2013年12月英语四级真题及答案 (2)

2013年12月英语四级真题及答案一、听力部分Section AA)Move the furniture.B)It is time to pay the rent.C)At the town hall.A)Go abroad.B)He has to do some tasks.A)The woman learned a lot from the trip.C)She prefers reading in silence.A)She doesn’t know where her purse is.B)He’s not sure where his rent check is.C)At a university.Section BB)It is a difficult maze.C)They are almost all identical.A)By writing messages on the walls.C)To confuse predators.D)They could feel it in their bodies.C)They did not notice any difference.B)They use landmarks to find food.C)Birds were attracted to the sound.A)They can guide the whales’ migration.D)She receives the most love from her children. Section CA)The world is full of wonders.C)The photographer’s perseverance.B)It is his most valuable treasure.C)By planning ahead.A)It can make the world a better place.二、阅读部分Passage OneA)To arrange interviews with important people.B)Their personal qualities may have beenoverlooked.D)To discover your own strong points.D) A wide range of skills.C)Set clear goals.Passage TwoB)Expectations for women’s appearances.D)Advertising is everywhere in people’s dailylives.A)How to manipulate women’s insecurities.C)Changing people’s perception of beauty.B)They are knowledgeable about a variety oftopics.Passage ThreeA)They were the first private schools in Britain.D)Those from wealthy families aspired to begentlemen.C)Discipline their bodies and minds.D)English gentlemen could set a good example.D)Influenced by their economic background. Passage FourA)It is often the small things that matter most.B)Men and women respond differently to stress.C)Tenderness is essential for a happyrelationship.D)Show affection and empathy.B)Prolonged stress can weaken the immunesystem.三、写作部分短文写作Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition based on the picture below. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:写作要点:1. 描述图片内容:一辆大货车卡住了一个过道,不能向前行; 2. 分析产生的原因:大货车太大,通道太窄,驾驶员没有及时发现状况; 3. 谈谈你的看法:如何避免这种情况:修建更宽敞的通道、提高驾驶员的观察技巧等。
2013年12月英语四级真题及答案 (3)

2013年12月英语四级真题及答案阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节1. A. 考点:文章第一段提到:波多黎各遭受的破坏震撼了整个地区。
2. D. 考点:文章第二段末尾提到“We love getting movie recommendations”. 因此,可以推断出他们喜欢得到关于电影的建议。
3. B. 考点:根据第一段“When it comes to the growth of cities, the 21st century is largely a story of the developing world”我们可以推断出,发展中国家的城市增长更快。
4. C. 考点:根据第二段“Those who live in cities complain of traffic jams and crowded subway cars”可以推断出,城市居民经常抱怨交通拥堵和拥挤的地铁。
5. D. 考点:根据文章第三段“In city after city, the urban population today is much larger than it has ever been in history”可以推断出城市人口比历史上任何时候都要多。
6. A. 考点:根据文章第四段“Bu this does not mean that there is no way to slow the growth of cities”可以推断出,存在减缓城市增长的方法。
7. B. 考点:根据文章最后一段“For all the challenges cities fac e, they remain attractive places to live”可以推断出,尽管城市面临很多挑战,但人们仍然愿意居住在城市。

2013年12月大学英语四级考试阅读理解真题及答案(全套)幸福就好我亦安2013年12月大学英语四级考试阅读理解真题(一)【阅读】Sectio n CDirectio ns : There are 2 passages in this sect ion. Each passage is followed by some questi ons or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresp onding letter on An swer Sheet 2 with a sin gle line through the cen tre.Passage OneQuesti ons 56 to 60 are based on the follow ing passage.In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food in take are in flue need by a large nu mber of factors besides our biological n eed forenergy, including our eating environment and our perception of the food in front of us.Studies have show n, for in sta nee, that eati ng in front of the TV (or a similardistract ion) can in crease both hun ger and the amount of food con sumed. Even simplevisual cues, like plate size and light ing, have bee n show n to affect portion size and con sumpti on.A new study suggested that our short-term memoryalso mayplay a role in appetite. Several hours after a meal, people's hunger levels were predicted not by how much they ' d eaten but rather by how much food they'd seen in front of them —in other words, how much they remembered eati ng.This disparity (盖弃) suggests the memory of our previous meal may have a bigger in flue nee on our appetite tha n the actual size of the meal, says Jeffrey M. Brun strom, a professor of experime ntal psychology at the Uni versity of Bristol."Hun ger isn't con trolled solely by the physical characteristics of a recent meal. Wehave identified an independent role for memory for that meal," Brunstrom says."This shows that the relati on ship betwee n hun ger and food in take is more complex than we thought."These findings echo earlier research that suggests our percepti on of food can sometimes trick our body' s response to the food itself. In a 2011 study, for instanee, people who drank the same3S0-calorie (卡路里)milkshake on two separate occasions produced different levels of hunger-related hormones (荷尔蒙),depending on whetherthe shake' s label said it contained 620 or 140 calories. Moreover, the participants reported feeling more full when they thought they'd consumed a higher-calorie shake.What does this mean for our eat ing habits? Although it hardly seems practical to trick ourselves into eati ng less, the new findings do highlight the ben efits offocus ing on our food and avoidi ng TV and multitask ing while eat ing.The so-called min dful-eat ing strategies can fight distract ions and help us con trol our appetite, Brun strom says.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

阅读解析四级阅读真题详解2013 年 12 月英语四级阅读理解,共 4 篇。
Passage 1
[题目]:Shaking Hands
[解析]:答案为 A。
Passage 2
[解析]:答案为 C。
Passage 3
[题目]:Watching Television
[解析]:答案为 B。
Passage 4
[解析]:答案为 C。
最后一段提到,尽管白日梦可能会有一些负面影响,但也有助于人们解决问题,所以答案为 C。

2012年12月大学英语四级真题答案与解析Part I Writing参考范文:第一种图表(即我们试题部分的图表)Education PaysThe bar graph describes the unemployment rates in 2010 for social groups with different education degrees in theUnited States. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the better you are educated, the more likely you are to get employed. For example, there are only about 1.9% and 4% of people with doctoral degree and master s degree respectively who are unemployed, while people with only a high school diploma or less suffer a much higher unemployment rate (14.9% and 10.3% respectively).These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of science and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market.It must be added, however, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity. In order to succeed in the career, people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication, teamwork and social experience.第二种图表(这也是本次考试的另一份试卷的图表)(见图表2)Education PaysAs is shown in the bar chart above, the social groups with higher degree are not only more likely to be employed in the first place, but they are also better paid later in the workplace. Those with doctoral and professional degrees enjoy a much higher weekly median earning ($1551 and 1665 respectively) and suffer a much lower unemployment rate (2.5% and 2.4%). On the other hand, those with less education suffer a considerably higher unemployment rate and have a much lower weekly income. For example, there are a total of 23.5% (9.4%+14.1%) of people unemployed with high school diploma or less, who have only a median weekly income of $545,as compared with the average $797.These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of science and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market and a competitive edge for workplace promotions.It must be added, however, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity and higher salary. In order to succeed in the career,people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication, teamwork and social experience.概述四级考试主要的作文命题形式是“文示”提纲作文,但不时也考应用文(书信、演讲词等)和图表作文,图表作文曾在1991年6月(表格: Changes in People s Diet)和2002年6月(柱状图: Student Use of Computers),似乎是10年考一次,但不排除今后会更频繁地考到。
2013年12月第1套真题 深度解析

2013年12月四级真题第1套深度解析Part III阅读理解Section A15选10完形填空试题分析:词汇难度不如新视野教材课后的15选10,但是文章的难度远大于后者。
另外,applied和specialized这两个词有两种可能性:第一,有可能是谓语动词的过去式,分别表示“申请,运用”“专门研究、专门从事”;第二,applied和specialized有可能是过去分词形式的形容词,在句子中做定语或者表语,分别为“应用的”“专业化的”,比如applied psychology应用心理学,highly specialized equipment高度专业化的设备。
Section B阅读新题型快速阅读做题顺序与策略:第一步,1分钟,扫描46-55的10个选项(关键词组短语下划线,加深印象,可以对原文内容有个总体的把握,并且在阅读原文的过程中往往会跟先前扫描过的10个选项联系起来)。

英语学习资料:2013年12月英语四级新题型长篇阅读练习题及答案解析:Talented2013年12月英语四级新题型长篇阅读练习题及答案解析:TalentedA: What do we mean by being ‘talented or gifted’?The most obvious way is to look at the worksomeone does and if they are capable of significantsuccess, label them as talented. The purelyquantitative route —‘percentage definition’—looks not at individuals, but at simple percentages,such as the top five percent of the population, andlabels them — by definition — as gifted. Thisdefinition has fallen from favor, eclipsed by the advent of IQ tests, favored by luminaries suchas Professor Hans Eysenck, where a series of written or verbal tests of general intelligenceleads to a score of intelligence.B: The IQ test has been eclipsed in turn. Most people studying intelligence and creativity inthe new millennium now prefer a broader definition, using a multifaceted approach wheretalents in many areas are recognized rather than purely concentrating on academicachievement. If we are therefore assuming that talented, creative or gifted individuals mayneed to be assessed across a range of abilities, does this mean intelligence can run in familiesas geic or inherited tendency? Mental dysfunction —such as schizophrenia —can, so is anefficient mental capacity passed on from parent to child?C: Animal experiments throw some light on this question, and on the whole area of whether it isgeics, the environment ora bination of the two that allows for intelligence andcreative ability. Different strains of rats show great differences in intelligence or ‘ratreasoning’. If these are brought up in normal conditions and then run through a maze toreach a food goal, the ‘bright-strain make far fewer wrong turns that the ‘dull-ones’. But if theenvironment is made dull and boring the number of errors bees equal. Return the rats toan exciting maze and the discrepancy returns as before — but is much *** aller. In other words,a dull rat in a stimulating environment will almost do as well as bright rat who is bored in anormal one. This principle applies to humans too —someone may be born with innateintelligence, but their environment probably has the final say over whether they beecreative or even a genius.D: Evidence now exists that most young children, if given enough opportunities andencouragement, are able to achieve significant and sustainable levels of academic or sportingprowess. Bright or creative children are often physically very active at the same time, and somany receive more parental attention as a result — almost by default — in order to ensuretheir safety. They may also talk earlier, and this, in turn, breeds parental interest. This cansometimes cause problems with other siblings who may feel jealous even though theythemselves may be bright. Their creative talents may be undervalued and so never e tofruition. Two themes seem to run through famously creative families as a result. The first isthat the parents were able to identify the talents of each child, and nurture and encouragethese accordingly but in an even handed manner. Individual differences were encouraged, andfriendly sibling rivalry was not seen as particular problem. If the father is, say, a famousactor, there is no unduepressure for his children to follow him onto the boards, but insteadtheir chosen interests are encouraged. There need not even by any obvious talent in such afamily since there always needs to be someone who sets the family career in motion, as in thecase of the Sheen acting dynasty.E: Martin Sheen was the seventh of ten children born to a Spanish immigrant father and anIrish mother. Despite intense parental disapproval he turned his back on entrance exams touniversity and borrowed cash from a local priest to start a fledgling acting career. His actingsuccesses in films such as Badlands and Apocalypse Now made him one of the most highly-regarded actors of the 1970s. Three sons —Emilio Estevez, Ramon Estevez and Charlie Sheen— have followed him into the profession as a consequence of being inspired by his motivationand enthusia *** .F: A stream seems to run through creative families. Such children are not necessarily *** othered with love by their parents. They feel loved and wanted, and are secure in theirhome, but are often more surrounded by an atmosphere of work and where following a callingappears to be important. They may see from their parents that it takes time and dedication tobe master of a craft, and so are in less of a hurry to achieve for themselves once they start towork.G: The generation of creativity is plex: it is a mixture of geics, the environment,parental teaching and luck that determines how successful or talented family members are. Thislast point — luck — is often not mentioned where talent is concerned but plays anundoubtedpart. Mozart, considered by many to be the finest poser of all time, was lucky to be livingin an age that encouraged the writing of music. He was brought up surrounded by it, his fatherwas a musician who encouraged him to the point of giving up his job to promote his childgenius. Mozart himself simply wanted to create the finest music ever written but did notnecessarily view himself as a genius — he could write sublime music at will, and so oftenpreferred to lead a hedonistic lifestyle that he found more exciting than writing music to order.H: Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are two more examples of people whose talents haveblossomed by virtue of the times they were living in. Einstein was a solitary, somewhat slowchild who had affection at home but whose phenomenal intelligence emerged without anyobvious parental input. This may have been partly due to the fact that at the start of the 20thcentury a lot of the Newtonian laws of physics were being questioned, leaving a fertile groundfor ideas such as his to be developed. Bill Gates may have had the creative vision to developMicrosoft, but without the new puter age dawning at the same time he may never haveachieved the position on the world stage he now occupies.1. We can label someone who are capable of significant success as talented.2. Most people studying intelligence and creativity in the new millennium now prefer a broaderdefinition.3. Animal experiments are contributed to whether it is geics,the environment or abination of the two that allows for intelligence and creative ability.4. Bright or creative children are often physically very active at the same time.5. Children in creative families feel loved and wanted, and are secure in their home.6. The generation of creativity is not simple.7. Bill Gates is an example of people whose talents have blossomed by virtue of the times theywere living in.8. Evidence shows that bright or creative children are often physically very active and thusreceive more parentalattention to ensure their safety.9. Luck is often not mentioned but an undoubted part of a person how creative or talented.10. Albert Einstein’s and Bill Gates’ significant success may be due to thetimes they were livingin.答案1. A2. B3. C4. D5. F6. G7. H8. D9. G10.H。

2013年12月份全国大学英语四级考试试卷一:中餐【真题原文】许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一 种艺术。
但好的烹 饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。
由于食物对健康至 关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既味美又健康。
【翻译答案】Most people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill but also an art. The well-prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking. Although cooking methods and food ingredient vary wildly in different places of China, it is common for good cuisine to take color, flavor, taste and nutrition into account. Since food is crucial to health, a good chef is insistently trying to seek balance between cereal, meat and vegetable, and accordingly Chinese food is delicious as well as healthy.试卷二:信息技术【真题原文】信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速发展,中国公民也越来越 重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。

作文部分:范文一: The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of communication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.范文二:It is frequently observed that many people keep looking down at their mobile phones whatever they are doing. It is true that mobile phones have brought great convenience to us as we can send short messages, check e-mails, surf the Internet, or watch videos almost anywhere. However, the overuse of mobile phones also leads to some serious problems.The over-dependence on mobile phones can harm the relationship among friends and family. With mobile phones, people do not talk as much as before. For example, sometimes at dinner tables, instead of chatting and laughing with each other, many people choose to chat with other friends online. In other words, mobile phones help people contacting friends far away more easily at the expense of reducing the communication with those who are sitting right next to them.In conclusion, mobile phone can be a useful tool in modern life, but overusing it damages interpersonal relationship. There is no point to lose our intimacy with friends and family to modern technology.范文三:The impact of the Internet on learningExplain why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain informationIn the age of knowledge explosion, the Internet opens a magical portal for leaners to get access to seemingly incessant information. But is information equal to knowledge? “Once I learn how to use google, isn't that all the education I really need?” This question fully embodies the prejudiced opinion that as long as people acquire abundant information, they will get proper education.The rea son why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information is that education is not limited to the hard facts or theories students can learn from their textbooks or the Internet. It relates to a wider scope ranging from the obtainment of practical skills to the development of characters, which are hard for students to learn simply by googling. Consequently, comprehensive learning in schools that includes learning knowledge, conducting experiments and communicating with peers is what true education is.In a word, the Internet does provide valuable information for learners, but people should be fully conscious of the essence of education and learn to tell the right from the wrong.听力部分:1. C. Consult a travel agent.2. A. They are on a long trip by car.3. C. He is unwilling to speak in public.4. B. Purse further education.5. A. He would not be available to start the job in time.6. B. Mechanic.7. D. Ask Laura to put off the cleaning until another week.8. A. A problem caused by the construction.9. C. To place an order for some products.10. A. The person in charge is not in the office.11. B. 0734, 21653 extension 51.12. B. Since he took to heavy smoking.13. A. He is getting too fat.14. D. They dislike doing physical exercise.15. C. To find a girlfriend.16-19音频无。

2014年6月大学英语四级阅读理解新题型匹配练习题练习1Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section B(原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。
每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落.)Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it。
Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs。
Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter。
Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.How to Make Peace with Your Workload[A] Swamped (忙碌的),under the gun, just struggling to stay above water...; whatever office cliche you employ to depict it,we”ve all been in that situation where we feel like we might be swallowed up by our workload. Nonetheless many a way may be used to manage your to—do list to prevent feeling overwhelmed。

2013年英语四级完整版答案作文部分: 范文一: The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of communication among p eople. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime any where. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on t he Internet and neglected face-to-face communication. As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estra nges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is t hat, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. To day, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full me ssage, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face c ommunication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of informatio n. To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situatio ns, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart. 范文二: It is frequently observed that many people keep looking down at their mobile ph ones whatever they are doing. It is true that mobile phones have brought great conveni ence to us as we can send short messages, check e-mails, surf the Internet, or watch vi deos almost anywhere. However, the overuse of mobile phones also leads to some seri ous problems. The over-dependence on mobile phones can harm the relationship among friends and family. With mobile phones, people do not talk as much as before. For example, s ometimes at dinner tables, instead of chatting and laughing with each other, many peo ple choose to chat with other friends online. In other words, mobile phones help peopl e contacting friends far away more easily at theexpense of reducing the communication with those who are sitting right next to them. In conclusion, mobile phone can be a useful tool in modern life, but overusing it damages interpersonal relationship. There is no point to lose our intimacy with friends and family to modern technology. 范文三: The impact of the Internet on learning Explain why education doesn ’t simply mean learning to obtain information In the age of knowledge explosion, the Internet opens a magical portal for leaner s to get access to seemingly incessant information. But is information equal to knowle dge? “Once “Once I learn how to use google, isn't that all the education I really I learn how to use google, isn't that all the education I really need?”need?” This This question fully embodies the prejudiced opinion that as long as people acquire abundan t information, they will get proper education. The reason why education doesn’t doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information is simply mean learning to obtain information is that education is not limited to the hard facts or theories students can learn from their t extbooks or the Internet. It relates to a wider scope ranging from the obtainment of pra ctical skills to the development of characters, which are hard for students to learn sim ply by googling. Consequently, comprehensive learning in schools that includes learni ng knowledge, conducting experiments and communicating with peers is what true ed ucation is. In a word, the Internet does provide valuable information for learners, but people should be fully conscious of the essence of education and learn to tell the right from t he wrong. 听力部分: 1. C. Consult a travel agent. 2. A. They are on a long trip by car. 3. C. He is unwilling to speak in public. 4. B. Purse further education. 5. A. He would not be available to start the job in time. 6. B. Mechanic. 7. D. Ask Laura to put off the cleaning until another week. 8. A. A problem caused by the construction. 9. C. To place an order for some products. 10. A. The person in charge is not in the office. 11. B. 0734, 21653 extension 51. 12. B. Since he took to heavy smoking. 13. A. He is getting too fat. 14. D. They dislike doing physical exercise. 15. C. To find a girlfriend. 16-19音频无。

2013年英语四级完整版答案作文部分:范文一:The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of communication among p eople. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime any where. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on t he Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estra nges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is t hat, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. To day, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Interne t even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full me ssage, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face c ommunication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of informatio n.To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situatio ns, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.范文二:It is frequently observed that many people keep looking down at their mobile ph ones whatever they are doing. It is true that mobile phones have brought great conveni ence to us as we can send short messages, check e-mails, surf the Internet, or watch vi deos almost anywhere. However, the overuse of mobile phones also leads to some seri ous problems.The over-dependence on mobile phones can harm the relationship among friends and family. With mobile phones, people do not talk as much as before. For example, s ometimes at dinner tables, instead of chatting and laughing with each other, many peo ple choose to chat with other friends online. In other words, mobile phones help peopl e contacting friends far away more easily at theexpense of reducing the communicatio n with those who are sitting right next to them.In conclusion, mobile phone can be a useful tool in modern life, but overusing it damages interpersonal relationship. There is no point to lose our intimacy with friends and family to modern technology.范文三:The impact of the Internet on learningExplain why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information In the age of knowledge explosion, the Internet opens a magical portal for leaner s to get access to seemingly incessant information. But is information equal to knowle dge? “Once I learn how to use google, isn't that all the education I really need?” This question fully embodies the prejudiced opinion that as long as people acquire abundan t information, they will get proper education.The reason why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information is that education is not limited to the hard facts or theories students can learn from their t extbooks or the Internet. It relates to a wider scope ranging from the obtainment of pra ctical skills to the development of characters, which are hard for students to learn sim ply by googling. Consequently, comprehensive learning in schools that includes learni ng knowledge, conducting experiments and communicating with peers is what true ed ucation is.In a word, the Internet does provide valuable information for learners, but people should be fully conscious of the essence of education and learn to tell the right from t he wrong.听力部分:1. C. Consult a travel agent.2. A. They are on a long trip by car.3. C. He is unwilling to speak in public.4. B. Purse further education.5. A. He would not be available to start the job in time.6. B. Mechanic.7. D. Ask Laura to put off the cleaning until another week.8. A. A problem caused by the construction.9. C. To place an order for some products.10. A. The person in charge is not in the office.11. B. 0734, 21653 extension 51.12. B. Since he took to heavy smoking.13. A. He is getting too fat.14. D. They dislike doing physical exercise.15. C. To find a girlfriend.16-19音频无。

2013年英语四级阅读真题及答案解析(12月)作文请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试作文一:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essaybased on the picture below.You should start your essay with a briefaccount of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and thenexplain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.Youshould write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.“Dear Andy-How are you? Your mother and I are fine.We both miss youand hope you are doing well.We look forward to seeing you again the nest timeyour computer crashes and you come down-stairs for something to eat,Love,Momand Dad.”作文二:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essaybased on the picture below.You should start your essay with a briefaccount of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain whydoesn’t simply mean learning to obtaininformation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.“Once I learn how to use Google,isn’t thatall the education I really need?”作文三:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essaybased on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief account of theincreasin,use of the mobile phone in people’s life and explain theConsequence of overusing it. You should write at least 120 words butno more than 180 words.People are crossing the street looking at their cell phones andusing walking sticks in order to see.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear 8short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of eachconversation,one or more questionswill be asked about what was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each questionthere will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices markedA),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer,Then mark the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

2013年12月大学英语四级考试真题(多题多卷标准卷)Part I Writing【写作题一】The Impact of the Internet on the Way PeopleCommunicateIt is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above that there are a couple in front of a computer looking at the screen. With his wife standing behind, the man is writing an E-mail to tell their son how they miss him.The cartoon mirrors that the Internet has exerted a great influence on the way of people’s communication. People used to communicate face to face or write letters. Currently, those who tend to pay more attention to electronic communication than to face-to-face contact often argue that these ways of communication are more convenient and can save them time. However, when we chat with others online, we cannot convey our feelings fully. In addition, communicating through electronic tools tend to weaken the affection between people. And it will be likely to make people solitary or depressed. In the age of information, more and morepeople will inevitably communicate with each other via the Internet. However, as a family, we should learn to communicate face to face happily and frequently, because we will sooner or later face the fact that the electronic communication can’t replace face-to-face contact.【写作题二】The Impact of the Internet on LearningIt is apparently depicted in the cartoon given above that while a teacher wants to give a quiz to a little boy who is holding a cell phone in his hand and says: “Once I learn how to use Google, isn’t that all the education I really need?”The teacher seems to be quite embarrassed and shocked after hearing her student’s naïve question.The cartoon vividly mirrors one of the problems in our lives that the Internet has exerted a great influence on people’s learning. We can acquire relevant knowledge and information rapidly and precisely via search engines, professional websites and onlineeducation. However, education does not simply mean learning to obtain information. Leaning basic hands-on skills, traveling with classmates, participating in social activities and fulfilling a project with our teamwork can also be effective and indispensable forms. All of these maybe can not be achieved by obtaining information from Internet alone.Therefore, we should not ignore those traditional, essential and prevailing forms of education when we surf the web and speak highly of convenience of the Internet education in the age of information.Part II Listening Comprehension【答案】1-5: C A C B A 6-10: B D A C A 11-15:B D A D C16-20: A B D B C 21-25: A C D B A26. In addition 27. software 28. available 29. individuals 30. technological31. manufacture 32. In short 33. By contrast 34. scientific 35. quantitySection A1. W: I’d like to take a trip to Florida for my spring break, can you give me any idea where to go?M: I could tell you about the places I visited, but I think you’d better look up a travel agency to help with the arrangements.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?2. M: I’m really tired of driving at night. Even though the traffic seems fine.W: I see. Let’s stop for some food and then find a motel nearby, so we can start early tomorrow.Q: What do we learn about the speaker?3. M: Jeff’s got a lot of good ideas. Do you think he is willing to come to the meeting?W: Oh I think he’d be glad to come, but what’s difficult is getting the guy to speak before a large crowd.Q: What does the woman imply about Jeff?4. W: I hear you are leaving the company and going back to school this year.M: Yes, I’m enrolled in a graduate program in public administration.Q: What is the man going to do?5. W: Have you applied for the Art director position?M: No, I’d like to. But the job starts on the first of May and I wouldn’t be available until Jane.Q: What does the man mean?6. W: Will my car be ready by the end of the day?M: It should be. I’ll call if there are any problems. We are open until 6.Q: What is probably the man’s job?7. W: I have a big paper due Monday, but I promise Laura we’d be clean the apartment this weekend. Whatam I going to do?M: Why don’t you just see if Laura can wait for a week or two?Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?8. W: Construction on the bridge has really slowed the traffic.M: I know. Since they started working the time it takes me get to work has doubled.Q: What are the speakers talking about?Conversation OneW: Sales department, Can I help you?M: Oh, yes, I hop so. My name is Kings Bruce of GPF Ltd. We need some supplies for our design office.W: I see. What sort of things are you looking for, Mr. Kings Bruce?M: Well, first of all, we need one complete new drawing board.W: Well, in the standard range, we have the D044, and the D045 models.M: Oh, what’s the difference between them?W: Well, the D045 has its own mending system and it does cost slightly more as a result.M: S0o what is the total price?W: For the D045 it is 387 ponds 50 cents.M: And did that include the value added tax?W: Oh, yes!M: Can you tell me how long does it take to deliver?W: I can’t give a definite date now, I am afraid, because it depends on the other orders we have to get out. But it will certainly be within 3 weeks.M: OI, now we also want some drawing paints, ink and correction fluid and some drawing paper.W: Ah, now the lady who deals with drawing office supplies isn’t here this morning I am afraid. But I could ask her to give you a ring this afternoon if you like.M: Oh, yes, thank you.W: What is your telephone number?M: It is writing. That is code 0734, 21653-51.W: Ok. I’ll get Miss Thomson to ring you this afternoon. Now would you like me to place your order for one D045 drawing board?M: Yes, please. You’ve been most helpful. Good bye.W: Good bye!Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.Wha t’s the man’s purpose in making the telephone call?10.What can’t the man order the other drawing office supplies right now?11.What’s the man’s telephone number?Conversation TwoW: Daves, ever since he moved into his own apartment, he’s been losing weight. He really doesn’t look well at all, probably not eating enough.W: Well, anyway how is Tim these days?M: Tim? Oh, Tim has me worried too. He is really getting much too fat. He needs to lose about 75 pounds now.W: That’s a lot of weight to lose. What does Tim eat?M: I really don’t know. But I am sure he is eating too much cake and candy.W: Well, did tell you Mark doesn’t eat any meat now? He only eats vegetables and fruit.M: Tha t’s probably why he is so thin. Does he smoke?W: About two packs of cigarettes a day. That’s my son, a smoking vegetarian.M: En, if he stops smoking, he will win weight. I know he would. Tim put on a lot of weight, when he stops smoking. W: Does Tim play any sports?M: Play sports?! Oh, mine! I keep telling him “Tim dear, you really need to get some exercise.” And do you know what he does? He just gets angry.W: I know Mark doesn’t take exercise, either.M: Did you tell him?W: Of course, but you know what it is like being a mother of a 30-year-old boy. They just don’t think they need your advice any more. I wish Mark could find a nice girl friend to relax and have fun with. I heard Tim has a girl friend at last. That’s wonderful.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.When did Mark start losing weight according to the woman?13.Why is the man worried about Tim?14.What do Tim and Mark have in common?15.What is the woman’s wish for Mark?Section BPassage OneDonna Fredrick’s served with the Peace Corps for two years in Brazil. She joined the Peace Corps after she graduated from the college because she wanted to do something to help other people. She had been brought up on a farm, so the Peace Corps assigned her to an agricultural project. Before she went to Brazil, she studied Portuguese for three months. She also learnt a great deal about its history and culture. During her two years with the Peace Corps, Donna lived in a village in northeastern Brazil. That part of Brazil is very dry and farming is often difficult there. Donna helped the people of the village to organize an irrigation project, and she also advised them on planting crops that didn’t require much water. When Donna returned to the States, she couldn’t settle down. She tried several jobs, but they seemed very boring to her. She couldn’t get Brazil out of her mind. Finally, one day she got on a plane and went back to Brazil. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do. She just wanted to be there. After a few weeks, Donna found a job as an English teacher, teaching five classes a day. Like most of the teachers, she doesn’t make much money. She shares a small apartment with another teacher. And she makes a little extra money by sending stories to newspapers in the States. Eventually she wants to quit teaching and work as a fulltime journalist.Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.Why did Donna join the Peace Corps after she graduated from college?17.What was Donna assigned to do in Brazil?18.Why did Donna go back to Brazil once again?19.How did Donna make extra money to support herself?Passage TwoResults of a recent Harry’s poll on free time showed that the average work week for many Americans is 50 hours. With the time spent eating, sleeping and taking care of household duties, there’s little time left for leisure activities for many Americans. However, having free time to relax and pursue hobbies is important. People need time away from the pressure of study or work to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. In different countries free time is spent in different ways. The results of the Harry’s poll showed that reading was the most popular spare time activity in the US. This was followed by watching TV. In a UK survey on leisure time activities, watching TV and videos was the most popular. Listening to the radio came second. In a similar survey conducted in Japan, the most popular free time activity was eating out. The second most popular activity was driving. There were also differences in the most popular outdoor pursuits between the three countries. The most popular outdoor activity for Americans was gardening. In the UK, it was going to the pub. In Japan, going to bars ranked eighth in popularity and gardening ranked ninth. Although people around the world may enjoy doing similar things in their free time, there’s evidence to suggest that these interests are changing. In the US, for example, the popularity of computer activities is increasing. Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online.Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.20.What is the recent Harry’s poll mainly about?21.What was the most popular leisure activity in the US?22.What was the most popular outdoor pursuit in the UK?Passage ThreeOn March 13th, while on duty Charles McLaughlin, a very careless driver employed by the company Lummis was involved in another accident. The accident occurred in Riverside California. Not paying attention to his driving, McLaughlin turned right on main street and 33rd street and hit V olkswagen Rabbit. This caused minor damage to his truck and serious damage to the car. On the basis of the police report, the Lummis accident committee correctly determined that McLaughlin had been quite careless. As a result of the committee’s conclusion, the branch manager Mr. David Rossi reported that they had talked with McLaughlin about his extremely poor driving record. Further evidence of McLaughlin’s irresponsibility occurred on May 6th when he was returning from his shift. That day he ran into a roll-up door at the Lummis facility in Valero, causingsignificant damage to the door. Damage to the truck, however, was minor. Finally, on June 7th, McLaughlin once again demonstrated his carelessness by knocking down several mail boxes near the edge of the company’s parking lot. There was damage to the mailboxes and minor damage to the truck. Mr. David Rossi stated that he had spoken with McLaughlin on several occasions about his driving record. He added that he had warned McLaughlin that three preventable accidents in one year could lead to his discharge, as indeed it should. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23.What did the Lummis accident committee find out about the accident that occurred on March 13th?24.What did McLaughlin do on June 7th near the edge of the company’s parking lot?25.What is most probably going to happen to McLaughlin?Section CMany college students today won personal computers that cost anywhere from $1,000 to perhaps $5,000 or more. (26) In addition, it is not uncommon for them to purchase (27) software costing another several hundred dollars. Twenty years ago, computers were (28) available, but they were very large and extremely expensive. Few, if any, (29) individuals purchased computers for home use. Over the years, the price of the “guts”of a computer —its memory —has declined to less than a thousandth of the price per unit of memory that prevailed twenty years ago. This is the main reason why computers cost so much less today than they used to. Moreover, (30) technological improvements have made it possible to (31) manufacture memory circuitry that is small enough to fit into the portable personal computers that many of us own and use. (32) In short, as the price of computation has declined the average consumer and business have spent more on purchasing computers.(33) By contrast, improved agricultural technology, hybrid seeds, (34) scientific animal breeding, and so on have vastly increased the amount of output a typical farmer can produce. The prices of goods such as meats and grains have fallen sharply relative to the prices of most other goods and services. As agricultural prices have fallen, many households have decreased their total expenses on food. Even though the (35) quantity of a product purchased generally increases when its price falls, total expenses on it may decline.Part III Reading Comprehension【答案】36-40: N L I O F 41-45: D C J M H46-50: K C E B H 51-55: D J C L F56-60: C A D C D 61-65: A B D B CSection A36.【N】因为前面有the修饰,后面有of限定范围,首先判断此处词性为名词,整个短语应该是place的同位语,所以词义与地点有关。

2013年12月大学英语四级考试真题(一)答案详解Part1 WritingThe Impact of the Internet on Learning第1段:引入活题,说明网络影响了人们对学习的认识Has exerted great influence on (obtaining information)第2段:解释为什么教育不能和获取信息简单地等同起来Critical thinking practical skills第3段:总结观点,说明网络有利于学习,但性格和能力的培养对教育也很重要Valuable, be fully aware of cultivating their character范文点评:The Impact of the Internet on Learning 【1】The Internet has exerted great influence on learning, so that an increasing number of individuals value it as a truth that obtaining information is equal to education. However,【2】as the picture warns us, education involves more than simply learning to obtain information.From my perspective,【3】education also includes critical thinking and practical skills rather than a mere accumulation of information and knowledge.【4】For one thing, critical thinking is essential to scientific progress, contributing to innovation and technical advances, just as Confucius warned us, “ Learning without th inking leads to confusion.”【5】For another, it is crucial to apply what you have learned to practice and that's the very reason why exceptional scientists accomplish great achievements in their fields.【6】In a word, the internet does provide valuable information for learners, but people should be fully aware of the essence of education and attach importance to cultivating theircharacter and developing their ability instead of just giving priority to dependence on the Internet.【7】thus, only by emphasizing innovation can education be completely fulfilled in practice.【1】引入话题,说明网络影响了人们对学习的认识。

2013年12⽉英语四级考试阅读真题及答案 Section A Directions: In this section, there is apassage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blankfrom a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bankis identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each itemon Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any ofthe words in the bank more than once. Questions 36 to 45 are based on thefollowing passage.What does it take to be a well-trainednurse? The answer used to be two-year associate’s or four-year bachelor’sdegree programs. But as the nursing shortage 36, a growing number of schoolsand hospitals are establishing “fast-track programs” that enable collegegraduates with no nursing 37 to become registered nurses with only a year or soof 38 training.In 1991, there were only 40 fast-trackcurricula; now there are more than 200. Typical is Columbia University’s Entry to Practice program. Students earn their bachelor of sciencein nursing in a year. Those who stay on for an 39 two years can earn a master’s degree that 40 them as nurse practitioners (执业护⼠) orclinical nurse specialists.Many students are recent 41; others are careerswitchers. Rudy Guardron, 32, a 2004 graduate of Columbia’s program, was a premedical student in college and then worked for apharmaceutical (药物的) research company. At Columbia, he was 42 as a nurse practitioner. “I saw thatnurses were in high 43 and it looked like a really good opportunity,” he says. “Also, I didn’t want to be in school for that long.”The fast-track trend fills a need, but it’s alsocreating some 44 between newcomers and veterans. “Nurses that arestill at the bedside 45 these kids with suspicion,” says LindaPellico, who has taught nursing at Yale University for 18 years. “They wonder,how can they do it quicker?” The answer is they don’t. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

2013年12月大学英语四级考试阅读理解真题及答案详解(全套)2013年12月大学英语四级考试阅读理解真题及答案(全套)——幸福就好我亦安2013年12月大学英语四级考试阅读理解真题(一)【阅读】Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of factors besides our biological need for energy, including our eating environment and our perception of the food in front of us.Studies have shown, for instance, that eating in front of the TV (or a similar distraction) can increase both hunger and the amount of food consumed. Even simple visual cues, like plate size and lighting, have been shown to affect portion size and consumption.A new study suggested that our short-term memory also may play a role in appetite. Several hours after a meal, people's hunger levels were pre dicted not by how much they’d eaten but rather by how much food they'd seen in front of them—in other words, how much they remembered eating.This disparity (盖弃)suggests the memory of our previous meal may have a bigger influence on our appetite than the actual size of the meal, says Jeffrey M. Brunstrom, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Bristol."Hunger isn't controlled solely by the physical characteristics of a recent meal. We have identified an independent role for memory for that meal," Brunstrom says."This shows that the relationship between hunger and food intake is more complex than we thought."These findings echo earlier research that suggests our perception of food can sometimes trick our body’s response to the food itself. In a 2011 study, for instance, people who drank the same 3S0-calorie (卡路里)milkshake on two separate occasions produced different levels of hunger-related hormones (荷尔蒙),depending on whether the shake’s label said it contained 620 or 140 calories. Moreover, the participants reported feeling more full when they thought they'd consumed a higher-calorie shake.What does this mean for our eating habits? Although it hardly seems practical to trick ourselves into eating less, the new findings do highlight the benefits of focusing on our food and avoiding TV and multitasking while eating.The so-called mindful-eating strategies can fight distractions and help us control our appetite, Brunstrom says.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
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窗体顶端注意不是多选题Is College a Worthy Investment?A) Why are we spending so much money on college? And why are we so unhappy about it? We all seem to agree that a college education is wonderful, and yet strangely we worry when we see families investing so much in this supposedly essential good. Maybe it's time to ask a question that seems almost sacrilegious (大不敬的): is all this investment in college education really worth it? B) The answer, I fear, is no. For an increasing number of kids, the extra time and money spent pursuing a college diploma will leave them worse off than they were before they set foot on campus.C) For my entire adult life, a good education has been the most important thing for middle-class households. My parents spent more educating my sister and me than they spent on their house, and they're not the only ones... and, of course, for an increasing number of families, most of the cost of their house is actually the cost of living in a good school district. Questioning the value of a college education seems a bit like questioning the value of happiness, or fun.D) The average price of all goods and services has risen about 50 percent. But the price of a college education has nearly doubled in that time. Is the education that today's students are getting twice as good? Are new workers twice as smart? Have they become somehow massively more expensive to educate?E) Perhaps a bit. Richard Vedder, an Ohio University economics professor, says, "I look at the data, and I see college costs rising faster than inflation up to the mid-1980s by 1 percent a year.Now I see them rising 3 to 4 percent a year over inflation. What has happened? The federalgovernment has started dropping money out of airplanes. " Aid has increased, subsidized(补贴的) loans have become available, and "the universities have gotten the money." Economist Bryan Caplan, who is writing a book about education, agrees: "It's a giant waste of resources that will continue as long as the subsidies continue."F)Promotional literature for colleges and student loans often speaks of debt as an "investment in yourself." But an investment is supposed to generate income to pay off the loans. More than half of all recent graduates are unemployed or in jobs that do not require a degree, and the amount of student-loan debt carried by households has increased more than five times since 1999. These graduates were told that a diploma was all they needed to succeed, but it won't even get them out of the spare bedroom at Mom and Dad's. For many, the most visible result of their four years is the loan payments, which now average hundreds of dollars a month on loan balances in the tens of thousands.G)It's true about the money-sort of. College graduates now make 80 percent more than people who have only a high-school diploma, and though there are no precise estimates, the wage premium (高出的部分) for an outstanding school seems to be even higher. But that's not true of every student. It's very easy to spend four years majoring in English literature and come out no more employable than you were before you went in. Conversely, chemical engineers straight out of school can easily make almost four times the wages of an entry-level high-school graduate.H)James Heckman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, has examined how the returns on education break down for individuals with different backgrounds and levels of ability. "Even with these high prices, you're still finding a high return for individuals who are bright and motivated," he says. On the other hand, "if you're not college ready, then the answer is no, it's not worth i t." Experts tend to agree that for the average student, college is still worth it today, but they also agree that the rapid increase in price is eating up more and more of the potential return. For borderlinestudents, tuition(学费) rise can push those returns into negative territory.I)Everyone seems to agree that the government, and parents, should be rethinking how we invest in higher education and that employers need to rethink the increasing use of college degrees as crude screening tools for jobs that don't really require college skills. "Employers seeing a surplus of college graduates and looking to fill jobs are just adding that requirement." says Vedder. "In fact, a college degree becomes a job requirement for becoming a bar-tender."J)We have started to see some change on the finance side. A law passed in 2007 allows many students to cap their loan payment at 10 percent of their income a nd forgives any balance after 25 years. But of course, that doesn't control the cost of education! it just shifts it to taxpayers. It also encourages graduates to choose lower-paying careers, which reduces the financial return to education still further. "You're subsidizing people to become priests and poets and so forth," says Heckman. "You may think that's a good thing, or you may not." Either way it will be expensive for the government.K)What might be a lot cheaper is putting more kids to work. Caplan notes that work also builds valuable skills- probably more valuable for kids who don't naturally love sitting in a classroom. Heckman agrees wholeheartedly: "People are different, and those abilities can be shaped. That's what we've learned, and public policy should recognize that."L)Heckman would like to see more apprenticeship-style(学徒式) programs, where kids can learn in the workplace-learn not just specific job skills, but the kind of "soft skills," like getting to work on time and getting along with a team- that are crucial for career success. "It's about having mentors (指导者) and having workplace-based education," he says. "Time and again I've seen examples of this kind of program working."M)Ah, but how do we get there from here? With better public policy, hopefully, but also by making better individual decisions. "Historically markets have been able to handle these things," saysVedder. "and I think eventually markets will handle this one. If it doesn't improve soon, people are going to wake up and ask, 'Why am I going to college?'"46. Caplan suggests that kids who don't love school go to work. K47. An increasing number of families spend more money on houses in a good school district . C48. Subsidized loans to college students are a huge waste of money, according to one economist. E49. More and more kids find they fare worse with a college diploma. B50. For those who are not prepared for higher education, going to college is not worth i t. H51. Over the years the cost of a college education has increased almost by 100%. D52. A law passed recently allows many students to pay no more than one tenth of their income for their college loans. J53. Middle-class Americans have highly valued a good education. C54. More kid s should be encouraged to participate in programs where they can learn not only job skills but also social skills. L55. Over fifty percent of recent college graduates remain unemployed or unable to find a suitable job. F。