
英语论文跨文化交际中肢体语言的沟通IntroductionAs the trend of globalization is strengthened step by step, international communication is frequent and important day by day. Thus, the significance of body language in intercultural communication has been greatly realized. “ Research sh ows that when people meet someone for the first time, only 7% of their initial impact on others is determined by the content of what they say; the other 93% of their message is made up of body language (55%) and the tone of their voice (38%).”Body language helps us to manage and guard against these tendencies, and also - significantly especially in flirting/dating/mating rituals - body language often helps people to communicate and resolve relationship issues when conscious behaviour and speech fails to do so.Body language has evolved in spite of human awareness and conscious intelligence: rather like a guardian angel, body language can help take care of us, connecting us to kindred souls, and protecting us from threats. While the importance of body language in communications and management, etc., has become a popular interest and science in the last few decades, human beings have relied on body language instinctively in many ways for many thousands of years.And thus this paper intends to present its meaning and classification, cultural differences and analyze the factors that influence body that influence our communication of body language so that we can improve our communication skills and abilities by understanding it well.2 Body Language2.1 Definition of Body LanguageBody language is a term for communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language or other communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. This includes the most subtle of movements that many people are not aware of, including winking and slight movement of the eyebrows. In addition body language can also incorporate the use of facial expressions.Western scholars have made a lot of definitions about it, the most vivid and specific definition is that body language is the non-verbal language which can express information that language cannot express and the actions most people can understand.To get good at reading body language, go out and do the “R” over and over. Open your eyes and ears. Turn off your biased,over-analytical brain and observe the way a child observes.A toddler sees objects and actions in a more stand-alone way than adults, who go to extraordinary means to make connections. He has no preexisting framework to overlay his observations onto, so he’s a much better collector of pure body language than older, well socialized people. If you place a wrapped box on the table in front of a young child capable of speech, the questions are endless. As you get older, you answer the questions for yourself, assuming you know what everything means.2.2 The Classification of Body LanguageBody language can be divided into eye contract language, body touches language, posture and gesture, manner, facial expression, flavor language, proxemics and clothes language.And in this paper just introduce four of them:eye contract, body distance,facial expression and gesture.2.2.1 Eye contractA 16th century proverb calls the eyes the windows to the soul. More than 500 yearslater, the proverb has assumed the stature of gospel. When you really understand the eyes, you'll see how close the proverb is to the mark.Some of the following words used to describe a person's eyes are heard daily:direct, sensual, sardonic, expressive, intelligent, penetrating, sad, cheerful, worldly, hard, trusting, and suspicious. Most students, as well as your personal observations, tell you that culture modifies the amount of eye contact in which you engage and who is the recipient of the eye contact.If two Arabians are in conversation, they will look at each other warmly. Because they think eyes are the key of their existence. But in American eyes, they think this behavior is unsuitable or a homosexual behavior. The educated Englishmen believe direct eye contact with our communicators is gentlemanly. Japanese often look at the other communicator’s neck when they are in conversation. They believe eye cont act is impolite. And Chinese consider gazing people is an unfriendly behavior and it is a challenge. Some South American Indians used to look at different directions when they are talking. In the Middle East, it is considered extremely provocative for a woman to let a man catch her eyes, let alone, return his gaze.2.2.2 GestureGesture action language is a highly expressive body language, it is not only rich in diversity, but also simple and intuitive, so I use a wide range, high frequency, effective good. Agood example is the award in 2005 CCTV Spring Festival Gala's most popular dance audience show special award category of 'Avalokitesvara', 21 live in the silent girl in the world of sign language with their hundreds of millions to the nation transmission of information the audience to express New Year's blessing.In a very general sense, we all use gestures to reinforce an idea or to help describe something. When we say, “That’s an English book”, at the same time we are pointing to the book. If someone asks us the way to the library, we point to the right, adding a little information about it, which will be more clear and concrete. We like to use our hands toindicate the dimensions when someone asks us to describe the size or shape of something.Americans often touch their temples to express somebody’s cleverness. But this acti on means there is something wrong with one’s mind or one is stupid to Chinese. Chinese are often surprised to see Americans lay their hands on their necks when they are full. Because it is an suicide action to Chinese, who used to express fullness by patting their stomachs. And another example,2.2.3 Facial expressionFace is the organ of expression. Morris conjectured that it is the easiest to control because it is the closest to the brain. When it comes to the face, I think we’re dealing with a paradox: T he face is both the easiest and the hardest area of the body to control. There are many things we do with our faces that we aren't even aware of because they are second nature.A lot of emotion comes out through the brow in both voluntary and involuntary expressions. We use the forehead muscles when wenormally interact with people, even on the phone, and we develop wrinkles as a result. If Morris were right and we can control the muscles in the face more easily than others, then we wouldn't be using so much Botox. We could voluntarily stop using the muscles that create the problem, and even voluntarily reverse the process of wrinkling by exercising them.In addition, if the face were under our control, more facial movements would be cultural, not universal.Facial movements become practiced behavior over time, because we learn how to present an even smile when meeting someone and an arched eyebrow when our kid drops mustard on the floor. But the plethora of muscles in our faces makes it hard for us to keep track of them. We often do not even realize the range of emotions and physiological reactions we express with our faces.What does that upturned brow mean? Is there a difference if the person sending the message is male or female? If the receiver is male or female? The head is the workhorse of communication. And although much of what it conveys is intentional, we still leak messages that are impossible to cover.2.2.4 Body distancePsychologists discover any person needs personal space, yet skins are not the boundary of personal space, their personal spaces are encircled by bubbles and other people can’t break in at will.People always carry personal space with them no matter how far they will go, and they always have a kind of instinctive common sense of self-guard. So the speakers talking with him need to keep a distance during conversation to avoid offence. The anthropologist and socialist Doctor Hall advanced 4 kinds of definitions for it. 1. Intimate distance (0-45cm)—proper forspouse and lovers; 2.personal distance(5-120cm)—Proper for friends, acquaintances, and relatives; 3.social distance (120-360cm)—proper for dealing with impersonal thing;4,public distance(360-750cm)—proper for informal party."Take Britain and Italian for example, there would be a very interesting sense when people from the two countries are talking to each other. It seems that the Italian would always be the aggressor while the English be the defender. However, in their own condition, they just want to hold the communication space they used to." A person's use of space is directly linked to the value system of their culture. For example, oriental people could bear the physical touch in a crowd bus, while western people may find it unable to endure. As to personal space, Chinese, Japanese, even most of Asian people have fewer requirements than western people. For westerners value more on individualism.2.3 Functions of Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal communication, like verbal communication is also a part of culture and the carrier of a certain culture. The function of nonverbal communication in the whole communication can’t be overlooked. “In the daily communication, we can see people can’t communicate efficiently by verbal language alone. And nonverbal communication will express clear meanings in a certain context. And a certain nonverbal communication should be connected with verbal communication or the other nonverbal communication to p rovide correct information.”So in communicative activities, nonverbal communication also plays a great role. Of course, we should pay close attention to the functions ofnonverbal communication. “In any case, when verbal communication conflicts with nonverbal communication, peopleare willing to accept the information nonverbal communication delivers. Because nonverbal communication sounds more natural, more instinctive and it is hard to pretend.”Obviously, we should make full use of nonverbal communication to achieve efficient communication. Now, we will discuss the functions of nonverbal communication.Repetition. For example, when we tell people how to get to the nearest hospital, we are not only telling them the direction but also pointing to the direction with hands. Supplement. For instance, we greet people with a smile. Smile functions as a supplement to the pleasure of meeting people. Replacement. When we communicate with others, we will frown instead of asking directly to hint that we don’t under stand and expect repetition or explanation. Emphasis. When we are talking or making a speech, we often raise our voice to stress the content. And sometimes, we say, “It is my fault” while hung down our heads. We smile and say, “Welcome”. We shout out to th e people while waving our fists. All the nonverbal communication here emphasizes what we say. Adjustment. We often suggest that our talk is over by our tone, eyes, head nodding and other nonverbal communicative behaviors. For example, the manager stands up to show the end of the interview.3 The Commonly Used of Body LanguageBody language is the most important behavior of nonverbal communication. For example, Chinese Tibetans stretch out their tongues when meeting people, this is the way to express their politeness and respect, but when Americans doing this, they want to express despite to others. So body language may cause difficulties and misunderstanding, lead to failure in intercultural communication. Following are some examples of use some of thenonverbal messages in intercultural communication which frequently appear in the course of communication and might easily cause misunderstanding.Following are some examples of use some of the nonverbal messages in intercultural communication which frequently appear in the course of communication and might easily cause misunderstanding.3.1 GreetingIn Asian countries, there are some common greeting gestures, they are handshaking, bowing, avoid eye contact. In China , the western custom of shaking hands is the customary form of greeting, but often a nod of the head or slight bow is sufficient. Hugging and kissing when greeting are uncommon. Business cards are often exchanged, and yours should be printed in your own language and in Chinese. Also, it is more respectful to present your card (or a gift or any other article) using both hands. The Chinese are enthusiastic applauders. You may be greeted with group clapping, even by small children. When a person is applauded in this fashion it is the custom for that person to return the applause or a "thank you." When walking in public places, direct eye contact and staring is uncommon in the larger cities, especially in those areas accustomed to foreign visitors. However, in smaller communities, visitors may be the subject of much curiosity and therefore you may notice some stares.In Japan, the graceful act of bowing is the traditional greeting. However, they have also adopted the western custom of shaking hands, albeit with a light grip and perhaps with。
unit 5-body language 1(yyn) 跨文化交际复习指导资料

1. Lead-in
Please watch the video and answer the following questions.
body language 1. What kinds of body languages can you
find in the video?
2. Can our body languages tell a lie?
• C3. How would you explain the Director’s behavior toward Katherine? How would you make the Director understand why Katherine felt frustrated and angry? 幻灯片 17
Unit 5 Nonverbal Communication
1. Learn the differences of time language, space language and body language in different cultures;
2. Learn to improve the cultural awareness; 3. Learn to communicate with people from
Comment (case 3) :

“语言学习”(Learning about language)由词汇学习与语法学习两部分组成。词汇学习设置有三项练习。练习1给出10个英文释义,学生写出本单元中与他们分别对应的单词。练习2是用所给单词填空,训练学生在语篇的情境下灵活运用单词的能力。练习3与练习2类似,但所供填空的单词更多、语篇更长。语法部分练习1先让学生从课文中找出动词的ing形式,并按照定语和作状语的不同功能分类。随后,练习2给学生提供了运用动词ing形式完成句子的机会。这样的安排符合学生的认知规律,有助于学生对该语法项目的理解和掌握。练习3是个综合性的活动,四人一组,按照课文所提供的例子口头描述一位同学的两个动作,用动词ing形式,将两个动作联为一句话。那名学生将这句话用动作表演出来。
本单元的中心话题是“身势语”,单元各项活动的设计都围绕这一主题进行。身势语是非语言交际手段中非常重要的一个方面,他通过无声的语言表达一个人的内心世界。与有声语言一样,身势语也是文化的载体,在跨文化交际中起着举足轻重的作用。了解身势语的不同文化含义并正确地加以运用,会在交际场合中起到意想不到的好效果。教师在教授本单元时,可以提醒学生注意自己和他人在日常交际中的体态、姿势Байду номын сангаас面部表情等等,正确的理解和运用身势语,以达到良好的交际效果。

跨文化交际视角下的中西方肢体语言差异姓名:XX 学院:外国语学院专业:英语年级:2009级学号:XXXXXX摘要肢体语言(body language)又称身势语言,是表示使用身体运动或动作来代替或辅助声音、口头言语或其他交流方式进行交流的一种方式的一个术语。
目录肢体语言的定义,重要性Ⅱ肢体语言的分类A :表情语言B :动作语言C : 体态语言Ⅲ影响跨文化交流中肢体语言的因素A:语言习惯B: 风俗习惯C:价值观Ⅳ正确理解中西方肢体语言的区别和运用A:动作一样,意义不同B:意义相同,动作有差异C:只存在于美国文化中的动作D:只存在于中国文化中的动作E:对一些常见的肢体语言的理解关键词:肢体语言、跨文化交际、如何运用正文Ⅰ肢体语言的定义,重要性肢体语言 (body language)也称体态语言,是人类借助和利用自己的面部表情、手势动作、身体姿态的变化来表达和传递思想感情的方式。
Ⅱ肢体语言的分类1.面部表情语言(facial expression language)在跨文化交流中,面部表情语言指的是在交流的过程中通过面部的一系列动作,来传达出我们内心的真实想法,不同国家的人民之间存在着语言障碍,但是通过面部的千变万化的表情我们可以相互了解对方的意愿,他的喜、怒、哀、乐,悲、恐、惊。

Body Language in Intercultural CommunicationContents摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1. Introduction (1)1.1 Definition of Body Language (1)1.2 The Significance of Body Language (1)2. Classification and Function of Body Language (3)2.1Classification of Body Language (3)2.1.1 Classification According to Body Parts (3)2.1.2 Classified By the Way of the Movements (6)2.1.3 The Most Common Ways of Classification (7)2.2Function of Body Language (7)3. The Differences and Application of Body Language (9)3.1 The Distance (9)3.2 Eye Contact (11)3.3 Gesture (12)3.4 Postures (16)3.4.1 The Same Posture Conveying Different Meanings in Different Cultures (16)3.4.2 Different Posture Conveying the Same Meaning in Different Cultures (17)3.5 Facial Expression (18)3.6 Touch (19)4. The Change of Modern Body Language (20)5. Conclusion (21)Bibliography (23)摘要身势语作为非语言交际,在跨文化交际中有着不可轻忽的重要作用。
Body language肢体语言

关键词:非语言交际;身势语;文化差异;功能;特点AbstractThere are some cultural differences between Chinese and American because of different regions, races and methods of thinking, etc. All these different cultures embody on intercultural communication. Human communication is conducted through verbal communication and non-verbal communication, of which non-verbal communication plays a very important role. Body language is an important part of non-verbal communication and it is connected with culture, and it is restricted by its culture and has different cultural connotations. Misunderstanding and conflicts sometimes occur in the process of intercultural communication due to cultural differences and improper uses of body languages. In order to make successful exchange in intercultural communication, we should know the body language from different cultures. That is to say, body language has different meanings in different cultures and has different social functions. This paper begins with the definition of the intercultural communication, and it leads the non-verbal communication out. All this chapter tells the importances of body language. This paper makes a study of the cultural differences and devotes to analyzing the cultural differences between Chinese and American with comparison of body languages in hand gesture, eye contact, touching, and posture, etc. Its three features have been illustrated, it includes sociality, nationality, and controllability. Its three main functions include accompanying, being symbolic, revealing the feeling of body language between Chinese and American. The study of body language makes us understand others very well. It aims to show the differences of body language and put forward theprinciples of reducing barriers in communication so as to achieve efficient communication and to avoid misunderstanding.Keywords:non-verbal communication; body language; cultural differences; functions; featuresTable of ContentsOutline (1)Introduction (3)Chapter I The Importance of Body Language (5)1.1Definition of the Intercultural Communication (5)1.2The Significance of Non-verbal Communication (5)1.3The Significance of Body Language (7)Chapter II The Features and Main Functions of Body Language and the Cultural Differences between Chinese and American (9)2.1 The Features and Functions of Body Language (9)2.2 Analyze Cultural Differences of Body Language (11)2.2.1 The Differences of F acial Expression (11)2.2.2 The Differences of E ye Contact (13)2.2.3 The Differences of T ouching (14)2.2.4 The Differences of Gestures and M ovement (15)Chapter III The Results of Using Body Language Improperly between Chinese and American (17)Conclusion (19)Bibliography (20)Acknowledgements (22)OutlineThesis statement: Body language plays a very important role in communication. We can make a better understanding of the cultural differences between Chinese and American when analyzing the different cultures with comparison of body language in hand gesture, eye contact, touching, and posture, etc. It is possible for us to exchange information successfully and to behave in proper ways without making too many mistakes. As a result, Chinese and American can understand each other better, achieving effective communication.I. Chinese and American have many different cultures because of their different histories, regions, races and methods of thinking, etc. Body language is the most natural part of non-verbal communication and it helps verbal-communication achieve effective communication.A. Intercultural communication is the methods of communication between Chinese andAmerican. Intercultural communication can be divided into verbal communication and non-verbal communication.B.Nonverbal communication plays a very important role in the whole communication.C. Body language is the most natural part of non-verbal communication and it helpsverbal-communication achieve effective communication.II. Cultural differences can be analyzed with introducing the features and main functions of body language.A.To introducing the features of body language including sociality, nationality, andcontrollability, and the main functions of body language including accompanying, symbolic and revealing the feeling.B. To analyze cultural differences between Chinese and American in four aspects.1. Facial Expression between American and Chinese is different.2. Eye Contact between American and Chinese is different.3. Touching between American and Chinese is different.4. Gestures and movement between American and Chinese is different.III. The results of using body language improperly between Chinese and American are producing more conflicts and misunderstanding.Ⅳ. Conclusion: When analyzing the Chinese and American culture, it just to pay attention to how people use non-verbal cues. Body language bears relations with cultures. It is also the carrier of cultures, and varies from culture to culture. So the aim of studying and researching non-verbal communication is to help us exclude the interference of cultural differences. As a non-verbal communication, body language can help us solve a lot of problems in intercultural communication between people and people, or western countries and our country. In order to make a successful intercultural communication, we should know the body language of different cultures.IntroductionChinese and American have many different cultures because of their different histories, regions, races and methods of thinking, etc. All these different cultures embody on intercultural communication.It is the process of communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. Intercultural communication can be divided into two types: verbal communication and non-verbal communication. The non-verbal which is connected with cultures and it is the result of cultural communication. As an important part of non-verbal communication, it is important to note that body language has different meanings in different cultures.Body language is one of means of non-verbal communication. It is the most natural part of non-verbal communication and it helps verbal-communication achieve effective communication. Body language is also interlinked with spoken language and a whole pattern of behavior from a person. Because Chinese and American have their own historical, cultural background and the different cultures, the Chinese and American express differently and it is quite different when the people using body language. The differences bring many communication problems in the non-verbal reality about a lot of obstacles, misunderstanding and conflicts.When analyzing the Chinese and American culture, it just to pay attention to how people use non-verbal cues. This paper makes a study of the cultural differences and comparison of body language in different cultures in terms of hand gesture, eye behavior, facial expressions, and posture, etc. between Chinese and American. Different cultures have different ways ofusing non-verbal communication. Being a branch of the means of non-verbal communication, body language can help us solve a lot of problems we meet. The study of body language makes us understand others very well and behave in proper ways without making too many mistakes, only in this way, can we break down obstacles, which, in turn, Chinese and American can understand each other better and achieve effective communication.Chapter I The Importance of Body Language1.1Definition of the Intercultural CommunicationChinese and American have many different cultures because of their different histories, regions, races and methods of thinking, etc. It is restricted by its culture and has different cultural connotations. All about these different cultures embody on communications which the culture influences. Different countries have different cultures, so the way people in different countries communicate is different too. The intercultural communication is the methods of communication between Chinese and American. What is intercultural communication? Intercultural communication is the process of communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. It can be divided into two types: verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Using language to communicate is called verbal communication. ―When we speak, we use much more than just words. We also communicate with our face, our hands, and even our own bodies. This kind of communication can be called ‗body language‘or‗non–verba l communication‘.‖ (Joseph A 229). So another kind that is often overlooked by us but plays a very important role in communication is non-verbal communication.1.2 The Significance of Non-verbal CommunicationNon-verbal communication mainly expresses real emotion and attitude through facial expression, posture, eye behavior, clothes, sound, etc. For instance, waving hand is to show farewell; offering our hand with a slight smile to others means welcome. When listening to areport, people lean against the chair, which suggests that they are not interested in the report. Non-verbal communication has a close relationship with historical culture of nations, so, the meaning it expresses differs from nation to nation and the differences bring about a lot of obstacles, misunderstanding and conflicts. ―Edward T. Hall claims that the reason why we meet so much trouble in communicating with foreigners is we know only a little about intercultural communication‖ (Xiao 98). This indicates that it is important for us to have a good command of communication including verbal and non-verbal. Generally speaking, non-verbal communication can make effects independently in communication and it can be a complement of verbal communication too. Because of the language barrier, people communicate with one another not only through verbal communication but also through non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication, like verbal communication is also a part of culture and the carrier of a certain culture. The function of non-verbal communication in the whole communication can‘t be overlooked. ―In the daily communication, we can see people can‘t communicate efficiently by verbal language alone. And non-verbal communication will express clear meanings in a certain context. And a certain non-verbal communication should be connected with verbal communication or the other non-verbal communication to provide correct information.‖(Li 37). So in communicative activities, non- verbal communication also plays a great role. Of course, we should pay close attention to the functions of non-verbal communication. ―In any case, when verbal communication conflicts with non-verbal communication, people are willing to accept the information non-verbal communication delivers. Because non-verbal communication sounds more natural, moreinstinctive and it is hard to pretend.‖(Xu 90). Obviously, we should make full use of non- verbal communication to achieve efficient communication.1.3 The Significance of Body LanguageBody language is one of means of non-verbal communication. It is the most natural part of non-verbal communication and it helps verbal-communication achieve effective communication. Body language also takes a complementary role to help people transfer information to improve communication, which will be an indispensable power to break up language obstacles in intercultural communication. In the 21st century, as the economic and cultural exchanging of all countries becomes more and more frequent, there appear more obstacles caused by the differences of language and culture. In intercultural communication, one of the most useful ways to deal with the obstacles is to learn the importance of body language.Usually body language occurs unconsciously. Yet the body language we use lead to a large extent the quality of our communication. It follows that therefore it would be good to become conscious of our own and others' body language. It is important to note that body language has different meanings in different cultures. How we can interpret body language depends on the situation, the culture, the relationship we have with the person as well as the gender of the other. Body language is also interlinked with spoken language and a whole pattern of behavior from a person. As well as that, various body language signs can complement each other to make a particular meaning crystal clear or strengthen the meaningof what we communicate. Body language is greatly affected by social environment and accepted through common practice. It often becomes a distinctive culture. Every country, every nation, and even every region has its own historical and cultural background, so the body language people use is quite different. Body language is also called Kinesics, including eye contact, gestures, posture, facial expressions, and physical distance. As an important way of nonverbal communication, gestures are the silent and authentic language that can express peo ple‘s inner emotions. They are part of national culture. In order to understand a culture well and make the communication more effective, it is necessary to discuss the pragmatic features and functions of body language.Chapter II The Features and Main Functions of Body Language and the Cultural Differences between Chineseand American2.1The Features and Functions of Body LanguageBody language is so universal that it has the following common features and functions: The first feature is called sociality. Many linguists think that ―many body languages have a close relationship with our society and it will change as the society develops‖(Jia 426). ―Different age: kids like to be embraced by adults, but they hate it when they grow up; different environment: it is common for American to give a hug or a kiss to express emotion and attitude, more than si xty percent is finished by facial expression, gestures, postures, etc.‖ (Jia 449). ―This famous scholar indicates that face can make 250,000 kinds of expression and eyebrow can have 23 places.‖(Jia 456). Yang xiaoli once analyzed the Chinese phases and gets a conclusion that more than one hundred and sixty Chinese phrases are used to represent the context of body language and they can convey emotion and intention separately. ―The psychologist, Dav id Abercrombie also points out ‗We say with our phonetic organs, but we talk with the whole body.‖(Jia 448). Body language is nonverbal action that delivers information through posture, action including body movement and facial expressions.The second feature is called nationality. Although there is the same body language in different nations, such as, nodding head suggests positive and waving head infers negative and against, however, in some Asia countries, waving head is used to show people‘sagreement. Nodding head means agreement, self-identity, submission and permission in China, Japan, England and American, but it means disagreement in Bulgaria and Nepal.The last feature is called controllability. People can do some body movement consciously. For example, when a person is making a speech in public, if he touches his glasses or taps his pencil from time to time, it may indicate that the person is very nervous. In a lecture room, if the audience move their body or glance at their watch all the time, it may mean that this lecture is too boring. If people can be aware of all these cases, they may tend to control it even use a false body language to hide their real emotion. A skilled lecturer usually can show his confidence to the listeners though he is nervous because he makes a signal of confidence to cover it.The body languages have many functions on the human beings‘ communication .The main functions are the followings.The first function is called accompanying. It means that people do the related behaviors while they speaking, which are to illustrate and emphasize the meaning the speaker likes to express and reflect some kinds of psychological state. Gestures are also closely coordinated with speech and are made by a speaker to illustrate what he is saying, particularly when his verbal powers fail, or when objects of special shapes or sizes are being described. Hand gestures may be closely coordinated with speech to indicate the internal structure of utterance, and to control the synchronizing of utterances. Some gestures have come to be widely accepted and understood, such as handshake as a gesture that goes with greeting. However, it must be emphasized here that gestures vary in meaning from culture to culture. They can beparticularly troublesome, for a slight difference in making the gesture itself can mean something quite different from that extend. A wrong interpretation of a gesture can arouse quite unexpected reactions.The second function is called being symbolic. The symbolic gesture is usually a common etiquette which is established by the popular usage. In China, bringing together five fingers, crooking the hand to be a triangle and rising up beside the ear—this behavior is the gesture of raising flag used by the army. ―In America, the army has a different way for paying tribute: putting the hand ahead of the chest and stretch out the other hand quickly to the opposition of paying tribute. In the ceremony of raising flag, we can still see this gesture.‖ (Ding 154).The last function is called revealing the Feeling. In fact, the psychologist state that the expressions of human beings can be revealed on the behavior absolutely and unconsciously. Because the inner spirit state can spot the weak point on the behavior no matter what he conceals consciously.Everyone had been remembering the Watergate Affair which elicited the wholeworld scandal resulted in the falling if president Nixon appeared on thescreen .He touched his cheek and lower jaw conveniently which he was asked bythe reporter. These slighting touching appearances had never been seen before theWatergate Affair. The expert of body language confirmed that Nelson wad relatedto the Watergate Affair when they saw his touching behaviors .Because hisbehavior was a statement confessed without being pressed. (qtd. in Ronald B andJeanne M 154)2.2 Analyze Cultural Differences of Body Language2.2.1 The Differences of Facial ExpressionThe face has been calle d an ―organ of emotion‖ (Yao 64) because it is a very common way that we use to communicate and constantly to understand what others are feelingeveryday, such as, people make a big smile on their face when they feel very happy, whereas, they make a long face when they fell unhappy. Compare with words, facial expression is a natural way to reveal person‘s emotion and if offers vital clues to our own feeling. ―The re was once a dumb show called ‗eating chicken‘ at the spring festival party. The actor, Wang Jinyu, performed the whole process of eating chicken by his facial expressions and gestures without saying a single word, which gained a lot of applause.‖(Da 58). If he can not convey his true feeling and exaggerated postures of eating chicken, the performance would be a failure. The face is the most simple and important broadcaster of emotion among all non-verbal channels. Smiles and laughter are the common character of human. They usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy and merriment. But their meanings also vary from culture to culture. In cross-cultural communication, there are many misunderstandings caused by smile. American people usually can‘t understand Chinese facial expressions and smiles. Some even call Chinese smile as inscrutable. Chinese smile often isn‘t a ccordant with context.For instance, when an American is parking his bicycle, and the bicycleaccidentally falls over, he feels embarrassed at his awkwardness, and is quiteangered and humiliated when Chinese onlookers laugh. Such laughter, of courseis not at the person or his misfortune—whether he be a foreigner or a Chinese. Itcan convey a numbe r of meanings; don‘t take it so seriously; or laugh it of, or itis nothing; or such things can happen to anyone, etc. But in America, onlookersshould reflect such context with clear sympathetic feelings. (John and Peter H103).While making apologies the Chinese often use a smile either as a display of embarrassment or to placate the speaker. However, Americans don‘t accept apologies with a smile or expect to have far different facial reaction. When a mistake or unfortunate incident has occurred, an American will typically, either squeeze his or her lips together. In Chinasmile is an emergent way to break ice between people or ease up tense and embarrassment, but for people in America, smile at that occasion is a kind of insulted or ridicule. The reason why Chinese are different from American is American people show their direct feeling to the things had happened, and show emotions that are rooted deeply. However, Chinese have the concept of saving face. Americans do admire such disciplines and use it in different ways, but they seldom feel comfortable with it in reality. In addition, Chinese people usually are not show all the emotion on the face, because it is related to the feature about nationality. China is a nation which is modest, cautious, sometimes is suspicious, so the Chinese people sometimes do not want others to know what they are thinking about.2.2.2The Differences of Eye ContactEye contact is one of the most important aspects of dealing with others because eyes can give us a lot of real information. The eyes are highly expressive in most cultures. Gaze and glance are specific use of eye contact. They are important in all cultures, and can signal interest, attraction, approval, challenge, or merely turn-taking. Gaze is closely coordinated with speaking and listening, and provides useful feedback in a social encounter.Take Chinese and American cultures for an example, Chinese do not have much eye contact during conversation because in Chinese culture, staring at another for a long time is considered as an invasion of privacy, an act of defiance or demonstration of lack of trust. Contrasts to that, Americans require the person who they are interacting with to look at them in the eye during a conversation. They see eye contact as a sign of honesty and a lack of eye contact or shifty eyes as a sign of untruthfulness, contempt, fear, indifference, guilt or absenceof mind. It is known to all that China is a nation with a long and feudal history. The feudal society controls the nation with human power. The authority counts the final, so people in China seldom look at others so as to show their respect when a talk begins between the young and the old, but for American, they believe that ―Don‘t trust anybody who dare not look at you straightly.‖(William J and Beall Melissa L 118). People from America think that this eye-gazing is a kind of imperil, but they can not accept people don‘t look at each other when they are talking just as Chinese people do. They think that those people are impolite. From the above, we can see that the communicative function of eye behavior reflects different cultural background and different national mentality. The meanings are so complex that we should not understand the meaning of body language from our own understanding.2.2.3 The Differences of TouchingThe meanings we assign to being touched, and our reasons for touching others, help us gain insight into the communication encounter.Generally speaking, we can regard Americans as part of non-contact culture. Americans try their best to avoid touching strangers in public. For example, ―when Americans stand in line, they always try to keep a distance with others. If someone is too close with him, the first reaction is falling back. If not, he will incline aside and retrench his muscle; if the invader hasn‘t react to the signal, he will use the bag which he take with him and other things to protect him.‖(Kittie W and Larry L 137). Contrary to that, we can generalize China as a country of togetherness, which indicates that China belongs to contact culture. These two contradictory views can be clarified this way: although there is not much body contact ortouch in public among strangers, Chinese people stand closer and touch more among intimates than Americans who need more individual spaces.On the other hand, Chinese feel uneasy at the sight of hugging, embracing or kissing members of opposite sex in public, which is a common practice in American. It occurs frequently between husband and wife and close members of the family when meeting after a period of absence. A warm hug and embracing are a standard way of welcome. But these practices are seldom in China, for Chinese usually discourage the display of emotions and intimacy and thus forbid such touching in public, especially from an opposite sex. Chinese people are more shy, conservative and implicit than American.2.2.4 The Differences of Gestures and MovementGestures are an important component of non-verbal communication. Without gestures, our world would be static and colorless.We may literally roll up our sleeves when talking about cleaning up the room andrun to meet the person we are eager to see. It seems natural to clench our fist orperhaps even pound to the lectern to let everyone realize the importance of ourmessage when trying to communicate a strong feeling, which emphasizes ourwords. (Li and Yao 64)In our daily life, everyone makes gestures, but many gestures have distinct regional and cultural features. ―Don‘t assume that everyone in the world understands one gesture in the same way.‖ (Deveto 44). Americans often touch their temples to express somebody‘s cleverness. But this action means there is something wrong with one‘s mind or one is stupid to Chinese. Chinese are often surprised to see Americans lay their hands on their necks when they are full. Because it is an suicide action to Chinese, who used to express fullness by patting their stomachs. Besides, when a person says ―shhh‖ in China, it means he isdisapproval and hissing, but in America, it means someone is calling for silence. The three kinds of gestures are easy to cause trouble, confusion and conflict in intercultural communication. It can mean something quite different from that extend. So we should distinguish them to avoid the crash and misunderstanding of culture.Chapter III The Results of Using Body Language Improperly between Chinese and AmericanAs idiom goes ―When in Rome, do as the Romans do.‖ It is the main principle in communication. This principle refers that communicators should respect and understand the cultures of the other nations and eliminate the interference of their own cultures. According to this principle, we should know the differences of their customs, believes and their connotations of body language. People think Americans behave informally in any situation. In fact, all communicative modes change with the differences of time, situation and contents. Body language from different cultures has many differences because of different regions, races and cultural customs, so there are still many communication problems, misunderstanding and conflicts sometimes occur in the process of intercultural communication due to cultural differences and improper uses of body language in the non- verbal reality. If we can not understand them well, we may misunderstand the foreigners and cause a lot of troubles, quarrels even fighting.For instance, if you want to signal a person to come near, in the United States, you ask someone to come by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards our body. But in China, it means to give offense, so it may make misunderstanding. The another example is in westen countries, it is easily to see people kiss or hug each other when they meet, but in China, if kiss or hug when people meet, they will feel uncomfortable, even been scared. All above show that it is important to know the meaning of gestures and movements in foreign country,。
跨文化交际 Body Language

2. 抚摸别人的头部(stroke one’s head) In China, stroking the children’s head is a representation of love. However, American mother will be disgusted(反感) with anyone who strokes her child’s head.
2. In China, it is polite to give something to others with two hands. If you don’t do so, you are a person who doesn’t respect for others.
Not only are there many differences in body language between cultures, but also there are some similarities in body language.
只在 一种 文化 中 存在 的 动作
The body language only exist in America: 1. When American worry about something, they will snap their finger.(咬手指)
2. If an American man shake his index finger, with other fingers fixed together(摇动食指,其他 四指收拢), he is warning someone not to do something. It means that the other person involved has made mistakes.

跨文化交际中的身体语言-英语毕业论文The Body Language in Intercultural Communication跨文化交际中的身体语言AbstractAs a communicative tool, language is very important in many situations. However, body language also takes a complementary role to help people transfer information to improve communication, which will be an indispensable power to break up language obstacles in intercultural communication. In the 21st century, as the economic and cultural exchanging of all countries becomes more and more frequent, there appear more obstacles caused by the differences of language and culture. In intercultural communication, one of the most useful ways to deal with the obstacles is to master the meaning of body language. However, even if we understand the meaning of some general body language, there are also some difficulties to master. Because even the same body language have great differences in different couture background. Using body languages wrongly not only makes you fail in interpersonal communications, which would cause conflict in international communication. So what are the differences of the same body language in different country? How to apply body language correctly? In this essay, after borrowing and studying the experience of the forefathers, the author analyzes the various usages and functions of body language in different culture background.Key WordsBody language; intercultural communication; cultural difference摘要语言是一种交流工具,但是起辅助作用的身势语在人类交流中也起着不可忽视的作用。
Unit 4 Body language话题语言应用-跨文化交际

话题语言应用-跨文化交际语言积累交际用语1.禁止和警告(prohibition and warning)Always stay … Do not… Stop! Keep away from … Go away. Don‟t enter here.Watch out ! Look out! Be careful when … Be quiet. Come here.You may not … You‟ll be fined (200)yuan. Don‟t smoke here. Be careful! Don‟t slip.2.义务和责任(Obligation)You must… You should never … You‟ll be …You‟ll have to … You‟ll need to …话题词句【高清课堂:直接引语和间接引语P1】Let’s examine how body communicates, from head to toeHEAD拓展阅读The differences in gifts culture between Chinese and the western We can learn more about the knowledge of the culture of others, and improve our ability of communication.As we all know, different countries have di fferent culture. “Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.”It is inevitable that the cultural difference has impact on business. For example ,when a company is having meeting ,the word “table” they mention in American Eng lish means to put something on the agenda, but in British English it means to put something off the agenda. This example indicated how the culture affects the business.There are four cultural dimensions that were defined in Hofstede‟s research :power dist ance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity.The most significant influence in cultural difference is the power distance.“It would condition the extent to which employees accept that their boss has more power that have and the extent to which they accept that their boss‟s opinions and decisions are right because he or she is the boss.”Among most oriental corporate cultures, there is hierachism reasons, great centralization, sometimes called …power-oriented culture‟, due to the historical reasons. That is a high power distance culture that mangers make the decision and superious appeal to be entitled more privileges. Their decision always close supervision positively evaluated by subordinates. In this situation, it is not be regarded if subordinates have a disagreement with their managers.In the oriental, power distance is also associated with “the family culture”. In this kind of corporate culture the manager is like the “caring father” who knows better than his subordinates what should be done and what is suitable for them .The subordinates always esteem the manager because of the manager‟s age and experience. That is usually how employees get their promotion. There are both positive and negative parts in the family cultures. But sometime it is hard to get young creative employees work well because of the hierarchy. Family culture at their least effective drain the energies and loyalties of subordinates to buoy up the leader. So in family culture, the power distance can be viewed as the subordinates respect the superiors.During cross-culture negotiation, the course is the crucial obstruction. Different negotiation ways are produced by different cultures. Under the circumstances, there is a classic standpoint of procedures: exploring with no objective ,task oriented, persuading period, and sign-contract. International managers should be aware of every procedure. And during each procedure, the strategy, technique, substance, time, sequence and the focal point are different.写作运用如何通过阅读来提高写作能力语言是信息的载体,语言考试实质上考查的是信息交流的能力。
高考英语 Unit4《Body language》知识与要点课件 新人教必修4

重点 句型
1.Tony approached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! 2.Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. 3.With so many cultural differences between people,it is great to have some similarities in body language.
3.approach n.接近,逼近,走近;方法,步骤,途径,道路 vt.接近,建议;要求,找……商量 vi.靠近 归纳拓展 (1)at the approach of...在快到……的时候 make an approach to...对……进行探讨;向……提出要求/建议 an/the approach to sth.(待人接物或思考问题的)方法、方式、态度 (2)approach sb.on/about sth.与某人接洽/商量某事 approach to...接近,近似;约等于;做某事的方法/途径

攻读硕士学位研究生试卷(作业)封面(2012至2013学年度第一学期)题目跨文化交际中的肢体语言及文化禁忌科目跨文化交际姓名任红霞专业英语语言文学入学年月 2012 年 9 月跨文化交际中的肢体语言及文化禁忌摘要:肢体语言与学外语一样, 是文化的一部分。
除一些世界公认的肢体语言外, 不同的文化还有各自的肢体语言。
跨文化交际时, 相同的肢体语言形式可能具有完全不同的意义。
关健词:肢体语言; 跨文化交际;文化禁忌Abstract: Body language, like verbal language, is also a part of culture. Different cultures have different Body languages except some universal ones. And in intercultural communication, the same body language may mean different things. So there are many cultural taboos in intercultural communication. Communicating with foreigners,we should attach importance to taboos to improve our ability of intercultural communication.Key words: Body language; Intercultural communication;Cultural taboos一.跨文化交际跨文化交际的英文名称是intercultural communication,指的是不同文化背景的人之间所发生的相互作用由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质、社会及宗教等环境不同, 各自的语言环境便产生了不同的语言习惯、社会文化、风土人情等诸语境因素, 因而在不同的文化中, 胶体语言的意义也不完全相同各民族有不同的肢体语育交际方式例如法国人讲话就象个浪漫法国人, 而英国男子和美国男子翅腿的样子, 是否绅士风度, 就不一样。

本节课的主要教学内容是北师大版《Body language》这一章节。本章节主要包括了对身体语言的基本概念、分类及其在日常生活交流中的应用等方面的内容。

跨文化交际中的肢体语言肢体语言 (body language)也称体态语言,是人类借助和利用自己的面部表情、手势动作、身体姿态的变化来表达和传递思想感情的方式。
一个很好的例子就是荣获2005年中央电视台春节联欢晚会最受观众喜爱的歌舞类节目特别奖的《千手观音》,二十一位生活在无声世界里的姑娘用她们的手势语向全国亿万观众传递信息,表达了新春的祝福.3. 身体姿态语言的运用。
“跨文化交际”的英文名称是cross-cultural communication或intercultural communication,指的是不同文化背景的人之间所发生的相互作用。

毕业论文题目:跨文化交际中的身势语Title:On Body Language in Intercultural Communication2009 年5 月22 日AbstractBody language is very important in intercultural communication and it is connected closely with culture. Body language from different cultures has many differences because of their different regions, races and cultural customs. It is influenced by its culture, so it has particular cultural connotations. That is to say, the meanings of the same body languages vary from culture to culture and have different social functions. Consequently, in order to make successful exchange in intercultural communication, we should know the body language from different cultures. This paper talks about the definition, function, classification and importance of body language, and it discusses the cultural differences of body language and the major principles of using body language. It aims to illustrate the differences of body language and put forward the principles of reducing barriers in intercultural communication so as to achieve effective communication and to avoid misunderstanding.Key words: body language; intercultural communication; cultural differences; major principles身势语是跨文化交际中非常重要的一部分,它与文化紧密相关。

跨文化交际中的肢体语言肢体语言 (body language)也称体态语言,是人类借助和利用自己的面部表情、手势动作、身体姿态的变化来表达和传递思想感情的方式。
一个很好的例子就是荣获2005年中央电视台春节联欢晚会最受观众喜爱的歌舞类节目特别奖的《千手观音》,二十一位生活在无声世界里的姑娘用她们的手势语向全国亿万观众传递信息,表达了新春的祝福.3. 身体姿态语言的运用。
“跨文化交际”的英文名称是cross-cultural communication或intercultural communication,指的是不同文化背景的人之间所发生的相互作用。
跨文化交际 课件4

Cultural differences in the use of personal space
• Southern Europeans (French, Italians, Greek, Spaniards etc.) vs. Northern Europeans (German, Scandinavian, British etc.)
• Chinese vs. native English-speakers
• Southern Americans vs. Northern Americans
• Low-contact cultures vs. high-contact cultures
• Generally, people from colder climates use large physical distances when they communicate, whereas those from warm climates prefer close distances.
avoid ignoring them. person could imply to meet the eye
a number of things of someone
(fear, guilt…)
accusing them of
eye movements in conversation means of ordering turn
4)Public distance: farther than 2 or 3 meters (generally for speakers in public and for teachers in classrooms)
Zones of spatial distance
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The body language only exist in China:
1. In China, if people are talking something secret, they will put the opening head ohina, it is polite to give
something to others with two
If you
do so,
are a
for others.
Not only are there many differences in body language between cultures, but also there are some similarities in body language.
2. I’m full.(我吃饱了)
After dinner, Chinese people will touch or pat their stomach gently(用手抚摸后轻拍自己的 肚子) to show that they are full.
But American people will put one of the hands to the throat, with the center of the palm downward.(一只手放在自己的 喉头,手心向下 )
palm upward,shaking the index
作 有
finger(食指) back and front to ask someone to come.(把手伸向被叫人, 手心向上,握拳用食指前后摆动)
But in contrast, this kind of body language is an insult(侮辱) and provocation(挑衅) in Chinese eyes.
But they will be seen as homosexuality(同性恋)in America.
1. 叫别人过来(ask someone to come)
American people will put the hand toward someone with the center of the
If Chinese people want to ask some one to come, they will put the head toward someone with the fingers downward waving several times.(把手伸向被叫人,手心 向下,几个手指同时弯曲几次)
So let’s have a look at the similarities.
Nodding one’s head (点头)means that I am agreed with you, and shaking one’s head means that I don’t agree.
Clapping one’s hands means that I am agreed with you or I am glad.
只在 一种 文化
中 存在
的 动作
The body language only exist in America: 1. When American
worry about something, they will snap their finger.(咬手指)
2. If an American man shake his index finger, with other fingers fixed together(摇动食指,其他 四指收拢), he is warning someone not to do something.
3. The action only exists in one culture.
1. 跺脚(stamp one’s foot)
Do you know the different
meaning between China and America?
In China, it has a meaning of anger(生气)/disanimation (灰 心)/regret(悔恨).
However, American mother will be disgusted(反感) with anyone who strokes her child’s head.
3. 手牵手(hand in hand) In China, we will think that the two young women who are walking hand in hand are good friends.
However, the meaning of it in America is impatience(不耐烦).
2. 抚摸别人的头部(stroke one’s head) In China, stroking the children’s head is a representation of love.
As everyone knows, the body language are different between cultures.
For example, there are three kinds of body language difference between China and America. 1. the same action,different meaning 2. the same meaning ,different action