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the students a set of tests and asked colleagues conducted their
them to report how often they
research, they______.
multitasked, how good they thought A. assessed the multitasking ability
23. What kind of book is Gone Girl? A. A folk tale. B. A biography. C. A love story. D. A horror story
(高考全国卷Ⅰ,阅读理解C,节选)The visitor will enter the World of Dali through an egg and is met with the beginning,the world of birth. The exhibition follows a path of time and subject with the visitor exiting through the brain. 30.How are the exhibits arranged at the World of Dali?__D__ A.By popularity. B.By importance. C.By size and shape. D.By time and subject.
1.4 文章出处
✓ 解题顺序性原则 ✓ 解题思路:问题先行,找出关键词 (加速阅读和
定位) ✓ 看题目---扫读题---划关键词 中心词(问题的中心
时间、月份;大写的单词-人名、地名、组织机构等;表逻辑关系的词如 because, so, before, after, first, then;否定含义的词如 avoid, not ,negative…
B. It works automatically.
operate. It is being experimented in Poland C. It is very expensive.
and is set to go on sale in UK within a few D. It has been used widely
participants' multitasking ability with a C. analyzed the effects of the
tricky mental task that required the
participants' tricky mental tasks
students to do simple mathematical D. measured the changes of the
cardboard for recycling. The invention,
which can help sort rubbish into recycling A. It is easy to operate.
categories without needing people to
✓ 阅读首段---了解文章文体 定位--- 逐题找答案
应用文:形式多样--广告、-请柬、海报等。 议论文:阅读难在这种文章处处都渗透作者的个人观点、 态度。阅读议论文应该从文体的写作和结构特点入手。对 信号词的迅速反应和对关联词的准确判断是至关重要的; 注意作者所使用的表示赞同、反对等感情色彩的词汇。
A new “smart bin” could mean the end of 1.What do we know about a environmentconscious families spending new “smart bin” from the
hours sorting tins, cartons, bottles, and
33. What did the scientists take notice of the wrasses at first? A. They swam in unusual ways. B. They wanted to challenge themselves. C. They thought the mirror interesting. D. They were unaware of themselves in the mirror.
they were at it, and how sensation-
of the students
seeking (寻求刺激) or imperative (冲动) B. evaluated the academic
they were. They then evaluated the
achievements of the students
昆明市2020届高三摸底诊断测试阅读D篇:鱼是否能通过体现 自我认知的“镜子测试”的实验
At first, the wrasses challenged the “other fish” by swimming up to the mirror and “mouth fighting” them.
✓ 考生在语篇中恰当运用语言知识,获取信息 与加工信息的能力;
✓ 考生逻辑思维的精准性、深刻性; ✓ 考生对阅读材料理解的透彻性和准确性。
(1)文章体裁多样,题材丰富,时代和人文气息,倡导建立和谐人际关系; (2)重视思维品质培养; (3)突出科技类文章的阅读,注重培养考生的科学精神; (4) 细节题和推断题设题依然为考查主旋律,彰显稳定; (5)字数总计为1300左右,其中 A篇词数为200词左右,B- D篇为300词左右,七 选五则为220词; (6)文章来源英语原版书籍、报纸和杂志。(2019年考试说明:首次提出含网络 版文章是高考英语命题的素材)
Gone Girl Gillian Fynn There was a bit of me that didn't want to love this when everyone else on the planet did but the horror story is brilliant. There's tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust. It's a real whodunit and the frustration when you realise what's going on is horribly enjoyable
• 答题信息变得较为隐蔽,不在通过只言片语就能确定答案。 在寻找正确答案,不可只找相似的对应词会,而忽略整体 语境。
• 细节题选项干扰特点:与原文内容相反或与原文内容一 半相同一半不同。选项句子与原文句子的关键词“张冠李 戴”、“偷梁换柱”
2013北京, D
Sanbonmatsu and his colleagues gave 13. When Sanbonmatsu and his
cHale Waihona Puke Baidulculations while remembering a set students' understanding ability
of letters.
昆明市2020届高三摸底诊断测试阅读理解C 篇 电视剧《长安十二时辰》受到国内外观众的追捧
Telling stories of ordinary
23. Which program favors the disabled? A. Jobs for Youth. B. Summer Company. C. Stewardship Youth Ranger Program. D. Summer Employment Opportunities.
C (2020届唐山高三调研) 体裁:说明文
Summer Employment Opportunities(机会) Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service, its related agencies and community groups. Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older. Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability
world. The success of the TV C. Diversity of Chinese culture.
series shows that beauty is a D. Personalities of every figure.
universal language crossing
记叙文:往往按时间顺序展开段落,文章有明显表示时间先 后的词语。
说明文:多见于科普文章,用以解释或揭示事物的状态、特 征、演变、结果及其相互之间的关系,这类文体的文章,首 句往往是主题句,开门见山。(说明文章的关注对象:弄清 作者的思路和段落组织的方式;把握次要信息及其与主题的 关系。)
细节题的正确选项通常有以下特征: 1.再现原文; 2.对原文进行改写; 3.对原文中的复杂语言现象进行简化; 4.正话反说、无中生有(适用于三正一误的是非题)。
细节题的干扰项特点: 1.文不对题。这类题最不容易辨别,选项中的描述与原文完全一致,确属原文中 的一个细节,这时要回到题干,看该选项是否能回答题干所提的问题; 2.偷换概念。符合常识,但不是文章的内容; 3.无中生有。即选项内容是根据主观想象或推测得出的结论,而文中并未涉及; 4.正误并存。信息部分正确,部分错误。
细节理解题占阅读理解的60%左右,相对简单。 细节理解题一般包括直接(信息)理解题(在原文中可直接找到答案, 常用who,what,when,where,why和how等提问,常用“原词复 现”解题)、语义转化题(间接信息题)(需要将题目信息与原文相关 信息进行语义上的转换,两者存在表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工 或整理后方能得出结论,也即是“同义转换”)、数字计算题、排列 顺序题等。
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30.What made the TV series a
Chinese people that resonate success?
with the audience might be the A. Recognition of beauty .
way to communicate with the B. Stories of ordinary people .