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英语面试自我介绍:应聘医药行业客户代表(双语中英对照) urrent b is a ver bus ne i r at leshi pharaeutial pan leshi, as u an see n resue, speializes in the hlesale f hinese ediine, the annual sales are abut 0 illin rb i a ne f the eight uster servie representatives i prvide servies t abut fift usters, inputting rders, pushing paents, handling plaints and s n last ear i raned nuber t f the eight representatives in the annual satisfatin surve sales reps gave e 4 and usters gave e 42 ut f the full sre f fr the servies i prvided


i’ interested in iba fr t reasns the first reasn is that i l frard t ining a big internatinal pan the send reasn is that i feel i eet ur requireents althugh i’ve never red in fine heistr panies, the t-ear experiene in a pharaeutial pan has ade e a qualified uster servie representative h an eet the high standards i believe u n that the pharaeutial business usuall has ver strit requireents and high standards in additin, i a sure i an learn h t use rale erp in a shrt tie, as i a ver failiar ith heia erp, hih is quite siilar, and i use the english versin at present b that’s abut all


的国际公司。第二个原因是,我觉得我满足您的要求。虽然我从来没有从事精细化工公司的工作经历,制药公司但是两年经验使我取得了客户服务代表应具备的高标准素质。我相信你知道,医药企业通常有着严格的要求和高标准。此外,我相信,我可以学习如何使用rale erp 只花了很多的时间,heia erp系统应该我也能很快适应,因为这是非常相似的。这就是我的自我介绍。

english nae is ulie i hse ulie t be english nae beause fail nae is zhu i guess i’ nt the first ulie u have intervieed, beause there are s an ulies, hehe hetn is uhan, s i spea hubei dialet in additin t andarin and se antnese

我的英文名字是朱莉。我选择了ulies是我的英文名字,因为我姓朱。我想我不是第一个叫ulies的应聘者,因为有这么多ulies ,呵呵。我的家乡是武汉,所以我讲湖北方言除了普通话和一些广东话。

i graduated fr guangzhu universit t ears ag i had great perfrane in universit, t shlarships, t aards f exellent student adre, and ne ipressive aard f full attendane, hih eans i never issed a single lass that seester!


first b as reeptinist and seretar in an eletrni pan, but i left in less than a ear sipl beause i had little r t d there at that tie i uld finish a da’s r in several hurs i uldn’t bear the bred f havin g nthing t d, s i quit 我的第一份工作是在一个电子公司做秘书,辞职的原因是因为我

