
蓝牙耳机系列成品通用检验标准文件编号:QA-SIP-E-001生效时间:2020.02.29文件版本:A0制定\修改更新审核批准说明:姓名袁震峰陈星飘彭德仔职位品质工程师品质主管总经理签字时间修改状态更新履历序号修改更新时间修改更新人修改更新内容1 2020年02月28号袁震峰新制定2345678修改状态前言本标准文件使用于盛和达智能科技有限公司生产和销售任何蓝牙耳机蓝牙音箱产品质量检验把关和管控。
(特殊要求检验产品除外)3,职责划定:品质部:IQC IPQC OQC QA等品质部人员负责从来料、制程、实验室、老化室、成品出货等所有品质环节的品质检验和管控。



指标初始载波容限,一般在40khz以内能正常连接通讯,频偏太大会导致搜到却连接不上,在0-78种信道中划分低中高频0、39、78等频道在该三项上的频偏),蓝牙3.0和2.0都用2.402GHz 到2.480GHz,每个信道1MHz,(手机也有平均偏移),通过调整频偏校准达到一个较好的频率;

文件名称 蓝牙耳机检验标准
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1.目的 为明确本公司蓝牙、半成品、成品检验标准,为生产、品检提供判定依据,确保产品足要求。
2.范围 适用本公司所有蓝牙、半成品、成品(特殊要求产品除外)。
包含 4 个面)
L/W >0.10mm N≦1 个
不影响安装的接 合缝毛边
W≦0.1 mm2 N≦1 个
L/W >0.15 mm
N≦1 个
N≦1 个
L/W >0.2 mm
N≦2 个 DS≧3cm
W≦0.3 mm2
N≦1 个
L/W >0.3 mm
N≦1 个
W≦0.3 mm2
N≤2 个,DS≧ 3mm
实测产品喇叭 dB 值不在产品规格书要求范围内。
电声测试 实测产品咪头 dB 值不在产品规格书要求范围内。
实测产品串音 dB 值不在产品规格书要求范围内。
机密等级 Secret Rate:
□绝 密 Top Secret
■一 般 General
□公 开 Open
文件名称 蓝牙耳机检验标准

AQL(可接受质量标准)为CRITICAL 待定(致命缺陷),MAJOR 待定(重要缺陷)及MINOR 待定(轻微缺陷)。
7.定义:7.1 区域定义A区:前、左、右方向的可视面;B区:后方向的可视面;C区:不直接可视的部分。

蓝牙耳机检验测试规范一、测试目的 为保证公司所生产的蓝牙耳机质量及新开发产品性能,确保设计能满足客户的要求,达到或超过国家规定的技术要求,新产品按照此测试规范书来执行。
二:测试项目外观检查测试1.线材检查耳机线不能有划伤、烫伤、起泡、烫伤、露内线、缩水、异色、毛刺等; 焊接的线材必须设计扣位防止受力时焊接部分被拉断,如果线材设计时未加线扣,则必须在尾端做线材打结处理。
2.主体外观耳壳、面盖、等所有塑胶/金属外观件不能有刮花、划伤、烫伤、掉漆、批锋、异色、缩水、毛刺、麻点,如有电镀件,则电镀不能有缩水、划伤、表面污渍等; 外壳不能有划伤、缩水、批锋、异色、毛刺、表面污渍等不良。
3. 装配各元件装配到位,盒盖处缝隙不能大于0.2毫米,按键弹性良好,装配紧凑用手晃动不能有异响,抽拉和转动手感良好,戴耳机后舒适感良好,不能松动或者夹耳。

光照强度: 500±50Lux。
检验距离: 30㎝左右。
视力:以上(含矫正视力).视角:大于60°检验水准:外观、结构、包装按GB/2828-87 II 性能按GB/2828-87 S-3允收水准(AQL):CR= MA=0.65 MI=检验工具:工作台、卡尺、专用测试蓝牙电脑,带蓝牙功能的手机。
检验依据:标准样品、产品规格书检验项目:成品功能检验、成品外观检验缺陷分类:CR(critical defect) 致命缺陷MA(major defect) 主要缺陷MI(minor defect) 次要缺陷检验项目及缺陷分类:9.1检验项目分为功能性能检验和外观检验两方面9.2 耳机基本功能性能检验及缺陷分类:更或改进按变更后技术参数检验。
9.3 耳机外观检验9.3.1 区域定义:A区:产品正面。
A区 B区C区9.3.2 耳机外观检验及缺陷分类:缺陷分类检验项目缺陷描述CR MA MI 机体各部分与样品存在明显色差◎颜色机体各部分之间存在色差◎脏污机体、配件、包装等可视部分有脏污◎破损产品任何部分有破损(遇热后破损12W)◎产品可接触部位边缘有刺手的批锋、毛刺◎批锋、毛刺产品可视部位有批锋、毛刺◎相关表单:GB 2828-87抽样表。

制订日期:2019.11.25生效日期:2019.12.01 页码:第 1 页,共 3 页制作:Steven 审核:Steven 批准:1. 目的为提供达到顾客预期或超越客户期望的产品,特对制造商制定此标准.2. 适用范围本标准适用于盟大电商和国内渠道所有耳机产品.3. 职责品质部:制定此标准并监督制造商执行.4. 标准类别4.1 声音测试4.2 听音测试的方法和标准5. 测试环境5.1 在常温,常态湿温下进行,测试曲线数据和播放音乐在安静空间进行.附近无信号干扰.5.2通话测试在空旷开阔地方执行.6. 检验设备和工具6.1 电声测试仪,蓝牙测试仪,手机.5.2 试音音乐(见后面备注).7. 测试顺序和方法:7.1 测试声音曲线数据-用电声测试仪测试,并核对标准去判定.根据声音曲线的上下限标准(开发阶段-设计和品质采集数据去制定),判断被测机是否在曲线上下限范围内).如需要可核对样机.(参考下图-例子)制订日期:2019.11.25生效日期:2019.12.01 页码:第 2 页,共 3 页制作:Steven 审核:Steven 批准:7.2 测试播放音乐的声音质量-用蓝牙测试仪,手机进行测试.用蓝牙测试仪同时连接两个耳机进行试听对比(也可连接样机进行比较).用手机也可连接两个耳机,但不以同时播放,可进行切换播放,对比声音的大小,音质.判断标准:7.2.1声音要清晰,音量要足够.7.2.2声音层次感好,背景音乐和人声能清晰分辨.7.2.3不能有杂音,电流声,浑浊,回音,破音,失真,剌耳等.7.2.4 双声道耳机能明显分辨左右声道,音量要平衡.7.3 测试通话质量-使用手机,连接上耳机进行通话测试.判定标准:7.3.1 耳机在通话过程中不能出现杂音,电流声,浑浊,回音,破音,失真,尖锐,剌耳等.7.3.2 声音要清晰,音量要足够.7.3.3 双声道耳机能明显分辨左右声道,音量要平衡.注意: 测试人员要交叉进行互换测试.备注内容:--听音内容的解说(培训/参考):一.平衡度:表述声音各频率段的比例协调,高,中,低音搭配合理,频率特性好,不存在某一频率段过于提升或衰减的情况,另外还指在多声道播放中(如立体声)各声道的声压比较一致.它的反面表述为”不平衡”/”失衡”.二.力度:能很好反应声音的动态范围,表述声音坚实有劲,收放自如,出得来,响度足,低频,特别是中低频(100---500HZ)有量度.它的反面表述为”泛力”/”力度不足”.三.清晰度: 声音中语言部分听懂度高,音乐层次分明,各频率段信号都能很好的表现出来,有清澈见底之感. 反面表述词为“”模糊”、”含糊不清”、”浑浊不清”等.四.柔和: 表述声音松弛而不紧,高音比例适度,谐波失真和互调失真很小,混响时间稍长,不刺耳,听音感觉悦耳舒服.它的反面表述词是生硬,刺耳、尖等.五.真实感:表述声音的真实程度,即在还原过程中保持声音原来的所有特点,给人身临其境的感觉。

Product Test Specification for Bluetooth Headset(for internal use only)Change HistoryContents Tables1 Test Procedure (6)1.1 Station 1 Module Download (6)1.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (6)1.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (Conducted test) (7)1.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA functional test(PIO AIO, voltage and current) (8)1.5 Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test(conducted test) (9)1.6 Station 6 Main board PCBA RF test(Coupling test) (10)1.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casing (11)1.8 Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (11)2 Specification (12)2.1 Station I Module Download (12)2.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (12)2.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (conducted test) (13)2.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO,AIO, voltage an current) (15)2.5 Station 5 Main Board PCBA RF Test (conducted test) (15)2.6 Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test ) (17)2.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casing (19)2.8 Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (20)3 Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist (20)3.1 Current test (20)3.2 Audio test (21)3.3 Acoustic test (21)3.4 Range test (21)3.5 Power management (22)3.6 Other (22)Product Test SpecificationKey words:Bluetooth Headset, PCBA, RF test, AcousticSummary:The test specification for Function, RF test, PCBA test and acoustic test Reference List:1Test ProcedureBefore start ATE, engineer should check and enter appropriate values in setting environment.Manual Settings●Software version number, eg “20131213”●Upper and lower limit for each test items●Started and stopped Bluetooth address range●RF test probe and cable lost for calibration and compensationStation Requirement●In each station, ATE need to read, compare and display the software version number,which is stored in PS Key 0x02B6. It is a 16 bits, 4 digits BCD, eg “6AA5”●All test items should display on the screen●Each production day have a log file for each station. Each log file includes all samplesserial no or BT address with corresponding testing data. The file is in ASCII format.Each test item placed in one column. File name must include the station no, date and time for reference.1.1Station 1 Module Download-Measure current consumption at 3.3V-Download and verify the software (include application and test mode, or test mode only)1.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Check current consumption-Feed a 3.3V supply to the 3.3V input. Measure the 3.3V input current and measure the voltage at 1.8V output from the module. [Save the current and voltage to log file]Frequency trim-Control the DUT to transmit a CW at Channel 39(2441 MHz), adjust the Crystal frequency trim value to meet the target. Write the correct value into PS key 0x01F6(e.g. 0x0026), then reset DUT and verify. [Save the value in log file]Check PIO and AlO-Input the PIO(0-10) pins 0101 0101 0101, read the logic from PIO and verify.-Repeat the above and invert the lo舒c (1010 1010 1010). read the logic from PlO and verify.[Save the result to log file]-Input the AIO(O-I) pins at l.5V(don't >I.75V), read the level form AlO and verify.[Save the readings to log file]Check Audio path-Set DUT into PCM Loopback mode. Feed 1 kHz, 5mVrms to mic input and measure, the speaker output level. [Save the speaker level to log file]1.3Station 3 Module RF Test (Conducted test)-Enable the DUT to enter Bluetooth Test Mode by using "RFCLI.EXE" command -Set the measuring condition of E1852B according the following setting.RF Test(Conducted)Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond)-Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Ratc (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.4Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO AIO, voltage and current) Supply 3.7V to the BAT+ to GNDCheck PlO and AIOInput different logic to PIO(0-11)when there are test pad, read all PIO and verify.For BT HS Clip:-PIO( 8, 10,) is DON'T CARE-Only test pads for PlO (9).-The logic of PIO(6) is inverted. its test pads is "MFB"-Read and verify AIO(0). AIO(1) is Don't Care.For BT Radio:-TBDCheck Audio pathSet the DUT to PCM loopback mode. Feed lkHz, 5mVrms to mic input and measure the level from the speaker output.Check current consumptionMeasure Off Current-Reset DUT, measure the input current at 3.7VMeasure Standby Current-Enable DUT to Receive mode (RXSTARTI at 2442MHz).-McaSUrc the input current at 3.7VMeasure Operation Current-Enable DUT to transmit mode (TXSTART at 2442MHz).-Measure the input current at 3.7V.Measure Charging Current-Connect a Electronic Load to BAT+ to GND. Set the E-Ioad to draw constant current of 75mA. Feed 5V to DC+ to GND. Measure the current at 5V.1.5Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test (conducted test)RF Test (conducted)Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond)-Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Ratc (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.6Station 6 Main board PCBA RF test(Coupling test)-Test items may be decreased in the future.RF Test couplingFixture and DUT must be in Shield Box.Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond) -Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Rate (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 78Write PS Key to flash memory-After all tested items are PASS:-Write a unique 48 bits Bluetooth address into PS Key Ox0001.-Write Ox000 to PS Key OxOIF9 (Set Host Interface to No Host)-Write Ox000 to PS Key Ox025D (Enable VM)1.7Station 7 Acoustic test after casing1.Setting the Battery voltage t0 4.10V--4.24V, adjust the Charger voltage Trim value tomeet the target. Write the correct value into PS Key 0x03b7 , then reset DUT and verify.[Save the value in log file]Setting charging voltage to 5V,2.The voltage of VBAT pin must be within3.8--4.6V without battery.Acoustic Test-Testing must be in shield room and silent room.-After casing assembly, use Casira for Audio Gateway. Pairing the BT headset and carry out acoustic test. Measure TX and RX loudness and1.8Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity TestProduct RF sensitivity<=-70dBmTesting requirement: N4010, Shield box and computer with SPITesting method:1)Press MFB and then plug charger, then release MFB, then press2)LED will flash purple.3)Put the DUT on the test jig inside the shield box. Close the shield box.4)Setup for N4010The setting of the tester should be hopping ONi.Mode -> Loss Comp -> Apply Loss Compensation ”V”->Fix Loss to desired“DB”(R&D will provide one reference sample for calibration. If not provided,please use B304 0ne for calibration) Therefore. the Fix Loss should be set bycalibration. Config-> EUT-> Inquiry Procedure->while BT address is shown onthe Screen-> Select and Return BDAii.Test -> Active to "3" -> Select “Single Slot Sensitivity"iii.Edit -> Test Mode /Pkt /Pwr->Type = HV3; Set Transmit Power t0 70 “5)To see the result:Results -> Select "Single Slot Sensitivity" -> Detailed ResultsIf BER <=0.1Record the Transmit Power. This is the sensitivity.If BER > 0.1Increase the Transmit Power in 4)-iv until BER <= 0.1.Other TestChargersAll chargers must be full checked. Measure output voltage and current for different input voltage.Input 100Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, output should be 5V and 200mA.Input 240Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, output should be 5V and 200mA.Rechargeable BatteriesAll the Lithium-ion Polymer (LIP) rechargeable battery must be full checked before production. All batteries are charge up by 0.5C then discharge by a 480hm resistor.Measure the discharging time until voltage is dropped to 3V. The discharging time at least 2 hours2Specification2.1Station I Module DownloadDownload and verification: Should be PASSED2.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Module turn on current: 1mA - 3mA (For ATE Setup: 0.2mA - 4.5mA)Module output voltage: 1.75V - 1.85VTrimmed freq. : 2441MHz +/-3 kHzTrimmed value: 0 - 63PIO(0-10): PassAIO(0): 0.9V –1.1VAudio output level: 0.1Vrms - 0.5Vrms(Mic input 1 kHz 5mVrms)2.3Station 3 Module RF Test (conducted test)RF and audio test(conducted)Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 DBmPeak Power-6 4 DBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBm,.Peak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -Packet Error Rate 0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.4Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO,AIO, voltage an current)PI0(0,1,2.3,6,9),LED(0,1): PassAIO(0): 1.48V --1.7 VSpeaker Level: 0.2V - 0.5 V(Mic input I kHz 5mVnns)Operation Current: 10mA - 22 mAOff Mode Current: 0.1mA - 0.4 mA (For ATE Setup:0.1mA一3mA)Standby Current: 1.0mA - 5mAFast charging Current: 9 mA - 110 mAFull charging Current: 5mA-9mA2.5Station 5 Main Board PCBA RF Test (conducted test)RF and audio test (conducted )Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHz,.Freq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.6Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test )RF test (coupling)Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate 0 50 %,.(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.7Station 7 Acoustic test after casingAcoustic TestItems Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Microphone TX at l kHz -49 -41 dB104 119 dBEarphone Assemble at lkHzFinal unit RX at l kHz 109 119 dBBuzzer sound leave at 175 100 dB(At 10 cm)kHzMicrophone frequency respond mask:2.8Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity TestFor the sensitivity > -70dBm is considered to be Failed.Charger test1. When input 100 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V+/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/- 10mA2. When input 240 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V +/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/-10mA3Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist 3.1Current test3.2Audio test3.3Acoustic test3.4Range test3.5Power management3.6OtherThe voltage of VBAT pin must be within 3 8-4.6V without Battery.。

1. 外观质量:检查耳机的外观是否有明显的划痕、裂纹、缺陷或异物。
2. 功能性能:测试耳机的蓝牙连接是否正常,音质是否清晰,音量大小是否正常,有无噪声等。
3. 电池性能:检查耳机的电池是否正常工作,有无充电过快或过慢,续航时间是否达到标准。
4. 结构强度:检查耳机的结构是否牢固,各个部件是否安装牢固,有无松动现象。
5. 包装清单:检查耳机的包装内是否包含了所有的配件,如耳机、充电线、耳塞等。
6. 标签和说明:检查耳机的包装上是否有清晰的生产日期、批号、电压、电流等信息,以及使用说明书。

Product Test Specification forBluetooth Headset(for internal use only )Change HistoryContents Tables1 Test Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 6...1.1 Station 1 Module Download ........................................................................................................ 6..1.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (6)1.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (Conducted test) (7)1.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA functional test(PIO AIO, voltage and current) (8)1.5 Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test(conducted test) (9)1.6 Station 6 Main board PCBA RF test(Coupling test) (10)1.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casing ............................................................................................. 1.11.8 Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (11)2 Specification ........................................................................................................................................ 1..2.2.1 Station I Module Download ......................................................................................................... 1.22.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (12)2.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (conducted test) ................................................................................. 1. 32.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO,AIO, voltage an current) (15)2.5 Station 5 Main Board PCBA RF Test (conducted test) (15)2.6 Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test ) (17)2.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casing ............................................................................................. 1.92.8 Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (20)3 Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist (20)3.1 Current test (20)3.2 Audio test (21)3.3 Acoustic test (21)3.4 Range test2..1.3.5 Power management ................................................................................................................... 2..2 3.6 Other2..2.Product Test Specificati on Key words : Bluetooth Headset, PCBA, RF test, AcousticSummary : The test specification for Function, RF test, PCBA test and acoustic test Refere nee List :1 Test ProcedureBefore start ATE, engin eer should check and en ter appropriate values inenvironment. Manual Sett in gsSoftware version number, eg“ 20131213 ”Upper and lower limit for each test items Started and stopped Bluetooth address rangeRF test probe and cable lost for calibrati on and compe nsati on Stati on Requireme ntIn each station, ATE need to read, compare and display the software version number, which is stored in PS Key 0x02B6. It is a 16 bits, 4 digits BCD, eg “ 6AA5 ”All test items should display on the scree nEach production day have a log file for each station. Each log file includes all samples serial no or BT address with corresponding testing data. The file is in ASCII format.Each test item placed in one column. File name must include the station no, date and time for refere nee.1.1 Station 1 Module Dow nl oad- Measure curre nt con sumpti on at 3.3V-Download and verify the software (include application and test mode, mode only)1.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Check curre nt consumption- Feed a 3.3V supply to the 3.3V in put. Measure the 3.3V in put curre nt and measure the voltage at 1.8V output from the module. [Save the curre nt and voltage to log file]Freque ncy trim-Con trol the DUT to tran smit a CW at Cha nnel 39(2441 MHz), adjust the Crystal freque ncy trim value to meet the target. Write the correct value into PS key 0x01F6 sett ingor testCheck PIO and AlO- In put the PIO(0-10) pi ns 0101 0101 0101, read the logic from PIO and verify.- Repeat the above and in vert the lo 舒 c (1010 1010 1010). read the logic from PlO and verify.[Save the result to log file]- In put the AIO(O-I) pins at l.5V(d on't >I.75V), read the level form AlO and verify.[Save the readi ngs to log file]Check Audio path- Set DUT into PCM Loopback mode. Feed 1 kH z, 5mVrms to mic in put and measure, the speaker output level. [Save the speaker level to log file]1.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (Co nducted test)- En able the DUT to en ter Bluetooth Test Mode by using "RFCLI.EXE" comma nd- Set the measuri ng con diti on of E1852B accord ing the follow ing sett ing.RF Test(C on ducted)Tran smitter testCon diti ons:- Carrier: 0- Packet type: DHI- Packet len gth: 27- Poll period: 10- RF level: -50dBm- Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)- Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)- Meas. Averagi ng factor: 100 (may be less for fast resp ond)- Coupli ng loss: 0dBMeasure:- Average Power- Freq. Offset- Freq. Drift- Freq. Drift/ Rate- Avg, Delta F2 max- Avg, Delta F1 max- Packet Error Rate (PER)Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestCon diti ons:- White ning: En able- RF level: -75dBm- Modulation in dex : 0.32- No. of bits: 10000Measure:- Bit Error Ratc (BER)- Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO AIO, voltage and current)Supply 3.7V to the BAT+ to GNDCheck PIO and AIOIn put differe nt logic to PIO(0-11)whe n there are test pad, read all PIO and verify.For BT HS Clip:- PIO( 8, 10,) is DON'T CARE- Only test pads for PlO (9).- The logic of PIO(6) is in verted. its test pads is "MFB"- Read and verify AIO(0). AIO(1) is Don't Care.For BT Radio:-TBDCheck Audio pathSet the DUT to PCM loopback mode. Feed lkHz, 5mVrms to mic in put and measure the level from the speaker output.Check curre nt consumptionMeasure Off Curre nt- Reset DUT, measure the in put curre nt at 3.7VMeasure Stan dby Current- En able DUT to Receive mode (RXSTARTI at 2442 MHz).- McaSUrc the in put curre nt at 3.7VMeasure Operatio n Current- Measure the in put curre nt at 3.7V.Measure Charg ing Current- Connect a Electr onic Load to BAT+ to GND. Set the E-Ioad to draw con sta nt curre nt of 75mA. Feed 5V to DC+ to GND. Measure the curre nt at 5V.1.5 Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test (con ducted test)RF Test (c on ducted)Tran smitter testCon diti ons:- Carrier: 0- Packet type: DHI- Packet len gth: 27- Poll period: 10- RF level: -50dBm- Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)- Data for delta Fl: BSOF(OOOO1111)- Meas. Averagi ng factor: 100 (may be less for fast resp ond)- Coupli ng loss: 0dBMeasure:- Average Power- Freq. Offset- Freq. Drift- Freq. Drift/ Rate- Avg, Delta F2 max- Avg, Delta F1 max- Packet Error Rate (PER)- Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestCon diti ons:- White ning: En able- RF level: -75dBm- Modulation in dex :0.32No. of bits: 10000Measure:- Bit Error Rate (BER)- Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.6 Station 6 Mai n board PCBA RF test(Coupli ng test)Test items may be decreased in the future.RF Test coupli ngFixture and DUT must be in Shield Box.Tran smitter testCon diti ons:Carrier: 0Packet type: DHIPacket len gth: 27Poll period: 10RF level: -50dBmData for delta F2: BS55(10101010)Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)Meas. Averagi ng factor: 100 (may be less for fast resp ond)Coupli ng loss: 0dBMeasure:Average PowerFreq. OffsetFreq. DriftFreq. Drift/ RateAvg, Delta F2 maxAvg, Delta F1 maxPacket Error Rate (PER)Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestCon diti ons:White ning: En ableRF level: -75dBmModulation in dex : 0.32No. of bits: 10000Measure:- Bit Error Rate (BER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 78Write PS Key to flash memory- After all tested items are PASS:- Write a uni que 48 bits Bluetooth address into PS Key 0x0001.- Write Ox000 to PS Key OxOIF9 (Set Host In terface to No Host)- Write Ox000 to PS Key Ox025D (En able VM)1.7 Stati on 7 Acoustic test after cas ing1. Setti ng the Battery voltage t0 4.10V--4.24V, adjust the Charger voltage Trim value tomeet the target. Write the correct value into PS Key 0x03b7 , then reset DUT and verify.[Save the value in log file]Setti ng charg ing voltage to 5V,2. The voltage of VBAT pin must be within3.8--4.6V without battery.Acoustic Test- Testi ng must be in shield room and sile nt room.- After cas ing assembly, use Casira for Audio Gateway. Pairi ng the BT headset and carry out acoustic test. Measure TX and RX loud ness and1.8 Station 8 Product RF Sen sitivity TestProduct RF sen sitivity<=-70dBmTest ing requireme nt: N4010, Shield box and computer with SPITesti ng method:1) Press MFB and the n plug charger, the n release MFB, the n press2) LED will flash purple.3) Put the DUT on the test jig in side the shield box. Close the shield box.4) Setup for N4010The sett ing of the tester should be hopp ing ONi. Mode -> Loss Comp -> Apply Loss Compe nsati on "V ” ->Fix Loss to desired“ DB " (R&D will provide one referenee sample for calibration. If not provided,please use B304 0ne for calibration) Therefore. the Fix Loss should be set bycalibrati on. Con fig-> EUT-> In quiry Procedure->while BT address is show n onthe Scree n-> Select and Retur n BDAii. Test -> Active to "3" -> Select“ Sin gle Slot Sen sitivity"iii.Edit -> Test Mode /Pkt /Pwr->Type = HV3; Set Tran smit Power t0 705)To see the result:Results -> Select "Si ngle Slot Se nsitivity" -> Detailed Results If BER <=0.1Record the Tran smit Power. This is the sen sitivity. If BER > 0.1In crease the Tran smit Power in 4)-iv un til BER <= 0.1.Other Test Chargersproduct ion. All batteries are charge up by 0.5C the n discharge by a 480hm resistor. Measure the discharging time until voltage is dropped to 3V. The discharging time at least 2 hours2 Specification2.1 Station I Module Dow nl oadDow nload and verificatio n: Should be PASSED2.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Module turn on curre nt: 1mA - 3mA (For ATE Setup: 0.2mA - 4.5mA) Module output voltage: 1.75V - 1.85V Trimmed freq. :Trimmed value:2441MHz +/-3 kHz 0 - 63 PIO(0-10):PassAll chargers must be full checked. Measure output voltage and current for differentin put voltage.In put 100Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, outputshould be 5V and 200mA. In put 240Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, outputshould be 5V and 200mA.Rechargeable BatteriesAll the Lithium-ion Polymer (LIP) rechargeable battery must be full checked beforeAIO(O):Audio output level: (Mic in put 1 kHz 5mVrms)2.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (co nducted test)RF and audio test(c on ducted)Carrier 0 ItemsDescriptio ns Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-6 4 DBmPeak Power-6 4 DBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF0.75 1 -Packet Error Rate50%(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER)0.1%Carrier 39ItemsDescriptio nsLower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-64dBm0.9V — 1.1V 0.1Vrms - 0.5VrmsPeak Power -6 4 dBmFreq. Offset -7575 kHzFreq. Drift -2525kHzFreq.Drift Rate -2020kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.751-Packet Error Rate0 50% (PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power -64dBmPeak Power -64dBmFreq. Offset -7575kHzFreq. Drift -2525kHzFreq.Drift Rate -2020kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.751-Packet Error Rate 0 50 % (PER)Bit Error Rate (BER)0.12.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA Fun ctio nal test (PIO,AIO, voltage an curre nt)PI0(0,1,2.3,6,9)丄ED(0,1): PassAIO(0): 1.48V --1.7 VSpeaker Level: 0.2V - 0.5 V(Mic in put I kHz 5mVnns)Operati on Curre nt: 10mA - 22 mAOff Mode Curre nt: 0.1mA - 0.4 mA (For ATE Setup:0.1mA — 3 mA)Standby Curre nt: 1.0mA - 5mAFast chargi ng Curre nt: 9 mA - 110 mAFull charg ing Curre nt: 5mA-9mA2.5 Station 5 Mai n Board PCBA RF Test (con ducted test)RF and audio test (con ducted )Carrier 0ItemsDescriptio ns Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power -8 4 dBmPeak Power -8 4 dBmFreq. Offset -75 75 kHzFreq. Drift -25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate -20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max 115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max 140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -%Packet Error Rate 0 50(PER)0.1 %Bit Error Rate (BER)Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsdBm Average Power -84Peak Power -8dBm4Freq. Offset -75kHz75Freq. Drift -25kHz25kHz/50us Freq.Drift Rate -2020kHzAvg, Delta F2max115 175kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175DeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -%Packet Error Rate0 50(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER)0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsdBm Average Power -84Peak Power -8dBm4Freq. Offset -75 75 kHzFreq. Drift -25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate -20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max 115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max 140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate 0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.6 Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test)RF test (coupli ng)Carrier 0Items Descriptio ns Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power -6 4 dBmPeak Power -6 4 dBmFreq. Offset -75 75 kHzFreq. Drift -25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate -20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max 115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max 140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate 0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power -6dBm4dBm Peak Power -64kHzFreq. Offset -7575kHzFreq. Drift -2525Freq.Drift Rate -20kHz/50us20Avg, Delta F2max 115 175 kHzkHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175DeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate%0 50(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER)0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsdBm Average Power -64Peak Power -6dBm4kHzFreq. Offset -7575Freq. Drift -25kHz25Freq.Drift Rate -20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max 115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max 140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate 0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.7 Stati on 7 Acoustic test after cas ingAcoustic TestItems Descriptio ns Lower limit Upper limit Units Microph one TX at l kHz -49 -41 dBEarph one Assemble at l 104 119 dBkHzFinal unit RX at l kHz 109 119 dBBuzzer sound leave at 1 75 100 dB(At 10 cm)kHz2.8 Station 8 Product RF Sen sitivity TestFor the sen sitivity > -70dBm is con sidered to be Failed.Charger test1. When in put 100 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V+/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/- 10mA2. When in put 240 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V +/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/-10mA3 Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist 3.1 Curre nt test3.2 Audio test3.3 Acoustic test3.4 Range test3.5 Power man ageme nt3.6 OtherThe voltage of VBAT pin must be within 3 8-4.6V without Battery.。

TWS蓝⽛⽿机检验规范1.0 ⽬的:为明确本公司蓝⽛⽿机的产品检验需求,特制定蓝⽛⽿机的成品检验标准,为产品的⽣产、质量控制提供判定依据。
2.0 适⽤范围:适⽤于本公司⽣产的所有蓝⽛⽿机成品检验。
3.0检验条件及环境a)视⼒:检验⼈员视⼒要求不低于1.0;b) 距离:⼈眼与产品表⾯的距离为30cm~35cm;c) 时间: 每⽚外观检查时间8s~15s;d) 位置: 检视⾯与桌⾯成45°,上下左右各转动15°(保证各个⾯的缺陷均能被看到);e) 光源:冷⽩荧光灯,光源距被测物表⾯50cm~55cm,光照强度800Lux~1200Lux;f) 环境:温度20℃~26℃,湿度30%~85%,附近⽆⼤功率⽆线电⼲扰信号。
4.0 检验⽔准:外观和功能检验按GB/T 2828.1-2012⼀般检验II⽔准允收⽔准(AQL) CRI=0 MAJ=0.4 MIN=1.05.0 检验⼯具:卡尺、塞尺、菲林卡⽚、蓝⽛综合测试仪、苹果⼿机或者客户指定⼿机。
6.0 检验依据:标准样品、产品规格书7.0 检验项⽬:成品功能检验、成品外观检验8.0 缺陷分类:a)致命缺陷(CRI):指产品在⽣产和使⽤过程中会产⽣损害⼈⾝安全,或者严重影响产品性能的缺陷。

1.0 目的:为明确本公司蓝牙耳机的产品检验需求,特制定蓝牙耳机的成品检验标准,为产品的生产、质量控制提供判定依据。
2.0 适用范围:适用于本公司生产的所有蓝牙耳机成品检验。
3.0检验条件及环境a)视力:检验人员视力要求不低于1.0;b) 距离:人眼与产品表面的距离为30cm~35cm;c) 时间: 每片外观检查时间8s~15s;d) 位置: 检视面与桌面成45°,上下左右各转动15°(保证各个面的缺陷均能被看到);e) 光源:冷白荧光灯,光源距被测物表面50cm~55cm,光照强度800Lux~1200Lux;f) 环境:温度20℃~26℃,湿度30%~85%,附近无大功率无线电干扰信号。
4.0 检验水准:外观和功能检验按GB/T 2828.1-2012一般检验II水准允收水准(AQL) CRI=0 MAJ=0.4 MIN=1.05.0 检验工具:卡尺、塞尺、菲林卡片、蓝牙综合测试仪、苹果手机或者客户指定手机。
6.0 检验依据:标准样品、产品规格书7.0 检验项目:成品功能检验、成品外观检验8.0 缺陷分类:a)致命缺陷(CRI):指产品在生产和使用过程中会产生损害人身安全,或者严重影响产品性能的缺陷。



3.抽样标准依据GB/T2828.1-2012级,一次抽样,一般检验水平Ⅱ级,重缺陷(MA)AQL:0.4,轻缺陷(MI)AQL:1.0致命缺陷(CR)C=0 4.检验工具:工作台、卡尺、专用测试蓝牙电脑,带蓝牙功能的手机,蓝牙测试仪。
目录1.测试条件 (4)1.1环境条件 (4)1.2目视条件 (4)1.3测试工具 (4)1.4测试定义 (4)1.5缺陷等级定义 (4)2外观检查 (5)2.1耳机外观检查 (5)2.2耳机外观检验及缺陷分类………………………………………………………………………………………….5-72.3性能检验及缺陷分类…………………………………………………………………………………………………8-93.可靠性测试 (10)3.1低温存储测试 (10)3.2高温存储测试 (10)3.3高温高湿运行测试 (10)3.4低温运行测试 (11)3.5跌落测试 (11)3.6振动测试 (12)3.7盐雾测试 (12)3.8老化测试 (12)3.9丝印附着力测试……………………………………………………………………………………………………………12-13 3.10喷油附着力测试………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13-143.11按键寿命测试 (14)3.12喷油耐磨测试 (14)3.13输入输出口插拔力测试……………………………………………………………………………………………….14-153.14输入输出口插拔寿命测试 (15)4.结构尺寸检查 (15)5材料以及有害物质检测 (15)6.蓝牙耳机配件测试 (16)1 测试条件1.1环境条件温度:15℃~35℃相对湿度:35%~75% 大气压:86kPa~106kPa1.2目视条件a)照明光线:功率(2×40W)的日光灯,光源距离被测面 30~50cm,光强1000-1200LUXb)观察角度:待测物被检测面与视线成45度,距离约30cm,上下左右转动被测物15度以内。

Product Test Specification for Bluetooth Headset(for internal use only)Change HistoryContents Tables1Test Procedure (6)1.1Station 1 Module Download (6)1.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (6)1.3Station 3 Module RF Test (Conducted test) (7)1.4Station 4 Main Board PCBA functional test(PIO AIO, voltage and current) (8)1.5Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test(conducted test) (9)1.6Station 6 Main board PCBA RF test(Coupling test) (10)1.7Station 7 Acoustic test after casing (11)1.8Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (11)2Specification (12)2.1Station I Module Download (12)2.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (12)2.3Station 3 Module RF Test (conducted test) (13)2.4Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO,AIO, voltage an current) (14)2.5Station 5 Main Board PCBA RF Test (conducted test) (14)2.6Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test ) (15)2.7Station 7 Acoustic test after casing (16)2.8Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (16)3Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist (17)3.1Current test (17)3.2Audio test (17)3.3Acoustic test (17)3.4Range test (17)3.5Power management (18)3.6Other (18)Product Test SpecificationKey words:Bluetooth Headset, PCBA, RF test, AcousticSummary:The test specification for Function, RF test, PCBA test and acoustic test Reference List:1Test ProcedureBefore start ATE, engineer should check and enter appropriate values in setting environment. Manual Settings●Software version number, eg “20131213”●Upper and lower limit for each test items●Started and stopped Bluetooth address range●RF test probe and cable lost for calibration and compensationStation Requirement●In each station, ATE need to read, compare and display the software version number, whichis stored in PS Key 0x02B6. It is a 16 bits, 4 digits BCD, eg “6AA5”●All test items should display on the screen●Each production day have a log file for each station. Each log file includes all samples serialno or BT address with corresponding testing data. The file is in ASCII format. Each test item placed in one column. File name must include the station no, date and time for reference.1.1Station 1 Module Download-Measure current consumption at 3.3V-Download and verify the software (include application and test mode, or test mode only)1.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Check current consumption-Feed a 3.3V supply to the 3.3V input. Measure the 3.3V input current and measure the voltage at 1.8V output from the module. [Save the current and voltage to log file]Frequency trim-Control the DUT to transmit a CW at Channel 39(2441 MHz), adjust the Crystal frequency trim value to meet the target. Write the correct value into PS key 0x01F6 (e.g.0x0026), then reset DUT and verify. [Save the value in log file]Check PIO and AlO-Input the PIO(0-10) pins 0101 0101 0101, read the logic from PIO and verify.-Repeat the above and invert the lo舒c (1010 1010 1010). read the logic from PlO and verify.[Save the result to log file]-Input the AIO(O-I) pins at l.5V(don't >I.75V), read the level form AlO and verify. [Save the readings to log file]Check Audio path-Set DUT into PCM Loopback mode. Feed 1 kHz, 5mVrms to mic input and measure, the speaker output level. [Save the speaker level to log file]1.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (Conducted test)-Enable the DUT to enter Bluetooth Test Mode by using "RFCLI.EXE" command-Set the measuring condition of E1852B according the following setting.RF Test(Conducted)Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond)-Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Ratc (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.4Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO AIO, voltage and current) Supply 3.7V to the BAT+ to GNDCheck PlO and AIOInput different logic to PIO(0-11)when there are test pad, read all PIO and verify.For BT HS Clip:-PIO( 8, 10,) is DON'T CARE-Only test pads for PlO (9).-The logic of PIO(6) is inverted. its test pads is "MFB"-Read and verify AIO(0). AIO(1) is Don't Care.For BT Radio:-TBDCheck Audio pathSet the DUT to PCM loopback mode. Feed lkHz, 5mVrms to mic input and measure the level from the speaker output.Check current consumptionMeasure Off Current-Reset DUT, measure the input current at 3.7VMeasure Standby Current-Enable DUT to Receive mode (RXSTARTI at 2442MHz).-McaSUrc the input current at 3.7VMeasure Operation Current-Enable DUT to transmit mode (TXSTART at 2442MHz).-Measure the input current at 3.7V.Measure Charging Current-Connect a Electronic Load to BAT+ to GND. Set the E-Ioad to draw constant current of 75mA.Feed 5V to DC+ to GND. Measure the current at 5V.1.5 Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test (conducted test)RF Test (conducted)Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond)-Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Ratc (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.6Station 6 Main board PCBA RF test(Coupling test)-Test items may be decreased in the future.RF Test couplingFixture and DUT must be in Shield Box.Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond) -Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback TestConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Rate (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 78Write PS Key to flash memory-After all tested items are PASS:-Write a unique 48 bits Bluetooth address into PS Key Ox0001.-Write Ox000 to PS Key OxOIF9 (Set Host Interface to No Host)-Write Ox000 to PS Key Ox025D (Enable VM)1.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casing1.Setting the Battery voltage t0 4.10V--4.24V, adjust the Charger voltage Trim value to meetthe target. Write the correct value into PS Key 0x03b7 , then reset DUT and verify.[Save the value in log file]Setting charging voltage to 5V,2.The voltage of VBAT pin must be within3.8--4.6V without battery.Acoustic Test-Testing must be in shield room and silent room.-After casing assembly, use Casira for Audio Gateway. Pairing the BT headset and carry out acoustic test. Measure TX and RX loudness and1.8Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity TestProduct RF sensitivity<=-70dBmTesting requirement: N4010, Shield box and computer with SPITesting method:1)Press MFB and then plug charger, then release MFB, then press2)LED will flash purple.3)Put the DUT on the test jig inside the shield box. Close the shield box.4)Setup for N4010The setting of the tester should be hopping ONi.Mode -> Loss Comp -> Apply Loss Compensation ”V” ->Fix Loss to desired “DB”(R&D will provide one reference sample for calibration. If not provided, please useB304 0ne for calibration) Therefore. the Fix Loss should be set by calibration.Config-> EUT-> Inquiry Procedure->while BT address is shown on the Screen->Select and Return BDAii.Test -> Active to "3" -> Select “Single Slot Sensitivit y"iii.Edit -> Test Mode /Pkt /Pwr->Type = HV3; Set Transmit Power t0 70 “5)To see the result:Results -> Select "Single Slot Sensitivity" -> Detailed ResultsIf BER <=0.1Record the Transmit Power. This is the sensitivity.If BER > 0.1Increase the Transmit Power in 4)-iv until BER <= 0.1.Other TestChargersAll chargers must be full checked. Measure output voltage and current for different input voltage.Input 100Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, output should be 5V and 200mA.Input 240Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, output should be 5V and 200mA.Rechargeable BatteriesAll the Lithium-ion Polymer (LIP) rechargeable battery must be full checked before production.All batteries are charge up by 0.5C then discharge by a 480hm resistor. Measure the discharging time until voltage is dropped to 3V. The discharging time at least 2 hours2 Specification2.1 Station I Module DownloadDownload and verification: Should be PASSED2.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Module turn on current: 1mA - 3mA (For ATE Setup: 0.2mA - 4.5mA)Module output voltage: 1.75V - 1.85VTrimmed freq. : 2441MHz +/-3 kHzTrimmed value: 0 - 63PIO(0-10): PassAIO(0): 0.9V – 1.1VAudio output level: 0.1Vrms - 0.5Vrms(Mic input 1 kHz 5mVrms)2.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (conducted test)RF and audio test(conducted)Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 DBmPeak Power-6 4 DBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %2.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO,AIO, voltage an current)PI0(0,1,2.3,6,9),LED(0,1): PassAIO(0): 1.48V --1.7 VSpeaker Level: 0.2V - 0.5 V(Mic input I kHz 5mVnns)Operation Current: 10mA - 22 mAOff Mode Current: 0.1mA - 0.4 mA (For ATE Setup:0.1mA一3mA)Standby Current: 1.0mA - 5mAFast charging Current: 9 mA - 110 mAFull charging Current: 5mA-9mA2.5 Station 5 Main Board PCBA RF Test (conducted test)RF and audio test (conducted )Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.6 Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test )RF test (coupling)Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate (PER) 0 50 %Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casingAcoustic TestItems Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Microphone TX at l kHz -49 -41 dBEarphone Assemble at l kHz 104 119 dBFinal unit RX at l kHz 109 119 dBBuzzer sound leave at 1 kHz 75 100 dB(At 10 cm) Microphone frequency respond mask:Complete Ear piece frequency respond mask:2.8 Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity TestFor the sensitivity > -70dBm is considered to be Failed.Charger test1. When input 100 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V+/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/- 10mA2. When input 240 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V +/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/-10mA3 Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist 3.1 Current test3.2 Audio test3.3 Acoustic test3.4 Range test3.5 Power management3.6 OtherThe voltage of VBAT pin must be within 3 8-4.6V without Battery.【下载本文档,可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容,更多精彩文章,期待你的好评和关注,我将一如既往为您服务】。
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Product Test Specification for Bluetooth Headset(for internal use only)Change HistoryContents Tables1 Test Procedure (6)1.1 Station 1 Module Download (6)1.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (6)1.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (Conducted test) (7)1.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA functional test(PIO AIO, voltage and current) (8)1.5 Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test(conducted test) (9)1.6 Station 6 Main board PCBA RF test(Coupling test) (10)1.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casing (11)1.8 Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (11)2 Specification (12)2.1 Station I Module Download (12)2.2 Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current) (12)2.3 Station 3 Module RF Test (conducted test) (13)2.4 Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO,AIO, voltage an current) (15)2.5 Station 5 Main Board PCBA RF Test (conducted test) (15)2.6 Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test ) (17)2.7 Station 7 Acoustic test after casing (19)2.8 Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity Test (20)3 Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist (20)3.1 Current test (20)3.2 Audio test (20)3.3 Acoustic test (21)3.4 Range test (21)3.5 Power management (21)3.6 Other (21)Product Test SpecificationKey words:Bluetooth Headset, PCBA, RF test, AcousticSummary:The test specification for Function, RF test, PCBA test and acoustic test Reference List:1Test ProcedureBefore start ATE, engineer should check and enter appropriate values in setting environment. Manual Settings●Software version number, eg “20131213”●Upper and lower limit for each test items●Started and stopped Bluetooth address range●RF test probe and cable lost for calibration and compensationStation Requirement●In each station, ATE need to read, compare and display the software version number, whichis stored in PS Key 0x02B6. It is a 16 bits, 4 digits BCD, eg “6AA5”●All test items should display on the screen●Each production day have a log file for each station. Each log file includes all samples serialno or BT address with corresponding testing data. The file is in ASCII format. Each test item placed in one column. File name must include the station no, date and time for reference.1.1Station 1 Module Download-Measure current consumption at 3.3V-Download and verify the software (include application and test mode, or test mode only)1.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Check current consumption-Feed a 3.3V supply to the 3.3V input. Measure the 3.3V input current and measure the voltage at 1.8V output from the module. [Save the current and voltage to log file]Frequency trim-Control the DUT to transmit a CW at Channel 39(2441 MHz), adjust the Crystal frequency trim value to meet the target. Write the correct value into PS key 0x01F6 (e.g.0x0026), then reset DUT and verify. [Save the value in log file]Check PIO and AlO-Input the PIO(0-10) pins 0101 0101 0101, read the logic from PIO and verify.-Repeat the above and invert the lo舒c (1010 1010 1010). read the logic from PlO and verify.[Save the result to log file]-Input the AIO(O-I) pins at l.5V(don't >I.75V), read the level form AlO and verify. [Save the readings to log file]Check Audio path-Set DUT into PCM Loopback mode. Feed 1 kHz, 5mVrms to mic input and measure, the speaker output level. [Save the speaker level to log file]1.3Station 3 Module RF Test (Conducted test)-Enable the DUT to enter Bluetooth Test Mode by using "RFCLI.EXE" command-Set the measuring condition of E1852B according the following setting.RF Test(Conducted)Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond)-Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback T estConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Ratc (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.4Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO AIO, voltage and current) Supply 3.7V to the BAT+ to GNDCheck PlO and AIOInput different logic to PIO(0-11)when there are test pad, read all PIO and verify.For BT HS Clip:-PIO( 8, 10,) is DON'T CARE-Only test pads for PlO (9).-The logic of PIO(6) is inverted. its test pads is "MFB"-Read and verify AIO(0). AIO(1) is Don't Care.For BT Radio:-TBDCheck Audio pathSet the DUT to PCM loopback mode. Feed lkHz, 5mVrms to mic input and measure the level from the speaker output.Check current consumptionMeasure Off Current-Reset DUT, measure the input current at 3.7VMeasure Standby Current-Enable DUT to Receive mode (RXSTARTI at 2442MHz).-McaSUrc the input current at 3.7VMeasure Operation Current-Enable DUT to transmit mode (TXSTART at 2442MHz).-Measure the input current at 3.7V.Measure Charging Current-Connect a Electronic Load to BAT+ to GND. Set the E-Ioad to draw constant current of 75mA.Feed 5V to DC+ to GND. Measure the current at 5V.1.5Station 5 Main board PCBA RF test (conducted test)RF Test (conducted)Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond)-Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback T estConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Ratc (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 781.6Station 6 Main board PCBA RF test(Coupling test)-Test items may be decreased in the future.RF Test couplingFixture and DUT must be in Shield Box.Transmitter testConditions:-Carrier: 0-Packet type: DHI-Packet length: 27-Poll period: 10-RF level: -50dBm-Data for delta F2: BS55(10101010)-Data for delta Fl: BSOF(00001111)-Meas. Averaging factor: 100 (may be less for fast respond) -Coupling loss: 0dBMeasure:-Average Power-Freq. Offset-Freq. Drift-Freq. Drift/ Rate-Avg, Delta F2 max-Avg, Delta F1 max-Packet Error Rate (PER)-Bit Error Rate (BER)Loopback T estConditions:-Whitening: Enable-RF level: -75dBm-Modulation index : 0.32-No. of bits: 10000Measure:-Bit Error Rate (BER)-Packet Error Rate (PER)Repeat the above test for Carrier 39, 78Write PS Key to flash memory-After all tested items are PASS:-Write a unique 48 bits Bluetooth address into PS Key Ox0001.-Write Ox000 to PS Key OxOIF9 (Set Host Interface to No Host)-Write Ox000 to PS Key Ox025D (Enable VM)1.7Station 7 Acoustic test after casing1.Setting the Battery voltage t0 4.10V--4.24V, adjust the Charger voltage Trim value to meetthe target. Write the correct value into PS Key 0x03b7 , then reset DUT and verify.[Save the value in log file]Setting charging voltage to 5V,2.The voltage of VBAT pin must be within3.8--4.6V without battery.Acoustic T est-Testing must be in shield room and silent room.-After casing assembly, use Casira for Audio Gateway. Pairing the BT headset and carry out acoustic test. Measure TX and RX loudness and1.8Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity TestProduct RF sensitivity<=-70dBmTesting requirement: N4010, Shield box and computer with SPITesting method:1)Press MFB and then plug charger, then release MFB, then press2)LED will flash purple.3)Put the DUT on the test jig inside the shield box. Close the shield box.4)Setup for N4010The setting of the tester should be hopping ONi.Mode -> Loss Comp -> Apply Loss Compensation ”V” ->Fix Loss to desired “DB”(R&D will provide one reference sample for calibration. If not provided, please useB304 0ne for calibration) Therefore. the Fix Loss should be set by calibration.Config-> EUT-> Inquiry Procedure->while BT address is shown on the Screen->Select and Return BDAii.Test -> Active to "3" -> Select “Single Slot Sensitivit y"iii.Edit -> Test Mode /Pkt /Pwr->Type = HV3; Set Transmit Power t0 70 “5)To see the result:Results -> Select "Single Slot Sensitivity" -> Detailed ResultsIf BER <=0.1Record the Transmit Power. This is the sensitivity.If BER > 0.1Increase the Transmit Power in 4)-iv until BER <= 0.1.Other TestChargersAll chargers must be full checked. Measure output voltage and current for different input voltage.Input 100Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, output should be 5V and 200mA.Input 240Vrms (AC) and connect a load (250hm > 2W resistor) at the output, output should be 5V and 200mA.Rechargeable BatteriesAll the Lithium-ion Polymer (LIP) rechargeable battery must be full checked before production. All batteries are charge up by 0.5C then discharge by a 480hm resistor. Measure the discharging time until voltage is dropped to 3V. The discharging time at least 2 hours2Specification2.1Station I Module DownloadDownload and verification: Should be PASSED2.2Station 2 Module functional test (Freq trim, PIO, AIO, voltage and current)Module turn on current: 1mA - 3mA (For ATE Setup: 0.2mA - 4.5mA)Module output voltage: 1.75V - 1.85VTrimmed freq. : 2441MHz +/-3 kHzTrimmed value: 0 - 63PIO(0-10): PassAIO(0): 0.9V – 1.1VAudio output level: 0.1Vrms - 0.5Vrms(Mic input 1 kHz 5mVrms)2.3Station 3 Module RF Test (conducted test)RF and audio test(conducted)Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 DBmPeak Power-6 4 DBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1 -Packet Error Rate0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.4Station 4 Main Board PCBA Functional test (PIO,AIO, voltage an current)PI0(0,1,2.3,6,9),LED(0,1): PassAIO(0): 1.48V --1.7 VSpeaker Level: 0.2V - 0.5 V(Mic input I kHz 5mVnns)Operation Current: 10mA - 22 mAOff Mode Current: 0.1mA - 0.4 mA (For ATE Setup:0.1mA一3mA)Standby Current: 1.0mA - 5mAFast charging Current: 9 mA - 110 mAFull charging Current: 5mA-9mA2.5Station 5 Main Board PCBA RF Test (conducted test)RF and audio test (conducted )Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit UnitsAverage Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate 0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-8 4 dBmPeak Power-8 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.6Station 6 Main Board PCBA RF Test (coupling test )RF test (coupling)Carrier 0Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -Packet Error Rate0 50 %(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %Carrier 39Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 % Carrier 78Items Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Average Power-6 4 dBmPeak Power-6 4 dBmFreq. Offset-75 75 kHzFreq. Drift-25 25 kHzFreq.Drift Rate-20 20 kHz/50usAvg, Delta F2max115 175 kHzAvg, Delta Fl max140 175 kHzDeltaF2/DeltaF 0.75 1.5 -0 50 %Packet Error Rate(PER)Bit Error Rate (BER) 0 0.1 %2.7Station 7 Acoustic test after casingAcoustic TestItems Descriptions Lower limit Upper limit Units Microphone TX at l kHz -49 -41 dBEarphone Assemble at l kHz 104 119 dBFinal unit RX at l kHz 109 119 dBBuzzer sound leave at 1 kHz 75 100 dB(At 10 cm) Microphone frequency respond mask:2.8Station 8 Product RF Sensitivity TestFor the sensitivity > -70dBm is considered to be Failed.Charger test1. When input 100 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V+/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/- 10mA2. When input 240 Vrms(AC):Output voltage: 5V +/-0.25VOutput current: 200mA +/-10mA3Product Specification Electrical Parameters checklist 3.1Current test3.2Audio test下载可编辑3.3Acoustic test3.4Range test3.5Power management3.6OtherThe voltage of VBAT pin must be within 3 8-4.6V without Battery. .专业.整理.。