Sperber and Wilson’s Idea
They believe that communicative activities are cognitive activities. The base for cognition is relevance of utterances.
人类的交际活动是一种认知活动, 认知的基础是交际中话语的关联性。
Sperber and Wilson’s Idea
The greater the relevance, the less inference, therefore, the higher communicative efficiency. 关联性越大,所需的推理性越小,交际的效 率越高。 The lower the relevance, the more inference, therefore, the lower communicative efficiency. 关联性越小,所需的推理性越大,交际的效 率越低。
’s Politeness Principles
An example: Parent: Someone’s eaten the icing off the cake. Child: It wasn’t ME. 家长没有直接责备孩子,而是用了一个不定代 词 Someone ,仅仅说“有人”吃了蛋糕上 的糖粉,违反了数量准则,目的是为了维护礼 貌原则。
Sperber and Wilson’s Idea
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
It is this relevance that makes the recipients able to calculate the reasonable implicature. 正是这种关联使得人们对说话人的意图作 出合理的推导,达到对话语的正确理解。
• 1. Existential presupposition: 2. Factive presupposition: 3. Non-factive presupposition 4. Lexical presupposition 5. Structural presupposition 6. Counterfactual presupposition
c. John is not married. c b
2.a. John managed to stop the car. a b & c
b. John stopped the stop the car.
d. John did not manage to stop the car. d c
• A person called Mary exists.
• She has a brother.
• Mary has only one brother.
All are the speaker’s and
• He has a lot of money.
All can be wrong.
The sentence has entailment: • Mary’s brother bought something. • He bought three animals. • He bought two horses. • He bought one horse. • many other logical consequences.
• Metalanguage: meta- indicates that the level of the
study has changed, which means the things people talking about changes from object to “the talk” itself. The notion of metalanguage was proposed by Tarski in the first place in the 30s of 20th century, it was used to describe, estimate and observe the object language. Metalinguistics is the study of metalanguage. It studies the relationship between language system and the relevant cultural behavior system. For example, the dictionary is using metalanguage to describe words, and we can use chines to describe English.
• Metapragmatics is the study of pragmatics and it is base on pragmatics, as Mey said: metapragmatics is the pragmatic study of pragmatics, which can be comprehended as : the theories and principle of pragmatics are the object language of metapragmatics. • Base on saussure’s theory of language’s arbitrariness, Leech suggested that the arbitrariness of language did not necessarily result in the arbitrariness of grammatical rules, in other words, grammatical rules are conventional. But the cause of the rules came from the nonlinguistic thoughts and reality. Leech also holds that although the grammatical rules are conventional, the pragmatical rules are not conventional, they are determined by the aim of the conversation. The grammatical rules can be comprehended in two level: although grammatical rules are arbitrary, they are generally and commonly explained in the metagrammatic level.
Lecture 7语用学课件--北外课件
(should be useful to investigate this)
III. The theory of implicature
What is the general aim of the theory? In Chomsky’s theory
How does one know whether a sentence is
rule, like Grice’s
But maybe this:
U by uttering x means p iff U has a way of using x to
mean p This sounds like commonsense Wittgenstein: “Don’t ask for the meaning, ask for the use!’ Francis Lin: “Don’t ask for the meaning, ask for how meaning is expressed!’
Finding the ‘essence’ of ‘mean’, in Wittgenstein’s
But there are always counter examples So, should we keep on revising the definition, hoping to get the final, correct one?
Pragmatics (语用学) the study of language use
Analyzing Grice’s theory I. Grice’s motivations II. The definition of meaning III. The theory of implicature IV. My thoughts
grice关于conversationnal implicature的观点
grice关于conversationnal implicature的观点
格赖斯(Grice)的“会话含义”(conversational implicature)理论是语言哲学和语用学中的一个重要概念。
格赖斯的“会话含义”理论中,他区分了两种类型的含义:字面含义(literal meaning)和会话含义。
1. 数量准则(quantity maxim):提供充分、不过多的信息。
2. 信息准则(information maxim):提供的信息应该是新鲜的、有意义的。
3. 方式准则(manner maxim):表达要清晰、简洁、避免冗余或模糊的信息。
4. 关系准则(relation maxim):对话要与内容相关。
语用学课件整理稿(英文)What is pragmatics?Pragmatics is a systematic way of explaining language use in context [Context is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge [knowledge of the language they use, knowledge of what has been said before, knowledge about the world in general, knowledge about the specific situation in which linguistic communication is taking place, and knowledge about each other) shared by the speaker and the hearer.]It seeks to explain aspects of meaning which cannot be found in the plain sense of words or structures, as explained by semantics. As a field of language study, pragmatics is fairly new. Its origins lie in philosophy of language and the American philosophical school of pragmatism. As a discipline within language science, its roots lie in the work of (Herbert) Paul Grice on conversational implicature and the cooperative principle, and on the work of Stephen Levinson, Penelope Brown and Geoff Leech on politeness. Pragmatics is a subdiscipline of linguistics developed from different linguistics, philosophical and sociological traditions that studies the relationship between natural language expressions and their uses in specific situations. The term pragmatics comes from Morris? (1938) general theory of signs: in this semiotic model (semioti cs), pragmatics refers to the relationship of the sign to the sign user. The distinction between pragmatics and semantics, both of which investigate different aspects of linguistic meaning, is even less clear-cut. While semantics is concerned with the literal and contextually non-variable meaning of linguistic expressions or with the contextually non-variable side of the truth conditions of propositions or sentences, pragmatics dealswith the function of linguistic utterances and the propositions that are expressed by them, depending upon their use in specific situations (pragmatics concentrates on those aspects of meaning that cannot be predicated by linguistic knowledge alone and takes into account knowledge about the physical and social world).Distinction between pragmatics and semantics1. same:linguistic studies of meaning2. differenceSemantics is concerned with the literal and contextually non-variable meaning of linguistic expressions or with the contextually non-variable side of the truth conditions of propositions or sentencespragmatics deals with the function of linguistic utterances and the propositions that are expressed by them, depending upon their use in specific situations.Sentence meaning v. utterance meaningIf we take it as a grammatical unit and consider it as a self-contained unit in isolation, then we treat it as a sentence. Sentence means a unit of speech constructed according to language-dependent rules, which is relatively complete and independent in respect to content, grammatical structure, and intonation.If we take it as something a speaker utters in a certain situation with a certain purpose, then we are treating it as an utterance. Utterance means a string of sounds or written symbols produced by a speaker between two pauses. An utterance can consist of a single word or several sentences.Meaning of a sentence is abstract, and de-contextualized.Meaning of an utterance is concrete, and contextualized.Utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context.Summary●Language meaning can be analyzed at several levels.●Semantics concentrates o n the meaning that comes from linguistic knowledge, whilepragmatics concentrates on those aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone and takes into account our knowledge about the physical and social world.●The focus of pragmatics analysis is on the meaning of speakers? utterances rather thanon the meaning of words or sentences.Utterances need not consist of complete sentences. Each utterance is a unique physical event created at a particular point in time for a particular communicative purpose.What does pragmatics mainly include?The lack of a clear consensus appears in the way that no two published accounts list the same categories of pragmatics in quite the same order. But among the things you should know about are:DeixisSpeech actsPresupposition and entailmentCooperation and implicatureRelevancePoliteness principleDeixisDeixis:The way in which the reference of certain elements ina sentence is determined in relation to a specific speaker and addressee and a specific time and place of utterance.Deictic expressions(指示结构)include such lexemes as:Personal or possessive pronouns (所有格代名词)(I/you/mine/yours),Demonstrative pronouns (this/that),(Spatial/temporal) adverbs (here/there/now),Other pro-forms(替代词)(so/do),Personal or possessive adjectives (my/your),Demonstrative adjectives(指示形容词)(this/that) ,Articles (the).Pro-forms:(替代词)forms which can serve as replacements for different elements in a sentence.A: I hope you can come.B: I hope so.A: Mary is in London.B: John is there too.We invited Mary and John to eat with us because we liked them.A: I like coffee.B: We do too.Two kinds of usages of deixisGestural usage(手势型的用法): with the help of gestures, with some physical indication of the referent (e.g. direction of gaze), completely context-dependent.He is not the president. He is. He?s the secretary.Symbolic usage(象征型的用法): with the help of contexts (Gestures are not necessary.We should know the time, space, participants, etc. The communicators are not necessarily present.)This city is highly congested.Non-deictic usages of deixisEndophoric reference(文内照应): the entity(实体)the deixis refers to exists in the sentence/ passage, the purpose of the use of deixis is for cohesion(粘连). Mostly third person (single, plural) is used for endophoric reference.e.g.: Peter studies Japanese. He wishes to go to Japan some day.We were led into a big room. Here, it was said, Ford produced his first car.Exophoric reference(文外照应): the entity the deixis refers to does not exist, and the referential meaning can be judged from the context. Mostly first and second person (single, plural) is used for exophoric reference.e.g.: He?s not the president. He is. He?s the secretary.You can come with me if you like.Some deixis belongs neither to endophoric reference nor to exophoric reference, it doesn?t exist in a context or discourse(文篇), for example “we”, “you” which do not refer to specific persons; “here”, “there” used in some set expressions, e.g. “Here we are”,”There wego”.gestural usageexophoric referenceDeixis symbolic usageendophoric reference: cohensionCategories of Deixis2.3.1 Person DeixisDeixis depending on the identity of speakers, addressees, and others.1) The basic grammatical distinctions are the categories of first, second and third person ——speaker inclusion, addressee inclusion, speaker and addressee inclusion. [Some pronominal systems exhibit as many as fifteen basic pronouns (ignoring honorific alternates) by superimposing distinctions based on plurality, gender and so on.]2) The first and second person pronouns are usually used in exophoric reference; the third person pronouns (single and plural) are usually used in endophoric reference.e.g. You can come with me if you like.You can never tell what sex some teenagers are nowadays.John came in and he lit a fire.3) Third is quite unlike first and second person, in that it does not correspond to any specific participant-role in the speech event.4)Vocatives(呼语)can be divided into calls, or summonses(呼唤语)and addresses (称呼语). The distinction is precisely that between gestural and symbolic usages.Summonses are naturally untterance-initial, addresses are parenthetical and can occur in the sorts of locations that parentheticals can occupy.E.g Hey you, you just scratched my car with your Frisbee. (calls)The truth is, Madam, nothing is as good as nowadays. (addresses)4) It is common in many languages for mother to say to father, in the presence of little Billiesomething like “Can Billie have an ice-cream, Daddy?” taking the view, for the purpose of vocative selection, of the audience. These distinctions make it important that we do notconfuse the categories of addressee and hearer.5) In many languages, there are two first person “plural” pronouns corresponding to“we-inclusive-of addressee” (包括谈话对方)and “we-exclusive-of addressee”. (不包括谈话对方)E.g. Let us know the time of your arrival. (exclude the addressee)Let?s go to the cinema. (include the addre ssee)您安心养病吧!我们过几天再来看您。
Types of Q-implicature
Q-scalar implicature Q-clausal implicature (p or q,p and q,since p then q,if p then q,know that,believe that) Q-alternate implicature,which come from a nonentailment semantic (contrast) set.
<succeed,try˃ In 1888,Van Gogh tried to set up an artist's studio at Arles. +˃In 1888,Van Gogh did not succeed in setting up an artist's studio at Arles. <boil,grill,stir-fry˃ Stir-fry the bean sprouts,please. +˃please,don't,for example,boil the bean spouts as well. (Yan Huang2009:44)
In Sperber and Wilson's approach and that of Horn's,it is exactly adopted what grice had anticipated--to use the principle of revelance to subsume the second maxim of Quantity.Now Levinson believes that is mistaken.In his view, maxims of Quantity have to do with the quantity of information,while the maxim of Relation is “a measure of timely helpfulness with respect to interactional goals”(p.401).and “is largely about the satisfaction of others' goals in interaction,and the satisfaction of topical and sequencing constraints in discourse,as in the expection that answer will follow a question”(Levinson 1989:467).It is not,at least not primarily,about information.So he renames the second maxim of Quantity the Principle of Informativeness,I-principle for short;and the first maxim of Quantity the Principle of Quantity,or Q-principle.
- 什么是语用学
- 格赖斯(Grice) 的贡献
- 准则1:质量准则
- 准则2:数量准则
- 准则3:关系准则
- 准则4:方式准则
- 最佳解释原则
- 遵守合作原则的会话含义
- 违反合作原则的会话含义
- 语言学领域
- 人工智能与自然语言处理
在语用学领域,格赖斯(Grice) 的理论贡献不可忽视。
grice语用学摘要:1.Grice 语用学的概念与背景2.Grice 的三个基本原则3.Grice 语用学的贡献与影响正文:1.Grice 语用学的概念与背景Grice 语用学是由英国哲学家Paul Grice 在20 世纪60 年代提出的一种语用学理论。
Grice 语用学是语用学领域中最有影响力的理论之一,它对理解语言在交际中的功能具有重要意义。
2.Grice 的三个基本原则Grice 提出了三个基本原则,分别是质量原则(Quality)、数量原则(Quantity)和关系原则(Relation)。
3.Grice 语用学的贡献与影响Grice 语用学对语言学和交际学的研究产生了深远的影响。
另一方面,Grice 语用学为我们提供了一种理解和解释语言在交际中发挥作用的方法。
此外,Grice 语用学的基本原则也被广泛应用于人工智能、对话系统等领域,以提高机器在交际中的表现。
总之,Grice 语用学为我们理解语言在交际中的功能提供了有力的理论支持。
grice语用学【原创版】目录1.引言:介绍 Grice 语用学2.Grice 的语用学理论核心:合作原则和会话含义3.合作原则的四个子原则:质量、数量、关联和方式4.会话含义的理解与推理5.Grice 语用学的应用领域6.结论:总结 Grice 语用学的重要性和影响正文【引言】Grice 语用学是由英国哲学家赫伯特·保罗·格赖斯(Herbert Paul Grice)提出的一种语用学理论。
Grice 语用学理论主要围绕合作原则和会话含义展开,为我们理解和解释语言在交际中的使用提供了有力的理论支撑。
【Grice 的语用学理论核心:合作原则和会话含义】Grice 认为,在交际过程中,为了保证有效沟通,交际双方需要遵循一定的原则。
【Grice 语用学的应用领域】Grice 语用学理论在许多领域都有广泛的应用,如语言学、心理学、哲学、社会学、人工智能等。
Pragmatics 语用学教学PPT
• 交际目的 • 交际目的是各种各样的。或是陈明一种心理, 希望对方明知;或是提出一种问题,希望能 够得到解答;或是表达一种请求,希望对方 照办;或是抒发一种感情,希望引起共鸣。 不同的交际目的制约着人们的交际行为。
• 交际过程
– 改变语音形式, “一”作 “幺”;“0‖作 “洞”。 – 重复话语:如电影《英雄儿女》中:“我是王 成,我是王成!为了祖国,为了人民,请向我 开炮!” – 增加羡余成分:我明天早上,早上九点到!请 到机场接我! – 放慢语速,加大音量。
• 交际对象 • 言语交际离不开交际对象。交际对象是具有各种个 性特征的。如性别、年龄、身份、地位、生活环境、 职业经历、思想性格、修养爱好、文化水平、社会 心理、处境心情等。这些个性特征都会不同程度地 制约着言语交际。 • 交际对象涉及双方的关系亲疏、地位高低、辈分尊 卑、年龄长幼等因素。一般说来,交际双方关系越 密切,地位、年龄、辈分相当,所需的礼貌成度就 越低;双方关系越疏远,越陌生,双方地位、辈分、 年龄相差越大,越要客气。“礼貌的其中一个功能 便是创造交际双方之间的社会距离。”
• 意义:提醒、催促、或是对听话人不守时间的批评。若考虑 到双方的关系:上下级关系,师生关系,父母子女之间、恋 人之间等,则可以理解的意思还多些。 • 一个人老想着出国,老对别人讲要办好手续了,但老也没见 他出国,有人就说,“你怎么还没走?” • 意义:关心、调侃或嘲讽。 • 下班时间早过了,某人还在办公室里忙乎,值班人员过来锁 门,说:“你怎么还没走?” • 意义:值班人员可能是出于爱护,也可能是出于生气,还可 能是某种猜测(是不是有什么不能在办公时间处理的不可告 人的什么事情,是不是在等什么人的电话,等等。) • 一个普通老百姓来到某个部门办事,被某个态度不好的工作 人员拒之门外,过了半天,那个工作人员看见老百姓还在门 口,于是说:“你怎么还不走?” • 意义:可以比较肯定地认为,这是一种不太友好的态度,是 让对方赶快走开的意思。
B: Mike has two pencils and perhaps two or more. (By adding “perhaps two or more”, the implicature disappears)
假设大家都知道John is an idiot.,但偏要嘲笑说John is a genius,即使不说这句话,改说下面任何一种同义结构:
()John is a mental prodigy. () John is an exceptionally clever human being. () John is an enormous intellect. () John is a big brain.
B: It is raining.
Semantic and literal meaning: his answer unrelated to the
B’s implicature: the football match will be canceled as the
ground is wet and slippery after the rain.
存在预设:用于陈述某人某事有一定性质的话语。 一般都预设讨论对象的存在。
话语的字面意义或语义组合。 听话人:根据相关语境因素进行推理,获取字面意
在言语交际中,类似的字面意义或语义意义以外的隐含 信息就是我们要讨论的会话中的含义,即会话含义。
合作原则的内涵 格赖斯(Grice ,1975)认为:
语用学 deixis课件
B 不同的言语平面(speech levels),如坦率或礼貌 的言谈、敬语或谦语等的认别。
C 谈话场合,如正式与非正式场合、严肃与随便场 合的区别。
D 人名、职务和亲属的称谓,如根据说话人、听话 人和第三者的关系反映出不同的称谓表达方式。
E 作为社交行为的言语表现方式,如问候、道谢等
F 配合其他社交行为而使用的言语表现方式。
语用学 deixis
2. 2 characteristics of deixis
• All deictic expressions depend, for their interpretation, on the speaker and the hearer who share the same context.
语用学 deixis
• Deictic expressions include definite noun phrases, personal pronouns, demonstratives, adverbs, tenses, etc.
• 表空间位置的副词:
Johnny lives upstairs.
view. This can be understood as egocentric
语用学 deixis
deictic center (ⅰ) the central person
the speaker
(ⅱ) the central time the time at which speaker produces the utterance.
analyzed in terms of speaker's intentions. • Paul Grice Cooperative Principles The Four Maxims • The Four Maxims : * Maxim of Quantity: Make your contribution as informative as is required. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. * Maxim of Quality: Do not say what you believe to be false. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. * Maxim of Relation: Be relevant
engine to start.
d. He turned the key in order to make the engine start.
Developments of Grice's theory
• The ordering of the application of the principles Q- precedes M- which precedes I- ( Q ﹥M﹥I ) Ex. a. John caused the car to stop. b.John stopped the car in an unusual way. • Maxim of Quality • Post-Gricean Pragmatics
The Q- Principle & The R- Principle
The R ﹝elation﹞ Principle Make your contribution necessary . Say no more than you must ( given Q ) .
• Replace Grice's second maxim of quantity and the maxim of relation .
• This principle concerns mainly about the maximization of informational content.
• Ex. a. Some of my friends are linguists.
• b. Not all of my friends are linguists.
The Q- Principle & The R- Principle
The Q ﹝uantity﹞ Principle Make your contribution sufficient. Say as much as you can ( given R ).
• Replace Grice's first maxim of quantity and the maxim of manner.
• Ostensive communication • Optimal relevance
• Ex. 1. a. George has a big cat. b. George has a tiger, a lion, a jaguar ( 美洲豹 ), etc.
c. George has a tiger. d. George has a tiger or a lion, I'm not sure which. e. George has a felid.
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Grice's Cooperative Principle
• Paul Grice is generally regarded as the founding figure of the traditon in which utterance meaning is
communicational ends, bearing Q in mind. • Ex. 3 • a. John turned the key and the engine started.
b. He turned the key and then the engine started.
c. He turned the key and thereby caused the engine to start. d. He turned the key in order to make the engine start. Ex. 4 a. Harry and Sue bought a piano. b. They bought it together, not one each.
• Semantics & Pragmatics
Post-Gricean Pragmatics
• They both focus on the processing effort and the cognitive effect in conversation.
• Minimize the processing effort
The R ﹝elation﹞ Principle Make your contribution necessary . Say no more than you must ( given Q ) . • Replace Grice's second maxim of quantity and the maxim of relation .
The Three Inferential Heuristics
Q- Heuristcs: " What isn't said, isn't " I- Heuristcs:
" What is expressed simply is stereotypically
exemplified. " M- Heuristcs: " What's said in an abnormal way isn't normal. "
The Q- Principle & The R- Principle
The Q ﹝uantity﹞ Principle Make your contribution sufficient. Say as much as you can ( given R ).
• Replace Grice's first maxim quantity and the maxim of manner. of
• This principle concerns mainly about
the minimization of form.
• Ex. Can you pass me the salt ?
The Q- I- and M- Principles
The Q- Principle • Definition: Make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purpose of the exchange.
Maximize the cognitive effect
• The neo-Griceans follow the origional perspective and consider utterance meaning to be speaker's intended meaning.
•Post-Gricean Pragmatics Neo-Gricean Pragmatics The Q Principle & The R Principle The Q I and M Principles The Principle of relevance Sperber & Wilson Contextualism Default Semantics Laurence Horn Stephen Levinson
analyzed in terms of speaker's intentions. • Paul Grice Cooperative Principles The Four Maxims • The Four Maxims : * Maxim of Quantity: Make your contribution as informative as is required. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. * Maxim of Quality: Do not say what you believe to be false. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. * Maxim of Relation: Be relevant
engine to start.
d. He turned the key in order to make the engine start.
Developments of Grice's theory
• The ordering of the application of the principles Q- precedes M- which precedes I- ( Q ﹥M﹥I ) Ex. a. John caused the car to stop. b.John stopped the car in an unusual way. • Maxim of Quality • Post-Gricean Pragmatics
The Q- I- and M- Principles
The I- Principle • Definition: Say as little as necessary, produce the minimal linguistics clues sufficient to achieve your
The Q- I- and M- Principles
The M- Principle
• Definition:Do
not use a prolix, obscure or marked expression without reason. Ex. 1 a. Harry and Sue bought a piano. b. They bought it together, not one each. Ex. 2 a. John turned the key and the engine started. b. He turned the key and then the engine started. c. He turned the key and thereby caused the
Specifically: don't provide a statement that is informationally weaker than your knowledge of the world allows, unless providing a stronger statement would contravene the I- principle. • Ex. 1 a. I often take sugar in my coffee.
* Maxim of Manner : Avoid absurdity of expression
Avoid ambiguity Be brief ( avoid unnecessary prolixity).
④ Be orderly
The Principle of Relevance
b. I do not always take sugar in my coffee.
Ex. 2 a. I believe ( cf. know ) that John is away. b. He may or may not be ---- speaker doesn't know which.
• Sperber & Wilson
• Minimize the processing effort Maximize the cognitive effect • Definition: Every act of "ostensive communication" communicates a presumption of its own " optimal relevance ". • Ostensive communication • Optimal relevance
• This principle concerns mainly about the maximization of informational content. • Ex. a. Some of my friends are linguists.
• b. Not all of my friends are linguists.
•Relevance theorists discuss intentional communication from the perspective of the addressee's reconstruction of speaker's assumptions.