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1. Don’t try to talk me into buying the stuff. I know (你的嘴巴太能说).

2. This machine is (在每个方面都优于那一台).

3. We are aware of the difficulty of (与他打交道).

4. This small library is for (老师专用).

5. (随信寄去) are my resume and three letters of reference.

Exercise 2

1. When he found that his son failed in the examination, the father (发了脾气).

2. They told the press that a mutual agreement would be forthcoming (在两个月内).

3. Tomorrow the money will (转到你的帐上).

4. Take an umbrella with you, son, (以防下雨).

5. Her colleagues are very upset, (更不要说她的父母了).

Exercise 3

1. You have to make up your mind (否则就太晚了).

2. (一怒之下), the wife left her husband and went to another city.

3. The company was found guilty (欺骗消费者).

4. The popular singer was ridiculed for (对中国历史知之甚少).

5. The best way to learn English is to (接触这门语言).

Exercise 4

1. The mother was amused when she found that her son tried to (以他的父亲为榜样).

2. Most of the new immigrants found it hard to (适用新环境).

3. (天气允许的话), we will go for an outing on weekend.

4. (不管遇到什么困难), you should always try to have confidence in yourself.

5. It is vital that (募集到足够的钱) to fund the project.

Exercise 5

1. (两种说法相互矛盾), so I did not know what to believe.

2. The prices of beer (从一美元到十美元不等).

3. (我无法克服我的愤怒) when I hear of people being cruel to animals.

4. He is a sort of echo of his boss’s opinion, and (他没有自己的主张).

5. We should conserve water as (生命必不可少的东西).

Exercise 6

1. She filed a lawsuit against the company for (她的身高而不雇她).

2. After the event, the Prime Minister (遭到解职).

3. Though he runs a big company, he (对他的穿着并不讲究).

4. Urged by the students, the teachers (提前五分钟下课).

5. You can keep my dictionary (以备参考).

Exercise 7

1. It is advisable that everyone should insure his life (防止出现意外).

2. I have no intention of (卷入这场争执之中).

3. He was reluctant to reveal (演唱会安排的任何具体细节).

4. (持续的经济发展) is what we have in mind and hopefully it will be achieved.

5. He left the army and (重过平民生活).

1. (一旦解决了这个难题), the project moved on quite smoothly.

2. He loved his car so much and saw to it that (汽车得到妥善的保养).

3. It was not expected that the government would (动用武力对付人民).

4. We will take all the necessary measures to ensure that (项目按计划进行).

5. I’d rather read than watch television. The programs seem (越来越差)all the time. Exercise 9

1. (如果没有那场暴风雨), the ship would have reached its destination on time.

2. The manager urged his staff (不要错过良机).

3. There is (一丝不耐烦的意思) in the tone of her voice.

4. Many people don’t understand why English is (一个必考的科目)in the national college entrance examination.

5. You know what kind of man he is, so (别指望他能帮忙).

Exercise 10

1. He said the driver must have had an accident, (否则他应该到了).

2. (经过一番彻底的调查), the police had to conclude that the man was not murdered by his wife.

3. The mayor of the city gave a pledge to handle the matter (以公平的态度).

4. The Chinese government has taken steps to ensure that its rural population should


5. Her diligence and intelligence (弥补了)her lack of experience.

Exercise 11

1. I’m (下定决心要完成任务), however hard it is.

2. It is obvious that this new rule is (毫无例外地适用任何人).

3. (没有足够的证据说明) that people can control their dreams.

4. Some plants are (对光线很敏感). They prefer to the shade.

5. (不出所料), the response to the question was very mixed.

Exercise 12

1. Facing evidence beyond any dispute, she (供认偷了那台电脑).

2. The design had been altered many times (才开始时兴).

3. Were it not for their assistance, we (不会有资格接受) this honorable award right now.

4. Given that (她不能辨别颜色), I am sure she is color blind.

5. Hard as they tried, they (没有找到替代品) for this material.

Exercise 13

1. This approach is no (一样不实用) that one.

2. the launching of Shenzhou VI spacecraft was (一件具有历史意义的事件).

3. Without that temporary working-site, the student (不可能按时完成设计).

4. He (给我的印象是) an honest man.

5. He regretted (责怪了那个孩子) losing his tools for car repair.

Exercise 14

1. Although the staff’s excuses were beside the point, as a manager, (他本应忍住不发火)

2. Were (如果他们在我们出发前到达的话) the day after tomorrow, we should
