
口语大赛主持词(精选4篇)口语大赛篇1:1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.2: Good morning, my honored teachers.3: Good morning, fellow students.4: Good morning, my dear parents.3: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here,holding the First Huangyan Primary School English speaking competition.4:今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
2:English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.1:英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。
4: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking?3:有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?1: In today's show, there are 41 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.2:今天的比赛总共有41名,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

以下是主持词频道整理的《英语⼝语⼤赛主持⼈词》希望⼤家喜欢!【篇⼀】 【开场⽩】 B: Attention please! Our English talent competition is around the corner, please set your cell phone in a silent mode, thank you! A:即将开始,请把您的⼿机设置成静⾳或振动模式。
谢谢! B: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and honorable judges! Welcome to Zhejiang Gongshang University English talent competition. A:尊敬的评委、亲爱的观众朋友,⼤家下午好,欢迎来到由主办的2011浙江⼯商⼤学复赛的⽐赛现场。
B: This competition enjoys a wide-spread participation among all college students in our school. And also, we are so honored to have such a splendid judging panel. So, please let us introduce you our distinguished judges today. They are …… A:现在,请允许我为⼤家介绍我们本次⽐赛的评委,他们是: B: Welcome! 【⽐赛规则】 B: Now, let’s introduce the rules of the competition for you. The competition is divided into 2 parts. The first part is team show. Every team will present their only own style show, such as English drama, English poetry recitation, English voice work or other creative show. In this part, the time is limited in 5 minutes, but drama show will get 6 minutes. A:本次⽐赛由两个环节组成。

英语口语比赛主持词范文开场白:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon, fellow students.Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。
By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?In today’s show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

M:Boys and girls.T:Ladies and gentlemen.合:Good morning. 大家早上好!M:Today is a special day.T:Why?M:Because we’ll hold the fourth English speaking contest of our school.T:Wow!因为我们学校将举行第四届英语口语大赛。
That’s fantastic! M:It means we can speak English bravely and fluently.T:是呀!这意味着我们孩子们可以大胆流利说英语。
合:让我们预祝本次大赛圆满成功!M:Fi rstly, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr Hu give us the opening speech.T:首先,让我们热烈欢迎胡校长为我们致开幕词。
胡校长做开幕词!M:Next, let’s introduce our judges.T:接下来,让我们介绍本次大赛的评委。
他们是:我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的`到来!M:Ok, let me introduce the contest rules. 现在由我来介绍本次大赛规则:本次大赛分为两大组:小学组和初中组大赛由三个环节组成,每个环节十分小学组参赛规则是:1.认读单词(10个),背课文2.课外知识展示(唱英文歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等)3.自我介绍并与主持人英语问答交流(五个问题)初中组参赛规则:1. 背课文2. 课外知识展示(唱英文歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等)3.自我介绍并与主持人问答交流(五个问题)T:Now , the contest begins.M:现在比赛正式开始,Let’s welcome the NO. 1 contestant . welcome!学生比赛结束T:现在有请我们的袁校长为本次大赛做总结。

英语口语比赛主持人主持词(通用3篇)英语口语比赛主持人篇11.Good afternoon,distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!2.尊敬的各位领导,3.各位来宾,4.亲爱的老师同学们,齐:大家下午好!1. Welcome to the contest of ````Middle School English Speaking Contest. It’s our great honor to be here!2. 欢迎大家来到离石廷亮中学首届英语口语大赛比赛现场。
今天能够邀请到这么多的评委和嘉宾到场我们感到非常的荣幸!3. That’s right!Well, we have succeeded in inviting so many excellent judges and guests. And now, let’s meet our honorabl e judges and guests。
4. 首先,请允许我介绍今天到场的嘉宾及评委,他们分别是:1. I’m glad to see you,a lot of you all came a long way to take part in the competition. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being here!2. 由衷的感谢所有的嘉宾和评委从百忙之中抽时间出席本次的大赛。
让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来.3. Ladies and gentlemen, now I declare that the English speaking contest start.4. 现在我宣布````中学英语口语大赛正式开始。
1. Ladies and gentlemen, we have 6 parts for this contest.The first part is Talent Show.The second part is Challenge Your Listening .The third part is Walking Dictionary .The fourth part is Making a Passage .The fifth part is English for Funthe last part is Magic Voice .2.下面我来介绍一下今晚的比赛环节.今晚的比赛分为6个环节第一环节:Talent Show 秀出我风采 30分第二环节 Challenge Your Listening 挑战听力10分(主持宣布分数) 第三环节Walking Dictionary 行走的字典10分,每题2分,共5题(主持人宣布分数)第四环节Making a Passage 妙语连珠第五环节 English for Fun 等你来挑战10分(主持宣布分数)第六环节 Magic Voice 百变魔音秀4.我们的评委将会以“公平, 公正,公开”为原则,为今天的所有参赛选手进行评分。

最新英语口语比赛主持词篇1 各位老师各位同学,下午好!Good afternoon everyone!在这个晴朗的日子里,我们二年二班迎来了首届小学生英语口语大赛。
There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of class one gread two这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。
This is our exciting day and happin day!意味着我们也能大胆流畅的说英语了。
It means we can speak English,bravely ,easily.在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!感谢她们对我们英语学习的高度重视,So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning.预祝本次比赛圆满成功!And wish this contest enjoy success!我们的评委老师是,The judges are Miss , Miss , Miss现在比赛正式开始Now the contest begins.第一环节:有请第一组。
The first step: IPlease the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。
Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。
Thanks, let’s welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。

关于主持英语比赛主持词三篇主持英语比赛主持词篇1A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my fellow students: I’m very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the “My college and my Dream”Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show. There are 17 contestants coming from different Classes .All of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day!主持英语比赛主持词篇2A: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am Judy. I’m very glad to be the hostess for todays competition, to give the opening speech for everybody. Now you are watching Gaoxin No.1 International course center English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In todays show, there are 18 contestants coming from different classes. All of them are freshmen. I hope you can have a good day!B:Hello, everyone. My name is Lex. First please allow me to introduce our guests first.Let’s warmly welcome our dear principal Mrs. 李,Mr. 蔡from Genuine International education,the dean of our center Mr. 冯,and the dean of Foundation Mrs. 刘.And all those other teachers. Welcome.A: Also, let’s welcome our honorable judges:Mr. Perez,Mr. Perits,Ms. Taha,and Mr. Bagwell.Thank you all for joining us.B: Now,I will tell you something about this contest in general. Today’s contest includes self-introduction, prepared speech and Impromptu speech. The judges will judge you from the following aspects: Fluency and pronunciation, body language, content, language use and impression. The awards contain two First winners, four Second winners, six Third winners and six Excellent Participation winners.A: In Prepared contest,you have about three minutes to deliver you speech. One thing important is that you’d better give your speech without draft,then,you will face the Impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have two minutes to prepare, and 2 minutes to answer. Now, let’s welcome our 18 contestants come onto the stage to make a brief introduction about themselves.Thank you, all the contestants. It’s seems that everyone is full of passion and well-prepared. Now it comes to the second part, prepared speech.B:Let’s welcome the first contestant 卢一萍, Sara from class 1.A: Thank for you wonderful speech. Now let’s welcome the next contestant __ from class __……………….………………第九个人说完,B:After seeing the fierce contest, you may feel a little serious, let’s have a rest now, you are going to enjoy a wonderful dance. Welcome our beautiful dancer Zhang Qi from F5 carries with Jazz Fun-king, now the stage belongs to you!……A: Wow, I can’t believe my eyes. The dance is so amazing. After some time of relax, I think contestant No.10 is ready. Let’s welcome!……..A:thank you for your wonderful performances. One minute on the stage and ten years for practice, the road to success is never smooth and easy, but we truly believe if we work hard and never give up, our dream will come true! I believe all the contestants in this stage have proved this undoubtedly.B: Now let’s take a short break and enjoy a crosstalk presented by 张思明 from F3, and翟光耀 from F5.B: Your show is very funny. I almost couldn’t stop laughing! Now, after the funny crosstalk, it’s time to get down to our business. I am excited to say, let’s begin our Impromptu speech!A: Welcome the first contestant…Now,please choose the number, ok your question is …………….now you have two minutes to prepare. And, begin!……这里加上外教对于上面命题演讲做一个2分钟的commentA. Before the first contestant give her impromptu speech, first, let’s welcome contestant No. 2 choose his question. Your question is ……please get ready. Contestant No. 1, it’s your turn to give your impromptu speech.B: Excellent! The 18 contests gave us wonderful shows. The meaning of this contest is to give us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for us students, helping us speak out our dreams. Then rebuild ourselves! I really hope you have learnt something useful through this contest. Now I’d like to invite our judge __ to summary and comment this contest, welcome!B: Thank you, thank you for you wonderful comment. While our volunteers are calculating the scores, why don’t we relax ourselves a little bit? Welcome a group of gorgeous girls from the dancing club to bring us “When breeze comes”.A: I feel myself is shaking, do you know why? Because I am going to announce the final score of this contest. I am so nervous.B:First I would like to announce the six Excellent Participation winners, they are …… And also, let’s welcome our judges Ms. Taha, and Mr. Bagwell. to hand out the prices for them.CongratulationsA:Now I will tell you the third winners, they are…………Congratulations. Let’s welcome Mr. Perez and Mr. Perits to hand out the prizes.B: Oh! I think I’m more nervous now, and the second winners are……. Congratulations. Let’s welcome Mr. Feng and Ms. Liu to hand out the prizes.A: Ladies and gentlemen can you feel the most exciting time is coming? Who are the lucky dogs to win the first prize? Ok! I think I envy you now; they are __ and … Congratulations! Let’s welcome Ms. Rebecca and Mr. Cai to give the highest honor to them!B: Congratulations to all the contestants!这里要照相A: Well, actually, that’s not all of it. There is still a surprise waiting for you. As we all know, TOEFL is one of the most important step for us to go abroad. We might meet a lot of difficulties in the process of preparation. Thanks to the Chinese and foreign teachers at school who built a solid foundation for the students in English learning. At the same time, we also thank the teachers form outside who give students plenty of skills needed in the test. Thank you all, our dear teachers.B: In order to award the students who got high scores in their TOEFL exams, Genuine international education decided to give scholarship to these students. Let’s welcome 胡馨木, who got 117 with a full mark in Speaking part, 贺俊德, who got 107 with a full mark in Listening and 陈正瑞, who got 102 come onto the stage. Welcome Mr. 蔡from Genuine international education to hand out the prizes.这里要合影A:If you want, you can! Try your best, and you can do anything! You can not change your past, but you can improve your future, Try and believe, yes, we can!A: Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is over! Thank you for joining us, thank you for excellent speech, thank you for the preparation made by the students in F2, thank you for all the audience! Thank you for coming! Bye!主持英语比赛主持词篇3开场白:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon, fellow students.Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。

Good afternoon, everyone. Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Oral English Competition. I’m the host Zhang Lei.老师们,同学们,下午好,非常高兴,我们相聚在这里,召开第一届英语口语大赛,我是主持人Before we start , allow me to intruduce our honorable judges and guests.在比赛开始之前,首先让我们欢迎本次活动的评委和嘉宾。
担任本次活动的评委有:In today’s show, we have three rounds. Every round includes two parts. One is One-minute Reading Show. The other is Quick Answer.今天的比赛总共有3轮,第一轮分为2个环节,第1环节是一分钟诵读材料。
Next, let’s welcome today’s notary to tell us the setting of awards.下面有请今天的公证员为我们介绍奖项的设置。
Thank you and I would like to take this opportunity to wish this English speaking competition can be a perfect success.在此,我预祝这次的英语口语比赛圆满成功。
My friends, It's time for our players to have their performance. Let’s go to the First Round。

英语比赛主持词1杨:Dear ladies and gentlemen 。
Distinguished guests ,and honorable judges。
Welcome to Chemical department English Talent Competition。
good evening ,李:尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好。
杨:This conpetition enjoys a wide-spread participation among our school.And today,our teams are from Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Academy,Foreign Languages Academy and Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy、李;今天晚上我们的比赛可谓是高手云集,群雄争霸,来自化学化工学院,土木与工程学院,外国语学院的7支参赛队将在这个舞台上展现他们独特的英语魅力。
杨:There are so many students to participate。

英语口语比赛主持词(7篇)英语口语竞赛主持词篇2I have a friend who just started his career as a teacher in a primary school. Weeks ago, he asked me to raise a topic for his mid-term composition test. I was curious why he chose me to give a topic, because he is a teacher himself. He said that he wanted something the students can really show their different ideas. Without thinking, I told him to let his students write about what they would do if they were given one million US dollars. My friend left with satisfaction, and I fell into my old memories.It reminded me of my old days in primary school. We were learning to do narration in the fifth grades Chinese class. Our teacher required us to write a composition with the topic My Most Unforgettable Day with our real experience.When papers came back, half of the students wrote about the first day they came to school. The rest of the compositions were all about picking money on the streets and giving it to policemen, or helping a blind man cross the street. Of course I was among them.But I remember very clearly, that one student, only one student gave something different. He wrote about the day that he first kissed a girl. I read his composition. After all these years, I cant recite every word, but I dare to say, that even Shakespeare, may not be able to write as equally good when he was 11 years old. The composition was written out of real experience and genuine emotions. Contrary to those fake stories, it sounds real and natural. But the kid was scored zero. Our teacher thought the content was unhealthy, Im sure you know the meaning of this Chinglish word unhealthy. That was 15 years ago. When you read those compositions, and you feel that half of our population is blind, so all those kids could have a chance to help a blind man cross the street, and every one of us has a hole in our pocket, so all those kids could have a chance to pick up the lost money and give it to policemen.A few days ago, my friend sent me an e-mail of all the copies of his students compositions. I have to say, I was sadly disillusioned.Among those papers 40% said that they wanted to donate the money to people in poverty, so their children can go to school. The rest compositions are much more alike. Some wanted to support the pandaprotection project, some wanted to buy books to enlarge their knowledge. One student even said that he would like to spend his one million dollars on the effort to cure AIDS. I was more astonished to find that a ten- year-old child knew what AIDS really is. We all have been kids, and we knew what we had once wanted. But, there was no composition about spending the money on video games, nice clothes, chocolates, ice-creams and expensive toys. Like 15 years ago, students wont tell the truth of their hearts.It has always been our dream to open our childrens hearts. We encourage them to describe their dreams, and acted as if we are ready to accept their thoughts. But the fact is that, children are scared by the zero marked on their papers. They are trained to say what we want to hear.People compare children to flowers of tomorrow. And parents dream about the scenery that roses, tulips, daffodils flourish in the future. But down the road we are going on, in the future, or the future of future, only one kind of flower can be found. And thats the flower we like most.英语口语竞赛主持词篇3Seven centuries ago, Marco Polo, after staying in our countryfor almost twenty years, brought the secrets of spaghetti and ice-cream with him back to Italy. More than seven hundred years later, with the prevalence of globalization, our people, our food, our products and many other items, have traveled to many other places beyond Italy. No matter where these Chinese people, Chinese food, Chinese products and many other Chinese items are, they carry with them qualities that are unique to our very own Chinese culture - our traditional values.In the whole process of globalization that the world is integrating politically, economically and culturally, into one, we do witness in our country a great influx of western culture and values - McDonalds, KFCs, soccer players and NBA players. And we are even having this prestigious national speaking competition in a language that does not belong to us. In the midst of western products pouring in China as a result of globalization, sometimes we do wonder, where does our own culture belong? When we see our younger generations going away from traditional values such as contextual and role-based ethics, ideal of community, hierarchy, paternalism and non-litigious nature of society, we may even think our traditional values are challenged and even threatened. But, arewe really losing our values?Ladies and gentlemen, we must remember, the traffic of globalization is two-way. Yes, films from Hollywood, soccer from the United Kingdom and restaurants from America, do have an impact on our values. But, if we see globalization in China a synonymous term with western economic cultural hegemony, we are underestimating the impact of not only globalization but also our values.Have a look at languages. Yes, it is the desire and dream of every single Chinese to speak fluent English, including every single one of us here. But, have you ever wondered how many non-Chinese are learning Chinese? Let me tell you, by the end of 20xx, nearly 30 million people from 85 countries and regions were learning standard Chinese, Putonghua. And who knows about the number of people learning regional dialects such as Shanghainese and Cantonese. In these two years, I am sure none of us here will be surprised that the number is skyrocketing.Have a look at Feng Shui, within 0.21 seconds Google brings you 1,270,000 websites about Feng Shui, not in Chinese, not from all over the world, but in English, just within the United States. AndI guess some of you still remember, when the previous American president, Bill Clinton, first became president. He actually had the furniture of his office rearranged according to feng shui ideas. Have a look at traditional Chinese medicine. Four years ago, in 20xx, there were already more than 120 000 traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, researchers and related business trading companies in Europe, just Europe. Our holistic approach of taking care of a persons health has been proven popular in the world. Our values, language, our Feng Shui, our traditional medicine and also Kung Fu that I have not really talked about, are all parts and messengers of our culture and values. What does their success in the west tell us? Their popularity tells us that, alongside cheap consumer products, we are exporting to the west, Chinese beliefs and, values.Ladies and gentlemen, globalization, yes it has its impacts on our values. It is sending our values overseas and bringing in new ones. Lets not see the bringing in of new ones a threat to our own culture. As a matter of fact, the bringing in is a very good opportunity and time to rethink and reflect who we are and what we want to be. It is upon us whether globalization has a positive ornegative impact on our traditional values. Ladies and gentlemen,I see this positively, I know even if our traditional values are changing or to change, the change is for better, not for worse. Thank you very much.英语口语竞赛主持词篇4good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers friends:im lai senhan from the university of international business economics. do you know what date is it today? today is the olympic date. im so glad to stand here today to share my idea about beijing olympic games together with you all. the title of my speech is: what can we do for beijing olympic games?first of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago.at the end of august, , when i decided to come to beijing for study, my friends hel rewell party for me. they said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in beijing, and then in , we shall go to visit you during the olympic games. i laughed and answered: ok, no problem!time flied and 2 years passed. now i am a graduate. my teachers and classmates always ask me: whats your plan after your graduation?go back home, stay in beijing, or go to some other places? and ialways answer: i will stay in beijing. i make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: ive fallen in love with beijing! im eager to welcome the coming olympic games together with my fellow countrymen, and i wish i could do something for the olympics for the city.as we know, beijing will host the 29th summer olympic games in . as a chinese, i think many people are thinking: what we can do for beijing olympic games. most of us are not athletes, we cannot take part in competitions directly; we are not officials either, we dont need to do the preparatory work. we are only ordinary people, what we can do!there are still so many things we can do! for eample, for me, i am a graduate majoring business english. as far as i am concerned, i will keep on learning english hard, and apply for being a volunteer.i will use english to serve the games together with other volunteers. and also, as a businessman at that time, i will avail myself of the great commercial opportunities that the olympics brings to us, make more efforts to offer my contribution to the growth of our national economy.and for all of us, with the goal to host a green olympics , weshall plant more trees, grass flowers. dont waste water. in order to alleviate the problems of air pollution traffic congestions, we shall take buses subways more. with the goal to host a peoples olympics , and in order to make our olympics more attractive and to make our beijing more beautiful, we shall help everyone we meet who needs help, we shall abide by traffic rules, dont smoke in public and no spitting. the most important way for our chinese to support our beijing olympic games, in my opinion, is to work hard on our duties.英语口语竞赛主持词篇5Honorable judges, dear teachers and close friends, good afternoon, I am ?? from ? Primary School. I’ve very glad to stand here to share my speech with you. Today I’m going to talk about: “Better China Better Life”Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name―Chinese. And I’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. Because recently, I’ve felt a lot, especially the deep love from Chinese people every day, even every minute. So I tried my best to do everything well all the time, I still remembered that one day, I met a foreignerwho looked at me and asked: Little boy, how long have you studied English?”“Since I was in Grade One,” I answered, “How lucky you are!” he said, “You’re living in China, how could you learn such perfect English?” I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are trying their best to learn English at school. Then, the foreigner applauded, I think not only for me, but also for all Chinese people, because they did well in last year, I still can’t forget YuShu earthquake; I can’t forget the moment when ChangE No.2 airship flied around moon; I can’t forget the successful GuangZhou 16th Asian games. At last, I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “I must study harder and harder, in order to have better future, better life for our Better country—China!Now let’s all wish the best for our Great country—CHINA. Thanks for your listening.英语口语竞赛主持词篇6Good a fternoon, teachers! My name is XuLulu. I`m 8. I come from Class1 Grade2 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And I`m a good student. However, my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school,I like playing computer games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active girl. Please remember XuLulu. Thank you very much!英语口语竞赛主持词篇7hello everyone,My name is Duan Jiayu, English name is Daisy, seven years old this year, first grade in Daxing.I am very pleased to attend the star of hope English contest.My hobby is climbing and hiking, when I was only two years old,my grandma took me to climb the Longevity Hill of the summer palace, longevity hill has 60 meters, I climbed the mountain with hands and feet, clothes and pants stained with dirt, just like a soil monkey. The tourists thumbs compliment me, I was very proud of it! At that time, our slogan was: longevity hill training, Fragrant hills challenge!At the age of five, my grandmother and I climbed the Fragrant Hills, the top of the hill has almost 600 meters, we had reached the top of the hill in one hour, this year my grandmother and I willclimb the Fragrant Hills every weekend, higher challenge to Taishan! Thank you, very mach!【英语口语竞赛主持词(精选7篇)】。
主持词 最新英语口语比赛主持词

最新英语口语比赛主持词篇1各位老师各位同学,下午好!Good afternoon everyone!在这个晴朗的日子里,我们二年二班迎来了首届小学生英语口语大赛。
There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of class one gread two这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。
This is our exciting day and happin day!意味着我们也能大胆流畅的说英语了。
It means we can speak English,bravely ,easily.在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!感谢她们对我们英语学习的高度重视,So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning.预祝本次比赛圆满成功!And wish this contest enjoy success!我们的评委老师是,The judges are Miss , Miss , Miss现在比赛正式开始Now the contest begins.第一环节:有请第一组。
The first step: IPlease the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。
Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。
Thanks, lets welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。
Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.。

英语⼝语主持⼈优秀稿⼦ 以下是店铺收集整理关于英语⼝语⼤赛主持稿优秀范⽂,希望对你有所帮助! 英语⼝语⼤赛主持稿范⽂⼀: M:Boys and girls. T: Ladies and gentlemen. 合:Good morning. ⼤家早上好! M: Today is a special day. T: Why? M: Because we’ll hold the fourth English speaking contest of our school. T: Wow!因为我们学校将举⾏第四届英语⼝语⼤赛。
That’s fantastic! M: It means we can speak English bravely and fluently. T: 是呀!这意味着我们孩⼦们可以⼤胆流利说英语。
合:让我们预祝本次⼤赛圆满成功! M: Firstly, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr Hu give us the opening speech. T: ⾸先,让我们热烈欢迎胡校长为我们致开幕词。
胡校长做开幕词! M:Next, let’s introduce our judges. T: 接下来,让我们介绍本次⼤赛的评委。
他们是:我们⽤最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来! M:Ok, let me introduce the contest rules. 现在由我来介绍本次⼤赛规则: 本次⼤赛分为两⼤组:⼩学组和初中组 ⼤赛由三个环节组成,每个环节⼗分⼩学组参赛规则是: 1.认读单词(10个),背课⽂ 2.课外知识展⽰ (唱英⽂歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等) 3.⾃我介绍并与主持⼈英语问答交流(五个问题) 初中组参赛规则: 1. 背课⽂ 2. 课外知识展⽰(唱英⽂歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等) 3.⾃我介绍并与主持⼈问答交流(五个问题) T:Now , the contest begins. M: 现在⽐赛正式开始, Let’s welcome the NO. 1 contestant ______ . welcome! 学⽣⽐赛结束 T:现在有请我们的袁校长为本次⼤赛做总结。

(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this petition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进展,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)X:Good evening ladies and gentlemen,wele to Qingdao Huanghai College 20xxEnglish Speaking Competition.My nameis Wang Ruixue,beside me is Wu Xuan you might recognize.She is co-host of big movements of our school.Y:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)晚上好!欢迎来到青岛黄海职业学院20xx英语演讲比赛决赛现场。
X:Well this Competition is organized by Qingdao Huanghai College and sponsored by -------- This Competition is undertaken by Foreign Language Department. In today's Grand Final,there 15 finalists;they are all the winners of the preliminaries.These contestants have given very impressive performances,So,we know that today will be a very rigorous petition.Y:本次大赛由xxx职业学院主办,外语系承办由----赞助。

英语口语比赛主持词范文开场白:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon, fellow students.Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。
By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?In today's show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

英语口语大赛主持稿Dear friends, this contest is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation.朋友们,比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!1:Boys and girls.2: Ladies and gentlemen.合:Good evening. 大家晚上好!1: Today is a special day.2: Why?1: Because we’ll hold the English speaking contest of our school.2: Wow!因为我们学校将举行英语口语大赛。
That’s fantastic!1: It means we can speak English bravely and fluently.2: 是呀!这意味着我们孩子们可以大胆流利说英语。
2.And let’s welcome Mr. XXXX give some comments on our contestants’ performance. Welcome!谢谢您。
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Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to CCTV English speaking contest
尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!这里是CCTV 口语选拔赛的比赛现场,我是今天的主持人。
Before we start ,allow me to intruduce our honorable judges and guests.在比赛开始之前,首先让我们欢迎本次活动的评委和嘉宾。
Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number 1.... contestant no.2 please get ready.
Thank you for your excellent performance
perfect \wonderful\ good
thank you very much \ thanks for your performance
let's warmly welcome contestant Number ( ).... contestant no.( ) please get ready.下面让我们欢迎()号选手,请()号选手做好准备