Model 2 biodiversity recent单元2生物多样性




基因多样性减少:许多物种野生类型数量严重减少,濒 临灭绝。有些只剩圈养或种植类型,近亲繁殖严重。 原鸡 褐马鸡 丹 顶 鹤
斑 羚

生态系统多样性破坏:许多河湾、湖泊湿地改造成农 田。森林贮量骤减、草原退化、沙漠化严重……

指物种存在的生态复合体的多性化和健康状态,即指生 物圈内的生物群落、生境和生态过程的多样化。
草原生态系统 湿地生态系统
间接使用价值 潜在使用价值

一、生物多样性的概念及内涵 二、生物多样性的价值 三、生物多样性的现状 四、生物多样性丧失的原因 五、生物多样性保护

生物多样性(biodiversity): 生物多样性是生物及其与环 境形成的生态复合体以及与此相关的各种生态过程的总 和。它包括数以百万计的动物、植物、微生物和它们所 拥有的基因以及它们与生存环境形成的复杂生态系统。 包括三个层次: 遗传多样性(基因多样性)
活化石珙桐 银杉 攀枝花苏铁



生物多样性介绍英语作文Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes the different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the ecosystems they form. Biodiversity is important because it helps to maintain the balance of nature and provides many valuable resources for humans.The Earth is home to an estimated 8.7 million species, but many of them are at risk of extinction due to human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Protecting biodiversity is essential for the survival of all species, including humans.Biodiversity provides many benefits to humans, including sources of food, medicine, and materials for clothing and shelter. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of ecosystems, such as pollination of crops by bees and other insects.Conserving biodiversity is a global challenge that requires cooperation between governments, organizations, and individuals. Efforts to protect biodiversity include creating protected areas, implementing sustainable land use practices, and raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity.It is important for everyone to take action to protect biodiversity, whether it's by supporting conservation efforts, reducing their ecological footprint, or advocating for policies that promote sustainability. Each individual has a role to play in preserving the rich variety of life on Earth.。





Title: The Importance of Biodiversity Conservation。

Biodiversity, or biological diversity, refers to the variety of life forms on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the ecosystems in which they live. It encompasses the richness and variety of life atall levels, from genes to species to ecosystems. Biodiversity plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and stability of ecosystems, providing essential ecosystem services, and supporting human well-being in numerous ways.First and foremost, biodiversity is essential for ecosystem stability and resilience. Ecosystems with higher biodiversity tend to be more productive and better able to withstand environmental changes or disturbances. Forexample, a diverse forest ecosystem can better resist pests and diseases, recover more quickly from natural disasters like wildfires or storms, and maintain essential functions such as nutrient cycling and water purification. Thus, biodiversity is often referred to as nature's insurance policy against environmental uncertainties.Furthermore, biodiversity is critical for providing ecosystem services that support human livelihoods and well-being. These services include provisioning services such as food, medicine, and raw materials; regulating services such as climate regulation, pollination, and pest control; cultural services such as recreation, tourism, andspiritual enrichment; and supporting services such as soil formation, nutrient cycling, and oxygen production. Many of these services are directly or indirectly essential for human survival and economic development.In addition to its ecological and economic importance, biodiversity also has intrinsic value and contributes to the aesthetic, cultural, and spiritual aspects of human life. People derive pleasure and inspiration from thebeauty and diversity of nature, whether it's watching colorful birds, exploring diverse ecosystems, or admiring the intricate patterns of plants and animals. Biodiversity also plays a significant role in cultural traditions, spiritual beliefs, and indigenous knowledge systems around the world, enriching human culture and identity.Despite its importance, biodiversity is facing unprecedented threats due to human activities. Habitat destruction, fragmentation, and degradation are leading causes of biodiversity loss, driven primarily by factors such as deforestation, urbanization, agricultural expansion, and infrastructure development. Pollution, overexploitation of natural resources, invasive species, and climate change are exacerbating these threats, further compromising the integrity and resilience of ecosystems worldwide.To address the crisis of biodiversity loss, concerted efforts are needed at local, national, and global levels. Conservation strategies should focus on protecting and restoring habitats, establishing protected areas, promoting sustainable land-use practices, combating illegal wildlifetrade, controlling invasive species, reducing pollution, and mitigating climate change. Furthermore, efforts to conserve biodiversity should involve collaboration among governments, local communities, indigenous peoples, non-governmental organizations, scientists, businesses, and other stakeholders.Education and awareness-raising are also essential for fostering a culture of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. People need to understand the value of biodiversity, the threats it faces, and the actions they can take to protect it. Public participation, citizen science, environmental education, and capacity-building initiatives can empower individuals and communities to become stewards of biodiversity and advocates for change.In conclusion, biodiversity conservation is a matter of paramount importance for the health of the planet and the well-being of current and future generations. By safeguarding biodiversity, we can ensure the resilience and sustainability of ecosystems, support human livelihoods andprosperity, and preserve the beauty and wonder of naturefor all to enjoy. Let us join hands in protecting and promoting biodiversity for the benefit of all life on Earth.。



equi pment in t he cla ssroom. ... Wit h Intel compa ny on XX E ducation City domain netw ork of topic ca se de sign, relie s on Cisco compa ny thought Shu aid chuan proje ct staff free provides has three year s technol ogy support, from 2009 began, a ccordi ng to hig h standards, and high of work thought, a nd manpower planning, and poi nts ste p implementati on, using school earthquake Hou re construction of opportunities, again pla nni ng eleme ntary and mi ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domain network, a nd l ocal broadcasti ng network company cooperation, usi ng broadca st TV network, will physi cal fiber laying t o each school, to minim um of cost a chieve d ha s physical fiber school school pass; Ea ch school construction stand ards of campus netw ork and netw ork access to all r ooms; XX educati on metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machi ne room equipme nt in the Mi nistry of education standardization ma nagement platform, the Ce ntral Library of audi o-vi sual e ducation re sources,set up a Chinese teacher educati on cloud platform, impleme nted li nks the two platforms. At present, the city's primary and middle school students t o computer 3198, vitality than 10:1; 809 equipme nt classes t hroug h the classroom (primary and se condary); 36 of t he campus network. T he esta bl ishment of an adva nce d, practica l Gigabit e ducational metropolita n area network, t he city's scho ols have access to e ducational metropolitan are a netw ork, school s have computer networks, closed-cir cuit televi sion netw ork, broadcast networks into t he cl assrooms, real ize the triple play. Schools share Internet ba ndwi dth, can me et the needs of teaching of the school office a nd at a ny time. Accordi ng to Ministry of education on full starte d impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digital e ducation resource s full cover pr oje ct of notification (taught techni cal letter (2012) 74t h,) and XX Pr ov ince Department of education on issue d XX province tea chi ng points digital educati on re sour ces ful l cov er project implementation views of notification (chuan ta ught letter (2013) 18th,) requirements, I city 6 a tea chi ng points im plementation teaching points digital educati on re sour ces ful l cover project, com bine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issued has XX City Burea u on tea chi ng points digital resources full cover pr oject of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX, full coverage of digital resource s in m oder n di stance educati on tea chi ng pr oject leadi ng group, XX, chaired t he Se cretary for educati on. E stablished, digital re sources i n modern dista nce e ducation teaching, XX full coverage proje ct group, XX, Direct or of the Center for educational i nformation a nd equipme nt c haired Z hu Guiyan, responsible for di stance educati on digital resources covering project w ork. Projects in XX city school digital resour ces i n modern distance e ducation teaching ful l-coverage proje ct leadi ng group, digital resour ces i n modern distance e ducation teaching, and XX full coverage proje ct group lea dership a nd organization, in a ccorda nce with the unifie d arrangement of the whole pr ovince, responsible for univer sity education digital resour ces covering proje ct manageme nt and im plementation. Accor ding to provi nces arra ngements, I Center has arrang ements Gong一、生物多样性概念二、生物多样性(biological diversity,biodiversity)是生物及其与环境形成的生态复合体以及与此相关的各种生态过程的总和,包括动物、植物、微生物和它们拥有的基因以及它们与其生存环境形成的复杂的生态系统,是生命系统的基本特征。




Biodiversity, short for biological diversity, refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth. It encompasses the different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the genetic differences within each species, and the ecosystems in which they live. Biodiversity is crucial for the health and stability of ecosystems, and it provides a wide range of ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being.First and foremost, biodiversity is important for the functioning of ecosystems. Ecosystems are made up of a complex web of interactions between different species, and the more diverse the species within an ecosystem, the more stable and resilient it is. Each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem, and the loss of even one species can have cascading effects on the entire system. For example, pollinators such as bees and butterflies are essential for the reproduction of many plants, and their decline can lead to a decrease in plant diversity and productivity.Furthermore, biodiversity provides a wide range of ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being. These services include the provision of food, clean water, and air, the regulation of climate, the control of pests and diseases, and the cultural and recreational benefits that nature provides. For example, forests help to regulate the climate by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide, and wetlands act as natural filters for water, removing pollutants and improving water quality.In addition, biodiversity is important for human health and medicine. Many of the medicines we use today are derived from natural sources, and a diverse range of species is essential for the discovery of new drugs and treatments. For example, the rosy periwinkle, a plant native to Madagascar, has been used to develop drugs for the treatment of cancer and diabetes. In addition, the genetic diversity within species is important for breeding new crop varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases, and that can adapt to changing environmental conditions.However, despite its importance, biodiversity is currently facing unprecedented threats. Human activities such as deforestation, overfishing, pollution, and climate change are causing the loss of species at an alarming rate. It is estimated that species are going extinct at a rate 1,000 times higher than the natural background rate, and many scientists believe that we are currently in the midst of the sixth mass extinction event in the history of the Earth.In order to protect and conserve biodiversity, it is essential that we take action at both the local and global levels. At the local level, efforts should be made to protect and restore natural habitats, and to reduce the impact of human activities on ecosystems. This can include the establishment of protected areas, the implementation of sustainable land-use practices, and the reduction of pollution and waste. At the global level, it is important to address the root causes of biodiversity loss, such as overconsumption and unsustainable production and consumption patterns. This may involve the development and implementation of international agreements and policies, as well as the promotion of sustainable development and the use of renewable resources.In conclusion, biodiversity is essential for the health and stability of ecosystems, and it provides a wide range of ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being. However, it is currently facing unprecedented threats from human activities, and urgent action is needed to protect and conserve it. By taking action at both the local and global levels, we can ensure that biodiversity continues to provide for the needs of present and future generations.。

生命的多样性 二 (Biodiversity II)

生命的多样性 二 (Biodiversity II)

植物体有假根和类似茎叶的分化。 苔藓植物的生命周期 (Life Cycle)有明 显的世代交替 (Alternation of Generations)。

世代交替 (Alternation of Generations)

概念 (Concept):
在生活史周期(Life cycle)中有性世代(单倍体世代) 和无性世代 (二倍体世代)交替出现的现象。 - 有性世代(单倍体世代,haploid generation):〈n〉 - 无性世代 (二倍体世代,diploid generation):〈2n〉
嗜盐细菌 (Halophilic bacteria):能在 极端的盐环境中生长和繁殖。 如:天然盐湖、盐池中。 其细胞质中的酶、蛋白质需要在高浓度的 NaCl/KCl中才有活性。
真菌界 (Fungi)

真菌的共有特征 (Common features of fungi): - 非自养型生物: 腐生、寄生、共生 (i.e. 地 衣); - 细胞储藏养料是糖元 (Glycogan)、非 淀粉。 - 细胞壁 (Cell wall)的主要成分为几丁质 (Chitin), 低等真菌中多为纤维素 (Cellulose).
苔藓植物门 (Bryophyta)

苔藓植物门可分为苔纲和藓纲。 苔藓植物在高等植物中是最低等的一类, 属过渡型的陆生植物,大多生活在水边 或阴湿地方。
1)无维管组织(no vascular tissues),缺乏 长距离输送水分和养料的能力。 2)受精作用 (fertilization)需要水的介入。
产生了一系列适应陆地生活的特征。 -苔藓植物门 (Bryophyta) - 蕨类植物门 (Pteridophyta) - 种子植物门 (Spermatophyta)











例如:联合国和世界银⾏共同成⽴的Global Environment Facility每年⽀出数亿美元⽀持⽣物多样性的保护。

美国MacArthur Foundation1992年花了$17millions⽀持⽣物多样性的保护。




⼀、什么是⽣物多样性?1. ⽣物多样性概念的提出20世纪以来,随着世界⼈⼝的持续增长和⼈类活动围与强度的不断增加,⼈类社会遭遇到⼀系列前所未有的环境问题,⾯临着⼈⼝、资源、环境、粮⾷和能源等5⼤危机。

生物多样性保护 Conservation of Biodiversity 英语作文

生物多样性保护 Conservation of Biodiversity 英语作文

生物多样性保护 Conservation ofBiodiversity 英语作文Conservation of BiodiversityIntroduction:Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. It is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and providing essential services to humans. However, due to human activities such as deforestation, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change, biodiversity is facing significant threats. Therefore, conservation of biodiversity is essential to ensure the sustainable existence of life on our planet. This essay will discuss the importance of biodiversity conservation and propose effective strategies to protect it.Importance of Biodiversity Conservation:1. Ecosystem Stability: Biodiversity plays a vital role in maintaining the stability and resilience of ecosystems. Each species has a unique function and contributes to the overall functioning of the ecosystem. The loss of even a single species can disrupt the delicate balance and lead to ecological imbalances.2. Economic Value: Biodiversity provides numerous economic benefits such as food, medicine, and raw materials. Many pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants and animals found in diverse ecosystems. Conserving biodiversity ensures the sustainable availability of these resources, benefiting industries and contributing to economic growth.3. Climate Regulation: Forests, wetlands, and oceans act as carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. Biodiverse ecosystems are more efficient in carbon sequestration, making them crucial in mitigating climate change and maintaining a stable climate.4. Cultural and Aesthetic Value: Biodiversity is deeply intertwined with human cultures and traditions. It provides inspiration for art, literature, and spiritual practices. Preserving biodiversity ensures the continuity of cultural practices and enriches our lives aesthetically.Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation:1. Protected Areas: Establishing and effectively managing protected areas is a fundamental approach to conserve biodiversity. National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and marine protected areas safeguard critical habitats and provide refuge for endangered species. Strict regulations and enforcement are necessary to prevent illegal activities within these areas.2. Habitat Restoration: Restoring degraded habitats is crucial for the recovery of biodiversity. Afforestation and reforestation programs can help recreate forest ecosystems, providing habitats for a wide range of species. Wetland restoration projects can revive vital ecosystems that support diverse plant and animal life.3. Sustainable Land Use Practices: Encouraging sustainable land use practices, such as organic farming, agroforestry, and sustainable forestry, can minimize habitat destruction and promote biodiversity conservation. These practices reduce the use of harmful chemicals, preserve soil fertility, and maintain ecological balance.4. Public Awareness and Education: Raising public awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation is essential. Educational campaigns, workshops, and community engagement programs can help people understand the value of biodiversity and encourage them to take individual and collective actions to protect it.5. International Cooperation: Biodiversity conservation is a global issue that requires international cooperation. Governments, organizations, and communities must work together to develop and implement conservation strategies. Sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices can enhance the effectiveness of conservation efforts.6. Sustainable Development: Integrating biodiversity conservation into development plans and policies is crucial. Sustainable development practices should prioritize theprotection of biodiversity and ensure that economic activities do not harm ecosystems. This can be achieved through environmental impact assessments, sustainable tourism, and green infrastructure development.Conclusion:Conservation of biodiversity is essential for the well-being of both present and future generations. It is a shared responsibility that requires collective efforts from individuals, governments, and organizations. By implementing the strategies mentioned above and recognizing the value of biodiversity, we can ensure the preservation of Earth's rich and diverse ecosystems. Let us strive to protect and conserve biodiversity for a sustainable and thriving planet.。



生物多样性生物多样性biodiversity是指一定范围内多种多样活的有机体(动物、植物、微生物) 有规律地结合所构成稳定的生态综合体。



我们目前已经发现的大约有200万种,命名的有1 41.3万种生物,这些形形色色的生物物种就构成了生物物种的多样性。






有人问根据对自然界的研究可以推断造物主的工作有何特点,据说英国科学家约翰·波顿·桑德森·霍尔丹(J.B.S. Haldane)回答:“过于喜爱甲虫。


美国史密森学会(Smithsonian Institution)的特里·欧文(Terry Erwin)推断,多数未知的甲虫种类可能生存于我们无法靠近的30米高的按照1992年联合国环境与发展大会通过的《生物多样性公约》生命的多样性(Biodiversit y)包括物种多样性、遗传(基因)多样性和生态系统多样性。


生物多样性 生态学术语

生物多样性 生态学术语

生物多样性生态学术语1 什么是生物多样性生物多样性(Biodiversity)是指不同物种(speciess)在一定地域内共存的程度,以及它们在空间和时间上的变异程度。


它表现为一定区域内的物种数量(物种丰富度,Species Richness)、基因分异、生态系统复杂度和生态系统功能的多样性,以及这些要素之间的结构和功能关系。

2 生物多样性之重要性生物多样性有着十分重要的意义,因为它是生物圈演化的重要基础,它能够帮助维持地球的稳定生态平衡。





3 生物多样性保护为了维护地球上的生物多样性,除了保护物种外,还应该保护特定的生物群落,即物种的组合和结构,以及保护这些物种所处的特定环境,环境物质和能量的循环、变化和转换。








26.7 10
探究新知 二.生物种类的多样性
丰富 。
2、我国苔藓、蕨类和种子植物居世界 第三 。
3、我国裸子植物居世界 第一 。
中国特有动物: 大熊猫、金丝猴、白鳍豚、白唇鹿(前面 四种为我国四大国宝)、华南虎、扬子鳄 、鳄蜥、大鲵、中华鲟、白鲟、白头叶猴 等。 中国特有植物: 被子植物中的珙桐、喜树、观光木、水青 树与鹅掌楸等,裸子植物中的银杏、水杉 、银杉与金钱松等。
生物多样性 的三层含义
种类多样性(直观表现) 基因多样性(内在因素) 生态系统多样性(外在因素)
保护生物多样性的根本措施: 保护生物的栖息环境、保护生态系统的多 样性。
1、生物的多样性不包括(A )
A.生物数量的多样性 B.生物基因的多样性 C.生态系统的多样性 D.生物种类的多样性
哺乳动物 鸟类 爬行类 两栖类 鱼类
裸子植物 被子植物
581 1244 376 284 3862
约240 30000
4342 8730 6300 4010 19056
850-940 260000
13.39 14.25 5.97 7.08 20.3
我国有广袤的陆地,辽阔的海洋,复杂的地 形和多样的气候,从而形成了森林,草原、 荒漠、湿地、湖泊和海洋等多种类型的生态 系统。
探究新知 四.生态系统的多样性
森 林 生 态 系 统
草 原 生 态 系 统



‧所謂的外來種,指的是被引入到某一地點(地區、 區域)的物種,而這些地方原本沒有這樣的物種;
‧根據生物多樣性公約,將外來種定義為「其引入 與擴散威脅到生態系、棲地或物種,從而危害社 會文化、經濟、環境和人類健康的外來物種」。
‧而外來種在歷經擴散之後,有可能融入當地原始 存在的物種而「歸化(naturalized)」
漁夫將鯊魚的魚鰭 割下,讓鯊魚因失 去魚鰭無法游泳而 死去
犀牛角製成的藥品 與魚翅(鯊魚鰭)40
象牙具高經濟價值,因此 走私與盜獵的情形不斷
玳瑁為一種海龜,因背甲紋路 美麗,常被捕獵製成飾品
漁業技術發 展的同時, 也必須善加 管理使漁業 資源能永續 的利用
‧ 全球的鳥類約有8,600 種,臺灣約有600 種鳥類。在濕地 中,主要的鳥類為鴨科、鷺科、秧雞科、鴴科和鷸科。
• 生物多樣性是一個涵蓋生物,經濟、農藝、 政治及法律多項領域的學問。
• 科學家對生物多樣性的研究,目的在於找 出地球上所有生物在遺傳、物種與生存環 境上的差異有多少,以作為保育的依據。
當生物種類、環境與氣候都沒有太大的改變時,生 態系便能維持平衡。因火災、氣候變遷和人類開發 等因素,使生態環境發生變化時,棲息在其中的生 物就可能受到影響
印尼的一場森 林大火造成蔓 延數百公里的 煙塵,嚴重影 響到印尼及鄰 近國家人民的 健康與日常生 活
山林地的開發, 減少了棲地的 面積,也破壞 了棲地原有的 生態平衡
‧當生態系中有生物從外地遷入並大量繁殖時,就可能 影響生物間的交互關係,使得生態系失去平衡。



生物多样性及其保护生物学汤德元(教授博士)电话号码:班级QQ号:第一章绪论第一节生物多样性一、生物多样性概念生物多样性(biological diversity,biodiversity)是生物及其与环境形成的生态复合体以及与此相关的各种生态过程的总和,包括动物、植物、微生物和它们拥有的以及它们与其生存环境形成的复杂的生态系统,是生命系统的基本特征。





(一) 遗传多样性(genetic diversity)遗传多样性是指地球上所有生物携带的各种遗传信息的总和,也称基因(gene)的多样性。



1. 遗传多样性的来源包括:(1)染色体畸变(2)基因突变(3)基因重组2. 遗传多样性来源:(1)染色体畸变(2)基因突变(3)基因重组(二)物种多样性(Species Diversity)1.含义:指生物群落中物种(动物、植物、微生物等)的丰富性(或称丰富度)和异质性(或称均匀度,或群落中各个种的相对密度)。








一、物种多样性物种多样性(species diversity)是指某一地域或生态系统内所存在的不同物种的数量和分布。











二、基因多样性基因多样性(genetic diversity)是指一种物种内部的遗传变异丰富程度。










生物多样性新闻英语作文Biodiversity News。

Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, isessential for the health and well-being of our planet. However, in recent years, biodiversity loss has become a major concern as human activities continue to threaten the delicate balance of ecosystems around the world. Here are some of the latest news stories related to biodiversity:1. The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," is facing unprecedented levels of deforestation. In the past year alone, over 10,000 square kilometers of the rainforest have been cleared for agriculture, mining, and logging. This loss of biodiversity not only threatens the survival of countless plant and animal species, but also contributes to climate change by releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.2. In Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is experiencing its worst bleaching event on record. Rising seatemperatures caused by climate change have triggered widespread coral bleaching, leading to the death of large sections of the reef. This loss of biodiversity is not only devastating for marine life, but also for the millions of people who depend on the reef for their livelihoods.3. In Africa, poaching continues to decimatepopulations of iconic species such as elephants and rhinos. Despite efforts to crack down on the illegal wildlife trade, poachers are still able to profit from the sale of ivoryand rhino horn on the black market. This loss ofbiodiversity not only threatens the survival of these species, but also disrupts entire ecosystems and undermines local economies.4. In the Arctic, melting sea ice is putting polarbears at risk of extinction. As their icy habitat disappears, polar bears are being forced to travel greater distances in search of food, leading to increased competition and conflict with humans. This loss ofbiodiversity not only threatens the survival of polar bears, but also has far-reaching implications for the entireArctic ecosystem.5. In Southeast Asia, the rapid expansion of palm oil plantations is destroying vast tracts of rainforest and threatening the survival of endangered species such as orangutans and tigers. Despite efforts to promote sustainable palm oil production, deforestation continues to be a major driver of biodiversity loss in the region. This loss of biodiversity not only threatens the survival of these species, but also undermines the cultural heritage of indigenous communities who depend on the rainforest fortheir way of life.In conclusion, biodiversity loss is a global crisisthat requires urgent action from governments, businesses, and individuals alike. By protecting and preserving the diversity of life on Earth, we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us all do our part to safeguard the rich tapestry of life that makes our planetso unique and precious.。




Biodiversity, also known as biological diversity,refers to the variety of living organisms that exist on Earth. This includes the diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. It is a measure of the health and resilience of the planet's ecosystems, and is essential for the survival of all life on Earth.The Importance of Biodiversity。

Biodiversity is important for many reasons. Firstly, it provides us with a wide range of resources, such as food, medicine, and building materials. Many of these resources are essential for our survival and well-being. For example, over 80% of the world's population relies on traditional medicine for primary healthcare, and many of these medicines are derived from plants and animals.Secondly, biodiversity is important for the health of our ecosystems. Ecosystems are made up of a complex web of interactions between different species, and the loss ofeven one species can have a ripple effect throughout the entire ecosystem. This can lead to a loss of ecosystem services, such as clean air and water, pollination, and nutrient cycling.Finally, biodiversity is important for cultural and aesthetic reasons. Many cultures around the world have a deep connection to the natural world, and rely on it for their spiritual and cultural well-being. Biodiversity also provides us with opportunities for recreation and enjoyment, such as birdwatching, hiking, and nature photography.Threats to Biodiversity。





一、第一单元:On the Farm在第一单元中,我们学习了农场相关的单词。

以下是一些重要的单词:1. harvest: 收成,收获2. livestock: 家畜,牲畜3. agriculture: 农业4. livestock farming: 饲养家畜5. pesticide: 杀虫剂6. fertilize: 施肥7. irrigation: 灌溉二、第二单元:The Rainforest在第二单元中,我们学习到了与雨林相关的单词。

以下是一些重要的单词:1. canopy: 树冠层2. biodiversity: 生物多样性3. deforestation: 森林砍伐4. habitat: 栖息地5. rainforest: 雨林6. species: 物种7. ecosystem: 生态系统三、第三单元:Inventions在第三单元中,我们学习了与发明有关的单词。

以下是一些重要的单词:1. invention: 发明2. patent: 专利3. innovation: 创新4. prototype: 原型5. engineer: 工程师6. factory: 工厂7. manufacture: 制造四、第四单元:Entertainment在第四单元中,我们学习了与娱乐相关的单词。

以下是一些重要的单词:1. entertainment: 娱乐2. movie: 电影3. concert: 音乐会4. performance: 表演5. theater: 剧院6. audience: 观众7. ticket: 票五、第五单元:The Olympics在第五单元中,我们学习了奥运会相关的单词。

以下是一些重要的单词:1. medal: 奖牌2. athlete: 运动员3. stadium: 体育场4. competition: 比赛5. torch: 火炬6. ceremony: 仪式7. record: 纪录总结以上就是八年级上五个单元的重要单词。







1. 生态系统的构成要素和层级结构生态系统是指地球上由生物体和非生物体相互作用而构成的系统。




2. 物种的概念和分类物种是生物学中最基本的分类单位,指的是在进化过程中互为繁殖隔离的个体群。




3. 物种多样性和物种丰富度物种多样性(Species diversity)指的是在特定地区范围内生物多样性的度量。


物种丰富度(Species richness)是指在特定地区内物种的数量。

物种均匀度(Species evenness)是指各个物种在一个生物群落中的相对丰度和分布。


4. 生物多样性的重要性和威胁生物多样性对人类和地球生态系统都具有重要意义。




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These are those ways by which we can directly use biodiversity for our benefit.
For example we can use plants as food of for deriving medicines in the laboratory. Economic value and recreational value comes under this category.
Which do you like better?
What does “Bio” mean?
Bio =
What does “Diversity” mean?
Diversity = Variety
World estimation – 5 to 30 million (living organism)
For example, if we use firewood by cutting down a tree or consume an animal after hunting it.
Food : animals: cattle, pigs, chickens, buffaloes, ducks – all are originally belonged to forests we tamed them now.
The fungi species known in China are more than 10,000, making up 14% of the total in the world.
One of the 17 mega-biodiversities exists in china
China has rich genetic resources
The criteria for a megadiverse classification is two-fold
1) Have at least 5,000 endemic plants
2) Have a marine ecosystem within the borders
According to Conservation International 70% of the world’s flora and fauna exist in only 17 countries. These nations comprise just under 10% of the surface of the earth
Productive use value: Productive use value is the value put on the products of nature
which are consumed after passing through a market.
For example, if we buy fish from the market then it will have productive use value.
Ecosystem: Variations in food webs, nutrient cycles, trophic structure etc, this diversity has developed along with evolution
◦ Eg: Tropical rainforests, desserts, ponds, oceans etc.
Tens of millions -- remain unknown
The tremendous variety of life on Earth is made possible by complex interactions among all living things including microscopic species like algae and mites.
China has 567 species of domesticated animals
Regional/ local biodiversity
Biodiversity at local level is better understood in terms of species richness, which is 4 types.
Extinct, endemic, endangered and Threats due to natural and
rare species
anthropogenic activities
Conservation methods
Which do you like better?
Direct values are further classified into:
Consumptive use Value
Productive use value
Consumptive use value:
Consumptive use value is the value put on the products of nature which are consumed directly without passing through a market.
Origin of many important agricultural crops such as rice and soybean
According to incomplete statistics, there are 1339 cultivated crops and 1930 wild relatives in China.
Values/Importance of biodiversity
What do we get from biodiversity? What are the benefits of biodiversity ?
Direct values
Nown 34984 higher plants, ranking the 3rd in the world
6445 vertebrate animal species, accounting for 13.7% of the total in the world.
Eg: Lumber Tusks of elephants Musk from musk deer Silk from silkworms Wool from sheep
◦ Their respective industries are, Paper , Silk, textile, leather, pearl ◦ One of the main reasons for deforestation
The biodiversity is huge, more than ten million species are believed to exist on land.
Only about 2% (1-2 millions) of the existing species are identified and named scientifically
plants: greens and vegetables – all our food crops are originally existed in forests and Fish,
Herbal medicines, medicines extracted from plants (1/4 th of the drugs are extracted from tropical plants, eg. Tetracyclines, quinine, cancer drugs from perriwinkle)
17 of the world's countries
United States
South Africa
Philippines Mexico
Papua New Guinea
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Scientists have identified about 2.5 million species (living organism)
1.5 million animal species + 7.5 lakhs insect + 3.5 lakhs plants including algae, fungi and higher forms of plants
Shola forest
Global biodiversity
Global biodiversity is the measure of biodiversity on planet Earth.
More than 99 % of all species that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct.
Indirect values or Non-Consumptive values
These are those ways by which we don't physically use a plant or animal, but by virtue of its existence it provides services that keep the ecosystem healthy