
魔兽争霸Ⅲ》地图制作入门教程WarCraftⅢ World Editor(简称WE),是暴雪巨作《魔兽争霸Ⅲ》所附带的功能强大的地图编辑器。
是不是已经等不及了?让我们赶快启动WE来制作属于你的一部舞台剧!WE由四个主编辑器还有个功能强大的物件管理器(Object Manager)组成。
四大编辑器分为地形编辑器(Terrain Editor)、单位编辑器(Unit Editor)、触发编辑器(Trigger Editor)、音效编辑器(Sound Editor),四者关系如图,其中要属地形编辑器和触发编辑器功能最为强大。
(注:本文使用的软件为英文版WarCraft World Editor 1.05版)搭建舞台场景——地形编辑器WE基本元素之一。
通过魔兽争霸快捷程序组运行World Editor之后看到如图1界面,这便是最基础的地形编辑器。
魔兽编辑器 (1)

魔兽地图编辑器教程—鹰 (一)

请使用2003版的W o r d及以上版本,否则看不见图。
你会发现双击是打不开的:原因是缺少C D,所以要打C D补丁。
图:汗化补丁下载:h t t p://s c a r b.5d6d.c o m/t h r e a d-34-1-1.h t m l免C D补丁下载:h t t p://w w w.f e i f e i s h i j i e.c o m/m o s h o u g o n g j u/2008-07-13/67.h t m l 先注册一下吧,要支持飞飞世界哦。
下载好两个文件后,都是两个*.R a r的压缩文件,和。
将U I里面的东西全部复制,粘贴到魔兽目录。
O K!你的魔兽地图编辑器可以打开了。
英文全名:W o r l d E d i t o r(缩写:W E)中文全名:魔兽争霸Ⅲ世界编辑器出品公司:B l i z z a r d C o m p a n y(暴雪)编辑器主要构成:地形编辑器(F3),触发编辑器(F4),声音编辑器(F5),物体编辑器(F6),战役编辑器(F7),A I编辑器(F8),物体管理器(F9),输入管理器(F10)。
所以最先要把地形学得特别扎实才行,要学好地形就必须要有足够的想象力,充分发挥自己的才能把!关于这个工具面板,就如同W i n d o w s中的绘画附件的各种刷子。

您正在使用“单页浏览模式”,请点击这里切换到“框架模式”登录→X娱乐娱乐首页|论坛排行|新建论坛|频道导航当前位置:胡同口 > 娱乐 > 电子竞技BAR > 看贴收藏[冰封王座]魔兽地图制作教程,改地图,加密解密,压缩工具,模型讲解分享到:∙QQ空间∙新浪微博∙人人网∙豆瓣网∙腾讯微博∙MSN[复制帖子地址] 返回[电子竞技BAR]关闭窗口| 隐藏边栏05046429神秘X发表于:06-07-09 12:52[第3版 07-10 20:51↓] [只看该作者]先发布魔兽-冰封王座地图编辑器最强版(免CD,全简体中文,带半解密的工具,能打开大量加密地图)(解压密码统一为本版域名;)DND地图编辑器.rar(1,978 KB)改地图对于没加密的就直接用DND改,但对于加了密的话就用这个,以后再发布更好的!物品,技能,单位修改工具.rar(68 KB)压缩地图通常步骤如下:1、用论坛里的we修改地图的单位物品技能(这个地图是不能删了wtg的或是优化了wts的)2、用mpq或w3m来解压单位物品技能文件3、重新用mpq打开没修改过的地图,先删除要压缩进来的文件,再把你刚解压出来的文件压缩进去4、在重新压缩,完成mpq步骤5、打开w3m来装载地图,修改地图信息中的任意地方就会完成地图压缩效果(变小了)以上的动作都会和j有关联,突然出现非法操作之类都会影响地图的不可玩性,如想更好请修改j之类的。
嫌麻烦的就用地图优化工具Wc3 Map Optimizer3,或用mpq删去后缀为wtg的文件(用mpq开别的地图,看它少什么,你就删什么)地图优化工具Wc3 Map Optimizer 3[1].7b汉化版.rar(292 KB)MPQMaster.rar(638 KB)什么是地图加密地图加密就是通过特殊方法破坏地图文件,使它可以在魔兽中运行,却不能被World Editor读取。

《魔兽争霸3》地图编辑器教学《魔兽争霸3》地图编辑器教学1有朋友反映魔兽争霸III 地图编辑器不太会用,我想也是,因为它比SC的地图编辑器要难的多(但是要好玩过),因此找了一些教学手册放上,希望会对大家有所帮助!World Editor 的集成界面各位好:)World Editor(以下简称WE)界面可分为以下几个部分:一、菜单栏:这是多数应用程序都有的部分,大多数的命令在这里被分门别类的放入菜单。
WE的工具栏从左向右数过来分:1、文件操作功能 - 新建,打开,保存2、剪贴板操作功能 - 剪切,复制,粘贴3、步骤操作功能 - 撤消,重做4、选取工具。
(很多朋友都问过这个问题)5、其它编辑模块功能 - 除了最基本的第一个地形编辑窗口,还包括了触发器编辑器,声单编辑器,兵种单位编辑器,已存在对象浏览器等。
有些鸡肋的功能,必需在WARCARFT 3没有运行时才能用,点击后会将当前地图保存到MAPS/TEST/WorldEditTestMap.w3m,然后自动运行WAR3并建立一个名为WorldEdit的单机账号,使用此账号进入CUSTOM GAME读取该地图。

首先先要画好翅膀,要求是BMP格式的.然后导到软件里生成3D的模型.然后在导入魔兽编辑器.第2中很简单,你看中哪个图里的翅膀或者你自己有网上下好的模型,那么就先用MPQMastr 导入模型(要记得文件名,和你放在地图里面哪个目录里,最好就直接放在外面.然后就创建一个人族血法的叫球体的技能,在人族单位里最下联你回找到.或者创建在其他里面的一个叫抢夺旗子的技能.然后在里创建的技能里这样改:把图形 - 目标的属性改成你的翅膀.(如果你导如在外面就直接写翅膀的文件名.PS:不要忘了文件的后缀名也要写上)对与图形 - 射箭技巧不要改.然后底下就要该改图形 - 目标附加你可以改成1也可以什么多不要写让他空着.底下就是填写图形 - 目标附加点 1 改成chest(这个的意思是附加在后背) (hand , hand right,sprite这些多是些目标附加点)图象—目标附加点 1 :设置第一个目标图象创建在目标单位身上的位置。
图象—目标附加点 2/3/4/5/6 :同理。
由于附加点是个十分庞大字符串库,所以我在此引用长风长歌的解析:主要部位:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------overhead 漂浮在单位的头顶上,但不随单位的动作而晃动---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------head 在单位的头上,并随单位头部的动作而晃动---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------chest 在单位的胸部,并随单位胸部动作而晃动---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------origin 预设,就是在单位的位置上,不会晃动---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hand 手上(有时和在武器上很难分清)会随手动---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------foot 脚上会随脚动---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------weapon 武器上会随武器动一般在武器的半截位置或尖端---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sprite 游符,小精灵(只对建筑、机械单位及英雄血法有效)也就是围着血法转的球体,配合下面的first second third fourth fifth sixth使用,但不是所有建筑或机械都有这六个位置,这六个位置对于不同事物是不同的。


首先,请允许我认为你是一只菜鸟!当你打算真正好好学习一番时,请务必学习此教程,它将协助你快速上手WE,免走歪路!第1步:认识魔兽编辑器,它在哪?我们所指的魔兽编辑器它存在于魔兽的根目录下,它的名字是“WorldEditor”来见识一下它的图标:第2步,如何开启编辑器?你认这个问题很可笑,可恰恰很多人因此放弃了编辑地图的打算!如果你是位新手,我相信你下载的盗版war3是无法打开编辑器的,它会弹出一个提示框告诉你:World Editor was unable to locate your CD-ROM drive那么你需要安装一个补丁,以便顺利开启/thread-361-1-1.html第3步,汉化你的触发器除非你习惯于使用英语,否则相信汉化触发器这个至关重要的组件对你是有好处的,本站的大部分教程都使用汉化后的触发器!老狼的UI是一个地图编辑器的扩展,它不但将触发器汉化,而且让功能变得更为强大,很多人会说wow8的UI更为强劲,但是我不建议初学者使用,它并不成熟,存在很多BUG第4步,了解编辑器的编辑环境了解一下编辑器的菜单以及快捷键对新人来说没有坏处编辑器菜单明细编辑器特色与导航编辑器功能面板第5步,认识编辑器的各大功能组件我们的编辑器大体由地形编辑器物体编辑器声音编辑器触发事件编辑器战役编辑器输入管理器物体管理器AI编辑器组成其中,你只要非常了解触发编辑器物体编辑器地形编辑器就可以了,AI编辑器基本了解就可以,它完全可以被触发器所取代!声音编辑器大多情况下你不会用得太多!输入管理器应当了解,但相信不难,很容易掌握!物体管理器是个好工具,可以尝试用来掌握地图编辑!战役编辑器,大多情况下我们不制作战役,战役地图在目前的大环境下没有多大的市场!通过以下文章,你可以了解大致:单位编辑器明细地形编辑器触发事件编辑器声音编辑器战役编辑器物体管理器其中,触发器是WE的精髓所在,务必要特别用心于此第6步,首先阅读这些教程些教程推荐你首先阅读,相信对你颇有益处为什么会有基地和农民 [很简单的问题,却迷惑了N多人]创建魔兽地图地形编辑器镜头的应用和调整 [想制作一个好的电影,这个文章可提供基础]魔兽地图排泄 [一张地图要是使用到了大量的T,那么注意排泄内存是至关重要的!]导入文件的一些应用 [导入文件在实际运用中十分常见,包括导入模型,这个教程我们也有]小试牛刀-精灵选英雄 [这是最常用也最实用的一种选择英雄的方式,其它几种本站均有教程]建议你耐心看全本站的基础教程,再根据需要学习实例!第7步,深入学习只有不断地学习,你才能创造出一个又一个令人心动的作品本站提供了大量教程,建议你多看一些实例建议,尝试学习JASS,这个语言可以帮助你更好地驾驭你的地图jass助手.rar(183.19 KB, 下载次数: 732)它同时还具备加密功能,加密地图的方法很多,具体请查阅相关的文章!同时要切记对地图进行,时刻谨记魔兽地图排泄,让地图不会出现泄漏增加玩家机器的负载。


如果你有以上两点条件的话,呵呵,那么请继续往下看吧,你一定会有所收获的!第一章:认识WE第一节相关的名词及概念相信有些新手们还不知道什么是WE吧!呵呵,WE就是W orld Editor的简写啦,译做中文应该是叫做世界编辑器,这个东西就是大多数地图制作者们的工具了,你只需要在魔兽的安装目录下就能找到了。
没有T,那么你的地图就只是一张好看的摆设罢了(由于这是新手教学贴,所以在以下的课程里面会专门提出来进行讲解,现在暂不讨论)关于JASS,我想还是有很多人听说过JASS吧,这个的确是个好东东,功能比T还要强大,但是需要一定的程序设计能力的人才会用了吧,这对于新手来说更是不沾边的了,所以在本教程中不涉及讨论!如果各位有兴趣的话可以自己去找点相关的教程!另外的几个相关东东:物品管理器,声音管理器及输入管理器将在具体的制图过程教学中提到!第二节熟悉WE 不知怎么说呢,大多数地图作者都必须经历的一个过程吧:修改地图。


魔兽争霸地图编辑器.AI制作AI脚本初级教程【什么是jass AI?】:jass AI是⽤纯jass编写的AI程序,可以⽤新建⽂本⽂档写或jass ⼯具编写.真三AI以及DOTA AI也是由AI 脚本编写.【AI脚本使⽤⽅法】:①运⾏地图编辑器②打开你最爱的对战地图,将它以另外⼀个名字保存(最好放在另外⼀个⽂件夹⾥⾯)③按F12(或者点Modules(模块)菜单,然后选择Import manager(输⼊管理器))④在Import manager(输⼊管理器)中选择File ->Import file (⽂件 -> 输⼊⽂件)⑤选择刚刚建⽴好的**.ai.⽂件⑥⿏标右击已经导⼊的⽂件,选择Modify file properties(修改⽂件属性)⑦将⽂件的后缀名改为.ai◥【代码放置】:在⽂本⽂档中AI程序代码应如下放置+ Shingo Jass Highlighter 0.41globals// 这个放全局变量endglobalsfunction blabla takes blabla returns blabla// ⾃定义函数endfunctionfunction main takes nothing returns nothing//主程序在这Endfunction[教程] ⽤T编写简单的AI,让你的电脑变的强⼤起来 (菜鸟必看)⾸先要知道⼀点,对于1般的RPG,对战的AI是没有⽤处的,如果加了对战AI,电脑就只会造房⼦出兵,显然这个是我们不需要的如果1个电脑单位没有任何AI,那么它就只拥有以下基本功能,对于旁边的敌⼈会主动的攻击,会⾃动放单体的杀伤魔法,(要说明的是,只会随便选择⼀个单位放技能,⽽没有针对性),敌⼈⽐较多的时候也会放群体的杀伤魔法,也会使⽤加⾎的技能和魔法,这些是不需要特殊的AI的就可以办到的.电脑的没有AI的缺点有以下⼏点1,不会逃跑2,不会学习技能3.不会针对某个特别单位使⽤技能4,不会使⽤部分物品和特殊的技能^^^^^^我现在就把ORC3C电脑英雄的沉没的AI简单的给⼤家介绍⼀下基本的⽅法是这样⼀般的说,ORC的电脑的沉没对冽炎风暴,⽕焰⾬,暴风雪等持续的魔法更有效基本的⽅法是这样:事件: 任意单位发动技能效果条件:满⾜任意的下⾯⼀个条件释放的技能是暴风雪释放的技能是⽕焰⾬释放的技能是烈炎风暴释放的技能是 ^^^^^^^动作:选择触发单位为圆⼼范围800 满⾜条件 (匹配的单位是英雄为 TRUE) (匹配单位控制者是电脑) (匹配单位是死亡为FLASE) (匹配单位是是触发单位所有者的敌⼈为 TRUE) (匹配的单位所持有的沉没权仗是被持有的) 的单位做动作LOOP让选择的单位使⽤选择单位所持有的沉没权仗到触发单位的位置就可以实现AI的沉默效果,⼀定要加 (匹配单位控制者是电脑),否则玩家单位也会被强制使⽤物品下⾯偶在讲个DOTA的⾥⾯暗影萨满的多个技能连杀的T以暗影萨满11级的为例⼦枷锁 LV4 MP 185 闪电 LV4 MP 160 蛇棒LV2 350⼀个连招 3个魔法⼀共要消耗700点魔法假使撒满⾝上有风仗,魔法充⾜下⾯如下的写T触发1__________________________________________________________事件:任意单位被攻击条件:被攻击的单位是英雄为真被攻击的单位的⽣命值低于 70%被攻击的单位是攻击单位的敌⼈被攻击的单位是死亡为假动作: :设置变量 A= 被攻击的单位 //(为其他的T记录)选择触发单位为圆⼼范围800 满⾜条件 (匹配的单位的类型是暗影撒满为 TRUE) (匹配单位控制者是电脑) (匹配单位是死亡为FLASE) (匹配单位是是触发单位所有者的敌⼈为 TRUE) (匹配的单位所持有的飓风权仗是被持有的) 的单位做动作LOOP让选择的单位使⽤选择单位所持有的飓风权仗到被攻击的单位设置变量 B= 选择的单位 //(为其他的T记录)命令 B 使⽤暗影猎⼿_毒蛇守卫到 A 所在的点开启触发器2触发2__________________________________________________________初始关闭事件:每0.2事件条件:动作:选择 A 为圆⼼范围200 满⾜条件 (匹配的单位的类型是毒蛇守卫LV2 为 TRUE) (匹配单位控制者是电脑) (匹配单位是死亡为FLASE) (匹配单位是是触发单位所有者的敌⼈为 TRUE) 的单位做动作LOOP命令选取的单位发布攻击到 A触发3__________________________________________________________事件:任意单位死亡条件:死亡的单位类型是毒蛇守卫LV2动作:关闭触发2触发4__________________________________________________________初始关闭事件:每0.2事件条件:动作:选择 B 为圆⼼范围600 满⾜条件 (匹配的单位的类型是暗影撒满为 TRUE) (匹配单位控制者是电脑) (匹配单位是死亡为FLASE) (匹配单位是是触发单位所有者的敌⼈为 TRUE) 的单位做动作LOOP命令 B 发布⼈族龙鹰骑⼠_空中锁链到 A触发5__________________________________________________________事件:任意单位开始释放技能条件:释放的技能是枷锁动作:关闭触发4触发6__________________________________________________________事件:任意单位释放技能结束条件:释放的技能是枷锁动作:命令 B 发布中⽴那家海⼥巫_叉状闪电到 A命令 B 发布中⽴攻击到 A⼏个组合的T就可以让电脑使⽤出强⼤的组合技能,就就是基本T做的AI下⾯的⼏页帖⼦在继续写其他的⽅⾯的AI 呵呵[教程] 如何创建⼀个魔兽RPG的AI系统(转)...从某地⽅挖出的如何创建⼀个魔兽RPG的AI系统翻译:通魔作坊?onlyxuyang译⽂:这篇⽂章将帮助你制作⼀个简单但是⼗分酷的英雄对战地图的⼈⼯智能。

╔═══╦════════════════════════╗║变量║存储数据,重点熟悉和掌握全局和局域变量║╠═══╬════════════════════════╣║函数║执行功能,了解函数的结构、生成和运行等║╚═══╩════════════════════════╝光是看了这有些人可能不是很理解,不要紧,看下去,你会懂得2、详解(2分20秒)(1)、变量和函数声明格式如下:───────────────────────────a、全局变量的声明:globals变量类型变量名( = 初始值) //括号表示不赋值亦可,下同变量类型array数组名//数组不可直接赋值,需在函数内逐个赋值endglobalsb、函数和局域变量的声明:function函数名takes参数列表returns返回值类型local变量类型变量名( = 初始值)......执行语句......return返回值endfunction───────────────────────────(2)、全局与局域变量的区别:全局任何函数皆可用,局域只作用于所声明的函数。

war3地图制作初级教程(War3 map production tutorial)RPG map making tutorialWhat you have to do is a character selection function in 3C, that is, when the wizard enters the circle of energy, select the corresponding hero, which is the most common candidate function of 3C. Well, hands on.First, find the map editor, editor in Warcraft directory, called WorldEditor.exe (World Editor), double-click open. The first use of the map editor, the system will automatically create a 64*64 the size of our environment for the new map, the summer Luo Danlun. If you want to create a new map manually, you can create it by clicking on the file in the menu bar - the new map /File - New Map. If you want to create a new map in the closed open at the same time the editor can have the same function, select the file parameter settings - General - open to create a new map of /File - Preferences - General - Create a new map on start_up, will be in front of the hook removed to achieve.After the map was created, the map editor was made up, and the coordinates of the grid were displayed under 2 G. In the production of the above mentioned functions, let's do some preparatory work. First, since it is the choice of a hero, so the hero is naturally essential, press U to open the editing panel unit, here you can choose what we want to place units on the map, I chose a demon hunter (Demon Hunter), blood (Blood Mage) and the wizard of the Lich King (Lich King), of course, if you saw the other please feel free to make this hero, and will not affect the later. By the way in the unit panel switchingrace is in the extended menu to choose the third lines of the inside of the race, because the hero of the time saw the hero is not controlled by us, must choose to control, so the general practice is to be changed to neutral hero units, change method double click placed on the map hero, select the general game player - - Neutral hostile /General - Player - Neutral Passive. Pay attention to the hero not too far apart, or let the fairies ran a lot of trouble. After the hero is made, of course, an energy circle is put in front of the hero as a sprite, and the energy circle can be found in the Neutral hostile branch of the unit panel. Finally, put on the elf chosen for the hero, because the principle of the choice of multiple players is the same, so here we only choose 3 players, so only to belong to the 3 forces of the elf player. asEven if the work is finished, and then began to do the function part, to use the trigger.The first is introduction, in order not to disrupt our thinking, so I'm on the trigger principle not to do too much, we only need to know the role is to trigger events in the way to realize some functions can. Open the Trigger Editor /Trigger Editor by F4 and delete the default trigger, which is prepared for MEELE. You can see in the Warcraft map editor, a trigger is event (Events), environment (Conditions), (Actions) the three part is about the action, the relationship between the three parts can be illustrated with a simple example: "contact the fire after the explosion of gunpowder". Here, the gunpowder and fire contact is contact events, only two will occur after the action; and the object must be fire will contact the gunpowder explosion, so the fire here as the environment, restrict the gunpowderexplosion requirements; gunpowder explosion is in action, and after the fire caused contact action. In the trigger, we can modify the events, the environment, the action of these three parts according to the need, for example, the gunpowder and fire contact explosion can be changed into contact with water explosion. Then the above concept, to look at the selection method of making the hero, the hero must first after the occurrence of an event will be selected, and this event here is: elf into the energy circle; but here must be limited to be selected into the energy circle when only the elf hero,Other types of units into what will happen, so the whole environment is triggering constraints there, is entering the unit type: energy circle is "elf"; the last is the action, the hero is selected, actually choose action hero is to change the unit from the neutral power control game player hero units. The above mentioned steps to trigger the way it was written like this:Event (Events)A unit goes into the circle of energyEnvironment (Conditions)The unit of entry is "elf""Action (Actions)The control of energy circle corresponding hero to choose the hero of the game playerNow according to trigger written to find the corresponding in map editor options.Create a new /New Trigger method is in the trigger, the Trigger Editor window, right click the right mouse button to select the new "trigger /New Trigger>, new tentaculum hair will be automatically named" named trigger 00X ", the name of the trigger can be triggered in the choice of after the press F2 to modify. Then click on the new trigger, in the lower right of the trigger in the edit window right mouse button, select the new event /New Event, appear in the menu selection unit - unit enters Region /Unit - Unit Enters Region, and then click the red font selection part - / - Select Region, this window will automatically switch to the big map, requirements we select a region, here to explain in Warcraft, we usually see as into energy circle, or enter the garden, into the cave and so on "into a place", in fact, did not enter into our sight, but into the pre placed in the energy circle, garden, an area such as the location of the cave (Region). And now what we're going to do is to place such an area and select the area where he enters as a sprite in the event, and you can see it on the big mapThe panel is automatically switched to the Regional Panel (shortcuts directly open region of the panel is R), click on the panel button to coordinate sample in the pressed state, press the right button drag the mouse to draw a circle in the energy and energy circle regions of similar size, again click on the button on the panel. In the pop-up, just choose the area to place then, will automatically switch back to the TriggerEditor window, red font will be just part of the selected area name instead of continuous, determined the 2 events, they do a good job.Then the environment /Condition, select the new environment unit type to judge /New Conditions - Unit Type Comparison>, the unit type into the region is limited to "elf""Entering Unit means "entry unit", which refers to the unit entering the region. "Equal to" means "equivalent to"".The last action is /Actions, here to sort out what action to perform:1, after choosing a good hero, the elf disappears, so remove the sprite from the game at the beginning of the action.2, change the selected hero belongs to the forces of power control game player.3, the selected hero moves to the specified location, also is the base in 3C.4, because the hero can only be selected once, so at the end of the action, the whole trigger should be closed so that it can no longer be executed.The action corresponding to the above 4 is respectively:1, new action unit removed - removed from the game into the unit /New Action - Unit - Remove - Unit - Remove (Entering unit) fromthe game2, "new action - unit - change owner - change the demon hunter to have entered the unit owner and change the color of /New Action - Unit - Change - Unit - owner Change ownership of Demon Hunter 0002 <gen> to (Owner of (Entering unit) and Change color)3,The new action - unit - Mobile - Mobile demon hunter at the /New center of Action - Unit - Move region 001 Hunter 0002 Demon <gen> instantly to (Center of Region 001 <gen> 001) of course is to create their own regional area;4, the new action trigger off this trigger /New Action - Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)The trigger is complete, this will trigger control again choose another 2 Heroes is complete. Finally save the map, save the time will remind you to each place the starting point, if there is no place for you automatically placed on the map to any area, manual methods is placed in the unit panel select start point icon and then placed. Save the map after the press Ctrl + F9 to test it. Also, don't forget to set the controller of force 2 and 3 to player /User in the menu set - player /Scenario - Player>, otherwise you can't choose force 2 or 3 in the game.Brush soldiers (in some places, this is called to, I can't understand............). The simple explanation is that some units are produced near the base every time, so the nonsense is not much.We all know that in 3C will be at a certain time will be automatically generated, in the trigger, we will automatically occur once the event is the fixed time intervals called "periodic events" in general, often through the following two ways to realize the cycle of events:========================== method1=========================================The first one is realized by the event trigger cycle (also called the loop), a new Action in the trigger (action), to find such a sentence: For Each Integer A in the drop-down menu, Do Multiple Actions (for the integer value A, all the implementation of a number of actions). Click OK after see in Actions (action) in this category has added a Action like (action):For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)Loop - Actions(for integer A, all from 1 to 10, execute action cycle of action)I explained in detail the role of this Action, For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10 (for all integer values A, from 1 to 10), which means repeating the 10 Loop - againActions (loop action) specifies the Actions (action), the same reason, if the following from 1 to 10 (from 1 to 10) changed to from 1 to 20 (from 1 to 20), thenThe 20 action will be repeated, assuming that from 5 to 10 will only perform 5 actions, and why not directly use from 1 to 5 instead of from 5 to 10, which is sometimes necessaryThe functions used, as well as the timing of the specific use, in order not to make everyone confused, now temporarily do not explain, wait until the actual use of similar circumstances to do instructions.-------------------------- example similiarlyNow, to illustrate this function more effectively, let's take a simple example of opening a trigger editor by F4, a new key, a Event (event): Player - Player 1 (Red)Skips a cinematic sequence "player player 1 (red) skip a movie sequence", the event is created by the right mouse button - New Event (new event) -Player (player) - Cinematic Skipped (the movie is skipped), the event's effect is that when player 1 presses the ESC button, it triggers the action. Then add an actionFor each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)Loop - ActionsThis number will need to repeat the action for 10 times,These are then added action in Loop - Actions below:Game - Display to (All players) the text: (String ((Integer A)))(game - game player to all display information: A as integer values of the loop sequence is converted to a string type on the data types, there is no further explanation, we only need to know only the string type data can be displayed as information can be. Here, "the integer A", which is a cyclic sequence, is actually a value that records how many times the action has been repeated The order of adding this action is New Action (new action) - Game (game) - TextMessage (Auto-Timed) (display information, automatic adjustment of information display time)Wait 1 seconds(wait for 1 seconds, so that the next action will take one second after each action). The order of action added is New Action (new action) - All (all) - Wait (wait).Then, after the entire loop Action (action), (note that after the entire For Each Integer, don't add it to Loop - Actions), add thisAction (action):Game - Display to (All players) the text: (finish)Is after the whole cycle end display a word to indicate the end of cycle. Of course, you can finish with their love of change.The Melee Initialization (map initialization) this trigger removed, placed on the map to start game player, press Ctrl + F9 into the game to test, can be seen in the game when pressing the ESC key will be divided into 10 times a second in order to display digital 1~10, finally will display finish. Through this example we can see clearly. For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions) this action can make at Loop - Actions below 1 to from action repeated 10 times in the back of digital +1 minus in front of numbers, and when the number of repeat all has been executed, will continue the cycle behind the action. It is very simple and convenient to realize the periodic execution of the event, but with the Action (action) periodic event has two drawbacks, the first is the implementation of a finite number of cycles, we can see, in this Action in any case also requires to determine the execution times of the 2 digital input; second is between each action time interval has a minimum limit, in the example above, we will Wait 1 seconds (for 1 second) to Wait 0 seconds (wait 0 seconds) after entering the game, will find that even 0 seconds, there will be little waiting time (about 0.1~0.4 seconds, depending on configuration and computer), so that when the periodic events perform some repetition time interval is very small, could not be realized at all, for the periodic event must exclude the above two kinds of restrictions, it shall be There must be another method, periodic event (cycle event), unlike For each Integer, which is a Event (event) rather than a Action (action).========================== method2=========================================Method to add the event: New Event (new event) - Time (time)- Periodic Event (periodic event), add after the completion of the Event can be seen in the following Event class (event):Time - Every 1 seconds of game time(time - 1 seconds per game) is very obvious, that is, every second will perform a Actions (action) contains all the action, Every 1 seconds in the number of seconds to specify the execution of action. For this event, we can still use 1 simple examples to illustrate.-------------------------- example similiarlyA new trigger, Event (event) with the events above, 1 to 0.50, which is 1 times every 0.5 seconds, and then press Ctrl+B to open the edit panel (due to variable variables, are the first contact, I am not in detail, you do what I say is, will make a detailed introduction of variables and data types). Click on the green button panel above the fork, the drop-down menu select Integer at the bottom of the window that appears in the (integer) and then enter the bar at the top of this variable as just a name, [map: var.gif] I use the name I1 for the introduction, it established a type "integer type variable. Put this variable here temporarily, back to the trigger you just created, and add the following action in the Actions (action) class:Set I1 = (I1 + 1)The order of addition of Action: New (new action) - All (all) - Set Varible (set)The function of this Action (action) is to make the value of I1 equal to its current value +1, such as the current value of I1 is 5, so the value of I1 is the value after the execution of the action5+1, that is, 6.Then add:Game - Display to (All players) the text: (String (I1))Add the same way, function is to display the value of i1.Then entering the game test, you'll see that in the game will automatically display the number at 0.5 seconds speed, the value of the last display of digital +1. Summed up the Periodic Event (cycle event) is characterized in the activation trigger by Event (events) in the specified time interval to repeat Actions (action) contains all actions, and as long as the trigger is not closed, would have been to perform.=========================================================== =============These are the two most common ways of implementing periodic events. Then, on this basis, I briefly describe the principle of trigger.Brush trigger is a periodic event, and its action is to create units in the specified location. Here I simply write this trigger and add a little explanation. I believe you shouldunderstand the truth immediately when you understand what is said above.Untitled Trigger 003EventsTime - Every 3 seconds of game time [this is the periodic event mentioned earlier, where the interval of the cycle is set to 3 seconds]Conditions(Farm 0009 <gen> is alive) Equal to True Farm <gen> 0009 [here is a farm, the entire Condition (condition) means that if the Farm 0009 still survive, continue with Actions (action) method of instruction] add this Condition is New Conditions (new condition) - Boolean Comparison (judge that is the logical judgment) - select the icon position [map: boolean.gif] - Unit-Unit is Alive (unit - the unit was still alive)ActionsUnit - Create 1 Giant Wolf for Player 1 (Red) at (Position of Farm 0009 <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees[unit - create a wolf for player 1 (red) on the farm where 0009 is in the direction of the system defaultThe whole trigger, if expressed in words, is that every 3 seconds as long as the Farm 0009 is still alive, it creates awolf on the farm where it is.After entering the game to test, we should find that this trigger has such a drawback: create an unlimited number of units, even on the map have hundreds of thousands, wolf, as long as 0009 farms are still alive,There will always be new wolves, and in this case, we can impose restrictions by adding a simple condition as follows:(Number of units in (Units in (Playable map area) matching) ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Giant Wolf) and (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True)) Less than 5The sentence condition means that if the map number of all surviving wolf is less than 5, continue with Actions (action) class actions specified in the. The units in Units in (Playable map area) refers to the entire map units (Unit-type and of (Matching unit) Equal to) Giant Wolf refers to "all accord with the unit type for this condition, wolf (Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True refers to all units are still alive." the. Due to the complicated conditions listed below, add detailed method:New Conditions (new condition) - Integer Comparison (integer judgment)In the drop-down menu, select "Unit in Region Matching Condition" (the unit within the matching condition)"In the drop-down menu, select "And" - click "Condition1(condition 1)" - select "Unit-Type Comparison" (unit type judgment) in the drop-down menu"Click on the "Triggering Unit (triggering unit)" will be changed to "Matching Unit (matching unit) - continuous determine 2 times, click on the" FootMan (Bu Bing) "will change for you in Action (action) specified in the production units, I choose here is the next" wolf "click on the" Condition2 (2) - click on the icon position [figure bolc.gif] in the drop-down menu, select "Unit is Alive (still alive)" - click "Triggering Unit (triggering unit)" will be changed to "Matching Unit (matching unit), determined the 2 consecutiveFinally click OK back to the first menu will be the "Equal (equivalent to to) to Less Than (less than)", then click the last 0 will be changed to their maximum number of troops you want, this whole Condition (condition) is completeThe above is a limit to the maximum number of brush soldiers trigger the basic principle, but in practice is not so simple, many corresponding adjustments need to be made, interested can go to study.。

按照图片所示打开“创建新地图形表皮和地图大小后, 点击确定
放置的地形纹理,放置时注意要在图内“应用纹理”处勾上钩 并且在地图内放置时会有 绿色框的显示,表示可以放置了
那么就请依照自己的个性放置地形吧,我做个演示 图,如↓
这次,我给大家讲的是地形编辑器,地图编辑器的基本 定义就是可以做地形· · · 似乎有点废话了· · · 那么接下来进入正题,请点击箭头
在魔兽文件夹找到魔兽地图编辑器 双击打开
为了使工具运行的迅速,你们可以这样做——将图中的工具栏打开 并且打开窗口把刷子表的钩去掉(我的编辑器已经去掉)
打开工具栏的窗口进入新面板打开地形就可以得 到———————————————————— —— 这个面板了。下一教程

Item-Class Comparison 物品种类判断
Item-Type Comparison 物品类型判断
Melee AI Comparison 多人对战AI判断
Order Comparison 命令判断
Player Comparison 玩家判断
Environment 环境 设定天气和环境
Floating Text 飘浮文字 可以飘浮在屏幕上任何位置的文字
Game 游戏 设定游戏相关属性
Game Cache 游戏缓存 将对象当前状态储存在文件中,可用于其他地图调用
Hero 英雄 设定英雄的所有状态
Item 物品 设定物品的使用及状态
Start 战役AI模式
Camera 镜头 设定摄像机的位置及改变方式
Cinematic 电影 设定游戏中即时演算的过场动画
Countdown Timer 倒数计时器 又称定时器或计时器,用于倒数计时或定时发生事件
Destructible Doodad 可破坏的 设定可破坏物体的状态
Dialog 对话 设定对话框的显示/隐藏、标题、按钮、内容及清除
If / Then / Else, Multiple Functions 如果/然后/否则,多函数 if条件成立then执行动作else执行另一动作,多个函数
If / Then / Else 如果/然后/否则 if条件成立then执行动作else执行另一动作
For Each Integer A, Do Multiple Action 判断Integer A,循环执行多个动作 以实数A循环执行多个动作,相当于For A=x to y do


1.在Start2域中心为进入单位的拥有者新建一个名为Megotron X的单位(在这句中,你可以更改生成的单位数量、类型以及在哪个域新建该单位和该单位被建立时的角度)。
对自己创造的地形满意吗?光秃秃的可不好看,想加些树木、小鸟还有瀑布之类的修饰就需要用到摆设面板(Doodad Palette)了,点选工具面板上方的选择框或点击Layer→Doodad来切换到摆设面板(图5)。当你创建类似箭靶的物品时,会发现大小与方向都是随机的,这时你既可将四部分的随机大小和随机方向取消,然后重新添加摆设,也可通过双击调整摆设,然后输入数值来改变大小、方向和种类。如果你只想大致地调整一下方向,则使用Ctrl+鼠标左键点击/拖拽(图6)。

魔兽地图制作教程星期三20:27 区域,对话,变量基本的启动什么的就不说了,先从地区开始。
我方阵地=Home 进攻的六个区域叫attack 001 - attack 006 选择英雄的区域叫hero 001 和hero 002。
在新的触发器面版里点右键,选新事件开端,选择事件Map initialization(注:地图初始化,是在地图开始运行以后就会执行这个触发器,有很多的触发器直接使用这个事件会运行不了,但如果你在触发器动作的第一行加入wait-等待语句的话,那就可以运行了)因为是直接运行的,所以条件就不需要了,为空,然接下来是动作,就如我前面所说,如果用地图初始化做触发事件的话,除了变量赋值等触发以外,很多触发器不会执行动作,所以我在第一行添加了wait 2.00 等待2秒,然后写入触发动作。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
魔兽地图制作教程星期三20:27 区域,对话,变量基本的启动什么的就不说了,先从地区开始。
我方阵地=Home 进攻的六个区域叫attack 001 - attack 006 选择英雄的区域叫hero 001 和hero 002。
在新的触发器面版里点右键,选新事件开端,选择事件Map initialization(注:地图初始化,是在地图开始运行以后就会执行这个触发器,有很多的触发器直接使用这个事件会运行不了,但如果你在触发器动作的第一行加入wait-等待语句的话,那就可以运行了)因为是直接运行的,所以条件就不需要了,为空,然接下来是动作,就如我前面所说,如果用地图初始化做触发事件的话,除了变量赋值等触发以外,很多触发器不会执行动作,所以我在第一行添加了wait 2.00 等待2秒,然后写入触发动作。
在动作里选择对话- Change Title ,改变对话标题,这里的内容就显示在对话按钮的上方,提示你需要做出选择。
然后再写入动作对话- Create a dialog button ,创建对话按钮,这里提醒的是,每创建一个按钮,必须要加入一个变量赋值语句Set dialog_button[1] = (Last created dialog Button) ,其中dialog_button[1]是对话按钮变量,[ ]中的1表示这个对话按钮变量组代号1的变量,可以按你的对话按钮数量而改变。
对后建立动作对话- 显示dialog for 玩家 1 (红色),那这个触发基本上完成,如图5所示(包括运行后游戏中显示的样子):接下来先讲如何做选择英雄的触发……然后再接着讲对话框。
如图6所示:然后因为是使用单位进入区域的触发,所以增加了几个区域在所选的英雄前面,英雄所属为中立无敌意,下面那个区域为创造小精灵的位置,图7所示:然后我们写触发,事件是Unit - Unit Enters Region,单位进入区域,因为有多个英雄可以选择,所以我们可以在一个触发器里写多个事件,也可以将每一个事件写成一个触发器。
然后环境(条件)就是需要判断该单位是不是小精灵,判断的是单位类型,所以我们选择(Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) 等于小精灵,这样其它单位进入区域就不会触发动作。
先说说1的做法,如果我们一开始就创造了多个触发器,我们可以这样写触发:事件:单位- Unit Enters Region //一个单位进入区域条件:(Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) 等于小精灵//触发单位的类型是小精灵动作:单位- Change ownership of 圣骑士0001 <情报> to (Owner of (Triggering unit)) and 改变颜色//改变指定单位“圣骑士001”所属为触发单位所属玩家Set hero[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] = (Ownership-changed unit)//设定变量hero[玩家的索引号]=改变所有权的单位单位- Kill (Triggering unit)//杀死触发单位-这个不需要解释了……触发器- Turn off (This trigger)//关闭这个触发器这里需要说明的是,如果英雄选择的地方是没有障碍的,所以可以直接改变指定单位给触发单位所属玩家来控制,如果是锁定区域的话,那可以移动该单位到指定位置或者创造一个同类型的单位给触发单位所属玩家在指定的位置(一般是玩家的初始地点),而单位变量的赋值是为了方便以后操作;如果是创造单位的话,该语句也需要更改:单位- Create 1 (Unit-type of 圣骑士0001 <情报>) for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) start location) facing 默认的建筑朝向degrees//创造一个单位类型是“圣骑士0001”的单位给触发单位所属在玩家的初始点Set hero[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] = (Last created unit)//设定变量hero[玩家的索引号]=最后创造的单位然后我们说说双击选英雄,这个方式最重要的一点,是做备注。
PS:Player Number 玩家号,就是每个玩家默认的值,玩家1的号为1,玩家2的号为2,类推。
比如你选择了双击选英雄,哪怕你有小精灵进入那些选择英雄的区域也一样不会触发动作,另外,这里用了两个新的动作:Camera -镜头,Visibility -可见度。
可见- Create an initially 充许visibility modifier for (Picked player) emitting 可见across hero 001 <情报>//设定区域hero 001 充许可见(也就是去除黑影和迷雾)给所有选取的玩家镜头- Set the camera bounds for (Picked player) to hero 001 <情报> //设定镜头锁定在区域hero 001,所有玩家的视线将被锁定在这个区域,包括单位活动。
另外,这里需要说明的是,双击英雄部分不需要创造小精灵的触发,还有如果你希望你选择好英雄以后,视线自动移动到英雄身上,请在选择的触发后面添加另外的触发动作:镜头- Set the camera bounds for 玩家1 (红色) to (Entire map)//设定镜头锁定全部区域(也可以锁定游戏区域)镜头- Pan camera for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) to (Position of hero[(Player number of (Triggering player))]) over 1.00 seconds//移动触发单位所属的玩家的镜头到刚刚创造的单位位置选择- Select hero[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))]//选择玩家刚才创造的英雄如下图所示:迷之声:有问题!将设定好的东东放到每个触发器,发现如果双击选择英雄直接调用小精灵选择的镜头会出错。