一.缩写词:Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time.1.Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.S = sumf = frequencyLeave out periods in standard abbreviations.cf = comparee.g. = exampledept = departmentUse only the first syllable of a word.pol = politicsdem = democracylib = liberalcap = capitalismUse entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable.pres = presentationsubj = subjectind = individualcons = conservativeEliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation.assoc = associatebiol = biologyinfo = informationach = achievementchem = chemistrymax = maximumintro = introductionconc = concentrationmin = minimumrep = repetitionOmit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word.ppd = preparedprblm = problemestmt = estimatebkgd = backgroundgvt = governmentUse an apostrophe in place of letters.am't = amountcont'd = continuedgov't = governmenteducat'l = educationalForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s.chpts = chaptersegs = examplesfs = frequenciesintros = introductionsUse g to represent ing endings.ckg = checkingestg = establishingdecrg = decreasingexptg = experimentingSpell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key.Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand.Leave out unimportant words.Leave out the words a and the.If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, substitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter.Use symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words.& = andw/ = withw/o = withoutvs = against= therefore= = is or equal2. Use technical symbols where applicable.zb = German, for exampleibid = Latin, the same worko = degreesH2O = waterMore reference:Use standard maths, accounting, and science symbols. Examples:// parallelUse standard abbreviations and leave out full stops. Examples:eg exampleIT dept Information Technology departmentUK United KingdomUse only the first syllable of a word. Examples:mar marketingcus customercli clientUse the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable. Examples:subj subjectbudg budgetind individualTo distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an apostrophe, and the ending of the word. Examples:tech'gy technologygen'ion generalisationdel'y deliveryUse just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation. Examples: assoc associatedach achievementinfo informationOmit vowels from the middle of words, retaining only enough consonants to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word. Examples:bkgd backgroundmvmt movementprblm problemForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding 's.' Examples:custs customersfs frequencies/s ratiosUse 'g' to represent 'ing' endings. Examples:decrg decreasingckg checkingestblg establishingSpell out, rather than abbreviate short words. Examples:inbutaskeyLeave out unimportant verbs. Examples:iswasLeave out unnecessary articles. Examples:aantheIf a term, phrase, or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting, initials can be substituted whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. Example:January Advertising Campaign Budget JACBUse symbols for common connective or transition words. Examples:@ at2 to4 for& andw/ withw/o withoutvs againstCreate your own set of abbreviations and symbols. You may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations for different courses or subjects.Other Symbols and Abbreviationsas a result of / consequences of <--->resulting in --->and / also +equal to / same as =following ffmost importantly *less than <greater than >especially esp.二.缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:F拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receiveF保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/OF保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekRM roomPL peopleF根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN PositionPOSS(BL) PossiblePROD ProductQLTY QualityQUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF ReferenceREGL RegularREP RepresentativeRESN ReservationRPT RepeatRESPON ResponsibleSEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL TelephoneTEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
笔记 口译常用缩写
(Note-taking: Useful Signs and Abbreviations)1.常用笔记符号:符号信息意义箭头符号↑上升;提高;增强;上涨;增长;扩大;起飞;升空;提拔;晋升(grow, expand, develop, rise, go up, increase , ascend, launch, skyrocket[使...上升], soar, appreciation[增值], promote[促进], upwards)↓下降;下沉;降低;滑坡;轰炸;减少;恶化;降职;削减/裁减(drop to, bomb, jump, go down, descend, decrease, deteriorate, depreciation[贬值], reduce, downwards)↗上扬;渐渐好转(become better and better)↘下挫;不断亏损(become worse and worse)→出口;去;向前;出国;前往;运往;导致;发展成为… (export to, enter, arrive in/at, present to, result in, send to, transmit to, lead to, export to, cause)←回顾;从前;进口;倒退;来自;源于(come from, originate from, receive from, go back to, import from)例如:café ← French意为: café源自于法语数学符号+ 增加;补充;除此之外另外(furthermore, in addition to, with, and, besides, etc)—减少;删除;缺乏(minus, lack)×表示“不对的,错的,坏的,不好的,臭名昭著的”(incorrect, wrong, bad, inappropriate, notorious)> 超过,大于,胜过,优于(more than, bigger than, surpass, better than, superior to)< 小于,不足,次于,逊色(fewer than, less than, worse than, inferior to)= 等于符号(equal) 在听力笔记中相当于“与…一样”(equal to, the same as),另外可以表示“是…的对手“(a ri-val, a competitor)等意思。
英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
①拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive②保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O③保留开头和结尾的发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people④根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO Information IMPS Impossible IMP(T) Important INCD Include INDIV Individual INS Insurance INTST InterestedI/O In stead of IOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF Manufacture MDL ModelMEMO Memorandum MGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY Necessary NLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD ProductQLTY Quality QUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF Reference REGL RegularREP RepresentativeRESN ReservationRPT RepeatRESPON ResponsibleSEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL TelephoneTEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large✓Z 表示“人”:people/person,因为 Z 看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
英语口译笔记常用缩略语acc = account, accountantacdg = accordingacpt = acceptad = advertisementadm = administrationads = addressadv = adviceagr = agricultureagt = agentalt = altitudea.m. = ante meridiem = before noonAMAP = as much as possibleamb = ambassadoramt = amountanal = analysisanc = ancientanon = anonymousans = answerapp = appendixApr = Aprilapt = apartmentarch = architecturearr = arrive; arrivalASAP = as soon as possibleass = assistant; associationat = atmosphere; atomicatt = attorney; attentionAug = Augustaux = auxiliaryav = averageave = avenuea.w.l. = absent with leave (准假)a.w.o.l. = absent without official leave (无故缺席) B.A. = Bachelor of Artsbal = balanceB.C. = before Christbd = boardbdl = bundlebk = bank; bookbkts = basketsB/L = bill of lading (提单)BLDG = buildingbp = birthplacebr = branch; brotherB.S. = Bachelor of Sciencebu = bureauC = capacity; century; chapter; centigrade; cost; city; center cal = calendar; caliber; caloriescap = capital; captaincat = catalogcc = carbon copy (复印件;抄送)CEO = chief executive officercert = certificateCFM = confirmcncl = cancelcp. = comparecit = citizenciv = civil; civilizationclk = clerkcml = commercialco. = companyc/o = care of(转交)col = college; colorcom = commentary; common; communication; communitycomm = commissioncomp = complete; computer; competitioncon = conclusion; againstcond = conditioncont. = continent; continuedcorp = corporationcust = customer; custom; customsDec = Decemberdec = deceased; declarationdef = defender; defensedeg = degreedep = depositDEPT = departmentdisc = discountdist = distance; distinguishdiv = divide; divorceddo. = ditto (同上)dorm = dormitorydpt = departuredz = dozene = east; earth; engineeringecon = economics; economyed. = education; editore.g. = exempli gratia = for exampleencl. = enclosed; enclosureesp. = especiallyetc. = et cetera = and so onex. = example; exception; extraexp. = exportexpln = explainext = extend; extensionFAX = facsimileFeb. = Februaryfem = female; feminineff. = followingfig = figuresfin = finance; financialfl = fluidFLT = flightFOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格) for = foreign; forestryfp = freezing pointfr = frequentFri. = Fridayfrt = freight (货物;货运)ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸)fut = futureFYR = for your reference (仅供参考)g = gold; grain; guide; gender; gravity G.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会) gen. = generallygent = gentleman; gentlemengm = gram; general managergov = governmentgs = general secretary (秘书长)h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogen hd = head (头部;首脑)hf = halfHon = honorable; honoraryH.Q. = headquartershr = hourht = heighthypoth = hypothesis; hypotheticali.a. = in absence; absentib. = ibidem = in the same placeID = identity; identity cardi.e. = id est = that isimp = import; imperialIMPS = impossibleIMPT = importantin. = inch; inchesind = industrial; independentindiv = individualinfo = informationins = insuranceinst. = instant; instituteint. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息) I/O = instead ofIOU = I owe you (借据)I.Q. = intelligence quotientIVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到)is. = islande = east; earth; engineeringecon = economics; economyed. = education; editore.g. = exempli gratia = for example encl. = enclosed; enclosureesp. = especiallyetc. = et cetera = and so onex. = example; exception; extraexp. = exportexpln = explainext = extend; extensionFAX = facsimileFeb. = Februaryfem = female; feminineff. = followingfig = figuresfin = finance; financialfl = fluidFLT = flightFOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格) for = foreign; forestryfp = freezing pointfr = frequentFri. = Fridayfrt = freight (货物;货运)ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸)fut = futureFYR = for your reference (仅供参考)g = gold; grain; guide; gender; gravity G.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会) gen. = generallygent = gentleman; gentlemengm = gram; general managergov = governmentgs = general secretary (秘书长)h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogenhd = head (头部;首脑)hf = halfHon = honorable; honoraryH.Q. = headquartershr = hourht = heighthypoth = hypothesis; hypotheticali.a. = in absence; absentib. = ibidem = in the same placeID = identity; identity cardi.e. = id est = that isimp = import; imperialIMPS = impossibleIMPT = importantin. = inch; inchesind = industrial; independentindiv = individualinfo = informationins = insuranceinst. = instant; instituteint. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息)I/O = instead ofIOU = I owe you (借据)I.Q. = intelligence quotientIVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到)is. = islande = east; earth; engineeringecon = economics; economyed. = education; editore.g. = exempli gratia = for exampleencl. = enclosed; enclosureesp. = especiallyetc. = et cetera = and so onex. = example; exception; extraexp. = exportexpln = explainext = extend; extensionFAX = facsimileFeb. = Februaryfem = female; feminineff. = followingfig = figuresfin = finance; financialfl = fluidFLT = flightFOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格) for = foreign; forestryfp = freezing pointfr = frequentFri. = Fridayfrt = freight (货物;货运)ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸)fut = futureFYR = for your reference (仅供参考)g = gold; grain; guide; gender; gravityG.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会)gen. = generallygent = gentleman; gentlemengm = gram; general managergov = governmentgs = general secretary (秘书长)h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogenhd = head (头部;首脑)hf = halfHon = honorable; honoraryH.Q. = headquartershr = hourht = heighthypoth = hypothesis; hypotheticali.a. = in absence; absentib. = ibidem = in the same placeID = identity; identity cardi.e. = id est = that isimp = import; imperialIMPS = impossibleIMPT = importantin. = inch; inchesind = industrial; independentindiv = individualinfo = informationins = insuranceinst. = instant; instituteint. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息)I/O = instead ofIOU = I owe you (借据)I.Q. = intelligence quotientIVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到)is. = islandJ = judge; justicejour = journal; journalistjr. = junior (大学三年级学生; 年少的; 初级的) kg = kilogram (千克;公斤)km = kilometer (公里)lat. = latitudelb. = pounds (磅;英镑)L/C = letter of credit (信用证)leg = legallib = library; librarianliq = liquidlit = literaturelong. = longitudeM.A. = Master of Artsmach = machinerymag = magazineman. = manual; manufactureMar = Marchmath = mathematicsMDL = model (型号;模特)Mdm = Madammed. = medicine; medicalmem = member; memoir (回忆录)memo = memorandum (备忘录)mid = middlemin = minute; minimummkt. = marketmod = moderate; modernMon. = Mondaymph = mile per hour (每小时英里数; 车速) Mr. = MisterMrs. = MistressMS = manuscripts (手稿)msg = messageMt = Mount; mountainmus = music; museumn = north; noon; name; normalnat = national; native; naturaln.d. = no date (无日期)NLT = not later than (不迟于)No. = numberNov. = Novembernr = nearobj = object; objectiveobs = obsolete (过时的); observeobt = obtainOct. = Octoberoff. = office; officialop. = opera; operation; oppositeord = ordinaryorg = organizationorig = originaloz. = ounce (盎司)p. = page; power; pressurepara = paragraphpart = particular; partnerpass = passive; passengerPAT = patentpayt = paymentpc = piece; personal computerpd. = paid (钱款)已付perf = perform; performancePh.D. = Doctor of Philosophypk = park; peak (备注:pk这个符号大家可以根据时髦的用语来灵活拓展其含义) pkg = packagePLS = pleasep.m. = post meridiem = [w]afternoonPOB = post-office boxpop = popular; populationpr. = pair; preferredprec = precedingprim = primary; primitiveprin. = principlepro = productProf. = professorpub. = public; publishqr. = quarterqt. = quantityqua = qualityr. = radius; railroad; retiredrcd = receivedrcpt = receiptRd = roadre = about (关于)reg = register; regionrep = representativerev = revise; reverse; revenueriv = riverrm. = roomrpt = report; repeatSat. = Saturdaysch = schoolsci = sciencesec = second; section; sectorsig. = signal; signaturesitn = situationsp. = species (物种); specimen (标本)sq. = squareSTD = standardSun. = Sundaysurg = surgery; surgeontech = technologytel. = telephonetemp = temporary; temperature Thur. = ThursdayTKS = thankstrans = transaction; translation trf = trafficttl = totalTu. = TuesdayT.U. = Trade Union (英)工会ult = ultimateUN = United Nationsuniv = universityup = upperusu. = usuallyvil = villageV.P. = Vice Presidentvs. = versusv.v. = vice versa (反之亦然)wel = welcome; welfareXL = extra large (特大号)。
口译中最常见的单词或词组的缩写一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:1.拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: manager MSG: message STD: standard RCV: receive2.保留前几个字母INFO information INS insurance EXCH exchange I owe you IOU Instead of I/O3.保留开头和结尾的发音字母WK week HR hour YR year RM room PL people4.根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through 高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possible AMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL Cancel CNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNL FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceF.Y.I. for your information GD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeH.R. Human Resources INFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O Instead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF Manufacture MDL ModelMEMO Memorandum MGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG Packing PL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD Product QLTY Quality QUTY Quantity RCV ReceiveREF Reference REGL RegularREP Representative RESN Reservation RPT Repeat RESPON Responsible SEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL Telephone TEMP Temporary TGM Telegraph THO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large新闻缩写词◆ ABC warfare Atomic-Biological-Chemical warfare 原子、生物、化学战ABM Treaty Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 反弹道导弹条约ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 美国军备控制和裁军署ADB Asian Development Bank 亚洲发展银行AID Agency for International Development 国际开发总署AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)ANC African National Congress 非洲人国民大会ANZUS Australia New-Zealand and the United States Mutual Security Pact 澳新美安全条约APC armored personnel carrier 装甲运兵车APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作APS Advanced Photo System 先进摄像系统(一种不用胶卷的照相机)ARATS Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits 海峡两岸关系协会ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟ASEM Asia-Europe Meeting 亚欧会议(1996年2月在泰国举行第一次会议,每两年一次)ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机AWACS Air-borne Warning and Command System 机载预警和指挥系统BCCI B ank of Credit and Commercial International 国际信贷和商业银行(1991年因涉嫌洗钱而破产)BP British Petroleum Company 英国石油公司CD Compact Disk (激)光盘CEO Chief Executive Officer (公司等的)总经理,总裁CFC Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon 含氯氟烃CIA Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局CIS Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家联合体(独联体)CKD Component Knocked Down 零件来料组装CMC Central Military Commission (中国共产党)中央军事委员会COCOM Coordinating Committee for Export to Communist Countries (巴黎)统筹委员会CPPCC Chinese People’s Political Consultative Co nference (中国)全国人民政治协商会议CSCE Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe 欧洲安全和合作会议CSIS Center for Strategic and International Study 战略和国际研究中心CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 全面禁止核试验条约DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (美国)毒品缉私局DMZ Demilitarized Zone 非军事区DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸EC European Council 欧盟委员会ECOWAS Economic Community Of West African States 西非国家经济共同体ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism (欧洲)货币体系汇率机制EU European Union 欧盟Euratom European Union’s Atomic Energy Ag ency 欧洲原子能机构FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 常问的问题FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局FBR Fast Breeding Reactor 快速增殖反应堆FIFA International Football Federation 国际足球联合会FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas 美洲自由贸易区GATT the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税及贸易总协定GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治(格林尼治)平均时间GNP Gross National Product 国民生产总值GNP G rand National Party (韩)大国民党HARM High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile 高速反辐射导弹HDTV High Definition Television 高清晰度电视IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能委员会IBM Inter-continental Ballistic Missile 洲际弹道导弹ICC International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会ICJ International Commission of Jurists 国际法学家委员会ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross 红十字国际委员会IFOR NATO’s Implementing Force 北大西洋公约组织驻波黑的部队???IISS International Institute for Strategic Study (伦敦)国际战略研究所ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织INF Treaty Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty 中程核导弹条约???Interpol (ICPO) International Criminal Police Organization 国际刑警组织IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会IPR Intellectual Property rights 知识产权IPTF United Nations’ International Police Task Fo rce 联合国国际警察部队IRC International Red Cross 国际红十字会KEDO Korean peninsula Energy Development Organization 朝鲜半岛能源开发组织LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示LP Long-Playing record 密纹唱片LTTE Liberation Tiger of Tamil Elam (斯里兰卡)“伊拉姆”泰米尔猛虎解放组织M&A Merge and Acquisition 兼并与收购MFN Most Favored Nation 最惠国MIA Missing In Action 战争中失踪的人MP Military Police 宪兵队MP Military Policemen 宪兵MP (M.P) Member of Parliament (英国)下院议员MQP Most Quoted Person 最知名的运动员MSF M edicines Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders) 医生无国界(法国的一医疗慈善救援机构)MVP Most Valuable Player (NBA)最有价值球员NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 全国有色人种协进会NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协议(由美国、加拿大和墨西哥签订)NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NPC National People’s Congress (中国)全国人民代表大会NPT Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty 防止核扩散条约NTR N ormal Trade Relations 正常贸易关系(美国自1998年7月22日起用NTR替代原来使用的MFN)OAS Organization of American States 美洲国家组织OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesPECC Pacific Economic Cooperation Council 太平洋地区经济合作委员会PNA Palestinian National Authority 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构RNA Ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸R&D Research and Development 研发部门RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade 火箭推进的榴弹SADC Southern African Development Community 南部非洲发展共同体SAR Special Administrative Region 特别行政区SARS Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeSCNPC Standing Committee of the National Peopl e’s (中国)全国人民代表大会常务委员会SDI Strategic Defence Initiatives 战略防御计划(星球大战,后改称SETI Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence 外星文明搜索计划SEZ Special Economic Zone (中国)经济特区SKD Subunit Knocked Down 组件来料组装UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUNPROFOR United Nations Protection Forces 在波黑的联合国和平保护部队UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission on Iraq联合国伊拉克事务特别使团UNSCOM UN Special Committee for the Disarmament of Iraq 联合国特委会USS United States’ Ship 美国军舰VAT value added taxVolrep Voluntary repatriation 自愿遣返WEU Western European Union 西欧联盟WFP World Food Program 世界粮食署WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织(1995年取代GATT)二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
1. A.C.S= American Chemical Society 美国化学学会2.APEC=Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织3.APHA=American Public Health Association 美国公共卫生协会4.ASEAN=Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟PIT=China Chamber['tʃembɚ] for Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会6.CEN=Comite Europeen de Normalisation (European Committee[kə'mɪti]forStandardization[,stændədɪ'zeʃən]) 欧洲标准化委员会7.CQC=China Quality Certification Center 中国质量认证中心8.EFTA=European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟9.EU=European ['jʊrə'piən]Union 欧洲联盟10.FAO=Food and Agriculture Organization (Of the United Nations) (联合国)粮农组织11.FDA=Food and Drug Administration(of U.S.A) (美)食品药物管理局12.GATT=General Agreement Tariffs and Trade 关税与贸易总协定13.IAEA=International Atomic [ə'tɒmɪk]Energy Agency 国际原子能机构14.IEC=International Electrotechnical[i,lektrəu'teknikəl Commission 国际电工技术委员会15.ILO=International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织16.IMF=International Monetary ['mʌnɪtɛri]Fund 国际货币基金组织17.IMO=International Maritime ['mærɪtaɪm] Organization 国际海事组织18.ISO=International Standardization[,stændədɪ'zeʃən]Organization 国际标准化组织19.OPEC= Organization of Petroleum[pə'trolɪəm] Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织20.UNCTAD=United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议21.UNDP=United Nations Development Program联合国开发计划署22.UNEP=United Nations Environment Program 联合国环境署23.WB=World Bank 世界银行24.WCO=World Customs Organization 世界海关组织25.WHO=World Health organization 世界卫生组织26.WIPO=World Intellctual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织27.WTO=World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织1. 国民生产总值 GNP=Gross National Product2. 国内生产总值 GDP=Gross Domestic[də'mɛstɪk]Product3. 中华人民共和国PRC=People’s Republic of China4. 中国共产党 CPC=Communist['kɑmjənɪst]Party of China5. 全国人民代表大会 NPC=the National People’s Congress['kɒŋgres]6. 政协 CPPCC=Chinese People's Political Consultative [kən'sʌltətɪv] Conference7. 社会保障体系社保/SSS=Social Security System8. 国有企业SOE=State-owned Enterprise['ɛntɚ'praɪz]9. 中小企业SME=Small and Medium-size Enterprise10. 投资回报率 ROI=return on investment11. 外国直接投资 FDI=Foreign Direct Investment12. 非政府组织NGO=Non-governmental Organization13. 并购 M&A=merger['mɝdʒɚ] and acquisition[,ækwɪ'zɪʃən]1.ATM英文Automatic['ɔtə'mætɪk] Teller['tɛlɚ] Machine的缩写,即自动柜员机,又称自动取款机。
一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:F拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receiveF保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/OF保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekRM roomPL peopleF根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possible AMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view of MANUF Manufacture MDL ModelMEMO Memorandum MGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG Message NCRY Necessary NLT No later than OBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD ProductQLTY QualityQUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF Reference REGL RegularREP Representative RESN Reservation RPT Repeat RESPON Responsible SEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL T elephone TEMP T emporary TGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU Y ouUR Y ourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
口译 常见缩写
一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:1.拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive2.保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O3.保留开头和结尾的发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people4.根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT Department DISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN PositionPOSS(BL) PossiblePROD ProductQLTY QualityQUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF ReferenceREGL RegularREP RepresentativeRESN ReservationRPT RepeatRESPON ResponsibleSEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL Telephone TEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示“人”people/person,因为Z 看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
例如:“from 2000—to date”表示从2000年到现在。
口译中最常见的缩写一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:1.拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive2.保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O3.保留开头和结尾的发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people4.根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN PositionPOSS(BL) PossiblePROD ProductQLTY QualityQUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF ReferenceREGL RegularREP RepresentativeRESN ReservationRPT RepeatRESPON ResponsibleSEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL TelephoneTEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示“人”people/person,因为Z 看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: import ant, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:F拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receiveF保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/OF保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekRM roomPL peopleF根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possible AMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO Information IMPS Impossible IMP(T) Important INCD Include INDIV Individual INS Insurance INTST InterestedI/O In stead of IOU I owe you IVO In view of MANUF Manufacture MDL ModelMEMO Memorandum MGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG Message NCRY Necessary NLT No later than OBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD Product QLTY Quality QUTY Quantity RCV ReceiveREF Reference REGL RegularREP Representative RESN Reservation RPT Repeat RESPON Responsible SEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL Telephone TEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
(一)国际性组织ADB = Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Group) 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟AU = African Union 非洲联盟CARICOM = Caribbean Community and Common Market 加勒比共同体和共同市场CD = Conference on Disarmament 裁军谈判会议CHR = Commission of Human Rights (联合国)人权委员会CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家联合体The Commonwealth = The Commonwealth of Nations 英联邦EC = European Community 欧洲共同体(已被EU取代)EFTA = European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易协会EP = European Parliament 欧洲议会EU = European Union 欧盟GA TT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税和贸易协定(已被WTO取代)G-7 = Group of Seven (西方)七国集团IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (联合国)国际复兴开发银行ICJ = International Court of Justice (联合国)国际法院;海牙国际法庭IMF = International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织Interpol = International Criminal Police Organization 国际刑事警察组织IOC = International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会NA TO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NAM = Non-Aligned Movement 不结盟运动OAS = Organization of American States 美洲国家联盟OAU = Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织(已被AU取代)OECD = Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和开发组织OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织OSCE = Organization for Security and Cooperation in European 欧洲安全与合作组织SC (UN) = Security Council of United Nations (联合国)安理会SNES = Seven-Nation Economic Summit 七国经济最高级会议TC = Trusteeship Council (联合国)托管理事会U.N. = United Nations 联合国UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易与发展会议(二)国家和地区A.AE-阿联酋(United Emirates)AF-阿富汗(Afghanistan)AL-阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)AM-亚美尼亚(Armenia)AO-安哥拉(Angola)AR-阿根廷(Argentina)A T-奥地利(Austria)AU-澳大利亚(Australia)AZ-阿塞拜疆(Azerbaijan (Republic))B.BD-孟加拉(Bangladesh)BE-比利时(Belgium)BF-布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)BG-保加利亚(Bulgaria)BH-巴林(Bahrein)BI-布隆迪(Burundi)BJ-贝宁(Benin)BN-文莱(Brunei Darussalam)BO-玻利维亚(Bolivia)BR-巴西(Brazil)BW-博茨瓦纳(Botswana)BY-白俄罗斯(Byelorussia)C.CA-加拿大(Canada)CF-中非(Central Africa)CG-刚果(Congo)CH-瑞士(Switzerland)CL-智利(Chile)CM-喀麦隆(Cameroon)CN-中国(China)CO-哥伦比亚(Colombia)CR-哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)CS-捷克(Czech Republic)CU-古巴(Cuba)CY-塞浦路斯(Cyprus)D.DE-德国(Germany)DK-丹麦(Denmark)DO-多米尼亚共和国(Dominican Republic) DZ-阿尔及利亚(Algeria)E.EC-厄瓜多尔(Ecuador)EE-爱沙尼亚(Estonia)EG-埃及(Egypt)ES-西班牙(Spain)ET-埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)F.FI-芬兰(Finland)FJ-斐济(Fiji)FR-法国(France)G.GA-加蓬(Gabon)GB-英国(United Kingdom)GD-格林纳达(Grenada)GE-格鲁吉亚(Georgia)GH-加纳(Ghana)GN-几内亚(Guinea)GR-希腊(Greece)GT-危地马拉(Guatemala)H.HK-香港特别行政区(Hong Kong) HN-洪都拉斯(Honduras)HU-匈牙利(Hungary)I.ID-印度尼西亚(Indonesia)IE-爱尔兰(Ireland)IL-以色列(Israel)IN-印度(India)IQ-伊拉克(Iraq)IR-伊朗(Iran)IS-冰岛(Iceland)IT-意大利(Italy)J.JM-牙买加(Jamaica)JO-约旦(Jordan)JP-日本(Japan)K.KG-吉尔吉斯斯坦(Kyrgyzstan)KH-柬埔寨(Kampuchea (Cambodia)) KP-朝鲜(Korea, Dem. People’s)KR-韩国(Republic of Korea)KT-科特迪瓦共和国(Cote d’Ivoire) KW-科威特(Kuwait)KZ-哈萨克(Kazakhstan)L.LA-老挝(Laos)LB-黎巴嫩(Lebanon)LC-圣卢西亚(Saint Lucia)LI-列支敦士登(Liechtenstein)LK-斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka)LR-利比里亚(Liberia)LT-立陶宛(Lithuania)LU-卢森堡(Luxembourg)LV-拉脱维亚(Latvia)LY-利比亚(Libyan)M.MA-摩洛哥(Morocco)MC-摩纳哥(Monaco)MD-摩尔多瓦(Moldova, Republic of) MG-马达加斯加(Madagascar)ML-马里(Mali)MM-缅甸(Burma (Myanmar))MN-蒙古(Mongolia)MO-澳门特别行政区(Macao)MT-马耳他(Malta)MU-毛里求斯(Mauritius)MW-马拉维(Malawi)MX-墨西哥(Mexico)MY-马来西亚(Malaysia)MZ-莫桑比克(Mozambique)N.NA-纳米比亚(Namibia)NE-尼日尔(Niger)NG-尼日利亚(Nigeria)NI-尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua)NL-荷兰(Netherlands)NO-挪威(Norway)NP-尼泊尔(Nepal)NZ-新西兰(New Zealand)O.OM-阿曼(Oman)P.PA-巴拿马(Panama)PE-秘鲁(Peru)PG-巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea) PH-菲律宾(Philippines)PK-巴基斯坦(Pakistan)PL-波兰(Poland)PL-巴勒斯坦(Palestine)PT-葡萄牙(Portugal)PY-巴拉圭(Paraguay)Q.QA-卡塔尔(Qatar)R.RO-罗马尼亚(Romania)RU-俄罗斯(Russian Federation)S.SA-沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SC-塞舌尔(Seychelles)SD-苏丹(Sudan)SE-瑞典(Sweden)SG-新加坡(Singapore)SI-斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)SK-斯洛伐克(Slovakia)SM-圣马力诺(San Marino)SN-塞内加尔(Senegal)SO-索马里(Somalia)SY-叙利亚(Syria)SZ-斯威士兰(Swaziland)T.TD-乍得(Chad)TG-多哥(Togo)TH-泰国(Thailand)TJ-塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan)TM-土库曼(Turkmenistan)TN-突尼斯(Tunisia)TR-土耳其(Turkey)TZ-坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)U.UA-乌克兰(Ukraine)UG-乌干达(Uganda)US-美国(United States)UY-瓦拉圭(Uruguay)UZ-乌兹别克(Uzbekistan)V.VC-圣文森特岛(Saint Vincent) VE-委内瑞拉(V enezuela)VN-越南(Viet Nam)Y.YE-也门(Y emen)YU-南斯拉夫联盟(Y ugoslavia)Z.ZA-南非(South Africa)ZM-赞比亚(Zambia)ZR-扎伊尔(Zaire)ZW-津巴布韦(Zimbabwe)。
洛基提醒:英语学习已经进入互联网时代一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:1.拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive2.保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O3.保留开头和结尾的发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people4.根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN PositionPOSS(BL) PossiblePROD ProductQLTY QualityQUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF ReferenceREGL RegularREP RepresentativeRESN ReservationRPT RepeatRESPON ResponsibleSEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL TelephoneTEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示“人”people/person,因为Z 看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
(1)国际性组织ADB = Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Group) 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟AU = African Union 非洲联盟CARICOM = Caribbean Community and Common Market 加勒比共同体和共同市场CD = Conference on Disarmament 裁军谈判会议CHR = Commission of Human Rights (联合国)人权委员会CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家联合体The Commonwealth = The Commonwealth of Nations 英联邦EC = European Community 欧洲共同体(已被EU取代)EFTA = European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易协会EP = European Parliament 欧洲议会EU = European Union 欧盟GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税和贸易协定(已被WTO取代)G-7 = Group of Seven (西方)七国集团IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (联合国)国际复兴开发银行ICJ = International Court of Justice (联合国)国际法院;海牙国际法庭IMF = International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织Interpol = International Criminal Police Organization 国际刑事警察组织IOC = International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NAM = Non-Aligned Movement 不结盟运动OAS = Organization of American States 美洲国家联盟OAU = Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织(已被AU取代)OECD = Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和开发组织OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织OSCE = Organization for Security and Cooperation in European 欧洲安全与合作组织SC (UN) = Security Council of United Nations (联合国)安理会SNES = Seven-Nation Economic Summit 七国经济最高级会议TC = Trusteeship Council (联合国)托管理事会U.N. = United Nations 联合国UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易与发展会议(2)国家和地区A.AE-阿联酋(United Emirates)AF-阿富汗(Afghanistan)AL-阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)AM-亚美尼亚(Armenia)AO-安哥拉(Angola)AR-阿根廷(Argentina)AT-奥地利(Austria)AU-澳大利亚(Australia)AZ-阿塞拜疆(Azerbaijan (Republic))B.BD-孟加拉(Bangladesh)BE-比利时(Belgium)BF-布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)BG-保加利亚(Bulgaria)BH-巴林(Bahrein)BI-布隆迪(Burundi)BJ-贝宁(Benin)BN-文莱(Brunei Darussalam)BO-玻利维亚(Bolivia)BR-巴西(Brazil)BW-博茨瓦纳(Botswana)BY-白俄罗斯(Byelorussia)C.CA-加拿大(Canada)CF-中非(Central Africa)CG-刚果(Congo)CH-瑞士(Switzerland)CL-智利(Chile)CM-喀麦隆(Cameroon)CN-中国(China)CO-哥伦比亚(Colombia)CR-哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)CS-捷克(Czech Republic)CU-古巴(Cuba)CY-塞浦路斯(Cyprus)D.DE-德国(Germany)DK-丹麦(Denmark)DO-多米尼亚共和国(Dominican Republic) DZ-阿尔及利亚(Algeria)E.EC-厄瓜多尔(Ecuador)EE-爱沙尼亚(Estonia)EG-埃及(Egypt)ES-西班牙(Spain)ET-埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)F.FI-芬兰(Finland)FJ-斐济(Fiji)FR-法国(France)G.GA-加蓬(Gabon)GB-英国(United Kingdom)GD-格林纳达(Grenada)GE-格鲁吉亚(Georgia)GH-加纳(Ghana)GN-几内亚(Guinea)GR-希腊(Greece)GT-危地马拉(Guatemala)H.HK-香港特别行政区(Hong Kong) HN-洪都拉斯(Honduras)HU-匈牙利(Hungary)I.ID-印度尼西亚(Indonesia)IE-爱尔兰(Ireland)IL-以色列(Israel)IN-印度(India)IQ-伊拉克(Iraq)IR-伊朗(Iran)IS-冰岛(Iceland)IT-意大利(Italy)J.JM-牙买加(Jamaica)JO-约旦(Jordan)JP-日本(Japan)K.KG-吉尔吉斯斯坦(Kyrgyzstan)KH-柬埔寨(Kampuchea (Cambodia)) KP-朝鲜(Korea, Dem. People’s)KR-韩国(Republic of Korea)KT-科特迪瓦共和国(Cote d’Ivoire) KW-科威特(Kuwait)KZ-哈萨克(Kazakhstan)L.LA-老挝(Laos)LB-黎巴嫩(Lebanon)LC-圣卢西亚(Saint Lucia)LI-列支敦士登(Liechtenstein)LK-斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka)LR-利比里亚(Liberia)LT-立陶宛(Lithuania)LU-卢森堡(Luxembourg)LV-拉脱维亚(Latvia)LY-利比亚(Libyan)M.MA-摩洛哥(Morocco)MC-摩纳哥(Monaco)MD-摩尔多瓦(Moldova, Republic of) MG-马达加斯加(Madagascar)ML-马里(Mali)MM-缅甸(Burma (Myanmar))MN-蒙古(Mongolia)MO-澳门特别行政区(Macao)MT-马耳他(Malta)MU-毛里求斯(Mauritius)MW-马拉维(Malawi)MX-墨西哥(Mexico)MY-马来西亚(Malaysia)MZ-莫桑比克(Mozambique)N.NA-纳米比亚(Namibia)NE-尼日尔(Niger)NG-尼日利亚(Nigeria)NI-尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua)NL-荷兰(Netherlands)NO-挪威(Norway)NP-尼泊尔(Nepal)NZ-新西兰(New Zealand)O.OM-阿曼(Oman)P.PA-巴拿马(Panama)PE-秘鲁(Peru)PG-巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea) PH-菲律宾(Philippines)PK-巴基斯坦(Pakistan)PL-波兰(Poland)PL-巴勒斯坦(Palestine)PT-葡萄牙(Portugal)PY-巴拉圭(Paraguay)Q.QA-卡塔尔(Qatar)R.RO-罗马尼亚(Romania)RU-俄罗斯(Russian Federation)S.SA-沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SC-塞舌尔(Seychelles)SD-苏丹(Sudan)SE-瑞典(Sweden)SG-新加坡(Singapore)SI-斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)SK-斯洛伐克(Slovakia)SM-圣马力诺(San Marino)SN-塞内加尔(Senegal)SO-索马里(Somalia)SY-叙利亚(Syria)SZ-斯威士兰(Swaziland)T.TD-乍得(Chad)TG-多哥(Togo)TH-泰国(Thailand)TJ-塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan)TM-土库曼(Turkmenistan)TN-突尼斯(Tunisia)TR-土耳其(Turkey)TZ-坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)U.UA-乌克兰(Ukraine)UG-乌干达(Uganda)US-美国(United States)UY-瓦拉圭(Uruguay)UZ-乌兹别克(Uzbekistan)V.VC-圣文森特岛(Saint Vincent) VE-委内瑞拉(Venezuela)VN-越南(Viet Nam)Y.YE-也门(Yemen)YU-南斯拉夫联盟(Yugoslavia)Z.ZA-南非(South Africa)ZM-赞比亚(Zambia)ZR-扎伊尔(Zaire)ZW-津巴布韦(Zimbabwe)。
口译中最常见的单词或词组的缩写2010-04-01 来源:英语点津【大中小】我要投稿划词已开启一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:1.拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive2.保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O3.保留开头和结尾的发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people4.根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possible AMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST Interested I/O In stead of IOU I owe you IVO In view of MANUF Manufacture MDL ModelMEMO Memorandum MGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG Message NCRY Necessary NLT No later than OBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD ProductQLTY Quality QUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF Reference REGL RegularREP Representative RESN Reservation RPT Repeat RESPON Responsible SEC SectionSITN Situation STD StandardTEL Telephone TEMP Temporary TGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示“人” people/person,因为 Z 看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
(一)国际性组织ADB = Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Group) 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟AU = African Union 非洲联盟CARICOM = Caribbean Community and Common Market 加勒比共同体和共同市场CD = Conference on Disarmament 裁军谈判会议CHR = Commission of Human Rights (联合国)人权委员会CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States 独立国家联合体The Commonwealth = The Commonwealth of Nations 英联邦EC = European Community 欧洲共同体(已被EU取代)EFTA = European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易协会EP = European Parliament 欧洲议会EU = European Union 欧盟GA TT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税和贸易协定(已被WTO取代)G-7 = Group of Seven (西方)七国集团IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (联合国)国际复兴开发银行ICJ = International Court of Justice (联合国)国际法院;海牙国际法庭IMF = International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织Interpol = International Criminal Police Organization 国际刑事警察组织IOC = International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会NA TO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织NAM = Non-Aligned Movement 不结盟运动OAS = Organization of American States 美洲国家联盟OAU = Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织(已被AU取代)OECD = Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和开发组织OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织OSCE = Organization for Security and Cooperation in European 欧洲安全与合作组织SC (UN) = Security Council of United Nations (联合国)安理会SNES = Seven-Nation Economic Summit 七国经济最高级会议TC = Trusteeship Council (联合国)托管理事会U.N. = United Nations 联合国UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易与发展会议(二)国家和地区A.AE-阿联酋(United Emirates)AF-阿富汗(Afghanistan)AL-阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)AM-亚美尼亚(Armenia)AO-安哥拉(Angola)AR-阿根廷(Argentina)A T-奥地利(Austria)AU-澳大利亚(Australia)AZ-阿塞拜疆(Azerbaijan (Republic))B.BD-孟加拉(Bangladesh)BE-比利时(Belgium)BF-布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)BG-保加利亚(Bulgaria)BH-巴林(Bahrein)BI-布隆迪(Burundi)BJ-贝宁(Benin)BN-文莱(Brunei Darussalam)BO-玻利维亚(Bolivia)BR-巴西(Brazil)BW-博茨瓦纳(Botswana)BY-白俄罗斯(Byelorussia)C.CA-加拿大(Canada)CF-中非(Central Africa)CG-刚果(Congo)CH-瑞士(Switzerland)CL-智利(Chile)CM-喀麦隆(Cameroon)CN-中国(China)CO-哥伦比亚(Colombia)CR-哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)CS-捷克(Czech Republic)CU-古巴(Cuba)CY-塞浦路斯(Cyprus)D.DE-德国(Germany)DK-丹麦(Denmark)DO-多米尼亚共和国(Dominican Republic) DZ-阿尔及利亚(Algeria)E.EC-厄瓜多尔(Ecuador)EE-爱沙尼亚(Estonia)EG-埃及(Egypt)ES-西班牙(Spain)ET-埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)F.FI-芬兰(Finland)FJ-斐济(Fiji)FR-法国(France)G.GA-加蓬(Gabon)GB-英国(United Kingdom)GD-格林纳达(Grenada)GE-格鲁吉亚(Georgia)GH-加纳(Ghana)GN-几内亚(Guinea)GR-希腊(Greece)GT-危地马拉(Guatemala)H.HK-香港特别行政区(Hong Kong) HN-洪都拉斯(Honduras)HU-匈牙利(Hungary)I.ID-印度尼西亚(Indonesia)IE-爱尔兰(Ireland)IL-以色列(Israel)IN-印度(India)IQ-伊拉克(Iraq)IR-伊朗(Iran)IS-冰岛(Iceland)IT-意大利(Italy)J.JM-牙买加(Jamaica)JO-约旦(Jordan)JP-日本(Japan)K.KG-吉尔吉斯斯坦(Kyrgyzstan)KH-柬埔寨(Kampuchea (Cambodia)) KP-朝鲜(Korea, Dem. People’s)KR-韩国(Republic of Korea)KT-科特迪瓦共和国(Cote d’Ivoire) KW-科威特(Kuwait)KZ-哈萨克(Kazakhstan)L.LA-老挝(Laos)LB-黎巴嫩(Lebanon)LC-圣卢西亚(Saint Lucia)LI-列支敦士登(Liechtenstein)LK-斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka)LR-利比里亚(Liberia)LT-立陶宛(Lithuania)LU-卢森堡(Luxembourg)LV-拉脱维亚(Latvia)LY-利比亚(Libyan)M.MA-摩洛哥(Morocco)MC-摩纳哥(Monaco)MD-摩尔多瓦(Moldova, Republic of) MG-马达加斯加(Madagascar)ML-马里(Mali)MM-缅甸(Burma (Myanmar))MN-蒙古(Mongolia)MO-澳门特别行政区(Macao)MT-马耳他(Malta)MU-毛里求斯(Mauritius)MW-马拉维(Malawi)MX-墨西哥(Mexico)MY-马来西亚(Malaysia)MZ-莫桑比克(Mozambique)N.NA-纳米比亚(Namibia)NE-尼日尔(Niger)NG-尼日利亚(Nigeria)NI-尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua)NL-荷兰(Netherlands)NO-挪威(Norway)NP-尼泊尔(Nepal)NZ-新西兰(New Zealand)O.OM-阿曼(Oman)P.PA-巴拿马(Panama)PE-秘鲁(Peru)PG-巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea) PH-菲律宾(Philippines)PK-巴基斯坦(Pakistan)PL-波兰(Poland)PL-巴勒斯坦(Palestine)PT-葡萄牙(Portugal)PY-巴拉圭(Paraguay)Q.QA-卡塔尔(Qatar)R.RO-罗马尼亚(Romania)RU-俄罗斯(Russian Federation)S.SA-沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)SC-塞舌尔(Seychelles)SD-苏丹(Sudan)SE-瑞典(Sweden)SG-新加坡(Singapore)SI-斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)SK-斯洛伐克(Slovakia)SM-圣马力诺(San Marino)SN-塞内加尔(Senegal)SO-索马里(Somalia)SY-叙利亚(Syria)SZ-斯威士兰(Swaziland)T.TD-乍得(Chad)TG-多哥(Togo)TH-泰国(Thailand)TJ-塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan)TM-土库曼(Turkmenistan)TN-突尼斯(Tunisia)TR-土耳其(Turkey)TZ-坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)U.UA-乌克兰(Ukraine)UG-乌干达(Uganda)US-美国(United States)UY-瓦拉圭(Uruguay)UZ-乌兹别克(Uzbekistan)V.VC-圣文森特岛(Saint Vincent) VE-委内瑞拉(V enezuela)VN-越南(Viet Nam)Y.YE-也门(Y emen)YU-南斯拉夫联盟(Y ugoslavia)Z.ZA-南非(South Africa)ZM-赞比亚(Zambia)ZR-扎伊尔(Zaire)ZW-津巴布韦(Zimbabwe)。