodo nonché l’uso deldiodo come raddizzatore.Il diodo è un tubo a vuoto spinto con unfilamento caldo (catodo) in tungsteno puro e unapiastra metallica circolare (anodo) in una sferadi vetro trasparente, sotto vuoto. Catodo eanodo sono disposti parallelamente tra loro.Questa forma costruttiva planare corrisponde alsimbolo del diodo tradizionale. La capacità dipotenza della grande struttura geometrica èstata migliorata fissando una piastra metallicacircolare a una delle guide del filamento caldo,in modo da determinare un campo elettrico piùuniforme tra catodo e anodo.Tensione di accensione: ≤ 7,5 V Corrente di accensione: ≤ ca. 3 A Tensione anodo: max. 500 V Corrente anodo: tip. 2,5 mA conU A= 300 V,U F = 6,3 V CC Lunghezza del tubo: ca. 300 mm Diametro: ca. 130 mm Distanza tra catodo eanodo: ca. 15 mmPer il funzionamento del diodo sono inoltre necessari i seguenti dispositivi:1 Portatubo D 1008507 1 Alimentatore CC 500 V (@230 V) 1003308 oppure1 Alimentatore CC 500 V (@115 V) 1003307In aggiunta si consiglia:Adattatore di protezione bipolare 10099614.1 Inserimento del tubo nel portatubi∙Montare e smontare il tubo soltanto con gli apparecchi di alimentazione disinseriti.∙Spingere completamente all'indietro il dispositivo di fissaggio del portavalvole.∙Inserire il tubo nei morsetti.∙Bloccare il tubo nei morsetti mediante i cursori di fissaggio.∙Se necessario, inserire un adattatore di protezione sui jack di collegamento del tubo.4.2 Rimozione del tubo dal portatubi∙Per rimuovere il tubo, spingere di nuovo all'indietro i cursori di fissaggio e rimuoverlo.5.1 Produzione di portatori di caricamediante un catodo incandescente (effetto Edison) nonché misurazione della corrente anodica in funzione della tensione di accensione del catodo incandescenteSono necessari inoltre:1 Multimetro analogico AM50 1003073 ∙Realizzare il collegamento come illustrato in figura 1. Collegare il polo negativo della tensione anodica al connettore da 4 mmcontrassegnato con il segno meno sul collo del tubo.∙Avviare il test con un riscaldamento freddo (tensione di accensione U F = 0 V).∙Variare la tensione anodica U A tra 0 e 300 V. In pratica non c’è pass aggio di corrente (< 0,1 µA) tra catodo e anodo, anche se in presenza di alte tensioni.∙Applicare una tensione di 6 V al riscaldamento finché diventa caldo.Aumentare gradualmente la tensione anodica e misurare la corrente anodica.∙Riazzerare la tensione di accensione e far raffreddare il riscaldamento. Quindi, con tensione anodica costante, aumentare gradualmente la tensione di accensione e osservare la corrente anodica I A.Con tensione di accensione costante, la corrente anodica aumenta con l’aumentare della tensione anodica.Con tensione anodica costante, la corrente anodica aumenta con l’aumentare della tensione di accensione.5.2 Rilevamento delle linee caratteristichedel diodo∙Realizzare il collegamento come illustrato in figura 1. Collegare il polo negativo della tensione anodica al connettore da 4 mm contrassegnato con il segno meno sul collo del tubo.∙Selezionare la tensione 4,5 V, 5 V e 6 V.∙Determinare la corrente anodica I A per la rispettiva tensione di accensione in funzione della tensione anodica U A. All’uopo, aumentare la tensione anodica in fasi da 40 V a 300 V.∙Riportare in un diagramma le coppie di valori I A- U A per la rispettiva tensione di accensione.Con l’aumentare della tensione anodica, la corrente anodica aumenta fino a raggiungere un valore di saturazione.Con l’aumentare della tensione di accensione, aumenta l’inte nsità della corrente anodica.5.3 Il diodo come raddrizzatoreSono necessari inoltre:1 Resistenza di 10 kΩ1 Generatore di tensione per una tensione di 16 V CA 1 Oscilloscopio∙Montaggio come illustrato in Fig. 3 con U F = 6,3 V e U A = 16 V CA.∙Sull’oscilloscopio osservare l’effetto raddizzante del diodo.Nel circuito anodico del diodo azionato con tensione alternata, è presente una corrente continua determinata dal blocco di una semifase.Fig. 1 Rapporto di dipendenza della corrente anodica dalla tensione di accensione e misurazione della correnteanodicaFig. 2 Linee caratteristiche del diodo. La corrente anodica in funzione della tensione anodicaFig. 3 Il diodo come raddrizzatore3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Amburgo ▪ Germania ▪ 。

1.1 Opera(歌剧)•S.1, Don Sanche, ou Le château de l'amour (1824–25) 歌剧《唐切桑》1.2 Sacred Choral Works(神圣的合唱作品)•S.2, The Legend of St. Elisabeth (1857–62) 清唱剧《圣伊丽莎白传奇》•S.3, Christus (1855–67) 清唱剧《基督》•S.4, Cantico del sol di Francesco d'Assisi [first/second version] (1862, 1880–81) 清唱剧《阿西西的圣方济圣歌》•S.5, Die heilige Cäcilia (1874)•S.6, Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters (Longfellow) (1874)•S.7, Cantantibus organis (1879)•S.8, Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales concinente organo [first/second version] (1848, 1869)•S.9, Missa solennis zur Einweihung der Basilika in Gran (Gran Mass) [first/second version] (1855, 1857–58)•S.10, Missa choralis, organo concinente (1865)•S.11, Hungarian Coronation Mass (1866–67)•S.12, Requiem (1867–68)•S.13, Psalm 13 (Herr, wie lange ?) [first/second/third verion] (1855, 1858, 1862)•S.14, Psalm 18 (Coeli enarrant) (1860)•S.15, Psalm 23 (Mein Gott, der ist mein Hirt) [first version: chorus, soloist & orchestra] [second version: chorus, soloist & violin, piano, harp, organ] (1859, 1862)•S.15a, Psalm 116 (Laudate Dominum) (1869)•S.16, Psalm 129 (De profundis) (1880–83)•S.17, Psalm 137 (By the Rivers of Babylon) [first/second version] (1859–62)•S.18, Five choruses with French texts [5 choruses] (1840–49)•S.19, Hymne de l'enfant à son réveil (Lamartine) [first/second version] (1847, 1862)•S.20, Ave Maria I [first/second version] (1846, 1852)•S.21, Pater noster II [first/second version] (1846, 1848)•S.22, Pater noster IV (1850)•S.23, Domine salvum fac regem (1853)•S.24, Te Deum II (1853?)•S.25, Beati pauperes spiritu (Die Seligkeiten) (1853)•S.26, Festgesang zur Eröffnung der zehnten allgemeinen deutschen Lehrerversammlung (1858)•S.27, Te Deum I (1867)•S.28, An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula (b. 1860)•S.29, Pater noster I (b. 1860)•S.30, Responsorien und Antiphonen [5 sets] (1860)•S.31, Christus ist geboren I [first/second version] (1863?)•S.32, Christus ist geboren II [first/second version] (1863?)•S.33, Slavimo Slavno Slaveni! [first/second version] (1863, 1866)•S.34, Ave maris stella [first/second version] (1865–66, 1868)•S.35, Crux! (Guichon de Grandpont) (1865)•S.36, Dall' alma Roma (1866)•S.37, Mihi autem adhaerere (from Psalm 73) (1868)•S.38, Ave Maria II (1869)•S.39, Inno a Maria Vergine (1869)•S.40, O salutaris hostia I (1869?)•S.41, Pater noster III [first/second version] (1869)•S.42, Tantum ergo [first/second version] (1869)•S.43, O salutaris hostia II (1870?)•S.44, Ave verum corpus (1871)•S.45, Libera me (1871)•S.46, Anima Christi sanctifica me [first/second version] (1874, ca. 1874)•S.47, St Christopher. Legend (1881)•S.48, Der Herr bewahret die Seelen seiner Heiligen (1875)•S.49, Weihnachtslied (O heilige Nacht) (a. 1876)•S.50, 12 Alte deutsche geistliche Weisen (Chorales) [12 chorals] (ca. 1878-79) •S.51, Gott sei uns gnädig und barmherzig (1878)•S.52, Septem Sacramenta. Responsoria com organo vel harmonio concinente (1878) •S.53, Via Crucis (1878–79)•S.54, O Roma nobilis (1879)•S.55, Ossa arida (1879)•S.56, Rosario [4 chorals] (1879)•S.57, In domum Domino imibus (1884?)•S.58, O sacrum convivium (1884?)•S.59, Pro Papa (ca. 1880)•S.60, Zur Trauung. Geistliche Vermählungsmusik (Ave Maria III) (1883)•S.61, Nun danket alle Gott (1883)•S.62, Mariengarten (b. 1884)•S.63, Qui seminant in lacrimis (1884)•S.64, Pax vobiscum! (1885)•S.65, Qui Mariam absolvisti (1885)•S.66, Salve Regina (1885)• 1.3 Secular Choral Works(世俗的合唱作品)•S.67, Beethoven Cantata No. 1: Festkantate zur Enthüllung (1845)•S.68, Beethoven Cantata No. 2: Zur Säkularfeier Beethovens (1869–70)•S.69, Chöre zu Herders Entfesseltem Prometheus (1850)•S.70, An die Künstler (Schiller) [first/second/third verion] (1853, 1853, 1856)•S.71, Gaudeamus igitur. Humoreske (1869)•S.72, Vierstimmige Männergesänge [4 chorals] (for Mozart-Stiftung) (1841)•S.73, Es war einmal ein König (1845)•S.74, Das deutsche Vaterland (1839)•S.75, Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (Goethe) [first/second version] (1842, 1849)•S.76, Das düstre Meer umrauscht mich (1842)•S.77, Die lustige Legion (A. Buchheim) (1846)•S.78, Trinkspruch (1843)•S.79, Titan (Schobert) (1842–47)•S.80, Les quatre éléments (Autran) (1845)•S.81, Le forgeron (de Lamennais) (1845)•S.82, Arbeiterchor (de Lamennais?) (1848)•S.83, Ungaria-Kantate (Hungaria 1848 Cantata) (1848)•S.84, Licht, mehr Licht (1849)•S.85, Chorus of Angels from Goethe's Faust (1849)•S.86, Festchor zur Enthüllung des Herder-Dankmals in Weimar (A. Schöll) (1850)•S.87, Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius) [6 versions] (1857)•S.88, Morgenlied (Hoffmann von Fallersleben) (1859)•S.89, Mit klingendem Spiel (1859–62 ?)•S.90, Für Männergesang [12 chorals] (1842–60)•S.91, Das Lied der Begeisterung. A lelkesedes dala (1871)•S.92, Carl August weilt mit uns. Festgesang zur Enthüllung des Carl-August-Denkmals in Weimar am 3 September 1875 (1875)•S.93, Ungarisches Königslied. Magyar Király-dal (Ábrányi) [6 version] (1883)•S.94, Gruss (1885?)1.4 Orchestral Works(管弦乐作品)1.4.1 Symphonic Poems(交响诗)•S.95, Poème symphonique No. 1, Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne (Berg Symphonie) [first/second/third version] (1848–49, 1850, 1854) 第一交响诗山间所闻•S.96, Poème symphonique No. 2, Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo [first/second/third version] (1849, 1850–51, 1854) 《塔索,哀叹与胜利》•S.97, Poème symphonique No. 3, Les Préludes (1848) 第三交响诗“前奏曲”•S.98, Poème symphonique No. 4, Orpheus (1853–54) 第四交响诗《奥菲欧》•S.99, Poème symphonique No. 5, Prometheus [first/second version] (1850, 1855) 第五交响诗《普罗米修斯》•S.100, Poème symphonique No. 6, Mazeppa [first/second version] (1851, b. 1854) 第六交响诗《马捷帕》•S.101, Poème symphonique No. 7, Festklänge [revisions added to 1863 pub] (1853) 第七交响诗《节日之声》•S.102, Poème symphonique No. 8, Héroïde funèbre [first/second version] (1849–50, 1854) 第八交响诗《英雄的葬礼》•S.103, Poème symphonique No. 9, Hungaria (1854) 第九交响诗《匈牙利》•S.104, Poème symphonique No. 10, Hamlet (1858) 第十交响《哈姆雷特》•S.105, Poème symphonique No. 11, Hunnenschlacht (1856–57) 第十一交响诗《匈奴之战》•S.106, Poème symphonique No. 12, Die Ideale (1857) 第十二交响诗《理想》•S.107, Poème symphonique No. 13, Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (From the Cradle to the Grave) (1881–82) 第十三交响诗《从摇篮到坟墓》1.4.2 Other Orchestral Works(其他管弦乐作品)•S.108, Eine Faust-Symphonie [first/second version] (1854, 1861)•S.109, Eine Symphonie zu Dante's Divina Commedia (1855–56)•S.110, Deux épisodes d'apres le Faust de Lenau [2 pieces] (1859–61)•S.111, Zweite Mephisto Waltz (1881)•S.112, Trois Odes Funèbres [3 pieces] (1860–66)•S.113, Salve Polonia (1863)•S.114, Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier (1857)•S.115, Festmarsch zur Goethejubiläumsfeier [first/second version] (1849, 1857)•S.116, Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H.z.S.-C.-G. (1857)•S.117, Rákóczy March (1865)•S.118, Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier in Ofen-Pest (am 8 Juni 1867) (1870)•S.119, Ungarischer Sturmmarsch (1875)1.5 Piano and Orchestra(钢琴与乐队)•S.120, Grande Fantaisie Symphonique on themes from Berlioz Lélio (1834)•S.121, Malédiction (with string orchestra) (1833) 诅咒钢琴与弦乐队•S.122, Fantasie über Beethovens Ruinen von Athen [first/second version] (1837?, 1849) •S.123, Fantasie über ungarische Volksmelodien (1852) 匈牙利民歌主题幻想曲为钢琴与乐队而作•S.124, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat [first/second version] (1849, 1856) 降E大调第一钢琴协奏曲•S.125, Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major [first/second version] (1839, 1849) A大调第二钢琴协奏曲•S.125a, Piano Concerto No. 3 in E flat (1836–39)•S.126, Totentanz. Paraphrase on Dies Irae [Feruccio Busoni's 'De Profundis'/final version] (1849, 1859) 死之舞为钢琴与乐队而作•S.126a, Piano Concerto "In the Hungarian Style" [probably by Sophie Menter] (1885)1.6 Chamber Music(室内乐等)S.126b, Zwei Waltzer [2 pieces] (1832)•S.127, Duo (Sonata) - Sur des thèmes polonais (1832-35 ?)•S.128, Grand duo concertant sur la romance de font Le Marin [first/second version] (ca.1835-37, 1849)•S.129, Epithalam zu Eduard. Reményis Vermählungsfeier (1872)•S.130, Élégie No. 1 [first/second/third version] (1874)•S.131, Élégie No. 2 (1877)•S.132, Romance oubliée (1880)•S.133, Die Wiege (1881?)•S.134, La lugubre gondola [first/second version] (1883?, 1885?)•S.135, Am Grabe Richard Wagners (1883)1.7 Piano Solo1.7.1 Studies(钢琴练习曲)•S.136, Études en douze exercices dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs [first version, 12 pieces] (1826) 12首钢琴练习曲•S.137, Douze grandes études [second version, 12 pieces] (1837) 《12首超技练习曲》•S.138, Mazeppa [intermediate version of S137/4] (1840) 练习曲“玛捷帕”•S.139, Douze études d'exécution transcendante [final version, 12 pieces] (1852) 12首超技练习曲•S.140, Études d'exécution transcendante d'après Paganini [first version, 6 pieces] (1838) 帕格尼尼超技练习曲•S.141, Grandes études de Paganini [second version, 6 pieces] (1851) 6首帕格尼尼大练习曲•S.142, Morceau de salon, Étude de perfectionnement [Ab Irato, first version] (1840) 高级练习曲“沙龙小品”•S.143, Ab Irato, Étude de perfectionnement [second version] (1852) 高级练习曲“愤怒”•S.144, Trois études de concert [3 pieces] (1848?) 3首音乐会练习曲1. Il lamento2. La leggierezza3. Un sospiro•S.145, Zwei Konzertetüden [2 pieces] (1862–63) 2首音乐会练习曲1. Waldesrauschen2. Gnomenreigen•S.146, Technische Studien [68 studies] (ca. 1868-80) 钢琴技巧练习1.7.2 Various Original Works(各种原创作品)•S.147, Variation on a Waltz by Diabelli (1822) 狄亚贝利圆舞曲主题变奏曲•S.148, Huit variations (1824?) 降A大调原创主题变奏曲•S.149, Sept variations brillantes dur un thème de G. Rossini (1824?)•S.150, Impromptu brilliant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini (1824) 罗西尼与斯蓬蒂尼主题即兴曲•S.151, Allegro di bravura (1824) 华丽的快板•S.152, Rondo di bravura (1824) 华丽回旋曲•S.152a, Klavierstück (?)•S.153, Scherzo in G minor (1827) g小调谐谑曲•S.153a, Marche funèbre (1827)•S.153b, Grand solo caractèristique d'apropos une chansonette de Panseron [private collection, score inaccessible] (1830–32) [1]•S.154, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [Pensée des morts, first version] (1833, 1835) 宗教诗情曲•S.155, Apparitions [3 pieces] (1834) 显现三首钢琴小品•S.156, Album d'un voyageur [3 sets; 7, 9, 3 pieces] (1835–38) 旅行者札记•S.156a, Trois morceaux suisses [3 pieces] (1835–36)•S.157, Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses (1836) 浪漫幻想曲•S.157a, Sposalizio (1838–39)•S.157b, Il penseroso [first version] (1839)•S.157c, Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa [first version] (1849)•S.158, Tre sonetti del Petrarca [3 pieces, first versions of S161/4-6] (1844–45) 3首彼特拉克十四行诗•S.158a, Paralipomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata original 2 movement version] (1844–45)•S.158b, Prologomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata second version] (1844–45)•S.158c, Adagio in C major (Dante Sonata albumleaf) (1844–45)•S.159, Venezia e Napoli [first version, 4 pieces] (1840?) 威尼斯和拿波里•S.160, Années de pèlerinage. Première année; Suisse [9 pieces] (1848–55) 旅行岁月(第一集)- 瑞士游记•S.161, Années de pèlerinage. Deuxième année; Italie [7 pieces] (1839–49) 旅行岁月(第二集)- 意大利游记•S.162, Venezia e Napoli. Supplément aux Années de pèlerinage 2de volume [3 pieces] (1860) 旅行岁月(第二集补遗)- 威尼斯和拿波里•S.162a, Den Schutz-Engeln (Angelus! Prière à l'ange gardien) [4 drafts] (1877–82) •S.162b, Den Cypressen der Villa d'Este - Thrénodie II [first draft] (1882)•S.162c, Sunt lacrymae rerum [first version] (1872)•S.162d, Sunt lacrymae rerum [intermediate version] (1877)•S.162e, En mémoire de Maximilian I [Marche funèbre first version] (1867)•S.162f, Postludium - Nachspiel - Sursum corda! [first version] (1877)•S.163, Années de pèlerinage. Troisième année [7 pieces] (1867–77) 旅行岁月(第三集)•S.163a, Album-Leaf: Andantino pour Emile et Charlotte Loudon (1828) [2] 降E大调纪念册的一页•S.163a/1, Album Leaf in F sharp minor (1828)降E大调纪念册的一页•S.163b, Album-Leaf (Ah vous dirai-je, maman) (1833)•S.163c, Album-Leaf in C minor (Pressburg) (1839)•S.163d, Album-Leaf in E major (Leipzig) (1840)•S.164, Feuille d'album No. 1 (1840) E大调纪念册的一页•S.164a, Album Leaf in E major (Vienna) (1840)•S.164b, Album Leaf in E flat (Leipzig) (1840)•S.164c, Album-Leaf: Exeter Preludio (1841)•S.164d, Album-Leaf in E major (Detmold) (1840)•S.164e, Album-Leaf: Magyar (1841)•S.164f, Album-Leaf in A minor (Rákóczi-Marsch) (1841)•S.164g, Album-Leaf: Berlin Preludio (1842)•S.165, Feuille d'album (in A flat) (1841) 降A大调纪念册的一页•S.166, Albumblatt in waltz form (1841) A大调圆舞曲风格纪念册的一页•S.166a, Album Leaf in E major (1843)•S.166b, Album-Leaf in A flat (Portugal) (1844)•S.166c, Album-Leaf in A flat (1844)•S.166d, Album-Leaf: Lyon prélude (1844)•S.166e, Album-Leaf: Prélude omnitonique (1844)•S.166f, Album-Leaf: Braunschweig preludio (1844)•S.166g, Album-Leaf: Serenade (1840–49)•S.166h, Album-Leaf: Andante religioso (1846)•S.166k, Album Leaf in A major: Friska (ca. 1846-49)•S.166m-n, Albumblätter für Prinzessin Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1847)•S.167, Feuille d'album No. 2 [Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, third version] (1843) a小调纪念册的一页•S.167a, Ruhig [catalogue error; see Strauss/Tausig introduction and coda]•S.167b, Miniatur Lieder [score not accessible at present] (?)•S.167c, Album-Leaf (from the Agnus Dei of the Missa Solennis, S9) (1860–69)•S.167d, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Orpheus, S98) (1860)•S.167e, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Die Ideale, S106) (1861)•S.167f, Album Leaf in G major (ca. 1860)•S.168, Elégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse [first/second version] (1842, 1851) 悲歌•S.168a, Andante amoroso (1847?)•S.169, Romance (O pourquoi donc) (1848) e小调浪漫曲•S.170, Ballade No. 1 in D flat (Le chant du croisé) (1845–48) 叙事曲一•S.170a, Ballade No. 2 [first draft] (1853)•S.171, Ballade No. 2 in B minor (1853) 叙事曲二•S.171a, Madrigal (Consolations) [first series, 6 pieces] (1844)•S.171b, Album Leaf or Consolation No. 1 (1870–79)•S.171c, Prière de l'enfant à son reveil [first version] (1840)•S.171d, Préludes et harmonies poétiques et religie (1845)•S.171e, Litanies de Marie [first version] (1846–47)•S.172, Consolations (Six penseés poétiques) (1849–50) 6首安慰曲•S.172a, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [1847 cycle] (1847)•S.172a/3&4, Hymne du matin, Hymne de la nuit [formerly S173a] (1847)•S.173, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [second version] (1845–52) 诗与宗教的和谐•S.174, Berceuse [first/second version] (1854, 1862) 摇篮曲•S.175, Deux légendes [2 pieces] (1862–63) 2首传奇•1. St. François d'Assise. La prédication aux oiseaux (Preaching to the Birds)•2. St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots (Walking on the Waves)•S.175a, Grand solo de concert [Grosses Konzertsolo, first version] (1850)•S.176, Grosses Konzertsolo [second version] (1849–50 ?) 独奏大协奏曲•S.177, Scherzo and March (1851) 谐谑曲与进行曲•S.178, Piano Sonata in B minor (1852–53) b小调钢琴奏鸣曲•S.179, Prelude after a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1859) 前奏曲“哭泣、哀悼、忧虑、恐惧”S.179 - 根据巴赫第12康塔塔主题而作•S.180, Variations on a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1862) 巴赫康塔塔主题变奏曲•S.181, Sarabande and Chaconne from Handel's opera Almira (1881)•S.182, Ave Maria - Die Glocken von Rom (1862) 圣母颂“罗马的钟声”•S.183, Alleluia et Ave Maria [2 pieces] (1862) 哈利路亚与圣母颂•S.184, Urbi et orbi. Bénédiction papale (1864)•S.185, Vexilla regis prodeunt (1864)•S.185a, Weihnachtsbaum [first version, 12 pieces] (1876)•S.186, Weihnachtsbaum [second version, 12 pieces] (1875–76) 钢琴曲集《圣诞树》•S.187, Sancta Dorothea (1877) 圣多萝西娅•S.187a, Resignazione [first/second version] (1877)•S.188, In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi (1880) 我主耶稣基督之变形•S.189, Klavierstück No. 1 (1866)•S.189a, Klavierstück No. 2 (1845)•S.189b, Klavierstück (?)•S.190, Un portrait en musique de la Marquise de Blocqueville (1868)•S.191, Impromptu (1872) 升F大调即兴曲“夜曲”•S.192, Fünf Klavierstücke (for Baroness von Meyendorff) [5 pieces] (1865–79) 5首钢琴小品•S.193, Klavierstuck (in F sharp major) (a. 1860) 升F大调钢琴小品•S.194, Mosonyis Grabgeleit (Mosonyi gyázmenete) (1870) 在莫佐尼墓前•S.195, Dem andenken Petofis (Petofi Szellemenek) (1877) 纪念裴多菲•S.195a, Schlummerlied im Grabe [Elegie No 1, first version] (1874)•S.196, Élégie No. 1 (1874)•S.196a, Entwurf der Ramann-Elegie [Elegie No 2, first draft] (1877)•S.197, Élégie No. 2 (1877)•S.197a, Toccata (1879–81) 托卡塔•S.197b, National Hymne - Kaiser Wilhelm! (1876)•S.198, Wiegenlied (Chant du herceau) (1880) 摇篮曲•S.199, Nuages gris (Trübe Wolken) (1881) 灰色的云•S.199a, La lugubre gondola I (Der Trauergondol) [Vienna draft] (1882)•S.200, La lugubre gondola [2 pieces] (1882, 1885) 葬礼小船。

3B SCIENTIFIC ® FÍSICAInstrucciones de uso08/22 HJB1 Clavijeros de 4 mm para conexiónde la tensión de calefacción 2 Clavijeros de 2 mmpara la conexión del cátodo 3 Resistencia interna 4 Espiral de calefacción 5 Cátodo 6 Ánodo7 Pin de 4 mmpara conexión del ánodo 8 Electrodo de focalización 9 Rejilla de grafito policristalino 10 Soporte11 Pantalla fluorescenteLos tubos catódicos incandescentes son ampo-llas de vidrio, al vacío y de paredes finas. Mani-pular con cuidado: ¡riesgo de implosión!∙ No someter los tubos a ningún tipo de esfuer-zos físicos.∙ El tubo se debe insertar únicamente en el so-porte para tubos D (1008507).∙No someter a tracción el cables de conexión.Las tensiones excesivamente altas y las corrien-tes o temperaturas de cátodo erróneas pueden conducir a la destrucción de los tubos.∙ Respetar los parámetros operacionales indicados. ∙Solamente efectuar las conexiones de los cir-cuitos con los dispositivos de alimentación eléctrica desconectados.∙Los tubos solo se pueden montar o desmon-tar con los dispositivos de alimentación eléc-trica desconectados.Durante el funcionamiento, el cuello del tubo se calienta.∙De ser necesario, permita que los tubos se enfríen antes de desmontarlos.El cumplimiento con las directrices referentes a la conformidad electromagnéticade la UE se puede garantizar sólo con las fuentes de alimen-tación recomendadas.Este tubo de difracción sirve para la comprobación de la naturaleza ondulatoria de los electrones, a tra-vés de la observación de las interferencias que se originan después de su paso por una rejilla policris-talina de grafito (difracción de Debye-Scherrer), una vez que se vuelven visibles en la pantalla fluores-cente; sirve también para la determinación de la lon-gitud de onda de los electrones, con diferentes ten-siones anódicas, a partir de los radios de los anillos de difracción y de las distancias entre las capas de la red de grafito, y para la comprobación de la hipó-tesis de de Broglie.El tubo de difracción de electrones es un tubo de alto vacío, con un filamento incandescente (4) de tungsteno puro y un ánodo cilíndrico (7) dentro de una ampolla de vidrio transparente y al vacío. A par-tir de los electrones emitidos por el cátodo incan-descente, se corta un delgado haz de rayos, por medio del orificio de un diafragma, y se enfoca a través de un sistema óptico de electrones.REste haz, nítidamente limitado y monocromático, atraviesa una red fina de filamentos de níquel, que se encuentra en la "desembocadura" del cañón de electrones (8), que está cubierto de una película de grafito policristalino y que actúa como rejilla de di-fracción. Sobre la pantalla fluorescente (10) se vi-sualiza la imagen de difracción en forma de dos ani-llos concéntricos, presentes alrededor del haz de electrones difractado.Un imán forma parte del volumen de suministro. Éste permite alterar la dirección del haz de elec-trones, lo cual es necesario cuando surge un punto defectuoso en la red de grafito, sea por de-fecto de fábrica o por la quemadura del mismo.Calentamiento: ≤ 7,0 V AC/DC Tensión anódica: 0 – 5000 V DC Corriente anódica: tipo 0,15 mAa 4000 V DCConstantesde la red de grafito: d10 = 0,213 nm d11 = 0,123 nmDimensiones:Distancia rejilla de grafito /Pantalla fluorescente: aprox. 125 ± 2 mm Pantalla fluorescente: aprox. 100 mm Ø Ampolla de vidrio: aprox. 130 mm Ø Longitud total: aprox. 260 mmIncluido en la entrega:1 adaptador de2 mm con toma de 4 mm; es ne-cesario si no se utiliza el adaptador de protección de3 polos (1009960) para conectar el cátodo a la toma de 2 mm [(2) en el diagrama]. La cone-xión a la fuente de alimentación de alta tensión se realiza de este modo a través de un cable ex-perimental de seguridad.Se requiere adicionalmente:Para la operación del tubo de difracción de elec-trones se necesita el siguiente equipo suplemen-tario:1 Soporte de tubos D 1008507 1 Fuente de alta tensión 5 kV:(115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003309o(230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003310 2 Par de cables de experimentación, 75 cm 1002850 1 Cable de experimentación, clavija/casquillo1002838 Se recomienda adicionalmente:1 Adaptador de protección, de 3 polos 10099602 Par de cables de experimentación de seguri-dad, 75 cm 1002849 1 Cable de experimentación, clavija de seguri-dad/casquillo 1002839 4.1 Instalación del tubo en el soporte para tubo ∙Montar y desmontar el tubo solamente con los dispositivos de alimentación eléctrica desconectados.∙Retirar hasta el tope el desplazador de fija-ción del soporte del tubo.∙Colocar el tubo en las pinzas de fijación.∙Fijar el tubo en las pinzas por medio del des-plazador de fijación.∙Dado el caso, se inserta el adaptador de protec-ción en el casquillo de conexión del tubo.4.2 Desmontaje del tubo del soporte para tubo∙Para retirar el tubo, volver a retirar el despla-zador de fijación y extraer el tubo.4.3 Indicaciones generalesLa película de grafito de la rejilla de difracción sólo tiene algunas capas moleculares de espesor y, por tanto, se puede destruir ante una corriente mayor a 0,2 mA.La resistencia interna sirve para la limitación de la corriente y, por tanto, para evitar daños en la película de grafito.Durante la experimentación, se debe controlar la pelí-cula de grafito. En caso de que se queme la rejilla de grafito, se debe desconectar inmediatamente la ten-sión anódica.En el caso de que los anillos de difracción no se vean claramente, se puede modificar la dirección del haz de electrones por medio de un imán, de modo que se proyecte sobre alguna otra área de la película de grafito.∙Monte el experimento de acuerdo con la fig. 2.El polo negativo de tensión anódica se conecta siempre a través de los conectores de 2 mm. ∙Conectar la tensión de calentamiento y esperar aproximadamente 1 minuto hasta que la res-puesta de calentamiento sea estable.∙Aplicar una tensión anódica de 4 kV.∙Determinar el diámetro D de los anillos de di-fracción sobre la pantalla luminosa.Ahora son visibles dos anillos de difracción en-vueltos por el haz de electrones difractado. Cada uno de los anillos corresponde a una reflexión de Bragg en los átomos de un nivel de la red de gra-fito.Las modificaciones de la tensión anódica provo-can cambios en los diámetros de los anillos de difracción, por lo que una reducción de la tensión provoca un aumento del diámetro. Esta observa-ción coincide con el postulado de de Broglie, se-gún el cual, la longitud de onda se expande con la disminución del impulso.a) Ecuación de Bragg: ϑ⋅⋅=λsin2dλ = Longitud de onda de los electronesϑ = Ángulo de brillo del anillo de difracciónd = Distancia entre las capas de red en la rejilla de gra-fitoL = Distancia entre el objeto de prueba y la pantalla lu-minosaD = Diámetro de los anillos de difracciónR = Radio de los anillos de difracciónLD⋅=ϑ22tanLRd⋅=λb) Ecuación de de Broglie:ph=λh = Quantum de Planckp = Impulso de los electronesmpUe⋅=⋅22Uemh⋅⋅⋅=λ2m = Masa del electrón, e = Carga elementalFig. 1 Representación esquemática de la difracción de Debye-ScherrerFig. 2 Circuito del tubo de difracción de electrones DFig. 3 Circuito del tubo de difracción de electrones D con adaptador de protección, de 3 polos (1009960) 3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 20 ▪ 20459 Hamburgo ▪ Alemania▪ 。

九年级英语摄影主题分析练习题30题1. I have a new _____. It can take beautiful pictures.A.cameraB.paintingC.bookD.pen答案:A。
A 选项“camera”是“相机”的意思;B 选项“painting”是“绘画”;C 选项“book”是“书”;D 选项“pen”是“钢笔”。
根据题干中“take beautiful pictures(拍漂亮的照片)”可知是相机,所以选A。
2. The _____ is used to take pictures in the dark.A.flashB.sunC.moonD.star答案:A。
A 选项“flash”是“闪光灯”,可以在黑暗中拍照时使用;B 选项“sun”是“太阳”;C 选项“moon”是“月亮”;D 选项“star”是“星星”。
3. My father bought me a _____ as a birthday present.A.telescopeB.camera lensC.microscopeD.binoculars答案:B。
A 选项“telescope”是“望远镜”;B 选项“camera lens”是“相机镜头”;C 选项“microscope”是“显微镜”;D 选项“binoculars”是“双筒望远镜”。
根据题干中“as a birthday present( 作为生日礼物)”且结合摄影主题,可知是相机镜头,所以选B。
4. The _____ of this camera is very good.A.colorB.sizeC.qualityD.price答案:C。
A 选项“color”是“颜色”;B 选项“size”是“尺寸”;C 选项“quality”是“质量”;D 选项“price”是“价格”。

Chapter12Leontief ParadoxThere exist two possible methods for the investigation,the inductive inference and deductive inference.The inductive inference collects empirical observations and infers the general conclusion from them.Although it is very useful for the practical purposes,the inductive inference cannot arrive to the definite conclusion. You observe as many white swans as you like in the northern hemisphere,but cannot conclude that swan is white,since you cannot exclude the possibility to see black swans in the southern hemisphere.You can collect all the cases in the past,but cannot conclude definitely,since you cannot know the possible cases in the future. To arrive at the definite conclusion,therefore,we have to rely on the deductive inference.It starts with some assumptions and derive logical conclusions from them.Some assumptions may be derived from inductive inference founded on the empirical observations while other assumptions are made merely as the simplifying assumptions.As far as the assumptions are admitted,and the logical operations are correct,the derived conclusion must be accepted.Since there is no assurance that assumptions are empirically true,however,the conclusion of the deductive inference cannot be assured to be empirically right. Such a conclusion must be subject to the empirical tests,since to test the empirical validity of assumptions themselves is,in general,more difficult.If the conclusion is empirically refuted,something must be wrong with respect to assumptions.We have to discard at least some of them and replace them by new assumptions.With the new set of assumptions,then,the deductive inference and the empirical test of its conclusion must be repeated.If the conclusion is not refuted,however,it does not imply that it is empirically true.It merely means that it is not refuted temporarily,since we cannot exclude the possibility that it will be refuted by some other empirical tests in the future.When carefully planned experiments are possible,as in the case of some natural sciences,it is easy to refute empirically the conclusion of the deductive inferences.When it is not,as in the case of social sciences,the empirical test must rely on the observation of empirical data which we cannot control and it is very difficult to see whether the data given is relevant and appropriate for the refutation of the conclusion.87 T.Negishi,Developments of International Trade Theory,Advances in Japanese Businessand Economics2,DOI10.1007/978-4-431-54433-3__12,©Springer Japan2014Our Heckscher–Ohlin theorem,discussed in Chap.10,is a typical example of the conclusion of the deductive inference logically derived from assumptions.From the assumptions on the production functions,consumer taste,the endowments of factors of production,etc.,the theorem is derived logically that a country exports those commodities which use intensively such factors of productions that are endowed abundantly,and imports those commodities which use intensively such factors of production that are endowed scarcely.It was Leontief(1954)who tried to check this theorem empirically.Leontief(1954)considered a Heckscher–Ohlin international trade model of two countries,the USA and the rest of the world.Two commodities considered are a composite commodity“US exports”and another composite commodity“US competitive import replacements.”Competitive import is defined as the import of commodities which can be and are,at least in part,actually produced by domestic industries.In other words,two domestic industries are the export industry and the import competing industry.The question to be studied is,then,whether it is true that the United States exports commodities the domestic production of which absorbs relatively large amounts of capital and little labor and imports foreign goods which, if produced at home,would employ a great quantity of indigenous labor but a small amount of domestic capital.By applying his famous input–output analysis to the 1947input–output table of the US economy,Leontief computed the total(direct and indirect)input requirements of capital and labor per unit of two composite commodities.The result is that the capital–labor ratio is approximately14for US Exports and18for US Import replacements.In other words,USA exports labor-intensive commodities and imports capital-intensive commodities.This is called Leontief paradox,since USA was considered generally to be a capital abundant country relative to the rest of the world.Heckscher–Ohlin theorem seems to be empirically refuted.One might wonder,of course,whether Leontief’s result was relevant or appropriate to the empirical test of Heckscher–Ohlin theorem.As a matter of fact, Leontief himself was thefirst who wondered.If the labor is measured by using the man-years units and the capital,by dollars in1947prices,as was done in his study,certainly USA is a relatively capital abundant country.Since labor is more efficient in USA than in the rest of the world,however,USA should be considered as a labor abundant country,if the labor is measured by using the efficiency units.“[W]ith a given quantity of capital,one man-year of American labor is equivalent to,say,three man-years of foreign labor.Then,in comparing the relative amount of capital and labor possessed by the United States and the rest of the world—the total number of American workers must be multiplied by three—.Spread thrice as thinly as the unadjustedfigures suggest,the American capital supply per“equivalent worker”turns out to be comparatively smaller,rather than larger,than that of many other countries.”Leontief’s empirical data,then,does not refute Heckscher–Ohlin theorem.Another possibility is that the choice of labor and capital as two factors of production,as was done by Leontief,might not be appropriate for the case of trade between USA and the rest of the world.In view of the fact,for example,that US oil-fields are less rich than those in Venezuela or in the Arabian countries, it is important to consider natural resources as factors of production.Then,the United States might import goods intensive in natural resources,which is the relatively less abundant factors there,and export goods intensive in capital and labor relative to natural resources.If so,again,Leontief’s empirical data does not refute Heckscher–Ohlin theorem.For the details of literature which insists on this possibility,see Gandolfo(1994,p.96).If one accept Leontief’s empirical result as the refutation of Heckscher–Ohlin theorem,on the other hand,some of assumptions of the theorem must be rejected. Among the assumptions of Heckscher–Ohlin theorem,one of the assumptions which can be most easily doubted is that of the identical consumption pattern between different countries.This may be particularly so in the case of Leontief paradox since the per-capita income level is much different between USA and the rest of the world.Suppose,relatively speaking,USA is abundantly endowed with capital and labor,scarcely.If Heckscher–Ohlin theorem is right as far as the pattern of incomplete specializations is concerned,USA is specialized in the production of those commodities which are relatively capital intensive,though the specialization is incomplete.Suppose,however,the domestic consumption pattern in USA is biased to capital intensive commodities.Even though the domestic supply of such capital intensive commodities is large,the domestic demand for them may be still larger. Then,the domestic excess demand for such capital intensive commodities should be supplied by the imports from the rest of the world,a country where capital is, relatively speaking,scarcely endowed.Since the information on technology is mobile internationally,we may assume the identical production functions between different countries.As people are not freely mobile between countries,however,we may not assume the identical level of income,which include not only wage income but also that from capital,1so that the consumption pattern can be different in different countries.It is well known that the ratio of the food consumption in the total expenditure is less for the high income families than for the low income ones(Engel’s law).Can we suppose high income USA families prefer the capital intensive commodities rather than the labor intensive commodities?Unfortunately,this is not certain.High income families may prefer such labor intensive commodities as expensive homemade goods like homespun cloth rather than to such capital intensive commodities as machine-made cheap goods produced in large-scale production factories.Another assumption of Heckscher–Ohlin theorem,which may be doubted,is that of no factor intensity reversal.It is assumed in the theorem that the commodity1, for example,is always more capital intensive(capital–labor ratio is higher)than the commodity2for any value of the wage–rental ratio,i.e.,k1>k2for any given w/r.Suppose,however,that the commodity1is more capital intensive than1If capital is abundantly endowed relative to labor,in comparison with the rest of the world,per-capita income level is higher in such a country than in the rest of the world,since per-capita income from capital is larger.Fig.12.1Factor intensityreversal Fig.12.2Wage–rental rationot equalizedthe commodity 2when the wage–rental ratio is high,w /r >(w /r )1;but is less capital intensive when the wage–rental ratio is low,w /r <(w /r )1,as is shown in Fig.12.1.Then in Fig.12.2,we cannot have the unique solution of w /r for the given value of p ,i.e.,the price of the second commodity in terms of the first.For the same p in the international market,it is possible that w /r for the country 1is Oa while it is Ob for the second country.The commodity 1is less capital intensive (k 1<k 2)in the first country while it is more capital intensive (k 1>k 2)in the second country.Then,Heckscher–Ohlin theorem cannot be valid generally,since the exportables have the same kind of factor intensity in both countries.It remains valid for one country only.The case like Fig.12.1occurs if the production functions are of CES (constant elasticity of substitution)type,Y =[aL −b +(1−a )K −b ]−1/b (0<a <1,b >−1)(12.1)Bibliography91 where Y,L,and K denote,respectively,the output,the labor input,and the capital input,while a and b are given constants.2Using production functions of this type, Minhas(1962)found that factor intensity reversals were quite frequent in the real world.This suggests that,theoretically speaking,Leontief paradox is very likely to occur.What is most important with respect to Leontief paradox is,however,that the presence of the paradox could be by no means systematically confirmed by the subsequent studies carried out with respect to both USA and other countries.How, then,should we interpret the significance of this almost single empirical evidence against Heckscher–Ohlin theorem?It depends on the nature of the theorem.If it is the exact theorem which insists that each country always exports the commodity which uses her more abundant factor more intensively,it should be refuted by a single empirical evidence against it.In view of the long-run and the aggregate nature of Heckscher–Ohlin two-country two-commodity two-factor model,however,we should rather interpret the theorem that most of the countries generally export the commodities which use,on the average,their abundantly endowed factors more intensively.Then,we have to retain such a theorem on the long-run average tendency,unless it is repeatedly and systematically refuted empirically.This is the reason why,in spite of Leontief’s paradox,Heckscher–Ohlin theorem is still in the textbooks of international trade theory as one of the basic theorems.12.1Problems12.1.Demonstrate that there is no factor intensity reversal if the production functions are of Cobb–Douglas type.12.2. a.Demonstrate that w/r=[a/(1−a)]k b+1,where w/r is the wage–rentalratio and k is the capital–labor ratio,if the production function is of the constant elasticity of substitution type,i.e.,(12.1).Consider the elasticity of k with respect to(w/r)and show it is constant.b.Explain,then,that we have a case of Fig.12.1,if two commodities havethe identical production function,i.e.,the constant elasticity of substitution production function but with different values of b.BibliographyGandolfo,G.(1994).International economics,I.Berlin:Springer.Kemp,M.C.(1964).The pure theory of international trade.Englewood Cliff,NJ:Prentice Hall. 2For the constant elasticity of substitution production functions,see Kemp(1964,pp.22and57). See also Problem12.2.9212Leontief Paradox Leontief,W.(1954).Domestic production and foreign trade;the American capital position re-examined.Economia Internazionale,7,3–32.Minhas,B.S.(1962).The homohypallagic production functions,factor intensity reversals,and the Heckscher–Ohlin Theorem.Journal of Political Economy,70,140–168.。

第三节单一要素世界中的贸易▪模型假设:•在世界上有两个国家:本国和外国•每个国家生产两种产品:葡萄酒和奶酪•劳动是唯一的生产要素•在每个国家劳动的供给是既定的(L,L*)•每种产品的劳动生产率是固定的•劳动在两个国家之间不可流动•市场为完全竞争的•用*来表示外国的变量一、绝对优势和比较优势1、绝对优势Absolute Advantage•当一个国家能够以少于其他国家的劳动投入生产出同样单位的商品时,那么该国在生产这种商品上具有绝对优势。

波希米亚人歌剧曲目介绍大全波西米亚人(La bohème)是一部由意大利作曲家普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)创作的歌剧,首演于1896年。
以下是《波希米亚人》中的曲目介绍:第一幕:1. 序曲(Prelude)。
2. "Questo Mar Rosso"(马尔切洛的独唱)。
3. "Che Gelida Manina"(罗德尔福的独唱)。
4. "Sì. Mi Chiamano Mimì"(米米的独唱)。
5. "O Soave Fanciulla"(罗德尔福和米米的二重唱)。
第二幕:1. "Aranci, datteri!"(巴尔托洛梅奥的独唱)。
2. "Quando m'en vo"(穆齐塔的独唱)。
3. "Chi l'ha richiesto?"(巴尔托洛梅奥和穆齐塔的二重唱)。
4. "Viva Parpignol!"(合唱)。
第三幕:1. "Ohè là, le guardie!"(巴尔托洛梅奥的独唱)。
2. "Mimì è una civetta"(巴尔托洛梅奥和罗德尔福的二重唱)。
3. "Mimì è tanto malata!"(米米和罗德尔福的二重唱)。
4. "Dunque è proprio finita!"(巴尔托洛梅奥、罗德尔福和米米的三重唱)。
5. "Addio... Donde lieta uscì"(米米的独唱)。

高三文学经典解读英语阅读理解30题1<背景文章>Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies. The play is set in Denmark and revolves around the young prince Hamlet. Hamlet is a complex character, torn between his desire for revenge and his own inner turmoil.The story begins with the news of the death of King Hamlet. His son, Prince Hamlet, is deeply saddened by his father's death. However, things take a turn when Hamlet discovers that his father was murdered by his uncle, Claudius, who has now ascended the throne and married Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude.Hamlet is consumed by grief and anger. He decides to feign madness in order to uncover the truth and avenge his father's death. Along the way, he encounters a number of other characters, including Ophelia, his love interest, and Horatio, his loyal friend.The play explores themes of revenge, madness, mortality, and the corrupting influence of power. It also raises questions about the nature of truth and the human condition.Hamlet is widely regarded as a masterpiece of literature due to its complex characters, rich language, and profound themes. It has beenstudied and performed for centuries, and continues to captivate audiences around the world.1. What is the main theme of Hamlet?A. Love and friendshipB. Revenge and madnessC. Hope and redemptionD. Courage and honor答案:B。

亚当·斯密的国际分工学说-绝对优势理论(Theory of obsolute Advantage):每一个国家都有其适宜于生产的某些特定的产品的绝对有利的生产条件,去进行专业化生产,然后彼此进行交换,则对所有交换国家都是有利的。

三种类型 a.回避风险(Risk-averse) b.中性态度(Risk-neutral) c.勇于冒险(Risk-seeking)
指数效用函数:用- u″/u′表示风险回避程度的传统效 用函数,构造一个具有不变风险度r =- u″/u′的效用函数:
为了不违反随机优势假设,通过一个单调不减 的函数g(.)转化积累分布函数F,根据离散型积 累分布函数的等级,构造非线性概率,因而被称 称为等级依赖期望效用(EURDP). Machina:”the most natural and useful
modification of the classical expected utility”
➢ Machina(1982)认为大多数违反EU独立性公理 的现象可以用无差异曲线发散(fan-out)来解释
➢ Camerer(1989)
➢ Conlisk(1989) ➢ Prelec(1990) ➢ Starmer和Sugden(1989)
分数幂效用函数: 平方效用函数: 共同点:在r>0的基础上构造
把效用曲线显示在三 角形概率图中予以解 释
考虑三种可能的结果 x1,x2,x3,(x1<x2<x3),其概 率分别为p1,p2,p3,且p1+ p2 + p3=1。可能的概率 集合就限定在直线p1=0, p2=0, p3=0所围成的三角 形区域内。
pi g(xi )u(xi )

《国际贸易》双语课程习题集Chapter 1 Introduction1. Important Concepts:SpecializationExchange rateImport quotaExport industriesGlobalizationRelatively closed economyImport-competing industries2. Choices:(1) International transactions constitute an extension of domestic transactions. In both cases, trade offers the benefits of .a. specializationb.industrializationc.globaliz ationd.tariff(2) There are a few of the differences between domestic and foreign trade. Which one is NOT included?a.Exchange Ratesmercial Policiesc.Marketing Considerationsd.Aggregate Measures(3) Commodity trade is not the only component of international transactions that has expanded rapidly. So dointernationaltransactions.a.industrial productsb.agriculturalproducts c.service d.raw materials3. Review Questions(1) Distinguish between (a) export industries,(b) import-competing industries, and (c) nontraded goods. Give examples of each.(2) Japanese labor productivity is roughly the sameas that of the United States in the manufacturing sector (higher in some industries, lower in others), while the United States is still considerably more productive in the service sector. But most services are nontraded. Some analysts have argued that this poses a problem for the United States, because our comparative advantage lies in things we cannot sell on world markets. What is wrong with this argument?(3) Evaluate the statement, "The United States is a closed economy, hence foreign trade is of no consequence to it."Chapter 2 International trade theories1. Important ConceptsComparative advantageAbsolute advantageFactor proportions (or endowment) theoryProduct cycleInter-industry tradeIntra-industry tradeCapital-intensive productsCapital-abundant countryMonopolistic competitionFactor price equalizationLeontief scarce-factor paradox2. Choices(1) The principle of comparative advantage was enunciated early in the nineteenth century by the Englisheconomist .a. David Ricardo b. David Hume c. Adam Smith d. Mordechai E. Kreinin(2) While comparative advantage determines the direction of trade, absoluteadvantage determines and therefore the relative living standards of the two countries.a. allocation of resourcesb. inflationc. the country 's(3) Country A has an absolute advantage over country B in commodity X if it can produce the commodity cheaper is the concept of .a. comparative advantage advantageb. absolutec. relativeadvantage petitive advantageChapter 3 International trade policies1. Important ConceptsDemand considerationDynamic gains from tradeCountry "in isolation"Anti-inflationary trade2. Choices(1) Japan primarily exports manufactured goods, while importing raw materials such as food and oil.Find out the negative impactions on Japan's terms of trade of the following events .a. A war in the Middle East disrupts oil supply.b. Korea develops the ability to produce automobiles that it can sell in Canada and the United States.c. U.S. engineers develop a fusion reactor that replaces fossil fuel electricity plants.d. A harvest failure in Russia.e. A reduction in Japan's tariffs on imported beef and citrus fruit.(2) A national government can introduce a variety of restrictions upon international transactions that cannot be imposed on domestic transactions. These could include .a. different domestic policiesb.voluntary export restraintc.statistical datad.relative immobility of productive factors3. Review QuestionsWhat is meant by strategic trade policy? What are its limitations? How can export subsidies bring about an increase in the share of global profitsms? obtained by “our ” firChapter 4 Tariffs1. Important ConceptsTariff protectionAd valorem tariffSpecific tariffEffective tariff2. Choices(1) Which one is NOT the type of tariff?a. ad valorem tariffb. specific tariffc. export tariffd. compound duty(2) The rule, which guards against discrimination in international trade, is known as .a. WTOb. MFNc. GATTd. IMF(3) The elimination of tariff in a customs union will cause the effect of .a. trade improvementb. tradediversionc. trade creationd. trade competationhigh enough to keep out all imports of the (4) A tariff rate isproduct which we calla. revenue tariffb. prohibitive tariffc. protective tariffd. specific tariffChapter 5 Non-tariff Trade Barriers and the New Protectionism1. Important ConceptsImport quotasQuota rentsQuality upgradingAntidumping duty2. Choices(1) sets an absolute limit on the quantity of a productthat may enter the country.a. An export quotab. An import quotac.Tariff d. Voluntary export restraints(2) International trade in certain primary commodities ( namely raw materials or agricultural products ) is governed by .a. WTOb. EUc. OECDd. ICAs(3) It is customary to distinguish amongthree types of dumping.Which one does NOT belong to those?a. anti-dumpingb. sporadic dumpingc. predatory dumpingd. persistent dumping(4) A country sets an absolute limit on the quantity of a product that may enter it is the concept of ___________________ .a. quota rentsb. indirect taxesc. auctioning import license import quotasd.3. Review Questions(1) Evaluate the following statements:a. As instruments of protection go, a tariff is less harmfulto a country than an quota, and a quota is less harmful thanb. Protection is an expensive and inefficient way to create jobs.c. International commodity agreements constitute the best way of helping LDCscombat the effect of violent price fluctuations on their economies.d. The Multifibre Agrement represents an excellent way to organize international trade. We should apply it to steel and other industries. (2) "Import quotas on capital-intensive industrial goods and subsidies for the import of capital equipment were meant to create manufacturing jobs in many developing countries. Unfortunately, they have probably helped create the urbanChapter 6 Economic Integration and WTO1. Explain the following terms:Trade creation of a customs union.Trade diversion of a customs union.2. What are the conflicts between the WTOand the environmentalmovement?3. Choices(1) International and regional forums for trade and financial negotiation include some organizations except .a. WTOb. EUc. World Bankd. OECD(2) What is unique about inrernational economics _________________a. exchange ratesb. relative immobility of productive factorsc. marketing considerationsd. commercial policies(3) Which of the following actions would be legal under GATT .a. A U.S. tariff of 20 percent against any country that exports more than twice as much to the United States as it imports in return.b. A subsidy to U.S. wheat exports, aimed at recapturing some of the markets lost to the European Union.c. A U.S. tariff on Canadian lumber exports, not matched by equivalent reductions on other tariffs.d. A Canadian tax on lumber exports, agreed to at the demand of the United States to placate U.S. lumber producers.e. A program of subsidized research and development in areasrelated to hightechnology goods such as electronics and semiconductors.f. Special government assistance for workers who lose theirjobs because of import competition.Chapter 7 International Trade and E-Commerce1. What is the process of e-commerce ?2. Briefly review the key innovations that culminated in thedigital revolution. What is the basic technological process that made the revolution possible?3. What is convergence? How is convergence affecting Sony? Kodak?Nokia?4. What is the innovator's dilemma? What is the difference betweensustaining technology and disruptive technology? Briefly review Christensen's five principles of disruptive innovation.5. What key issues must be addressed by global companies thatengage in e-commerce?6. What is the meaning of DFI? List some of the factors that inducecompanies to invest abroad.Chapter8 procedure of international trade1. Please list at least three essential constituents of adefinite offer.2. According to the text, what characteristics does an indefinite offer have?3. Please briefly describe the export process.4. Why is it of great importance for the exporter to check theL/C against the sales contracts very carefully after receiving the L/C? 5. What documents should usually be submitted when negotiating through the bank?6. Please briefly describe the import process.7. Why is the shipping advice so important on CFR?8. What information should be included in a packing list?9. Please list at least six kinds of documents used in international trade?10. What are the major functions of an B/L11. What are the contents and functions of commercial invoice?12. What is the function of documentation in export and import practices?Chapter9 International Trade Terms oceanic transportation?1. What's trade terms?2. Please briefly describe the thirteen trade terms inIncoterms 2000.3. What are the obligations of the buyer under the termsof CIF, FOB and CFR?4. What are the obligations of the seller under the termsof FCA, CPT and CIP?5. Which trade term is suitable to inland waterway and6. Please briefly describe three international trade practices.7. Please describe the formation domestic expenses andforeign expenses.8. Please list at least four derived forms of CFR.9. What's the meaning of main freight?10. What's difference between symbolic delivery andphysical delivery?11. What's the relationship among FOB, CFR and CIF?12. What's Commission ?13. Please describe the formula about conversion among FOB,CFR and CIF.Chapter10 terms of commodity1. How to name goods exported ?2. What's quality of commo dity?3. Please describe types of quality.4. How to weight different commodities?5. What's more or less clause?6. Please describe functions of sales packing and shipping packing.7. Why is shipping mark important in international transportation?8. Please describe the standardized format of shipping mark suggested by ISO.9. When choosing appropriate cargo packing, what factors should one take into consideration?Chapter11 international cargo transportation1. List at least 4 major type of transportation.2. What are the characteristics of Liner shipping?3. How to compute freight of Liner shipping?4. Who will undertake the loading and unloading charges in chartering a vessel?5. What's International Multimodal transportation.6. What are the Features of containerization?7. What's demurrage and dispatch?8. what 's the function of bill of lading?9. Please explain the clean bill of lading.10. What 's the difference between Hague Rules and Hamburg Rules?Chapter12 international cargo transportation insurance1. Please describe the scope of cargo transportation insurance.2. What's the difference between Perils of sea and extraneous risks?3. Please list at least 6 major type of fortuitousaccidents.4. Which risk did TITANIC encounter? Can this kindof risk be avoided?5. Did all the cargoes sunk with the ship? What type of loss they belonged to ?(actual loss, constructive loss, particular loss or general loss).6. What measures were taken after TITANICWhat was the nature of the Expense caused encountered the risk?by the measures? Did the insurance compensate for it?7. Who relieve the survivor on TITANIC ? what wasthe nature of this kind of expense? Who must undertake it?8. What's actual total loss and what is thedifference between Constructive total loss and actual total loss?9. What's General Average and what is thedifference between Particular Average and General Average?10. Please explain sue and labor expense and salvage charge11. What's coverage of CIC ?12. What's the relationship between CIC and ICC?13. How to compute the insurance value of the goodsand it 's insurance premium ?14. Please describe the content of insurance policy.Chapter13 international payments1. What payment instruments are used in international trade? Please list at least 5 of them.2. What's the difference between a commercial d raft and a banker 's draft?3. What is the advantage and disadvantage of transferring money through DD compared with TT?4. How many stages are there in handling a draft?5. What's the difference between draft and Promissory note?6. What are the Characteristics of remittance?7. when will you release documents if you are the exporter under collection?8. Please describe the difference amongD/P at sight , D/P after sight and D/A.9. What's D/P ? T/R?10. What are the characteristics of letter of credit?11. Will the issuing bank undertake payment if the applicant goes bankrupt?12. Will the bank deal with the transaction according tocontract or L/C if they aren 't in accordance with each other?13. What will happen if the documents are not inconsistent with theL/C?14. Please describe the chief contents of L/C.。

3B SCIENTIFIC® PHYSICSInstrucciones de uso11/18 TB1 Manivela2 Mandril3 Anillo inverso4 Ajuste de par de giro5 Carcasa6 Clavijeros de seguridad de 4mm7 Tornillo moleteado8 Barra soporte9 Polea de transmisión10 Anillo de junta¡Peligro de heridas! El motor experimental ha sido concebido paramontajes de experimentos abiertos y,en consecuencia, no se lo puede dotarde manera natural de dispositivos deseguridad montados directamente delante de las piezas móviles o provisto de una protección de las piezas giratorias.¡Por esta razón, al trabajar con el motor, se deben respetar y leer en su totalidad los siguientes avisos de seguridad!∙Las piezas giratorias pueden atrapar el cabello largo, prendassueltas oalhajas, yenrollarlos. Paraevitar estepeligro, se debe usar una redecilla si se tiene cabello largo.∙Retire cualquier prenda de vestir o alhaja no apropiada. Al emplear la polea de transmisión (9)y la correa de transmisión (10) existeel peligro adicional, por ejemplo, deque la polea y la correa atrapen losdedos.∙Los avisos de seguridad colocados sobre el mo-tor no tienen que quedar ocultos al realizar un experimento. Si este requisito no se puede cum-plir, se deben poner los respectivos avisos de seguridad sobre el banco de pruebas.∙Utilización apropiada: El motor debe montarse siempre de forma fija (mesa estable, el material del trípode debe ser robusto y, si fuera necesa-rio, emplee tornillos de apriete). No está permi-tido su uso como atornillador operforadorde-bido a que el mango no presenta una forma er-gonómica (normativa para máquinas 98/37/EG).Si se lo utiliza aplicando altas revoluciones, para proteger al personal que lo opera y a los obser-vadores, se debe colocar una pared de protec-ción de vidrio de seguridad (p. ej., vidrio acrílico, policarbonato, etc.), de tal manera que bloquee de forma efectiva las piezas que pudieran salir disparadas.∙Está permitido el montaje directo en el mandril de equipos de fuerza centrífuga ligeros (máximo 0,5 Kg.), como p. ej., un anillo de aplanamiento o un regulador centrífugo, siempre y cuando estos equipos estén equilibrados. De no ser así, la transmission se debe efectuar mediante la polea de transmisión adjunta. Se debe respetar obliga-toriamente el manual de instrucciones del respec-tivo equipo.∙El motor también se puede emplear como gene-rador. Para esto, por ejemplo, es necesario fi-jarlo con un tornillo de apriete a una mesa e in-sertar la manivela al mandril. En este estado, en los clavijeros de seguridad (7), de ninguna ma-nera se debe conectar una fuente de alimenta-ción, sino tan solo una bombilla o un instrumento de medición.∙La fuente de alimentación (o equipo similar), que suministra energía al motor, debe colocarse de tal manera que esté situada fuera del área de peligro (por ejemplo, delante de la pared protectora). Se aconseja utilizar una fuente de alimentación regu-lable, de esta manera, se pueden empezar los ex-perimentos con un número bajo de revoluciones.No debe excederse la tensión máxima permitida (véase placa de datos).∙Si se produce un inmovilización inesperada (p. ej., corte de corriente), se deben retirar inmediata-mente los cables de suministro de la fuente de ali-mentación (o de la fuente de energía respectiva), para evitar que el equipo arranque de nuevo inad-vertidamente.∙El motor está provisto de un limitador de par (4).Los experimentos se deben iniciar siempre con el ajuste más bajo posible (posición "1" en la marca de regulación, señalada con una flecha y la letra "M"). Si el par de giro no es suficiente-mente alto, se debe interrumpir el suministro de electricidad y seleccionar la posición mayor si-guiente.∙Antes de la puesta en funcionamiento de un montaje experimental, éste se debe verificar va-rias veces en cuanto a fallos en el montaje (tor-nillos sueltos, ajuste insuficiente del mandril, etc.) o piezas que evidentemente estén defec-tuosas.∙Durante su utilización, el montaje del experi-mento debe tenerse constantemente bajo obser-vación y desconectarse inmediatamente a la pri-mera irregularidad (variación de la sonoridad, aumento de las vibraciones).Tensión nominal U0: 1,5 - 18 V CC (véase placade datos)Corriente sin carga: aprox. 1 - 2 A, corriente má-xima permitida: 5 A (máx. 5min.)Sentido de giro: visto desde el motor, haciala derecha con contacto "+"en la clavija roja y "–" en laclavija azulNúmero de revolucionesn0 con U0: véase placa de datos Mandril: 1 - 10 mmNivel de ruido continuoa 1 m de distancia: 70 dB(A).Los motores continuos empleados indican una rela-ción casi lineal entre la tensión de alimentación y el número de revoluciones. De esta manera, mediante la información de la placa de datos se puede calcu-lar el número de revoluciones para cualquier ten-sión:n = n0U / U0.Con el motor experimental se pueden realizar ensa-yos de fuerza centrífuga (se requieren otros equi-pos) y de generación de electricidad (utilización como generador).∙El motor puede fijarse firmemente, mediante una barra de soporte, a una abrazadera de mesa, a un trípode o a un manguito. Como alternativa, también es posible el montaje a una placa con una perforación (D = 8 mm), como por ejemplo, el soporte (1002655). Además, se puede fijar con un tornillo de apriete a una mesa. En este caso, la parte superior debe colocarse sobre el tablero de la mesa.∙Para empotrar el eje en el mandril, se sujeta el anillo inverso (3) y se gira el anillo en el mandril(2). Especialmente, tratándose de pequeñosdiámetros, se debe observar que el eje sea to-mado por las tres mordazas del mandril y que no se ladee.∙El ajuste del par de giro se realiza mediante el anillo (4), haciendo que éste gire de un punto de encaje a otro. No están permitidas las posi-ciones intermedias.∙El motor está previsto para experimentos de du-ración breve y no para un funcionamiento conti-nuo. Sobre todo, cuando se utiliza con corrientes elevadas, a partir de aprox. 2 A, se debe verificar la temperature de la carcasa con regularidad, aprox. Cada 5 - 10 min.3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Ludwig -Erhard-Str. 20 ▪ 20459 Hamburgo ▪ Alemania ▪ Se reservan las modificaciones técnicas Se debe hacer una pausa si se nota que la tem-peratura es "desagradable", es decir, más alta que la temperatura de la mano.∙En principio, el motor de experimentación no ne-cesita mantenimiento. Para su limpieza, se puede frotar con un paño húmedo. No se deben emplear soluciones para tal efecto. Tampoco está permitido el sumergimiento en agua.∙ El embalaje se desecha en los lugares locales para reciclaje.∙En caso de que el propio aparato se deba desechar como chatarra, no se debe deponer entre los desechos domésticos normales. Se deben cumplir las prescrip-ciones locales para el desecho de chatarra eléc-trica.∙Nunca deseche las baterías descargadas en los basuras domésticas. Siga siempre las prescrip-ciones legales del lugar de trabajo (D: BattG; EU: 2006/66/EG).En concordancia con las normativas CE 98/37/EG y 89/ 336/EWG, la empresa 3B Scientific GmbH de-clara que el motor para experimentos, N° de art. 1002663 / U10375, cumple fundamentalmente con las exigencias de protección de las normativas men-cionadas y armoniza con las siguientes normas: EN 55014-1 y EN 55014-2.。

②分工使每个人专门从事某项工作,可节省与 生产无直接关系的时间
(2)分工的原则是各自集中生产具有优势的产 品
绝对优势的来源: 自然禀赋优势:一国在地理、环境、
土壤、气候、矿产等自然条件方面的 优势,这是天赋的优势
(8)该理论主要从供给方面分析,没 有分析来自需求因素对国际贸易结构 的影响。
(9)把国际贸易的原因、国际间收入 的差别归结为要素禀赋的差异,掩盖 了资本对利润和超额利润的追求对国 际贸易的推动作用和国际贸易中富国 对穷国剥削的事实。
四、里昂惕夫之谜 Leontief Paradox
1、对要素禀赋理论的检验——里昂惕夫之谜 美国经济学家里昂惕夫1953年用投入—产出模型
意义 : 建立了贸易基础 阐明了贸易原因 分析了贸易互利
历史局限性: 忽略动态分析 掩盖分工实质 未能解决商品的国际交换比例问题
萨谬尔森在他的风靡全球的《经济 学》一书中,称它为“国际贸易不 可动摇的基础”。
“如果理论能够参加选美比赛的话, 那么比较优势理论一定能够夺得桂 冠。”——萨谬尔森
时代:英国工业革命迅速发展,资本主 义不断上升的时代。在英国工业资产阶 级争取自由贸易斗争中产生和发展起来 的。
谷 物 法
小 麦 价 格 上 涨
小麦种植面积扩大,牧草减 少,羊毛价格上涨
食品支出增加,工业品支出减 少
亚当·斯密(1723—1790) 资产阶级 经济学古典学派的主要奠基人之一,国 际贸易理论的创始者,倡导自由贸易的 带头人。

(6)埃克多•基马(Hector Guimard)
设计成就--新艺术建筑 设计特征--自然主义,
1911年 设计
2. 比利时(曲线派)
代表人物:亨利· 凡德· 威尔德 维克多· 霍塔 (1)亨利· 凡德· 威尔德(Henry$224.99
3. 建筑设计领域
在新艺术运动传入美国前,美国已形成了著名的 “芝加哥学派”。 背景:19世纪以前芝加哥是美国中西部的一个小 镇,由于美国的西部开拓,这个位于东部和西部交 通要道的小镇在19世纪后期急速发展起来。而1871 年10月发生在芝加哥市中心的一场毁掉全市1/3建筑 的大火灾,加剧了以新建房屋的需求。在当时的这 种形势下,芝加哥出现了一个主要从事高层商业建 筑的建筑师和建筑工程师的群体,被称为“芝加哥 学派”。 芝加哥学派的设计主张: 形式永远服从功能的需要,这是不变的法则。 功能不变,形式也不变。
(1)巴特洛公寓(the Casa Batllo)1904-1906
--公寓的入口和下面二层的墙面都故意模仿溶岩 和溶洞,饰以彩色玻璃、彩砖屋顶。
巴特洛公寓局部:几 层的阳台栏杆做成的 假面舞会的面具模样, 屋脊如带鳞片的兽类 脊背,屋顶上的尖塔 及其他突出物体都各 有其怪异形状。
(2)米拉公寓(the Casa Mila)1906-1910 --有机形态 波浪线、惊人的屋顶景观
Koller Armchair by Josef Hoffmann (1911) “Broncia”by Josef Hoffmann(1912)
“Kubus”armchair sofa by Joseph Hoffmann (1918)

西语专四听力试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听下面一段对话,回答以下问题。
(1)A: ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?B: Me gusta mucho la pizza.问:B喜欢吃什么?答:B喜欢吃披萨。
(2)A: ¿ A qué hora empieza el concierto?B: Empieza a las ocho de la noche.问:音乐会什么时候开始?答:音乐会在晚上八点开始。
2. 听下面一段独白,回答以下问题。
(1)La profesora nos dijo que la próxima clase será el lunes.问:下次课是什么时候?答:下次课是下周一。
(2)El estudiante tiene que presentar un trabajo sobre la literatura española.问:学生需要提交什么?答:学生需要提交一篇关于西班牙文学的论文。
3. 听下面一段对话,选择正确的答案。
(1)A: ¿Vas a la biblioteca o a la clase de español?B: A la biblioteca.问:B要去图书馆还是西班牙语课?答:B要去图书馆。
(2)A: ¿Cuánto cuesta el billete de tren?B: Cuesta cincuenta euros.问:火车票多少钱?答:火车票50欧元。
4. 听下面一段独白,选择正确的答案。
(1)El clima en España es muy variable.问:西班牙的气候如何?答:西班牙的气候非常多变。
(2)La fiesta de San Fermín es muy famosa en Pamplona.问:哪个节日在潘普洛纳很出名?答:圣费尔明节。

莫扎特所有作品目录Complete chronological list of existing Mozart compositions按照科歇尔编号是按照时间结合作品主题混编的,时间顺序是主线,但有些年代是科歇尔推断的。
[k1:原版本,k6:第六版本,1964年]K1K6Composition 作品名Date Place 1a Andante in C for Keyboard Early 1761 Salzburg1b Allegro in C for Keyboard Early 1761 Salzburg1c Allegro in F for Keyboard 11 December1761Salzburg1d Minuet in F for Keyboard 16 December1761Salzburg1 1e Minuet in G for Keyboard G大调小步舞曲和三重奏December 1761 –January 1762Salzburg1 1f Minuet in C for Keyboard December 1761 –January 1762Salzburg6 6 Sonata in C for Violin and Keyboard C大调小提琴奏鸣曲1762–1764Salzburg orParis7 7 Sonata in D for Violin and Keyboard D大调小提琴奏鸣曲1762–1764Salzburg orParis2 2 Minuet in F for Keyboard F大调小步舞曲January 1762 Salzburg3 3 Allegro in B-flat for Keyboard 降B大调快板4 March 1762 Salzburg4 4 Minuet in F for Keyboard F大调小步舞曲11 May 1762 Salzburg5 5 Minuet in F for Keyboard F大调小步舞曲 5 July 1762 Salzburg5a Allegro in C for Keyboard Summer 17638 8 Sonata in B-flat for Violin and Keyboard 降B大调小提琴奏鸣曲1763–1764 Paris9 9 Sonata in G for Violin and Keyboard G大调小提琴奏鸣曲1763–1764 Paris10 10 Sonata in B-flat for Harpsichord, Violin (Flute) andCello 降B大调小提琴奏鸣曲1764 London11 11 Sonata in G for Harpsichord, Violin (Flute) and CelloG大调小提琴奏鸣曲1764 London12 12 Sonata in A for Harpsichord, Violin (Flute) and CelloA大调小提琴奏鸣曲1764 London13 13 Sonata in F for Harpsichord, Violin (Flute) and CelloF大调小提琴奏鸣曲1764 London14 14 Sonata in C for Harpsichord, Violin (Flute) and CelloC大调小提琴奏鸣曲1764 London15 15 Sonata in B-flat for Harpsichord, Violin (Flute) andCello 降B大调小提琴奏鸣曲1764 London16 16 Symphony in E-flat, No. 1 第一交响曲降E大调交响曲(NO.1)1764 London19 19 Symphony in D, No. 4 D大调交响曲(NO.4) 1765 London 223 19a Symphony in F c. 1765 London?21 19c Aria for tenor and orchestra, "Va, dal furor portata"为男高音和乐队所作的咏叹调1765 London15a –15ss44 Untitled Pieces, "London Sketchbook" 1765 London19d Sonata in C for Keyboard Four-hands C大调钢琴奏鸣曲(四手联弹)May 1765 London20 20 Motet in G minor, "God is Our Refuge" ―上帝是我们的避难所‖(合唱)July 1765 London23 23 Aria for soprano and orchestra "Conservati fedele"为女高音和弦乐所作的咏叹调October 1765 The Hague22 22 Symphony in B-flat, No. 5 降B大调交响曲(NO.5) December 1765 The Hague Anh.22016a Symphony in A minor, "Odense" Late 1760s Salzburg?78 73b Aria for Soprano, "Per pietà, bell'idol mio" c. 176679 73d Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "O temerarioArbace"c. 176624 24 8 Variations in G on "Laat ons Juichen" 八首钢琴变奏曲January 1766 The HagueAnh. 221 45a Symphony in G, "Alte Lambach"Late 1765 – early1766The Hague25 25 7 Variations in D on "Willem van Nassau" 七首钢琴变奏曲February 1766 Amsterdam26 26 Sonata in E-flat for Violin and Keyboard 降E大调小提琴奏鸣曲February 1766 The Hague27 27 Sonata in G for Violin and Keyboard G大调小提琴奏鸣曲February 1766 The Hague28 28 Sonata in C for Violin and Keyboard C大调小提琴奏鸣曲February 1766 The Hague29 29 Sonata in D for Violin and Keyboard D大调小提琴奏鸣曲February 1766 The Hague30 30 Sonata in F for Violin and Keyboard F大调小提琴奏鸣曲February 1766 The Hague31 31 Sonata in B-flat for Violin and Keyboard 降B大调小提琴奏鸣曲February 1766 The Hague32 32 Gallimathias Musicum (Quodlibet) 为乐队、女高音、大键琴所作的幻想曲March 1766 The Hague33 33 Kyrie in F F大调圣歌、四个声部和弦乐12 June 1766 Paris33b Piece in F for Keyboard October 1766 Zürich36 33i Recitative and aria for tenor and orchestra, "Or che ildover – Tali e cotanti sono" 为男高音和男低音所作的宣叙调和咏叹调December 1766 Salzburg70 61c Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "A Berenice" c. December 1766 Salzburg 76 42a Symphony in F, "No. 43" c. 1767 Vienna43 43 Symphony in F, No. 6 1767 Olomouc and Vienna62 62 March in D 1767 Salzburg34 34 Offertory in C, "Scande coeli limina" 一首宗教圣歌、四个声部、乐队和管风琴Early 176735 35 Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots 歌剧《第一诫的义务》第一位死者的罪恶(合唱)Early 1767 Salzburg42 35a Grabmusik1767 Salzburg37 37 Concerto in F for Piano, No. 1 第一号钢琴协奏曲April 1767 Salzburg38 38 Apollo et Hyacinthus 喜歌剧《阿波罗与希亚钦杜斯》13 May 1767 Salzburg39 39 Concerto in B-flat for Piano, No. 2 第二钢琴协奏曲June 1767 Salzburg40 40 Concerto in D for Piano, No. 3 第三钢琴协奏曲July 1767 Salzburg41 41 Concerto in G for Piano, No. 4 第四钢琴协奏曲July 1767 Salzburg Anh.21445b Symphony in B-flat, "No. 55" c. 1768 Vienna?45 45 Symphony in D, No. 7 16 January 1768 Vienna46d Sonata in C for Violin 1 September 1768 Vienna46e Sonata in F for Violin 1 September 1768 Vienna 47 47 Veni Sancte Spiritus in C Autumn 1768 Vienna139 47a Missa solemnis in C minor, "Waisenhaus" 弥撤《怀森豪斯弥撤》Autumn 1768 Vienna47c Concerto for Trumpet (lost) Autumn 1768 Vienna 53 47e Song, An die Freude Autumn 1768 Vienna49 47d Missa brevis in G 小弥撒October –November 1768Vienna50 46b Bastien und Bastienne 歌剧《巴斯蒂安与巴斯蒂安娜》September –October 1768Vienna48 48 Symphony in D, No. 8 D大调第八交响曲13 December Vienna100 62a Cassation in D 1769 Salzburg 63 63 Cassation in G 1769 Salzburg 99 63a Cassation in B-flat 1769 Salzburg 117 66a Offertory in C, "Benedictus sit Deus" 1769 Salzburg Anh.21566c Symphony in D c. 1769 Salzburg? Anh.21766d Symphony in B-flat c. 1769 Salzburg? Anh.21866e Symphony in B-flat c. 1769 Salzburg?94 73h Minuet in D 1769 Salzburg 65 61a Missa brevis in D minor 小弥撒14 January 1769 Salzburg61b 7 Minuets 26 January 1769 Salzburg 51 46a La finta semplice 歌剧《装痴作傻》May 1, 1769 Vienna 66 66 Missa in C, "Dominicus" 弥撒October 1769 Salzburg 141 66b Te Deum in C End 1769 Salzburg84 73q Symphony in D, No. 11第十一交响曲1770 Milan or Bologna74 74 Symphony in G, No. 10 1770 Milan61g 2 Minuets Early 1770 Salzburg88 73c Aria for Soprano, "Fra cento affanni" February – March1770Milan77 73e Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "Misero me" March 1770 Milan80 73f Quartet in G for Strings 第1号弦乐四重奏15 March 1770 Lodi81 73l Symphony in D, "No. 44" April 1770 Rome 97 73m Symphony in D, "No. 47" April 1770 Rome 95 73n Symphony in D, "No. 45" April 1770 Rome 123 73g Contredanse in B-flat 13–14 April 1770 Rome82 73o Aria for Soprano, "Se ardire, e speranza" 25 April 1770 Rome83 73p Aria for Soprano, "Se tutti i mali miei" April – May 1770 Rome85 73s Miserere in A minor July – August1770Bologna122 73t Minuet in E-flat c. August 1770 Bologna 86 73v Antiphon in D minor, "Quaerite primum regnum Dei" 9 October 1770 Bologna87 74a Mitridate, re di Ponto 歌剧《彭特王米特里达特》26 December1770Bologna andMilan104 61e 6 Minuets Late 1770 – early Salzburg74b Aria for Soprano, "Non curo l'affetto" Early 1771 Milan or Pavia75 75 Symphony in F, "No. 42" 1771 Salzburg 108 74d Regina Coeli in C May 1771 Salzburg 109 74e Litaniae Lauretanae B.M.V. in B-flat May 1771 Salzburg 72 74f Offertory in G, "Inter natos mulierum" May – June 1771 Salzburg118 74c Betulia liberata March – July 1771 Italy and Salzburg110 75b Symphony in G, No. 12 July 1771 Salzburg96 111b Symphony in C, "No. 46" October –November 1771Milan111 111 Ascanio in Alba 歌剧《阿斯卡尼奥在阿尔巴》17 October 1771 Milan120 111a Finale of a Symphony in D ("Ascanio in Alba") October –November 1771Milan113 113 Divertimento in E-flat November 1771 Milan 112 112 Symphony in F, No. 13 F大调第十三交响曲 2 November 1771 Milan114 114 Symphony in A, No. 1430 December1771Salzburg73i Canon in A for 4 or 5 voices in 1 177289 73k Kyrie in G for 5 voices in 1 1772 Rome?73r 4 Riddle Cannons 177273x 14 Canonic Studies 1772107 107 3 Concertos for Piano after J.C. Bach 1772 Salzburg67 41h Church Sonata in E-flat major 1772 Salzburg68 41i Church Sonata in B major 1772 Salzburg69 41k Church Sonata in D 1772 Salzburg 90 90 Kyrie in D minor 1772136 125a Divertimento in D Early 1772 Salzburg 137 125b Divertimento in B-flat Early 1772 Salzburg 138 125c Divertimento in F Early 1772 Salzburg 124 124 Symphony in G, No. 15 21 February 1772 Salzburg 125 125 Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento in B-flat March 1772 Salzburg103 61d 19 Minuets Spring – summer1772Salzburg126 126 Il sogno di Scipione 歌剧:西庇欧的梦May 1772 Salzburg 127 127 Regina coeli in B-flat May 1772 Salzburg 128 128 Symphony in C, No. 16 May 1772 Salzburg129 129 Symphony in G, No. 17 May 1772 Salzburg 130 130 Symphony in F, No. 18 May 1772 Salzburg73 73 Symphony in C, No. 9 Early summer1772Salzburg381 123a Sonata in D for Keyboard Four-Hands Mid 1772 Salzburg 164 130a 6 Minuets June 1772 Salzburg 131 131 Divertimento in D June 1772 Salzburg 290 167AB March in D Summer 1772 Salzburg 132 132 Symphony in E-flat, No. 19 第十九交响曲July 1772 Salzburg 133 133 Symphony in D, No. 20 July 1772 Salzburg 134 134 Symphony in A, No. 21August 1772 Salzburg 149 125d "Ich hab es längst gesagt", song150 125e "Was ich in Gedanken küsse", song151 125f "Ich trachte nicht nach solchen Dingen", song152 210a "Ridente la calma", aria (canzonetta) for voice andpiano (doubtful)1772–1775153 375f Two fragments of a fugue in E-flat major 154 385k Fragment of a fugue in G minor155 134a Quartet (Divertimento) in D for Strings 第2号弦乐四重奏October –November 1772Bozen andVerona156 134b Quartet in G for Strings 第3号弦乐四重奏End 1772 Milan135 135 Lucio Silla 歌剧《卢乔·西拉》26 December1772Salzburg andMilan140 Anh.C1.12Missa brevis in G c. 1773 Salzburg?205 167A Divertimento in D c. 1773 Salzburg157 157 Quartet in C for Strings 第4号弦乐四重奏End 1772 – early1773Milan158 158 Quartet (Divertimento) in F for Strings 第5号弦乐四重奏End 1772 – early1773Milan165 158a Motet in F for Soprano, "Exsultate, jubilate" 经文歌《喜悦欢腾》January 1773 Milan159 159 Quartet (Divertimento) in B-flat for Strings 第6号弦乐四重奏Early 1773 Milan160 159a Quartet in E-flat for Strings 第7号弦乐四重奏Early 1773 Milan 186 159a Divertimento in B-flat March 1773 Milan 166 159d Divertimento in E-flat 24 March 1773 Salzburg 184 161a Symphony in E-flat, No. 26 第二十六交响曲30 March 1773 Salzburg199 161b Symphony in G, No. 27 第二十七交响曲10 April 1773 Salzburg 162 162 Symphony in C, No. 22 19 April 1773 Salzburg 181 162b Symphony in D, No. 23 19 May 1773 Salzburg 167 167 Missa in C, "Trinitatis" June 1773 Salzburg 188 240b Divertimento in C Mid 1773 Salzburg185 167a Serenade in D, "Andretter" July – August1773Vienna189 167b March in D July – August1773Vienna168 168 Quartet in F for Strings 第8号弦乐四重奏August 1773 Vienna 169 169 Quartet in A for Strings 第9号弦乐四重奏August 1773 Vienna 170 170 Quartet in C for Strings 第10号弦乐四重奏August 1773 Vienna 171 171 Quartet in E-flat for Strings 第11号弦乐四重奏August 1773 Vienna172 172 Quartet in B-flat for Strings 第12号弦乐四重奏c. September1773Vienna173 173 Quartet in D minor for Strings 第13号弦乐四重奏September 1773 Vienna 180 173c 6 Variations in G on "Mio caro Adone" Autumn 1773 Vienna 182 173dA Symphony in B-flat, No. 24 3 October 1773 Salzburg 183 173dB Symphony in G minor, No. 25 5 October 1773 Salzburg 143 73a Motet for Soprano in G, "Ergo interest" Late 1773 Salzburg174 174 Quintet in B-flat for Strings 降B大调第1号弦乐五重奏December 1773 Salzburg175 175 Concerto in D for Piano, No. 5 第五号钢琴协奏曲December 1773 Salzburg 176 176 16 Minuets December 1773 Salzburg 315g 8 Minuets Lat 1773 Salzburg 144 124a Church Sonata in D 1774 Salzburg 145 124b Church Sonata in F 1774 Salzburg 161/163 141a Symphony in D, "No. 50" 1773–74 Salzburg358 186c Sonata in B-flat for Keyboard Four-Hands Late 1773 – early1774Salzburg201 186a Symphony in A, No. 29 第二十九交响曲 6 April 1774 Salzburg 195 186d Litaniae Lauretanae BVM in D May 1774 Salzburg 202 186b Symphony in D, No. 30 D大调第三十交响曲 5 May 1774 Salzburg 190 186E Concertone for 2 Violins and Orchestra in C major 31 May 1774 Salzburg 179 189a 12 Variations in C on a Minuet by Fischer Summer 1774 Salzburg 191 186e Concerto in B-flat for Bassoon 4 June 1774 Salzburg 192 186f Missa Brevis in F major 24 June 1774 Salzburg 193 186g Dixit Dominus, Magnificat in C July 1774 Salzburg203 189b Serenade in D, "Colloredo" August 1774 Salzburg 237 189c March in D August 1774 Salzburg 194 186h Missa brevis in D' 8 August 1774 Salzburg200 189k Symphony in C, No. 28 C大调第二十八交响曲17 (or 12)November 1774(or 1773)Salzburg121 207a Finale of a Symphony ("La finta giardiniera") End 1774 – early1775Salzburg220 196b Missa brevis in C, "Spatzen" 弥撤《寐雀》1775–1776279 189d Sonata in C for Keyboard 第一号钢琴奏鸣曲Early 1775 Munich 280 189e Sonata in F for Keyboard 第二号钢琴奏鸣曲Early 1775 Munich 281 189f Sonata in B-flat for Keyboard 第二号钢琴奏鸣曲Early 1775 Munich 282 189g Sonata in E-flat for Keyboard 第四号钢琴奏鸣曲Early 1775 Munich 283 189h Sonata in G for Keyboard 第五号钢琴奏鸣曲Early 1775 Munich 292 196c Duo in B-flat for Bassoon and Cello Early 1775 Munich 222 205a Offertory in D minor, "Misericordias Domini" Early 1775 Munich 196 196 La finta giardiniera 歌剧《假扮园丁的姑娘》13 January 1775 Salzburg284 205b Sonata in D for Keyboard, "Dürnitz" 第六号钢琴奏鸣曲February – March1775Munich207 207 Concerto in B-flat for Violin 小提琴协奏曲14 April 1775 Salzburg 208 208 Il re pastore 歌剧《牧人王》23 April 1775 Salzburg 210 210 Aria for Tenor, "Con ossequio, con rispetto" May 1775 Salzburg 209 209 Aria for Tenor, "Si mostra la sorte" 19 May 1775 Salzburg 262 246a Missa longa in C' 弥撤June or July 1775 Salzburg 211 211 Concerto in D for Violin 第二小提琴协奏曲14 June 1775 Salzburg 212 212 Church Sonata in B-flat July 1775 Salzburg 213 213 Divertimento in F July 1775 Salzburg 215 213b March in D August 1775 Salzburg102 213c Finale of a Symphony in C ("Il re pastore") April and August1775Salzburg204 213a Serenade in D 5 August 1775 Salzburg 214 214 March in C 20 August 1775 Salzburg216 216 Concerto in G for Violin, "Straßburg" 第三小提琴协奏曲12 September1775Salzburg218 218 Concerto for Violin in D 第四小提琴协奏曲October 1775 Salzburg 217 217 Aria for Soprano, "Voi avete un cor fedele" 26 October 1775 Salzburg 258 258 Missa brevis in C, "Spaur" 弥撤《宽大》December 1775 Salzburg 259 259 Missa brevis in C, "Organ Solo" 弥撤《管风琴独奏》December 1775 Salzburgor 1776219 219 Concerto for Violin in A, "Turkish" 第五小提琴协奏曲《土耳其》20 December1775Salzburg147 125g Song, "Wie unglücklich bin ich nit" c. 1772 Salzburg 148 125h Song, Lobegesang auf die feierliche Johannisloge c. 1775–1776 Salzburg 261 261 Adagio in E for Violin 1776 Salzburg 269 261a Rondo in B-flat for Violin 1776 Salzburg238 238 Concerto in B-flat for Piano, No. 6 第六号钢琴协奏曲January 1776 Salzburg239 239 Serenata notturna in D January 1776 Salzburg 240 240 Divertimento in B-flat January 1776 Salzburg 252 240a Divertimento in E-flat Early 1776 Salzburg 241 241 Church Sonata in G January 1776 Salzburg 101 250a 4 Contredanses, "Serenade" c. early 1776 Salzburg 269b 4 Contredanses c. early 1776 Salzburg242 242 Concerto in F for three pianos, No. 7, "Lodron" 第七号钢琴协奏曲February 1776 Salzburg243 243 Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento in E-flat March 1776 Salzburg 244 244 Church Sonata in F April 1776 Salzburg 245 245 Church Sonata in D April 1776 Salzburg246 246 Concerto in C for Piano, No. 8, "Lützow" 第八号钢琴协奏曲April 1776 Salzburg247 247 Divertimento in F, "Lodron" June 1776 Salzburg 248 248 March in F June 1776 Salzburg 260 248a Offertory in D, "Venite populi" Mid 1776 Salzburg 250 248b Serenade in D, "Haffner" June 1776 Salzburg 251 251 Divertimento in D (No. 11) July 1776 Salzburg 249 249 March in D, "Haffner" 20 July 1776 Salzburg 253 253 Divertimento in F August 1776 Salzburg 254 254 Divertimento (Trio) in B-flat 降B大调嬉游曲August 1776 Salzburg 255 255 Recitative and Aria for Alto, "Ombra felice" September 1776 Salzburg 256 256 Aria for Tenor, "Clarice cara mia sposa" September 1776 Salzburg 257 257 Missa in C, "Credo" 弥撤《信经》November 1776 Salzburg 263 263 Church Sonata in C December 1776 Salzburg 274 271d Church Sonata in G 1777 Salzburg 289 271g Divertimento in E-flat c. 1777 Salzburg?271i Violin Concerto in D (K3: 271a; possibly authentic) c. 1777—78 Salzburg or Paris?277 272a Offertory in F, "Alma Dei creatoris" 1777 Salzburg286 269a Notturno in D for Four Orchestras (Serenade No. 8) December 1776 –January 1777Salzburg270 270 Divertimento in B-flat January 1777 Salzburg271 271 Concerto in E-flat for Piano, No. 9, "Jeunehomme"第九号钢琴协奏曲January 1777 Salzburg267 271c 4 Contredanses Early 1777 Salzburg 266 271f Trio in B-flat Early 1777 Salzburg278 271e Church Sonata in C March – April1777Salzburg287 271H Divertimento in B-flat, "Lodron" June 1777 Salzburg 272 272 Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "Ah, lo previdi" August 1777 Salzburg 273 273 Gradual in F, "Sancta Maria, mater Dei" 9 September 1777 Salzburg 275 272b Missa brevis in B-flat 弥撤Late 1777 Salzburg 395 300g Capriccio in C for Keyboard October 1777 Munich309 284b Sonata in C for Keyboard 第七号钢琴奏鸣曲October –November 1777Mannheim311 284c Sonata in D for Keyboard 第九号钢琴奏鸣曲November 1777 Mannheim285 285 Quartet in D for Flute, Violin, Viola and Cello 第1号长笛四重奏25 December1777Mannheim307 284d Arietta in C, "Oiseaux, si tous les ans" Winter 1777–1778 Mannheim 313 285c Concerto in G for Flute Early 1778 Mannheim 314 285d Concerto in C for Oboe / Concerto in D for Flute Early 1778 Mannheim301 293a Sonata in G for Violin and Keyboard 第18号小提琴奏鸣曲Early 1778 Mannheim302 293b Sonata in E-flat for Violin and Keyboard Early 1778 Mannheim 303 293c Sonata in C for Violin and Keyboard Early 1778 Mannheim 305 293d Sonata in A for Violin and Keyboard Early 1778 Mannheim 308 295b Arietta, "Dans un bois solitaire" Winter 1777–1778 Mannheim285a Quartet in G for Flute, Violin, Viola and Cello 第2号长笛四重奏January –February 1778Mannheim294 294 Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "Alcandro, loconfesso"24 February 1778 Mannheim295 295 Aria for Tenor, "Se al labbro mio non credi" 27 February 1778 Mannheim 295a Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "Basta, vincesti" 27 February 1778 Mannheim296 296 Sonata for Violin and Keyboard in C 第17号小提琴奏鸣曲11 March 1778 Mannheim354 299a 12 Variations for Piano on "Je suis Lindor" Early 1778 Paris300 300 Gavotte c. early 1778 ParisAnh. 9 297B Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn,Bassoon and Orchestra (K3: 297b; doubtful; laterarr. of genuine Mozart work? Also numbered Anh. C14.01)?April 1778 Paris?299 297c Concerto for Flute and Harp in C April 1778 Paris Anh. 10 299b Ballet, Les petits riens May – June 1778 Paris 297 300a Symphony in D, No. 31, "Paris" 第三十一交响曲June 1778 Paris304 300c Sonata in E minor for Violin and Keyboard 第21号小提琴奏鸣曲Early summer1778Paris310 300d Sonata in A minor for Keyboard (Piano Sonata No.8) 第八号钢琴奏鸣曲Summer 1778 Paris306 300l Sonata in D for Violin and Keyboard Summer 1778 Paris316 300b Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "Popoli diTessaglia"July 1778 Paris264 315d 9 Variations in C on "Lison dormait" Late summer1778Paris365 316a Concerto in E-flat for Two Pianos, No. 10 第十号钢琴协奏曲1779 Salzburg364 320d Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestrain E-flat major1779 Salzburg321 321 Vesperae de Dominica in C 1779 Salzburg 276 321b Regina Coeli in C c. 1779 Salzburg?345 336a Choruses and Entr'actes for Thamos, König inÄgypten 歌剧《塔莫斯埃及之王》1779 Salzburg378 317d Sonata in B-flat for Violin and Keyboard 第26号小提琴奏鸣曲Early 1779 or1781Salzburg orVienna329 317a Church Sonata in C c. March 1779 Salzburg 328 317c Church Sonata in C c. early 1779 Salzburg 317 317 "Coronation Mass" in C major 第十六号加冕弥撒23 March 1779 Salzburg146 317b Aria for Soprano in B-flat, "Kommet her, ihr frechenSünder"c. March – April1779Salzburg318 318 Symphony in G, No. 32 第三十二交响曲26 April 1779 Salzburg 319 319 Symphony in B-flat, No. 33 三十三交响曲9 July 1779 Salzburg 335 320a Two marches in D August 1779 Salzburg 320 320 Serenade in D, "Posthorn" 3 August 1779 Salzburg 315 285e Andante in C for Flute c. 1779–1780 Salzburg? 334 320b Divertimento in D 1779–1780 Salzburg 344 336b Zaide 歌剧《扎伊德》1779–1780 Salzburg339 339 Vesperae solennes de confessore in C 忏悔者的庄严晚祷1780 Salzburg340 340 Kyrie (lost; doubious) 1780368 368 Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "Ma che vi fece" 1779–1780 Salzburg 224 241a Church Sonata in F Early 1780 Salzburg 225 241b Church Sonata in A Early 1780 Salzburg 336 336d Church Sonata in C March 1780 Salzburg 337 337 Missa solemnis in C 弥撤March 1780 Salzburg 445 320c March in D Summer 1780 Salzburg 338 338 Symphony in C, No. 34 第三十四交响曲29 August 1780 Salzburg 349 367a Song, Die Zufriedenheit Winter 1780–1781 Munich 351 367b Song, "Komm, liebe Zither" Winter 1780–1781 Munich 562a Canon in B-flat for 4 voices in 1 ?1780s Vienna? Anh.191562c Canon in C for 4 voices in 1 c. 1780s Vienna?330 300h Sonata in C for Keyboard (Piano Sonata No. 10) 第十号钢琴奏鸣曲1781–1783Munich orVienna331 300i Sonata in A for Keyboard (Piano Sonata No. 11) 第十一号钢琴奏鸣曲1781–1783Munich orVienna332 300k Sonata in F for Keyboard (Piano Sonata No. 12) 第十二号钢琴奏鸣曲1781–1783Munich orVienna361 370a Serenade No. 10 for winds in B-flat major, "GranPartita"1781 only, or until1784Vienna366 366 Idomeneo, re di Creta 歌剧《克里特王伊多梅纽》29 January 1781 Salzburg and Munich367 367 Ballet for Idomeneo29 January 1781 Salzburg and Munich341 368a Kyrie in D minor c. November 1780– March 1781Munich?370 368b Quartet in F for Oboe, Violin, Viola and Cello 双簧管四重奏Early 1781 Munich369 369 Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "Misera, dove son!" 8 March 1781 Munich 371 371 Rondo in E-flat for Horn c. March 1781372 372 Allegro in B-flat for Violin and Keyboard 24 March 1781 Vienna400 372a Allegro in B-flat for Keyboard (incomplete; completedby M. Stadler)1781 Vienna401 375e Fugue in G minor for Keyboard (incomplete) 1782 Vienna379 373a Sonata in G for Violin and Keyboard 第27号小提琴奏鸣曲April 1781 Vienna374 374 Recitative and Aria for Soprano, "A questo seno dehvieni"April 1781 Vienna373 373 Rondo in C for Violin 2 April 1781 Vienna 359 374a 12 Variations in G on "La Bérgere Célimène" June 1781 Vienna 360 374b 6 Variations in G on "Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant" June 1781 Vienna 352 374c 8 Variations in F on "Dieu d'amour" June 1781 Vienna376 374d Sonata in F for Violin and Keyboard 第24号小提琴奏鸣曲Summer 1781 Vienna377 374e Sonata in F for Violin and Keyboard 第25号小提琴奏鸣曲Summer 1781 Vienna380 374f Sonata in E-flat for Violin and Keyboard 第28号小提琴奏鸣曲Summer 1781 Vienna375 375 Serenade in E-flat for Winds October 1781 Vienna 448 375a Sonata in D for Two Keyboards D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲November 1781 Vienna Anh.171285b Quartet in C for Flute 第3号长笛四重奏1781–1782 Vienna? 265 300e Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je, Maman" 1781–1782 Vienna 353 300f 12 Variations in E-flat on "La belle Françoise" 1781–1782 Vienna 392 340a Song, "Verdankt sei es dem Glanz" 1781–1782 Vienna 391 340b Song, An die Einsamkeit1781–1782 Vienna 390 340c Song, An die Hoffnung1781–1782 Vienna 363 363 3 Minuets c. 1782–1783 Vienna? 386 386 Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in A major 1782–1783 Vienna 413 387a Concerto in F for Piano, No. 11 第十一号钢琴协奏曲1782–1783 Vienna 415 387b Concerto in C for Piano, No. 13 第十三号钢琴协奏曲1782–1783 Vienna 229 382a Canon in C minor for 3 voices in 1 c. 1782 Vienna? 230 382b Canon in C minor for 2 voices in 1 c. 1782 Vienna?231 382c Canon in B-flat for 6 voices in 1, "Leck mich imArsch"c. 1782 Vienna?233 382d Canon in B-flat for 3 voices in 1, "Leck mir den Arschfein recht schön sauber"c. 1782 Vienna?234 382e Canon in G for 3 voices in 1, "Bei der Hitz' imSommer ess ich"c. 1782 Vienna?347 382f Canon in D for 6 voices in 1 c. 1782 Vienna?348 382g Canon in G for 12 voices in 3, "V'amo di coreteneramente"c. 1782 Vienna?119 382h Aria for Soprano, "Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl" c. 1782 Vienna? 396 385f Fantasy in c Minor c小调幻想曲1782 Vienna397 397 Fantasia No. 3 for Piano in D minor d小调幻想曲1782 Vienna 408a 383e March in C 1782 Vienna 408c 383F March in C 1782 Vienna 408b 385a March in D 1782 Vienna414 385p Concerto for Piano in A, No. 12 第十二号钢琴协奏曲1782 Vienna404a Arrangements of 6 Preludes and Fugues by J.S. andW.F. Bach1782 Vienna405 405 Arrangements of 5 Fugues by J.S. Bach 1782 Vienna394 383a Prelude and Fugue in C for Keyboard C大调幻想曲与赋格Early 1782 Vienna399 385i Suite in C for Keyboard (Overture, Allemande,Courante, & incomplete Sarabande)Early 1782 Vienna382 382 Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in D major March 1782 Vienna383 383 Aria for Soprano, "Nehmt meinen Dank, ihr holdenGönner!"April 10, 1782 Vienna409 383f Symphonic Minuet in C ?May 1782 Vienna?388 384a Serenade in C minor for Winds (later arranged as K.406/516b)?July 1782 or late1783Vienna385 385 Symphony in D, No. 35, "Haffner" 第三十五交响曲July 1782 Vienna 384 384 Die Entführung aus dem Serail 歌剧《后宫诱逃》16 July 1782 Vienna 393 385b Solfeggios for Voice c. August 1782 Vienna 407 386c Quintet for Horn and Strings in E-flat End 1782 Vienna Anh. 25 386d O Calpe! Dir donnert's am Fusse (Gibraltar) December 1782 Vienna387 387 Quartet in G for Strings, "Spring" 第14号弦乐四重奏31 December1782Vienna435 416b Aria for Tenor, "Mußt' ich auch durch tausendDrachen"c. 1783 Vienna?432 421a Recitative and Aria for Bass, "Così dunque tradisci" c. 1783 Vienna?433 416c Aria for bass and orchestra (sketch), "Männersuchen stets zu naschen"c. 1783 Vienna?333 315c Sonata in B-flat for Keyboard, "Linz" (Piano SonataNo. 13) 第十三号钢琴奏鸣曲1783–1784Linz andVienna436 436 Notturno for Two Sopranos and Bass, "Ecco quelfiero"c. 1783–1786 Vienna?437 437 Notturno for Two Sopranos and Bass, "Mi lagneròtacendo"c. 1783–1786 Vienna?438 438 Notturno for Two Sopranos and Bass, "Se lontan" c. 1783–1786 Vienna? 439 439 Notturno for Two Sopranos and Bass, "Due pupille" c. 1783–1786 Vienna?346 439a Notturno for Two Sopranos and Bass, "Luci care, lucibelle"c. 1783–1786 Vienna?439b 5 Divertimenti in B-flat c. 1783 or later Vienna441 441 Trio for Soprano, Tenor and Bass, "Liebes Mandel,wo is's Bandel?"c. 1783 Vienna442 为钢琴三重奏而作的3个片断1786-1791 Vienna441b Anh.C9.03Canon for two voices, "Beym Arsch ist’s finster"1783 Vienna416 416 Scena and Rondo for Soprano, "Mia speranzaadorata"8 January 1783 Vienna398 416e 6 Variations on "Salve tu, Domine" March 1783 Vienna 417 417 Concerto in E-flat for Horn 27 May 1783 Vienna 421 417b Quartet in D minor for Strings 第15号弦乐四重奏June 1783 Vienna 178 417e Aria for Soprano, "Ah, spiegarti, oh Dio" c. June 1783 Vienna? 419 419 Aria for Soprano, "No, no, che non sei capace" June 1783 Vienna 423 423 Duo in G for Violin and Viola 弦乐二重奏 c. summer 1783 Salzburg?424 424 Duo in B-flat for Violin and Viola 降B大调弦乐二重奏c. summer 1783 Salzburg?418 418 Aria for Soprano, "Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio!" 20 June 1783 Vienna 420 420 Aria for Tenor, "Per pietà, non ricercate" 21 June 1783 Vienna 428 421b Quartet in E-flat for Strings 第16号弦乐四重奏June – July 1783 Vienna427 417a Great Mass in C minor 弥撤July 1782 –October 1783Vienna429 468a Cantata, "Dir, Seele des Weltalls" (fragment) 1783 Vienna422 422 L'oca del Cairo 歌剧《开罗的鹅》Late 1783 Salzburg and Vienna430 424a Lo sposo deluso 歌剧《受骗的丈夫》Late 1783 Salzburg and Vienna425 425 Symphony in C, No. 36, "Linz" 第三十六交响曲(林茨)October –November 1783Linz431 425b Recitative and Aria for Tenor, "Misero! O sogno!" December 1783 Vienna?426 426 Fugue in C minor for Two Keyboards 29 December1783Vienna444 425a Introduction in G to Symphony No. 25 by MichaelHaydn 第三十七交响曲Late 1783 or 1784 Vienna447 447 Concerto for Horn in E-flat c. 1784–1787 Vienna 453a Funeral March in C minor for Keyboard 1784 Vienna 461 448a 6 Minuets Early 1784 Vienna 462 448b 6 Contredanses January 1784 Vienna。
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In 1971, Robert Baldwin showed that U.S. imports were 27% more capital-intensive than U.S. exports in the 1962 trade data, using a measure similar to Leontief's.
Responses to the paradox
For many economists, Leontief‗s paradox undermined(破坏) the validity(有效性,正确性) of the Heckscher–Ohlin theorem (H– O) theory, which predicted that trade patterns would be based on countries‘ comparative advantage(比较优势) in certain factors of production (such as capital and labor). Many economists have
A 1999 survey of the econometric literature by Elhanan Helpman concluded that the paradox persists, but some studies in non-US trade were instead consistent with the H–O theory.
Leontief paradox
Leontief‘s paradox in economics is that
the country with the world‘s highest capital-per worker(人均资本) has a lower capital/labor ratio in exports than in imports. This econometric find was the result of Wassily W. Leontief's attempt to test the Heckscher–Ohlin theory empirically. In 1954, Leontief found that the United States—the most capital-abundant country in the world—exported labor-intensive commodities and imported capital-intensive commodities, in contradiction with Heckscher– Ohlin theory ("H–O theory").
In 1956, Leontief use the data in 1951 of the US to verify it again found exports of capital / labor ratio is still 6% lower than competing with importeons for the paradox dismiss the importance of comparative advantage as a determinant(决定性因素) of trade. For instance(例如), the Linder hypothesis(林德假说) states that demand plays a more important role than comparative advantage as a determinant of trade—with the hypothesis(假说) that countries which share similar demands will be more likely to trade. For instance, both the United States and Germany are developed countries with a significant(显著的) demand for cars, so both have large automotive industries. Rather than one country dominating the industry(主导产业) with a comparative advantage, both countries trade different brands(品牌) of cars between them. Similarly, New Trade Theory argues that comparative advantages can develop separately from factor endowment variation(要素禀赋差异) (e.g., in industrial increasing returns to scale).
dismissed(解除) the H-O theory in favor of a more Ricardian model(李嘉图模型) where technological differences determine comparative advantage. These economists argue that the United States has an advantage in highly skilled labor more so than capital. This can be seen as viewing ―capital‖ more broadly, to include human capital. Using this definition, the exports of the United States are very (human) capital-intensive(资本密集), and not particularly intensive in (unskilled) labor.
In 1980 Edward Leamer questioned Leontief's original methodology on real exchange rate grounds, but acknowledged that the U.S. paradox still appears in the data (for years other than 1947).
In 2005 Kwok & Yu used an updated methodology to argue for a lower or zero paradox in U.S. trade statistics, though the paradox is still derived in other developed nations