



城市轨道专业英语作文(中英文实用版)**English Version:**Urban Rail Transit Professional English CompositionThe urban rail transit system is a crucial component of modern transportation, facilitating efficient mobility and alleviating traffic congestion in cities worldwide.As a specialized field, it requires a unique language to convey technical concepts and advancements.This composition aims to explore the significance and challenges of urban rail transit, highlighting key terms and phrases in professional English.Urban rail transit encompasses a variety of transportation systems, including subways, metros, light rails, and trams.These systems are integral to sustainable urban development due to their energy efficiency and capacity to transport large numbers of passengers.Key terms such as "rolling stock," "signalization," and "traction systems" are essential in discussing the mechanics of urban rail.Rolling stock refers to the vehicles used in urban rail transit, which include trains, cars, and locomotives.The design and maintenance of rolling stock are critical to ensuring smooth operations and passenger safety.Signalization, another vital term, pertains to the systems that control train movements, ensuring safe distances between trains and efficient scheduling.Traction systems are the heart of urban rail transit, providing the power necessary for trains to move.These systems can be powered by electricity, diesel, or other energy sources.Discussing these components in professional English allows for clear communication among engineers, technicians, and policymakers.One of the significant challenges in urban rail transit is the balancing act between infrastructure development and environmental impact.English terms like "carbon footprint" and "green infrastructure" are essential in addressing these concerns.By utilizing professional English, experts can exchange ideas on how to minimize the environmental impact of urban rail systems while expanding service and improving accessibility.In conclusion, urban rail transit is a field that benefits greatly from the use of professional English.It enables accurate communication about technical aspects, facilitates international collaboration, and addresses the challenges faced by cities as they strive for sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.**中文版本:**城市轨道交通专业英语作文城市轨道交通系统是现代交通的重要组成部分,它促进了城市内部的便捷移动,减轻了全球各大城市的交通拥堵问题。



assistant line辅助线automatic fare collection自动售检票设备automatic train control(ATC)列车自动控制automatic train operation(ATO)列车自动运行automatic train protection(ATP)列车自动防护automatic train supervision(ATS)列车自动监控AW0空载AW1每位乘客都有座位AW2每平方米6人broken rail force of seamless track无缝线路断轨力Building Automation System建筑设备自动化系统centralized power supply mode集中式供电centralized traffic control(CTC)调度集中close made operation闭式运行(主要靠人工空调系统,并装风帘和屏蔽门来隔绝外界)combined power supply mode混合式供电combined sewer system合流制排放combined substation牵引降压混合变电所computed length of platform站台计算长度concentration supervisory control and management集中监控和管理connecting line联络线(在不同线路之间起连接作用的线,就叫联络线(即地铁线路之间的联络线和地铁与国铁的联络线)cover and cut-bottom up盖挖顺筑法cover and cut-top down盖挖逆筑法cut and cover明挖法deformation joint变形缝depot车辆段designed lifetime设计使用年限distribute power supply mode分散式供电examine and repair period检修周期examine and repair program检修修程fire alarm system火灾自动报警系统gauge of track轨距; gauge; track gauge;标准~ standard gaugegauge限界global position system(GPS)全球定位系统grade of waterproof防水等级high voltage substation主变电所immersed tube method沉管法Intermodality Data Center清结算数据中心local alarm system区域报警系统longitudinal horizontal force of seamless track无缝线路纵向水平力main line正线Man Machine Interface人机接口mining method矿山法Ministry of Corporation建设部monolithic track-bed整体道床Motor Car With Pantograph(Mp(B))带受电弓的动车Motor Car(M(C))动车moving pavement自动人行道NanJing Metro Corporation南京地铁公司NanJing Transportation Card System南京一卡通系统open made operation开式运行(自然通风,用活塞通风原理,靠列车在隧道中运行,带动新风对流) Open Transport Network开放传输网络operation concept运营概念operation control center(OCC)运营控制中心operation speed旅行速度piston action ventilation活塞通风public zone of station车站公共区remote alarm system集中报警系统rigid-flexible joint of sealed zone刚柔结合的密封区Scan Control Alarm Database供电系统管理自动化seamless track无缝线路shield method盾构法stabling yard停车场stray current杂散电流subgrade路基synchronous digital hierarchy transmission system(SDH)同步数字传输系统system integration(SI)系统集成testing line试车线track structure轨道结构Trailer Car(Tc(A))拖车Uninterrupted Power Supply不间断电源供给urban rail transit/mass transit城市轨道交通6-car set/unit motor car 六节编组动车ATC automatic train control system 列车自动控制系统ATO automatic train operation 列车自动运行系统ATP automatic train protection 列车自动保护系统ATS automatic train supervision 列车自动监控系统Automation vending machine 自动售票机Auxiliary circuit 辅助电路AW3每平方米9人Buffer connecting device 车钩缓冲连接装置Concourse 站厅Conductor rail collector 第三轨受电器Console 操作台Contactless Smart Card(CSC)非接触智能卡Contactor box 接触箱Crowd management 客流控制Current collector 受流装置Electromagnetic rail brake 磁轨制动Entry gate security check 安检Equipment Operating Data(EOD)设备运行参数Flat fare 单一票制High-speed magnetic levitation(MAGLEV)高速磁悬浮系统High-speed rail (ASK)高速铁路系统Interchange station 换乘站Interior equipment 车辆内部设备Main control box 主控制箱Mind the gap 小心台阶跨度Motor air compression unit 电动空气压缩机组Plants 入闸机Platform screen door 屏蔽门Power circuit 动力电路Power source tranformer 电源变压器Relay case 继电器箱Rheostatic brake 电阻制动Semisurtender 半自动Shoe gear collector 受电靴装置Spray 喷淋Station operator 站务员Swipe 在解码器上刷卡Unmanned 无人驾驶的UPS (uninterruptible power supply)不间断电源Wheel chair lift 残疾人牵引车Absolute braking 全制动 3Active long-stator 通电的 5Address 寻址访问 6Adhesion 粘着 7After-cooler 后端冷却器 1Albeit 虽然 1Alighting 下车 3Alongside 在侧面 4Alternating current 交流电 7Alternator 交流发电机 1Angle cock 折角塞门 1Appropriation bill 政府年度预算案 5Arguably 可以说 1Armature 转子 3Asphalt 沥青柏油 2At the outset 开始 1Automatic coupler 自动车钩 1Ballast 道砟碎石 2Batter slope 斜坡 2Beam guidance 激光制导 5Bearing distance 支撑距 5Bleeding off 排出 1Bogie 转向架 7Bolster-less 无摇枕 4Bracket 支架 3Brake hanger support 制动器支架支撑 3 Brake hanger 制动器支架 3Brake pad 闸片 3Brake shoe 闸瓦 7Braking effort 制动力 7Bulky 笨重的 5Bus-rapid-transit 快速公交系统 4Cab 驾驶室 1Cable trough 线缆槽 2Cabling 布线 6Caboose 货车末尾列车员专用车厢 2 Camber 不垂直 2Camshaft 凸轮轴 1Cantilever 悬臂系统节 4Cargo 货运 2Carriage 运输部 4Catenary mast 接触网支柱 2Central power station 主变电站 7 Cess 人行道逃生道 2Chair 轨座 2Checksum 校验和 6Cherry picker 车载升降台 4Circuit breaker 断路器 1Clamp 钳 2Classification yard 编组车场 2Clip 夹子 2Closed train-set 固定编组车组 6 Coach screw 方头螺钉 2Coasting 惰行 7Coefficient 系数 7Cog railway 齿轨铁路 2Coin 创造 4Colliery 煤矿 1Colored-light signal 色灯信号 3 Come apart 脱节 3Compressor governor 压缩机调节器 1 Compose 编组 2Comprehensive 四通八达 4 Compressor contactor 压缩机接触器 1 Cone 使…锥化 3Configuration 布局 4Connotation 含义,内涵 4 Consummate 完美的 1Contractor 压缩机 1Converter 变流器 1Converting plant 整流设备 7 Cooling coil 冷凝管 1Corridor 通道 5Corridor 走廊;通道 4Coupling head 连接插头 1Crane 吊车,起重机 2Creep 蠕动 2Creosote 木馏油,杂酚油 2 Crossing 辙叉 4Curvature radius 曲率半径 1 Cyberization 网络化 1Cylinder 缸 7Data falsification 伪造数据 6 Dedicated 专用的 4De-energized 失电 3Deflexion 偏移 7Delineate 描述 2Demonstration line 示范线 5 Denote 表示指代 5Desiccant 干燥剂 1Desirable 可取的 7Deterministic 确定性 6 Diamagnetic 反磁性 5Displaced relatively 相对地位移 7Distribution of electric power 输配电能 7DMU diesel multiple unit 内燃动车组 5Drain cock 排气阀 1Drain 下水道排水道 2Driving wheel 动轮 7Drop to red 掉红(信号词汇,专用) 3Electrification 电气化 7Electrified channel 电气化通道 4Electrocuted 触电的 4Eligible 有资质的 5Embankment 路堤 2EMC harsh 电磁兼容性严苛 6Envelope 壳层 3Epidemic 迅速发展 4ERRI European Rail Research Institute; 欧洲铁路研究院 6 Extreme value 极值 7Fail-safe mode 故障导向安全模式 3Feasibility study 可行性研究 4Feasibility study 可行性研究 5Fishplate 鱼尾板 2Flange 凸缘 3Flanged 有凸缘的 1Flash butt welding 闪光对接焊 2Foot 轨底 2Footprint 足印,柱子占用的空间 4Free running 自由运行 7Freight train 货车 1Fresco 壁画 4Fritting 熔化 6Fulfill the IEC 870-FT2 class 达到了…级标准 6 Gangway 贯通道(编组车厢之间) 5Gauge 仪表 1Gearwheel 大齿轮 3Generator 发电机 1Genius 独特优点 3Geotechnical screen 土力屏障 2Given class 给定的一类 7Grade at~地面 4Grade separation 立体交叉 4Gradient 梯度 3Greasing 注油 3Halt 停下 3Hand-plug 手插式 6Hauled coach 拖车 5Headway 行车间隔 3Heavy duty track 重型轨道 2High service frequency 发车间隔短 4Hinged 铰接 5Hollow 中空的 3Horse power 畜力 1Hose 软管 1Hydraulic 液压的 1ICE intercity express 3IEC International Electro technical Commission 国际电工委员会 6IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers电气和电子工程师协会 6 Impending 即将到来的 3Impregnate 灌注 2Inauguration procedure 初运行 6Inductive loop cable 感应的线圈 3Inductrack (线圈永磁)磁悬浮 5Industrial frequency 工频 7Industrial railway 工矿铁路 2Interchanging hub 交换中心 1Inter-cooler 中间冷却器 1Interim 暂时 4Interlocking 联锁 3Interoperability 互操作性 6Jerk 颤动 5Jointly develop 联合开发 6Journal 轴颈 7Jumper cable 跨接电缆 6Junction point 枢纽站 5Kick 后坐力 1Knock off 撞坏 1Layout 布局 2Lead 导线 3Level track 平路 7Levitation 悬浮 2Lifting lug 吊耳 3Light duty track 轻型轨道 2Livening 激活 1Longitudinal 纵向梯度 1Maglev 磁浮 2Main reservoir(MR)主风缸 1Main-line 干线 7Medium 媒体 6Mimic panel 模拟盘 3Mosaic 镶嵌图案 4MU multiple unit 动车组 5Multiple unit 动车组 1Neutral section switch detector 中性段开关检测器 3 Nimble 灵活的,敏捷的 5Oak 栎树 2Obsolescence circle 老化周期 5Octet 八位组(一字节) 6One power unit 动力单元/动车 5Operating practice 运营经验 5Operation on electrical sight 电气嘹望运行模式 3 Overhead conductor 架空线触网 7Overhead wire 架空导线 3Own state of motion 原有运行状态 7Pandrol clip 弹性扣件 2Pantograph 受电弓 1Parabola 抛物线 3Particle accelerator 粒子加速器 5Payload-hauling 有效载荷;载重量 5Permagnet 永磁 5Permissive block system 容许闭塞系统 3 Pertaining to 附属于 6Pinion 小齿轮 3Piston 活塞 1Pit 井 1Plague 给…引麻烦 4Plate-way 板式铁路 1Pneumatic 气动的 1Point 尖轨 4Poll 轮询 6Polling rate 轮询率/刷新率 3Prerequisite 必备条件 3Preservative 防护层 2Prime mover 原动力 5Prognostic factor 预后因素(推测结果的依据) 2 Pump 泵 1Rack 支架 6Rail anchors 防爬器(轨上) 2Railroad tie =sleeper 轨枕 2Rare-earth 稀土 5Rear(in ~) of 后部 4Reciprocating pump 往复泵 1Rectifier 整流器 7Reducing valve 减压阀 1Re-emergence 再度出现 4Reference implementation 实施参考 6 Regional rail 通勤铁路 2Repeater 中继器 4Replenish 重装满 1Reprofile 修轮 3Repulsive force 斥力 5Resilient pad 弹性垫 2Retardation 制动 7Retrofit 翻新;(配)装备 6Retrofitting 装备 6Return current brush 回流电刷 3Reversing time 换向时间 2Right of way 通行权 3Rigid coupler 刚性车钩 5Rolling stock 机车车辆 1Roster 名册 2Rotary pump 旋转泵 1Rubber 橡胶 3Rubber-tyred train 橡胶轮缘 2Rust 生锈 2Scenario 场景 2Section effect at the rear 尾部的截面效应 7 Seepage 渗漏 2Semi-permanently coupled 半永久联挂 5Showcase 展示 4Shunter 扳道员,转辙员 2Signal box 调度室/信号楼 3Six-compartment 六节编组 4Sleeper 轨枕 2Sliding 打滑,空滑 7Slipping 打滑 7Snap 折断 2Soaked 浸泡过的 2Specification 规格 2Splice 铰接处 2Spoiler 扰流板 5Sporadic 偶发性的 6Spring up 涌现 2Squealing(noise)尖声噪声 3 Staggered joint 错位峰 2Staith 装卸码头 1Standby current 维持电流 1 Standstill 静止 7Star coupler 星形耦合器(分路器) 6 Status quo 现状 2Steering 转向 3Stick out 显眼 1Straddled-beam 跨坐式 4Stranded train 故障列车 3Streetcar 有轨电车 1Strenuous 艰辛费力的 5Substation 变电所/辅变电站 7Sub-structure 路基 2Superimposed 叠加到 3Supplier 供应商 6Suspension tube 悬架管 3Switch zone 道岔区 3Switcher 调车机车 2Switching yard 调车场 1Synergy 协同 2Tail lamp 尾灯/后灯 3Task force 工作组 5Technical consideration 技术层面考虑 7 Tender 供应 6Thermit welding 铝热焊 2Ticket hall 售票大厅 4Tile 瓦片 4Tilting train 摆式列车 5Timber 木料 2Toll-road 收费道路 1Topology 拓扑 6Topsoil 表土层 2Tow 牵引 4Track slot price 运价 2Train attributes 列车其他参数 3Train depot 车库 2Train order 车次 2Train resistance 列车阻力 7Train spotting 看火车 2Train-borne =on-board 列车载的 1Transformer-coupled 耦合变压器的 6Transit dependent 交通依赖者 4Transverse 横向的 3Tread 踏面 3Trolleybus 无轨电车 7Turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨发动机 5Turnaround time 折返时间 5Twisted wire pairs 双绞线 6Twisted wire segment 绞线段 6UIC International Union of Rail ways 国际铁路联盟 6 Uncoupling 脱钩;解编 3Uniform speed 匀速 7Unroll 展开 5Urban rail train(URT)城市轨道交通 1Vehicle/guideway interaction 车轨相互作用 5 Wagonway 马拉铁路 1Wayside 轨旁 3Web 轨腰 2Wheelset 轮对 3Whilst 同时 2WSP wheel slide protection 车轮防滑 3WTB wire train bus 绞线式列车总线 6。

轨道交通 专业英语

轨道交通 专业英语

轨道交通专业英语1. Introduction轨道交通是一种重要的城市公共交通方式,通常由地铁、有轨电车、轻轨以及高铁等组成。



2. Basic Terms在学习轨道交通专业英语之前,首先需要了解一些基本术语和表达方式。

以下是一些常见的基本术语:•Railway/ Rail: 铁路•Track: 轨道•Train: 列车•Platform: 站台•Station: 车站•Signal: 信号•Schedule: 时间表•Ticket: 票•Fare: 车费•Passenger: 乘客•Conductor: 售票员3. Types of Rail Transport3.1 Subway地铁是城市中最常见的轨道交通方式之一。

下面是一些地铁相关的专业英语词汇:•Metro: 地铁•Underground: 地下的•Station Entrance: 入口•Ticket Gate: 闸机•Ticket Machine: 自动售票机•Platform Screen Doors: 屏蔽门•Subway Map: 地铁线路图3.2 Tram有轨电车是连接城市街道的一种轨道系统。

以下是一些有轨电车相关的专业英语词汇:•Tram/ Streetcar: 有轨电车•Trackless Trolley: 无轨电车•Overhead Wire: 顶线•Trolley Pole: 接触网杆•Pantograph: 受电弓•Depot: 车辆段3.3 Light Rail轻轨是介于传统铁路与有轨电车之间的一种轨道交通方式。

以下是一些轻轨相关的专业英语词汇:•Light Rail: 轻轨•Tram Stop: 轻轨站点•Level Crossing: 铁路道口•Full Grade Separation: 完全分离交叉口3.4 High-Speed Rail高速铁路是一种高速运行的铁路系统,速度通常超过每小时200公里。

城市轨道交通专业英语 6 Inside the metro train

城市轨道交通专业英语 6 Inside the metro train

• In addition, you can also find some devices operation instructions in case of emergency, such as emergency door opening, emergency button, emergency stop, emergency halt handle and fire extinguisher, etc. Other information designed for passengers’ convenience, such as luggage racks, is also posted inside the train.
Major contents
• Signs inside the Train
• Guangzhou subway system
• Passengers deal with a temporary stop • Offering courtesy seat to those in great need.
Subway English
Unit 6 Inside the Metro Train

Learning Objectives
By the end of this unit, you will be able to: • Learn the general riding rules and manners; • Understand the broadcasting information on the train; • Know the signs/devices inside the train;

轨道交通 专业英语

轨道交通 专业英语

轨道交通专业英语概述轨道交通(Rail Transit)是指在固定轨道上行驶的乘客运输系统,一般包括轨道交通列车、轨道系统、电气化系统、信号控制系统以及车站和相应的设施。



轨道交通词汇1. 车辆和设备(Vehicles and Equipment)•轨道交通列车(Rail transit train)•地铁(Subway/metro)•有轨电车(Tram)•高铁(High-speed rail)•轨道(Track)•电气化系统(Electrification system)•信号控制系统(Signal control system)•车站(Station)•站台(Platform)•列车调度(Train dispatch)2. 运营和安全(Operations and Safety)•运营(Operation)•安全(Safety)•乘客(Passenger)•乘车票(Fare/ticket)•车票检查(Ticket inspection)•出口(Exit)•紧急制动(Emergency brake)•疏散(Evacuation)•火警报警(Fire alarm)•撤离指示(Evacuation instruction)3. 设计和施工(Design and Construction)•设计(Design)•施工(Construction)•轨道布置(Track layout)•钢轨(Rail)•超高强度混凝土(Ultra-high-strength concrete)•隧道(Tunnel)•桥梁(Bridge)•填方(Embankment)•复合结构(Composite structure)•前期工作(Preliminary work)轨道交通短语1. 交通出行(Transportation)•公共交通(Public transportation)•出行需求(Travel demand)•交通拥堵(Traffic congestion)•出行时间(Travel time)•交通规划(Transportation planning)•车辆管理(Fleet management)•车站布局(Station layout)•换乘站(Transfer station)•乘客满意度(Passenger satisfaction)2. 设计和建设(Design and Construction)•工程设计(Engineering design)•施工计划(Construction plan)•施工合同(Construction contract)•土建工程(Civil engineering)•设备采购(Equipment procurement)•施工进度(Construction progress)•资金预算(Budgeting)•工程验收(Project acceptance)3. 运营和维护(Operations and Maintenance)•运行图(Timetable)•运营管理(Operation management)•运行维护(Operation and maintenance)•车辆运行检查(Vehicle operation inspection)•安全检查(Safety inspection)•故障排除(Troubleshooting)•储备零件(Spare parts)•维修计划(Maintenance schedule)•运行日志(Operation log)结论轨道交通是现代城市中不可或缺的重要组成部分,掌握轨道交通行业的专业英语词汇和短语对于相关从业人员来说至关重要。



城市轨道交通专业英语词汇汇总车站及车站设备railway station 车站shop window 橱窗platform 站台dispatching trains 发车circulating areas 乘客走动的空间passenger flow 客流量platform screen door 屏蔽门metro system 地铁系统suburban railway 郊区铁路environment control 环控roiling stock 铁路车辆constant information 静态信息instant information 动态信息reserve place 预留空间(给特定人群使用)railway premises 铁路设施占用的范围prohibition areas 禁区,限制区estate management 物业管理tobacco product 烟草制品outlet 小卖店high capacity urban railway 大运量城市轨道交通authority to travel 乘车凭证unpaid area and paid area 非付费区和付费区double track railway line 双线铁路footbridge 人行天桥gate line 收费闸机组成的阵列a railway at ground level 地面铁路elevated railway 高架铁路underground railway 地下铁路viaduct 高架的行车道pre-stressed concrete 预应力混凝土road intersection 路口vertical 纵向的,竖向的horizonal 水平方向的,横向的lateral 横向的elevator 电梯escalator 扶梯trainload 列车载客量wear on 磨坏faregate 闸机safety is jeopardized 安全被危及ticket clerk 票务员to operate gate release control 进行闸机开放操作single trip ticket 单程票stored value ticket 储值票automatic fare collection(AFC 自动收费系统ticket vending machine(TVM) 售票机semi-automatic 半自动化的roving ticket inspection 流动检票员headquarter controller 总部控制员line controller 分线控制员dedicated telephone line 专用电话线depot 车辆段signpost 路标ticket hall 售票厅public address system 广播系统inquiry point 问询处monitor 监视器aerial 天线,架空的very high frequency(VHF) 甚高频ultra high frequency(UHF) 超高频paging equipment 传呼设备train radio 车载无线电tunnel telephone 隧道电话running line 行车线traction current 牵引电流crew 乘务人员a six-car train 一列六节编组的列车three-aspect signal 三显示信号机trailer 拖车pantograph 受电弓bodyshell 车壳stainless steel 不锈钢fluorescent lights 荧光灯gangway 两节车连接处的过道disabled 残障人士wheelchair bound passenger 靠轮椅行动的乘客single arm pantograph 单臂受电弓propulsion 推进inverter 逆变器converter 转换器alternative current(AC)交流电3 phase ac induction traction motors 三相交流感应式牵引电机bogie 转向架auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器rectifier 整流器diode 二极管regenerative brake 再生制动pneumatic brake 摩擦制动direct current 直流电brake block 制动闸瓦wheel tread 车轮踏面service braking 正常制动emergency braking 紧急制动main reservoir(MR) 主风缸sliding door 滑动门automatic mode(AM)自动模式coded manual mode (CM) 有码限速人工模式restricted manual mode(RM) 无码限速人工模式车载电脑系统train internet managementsystem(TIMS)closed circuit tv(CCTV) 闭路电视public address 公共广播detrainment door 逃逸门motor bogie 动力转向架trailer bogie 非动力转向架gearbox 齿轮箱,变速箱axle 车轴bolt 螺栓wheel flange 轮缘small radius bend 小半径曲线primary suspension 一系悬挂secondary suspension 二系悬挂coil spring 螺旋形弹簧airbag 气囊traction centre 牵引中心braking force 制动力centre pivot 转向架中心销damper actuators 调节器,调风阀门pressure switch 压力开关auxiliary compressor 辅助压缩机operation control center 运行控制中心loudspeaker 扬声器evaporator 蒸发器condenser 冷凝器re-circulated 再循环fire wire 温感电线smoke detector 烟感探头seat belt 安全带auto coupler 自动车钩semi-permanent bar coupler 半永久杆式车钩shear out device 剪切装置anticlimber 放爬器driver’s console司机驾驶台antenna 天线beacon 信标alignment 排成直线(钢轨铺设)multi-disciplinary 多学科的earthwork 土石方工程timber 木材steering base 导向基础rubber-tried trains 胶轮列车magnetic levitation 磁悬浮guided bus 有轨巴士batter slope 斜坡catenary mast 接触网支柱cess 排水管cable trough 电缆槽topsoil 表层土embankment 路堤drain 排水沟fence 栅栏send layer or geotech mat 沙层,土工格栅ditch 沟sub-structure 轨下基础structure gauge 建筑接近限界bracket 支撑托架signal post 信号机柱curvature 曲率civil engineer 土木工程师train path 列车运行所使用的通路rolling stock engineer 车辆工程师kinematic envelope 车辆动态包络线load transfer 负荷的传递cyclic loading 周期性的负荷sleeper 轨枕gauge 轨距turnout, track switch, track point 道岔flat bottom 平底spike 道钉baseplate 底板axle load 轴重expansion joint 膨胀接点slab track 整体道床轨道mesh screen 网状屏障electrified railway 电气化铁路stray return current 杂散电流floating slab track 浮置板道床的轨道densely populated areas 人口密集地区ballasted track 有砟道床non-ballasted track 无砟道床maintain and renewal program 维修和更新工作gauge train 限界测量车monument 纪念碑centrifugal force 离心力derailment 脱轨transition 缓和曲线cross level angle 线路横断面的斜角radius 半径diameter 直径super elevation 超高junction 联结点tie bar 转辙杆point blades 道岔尖轨stock rail 道岔基本轨wing rail 翼轨block 阻塞,闭塞stop signal 停车信号three-aspect signal 三显示信号sighting 司机的瞭望automatic train stop 自动停车装置tripcock 制动触发器track to train transmission 地对车的信号传输overlap 灯后安全距离gradient 坡度absolute block 绝对闭塞track circuit 轨道电路insulated joint 绝缘节series resistor 串联的电阻lineside signal 轨旁信号cab signal 车载系统state of the line ahead 前方线路的状态overlap block 作为灯后安全距离的闭塞分区forbidden territory 禁区line capacity 线路同行能力block length 闭塞分区的长度line speed 线路上列车允许速度braking curve 制动曲线safety margin 安全余量distance-to-go 以目标距离控制列车运行speed step method 阶梯式速度码列控模式speed profile 速度曲线permitted speed limit 最大允许速度speed restriction 速度限制wheel revolution 车轮的旋转electric traction system 电力牵引系统third rail 第三轨running rail 走行轨current rail 供电轨substation 分局,变电所sophisticated 精密的,复杂的earthing protection 接地保护ac motor 交流电机dc motor 直流电机trainway 有轨电车轨道main line railway system 干线铁路系统piston in a cylinder 气缸中的活塞城轨交通主要运营管理活动multi-functional vehicle 多功能检修车reverse at terminals 再终点站折返locomotives changing 换机车headway 行车间隔headwall 头端墙tailwall 尾端墙head light 列车的头灯taillight 尾灯head shunt track 牵出线turn a train 转变列车运行方向loop track 环形线路reversing track 折返线mid-route 半路,中途terminus 终点站origin and destination patronage data 客流OD数据consulting companies 咨询公司broad train 上车alight from train 下车ride on train 乘坐列车transfer from line to line 在不同线路间换乘interchange station 换乘站patronage study 客流研究passengers per hour per direction 单项小时客流量round trip time 全周转时间dwell time 列车停站时间loading and unloading 装卸车(指乘客上下车)service interval 服务间隔train loading 列车载客量train capacity 列车载客能力the density of passenger 乘客密度standing capacity of a train 一列车内的站位数量load factor 列车载客能力的利用率service spare train 备用车depot 车场timetable 时刻表crew duties 指乘务员的排班empty move 空驶times in and out of depots 进出段的时间点temporary speed restriction 临时限速outskirts 郊区train turnround time 列车折返时间double-ending 两头作业法cleaning and catering 清扫或提供饮食服务scissors crossover 交叉渡线crew arrangement 对乘务人员的安排shift work 轮班工作keep some spare staff on duty 保有一些后备员工值班shunting duty 调车工作centralized traffic control(CTC)集中交通控制clear a route for a train 为列车排进路voice radio 语音无线电block occupation 闭塞区段占用(情况)movement permit 行车凭证scheduled train 图定列车booking clock 票务员crowd control 人潮控制man the station operation room 在车站控制室值班station manager 站长ticket hall 票务大厅service controller 负责监管一条城轨线的运作take over 接班stock changing 替换车底CCTV image 闭路电视的录像repeater signal 复示信号train data recorder 列车数据记录仪boom 吊杆,支臂revenue service 载客服务superintendent 主管人wayside access manual 轨区作业安全手册two-way radio 可双向通信的无线电track allocation schedule 轨道使用计划work order 工作单trip stop 一种防列车冒进的机械装置shunt strap 短路带(阻止列车进入作业区)act as a controller 代理行调职务to trip the brake cock 去触动制动栓non-revenue service hours 指停运期间permanent security fence 永久性的保安栅栏safety director 安全总监track supervisor 轨道督导员supervisory position 督导级职位,相当于班组长director of operations 运营总监standard operation procedure(SOP)标准操作程序mechanics of dispatching 调度工作的机理train meet 会车train and engine crew logistics 列车司机的统筹安排overhaul 大修evacuation 疏散,撤离fire drill 消防演练operational management staff 运营管理人员short-term method 短期措施closure and evacuation of station 车站的关闭及疏散simulated training 模拟式的培训reference manual 参考手册interior emergency lighting 车内应急照明灯forward commander 前线指挥官pressurized water extinguisher 压力水灭火器dry chemical extinguisher 干式化学灭火器trespasser 横穿(轨道)的人handover advice 在交班时的注意事项outgoing operator 交班的调度incoming operator 接班的调度short working 在半途折返through platform 通过式站台service brake step 1 一级制动beyond the signal 越过信号机switch blades 道岔尖轨a rapid reversal 快速折返take a release for the route 把进路解除掉signal passed at danger(SPAD)冲红灯home signal 进站信号机wrong direction movement 逆向行车signal post telephone(SPT)装在信号机柱上的电话机positive conductor rail 正极供电轨service inspection shop 列车状态检查车间running maintenance 小型维修保养continuous welded rail 无缝连续钢轨descending grade 下坡ascending grade 上坡interlocking 道岔区,联锁区discharge and pick up passengers 让乘客上下车。



城市轨道交通运营管理专业专业英语ListListChapter 1: Development of Urban Rail Transit Speeds up in China (3)Chapter 2 Rapid Transit (12)Chapter 3RAIL TRANSIT IN NORTH AMERICA (23)Chapter 4 The Railroad Track (40)Chapter 5 General Vehicle Description (45)Chapter 6A TP Transmission and Moving Block (53)Chapter 7Control of Railway Operation (62)Chapter 8Train Station Passenger Flow Study (74)Chapter 9Metrocard Fare Incentives (81)Chapter 10 Audible Information Design in the New York City Subway (86)Chapter 1: Development of Urban Rail Transit Speeds up in China With the development of urban rail transit, on the one hand, it is promoting the process of urban modernization, alleviating congested traffic in cities, and narrowing the distance between time and space. On the other hand, it changes the way people travel, accelerates the pace of their life and work, and affects the quality of life.The state of urban rail transit reflects a country's comprehensive strength and is a symbol of a city's modernization level. At present, rail transit system is available in 135 cities in nearly 40 countries and regions. In cosmopolitan cities, accounting for a proportion of 60 per cent - 80 per cent, rail transit has become the leading means of transportation in these cities. Yet so far, in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangzhou, etc., rail transit accounts for less than 10 percent in the cities total traffic capacity.Urban rail transit offers comprehensive advantages, like small land occupation, large traffic volume, high speed, non-pollution, low energy consumption, high safety and great comfort. With most facilities being installed underground and the operation going on underground, subways require very limited occupation of land, and do not compete with other means of transportation for space. Urban light rail, trolley bus as well as suburban rail and magnetic suspension train are basically railways, which makes it possible to make the most of land resources.Urban rail transit system offers immense transport capacity. During rush hours, the maximum unidirectional transport capacity may reach up to 60, 000- 80, 000 person-times per hour, which is unmatchable to other means of transportation. The hourly traveling speed of rail transit generally exceeds 70 kilometers-100 kilometers, offering high punctuality. Moreover, mostly being hauled by electric locomotives, rail transit requires low energy consumption, and it causes little pollution to cities. Therefore, it is called "green transportation".From a macro perspective, urban rail transit plays an important role in improving the structure of urban transport, alleviating urban ground traffic congestion, and promoting the utilization efficiency of urban land.Nevertheless, compared with other means of transportation, rail transit has some drawbacks, like long construction cycle, heavy initial investment, slow withdrawal of funds and poor economic benefits in operation. For example, currently the building of subway costs some RMB500 million-700 million per kilometer; urban light rail and magnetic suspension train, RMB200 million-300 million; trolley bus and suburban rail, about RMB100 million.In China, rail transit dates back to the late 1960s, when the first subway was built inBeijing. That was nearly one century later than developed countries in the West. However, since it made its debut, urban rail transit has helped ease the immense pressure caused by urban traffic congestion and brought great convenience and comfort to passengers. Take Beijing for example. Currently, subways provide a transport volume of approximately 1.5 million person-times per day. Without subways, the traffic congestion in this city would simply be inconceivable.At present, rail transit has evolved from the startup stage to a period of stable, sustainable and orderly development in this country. In China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan), the length of subways completed totals 193 kilometers; project urban rail under construction, 334 kilometers; planned urban rail, 420 kilometers. Among big cities with a population of over 2 million, those that already have or are building urban rail transit include Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dalian, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Nanjing, Chongqing and Changchun. Now, seven cities have announced or are still working on their plan to build rail transit: Chengdu, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Xi'an, Harbin, Qingdao and Suzhou.According to plan, by 2008, there will be thirteen rail transit lines and two spur lines in Beijing, with a total length of 408.2 kilometers. In Shanghai, there will be 21 rail transit lines, totaling more than 500 kilometers in length. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the total length will hit 780 kilometers. In Tianjin, there will be four subway lines, totaling 106 kilometers. That, coupled with 50 kilometers of suburban light rail and one loop subway 71-kilometers set aside, will bring the total length to 227 kilometers. Meanwhile, there will be seven rail transit lines totaling 206.48 kilometers in Guangzhou, and seven rail transit lines totaling 263.1 kilometers in Nanjing. With other cities' planning taken into account, the total length of rail transit lines will come to some 2, 200 kilometers in this country.At present, the constraints to the development of rail transit in China mainly lie in three aspects:First, there is severe shortage of construction funds. According to the foregoing planning, it is necessary to invest in approximately RMB300 billion. Projects to be completed by 2006 alone require more than RMB150 billion. Furthermore, in most cases, funds come from investments of the central and local governments as well as bank loans. Still a developing country as it is, China has very limited financial strength.Second, as rail transit is demanding on technical standard, some key technical facilities at low ratio of home mading at present largely rely on imports. Thus, construction cost remains hig h due to the import of large quantity of technolog y and equipment.Third, in most cases, rail transit operates at a loss in China. That aggregates the centraland local governments' financial burdens, which, in return, checks the development of rail transit to some extent.For this reason, China formulated the guideline of "doing what the strength allows, implementing rules-based management and pursuing stable development". In the development of rail transit, it is required that homemade equipment should take up at least 70 per cent. Meanwhile, it is essential to ensure that development of rail transit suits the pace of economic development in the cities and prevent blind development and irrational attempts to advance forward.Railway Terms and New Wordsurban adj. 城市的, 市内的, urban rail transit(URT)城市轨道交通alleviate vt. 减轻congested adj. 拥挤的,congest vt.,congestion n.accelerate v. 加速, 促进comprehensive adj. 全面的,广泛的cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的,全球(各地)的proportion n. 比例, 均衡, 面积, 部分underground adj. 地下的, 地面下的, 秘密的n. [英] 地铁adv. 秘密地trolley bus n. 电车, (电车)滚轮, 手推车, 手摇车, 台车magnetic adj. 磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的suspension n. 吊, 悬浮, 悬浮液, 暂停, 中止, 悬而未决, 延迟basically adv. 基本上, 主要地unidirectional adj. 单向的, 单向性的the Tenth Five-Year Plan 第十个五年规划at a loss 低于成本的in return 作为报答compete with 与…争夺,competition n.Reading MaterialThe Rising Motorization of ChinaChina’s motorization rate has grown in accordance with other rapidly developing countries, but because of China’s high population, the impacts of motorization are potentially more severe. Figure 1 shows the exponential increase in personal automobile ownership rates. Currently, there are about seven personal automobiles per 1000 people,5compared to over 700 vehicles per 1000 people in industrialized nations like the United States. This figure does not include privately owned trucks or publicly owned vehicles (including buses and trucks), which increases the number of automobiles to about 28 vehicles per 1000 people. If China were to achieve motorization rates comparable to those of developed countries, the environmental and economic consequences could be disastrous. By 2020, the total automobile fleet (not including motorcycles) is expected to grow by between three and seven times the current size depending on economic growth rates (NRC 2003).The population distribution of China is diverse, with the majority of the population (60%) living in rural areas. However, in the past several decades, the improved economic situation of the cities has caused a rapid urban in-migration. This trend has resulted in a nearly three-fold increase in urban development and density in the last decade as displayed in Figure 2. Much of this development is not necessarily representative of sustainable transit and pedestrian oriented growth. Although this new development is very dense, low land cost at the periphery cause developers to build spatially separated housing and commercial developments with few transit connections to the urban center (Gaukenheimer 1996).The western provinces are the most sparsely populated with the largest urban population centers located in provinces along the eastern coast, in metropolises such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou. These cities have been experiencing high motorization rates partially because of their higher incomes, but non-motorized modes still capture approximately 70% of the work trip commutes in these cities, while the personal automobile only accounts for 7% (Hu 2003). Much of the transportation and planning research has been centered on these cities, although they constitute a rather small portion of the entire population. Figure 3 shows the amount of cities of different sizes and the approximate total population of people living in cities of different size. Two thirds of the urban population resides in cities with populations between 0.5 and 2 million, indicating that much of the planning and transportation research related to China is focusing on problems that might not be relevant or applicable to the majority of the Chinese population. Economically, most of these cities are years or decades behind the more developed Chinese cities and have not developed many of the transportation problems Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have. Focusing planning efforts in these cities could have much greater returns.The Chinese economy has been growing at a phenomenal rate for the past decade and has doubled in size in the last nine years. In fact, the growth rate is so fast that the Chinese government is imposing several measures to try to control growth to keep it at a more sustainable level (Economist 2004). China’s growth has largely been a result of investment in a few “pilla r” industries. The highest growing pillar industries are: electronic manufacturing, automobiles, electric power, and steel. The eighth five-year plan (1991-1995) designated the automobile industry as one of the pillar industries of economic development. This policy statement encourages the growth of an indigenous auto industry that will be able to supply a large portion of its domestic demand and create a strong export market. It calls for the consolidation of over one hundred companies into 3 or 4 largecompetitive companies. The auto industry accounts for 20% of Shanghai’s gross regional product (Hook 2002). However, with China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, they must reduce tariffs on imported automobiles and can no longer protect their market. This has spurred development of the domestic automobile industry to a level that can compete with international competitors. One of the greatest challenges of cities in China is controlling automobile ownership growth, while fostering the national policy of growing the automobile industry.Costs and Benefits of MotorizationThe cost and benefit implications for Chinese motorization are enormous. Motorization is a major economic growth strategy. The government has adopted a strategy of developing an automobile manufacturing industry. Automobiles can also provide indirect economic benefits of decreased travel time, improved accessibility to goods and services, and new found mobility that will cause people to travel more and achieve a more mobile lifestyle that they would not have otherwise been able to experience.The potential costs are enormous. The United States has the highest motorization rate in the world and perhaps the most mature automobile industry. However, the US has also experienced very high costs associated with our level of motorization. The most obvious and potentially most severe cost is the air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the automobile. The US emits 26% of the global greenhouse gases but only constitutes 5% of the worl d’s population. China’s policy goal is to achieve Euro II emissions standards by 2005 (about a decade behind Europe) and be internationally compliant with Euro IV standards by 2010. This is a very ambitious goal, but it is necessary if Chinese automakers want to compete in the international market and improve the air quality in their own country. With the three to seven-fold growth rate anticipated in the next 15 years, CO2 emissions will likely quadruple, CO, and hydrocarbons will likely triple, and NO x and particulate matter will likely stay the same. This assumes an aggressive emissions regulation strategy and a modest economic growth rate (NRC 2003). The US EPA has identified all of these emissions as having serious health effects at high concentrations. From a global perspective, China’s motorization could have adverse effects on the global climate. Currently, the transportation sector accounts for 17% of the greenhouse emissions, but this proportion could increase significantly if the motorization trends continue. China is also the second highest consumer of oil in the world (behind the United States). If China motorizes as rapidly as expected, the increase demand could cause the global price of fuel to skyrocket.Another major issue associated with increased motorization is changes in land use. As incomes increase, people desire more living space, which reduces density and encourages expansion at the urban fringe. Figure 4 shows the growth of residential floor space per capita, which is a force toward lower density. This requires more auto oriented transportation infrastructure as well as more land for development. In Shanghai, approximately 10% of the land area is devoted to transportation infrastructure (compared to 20-25% in Europe) (Shen 1997). Because of the built environment, most of the new transportation infrastructure is expanding at the periphery, encouraging auto oriented developments. An increasingly open housing market, where people choose where to live is also creating a spatial jobs-housing imbalance that did not previously exist, when industry provided housing for its employees adjacent to their plants. This greatly increases the cost of transportation for Chinese households as indicated by Figure 5. The proportion of a households income spent on transportation has increases ten fold in less than 15 years. Another major consideration is the conservation of agricultural land. China currently has a very low amount of agricultural land per capita (World Bank 2001)and cannot afford to lose more through urban expansion (Franke 1997).Additional costs include accidents and injuries associated with motorization. Currently, the fatality rate (deaths per mile of travel) is 30 times that of the United States, with over 100,000 deaths per year since 2001, many of which are pedestrians and bicyclists (NRC 2003, Hook 2002b). Additionally equity issues must be considered, specifically the dislocation of the poor. Even with the high projected growth rates in automobile ownership, most Chinese will not own vehicles, so alternative modes must be supplied that can serve the increasing spatial separation between origins and destinations. The cost of the required infrastructure will be enormous and the government will likely have to provide more subsidies to the transportation sector, potentially restricting its investment in other sectors.Causes of MotorizationThe primary impetus for the motorization of China has been the rapid growth of the economy. With a rise in the economic growth of a country comes a desire and means to become more motorized. Motorization rates are associated with a country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Countries with low GDP (below $800) generally have a high proportion of trucks and buses in their vehicle fleets. As GDP increases up to about $10,000, the share of personal automobiles increases drastically until a saturation level is reached (NRC 2003). China’s GDP has been increasing by more than 8% annually for over a decade. A large proportion of upper income people can now afford the luxury of the automobile.Kenworthy et. al. (1999) argue that, while GDP plays an important role, there are many other factors that likely influence motorization rates. By comparing cities with similar GDP and very different transportation energy use, they conclude that land use is a primary factor influencing energy use and thus motorization. Additionally demand management schemes can limit the adverse effect of motorization in China. Currently China’s regulatory structure is weak and inconsistent. Some cities have effectively provided competitive transit alternatives and limited outward expansion (Joos 2000). Others have fully embraced the automobile, pushing many other modes to the side.Railway Terms and New Wordsmotorization n.动力化, 摩托化exponential diverse migration metropolis adj.adj.n.n.指数的, 幂数的不同的, 变化多的移民, 移植, 移往, 移动大城市Chicago, the metropolis of the Midwest.skyrocket v.暴涨,猛涨迅速和突然地升高或使升高:fringe n.边缘, 须边, 刘海periphery n.外围fatality n.命运决定的事物, 不幸, 灾祸, 天命dislocation n.混乱, 断层, 脱臼saturation n.饱和(状态), 浸润, 浸透,饱和度in accordance with 与...一致, 依照per capita 按人口平均计算Chapter 2 Rapid TransitA rapid transit, underground, subway, elevated, or metro system is a railway system, generally in an urban area, that generally has high capacity and frequency, with large trains and total or near total grade separation from other traffic.Definitions and NomenclatureThere is no single term in English that all speakers would use for all rapid transit or metro systems. This fact reflects variations not only in national and regional usage, but in what characteristics are considered essential.One definition of a metro system is as follows; an urban, electric mass transit railway system totally independent from other traffic with high service frequency.But those who prefer the American term "subway" or the British "underground" would additionally specify that the tracks and stations must be located below street level so that pedestrians and road users see the street exactly as it would be without the subway; or at least that this must be true for the most important, central parts of the system. On the contrary, those who prefer the American "rapid transit" or the newer term "metro" tend to regard this as a less important characteristic and are pleased to include systems that are completely elevated or at ground level ( at grade) as long as the other criteria are met. A rapid transit system that is generally above street level may be called an "elevated" system (often shortened to el or, in Chicago, "L" ). In some cities the word "subway" applies to the entire system, in others only to those parts that actually are underground; and analogously for "el".Germanic languages usually use names meaning "underground railway" (such as "subway" or "U-Bahn"), while many others use "metro".Train Size and Motive PowerSome urban rail lines are built to the full size of main-line railways; others use smaller tunnels, limiting the size and sometimes the shape of the trains (in the London Underground the informal term tube train is commonly used). Some lines use light rail rolling stock, perhaps surface cars merely routed into a tunnel for all or part of their route. In many cities, such as London and Boston's MB-TA, lines using different types of vehicles are organized into a single unified system.Although the initial lines of what became the London Underground used steam engines, most metro trains, both now and historically, are electric multiple units, with steel wheels running on two steel rails. Power is usually supplied by means of a single live third rail (as in New York) at 600 to 750 volts, but some systems use two live rails (noticeably London) and thus eliminate the return current from the running rails. Overhead wires, allowinghigher voltages, are more likely to be used on metro systems without much length in tunnel, as in Amsterdam; but they also exist on some that are underground, as in Madrid. Boston's Green Line trains derive power from an overhead wire, both while traveling in a tunnel in the central city and at street level in the suburban areas.Systems usually use DC power instead of AC, even if this requires large rectifiers for the power supply. DC motors were formerly more efficient for railway applications, and once a DC system is in place, converting it to AC is usually considered too large a project to contemplate.TracksMost rapid transit systems use conventional railway tracks, though since tracks in subway tunnels are not exposed to wet weather, they are often fixed to the floor instead of resting on ballast. The rapid transit system in San Diego, California operates tracks on former railroad rights of way that were acquired by the governing entity.Another technology using rubber tires on narrow concrete or steel railways was pioneered on the Paris M6tro, and the first complete system to use it was in Montreal. Additional horizontal wheels are required for guidance, and a conventional track is often provided in case of flat tires and for switching. Advocates of this system note that it is much quieter than conventional steel-wheeled trains, and allows for greater inclines given the increased traction allowed by the rubber tires.Some cities with steep hills incorporate mountain railway technologies into their metros. The Lyon Metro includes a section of rack (cog) railway, while the Carmelit in Haifa is an underground funicular.For elevated lines, still another alternative is the monorail. Supported or "straddle" monorails, with a single rail below the train, include the Tokyo Monorail; the Schwebebahn in Wuppertal is a suspended monorail, where the train body hangs below the wheels and rail. Monorails have never gained wide acceptance except for Japan, although Seattle has a short one, which it hopes to replace with a new, larger system, and one has lately been built in Las Vegas. One of the first monorail systems in the United States was installed at Anaheim's Disneyland in 1959 and connects the amusement park to a nearby hotel. Disneyland's builder, animator and filmmaker Walt Disney, offered to build a similar system between Anaheim and Los Angeles.Crew Size and AutomationEarly underground trains often carried an attendant on each car to operate the doors or gales, in addition to a driver. The introduction of powered doors around 1920 permitted crew sizes to be decreased, and trains in many cities are now operated by a single person. Where the operator would not be able to see the whole side of the train to tell whether thedoors can be safely closed, mirrors or closed-circuit TV monitors are often provided for that purpose.An alternative to human drivers became available in the 1960s, as automated systems were developed that could start a train, accelerate to the correct speed, and stop automatically at the next station, also taking into account the information that a human driver would obtain from lineside or cab signals. The first complete line to use this technology was London's Victoria Line, in 1968. In usual operation the one crew member sits in the driver's position at the front, but just closes the doors at each station; the train then starts automatically. This style of system has become widespread. A variant is seen on London's Docklands Light Railway, opened in 1987, where the "passenger service agent" (formerly "train captain") rides with the passengers instead of sitting at the front as a driver would. The same technology would have allowed trains to operate completely automatically with no crew, just as most elevators do; and as the cost of automation has decreased, this has become financially attractive. But a countervailing argument is that of possible emergency situations. A crew member on board the train may be able to prevent the emergency in the first place, drive a partly failed train to the next station, assist with an evacuation if needed, or call for the correct emergency services (police, fire, or ambulance) and help direct them.In some cities the same reasons are considered to justify a crew of two instead of one; one person drives from the front of the train, while the other operates the doors from a position farther back, and is more conveniently able to help passengers in the rear cars. The crew members may exchange roles on the reverse trip ( as in Toronto) or not (as in New York ) .Completely crewless trains are more accepted on newer systems where there are no existing crews to be removed, and especially on light rail lines. Thus the first such system was the VAL (automated light vehicle) of Lille, France, inaugurated in 1983. Additional VAL lines have been built in other cities. In Canada, the Vancouver Sky Train carries no crew members, while Toronto's Scarborough RT, opening the same year (1985) with otherwise similar trains, uses human operators.These systems generally use platform-edge doors (PEDs) , in order to improve safety and ensure passenger confidence, but this is not universal; for example, the Vancouver SkyTrain does not ( And on the contrary, some lines which retain drivers, however, still use PEDs, noticeably London' s Jubilee Line Extension. MTR of Hong Kong also uses platform screen doors, the first to install PSDs on an already operating system. ) With regard to larger trains, the Paris Metro has human drivers on most lines, but runs crewless trains on its newest line, Line 14, which opened in 1998. Singapore's North EastMRT Line (2003) claims to be the world' s first completely automated underground urban heavy rail line. The Disneyland Resort Line of Hong Kong MTR is also automated.Tunnel ConstructionThe construction of an underground metro is an expensive project, often carried out over many years. There are several different methods of building underground lines.In one usual method, known as cut-and-cover, the city streets are excavated and a tunnel structure strong enough to support the road above is built at the trench, which is then filled in and the roadway rebuilt. This method often involves extensive relocation of the utilities usually buried not for below city streets—especially power and telephone wiring, water and gas mains, and sewers. The structures are generally made of concrete, perhaps with structural columns of steel; in the oldest systems, brick and cast iron were used. Cut-and-cover construction can take so long that it is often necessary to build a temporary roadbed while construction is going on underneath in order to avoid closing main streets for long periods of time; in Toronto, a temporary surface on Yonge Street supported cars and streetcar tracks for several years while the Yonge subway was built.Some American cities, like Newark, Cincinnati and Rochester, were originally built around canals. When the railways took the place of canals, they were able to bury a subway in the disused canal's trench, without rerouting other utilities, or acquiring a right of way piecemeal.Another common way is to start with a vertical shaft and then dig the tunnels horizontally from there, often with a tunneling shield, thus avoiding almost any disturbance to existing streets, buildings, and utilities. But problems with ground water are more likely, and tunneling through native bedrock may require blasting. (The first city to extensively use deep tunneling was London, where a thick sedimentary layer of clay largely avoids both problems. ) The confined space in the tunnel also restricts the machinery that can be used, but specialised tunnel-boring machines are now available to overcome this challenge. One disadvantage with this, nevertheless, is that the cost of tunneling is much higher than building systems cut-and-cover, at-grade or elevated. Early tunnelling machines could not make tunnels large enough for conventional railway equipment, necessitating special low round trains, such as are still used by most of the London Underground, which cannot fix air conditioning on most of its lines because the amount of empty space between the trains and tunnel walls is so small.The deepest metro system in the world was built in St. Petersburg, Russia. In this city, built ii the marshland, stable soil starts more than 50 meter deep. Above that level the soil is mostly made up of water-bearing finely dispersed sand. As a result of this, only three stations out of nearly 60 are built near the ground level and three more above the ground.。



Part 1 Situational Conversation情景对话1.1 Service 服务A.subway; figure out; direction; stopsB. 1.您可以从C1口出坐8路到人民公园。


4. 您必须在烈士陵园站下车,换乘3号线。

C. 1. arrive 2. pull in 3. from 4. leaves 5. tookA. 1.My wallet is gone! I may have left it on the train.2. Please tell me the time and direction of the train.3. Please describe your backpack.4. It's a blue and black backpack, made of canvas. It's 40 centimeters wide and 60 centimeters long.5. Please tell me your name and phone number. We'll contact you as soon as we find it.B. 1.你好,我的公文包被落到列车上了。




我可以用你的电话打个电话吗?C. 1. security 2. for a long time 3. peak 4. duty 5. cooperate1.2 Ticketing 售票A. 1. Yes, you can.2. It’s three ways.3. 5 yuan, 10 yuan and 20 yuan.4. Ticket Vending MachineB.1. Tickets can be bought at Ticket Vending Machines of each station or use city card.2. The chip in the card also allows you to buy tickets at ticket vending booth or in metro. Which is a time-saver if there are long lines at the ticket counter.3. Introduced the function of AFC system and the work principle of TVM.4. It's easy. Just go to the ticket office the subway.5. Related departments revealed that line 5 is completed, would change current ticketing system, achieve new ticketing system according to mileage.C.略A. 1. You can recharge your card at subway stations, convenience stores, banks or online.2. Public transportation card can also be used to taxis and buses.3. Your card is not magnetic, we can give you a new card.4. Please fill in your name and phone number on the receipt.5. If the passengers need invoice, please go to customer service center to receive.B.略A. 1. 我赶时间我想退票。


Unit 4 Entry/Exit
Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted 浪费时间而能乐在其中就无所谓浪费。
-John Lennon 一约翰・列侬
Part I Sentences Commonly Used常用句子
1. Please walk through here for safety check 请走这边,接受安全检查。 2. Please get your tickets ready and go to the ticket entrance for boarding 请将车票准备好到检票口检票上车。 3. The train is scheduled to arrive at 9: 45 列车预计在9:45到达 4. It's time for boarding 现在可以上车了 5. Please follow the direction of the arrow. 请按箭头指示的方向走
1)检票口前有两盏提示灯。 如插入面板的票据。 如果”红色” 灯亮起,说明设备不工作,你会在屏幕上看到”暂时停止服 务”
2)If you bring luggage ['lʌɡɪdʒ] 行李 with you, the weight of the luggage should be less than 23 kilograms volume ['vɒljuːm] 体积 should be less than 0.2 cubic ['kjuːbɪk] meters, its length should be less than 1.7 meters. Over sized luggage would affect other passengers in the train



城市轨道交通专业英语flat fare 单一票制swipe 在解码器上刷(卡)interchange station 换乘站concourse 站厅automation vending machine 自动售票机wheel chair lift 残疾人牵引车station operator 站务员crowd management plants 客流控制entry gate 入闸机security check 安检mind the gap 小心台阶间跨度classification 编组6-car set/unit 六节编组motor car 动车trailer 拖车pantograph 受电弓cab 驾驶室bogie 转向架coupler buffer connecting device 车钩缓冲连接装置brake device:制动装置:air brake 空气制动rheostatic brake 电阻制动regenerative brake 再生制动electromagnetic rail brake 磁轨制动current collector 受流装置conductor rail collector 第三轨受电器shoegear 受电靴装置collector shoe 受电靴interior equipment 车辆内部设备Electricity 车电Ventilation 通风Heating 取暖Air conditioning 空调Seat 座椅Handle 拉手Device system:设备装置Storage battery box 蓄电池箱Relay case 继电器箱Main control box 主控制箱Motor air compression unit 电动空气压缩机组Power source transformer 电源变压器Electrical switch 电气开关Contactor box 接触器箱Electrical system:车辆电气系统:Power circuit 动力电路Main circuit 主电路Auxiliary circuit 辅助电路Control circuit 控制电路ATO(Automatic Train Operation)列车自动运行系统ATP(Automatic Train Protection)列车自动保护系统ATS(Automatic Train Supervision)列车自动监控系统ATC(Automatic Train control system)列车自动控制系统Console 操作台Unmanned 无人驾驶的Platform screen door 屏蔽门Evacuate 疏散Overhead wires 架空导线Third rail 第三轨UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)不间断电源BAS(Building Automation System)环控系统Sensor 传感器FAS(Fire Alarm System)火灾报警系统Spray 喷淋Linkage 连接、连锁、联动Block 闭塞Interlock 联锁Ccv(Chrysler’s Composite Concept Vehicle)组合概念车High-speed rail(ASK) 高速铁路系统High-speed magnetic levitation(MAGLEV)高速磁悬浮系统Navigation 导航semi- 半,半自动sur- 上,外,超tender 投标。

城市轨道交通专业英语 1 Introduction

城市轨道交通专业英语 1 Introduction

Learning Objectives
In this unit, you will: learn different kinds of urban rail transit; learn about the metro system in the world, China and Guangzhou; learn some useful expressions for talking about subway trips; enhance your presentation skill by working out a presentation on world’s metro systems.
• Task1. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or False (F) according to your understanding of the passage. ( F) 1. Metro systems are usually built in suburban areas.. ( T) 2. All countries do not use the same term to refer to a metro system. ( F) 3. China has the longest metro system is in China while America has the second longest. ( F) 4. In China, all metro systems are built in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and the Jingjinji region whose economy is developing fast. ( T) 5. More metro systems will be built in China.



地铁metro/underground railway/subway城市轨道交通urban rail transit/mass transit设计使用年限designed lifetime运营概念operation concept旅行速度operation speed限界gauge正线main line辅助线assistant line联络线connecting line试车线testing line轨道结构track structure轨距gauge of track无缝线路seamless track整体道床monolithic track-bed路基subgrade站台计算长度computed length of platform车站公共区public zone of station无缝线路纵向水平力longitudinal horizontal force of seamless track无缝线路断轨力broken rail force of seamless track名挖法cut and cover盖挖顺筑法cover and cut-bottom up盖挖逆筑法cover and cut-top down矿山法mining method盾构法shield method沉管法immersed tube method防水等级grade of waterproof变形缝deformation joint刚柔结合的密封区rigid-flexible joint of sealed zone开式运行open made operation闭式运行close made operation活塞通风piston action ventilation合流制排放combined sewer system集中式供电centralized power supply mode分散式供电distribute power supply mode混合式供电combined power supply mode主变电所high voltage substation牵引降压混合变电所combined substation杂散电流stray current同步数字传输系统synchronous digital hierarchy transmission system(SDH) 全球定位系统global position system(GPS)列车自动控制automatic train control(ATC)列车自动监控automatic train supervision(ATS)列车自动防护automatic train protection(ATP)列车自动运行automatic train operation(ATO)调度集中centralized traffic control(CTC)自动人行道moving pavement自动售检票设备automatic fare collection火灾自动报警系统fire alarm system区域报警系统local alarm system集中报警系统remote alarm system环境与设备监控系统building automatic system(BAS)系统集成system integration(SI)运营控制中心operation control center(OCC)集中监控和管理concentration supervisory control and management 车辆段depot停车场stabling yard检修修程examine and repair program检修周期examine and repair period建筑设备自动化系统Building Automation System供电系统管理自动化Scan Control Alarm Database人机接口Man Machine Interface不间断电源供给Uninterrupted Power Supply南京一卡通系统NanJing Transportation Card System建设部Ministry of Corporation南京地铁公司NanJing Metro Corporation清结算数据中心Intermodality Data Center局域网Local Area Network广域网Wide Area Network开放传输网络Open Transport Network拖车Trailer Car(Tc(A))带受电弓的动车Motor Car With Pantograph(Mp(B))动车Motor Car(M(C))空载AW0每位乘客都有座位AW1每平方米6人AW2每平方米9人AW3非接触智能卡Contactless Smart Card(CSC)非接触智能筹码Contactless Smart Card(CST)设备运行参数Equipment Operating Data(EOD)名称全称中文意思FAS Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统BAS Building Automation System 建筑设备自动化系统AFC Auto Fare Collection 自动售检票系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控ATC Automatic Train Control 列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database 供电系统管理自动化OCC Operated Control Center 控制中心HMI Human Machine Interface 人机接口UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断电源MOC Ministry of construction 建设部TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网络互联协议FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议API Application Programming Interface 应用程序接口IBP Integrated Backup Panel 综合后备盘LAN Local Area Network 局域网WAN Wide Area Network 广域网MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair 平均修复时间SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网络管理协议UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 不间断电源IEEE Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 国际电子与电气工程师协会GB GuoBiao 中国国家标准EN 欧洲标准OTN Open Transport Network 开放传输网络OSI Open System Internet 开放系统互联PC Personal Computer 个人计算机PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System 旅客向导系统PSD Platforms Screen Door 安全门QoS Quality of Service 服务质量RAMS 安全性、可靠性、可用性、可维护性TB TieBiao 中国铁道部标准CIF Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价格UIC 国际铁路联盟ITU-T 国际电讯联盟IEC International Electrician Commission 国际电工委员会ISO International Organization ForStandardization 国际标准化组织ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会NFPA National Fire Protection Association 美国全国防火协会BSI British Standards Institution 英国标准学会DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung 德国标准化学会JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee 日本工业标准调查会EIA Electronic Industries Alliance 美国电子工业协会CCIR 国际无线咨询委员会标准ISO9001 质量安全体系标准ISO14000 环境管理体系标准RIA Railway Industry Association 铁路工业协会IDC I ntermodality Data Center 清结算数据中心Tc Trailer Car 带司机室拖车T Trailer 不带司机室拖车Mp Motor Car With Pantograph 带受电弓的动车M Motor Car 不带受电弓的动车AW0 空载AW1 每位乘客都有座位AW2 每平方米6人AW3 每平方米9人CSC Contactless Smart Card 非接触智能卡CST Contactless Smart Token 非接触智能筹码EOD Equipment Operating Data 设备运行参数车辆系统LRU Line Replaceable Unit 线路可替换单元TBD To be Defined 待定义,待规定TBEx Trailer Bogie-External 拖车外转向架TBIn Train Bogie-Intermediate 拖车中间转向架TBU Tread Brake Unit 踏面制动单元WSP Wheel Speed Sensor 轮速传感器PB Powered Bogie 动车转向架FDU Frontal Display Unit 前部显示单元IDU Internal Display Unit 内部显示单元TIMS Train Integrated Management System 列车综合管理系统DVA Digital and Audio Announcements 数字语音广播器MPU Main Processor Unit 主控单元APU Audio Power Unit 放大器单元VPI Visual Passenger Information 可视乘客信息VVVF Variable Voltage Variable Frequency 变压变频信号系统ACS Axle Counting System 计轴系统AM ATO Mode ATO自动折返模式AP Access Point 接入点AS Access Switch 接入交换机ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATPM ATP Manual Mode ATP防护下的人工列车驾驶模式ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控BS Backbone Switch 骨干交换机CBTC Communications-Based Train Control 基于通信的列车控制CC Carborne Controller 车载控制器CI Computer Based Interlocking 计算机联锁DCS Data Communication Subsystem 数据通信子系统DSU Database Storage Unit 数据库存储单元EB Emergency Brake 紧急制动ILC Interlocking Controller 联锁控制器LCD Liquid Crystal Displayer 液晶显示器LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管MAL Movement Authority Limit 移动授权MR Mobile Radio 车载无线台OCC Operational Control Center 运营控制中心RM Restricted Manual 限制人工模式TOD Train Operator Display 司机显示器通信系统MDF Multiplex Distribution Frame 综合配线架TBS TETRA Base Station TETRA基站PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange 专用自动小交换机DDF Digital Distribution Frame 光配线架ODF Optical Distribution Frame 数字配线架VDF Audio Distribution Frame 光配线架DxTiP Digital Exchange for TETRA 音频配线架ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network TETRA数字交换机OMS OTN Management System 综合业务数字网NCC Network Control System OTN管理系统PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制TETRA Terrestial Trunked Radio 欧洲数字集群标准TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网CDD Configuration and Data Distribution Server 配置及数字分配服务器自动售检票系统CPS Central Processing System 中央计算机系统SPS Station Processing System 车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number 个人身份号码ACC AFC Clearing Center 轨道交通AFC清算管理中心AGM Automatic Gate Machine 自动检票机TCM Ticket Checking Machine 自动验票机TVM Ticket Vending Machine 自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine 半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit 便携式验票机GATE 闸机火灾报警系统GCC Graphic Control ComputerFAC Fire Advisory Council 消防专项合格证书I/O Input/Output 输入/输出EST Edwards System Technology 爱德华系统技术NCS Network Control Station 网络控制工作站环境监控系统DCS Distributed Control System 集散控制系统PID Proportional-Integral-Differential 比例-积分-微分调节PLC Program Logical Controller 可编程序控制器RI/O Remote Input/Output 远程输入输出EMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System 机电elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路mine railway 矿区铁路funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路light railway line 轻便铁道urban railway 市区铁路railway network 铁路网railway transport 铁路运输trial run 试车open to traffic 通车porter 搬运工人ticket inspector 查票员ticket 车票single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票platform ticket 站台票railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅information desk 服务台waiting room 候车室passenger station 客车站time-table 时刻表arrival time-table到站时刻表departure time-table 发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票员ticket office, booking office售票处junction枢纽站rail and water terminal水陆联运站platform bridge天桥luggage barrow 推行李车enquiry office, information desk 问讯处way station 小站label 行李标签luggage office 行李房left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票口barrier 栅栏门platform 站台(electric) platform truck站台车platform tunnel站台地道platform roofing 站台顶棚station-master 站长terminal; terminus 终点站escalator自动扶梯The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站to have one's ticket punched(给检票员)检票10 minutes behind schedule晚点十分钟to change trains at... 在(某地)换车The train is due at... 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车pantry 餐车食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车carriage, coach, car 车厢roof车顶concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板gangway (车厢的)通道lidded ashtray带盖烟灰盒tank wagon罐车mixed train 混合列车freight train, goods train 货物列车engine, locomotive 机车window seat 靠窗座位coach, passenger train客车express train, express 快车refrigerator wagon 冷藏车car attendant; train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长slow train, way train 慢车covered wagon van, box car 棚车ordinary train 普通列车sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车up train 上行车livestock wagon牲畜车sleeping car, sleeper 卧车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车rack, baggage rack 行李架sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车ordinary seat 硬席carriage with semicushioned seats硬座车mail car 邮政车mail and luggage van 邮政行李车through train直达车special train 专车pointsman, switchman 道岔工人signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号semaphore signal, home signal臂板信号warehouse 仓库siding, sidetrack侧线,旁轨turnout 岔道weighing machine 秤重机derailing (火车)出轨single line (track) rail 单线points, switches 道岔switch lock, point lock 道岔锁wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard调车场dispatching 调度dispatcher 调度员crossover 渡线,转线轨道rail 钢轨track轨道sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕rail chair轨座buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩goods shed, freight depot货棚goods station 货运站,货站container 集装箱locomotive (engine) shed 机车库station warning sign 进站预告标clearance 净空(signal) gantry (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥barrier (道口)拦路木section 路段reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign鸣笛预告标platform car, flat car 平车grade crossing, level crossing(道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer铺轨机double line (track) rail 双线volume of railway freight 铁路货运量railway connections 铁路交叉点,铁路联络线railway warning sign 铁路警告标志railway clearance铁路净空railroad bed 铁路路基railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道railway line, railroad line 铁路线stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口signal light (lamp) 信号灯signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房signalman 信号员wing rail (of frog) 翼轨distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机back-turning section 折返段frog 辙叉,岔心turn-table 车台,旋车盘point (box), switch (box) 转辙器switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号铁路工程词汇收藏线路工程railway line engineering铁路勘测;铁道勘测railway reconnaissance铁路选线;铁道选线railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection经济勘察economic investigation地质调查geological survey;geologic survey方案比较project comparison铁路勘探;铁道勘探railway exploration铁路测量;铁道测量railway survey线路测量route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey曲线测量curve survey既有线测量survey of existing line;survey of existing railway铁路线路图;铁道线路图railway map定线location of line铁路设计;铁道设计railway design线路设计track design平面设计plane design纵断面设计longitudinal section design横断面设计transverse section design曲线设计curve design车站设计station design站场设计design of stations and yards标准设计standard design线路等级line grade铁路限界;铁道限界railway clearance建筑限界construction clearance设计规范code of design设计标准design standard铁路线路;铁道线路railway line铁路曲线;铁道曲线railway curve缓和曲线transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve小半径曲线small-radius curve曲线半径curve radius曲线超高superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve欠超高inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation未被平衡加速度unbalanced acceleration竖曲线vertical curve坡道gradient坡度grade;gradient;slope限制坡度ruling grade;limiting grade坡度折减grade compensation;compensation of gradient;gradient compensation避难线refuge siding;catch siding双线插入段double track interpolation铁路连接线;铁道连接线railway connecting line隧道内线路line in tunnel桥头引线bridge approach站线siding站线长度length of station line铁路标志;铁道标志railway sign警冲标fouling point indicator;fouling post线路中心线track center line;central lines of track线间距离;线间距distance between centres of lines;distance between centers of tracks;midway between tracks线路试验;线路实验track test;road test;running test路基subgrade铁路路基;路基;铁道路基railway subgrade;subgrade软土路基soft soil subgrade沙漠路基desert subgrade冻土路基permafrost subgrade膨胀土路基subgrade in swelling soil zone路基基床subgrade bed路堤embankment;fill高路堤high-fill embankment路堑cut;road cutting深路堑deep cutting路肩road shoulder;subgrade shoulder边坡side slope护坡revetment;slope protection;pitching路基滑动subgrade slip滑坡防治landslide preventive treatment路基排水subgrade drainage塑料排水板plastic drainage board路基加固subgrade strengthening土工织物geotextile挡土墙;挡墙retaining walls锚定板anchor plate锚杆anchor bolt抗滑桩antiskid pile;anti-slide pile;counter-sliding pile加筋土reinforced earth植被vegetation路基防护subgrade protection防护工程protective engineering防护林protection forest防沙sand proof固沙stabilization of sand输导砂sediment transport路侧建筑物roadside structure排水沟weeper drain;weep drain;drainage ditch;drain ditch 挡风墙wind-shield wall;wind-break wall隔声墙sound-proof wall防雪栅snow fence;snow guard轨道理论track theory轨道设计track design轨道参数track parameter轨距track gauge;rail gage;rail gauge轨距加宽track gauge widening轨底坡cant of rail;rail cant轨道力学track dynamics;track mechanics轨道强度track strength轨道阻力track resistance道床阻力trackbed resistance;ballast resistance扣固力fastening force钢轨应力rail stress轨道承载力track bearing capacity轨道稳定性track stability;stability of track轨道试验;轨道实验track test轮轨关系wheel-rail interaction;wheel-rail relation轮轨动力学wheel-rail dynamics轮轨作用力wheel-rail force轮轨接触wheel-rail contact接触应力contact stress轨道结构track structure轨道track铁路轨道;轨道;铁道轨道railway track;track线路上部建筑;轨道track superstructure;track重型轨道heavy track宽轨枕轨道broad sleeper track板式轨道slab track;slab-track整体道床轨道monolithic roadbed track防振轨道anti-vibration track高架轨道elevated track无缝线路jointless line;continuously welded rail track;jointless track桥上轨道结构bridge deck track structure隧道内轨道结构track structure in tunnel钢轨steel rail重型钢轨heavy rail长钢轨long rail焊接长钢轨long welded rail缩短轨shortened rail;standard shortened rail;fabricated short rail used on curves;standard curtailed rail热处理钢轨heat-treated rail合金钢轨alloy steels rail旧钢轨used rail钢轨钢rail steel钢轨螺栓孔rail bolt hole轨缝rail gap;joint gap钢轨焊缝rail welding seam钢轨接头rail joint异型接头compromise joint伸缩接头expansion joint焊接接头welding joint;welded joint绝缘接头track section insulator;insulated joint胶接接头adhesive joint鱼尾板fish plate鱼尾螺栓fish bolt扣件fastening;rail fastening弹性扣件elastic fastening;elastic rail fastening弹条式扣件elastic rod type fastening分开式扣件separated fastening;separated rail fastening;indirect holding fastening扣板式扣件clip fastening刚性扣件rigid fastening垫圈ring道钉spike;track spike;rail spike;dog spike螺纹道钉threading spike;screw spike垫板tie-plate;tie plate橡胶垫板rubber tie-plate;rubber tie plate防爬器anticreeper;anti-creeper;rail anchor轨距拉杆gauge tie rod轨下基础underrail foundation;sub-rail foundation;sub-rail track bed轨枕sleeper;tie;cross tie木枕wooden sleeper;wooden tie混凝土枕;砼枕concrete sleeper;concrete tie轨枕板;宽轨枕sleeper slab;broad sleeper钢枕steel sleeper;steel tie合成轨枕composite sleeper纵向轨枕longitudinal tie岔枕points sleeper;switch tie;turnout tie桥枕bridge tie;bridge sleeper轨排track panel;track skeleton枕下胶垫rubber pad under sleeper道床track bed;ballast bed碎石道床ballast bed整体道床monolithic track bed;solid bed;integrated ballast bed;monolithic concrete bed 沥青道床bituminous raodbed;asphalt roadbed;asphalt cemented ballast bed石棉道床asbestos ballast道碴ballast道床覆盖ballast cover轨道附属设备track auxiliary equipment钢轨涂油器rail lubricator融雪器snow melter复轨器replacer;re-railer;rerailing device脱轨器derailer车挡bumper;bumper post道岔switch;point;turnout;switches and crossings单开道岔single point;simple turnout;lateral turnout双开道岔double turnout三开道岔three-throw turnout;symmetrical three throw turnout;three-way turnout交分道岔slip switch高速道岔high-speed switch切线型道岔tangent turnout道岔设计turnout design过岔速度switch crossing speed辙叉frog;crossing整铸辙叉integrated cast frog锰钢辙叉manganese steel frog crossing焊接辙叉welding frog crossing组合辙叉combined frog;assembled frog可动心轨辙叉movable point frog;movable-point frog可动翼轨辙叉movable wing rails;movable-wing frog尖轨switch point;point tongue;switch rail;tongue rail;blade 滑床板slide chair;slide plate;switch plate基本轨stock rail翼轨wing rail护轮轨guard rail导曲线curve of turnout;lead curve道岔附带曲线curve following turnout branch line交叉crossing渡线track cross-over;crossover通过道岔passing switch铁路道口;铁道道口railway crossing平交道口level crossing道口板crossing slab道口路面crossing road surface立体交叉;立交grade separation线路施工track construction石方工程rock excavation土方工程earthwork填方filling挖方cutting土方调拨mass dispatching线路施工机械track construction machinery and equipment 轨道施工track construction轨道工程track construction轨道铺设track laying铺碴ballasting轨枕铺设sleeper laying铺轨rail-laying轨排组装track panel assembling轨排装运track panel loading轨排基地track panel base钢轨焊接rail welding钢轨热处理rail heat treatment钢轨铺设rail laying钢轨锁定rail locking道岔铺设switch laying轨道施工机械track construction machinery铺轨列车tracklaying train;track laying train铺轨机rail-laying machine;track laying machine钢轨焊接车rail welding car焊轨机steel rails weldeding mill;rail welding machine轨排组装机track panel assembling machine轨排运送车track panel transport car铺枕机sleeper-laying machine铺碴车ballasting car铺碴机ballasting machine铺道岔机turnout-laying machine焊接长钢轨运送车welding long rails transport car动力稳定车dynamic track stabilizer线路状态track state路基病害subgrade defect沉降settlement坍方落石;危石collapse rock翻浆冒泥frost boiling;mud-pumping路基壅水subgrade water damming路基渗流subgrade seepage flow路基冲刷subgrade erosion振动液化vibration liquifaction冻融freezing and thawing冻胀frost heaving冻害freezing damage;frost heaving雪害snow damage;snow blockade;snow drift沙害sand damage轨道状态track condition轨道变形track deformation;track disorder;track distortion 轨道不平顺track irregularity低接头depression of joint三角坑warp;twist钢轨爬行rail creeping涨轨跑道;钢轨鼓曲buckled track;rail buckle钢轨疲劳rail fatigue钢轨伤损rail failure;rail defects and failures钢轨断裂rail fracture钢轨裂纹rail crack;rail crackes轨头剥离rail head shelling;gage line shelly cracks钢轨锈蚀rail bubble;rail corrosion钢轨磨耗rail wearing波形磨耗;波浪磨耗undulatory wear螺孔裂纹bolt hole crack辙叉伤损;辙叉损伤frog failure木枕开裂wooden sleeper cracking轨枕伤损;轨枕伤损sleeper damage道床脏污ballast contamination线路养护track maintenance线路维修track maintenance;maintenance of track日常维修routine maintenance;current maintenance状态修repairing on condition;repair according to condition巡回检查inspection tour轨道检测机具track detection equipment道尺track gauge轨道检测track detection灾害检测装置disaster detector超声波探伤仪ultrasonic flaw detector钢轨探伤车rail detecting car;rail flaw detection car轨道检查车;轨检车track inspection car;track recording car 高速轨道检查车;高速轨检车high-speed track inspection car 养路作业track maintenance operation起道track lifting;raising of track垫碴起道ballast filling track lifting改道track realigning;gage correction;gaging of track拨道track lining捣固tamping除草weeding除草剂herbicide除雪snow clearing防冻anti-freezing融雪snow melt融雪剂snow melt agent钢轨加热rail heating钢轨打磨rail grinding钢轨矫直straightening of kinked rail钢轨更换rail replace钢轨探伤rail detecting钢轨焊补rail repairing welding轨缝调整rail gap adjusting应力放散stress-relieving钢轨温度rail temperature钢轨涂油rail lubrication轨枕更换sleeper replacement扣件作业fastening operation轨枕修补sleeper mending枕木防腐timber sleeper treating道岔养护switch maintenance道岔更换switch replacement辙叉焊补frog welding and repairing道床作业ballast operation道碴清筛ballast screening道碴更换ballast replacement道床整形ballast trimming曲线养护curved track maintenance线路管理系统track management system养路组织track maintenance organization养路计划track maintenance planning维修天窗maintenance time维修周期maintenance period养路安全track maintenance safety列车接近警报器;列车接近报警器;列车接近报警装置train approach warning device养路质量track maintenance quality养路机械化track maintenance machinization线路中修intermediate repair of track起道修;线路中修track raising repair;track intermediate overhaul线路大修major repair of track线路更新;线路大修track renewal;track overhauling线路修复track restoration铁路抢修;铁道抢修railway emergency maintenance养路机械track maintenance machine起道机track lifting machine拨道机track lining machine起拨道机track lifting and lining machine捣固机tamping machine捣固车tamping wagon道床夯拍机ballast compactor配碴整形机ballast distributing and trimming machine;ballast distributing and regulating machine道碴清筛机ballast cleaner扒碴机crib ballast raker;crib ballast removers道碴更换机ballast replacement eqnipment道床清扫机ballast cleaning machine轨枕更换机sleeper replacement equipment钢轨更换机rail replacement equipment钢轨打磨机rail grinding machine钢轨打磨车rail grinding wagon直轨器rail straightening tool;rail straightener锯轨机rail saw;rail cutting machine;rail sawing machine钢轨钻孔机rail drilling machine钢轨加热器rail heater轨缝调整器rail gap adjuster;rail puller道钉机spike driver除雪机snowbreaker;snow removing machine;snow remover除雪车snow-fighting vehicle;snow plow;snow plough除草机weeder;weed cutting machine;weed cutter清沟机ditcher碎冰机ice crusher养路机具track maintenance implements液压机具hydraulic tool轨道车track car上下道装置up and down track device发电车mobile power plant car;generator car综合养路机械comprehensive track maintenance machine机械化养路基地mechanized maintenance base工务部门maintenance of way branch大修队capital repair brigade工务段engineering district;maintenance of way section;track division;track district;track maintenance division养路员工track maintenance worker工务修配厂maintenance of way shop焊轨厂rail welding plant枕木防腐厂timber sleeper treating plant采石场quarry;stonepit。



destination [ˌdestɪ'neɪʃn] n.目的地 guide [ɡaɪd] sign[saɪn]导向标识 information [ˌɪnfə'meɪʃn] office问讯处 boarding ['bɔːdɪŋ] gate[ɡeɪt]检票口 boundary ['baʊndri] n.分界线;范国;(球场)边线 symbol ['sɪmbl] n.象征;标志;符号;记号 consult [kən'sʌlt] w.请教;翻阅;求教于;顾及 in a hurr['hʌri] y立刻;迅速地;急切;乐意地
B: Sure. You can't get there directly from here. You can take Metro Line 1, get on the train at Shenyang Railway Station and get off at Qingnian Street Station which is a transfer station.Then change to Line 2 and get off at Shenyang Aerospace ['eərəʊspeɪs] University Station
vending ['vendɪŋ] machine)自动售票机 interchange ['ɪntətʃeɪndʒ] station ['steɪʃn] / transfer
[træns'fɜː(r)] station换乘站 concourse英 ['kɒŋkɔːs] n.站厅 single ['sɪŋɡl] - way ticket单程票 facility [fə'sɪləti] n.设施、设备



Part 1 Situational Conversation情景对话Service 服务A. subway;figure out; direction; stopsB. 1. 您可以从 C1 口出坐 8 路到人民公园。

2.打扰了,您能告诉我从这儿怎样乘坐地铁去火车站吗?3.到了之后在 E 出口出,上面有公交接驳。

4.您必须在烈士陵园站下车,换乘 3 号线。

C. 1. arrive 2. pull in 3. from 4. leaves 5. tookA.wallet is gone! I may have left it on the train. 2.Please tell me the time and direction of the train.3. Please describe your backpack.4. It's a blue and black backpack, made of canvas. It's 40 centimeters wide and60 centimeters long.5. Please tell me your name and phone number. We'll contact you as soon as we find it.B. 1. 你好,我的公文包被落到列车上了。

2.哦,我的钥匙掉到站台里了 ! 我可以看到他们在轨道上!3.我很担心。



我可以用你的电话打个电话吗?C. 1. security 2. for a long time 3. peak 4. duty 5. cooperateTicketing售票A. 1. Yes, you can.2. It ’s three ways.3.5 yuan, 10 yuan and 20 yuan.4.Ticket Vending MachineB. 1. Tickets can be bought at Ticket Vending Machines of each station or usecity card.2. The chip in the card also allows you to buy tickets at ticket vending booth orin metro. Which is a time-saver if there are long lines at the ticket counter.3. Introduced the function of AFC system and the work principle of TVM.4. It's easy. Just go to the ticket office the subway.5. Related departments revealed that line 5 is completed, would change current ticketing system, achieve new ticketing system according to mileage.C.略A. 1. You can recharge your card at subway stations, convenience stores, banks oronline.2. Public transportation card can also be used to taxis and buses.3. Your card is not magnetic, we can give you a new card.4. Please fill in your name and phone number on the receipt.5. If the passengers need invoice, please go to customer service center to receive.B.略A. 1.我赶时间我想退票。



城市轨道交通专业英语复习城市轨道交通专业英语复习提纲考试题型:①英汉互译②选择题(10题)③英译汉④汉译英⑤作文一、词汇Aaccess to platforms 站台入口additional coach 加挂列车additional train 加开列车arrival and departure siding 到发线assistant driver/motorman 副司机assistant station master 副站长ATC signal 列车自动控制信号automatic door operation 自动开关车门automatic train control (ATC)列车自动控制automatic train operation (ATO)列车自动运行,列车自动驾驶Bbaggage office/room 行李房ballast 道砟,道床berth ticket 卧铺车票boarding gate 检票口box car/wagon 棚车Ccab 司机室,驾驶室carriage with cushioned berths 软卧车carriage with cushioned seats 软坐车carriage with hard seats 硬座车carriage with semi-cushionedberths 硬卧车check ticket 检票,查票chief conductor 列车长chief dispatcher 调度长city railway 城市铁路coach NO.6 六号车厢consist 列车编组顺序表【美】;车列【美】container 集装箱crew 乘务组;乘务人员crew car 宿营车crew member/man乘务人员crew room 乘务员室Ddining-car 餐车direct train 直达车down direction 下行方向Eelectric multiple-unit(EMU)电动车组emergency braking 紧急制动entrance 入口,进站口exit 出口,出站口express ticket 特快车票Ggrade crossing 平面交叉;平交道口,道口【美】guests’waiting-room 贵宾候车室Hhead driver=head engineer 司机长heavy rail 重轨high-speed intercity train 高速城际列车hump 驼峰hump yard 驼峰调车场Iinformation bureau 问讯处【美】in transfer to 中转到issuing station 售票站Llevel crossing 平面交叉,平交道口light rail 轻轨locomotive 机车locomotive depot 机务段long-distance passenger train 长途旅客列车lower berth 下铺luggage office=baggage office 行李房,行李托运处luggage storage service 行李寄存处Mmaglev(magnetically levitated)train 磁悬浮列车main-line coach 干线客车maintenance维修,保养metro 地铁middle berth 中铺monorail 单轨铁路Ppassenger service 客运passenger station 客运站people mover 小型快速交通系统personal rapid transit system 小型快速交通系统pick-up goods train 摘挂列车platform 站台points 道岔Rrailway signaling 铁路信号railway station 火车站railway transport/transportation 铁路运输rapid transit 快速交通系统reception and departure of trains 接发列车refund of ticket 退票rolling stock 机车车辆总称round-the-clock service 昼夜服务round-trip fare 往返票价Sservice charge 手续费Service Counter 服务台station attendant 车站服务员station facilities 车站设备Station Master 站长station operator 车站值班员straddle monorail 跨骑式单轨铁路suspended monorail 悬挂式单轨铁路Tterminal 终点站;枢纽ticket office=booking office=reservation office 售票处ticket valid 车票有效期time interval 时间间隔to endorse ticket 签票TOFC(trailer on flat car)平车装运的集装箱挂车tunnel 隧道;地道Uunclaimed baggage 无人认领行李underground 地铁unmanned crossing=unstaffed level crossing 无人看守道口up direction 上行方向upper berth 上铺Vvehicle 车辆;运输工具Wwaiting room 候车室waiting-room for soft seat passengers 软席候车室二、选择题Unit 21、The dictionary definition of a train is a long line ofvehicles traveling in (C)direction.A、differentB、leftC、the sameD、right2、A maglev train floats about(A)mm above the guideway on a magnetic field.A、10B、11C、9D、83、Because there are no wheels running along there is no wheel(B).A、maintenanceB、noiseC、disturbanceD、resistance4、Of the 5,000 km that TGV trains serve in France,only about (C)km is high speed line.A、1,000B、1,100C、1,200D、1,3005、The vast majority of resistive force at high speed is(A)resistance.A、airB、frictionC、electricityD、heatUnit101、A rapid transit usually has high capacity and frequency,with large trains and total or near total(C)separation from other traffic. A、level B、part C、grade D、whole2、Power is commonly supplied by means of a single live third rail at(A)volts.A、600 to 750B、700 to 850C、500 to 650D、800 to 950 3、Metro systems generally use(B)power.A、ACB、DCC、overheadD、return4、Rubber tires system is much (A)than conventional steel-wheeled trains.A、quieterB、noisierC、largerD、smaller5、Some cities with steep hills incorporate(C)railway technologies into their metros.A、undergroundB、suspendedC、mountainD、conventionalUnit141、(A)is a station sited where a railway line ends or terminates.A、A terminusB、An interchangeC、A unionD、A depot2、A(C)is a stopping place that may not even have platform.A、taxi rankB、bus bayC、haltD、pub3、Some stations have unusual platform layouts,due to space constraints of the station location,or the (D)of the railway lines.A、curveB、elevationC、parallelD、alignment4、Considerrations for people with disabilities include elevator or (A)access to all platforms,matching platform height to train floors,etc.A、rampB、humpC、campD、lamp5、There are safety measures for disabled people,such as(B)markingof platform edges and covering of third rail.A、audibleB、tactileC、tastefulD、smellyUnit161、Propulsion for the train is typically provded by a separate locomotive,or from individual motors in self-prolled(B).A、single unitB、multiple unitC、double unitsD、triple units2、A train hauled by two locomotive is said to be(A).A、double-headedB、single-headedC、triple-headedD、multiple-headed3、Special trains are also used for track maintenance,this is called (C).A、RPOB、TPOC、MOWD、TOFC4、Tilting is a system where the passenger cars automatically (A)into curves,reducing the centrifugal forces.A、leanB、goC、moveD、run5、The trains are electrically powered,usually by(B)rail.A、firstB、secondC、thirdD、fourth三、对话A:Are you a conductor? 你是列车员吗?B:No,I am a station attendant. 不,我是车站服务员。

城轨交通专业英语Unit 11Introductionto Metro Vehicles地铁车辆介绍

城轨交通专业英语Unit 11Introductionto Metro Vehicles地铁车辆介绍
coupler buffer devices; bogie; door; body
B Dialogue
(David is from America. He is talking about the subway train with Mr. Zhang.)
David : Could you introduce the classification of Shanghai Subway? Mr. Zhang: Well, most of trains are 6-car unit. But trains of Line 1 are 8-car unit because
Motor car usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; trailer is the term given to a combination of a trailer and an on-road tractor, or truck.
n. 编组 六节车厢编组
n. 拖车 n. 受电弓 n. 驾驶室 n. 障碍物、路障,栅t
C Passage
How many parts does a metro train consist of?
A metro train, as shown in the above picture, includes the following parts: (1) body and door车体与车门 (2) bogie 转向架 (frame, spring suspension弹簧悬挂装置, wheelset journal box device, 轮对轴箱装置,brake device制动装置) (3) coupler buffer connecting device车钩缓冲连接装置 (4) brake device 制 动 装 置 ( air brake 空 气 制 动 , rheostatic brake 电 阻 制 动 , regenerative brake再生制动,electromagnetic rail brake磁轨制动 ) (5) current collector受流装置, conductor rail collector 第三轨受电器, shoegear受电靴 装置 collector shoe集电靴



Aa number of times多次a safe train separation列车的安全分离a section of line线路区段a series of一系列a set time设定时间accelerate加速access to入口accuracy精度additional safety in case 额外的安全保障以防止adjacent临近的advance signal外出站信号机advanced starter signal外出站启动信号机ahead前方allocated分配ancient早期的and therefore也因此angle角度applied被使用了apply to适用于approach indication预告指示approach time 预告时间approach time预告时间approaching驶来的arrangement布局as well也aspect含义assembling集合;组装assembly of一个…的集合associated with与…有关assorting分类assume假设assuming假设at grade在同一水准上ATP at stations车站的ATP系统authorized by由…授权automatic train operation自动列车运行Bbahnhof火车站ballast道砟(小碎石)basic rules基本的规则be in effect for对…有效的;适用于be no differentiation没有…差别be used instead of被用来取代beacon警标because of因为best endeavors of尽最大所能block overlaps闭塞重叠区block overlaps闭塞重叠区block section闭塞区段的长度block signal闭塞信号机block system闭塞系统blocking time闭塞时间box塔braking distance制动距离broken up into被分解为but not而不是Ccab signal机车信号cabin塔cantilever悬臂capable of能够carried out进行catenary链状;(电缆)吊线check核查civil engineering国民的工程clamps钳子classifications of tracks轨道分类classifying搭配clear a signal出清一个信号机clear aspect出清状态clearing point出清点clezring time出清时间coast to滑行到colliding with与…相撞command指挥compensate for补偿components of a turnout道岔的组成concrete混凝土conditions条件confirmed证实conflicting routes敌对进路confused with与…相混淆considering考虑consist of包含constructe构筑continuous连续的control length of a signal一个信号机的控制长度control length控制区段controlled signal受控信号机converging trains汇聚的列车converging交汇corresponding相应的critical block section临界闭塞区段crossing交叉crossover station交换站crossovers渡线cross-section of a track轨道的横截面cruising speed巡航速度cruising巡航curve曲线Ddeceleration减速delay too long(火车)晚点太久delay延迟departs驶离depend significantly on…很大程度上取决于…dependent从属derail device脱轨器derailed对…进行脱轨操作designated指定的;要求的destination signal目标信号机destination目标detection探测;侦查determine确定develop to被开发出来diamond菱形distant signal预告信号机distant signal预告信号机diverging route分叉路线docking for door operation用于开门操作的停车dock停车door enabling loops开门使能回路中double frog双辙叉double or scissors crossovers双渡线或交叉渡线draw绘制dwarf signal矮柱信号机dwell time of stops车站停留时间dwell time停留时间dynamic动态的;动力的Eefficient有效的electric city railway电力城市铁路electrically unlocked通过电子解锁electrified电气化elements要素;基本部分eliminated消除enabling使能enforcement强制entrance signals入口信号机equals等于equipped with装备essential difference to与…之间基本不同的是essential difference根本区别establish…as确立…为even if即使even then 尽管那样exceed越过except for肯定主要部分;否定局部exclusively专门地exit signals出站信号机Ffacing point movement对向过岔fails to brake没能刹住车fastener紧固件;纽扣filling the triangle填充三角fixed block operation固定闭塞运行fixed block territory固定闭塞分区flank protection侧面防护following trains后车following trains紧随的列车formerly先前form方式;形式fouling point indicator警冲标fouling point limit platform警冲限fourteen times better高于原先的14倍freight terminal货运frequent连续的frog铁路辙叉fulfilled满足full length of the train整车长度full speed braking distance全速制动距离Ggovern管辖govern控制guiding rails护轨Hhandware硬件headway时间间隔high signal post高柱信号机high speed lines高速线路home signal limits进站信号防护区段home signal limits进站信号机区域home signals进站信号机Iif required如果有需要impact影响imposed施加的;影响的impose施加in addition to除了in advance of在…之前in case of万一in difference to与…有所不同in least one block section至少相隔一个闭塞区段in order installations在有序的安置过程中in spite of即使in the sequence在该顺序的下一阶段inadmissible不允许的incorporated as被合并为increasing use of日益广泛的使用indicate指示(暗示)industrial sidings工业侧infrastructure基础设施inner side内侧installations安装的设备install安装instead of代替integrated整合interlocked route连锁进路interlocking limits联锁区域interlocking machine联锁机interlocking plant联锁设备interlocking principles联锁规则interlocking signal联锁信号机interlocking联锁系统intermediate中间intermediate中间的intersection交叉;相交intersection相交;交叉点;横切intervention干预intervention干预;干涉involve包含issue发布junction station汇接点junction汇接点Lladder tracks梯形图last持续layout布局lead into通向;导致lineside铁路沿线line线路locally or remotely就地或远程locomotives机车(火车)logical合理的long before早在looped cable环形电缆loops回路Mmain signal主体信号机main tracks正线mainline railway干线铁路make up trains编组manually手动地mechanical手动操作的metros地铁minimize使…最小minimum最小的mixed traffic客货混合运输mode方式;状况monitoring监控mounted on放置movable point crossing可移动尖轨交叉movable points可移动的尖轨movement authority行车许可movements on points尖轨运动moving block system移动闭塞系统much greater远大于multi-home signaling多进站信号机Nneighboured相邻的nevertheless然而non-safety非安全的north american北美note that注意到note注意Oobstruction障碍物older早期的on-board checking procedure车载核查流程on-board computer车载计算机open line明线operated with由…操控的operation=run运行operational purposes运行目的operational use使用情况operator操作员opposing movements反向运动opposing相对的originally以前的是overlaps are required对…重叠区有要求overlap重叠区overstay逗留过久overtake train超车Pparallel平行的particular challenge特别的挑战pass into进入passenger货运patch修订plant装置platform screen doors站台屏蔽门platform screen door站台屏蔽门platform track站台轨道platform站台point machine转辙机point 道岔;转辙机points=switch尖轨position位置power supply电力供应practice实践preceding train 前车predetermined预先确定的prevent doors锁闭procedures程序proper适当的protect…against保护…免受(灾难)proved证明是provided配备provision规定Rrail fasteners钢铁扣件rail heads轨头rails钢轨railway铁路rates等级rear后方recalculate重新计算referred as称;指regarded as被看作;认为regular train movements常规运行regular train movements正常的列车运行related to与…有关relative to相对于relative to相对于relaying trains中转列车relay继电器release释放remote control center列控中心remotely遥远地represent代表requirements要求rigid crossing固定交叉rigidly牢固地roadways道路rolling stock车辆route进路run-ins and run-outs车站的驶入和驶出Ssafe routes through an interlocking使用联锁的安全进路screws螺丝钉section signal区间信号机see了解separation分离separation区分;分离sequence序列;顺序shortly简称shunt signal调车信号shunt signal调车信号机shunting district分流区域shunting movements调车活动shunting movements调车运行sidings侧线signal bridge信号台signal head信号灯头signal indications信号显示signal layout diagrams信号布置图signaled 受信号控制的signaling信号系统similar purposes用于其他类似的用途single crossovers单渡线slip crossing滑动交叉slip switches滑动道岔slope for drainage用于排水的斜面slope斜坡slow减速so as to以确保so called所谓的software软件somewhat稍微;有点special distant signals专用的预告信号机spikes长钉staffed配有工作人员的staircase阶梯;楼梯stairway阶梯standard gauge标准轨距starter signal起始信号机station brake command车站制动命令station limits站界station sections车站区间station stops and starts车站停车和发车steel钢材steps级别;等级;步长stop position火车站stop short of停止stop signal停车信号机stop signal停车信号机store cars停放车辆straight route直行路线strongly separated严格区分subgrade地基subway-like类似于地铁的successive interlocking signals同一方向的联锁信号机successive相继的sufficient drainage充分的排水sufficient warning严重警告switch machine转换器Ttake…away from夺去tangent diagrams切线图tangential branching切向的分支tangents切线technically在技术上地terminals终点站;枢纽terminal枢纽terminus终点terms术语territory分区the end of终点;末尾the last points最后一个道岔theory理论tie plate垫板ties轨枕tile瓦片;瓷砖time channel时间通道time interval时间间隔time over distant时间关于距离的touch each other without any tolerance 不允许任何的接触tower 塔track arrangements轨道布局track bed道床track clear detection轨道出清检查track element轨道单元track gauge轨距track section轨道区段trackage轨道线路trackside轨旁trailing point movement顺向过岔train ahead前车train director列车督导员train occupies the track element列车占用轨道单元train standing in the station站内列车trains moving along the line途径的列车transponder应答器turnouts道岔typical常见的;典型的Uunattended无人看管的unimpeded畅通的;无阻挡的unimpeded畅通无阻的universe crossovers常规渡线unlock解锁unobstructed通畅的up to多达used for passing通过Vvaried变化vehicle车辆verbal instruction口头指令verifies that证实;核实view观察Wwayside路边的whilst同时with meanings有多个含义work well工作良好worldwide世界范围的wye with three turnouts三道叉转向线wyes转向线yards站场。







1. 列车和车辆- Train(火车):指城轨交通系统中运送乘客或货物的列车。

- Metro train(地铁列车):指在城市地下或高架线路上运行的列车。

- Light rail train(轻轨列车):指在城市地面或部分高架线路上运行的列车。

- Tram(有轨电车):指在城市街道上运行的电动列车,也称为有轨电车。

- Locomotive(机车):指铁路列车牵引或推动列车的动力源。

- Carriage(车厢):指列车中乘客或货物携带的车辆部分。

2. 线路和轨道- Railway track(铁路轨道):指供列车行驶的轨道系统。

- Rail(轨道):指供列车行驶的金属条,通常由钢制成。

- Track gauge(轨距):指铁路轨道两侧内侧的距离,用于确定轨道的宽度,例如标准轨距为1435毫米。

- Overhead wire(架空线):指城轨交通系统中用于供电的电线,通常悬挂在车辆上方。

- Third rail(第三轨):指城轨交通系统中用于供电的导电轨道,通常位于地面或地下。

- Turnout(道岔):指铁路轨道上用于转向列车的设备,可以连接不同的轨道。

- Switch(道岔):与道岔类似,也是用于转向列车的设备。

3. 车站和站点- Station(车站):指城轨交通系统中供乘客上下车的地点,通常设有售票处、候车区和站台。

- Platform(站台):指供乘客上下车的高架结构,位于车站的一侧。

- Ticket vending machine(自动售票机):指供乘客自助购买车票的设备。

- Fare gate(闸机):指车站入口或出口处的自动门,乘客需要通过它们进行进出站。

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flat fare 单一票制
swipe 在解码器上刷(卡)interchange station 换乘站concourse 站厅automation vending machine 自动售票机wheel chair lift 残疾人牵引车station operator 站务员
crowd management plants 客流控制
entry gate 入闸机
security check 安检
mind the gap 小心台阶间跨度classification 编组
6-car set/unit 六节编组
motor car 动车
trailer 拖车pantograph 受电弓
cab 驾驶室
bogie 转向架
coupler buffer connecting device 车钩缓冲连接装置
brake device:
air brake 空气制动rheostatic brake 电阻制动regenerative brake 再生制动electromagnetic rail brake 磁轨制动
current collector 受流装置conductor rail collector 第三轨受电器shoegear 受电靴装置collector shoe 受电靴interior equipment 车辆内部设备
Electricity 车电Ventilation 通风
Heating 取暖
Air conditioning 空调
Seat 座椅
Handle 拉手
Device system:
Storage battery box 蓄电池箱Relay case 继电器箱
Main control box 主控制箱Motor air compression unit 电动空气压缩机组
Power source transformer 电源变压器Electrical switch 电气开关Contactor box 接触器箱
Electrical system:
Power circuit 动力电路
Main circuit 主电路
Auxiliary circuit 辅助电路Control circuit 控制电路
ATO(Automatic Train Operation)列车自动运行系统
ATP(Automatic Train Protection)列车自动保护系统
ATS(Automatic Train Supervision)列车自动监控
ATC(Automatic Train control system)列车自动控制系统
Console 操作台Unmanned 无人驾驶的Platform screen door 屏蔽门Evacuate 疏散Overhead wires 架空导线Third rail 第三轨UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)不间断电源
BAS(Building Automation System)环控系统Sensor 传感器
FAS(Fire Alarm System)火灾报警系统
Spray 喷淋Linkage 连接、连锁、联动
Block 闭塞Interlock 联锁
Ccv(Chrysler’s Composite Concept Vehicle)组合概念车
High-speed rail(ASK) 高速铁路系统
High-speed magnetic levitation(MAGLEV)高速磁悬浮系统
Navigation 导航
semi- 半,半自动sur- 上,外,超tender 投标。
