翻译作业练习2 参考译文
![翻译作业练习2 参考译文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d2abdb8c8762caaedd33d42b.png)
When you have married your wife, you would think you were got upon a hill top, and might begin to go downward by an easy slope. But you have only ended courting (求爱) to begin marriage. Falling in love and winning love are often difficult tasks to overbearing(傲慢的)and rebellious spirits; but to keep in love is also a business of some importance, to which both man and wife must bring kindness and goodwill. The true love story commences(begins)at the altar, when there lies before the married pair a most beautiful contest of wisdom and generosity, and a life-long struggle towards an unattainable ideal. Unattainable? Ay, surely unattainable, from the very fact that they are two instead of one.参考译文:当你步入婚姻的殿堂,你可能认为已经爬到了山顶,剩下的只是悠闲地沿着平缓的山坡下山。
新视野大学英语2 汉译英
![新视野大学英语2 汉译英](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7b5193beefdc8d376ee329b.png)
Unit11.She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner.2.He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth.3.How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week?4.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5.Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6.We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.Unit21.Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents.2.Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation.3.The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer.4.He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins to loses.5.The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence.6.This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience.Unit31.You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.2.There remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the research there.3.Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.4.Though he has had ups and downs,I believed all along that he would succeed someday.5.I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.6.She isn't particularly tall,but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.Unit41.It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.2.It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.3.You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.4.Allow me to take part in this project: I am more than a little interested in it.5.Everyone knows that he is special:He is free to come and go as he pleases.6.Watching the unhappy look on her face,I felt as though she wishes to say something to me.Unit51.He spoke confidently,which impressed me most.2.My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3.I'm very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.4.The bad light,coupled with the wet ground,made driving very difficult.5.Being starved of funds,they had to cancel their plan to start a business.6.They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.Unit61. (Just) as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.2. He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3. To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.4. The reality is that, for better or worse, the world has changed with advance of new technologies.5. Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when (they are) required to answer questions.6. The local government took charge of the security for the sportsmeeting.Unit71.At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.2.The more I learned about the nature,the more absorbed I became in its mystery.3.The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try something new,interesting and challenging in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.4.The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it down.5.By contrast,American parents are more likely to attribute their children's success to natural talent.6.One of a teacher's priorities is to stimulate students' interests and their creativity.。
1.Walk, Don’t RunYou want to get health. You know you need to exercise more. But if you’re not ready to grunt through an hour of spinning or kickboxing, don’t despair. There’s growing agreement among exercise researchers that the intense physical activities offered by most health clubs are not the only---or even the preferable---path to better health. Indeed, the best thing for most of us may be to just walk.Yes, walk. At a reasonably vigorous clip (three to four m.p.h) for half an hour or so, maybe five or six times a week. You may not feel the benefits all at once, but the evidence suggests that over the long term, a regular walking routine can do a world of preventive good.Walking, in fact, may be the perfect exercise. For starters, it’s one of the safest things you can do with your body. It’s much easier on the knees than running and doesn’t trigger untoward side effects. “Regular physical activity is probably as close to a magic bullet as we will come in modern medicine, ”says Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “If everyone were to walk briskly 30 minute a day, we could cut the incidence of many chronic diseases by 30 to 40 percent.”And for those of us who don’t have half-hour chunks of time, the news gets even better. Several recent studies suggest that walking briskly three or four times a day for 10 minutes at a time may provide many of the same benefits as walking continuously for 30 minutes.Because walking affects you in so many ways at once, it can be difficult to determine precisely why it’s good for you.2.Why Girls Worry More than BoysIf worrying is detrimental for girls, what can be done to alleviate it? It is important first to understand why girls might worry about school success more than boys. Research has provided at least two reasons.First, girls are more concerned than boys with pleasing adults, especially their parents and teachers. This may leave girls vulnerable to the fear that if they experience academic difficulties, adults may be disappointed in them.Second, girls are more likely to feel poor academic performance is diagnostic of their abilities---to assume, for example, that poor performance on a single math test is indicative of their overall math ability. Boys are more likely to see an isolated poor performance as the result of other causes, like lack of efforts. This self-confident approach may protect boys from the same level of worrying girls feel when they face academic challenges.A number of practices to alleviate potentially negative consequences o f girls’ anxiety about academic performance are likely to benefit all students, not just girls.3. Inspiration from life1.Taking the first stepHow will you know you can succeed at something if you don’t give it a try?How will you know you can drag yourself out of the depths of despair if you don’t try?How do you know you won’t get that new job if you don’t apply? How do you know…Before becoming a success at anything, you must take that first step.2. Giving and receiving loveHumans need love. It is in the giving and receiving of love that we choose life. Participating inthis fundamental exchange of love lies in our ability to trust others.3. Happiness now!Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late.Today, this hour, this minute is the day, the hour, the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good, with all of its trials and troubles, and perhaps more interesting because of them.4. Setting aside special momentsOver the years, I have noticed that it has become more and more difficult to set aside those special moments of the day when we can remove ourselves from the hectic, frenetic pace of everyday life.Yet finding time to get away, to reflect, to concentrate, or to just let the mind wander freely is important for our overall health.Studies have shown that reducing stress in daily life significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks or the need for heart surgery.5. Reflecting on angerAnother way of dealing with anger is to reflect on its results.We know very well that when we are angry, we do not see the truth clearly. As a result, we may commit many unwholesome actions.Our future life is determined by our intentional actions today, just as our present life is heir to our previous intentional behavior. Intentional actions committed under the influence of anger cannot lead to a happy future.4.Michael Jordan’s farewell letter to basketballDear Basketball,It’s been almost 28 years since the first day we met, 28 years since I saw you in the back of our garage, 28 years since my parents introduced us.If someone would have told me then what would become of us, I’m not sure I w ould have believed them. I barely remembered your name.Then I started seeing you around the neighborhood and watching you on television. I used to see you with guys down at the playground. But when my older brother started paying more attention to you. I started to wonder. Maybe you were different.We hung out a few times. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. And as life would have it, when I finally got really interested in you, when I was finally ready to get serious, you left me off the varsity. You told me I wasn’t good enough.I was crushed. I was hurt. I think I even cried.Then I wanted you more than ever. So I practiced. I hustled. I worked on my game. Passing. Dribbling. Shooting. Thinking. I ran. I did sit-ups. I did push-ups. I did pull-ups. I lifted weights. I studied you. I began to fall in love and you noticed. At least that’s what Coach Smith said.5.Jogging May Make You SmarterRunning may give the brain a workout, too. A new study finds that individuals consistently scored higher on intellectual tests after embarking on a running program.“These improvements, however, went down when the joggers stopped their training, which suggests that ongoing exercise is required to maintain the benefit,” sa id study lead author Dr.Kisou Kubota of Nihon Fukushi University in Handa, Japan.Recent studies have suggested that exercise benefits both brawn and brain. Researchers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, reported earlier this year that seniors who embarked on a 4-month exercise program showed significant improvement in memory and other mental skills, also known as cognitive function. Other studies have shown that regular workouts can help fight depression, as well.In their study, Kubota’s t eam had seven healthy young people initiate a jogging regimen consisting of running for 30 minutes, two in three times a week for at least 12 weeks. Each of the runners also took a series of complex computer-based tests, to compare memory skills before and after the 3-month jogging program.After 12 weeks of jogging, scores on all of the tests “significantly increased” in the runners, as did their reaction times in completing the tests. The researchers point out that the study participants were given no time to practice the various tests between each evaluation.“These tests showed that joggers had a clear improvement in prefrontal function,” Kubota said, adding that scores began to fall again if participants stopped their running routine.Exactly how exercise might strengthen mental sharpness is unclear, but previous research suggests that maintaining a healthy flow of blood and oxygen protects the brain. The Japanese researchers note that oxygen intake rose along with.The findings could have implications for the elderly, as well. In a Society for Neuroscience statement, Kubota said the research may someday help doctors “find a way to use exercise and running to help aged people and those with Alzheimer’s disease” improve their cognitive function.6.How to Get Your Dream JobDoris had been a flight attendant with United Airlines for 26 years. She loved her work---serving passengers, making them feel comfortable---but knew the time would come when she would feel too old for this young person’s business. Yet Doris wasn’t ready to retire. She gave the matter some thought and decided that her talent for making people feel relaxed and safe could just as easily be employed on the ground as in the air. And that’s how Doris came to establish a bed-and-breakfast on Martha’s Vineyard, where her family has lived since the 1800s. Now, three years after leaving United, Doris runs a five-room Dutch colonial inn that is filled to capacity almost year-round.Women today are living 20 years longer than their grandmothers, and ten years longer than their husbands. Because we’re living longer, we’re working longer. And some of us are thinking about spending the second half of our lives doing something we’ve always dreamed about but never got around to. After years of working hard, or catering to the needs of husbands, children, and parents, reinventing ourselves has become our passion, our gift to ourselves.As Doris’s example illustrates, the process of choosing another field is not as mystical as it seems. There are basic steps. To begin, list everything that interests you. Think about the tasks you really love doing. Go way back. Is there anything you’ve let go of that perhaps you’d like to pick up again? Consider your passions. Are you crazy about lipstick? Harbor a shoe fancy? Love to travel? Would you be happy nestled among the stacks of a bookstore? Use what you’ve learned to direct yourself toward the companies or positions that will excite you.Then define what you do best. Consider how what you’ve done in the past can apply to something you want to do in the future. Research every aspect of your chosen profession (or thecompany you want to work for), prepare to market yourself in that arena, build a network of friends and family you can rely on, and find a mentor. Most important of all, refuse to give up.7.Animal MigrationSeasonally or periodically, some animals move away from and back to their natural breeding areas. The best-known examples of this migratory behavior are annual bird movements, in which swarms of birds native to the Temperate and Arctic zones seek warmer regions late in the summer and in the autumn and return to their original nesting sites in the spring. A spectacular example is the young arctic terns(燕鸥)born at the arctic breeding grounds, which take off with the flock for distant lands they have never seen. One of the most remarkable migrations in insects is that taken each fall by the North American monarch butterfly(大斑蝶)which is capable of long flights at speeds of 20 miles or more per hour.Many theories have been put forward to explain the origin of migrations and the physiological mechanisms that guide animals in migrations journeys, but no single theory has been judged completely satisfactory by scientists. The seasonal movements of birds and most other migrating animals are activated by a combination of external and internal stimuli that releases a physiological “trigger”of migration. Once an animal has begun a migratory journey, however, many factors may act to maintain it on a proper path.Navigation by the sun and stars seems to be involved in the migration of birds, and fish may be guided through the sea by minute traces of chemical odors from the rivers of their ancestors. According to current research, birds may possess a sensitivity to the magnetic field of the Earth and to the effect of its rotation about an axis. The combination of these two forces, being unique for various parts of the world, could thus direct a bird to the location desired. Traces of iron in the brain tissue of birds indicate a possible mechanism for this sensitivity to the magnetic field. Other theories involve the use by animals of the physical features of an area of land during flight, such as mountain ranges, coastal lines, and river courses. None of these theories fully explains the usually successful maiden migrations of animals, unless it is supposed that much of the phenomenon is genetic and that animals instinctively pursue ancient paths.8.Aspirin’s Amazing New PowerAs a drug for cooling inflammation, aspirin and compounds containing aspirin have been taken by tens of millions of arthritis patients. As a pain-killer, aspirin is, according to one study, the most ef fective. It also acts on the body’s thermostat, turning down fever.But most of its powers remained unsuspected until recently. In 1950 an American physician wrote a small western medical journal about 400 overweight male patients to whom he had given one or two aspirin tablets a day. None had a heart attack. He enlarged his group to 800 and in 1956 reported: “Not a single case of detectable coronary or cerebral thrombosis” and “no major stroke” had occurred in patients who had taken one or two tablets daily for from one to ten years. But his observations were largely ignored.In the 1960s severs European scientists demonstrated that aspirin was an “anticoagulant”. In 1977, a Boston surgeon reported that 75 percent of his aspirin-treated patients did not develop post-operative blood clots after total hip replacement.Then a British surgeon, at London Royal College of Surgeons proved that aspirin protects people from getting fever and pain. Moreover, it prevented the blood from forming clots insidearteries. In the 1990s, six large controlled studies totaling 10000 patients who were given daily aspirin after a heart attack also showed a consistent pattern of apparent protection. Recently, the British medical magazine The Lancet reanalyzed these studies and, taking them together, did find statistical significance. Aspirin prevented about 20 percent of second heart attacks. However, The Lancet also points out the aspirin is not always a safe drug to reduce the number of strokes and heart attacks. People with stomach ulcers are advised to take aspirin only with supervision. Some patients are so sensitive to the drug that they suffer from sudden death after a single tablet.Still, aspirin, that old home drug, has suddenly become a new miracle one.。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 单选题1(4分) : castles in the airA: 城堡存在空气中B: 空中楼阁2(4分) : 他两天就抽完一包烟。
A: He finishes a pack of cigarettes for two days.B: It takes him only two days to finish a pack of cigarettes.3(4分) : The whole country was armed in a few days.A: 几天以内全国武装起来了。
B: 再过几天全国就都武装起来了。
4(4分) : 走马观花A: to appreciate flowers on a running horseB: do something carelessly5(4分) : out of the questionA: 毫无问题B: 不可能6(4分) : love appleA: 爱的苹果B: 番茄7(4分) : You can never be too careful about English-Chinese translationA: 作英译汉时,不能太仔细B: 作英译汉时,越仔细越好。
8(4分) : 看树看果实,看人看作为。
A: A tree is known by its fruit , and a man is known by his actions.B: A tree is known by its fruit , and a man is known by his act.9(4分) : I must bare my heart to someone, or I shall go mad!A: 我必须跟谁说说这件事,否则我都要疯了。
翻译作业 Exercise 2
![翻译作业 Exercise 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/64e53f26a32d7375a41780d0.png)
Exercise 71. This poem, which almost everybody knows is written by Tennyson.丁尼生写的这首诗,几乎人尽皆知2. In the Third World, where tow out of three people still live by farming, food shortage and malnutrition are common.在第三世界,三分之二的人仍旧靠农耕为生,食物短缺和营养不良的现象很普遍。
3. In countries where people remain in one town or city for most of their lives, the social customs are quite different.有些国家的人民几乎终身从未离开过一个城镇或城市,所以社会习惯十分不同。
4. It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned.他停下来,转过身,目光落在了一位老妇人的身上,她虽然受时间的折磨显得有些憔悴,仍然身材高挑,面容姣好。
5. This exquisite harmony between nature and man explains in part the enchantment of the older Britain, in which whole towns fitted snugly into the landscape, as if they were no more than bites of woodland.人与自然的完美结合从一定程度上说明了英国自古以来的迷人之处,整座城镇被恰当的隐藏在风景之中,就好像他们仅仅是森林的一小部分。
北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉 汉英翻译》网课测试题答案卷2
![北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉 汉英翻译》网课测试题答案卷2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/74d0200ff011f18583d049649b6648d7c1c708f0.png)
住在富人区的她全文为Word 可编辑,若为PDF 皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉 汉英翻译》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整) 第1卷一.综合考核(共10题)1.她不老实,我们不能信任她。
A.She is not honest,we can't trust her.B.Because she is not honest, we can't trust her.2.A great elation overcame them.欣喜征服了他们。
() A.正确 B.错误3.He was given a prize. A.有人给了他一个奖。
4.His accent couldn't fool a native speaker. A.本地人一听他的口音,就知道他是外地人。
5.In the family of Marx, Lincoln was much loved and respected. A.马克思的一家人对林肯是非常敬爱的。
6.Please don't wake a sleeping dog. 不要无事生非。
() A.正确 B.错误7.The burning questio of my chinldhood had been richly answered. A.我小时候梦寐以求想得到答案的问题,终于得到了圆满的回答。
8.The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated.年轻时留下的自卑感还没有完全消失。
() A.正确 B.错误9.事情终于私下解决了。
Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera, and other expensive forms of culture, accessible to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire; they carry the most profound messages that can be sent from one human to another.
(单选题)1: The burning questio of my chinldhood had been richly answered.A: 我小时候梦寐以求想得到答案的问题,终于得到了圆满的回答B: 我儿童时代在心中燃烧的问题,终于得到了充分的回答。
正确答案: A(单选题)2: She was with child.A: 她和孩子在一起B: 她怀着孕。
正确答案: B(单选题)3: sustainable developmentA: 可持续发展B: 可维持的发展正确答案: A(单选题)4: Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.A: 年轻并非人生中的一段时光,而是一种心态B: 年轻并非是人生中的时间,而是一种思想。
正确答案: A(单选题)5: Life is far from being a bed of roses.A: 生活远非尽乐事B: 生活并不是不好。
正确答案: A(单选题)6: Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a dacade. A: 十年来,失业人数一直顽固不降B: 十年来,失业人数总是居高不下。
正确答案: B(单选题)7: In Europe, his name was well-known, if not household word.A: 在欧洲,他的名声即使不是家喻户晓,也是相当的知名度B: 在欧洲,他的名声很响亮,即使不是家喻户晓。
正确答案: A(单选题)8: 中国政府决定,要用3年左右时间使大多数国有企业走出困境。
A: The Chinese government has decided to take about three years to extricate most state-owned enterprises from their difficultiesB: Chinese government decides to help most national enterprises going out obstacle with about 3 years.正确答案: A(单选题)9: Mr.Kirsch, having lost all his money by this time, followed his master out into the moonlight, where the illuminations were winking out.。
1、The limited gain could hardly serve as a relieving justification for the tremendous cost the federal government had paid so far.2、Because of objections, the engineering project was shelved temporarily.3、By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1,500 people had taken on a circus atmosphere.4、Indeed, this nation’s best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.5、After five months of winter, we are desperate for some kinder weather and a chance to enjoy life out of doors.6、Just days after the birth of calves from an adult cow, Japanese scientists said that calves cloned from cells from adults’ ears and buttocks could be on the way.7、We crept silently and nervously like prowling cats, making our way towards the entrance.8、Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism, but are inclined in one direction or the other.9、Deeply concealed as it is in ordinary times, a latent dependence reveals itself when the time of one’s being left alone lengthens considerably.10、The treaty provides for freedom of movement, equality before the law, presumption of innocence, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and participation in public affairs and elections.11、Each embraces New Y ork with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New Y ork with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.12、They found that the kind of stress most likely to invite a cold is ongoing (lasting a month or more) and involves conflict with colleagues, family or friends.13、I assimilated many skills and values that summer, but I will mention just one more: I remember objecting to having an election bumper sticker placed on my car.14、There is a flurry of hotels construction in metropolitan Manila, unmatched since 1976, when seven new hotels opened to coincide with the annual IMF World Bank meetingsheld there.15、I had read too many novels and had learned too much at school not to know a good deal about love.16、Do you share the view that too many people are talking too much about China?17、I was truly dumbfounded by this deep fury that possessed her whenever she looked at me.18、I’ll have to beard the lion in his den when I go to ask my boss for a better job.19、A divorced woman is likely to find herself in an unenviable position.20、All told China has roughly 380 million women between the age of 15 and 55, and few of them---particularly in the cities—want to look any less that the best their budgets allows.21、I was such a fan that after reading that he walked at a rate of 120 steps per minute, I practiced his pace until it became second nature.22、For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated.23、A potentially dangerous blunder by police and security authorities here yesterday saw Mrs. Thatcher mobbed by yelling demonstrators during a shopping mall walkabout.24、Cable television which in many countries now gives a choice of dozens of channels will soon be used to protect our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms linked to police and fire station.25、Floods occur when soil and vegetation cannot absorb all the water; water then runs off the land in quantities that cannot be carried in stream channels or retained in natural ponds and constructed reservoirs.26、Eleven European countries, together producing 20 percent of the world’s exports, will launch the euro on January 1, 1999, creating what the European Union’s Statistical Agency (Eurostat) has called “the world’s.27、Husbands, kids, careers and avocations—all require attention; too often, making time for our friends comes last on the list of priorities.28、Star performers at work know that real initiative means going beyond your regularwork to come up with new ideas that really help the company’s bottom line.29、The past of man has been on the whole a pretty beastly business, a business of fighting and bullying and gorging and grabbing and hurting.30、For all of the political savvy(精明)that has shaped the planning of Desert Shield so far, the top brass are keenly aware that some political dimensions of the military operation remain beyond their control.31、Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Every prize has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no.32、Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to it always being combined with elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has s strong affinity.33、This glorious mishmash constitute an informal history of the 20th century America by an inquisitive writer who interviewed everyone from Harry Truman to Irving Berlin to 50 cents whores in the slums of New Orleans.34、Bright red costumes with hats, shoes and stockings to match, are to be all the craze in the Spring. Start women will have to be careful not to yawn in the streets in case some short-sighted person is on his way to post a letter.35、In a richly accented voice, evocative of her Viking forbears, she said that from the age of twelve, when she first discovered Pear Buck’s work, she had read all of it that she could find in her tiny island library.36、The trunks of trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterwards the road bare and white except for the leaves.37、It would take me an entire book to list all of the people I have known in my life who spent the majority of their lives as single people, but who were the undisputed focus of a large group of friends.38、Spring has always rightly been identified with youth, and the sorrow of youth are poignant and bitter.39、It \was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it wasthe age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.40、It is a ling way from Peking to London. The distance has sometimes seemed compounded by historical, philosophical and political gaps in our outlooks. It is nevertheless many years since our two worlds first touched. Our political relations have been more varied.41、For hundreds of years, people in the Middle East have built wind-catchers onto their homes. These structures sit on rooftops and look somewhat like camping shelters. They trap cool breeze high in the air and funnel them into the houses.42、The great difficulty of introducing radically new computer architectures which requires customers to rewrite most of their way to the commercial market place.43、Almost single-handedly, she changed the parameters of British politics, ending the free-lunch mentality that prevail since 1945 and replacing it with an unyielding commitment to free markets and individual responsibility.44、The birthrate in Japan has declined to an all-time low, an average 1.57 children for each female, and Japanese women are establishing a new identity, struggling against entrenched male chauvinism. Now Japanese men have to pay for their traditional practice of enslaving their wives as child-bearers.45、What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months?。
英译汉作业一Unit 11. That women have out grown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era. 女人们已经成长到不再是一看见老鼠就跳到椅子上的时代了。
2.The American comes to with a start. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing—bait for a snake.这个美国人开始意识到。
3. It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10 1/2 mile race over a course through steep, exhausting hills.临近九月的一天,天气很凉爽也很明媚正好适合跑步,在10.5英里比赛的前几英里中我正穿过一段陡峭的累人的山路。
4. The pace felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was; why bother concentrating on pace when she was such a nice pacesetter for me?这个速度我感觉很舒服,所以我决定就停留在这个速度上;为什么聚精会神的跑步很费劲,而她却成了我的一个很好的标准?5. We were a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first.我们在有一英里就到达终点线了,所以在这个山上所发生的事儿将会最终注定谁第一个穿过终点线。
UNIT 2英译汉
![UNIT 2英译汉](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cc98c6eeb8f67c1cfad6b87f.png)
UNIT 2英译汉1、只要用鼠标点击一下,在地球另一端的信息马上就会以每秒种绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。
2、此外,如果大家都在网上购物,那么成千上万的购物中心该怎么办呢?3、The huge power of electronic commerce (e-commerce) will change the face of trade dramatically.电子商务的惊人威力会使贸易的局面发生激动人心的巨变。
4、The development of e-commerce may well bring the worldinto a brand new era of “electronic currency”.电子商务的发展很可能会把世界带进一个“电子货币”的崭新时代。
5、As the Net pushes the economy ahead rapidly , the economy is also bringing the Net market forward , resulting in the Internet itself becoming the world’s largest emerging market.在网络化高速地推动经济发展的同时,经济也反过来促进网络市场的发展,其结果是国际互联网本身将成为全球最大的新兴市场。
( likely )She is very likely to ring me tonight.2、我看不懂这篇文章。
( beyond )Understanding this article is beyond my capacity.3、新刷的一层油漆可使房间焕然一新。
( transform )A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.4、做事不先考虑总会导致失败。
( result in )Acting before thinking always results in failure.5、他估计那项工作需要三个月。
英汉互译实践AssignmentsLecture 21.一个国家一定要有稳定的形势,才能把经济建设搞上去。
译:The economic growth can only be promoted with the stability of the country.2.在改善物质生活的同时,充实精神生活。
译:We should enrich our spiritual life while trying to improve the material life.3.近年来,美国华裔科技人才辈出,成就卓著,引起国际科技界的注意和重视。
译:In recent years, there have come forth in increasing numbers the US prominent scientific and technical talents of Chinese descent// whose achievements have come to command the notice and admiration of scientists and technical experts in the world.4. 黄毛丫头 a chit of a girl; a witless girl; an ignorant girl黄色电影blue films; porn movies黄叶/ 黄页fallen leaves/ yellow pages5.从上海至北京的飞机每天一班。
译:There is a daily flight from Shanghai to Beijing.6.还要多读一点历史和小说。
译:We should also make efforts to read some books of history and novels.7.根据他的叫声特点,人们把蝉又称作知了。
译:Cicadas are also called as “zhiliao” because of the singing noise they make.8.美国气候相差较大,位于亚热带的佛罗里达和夏威夷海滩温暖宜人,阿拉斯加苔原却寒气袭人。
英译汉翻译作业21. 句子翻译1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他把手插入口袋,耸了耸肩。
2) The decrease in his income changed his life style.收入降低改变了他的生活方式。
3) I am ill-fated. My father died when I was four years old. My mother took her solemn vow to remain in widowhood. She was stricken with poverty and had to earn a living all by herself. She nurtured me and educated me until I grew up.(请用文言文翻译)吾不幸,生孩四年,慈父见背,母严誓寡居。
4) A poverty-stricken people would breed wickedness and all kinds of evils. But poverty rises from insufficiency, which in turn comes from the people’s being divorced from farming. Without farming, they would not be settled on the land, and this would cause them to leave their native places and make little of their homes. If people are like fowls and beasts, they are not to be contained even by high walls and severe punishments. When attacked by cold and hunger, one might be lost to all sense of shame. For it is in the human nature that one would feel hungry without eating twice a day and would freeze without renewing his clothes by the end of a year. If hunger is not stayed by food and cold not resisted with clothes, even a kind-hearted mother could not keep her children, how could a monarch keep his people? (请用文言文翻译)贫者生万恶之念。
一、英译汉1. When she and he met again, each had been married to another.当再次相见时,他们已经各自成立了自己的家庭。
2. Business is a two-way street and to keep it open in both directions there must be a sense both partners are doing their utmost to ensure a steady growth I each other’s markets.做生意得有来有往,来和往这两股道得保持畅通,应当有这么一个观念,即伙伴双方同时都尽最大努力,来确保对方想自己市场的出口稳步增长3. In the family of Marx, Lincoln was much loved and respected.马克思的一家人对林肯是非常敬爱的。
4. The present situation is that many staff consider impossible what is really possible if effort is made.现在的情形是,很多员工认为不可能的事是通过努力可以办到的。
5. This material is no more elastic than that one. 这种材料和那种一样没有弹性。
6. I was so impressed by these words that I used them later fora Christmas card.为这些话所深深感动,后来我就把他们写在圣诞贺卡上。
7. It would be astonishing if that loss were not keenly felt. 如果人们不强烈地感到损失,那倒是奇怪了。
8.I have lived here for more than a year.我住在这里已一年多了。
新视野大学英语1、房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.2、他买不起这么好的房子He cannot afford to buy such a fine house.3、这个主意听起来也有些怪,不过还真有点道理Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense.4、约翰看起来是个好人,即便如此我还是不信任他;John seems to be a nice person. Even so, I don’t trust him.1.如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远没法从他那脱身;If he startstalking about the past, you’ll never get away from him.2.冬天失业率有上升的趋势There is a tendency for job lossesto rise in the winter.3.在我不断的要求下,父亲终于同意和我去澳大利亚了;Because ofmy frequent demands, father finally agreed to go toAustralia with me.4.他把老店卖了,开了一家新的以便赚更多的钱;He sold his shopand opened a new one to make more money.1.我们应该从中吸取教训,这是很重要的It is important for us tolearn a lesson from the failure.2.他相信自己相当证券经纪人的梦想总能实现He believes thatone day his dream of becoming a stockbroker will come true.3.很多学生最后从事的工作不需要用到所学的知识Many studentsend up doing jobs that do not make use of what they have learnt.4.我一提到他的名字,母亲就变得很不开心As soon as I mentionedhis name. my mother became very unhappy.1.只要你经常锻炼,你又会变得健康起来As long as you getregular exercise, you will become healthy again.2.我一直想读一本太空的书,但是我好像总没时间去读I havealways been thinking of reading a book on space, but I never seen to get around to it.3.那位作家自从买了电脑后,就再也不用笔写小说了Since thewriter had bought the computer, he no longer wrote his stories with a pen.4.学校制定了一些新的规章制度,人人必须遵守The school has setup some new rules that everybody must follow.1.看见大海孩子们开心的大叫起来The children cried withdelight at the sight of the sea.2.你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗 I did n’t quitecatch on to what you said just now. Would you say it again 3.他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了He was conscious of thedifficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.4.直到现在,当想起那天发生的事情时,我还觉得莫名其妙To thisday, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused.1.她似乎以贬低别人为快She seems to enjoy speaking poorly ofothers.2.他过度的喝酒抽烟结果死了He died as a consequence of heavydrinking and smoking.3.你永远无法从他那里得到直接的回答You can never get astraight answer out of him.4.我们的产品在过去几年中逐渐受到欢迎;Our products havebecome popular little by little over the past few years.1.我们明天就该开始那个项目了,可你却还没有准备好We aresupposed to start working on that project tomorrow, but you haven’t got thing,s ready.2.我今晚得把工作赶完,所以我不能和你一起去看电影I have tocatch up on my work tonight, so I can’t go to the movies with you.3.约翰不习惯这的新生活,所以打算搬走John wants to movebecause he is not accustomed to the new life here.4.她伸手拿起电话,拨了一个朋友的号码She reached for hertelephone and dialed the number of a friend.1.这个计划听起来虽然很难,但他决心将它付诸实施Difficult asthe plan sounds, he is determined to put it into practice.2.面对这么多的困难,球队怎么能赢得比赛呢How could the teamwin the game in the face of so many difficulties3.自两年前开业以来,今年年初他的生意最兴隆His business wasat its best at the beginning of this year since it was started two years ago.4.他虽然没有直接说,但我们能从他的手势中得到一些信息Although he didn’t say it directly, we could pick up some messages from his gestures.Unit nine1.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法We must figure out how tosolve the problem.2.他看着包,像是在看着件他看不懂的东西He looked at the bag asif he were looking at something beyond his comprehension. 3.我会使用计算机,但是说到修计算机,我是一无所知I know how touse a computer, but when it comes to repairing it, I know nothing about it.4.我们迷了路,更糟糕的是天开始下雨We got lost. What’s worse,it started to rain.1.他的教学经验使她具有担任此项工作的条件Her teachingexperience qualifies her for the job.2、新法律不适合与海外合资企业The new law does not apply to the joint venture overseas.3、如果你已决定租这个房子,请先付50美金 If you have decided to rent this house, please pay 50 dollars in advance.4、他一入境就被捕了 Upon entry into the country, he was arrested.英译汉even though the first……it still….symbol虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成了一种文化象征;these people are angry …..with their memories 这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆一起将被摧毁,感到非常愤怒; earthey are using the earthquake as an excuse他们在利用那次地震作借口;.some think …….for washing…..to do with money有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关;it is more than just…way of living迅速变化的不仅仅是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式;in 1981……where,s the beef如,1981年,一位名不见经传的老妇人出现在一个电视广告里,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢”although clothing ……for money ….such as language尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言;however….change in their lives但是,在美国,时尚的发生另有原因:大多数美国人似乎觉得,如果他们的生活没有频繁的变化,那一定有什么地方不对劲了;Helen was in …….really lacking海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强—这是我当时真正缺乏的东西;when I helped……customers wanted比如,我在厨房里帮忙的时候,没有什么比完全按照顾客希望的方式做好鸡蛋、给他们端上更让我感到高兴的了;thanks to the…...rant one day因为从海伦那里学到了自信,我梦想着有一天能拥有自己的餐馆; 4、i know tcould……faith in me我知道,只要有人相信我,我还能做很多事情;we are all…for a week我们都要记录下在不看电视的这一周内所发生的一切;I’d rather find….while I’m there我倒想看看只要有电视看,我能在牙医那儿呆上多久;i valued my life ….that day 我非常珍惜我的生命,所以放学回家后,我没有碰电视机;I’m drawing a blank This just seem scruel.没啥可记;这简直太痛苦了;as a doctor….surrounding us.作为医生,他对我们身边的危险特别敏感;look –it’s too loog…..pull you down看,这衣服我穿着都太长;而且这料子还这么重,会把你压坏的;to this day…your eyes知道现在,当走到离树枝尚有数码之遥时,我仍会停下来,耳边似乎还响起了父亲的声音:“当心戳到眼睛”his grandchildren….of cleaning products.他的孙子孙女们领会得很快,看见洗涤用品,他们知道摇摇手指说:“那很危险”my father often ….were kept at day我父亲经常说,多亏了我祖母勤俭持家,他们才得以勉强维持生计;now,I do not….not for me.当然,我一点没有贬低经商的意思,我的意思只是经商不适合我;enjyed is too…walked on air说真的,“开心”这个词还不足以表达我的心情;我简直是陶醉了;so conditioned……seems foolish.我们大多数人习惯性地认为金钱等于成功—这种想法如此根深蒂固,以至于在大多数人看来,为了幸福而放弃高薪的想法似乎是愚蠢的;over the years….family arrangement这些年来,我们都学会了互相间轻松相处,适应我们这个新的家庭组合;2、however,I continued….kingdom.但我仍一直觉得自己是个置身于外的旁观者,一个陌生之地的不速之客;3、it a computer….and neglected如果收到一条电脑信息,开头是“爸爸”,我就会觉得自己被遗忘和忽略了;4、i thought again…accustomed to我有一次想到了他们的家庭圈子,我自以为已经习以为常的那种怅然若失的刺痛感又袭上了心头1.their lives hold….them into practice他们的生活包含很多如何产生伟大思想并付诸实践的秘密;2.orville and W ilbur….off the ground奥维尔·莱特和威尔伯·莱特兄弟俩的飞机坠毁了许多次后才得以飞离地面;3.it’s very important……function powerfully使身体处于最佳状态十分重要,这样你的大脑才能有力地工作;4.so it is clean then….and beyond.所以很明显,要成为天才,就是要达到并超越你所认为的极限;1.recently…..wall最近,华盛顿邮报刊登了一篇文章,报道了电器制造商们逼疯顾客的计划;2.a real ……two hours 真正改良的智能冰箱应当在察觉到我们两个小时内吃第四块馅饼时就不让我们开冰箱门了;3.my phone ….controls我的电话机也许有与死人通话的功能,可我不知道在如何操作;同样我也不知道如何操作我的电视机,因为它的某些功能需要两部遥控器来控制;4.you will ……about it你会纳闷这事儿你的冰箱怎么会知道,更糟的是,你也不知道你的冰箱还要把这事告诉谁;1.it is much……groune zero换工作比辞职一切从头开始要容易得多;2、the person who…..who is prepared和有备而来的人相比,决定临时应付的人永远也不会给人留下很好的印象;3、i am very…to find我对该职位非常感兴趣,这正是我期待已久的工作;4、this implies…..job involves这意味着他们根本就不了解自己想做什么,也没考虑过这份工作的要求;。
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A、Until all is over , ambition never dies.
B、Until all is over, ambition dies.
B、He is generally acknowledged as the world's greatest statesman.
A、He had a hard time squeezing through the crowd to get up to the platform
B、Who plays with fire will perish by fire.
A、After he had a quarrel with his boss,Jack quit.
A、He was whistling as he walked along the beach.
B、He was whistling as he saunteded along the beach.
On its journey the blood distributes dissolved foods and carries away wastes.血液在循环途中将溶解了的食物分配到身体各个部位,同时将废物带走。
A、As you sow , so will you reap.
B、As you sow, so you will reap.
B、He had a hard time being forced to get up the platform.
These boxes can’t be stored below.
B、He kept on walking back and forth,too excited to say a single word.
A、He is everybody's choice as the world's greatest statesman.
The heart’s first purpose is to supply a steady flow of oxygen to all the body cells and to return carbon dioxide to the lungs.心脏的首要目的是源源不断地为身体所有的细胞提供氧气,并将二氧化碳收回肺里。
A、When wine is in , wit is out.
B、When wine is drunk,wit is out.
One could not be too careful in a new neighbourhood.
Experience the benefits of natural lighting indoors with our risk-free trail.在我们为您提供的无风险试用期,您将亲身体会到室内自然光照的舒适。
A healthy heart keeps this up for a lifetime without faltering.一颗健康的心脏能终生不停地保持这种活动。
It is not our opinion that your proposed contract is practical.我方认为,贵方所拟议的合同并不是切实可行的。
The heart, which is a muscular pump, beats about 72 times a minute through a continuous and automatic process of muscular contraction and relaxation.心脏为一肌肉泵,它通过心肌收缩和舒张这一连续不断的自动过程每分钟大约搏动72下。
He has someone behind him.
B、 有人给他撑腰。
I couldn't feel better.我不能觉得再好了。
You could have come at a better time.你本来可以在更合适的时候来。
B、After he quarreled his boss,Jack quit.
A、He kept on walking back and forth, being too excited to say a single word.
No one is satisfied with his favoritism in his work.
B so many tigers would stand in his way.
A、Whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.
We request the honour of your presence.敬请光临。
But for your help, I would not have made such good progress in my studies.