陈虎平 新GRE阅读 套中文翻译
新GRE阅读理解36套翻译(2012)版本:0.1日期:2012年07月28日整理:朱晨[This page intentionally left blank. ]目录EXERCISE 1 (1)EXERCISE 2 (3)EXERCISE 3 (6)EXERCISE 4 (8)EXERCISE 5 (10)EXERCISE 6 (12)EXERCISE 7 (14)EXERCISE 8 (16)EXERCISE 9 (18)EXERCISE 10 (20)EXERCISE 11 (22)EXERCISE 12 (24)EXERCISE 13 (26)EXERCISE 14 (28)EXERCISE 15 (30)EXERCISE 16 (32)EXERCISE 17 (35)EXERCISE 18 (37)EXERCISE 19 (40)EXERCISE 20 (42)EXERCISE 21 (45)EXERCISE 22 (48)EXERCISE 23 (50)EXERCISE 24 (53)EXERCISE 25 (55)EXERCISE 26 (58)EXERCISE 27 (60)EXERCISE 28 (62)EXERCISE 29 (65)EXERCISE 30 (67)EXERCISE 31 (69)EXERCISE 32 (71)EXERCISE 33 (73)EXERCISE 34 (75)EXERCISE 35 (77)EXERCISE 36 (79)Exercise 11.1与博弈理论相关的是某些寄生黄蜂的性别比率,他们拥有大量的雌蜂。
GRE GMAT阅读方法论-陈虎平
GRE/GMAT阅读方法论: 自然阅读法vs结构化阅读法GRE/GMAT考试的阅读文章取材于学术期刊与杂志,是学术文章的高度浓缩版,而出题又是针对学术推理本身而不是专业背景知识,因此,GRE/GMAT阅读需要有特别的准备方法,我称之为“结构化阅读法”。
诚然,由while, whereas, although等词所引导的句子,句子本身的核心就在其对比中,但对于其他的长句,它们的核心意思却不是孤立表达于该句本身;事实上,并不存在一个惟一判断标准,来确定到底什么语法成分决定了句子最重要的信息。
考虑两种情况:1. 读了50篇GRE/GMAT文章,答案都记住了,文章的翻译也看了,背景知识也查了,花了很多心思去记忆;2. 读了20篇GRE/GMAT 文章,文章的句子之间的逻辑关系都分析清楚了,甚至可以跟考友讲明白。
做完后对文章结构、题目题型以及起成转折关系进行处理:①找出focus;②文中有几种观点,作者分别持什么评价,分出是presentation 还是argumentation;③文章二段是否有转折;④各段首句说完后是否有转折,如果无转折,这一段的意思依赖于首句;⑤文章有哪些快速阅读现象;⑥后面题目的典型题型。
不要从世界各地搜刮新题未完,继续阅读 >第2篇:GRE阅读部分的课堂笔记【题干】:thepassageisprimarilyconcernedwith___?theprimarypurposeofth epassageisto__?whichofthefollowingstatementbestsummarizesthemainidea ofthepassage?...mainidea,primarypurpose涉及态度maincontent涉及对象【解法】:1.直选法,直接找ts改写结构--正评价,新观点,结论,解决方案..特殊语言现象--设问句;大段举例之前的理论说明或举例后的归纳;大段叙述后的转折作者正评价所在句一般为ts2.排除法,正确选项具有以下特点:①无细节②有对象③态度一致3.题干问focus的处理直接找ts,找前不找后,在1~2段的首句之间找4.驳论文argumentation主题题型的动词*:correct,criticize,refute,challenge,evaluate=critique见到这些词就可以选选项驳论文--对别人观点持负评价5.presentation型文章标志:present,descible,explain,illustrate,pointout2细节事实定位未完,继续阅读 >第3篇:GRE阅读的听课笔记快速阅读:1.意群阅读法,阅读速度一定要快,勇敢的省略,记住:看题时间要比看文时间长2.重点看文章的结构和态度,不关心内容,大胆取舍,该跳过的就跳过理论内容无用,观点涉及人物,谁在说,方法评价最重要。
GRE阅读36套备考资料今天重新做了GRE阅读36套,E21-E22,10篇! 以上是前提。
关于长阅读,长阅读基本上来说是新旧观点对比,这10个section 里6个长阅读,4个是新旧观点(E28/E26/E25/E21),1个是双方面(E27),1个是全文论证一个观点(E23),而双方面E27里的第一方面也有新旧观点对比,E23虽然是一个观点,但是有批评了对这个观点的一种理解,赞扬了另一种理解so,长阅读形式上来说基本上都是“新旧观点”型!然后6篇阅读,综合一起来分析。
答案是新观点或者首段提出的问题(新老观点都想解决的问题)!无一例外2、关于新观点的论述部分有一道细节题,妥妥的答案基本可以定位,如作者为什么要说X.X.X啊?这个X.X.X 基本就是论述的中心概念或者举例,这个一定位就好办了,通常是为了证明新论点的。
答案第一部分Exe 11. C2. B3. D4. D5. E6. D7. AB 8. A 9. E 10. B11. Without invoking gods 12. D 13. CExe 21. A2. D3. D4. AB5. E6. B7. C 8. A 9. AB 10. E11. ABC 12. E 13. ―The fact that distantly r‖Exe 31. BC2. C3. D4. C5. A6. B7. A8. A9. E 10. ―The Amazons were often ‖ 11. D 12. D 13. BCExe 41. C2. AC3. D4. A5. E6. E7. A 8. A9. A 10. B 11. DExe 51. D2. B3. AB4. C5. E6. B7. ―Long before the Romantics‖8. C9. D 10. AC11. A 12. E Exe 61. E2. E3. B4. BC5. AC6. E7. B8. A 9. D 10. B 11. D12. E 13. ―I have been increasingly impressed‖Exe 71. C2. A3. B4. E5. A6. C7. C 8. A 9. ―Their present high standing is due to‖ 10. C 11. BC 12. E 13. AExe 81. C2. A3. E4. C5. ABC6. C7. AC 8. ―I do not mean that‖9. D10. C 11. E 12. DExe 91. D2. A3. B4. D5. B6. C7. C8. B 9. AC10. C11. A 12. C 13. ―Undoubtedly such elements‖Exe 101. A2. C3. BC4. C5. D6. E7. D 8. E 9. C10. AC 11. C 12. BExe 111. D2. B3. B4.B5. AB6. B7."For example, some of "8. E9. D10. E 11. AB 12. A13. DExe 121. C2. A3. E4. A5. ABC6. "However, the variations"7. D8. D9. A10. C11. D 12. C 13. BExe 131. C2. B3. But the recent discovery...4. A5. D.6. D7. E.8. B9. C10. A 11. A 12. E Exe 141. C.2. C 3 D4. B5. A C6. D.7. C 8. B. 9. A10. D 11. It is now established...12. AExe 151. Other workers quickly devoured...2. A3. B4. A BC5. C6.B7. D8. C9. AC 10. D 11. A 12. BExe 161. AB2. A3. A4. A5. E6. A7. BC8. C9. E 10. B11. D 12. C 13. The difference between the two is ...第二部分Exe 171. A2. A3. B4. B5. D6. B7. D8. B9. ―The critic‘s knowledge and training are‖ 10. DExe 181. BC2. D3. B4. C5. D6. B7. B8. C9. E10. CExe 191. E2. D3. B4. B5. A6. D7. A 8. A9. ABC 10. AExe 201. D2. ―These minerals can be dated…‖3. B4. AB5. C6. B7. A 8. B9. B10. ABExe 211. D2. D3. A4. B5. A6. E7. D8. B 9. ABC 10. D Exe 221. D2. B3. E4. AC5. B6. E7. ―But the play's complex view… ‖8. C9. E 10. AExe 231. B2. A3. E4. B5. B6. B7. A 8. B 9. E 10. ABCExe 241. E2. ―Practically speaking, the artistic maturing...‖3. D4. ABC5. C6. C7. E 8. E9. D 10. CExe 251. A2. C3. A4. D5. AC6. B7. B8. C 9. A10. EExe 261. E2. B3. ABC4. B5. E6. D7. C8. E9. A10. CExe 271. D2. E3. E4. BC5. A6. D7. B 8. ―The Earth's magnetic field is generated‖9. E 10. BExe 281. ABC2. B3. A4. B5. C6. E7. C8. E9. E10. BExe 291. B2. ABC3. A4. A5. D6. C7. E 8. ―Many of the important effects‖9. E 10. DExe 301. A2. D3.C4. B5. D6. A7. D 8. E 9. D10. DExe 311. A2. A3. D4. "The trees' own defenses raise...."5. BC6. A7. D8. B9. E 10. C Exe 321. A2. B3. A4. D5. D6. B7. BC8. D9. C 10. BExe 331. C2. B3. C4. D5. A6. D7. A8. C9. D 10. CExe 341. C2. E3. AB4. D5. E6. D7. A8. B 9. A10."But when clouds were incorporated"Exe 351. D2. C3. BC4. E5. B6. C7. C8. B 9. C10. BExe 361. C2. C3. E4. E5. B6. C7. D8. B9. ―True, by emphasizing these struggles‖ 10. AC版本说明:36套2011-06版为第1版。
GRE阅读讲义主讲:陈虎平欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材文章模式段落模式与句型结构阅读提炼的重点题型分类文章示范GRE文章的基本情况介绍GRE文章的难度阅读单词难度句子长度结构复杂文章类型academic题型standardized选项难度GRE GMAT 中20-25 高high high 高LSAT 中25-30 极高extremely high 高GRE文章的考试要求中国大陆VERBAL 2个section,每个section 填空7道类比9道阅读1篇长文章7道题1篇短文章4道题,反义11道长文章400-450字读 2.5-3min, 题7 min = 1 min *7题短文章200-220字读 1.5min, 题4min = 1 min * 4题GRE文章的来源:学术期刊、著作GRE文章的类型:physical sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, humanities无须背景、头脑空白、定位解题GRE文章结构的三个层次:文章、段落、句子GRE文章的三种模式(文章展开的方式= KW之间的关系; PASSAGE)开篇套路词发展/KW 态度/AW TS & CS现象解释(多个解释) phenomenon, fact,behavior;Phen.1st explanation=kw1aw: --2nd interpretation=kw2前负后正(80%情况)TS: explain +现象;way +问题→首段首(末)句CS: 少见问题解决(多个解决)唯一解释problem, difficultypuzzle, question有时TW=Phen. / Prob.Prob.Solution 1 = kw 1But aw-Other way/solution =kw 2Author’s expl.前负后正唯一解释+新老对比has been, traditionally,until recently, long, once;[ however, recently]frequently, widely, many,most, usually, dominant,common[ however, now ] kw老however+反驳=aw--kw新(评价)老:否定或次要新:正评价TS: 反驳或新观点→however /recent句→二段段首或一段后半部分CS: 少见论点说明Thesis Develop- Ment评述Review is, remain, prove + adj.can, may, should, mustattitude words: +, --;recent study (人名+书名/人物+研究/学派+运动)Thesis (TW)subthesis 1 = kw1subthesis 2 = kw2(Conclusion)论点说明态度不定评述文章多混合评价TS = Thesis →首段某句,多为首末句CS: 较短末段(=TS)无TS CS: 综合各段主题→各段首句现象解释phen/prob kw a b aw- x ykw+αβγ例:Philopatry, the behavior returning to an individual's birthplace, has several advantages.One proposed mechanism by which animals can recognize unfamiliar relatives is phenotype matching, which involves learning the phenotype of familiar relatives,or of oneself, thereby forming a phenotypic template against which the phenotypes of unfamiliar individuals can be compared.A problem in investigating the behavior of settling close to kin is to exclude the possibility that they are philopatric because of benefits of settling in the natal area, rather than because of benefits of settling close to kin.A recent study shows that the settling pattern of barnacle geese Branta leucopsis females returning to their natal colony is nonrandom with respect to the nest sites of their parents and sisters.新老观点kw老a b aw-x y kw新αβγuvw aw+(-)例:Early feminist literary critics believed that the traditional concept of domesticity as manifested in the distinction between a masculinized public sphere and a privatized feminine one has become‘misleading’ and oversimplified as a framework for understanding the construction of social space for women even in the nineteenth century.In contrast, a second wave of feminist work on domesticity envisions the idea of ‘home’ as a specific racial and class position for white, middle-class women, and therefore as an extension or even a supplement to the capitalist marketplace, not an alternative to it.However, these second-wave critiques of domesticity also depend upon spatial metaphors, to the extent that they present domesticity as a bounded position occupied by a specific race and class of women.Such contradictions in the representations of domesticity, I argue, only started to become obvious in the modernist period.此文结构:kw老→ kw新1 → however aw- → kw新2论点说明TS (TW)kw1+/- abckw2-/+ xyzkw3-/+αβγ(CS)例:There are three approaches to culture: social anthropology, ethology, and psychology. (…Trad itionally, social anthropologists have understood ‘culture’ as … )Ethologists have tended to emphasize the phenomenon of culture – the behavior itself. (…Psychologists, in contrast, have concentrated on the mechanisms by which culture is learned….)例(评述)In his new book Doctor Dolittle's Delusion, Stephen Anderson pours cold water on the widespread belief that the communication systems of animals, from bees to bonobos, areessentially similar to human language, arguing convincingly communicative abilities of a wide range of creatures: the dance of honeybees, the warning cries of monkeys, and theremarkable cognitive abilities of chimpanzees.Bees famously indicate the direction, distance and quality of sources of pollen to their fellow workers by means of a 'waggle dance', which is often taken to show that they have a 'cognitive map' of the local terrain.We are evolutionarily closer to other primates than to bees.To complement his critique of 'animal language', Anderson also outlines what is special about human language: in a word, syntax.主题结构态度必考内容TW, TS, CS: 文章较短首末段KW, AW: 段落/意群的首末句最重要是KW AW →各段首句+ however /but /yet句结构性句子:首末句转折句态度句段落结构特指234段的主体论证内容,main body of the passage.一般模式:总分段落的结构与位置Main idea, supporting details (contrast and comparison) [concession](Conclusion)→KW(ts) a b c (cs)段落模式(KW展开的方式= a b c 句子之间的关系; PARAGRAPH)首句线索词与句间关联词把握重点(100-120字 2-3字)考题并列Juxtaposition / parallelism 首句名词复数=NPs / 首句论点= A (has properties, causes)中间for example, for instance;或者In addition, Moreover, alsoanother, furthermore并列所属的大主题并列找并列(2-3个并列,找并列词;4-5个并列,位置>内容)*时间并列:时间*负评价并列:否定词1. in order to→首句2. 列举→并列内容之一因果Causation机制Mechanism 首句A effects/causes B.中间并列因果parallel causation(A1→B1; A2→B2)首句或有process中间连续动词serial causationA→B(A→x→ y→ z→B)首句:因果找双方首末句:机制找末句1. 因果双方;尤其数量因果(正相关或负相关: Aincreases as B increases/declines)2. 细节→结果→末句对比Contrast & Comparison 对象对比时间对比*让步[转折] Concession [Refutation] 首句differ, more than(A vs. B: a1a2 vs. b1b2)On the contrary, however,on the other hand, different,In contrast, alternative, other.首句change, contributeearly vs. recently /new / nowmost, typical vs. recent/newGranted, … [However, ….]one may argue that…. [But…]有无对比或程度对比对比找反义同上转折或一对反义词(anticipate objections)1. 细节取非→对比内容(谁和谁比, 比的什么)→A vs. B→相互取非, 反义词同上1.细节取非→标记→答案出现对比词( while, though, without,unlike, not the same )2.若含态度则必考段落提炼原则:把握2-3个词。
如果做过这个,就不必再做老G 阅读题目。
花儿 GRE阅读39+3全攻略总共39+3个练习日,每天循序渐进。
1. 第一题定位到文章最后一句话,结合文章主旨直
接得出答案。 A. 新内容,same time; B. 新内容,manipulate;(注:sought是seek(寻 求)的过去式;) C. 答案; D. 新内容, game theory (实际上该文是由长阅读截 取的,未保留的部门是有涉及博弈论的内容的), later development; E. 虽然貌似一直都在说reproduction,但是文章主 旨是强调sex ratios;
6. 逻辑Байду номын сангаас:
定位L4:―The amount of energy that can be produced anaerobically is a function of the amount of glycogen present—in all vertebrates about 0.5 percent of their muscles‗ wet weight.‖ 我们可以从中知道amount of anaerobic energy 和 muscles wet weight正相关, 题目中问的如果amount of anaerobic energy和 vertebrate‗s size 正相关,基于的假设很明显当然是 muscles wet weight和 vertebrate‗s size的正相关。
11. 注意不要因为倒数第二句中出现了很多类似
“loving, joyful, compassionate‖很开心的词汇,就选 它; 仔细分析主干我们知道, 这句话的主语实际上是 ―The comic community‖,但是题目问的是 ―great comic art‖;而我们接着读就会幸运的发现下面说的 这句话就是这帮人的乐观的感觉。 ―Grow out of‖不要 因为有―out‖而有其他的想法,他就是―成长于……、 产生,源自……‖的意思,只有主语有长大的感觉的 时候(比如小孩儿),才有负面的感觉,表示(由于 长大而)遗弃……,e.g. She has grown out of her youth follies. 12. 态度题, 从文章主旨意在表现这帮人坚持去除伪 善伪恶后的人类本性,D最为贴切。
【Passage 1】Immediately relevant to game theory are the sex ratios in certain parasitic wasp species that have a large excess of females.与博弈论有着紧密联系的是特定寄生蜂种群中的性别比例,该种群有着大量的雌蜂。
In these species, fertilized eggs develop into females and unfertilized eggs into males.在这些种群中,受精卵发展成为雌蜂,而未受精的卵发展成为雄蜂。
A female stores sperm and can determine the sex of each egg she lays by fertilizing it or leaving it unfertilized.雌蜂储存精子,并通过受精与否决定每个卵的性别。
By Fisher‘s genetic argument that the sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted, it should pay a female to produce equal numbers of sons and daughters.通过F的遗传论据,性别比例将会倾向于那些将后代数量最大化的个体,并因此大量的基因复制得以被传输。
Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their host—the larva of another insect—and that the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately and disperse, offered a remarkably cogent analysis.H认为,蜂卵将在它们寄主-其他昆虫的幼虫中进行发育,新长成的成年蜂会立即进行交配并分散开。
XXX larvae。
XXX offspring。
as he can XXX.作者解释说,雌蜂通常只在特定的幼虫中产卵,因此对于它们来说,生产一只雄性后代是有优势的,因为他可以在孵化时为所有的姊妹受精。
Both Fisher and Hamilton sought to find an XXX。
but Hamilton took it a step XXX.XXX和XXX都试图找到一种进化稳定的策略,但XXX 更进一步,他认识到自己正在寻找一种策略。
The author suggests that Fisher and Hamilton's work was similar in that both XXX.作者认为XXX和XXX的工作相似之处在于两位科学家都寻求解释为什么某些性别比例存在并保持稳定。
XXX insects。
and the female wasp is capable of determining the sex。
of her offspring。
The XXX.However。
the n of male wasps is very low。
and this could lead to the n of the species。
Male wasps do not emerge from their hosts until they XXX。
和F一样,H 也在寻找生物进化的稳定策略,但是他更深入了一步,认识到他正在寻找这样的策略。
GRE阅读小笔记Exercise 5 The belief that art originates in intuitive rather thanrational faculties was worked out historically andphilosophically in the somewhat wearisome volumes ofBenedetto Croce, who is usually considered the originator5 of a new aesthetic. Croce was, in fact, expressing a veryold idea. Long before the Romantics stressed intuitionand self-expression, the frenzy of inspiration wasregarded as fundamental to art, but philosophers hadalways assumed it must be controlled by law and by the10 intellectual power of putting things into harmonious order.This general philosophic concept of art was supported bytechnical necessities. It was necessary to master certainlaws and to use intellect in order to build Gothiccathedrals, or set up the stained glass windows of15 Chartres. When this bracing element of craftsmanshipceased to dominate artists‘ outlook, new technicalelements had to be adopted to maintain the intellectualelement in art. Such were linear perspective and anatomy.(156 words)====================================6. The passage suggests that which of the followingwould most likely have occurred if linear perspectiveand anatomy had not come to influence artisticendeavor?(A) The craftsmanship that shaped Gothicarchitecture would have continued todominate artists‘ outlooks.(B) Some other technical elements would havebeen adopted to discipline artistic inspiration.(C) Intellectual control over artistic inspirationwould not have influenced painting as itdid architecture.(D) The role of intuitive inspiration would nothave remained fundamental to theories ofartistic creation.(E) The assumptions of aesthetic philosophersbefore Croce would have been invalidated.7. Select the sentence in the passage that indicates atraditional assumption of aesthetic philosophers.8. The author mentions ―linear perspective and anatomy‖ in the last sentence in order to dowhich of the following ?(A) Expand his argument to include painting aswell as architecture(B) Indicate his disagreement with Croce‘stheory of the origins of art(C) Support his point that rational order ofsome kind has often seemed to disciplineartistic inspiration(D) Explain the rational elements in Gothicpainting that corresponded to craftsmanshipin Gothic architecture(E) Show the increasing sophistication of artistsafter the Gothic period================================= Nahuatl, like Greek and German, is a language that allows the formation of extensive compounds. By the combination of radicals or semantic elements, single compound words can express complex conceptual5 relations, often of an abstract universal character.The tlamatinime (―those who know‖) were able touse this rich stock of abstract terms to express the nuances of their thought. They also availed themselves of other forms of expression with metaphorical meaning, 10 some probably original, some derived from Toltec coinages. Of these forms the most characteristic in Nahuatl is the juxtaposition of two words that, because they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries, complement each other to evoke one single idea. Used as 15 metaphor, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression. (140 words)===================================9. According to the passage, some abstractuniversal ideas can be expressed in Nahuatl by(A) taking away from a word any reference to particular instances(B) removing a word from its associations withother words(C) giving a word a new and opposite meaning(D) putting various meaningful elementstogether in one word(E) turning each word of a phrase into a poeticmetaphorFor the following question, consider each of thechoices separately and select all that apply10. It can be inferred solely from the informationin the passage EXCEPT that□A all abstract universal ideas are ideas ofcomplex relations□B some record or evidence of the thought ofthe tlamatinime exists□C metaphors are always used in Nahuatl toexpress abstract conceptual relationshipsOK, here are the answers!阅读1:Q6:由linear perspective and anatomy 定位至文章末尾,往前看至原文line 16,“new technical elements had to be adopted to maintain the intellectual element in art. Such were linear perspective (linear perspective: 直线透视图) and anatomy. 通过new technical elements had to be adopted可以推知在那之前就有一些technical elements 已经被采用。
小马过河全国免费电话咨询:400-0123-2671. 定位在第一段:A. If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think;B. For women feminist literary critic, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientistC. If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices2. 定位在:then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think,答案B;3. 定位第二段第一句话,Less …than… 强调than以后的内容,同意重复即是A选项。
A. 答案;B. 说的是than之前的内容;C. 没说不重要;D. 原文:These questions are political in the sense that the debate没说解决的问题,更没说debate是解决问题的唯一选择;E. 没说男人女人;4. 定位在:But this evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant.答案D;5. this evolutionary mechanism (combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance),指代的内容应该在上一段,括号的内容给出了它的特征;定位:Presumably an individual of the rarer form would have relative difficulty in finding a mate of the same hand, thus keeping the rare form rare or creating geographically separated right- and left-handed populations.答案:C6. 定位:One explanation for the differing effects is that all Lymnaea peregra eggs begin left-handed but most switch to being right-handed.答案:E7. 第一种解释不能证明why right-handedness should have become predominant,第二个可以;答案:C8. Reason对应文中的Why,后面就是解释:Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government.9. 结论:An economist concluded that Kregg Company deliberately discriminated against people with a history of union affiliation in hiring workers for its new plant. (一个经济学家总结出了一个规律:在新工厂招募中K公司刻意的歧视那些有工会历史的人);为什么呢?原因1:新工厂只有100/1500的工人有工会历史;原因2:老工厂的比例比这个高得多;问隐藏的假设是什么?这假设就是作者利用两个统计结果推出结论这个reasoning中依赖的或者是需要补充来加强这个推理的论据;所以这个论据至少应该是在统计数据和结论之间建立的联系,假设是结论成立的必要条件。
如果这些密度惊人的微生物是vent水流的典型特征,那么vent 处的食物就会使任何来自平流的食物相形见绌。
新GRE阅读理解36套 GRE-RC-36 2014-01版
新GRE阅读理解36套GRE–RC–36 (2014.01)[This page intentionally left blank. ]目录新GRE阅读理解36套 (1)提示 (1)Exercise 1 (1)Exercise 2 (7)Exercise 3 (13)Exercise 4 (19)Exercise 5 (26)Exercise 6 (32)Exercise 7 (39)Exercise 8 (45)Exercise 9 (51)Exercise 10 (57)Exercise 11 (63)Exercise 12 (69)Exercise 13 (75)Exercise 14 (82)Exercise 15 (88)Exercise 16 (94)Exercise 17 (100)Exercise 18 (106)Exercise 19 (112)Exercise 20 (119)Exercise 21 (125)Exercise 22 (131)Exercise 23 (137)Exercise 24 (144)Exercise 25 (150)Exercise 26 (156)Exercise 27 (162)Exercise 28 (169)Exercise 29 (175)Exercise 30 (181)Exercise 31 (187)Exercise 32 (194)Exercise 33 (200)Exercise 34 (207)Exercise 35 (213)Exercise 36 (219)答案 (225)提示1. 文章篇幅、文章与题目难度、文字界面等均可能与正式考试存在差别。
2. 机考的一个语文Section会有填空题和阅读题各10道。
GRE阅读小笔记Exercise 4 It is a popular misconception that nuclear fusionpower is free of radioactivity; in fact, the deuterium-tritium reaction that nuclear scientists are currentlyexploring with such zeal produces both alpha particles5 and neutrons. (The neutrons are used to produce tritiumfrom a lithium blanket surrounding the reactor.)Another common misconception is that nuclear fusionpower is a virtually unlimited source of energy becauseof the enormous quantity of deuterium in the sea.10 Actually, its limits are set by the amount of availablelithium, which is about as plentiful as uranium in theEarth‘s crust. Research should certainly continue oncontrolled nuclear fusion, but no energy programshould be premised on its existence until it has proven15 practical.========================================1. It can be inferred from the passage that theauthor believes which of the following about thecurrent state of public awareness concerningnuclear fusion power?(A) The public has been deliberately misinformedabout the advantages and disadvantages ofnuclear fusion power.(B) The public is unaware of the principaladvantage of nuclear fusion over nuclearfission as an energy source.(C) The public‘s awareness of the scientificfacts concerning nuclear fusion power issomewhat distorted and incomplete.(D) The public is not interested in increasing itsawareness of the advantages anddisadvantages of nuclear fusion power.(E) The public is aware of the disadvantages ofnuclear fusion power but not of itsadvantages.For the following question, consider each of thechoices separately and select all that apply2. The passage provides information that wouldanswer which of the following questions EXCEPT?□A How much incidental radiation is producedin the deuterium tritium fusion reaction?□B What is likely to be the principal source ofdeuterium for nuclear fusion power?□C Why are scientists exploring the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction with such zeal?阅读2:文章说到了public对核聚变反应的两种普遍误解。