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()1. — How successful your sister is!

— That's because she is the success all the time. She always does everything before happening.

A. looking for

B. preparing for

C. talking about

D. making up

()2. You are not fit at all. You need to eat fast food and exercise ________ .

A. more; less

B. fewer; less

C. more; fewer

D. less; more

()3. If it tomorrow, we to climb mountains.

A. doesn’ t rain; go

B. won ’ t rain; will go

C. doesn’ t rain; will go

D. won ’ t rain; go

()4. The apple is too big , let’ s cut it _______ .

A. in half

B. to half

C. into half

D. at half

()5.—I’ m going to Kate’ s birthday party this afternoon—..

A. Good luck.

B. The same to you.

C. I think so.

D. Have a good time.

()6.—Can you tell me why you learn English so well?

— It ’ s very simple.________you work,________grades you will get.

A. The harder; the better

B. The hard; the better

C. Harder; better

D. The harder; the best

()7. —What do you think of the new book , Sam?

— I really don't want to read it , because there is________ in it.

A . interesting something B. interesting nothing

C.nothing interesting D. something interesting

()8.He is so________to see the________movie.

A.bored;bored B. boring; bored C.bored;boring D .boring ;boring ()9.Sometimes Mom makes me ________ her wash the clothes on weekends.

A . help

B . helps C. to help D. helping

()10.— Anna is as ________ as Sally. — Yes, but she is ________ than Sally.

A . tall ; outgoing

B . taller ; outgoing

C.tall ; more outgoing D. taller; more outgoing

()11.People in this small village are all ________, but little Bill's family is ________ of all.

A . poor; poorer B. poor; the poorest

C.the poorest; the poorest D. poorer; poorer

( ()12.China is one of in the world. rger

country rger countries )13.— What do

you plan ________ on TV?

C.the largest countries

rgest country

— I hope that I can ________ what's going on around the world.

A . watching ; find B. to watch; find out

C.watching ; find out D. to watch; look for

()14.What time do you expect her ________?

A . arrive B. to arrive C.arriving D .arrived

( ( ( ()15.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons,he became.



C.successful, successfully


)16. — What happened you yesterday?

— I happened meet my old friend,Lucy.


B.with, to



)17.He always tries to face any and met some things.




D.dangerous, danger

)18. —does Mary visit her grandparents a month?

— Twice. She loves them very much.

( ( (A.How often B. How long C. How far D. How many times )19. We don't have to buy this sweater, though the sweater is.

A. enough money ; good enough

B. money enough ; enough good

C. money enough ; well enough

D. enough money; enough well

)20. Cook the Russian soup for,and then you can enjoy it.

A. more 10 minutes

B.10 another minutes

C. 10 more minute

D. another 10 minutes

)21.— Anna, what did you buy for your friend?

— Oh, I bought him ________umbrella.And he liked ________umbrella very much.

A . an; an

B .an; the C. a;the D. a; a

()22. — Hi, Mike. Do you know Robert?

— Yes. He is university student. He likes sports and he runs for hour every day.

A. a; an

B.an; the

C.an; a

()23.— Look ! There is ________ ticket on the desk.

D. a; the

— Yes.________ ticket is Tom's.

A . an; The

B . a;The C. a; A D .an; An

()24.— Would you like ________ shopping with me?

— Sorry, I feel like ________ books at home.

A . to go; read

B . to go ;reading C. going; read D .going ; reading ()25.— Did you buy_______for yourself yesterday?

— No ,I didn't.But I bought_______for my parents.

A . everything ; nothing

B . something ;anything

C.anything ; something D. anything ; nothing
