Unit 1 FreSh StartSeCt i On AIn fact all the PieCeS Of advice mentioned in the interview are Very USeful・ BUt if I have to ChOOSe One as the most useful, Γ d ChOOSe ZZ keeP a balance'"・ When We Were in high school, We SPent almost all OUr time StUdying・ There IaCked a balance between SOCiaI Iife and academic Iife in high SChOol・It's important to keep a balance between Iife and WOrk because it WilI give US a SOUnd mind in a SOUnd body・ NOW We have much more free time, SO We Can join StUdent OrganiZatiOnS Or go to different activities・2・ What advice did your Parents give you before you Ieft for college?BefOre I Ieft for COlIege my ParentS did have a talk With me. They told me how important COlIege experience WOUId be in my Iife・ They told me about the OPPOrtUnitieS that COlIege education WOUld OPerI UP to me. They told me to try to develop more interests and join SOme StUdent CIUbS・ The most impressive advice they gave me WaS that I ShOUId not OnIy read books about my major; instead, they advised me to read as Widely as POSSibIe・ All these are Very ValUabIe PieCeS Of advice・Read i ng COmPrehenSiOn1.ACCOrding to the PreSident, What did the ParentS remind their ChiIdren to dobefore they Ieft for college?The ParentS reminded their Children to WOrk hard and achieve the best they COUld・2・ What does the PrCSident CalI On the StUdentS to do With the greatest resources On CamPUs?The PreSident CalIS On the StUdentS to make the most Of the great resources On CamPUS: to explore new subjects, to meet fascinating people, and to PUrSUe new PaSSiOnS・3・ What does the PreSident mean When he SayS "sample them Widely Ar (Para・ 5)?By Saying '"sample them widely", the PreSident means StUdentS ShOUId try many different COUrSeS and try SOmething new to See What it is Iike・4.What COUICl be the COnSeqUenCeS if you don, t ChalIenge yourself?If We don't Challenge ourselves, We WilI not become broadly educated people, and We may not find the PaSSiOn that WilI help US ShaPe OUr future・5・ What Can you Iearn from the example Of Vera Wang?We Can Iearn from the example Of Vera Wang that We ShOUId Challenge ourselves, and by ChalIenging ourselves, We are more IikeIy to find an interest We don't know Wehave, and this interest may help US build a PrOSPerOUS future・6・ HOW ShOUId you deal With new and UnPIeaSant experiences in college?We ShOUId not worry, and We ShOUId Iearn to face this new Part Of OUr Iife With enthusiasm・ COlIege experiences, PleaSant Or UnPleaSant f WilI PrOVide US With VaIUable IeSSOnS and WilI enrich OUr Iife・7.HOW do you UnderStand *Now it is your turn" (Para. 7)?Ihe expression "Now it is your tur∏z, means that now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and to PaSS it on.8.HOW does the PreSident, S SPeeCh impress you?The PreSident,S WeICOming SPeeCh is really impressive・He mentions many important things about COlIege life, the resources available On campus, as WelI as the OPPOrtUnitieS We have and the responsibilities that We ShOUId take・ The SPeeCh is Very inspiring・1.What role do you think a UniVerSity CdUCatiOn WilI Play in your life?A UniVerSity education WilI PIay a Very important role in my life, and it Will benefit me in a number Of WayS・ In the UniVerSity I Can acquire SPeCialiZed knowledge about my major, and develop my CritiCaI thinking and research SkilIS・I WilI have the OPPOrtUnitieS to meet and Share ideas With PeOPIe Of different minds・ I Can gain a broader VieW Of the WOrId by meeting PeOPIe from diverse backgrounds and CUItUreS・And I WilI Start my Iife journey Of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-fulfiHment・2・ DO you think a UniVerSity education Can Change a PerSOn,S life? In What Way and why?Yes, absolutely. With a UniVerSity education, a PerSOn WiII have more freedom and therefore more ChOiCeS・ThiS education experience PrOVideS UnIimited POtentia1・MOreOVer t a UniVerSity education PrOVideS the means for One to succeed. NOt OnIy WilI a PerSOn Obtain knowledge and SkilIS essential for his Career development, but he WilI also develop an independent mind and be able to make right decisions On his own.3.HOW do you think about those SUCCeSSfUI PeOPIe SUCh as BilI GateS WhO dropped OUtOf university?I admire those WhO dropped OUt Of UniVerSity and yet had made fame for themselves by achieving big goals・SOme PeOPIe USe those SUCCeSSfUI COlIege dropouts as COUntereXamPIeS to ShOW their belief that a PerSOn Can SUCCeed even WithOUt a UniVerSity education・ ChanCeS are that most PeOPle do not have the Same mind, talent, determination, Or OPPOrtUnitieS as BilI Gates, SteVe Jobs, and Mark ZUCkerberg did; therefore, they might not be able to achieve SUCCeSS WithOUt having a UniVerSity education・In fact, a UniVerSity education WilI equip them With the necessary knowledge and SkilIS WhiCh WilI help them to SUCCeed・4.HOW do you UnderStand the Statement Tf you think education is expensive, tryIgnorance zr?NOWadayS education is getting more and more expensive, especially COlIege education ・ And there are PeOPIe WhO ChOOSe to give UP education because Of the high COSt・BUt WithOUt education, One WOUId not be able to acquire knowledge that an educationWilI Offer・In Other words, they WOUld be ZZ ignOrant"・The result WOUId be that "ignorant" PeOPIe WilI SUffer even more Or Pay even more for being so. It is true that education is expensive, but if you try "ignorance", the COSt WOUld be even higher ・5・ What are you going to do at UniVerSity in Order to SamPIe Widely and ChalIenge yourself?TO SamPIe WideIy and Challenge myself, I am going to VentUre OUt Of my COmfOrt ZOne and do What I have not had the COUrage to do. FOr instance, I WilI make friends With PeOPIe from diverse backgrounds and CUltUreS・ I WilI take a SWimming CIaSS and Iearn how to SWiln・ I WilI attend lectures, join StUdent clubs, and try all kinds Of food ・ MOSt Of all, I WilI do WhateVer it takes to make the most Of the four years and try to become a well-rounded graduate・WOrdS in USe1.GiVen the ChanCe to ShOW his ability, he regained (COnfidenCe) and began to SUCCeed in SChOol・2.It is SO difficult to (explore) the bottom Of the OCean because SOme PartS are Very deep・3.It WaS about 30 SeCOndS before AIeX (emerged) from the water; We Were QUite SCared ・4.We Often (assume) that When Other PeOPIe do the Same things as We do, they do them for the Same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable・5.There is WideSPread COnCern that the rising UnemPlOyment may (POSe) a threat to SOCiaI StabiIity・6.After a(n) (COmPrehenSiVe) PhySiCaI exam, my doctor Said I WaS in good COnditiOn except that my blood PreSSUre WaS a IittIe high・7.It is WelI known that China is a COUntry With rich natural (resources) and a Very big POPUIatiOn.8.SOme PeOPIe believe that the earth Can (yield) enough food to SUPPOrt at IeaSt twice its PreSent POPUlatiOn・9.Sam (inherited) the gift Of imagination from his family, but he IaCked the driving POWer to take action・10.A bee that has found honey is able to (transmit) to Other bees the information they need in Order to COlIeCt the honey・WOrd buiIding: PraCtiCeuncover → 1) (UnCOVer) easy → 2) (UneaSy)IOad → 3) (U nIOad)-antapply → 4)(applicant)resist → 5)(resistant)account → 6) (accountant)assistant → 7) (assist)-ifySimPIe → 8) (SimPlify)note → 9) (notify)quality → 10)(QUalify)CIaSS → 11) (ClaSSify)1.DeSPite being (CIaSSified) as a meat-eater, the Panda has a diet that is OVerWhelmingIy Vegetarian.2.Ihey have developed COmPUteriZed SyStemS WhiCh WilI greatly (assist) all Iibrary USerS SO that they Will not need the help Of OtherS・3.ChangeS have been made to the COnStrUCtiOn requirements in this City in Order to make the buildings and highways more (resistant) to earthquakes・4.After a two-month inquiry, the POIiCe have (UnCOVered) the three me∏, S intention to rob a bank and have arrested them・5.COnSUmerS Say they are (UneaSy) about USing their Credit CardS OVer the Internet because they are afraid Of Internet fraud (欺诈)and identity theft・6. A COlIege degree and SOme WOrking experience ShOUId (QUaIify) you for the job advertised in the newspaper・7.The BritiSh ShiP arrived at the POrt this morning and is (UnIOading) its COntentS in the harbor now.8.AS a human resources Inanager t I See many job (applicants) WhO are technically skilled, but have bad attitudes・9.The teacher (SimPIified) his instructions SO that the SmalI Children COUId UnderStand him better・10.My major WaS IiteratUre・However, now Γ m WOrking in a firm as a(n) (accountant)I dealing With numbers every day.11.The COmmittee' S decision Will be (notified) to all employees next Week・Banked CIOZeUniVerSity StUdentS COme from different PartS Of the COUntry With VariOUS PUrPOSeS・HOWeVerJ a CIOSer IOOk at their reasons for StUdying at the UniVerSity WilI enable US to 1) (CIaSSify) them roughly into three groups: those WhO have a(n) 2)(PaSSiOn) for Iearning, those WhO WiSh to 3)(attain) a bright future, and those WhO Iearn With no definite PUrPOSe・Firstly, there are many StUdentS WhO Iearn SimPIy because they 4)(PUrSUe) their goal Of Iearning・ SOme read a WeaIth Of BritiSh and AmeriCan novels because they are keenly interested in IiteratUre・ OtherS Sit in front Of the COmPUter screen, WOrking On a new program, 5) (VirtUalIy) day and night, because they find SOme COmPUter PrOgramS 6)(fascinating), and they dream Of becoming a Z Bill Gates" One day.Secondly, there are StUdentS WhO WOrk hard mainly for a better and more7)(PrOSPerOUS) future・ It SeemS that the majority Of StUdentS fall into this group ・ After admission to the university, they read books after books to8)(acquire) knowledge from all Of the resources WhiCh are 9)(available) to them, and finally, to SUCCeed in the future job market・Thirdly, there are StilI SOme StUdentS WhO Iearn WithOUt a CIear goa1・ They take COUrSes, finish homework, enjoy Iife On campus, but don't Want to 10)(SamPIe) anything new Or Challenging・ They have no idea What they WilI be doing after COlIege・ And they may end UP With nothing in their IiVeS・EXPreSSiOnS in USe1.My family 1) (got by) On my father* S UnemPIOyment benefit after he IOSt his job.2.Man3r SUbWay riders read books Or IiSten to music in Order to 2)(make the most Of) their time On the Way to WOrk・3.In Order to make SUre he WOUId be able to attend the meeting, I Called him UP two WeekS 3)(in advance)・4.EXPertS Say OUr COmPany is amazing in that SaIeS have been increasing Steadily 4) (OVer time)・5.In Order to 5) (reap the benefits Of) the PhySiCaI exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at IeaSt half an hour each time・6.They all tried to talk 6)(all at OnCe), but I COUldn* t hear anything they said. 7*. YellOW flowers in the field always 7) (remind) me 8) (Of) my ChiIdhOOd in the COUntrySide・8.We have been PraCtiCing for SO IOng and SO hard that OUr team ShOUId 9) (Stand a ChanCe Of) Winning the game・9.ReSearCh On genes WilI 10) (OPen the door to) exciting new medical treatments・10.EVery One Of you has made a COntribUtion and I 11) (take PIeaSUre in) acknowledging What each Of you has done to make this academic COnVentiOn SUCh a SUCCeSS・Strueture ana lysis: PraCt i CeABBCStrUCtured writing: PraCticeThere are SOme things you Can do to SUCCeed in COlIege・ First, PUrSUe PaSSiOnS・YOUr PaSSiOnS Will broaden your mind and make your Iife interesting・ Second, never Iet go Of any OPPOrtUnitieS that COme your Way・ COlIege is full Of UniqUe OPPOrtUnities, WhiCh WilI enable you to SamPIe new things and meet WOnderfUl PeOPIe ・ LaStIy t take responsibilities ・ In COlIege you must Iearn to be responsible for your OWn decisions and actions ・ With the PaSSiOns, the OPPOrtUnities, and the ability to take responsibilities, you WilI become SUCCeSSfUI not OnIy in college, but also in your future Career・TranSlatiOn苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。
maintain 保持prestige 声望whereby 其中nominate提名inhibit抑制patriotic爱国的pursuit追求dedication奉献endeavor努力transcend超越1. Most cities in the country have introduced "Clean AirZones" (whereby) factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.全国大多数城市都实行了“洁净空气区”,工厂和家庭只允许燃烧无烟燃料。
2. He knows that the (pursuit) of social status can consume vast amounts of histime and effort.他知道追求社会地位可以消耗他大量的时间和精力。
3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to(inhibit) the spread of the disease.医生们感到困惑,因为到目前为止还没有发现能抑制这种疾病蔓延的药物。
4. We see many special education directors trying to (maintain) the quality oftheir programs with much less money and much smaller staff.我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用少得多的钱和少得多的职员来维持他们的节目质量。
5. People there are told it is their (patriotic) duty to support the national economyby buying their own products.那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱国责任。
新视野大学英语读写教程1第三版 Unit1
![新视野大学英语读写教程1第三版 Unit1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7673b3a7f18583d0496459ff.png)
Unit 1 Fresh StartSection APre-reading activities1.Which of the tips mentioned in the interview is most useful to you? Why?In fact all the pieces of advice mentioned in the interview are very useful. But if I have to choose one as the most useful, I'd choose "keep a balance". When we were in high school, we spent almost all our time studying. There lacked a balance between social life and academic life in high school. It's important to keep a balance between life and work because it will give us a sound mind in a sound body. Now we have much more free time, so we can join student organizations or go to different activities.2.What advice did your parents give you before you left for college?Before I left for college my parents did have a talk with me. They told me how important college experience would be in my life. They told me about the opportunities that college education would open up to me. They told me to try to develop more interests and join some student clubs. The most impressive advice they gave me was that I should not only read books about my major; instead, they advised me to read as widely as possible. All these are very valuable pieces of advice.Reading comprehension1.According to the president, what did the parents remind their children to dobefore they left for college?The parents reminded their children to work hard and achieve the best they could.2.What does the president call on the students to do with the greatest resourceson campus?The president calls on the students to make the most of the great resources on campus: to explore new subjects, to meet fascinating people, and to pursue new passions.3.What does the president mean when he says "sample them widely" (Para. 5)? By saying "sample them widely", the president means students should try many different courses and try something new to see what it is like.4.What could be the consequences if you don't challenge yourself?If we don't challenge ourselves, we will not become broadly educated people, and we may not find the passion that will help us shape our future.5.What can you learn from the example of Vera Wang?We can learn from the example of Vera Wang that we should challenge ourselves, and by challenging ourselves, we are more likely to find an interest we don't know we have, and this interest may help us build a prosperous future.6.How should you deal with new and unpleasant experiences in college?We should not worry, and we should learn to face this new part of our life with enthusiasm. College experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, will provide us with valuable lessons and will enrich our life.7.How do you understand "Now it is your turn" (Para. 7)?The expression "Now it is your turn" means that now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and to pass it on.8.How does the president's speech impress you?The president's welcoming speech is really impressive. He mentions many important things about college life, the resources available on campus, as well as the opportunities we have and the responsibilities that we should take. The speech is very inspiring.1. What role do you think a university education will play in your life?A university education will play a very important role in my life, and it will benefit me in a number of ways. In the university I can acquire specialized knowledge about my major, and develop my critical thinking and research skills.I will have the opportunities to meet and share ideas with people of different minds. I can gain a broader view of the world by meeting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. And I will start my life journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-fulfillment.2.Do you think a university education can change a person's life? In what wayand why?Yes, absolutely. With a university education, a person will have more freedom and therefore more choices. This education experience provides unlimited potential. Moreover, a university education provides the means for one to succeed. Not only will a person obtain knowledge and skills essential for his career development, but he will also develop an independent mind and be able to make right decisions on his own.3.How do you think about those successful people such as Bill Gates who droppedout of university?I admire those who dropped out of university and yet had made fame for themselves by achieving big goals. Some people use those successful college dropouts as counterexamples to show their belief that a person can succeed even without a university education. Chances are that most people do not have the same mind, talent, determination, or opportunities as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg did; therefore, they might not be able to achieve success without having a university education. In fact, a university education will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills which will help them to succeed.4.How do you understand the statement "If you think education is expensive,try ignorance"?Nowadays education is getting more and more expensive, especially college education. And there are people who choose to give up education because of the high cost. But without education, one would not be able to acquire knowledge that an education will offer. In other words, they would be "ignorant". The result would be that "ignorant" people will suffer even more or pay even more for being so. It is true that education is expensive, but if you try "ignorance", the cost would be even higher.5.What are you going to do at university in order to sample widely and challengeyourself?To sample widely and challenge myself, I am going to venture out of my comfort zone and do what I have not had the courage to do. For instance, I will make friends with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. I will take a swimming class and learn how to swim. I will attend lectures, join student clubs, and try all kinds of food. Most of all, I will do whatever it takes to make the most of the four years and try to become a well-rounded graduate.Words in use1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained (confidence) and began to succeed in school.2. It is so difficult to (explore) the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex (emerged) from the water; we were quite scared.4. We often (assume) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may (pose) a threat to social stability.6. After a(n) (comprehensive)physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural (resources) and a very big population.8. Some people believe that the earth can (yield) enough food to support at least twice its present population.9. Sam (inherited) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to (transmit) to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.Word building: Practiceun-cover ➝ 1)(uncover)easy ➝ 2)(uneasy)load ➝ 3)(unload)-antapply ➝ 4)(applicant)resist ➝ 5)(resistant)account ➝ 6)(accountant)assistant ➝ 7)(assist)-ifysimple ➝ 8)(simplify)note ➝ 9)(notify)quality ➝ 10)(qualify)class ➝ 11)(classify)1. Despite being (classified)as a meat-eater, the panda has a diet that is overwhelmingly vegetarian.2. They have developed computerized systems which will greatly (assist)all library users so that they will not need the help of others.3. Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more (resistant) to earthquakes.4. After a two-month inquiry, the police have (uncovered)the three men's intention to rob a bank and have arrested them.5. Consumers say they are (uneasy)about using their credit cards over the Internet because they are afraid of Internet fraud (欺诈) and identity theft.6. A college degree and some working experience should (qualify) you for the job advertised in the newspaper.7. The British ship arrived at the port this morning and is (unloading)its contents in the harbor now.8. As a human resources manager, I see many job (applicants) who are technically skilled, but have bad attitudes.9. The teacher (simplified) his instructions so that the small children could understand him better.10. My major was literature. However, now I'm working in a firm as a(n) (accountant), dealing with numbers every day.11. The committee's decision will be (notified) to all employees next week.Banked clozeUniversity students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to 1)(classify) them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2)(passion) for learning, those who wish to 3)(attain) a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose.Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4)(pursue) their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen,working on a new program, 5)(virtually) day and night, because they find some computer programs 6)(fascinating), and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day.Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7)(prosperous)future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8)(acquire) knowledge from all of the resources which are 9)(available) to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market.Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don't want to 10)(sample) anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.Expressions in use1. My family 1)(got by) on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to 2)(make the most of) their time on the way to work.3. In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks 3)(in advance).4. Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily4)(over time).5. In order to 5)(reap the benefits of)the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6. They all tried to talk 6)(all at once), but I couldn't hear anything they said.7. Yellow flowers in the field always 7)(remind) me 8)(of) my childhood in the countryside.8. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should 9)(standa chance of) winning the game.9. Research on genes will 10)(open the door to) exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has made a contribution and I 11)(take pleasure in) acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.Structure analysis: PracticeA B B CStructured writing: PracticeThere are some things you can do to succeed in college. First, pursue passions. Your passions will broaden your mind and make your life interesting. Second,never let go of any opportunities that come your way. College is full of unique opportunities, which will enable you to sample new things and meet wonderful people. Lastly, take responsibilities. In college you must learn to be responsible for your own decisions and actions. With the passions, the opportunities, and the ability to take responsibilities, you will become successful not only in college, but also in your future career.Translation苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第一册unit 1课后答案
![新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第一册unit 1课后答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d7a4023faf45b307e87197ee.png)
• • • • •
classified assist resistant uncovered uneasy qualify unloading applicants simplified accountant notified
• 1. D 2. H 3. A 4. B • 5. M 6. F 7. O 8. I 9. G 10. J
• • 他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提 问和 回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。 该方法在 各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。 • 他还在认识论和逻 辑领域做出了重大而深 远的贡献。他的思想和方 法所带来的影响 一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基 础。 • 苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人 物。 • 他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾 建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派, 也未曾 创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就 变得家喻户晓 了。
• • 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西 方哲学的奠基人。 • 他是一个谜一般的人物, 人们主要通过后 来的一些古典作家的叙述, 尤其是他最著 名的学生柏拉图的作品去了 解他。 • 苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻 名。
• • His method of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions. • He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of epistemology (认识论) and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed. • Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. • His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon became a household word although he constructed no philosophical system, established no school, and founded no sect (宗派).
第三版新视野大学英语读写教程第一册补充练习Unit 1, Book 11、We all had to ______allegiance to the flag、(U1-A)A、promiseB、guaranteeC、pledgeD、plead2、That story you have just told me ______me ______ an experience I just had、(U1-A)A、reminds, aboutB、reminds, ofC、remembers, toD、recollects, about3、Whenever you have an aim, you must sacrifice something of freedom to ______ it、(U1-A)A、attainB、retainC、refrainD、sustain4、The film is eloquent as it ______ the relationship between artist and instrument、(U1-A)A、investigatesB、exploresC、risksD、pursues5、The only problem is that I work in a factory all day, everyday, just to pay for the medications Adam need to ______、(U1-A)A、get alongB、get throughC、get atD、get by6、They are now ______ all their hard work、(U1-A)A、making the most ofB、reaping the benefits ofC、standing a chance ofD、building a foundation of7、A Kids in Crisis Survey found that 85% of our kids worry about grades; 83% ______ homework、(U1-A)A、feel obliged toB、feel sorry forC、feel proud ofD、feel overwhelmed by8、Sober nations have ______ bee desperate gamblers, and risked almost their existence upon the turn of a piece of paper、(U1-A)A、once and for allB、once upon a timeC、once too oftenD、all at once9、I think most pools most of the time are really pretty clean and the benefits associated with swimming in most circumstances, you know, ______ the risks、(U1-A)A、outstandB、outsmartC、outvoteD、outweigh10、But experts say if Mr、Gul’s visit passes off smoothly, its real success can be that it will ______ future dialogue、(U1-A)A、open into the gate ofB、open up the opportunity toC、open the door toD、open the mind to11、These suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to ______、(U1-B)A、take them personallyB、take them effectivelyC、take them evenlyD、take them seriously12、The article can be used to ______ discussion among students、(U1-B)A、accumulateB、acmodateC、stimulateD、simulate13、They hope to ______ a new strain that bines all these merits but does not have the defeats、(U1-B)A、cultivateB、blossomC、evolveD、motivate14、I ______how you all turn out、Do e back, from time to time, and let us know、(U1-B)A、can’t help seeingB、can’t agre e to seeC、can’t wait to seeD、can’t bear to see15、When ______ the optional course, many college students will take into consideration such factors as personal interests, time schedule, practicality of the courses and so on、(U1-B)A、signing up forB、registering forC、logging inD、feeling up to16、I was given some pills to ______ the pain、(U1-B)A、take downB、take inC、take overD、take away17、Some of us ______ entrepreneurs---to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish、(U1-B)A、were born to beB、were bound to beC、were about to beD、were destined to18、After his expulsion from the cabinet, the minister became the subject of a smear campaign、It seems t he media and the public alike ______ hitting a man after when he’s down、(U1-A)A、take time toB、take control ofC、take charge ofD、take pleasure in19、School is one of the most important places during one’s growth、______ one not only acquires abundant knowledge but also learn how to conduct oneself in society、(U1-B)A、It is here whereB、It is here whoC、It is here thatD、It is here when20、No matter what the future holds to us, ______ we do our very best to approach the dangers thanthat we do nothing waiting passively for our end、(U1-B)A、it is good thatB、it is better thatC、it is best thatD、it will be better that21、______ a student representative from the disaster-hit area, I’m very ______ to the people of all walks of life for their care and help、(U1-A)A、As, gratefulB、Being, proudC、As, happyD、Unlike, thankful22、______ making my speech in front of a large audience, I______ the encouragement and advice from my English teacher、(U1-A)A、While, am reminding ofB、When, remind ofC、On, am reminding ofD、In, am reminded of23、If I ______ give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college challenges, it would be this: Believe in yourself! (U1-A)A、wouldB、shouldC、mightD、could24、Some people achieved great success even though they did not have college diplomas、______ of this is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in his junior year、(U1-A)A、A lesson in pointB、A wonderful exampleC、An old sayingD、A perfect story25、A person may go through many setbacks in his life, but there has been no greater ______ than dreaming hours away and acplishing nothing significant、(U1-B)A、triumphB、enthusiasmC、flexibilityD、regret26、The country was sliding into a state of ______ civil war、(U1-A)A、virtualB、virtuousC、visibleD、visual27、They were also more skeptical that further dialogue with their partner would______ a close friendship、(U1-A)A、submitB、surrenderC、yieldD、emerge28、Parents can unwittingly ______ their own fears to their children、(U1-A)A、transportB、transplantC、transformD、transmit29、It is my first trip abroad so I am going to ______ it、(U1-A)A、make the deadline toB、make the most ofC、make a good impression ofD、make a habit of30、You think I did it deliberately, but I ______ you that I did not、(U1-B)A、assureB、ensureC、assumeD、presume Key to Unit 1 (BI)1、C2、B3、A4、B5、D6、B7、D8、D9、D 10、C11、D 12、C 13、A 14、C 15、A 16、D 17、A 8、D 19、C 20、B21、A 22、D 23、D 24、B 25、D 26、A 27、C 28、D 29、B 30、AUnit 2, Book 11、We must improve our ____ as soon as possible otherwise the task would be postponed、(U2—A)A、sufficiencyB、deficiencyC、proficiencyD、efficiency2、She was a bit ______ when they asked her age for she still failed to find a boyfriend、(U2—A)A、embarrassedB、embeddedC、embodiedD、embraced3、I ____ my buttons with a handkerchief because of the ongoing construction site nearby、(U2—A)A、polishedB、punishedC、publishedD、punched4、There's nothing like candlelight for creating a ______ mood for the girl to enjoy her birthday、(U2—A)A、rebelliousB、romanticC、reservedD、robust5、During our stay in Europe we visited many places of __ _ interest, including several castles、(U2—A)A、periodicalB、historicalC、identicalD、economical6、She was always very generous in her ______, which aroused the attention from the public gradually、(U2—A)A、simplicityB、charityC、purityD、capacity7、A warm-up is important before a run so as not to ______ any muscles、(U2—A)A、strainB、stainC、striveD、struggle8、Learning effective ways to municate can ______ the situation of a difficult relationship, reducethe stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your teenagers、(U2—A)A、conserveB、reverseC、preserveD、reveal9、I hope her ______ wound will heal with the passing of time、A、emotionalB、rationalC、nationalD、gradual10、The new system designed to ____harmful emissions from factories will be put into use soon、(U2—A)A、careB、cureC、curbD、disturb11、The criminal wishes to ______ and lead a respectable life、(U2—A)A、struggle withB、stretch upC、strive againstD、straighten up12、During the period of adjustment, the international student tends to ______ about everything in the new environment、(U2—B)A、peteB、pareC、pleteD、plain13、They plunged into their work with ______ zeal、(U2—B)A、immenseB、immatureC、imminentD、immune14、The sharp ______ in house price makes it difficult for young people to buy houses, especially in big cities、(U2—B)A、surpriseB、surgeC、shareD、shape15、Large numbers of birds ______ south every winter、(U2—B)A、migrateB、emigrateC、immigrateD、emerge16、Some old people tend to be quite conservative and a bit ______ of supposed advances、(U2—B)A、suspiciousB、conspicuousC、ridiculousD、delicious17、Many types of animals have now ______ from the earth due to the environmental problems、(U2—B)A、punishedB、polishedC、pinchedD、vanished18、I had to walk very fast to ______ you、(U2—B)A、overtakeB、overeC、overturnD、overthrow19、The police appealed to the crowd for ______ because the situation was nearly out of control、 (U2—B)A、releaseB、referenceC、reluctanceD、restraint20、After the quarrel, things became very ______ between me and boss, and as a result I had to give up my job、(U2—B)A、distributiveB、delicateC、distinctD、delicious21、They have witnessed a leap in economic growth in the past decade, but now the growth is ______、(U2—B)A、slowing downB、running awayC、making senseD、taking off22、The project was ______ for lack of fund、(U2—B)A、hung aroundB、hung overC、hung inD、hung up23、She didn’t feel like talking about the matter on the phone, so she ______、(U2—B)A、hung onB、hung backC、hung upD、hung outKey to Unit 2(BI)1-10 D A A B B B A B A C11-20 D D A B A A D A D B21-23 A D CUnit 3,Book11、The president of the university said that they were trying their best to ______ their university intoa top school in the country、(U3-A)A、transferB、transformC、transmitD、transit2、Students and faculty in the university have free ______ to the puter lab、(U3-A)A、accessB、excuseC、excessD、entrance3、The management of the college is ______ satisfactory、(U3-A)A、less thanB、no less thanC、better thanD、no more than4、Homework should not be used as a(n) ______ of controlling children、(U3-A)A、methodB、meanC、meansD、aim5、He is heartbroken over this earthquake and he would like to _____ an orphan from the area、(U3-A)A、adaptB、adjustC、addictD、adopt6、According to the survey, students and children ______ more than 50% of the visitors to Disneyland last year、(U3-A)A、counted forB、countedC、accounted forD、accounted7、The state wants to cut away $40 million from the higher education ______、(U3-A)A、financeB、budgetC、costD、expense8、It is stupid to think that women are ______ in intelligence ______ men、(U3-A)A、prior…toB、inferior…toC、inferior…thanD、superior…than9、Do take care of yourself、Nothing can ______ for the loss of one’s health、(U3-A)A、pensateB、peteC、priseD、prehend10、Mother set the pace so that her children would ______ her、(U3-A)A、put up withB、end up withC、pick up withD、keep up with11、To remain ______ in the local market, the quality of our products needs to be improved、(U3-A)A、petentB、petitiveC、parativeD、constructive12、I went through about four years of being ______ video games、(U3-B)A、addictive toB、related toC、addicted toD、indulged to13、Ten years of working and saving money ______ him to afford an apartment of moderate size、(U3-B)A、enabledB、engagedC、encouragedD、made14、Your plan is not workable; we must ______ an alternative method、(U3-B)A、e up withB、keep up withC、catch up withD、make up with15、Such an incident does ______ health and safety concerns、(U3-B)A、get toB、bring toC、cause forD、give rise to16、The government official was ______ accepting bribes、(U3-B)A、accused withB、sued ofC、charged forD、charged with17、In all, 20 panies are ______ in producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft、(U3-B)A、containedB、involvedC、includedD、concluded18、During the epidemic outbreak, many of them were willing to help even at the ______ of their own life、(U3-B)A、dangerB、chanceC、riskD、hazard19、In the novel the writer creates an ______ world that is pletely different from ours、(U3-B)A、imaginaryB、imaginableC、imaginationD、imaginative20、They ______ Edison’s success to intelligence and hard work、(U3-B)A、contributedB、distributedC、attributedD、redistributed21、The lesson is supposed to ______ her interest in the subject、(U3-B)A、riseB、raiseC、arouseD、arise22、Some parents ______ their children so much that they never ask them to help with the housework、(U3-B)A、spoilB、ruinC、damageD、destroy23、Some students prefer ______ with their friends online to ______ them in person、(U3-B)A、chatting; visitB、to chat; visitingC、to chat; visitD、chatting; visiting24、The train was ______ to arrive at 8, but it was 20 minutes late、(U3-B)A、mittedB、intendedC、appointedD、scheduled25、The United States has been, and will remain, the one ______ nation in world affairs、(U3-A)A、dispensableB、indispensableC、insensibleD、incapable26、Among the questions are: can the Environmental Protection Agency ______ the emission of greenhouse gases? (U3-A)A、regulateB、adjustC、coordinateD、acmodate27、His inability to speak English put him ______ 、(U3-A)A、at a distanceB、at a disadvantageC、in a disadvantageD、at a dilemma28、What we wanted to do was give them a(n) ______ for their work, for their expression、 (U3-B)A、exitB、outlookC、passageD、outlet29、The trucking pany was able to ______ the severe fuel shortage、(U3-B)A、supportB、maintainC、obtainD、sustain30、He wanted ______ to be the humble servant of his country、He was so devoted to his country、(U3-B)A、nothing butB、all butC、anything butD、everything butKey to Unit 3(BI)1-5 B A A C D 6-10 C B B A D 11-15 B C A A D16-20 D B C A C 21-25 C A D D B 26-30 A B D D AUnit 4, Book 11、On the day ______ to Typhoon Meranti, the whole city was in a terrible mess、(U4---A)A、consequentB、subsequentC、previousD、prior2、At the beginning, some experts wrongly believed that the risk of Zika virus infection would be ______ only a few countries、(U4---A)A、confined toB、refined toC、resigned toD、conformed to3、It is known to us that all medical ______ should be systematically trained、(U4---A)A、personB、personalityC、personnelD、personnels4、It must be admitted that Mary is the only person that I can ______ in a crisis、(U4---A)A、count inB、count outC、count downD、count on5、Since we can hardly conquer nature, it would be wise to stay ______ it、(U4---A)A、in harmony withB、out of harmony withC、in harmonyD、in disharmony with6、The first day at college is usually exciting, refreshing, and , ______ , a day to remember、(U4---A)A、in the words of many students’B、in many students’ wordsC、in the words of many student’sD、in many student’s words7、Do you think it important to ______ a gang raped girl ______ the press? (U4---A)A、shield…forB、shield …toC、shield…fromD、shield …with8、Tomorrow is Saturday and many diners will flow in、Can you ______ a seat for me? (U4---A)A、conserveB、reserveC、preserveD、deserve9、It was at midnight that the sound of a gun shot ______and then the police arrived、(U4---A)A、rang upB、rang backC、rang outD、rang off10、Don’t be too optimistic、Few students can really______ the difficult paragraph、(U4---A)A、make sense forB、make some sense ofC、make sense fromD、make any sense of11、After years of negotiation, the two countries finally came to an agreement, which was ______ a landmark、(U4---A)A、hailed asB、claimed asC、criticized asD、defined as12、Currently, people change their jobs very often, yet the question is: how many of them arefully aware that frequent job-hopping ______ loss of chance of promotion? (U4---A)A、revolvesB、involvesC、evolvesD、solves13、More than once, President Barrack Obama has ______ the Asian allies of the U、S、to approve TTP, as he does not want China to bee the Asian rule-maker、(U4---A)A、called offB、called upC、called onD、called back14、Experts always say that marriage needs to be carefully managed, for when one marries another, one has to learn to ______ various relations regarding the other party、(U4---A)A.cope B、reconcile C、neglectD、negotiate15、Recent s harp drop in consumer spending ______ people’s concern about the economy、(U4---B)A、infectsB、effectsC、affectsD、reflects16、In some countries, it takes a long time before an outdated policy is ______、(U4---B)A、abolishedB、eliminatedC、erasedD、removed17、Regrettably, a middle-aged woman was killed by a tiger in a Peking zoo simply because she ______ warnings of possible danger、(U4---B)A、failed to noticeB、ignoredC、was not remindedD、paid much attention to18、After long hours of driving, Jack ______ to take a short break、(U4---B)A、pulled intoB、pulled outC、pulled throughD、pulled over19、One should always be ______ others’ help in time of trouble、(U4---B)A、thankful toB、grateful toC、grateful forD、thankless for20、According to the latest news report, quite a few eyewitnesses ______ the suspect ______a teenager、(U4---B)A、established…asB、treated…asC、identified…asD、regarded…as21、The musician was not known to the public because his talent was ______ by his shyness、(U4---B)A、submergedB、emergedC、mergedD、remerged22、Since childhood, she has had ______ to be an astronaut、(U4---B)A、inspirationB、aspirationC、respirationD、registration23、A real couple are supposed to ______ each other for support, especially in difficulty、(U4---B)A、lean towardsB、lean backC、lean forwardD、leanon24、It was not until lunchtime that the sun ______ the mist、(U4---B)A、broke throughB、broke outC、broke upD、broke downkey to Unit 4 (BI)1-5: B A C D A 6-10: B C B C D11-15: ABCBD 16-20: A B D C C21-24: A B D AUnit 5, Book I1、We can’t afford to lose this ______ because the future of the pany depends on it、(U5—A)A、contactB、contextC、conceptD、contract2、I managed to ______ four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time jobs、(U5—A)A、supportB、supplyC、financeD、sponsor3、He won his party’s nomination to ______ the general election、(U5—A)A、peteB、contestC、contactD、connect4、There is a ______ between telling a white lie and a lie、(U5—A)A、distinctionB、disfortC、disgraceD、dishonor5、The managers will ______ at the meeting this afternoon to discuss solutions、(U5—A)A、assembleB、attendC、resembleD、appear6、He ______ that their soccer team is the best college team in the whole country、(U5—A)A、insertsB、assertsC、agreesD、assures7、He chose to major in a foreign language in college due to his ______ lack of interest in sciences、(U5—A)A、approvingB、attentiveC、apparentD、transparent8、The pany’s continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of negative ______、(U5—A)A、publicationB、publicC、punishmentD、publicity9、I’m sorry, I have no ______ of hurting you、(U5—A)A、intentB、attentionC、connectionD、intention10、She opened the door and saw him holding a bunch of roses、In that ______, she fell in love with him、(U5—A)A、momentB、minuteC、instantD、instance11、The pany decided to ______ him $5,000 for his safe driving、(U5—A)A、rewardB、awardC、prizeD、provide12、Laura ______ that she was doing everything to solve the problem、(U5—A)A、insistedB、assistedC、resistedD、consisted13、His consideration and generosity ______ him to his colleagues、(U5—A)A、enabledB、endearedC、enclosedD、enjoyed14、A love of music is ______ in human nature、(U5—A)A、coherentB、evidentC、inherentD、consistent15、It is always the false jewels that look the most real and the most ______、(U5—A)A、magnificentB、beautifulC、excellentD、brilliant16、He has the ______ of a first-class athlete、(U5—B)A、attitudesB、charactersC、attributesD、advantages17、People have been ______ of the way she has handled the affair、(U5—B)A、crucialB、criticalC、awareD、conscious18、He was ______ enough to overlook my little mistakes、(U5—B)A、generousB、gentleC、humorousD、kind19、Friendships between individuals are based on ______ trust and respect、(U5—B)A、naturalB、mutualC、annualD、manual20、His apology was so ______that we forgave him、(U5—B)A、helpfulB、hopefulC、gracefulD、respectful21、After the terrorists’ attack, it took a long time for people to ______ their fear of flying、(U5—B)A、overtakeB、overdoC、overlookD、overe22、We shall have to make some ______ changes in the way we conduct the survey、(U5—B)A、importantB、necessaryC、fundamentalD、tremendous23、They have made ______ progress in their studies、(U5—B)A、consideringB、considerableC、considerateD、considered24、You should be responsible for all the ______ of your action、(U5—B)A、consequencesB、sequencesC、hazardsD、concepts25、We will manage to ______ the task in time even though it is difficult、(U5—B)A、achieveB、acplishC、attainD、finish26、He always wanted to ______ all his possessions and return to life in nature、(U5—A)A、give upB、give offC、give awayD、give out27、This pany’s losses ______ its gains、(U5—B)A、carried outB、canceled outC、came outD、broke out28、Scientists hope that the data will ______ a more detailed exploration of Mars、(U5—B)A、pave the way forB、make room forC、be ready forD、blame forKeys to Unit 5 (BI)1—5: DCBAA, 6--10 BCDDC, 11--15 BABCD, 16—20 CBABC,21--25 DCBAB, 26--28 CBAUnit 6, Book 11、The value of the house was ______ at one million US dollars、(U6-A)A、chargedB、predictedC、accountedD、assessed2、They are such a(n) ______ family – they must have been shocked when their son dyed his hair pink、(U6-A)A、conventionalB、conservativeC、constantD、convenient3、Problems with the teeth or gums can ______ with eating well、(U6-A)A、interpretB、interveneC、interruptD、interfere4、______ the recent bad weather, the construction work is several weeks behind schedule、(U6-A)A、BecauseB、Owing toC、Thanks toD、Since5、_____ care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill、(U6-A)A、IntenseB、ExtensiveC、IntensiveD、Tense6、Most people were ready to give up on him when he ______ of school, but later he returned and earned his degree、(U6-A)A、dropped outB、dropped inC、dropped offD、dropped away7、Low-cost airlines are emerging all over Asia; this will ______ the development of the world’s air-travel market as whole、(U6-A)A、attribute toB、result fromC、contribute toD、relate to8、The last five years have seen a ______ improvement in the country’s economy、(U6-A)A、consistentB、continuousC、considerateD、continual9、I _____ to send application letters and make phone calls to 25 panies by September、(U6-A)A、solveB、resolveC、involveD、revolve10、Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved further away from the living areas in order to ______ the damage、(U6-A)A、understateB、undergoC、undertakeD、undermine11、If a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle, he will surely be ______ developing diseases、(U6-A)A、at risk ofB、at a risk ofC、at the risk ofD、at risks of12、During an economic slowdown, many banks are forced to ______ on lending、(U6-A)A、cut inB、cut backC、cut offD、cut out13、The treatment is ______ because it may have serious side effects、(U6-A)A、virtualB、conventionalC、controversialD、substantial14、In his speech, he emphasized that he did not ______ from the election campaign for personal reasons、(U6-A)A、leaveB、drawC、withdrawD、withstand15、We promise to ______ time and effort to improving life for people in poor towns、(U6-A)A、transmitB、permitC、submitD、mit16、______ my fear, I walked forth into the house, not knowing who would be inside、(U6-B)A、Despite ofB、In spite ofC、RegardlessD、Given17、All roadwork during G20 Hangzhou Summit has been stopped to ______ the smooth flow of traffic、(U6-B)A、insureB、ensureC、assureD、reassure18、To ______ stress, she turned to painting, an activity she has loved since childhood、(U6-B)A、relieveB、releaseC、relaxD、retrieve19、I always ______ on those happy days I spent at college、(U6-B)A、look upB、look throughC、look atD、look back20、No matter how hard I tried, I could not ______ him of the truth of the matter、(U6-B)A、relieveB、ensureC、convinceD、push21、Most political officials ______ that their policies will benefit large sections of the population、(U6-B)A、claimB、acclaimC、proclaimD、disclaim22、These power, if _____, could turn him into a dictator、(U6-B)A、misusedB、usedC、abusedD、disused23、I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she ______ agreed、(U6-B)A、pletelyB、willinglyC、partiallyD、readily24、Both parents are ______ for the well-being of their child、(U6-B)A、responsiveB、respondingC、responsibleD、responded25、She argued that smoking was a way of releasing the ______ of her life、(U6-B)A、intentB、tensionC、intensityD、extension26、______ he wants her to give up smoking and stay home to look after the children, she feels that this is too much for her、(U6-A)A、HoweverB、AsC、WhereasD、When27、His travel log gives a(n) ______ account of life in the desert、(U6-B)A、authenticB、accurateC、artificialD、virtual28、______ those who are attending university at an older age, to study hard will be their priority rather than anything else、(U6-B)A、AboutB、As forC、As toD、On29、You need to learn how to ______ your work when you are given many tasks to acplish、(U6-B)A、selectB、arrangeC、highlightD、prioritizeKey to Unit 6 (BI)1、D2、A3、D4、B5、C6、A7、C8、A9、B 10、D11、A 12、B 13、C 14、C 15、 D 16、B 17、B 18、A 19、D 20、C21、A 22、C 23、D 24、C 25、B 26、C 27、A 28、B 29、D。
新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第一册答案(unit1ruo gnisol ot esolc emac osla ew tub ,yenom ruo lla esol ew did ylno toN .3 .hsilgnE ni sdneirf htiw etacinummoc ot denrael osla ew tub ,esruoc enilno eht hguorht ygolonhcet eht nrael ew did ylno toN .2 .sruo dna erutluc sih neewteb pag eht degdirb osla eh tub ,egaugnal esenihC eht nrael htimS .rM did ylno toN .1 .IIV .yrgna saw ehs yldrawni elihw ,denrecnoc esoht lla sdrawot yldneirf saw araS yldrawtuO .5 .etilopmi dna gnitlusni eew srehto elihw ,yletilop devaheb dna yltnasaelp ekops stseug emoS .4 .ylimaf eht rof sreh lla devas efiw sih elihw ,gniknird yenom sih lla tneps dnabsuh ehT .3 .nwod ti gnikconk tpek nosnikliW elihw ,pu ecirp eht gniklat tpek kralC nallA .2 .roop ylevitaler era tsew eht ni esoht elihw ,deppiuqe retteb era tsae eht ni seitisrevinU .1 .IV erutcurtS ecnetneS C.01 F.9 O.8 M.7 K.6 H.5 I.4 E.3 B.2 G.1 .V htiw.01 rof .9 ni .8 fo .7 pu .6 ot .5 htiw .4 morf .3 otni .2 pu .1 .VI seitinutroppo .01 muminim .9 stifeneb .8 lautriv .7 tnemtimmoc .6 evitisop .5 gnissarrabme .4 ssecca .3 etacinummoc .2 gnidrawer .1 .III 案答1 tinU 册1 第版2 第语英学大野视新语英学大野视新案答册一第程教写读版二第语英学大野视新]献贡晖清月由文本[ 案答册一第程教写读版二第语英学大野视新nI.01 fo .9 pu .8 ni .7 fo .6 no .5 no .4 no .3 htiw .2 rof .1 .VI esora .01 derednih .9 egnellahc .8 ticilpxe .7 evitcepsrep .6 ecrofnier .5 dettimmoc .4 euqinu .3 evitceffe .2 ytinummoc .1 yralubacoV D.8 C.7B.6 D.5C.4 B.3 A.2 C.1 .II txeT eht fo noisneherpmoC B .5 A .4D.3 B.2C.1 .1 sllikS gnidaeR B noitceS .krow drah ym lla fo stifeneb eht depaer I ,ecnetsisrep fo sraey retfA .emit no stnemngissa dehsinif dna esruoc eht fo sdradnats eht tem I taht os ylluferac emit ym deganam oslaI .ssorca emac I sdrow wen detsil I hcihw ni koobeton a sa llew sa tnew I erehwyreve em htiw yranoitcid llams a deirrac I .ecitcarp fo tol a koot ti ,yas ot sseldeen ,dna egnellahc laer a saw tI .egaugnal ngierof a gninrael ni dedeeccus I taht yas ot duorp ma I .IIX gnitirW derutcurtS B.51 A.41 B.31 A.21 A.11 B.01 a.9 A.8 B.7 C,6 C.5 B.4 B.3 A.2 B .1 ezolC 。
新视野大学英语读写第一册课后习题答案 UNIT1
![新视野大学英语读写第一册课后习题答案 UNIT1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ebcb61ae6f1aff00bfd51e4b.png)
9. Even though they are poor, they are against the plan to trade land _fo_r__ goods and money.
10. I’m doing this to create circumstances under which we can communicate _w_i_t_h____ each other easily.
3. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ___a_c_c_e_s_s______ to health service.
4. Asking too many personal questions during an interview can lead to a(n) _em__b_a_r_r_a_s_s_in_g___ situation.
7. The time has come for us to reap the benefits _o_f__ the strong foundations we laid in science and technology.
8. He wished to have the opportunity to participate _i_n______ the sports meet.
teacher, I need the students to ask questions
so that I know what areas of my lessons need further _7_)_M__)e_x_p_l_a_n_a_t_io_n__.” That’s what is
great about teaching and learning over the
Unit 11.选词填空explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的)1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeedin school.2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared.4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability.6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population.8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population.9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.2.15选10attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, (5)virtually day and night, because they find some computer programs (6)fascinating, and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more (7)prosperous future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to (8)acquire knowledge from all of the resources which are (9)available to them, and finally, to succeed in the future jobmarket. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don't want to (10)sample anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.3.选词组open the door to 给···以机会 in advance 预先,提前all at once 同时,一下子 reap the benefits (of) 得享(某事物)的好处make the most of 最大限度的利用某物 over time逐渐地,慢慢地get by过活,活的去 stand a chance (of)有(做成某事)的希望remind ... of 使某人想起 take pleasure in乐于做某事1. My family got by on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to make the most of their time on the way to work.3. In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks in advance.4. Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily over time .5. In order to reap the benefits of the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6. They all tried to talk all at once , but I couldn't hear anything they said.7. Yellow flowers in the field always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.8. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should stand a chance of winning the game.9. Research on genes will open the door to exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has made a contribution and I take pleasure in acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.4.翻译Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamen tals (基础)of modern Western philosophy. He is a mysterious figure known chiefly through the acco unts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his most famous student Pla to. Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics. His met hod of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to sti mulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide ra nge of discussions. He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of ep istemology (认识论)and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed. Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon beca me a household word although he constructed no philosophical system, established no sch ool, and founded no sect (宗派).苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。
新视野大学英语读写教程1第三版 Unit1
![新视野大学英语读写教程1第三版 Unit1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7673b3a7f18583d0496459ff.png)
Unit 1 Fresh StartSection APre-reading activities1.Which of the tips mentioned in the interview is most useful to you? Why?In fact all the pieces of advice mentioned in the interview are very useful. But if I have to choose one as the most useful, I'd choose "keep a balance". When we were in high school, we spent almost all our time studying. There lacked a balance between social life and academic life in high school. It's important to keep a balance between life and work because it will give us a sound mind in a sound body. Now we have much more free time, so we can join student organizations or go to different activities.2.What advice did your parents give you before you left for college?Before I left for college my parents did have a talk with me. They told me how important college experience would be in my life. They told me about the opportunities that college education would open up to me. They told me to try to develop more interests and join some student clubs. The most impressive advice they gave me was that I should not only read books about my major; instead, they advised me to read as widely as possible. All these are very valuable pieces of advice.Reading comprehension1.According to the president, what did the parents remind their children to dobefore they left for college?The parents reminded their children to work hard and achieve the best they could.2.What does the president call on the students to do with the greatest resourceson campus?The president calls on the students to make the most of the great resources on campus: to explore new subjects, to meet fascinating people, and to pursue new passions.3.What does the president mean when he says "sample them widely" (Para. 5)? By saying "sample them widely", the president means students should try many different courses and try something new to see what it is like.4.What could be the consequences if you don't challenge yourself?If we don't challenge ourselves, we will not become broadly educated people, and we may not find the passion that will help us shape our future.5.What can you learn from the example of Vera Wang?We can learn from the example of Vera Wang that we should challenge ourselves, and by challenging ourselves, we are more likely to find an interest we don't know we have, and this interest may help us build a prosperous future.6.How should you deal with new and unpleasant experiences in college?We should not worry, and we should learn to face this new part of our life with enthusiasm. College experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, will provide us with valuable lessons and will enrich our life.7.How do you understand "Now it is your turn" (Para. 7)?The expression "Now it is your turn" means that now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and to pass it on.8.How does the president's speech impress you?The president's welcoming speech is really impressive. He mentions many important things about college life, the resources available on campus, as well as the opportunities we have and the responsibilities that we should take. The speech is very inspiring.1. What role do you think a university education will play in your life?A university education will play a very important role in my life, and it will benefit me in a number of ways. In the university I can acquire specialized knowledge about my major, and develop my critical thinking and research skills.I will have the opportunities to meet and share ideas with people of different minds. I can gain a broader view of the world by meeting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. And I will start my life journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-fulfillment.2.Do you think a university education can change a person's life? In what wayand why?Yes, absolutely. With a university education, a person will have more freedom and therefore more choices. This education experience provides unlimited potential. Moreover, a university education provides the means for one to succeed. Not only will a person obtain knowledge and skills essential for his career development, but he will also develop an independent mind and be able to make right decisions on his own.3.How do you think about those successful people such as Bill Gates who droppedout of university?I admire those who dropped out of university and yet had made fame for themselves by achieving big goals. Some people use those successful college dropouts as counterexamples to show their belief that a person can succeed even without a university education. Chances are that most people do not have the same mind, talent, determination, or opportunities as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg did; therefore, they might not be able to achieve success without having a university education. In fact, a university education will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills which will help them to succeed.4.How do you understand the statement "If you think education is expensive,try ignorance"?Nowadays education is getting more and more expensive, especially college education. And there are people who choose to give up education because of the high cost. But without education, one would not be able to acquire knowledge that an education will offer. In other words, they would be "ignorant". The result would be that "ignorant" people will suffer even more or pay even more for being so. It is true that education is expensive, but if you try "ignorance", the cost would be even higher.5.What are you going to do at university in order to sample widely and challengeyourself?To sample widely and challenge myself, I am going to venture out of my comfort zone and do what I have not had the courage to do. For instance, I will make friends with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. I will take a swimming class and learn how to swim. I will attend lectures, join student clubs, and try all kinds of food. Most of all, I will do whatever it takes to make the most of the four years and try to become a well-rounded graduate.Words in use1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained (confidence) and began to succeed in school.2. It is so difficult to (explore) the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex (emerged) from the water; we were quite scared.4. We often (assume) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may (pose) a threat to social stability.6. After a(n) (comprehensive)physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural (resources) and a very big population.8. Some people believe that the earth can (yield) enough food to support at least twice its present population.9. Sam (inherited) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to (transmit) to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.Word building: Practiceun-cover ➝ 1)(uncover)easy ➝ 2)(uneasy)load ➝ 3)(unload)-antapply ➝ 4)(applicant)resist ➝ 5)(resistant)account ➝ 6)(accountant)assistant ➝ 7)(assist)-ifysimple ➝ 8)(simplify)note ➝ 9)(notify)quality ➝ 10)(qualify)class ➝ 11)(classify)1. Despite being (classified)as a meat-eater, the panda has a diet that is overwhelmingly vegetarian.2. They have developed computerized systems which will greatly (assist)all library users so that they will not need the help of others.3. Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more (resistant) to earthquakes.4. After a two-month inquiry, the police have (uncovered)the three men's intention to rob a bank and have arrested them.5. Consumers say they are (uneasy)about using their credit cards over the Internet because they are afraid of Internet fraud (欺诈) and identity theft.6. A college degree and some working experience should (qualify) you for the job advertised in the newspaper.7. The British ship arrived at the port this morning and is (unloading)its contents in the harbor now.8. As a human resources manager, I see many job (applicants) who are technically skilled, but have bad attitudes.9. The teacher (simplified) his instructions so that the small children could understand him better.10. My major was literature. However, now I'm working in a firm as a(n) (accountant), dealing with numbers every day.11. The committee's decision will be (notified) to all employees next week.Banked clozeUniversity students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to 1)(classify) them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2)(passion) for learning, those who wish to 3)(attain) a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose.Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4)(pursue) their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen,working on a new program, 5)(virtually) day and night, because they find some computer programs 6)(fascinating), and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day.Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7)(prosperous)future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8)(acquire) knowledge from all of the resources which are 9)(available) to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market.Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don't want to 10)(sample) anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.Expressions in use1. My family 1)(got by) on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to 2)(make the most of) their time on the way to work.3. In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks 3)(in advance).4. Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily4)(over time).5. In order to 5)(reap the benefits of)the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6. They all tried to talk 6)(all at once), but I couldn't hear anything they said.7. Yellow flowers in the field always 7)(remind) me 8)(of) my childhood in the countryside.8. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should 9)(standa chance of) winning the game.9. Research on genes will 10)(open the door to) exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has made a contribution and I 11)(take pleasure in) acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.Structure analysis: PracticeA B B CStructured writing: PracticeThere are some things you can do to succeed in college. First, pursue passions. Your passions will broaden your mind and make your life interesting. Second,never let go of any opportunities that come your way. College is full of unique opportunities, which will enable you to sample new things and meet wonderful people. Lastly, take responsibilities. In college you must learn to be responsible for your own decisions and actions. With the passions, the opportunities, and the ability to take responsibilities, you will become successful not only in college, but also in your future career.Translation苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。
新视野大学英语读写(一)U n i t1-6拓展练习及答案第三版新视野大学英语读写教程第一册补充练习Unit 1, Book 11. We all had to ______allegiance to the flag. (U1-A)A. promiseB. guaranteeC. pledgeD. plead2. That story you have just told me ______me ______ an experience I just had. (U1-A)A. reminds, aboutB. reminds, ofC. remembers, toD. recollects, about3. Whenever you have an aim, you must sacrifice something of freedom to ______ it. (U1-A)A. attainB. retainC. refrainD. sustain4. The film is eloquent as it ______ the relationship between artist and instrument. (U1-A)A. investigatesB. exploresC. risksD. pursues5. The only problem is that I work in a factory all day, everyday, just to pay for the medications Adam need to ______. (U1-A)A. get alongB. get throughC. get atD. get by6. They are now ______ all their hard work. (U1-A)A. making the most ofB. reaping the benefits ofC. standing a chance ofD. building a foundation of7. A Kids in Crisis Survey found that 85% of our kids worry about grades; 83% ______ homework. (U1-A)A. feel obliged toB. feel sorry forC. feel proud ofD. feel overwhelmed by8. Sober nations have ______ become desperate gamblers, and risked almost their existence upon the turn of a piece of paper. (U1-A)A. once and for allB. once upon a timeC. once too oftenD. all at once9. I think most pools most of the time are really pretty clean and the benefits associated with swimming in most circumstances, you know, ______ the risks. (U1-A)A. outstandB. outsmartC. outvoteD. outweigh10. But experts say if Mr. Gul’s visit passes off smoothly, its real success can be th at it will ______ future dialogue. (U1-A)A. open into the gate ofB. open up the opportunity toC. open the door toD. open the mind to11. These suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to ______. (U1-B)A. take them personallyB. take them effectivelyC. take them evenlyD. take them seriously12. The article can be used to ______ discussion among students. (U1-B)A. accumulateB. accommodateC. stimulateD. simulate13. They hope to ______ a new strain that combines all these merits but does not have the defeats. (U1-B)A. cultivateB. blossomC. evolveD. motivate14. I ______how you all turn out. Do come back, from time to time, and let us know. (U1-B)A. can’t help seeingB. can’t agree to seeC. can’t wait to seeD. can’t bear to see15. When ______ the optional course, many college students will take into consideration such factors as personal interests, time schedule, practicality of the courses and so on. (U1-B)A. signing up forB. registering forC. logging inD. feeling up to16. I was given some pills to ______ the pain. (U1-B)A. take downB. take inC. take overD. take away17. Some of us ______ entrepreneurs---to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. (U1-B)A. were born to beB. were bound to beC. were about to beD. were destined to18. After his expulsion from the cabinet, the minister became the subject of a smear campaign. It seems the media and the public alike ______ hitting a man after when he’s down. (U1-A)A. take time toB. take control ofC. take charge ofD. take pleasure in19. School is one of the m ost important places during one’s growth. ______ one not only acquires abundant knowledge but also learn how to conduct oneself in society. (U1-B)A. It is here whereB. It is here whoC. It is here thatD. It is here when20. No matter what the future holds to us, ______ we do our very best to approach the dangers than that we do nothing waiting passively for our end. (U1-B)A. it is good thatB. it is better thatC. it is best thatD. it will be better that21. ______ a student representative from the disaster-hit area, I’m very ______ to the people of all walks of life for their care and help. (U1-A)A. As, gratefulB. Being, proudC. As, happyD.Unlike, thankful22. ______ making my speech in front of a large audience, I______ the encouragement and advice from my English teacher. (U1-A)A. While, am reminding ofB. When, remind ofC. On, am reminding ofD. In, am reminded of23. If I ______ give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college challenges, it would be this: Believe in yourself! (U1-A)A. wouldB. shouldC. mightD. could24. Some people achieved great success even though they did not have college diplomas. ______ of this is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in his junior year. (U1-A) A. A lesson in point B. A wonderful exampleC. An old sayingD.A perfect story25. A person may go through many setbacks in his life, but there has been no greater ______ than dreaming hours away and accomplishing nothing significant. (U1-B)A. triumphB. enthusiasmC. flexibilityD. regret26. The country was sliding into a state of ______ civil war. (U1-A)A. virtualB. virtuousC. visibleD. visual27. They were also more skeptical that further dialogue with their partner would______ a close friendship. (U1-A)A. submitB. surrenderC. yieldD. emerge28. Parents can unwittingly ______ their own fears to their children. (U1-A)A. transportB. transplantC. transformD. transmit29. It is my first trip abroad so I am going to ______ it. (U1-A)A. make the deadline toB. make the most ofC. make a good impression ofD. make a habit of30. You think I did it deliberately, but I ______ you that I did not. (U1-B)A. assureB. ensureC. assumeD. presumeKey to Unit 1 (BI)1.C2. B3. A4. B5. D6. B7. D8. D9. D 10. C11.D 12. C 13. A 14. C 15.A 16. D 17. A 8. D 19.C 20.B21.A 22. D 23.D 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. AUnit 2, Book 11. We must improve our ____ as soon as possible otherwise the task would be postponed. (U2—A)A. sufficiencyB. deficiencyC. proficiencyD. efficiency2. She was a bit ______ when they asked her age for she still failed to find a boyfriend. (U2—A)A. embarrassedB. embeddedC. embodiedD. embraced3. I ____ my buttons with a handkerchief because of the ongoing construction site nearby. (U2—A)A. polishedB. punishedC. publishedD. punched4. There's nothing like candlelight for creating a ______ mood for the girl to enjoy her birthday. (U2—A)A. rebelliousB. romanticC. reservedD. robust5. During our stay in Europe we visited many places of __ _ interest, including several castles.(U2—A)A. periodicalB. historicalC. identicalD. economical6. She was always very generous in her ______, which aroused the attention from the public gradually. (U2—A)A. simplicityB. charityC. purityD. capacity7. A warm-up is important before a run so as not to ______ any muscles. (U2—A)A. strainB. stainC. striveD. struggle8. Learning effective ways to communicate can ______ the situation of a difficult relationship, reduce the stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your teenagers. (U2—A)A. conserveB. reverseC. preserveD. reveal9. I hope her ______ wound will heal with the passing of time.A. emotionalB. rationalC. nationalD. gradual10. The new system designed to ____harmful emissions from factories will be put into use soon. (U2—A)A. careB. cureC. curbD. disturb11. The criminal wishes to ______ and lead a respectable life. (U2—A)A. struggle withB. stretch upC. strive againstD. straighten up12. During the period of adjustment, the international student tends to ______ about everything in the new environment. (U2—B)A. competeB. compareC. completeD. complain13. They plunged into their work with ______ zeal. (U2—B)A. immenseB. immatureC. imminentD. immune14. The sharp ______ in house price makes it difficult for young people to buy houses, especially in big cities. (U2—B)A. surpriseB. surgeC. shareD. shape15. Large numbers of birds ______ south every winter. (U2—B)A. migrateB. emigrateC. immigrateD. emerge16. Some old people tend to be quite conservative and a bit ______ of supposed advances. (U2—B)A. suspiciousB. conspicuousC. ridiculousD. delicious17. Many types of animals have now ______ from the earth due to the environmental problems. (U2—B)A. punishedB. polishedC. pinchedD. vanished18.I had to walk very fast to ______ you. (U2—B)A. overtakeB. overcomeC. overturnD. overthrow19. The police appealed to the crowd for ______ because the situation was nearly out of control.(U2—B)A. releaseB. referenceC. reluctanceD. restraint20. After the quarrel, things became very ______ between me and boss, and as a result I had to give up my job. (U2—B)A. distributiveB. delicateC. distinctD. delicious21. They have witnessed a leap in economic growth in the past decade, but now the growth is ______. (U2—B)A. slowing downB. running awayC. making senseD. taking off22.The project was ______ for lack of fund. (U2—B)A. hung aroundB. hung overC. hung inD. hung up23.She didn’t feel like talking about the matter on the phone, so she ______. (U2—B)A. hung onB. hung backC. hung upD. hung outKey to Unit 2(BI)1-10 D A A B B B A B A C11-20 D D A B A A D A D B21-23 A D CUnit 3,Book11. The president of the university said that they were trying their best to ______ their university intoa top school in the country. (U3-A)A. transferB. transformC. transmitD. transit2. Students and faculty in the university have free ______ to the computer lab. (U3-A)A. accessB. excuseC. excessD. entrance3. The management of the college is ______ satisfactory. (U3-A)A. less thanB. no less thanC. better thanD. no more than4. Homework should not be used as a(n) ______ of controlling children. (U3-A)A. methodB. meanC. meansD. aim5. He is heartbroken over this earthquake and he would like to _____ an orphan from the area. (U3-A)A. adaptB. adjustC. addictD. adopt6. According to the survey, students and children ______ more than 50% of the visitors to Disneyland last year. (U3-A)A. counted forB. countedC. accounted forD. accounted7. The state wants to cut away $40 million from the higher education ______. (U3-A)A. financeB. budgetC. costD. expense8. It is stupid to think that women are ______ in intelligence ______ men. (U3-A)A. prior…toB. inferior…toC. inferior…thanD. superior…than9. Do take care of yourself. Nothing can ______ for the loss of one’s health. (U3-A)A. compensateB. competeC. compriseD. comprehend10. Mother set the pace so that her children would ______ her. (U3-A)A. put up withB. end up withC. pick up withD. keep up with11. To remain ______ in the local market, the quality of our products needs to be improved. (U3-A)A. competentB. competitiveC. comparativeD. constructive12. I went through about four years of being ______ video games. (U3-B)A. addictive toB. related toC. addicted toD. indulged to13. Ten years of working and saving money ______ him to afford an apartment of moderate size. (U3-B)A. enabledB. engagedC. encouragedD. made14. Your plan is not workable; we must ______ an alternative method. (U3-B)A. come up withB. keep up withC. catch up withD. make up with15. Such an incident does ______ health and safety concerns. (U3-B)A. get toB. bring toC. cause forD. give rise to16. The government official was ______ accepting bribes. (U3-B)A. accused withB. sued ofC. charged forD. charged with17. In all, 20 companies are ______ in producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft. (U3-B)A. containedB. involvedC. includedD. concluded18. During the epidemic outbreak, many of them were willing to help even at the ______ of their own life. (U3-B)A. dangerB. chanceC. riskD. hazard19. In the novel the writer creates an ______ world that is completely different from ours. (U3-B)A. imaginaryB. imaginableC. imaginationD. imaginative20. They ______ Edison’s success to intelligence and hard work. (U3-B)A. contributedB. distributedC. attributedD. redistributed21. The lesson is supposed to ______ her interest in the subject. (U3-B)A. riseB. raiseC. arouseD. arise22. Some parents ______ their children so much that they never ask them to help with the housework. (U3-B)A. spoilB. ruinC. damageD. destroy23. Some students prefer ______ with their friends online to ______ them in person. (U3-B)A. chatting; visitB. to chat; visitingC. to chat; visitD. chatting; visiting24. The train was ______ to arrive at 8, but it was 20 minutes late. (U3-B)A. committedB. intendedC. appointedD. scheduled25. The United States has been, and will remain, the one ______ nation in world affairs. (U3-A)A. dispensableB. indispensableC. insensibleD. incapable26. Among the questions are: can the Environmental Protection Agency ______ the emission of greenhouse gases? (U3-A)A. regulateB. adjustC. coordinateD. accommodate27. His inability to speak English put him ______ .(U3-A)A. at a distanceB. at a disadvantageC. in a disadvantageD. at a dilemma28. What we wanted to do was give them a(n) ______ for their work, for their expression. (U3-B)A. exitB. outlookC. passageD. outlet29. The trucking company was able to ______ the severe fuel shortage. (U3-B)A. supportB. maintainC. obtainD. sustain30. He wanted ______ to be the humble servant of his country. He was so devoted to his country. (U3-B)A. nothing butB. all butC. anything butD. everything butKey to Unit 3(BI)1-5 B A A C D 6-10 C B B A D 11-15 B C A A D16-20 D B C A C 21-25 C A D D B 26-30 A B D D AUnit 4, Book 11. On the day ______ to Typhoon Meranti, the whole city was in a terrible mess. (U4---A)A. consequentB. subsequentC. previousD. prior2. At the beginning, some experts wrongly believed that the risk of Zika virus infection would be ______ only a few countries. (U4---A)A. confined toB. refined toC. resigned toD. conformed to3. It is known to us that all medical ______ should be systematically trained. (U4---A)A. personB. personalityC. personnelD. personnels4. It must be admitted that Mary is the only person that I can ______ in a crisis. (U4---A)A. count inB. count outC. count downD. count on5. Since we can hardly conquer nature, it would be wise to stay ______ it. (U4---A)A. in harmony withB. out of harmony withC. in harmonyD. in disharmony with6. The first day at college is usually exciting, refreshing, and , ______ , a day to remember. (U4---A)A. in the words of many students’B. in many students’ wordsC. in the word s of many student’sD. in many student’s words7. Do you think it important to ______ a gang raped girl ______ the press? (U4---A)A. shield…forB. shield …toC. shield…fromD. shield …with8. Tomorrow is Saturday and many diners will flow in. Can you ______ a seat for me? (U4---A)A. conserveB. reserveC. preserveD. deserve9. It was at midnight that the sound of a gun shot ______and then the police arrived. (U4---A)A. rang upB. rang backC. rang outD. rang off10. Don’t be too optimistic. Few students can really______ the difficult paragraph. (U4---A)A. make sense forB. make some sense ofC. make sense fromD. make any sense of11. After years of negotiation, the two countries finally came to an agreement, which was ______ a landmark. (U4---A)A. hailed asB. claimed asC. criticized asD. defined as12. Currently, people change their jobs very often, yet the question is: how many of them arefully aware that frequent job-hopping ______ loss of chance of promotion? (U4---A)A. revolvesB. involvesC. evolvesD. solves13. More than once, President Barrack Obama has ______ the Asian allies of the U. S. to approve TTP, as he does not want China to become the Asian rule-maker. (U4---A)A. called offB. called upC. called onD. called back14. Experts always say that marriage needs to be carefully managed, for when one marries another, one has to learn to ______ various relations regarding the other party. (U4---A)A.copeB. reconcileC. neglectD. negotiate15. Recent sharp drop in consumer spending ______ people’s concern about the economy. (U4---B)A. infectsB. effectsC. affectsD. reflects16. In some countries, it takes a long time before an outdated policy is ______. (U4---B)A. abolishedB. eliminatedC. erasedD. removed17. Regrettably, a middle-aged woman was killed by a tiger in a Peking zoo simply because she ______ warnings of possible danger. (U4---B)A. failed to noticeB. ignoredC. was not remindedD. paid much attention to18. After long hours of driving, Jack ______ to take a short break. (U4---B)A. pulled intoB. pulled outC. pulled throughD. pulled over19. One should always be ______ others’ help in time of trouble. (U4---B)A. thankful toB. grateful toC. grateful forD. thankless for20. According to the latest news report, quite a few eyewitnesses ______ the suspect ______a teenager. (U4---B)A. established…asB. treated…asC. identified…asD. regarded…as21. The musician was not known to the public because his talent was ______ by his shyness.(U4---B)A. submergedB. emergedC. mergedD. remerged22. Since childhood, she has had ______ to be an astronaut. (U4---B)A. inspirationB. aspirationC. respirationD. registration23. A real couple are supposed to ______ each other for support, especially in difficulty. (U4---B)A. lean towardsB. lean backC. lean forwardD. lean on24. It was not until lunchtime that the sun ______ the mist. (U4---B)A. broke throughB. broke outC. broke upD. broke downkey to Unit 4 (BI)1-5: B A C D A 6-10: B C B C D11-15: ABCBD 16-20: A B D C C21-24: A B D AUnit 5, Book I1. We can’t afford to lose this ______ because the future of the company depends on it. (U5—A)A. contactB. contextC. conceptD. contract2. I managed to ______ four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time jobs. (U5—A)A. supportB. supplyC. financeD. sponsor3. He won his party’s nomination to ______ the general election. (U5—A)A. competeB. contestC. contactD. connect4. There is a ______ between telling a white lie and a lie. (U5—A)A. distinctionB. discomfortC. disgraceD. dishonor5. The managers will ______ at the meeting this afternoon to discuss solutions. (U5—A)A. assembleB. attendC. resembleD. appear6. He ______ that their soccer team is the best college team in the whole country. (U5—A)A. insertsB. assertsC. agreesD. assures7. He chose to major in a foreign language in college due to his ______ lack of interest in sciences. (U5—A)A. approvingB. attentiveC. apparentD. transparent8. Th e company’s continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of negative ______. (U5—A)A. publicationB. publicC. punishmentD. publicity9. I’m sorry, I have no ______ of hurting you. (U5—A)A. intentB. attentionC. connectionD. intention10. She opened the door and saw him holding a bunch of roses. In that ______, she fell in love with him. (U5—A)A. momentB. minuteC. instantD. instance11. The company decided to ______ him $5,000 for his safe driving. (U5—A)A. rewardB. awardC. prizeD. provide12. Laura ______ that she was doing everything to solve the problem. (U5—A)A. insistedB. assistedC. resistedD. consisted13. His consideration and generosity ______ him to his colleagues. (U5—A)A. enabledB. endearedC. enclosedD. enjoyed14. A love of music is ______ in human nature. (U5—A)A. coherentB. evidentC. inherentD. consistent15. It is always the false jewels that look the most real and the most ______. (U5—A)A. magnificentB. beautifulC. excellentD. brilliant16. He has the ______ of a first-class athlete. (U5—B)A. attitudesB. charactersC. attributesD. advantages17. People have been ______ of the way she has handled the affair. (U5—B)A. crucialB. criticalC. awareD. conscious18. He was ______ enough to overlook my little mistakes. (U5—B)A. generousB. gentleC. humorousD. kind19. Friendships between individuals are based on ______ trust and respect. (U5—B)A. naturalB. mutualC. annualD. manual20. His apology was so ______that we forgave him. (U5—B)A. helpfulB. hopefulC. gracefulD. respectful21. After the ter rorists’ attack, it took a long time for people to ______ their fear of flying. (U5—B)A. overtakeB. overdoC. overlookD. overcome22. We shall have to make some ______ changes in the way we conduct the survey. (U5—B)A. importantB. necessaryC. fundamentalD. tremendous23. They have made ______ progress in their studies. (U5—B)A. consideringB. considerableC. considerateD. considered24. You should be responsible for all the ______ of your action. (U5—B)A. consequencesB. sequencesC. hazardsD. concepts25. We will manage to ______ the task in time even though it is difficult. (U5—B)A. achieveB. accomplishC. attainD. finish26. He always wanted to ______ all his possessions and return to life in nature. (U5—A)A. give upB. give offC. give awayD. give out27. This company’s losses ______ its gains. (U5—B)A. carried outB. canceled outC. came outD. broke out28. Scientists hope that the data will ______ a more detailed exploration of Mars. (U5—B)A. pave the way forB. make room forC. be ready forD. blame forKeys to Unit 5 (BI)1—5: DCBAA, 6--10 BCDDC, 11--15 BABCD, 16—20 CBABC,21--25 DCBAB, 26--28 CBAUnit 6, Book 11. The value of the house was ______ at one million US dollars. (U6-A)A. chargedB. predictedC. accountedD. assessed2. They are such a(n) ______ family – they must have been shocked when their son dyed his hair pink. (U6-A)A. conventionalB. conservativeC. constantD. convenient3. Problems with the teeth or gums can ______ with eating well. (U6-A)A. interpretB. interveneC. interruptD. interfere4. ______ the recent bad weather, the construction work is several weeks behind schedule. (U6-A)A. BecauseB. Owing toC. Thanks toD. Since5. _____ care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. (U6-A)A. IntenseB. ExtensiveC. IntensiveD. Tense6. Most people were ready to give up on him when he ______ of school, but later he returned and earned his degree. (U6-A)A. dropped outB. dropped inC. dropped offD. dropped away7. Low-cost airlines are emerging all over Asia; this will ______ the development of the world’s air-travel market as whole. (U6-A)A. attribute toB. result fromC. contribute toD. relate to8. The last five years have seen a ______ improvement in the country’s economy. (U6-A)A. consistentB. continuousC. considerateD. continual9. I _____ to send application letters and make phone calls to 25 companies by September. (U6-A)A. solveB. resolveC. involveD. revolve10. Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved further away from the living areas in order to ______ the damage. (U6-A)A. understateB. undergoC. undertakeD. undermine11. If a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle, he will surely be ______ developing diseases. (U6-A)A. at risk ofB. at a risk ofC. at the risk ofD. at risks of12. During an economic slowdown, many banks are forced to ______ on lending. (U6-A)A. cut inB. cut backC. cut offD. cut out13. The treatment is ______ because it may have serious side effects. (U6-A)A. virtualB. conventionalC. controversialD. substantial14. In his speech, he emphasized that he did not ______ from the election campaign for personal reasons. (U6-A)A. leaveB. drawC. withdrawD. withstand15. We promise to ______ time and effort to improving life for people in poor towns. (U6-A)A. transmitB. permitC. submitD. commit16. ______ my fear, I walked forth into the house, not knowing who would be inside. (U6-B)A. Despite ofB. In spite ofC. RegardlessD. Given17. All roadwork during G20 Hangzhou Summit has been stopped to ______ the smooth flow of traffic. (U6-B)A. insureB. ensureC. assureD. reassure18. To ______ stress, she turned to painting, an activity she has loved since childhood. (U6-B)A. relieveB. releaseC. relaxD. retrieve19. I always ______ on those happy days I spent at college. (U6-B)A. look upB. look throughC. look atD. look back20. No matter how hard I tried, I could not ______ him of the truth of the matter. (U6-B)A. relieveB. ensureC. convinceD. push21. Most political officials ______ that their policies will benefit large sections of the population. (U6-B)A. claimB. acclaimC. proclaimD. disclaim22. These power, if _____, could turn him into a dictator. (U6-B)A. misusedB. usedC. abusedD. disused23. I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she ______ agreed. (U6-B)A. completelyB. willinglyC. partiallyD. readily24. Both parents are ______ for the well-being of their child. (U6-B)A. responsiveB. respondingC. responsibleD. responded25. She argued that smoking was a way of releasing the ______ of her life. (U6-B)A. intentB. tensionC. intensityD. extension26. ______ he wants her to give up smoking and stay home to look after the children, she feels that this is too much for her. (U6-A)A. HoweverB. AsC. WhereasD. When27. His travel log gives a(n) ______ account of life in the desert. (U6-B)A. authenticB. accurateC. artificialD. virtual28. ______ those who are attending university at an older age, to study hard will be their priority rather than anything else. (U6-B)A. AboutB. As forC. As toD. On29. You need to learn how to ______ your work when you are given many tasks to accomplish. (U6-B)A. selectB. arrangeC. highlightD. prioritizeKey to Unit 6 (BI)1. D2. A3. D4. B5. C6. A7. C8. A 9. B 10. D11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. C21. A 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D。
Unit 11.选词填空explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的)1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeedin school.2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared.4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability.6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population.8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population.9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.2.15选10attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, (5)virtually day and night, because they find some computer programs (6)fascinating, and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more (7)prosperous future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to (8)acquire knowledge from all of the resources which are (9)available to them, and finally, to succeed in the future jobmarket. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don't want to (10)sample anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.3.选词组open the door to 给···以机会 in advance 预先,提前all at once 同时,一下子 reap the benefits (of) 得享(某事物)的好处make the most of 最大限度的利用某物 over time逐渐地,慢慢地get by过活,活的去 stand a chance (of)有(做成某事)的希望remind ... of 使某人想起 take pleasure in乐于做某事1. My family got by on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to make the most of their time on the way to work.3. In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks in advance.4. Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily over time .5. In order to reap the benefits of the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6. They all tried to talk all at once , but I couldn't hear anything they said.7. Yellow flowers in the field always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.8. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should stand a chance of winning the game.9. Research on genes will open the door to exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has made a contribution and I take pleasure in acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.4.翻译Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamen tals (基础)of modern Western philosophy. He is a mysterious figure known chiefly through the acco unts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his most famous student Pla to. Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics. His met hod of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to sti mulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide ra nge of discussions. He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of ep istemology (认识论)and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed. Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon beca me a household word although he constructed no philosophical system, established no sch ool, and founded no sect (宗派).苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。
第三版新视野大学英语读写教程第一册补充练习Unit 1, Book 11.We all had to ______allegiance to the flag. (U1-A)A. promiseB. guaranteeC. pledgeD. plead2.That story you have just told me ______me ______ an experience I just had. (U1-A)A. reminds, aboutB. reminds, ofC. remembers, toD. recollects, about3.Whenever you have an aim, you must sacrifice something of freedom to ______ it. (U1-A)A. attainB. retainC. refrainD. sustain4.The film is eloquent as it ______ the relationship between artist and instrument. (U1-A)A. investigatesB. exploresC. risksD. pursues5.The only problem is that I work in a factory all day, everyday, just to pay for the medications Adam need to ______. (U1-A)A. get alongB. get throughC. get atD. get by6. They are now ______ all their hard work. (U1-A)A. making the most ofB. reaping the benefits ofC. standing a chance ofD. building a foundation of7.A Kids in Crisis Survey found that 85% of our kids worry about grades; 83% ______ homework. (U1-A)A. feel obliged toB. feel sorry forC. feel proud ofD. feel overwhelmed by8.Sober nations have ______ become desperate gamblers, and risked almost their existence upon the turn of a piece of paper. (U1-A)A. once and for allB. once upon a timeC. once too oftenD. all at once9.I think most pools most of the time are really pretty clean and the benefits associated with swimming in most circumstances, you know, ______ the risks. (U1-A)A. outstandB. outsmartC. outvoteD. outweigh10. But experts say if Mr. Gul’ s visit passes off smoothly, its real success can be that it will ______ future dialogue. (U1-A) A.open into the gate of C. open the door to B. open up the opportunity to D. open the mind to11. These suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to ______. (U1-B)A. take them personallyB. take them effectivelyC. take them evenlyD. take them seriously12. The article can be used to ______ discussion among students. (U1-B)A. accumulateB. accommodateC. stimulateD. simulate13.They hope to ______ a new strain that combines all these merits but does not have the defeats. (U1-B)A. cultivateB. blossomC. evolveD. motivate14. I ______how you all turn out. Do come back, from time to time, and let us know. (U1-B)A. can ’ t help seeingB. can ’ t agree to seeC. can ’ t wait to seeD. can ’ t bear to see15.When ______ the optional course, many college students will take into consideration such factors as personal interests, time schedule, practicality of the courses and so on. (U1-B)A. signing up forB. registering forC. logging inD. feeling up to16. I was given some pills to ______ the pain. (U1-B)A. take downB. take inC. take overD. take away17.Some of us ______ entrepreneurs---to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. (U1-B)A. were born to beB. were bound to beC. were about to beD. were destined to18. After his expulsion from the cabinet, the minister became the subject of a smear campaign. It seems the media and the public alike ______ hitting a man after when he-A)’ s down. (U1A. take time toB. take control ofC. take charge ofD. take pleasure in19. School is one of the most important places during one s growth.’ one not only acquires abundant knowledge but also learn how to conduct oneself in society. (U1-B)A. It is here whereB. It is here whoC. It is here thatD. It is here when20.No matter what the future holds to us, ______ we do our very best to approach the dangers than that we do nothing waiting passively for our end. (U1-B)A. it is good thatB. it is better thatC. it is best thatD. it will be better that21. ______ a student representative from the disasterhit- area, I’ m very ______ to the people of all walks of life for their care and help. (U1-A)A. As, gratefulB. Being, proudC. As, happyD.Unlike, thankful22.______ making my speech in front of a large audience, I______ the encouragement and advice from my English teacher. (U1-A)A. While, am reminding ofB. When, remind ofC. On, am reminding ofD. In, am reminded of23.If I ______ give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college challenges,it would be this: Believe in yourself! (U1-A)A. wouldB. shouldC. mightD. could24.Some people achieved great success even though they did not have college diplomas. ______ of this is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in his junior year. (U1-A)A. A lesson in pointB. A wonderful exampleC. An old sayingD.A perfect story25. A person may go through many setbacks in his life, but there has been no greater ______ than dreaming hours away and accomplishing nothing significant. (U1-B)A. triumphB. enthusiasmC. flexibilityD. regret26. The country was sliding into a state of ______ civil war. (U1-A)A. virtualB. virtuousC. visibleD. visual27.They were also more skeptical that further dialogue with their partner would______ a close friendship. (U1-A)A. submitB. surrenderC. yieldD. emerge28. Parents can unwittingly ______ their own fears to their children. (U1-A)A. transportB. transplantC. transformD. transmit29. It is my first trip abroad so I am going to ______ it. (U1-A)A. make the deadline toB. make the most ofC. make a good impression ofD. make a habit of30. You think I did it deliberately, but I ______ you that I did not. (U1-B)Key to Unit 1 (BI)1.C2. B3. A4. B5. D6. B7. D8. D9. D10. C11.D 12. C13. A14. C15.A16. D17. A8. D19.C20.B21.A 22. D23.D24. B25. D26. A27. C28. D29. B30. AUnit 2, Book 11.We must improve our ____ as soon as possible otherwise the task would be postponed(.U2—A )A. sufficiencyB. deficiencyC. proficiencyD. efficiency2.She was a bit ______ when they asked her age for she still failed to find a boyfriend(.U2—A)A. embarrassedB. embeddedC. embodiedD. embraced3.I ____ my buttons with a handkerchief because of the ongoing construction site nearby(. U2—A )A. polishedB. punishedC. publishedD. punched4.There's nothing like candlelight for creating a ______ mood for the girl to enjoy herbirthday. ( U2—A )A. rebelliousB. romanticC. reservedD. robust5.During our stay in Europe we visited many places of__ _ interest, including several castles.(U2—A)A. periodicalB. historicalC. identicalD. economical6.She was always very generous in her ______, which aroused the attention from the public gradually. ( U2—A )A. simplicityB. charityC. purityD. capacity7.A warm-up is important before a run so as not to ______ any muscles(.U2—A)A. strainB. stainC. striveD. struggle8.Learning effective ways to communicate can ______ the situation of a difficult relationship, reduce the stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your teenagers(.U2—A)A. conserveB. reverseC. preserveD. reveal9.I hope her ______ wound will heal with the passing of time.A. emotionalB. rationalC. nationalD. gradual10. The new system designed to ____harmful emissions from factories will be put into use soon.(U2—A)A. careB. cureC. curbD. disturb11.The criminal wishes to ______ and lead a respectable life(. U2— A )A. struggle withB. stretch upC. strive againstD. straighten up12.During the period of adjustment, the international student tends to ______ about everything inthe new environment. ( U2— B)A. competeB. compareC. completeD. complain13.They plunged into their work with ______ zeal. (U2—B)A. immenseB. immatureC. imminentD. immune14.The sharp ______ in house price makes it difficult for young people to buy houses, especiallyin big cities. (U2— B)A. surpriseB. surgeC. shareD. shaperge numbers of birds ______ south every winter.(U2—B)A. migrateB. emigrateC. immigrateD. emerge16.Some old people tend to be quite conservative and a bit ______ of supposed advances(U2.—B)A. suspiciousB. conspicuousC. ridiculousD. delicious17.Many types of animals have now ______ from the earth due to the environmental problems.( U2— B)A. punishedB. polishedC. pinchedD. vanished18.I had to walk very fast to ______ you. (U2— B)A. overtakeB. overcomeC. overturnD. overthrow19. The police appealed to the crowd for ______ because the situation was nearly out of control.(U2— B)A. releaseB. referenceC. reluctanceD. restraint20.After the quarrel, things became very ______ between me and boss, and as a result I had to give up my job. (U2—B)A. distributiveB. delicateC. distinctD. delicious21.They have witnessed a leap in economic growth in the past decade, but now the growth is ______.(U2— B)22.The project was ______ for lack of fund. (U2—B)A. hung aroundB. hung overC. hung inD. hung up23.She didn’tfeel like talking about the matter on the phone, so she ______(.U2—B)A. hung onB. hung backC. hung upD. hung outKey to Unit 2(BI)1-10DAABB BABAC11-20DDABA ADADB21-23 A D CUnit 3,Book11.The president of the university said that they were trying their best to ______ their university into a top school in the country. (U3-A)A. transferB. transformC. transmitD. transit2.Students and faculty in the university have free ______ to the computer lab. (U3-A)A. accessB. excuseC. excessD. entrance3.The management of the college is ______ satisfactory. (U3-A)A. less thanB. no less thanC. better thanD. no more than4.Homework should not be used as a(n) ______ of controlling children. (U3-A)A. methodB. meanC. meansD. aim5.He is heartbroken over this earthquake and he would like to _____ an orphan from the area. (U3-A)A. adaptB. adjustC. addictD. adopt6.According to the survey, students and children ______ more than 50% of the visitors to Disneyland last year. (U3-A)A. counted forB. countedC. accounted forD. accounted7.The state wants to cut away $40 million from the higher education ______. (U3-A)A. financeB. budgetC. costD. expense8.It is stupid to think that women are ______ in intelligence ______ men. (U3-A)A. prior ⋯toB. inferior ⋯ toC. inferior ⋯thanD. superior⋯than9. Do take care of yourself. Nothing can ______for the loss of one’ s health-A). (U3A. compensateB. competeC. compriseD. comprehend10. Mother set the pace so that her children would ______ her. (U3-A)A. put up withB. end up withC. pick up withD. keep up with11. To remain ______ in the local market, the quality of our products needs to be improved. (U3-A)A. competentB. competitiveC. comparativeD. constructive12. I went through about four years of being ______ video games. (U3-B)A. addictive toB. related toC. addicted toD. indulged to13.Ten years of working and saving money ______ him to afford an apartment of moderate size. (U3-B)A. enabledB. engagedC. encouragedD. made14. Your plan is not workable; we must ______ an alternative method. (U3-B)A. come up withB. keep up withC. catch up withD. make up with15. Such an incident does ______ health and safety concerns. (U3-B)A. get toB. bring toC. cause forD. give rise to16. The government official was ______ accepting bribes. (U3-B)A. accused withB. sued ofC. charged forD. charged with17. In all, 20 companies are ______ in producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft. (U3-B)A. containedB. involvedC. includedD. concluded18.During the epidemic outbreak, many of them were willing to help even at the ______ oftheir own life. (U3-B)A. dangerB. chanceC. riskD. hazard19.In the novel the writer creates an ______ world that is completely different from ours. (U3-B)A. imaginaryB. imaginableC. imaginationD. imaginative20.They ______ Edison ’ s success to intelligence and hard work(U3.-B)A. contributedB. distributedC. attributedD. redistributed21.The lesson is supposed to ______ her interest in the subject. (U3-B)A. riseB. raiseC. arouseD. arise(U3-B)A. spoilB. ruinC. damageD. destroy23. Some students prefer ______ with their friends online to ______ them in person. (U3-B)A. chatting; visitB. to chat; visitingC. to chat; visitD. chatting; visiting24. The train was ______ to arrive at 8, but it was 20 minutes late. (U3-B)A. committedB. intendedC. appointedD. scheduled25. The United States has been, and will remain, the one ______ nation in world affairs. (U3-A)A. dispensableB. indispensableC. insensibleD. incapable26.Among the questions are: can the Environmental Protection Agency ______ the emission of greenhouse gases? (U3-A)A. regulateB. adjustC. coordinateD. accommodate27. His inability to speak English put him ______ .(U3-A)A. at a distanceB. at a disadvantageC. in a disadvantageD. at a dilemma28. What we wanted to do was give them a(n) ______ for their work, for their expression. (U3-B)A. exitB. outlookC. passageD. outlet29. The trucking company was able to ______ the severe fuel shortage. (U3-B)A. supportB. maintainC. obtainD. sustain30. He wanted ______ to be the humble servant of hiscountry. He was so devoted to his country. (U3-B)A. nothing butB. all butC. anything butD. everything butKey to Unit 3(BI)1-5BAACD6-10CBBAD11-15BCAAD16-20DBCAC21-25CADDB26-30ABDDAUnit 4, Book 11.On the day ______ to Typhoon Meranti, the whole city was in a terrible mess. (U4---A)A. consequentB. subsequentC. previousD. prior2.At the beginning, some experts wrongly believed that the risk of Zika virus infection would be______ only a few countries. (U4---A)A. confined toB. refined toC. resigned toD. conformed to3.It is known to us that all medical ______ should be systematically trained. (U4---A)A. personB. personalityC. personnelD. personnels4.It must be admitted that Mary is the only person that I can ______ in a crisis. (U4---A)A. count inB. count outC. count downD. count on5.Since we can hardly conquer nature, it would be wise to stay ______ it. (U4---A)A. in harmony withB. out of harmony withC. in harmonyD. in disharmony with6.The first day at college is usually exciting, refreshing, and , ______ , a day to remember. (U4---A)A. in the words of many studentsB.’ in many students’ wordsC. in the words of many student D’.ins many student’ s words7.Do you think it important to ______ a gang raped girl ______ the press? (U4---A)A. shield ⋯ forB. shield⋯ toC. shield⋯ fromD. shield⋯ with8.Tomorrow is Saturday and many diners will flow in. Can you______ a seat for me? (U4---A)A. conserveB. reserveC. preserveD. deserve9.It was at midnight that the sound of a gun shot ______and then the police arrived. (U4---A)A. rang upB. rang backC. rang outD. rang off10. Don ’ t be too optimistic. Few students canreally______ the difficult paragraph. (U4---A)A. make sense forB. make some sense ofC. make sense fromD. make any sense of11.After years of negotiation, the two countries finally came to an agreement, which was ______a landmark. (U4---A)A. hailed asB. claimed asC. criticized asD.defined as12.Currently, people change their jobs very often, yet the question is: how many of themare fully aware that frequent job-hopping ______ loss of chance of promotion? (U4---A)A. revolvesB. involvesC. evolvesD.solves13.More than once, President Barrack Obama has ______ the Asian allies of the U. S. toapprove TTP, as he does not want China to become the Asian rule-maker. (U4---A)A. called offB. called upC. called onD. calledback14.Experts always say that marriage needs to be carefully managed, for when one marries another, one has to learn to ______ various relations regarding the other party. (U4---A)A. copeB. reconcileC. neglectD.negotiate15. Recent sharp drop in consumer spending ______ people’s concern about(U4the---B)economy.16. In some countries, it takes a long time before an outdated policy is ______. (U4---B)A. abolishedB. eliminatedC.erasedD.removed17.Regrettably, a middle-aged woman was killed by a tiger in a Peking zoo simply because she ______ warnings of possible danger. (U4---B)A. failed to noticeB. ignoredC. was not remindedD. paid much attention to18.After long hours of driving,Jack ______ to take a short break. (U4---B)A. pulled intoB. pulled outC. pulled throughD.pulled over19.One should always be ______ others’ help in time (U4oftrouble---B).A. thankful toB. grateful toC. grateful forD.thankless for20.According to the latest news report, quite a few eyewitnesses ______ the suspect ______a teenager. (U4---B)A. established ⋯ asB.treated ⋯ asC. identified ⋯ asD.regarded ⋯ as21.The musician was not known to the public because his talent was ______ by his shyness.(U4---B)A. submergedB. emergedC.mergedD.remerged22.Since childhood, she has had ______ to be an astronaut. (U4---B)A. inspirationB. aspirationC. respirationD.registration23.A real couple are supposed to ______ each other for support, especially in difficulty. (U4---B)A. lean towardsB. lean backC. lean forwardD. lean on24.It was not until lunchtime that the sun ______ the mist. (U4---B)A. broke throughB. broke outC. broke upD.broke downkey to Unit 4 (BI)1-5:BACDA6-10:BCBCD11-15: ABCBD16-20:ABDCC21-24: A B D AUnit 5, Book I1.We can ’ t afford to lose this ______ because the future of the company depends on it. A)(U5A. contactB. contextC. conceptD. contract2.I managed to______ four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time jobs.(U5— A)A. supportB. supplyC. financeD. sponsor3.He won his party’ s nomination to ______ the general electionA).(U5—A. competeB. contestC. contactD. connect4.There is a ______ between telling a white lie and a lie. (U5—A)A. distinctionB. discomfortC. disgraceD. dishonor5.The managers will ______ at the meeting this afternoon to discuss solutions. (U5—A)A. assembleB. attendC. resembleD. appear6.He ______ that their soccer team is the best college team in the whole country. (U5—A)A. insertsB. assertsC. agreesD. assures7.He chose to major in a foreign language in college due to his ______ lack of interest in sciences. (U5— A)A. approvingB. attentiveC. apparentD. transparent8.The company ’ s continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of negative ______. (U5— A)A. publicationB. publicC. punishmentD. publicity9. I’ m sorry, I have no ______ of hurting you. (U5A)—A. intentB. attentionC. connectionD. intention10.She opened the door and saw him holding a bunch of roses. In that ______, she fell in lovewith him. (U5 —A)A. momentB. minuteC. instantD. instance11.The company decided to ______ him $5,000 for his safe driving. (U5—A)A. rewardB. awardC. prizeD. provideura ______ that she was doing everything to solve the problem. (U5— A)A. insistedB. assistedC. resistedD. consisted13.His consideration and generosity ______ him to his colleagues. (U5—A)A. enabledB. endearedC. enclosedD. enjoyed14.A love of music is ______ in human nature. (U5—A)A. coherentB. evidentC. inherentD. consistent15.It is always the false jewels that look the most real and the most ______. (U5—A)A. magnificentB. beautifulC. excellentD. brilliant16.He has the ______ of a first-class athlete. (U5— B)A. attitudesB. charactersC. attributesD. advantages17.People have been ______ of the way she has handled the affair. (U5—B)A. crucialB. criticalC. awareD. conscious18.He was ______ enough to overlook my little mistakes. (U5— B)A. generousB. gentleC. humorousD. kind19.Friendships between individuals are based on ______ trust and respect. (U5—B)A. naturalB. mutualC. annualD. manual20.His apology was so ______that we forgave him. (U5—B)A. helpfulB. hopefulC. gracefulD. respectful21.After the terrorists’ attack, it took a long time for people to ______ their fear of flyingB). (U5A. overtakeB. overdoC. overlookD. overcome22.We shall have to make some ______ changes in the way we conduct the survey. —(U5B)A. importantB. necessaryC. fundamentalD. tremendous23.They have made ______ progress in their studies. (U5—B)A. consideringB. considerableC. considerateD. considered24.You should be responsible for all the ______ of your action. (U5—B)A. consequencesB. sequencesC. hazardsD. concepts25.We will manage to ______ the task in time even though it is difficult. (U5—B)A. achieveB. accomplishC. attainD. finish26.He always wanted to ______ all his possessions and return to life in nature. (U5—A)A. give upB. give offC. give awayD. give out27.This company’ s losses ______ its gains. (U5B)—A. carried outB. canceled outC. came outD. broke out28.Scientists hope that the data will ______ a more detailed exploration of Mars. (U5— B)A. pave the way forB. make room forC. be ready forD. blame forKeys to Unit 5 (BI)1—5: DCBAA,6--10BCDDC,11--15 BABCD,16—20 CBABC,21--25 DCBAB,26--28CBAUnit 6, Book 11.The value of the house was ______ at one million US dollars. (U6-A)A. chargedB. predictedC. accountedD. assessed2.They are such a(n) ______ family–they must have been shocked when their son dyed his hairpink. (U6-A)A. conventionalB. conservativeC. constantD. convenient3.Problems with the teeth or gums can ______ with eating well. (U6-A)A. interpretB. interveneC. interruptD. interfere4.______ the recent bad weather, the construction work is several weeks behind schedule. (U6-A)A. BecauseB. Owing toC. Thanks toD. Since5._____ care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. (U6-A)A. IntenseB. ExtensiveC. IntensiveD. Tense6.Most people were ready to give up on him when he ______ of school, but later he returnedand earned his degree. (U6-A)A. dropped outB. dropped inC. dropped offD. dropped away7.Low- cost airlines are emerging all over Asia; this will ______ the development of the world ’ s air-travel market as whole. (U6-A)A. attribute toB. result fromC. contribute toD. relate to8.The last five years have seen a ______ improvement in the country’ s-A)economy. (U6A. consistentB. continuousC. considerateD. continual9.I _____ to send application letters and make phone calls to 25 companies by September. (U6-A)A. solveB. resolveC. involveD. revolve10.Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved further away from the living areas in order to ______ the damage. (U6-A)A. understateB. undergoC. undertakeD. undermine11.If a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle, he will surely be ______ developing diseases. (U6-A)A. at risk ofB. at a risk ofC. at the risk ofD. at risks of12.During an economic slowdown, many banks are forced to ______ on lending. (U6-A)A. cut inB. cut backC. cut offD. cut out13.The treatment is ______ because it may have serious side effects. (U6-A)A. virtualB. conventionalC. controversialD. substantial14.In his speech, he emphasized that he did not ______ from the election campaign for personal reasons. (U6-A)15. We promise to ______ time and effort to improving life for people in poor towns. (U6-A)A. transmitB. permitC. submitD. commit16. ______ my fear, I walked forth into the house, not knowing who would be inside. (U6-B)A. Despite ofB. In spite ofC. RegardlessD. Given17.All roadwork during G20 Hangzhou Summit has been stopped to ______ the smooth flow of traffic. (U6-B)A. insureB. ensureC. assureD. reassure18.To ______ stress, she turned to painting, an activity she has loved since childhood. (U6-B)A. relieveB. releaseC. relaxD. retrieve19.I always ______ on those happy days I spent at college. (U6-B)A. look upB. look throughC. look atD. look back20.No matter how hard I tried, I could not ______ him of the truth of the matter. (U6-B)A. relieveB. ensureC. convinceD. push21.Most political officials ______ that their policies will benefit large sections of the population. (U6-B)A. claimB. acclaimC. proclaimD. disclaim22.These power, if _____, could turn him into a dictator. (U6-B)A. misusedB. usedC. abusedD. disused23.I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she ______ agreed. (U6-B)A. completelyB. willinglyC. partiallyD. readily24.Both parents are ______ for the well-being of their child. (U6-B)A. responsiveB. respondingC. responsibleD. responded25.She argued that smoking was a way of releasing the ______ of her life. (U6-B)A. intentB. tensionC. intensityD. extension26.______ he wants her to give up smoking and stay home to look after the children, she feels that this is too much for her. (U6-A)A. HoweverB. AsC. WhereasD. When27. His travel log gives a(n) ______ account of life in the desert. (U6-B)A. authenticB. accurateC. artificialD. virtualrather than anything else. (U6-B)A. AboutB. As forC. As to29.You need to learn how to ______ your work (U6-B)D. Onwhen you are given many tasks to accomplish.A. selectB. arrangeC. highlightD. prioritizeKey to Unit 6 (BI)1. D2. A3. D4. B5. C6. A7. C8. A9. B10. D 11. A12. B13. C14. C15. D16. B17. B18. A19. D20. C 21. A22. C23. D24. C25. B26. C27. A28. B29. D。
5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.
2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.
3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family.
Section B Reading Skills 1. 1.C 2.B 3.D 4. A 5. B
Comprehension of the Text II. 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D
Vocabulary 1. community 2. effective 3. unique 4. committed 5. reinforce 6. perspective 7. explicit 8. challenge 9. hindered 10. arose
新视野大学英语第二版读写教程第一册答案 新视野大学英语( 新视野大学英语(第 2 版)第 1 册
Unit 1 答案 III.
第三版新视野大学英语读写教程第一册补充练习UNIT ONE1. We all had to ______allegiance to the flag. (U1-A)A. promiseB. guaranteeC. pledgeD. plead2. That story you have just told me ______me ______ an experience I just had. (U1-A)A. reminds, aboutB. reminds, ofC. remembers, toD. recollects, about3. Whenever you have an aim, you must sacrifice something of freedom to ______ it. (U1-A)A. attainB. retainC. refrainD. sustain4. The film is eloquent as it ______ the relationship between artist and instrument. (U1-A)A. investigatesB. exploresC. risksD. pursues5. The only problem is that I work in a factory all day, everyday, just to pay for the medications Adam need to ______. (U1-A)A. get alongB. get throughC. get atD. get by6. They are now ______ all their hard work. (U1-A)A. making the most ofB. reaping the benefits ofC. standing a chance ofD. building a foundation of7. A Kids in Crisis Survey found that 85% of our kids worry about grades; 83% ______ homework. (U1-A)A. feel obliged toB. feel sorry forC. feel proud ofD. feel overwhelmed by8. Sober nations have ______ become desperate gamblers, and risked almost their existence upon the turn of a piece of paper. (U1-A)A. once and for allB. once upon a timeC. once too oftenD. all at once9. I think most pools most of the time are really pretty clean and the benefits associated with swimming in most circumstances, you know, ______ the risks. (U1-A)A. outstandB. outsmartC. outvoteD. outweigh10. But experts say if Mr. Gul’s visit passes off smoothly, its real success can be that it will ______ future dialogue. (U1-A)A. open into the gate ofB. open up the opportunity toC. open the door toD. open the mind to11. These suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to ______. (U1-B)A. take them personallyB. take them effectivelyC. take them evenlyD. take them seriously12. The article can be used to ______ discussion among students. (U1-B)A. accumulateB. accommodateC. stimulateD. simulate13. They hope to ______ a new strain that combines all these merits but does not have the defeats. (U1-B)A. cultivateB. blossomC. evolveD. motivate14. I ______how you all turn out. Do come back, from time to time, and let us know. (U1-B)A. can’t help seeingB. can’t agree to seeC. can’t wait to seeD. can’t bear to see15. When ______ the optional course, many college students will take into consideration such factors as personal interests, time schedule, practicality of the courses and so on. (U1-B)A. signing up forB. registering forC. logging inD. feeling up to16. I was given some pills to ______ the pain. (U1-B)A. take downB. take inC. take overD. take away17. Some of us ______ entrepreneurs---to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. (U1-B)A. were born to beB. were bound to beC. were about to beD. were destined to18. After his expulsion from the cabinet, the minister became the subject of a smear campaign. It seems the media and the public alike ______ hitting a man after when he’s down. (U1-A)A. take time toB. take control ofC. take charge ofD. take pleasure in19. School is one of the most important places dur ing one’s growth. ______ one not only acquires abundant knowledge but also learn how to conduct oneself in society. (U1-B)A. It is here whereB. It is here whoC. It is here thatD. It is here when20. No matter what the future holds to us, ______ we do our very best to approach thedangers than that we do nothing waiting passively for our end. (U1-B)A. it is good thatB. it is better thatC. it is best thatD. it will be better that21. ______ a student representative from the disaster-hit area, I’m very ______ to the people of all walks of life for their care and help. (U1-A)A. As, gratefulB. Being, proudC. As, happyD.Unlike, thankful22. ______ making my speech in front of a large audience, I______ the encouragement and advice from my English teacher. (U1-A)A. While, am reminding ofB. When, remind ofC. On, am reminding ofD. In, am reminded of23. If I ______ give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college challenges, it would be this: Believe in yourself! (U1-A)A. wouldB. shouldC. mightD. could24. Some people achieved great success even though they did not have college diplomas. ______ of this is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in his junior year. (U1-A)A. A lesson in pointB. A wonderful exampleC. An old sayingD.A perfect story25. A person may go through many setbacks in his life, but there has been no greater ______ than dreaming hours away and accomplishing nothing significant. (U1-B)A. triumphB. enthusiasmC. flexibilityD. regret26. The country was sliding into a state of ______ civil war. (U1-A)A. virtualB. virtuousC. visibleD. visual27. They were also more skeptical that further dialogue with their partner would______ a close friendship. (U1-A)A. submitB. surrenderC. yieldD. emerge28. Parents can unwittingly ______ their own fears to their children. (U1-A)A. transportB. transplantC. transformD. transmit29. It is my first trip abroad so I am going to ______ it. (U1-A)A. make the deadline toB. make the most ofC. make a good impression ofD. make a habit of30. You think I did it deliberately, but I ______ you that I did not. (U1-B)A. assureB. ensureC. assumeD. presume。
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新视野大学英语读写一u n i t1试题
Unit 1
I. Vocabularies(单选)
1. Here you are surrounded by great _______, and interesting students from all over the country.
A. truimph
B. resources
C. routine
D. facility
2. We have confidence that your journey toward self-discovery and your progress toward finding your own passion will______ more than personal advancement.
A. yield
B. assume
C. enrich
D. pursue
3. Here at the university, it may not always be pleasant to have so many new experiences_______.
A. get by
B. over time
C. all at once
D. in advance
4. Here at the university, we _______make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.
A. remind
B. open the door
C. turn into
D. pledge to.
5. The future is built on a strong ________of the past.
A. foundation
B. responsibility
C. inheritor
D. confidence
6. You will have the freedom to _______and learn about new subjects.
A. reap
B. emerge
C. attain
D. explore
7. You will learn to ______on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and pursue new passions.
A. turn into
B. get by
C. take delight in
D. stand a chance
8. I want to encourage you to ________this unique experience, and to use your energy to reap the benefits of this opportunity.
A. make the most of
B. stand a chance of
C. take delight in
D. reap the benefits of
9. Don’t assume that you know _______what fields will interest you the most.
A. all at once
B. over time
C. get by
D. in advance
10. I promise you that the happy experiences will _______the unpleasant ones.
A. outweigh
B. inherit
C. explore
D. pose
11. You may feel ________by the wealth of courses available to you.
A. giant
B. overwhelmed
C. virtual
D. comprehensive
12. I promise that _________all of them will provide you with valuable lessons which will enrich your life.
A. abundantly
B. available
C. virtually
D. prosperous
13. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may ____a threat to social stability.
A. pose
B. explore
C. attain
D. emerge
14. After a _________physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.
A. giant
B. comprehensive
C. virtual
D. overwhelmed
15. Sam ______ the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.
A. inherited
B. explored
C. posed
D. emerged
16. A bee that has found honey is able to ______to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.
A. inherit
B. transmit
C. emerge
D. attain
17. Yellow flowers in the field always ________me ______my childhood in the countryside.
A. remind…of
B. get …by
C. stand… a chance
D. open the door…to
18. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should
__________the game.
A. stand a chance of winning
B. make a chance of winning
C. take pleasure of
D. take delight on
19. Research on genes will __________exciting new medical treatments.
A. get by
B. turn into
C. open the door to
D. reap the benefits of
20. In order to _______of the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.
A. get by
B. turn into
C. open the door to
D. reap the benefits
1.His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon became a household word
although he constructed no philosophical system, established no school, and founded no sect.
2.Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals of
modern Western philosophy.
3.With the abundant opportunities for self-enrichment provided by the university, there also
come responsibilities.
4.Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents
and teachers.
5.You will not only emerge as a more broadly educated person, but you will also stand a better
chance of discovering an unsuspected passion that will help to shape your future.