



旅游业: 旅游业是葡萄牙外汇收入的重要来源和 弥补外贸赤字的重要手段。葡萄牙山青 水秀、风景如画,古堡、宫殿、博物馆 等随处可见。西、南两侧有800多公 里海岸线,有很多细沙海滩。近年来, 葡每年接待外国游客人数都超过其人口 总数,旅游业年收入逾60亿欧元。
主张在平等互利基础上同世界各国普遍发展友好合作关系。把同欧 美的传统关系作为其对外政策的基石,积极参与和促进欧洲一体化、 履行北约义务,着力加强同非洲和拉美以及北非地区国家的传统关 系。日益重视发展同亚洲国家平等互利的合作关系。主张持久公正 地解决中东问题,希望该地区国家通过对话和平解决争端。葡与世 界上180个国家和地区建立有外交关系,共设146个驻外使领馆。其 中使馆70个,职业领馆66个,驻国际组织代表团10个。
葡萄牙语:TorredeBelém)是一座五层 防御工事,位于葡萄牙里斯本的贝伦区。 它建于曼努埃尔一世时期的1514年到 1520年间,用来防御位于贝伦区的港口, 以及附近的哲罗姆派修道院。贝伦塔被 分为两部分:塔身,内部有四个有拱顶 的房间;壁垒,有着许多炮台。走过吊 桥,穿过大门,就可以看到壁垒的内部。 墙上共有16个炮位可以安装大炮以御敌。 地板中间高,边缘低,这样有助于保护 大炮,也可以快速的排干积水。在屋顶 的中央有个哥特式的矩形天窗,用作壁 垒的通风口,以便大炮开火的硝烟能快 速散去。在壁垒的地板下面有一些储藏 室,最大的一间可以从北面的楼梯到达。 这些储藏室一开始被用来放补给品,后
里 斯 本
佩纳宫是葡萄牙的一座19世纪浪漫主山丘的山顶,晴天在里斯本亦 清晰可见。1995年,这个宫殿作为辛特拉文化景观的一部分入选为 世界遗产。它也是葡萄牙国家古迹,以及葡萄牙七大奇迹之一。它 也被葡萄牙总统和其他政府官员用于国务活动。这个地点在中世纪 是一个圣母小堂。1493年,若昂二世夫妇来此朝圣。继任者曼努埃 尔一世修建了修道院。1755年里斯本大地震中修道院被夷为废墟, 1842-1854年,在此兴建了王室的夏宫,建筑师为德国人。


Czech, Czechish
East Timor, East Timorese,
Egypt, Egyptian
Finland, Finnish, Finn
Netherlands,Holland, Dutch
Norway, Norwegian
Pakistan, Pakistani
Peru, Peruvian
西班牙SpainSpanish spanishMadrid
瑞士 Sweden,Sweden,Sweden,Stockholm



葡萄牙葡萄牙(Portugal),全称为葡萄牙共和国(葡萄牙语:República Portuguesa),是一个位于欧洲西南部的共和制国家。











中文名称葡萄牙共和国英文名称Portugal,the Portuguese Republic简称葡萄牙所属洲欧洲首都里斯本主要城市波尔图等国庆日6月10日国歌《葡萄牙人》国家代码PRT官方语言葡萄牙语货币欧元时区UTC+0(夏时制:UTC+1)政治体制议会制共和制国家领袖阿尼巴尔·安东尼奥·卡瓦科·席尔瓦,佩德罗·帕索斯·科埃略人口数量1049.71万(2013年)人口密度125人/平方公里(2013年)主要民族葡萄牙人主要宗教天主教国土面积92212平方公里水域率0.5%GDP总计2202.70亿美元(2013年)人均GDP20984美元(2013年)国际电话区号+351国际域名缩写.pt道路通行靠右驾驶国家政权单一制国花薰衣草,石竹道路通行靠右驾驶人类发展指数0.816(高)基尼系数0.337共和国成立日10月5日最大城市里斯本目录1地理▪位置▪自然环境▪资源▪人口2历史3国家象征▪国旗▪国歌▪国徽▪国花4政治▪政体▪宪法▪议会▪政府▪司法▪政党▪政要5行政区划6军事▪国防▪军费▪军力7外交▪国策▪与中国关系▪与欧盟关系▪与美国关系▪与葡语国家关系▪与西班牙关系▪与东欧关系▪与东帝汶关系8经济▪概述▪工业▪农林渔业▪服务业▪财政金融▪对外投资▪对外援助▪外国资本▪外国援助9社会▪教育▪媒体▪交通▪体育▪移民10文化▪宗教▪法朵▪饮食▪语言▪节日11旅游1地理位置葡萄牙共和国(A República Portuguesa,The Portuguese Republic),地处西经9°10 '-6°9 ',北纬36°58'-42°8'之间,位于欧洲伊比利亚半岛的西南部。



介绍葡萄牙英语作文Portugal is a country located in southwestern Europe, known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and north, and by Spain to the east and south. Portugal's climate is Mediterranean, characterized by warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool winters.The official language of Portugal is Portuguese, but English is widely spoken, especially in urban areas and among the younger population. This is largely due to the country's commitment to bilingual education and the influence of tourism.Portugal's history is marked by its Age of Discovery, during which explorers like Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan set sail to discover new lands and sea routes. This period of exploration significantly impacted the world's geography and trade, and it left a lasting legacy in the form of the Portuguese language and culture, which can be found in various parts of the world, including Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique.The capital city, Lisbon, is a must-visit destination with its historic neighborhoods, such as Alfama, and iconic sites like the Belém Tower and Jerónimos Monastery. Thecity is also famous for its Fado music, a soulful genre that reflects the Portuguese soul.Portugal's cuisine is another highlight, with dishes like bacalhau (salted cod), pastéis de nata (custard tarts), and caldo verde (kale and potato soup) being national favorites. The country also boasts a thriving wine industry, with regions like Douro and Alentejo producing exceptional wines.For those who love the outdoors, Portugal offers avariety of landscapes from the rolling hills of the Alentejo to the dramatic cliffs of the Algarve. The country is also home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the historic center of Porto and the prehistoric rock art sitesin the Côa Valley.In recent years, Portugal has become a populardestination for digital nomads, thanks to its affordable cost of living, reliable internet, and beautiful scenery. The government has even introduced a digital nomad visa toattract remote workers.In conclusion, Portugal is a country with a lot to offer, from its historical significance to its modern-day appeal. Whether you're interested in exploring its rich past, enjoying its natural beauty, or experiencing its warm hospitality, Portugal is a destination that should be on everyone's travel list.。


The Portuguese Republic
National flag NhomakorabeaNational emblem
The official language is Portuguese
The area is 92072 square kilometers (in December, 2005). Located at European Iberia peninsula north west. East, north and adjoins to Spain, the southwest borders on Atlantic. Coastline long more than 800 kilometers. North the terrain Gao Nadi, many are the mountainous region and the hill. The north is the Messer tower plateau; Middle mountainous area average elevation 800~1000 meters, Egyptian assorted especially Leila peak elevation 1991 meters; The south and west respectively is the hill and the coastal plain. The main rivers have Ru He, the Douro river (to flow through domestic 322 kilometers) especially with the Montreal ancient river. North subordinate oceanity temperate zone foliage forest climate, south subordinate subtropics Mediterranean Sea type climate.



关于介绍葡萄牙的作文英文版Portugal: A Glimpse into Its Rich History, Culture, and LandscapesLocated in the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal is a captivating country with a wealth of history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural beauty. This small yet enchanting nation has long captivated travelers from around the world.Geography and DemographicsWith a total area of 92,226 square kilometers and a coastline spanning 832 kilometers, Portugal boasts a diverse landscape ranging from rugged coastlines to lush vineyards. The country is divided into 18 regions, with Lisbon as its capital and official language being Portuguese. As of 2023, Portugal's population stands at approximately 10.47 million people.History in a GlancePortugal's history is rich and fascinating. It became an independent kingdom in 1143 and rose to prominence during the 15th and 16th centuries as a major sea power, establishing vast colonial empires in Africa, Asia, and South America. Despite being annexed by Spain in 1580,Portugal regained its independence in 1640 and has since evolved into a democratic republic with a robust economy and culture.Cultural HeritagePortugal's cultural heritage is vast and diverse. Its music, art, and literature have left an indelible mark on the world. The traditional folk song Fado, which expresses deep emotions and melancholy, is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. The country is also renowned for its wine production, particularly the famous Port wine, which has been exported worldwide for centuries.Tourism and AttractionsTourism is a significant contributor to Portugal's economy, attracting millions of visitors annually. Lisbon, the capital city, offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modernity, with its cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and vibrant nightlife. Other popular tourist destinations include Porto, with its stunning coastline and wine cellars, and the Algarve region, renowned for its beaches and resorts.ConclusionIn conclusion, Portugal is a country that offers aunique blend of rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you're interested in exploring its ancient cities, sampling its world-renowned cuisine, or soaking up the sun on its beautiful beaches, Portugal is sure to captivate your senses and leave you with lasting memories.。


丹麦Kingdom of Denmark
荷兰Kingdom of the Netherlands
摩纳哥Principality of Monaco
法国French Republic
多哥Togolese Republic
贝宁Republic of Benin
喀麦隆Republic of Cameroon
加蓬Gabonese Republic
赤道几内亚Republic of Equatorial Guinea
巴基斯坦Islamic Republic of Pakistan
阿富汗Islamic State of Afghanistan
塔吉克斯坦Republic of Tajikistan
吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyz Republic
比利时Kingdom of Belgium
卢森堡Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
奥地利Republic of Austria
瑞士Swiss Confederation
列支敦士登Principality of Liechtenstein


哈萨克斯坦Republic of Kazakhstan
乌兹别克期坦Republic of Uzbekistan
土库曼斯坦Republic of Turkmenistan
伊朗Islamic Republic of Iran
丹麦Kingdom of Denmark
荷兰Kingdom of the Netherlands
摩纳哥Principality of Monaco
法国French Republic
毛里塔尼亚Islamic Republic of Mauritania
马里Republic of Mali
塞内加尔Republic of Senegal
冈比亚Republic of the Gambia
阿尔及利亚Democratic People's Republic of Algeria
突尼斯Republic of Tunisia
摩洛哥Kingdom of Morocco
佛得角Republic of Cape Verde
白俄罗斯Republic of Belarus



葡萄牙英文介绍Portugal is such an amazing country! It's like a little hidden gem in Europe.When you think of Portugal, you might first think of its beautiful beaches. Oh my goodness, the beaches there are just to die for. The sand is so soft, it's like walking on a cloud. And the water, it's this incredible shade of blue - sometimes it looks almost turquoise. You can just laze around on the beach all day, soak up the sun, and listen to the waves crashing. It's pure bliss.The cities in Portugal are also super charming. Lisbon, for example, is like a step back in time but with a modern twist. There are these narrow, winding streets that are filled with cafes, little shops, and beautiful old buildings. You can stroll around, stop at a local café, and have a cup of strong Portuguese coffee. And don't even get me started on the pastries. The pastel de nata is a must - try. It's this delicious little custard tart that just melts in your mouth. It's like a little piece of heaven.The people in Portugal are some of the friendliest you'll ever meet. They're always smiling, always ready to have a chat. They'll make you feel right at home, even if you're a complete stranger. They have this laid - back attitude that's really infectious.The countryside in Portugal is also really something special. There are rolling hills covered in vineyards. Portugal is known for its great wines, and when you see those vineyards, you can understand why. You can take a wine tour, taste some of the local wines, and learn about the winemaking process. It's not just about drinking the wine, but it's an experience.There are also these really cool castles and forts scattered around the country. They're a reminder of Portugal's rich history. Standing in one of those old castles, you can almost imagine what life was like back in the day. It gives you a real sense of connection to the past.Portugal really has it all - beautiful beaches, charming cities, friendly people, great food and wine, and a rich history. It's a place that you can visit over and over again and always find something new to love.。



葡萄牙的一种谈判方法英文Negotiation is an essential skill in today's globalized world, where people from different cultures come together to collaborate and find common ground. Portugal, a country with a rich history and diverse culture, has developed its unique negotiation style that blends assertiveness with empathy and fosters long-term relationships. In this article, we will explore the key features of the Portuguese negotiation style and understand how it contributes to achieving successful outcomes. Cultural ContextTo fully grasp the Portuguese negotiation style, it is important to understand the cultural context in which it operates. Portugal, a southern European country, has a Mediterranean-influenced culture characterized by warmth, open communication, and a strong focus on relationships. In negotiations, this cultural backdrop shapes the way Portuguese people approach and handle the process.Relationship BuildingOne of the standout features of the Portuguese negotiation style is the emphasis on relationship building. Portuguese negotiators prioritize establishing a personal connection with their counterparts before diving into the core issues at hand. Small talk, the exchange of pleasantries, and a warm, friendly demeanor are all integral parts of the negotiation process.Their aim is not merely to close a deal but to build long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual understanding. By investing time in getting to know the other party and forging a personal rapport, Portuguese negotiators set the foundation for a more collaborative and successful negotiation experience.Flexibility and AdaptabilityAnother important aspect of the Portuguese negotiation style is flexibility and adaptability. Portuguese negotiators demonstrate a willingness to adjust their approaches and make concessions when necessary. They understand that negotiations are dynamic processes, and being rigid or inflexible can hinder progress.Portuguese negotiators are skilled at finding creative solutions and compromising to reach mutually beneficial agreements. This flexibility, combined with their strong relationship-building skills, allows them to find a balance between achieving their objectives and accommodating the needs and concerns of the other party.Non-Confrontational ApproachPortuguese negotiators generally avoid confrontational or aggressive tactics and prefer a more cooperative style. They employ active listening and strive to understand the perspectives and interests of the other party. This non-confrontational approach helps foster a positive and collaborative environment, where both sides feel heard and valued.While Portuguese negotiators can assert their positions assertively, they strive to maintain respect and dignity throughout the negotiation process. They understand that aggression or hostility can damage relationships and hinder the chances of reaching a successful agreement. Managing TimeTime plays a significant role in Portuguese negotiation style. Portuguese negotiators value punctuality and expect their counterparts to respect agreed-upon schedules. Delays or frequent changes in plans may be seen as a lack of commitment or disrespect.However, it is essential to note that the Portuguese negotiation style is generally more relaxed when it comes to time management compared to cultures with a more rigid approach. Negotiations may often extend beyond the allocated time frame, as building relationships and reaching a satisfactory agreement are prioritized over strictly adhering to schedules.ConclusionThe Portuguese negotiation style combines relationship building, flexibility, non-confrontational communication, and time management to create a harmonious and fruitful negotiation experience. By investing in building strong bonds with their counterparts, Portuguese negotiators foster trust and collaborative environments conducive to achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.This negotiation style reflects the essence of Portuguese culture: warmth, open communication, and respect for others. By honing one's negotiation skills and adopting the Portuguese negotiation style, individuals can build bridges across cultural barriers and unlock successful outcomes in the global arena.。



葡萄牙英文介绍国旗国徽葡萄牙PortugalWith its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 850 kms of splendid beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect holiday destination all year round.This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an exceptional range of different landscapes just a short distance away, lots of leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony. Its superb cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people make this a tourist paradise of the highest quality.Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other European capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world.Come and discover the charms of this country too.GEOGRAPHYPortugal is situated at the south-west point of Europe and also includes the Madeira and Azores archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. Mainland Portugal occupies an area of 88,889 km2. It is 218 km wide and 561 km long. It has 832 km of Atlantic coast and a 1,215 km border with Spain.The Azores are situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. They have an area of 2,355 km2 and consist of nine islands - São Miguel and Santa Maria in the Eastern Group, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico and Faial in the Central Group and Flores and Corvo in the Western Group. It takes about two hours to get from the Azores to mainland Portugal by plane.The Madeira Archipelago has an area of 741 km2 and lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 500 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the European continent (1½ hours flying time from Lisbon). It consists of the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo and the uninhabited Desertas and Selvagens islands, which are nature reserves.CLIMATEMainland PortugalThe climate in Portugal varies considerably from one region to another and is influenced by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mild winters, especially in the Algarve.In the Porto e Norte area and Beiras region, particularly inland, nearer Spain, the winters are colder, although the temperatures are still mild when compared to the rest of Europe. There is some snowfall. It occurs most in the Serra da Estrela mountains, where we find the highest point in mainland Portugal (1,991 m) and where it is sometimes possible to ski.The summers are hot and dry, especially in the inland areas (Trás-os-Montes in north-eastern Portugal and Alentejo). Temperatures are slightly lower in the coastal areas, because of the influence of the sea.There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at the beginning of November is often called "St. Martin’s Summer" as this saint’s day is on 11 November.AzoresThe climate in the Azores is influenced by the islands’ latitude and by the Gulf Stream, and temperatures are mild there all year round. The same factors also influence the sea temperature, which is very pleasant both in winter and summer and ideal for nautical sports all year round.MadeiraThe subtropical characteristics of the weather in the Madeira Archipelago can be explained by its geographical position and mountainous relief. The climate in Madeira is exceptionally mild, with average temperatures varying between 24 ºC in summer and 19 ºC in winter.The sea temperature is also very pleasant all year round, thanks to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream. It varies between 18 ºC in winter and 22 ºC in summer. POPULATIONPortugal has a population of about 10 million.The population density is at its greatest in Lisbon, the capital and its suburbs, where about 1.9 million people live. The second largest city in Portugal is Oporto in the north.Generally speaking, th ere are more people living in the country’s coastal regions than in the inland areas.LANGUAGEFrom a Latin root, Portuguese is spoken by about 250 million people in every continent, and is the 5th most spoken language in the world and the 3rd, if we only consider the European languages.The Portuguese-speaking countries are scattered all over the world. Portuguese is spoken in Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomée Príncipe), in South America (Brazil) and in Asia, (East Timor, the youngest nation in the world), and it is also the official language in Macao Special Administrative Region of China.In Portugal there are lots of people who are able to communicate in English, French and Spanish.。



Algeria[Al5dViEriE]阿尔及利亚Angola[AN5^EulE]安哥拉Azores[E5zC:z]亚述尔群岛(在北大西洋,属葡萄牙)Benin[be5nin]贝宁湾(几内亚湾一部分,靠西非的尼日利亚、贝宁和多哥等国)Botswana[bCt5swB:nE]博茨瓦纳(位于南非共和国内,于1966年独立)Burkina Faso[b\:9ki:nE 5fAsEJ]布基纳法索Cameroon[5kAmEru:n]喀麦隆Cape Verde[keip v\:d]佛得角[塞内加尔西部](非洲最西端)Central Africa[5sentrEl 5AfrikE]中非Chad[tFAd]乍得Comoros[5kCmErEus]科摩罗Congo[5kCN^Eu]刚果Cote d Ivoire[kEut]科特迪瓦注:Ivoire 未查到!Djibouti[dVi5bu:ti]吉布提[非洲]Egypt[5i:dVIpt]埃及Equatorial Guinea[7ekwE5tC:riEl5^ini]赤道几内亚Eritrea[7eri5tri(:)E]厄立特里亚Ethiopia[7i:Wi5EupjE]埃塞俄比亚Gabon[^a5b][国名]加蓬(位于非洲中西部,首都利伯维尔)Gambia[5^AmbiE]冈比亚(非洲西部沿海一殖民地,1965年独立,首都Bathurst[5bAWE(:)st]巴瑟斯特(冈比亚首都班珠尔)Ganary Is加那利群岛(Is=Island/Islands) 注:Ganary尚未查到Ghana[5^B:nE]加纳Guinea[5^ini]几内亚Guinea-Bissau[5^ini bi5sEu]几内亚比绍共和国Ivory Coast[5aivEri5kEust]象牙海岸注:今为Cote d Ivoire科特迪瓦Kenya[5ki:njE, 5kenjE]肯尼亚Lesotho[lI5su:tu:]莱索托(非洲南部一王国, 首都Maseru)(西非国家Liberia[lai5biEriE]利比里亚Libya[5libiE]利比亚(北非国家)Madagascar[mAdE5^AskE]马达加斯加岛Malawi[mB:5lB:wi]马拉维Mali[5mB:li:]马里Mauritania[7mC(:)ri5teinjE] 毛利塔尼亚Mauritius[mE5riFEs]毛里求斯(非洲岛国)Morocco[mE5rCkEu]摩洛哥, 摩洛哥皮Mozambique[5mEuzEm5bi:k]莫桑比克Namibia[nE5mi:biE]纳米比亚Niger[5naidVE]尼日尔Nigeria[nai5dViEriE]尼日利亚Reunion(Fr.)[ri:5ju:njEn]留尼旺(法)Rwanda[rJ5AndE] 卢旺达Sao Tome and Principe[sB:n tEum And `prInsIpi:] 圣多美和普林西比(西非岛国圣多美和普林西比的组成部分)Senegal[7seni5^C:l] 塞内加尔Seychelles[sei5Felz]塞舌尔Sierra Leone[5siErE li5Eun]塞拉利昂Somalia[sEu5mB:liE]索马里South Africa[sauW 5AfrikE]南非St. Helena(U.K.)[5helinE, he5li:nE]圣赫勒拿Sudan[su:5dAn]苏丹Swaziland[5swB:zilAnd]斯威士兰Tanzania[7tAnzE5ni:E]坦桑尼亚Togo[5tEu^Eu]多哥Tunisia[tju(:)5niziE]突尼斯Uganda[ju(:)5^AndE, u:5^AndE]乌干达Verde Cape[v\:d keip] 佛得角[塞内加尔西部](非洲最西端的岬角)Western Sahara [5westEn sE5hB:rE]西撒哈拉(未独立)Zambia[5zAmbiE]赞比亚Zimbabwe[zim5bB:bwei]津巴布韦Asia[5eiFE]亚洲Afghanistan[Af5^AnistAn]阿富汗(西南亚国家)Armenia [B:5mi:njE]亚美尼亚Azerbaijan[7B:zEbai5dVB:n]阿塞拜疆Bangladesh[7bB:N^lE5deF]孟加拉国Bhutan[bu:5tB:n]不丹(印度东北一国家)Brunei[5bru:nai]文莱Burma[5bE:mE]缅甸(东南亚国家即Myanmar)Myanmar[5mjAnmB:(r)]缅甸Bahrein Islands[bB:5rein]巴林群岛Cambodia[kAm5bEudiE]高棉, 柬埔寨高棉:高棉共和国是柬埔寨1975年至1980年的官方称呼China[5tFainE]中国总称:People's Republic of China 见下Cyprus[5saiprEs](地中海东部一岛)塞浦路斯East Timor[5ti:mC:]东帝汶(位于东南亚,曾是葡萄牙殖民地)Timor[5ti:mC:]帝汶岛(马来群岛中一岛)Georgia[5dVC:dVjE]格鲁吉亚India[5indjE]印度(南亚国家)Indonesia[7indEu5ni:zjE]印度尼西亚(简称“印尼”,东南亚岛国)Iran[i5rB:n]伊朗Iraq[i5rB:k]伊拉克共和国Israel[5izreiEl] 以色列Japan[dVE5pAn]日本Jordan[5dVC:dn]约旦;约旦河Kazakstan[7kB:zB:k5stB:n]哈萨克斯坦Kirgizstan[5kE:^iz5stB:n]吉尔吉斯斯坦Kirgizia[k\:`^IzIE,kIr`^i:zIE]吉尔吉斯Korea[kE5riE, kC(:)5riE]朝鲜、韩国Corea[kC:5riEn]韩国Kuwait[ku5weit]科威特Laos[5lauz]老挝国Lebanon[5lebEnEn]黎巴嫩Malaysia[mE5leiFE]马来西亚Maldives[`mR:ldaIvz, `mAl-]马尔代夫(群岛)[亚洲岛国]Mongolia[mCN5^EuljE]蒙古Myanmar[5mjAnmB:(r)]缅甸[东南亚国家](即Burma)Burma[5bE:mE]缅甸Nepal[ni5pC:l]尼泊尔Oman[Eu5mB:n]阿曼(阿拉伯东南部沿海地区)Pakistan[7pB:kis5tB:n]巴基斯坦Palestine[5pAlistain]巴勒斯坦People's Republic of China(简称:PRC)中华人民共和国(注:中华民国:Republic of China 简称:ROC)Philippines[5filipi:nz,-painz]菲律宾共和国, 菲律宾群岛Qatar[5kB:tEr]卡塔尔Saudi Arabia[5saudi E5reibjE]沙特阿拉伯Sikkim[5sikim]锡金(注:1975年被印度强行并为其一个邦,中国政府在2003年承认)Sri Lanka[sri5lANkE]斯里兰卡(南亚岛国)Syria[5siriE]叙利亚共和国Tajikistan[tB:dViki5stB:n]塔吉克斯坦Thailand[5tailAnd]泰国Timor[5ti:mC:]帝汶岛(马来群岛中一岛)Turkey[5tE:ki]土耳其Turkmenistan[7tE:kmeni5stB:n]土库曼斯坦United Arab Emirates阿拉伯联合酋长国(=UAE)emirate[e5miErit]阿拉伯酋长(贵族、王公)之职位或阶级, 酋长国Uzbekistan[7uzbeki5stB:n]乌兹别克斯坦Vietnam[9vIEt5nAm]Viet Nam越南Yemen[5jemEn]也门Europe[5juErEp]欧洲Albania[Al5beinjE]阿尔巴尼亚Andorra[An5dCrE]安道尔共和国;安道尔市Austria[5CstriE]奥地利Belarus 白俄罗斯亦为:White Russia 注:Belarus 未查到!Belgium[5beldVEm]比利时(西欧国家,首都布鲁塞尔Brussels)Bosnia and Herzegovina[[5bCzniE And 7hZEtsE^Eu5vi:nE]波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Bulgaria[bQl5^ZEriE]保加利亚Croatia[krEu5eiFjE]克罗地亚Czech[tFek]捷克Czechoslovakia[5tFekEuslEu5vAkiE]捷克斯洛伐克(今已分裂为:捷克、斯洛伐克)Denmark[5denmB:k]丹麦(北欧国家,首都哥本哈根)Estonia[es5tEunjE]爱沙尼亚Faeroes(Dk.)[5fZErEuz]法罗群岛Faeroe Islands法罗群岛[北大西洋](属丹麦)Finland[5finlEnd]芬兰France[frB:ns]法国, 法兰西Germany[5dVE:mEni]德国Greece[^ri:s]希腊Holland[5hClEnd]荷兰Hungary[5hQN^Eri]匈牙利Iceland[5aislEnd]冰岛(欧洲岛名,在大西洋北部,近北极圈)Ireland[5aiElEnd]爱尔兰Italy[5itEli]意大利Latvia[5lAtviE]拉脱维亚Liechtenstein[5liktEn7stain] 列支敦士登Lithuania[7liWju(:)5einjE, -niE]立陶宛Luxembourg[5luksEm7bE:^]卢森堡公国Netherlands[5neTElEndz]荷兰注:Netherlands也译:“尼德兰”Norway[5nC:wei]挪威Macedonia[7mAsi5dEunjE]马其顿王国Malta[5mC:ltE]马耳他(地中海的岛国)Moldova[mCl5dCvB:]摩尔多瓦Monaco[5mCnEkEu]摩纳哥(欧洲西南部国家,位于法国东南,南临地中海)Poland[5pEulEnd]波兰Portugal[5pC:tju^El]葡萄牙Romania[rEu5meinjE]罗马尼亚Russia[`rQFE]俄罗斯注:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R)苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟[苏联]1922- 1991San Marino[7sAn mE5ri:nEu]圣马力诺(意大利半岛东部的国家)Serbia and Montenegro[5sE:bjE And 7mCnti5ni:^rEu]塞尔维亚和黑山Slovakia[slEu5vAkiE]斯洛伐克Czechoslovakia[5tFekEuslEu5vAkiE]捷克斯洛伐克(今已分裂为:捷克、斯洛伐克)Slovenia[slEu5vi:njE]斯洛文尼亚Spain[spein]西班牙(欧洲南部国家)Sweden[5swi:dn]瑞典Sweden[5swi:dn]瑞典Switzerland[5switsElEnd]瑞士(欧洲中部国家)Ukraine[ju(:)5krein]乌克兰Ukraine[ju(:)5krein]乌克兰United Kingdom(U.K)(大不列颠)联合王国Vatican[5vAtikEn]梵蒂冈, 罗马教廷White Russia[`rQFE]白俄罗斯亦称为:BelarusYugoslavia[5ju:^Eu5slB:vjE]南斯拉夫注:南斯拉夫历史上包括:斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、塞尔维亚和黑山、马其顿。

世界上主要国家 首都和人的英文名称

世界上主要国家 首都和人的英文名称

维也纳 Vienna
西班牙Spain Spaniard 马德里 Madrid
葡萄牙Portugal Portuguese 里斯本 Lisbon
希腊Greece Greek
雅典 Athens
华沙 Warsaw
卢森堡Luxembourg 卢森堡 Luxembourg
科威特城 Kuwait
• 黎巴嫩Lebanon
贝鲁特 Beirut
• 美国America American(美国人)华盛顿 Washington.DC
• 墨西哥Mexico 墨西哥城 Mexico City • 加拿大Canada 渥太华Ottawa • 古巴共和国Guba(Cuba ) 哈瓦那 Havana



The Portuguese meal time
Breakfast is traditionally just coffee and a bread roll, but lunch is a big affair, often lasting up to two hours. It is served between noon and 2 o'clock or between 1 and 3 o'clock, and dinner is generally served late, after 8 o'clock. There are usually three courses, often including soup. The most common soup is "caldo verde," with potato, shredded cabbage, and chunks of sausage.
Turbot Stew
Cut the onion into half-moons, add a little (really very little) chopped fresh tomato, garlic also chopped, salt and “lard salt” (a preparation of salt with lard that fishermen took in their long journeys, and in preparing should be let stand about three months to mature). Mix in a good portion of good olive oil and lay the sliced potatoes in layers. You can add a little water, but do not have to cover them. Once they are boiled, add the fish and cover until cooked.


葡萄牙共和国 (英:Portugal, the Portuguese
Republic,葡:República Portuguesa)。
• 国庆日:6月10日 • 共和国日:10月5日 • 纪念1974年4月25日推翻独裁统治,建 立民主政权 • 全国斗争日:6月13日 • 呈长方形,长与宽之比为3:2。旗面由左绿右 红两部分组成,绿色部分是一个竖长方形,红色 部分接近正方形,其面积为绿色部分的一倍半。 红、绿连线的中间绘有葡萄牙国徽。红色表示对 1910年成立第二共和国的庆贺,绿色表示对 被称为“航海家”的亨利亲王的敬意。
据中国海关总署统计,2007年全年 双边贸易额为22.11亿美元,比 2006年增长29%,其中我出口18.26 亿美元,同比增长34%,进口3.85 亿美元,同比增长9%。中国对葡 萄牙出口的商品主要有电机电气设 备、纺织品、服装、鞋类、塑料制 品等。进口商品主要有电容器及零 件、初级塑料、医药品等。
1、对外关系 主张在平等互利基础上同世界各国普遍发展友好合作系。把同欧美的传统关系 作为其对外政策的基石,积极参与和促进欧洲一体化、履行北约义务,着力加 强同非洲和拉美以及北非地区国家的传统关系。日益重视发展同亚洲国家平等 互利的合作关系 。截至2009年7月,葡萄牙与世界上180个国家和地区建立了 外交关系。
中国和葡萄牙于1979年2月8日建交。 1987年4月,中葡两国政府通过平等 协商解决了澳门问题,达成了协议并 签署了关于澳门问题的联合声明,中 国于1999年12月恢复对澳门的行使主 权。



国旗国徽葡萄牙PortugalWith its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 850 kms of splendid beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect holiday destination all year round.This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an exceptional range of different landscapes just a short distance away, lots of leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony. Its superb cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people make this a tourist paradise of the highest quality.Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other European capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world. Come and discover the charms of this country too.GEOGRAPHYPortugal is situated at the south-west point of Europe and also includes the Madeira and Azores archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. Mainland Portugal occupies an area of 88,889 km2. It is 218 km wide and 561 km long. It has 832 km of Atlantic coast and a 1,215 km border with Spain.The Azores are situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. They have an area of 2,355 km2 and consist of nine islands - São Miguel and Santa Maria in the Eastern Group, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico and Faial in the Central Group and Flores and Corvo in the Western Group. It takes about two hours to get from the Azores to mainland Portugal by plane.The Madeira Archipelago has an area of 741 km2 and lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 500 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the European continent (1½hours flying time from Lisbon). It consists of the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo and the uninhabited Desertas and Selvagens islands, which are nature reserves.CLIMATEMainland PortugalThe climate in Portugal varies considerably from one region to another and is influenced by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mildwinters, especially in the Algarve.In the Porto e Norte area and Beiras region, particularly inland, nearer Spain, the winters are colder, although the temperatures are still mild when compared to the rest of Europe. There is some snowfall. It occurs most in the Serra da Estrela mountains, where we find the highest point in mainland Portugal (1,991 m) and where it is sometimes possible to ski.The summers are hot and dry, especially in the inland areas (Trás-os-Montes in north-eastern Portugal and Alentejo). Temperatures are slightly lower in the coastal areas, because of the influence of the sea.There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at the beginning of November is often called "St. Martin’s Summer" as this saint’s day is on 11 November.AzoresThe climate in the Azores is influenced by the islands’ latitude and by the Gulf Stream, and temperatures are mild there all year round. The same factors also influence the sea temperature, which is very pleasant both in winter and summer and ideal for nautical sports all year round.MadeiraThe subtropical characteristics of the weather in the Madeira Archipelago can be explained by its geographical position and mountainous relief. The climate in Madeira is exceptionally mild, with average temperatures varying between 24 ºC in summer and 19 ºC in winter.The sea temperature is also very pleasant all year round, thanks to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream. It varies between 18 ºC in winter and 22 ºC in summer.POPULATIONPortugal has a population of about 10 million.The population density is at its greatest in Lisbon, the capital and its suburbs, where about 1.9 million people live. The second largest city in Portugal is Oporto in the north.Generally speaking, there are more people living in the country’s coastal regions than in the inland areas.LANGUAGEFrom a Latin root, Portuguese is spoken by about 250 million people in every continent, and is the 5th most spoken language in the world and the 3rd, if we only consider the European languages.The Portuguese-speaking countries are scattered all over the world. Portuguese is spoken in Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé ePríncipe), in South America (Brazil) and in Asia, (East Timor, the youngest nation in the world), and it is also the official language in Macao Special Administrative Region of China.In Portugal there are lots of people who are able to communicate in English, French and Spanish.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。



国家和地区英文简写PRC 中国CAN 加拿大UK 英国USA 美国A字头AE-阿联酋(UNITED EMIRATES)AF-阿富汗(AFGHANISTAN)AL-阿尔巴尼亚(ALBANIA)AM-亚美尼亚(ARMENIA)AO-安哥拉(ANGOLA)AR-阿根廷(ARGENTINA)AT-奥地利(AUSTRIA)AU-澳大利亚(AUSTRALIA)AZ-阿塞拜疆(AZERBAIJAN(REPUBLIC)) B字头BD-孟加拉(BANGLADESH)BE-比利时(BELGIUM)BF-布基纳法索(BURKINA FASO)BG-保加利亚(BULGARIA)BH-巴林(BAHREIN)BI-布隆迪(BURUNDI)BJ-贝宁(BENIN)BL-巴勒斯坦()BN-文莱(BRUNEI DARUSSALAM)BO-玻利维亚(BOLIVIA)BR-巴西(BRAZIL)BW-博茨瓦纳(BOTSWANA)BY-白俄罗斯(BYELORUSSIA)C字头CA-加拿大(CANADA)CF-中非(CENTRAL AFRICA)CG-刚果(CONGO)CH-瑞士(SWITZERLAND)CL-智利(CHILE)CM-喀麦隆(CAMEROON)CN-中国(CHINA)CO-哥伦比亚(COLOMBIA)CR-哥斯达黎加(COSTA RICA)CS-捷克(CZECH REPUBIC)CU-古巴(CUBA)CY-塞浦路斯(CYPRUS)CN-中国(CHINA)D字头DE-德国(GERMANY)DK-丹麦(DENMARK)DO-多米尼加共和国(DOMINICAN REPUBLIC) DZ-阿尔及利亚(ALGERIA)E字头EC-厄瓜多尔(ECUADOR)EE-爱沙尼亚(ESTONIA)EG-埃及(EGYPT)ES-西班牙(SPAIN)ET-埃塞俄比亚(ETHIOPIA)F字头FI-芬兰(FINLAND)FJ-斐济(FIJI)FR-法国(FRANCE)G字头GA-加蓬(GABON)GB-英国(UNITED KINGDOM)GD-格林纳达(GRENADA)GE-格鲁吉亚(GEORGIA)GH-加纳(GHANA)GN-几内亚(GUINEA)GR-希腊(GREECE)GT-危地马拉(GUATEMALA)H字头HK-香港特别行政区(HONG KONG) HN-洪都拉斯(HONDURAS)HU-匈牙利(HUNGARY)I字头ID-印度尼西亚(INDONESIA)IE-爱尔兰(IRELAND)IL-以色列(ISRAEL)IN-印度(INDIA)IQ-伊拉克(IRAQ)IR-伊朗(IRAN)IS-冰岛(ICELAND)IT-意大利(ITALY)J字头JM-牙买加(JAMAICA)JO-约旦(JORDAN)JP-日本(JAPAN)K字头KG-吉尔吉斯坦(KYRGYZSTAN)KH-柬埔寨(KAMPUCHEA(CAMBODIA)) KP-北朝鲜(KOREA,DEM.PEOPLE’S) KR-韩国(REPUBLIC OF KOREA)KT-科特迪瓦共和国(COTE O’IVOIRE) KW-科威特(KUWATI)KZ-哈萨克(KAZAKHSTAN)L 字头LA-老挝(LAOS)LB-黎巴嫩(LEBANON)LC-圣卢西亚(SAINT LUEIA)LI-列支敦士登(LIECHTENSTEIN)LK-斯里兰卡(SRI LANKA)LR-利比里亚(LIBERIA)LT-立陶宛(LITHUANIA)LU-卢森堡(LUXEMBOURG)LV-拉脱维亚(LATVIA)LY-利比亚(LIBYAN)M字头MA-摩洛哥(MOROCCO)MC-摩纳哥(MONACO)MD-摩尔多瓦(MOLDOVA,REPUBLIC OF) MG-马达加斯加(MADAGASCAR)ML-马里(MALI)MM-缅甸(BURMA(MYANMAR))MN-蒙古(MONGOLIA)MO-澳门地区(MACAU)MT-马耳他(MALTA)MU-毛里求斯(MAURITIUS)MW-马拉维(MALAWI)MX-墨西哥(MEXICO)MY-马来西亚(MALAYSIA)MZ-莫桑比克(MOZAMBIQUE)N字头NA-纳米比亚(NAMIBIA)NE-尼日尔(NIGER)NG-尼日利亚(NIGERIA)NI-尼加拉瓜(NICARAGUA)NL-荷兰(NETHERLANDS)NO-挪威(NORWAY)NP-尼泊尔(NEPAL)NZ-新西兰(NEW ZEALAND)O字头OM-阿曼(OMAN)P字头PA-巴拿马(PANAMA)PE-秘鲁(PERU)PG-巴布亚新几内亚(PAPUA NEW GUINEA) PH-菲律宾(PHILIPPINES)PK-巴基斯坦(PAKISTAN)PL-波兰(POLAND)PT-葡萄牙(PORTUGAL)PY-巴拉圭(PARAGUAY)Q字头QA-卡塔尔(QATAR)RRO-罗马尼亚(ROMANIA)RU-俄罗斯(RUSSIAN FEDERATION)S字头SA-沙特阿拉伯(SAUDI ARABIA)SC-塞舌尔(SEYCHELLES)SD-苏丹(SUDAN)SE-瑞典(SWEDEN)SG-新加坡(SINGAPORE)SI-斯洛文尼亚(SLOVENIA)SK-斯洛伐克(SLOVAKIA)SM-圣马力诺(SAN MARINO)SN-塞内加尔(SENEGAL)SO-索马里(SOMALIA)SY-叙利亚(SYRIA)SZ-斯威士兰(SWAZILAND)T 字头TD-乍得(CHAD)TG-多哥(TOGO)TH-泰国(THAILAND)TJ-塔吉克斯坦(TAJIKISTAN)TM-土库曼(TURKMENISTAN) TN-突尼斯(TUNISIA)TR-土耳其(TURKEY)TW-台湾省(TAIWAN)TZ-坦桑尼亚(TANZANIA)U字头UA-乌克兰(UKRAINE)UG-乌干达(UGANDA)US-美国(UNITED STATES)UY-乌拉圭(URUGUAY)UZ-乌兹别克(UZBEKISTAN)V 字头VC-圣文森特岛(SAINT VINCENT) VE-委内瑞拉(VENEZUELA)VN-越南(VIET NAM)Y 字头YE-也门(YEMEN)YU-南斯拉夫联盟(YUGOSLAVIA) Z 字头ZA-南非(SOUTH AFRICA)ZM-赞比亚(ZAMBIA)ZR-扎伊尔(ZAIRE)ZW-津巴布韦(ZIMBABWE)'AC'=>'上升岛','AD'=>'安道尔','AE'=>'阿拉伯联合酋长国','AF'=>'阿富汗','AG'=>'安提瓜和巴布达','AI'=>'安圭拉','AL'=>'阿尔巴尼亚','AM'=>'亚美尼亚','AN'=>'荷兰安的列斯群岛','AO'=>'安哥拉','AQ'=>'南极洲','AR'=>'阿根廷','AS'=>'美属萨摩亚群岛','AT'=>'奥地利','AU'=>'澳洲','AW'=>'阿卢巴','AZ'=>'阿塞拜疆','BA'=>'波士尼亚共和国和Herzegowina', 'BB'=>'巴巴多斯','BD'=>'孟加拉','BE'=>'比利时','BF'=>'BurkinaFaso','BG'=>'保加利亚','BH'=>'巴林','BI'=>'布隆迪','BJ'=>'贝宁湾','BM'=>'百慕达群岛','BN'=>'汶莱','BO'=>'玻利维亚','BR'=>'巴西','BS'=>'巴哈马','BT'=>'不丹','BV'=>'布威岛','BW'=>'博茨瓦纳','BY'=>'白俄罗斯','BZ'=>'伯利兹','CA'=>'加拿大','CC'=>'椰子树(装以龙骨)岛', 'CD'=>'扎伊尔','CF'=>'中非共和国','CG'=>'刚果','CH'=>'瑞士','CI'=>'棚d'Ivoire','CK'=>'科克群岛','CL'=>'智利','CM'=>'喀麦隆','CN'=>'中国','CO'=>'哥伦比亚','CR'=>'哥斯达黎加','CU'=>'古巴','CV'=>'维德岛','CX'=>'圣诞岛','CY'=>'赛普勒斯','CZ'=>'捷克','DE'=>'德国','DJ'=>'吉布地','DK'=>'丹麦','DM'=>'多米尼加共和国', 'DO'=>'多米尼加共和国', 'DZ'=>'阿尔及利亚','EC'=>'厄瓜多尔','EE'=>'爱沙尼亚','EG'=>'埃及','EH'=>'西撒哈拉','ER'=>'厄立特里安','ES'=>'西班牙','ET'=>'埃塞俄比亚','EU'=>'欧盟','FI'=>'芬兰','FJ'=>'斐济','FK'=>'福克兰群岛','FM'=>'密克罗尼西亚', 'FO'=>'法罗群岛','FR'=>'法国','GA'=>'加彭','GB'=>'英国','GD'=>'格林纳达','GE'=>'格鲁吉亚州','GF'=>'法属圭亚那','GG'=>'格恩西岛','GH'=>'迦纳','GI'=>'直布罗陀','GL'=>'格陵兰','GM'=>'冈比亚','GN'=>'几内亚','GP'=>'哥德普洛岛','GQ'=>'赤道几内亚','GR'=>'希腊','GS'=>'南乔治亚州和南方插入岛', 'GT'=>'危地马拉','GU'=>'关岛','GW'=>'几内亚比绍共和国','GY'=>'圭亚那','HK'=>'香港','HM'=>'听到和麦当劳岛','HN'=>'洪都拉斯','HR'=>'克罗埃西亚','HT'=>'海地','HU'=>'匈牙利','ID'=>'印尼','IE'=>'爱尔兰','IL'=>'以色列','IM'=>'岛','IN'=>'印度','IO'=>'英国的印度洋领土','IQ'=>'伊拉克','IR'=>'伊朗王国','IS'=>'冰岛','IT'=>'意大利','JE'=>'泽西','JM'=>'牙买加','JO'=>'约旦','JP'=>'日本','KE'=>'肯尼亚','KG'=>'Kyrgystan','KH'=>'高棉','KI'=>'吉尔巴斯','KM'=>'科摩洛','KN'=>'圣吉斯和尼维斯','KP'=>'韩国,民主的人共和国', 'KR'=>'韩国,共和国','KW'=>'科威特','KY'=>'开曼群岛','KZ'=>'哈萨克','LA'=>'Lao人的民主共和国', 'LB'=>'黎巴嫩','LC'=>'圣卢西亚','LI'=>'列支敦士登','LK'=>'斯里兰卡','LR'=>'利比里亚','LS'=>'莱索托','LT'=>'立陶宛','LU'=>'卢森堡','LV'=>'拉脱维亚','LY'=>'利比亚','MA'=>'摩洛哥','MC'=>'摩纳哥','MD'=>'摩尔多瓦','MG'=>'马达加斯加','MH'=>'马绍尔群岛','MK'=>'马其顿','ML'=>'马里','MM'=>'缅甸','MN'=>'蒙古','MO'=>'澳门','MP'=>'北马里亚纳群岛','MQ'=>'马提尼克岛','MR'=>'毛里塔尼亚','MS'=>'蒙特色纳','MT'=>'马尔他','MU'=>'毛里求斯','MV'=>'马尔代夫','MW'=>'马拉维','MX'=>'墨西哥','MY'=>'马来西亚','MZ'=>'莫桑比克','NA'=>'那米比亚','NC'=>'新加勒多尼亚', 'NE'=>'尼日尔','NF'=>'诺福克岛','NG'=>'尼日利亚','NI'=>'尼加拉瓜','NL'=>'荷兰','NO'=>'挪威','NP'=>'尼泊尔','NR'=>'瑙鲁','NU'=>'纽鄂岛','NZ'=>'新西兰','OM'=>'阿曼','PA'=>'巴拿马','PE'=>'秘鲁','PF'=>'法属玻里尼西亚', 'PG'=>'巴布亚新几内亚', 'PH'=>'菲律宾共和国', 'PK'=>'巴基斯坦','PL'=>'波兰','PM'=>'圣皮埃尔和密克罗', 'PN'=>'皮特凯恩岛','PR'=>'波多黎各','PS'=>'巴勒斯坦','PT'=>'葡萄牙','PW'=>'帛琉','PY'=>'巴拉圭','QA'=>'卡塔尔','RO'=>'罗马尼亚','RU'=>'俄国','RW'=>'卢旺达','SA'=>'沙特阿拉伯','SB'=>'索罗门群岛','SC'=>'塞锡尔群岛','SD'=>'苏丹','SE'=>'瑞典','SG'=>'新加坡','SH'=>'圣海伦娜','SI'=>'斯洛文尼亚','SJ'=>'冷岸和央麦恩群岛岛', 'SK'=>'斯洛伐克','SL'=>'塞拉利昂','SM'=>'桑河Marino','SN'=>'塞内加尔','SO'=>'索马里','SR'=>'苏利南','ST'=>'圣多美和普林西比', 'SU'=>'苏联','SV'=>'萨尔瓦多','SY'=>'叙利亚','SZ'=>'斯威士兰','TD'=>'乍得','TG'=>'多哥','TH'=>'泰国','TJ'=>'塔吉克','TK'=>'托克劳','TL'=>'东帝汶','TM'=>'土库曼','TN'=>'北非的共和国','TO'=>'汤加','TP'=>'东帝汶','TR'=>'土耳其','TT'=>'千里达托贝哥共和国', 'TV'=>'图瓦卢','TW'=>'台湾','TZ'=>'坦桑尼亚','UA'=>'乌克兰','UG'=>'乌干达','UK'=>'英国','UM'=>'美国辅修在外的岛', 'US'=>'美国','UY'=>'乌拉圭','UZ'=>'乌兹别克斯坦','VA'=>'神圣的见到(罗马教庭)', 'VC'=>'圣文森和格林纳丁斯', 'VE'=>'委内瑞拉','VG'=>'维京群岛英国人','VI'=>'维京群岛U.S','VN'=>'越南','VU'=>'万那度','WF'=>'沃利斯和富图纳群岛', 'WS'=>'美属萨摩亚','YE'=>'也门','YT'=>'马约特','YU'=>'南斯拉夫','ZA'=>'南非','ZM'=>'赞比亚','ZR'=>'扎伊尔','ZW'=>'津巴布韦',。



葡萄牙的魅力之旅Portugal, a country nestled along the western coast of Europe, offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From its storied castles and fortresses to its vibrant cities and serene beaches, Portugal is a destination that rewards exploration and discovery.Stepping into Portugal is like stepping into a tapestry of time, where ancient ruins coexist with modern urban landscapes. Lisbon, the capital city, is a vibrant hub of activity, with its cobblestone streets, lively markets, and charming cafes. The city's iconic landmarks, such as the Belem Tower and the Jeronimos Monastery, are testaments to Portugal's rich history and maritime heritage.One cannot overlook the country's contribution to the world of wine and gastronomy. Portugal is renowned for its excellent wines, particularly from the Douro Valley, where the terroir and viniculture techniques have been honed for centuries. The cuisine is also a highlight, with disheslike paella, bacalhau (salted cod), and pasteis de nata (custard pastries) captivating the palates of food lovers from around the globe.The natural wonders of Portugal are equally as impressive. The coastline, dotted with charming fishing villages and stunning beaches, is a paradise for sun-seekers and watersports enthusiasts. Inland, the mountainous regions offer hiking and trekking trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints. The Algarve region, in particular, is a favorite among tourists for its golden beaches and relaxed atmosphere.Moreover, Portugal's people are known for their warmth and friendliness, making the country an ideal destination for those seeking a personal and authentic travel experience. The language, music, and festivals all contribute to the vibrant cultural tapestry that is unique to Portugal.In conclusion, Portugal is a country that offers something for every type of traveler. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, a nature lover, or simply seeking a relaxing beach vacation, Portugal has it all. Its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty make it a must-visit destination in Europe.**葡萄牙的魅力之旅**葡萄牙,这个位于欧洲西海岸的国家,以其深厚的历史、独特的文化和自然美景的完美结合,吸引着世界各地的游客。



• 葡萄牙国旗呈长方形,长与宽之比为3:2。 旗面由左绿右红两部分组成,绿色部分是 一个竖长方形,红色部分接近正方形,其 面积为绿色部分的一倍半、红、绿连线的 中间绘有葡萄牙国徽。红色表示对1910年 成立第二共和国的庆贺,绿色表示对被称 为“航海家”的亨利亲王的敬意。
• 葡萄牙,全称葡萄牙共和国(英语:The Portuguese Republic,葡萄牙语:República Portuguesa),是一个 位于欧洲西南部的共和制国家,欧盟成员国之一。东邻伊 比利亚半岛的西班牙,西部和南部是大西洋的海岸。除了 欧洲大陆的领土以外,大西洋的亚速群岛和马德拉群岛都 是葡萄牙的领土。澳门在1999年交还中国前,曾由葡萄牙 统治(1553-1999)。葡萄牙首都里斯本西的罗卡角是欧 洲的最西端。葡萄牙的旅游业发达。拥有十分优越的旅游 资源。16世纪到18世纪葡萄牙和西班牙成为海上强国,这 一时期达· 伽马、恩里克、迪亚士这一些影响着葡萄牙帝 国的人物。
• 葡萄牙语(Português)是罗曼语族的一种语言。 使用它的国家和地区包括葡萄牙、巴西、安哥拉、 中国澳门、西班牙、莫桑比克和东帝汶。葡萄牙 语是世界上少数几种分布广泛的语言,同时也是 世界上第五(或六)大语言。葡萄牙语是继英语 和西班牙语之后世界上使用最广泛的语种之一。 全世界有2亿多人口使用葡萄牙语(Português), 是世界流行语种的第6位,仅次于汉语、英语、俄 语、西班牙语和印地语。葡萄牙语的使用者绝大 部分居住在巴西,而只有1056.2万人居住在葡萄 牙。
• 教育 • 葡萄牙波尔图大学 • 葡萄牙实行12年义务教育,包括基础教育 (小学4年,中学预备班2年,初中3年)和 中等教育(3年,相当于我国高中)。高等 教育为大学4~5年。2012年,科教预算为 68.89亿欧元,占政府总预算的3.65%。 2010年,识字率(15岁以上拥有读写能力 的人口占其总数)为95.2%。
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国旗国徽葡萄牙 PortugalWith its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 850 kms of splendid beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect holiday destination all year round.This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an excepti onal rangeof different Iandscapes just a short distanee away, lots of leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony. Its superb cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people make this a tourist paradise of the highest quality.Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other Europea n capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world.Come and discover the charms of this country too.GEOGRAPHYPortugal is situated at the south-west point of Europe and also includes the Madeira and Azores archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. Mainland Portugal occupies an areaof 88,889 km2. It is 218 km wide and 561 km Iong. It has 832 km of Atlantic coast and a 1,215 km border with Spai n.The Azores are situated in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. They have an area of 2,355 km2 and con sist of nine isla nds - S ?o Miguel and Santa Mariain the Easter n Group, Terceira, Graciosa, S ?o Jorge, Pico and Faial in the Cen tral Group and Flores and Corvo in the Wester n Group. It takes about two hours to get from the Azores to mainland Portugal by plane.The Madeira Archipelago has an area of 741 km2 and lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 500 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the European continent (1 ? hours flying time from Lisbon). It consists of the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo and the unin habited Desertas and Selvage ns isla nds, which are n ature reserves.CLIMATEMai nland PortugalThe climate in Portugal varies con siderably from one regi on to ano ther and is in flue need by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mildwinters, especially in the Algarve.In the Porto e Norte area and Beiras region, particularly inland, nearer Spain, the winters are colder, although the temperatures are still mild when compared to the rest of Europe. There is some snowfall. It occurs most in the Serra da Estrela mountains, where we find the highest point in mainland Portugal (1,991 m) and where it is sometimes possible to ski.The summers are hot and dry, especially in the in la nd areas (Tr cs-os-M on tes in north-eastern Portugal and Alentejo). Temperatures are slightly lower in the coastal areas, because of the influence of the sea.There are often warm, sunny days in autumn. Nice weather at the beginning of November is often called "St. Martin 's Summer" as this saint 's day is on 11 November.AzoresThe climate in the Azores is influenced by the islands 'latitude and by the Gulf Stream, and temperatures are mild there all year round. The same factors also influence the sea temperature, which is very pleasant both in winter and summer and ideal for nautical sports all year round.MadeiraThe subtropical characteristics of the weather in the Madeira Archipelago can be explained by its geographical position and mountainous relief. The climate in Madeira is exceptionally mild, with average temperatures varying between 24 oC in summer and 19 oC in winter.The sea temperature is also very pleasant all year round, thanks to the influenceof the warm Gulf Stream. It varies between 18 oC in winter and 22 oC in summer.POPULATIONPortugal has a population of about 10 million.The population density is at its greatest in Lisbon, the capital and its suburbs,where about 1.9 million people live. The second largest city in Portugal is Oporto in the north.Generally speaking, there are more people living in the country 's coastal regions than in the inland areas.LANGUAGEFrom a Latin root, Portuguese is spoken by about 250 million people in every continent, and is the 5th most spoken language in the world and the 3rd, if we only consider the European languages.The Portuguese-speaking countries are scattered all over the world. Portuguese isspoke n in Africa (An gola, Cape Verde, Guin ea-Bissau, Mozambique and S ?o Tom e ePr n cipe), in South America (Brazil) and in Asia, (East Timor, the youngest nation in theworld), and it is also the official language in Macao Special Region of China.In Portugal there are lots of people who are able to communicate in and Spanish.Administrative English, French欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
