
Travel教案_1第一篇:Travel教案_1Travel教案module1TravelUnit1Theflightwaslate.Lingling:welcomeback,everyone!welcomeback!欢迎回来welcometospl.eg.welcometochina!Betty:HiLingling!Howwasyourholiday?Lingling:Notbad!IwenttoHenanProvince.Butthetripbackwasv erylong.Thetrainwasfullofpeople,andIhadtostandforoversixhours .Betty:Badluck.where’sTony?Daming:He’sstayingwithhisfamilyintheUk,andflyingbacktomorrow.The flightswerelatetoday.Betty:whyistravelsodifficultinwinter?Lingling:well,it’sthebusiestseasoninchinabecauseofSpringFestival.wheredi dyougo,Daming?becauseof/becauseDaming:weflewtoHongkong–andtheflightwaslate!ButwetooktheboattoLandauIslandandwentt oDisneyland.takeataxitakeatraintakeaplaneLingling:Howaboutyou,Betty?Betty:wehadquiteagoodtimeinBeijing.wewentsightseeingby busandbytaxi.Andlastweekend,wetookatourbycoachtotheSumm erPalaceandwentforalongwalk.gosightseeinggofishinggocampinggoshoppingDaming:Andnow,bettergetb acktowork…we’vegotexamsatthee ndoftheterm.bettergetbacktowork=you’dbettergetbacktowork. ---’dbetter(not)dohave/hasgot与have/has的区别Betty:yes,butthereareplentyoffunthingstodothisterm…thesc hooltrip…plentyof=alotof=lotsof既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词eg.Ihaveplentyofreasonstorefusehim.wehaveplentyofwatert odrink.Lingling:…andtheschoolleavers’party…Daming:…thevisittotheEnglish-speakingtheatreinBeijing… Lingling:AndourtriptoLosAngeles!we’llhaveagreattime!Unit2you’resittinginmyseat.Excuseme,you’resittinginmys eat.ThetraintoBeijing!Linoftendreamedaboutthetrain,andaboutg oingtothecapital.Nowitwasinfrontofhim,tosetoffsoon.Helookeda thisbrother.dreamof/about+名词,代词/V-ing“梦到,梦见,梦想eg.Thegirldreamtabouthermotherlastnight.Theboydreamsab out/ofbecomingapilot.dream+名词,代词/that从句eg.Idreamtadreamjustnow.Ineverdreamtthathewassuchaper son.infrontof/inthefrontofsetoff“出发、动身”=setouteg.we’llsetoffassoonashecomesback.Theysetoutinsearchof thelostchild.补充:setabout着手做setup搭起,建起setfree释放“Don’tforgetwhereyoucomefrom,littlebrother,”jinsaid.“A ndwa tchyourbagscarefully.”Linnodded,unabletospeak.Thiswashisfirstlongtripbytrainatth estartofhisnewlife,leavinghisvillageandhishomeforthelast16years .unabletospeak,形容词短语,作状语,说明点头时的状态eg.Thelittlegirlranbackhome,happyandjoyful.Hestoodthere,c oldandhungry.be(un)abletodoatthestartof=atthebeginningofHeheldjininhisarms.withtearsinhiseyes,jinpushedLinaway.“G o,brother.writetousassoonasyougetthere,ok?”with+名词+介词短语eg.Astrangerbrokeintothebar,withaguninhishand.with+名词+副词eg.Hefellasleeponthesofa,withtheTVon.with+名词+不定式短语eg.withsomuchhomeworktodo,hecan’tgoouttoplay.with+名词+V-ing eg.withsomanypeoplecominginandout,Ijustcan’tgettosleep.wit h+名词+过去分词短语eg.Thethiefwastakentothepolicestation,withhishandstiedbeh ind.Assoonashecomes,I’lltellhimaboutit.Linjumpedontothetrain .Therewerepeopleandbagseverywhere.Hepushedpastthemtowar dshisseat.past/passAyoungmanwassittinginLin’sseat.Hewaswearingjeansandaverysmartjacket,andwassm okingacigarette.whatshouldhedo?SixpairsofeyeslookedatLin,whil ethemanlookedoutofthewindow.“Sir,you’resitti nginmyseat,”Linsaid,withanervoussmile.Theotherpeoplewatchedwithinterest.withinterest作状语eg.Thechildrenarelisteningtoastorywithinterest.eg.withnodo ubt/withoutdoubt,ourteamwillwinthegame.Themandidn ’tturntolookatLin,butjustlookedoutofthewindow.turntodo 转身去做某事eg.Heknewwhatwasgoingonbehindhim,sohedidn’tturntolook.“Excuseme,Ihaveaticketwiththenumberoftheseatyou’resittingi n!”Linsaidinastrongervoice.eg.Thisisasleepingbagthatasoldiersl eepsin.Thisisthelifehehasalwaysdreamtof.Sheisthepersonyoumus ttakecareof.ina…voiceeg.Thelittlegirlhasasweetvoice.Heisnotingoodvoice.noise,so und,voice “Ialsohaveaticketwiththatnumber–”thoughitisinanothercar.Besides,Iwasherefirst,saidtheman, withoutmovinghishead.Thoughhewassitting,helookedverytallan dstrong.besides/excepteg.weallwenttotheconcertexceptjim.Thereweremanyothersa ttheconcertbesidesus.Linlookedattheotherpassengersforhelp.“B ut…”hestartedtosay.“Butwhat?”ThemanturnedandlookedatLin .“I’mnotmoving.” Finallyamanwearingglassesspokeinaloudvoice.“Thisyoungmanh astherightticketforthatseat.youshouldmove.”V-ing短语作定语,放在名词后面eg.Theyhaveheardtheexcitingnews.Ving作定语,放在名词前面eg.Theyhaveheardtheexcitingnews.Linfeltbrave.“See?Pleasemove.I’vegotalongwaytogo.”havegotalongwaytogo=havealongwaytogoeg.youmusthaveagoodsleep.T omorrowwe’llhavealongwayto go.引申义:you’vegotalongwaytogobeforeyoubecomeapopstar.“Howlon g?”theyoungmanasked.“Tothelaststop,Beijing.”“I’mgettingoffbeforeyou.Thenyoucanhavemyseat.”getoff——getongetinto——getoutof“whereisthat?”askedLin.“Hangzhou.”LinthoughtHangzhouwasfaraway.“It’ssevenhoursawayfromhere,“Evenifit”’themanwithglassessaid.sonly10minutes,youshouldmove .”Slowlytheyoungmanstoodup,droppedhiscigaretteonthefloor ,anddisappeareddownthetrain.【典型例题】.It’scoldoutside.you’dbetter______yourwarmclothes,Lucy.A.putonB.toputonc.puttingonD.put2.Doesjohnknowanyotherforeignlanguage________French?A.exceptB.butc.besidesD.beside3.Theyhadlearned2300words_________lastweek.A.intheendB.bytheendc.attheendofD.bytheendof4.Iwill________thetrainatBeijingStation.Thenyoucanhavemyse at.A.takeoffB.getoffc.setoffD.putoff5.Thisdressstilllooksprettyonyou,_________itisoutofstyle.A.tho ughB.butc.inspiteofD.becauseof6.Hissonwentthroughthedoor,_______abasketballinhishand.A. inB.onc.withD.at7.Isit_______theclassroomsothatIcanhearclearly.A.infrontB.inthefrontc.infrontofD.inthefrontof8.________booksarethere;________booksis300.A.Thenumberof; anumberofB.Anumberof;anumberofc.Thenumberof;thenumberofD.Anumberof;thenumberof9.Beijingis_________beautifulcity.A.veryaB.veryc.aquiteD.quitea0.Thoughheisn’tgoodatEnglish,hedoesntwantto_________.A.give upitB.giveoffitc.giveitupD.giveitoff答案:1—5AcDBA6—10cDDDc’第二篇:Through Travel教案Through Travel教案icing/camping/touring/…它们分别表示“去游泳/购物/(乘滑雪板)滑雪/滑冰/钓鱼/野餐/野营/旅游/……”2.startafire 生火例如:Let’sstartafireanddocooking.让我们生火做饭吧。
七年级英语下册:Unit 1 Travel综合教案(广州牛津版) 教案

(4). Finish the exercises in the handout.
Step 5. Homework
(1). Finish the exercises in English Weekly.
(4). Show a map of West Europe to the Ss, try to find France and some famous cit
(5). Teach the new words in this text by showing some picture. Such as: coast, scenic, beach etc.
Step 3. While-reading
(1). Ask the Ss to read about San Francisco carefully and finish the “T” or “F” exercises. Ask them to correct the untrue sentences.
Step 2. Pre-listening A
(1). Show some listening skills to the Ss—How to plete the notes while listening? Ask them pay attention to the facts and figures while listening.
(2). Teach the new words in the listening material.
(3). Read through the exercise before listening.
七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Travel教案 牛津广州版

Unit 1 Travel一、教材分析本单元围绕着谈论“旅游”来开展听、说、读、写的训练。
语法方面主要学习专有名词与连词and, but, so的用法。
二、教学对象分析1. 学生对“旅游”这个话题比较感兴趣,有利于开展本单元的各项听、说、读、写任务。
2. 学生对于专有名词与连词and, but, so 的用法其实并不陌生,在小学已经有接触,只是还没有进行专项的归纳性的学习。
三、单元教学目标(一)认知目标1. 语音:1). 能准确读出以下三对辅音音标的发音及掌握其基本的字母组合发音规律: /f/-/v/,/?/-/3/,/θ/-/?/ 2).能流利地朗读课文及与课文水平相当的短文,语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。
2. 词汇1).重点词汇单词:(1 R)plan,coast,side,beach,central,crop,queen,castle,like (prep.),wine,culture,concert,wonderful,harbour, delicious,restaurant,sunshine,(1 L)step,amazing,somewhere,wheel,flesh, (1 S)relax,(1 W)send,postcard,back,tennis,court,camp词组:such as,these days,be si milar to…,take part in,at first,from place to place,get through,after dark,millions of, one day, go abroad2).拓展词汇(1 R)scenic,world—famous,cable car,(1 L)parachute,crowded,tuk-tuk,(1 Lan) stadium,district,grand,tasty,(1 S)garage,relative,(1 W)waterfall,(1 M)double—decker, upstairs,though,wax,figure,chamber, view, lean,fall over, designer, straight,reopen,restricted3. 句型1).复习动词take表“花费”的句型 It used to take me more than two hours to get to school by bus.2).了解下列句型的基本用法:People with children will find EuroDisney a good place to visit.We didn’t get home until midnight last night.How about meeting for lunch so that we can sit down and talk?4. 语法1).学习专有名词的基本用法。
Module7 Travel教案

Module7 Travel教案一、准备阶段:Ⅰ 教学目标:情感目标:激发学生热爱祖国的大好山河。
知识目标:学习句型We are going to …tomorrow.能力目标:培养学生使用be going to 讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。
Ⅱ 教学重点:1 学习运用be going to 句型。
2 掌握单词及词组:children/w/ by plane/ getup/a/ swa/ vⅢ 教学难点:能够正确理解运用be going to 句型。
Ⅳ 辅助资源:挂图、录音机、磁带、图片、挂历、一张中国地图二、教学过程:I. Warming up唱歌曲I can’t dII. Revision:复习以前学习过的动词及词组:run/ ride/ play/ swim…(复习动词是为了更好的学习本节课be going to句型做铺垫)2. Do du“What day is today? Whadate today?” III. Presentation:教师出示当天的日历,指着的日期说“Today is …”并出示新的一月份的挂历对学生说:”Our wliday is going to be in January. And I am going to go to Hainan in wliday.”(复习对比日期,使学生初步了解be going to 的含义)2. 学习句型 I am going to go Hainan.(为学生讲解be going to 的含义,并且学说, 同时讲解be going to 的用法。
)学生谈论What agoing to do at this weekend ?出示中国地图,指着沈阳告诉学生I am going to gang this weekend. So I am going to get up at 6 o’clg.IVleadinI. Get four largaper and wllowing wordEngl Japa American2.Place the wordwalls around the cla3.Tellat you are going to call out the nauntries and they havand say the adjectiv ExamplesT:England.Ss:Engl T:China.Ss: 4.This will helwlistening passagxII.Listen and 1.Telllb 2.Now tellat you are going to play the tape and they have to listen andwrite down the nauar.Teaching Alwad a simple activduce the listeningWe call these “gist activities”.They gulistening but not to listeningave to lau3.Now gbooks and to follow4.Telllook aarefullboard wllowing things.Hainan 5 o'cl by plane Grandpa5.Telladialogue usingwords.ExamplesT:Hainan.Ss:We're going to Hainaw.T:Grandpa.Ss:I'm going to vgrandpa.ue lIt will gulanguage.III. Point and say.1.You may want to extend this activity.Tellg they are going to dw and to draw a simple pictu2.Now call out the naand gand up and say what they are going to dw.3.They should hold uures .If anyone else has drawn the same thing uld stand up and say the sabut add the word “too”.ExamplesT:Maria.Maria:I'm going to pla Ss(wame picture):I'm going to pla T:Paul.Paul:I'm going to ride my b Ss(wame picture):I'm going to ride my b 4.This is a good activlpingunderstand the word “too” and for practising the future with “be going to”.Unit 2 We're goin to vg Tombs.I. Wa ExActiv 1.Tellwword “too”a2.Now tellgs you are going to dw and they have to listen and hold up “too”are going to do the same thingdon't have to do anything.ExamplesT:I'm going to sw Ss:(Hold up “too”are going to do the same.)T:I'm going to vgrandpa and grandma.Ss:(Hold up “too”are going to do the same.) II. land say.1.Bu start,waanimalboard buut l __ions__igers __lepha __amels __andas2.Tellat you are going to call out the names ofdanimals and they have to call oug l 3.This will revise spelling and letters and will ald animals. ExampleT:Pandas.Ss:P.T:Elepha Ss:E.ue lThe revision will be usefulu III. Listen and sag.1.To mag more fun,draw pictuanimals and pu board.You can use pictua magalashcards if you w2.Wldren singg and say the word “zoo”they caat the pictuanimals.Way the words “and you”they caat eaTeaching Alwaaddactivg.It mag more memorable and hellearn and understand the vocabulary.In the activity abovxamplavauanimals w say the word “zoo”and point at eaway “and you”.。
Unit 4《Travel》word教案

Unit 4《Travel》word教案Unit 4《Travel》Word教案目标- 研究单元词汇,能够正确拼写和运用- 研究单元语法,能够正确构建句子和对话- 研究各种出行方式,了解各种旅行方式的特点和优势教学步骤1. 导入(5分钟)导入(5分钟)导入(5分钟)- 利用图片和简单的问题引入课程主题,激发学生兴趣和思考- 介绍今天的研究内容和目标,让学生了解将要研究的内容2. 词汇研究(10分钟)词汇研究(10分钟)词汇学习(10分钟)- 呈现单元中的关键词汇,并教授其正确拼写和发音- 利用图片和例句帮助学生理解词汇的意思和用法- 进行词汇练,如拼写测试、填空等,巩固学生的词汇记忆能力3. 语法研究(15分钟)语法研究(15分钟)语法学习(15分钟)- 介绍本单元的语法知识,如行为动词的使用、there be句型等- 通过示例句和练让学生掌握语法结构的运用和句子的构建- 引导学生进行语法练,如句型转换、造句等,提高语法应用能力4. 听力训练(15分钟)听力训练(15分钟)听力训练(15分钟)- 播放与本单元内容相关的听力材料- 要求学生仔细听,并针对听力内容进行问题回答,培养学生的听力理解能力- 分析听力材料中的重点词汇、常用表达和语言模式,帮助学生更好地理解听力内容5. 口语表达(15分钟)口语表达(15分钟)口语表达(15分钟)- 设置角色扮演和对话练活动,让学生运用所学内容进行口语表达- 设计问题和情景,引导学生进行对话练,培养学生的口语流利度和表达能力- 鼓励学生互相交流和合作,提供积极反馈和指导6. 任务和练(15分钟)任务和练(15分钟)任务和练习(15分钟)- 分配任务,要求学生完成与本单元相关的小组活动或练题- 监督学生的任务进展,解答学生的问题,帮助他们解决困惑- 收集学生的作业,给予评价和改进建议7. 总结和反馈(5分钟)总结和反馈(5分钟)总结和反馈(5分钟)- 总结本节课的研究内容和要点,强调学生的研究成果和进步- 给予学生针对本节课表现的反馈和建议- 为下节课预告内容,激发学生对研究的兴趣总结本节课旨在通过词汇学习、语法学习、听力训练、口语表达和任务练习,帮助学生掌握与旅行相关的词汇和语法知识,并提高他们的听说能力。

以初中英语为例,在初二英语教材中,也增加了旅游环节,如第二模块“Let’s go travelling”和第七模块“Passports, please”等。

Travel Teaching DesignsTeaching Procedures:Make A SurveyPass on Miss Li’s message1.I want to have an apple.What does Miss Li say? She says that she wants to have an apple.2.I have a very good friend.What does Miss Li say? She says that she has a very good friend.3.Li Lei is ill today.What does Miss Li say? She says that Li Lei is ill today.4.I want to fly to Beijing.What does Miss Li say? She says that she wants to fly to Beijing.5.I will eat as much as I can.What does Miss Li say? She says that she will eat as much as she can.Complete the dialogue(A):A: Hello, _________________________________ Miss Zhao?B: Sorry, she _____________________ right now. Could I take a message?A: Certainly. That’s ________________ of you. I want to________________ her about my son David Smith.B: Ok. I’ll leave a message on her desk.A: Please tell her to call me as _______________________________.B: I will.A: ________________. Goodbye.B: Goodbye!Complete the dialogue (B):Jim: Hello,______________________ Bruce?Bruce: _____________________.Jim: Hi, Bruce. ____________________Jim.Bruce: Hi, Jim. What’s up?Jim: I have got a cold today, please tell Miss Zhang that I can’t go to school today.Bruce: OK. I will.Jim: But I am afraid I will miss many lessons.Bruce: Don’t __________. I will take notes for you.Jim: ____________________. Bye!Bruce: Bye!。

设计科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题unit 1. travel reading b课时第2课时教学目标2、指导学生运用一些阅读学习策略,培养阅读微技能,如:寻读,找出关键信息等。
教材分析重点和难点教具准备radio, ppt, handout 教学过程教学过程step 1. revision(1). greeting.step 2. pre- readingstep 4. post-reading(2). try to find out some useful phrases and expressions in this text. 教学反思7b教案设计科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题unit 1. travel listening a and b课时第3课时教学目标1、让学生听一段著名建筑物——埃菲尔铁塔的情况介绍,学习通过数字和实例来掌握要点,利用缩写和符号来快速记录,完成笔记。
教材分析1、listening a 是一段有关埃菲尔铁塔的情况介绍的听力材料,然后完成一篇关于埃菲尔铁塔的笔记记录。
2、listening b 是关于家乡泰国的演讲,根据听力材料,完成相应的选择题。
教具准备radio教学过程教学过程step 1. leading-in(1). greeting.step 2. pre-listening astep 4. pre-listening bstep 6. post-listening(1). explain some useful phrases and expressions. 教学反思7b教案设计科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题unit 1. travel language课时第4课时教学目标1、让学生了解专有名词的用法及其与普通名词的区别。
travel 教案

Module 3 Business Travel教师Liu bin科目Business English课题Module 3 BusinessTravel课时2班级时间教学目标知识目标:1. Familiar with the words and expressions related tobusiness travel;2. Know the way to prepare a business travel能力目标:1. Grasp how to have a boarding pass;情感目标:1. know some cultural background knowledge aboutbusiness travel;教学重点1. Get Ss to know the basic knowledge about business travel;2. Lead Ss to grasp the skills of go through customs and check-in教学难点Lead Ss to make up an efficient dialogue about check-in研究点Encourage and promote Ss’ ability to pick up useful information and to finish the given task in groups教学方法Collaborative Task-based Method; Situational Experiencing Teaching Approach教学手段Multimedia 教学资源Teaching plan, PPT, Course Website教学准备T:Design the teaching plan and prepare the power-pointSs: Collect the relevant information about travel and prepare for a three-minute presentation教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动时间分配Presentation 1. Ss’presentation2. Comments1.giveinstruction;2. makecomments1. presentation;2.comment on other’s15 minsNew knowledge andskills 1. Two dialogues2. Reading anddiscussing3. Completing travelorder1. give tasks2.check theanswer andcommentstry to finish thegiven tasks alone orin groups55 minsConsolidationCheck-in and Goingthrough the customs1. giveinstruction2.check thetry to finish thegiven task in groups15minsanswer and commentsAssignment 1. exercises Assign thehomeworkTake notes; thinkabout thehomework5 mins教学反馈意见对课程培养方案、授课计划的意见对本教案的意见其它Task I Simulation Exercises(模拟练习)Work in groups. Role-play the following situations withyour partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, Englishspeaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will beinvited to perform in class.Situation AMr. King, the sales representative of Universe Toy Company in London has a business meeting in China, the secretary in Chinese company discuss the itinerary with him. Try to do interpreting work.29 March0900 Meeting with Executive Manager1500 Factory visit30 March1000 Going to Trade Fair31 March1000 Conference with Chinese company1400 Shopping1 April Conference with Chinese company2 April Sight seeing in citySituation BYou are a businessman from UK, now come to China to attend an important meeting. Make a speech including:Thanks for the welcome ceremonyExpressions to the purpose of this journeyExpectation of this business tripClosingSample sentences:I feel pleased to attend this meeting… thank you for your nice welcome.I have beening looking forward to this trip, and now I have been more than rewarded.I’m sure my stay here will be a fruitful and enjoyable oneI do hope …Task 2 Vocabulary Development (词汇扩展)Read the following words and expressions. Try to keepthem in mind and find more to enrich your languagebank.A. Useful Words & Expressionshrough the exit/entry formalitiesformation boardpassportngle-entry/multiple-entry visaexit/entry/transit/visitor’s visa d port of entryrival/departuretine certificateduration of staythe declaration form/dutiable goods/articlesduty according to the regulations gage depositoryaggage/luggage tagey/ handcart/pushcartfor theTask 3 Cultural Salon (文化沙龙)Read the following presentation and try to get someDuration of visit to each placePurpose of the visit to each placesScheduled appointmentScheduled dinner meetings, lunch meetings or breakfastmeetingsPreferences as to means of travel or accommodationNumber and identity of people travelingBased on the information above, a tentative itinerary should be worked out. Then follows the action of further confirming the appointments, accommodation, transportation arrangements, eating locations, etc. and the initial travel plan should be modified. If there is not a department responsible for travel arrangements in a company, travel is usually arranged via a travel agency, such as transportation bookings and accommodation reservations.The information related to the travel itinerary include:Detailed information about the dates and times of arrival ineach place to be visitedTypes of transportation, travel preferences, e.g. seatingpreference, in flight meal preference, smoking / non-smoking and accommodation preferred.The following information should be provided:Boss’s nameBoss’ business and home mobile phone numberBoss’s frequent for the travelers club membership detailsMethod of payment for the travel arrangements and creditcard detailsIf the boss travels abroad, the secretary should also ask the travel agency for the certificates required, such as passport, visa, health or police certificates and how to obtain them. When necessary, the secretary should also arrange the health and baggage insurance for the general manger and help to collect the traveler’s checks.The final itinerary presented to the boss should consist of all theactivities concerning the travel and the reservation receipts from thetravel agency. The itinerary should at least be three copies. Onecopy is for the secretary and the other two for the boss.Task 4 Interpreting Practice (口译实践)Work on the following sentences and text. Interpret theminto Chinese and English respectively.A. Sentence Interpreting1. Wherever you go, you’ll see drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants,drive-in churches and drive-in movies.2. Drivers are expected to know and understand the local laws even ifthey don’t live in a particular state.3. Australia is the world’s smallest continent and largest island, and arelatively young nation established in an ancient land.4. A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australiaone of the world’s most attractive countries from the tourist’sviewpoint.5. Tourism is a major industry in Australia, representing about six percent of the gross domestic product and providing, directly orindirectly, around 440,000 jobs.Self-assessment (自我评价)Go over this unit and try to make an assessment on whatyour have learned and performed with the following self-assessment form.Student Self-assessment Form1. Interpreting Skills—Discourse Analysis AB C D1.1 Identification of the four speech types□ □ □ □1.2 Two levels for the identification of the main ideas□ □ □ □2. Linguistic Notes about Business Travel2.1 Useful words and expressions□ □ □ □2.2 Sample sentences □ □ □ □3. Cultural Notes about Business Travel3.1 Secretary’s job □ □ □ □3.2 A tentative itinerary □ □ □ □3.3 Travel agency’s job □ □ □ □4. Phrase Interpreting about Business Travel4.1 Chinese-English □ □ □ □4.2 English-Chinese □ □ □ □5. Sentence Interpreting about Business Travel5.1 Chinese-English □ □ □ □5.2 English-Chinese □ □ □ □6. Text Interpreting about Business Travel6.1 Text A □ □ □ □6.2 Text B □ □ □ □6.3 Text C □ □ □ □6.4 Text D □ □ □ □7. Simulation Exercises about Business Travel7.1 Situation A □ □ □ □7.2 Situation B □ □ □ □Points to Remember(单元要点)An analysis of speech types is a determinant factor ininterpreting.There are four basic speech types: descriptive,persuasive, expository, and narrative.The main ideas of the source speech can be identified at the sentence level and at the discourse level.The most important task for an interpreter is to discern from the clusters of utterances the subject, verb and object.。

初中英语travel教案一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够掌握与旅行相关的词汇和表达方式,如:旅行社、机票、酒店、景点、行李等。
2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够运用所学知识,进行简单的英语旅行对话。
3. 情感目标:(1)学生能够培养对旅行的兴趣和热情。
二、教学内容:1. 旅行相关词汇和表达方式的学习。
2. 旅行主题的英语对话练习。
3. 旅行主题的英语阅读材料。
4. 旅行主题的英语写作练习。
三、教学步骤:1. 引入:教师通过展示旅行相关的图片或视频,引导学生谈论旅行的话题,激发学生的兴趣。
2. 新课内容:教师讲解并介绍旅行相关的词汇和表达方式,如:旅行社、机票、酒店、景点、行李等。
3. 对话练习:教师组织学生进行旅行主题的英语对话练习,让学生运用所学词汇和句型,进行实际的交流。
4. 阅读材料:教师提供关于旅行的英文阅读材料,学生阅读并理解文章内容。
5. 写作练习:教师布置关于旅行的英语写作作业,要求学生运用所学知识,撰写一篇关于旅行的短文。
6. 总结与反馈:教师对学生的学习情况进行总结和反馈,鼓励学生分享自己的旅行经历和感受。
四、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与程度,以及与旅行主题相关的表达和交流。
2. 阅读理解:评估学生在阅读关于旅行的英文文章时的理解能力。
3. 写作能力:评估学生在撰写关于旅行的短文时的语言表达能力和创造力。
4. 对话练习:评估学生在旅行主题的英语对话练习中的语言运用能力。
五、教学资源:1. 旅行相关的图片或视频。
2. 旅行主题的英语对话材料。
3. 旅行主题的英语阅读文章。
4. 旅行主题的英语写作模板或指导材料。
牛津深圳初中英语七年级上册《Module 3 Travels 6 travelling around Asia》精品教案 (6)

最新初中英语精品资料设计最新初中英语精品资料设计 1 More practice 一、定位:input-based, 以读写为主。
二、教学目标: Using pictures t o learn more about travelling and write a travel guide.三、教学环节设计:Step 1: Lead in1. Show some pictures about Ocean Park.2. Talk about Ocean Park with each other.Step 2: While-reading A. Read this online article abo ut Ho ng Kong and answer the questions below. 1. Why is Hong Kong a great place for sh opping? 2. What ca n visitors see in the Lowland Gardens ?3. How can visitors get a bird ’s-eye view of the whole park?4. What can visitors watch at the Ocean Theatre?B. In groups, discuss what else you know about Hong Kong.C Talk about: Do you know any other W orld Heritage Sites in China or around the world?Step 3: Culture corner1. Show some pictures.2. Let Ss talk about them.3. Project: Do you like travelling?4. Learn how to make a travel plan.Step 4: Review 1. Review the important words and p hrases in the unit.2. Do some exercises.。
新牛津深圳版初中英语七年级上册Module 3 Travels 6 travelling around Asia 优质课公开课教案 (1)

Guide , modern , across, natureal , outside
5. match the new words and the pictures shown on the ppt
You can get some ______(guide)at the information desk.
6. Fin ish the exer cise given on the sheet.
6.Collect t he mistakes in the students’ exercise.
6. To check the
第二环节 观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法
Step two: New words.
Read the new words.
Step three:Game time.
Guess what it is
Step four: Key words learninቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.
Step five: have a competition
第一环节 复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题
Step one: Warming up. Freely talk: Do you like travelling? Which country do y ou want to go bes t?
Talk about their friends by answering the questions l ike : Do you like travelling? which country do you want to go best?

如:I don't think they can came on time.5. 除会表达旅行之外,我们还要给出We should write a short passage about travelling. What do you think of travelling Is it good or bad 等题目进行写的练习。
素养教育目标1. 学习新的语法学问:The Object Clause。
2. 娴熟把握有关打和旅行的词汇、短语及日常用语。
3. 鼓舞同学在学习过程中熬炼听说读写的力量,并不断提高相关学问的语言应用力量。
4. 向同学通过对旅行学问的学习,了解祖国的大好河山,教育他们宠爱祖国、建设祖国、保卫祖国的理念。
教学建议关于本单元教材内容的分析本单元围绕“Travel〞这一中心话题,结合Lesson 14“Jim’s train ride〞和与travel相关的对话Lesson 15开展教学活动。
Lesson 13是由格林先生打给校长引出了本单元的语法功能工程——宾语从句。
本单元学习了用英语写留言〔telephone message〕,重现和新学了一些打的专用术语。

重点和难点mastersomeusefulphrasesandexpressions.Eg:befamousfo r,thesedays,usedtodosth.,enjoyoneselfetc.教具准备Radio,PPT,Handout教学过程教学过程Step1.Leading-in .Greeting..AsksomethingaboutSs’winterholidayorally.Eg.whatdidyoudoinyourwinterholi day?DidyouvisityourrelativesinSpringFestival?Ifyouh avetimeormoney,wherewillyouspendyourSpringFestival? Step2.Pre-reading.ShowapictureoftheEiffelTowerinFrance.Thenshowt hehumourcartoonbetweenHiandLo.AsktheSspayattentiont oadoublemeaning..Showsomenationalflagofdifferentcountries,askSs matchthemcorrectly..TelltheSsthattheyaregoingtolearnapassageaboutF rance.AsksomeSstosaysomethingaboutFrance..ShowamapofwestEuropetotheSs,trytofindFranceand somefamouscitiesinFrance,suchasParisetc..Teachthenewwordsinthistextbyshowingsomepicture .Suchas:coast,scenic,beachetc.Step3.while-reading .AsktheSstoskimthepassageandanswerthequestion..Readthepassageagainandfillinatable..ReadfordetailsandfinishthereadingtaskinEnglish weeklyReadingA.Step4.Post-reading.Readthepassagealoud,payattentiontothenewwordsa ndthepropernouns..Trytofindoutsomeusefulphrasesandexpressionsinthistext..FinishtherelevantexercisesinEnglishweekly..Finishtheexercisesinthehandout.Step5.Homework.FinishtheexercisesinEnglishweekly..TrytowriteashortpassageaboutFrance.Atleast8sen tences.教学反思7B教案设计科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题Unit1.TravelReadingB课时第2课时教学目标1、让学生阅读一篇介绍旧金山的,了解描述旅游地应包含的基本信息。
初中英语Unit 4 Traveling教案设计

教案设计:初中英语Unit 4 Traveling一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够掌握并运用基本的旅游相关词汇,如:旅游、计划、目的地、交通工具等。
2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够听懂并运用目标语言进行简单的旅游场景对话。
3. 情感目标:(1)学生能够培养对旅游的兴趣和热情。
二、教学内容1. 重点词汇:旅游、计划、目的地、交通工具等。
2. 重点句型:(1)一般现在时:I/We/You/They go to, he/she goes to (2)一般过去时:I/We/You/They went to, he/she went to三、教学过程1. 导入:(1)教师通过展示旅游图片,引导学生谈论旅游话题。
2. 新课呈现:(1)教师展示旅游计划的例子,引导学生学习相关词汇和句型。
3. 操练活动:(1)学生进行角色扮演,模拟旅游场景对话。
四、作业布置1. 学生回家后,用英语写一篇关于自己旅游经历的短文。
2. 学生准备一份旅游计划,下节课进行展示和交流。
六、教学评估1. 教师通过课堂观察和参与学生的活动,评估学生对词汇和句型的掌握情况。
2. 教师通过学生的口头表达和作业完成情况,评估学生对旅游话题的理解和运用能力。
七、扩展活动1. 学生分成小组,拍摄一段关于旅游计划的短剧,并配上英语对话。
2. 学生参加学校举办的旅游知识问答比赛,展示自己的旅游知识和英语表达能力。
Unit 1 Travel教案教学设计

教案授课班级现3班授课时间第1周使用教材校本教材《旅游英语》课题Unit 1 Travel 课型口语课教学理念激励学生学习,增强学习英语的信心。
教学重点学习生词,学习8个景点名称教学难点景点名称Mount Rushmore,Arch of Triumph教学时间、时数 2 Periods 教学手段小组学习法学生学习方法小组学习法使用教具Word cards教学准备Make word cards教学过程Step1: Leading inAsk students the following questions:1) Do you want to travel?2) Where do you want to go?Step 2 Look at some pictures and learn some tourist attractions The Leaning Tower Big Ben Sydney Opera House Mount Rushmore Arch of Triumph Eiffel Tower教学过程1)Learn in groups2)Ask some students to read the tourist attractions3)Learn the new words togethertourist ['tʊər i st]n. 旅行者,观光客adj. 旅游的attraction [ə'trækʃən]n. 吸引,吸引人的事物,吸引力,引力leaning ['liniŋ]n. 倾斜,倾向tower ['taʊə]n. 塔,高楼,堡垒Sydney ['sidni] n. 悉尼opera ['ɒp(ə)rə]n. 歌剧,歌剧院,歌舞团house [haʊs] n. 住宅,家庭,议会,房子mount [maʊnt] n. 山峰arch [ɑ:tʃ] n. 拱门,拱形triumph ['traiʌmf] n. 胜利,凯旋4)Read the six tourist attractions after Teacher5)Practice by themselvesStep 3Match the following tourist attraction with the country.The Leaning Tower AmericaThe Statue of Liberty ItalyThe Oriental Pearl Tower AustraliaArch of triumph BritainSydney Opera House EgyptBig Ben ChinaPyramid France1)Discuss in groups2)Do it together3)Read the countries together4)Learn some new words togetherstatue ['stætʃu] n. 雕像,塑像liberty ['libəti] n. 自由oriental [ɔ:ri'ent(ə)l] adj. 东方的,东方人的 n. 东方人。
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新修订初中阶段原创精品配套教材Travel教案教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改Travel lesson plan教师:风老师风顺第二中学编订:FoonShion教育Travel教案unit 1 travel科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题unit 1. travel reading a课时第1课时教学目标1、让学生通过阅读英文杂志上关于旅游的文章,了解法国的概况,从文中获取法国的地理地貌,风土人情等主要信息。
教材分析reading a中有一篇关于旅游的文章,练习题a1有三个问题,要求学生查看标题,看文章或段落的首句话,来查找文章内容;a2是以综合填空的形式从课文中查找所缺单词,以完善课文的大意;a3为课文细节题,根据课文内容判断相关句子表达是否正确。
重点和难点master some useful phrases and expressions. eg: be famous for, these days, used to do sth. , enjoy oneself etc.教具准备radio, ppt, handout教学过程教学过程step 1. leading-in (1). greeting. (2). ask something about ss’ winter holiday orally. eg. what did you do in your winter holiday? did you visit your relatives in spring festival? if you have time or money, where will you spend your spring festival?step 2. pre- reading (1). show a picture of the eiffel tower in france. then show the humour cartoon between hi and lo. ask the ss pay attention to a double meaning. (2). show some national flag of different countries(china, the usa, france etc.), ask ss match them correctly. (3). tell the ss that they are going to learn a passage about france. ask some ss to say something about france.(4). show a map of west europe to the ss, try to find france and some famous cities in france, such as paris etc. (5). teach the new words in this text by showing some picture. such as: coast, scenic, beach etc. step 3. while-reading (1). ask the ss to skim the passage and answer the question. (2). read the passage again and fill in a table. (3). read for details and finish the reading task in english weekly reading a.step 4. post-reading (1). read the passage aloud, pay attention to the new words and the proper nouns. (2). try to find out some useful phrases and expressions in this text. (3). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.(4). finish the exercises in the handout. step 5. homework (1). finish the exercises in english weekly. (2). try to write a short passage about france. at least 8 sentences.教学反思7b教案设计科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题unit 1. travel reading b课时第2课时教学目标1、让学生阅读一篇介绍旧金山的文章,了解描述旅游地应包含的基本信息。
教材分析reading b 是一篇关于介绍旧金山的文章,练习题设置为根据文中的具体信息,判断句子表达的正误。
重点和难点master some useful phrases and expressions. eg: have something to do, take part in, all kinds of etc.教具准备radio, ppt, handout教学过程教学过程step 1. revision (1). greeting. (2). show a brainstorm map about france to the ss, ask them to say something about france.step 2. pre- reading (1). show the national flags of the usa and france to the ss, guide them to tell the difference and the same things of the two flags. try to finish b1. (2). then show some pictures of the famous building in the usa, guide the ss name “ disneyland, the white house, the statue of liberty ” etc.(3). then show a map of the usa, ask the ss to say some big cities in the usa. tell them that they are going to read a passage aboutone of the famous cities——san francisco in the usa. ask them to finish the location of san francisco in the map. step 3. while-reading (1). ask the ss to read about san francisco carefully and finish the “t” or “f” exercises. ask them to correct the untrue sentences. (2). read the passage again, and fill in the form in english weekly.step 4. post-reading (1). read the passage aloud, pay attention to the new words and the proper nouns. (2). try to find out some useful phrases and expressions in this text. (3). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.step 5. homework (1). finish the exercises in english weekly. (2). try to write a short passage about visiting the usa. decide which city would you like to visit? give at least 3 reasons.教学反思7b教案设计科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题unit 1. travel listening a and b课时第3课时教学目标1、让学生听一段著名建筑物——埃菲尔铁塔的情况介绍,学习通过数字和实例来掌握要点,利用缩写和符号来快速记录,完成笔记。
教材分析1、listening a 是一段有关埃菲尔铁塔的情况介绍的听力材料,然后完成一篇关于埃菲尔铁塔的笔记记录。
2、listening b 是关于家乡泰国的演讲,根据听力材料,完成相应的选择题。
教具准备radio教学过程教学过程step 1. leading-in (1). greeting. (2). ask some ss say something about france and the usa orally. step 2. pre-listening a (1). show some listening skills to the ss—how to complete the notes while listening? ask them pay attention to the facts and figures while listening. (2). teach the new words in the listening material. (3). read through the exercise before listening, makesure they know the kinds of words they will write. step 3. while-listening a (1). listen to the recording about the eiffel tower and complete the notes. (2). play the recording again and check the answers. step 4. pre-listening b (1). show the map of asia, and tell the ss they are going to listen to a passage about bangkok, the capital of thailand. also get them to find the location of thailand and bangkok in the map. (2). teach the new words in the listening material. (3). read through the exercise before listening.step 5. while-listening (1). listen to the recording about bangkok and finish the exercises. (2). play the recording again and check the answers. step 6. post-listening (1). explain some useful phrases and expressions. (2). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.step 7. homework (1). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly. (2). preview language.教学反思7b教案设计科目:七年级英语授课教师:七年级备课组课题unit 1. travel language课时第4课时教学目标1、让学生了解专有名词的用法及其与普通名词的区别。