GRACE-KRVV Varistor压敏电阻规格书REC07




国内外压敏电阻型号及参数国内外压敏电阻型号及参数压敏电阻220V电压的电路国内型号:MYG14K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)22V左右的电路国内型号:MYG14K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)。


英文名称叫“Voltage Dependent Resistor”简写为“VDR”, 或者叫做“Varistor"。





目录[隐藏]1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数[编辑本段]1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用压敏电阻有什么用?压敏电阻的最大特点是当加在它上面的电压低于它的阀值" UN"时,流过它的电流极小,相当于一只关死的阀门,当电压超过UN时,流过它的电流激增,相当于阀门打开。








常用的压敏电阻有以下几个型号及其参数:1.NTC热敏电阻型号:MF-11、MF-52参数:-额定电阻值:10Ω~10MΩ-额定功率:0.125W~5W-工作温度范围:-55℃~+125℃- 热敏系数:3000~5000ppm/℃2.ZOV压敏电阻型号:SMD0805、SMD1206、SMD1210、SMD1812参数:-额定电压:6V~1800V-额定功率:0.05W~1W- 响应时间:≤25ns-温度系数:残差电阻变化≤±10%(-55℃~+100℃)3.BZ压敏电阻型号:5D-7、10D-18、14D-7、20D-11参数:-额定电压:5V~680V-额定功率:0.3W~3W-耐压:220V~1500V- 响应时间:≤1ns4.PTC热敏电阻型号:PTC-17、PTC-29、PTC-30参数:-额定电阻值:1Ω~160Ω-额定功率:0.5W~2W-响应时间:≤2sT压敏电阻型号:CL10、CL21、CL31参数:-额定电压:6V~300V-额定功率:0.1W~0.75W-容量变化量:20%~50%这些是常用的几种压敏电阻型号及其参数,不同的型号适用于不同的应用场景。





05D/MYG05 KJ高焦耳高能型压敏电阻主要技术参数:型号最大连续工作电压压敏电压最大限制电压通流容量(8/20u s)最大能量(J)额定功率电容量AC(V) DC(V) V0.1mA Vp(V) lp(A) 1次(A) 2次(A) 10/1000us (W) 1KJH Z (pF)MYG-05D180KJ 11 14 18(16-20) 40 1 250 125 0.6 0.01 1550 MYG-05D220KJ 14 18 22(20-24) 48 1 250 125 0.7 0.01 1250 MYG-05D270KJ 17 22 27(24-30) 60 1 250 125 0.9 0.01 1000 MYG-05D330KJ 20 26 33(30-36) 73 1 250 125 1.1 0.01 900 MYG-05D390KJ 25 31 39(35-43) 86 1 250 125 1.2 0.01 500 MYG-05D470KJ 30 38 47(42-52) 104 1 250 125 1.5 0.01 450 MYG-05D560KJ 35 45 56(50-62) 123 1 250 125 1.8 0.01 400 MYG-05D680KJ 40 56 68(61-75) 140 1 250 125 2.2 0.01 350 MYG-05D820KJ 50 65 82(74-90) 145 5 800 600 3.5 0.10 250 MYG-05D101KJ 60 85 100(90-110) 175 5 800 600 3.0 0.10 200 MYG-05D121KJ 75 100 120(108-132) 210 5 800 600 5.0 0.10 170 MYG-05D151KJ 95 125 150(135-165) 260 5 800 600 6.5 0.10 140 MYG-05D181KJ 115 150 180(162-198) 315 5 800 600 7.5 0.10 120 MYG-05D201KJ 130 170 200(185-225) 355 5 800 600 8.5 0.10 80 MYG-05D221KJ 140 180 220(198-242) 380 5 800 600 9.0 0.10 70 MYG-05D241KJ 150 200 240(216-264) 415 5 800 600 10.5 0.10 70 MYG-05D271KJ 175 225 270(243-297) 475 5 800 600 11.0 0.10 65 MYG-05D301KJ 190 250 300(270-330) 520 5 800 600 12.0 0.10 65 MYG-05D331KJ 210 275 330(297-363) 580 5 800 600 13.0 0.10 65 MYG-05D361KJ 230 300 360(324-396) 620 5 800 600 16 0.10 50 MYG-05D391KJ 250 320 390(351-429) 675 5 800 600 17 0.10 50 MYG-05D431KJ 275 350 430(387-473) 745 5 800 600 20 0.10 45 MYG-05D471KJ 300 385 470(423-517) 810 5 800 600 21 0.10 40 MYG-07D180KJ 11 14 18(16-20) 36 2.5 500 250 1.1 0.02 3400 MYG-07D220KJ 14 18 22(20-24) 43 2.5 500 250 1.3 0.02 2700 MYG-07D270KJ 17 22 27(24-30) 53 2.5 500 250 1.6 0.02 1900 MYG-07D330KJ 20 26 33(30-36) 65 2.5 500 250 2.0 0.02 1450MYG-07D390KJ 25 31 39(35-43) 77 2.5 500 250 2.4 0.02 1350 MYG-07D470KJ 30 38 47(42-52) 93 2.5 500 250 2.8 0.02 1150 MYG-07D560KJ 35 45 56(50-62) 110 2.5 500 250 3.4 0.02 940 MYG-07D680KJ 40 56 68(61-75) 135 2.5 500 250 4.1 0.02 700 MYG-07D820KJ 50 65 82(74-90) 135 10 1750 1250 7.0 0.25 550 MYG-07D101KJ 60 85 100(90-110) 165 10 1750 1250 8.5 0.25 500 MYG-07D121KJ 75 100 120(108-132) 200 10 1750 1250 10.0 0.25 450 MYG-07D151KJ 95 125 150(135-165) 250 10 1750 1250 13.0 0.25 350 MYG-07D181KJ 115 150 180(162-198) 300 10 1750 1250 15.0 0.25 350 MYG-07D201KJ 130 170 200(185-225) 340 10 1750 1250 17.5 0.25 250 MYG-07D221KJ 140 180 220(198-242) 360 10 1750 1250 19.0 0.25 250 MYG-07D241KJ 150 200 240(216-264) 395 10 1750 1250 21.0 0.25 200 MYG-07D271KJ 175 225 270(243-297) 455 10 1750 1250 24.0 0.25 170 MYG-07D301KJ 190 250 300(270-330) 500 10 1750 1250 26.0 0.25 165 MYG-07D331KJ 210 275 330(297-363) 550 10 1750 1250 28.0 0.25 150 MYG-07D361KJ 230 300 360(324-396) 595 10 1750 1250 32.0 0.25 130 MYG-07D391KJ 250 320 390(351-429) 650 10 1750 1250 35.0 0.25 130 MYG-07D431KJ 275 350 430(387-473) 710 10 1750 1250 40.0 0.25 110 MYG-07D471KJ 300 385 470(423-517) 775 10 1750 1250 42.0 0.25 100 MYG-07D511KJ 320 415 510(459-561) 845 10 1750 1250 45.0 0.25 38 MYG-10D180KJ 11 14 18(16-20) 36 5 1000 500 2.6 0.05 7300 MYG-10D220KJ 14 18 22(20-24) 43 5 1000 500 3.2 0.05 5500 MYG-10D270KJ 17 22 27(24-30) 53 5 1000 500 3.9 0.05 3900 MYG-10D330KJ 20 26 33(30-36) 65 5 1000 500 4.8 0.05 2900 MYG-10D390KJ 25 31 39(35-43) 77 5 1000 500 5.6 0.05 2600 MYG-10D470KJ 30 38 47(42-52) 93 5 1000 500 6.8 0.05 2100 MYG-10D560KJ 35 45 56(50-62) 110 5 1000 500 8.1 0.05 1750 MYG-10D680KJ 40 56 68(61-75) 135 5 1000 500 9.8 0.05 1300 MYG-10D820KJ 50 65 82(74-90) 135 25 3500 2500 14.0 0.4 1800 MYG-10D101KJ 60 85 100(90-110) 165 25 3500 2500 17.0 0.4 1400 MYG-10D121KJ 75 100 120(108-132) 200 25 3500 2500 20.0 0.4 1100 MYG-10D151KJ 95 125 150(135-165) 250 25 3500 2500 25.0 0.4 900 MYG-10D181KJ 115 150 180(162-198) 300 25 3500 2500 30.0 0.4 750 MYG-10D201KJ 130 170 200(185-225) 340 25 3500 2500 35.0 0.4 500MYG-10D221KJ 140 180 220(198-242) 360 25 3500 2500 39.0 0.4 450 MYG-10D241KJ 150 200 240(216-264) 395 25 3500 2500 42.0 0.4 400 MYG-10D271KJ 175 225 270(243-297) 455 25 3500 2500 49.0 0.4 350 MYG-10D301KJ 190 250 300(270-330) 500 25 3500 2500 54.0 0.4 340 MYG-10D331KJ 210 275 330(297-363) 550 25 3500 2500 58.0 0.4 330 MYG-10D361KJ 230 300 360(324-396) 595 25 3500 2500 65.0 0.4 300 MYG-10D391KJ 250 320 390(324-396) 650 25 3500 2500 70.0 0.4 270 MYG-10D431KJ 275 350 430(387-473) 710 25 3500 2500 80.0 0.4 250 MYG-10D471KJ 300 385 470(423-517) 775 25 3500 2500 85.0 0.4 230 MYG-10D511KJ 320 415 510(459-561) 845 25 3500 2500 92.0 0.4 210 MYG-10D561KJ 350 460 560(504-616) 925 25 3500 2500 92.0 0.4 190 MYG-10D621KJ 385 505 620(558-682) 1025 25 3500 2500 92.0 0.4 130 MYG-10D681KJ 420 560 680(612-748) 1120 25 3500 2500 92.0 0.4 130 MYG-10D751KJ 460 615 750(675-825) 1240 25 3500 2500 100.0 0.4 120 MYG-10D781KJ 485 640 780(702-858) 1290 25 3500 2500 100.0 0.4 120 MYG-10D821KJ 510 670 820(738-902) 1355 25 3500 2500 110.0 0.4 110 MYG-10D911KJ 550 745 910(819-1001) 1500 25 3500 2500 130.0 0.4 100 MYG-10D102KJ 625 825 1000(900-1100) 1650 25 3500 2500 140.0 0.4 90 MYG-10D112KJ 680 895 1100(990-1210) 1815 25 3500 2500 155.0 0.4 80 MYG-14D180KJ 11 14 18(16-20) 36 10 2000 1000 5.2 0.10 18000 MYG-14D220KJ 14 18 22(20-24) 43 10 2000 1000 6.3 0.10 14000 MYG-14D270KJ 17 22 27(24-30) 53 10 2000 1000 7.8 0.10 9500 MYG-14D330KJ 20 26 33(30-36) 65 10 2000 1000 9.5 0.10 7200 MYG-14D390KJ 25 31 39(35-43) 77 10 2000 1000 11.0 0.10 6400 MYG-14D470KJ 30 38 47(42-52) 93 10 2000 1000 14.0 0.10 5200 MYG-14D560KJ 35 45 56(50-62) 110 10 2000 1000 16.0 0.10 4400 MYG-14D680KJ 40 56 68(61-75) 135 10 6000 5000 20.0 0.10 3300 MYG-14D820KJ 50 65 82(74-90) 135 50 6000 5000 28.0 0.60 2900 MYG-14D101KJ 60 85 100(90-110) 165 50 6000 5000 35.0 0.60 2400 MYG-14D121KJ 75 100 120(108-132) 200 50 6000 5000 42.0 0.60 1900 MYG-14D151KJ 95 125 150(135-165) 250 50 6000 5000 53.0 0.60 1500 MYG-14D181KJ 115 150 180(162-198) 300 50 6000 5000 62.0 0.60 1300 MYG-14D201KJ 130 170 200(185-225) 340 50 6000 5000 70.0 0.60 1000 MYG-14D221KJ 140 180 220(198-242) 360 50 6000 5000 78.0 0.60 1000MYG-14D271KJ 175 225 270(243-297) 455 50 6000 5000 99.0 0.60 750 MYG-14D301KJ 190 250 300(270-330) 500 50 6000 5000 110.0 0.60 670 MYG-14D331KJ 210 275 330(297-363) 550 50 6000 5000 115.0 0.60 650 MYG-14D361KJ 230 300 360(324-396) 595 50 6000 5000 130.0 0.60 550 MYG-14D391KJ 250 320 390(351-429) 650 50 6000 5000 140.0 0.60 500 MYG-14D431KJ 275 350 430(387-473) 710 50 6000 5000 155.0 0.60 450 MYG-14D471KJ 300 385 470(423-517) 775 50 6000 5000 175.0 0.60 400 MYG-14D511KJ 320 415 510(459-561) 845 50 6000 5000 190.0 0.60 350 MYG-14D561KJ 350 460 560(504-616) 925 50 5000 4500 190.0 0.60 300 MYG-14D621KJ 385 505 620(558-682) 1025 50 5000 4500 190.0 0.60 250 MYG-14D681KJ 420 560 680(612-748) 1120 50 5000 4500 190.0 0.60 250 MYG-14D751KJ 460 615 750(675-825) 1240 50 5000 4500 210.0 0.60 230 MYG-14D781KJ 485 640 780(702-858) 1290 50 5000 4500 210.0 0.60 230 MYG-14D821KJ 510 670 820(738-902) 1355 50 5000 4500 235.0 0.60 200 MYG-14D911KJ 550 745 910(819-1001) 1500 50 5000 4500 255.0 0.60 180 MYG-14D102KJ 625 825 1000(900-1100) 1650 50 5000 4500 280.0 0.60 150 MYG-14D112KJ 680 895 1100(990-1210) 1815 50 5000 4500 310.0 0.60 150 MYG-14D182KJ 1000 1465 1800(1620-1980) 2970 50 5000 4500 510.0 0.6 100 MYG-20D180KJ 11 14 18(16-20) 36 20 3000 2000 13.0 0.20 37000 MYG-20D220KJ 14 18 22(20-24) 43 20 3000 2000 16.0 0.20 29000 MYG-20D270KJ 17 22 27(24-30) 53 20 3000 2000 19.0 0.20 21000 MYG-20D330KJ 20 26 33(30-36) 65 20 3000 2000 24.0 0.20 16000 MYG-20D390KJ 25 31 39(35-43) 77 20 3000 2000 28.0 0.20 14000 MYG-20D470KJ 30 38 47(42-52) 93 20 3000 2000 34.0 0.20 12500 MYG-20D560KJ 35 45 56(50-62) 110 20 3000 2000 41.0 0.20 10500 MYG-20D680KJ 40 56 68(61-75) 135 20 3000 2000 49.0 0.20 7000 MYG-20D820KJ 50 65 82(74-90) 135 100 10000 7000 56.0 1.00 5500 MYG-20D101KJ 60 85 100(90-110) 165 100 10000 7000 70.0 1.00 4700 MYG-20D121KJ 75 100 120(108-132) 200 100 10000 7000 85.0 1.00 3800 MYG-20D151KJ 95 125 150(135-165) 250 100 10000 7000 106.0 1.00 3000 MYG-20D181KJ 115 150 180(162-198) 300 100 10000 7000 120.0 1.00 2500 MYG-20D201KJ 130 170 200(185-225) 340 100 10000 7000 140.0 1.00 2000 MYG-20D221KJ 140 180 220(198-242) 360 100 10000 7000 155.0 1.00 2000MYG-20D271KJ 175 220 270(243-297) 455 100 10000 7000 190.0 1.00 1600 MYG-20D301KJ 190 250 300(270-330) 500 100 10000 7000 210.0 1.00 1500 MYG-20D331KJ 210 275 330(297-363) 550 100 10000 7000 228.0 1.00 1400 MYG-20D361KJ 230 300 360(324-396) 595 100 10000 7000 255.0 1.00 1200 MYG-20D391KJ 250 320 390(351-429) 650 100 10000 7000 275.0 1.00 1000 MYG-20D431KJ 275 350 430(387-473) 710 100 10000 7000 303.0 1.00 900 MYG-20D471KJ 300 385 470(423-517) 775 100 10000 7000 350.0 1.00 900 MYG-20D511KJ 320 415 510(459-561) 845 100 10000 7000 382.0 1.00 800 MYG-20D561KJ 350 460 560(504-616) 925 100 7500 6500 382.0 1.00 700 MYG-20D621KJ 385 505 620(558-682) 1025 100 7500 6500 382.0 1.00 500 MYG-20D681KJ 420 560 680(612-748) 1120 100 7500 6500 382.0 1.00 460 MYG-20D751KJ 460 615 750(675-825) 1240 100 7500 6500 420.0 1.00 420 MYG-20D781KJ 480 640 780(702-858) 1290 100 7500 6500 420.0 1.00 420 MYG-20D821KJ 510 670 820(738-902) 1355 100 7500 6500 460.0 1.00 400 MYG-20D911KJ 550 745 910(819-1001) 1500 100 7500 6500 510.0 1.00 350 MYG-20D102KJ 625 825 1000(900-1100) 1650 100 7500 6500 565.0 1.00 320 MYG-20D112KJ 680 895 1100(990-1210) 1815 100 7500 6500 620.0 1.00 300 MYG-20D182KJ 1000 1465 1800(1620-1980) 2970 100 7500 6500。



Specifications 规格说明:□Varistor Voltage Range 压敏电阻动作电压范围18V~1800V(dc)□Peak Current For 8/20us Current Wave 在8/20us 电流波形最大通流量100A~1800A □Energy Range For 10/1000us Current Wave 在10/1000us 电流波形的能量范围0.4J~1092J □Storage Temperature Range 储存温度范围-40℃~125℃□Operation Ambient Temperature Range 作业环境温度范围储存温度范围-40℃~85℃□Typical Response Time 反应时间〈25ns □Insulation Resistance 绝缘电阻≧1000MΩDK05,07.10142025Chip Diameter 芯片直径Φ5mm Φ7mm Φ10mm Φ14mm Φ20mm Φ25mmChip .Shape芯片形状Varistor Voltage 压敏电阻动作电压例如Examples:47×100=47V47×101=470V 11×102=1100V470471112Tolerance 误差K .±10%L .±15%M .±20%OrCustomer Special Requirem ent圆形DiscHighSurge/Lead Style高焦/脚型□空白常规□J 高能品□S 直脚□O 外弯脚□I 内弯脚□H 高低脚Part Number Code7471•07D SpecifiationDimension of Componentfor StandardProduct标准品尺寸规格(图1:直脚产品图)(图2:外弯脚产品图)(图3:方形产品简图)(图4:脚距图)Dimension Table尺寸规格:Unit:mmSizesMAX CP Wired±0.05F±1.0Lmin L1min C±0.4PmaxD H H105D7.510.5130.6 5.0±1.02020 1.2 3.0 07D912150.6 5.0±1.02020 1.2 3.0 10D12.516.519.50.87.5±1.02020 1.8 3.0 14D16.52023.50.87.5±1.02020 1.8 3.0 20D2326.529.±1.010.0±1.02020 1.8 3.0Product Thickness(Tmax)Table成品厚度尺寸:Unit:mm Part Code05D07D10D14D20D E(±1.0)180K 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.1 4.4 1.3220K 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 1.4270K 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 1.5330K 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.5 1.7390K 3.7 3.9 4.3 4.4 4.7 1.8470K 3.8 4.1 4.5 4.6 4.9 1.8560K 3.8 4.2 4.5 4.7 4.7 1.9680K 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.5 5.0 2.2820K 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.3 1.6101K 3.6 3.8 4.2 4.3 4.6 1.8121K 3.8 4.0 4.4 4.5 4.82151K 4.1 4.3 4.7 4.8 5.1 1.8181K 3.2 3.4 3.8 3.9 4.2 1.6201K 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.3 1.7221K 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.1 4.4 1.7241K 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.5 1.8271K 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.3 4.6 1.9301K 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.7 2.1331K 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.6 4.9 2.2361K 4.1 4.3 4.7 4.8 5.1 2.3391K 4.2 4.4 4.8 4.9 5.2 2.5431K 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.1 5.4 2.5471K 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.8 2.6511K 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.6 5.9 2.6561K 5.2 5.4 5.7 5.8 6.1 2.8621K 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.13681K 5.4 5.6 5.8 5.9 6.2 3.2751K 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.4 3.4781K— 6.0 6.3 6.4 6.7 3.7821K— 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.9 3.4911K—— 6.6 6.77.0 3.7102K———— 4.3122K———7.78.1 5.2142K———8.79.1 5.6152K———996162K———9.79.9 6.7182K———9.710.17.4Tape and Reel Specifications编带装尺寸规格(图1:Straight Leads05\07D\10D)(图2:Crimped Leads05D\07D\10D)(图3:Straight Leads10D\14D\20D)(图4:Crimped Leads10D\14D\20D)Packaging Specifications包装说明书Bulk Packaging散装:Taping Packaging编带包装:Packing Dimensions in mm Series MinQuantity(pcs) Ammo05D、07D1500/100010D、14D1000/75020D500/250 Reel05D、07D1500/100010D、14D1000/75020D500/250 Or Customer RequestSeries Min./Plastic bagQuantity05D1000PCS07D1000PCS10D500PCS14D500PCS20D250PCS25D200PCSPerformance Characteristics(Electrical)性能特性The maximum current within the varistorimpulse current(8/20us)applied two times以8/20之标准波形电流加于压敏电阻器两端两次,中间间隔压偏移量在±10以内之最大电流值。



To meet the specified value
Rated Wattage
Energy Withstanding Surge
The maximum average power that can be applied within the specified ambient temperature.
1750 1250
1750 1250
1750 1250
1750 1250
1750 1250
Maximum Clamping
(A) (V)
2.5 36 2.5 43 2.5 53 2.5 66 2.5 77 2.5 93 2.5 110 2.5 135 10 135 10 165 10 200 10 250 10 300 10 340 10 360 10 395 10 455 10 500 10 550 10 595 10 650 10 710 10 775 10 845 10 925 10 1025 10 1120 10 1240 10 1290 10 1355
Radial Lead Varistor (MOV)
1007D Series



UN2220-XXXH SeriesModel1005(0402)1608(0603)2012(0805)3216(1206)3225(1210)4532(1812)5750(2220)8050(3220)Length(L) 1.00±0.15 1.60±0.20 2.00±0.20 3.20±0.20 3.20±0.20 4.50±0.30 5.70±0.308.0±0.30Width(W)0.50±0.150.80±0.20 1.20±0.20 1.60±0.20 2.50±0.20 3.20±0.20 5.00±0.30 5.00±0.30High(H)0.70max0.90max1.30max1.60max2.50max3.20max4.50max4.50maxFeaturePart Numbering◆Body ZnO◆End termination Ag/Ni/Sn ◆Packaging Bulk/Tape ◆Complies with StandardIEC61000-4-5◆AC voltage at 50~60Hz◆Varistor voltage :Measured at 1mA DC ◆Capacitance :Measured at f=1MHz,Vrms=0.5V◆Maximum clamping voltage :Measured at 10A by 8/20µs Pulse◆Rated peak single pulse transient current :Measured by 8/20µs PulseUN -2220270-H (1)(2)(3)(4)(1)Series Name(2)2220:Chip size –2220(5.7x 5.0mm)size(3)270:Varistor voltage(Breakdown voltage)–270Vdc (4)High surge absorption seriesDimensionsNotes @(Electrical Characteristics )◆Varistor Voltage from 12V to 360V ◆Fast response time ◆Low leakage current ◆High surge current ability◆Bidirectional clamping,high energy◆Wide Operating temperature range from -55℃-125℃◆Suitable for ESD protectionMechanical DataLW HL1UN2220-XXXH SeriesPart NumberWorking Voltage (1)Breakdown Voltage (2)Peak Current (5)Clamping Voltage (4)Typical capacitance value (3)(pF)AC DC @1mA DC8/20μS 8/20μS V RMSV DCV BI P(MAX)V CAUN2220-120H 7.09.01210-14120024104500UN2220-180H 11141815.5-21120030104500UN2220-210H 12162119-23120035104500UN2220-240H 14182422-27120038104000UN2220-270H 17222724-30120042103500UN2220-300H 19243027-33120047103000UN2220-330H 20263329-36120054102700UN2220-370H 22283732-39120046102700UN2220-390H 24303935-43120065102700UN2220-470H 28364742-52120077102500UN2220-530H 30425347-58.5120085102000UN2220-560H 35455650-62120090101500UN2220-600H 36476053-66120098101500UN2220-680H 40566860-751200110101500UN2220-760H 45607668-841200120101500UN2220-820H 50658273-911200135101500UN2220-900H 52689080-1001200150101500UN2220-101H 608510090-1101200165101500UN2220-121H 75100120108-1321200200101500UN2220-151H 95125150135-1651200250101500UN2220-181H 115150180162-1981200300101500UN2220-201H 130170205184.5-225.51200340101500UN2220-221H 140180220198-2421200360101500UN2220-241H 150200240216-2641200395101500UN2220-271H 175225270243-2971200445101500UN2220-361H230300360324-3961200595101500Symbol ParameterValue Units E Maximum Energy Absorption 10/1000µs 2.6J T J Operating ambient temperature -40~+125ºC T STG Storage Temperature Range-40~+125ºC T L Reflow temperature profile(Recommend)260ºC T rise Response time<5ns I L Leakage current at V DC (At initial state)<50µΑI LALeakage current at V DC (After reliability Test)<100µΑElectrical Characteristics (@25℃Unless Otherwise Specified )Reference DataUN2220-XXXH SeriesSurge Wave FormEnviromental Reliability Test Enviromental Reliability Test IEC61000-4-5 StandardsT1T2SEVERITY LEVELT1 T2 1 8 uS 20 uS 210 uS1000 uS8/20µs waveform currentEnviromental Reliability TestCharacteristic Test method and descriptionHigh Temperature Storage The specimen shall be subjected to 125℃ for 1000 hours in a thermostatic bath without load and then stored at room temperature and humidity for 1 to 2 hours. The change ofvaristor voltage shall be within 10%.Step Temperature Period 1 -40±3℃30min ±3 2 Room Temperature 1~2hours3 125±2℃30min ±3Temperature CycleThe temperature cycle of specified temperature shall be repeated five times and then stored at room temperature and humidity for one two hours. The change of varistor voltage shall be within 10%and mechanical damage shall be examined.4Room Temperature 1~2hoursHigh Temperature LoadAfter being continuously applied the maximum allowable voltage at 85℃ for 1000hours, the specimen shall be stored at room temperature and humidity for one or hours, the change of varistor voltage shall be within 10%.Damp Heat Load/Humidity LoadThe specimen should be subjected to 40℃,90 to 95%RH environment, and the maximum allowable voltage applied for 1000 hours, then stored at room temperature and humidity for one or two hours. The change of varistor voltage shall be within 10%.Low Temperature Storage The specimen should be subjected to -40℃, without load for 1000 hours and thenstored at room temperature for one two hours. The change of varistor voltage shall bewithin 10%.UN2220-XXXH SeriesPackaging Specification◆Carrier tape transparent cover tape should be heat-sealed to carry the products,and the reel should beused to reel the carrier tape.◆The adhesion of the heat-sealed cover tape shall be40﹢20/﹣15grams.◆Both the head and the end portion of taping shall be empty for reel package and SMT auto-pickupmachine.And a normal paper tape shall be connected in the head of taping for the operator handle.typeA0±0.10B0±0.10K0±0.10T±0.05T2±0.05D0+0.10D1±0.05P1±0.10P2±0.05P0±0.05W±0.20E±0.10F±0.050402 1.08 1.88 1.04 0.22 0.87 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 0603 1.08 1.88 1.04 0.22 1.17 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 0805 1.42 2.30 1.04 0.22 1.26 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 1206 1.88 3.50 1.27 0.20 1.49 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 1210 2.18 3.46 1.45 0.22 1.77 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 1812 3.66 4.95 1.74 0.25 1.99 1.50 1.50 8.00 2.00 4.00 12.00 1.75 5.50 2220 5.10 5.97 2.80 0.25 3.05 1.50 1.50 8.00 2.00 4.00 12.00 1.75 5.50 3220 5.50 8.50 2.80 0.30 3.50 1.50 1.50 8.00 2.00 4.00 16.00 1.75 7.50UN2220-XXXH SeriesReelDimensionstype A B C D E W W 10402-1210178.0±1.060.0±0.5 13.0±0.2 21.0±0.2 2.0±0.5 9.0±0.50 1.5±0.15 1812-3220178.0±1.060.0±0.5 13.5±0.1 21.0±0.2 2.0±0.5 13.6±0.2 1.5±0.15paper 100004000 4000-----quantityplastic1000type 1005 1608 2012 3216 3225 4532 5750 80501000 1000--- 3000 3000。







对直流而言在直流回路中,应当有:min(U1mA)ge;(1.6~2)Udc,式中Udc 为回路中的直流额外作业电压。









Features Array1. Qualification based on AEC-Q200 Rev-C2. Body size: Ф7~Ф20mm3. Wide operating voltage range: 12Vdc, 24Vdc, 42Vdc4. Operating temperature range: -40 ~ +125°C5. Storage temperature range: -40~ +150°C6. RoHS & Halogen-free compliantRecommended Applications1. Automotive information and entertainment systemPart Number CodeT V R 0 7 2 2 0 K L QNote: Optional suffix will be the 11th digit if packaging and internal control codes are not coded.Structures and DimensionsStraight Lead Y Kink Lead(Unit: mm)AmaxT PartDmaxStraightLeadY Kink LeadP (±0.5) W (±1.0) LminΦd (±0.05) MinMax TVR07220-Q 9.0 11.0 11.5 5.0 1.4 25 0.6 2.4 4.1 TVR10220-Q 12.0 14.5 15.5 7. 5 1.4 25 0.8 2.8 4.5 TVR14220-Q 15.5 18.5 19.0 7.5 1.4 25 0.8 2.8 4.5 TVR20220-Q 21.5 25.5 26.5 10.0 1.4 25 1.0 3.2 4.9 TVR10270-Q 12.0 14.5 15.5 7.5 1.5 25 0.8 3.0 4.7 TVR14270-Q 15.5 18.5 19.0 7.5 1.5 25 0.8 3.0 4.7 TVR20270-Q 21.5 25.5 26.5 10.0 1.5 25 1.0 3.4 5.1 TVR14390-Q 15.5 18.5 19.0 7.5 1.8 25 0.8 3.2 4.9 TVR20390-Q 21.5 25.5 26.5 10.0 1.8 25 1.0 3.6 5.3 TVR14470-Q 15.5 18.5 19.0 7.5 1.8 25 0.8 3.5 5.4 TVR20470-Q 21.5 25.5 26.5 10.0 1.8 25 1.0 3.9 5.8 TVR14680-Q 15.5 18.5 19.0 7.5 2.2 25 0.8 3.3 5.0 TVR20680-Q21.525.526.510.02.2251.03.75.4Bottom ViewElectrical CharacteristicsVaristorVoltage (@ 1mA DC)Max.OperatingVoltageMax.ClampingVoltage(8/20µs)Max.SurgeCurrent(8/20µs)Vjump(5min)Load dumpEnergy ISO7637Pulse 5, 10timesV1mA Vdc Vp Ip ImaxPart no(V) (V) (V) (A) (A)(V)(J)For 12Vdc systemTVR07220-Q 22±15% 16 43 2.5 500 25 12 TVR10220-Q 22±15% 16 43 5 1000 25 25 TVR14220-Q 22±15% 16 43 10 2000 25 50 TVR20220-Q 22±15% 16 43 20 3000 25 100 TVR10270-Q 27±10% 22 53 5 1000 30 25 TVR14270-Q 27±10% 22 53 10 2000 30 50 TVR20270-Q 27±10% 22 53 20 3000 30 100 For 24Vdc systemTVR14390-Q 39±10% 31 77 10 2000 42 50 TVR20390-Q 39±10% 31 77 20 3000 42 100 TVR14470-Q 47±10% 38 93 10 2000 50 50 TVR20470-Q 47±10% 38 93 20 3000 50 100 For 42Vdc systemTVR10680-Q 68±10% 56 135 5 1000 65 25 TVR14680-Q 68±10% 56 135 10 2000 65 50 TVR20680-Q 68±10% 56 135 20 3000 65 100Power Derating Curve Surge Current Standard WaveformMax. Surge Current Derating CurvesLUT=125Ambient temperature (℃) M a x . p o w e r r a t i n g (%)100Max. Surge Current Derating CurvesMax. Leakage Current and Max. Clamping Voltage CurvesSoldering RecommendationWave Soldering ProfileRecommended Reworking Conditions with Soldering IronItemConditionsTemperature of Soldering Iron-tip360℃ (max.) Soldering Time 3 sec (max.) Distance from Varistor2 mm (min.)T e m p e r a t u r e130±20260℃TambTime30~90 sec. <1 sec. <10 sec.(1~3℃)/secApprox. 200℃/sec 5℃/sec. (Max)PackagingTaping Specification S Type (Straight lead)BodyP 0P P 1 P 2 P 3 HH 1dW 0W 1W 2W P △h △AD 0tTaping CodeSize ±0.3±1 ±1 ±1.3 ±1 +2/-0 Max. ±0.02 ±1 +0.75/-0.5Max. ±1 Max. Max. Max. ±0.2 ±0.2 Figure 0712.7 5 3.55 6.35 12.7 18 30 0.6 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 A 1012.7 7.5 3.35 12.7 12.7 18 33.5 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 B 1412.7 7.5 8.55 12.7 25.4 18 38 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 C 20 12.7 7.5 8.55 12.7 25.4 18 40.5 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 B A (P 0=12.7)20 12.7 10 7.20 12.7 38.1 18 40.5 1.0 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 B 0715 5 4.7 7.5 15 18 30 0.6 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 A 10 15 7.5 3.35 7.5 15 18 33.5 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 A 1415 7.5 3.35 7.5 30 18 38 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 D E (P 0=15.0) 20 157.53.357.5301840.50.8129 318120.540.6D(Unit: mm)Figure AFigure BFigure CFigure DF Type (Y kink lead)BodyP 0P P 1 P 2 P 3H 0H 1dW 0W 1W 2W △P△hAD 0tTaping CodeSize ±0.3±1 ±1 ±1.3 ±1 ±0.5 Max. ±0.02 ±1 +0.75/-0.5Max. ±1 Max. Max. Max. ±0.2 ±0.2 Figure07 12.7 5 3.55 6.35 12.7 16 30 0.6 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 A 10 12.7 7.5 3.35 12.7 12.7 16 33.5 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 B 1412.7 7.5 8.55 12.7 25.4 16 38 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 C 2012.7 7.5 8.55 12.7 25.4 16 44.5 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 B A(P 0=12.7) 20 12.7 10 7.20 12.7 38.1 16 44.5 1.0 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 B 0715 5 4.7 7.5 15 1630 0.6 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 A 10 15 7.5 3.35 7.5 15 16 33.5 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 A 1415 7.5 3.35 7.5 30 16 38 0.8 12 9 3 18 1 2 0.5 4 0.6 D E (P 0=15.0) 20 157.53.357.5301644.50.8129 318120.540.6DFigure BFigure CFigure DFigure A(Unit: mm)QuantityBulk PackingReel PackingAmmo PackingStorage Conditions of ProductsStorage Conditions :1. Storage Temperature : -10℃~+40℃2. Relative Humidity : ≦75%RH3. Keep away from corrosive atmosphere and sunlight.Period of Storage: 1 year.Body Size Straight Lead Type Quantity (pcs/ bag)Cut Lead Type Quantity (pcs/ bag)Kink TypeQuantity (pcs/ box)TVR07 250 250 200 TVR10 200 200 200 TVR14 100 100 100 TVR20505050Body Size W (mm)Quantity (pcs/reel) TVR07 1,500 TVR10 1,000 TVR14 46 1,000 TVR2055 500Body Size/mmQuantity (pcs/ box) TVR07 1,000 TVR10 750 TVR14 500 TVR20500Body SizeL±5 W±5 H±5 348185 60 348 275 60 Ф 07~ Ф 20 30027062(Unit: mm)(Unit: mm)。






MY G 20 G07 K 471
注:1. 标准品05K 系列压敏电压在0.1mA 电压下测量,07K 、10K 、14K 、20K 系列压敏电压在1mA 电压下测量。

2. 05K 、07K 、10K 、14K 、20K 分别代表瓷片直径为 φ5mm 、φ7mm 、φ10mm 、 φ14mm 、φ20mm 。

3. K 代表压敏电压±10%,后面三位数字中个位数字代表0的个数。



Typlcal Capacltance
V 1.0mA(VVC IP Standard High Surge Standard High Surge
(W@1KHz (pF
Standard High Surge (V
07D180K J 111418(14.4-21.640 2.5
-40℃~125℃□Operation Ambient Temperature Range作业环境温度范围储存温度范围-40℃~85℃□Typical Response Time反应时间
〈25ns □Insulation Resistance绝缘电阻
Chip Diameter芯片直径Φ5mm Φ7mm Φ10mm Φ14mm Φ20mm Φ25mm
d±0.05F±1.0Lmin L1min C±0.4Pmax
D H H1
05D7.510.5130.6 5.0±1.02020 1.2 3.0 07D912150.6 5.0±1.02020 1.2 3.0 10D12.516.519.50.87.5±1.02020 1.8 3.0 14D16.52023.50.87.5±1.02020 1.8 3.0 20D2326.529.5
0.9 2.00.02
280007D220K J 141822(18.7-2648 1.1 2.4230007D270K J 172227(23-31.160 1.4 3.0180007D330K J 202633(29.5-36.573 1.7 3.5150007D390K J 253139(35-4380 2.1 4.0130007D470K J 303847(42-52104 2.5 5.0110007D560K J 354556(50-62123 3.1 6.089007D680K J 405668(61-75145 3.67.074007D820K J 506582(74-9015010



APPROVAL SHEETCeNtRa VaristorVaristor are voltage dependent, nonlinear device which have an electrical behavior similar to back-to-back zener diodes.CNR series zinc oxide varistor are nonlinear resistors, consisting main of zinc oxide and several kinds of metal oxide additive.They are bilateral and symmetrical V-I characteristics curve and unparalleled large peak current capability are used for absorption of transient voltage, suppression of pulse noise and circuit voltage stabilization.Applications Features ● Surge Protection in consumer electronics ● Fast response -- industrial electronics ● Excellent voltage ratio -- telephone and telecommunication systems ● High stabilization for circuit voltage -- automobile equipments ● Unparalleled absorption for transient voltage -- measuring and controller systems characteristics -- electronic home appliances ● Bilateral and symmetrical V-I Characteristics -- gas and petroleum appliances curve ● Absorption of switching surge from various kinds of relays and electro-magnetic valves.● Electrostatic discharge an spike noise suppression.● Protection of various kinds of transistors, diodes, ICs, thyristors, triac semiconductors, and etc.● Automobile control system such as transistorized ignition system and electronic fuel injection system, and etc.Related Standards● UL1414, UL1449(2nd Edition), CSA, VDE Explanation of Part Numbers7D271TTHKAPPROVAL SHEETDevice Ratings and CharacteristicsMaximum Maximum Rated Typical Energy Peak Current PowerCapacitance (J)(8/20µs)(@1KHz)StandardsACrms(V)DC(V)Min.Vb(Vdc)Max.Vc(V)Ip(A)10/1000µs (A)(W)(pF)CNR-05D180K 111414.41821.64410.41000.011600☆CNR-05D220K 141818.722265110.51000.011500☆CNR-05D270K 1722232731.16010.61000.011450☆CNR-05D330K 202629.53336.57310.81000.011400☆CNR-05D390K 25313539468610.91000.01700☆CNR-05D470K 30384247551041 1.11000.01650☆CNR-05D560K 35455056661231 1.31000.01600☆CNR-05D680K 40566168801501 1.61000.01580☆CNR-05D820K 50667482901355 2.54000.10310☆ ◎CNR-05D101K 6085901001101755 3.04000.10290☆ ◎CNR-05D121K 751001081201322105 4.04000.10270☆ ◎CNR-05D151K 951251351501652605 4.84000.10240☆ ◎CNR-05D181K 1151501621801983255 5.94000.10140☆ ◎CNR-05D201K 1301751852002253305 6.54000.10120☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D221K 14018019822024236057.04000.10110☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D241K 15020021624026439558.04000.10110☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D271K 18023024727030347558.54000.10100☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D301K 19525027030033050559.04000.10100☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D331K 210275297330363540510.04000.1090☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D361K 230300324360396620510.04000.1080☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D391K 250320351390429675512.04000.1080☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D431K 275350387430473745513.04000.1070☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D471K 300385423470517775515.04000.1070☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D511K 320410459510561880515.04000.1065☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D561K 350460504560616940515.04000.1065☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D621K 3855055586206821050515.04000.1065☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D681K 4205606126807481150515.04000.1060☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-05D751K4606156757508251290515.04000.1060☆ △ ※ ◎Standard No.File No.ML File No.SymbolsSelection guide1.Determine the necessary steady-state voltage (working voltage).2.Establish the transient energy absorbed by the varistor3.Calculate the peak transient current through the varistor4.Determine power dissipation requirement.5.Select a model to provide the required voltage-clamping characteristicsPart No.N/A E223465187409-1424357for Electronic ProductsLR109736-1UL 1414Across-The-Line Components E165143△Title Related StandardsVDEVaristors for use in Electronic equipment 21557-4790-001☆Accessories and Parts ◎※UL 1449(2nd Edition)Transient Voltage Surge SuppressorsE150709CSA40005991(@0.1mA)(8/20µs)Maximum Allowable VoltageVaristor Clamping Voltage Voltage @ Test CurrentAPPROVAL SHEETDevice Ratings and CharacteristicsMaximum Maximum Rated Typical Energy Peak Current PowerCapacitance (J)(8/20µs)(@1KHz)StandardsACrms(V)DC(V)Min.Vb(Vdc)Max.Vc(V)Ip(A)10/1000µs (A)(W)(pF)CNR-07D180K 111414.41821.642 2.50.92500.023800☆CNR-07D220K 141818.7222647 2.5 1.12500.023600☆CNR-07D270K 1722232731.153 2.5 1.42500.023400☆CNR-07D330K 202629.53336.565 2.5 1.72500.022900☆CNR-07D390K 253135394377 2.5 2.12500.021600☆CNR-07D470K 303842475293 2.5 2.52500.021550☆CNR-07D560K 3545505662110 2.5 3.12500.021500☆CNR-07D680K 4056616875135 2.5 3.62500.021200☆CNR-07D820K 506674829013510 5.512000.25860☆ ◎CNR-07D101K 60859010011016510 6.512000.25750☆ ◎CNR-07D121K 75100108120132200107.812000.25530☆ ◎CNR-07D151K 95125135150165250109.712000.25410☆ ◎CNR-07D181K 1151501621801983001011.712000.25300☆ ◎CNR-07D201K 1301751852002253301013.012000.25250☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D221K 1401801982202423601014.012000.25250☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D241K 1502002162402643951015.012000.25240☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D271K 1752252472703034551018.012000.25220☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D301K 1952502703003305001020.012000.25190☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D331K 2102752973303635401025.012000.25180☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D361K 2303003243603965951025.012000.25170☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D391K 2503203513904296501025.012000.25160☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D431K 2753503874304737101028.012000.25150☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D471K 3003854234705177751030.012000.25130☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D511K 3204104595105618451030.012000.25120☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D561K 3504605045606169151030.012000.25120☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D621K 38550555862068210251030.012000.25120☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D681K 42056061268074811201030.012000.25110☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D751K 46061567575082512401033.012000.25100☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D781K 48564070278085812901037.012000.2590☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-07D821K51067073882090213551040.012000.2590☆ △ ※ ◎* Special for BrightkingStandard No.File No.ML File No.Symbols40005991Part No.N/A E223465187409-1424357E165143E150709LR109736-1△☆※◎21557-4790-001Title Across-The-Line Transient Voltage Accessories and Parts Components Surge Suppressorsfor Electronic ProductsVaristors for use in Electronic equipment Related StandardsUL 1414UL 1449(2nd Edition)CSAVDEVoltageVaristor Clamping Voltage Voltage @ Test Current (@1mA)(8/20µs)Maximum AllowableDevice Ratings and CharacteristicsMaximum Maximum Rated Typical Energy Peak CurrentPowerCapacitance (J)(8/20µs)(@1KHz)StandardsACrms(V)DC(V)Min.Vb(Vdc)Max.Vc(V)Ip(A)10/1000µs (A)(W)(pF)CNR-10D180K 111414.41821.6395 2.15000.0516000☆CNR-10D220K 141818.72226435 2.55000.0511000☆CNR-10D270K 1722232731.1535 3.05000.058000☆CNR-10D330K 202629.53336.5655 4.05000.056300☆CNR-10D390K 2531353943775 4.65000.055200☆CNR-10D470K 3038424752935 5.55000.054600☆CNR-10D560K 354550566211057.05000.053750☆CNR-10D680K 405661687513558.25000.052800☆CNR-10D820K 50667482901352512.025000.401920☆ ◎CNR-10D101K 6085901001101652515.025000.401800☆ ◎CNR-10D121K 751001081201322002518.025000.401500☆ ◎CNR-10D151K 951251351501652502522.025000.401200☆ ◎CNR-10D181K 1151501621801983002527.025000.40620☆ ◎CNR-10D201K 1301751852002253402530.025000.40570☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D221K 1401801982202423602532.025000.40560☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D241K 1502002162402643952535.025000.40550☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D271K 1802302472703034552540.025000.40530☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D301K 1952502703003305002542.025000.40500☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D331K 2102752973303635402547.025000.40470☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D361K 2303003243603965952547.025000.40450☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D391K 2503203513904296502560.025000.40430☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D431K 2753503874304737102565.025000.40400☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D471K 3003854234705177752570.025000.40300☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D511K 3204204595105618452570.025000.40260☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D561K 3504605045606169152570.025000.40200☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D621K 38550555862068210252570.025000.40170☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D681K 42056061268074811202570.025000.40160☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D751K 46061567575082512402575.025000.40150☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D781K 48564070278085812902580.025000.40150☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D821K 51067073882090213552585.025000.40150☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D911K 550745819910100115002593.025000.40140☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D102K 62582590010001100165025102.025000.40140☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-10D112K68089599011001210181525115.025000.40130☆ ※ ◎Standard No.File No.ML File No.Symbols40005991Part No.N/A E223465187409-1424357E165143E150709LR109736-1△☆※◎21557-4790-001Title Across-The-Line Transient Voltage Accessories and Parts Components Surge Suppressorsfor Electronic ProductsVaristors for use in Electronic equipment Related StandardsUL 1414UL 1449(2nd Edition)CSAVDEVoltageClamping Voltage @ Test Current (8/20µs)Varistor Voltage (@1mA)Maximum AllowableDevice Ratings and CharacteristicsMaximum Maximum Rated Typical Energy Peak CurrentPowerCapacitance (J)(8/20µs)(@1KHz)StandardsACrms(V)DC(V)Min.Vb(Vdc)Max.Vc(V)Ip(A)10/1000µs (A)(W)(pF)CNR-14D180K 111414.41821.63910 4.010000.125000☆CNR-14D220K 141818.722264310 5.010000.120000☆CNR-14D270K 1722232731.15310 6.010000.116000☆CNR-14D330K 202629.53336.565107.510000.112200☆CNR-14D390K 253135394377108.610000.17000☆CNR-14D470K 3038424752931010.010000.16750☆CNR-14D560K 35455056621101011.010000.16500☆CNR-14D680K 40566168751351014.010000.15500☆CNR-14D820K 50667482901355022.045000.64300☆ ◎CNR-14D101K 6085901001101655028.045000.63500☆ ◎CNR-14D121K 751001081201322005032.045000.62500☆ ◎CNR-14D151K 951251351501652505040.045000.63100☆ ◎CNR-14D181K 1151501621801983005050.045000.61250☆ ◎CNR-14D201K 1301751852002253305057.045000.61150☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D221K 1401801982202423605060.045000.61100☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D241K 1502002162402643955063.045000.61050☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D271K 1802302472703034555070.045000.61000☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D301K 1952502703003305005073.045000.6900☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D331K 2102752973303635405093.045000.6850☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D361K 2303003243603965955093.045000.6800☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D391K 25032035139042965050100.045000.6800☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D431K 27535038743047371050115.045000.6650☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D471K 30038542347051777550125.045000.6550☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D511K 32042045951056184550125.045000.6450☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D561K 35046050456061691550125.045000.6400☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D621K 385505558620682102550125.045000.6350☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D681K 420560612680748112050130.045000.6350☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D751K 460615675750825124050143.045000.6330☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D781K 485640702780858129050148.045000.6330☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D821K 510675738820902135550157.045000.6330☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D911K 5507458199101001150050175.045000.6300☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D102K 62582590010001100165050190.045000.6300☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-14D112K68089599011001210181550213.045000.6200☆ ※ ◎Standard No.File No.ML File No.Symbols40005991Part No.N/A E223465187409-1424357E165143E150709LR109736-1△☆※◎21557-4790-001Title Across-The-Line Transient Voltage Accessories and Parts Components Surge Suppressorsfor Electronic ProductsVaristors for use in Electronic equipment Related StandardsUL 1414UL 1449(2nd Edition)CSAVDEVoltage(@1mA)(8/20µs)Maximum Varistor Clamping Voltage Allowable Voltage @ Test CurrentMaximum Maximum Rated Typical Energy Peak Current PowerCapacitance (J)(8/20µs)(@1KHz)StandardsACrms(V)DC(V)Min.Vb(Vdc)Max.Vc(V)Ip(A)10/1000µs (A)(W)(pF)CNR-18D180K 111414.41821.639158.320000.1536400☆CNR-18D220K 141818.72226431510.420000.1527300☆CNR-18D270K 1722232731.1531512.520000.1522290☆CNR-18D330K 202629.53336.5651515.620000.1518200☆CNR-18D390K 2531353943771517.920000.1512250☆CNR-18D470K 3038424752931520.820000.1512280☆CNR-18D560K 35455056621101522.820000.1511100☆CNR-18D680K 40566168751351529.120000.1510460☆CNR-18D820K 50667482901357530.655000.87460☆ ◎CNR-18D101K 6085901001101657538.955000.87280☆ ◎CNR-18D121K 751001081201322007544.465000.85000☆ ◎CNR-18D151K 951251351501652507555.665000.83820☆ ◎CNR-18D181K 1151501621801983007569.465000.82270☆ ◎CNR-18D201K 1301751852002253307579.265000.82100☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D221K 1401801982202423607583.365000.82000☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D241K 1502002162402643957587.565000.82000☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D271K 1802302472703034557597.265000.81910☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D301K 19525027030033050075101.465000.81630☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D331K 21027529733036354075129.265000.81590☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D361K 23030032436039659575129.265000.81540☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D391K 25032035139042965075138.965000.81270☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D431K 27535038743047371075159.765000.81220☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D471K 30038542347051777575173.665000.81090☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D511K 32042045951056184575175.065000.8950☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D561K 35046050456061691575177.865000.8770☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D621K 385505558620682102575180.665000.8510☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D681K 420560612680748112075182.065000.8500☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D751K 460615675750825124075200.265000.8480☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D781K 485640702780858129075207.265000.8450☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D821K 510675738820902135575219.865000.8450☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D911K 5507458199101001150075245.065000.8430☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D102K 62582590010001100165075266.065000.8410☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-18D112K68089599011001210181575298.265000.8360※ ◎Standard No.File No.ML File No.Symbols40005991Part No.N/A E223465187409-1424357E165143E150709LR109736-1△☆※◎21557-4790-001Title Across-The-Line Transient Voltage Accessories and Parts Components Surge Suppressorsfor Electronic ProductsVaristors for use in Electronic equipment Related StandardsUL 1414UL 1449(2nd Edition)CSAVDEVoltage(@1mA)(8/20µs)Maximum Varistor Clamping Voltage Allowable Voltage @ Test CurrentMaximum Maximum Rated Typical Energy Peak Current PowerCapacitance (J)(8/20µs)(@1KHz)StandardsACrms(V)DC(V)Min.Vb(Vdc)Max.Vc(V)Ip(A)10/1000µs (A)(W)(pF)CNR-20D180K 111414.41821.6392011.020000.240000☆CNR-20D220K 141818.72226432014.020000.230000☆CNR-20D270K 1722232731.1532018.020000.224500☆CNR-20D330K 202629.53336.5652023.020000.220000☆CNR-20D390K 2531353943772026.020000.213800☆CNR-20D470K 3038424752932033.020000.213500☆CNR-20D560K 35455056621102041.020000.212200☆CNR-20D680K 40566168751352046.020000.211500☆CNR-20D820K 506674829013510038.06500 1.08200☆ ◎CNR-20D101K 60859010011016510045.06500 1.08000☆ ◎CNR-20D121K 7510010812013220010055.06500 1.05500☆ ◎CNR-20D151K 9512513515016525010070.06500 1.04200☆ ◎CNR-20D181K 11515016218019830010085.06500 1.02500☆ ◎CNR-20D201K 13017518520022534010095.06500 1.02300☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D221K 140180198220242360100100.06500 1.02200☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D241K 150200216240264395100108.06500 1.02200☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D271K 180230247270303455100127.06500 1.02100☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D301K 195250270300330500100150.06500 1.01800☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D331K 210275297330363545100163.06500 1.01750☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D361K 230300324360396595100163.06500 1.01700☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D391K 250320351390429650100180.06500 1.01400☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D431K 275350387430473710100190.06500 1.01350☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D471K 300385423470517775100220.06500 1.01200☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D511K 320420459510561845100220.06500 1.01050☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D561K 350460504560616915100220.06500 1.0850☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D621K 3855055586206821025100220.06500 1.0570☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D681K 4205606126807481120100230.06500 1.0550☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D751K 4606156757508251240100255.06500 1.0530☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D781K 4856407027808581290100265.06500 1.0500☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D821K 5106757388209021355100282.06500 1.0500☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D911K 55074581991010011500100310.06500 1.0480☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D102K 625825900100011001650100342.06500 1.0460☆ △ ※ ◎CNR-20D112K680895990110012101815100383.065001.0400※ ◎Standard No.File No.ML File No.Symbols40005991Part No.N/A E223465187409-1424357E165143E150709LR109736-1△☆※◎21557-4790-001Title Across-The-Line Transient Voltage Accessories and Parts Components Surge Suppressorsfor Electronic ProductsVaristors for use in Electronic equipment Related StandardsUL 1414UL 1449(2nd Edition)CSAVDEVoltage(@1mA)(8/20µs)Maximum Varistor Clamping Voltage Allowable Voltage @ Test CurrentAPPROVAL SHEETT(max). Table Unit:mm Part No 05D 07D 10D 14D 18D 20D Part No 05D 07D 10D 14D 18D 20D 180K 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3301K 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.7220K 3.6 3.8 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.6331K 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.6 4.8 4.9270K 3.8 4.0 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8361K 4.1 4.3 4.7 4.8 5.0 5.1330K 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3391K 4.2 4.4 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.2390K 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.5431K 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.1 5.3 5.4470K 3.7 3.9 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.7471K 4.6 4.8 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.6560K 4.0 4.2 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.0511K 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.7680K 4.3 4.5 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.3561K 5.0 5.2 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.9820K 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3621K 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.0 6.1101K 3.6 3.8 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.6681K 5.4 5.6 5.8 5.9 6.1 6.2121K 3.8 4.0 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8751K 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.4151K 4.1 4.3 4.7 4.8 5.0 5.1781K 5.8 6.0 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.7181K 3.2 3.4 3.8 3.9 4.1 4.2821K 3.0 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.8 6.9201K 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3911K x x 6.6 6.7 6.97.0221K 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4102K x x 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.5112K x x Quantity200020002000010000600040001000050003000200010001000500500Min. Q'ty(pcs)/CartonPart No.Min. Q'ty(pcs)/ Bags Min. Q'ty(pcs)/Inner Box25025010001000CNR-14DXXXK CNR-18DXXXK CNR-20DXXXKCNR-05DXXXK CNR-07DXXXK CNR-10DXXXK Dimension of Standard ProductsAPPROVAL SHEETCrimped Lead TypePacking QuantityCut-off Type I LeadCut-off Type II LeadCut-off Type III LeadMin. Q'ty (pcs)/BagsMin. Q'ty(pcs)/Inner Box Min. Q'ty(pcs)/Carton-TTK -TTI -TTH 10001500030000 -TTK -TTI -TTH 10001500030000 -TTK -TTI -TTH 500500010000 -TTK -TTI -TTH 50035007000N/A N/A N/A 25015003000N/AN/AN/A25015003000Cut-off Straight Lead CNR-05DXXXK-TTS CNR-07DXXXK-TTS Type IIIType IIType ICNR-20DXXXK-TTSCNR-10DXXXK-TTS CNR-14DXXXK-TTS CNR-18DXXXK-TTSAPPROVAL SHEETTape and Reel Fig.05D、07D Type I LeadFIG 105D 、07D Straight Lead FIG 210ψType I Lead FIG 3FIG 414DType I Lead FIG 514D Straight LeadFIG 6Taping product ordering Information-TRK -TRI -TRH -BTK -BTI -BTH -TRK -TRI -TRH -BTK-BTI-BTH-TRK -TRI -TRH OUTSIDE INSIDE CRIMPED-TRK-TRI-TRHKINKKINKOUTSIDE INSIDE CRIMPEDKINKKINKCNR-07DXXXK-BTS Type III LeadTape & ReelFlax BoxCNR-07DXXXK-TRS Type I LeadType II Lead 10ψStraight Lead CNR-10DXXXK-TRS CNR-14DXXXK-TRSStriaght LeadStriaght Lead Type I LeadType II LeadType III LeadCNR-05DXXXK-TRS CNR-05DXXXK-BTSAPPROVAL SHEET05D series 07D series14D seriesP Pictch of Componet 12.7±.1.012.7±.1.012.7±.1.015.0±.1.025.4±.1.0P 0Feed Hole Pitch12.7±.0.212.7±.0.212.7±.0.215.0±.0.225.4±.0.2P 1Feed Hole Center to Lead3.85±0.7 3.85±0.7 3.85±0.7 5.00±0.78.95±0.7P 2Hole Center to Component Center 6.35±0.7 6.35±0.7 6.35±0.77.50±1.012.7±0.7 F Lead to Lead Distance 5.0±0.8 5.0±0.87.5±0.87.5±0.87.5±0.8△ h Component Alignment 2.0 Max 2.0 Max 2.0 Max 2.0 Max 2.0 Max 18.0+1.018.0+1.018.0+1.018.0+1.018.0+1.018.0-0.518.0-0.518.0-0.518.0-0.518.0-0.5W 0Hold Down Tape Width 5.0MIN. 5.0MIN. 5.0MIN. 5.0MIN. 5.0MIN.9.0+0.759.0+0.759.0+0.759.0+0.759.0+0.759.0-0.509.0-0.509.0-0.509.0-0.509.0-0.50W 2Hold Down Tape Position 3.0Max 3.0Max 3.0Max 3.0Max 3.0Max 18.0+2.018.0+2.018.0+2.018.0+2.018.0+2.018.0-0.018.0-0.018.0-0.018.0-0.018.0-0.0H 0Seating Plane Height 16.0±0.516.0±0.516.0±0.516.0±0.516.0±0.5H 1Component Height 29.0Max 32.0Max 36.0Max 36.0Max 40.0Max D 0Feed Hole Diameter4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2t Total Tape Thickness 0.7±0.20.7±0.20.7±0.20.7±0.20.7±0.2LLeagth of Clipped Lead11.0 Max11.0 Max11.0 Max11.0 Max11.0 MaxNote: Dimensions are in mmPacking Q'ty180K~391K 2000400016000180K~391K 150018000 1 、 2431K~781K 1500300012000431K~781K 100012000 1 、 2180K~391K 2000400016000180K~391K 150018000 1 、 2431K~821K 1500300012000431K~821K 1000120001 、 2180K~271K 1500300012000 3 、 4301K~112K 100020008000 3 、 4180K~391K 80016006400 5 、6431K~621K 70014005600 5 、6681K~182K600120048005 、6Min.Q'ty(pcs)/Reel Min.Q'ty(pcs)/Inner Box Min. Q'ty(pcs)/CartonDIMENSION OF TAPING PRODUCT Model No.Model No.Min.Q'ty(pc s) /Reel Min.Q'ty(pcs ) /Inner Box Min. Q'ty(pcs)/CartonH 05D 07D 10DX14DHeight from Tape Center to Component BaseTape & Reel (TRK/TRI/TRH Type)Flat Box (BTK/BTI/BTH TYPE)W Tape WidthW 1Hole PositionSymbolPARAMETERModel Size10D series Centra Science Corp.APPROVAL SHEET1.StandardPacking Bagunit:cm05D to 10D Series 10.514D to 20D Series14.5LabelPart No.Inspected byQuantityLot No.2.Flat box3.Tape & ReelSymbol 05D07D 10D 14D W 55D A Bψ9045L Packing information360 max ψ30CeNtRa Science Corp.APPROVAL SHEETNote: Varistor voltage change of forward direction shall be measured in the test of uni-pole surge life and DC load lifeThe maximum energy within the varistor voltage change of ± 10 % when one impulse of 2 ms or 10/1000 μs is applied.The maximum current within the varistor voltage change of ± 10 % with the The power that can be applied in the specified ambient temperature.CeNtRa Science Corp.(Electrical )CNR-05D180K to CNR-05D680K 0.45A (2 ms)CNR-05D820K to CNR-05D471K 14A (8/20μs)CNR-07D180K to CNR-07D680K12A (8/20μs)CNR-07D820K to CNR-07D471K 35A (8/20μs)CNR-10D180K to CNR-10D680K 35A (8/20μs)CNR-10D820K to CNR-10D471K 70A (8/20μs)CNR-14D180K to CNR-14D680K 45A (8/20μs)CNR-14D820K to CNR-14D471K 90A (8/20μs)CNR-20D180K to CNR-20D680K 55A (8/20μs)CNR-20D820K to CNR-20D471K 100A (8/20μs)20 SeriesNote: Varistor voltage change of forward direction shall be measured in the test of uni-pole surge life and DC load life 10 Series 14 Series CharacteristicsTest MethodsSpecificationsImpulse Life (II )The change of Vc shall be measured after the impulse listed below is applied 100000 times continuously with the interval of ten seconds at room temperature .△VcmA/VcmA ≦±10%5 Series 7 SeriesCeNtRa Science Corp.(Environmental )Step 215±3415±3Low Temperature Storage/ColdThe specimen shall be subjected to -40±2℃ without load for 1000 hours and then stored at room temperature for one to two hours. Thereafter, the change of Vc shall be measured.△VcmA/VcmA ≦±5%△VcmA/VcmA ≦±10%Damp Heat Load/ Humidity LoadThe specimen shall be subjected to 40±2 ℃, 90 to 95 %RH and the Maximum Allowable Voltage for 1000 hours and then stored at room temperature and humidity for one to two hours. Thereafter, the change of Vc shall be measured.△VcmA/VcmA ≦±10%30±3Room temperatureHigh Temperature Load/Dry Heat LoadAfter being continuously applied the Maximum Allowable Voltage at 85 ± 2℃ for 1000 hours. The specimen shall be stored at room temperature and humidity for one to two hours Thereafter, the change of Vc shall be measured.Room temperature3125±2Temperature(℃)Period (minutes)1-40±330±3Characteristics Test MethodsSpecificationsHigh Temperature Storage/ Dry Heat The specimen shall be subjected to 125±2 ℃ for 1000 hours in a thermostatic bath without load and then stored at room temperature and humidity for 1 to 2 hours. Thereafter, the change of Vc shall be measured.△VcmA/VcmA ≦±5%Damp Heat/ Humidity (Steady State)The specimen shall be subjected to 40 ± 2 ℃, 90 to 95 %RH for 1000 hours without load and then stored at room temperature and humidity for one to two hours. Thereafter, the change of Vc shall be measured. Temperature CycleThe temperature cycle shown below shall be repeated five times and then stored at room temperature and humidity for one to two hours. The change of Vc and mechanical damage shall be examined.CeNtRa Science Corp.。






1.国内型号(1)元器件压敏二极管(大昌电子压敏电阻)──型号:A320K公称直径:14mm公称厚度:8mm最大额定电压:95V公称电阻值:320Ω最大脉冲能量:3500J直流1mA电压值:53V公称容量:500pF(2) 拜尔(Vishay)──型号:MOV-20DxxxK / 34DxxxK / 40DxxxK最大额定电压范围:20V~1150V公称径直尺寸:20mm / 34mm / 40mm最大脉冲能量:J(范围取决于型号)(3) 貌格(Littelfuse)──型号:V145HE2 / V390HE2 / V320LA4P 最大额定电压范围:130V~680V公称直径尺寸:14mm / 20mm最大脉冲电流:8/20μs,4000A/10/1000μs,200A2.国外型号(1) Honeywell──型号:MOV / MOV-14DxxxK最大额定电压范围:11V~1100V公称直径尺寸:14mm最大脉冲能量:J(范围取决于型号)(2) KEMET──型号:RD Series / VS Series最大额定电压范围:14V~860V公称直径尺寸:10mm / 14mm / 20mm最大脉冲能量:J(范围取决于型号)(3) Bourns──型号:MOV / MOV-20DxxxK / MOV-14DxxxK最大额定电压范围:11V~1100V公称直径尺寸:14mm / 20mm最大脉冲能量:J(范围取决于型号)以上只是一部分常见的压敏电阻型号及参数,电子市场上还有很多其他压敏电阻的型号和参数。




最大 限制 电压 VC(V)
等级 电流 IP(A)
静态 电容
145 5
135 10
135 25
135 50
135 100 5500
175 5
165 10
165 25
165 50
165 100 4800
210 5
200 10
200 25
100 420
1355 50
100 400
1650 50
100 320
2970 50
2970 100 200
压敏电阻 型号
MYD-05K820 MYD-07K820 MYD-10K820 MYD-14K820 MYD-20K820 MYD-05K101 MYD-07K101 MYD-10K101 MYD-14K101 MYD-20K101 MYD-05K121 MYD-07K121 MYD-10K121 MYD-14K121 MYD-20K121 MYD-05K151 MYD-07K151 MYD-10K151 MYD-14K151 MYD-20K151 MYD-05K201 MYD-07K201 MYD-10K201 MYD-14K201 MYD-20K201 MYD-05K221 MYD-07K221 MYD-10K221 MYD-14K221 MYD-20K221 MYD-05K241 MYD-07K241 MYD-10K241 MYD-14K241 MYD-20K241 MYD-05K271 MYD-07K271 MYD-10K271 MYD-14K271 MYD-20K271 MYD-05K391 MYD-07K391 MYD-10K391 MYD-14K391 MYD-20K391 MYD-05K471 MYD-07K471 MYD-10K471 MYD-14K471 MYD-20K471 MYD-10K681 MYD-14K681 MYD-20K681 MYD-10K781 MYD-14K781 MYD-20K781 MYD-10K911 MYD-14K911 MYD-20K911 MYD-10K112 MYD-14K112 MYD-20K112



4 5.6
12 ±10%
4 5.6
12 ±10%
4 5.6
12 ±10%
4 5.6
12 ±10%
2.5 3.3
5 ±10%
4 5.6
8 ±10%
Peak current 8/20μs
Capacitance @ 1kHz
4 5.6
8 ±10%
12 ±10%
56 ±10%
1.Typical leakage at 25℃<50uA, maximum leakage 100uA。
Clamping Transient Peak Capacitance
voltage energy current
8/20 μs 1A 10/100μs 8/20μs
2 . Size
Model 0402(1005) 0603(1608) 0805(2012) 1206(3216) 1210(3225) 1812(4532) 2220(5650) 3220(08CL) 4032(10CL) 4840(12CL)
Length(L) 1.00±0.20 1.60±0.20 2.00±0.20 3.20±0.20 3.20±0.20 4.50±0.20 5.60±0.20 8.00±0.30 10.0±0.30 12.0±0.30




















国内外压敏电阻型号及参数压敏电阻220V电压的电路国内型号:MYG14K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)22V左右的电路国内型号:MYG14K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)。


英文名称叫“Voltage Dependent Resistor”简写为“VDR”, 或者叫做“Varistor"。





目录[]1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用压敏电阻有什么用?压敏电阻的最大特点是当加在它上面的电压低于它的阀值" UN"时,流过它的电流极小,相当于一只关死的阀门,当电压超过UN时,流过它的电流激增,相当于阀门打开。



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