
2019高考英语二轮专项总练习(全国通用版)-百日阅读强化练习(96)AAftergivingatalkatahighschool,Iwasaskedtopayavisittoaspe-cialstudent.Anillnesshadkepttheboyhome,buthehadexpressedaninterestinmeetingme.I wastolditwouldmeanagreatdealtohim,soIagreed.Duringthenine-miledrivetohishome,IfoundoutsomethingaboutMatthew.Hehadmuscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症).Whenhewasborn,thedoctortoldhisparentsthathewouldnotlivetofive,andthentheywe retoldhewouldnotmakeittoten.Nowhewasthirteen.HewantedtomeetmebecauseIwasagold-m edalpowerlifter,andIknewaboutovercomingobstaclesandgoingformydreams. IspentoveranhourtalkingtoMatthew.Neveroncedidhecomplainorask,“Whyme?”Hespokeaboutwinningandsucceedingandgoingforhisdreams.Obviously,heknewwhathewast alkingabout.Hedidn’tmentionthathisclassmateshadmadefunofhimbecausehewasdifferent.Hejusttalkedabout hishopesforthefuture,andhowonedayhewantedtoliftweightswithme.Whenwehadfinishedt alking,IwenttomybriefcaseandpulledoutthefirstgoldmedalIhadwonandputitaroundhisn eck.Itoldhimhewasmoreofawinnerandknewmoreaboutsuccessandovercomingobstaclesthan Ieverwould.Helookedatitforamoment,thentookitoffandhandeditbacktome.Hesaid,“Youareachampion.Youearnedthatmedal.SomedaywhenIgettotheOlympicsandwinmyownmed al,Iwillshowittoyou.”LastsummerIreceivedaletterfromMatthew’sparentstellingmethatMatthewhadpassedaway.Theywantedmetohavealetterhehadwrittentomeafewdaysbefore:DearDick,MymumsaidIshouldsendyouathank-youletterforthepictureyousentme.Ialsowanttoletyou knowthatthedoctorstellmethatIdon’thavelongtoliveanymore,butIstillsmileasmuchasIcan.ItoldyousomedaythatIwouldgototheOlympicsandwinagoldmedal,butIknownowIwillnevergettodothat.However, IknowI’machampion,andGodknowsthattoo.WhenIgettoHeaven,Godwillgivememymedalandwhenyougetthere,Iwillshowitt oyou.Thankyouforlovingme.Yourfriend,Matthew56.Theboylookedforwardtomeetingtheauthorbecause______.A.hewasalsogoodatweightliftingB.hewantedtogettotheOlympicsandwinamedalC.hewasoneoftheauthor’sstudentsD.headmiredtheauthorverymuch57.Fromthepassagewelearnthat_________.A.MatthewwasanathleteB.MatthewwasanoptimisticanddeterminedboyC.TheauthorusedtohavethesamediseaseasMatthewhadD.Matthewbecameachampionbeforehedied58.Matthewdidn’taccepttheauthor’smedalbecause_________.A.hethoughtitwastooexpensiveB.hewassurethathecouldwinoneinthefutureC.hethoughtitwasofnousetohimashewoulddiesoonD.hewouldnotbepitiedbyothers59.Whatwouldbethebesttitleforthispassage?A.Asickboy.B.Aspecialfriend.C.Arealchampion.D.Afamousathlete.BClassifiedadvertisingisthatadvertisingwhichisgroupedincertainsectionsofthep aperandisthusdistinguishedfromdisplayadvertising.Suchgroupingsas“HelpWanted”,“RealEstate”,“LostandFound”aremade,theratechargedbeinglessthanfordisplayadvertising.Classifiedadvertisemen tsareaconveniencetothereaderandasavingtotheadvertiser.Thereaderwhoisinterestedinaparticularkindofadvertisementfindsalladvertiseme ntsofthattypegroupedforhim.Theadvertisersmay,onthisaccount,useaverysmalladverti sementifitwereplacedamonglargeradvertisementsinthepaper.Itisevidentthatthereade rapproachestheclassifiedadvertisementinadifferentframeofmindfromthatinwhichheap proachestheotheradvertisementsinthepaper.Heturnstoapageofclassifiedadvertisemen tstosearchfortheparticularadvertisementthatwillmeethisneeds.Ashisattentionisvol untary,theadvertiserdoesnotneedtorelytoomuchextentondisplaytypetogetthereader’sattention.Formerlyallclassifiedadvertisementswereofthesamesizeanddidnothavedis playtype.Withtheincreaseinthenumberofsuchadvertisements,however,eachadvertiserw ithinacertaingroupiscompetingwithothersinthesamegroupforthereader’sattention.Inmanycases,theresulthasbeenanincreaseinthesizeofthespaceusedandthea dditionofheadlinesandpictures.Inthatway,theclassifiedadvertisementhasinrealitya dvertisement.Thisisparticularlytrueofrealestateadvertising.60.Oneoftheexamplesgivenoftypesofclassifiedadvertisementis____.A.housesforsaleB.peoplewhoareaskingforhelpC.peoplewhoarelostD.jobvacancies61、Whatsortofattitudedopeoplehavewhentheylookatclassifiedadvertisement,accordingto thewriter?A.Theyareintheframeofmindtobuyanything.B.Theyarelookingforsomethingtheyneed.C.Theyfeellostbecausetherearesomanyadvertisements.D.Theyfeelthesameaswhentheylookatdisplayadvertisements.62、Accordingtothepassage,inwhichwayhavetheclassifiedadvertisementschangednowadays?A.Theydependmoreondisplaytype.B.Moremoneyischargedforthem.C.Theyaredividedintomoregroups.D.Theyarelessformal.63、Whyhaveclassifiedadvertisementschangedinappearance?A.Becausepeoplenolongerwantheadlinesandpictures.B.Becauserealestateadvertisingisparticularlytruthfulnow.C.Becausetheincreaseinthenumberofsuchadvertisementsmeanstheyhavetobesmallnow.D.Becausetherearemoreadvertisementsnowandmorecompetitionamongadvertisers.CBloggingmayhavepsychological〔心理的〕benefitsforteenssufferingfromsocialanxiety,improvingtheirself-esteem〔自尊〕andhelpingthemrelatebettertotheirfriends,accordingtonewresearchpublishedbytheAm ericanPsychologicalAssociation.“Researchhasshownthatwritingapersonaldiaryandotherformsofexpressivewritingarea greatwaytoreleaseemotionaldistressandjustfeelbetter,”saidthestudy'sleadauthor,MeyranBoniel-Nissim,PhD,oftheUniversityofHaifa,Israel.“Teensareonlineanyway,sobloggingenablesfreeexpressionandeasycommunicationwitho thers.”Blogginghasastrongerpositiveeffectontroubledstudents'well-beingthanmerelyex pressingtheirsocialanxietiesandconcernsinaprivatediary,accordingtothearticlepub lishedonlineintheAPAjournalPsychologicalServ ices®.Openingthebloguptocomments〔评论〕fromtheonlinecommunityintensified〔增强〕thoseeffects.Theresearchersrandomly〔随机地〕surveyedhighschoolstudentsinIsrael,whohadagreedtofilloutaquestionnaireaboutthei rfeelingsonthequalityoftheirsocialrelationships.Atotalof161students--124girlsan d37boys,withanaverageageof15--wereselectedbecausetheirscoresonthesurveyshowedth eyallhadsomelevelofsocialanxietyordistress.Alltheteensreporteddifficultymakingf riendsorrelatingtothefriendstheyhad.Theresearchersassessedtheteens'self-esteem, everydaysocialactivitiesandbehaviorsbefore,immediatelyaftertwomonthsandafterthe 10-weekexperiment.Fourgroupsofstudentswereassigned〔分配〕toblog.Twoofthosegroupsweretoldtofocustheirpostsontheirsocialproblems,withonegr oupopeningthepoststocomments;theothertwogroupscouldwriteaboutwhatevertheywanted and,again,onegroupopenedthebloguptocomments.Thenumberandcontentofcommentswereno tevaluatedforthisexperiment.Thestudentscouldrespondtocommentsbutthatwasnotrequi red.Twomoregroupsactedascontrols--eitherwritingaprivatediaryabouttheirsocialpro blemsordoingnothing.Participantsinthewritingandblogginggroupsweretoldtopostmess agesatleasttwiceaweekfor10weeks.Self-esteem,socialanxiety,emotionaldistressandthenumberofpositivesocialbeha viorsimprovedsignificantlyforthebloggerswhencomparedtotheteenswhodidnothingandt hosewhowroteprivatediaries.Bloggerswhowereinstructedtowritespecificallyaboutthe irdifficultiesandwhoseblogswereopentocommentsimprovedthemost.Alloftheseresultsw ereconsistentatthetwomonthfollow-up.64、What’sthefunctionof“controls”(Paragraph4)intheexperiment?A、Towritedownsomesocialproblemsinaprivatediary.B、Topostmessagestotheblogandrespondtocomments.C、Tohelpevaluatethenumberandcontentofblogcomments.D、Toofferacomparisonforcheckingtheexperimentalresult.65、Fromtheexperimentwecanknowthat.A.writingprivatediariesmakesnodifferencetothereliefofone’semotionalstressB.teenagersopeningtheirblogsuptocommentshavemorepsychologicalbenefitsC.thepositiveeffectsofexpressingone’semotionsbybloggingdon’tlastverylongD.thosedescribingbadrelationshipsonblogstendtodevelopmorementalproblems66、Whatisthemainideaofthepassage?A、Bloggingcanhelpreducesocialstressandanxiety.B、Theresearchintobloggingattractspublicattention.C、Bloggingprovidesasimplewayforcommunication.D、Blogcommentshaveapositiveeffectonteenagers.DInaworldtodayofimmensetechnology,populationgrowthandeconomicflourish,plann ingforfutureresidential〔居住的〕andcommercialdevelopmentsneedscarefulanalysiswithwellthoughtthroughassumptionsa bouteffectsontheenvironmentandthepeopleofthecommunity.OneexampleofagrowingcityisWooster,Ohio,myplaceofresidency.Woosterinthelast fiveyearshasgrownconsiderablyinpopulation,leadingtoagrowthincommercialbusiness. Surroundedbyfarmland,Wooster’splanningcommissionchosetoextendthecommunityintothesefarmareasintheformofreside ntialandcommercialareas.Picturethis—cornfields,oldtrees,cleanair,countryroads,andwildlifeareallpartofthearea.Within fouryears,thepeoplelivingonthisfarmstepoutsideontheirfrontporchtoviewanextensiv eshoppingcentercontainingWal-Mart,McDonald’s,Wendy’s,TCBY,andaCinemarkmovietheatre.Theoncequietroadisnowacitystreetwithtrafficligh ts,busywithautomobilesdayandnight.Theairsmellsofcarexhaustandfastfood.Somedestructionoffarmlandisunavoidablewhenacityexpands.Insteadofexpandingo utward,planningcommissionsshouldconsiderinterior〔内部的〕remodelingofacity.Tearingdownunusablebuildingscouldremodelmanyareasinsidethecit y.Inaddition,commercializedbuildingscouldextendupwardstoavoidunnecessaryuseofla nd.Environmentally,commercialexpansionisdetrimentaltotheland.Besidesformsofpo llution,wildlife,includingbothplantsandanimals,isputatrisk.Aplanningcommissionc ouldhaverealizedthebenefitsofenvironmentalprotection.Whynotpreservethebeautyand naturalnessofthelandwhileatthesametimeallowingforgrowth?Withasteadygrowthofpopulationandtheneedformorehomesandmoreworkplaces,manyp roblemsarisewhenplanningforthefuture.Thehillsides,fieldsandanimalhabitatsneedto bepreservedwhileexpandingcities.Inthefuture,aworldcoveredwithconcreteandasphalt (沥青)couldbecomereality.Seriousresearchandanalysisareneededwhenplanningforthefutu reofourhomecommunitiesandfortheentireglobetoavoidsuchamiserableresult.67.Itcanbeinferredfromthepassagethat-------.A.WoosterusedtobeaquietandpeacefulcitysurroundedbyfarmlandB.withmanynationwideshoppingcenters,WoosterlostitsuniquenessC.itisunavoidabletodestructfarmlandwhencitygrowsmercialexpansionhasdoneharmtoWooster68.WhichofthefollowingiscloseinmeaningtotheunderlinedwordinParagraph5?A.beneficialB.fundamentalC.harmfulD.significant69.ItcanbeconcludedfromthepassagethattheauthorthinksWooster’splanningcommission----.A.hastrieditsbesttoprotecttheenvironmentB.shouldhaveavoidedsuchatragedyC.isthecauseofenvironmentalpollutionD.preservesthehillsidesandfields70.Whichofthefollowingsentencesbestexpressesthemainideaofthepassage?A.Whenplanningforfuturedevelopments,effectsontheenvironmentshouldbetakenintoaccount.B.Withasafetygrowthofpopulation,morehomesandmoreworkplacesareneeded.C.Withimmensetechnology,populationgrowthandeconomicprosperity,weneedtoplanforthefuture.D.Planningforfutureresidentialandcommercialdevelopmentshasbadeffectsontheenvironmentandthelivingthings.参考答案56---59DBDC60---63ABAD60.A房地产业就是分类广告的其中一块。

2019高考英语二轮专项练习经典练习导学案资料29每日一句There are so many reference books on this romantic poet for me to choose from that I can’t make up my mind which to choose.有那么多关于这位浪漫诗人的参考书可供选择,我无法决定选择哪一本。
基础词汇强化练习1.He is h_____________, and he never tells lies.2.In a______________times, women were not allowed to c______________ in the Olympics.3.Before writing the report, he decided to i______________ some people first.4.When asked, he a_____________ stealing the necklace.5.There is a s_____________ being built in our city.6. The g______________ being built in our school will be finished next month.7. He is such a person that nobody can r_____________ him.8. At the beginning of each term, we will have a p______________ examination.9. I cannot r____________ what he did to what he said.10. To improve the sale of their product, they a____________ them in the newspapers and on TV.1. honest2. ancient,. compete3. interview4. admitted5. stadium6gymnasium 7. replace 8. physical 9. relate 10. advertise书面表达经典句式强化记忆85. I really want to know... 我真的很想知道…….I really want to know how to improve my English pronunciation.我真的很想知道如何改进我的英文发音.86. I set my mind to do sth. / on sth.我下定决心…….I set my mind to believe, hope, and endure all things.我下定决心对所有事情采取信任,希望和容忍的态度.87. I sincerely hope that...我真诚地希望…….I sincerely hope that our friendship will last forever. 我真诚地希望我们的友谊天长地久.书面表达经典朗读素材The paradise of water水之天堂If you had ever been to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province, you would have considered it a paradise of water. Last summer I went there and enjoyed the breath-taking scenery.Jiuzhaigou, which is known for the beautiful lakes and waterfalls, lies peaceful and quiet in the southeast of Sichuan Province. When you are visiting this water paradise, you must be amazed by the water which is colorful and clean. Lakes can be seen everywhere, and the number of them is really great. Most of them are smallbut beautiful. These lakes are to Jiuzhaigou what pearls are to a necklace.All the lakes look like green gems, and they all have special names such as Panda Lake, Bamboo Lake and so on. For tourists the Five-color Lake is a must-see because it treats visitors to all the colors of the rainbow. The water in this lake looks colorful, and those incredible colors will make you feel that you are in a fantastic dream.While you are there, keep an eye out for the waterfalls. They are not very great, but they are much more beautiful.Isn’t it a beautiful water world which makes you feel comfortable and fit? So if you have got tired of busy life, maybe a trip to Jiuzhaigou will make you relaxed, and you are sure to enjoy yourself .经典谚语积累Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。

突破提升练(二)Ⅰ.阅读理解(2018新疆一模,C)Superstorm Sandy slammed into the eastern United States five years ago.The wind-driven water caused a lot of flooding,especially in the region’s subway systems.Now two teens have invented a device that could help prevent future subway floods.In New York City alone,Superstorm Sandy caused an estimated$19billion in damage. Much of the floodwaters entered the subway system through its ventilation grates(通风栅). Those metal grills usually lie at ground level.When the system is shut down ahead of a flood, engineers try to cover those grates with plywood(胶合板)and sandbags.But the flooding often washes away those measures,which allows water to flow into the tunnels.Raising those grates even a tiny bit above ground level would cost a lot of money.Other ideas have included building tall chimneys around the holes.That would raise the grates and cost a lot of money,too.Kyle and Raymond came up with a different,less expensive idea.They designed a metal grate with a built-in,adjustable cover.When trains are running,one part of the grate slides open to bring in fresh air.But when the system is shut down,that part can be slid shut to completely block the grate.Their grate is the same size as the grates being used now.So,it would be simple,they say,to lift out the old grate and drop in a replacement.Their design includes a tamper-proof feature, which can prevent operation mistakes.They make sure that people don’t shut off airflow during normal conditions.For people with the proper key,it would only take a minute or two to close the grate ahead of a flood.1.What’s the second paragraph mainly about?A.The steps to operate grates.B.The measures to prevent floods.C.The function of plywood and sandbags.D.The disadvantage of the present subway system in New York City.2.Which of the following words best describes the two teens’new invention?A.Costly.B.Time-saving.C.Practical.D.Conventional.3.What’s the purpose of designing the tamper-proof feature?A.To replace the old grate correctly.B.To close the grate ahead of a flood.C.To ensure airflow in normal conditions.D.To stop the train speeding up unexpectedly.4.Where does the text most probably come from?A.A news report.B.An adventurous story.C.An equipment introduction.D.A guidebook of making grates.Ⅱ.七选五(2018黑龙江大庆二模)Have you ever noticed how terrible weather seems to drag your spirits down?1But there are various things you can do to keep your spirits up until spring.·2A snowy,icy,cold,or rainy world can be beautiful and often has sounds and smells of its own.If you’re an artist,or photographer,winter provides a great deal of inspiration and different colors for you to work with.Even if you don’t feel that creative,simply watching a winter scene from the comfort of your home can be a pleasant way to relax and enjoy the peace.·Take part in winter activities.3If you’re a beginner to these snow sports,try learning in areas where you won’t be worried about more experienced people crowding you out.Local parks are ideal starting points to encourage you to get out and give new winter sports a go.·4Winter comes with the shortest days and lowest light of the year.Go out if you can.If you can’t,or if you’re so far from the equator as to have little or no daylight,use bright lights and perhaps light or white walls.·Stay active.As much as possible,get yourself outside.Take at least a short walk.If the weather does not permit,move around inside.Walk up and down your stairs if you have them.5It also regulates such things as sleep and diet.Move around at least a bit each day.A.Go out.B.Brighten up.C.Find things to enjoy about winter.D.Enjoy skiing,sledding,or ice-skating.E.There’s nothing you can do about the weather.F.Making snowmen is a fun activity for both kids and adults.G.Exercise gets your body temperature up and your blood flowing.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Ⅲ.完形填空(2018山东、湖北部分重点中学三模)Ryan Hickman was born into an American family.When he was three years old,Ryan Hickman visited a1center in California and found what he wanted to do most.2,the next day as he greeted his dad,Damion,he made a(n)3,“I’m going to4all the bottles and cans from everyone in the neighborhood.I’ll start a new5myself!”It’s never too6to start a business,though there were no other staff but himself when the company was started.Today,Ryan,aged seven,the world’s7garbage man,is the CEO, manager and8of Ryan’s Recycling Company.Though Ryan says he doesn’t remember what made it all start,he remains9about what he is doing.When questioned why he did so,he said,“It’s10bottles get to the ocean,and then animals get sick and die.” Ryan’s neighbors have been11to the little boy’s knocking for their recycled goods.More and more12ones call to ask for a pickup or even13bags of bottles and cans at Hickman’s door.At school,Ryan’s favorite activity is helping the dustmen14the trash and taking away the recyclable.“My wife and I support him and we told him that whenever he wants to15,he can,” Damion said.“Iwant to see him with friends,but the recycling just makes him16.He has actually17five of his friends to join him.”According to Damion,Ryan has18over$11,000through recycling bottles and cans. Ryan says he wants to buy a large trash truck to be19with enough garbage and become a20garbage man.1.A.financial B.recycling C.delivering D.industrial2.A.Amazingly B.Terribly C.Simply D.Ridiculously3.A.bet B.announcementC.speechD.explanation4.A.throw up B.throw out C.pick out D.pick up5.A.investigation B.studyC.businessD.campaign6.A.old B.early C.weak te7.A.cleverest B.busiest C.wealthiest D.youngest8.A.customer B.employer C.trainee D.employee9.A.enthusiastic B.energeticC.unbearablefortable10.A.why B.how C.because D.when11.A.opposed B.supposed C.accustomed D.devoted12.A.supportive B.instructive C.aggressive D.persuasive13.A.throw away B.turn downy downD.pull away14.A.desert B.separate C.circulate D.weed15.A.start B.continue C.quit D.back16.A.relaxed B.upset C.delighted D.exhausted17.A.persuaded B.urged C.forced D.instructed18.A.raised B.saved C.wasted D.spent19.A.surrounded B.entertainedC.equippedD.loaded20.A.diligent B.generous C.wealthy D.trueⅣ.语法填空(2018江西六校联考)Have you ever been to London?Which famous sites did you visit?Or,if it is the first time that you1(be)there,which one will you check out?Some world-famous2(culture)sites may already be on your list:Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth Tower and the Tower of London.However,a tour of London would be incomplete3 checking out the London art scene.As a guidebook London’s Secrets:Museums&Galleries puts it,London’s art is a lot like4city itself—diverse,vast,and in a constant state of changes. From old masters to street art and everything in between,London has it all.In fact,according to The Telegraph,museums and galleries were the most5(visit)attractions in Britain last year.The British Museum,6celebrated its225th anniversary this year,had the most visitors,at6,701,036.According to The Art Newspaper,the British Museum’s increased7(popular)is down to its exhibitions,particularly its Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneumshow(March—September2017).There are more than7million artifacts(历史文物)in the British Museum.Not all of them are on display,but much of the collection8(constant)rotates(轮换),so you’ll see something new with each visit.So,9you’re an art lover or just looking for a fun time,you’re sure10 (find)inspiration in London.1. 2. 3. 4.Ⅴ.短文改错(2018福建漳州二次调研)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library.B. In a bookstore.C. In a classroom.2. How does the woman feel now?A. Relaxed.B. Excited.C. Tired.3. How much will the man pay?A. $520.B. $80.C. $100.4. What does the man tell Jane to do?A. Postpone his appointment.B. Meet Mr. Douglas.C. Return at 3 o’clock.5. Why would David quit his job?A. To go back to school.B. To start his own firm.C. To work for his friend.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2019高考英语二轮复习 600分策略 专题4 语法填空和短文改错 第1讲 语法必备 重点3 小词不可忽视-冠词、介词

小词不可忽视-冠词、介词、数词和代词第一组Ⅰ. 语法填空(2018·长郡中学新高三实验班选拔考试) Traditional Chinese wedding customs have been around for thousands of years. They may vary from place to place and time to time,but have been holding an important position in the lives of Chinese people, __1. causing__ (cause) a far-reaching impact on the way the Chinese lead their lives. The traditional Chinese marriage usually __2. involves__ (involve) some necessary procedures,such as match-making,engagement,meeting the bride,and three bows. __3. In__ addition,a typical Chinese wedding nowadays goes like this—when a new couple is engaged, __4. what__ follows is a __5. choice__ (choose) of the date of their marriage.Most people would favor a holiday or special Chinese festival for their relatives and friends __6. to attend__ (attend) the wedding. However,quite a few others,especially __7. those__ in the countryside,would fix a lucky date so that their marriage would have “Double Happiness”. The wedding ceremony is usually hosted __8. warmly__ (warm) and the wedding ceremony very often ends with __9. a__ unique banquet. Toasts are made to wish the new couple long life,everlasting love and happiness,early birth of a __10. healthy__ (health) baby and so on.文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了中国的婚俗习惯。

高考英语完形填空二轮突破(近十五年高考英语完形填空考查过的重点词)高考英语完形填空二轮突破(近十五年高考英语完形填空考查过的重点词)高考英语完形填空真题精读材料2020年1月浙江高考英语真题完形填空精读I was born legally blind. Of all the stories of my early childhood, the one about a tree is my mother’s favorite.I was only two when the incident occurred. We had just arrived home from a trip. Mom lifted me out of the car and turned to speak to the driver. I took advantage of my brief freedom to dash across the lawn (草坪) — and hit a large maple tree! I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and landed on my backside. Mom expected me to start crying, but I just sat there for a minute. Then I picked myself up and kept right on going. Mom always adds (又说到)here that, as many times as I zoomed快速移动,迅速前往across the lawn after that, I never again crashed into that tree.Mom loves to use this story as an example . It reminds her that children don’t enter life afraid to take risks or unwilling to try again when they fall down. She never wanted me to lose that toughness 坚韧不拔as I grew older. When I made my major life decisions, I was still that little girl tearing full-speed across the lawn. I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents’ home to look for a job. Through years of efforts, I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students.We are almost certain to get knocked down at some point during the process of achieving our goal. When that happens, don’t sit in the grass and cry. Just get up and keep o n going. Itwill all be worth it in the end.2019年全国1卷完形填空完形填空篇章精读Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.They bring with them lots of waste.The crowds might damage the beauty of the place.The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the face of Kilimanjaro.Hearing these stories, I’m skeptical about the place —other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences.However, I soon discover that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of camps among tons of rubbish.I find a clean mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths.The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off .The best of a Kilimanjaro experience , in my opinion, isn’t reachin g the top.Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures.This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers.At the base is a rainforest.It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, giving way to(被…代替)lands of low growing plants.Further up, the weather changes —low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass.I count twelve shades of green from where I stand.Above 4, 000 meters is the highland desert :gravel(砾石), stones and rocks.Finally you climb into an arctic-like zone with permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?I found the opposite to be true.2019年江苏卷高考英语完形填空篇章精读Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modem age.There are species(物种)that are disappearing every day.The white-naped crane is a typical example.So scientists are trying their best to save the species from going out of existence.Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping endangered cranes with their reproduction .Emma, a female crane, has been in their care since she arrived in 2004.Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was raised by human caretakers.This led to an unexpected consequence , though she had a wonderful time there.Emma had never taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans.She refused to live with male cranes, and even had a reputation for killing some of them, which made it impossible for her to become a mother.However , the two zookeepers didn’t want to see the extinction(灭绝)of this precious species.With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a combination of artificial breeding(人工繁殖)and natural reproduction.This enabled Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.The two keepers are proud of their productive work.But before they can be assured , more efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the decline , and many other species appear headed toward extinction.After all , not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.How can we bridge(弥合差距,消除分歧)the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals? Chris and Tim offered us the answer : human beings took it for granted that their brains held all the solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better guide .2019年天津卷真题完形填空篇章精读I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night, when fear seized me.My wallet was gone.I could only have left it on the G9 bus, which was now speeding in the dark to some unknown station.The heart-stopping(令人十分担忧的) moment was quickly followed by mental math.How much time and money would it cost to replace the contents of that li ttle wallet? The credit cards, the driver’s license, thecash, all lost to the bus.Two hours later, back at my house, I heard a knock on the door.My husband answered it while I was on the phone in the dining room."Does Jennifer live here?" I heard a lady say.In my husband’s hand was my wallet, with not a penny missing .She left before I could even make it to the door to offer my thanks.After sharing the story online, I heard from someone, who identified the lady as Erin Smith.Without delay, I called to thank her.She said she spotted (发现)my wallet on a bus seat.She calculated that going to a stranger’s house was a risky move, but she decided to take the chance."If I were in that situation .I would want someone to try to find me," she said.This one stranger responded beautifully to my small crisis , but she actually wasn’t the only one.Right after Erin took possession of my wallet on the bus, she posted a picture of my driver’s license to an online forum(论坛), trying to see if anyone knew me.No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son’s nursery and who recognized my face.I’ve never exchanged words with those moms beyond small tall, but they wanted to help.I read that people are more divided than ever, but that’s not how the people I encounter(意外遇见)tend to act.Looking back , I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger.Erin had gone beyond what almost anyone would have done, finding my house on a bitterly cold night, and for that I was extremely grateful .2019年全国Ⅱ卷真题完形填空篇章精读It’s about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers’ home in Minnesota.During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting, Ehlers thought about the small dog he had seen trembling alongside the road.He had tried to coax(哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had run off .Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that lost dog.So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove back .After a long and careful search , Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving cautiously away.Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him.Nervousness and fear were replaced with joy .It just started licking(舔)Ehlers’ face.A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one advertised as lost in the local paper.The ad had a phone number for a town in southern Michigan.Ehlers called the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had found their dog.Jeff had hunted in Iowa before Thanksgiving with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog off.Jeff searched in vain for Rosie in the next four days.Ehlers returned to Minnesota, and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Michigan."It’s good to know there’s still someone out there who cares enough to go to that kin d of trouble ," says Lisa of Ehlers’ rescue effort ."I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as close to it as I am to my dogs," says Ehlers."If it had been my dog, I’d hope that somebody would be willing to go that extra mile."2019年全国Ⅲ卷真题完形填空篇章精读The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March—nearly six months out of the year.Of course, we notice it when the sun is shining," says Karin Ro, who works for the town’s tourism office.“We see the sky is blue , but down in the valley it’s darker —it’s like on a cloudy day.”But that changed when a system of high-tech mirrors was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley below.Wednesday, residents(居民)of Rjukan received their very first ray of winter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to use .The mirrors are controlled by a computer that directs them to turn along with the sun throughout the day and to close during windy weather.They reflect a concentrated beam(束)of light onto the town’s central square , creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters.When the light appeared , Rjukan residents gathered together.“People have been sit ting there and standing there and taking pictures of each other," Ro says."The town square was totally full .I think almost all the people in the town were there."The 3,500 residents cannot all enjoy the sunshine at the same time.However , the new light feels like m ore than enough for the town’s sun-starved residents."It's not very big ,” she says, "but it is enough when we are sharing .”2019年北京卷真题完形填空篇章精读Regardless of the weather or the distance, Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time.A retired engineer, 76-year-old Wilson has been 11 offering free rides to college students for the past eight years.Since hefirst started 12 volunteering his car to the young people.Wilson has 13 coveredam astonishing 64, 000 miles, and has had countless pleasant and often humorous 14 wandered with the students he transports to and from school.The students who he’s 15 driven have gone on to become physicians, teachers and engineers, but what they’ve also got out of their time in school is finding a role model and a friend in Wilson.Some students 16 even call him "Grandpa".Tina Stern 17 received rides from Wilson for all her four years in college, and the trips meant much more to her than just free 18 transportation ."It’s not just a ride;you’re not just sitting there in 19 awkward silence or with your headphones on."Stern said."He asks you questions and actually 20 remembers the answers, so the next time you ride with him, he’ll 21 check on those things."Wilson first worked as a driver through a student-support programme of the non-profit organization, On Point for College.Although the 22 programme asks the members only to drive students to and from their classes, Wilson often goes 23 beyond to ensure the welfare and safety of the students.If they have problems with registration.Wilson is there to 24 assist them.If they run out of certain daily necessities.Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what’s needed.If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never 25 hesitates to buy them a meal.For many students, Wilson’s help is not only appreciated, it’s also entirely 26 necessary for them to be able to complete their college education.Some students don’t have a reliablecar, while others have to 27 share vehicles with parents who work six days a week.For them, riding with Wilson has 28 allowed them to complete their education —but according to Wilson, he benefits just as much from the 29 experience ."I just love driving and I love these kids, "Wilson said."It’s such a(n)30 privilege(此处作:荣幸,幸运)to b e a part of these kids’ lives, even just for a few hours, getting to know them and hearing their stories."2018年浙江11月考试高考英语真题完形填空篇章精读I had a student today who got his finger stuck inside a test tube in science class.It was really quite stuck.This young man’s finger continued to get whiter and whiter right before my eyes.Remaining calm , I suggested he carefully rotate(转动) the tube.It wouldn’t move a bit.He tried soap and cold water.Still stuck.Meanwhile chaos was breaking out in the class.Finally, I sent the young man to our secretary, who was a miracle(奇迹) worker raising three kids of her own.With her in charge, I was confident all would be OK.To get the students back in order, I shared my own story of getting my knee stuck between the rails of a balcony.Same kind of curiosity, l remembered wondering then how far I could thrust(塞) my knee between the rails.Inch by inch, I kept pushing and before I knew it, my knee was stuck and swelling(肿胀)before my eyes and in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel!Hearing my story, many students followed with their own stories of heads, arms, fingers stuck in places they shouldn’t be .A few minutes later, the young man came back, test tube unbroken and finger returning to a lovely shade of pink.I just couldn’t get mad at this kid.He’s only twelve.I too got my knee unstuck, but not without great embarrassment .The excuse for me, however, was not youth but plain stupidity.I was after all fifty years old when this happened.2019浙江卷6月真题考试完形填空篇章文本精读There are lots of ways to raise awareness for a cause. Usually, the stranger the idea is, the more it gets noticed. And that’s precisely why one garbage-eating Frenchman has caught our attention.Baptiste Dubanchet is biking across Europe, surviving entirely on discarded (丢弃) food. The three-month, 1,900-mile journey from Paris to Warsaw is Dubanchet’s way _ of raising awareness of food waste in Europe and throughout the world.As you can observe, the trip is no piece of cake. While restaurants throw away tons of food each year, much of it remains inaccessible because of locked garbage containers, health regulations, or business policies. Only about one in ten places offered _ him food that would otherwise be discarded. For legal reasons, most restaurants have a policy against giving away food waste. “Some people have even risked their jobs by giving me food,” Dubanchet said.What’s hardly _ interesting is the attitude various cities have toward Dub anchet’s cause. Berlin has been the easiest _ while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen. There, he had to ask at some 50 different stores or restaurants before finding food. The 5 challenge_ is all the more serious when you consider the demanding exercise required to bike from France to Poland.“I have to get food fast because after all the biking I am tired and I need the energy,” Dubanchet explained. “Is my stomach full or empty? That is the most important thing, notwhat I am eating.”He aims to finish his journey by mid-July. With any luck, he’ll turn a few more heads in the process.2018年全国1卷真题完形填空篇章精读During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I jumped at the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to save a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t excited enough about free credits, news about our instructor was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which meant I would be learning from one of the game’s best . I could hardly wait to meet him.Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this job was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it clear that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to pass the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to apply what we would learn in class to our future professions and, eventually , to our lives. I managed to get an A in that course and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the classroom .Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he taught me:“The absolute most important skill that you learn when you play chess is how to make good decisions . On every single move you have to analyze a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and evaluate the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my role as a journalist. 2018年全国卷2卷完形填空篇章精读Two weeks earlier. my son. Ben ,had got in touch , he’dmoved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I’d last seen him. So imagine my delight when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.I was thrilled ! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to meet . The bay was bathed in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little closer . I realized one kayak(皮划艇)was in trouble . “Something’s not right !” I took off my T-shirt and dived into the water. I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was shaking violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors. I helped carry the young man out of the water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something occurred to me. Those brown eyes were very familiar . “What’s his name ?” I asked the instructor. “Ben,” he replied, and immediately I knew . That stranger was my son!The instructors called for an ambulance. Fortunately , after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything and then Ben turned to me. “I just want to say thank you,” he said,“You saved my life !”I still can’t believe what a coincidence it was. I’m just so glad I was there in time to help my son. 2018年全国3卷完形填空篇章精读When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “sorry, wrong number!” and move on. But when Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something special.On March 19, Dennis got a group text informing him that a couple he didn’t know were at the hospital, waiting for the arrival of a baby.“Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken,” Dennis responded . The baby was born and update texts were coming in quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her excitement , she didn’t seem to realize that she was sharing the baby’s photos with a complete stranger. “Well, I don’t know you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby,” replied Dennis before asking which room the new parents were in.Much to the family’s surprise, Dennis stuck to his promise! He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey’s husband was totally astonished by the unexpected visit. “I don’t think we would have randomly invited him over but we appreciate it and the gifts.”Teresa posteda photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website accompaniedby the touching words: “What a blessingthis young man was to our family! He was so sweet and kind to do this.” The post has since gained the attention of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.2017年全国卷1卷完形填空篇章精读While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this searching process and found something that has changed my experience at college for the better:I discovered ASL-American Sign Language(美式手语).I never felt an urge to learn any sign language before.My entire family is hearing,and so are all my friends.The spoken language were enough in all my interactions(交往).Little did I know that I would discover my love for ASL.The story began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club performed theirtranslation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very idea of communicating without speaking attracted me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the past .This newness just left me wanting more.After that, feeling the need to explore further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club`s meetings. I only learned how to sign the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my slow progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to attend those meetings and learn all I could.The following term, I registered for an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was prohibited. I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. Instead, if there had been any talking, it would have caused us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the new way of communication it opens.2017年全国卷2卷完形填空篇章精读In 1973, I was teaching elementary school.Each day, 27 kids entered “The Thinking Laboratory.”That was the name students voted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too dull .Freddy was an average student ,but not an average person. He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情).He would laugh the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’s misfortune .Before the school year ended ,I gave the kids a special gift , T-shirts with the words “Verbs Are Your friends ” on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词)may seem dull ,most of the fun things they do throughout their lives will be /doc/9a13722479.html,Through the years, I’d run into former students who would provide updates on old classmates. I learned that Freddy didseveral jobs after his graduation from high school and remained the same caring person I met forty years before .Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man sleep in his truck . Another time , he lent a friend money to buy a house .Just last year, I was conducting a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. A woman excused the interruption and handed me an envelope. I stopped teaching and opened it up. Inside were the “Verbs” shirt and a note from Freddy’s mother. “Fred dy passed away on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this.”I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldn’t help smiling . Although Freddy was taken from us,we all took something from Freddy.2017年高考英语全国3卷完形填空篇章精读A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air to the right woman. But retrictions apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallahgher and have a Candian __ passport ___ .Jordan Axani, 28, said he and his then girlfriend, Elizabeth Gallagher, booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May, but their relationship ended and he did not want her ticket to go to waste . The ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让)policy , but since passport information was not required when booking , any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can use it.“I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to experience a lot of joy,” said Axani. He posted his offer on a social networking website, and received thousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallagbers with the right passports, “More interesting , there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in giving their name to ElizabethGallagher,” Axani said. “It was absolutely out of control , thousands of e-mails, people around the world sharing their stories of travel.”Axani wrote in his post that he is not looking for anything in return and that the woman who uses the dealing with ticket can choose to either travel with him or take the ticket and travel on her own.The trip is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and New Delhi before ending in T oronto on January 8. He said the lucky woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.2016·全国新课标1卷完形填空篇章精读A Heroic DriverLarry works with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in 2009. Larry was __ traveling __along 165 north after delivering to one of his customers . Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. As he got closer, he found another vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the disabled vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and got hold of the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.The man who had his bright lights on came over and told Larry he had made an emergency call. They then heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived, but she thought the car was going to explode . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move in case she injured her neck.Once fire and emergency people arrive, Larry and the other man backed off and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the police if he was needed or free to go. They let him and the other man go.One thing is for certain —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burningvehicle! His efforts most likely saved the woman’s life.2016年全国2卷完形填空篇章精读Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device(装置) on your desk. And they’ve never actually met you. Everything they know about you came through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. Yet they feel they can know you just from the sound of your voice. That’s how powerful the telephone is.Powerful, yes, but not always accurate . For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom I’d never met in person , got me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really annoyed me. I sometimes wished to find another agent.One morning, I had to book an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Rani’s office for t he first time . The woman sitting at the desk, seeing my madness, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a comforting smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the ticket immediately. “What a wonderful lady!” I thought.Rushing out grat efully I called out over my shoulder, “By the way, what’s your name?” “I’m Rani,” she said. I turned around and saw a pleasant woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip. I was speechless ! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so nice .Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani’s friendliness ---her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I’m here for you’ attitude ---were all silent signals that didn’t travel through wires.2016年全国3卷完形填空篇章精读When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant beating out Miller King, who was the best player at our school.Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for practice .Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from hospital . He looked very pale , but he didn’t cry.That season, I broke all of Miller’s records while he watched the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, but I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller’s accident .One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller stuck going over a fence—which wasn’t hard to climb if you had both arms. I’m sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept assistance from. But even that challenge he accepted. I helped him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally safe on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didn’t tell you this during the season, but you did fine . Thank you for filling in for me .”His words freed me from my bad dreams. I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was still ahead of me. I was right to have admired him. From that day on,I grew bigger and a little more real.。
2019高考英语(江苏)二轮专题攻略课件:专题一 单项填空 考点2 谓语与非谓语(78张)

设空处是非谓语动词作状语,与Around 13,500 new jobs是主动关 系,且没有动作发生前后的关系,要用v.-ing形式的一般式,所以答
答案 D
归类总结 栏目索引
典例7 (2017江苏,21)Many Chinese brands,
their reputa-
tions over centuries, are facing new challenges from the modern
跟踪集训 栏目索引
writing the paper as scheduled, but
my mother's illness interfered. I hope you will excuse me. 高考导航
础是攻读博士学位的90后。本题考查非谓语动词。分析句子结 高考导航
构可知,句子主干是Feng Chu is a post-90s PhD candidate. 两个逗
号中间的内容是Feng Chu的后置定语,这部分如写成句子为:Feng
Chu is reported
the National Prize for...,此句中is reported
A.having developed B.being developed
思路点拨 句意:很多中国的品牌,已经积攒了几百年的声誉,正

A、B 项表示“睡得好”,根据答语no可排除;否定词never与比较级一起表示最高级意义,故用worse。
3、I'mnotalittletiredtodayaftergivingtheroomathoroughcleaningandIhaveneverhad_____ ___today.A、astiringadayasB、asatiringdayC、tiringasadayasD、dayasatiringas答案与解析:A句意:我今天把房间彻底打扫了一遍后非常累,以前从未像今天这么累过。
and后的分句用了原级比较as...as;第一个as是副词,应紧跟形容词或副词,故A 项正确。
2019高考(浙江)英语二轮复习:第二部分 题型专题突破 专题二 阅读理解 第三讲专题强化训练

A(2015·淮安市第二次调研测试)Fuel Cell Technology for CarsFill her up with hydrogen? That’s what some California motorists may be saying soon,as car makers try to speed up production of zero emission(零排放) cars to meet state requirements in the near future.Beneath the skin of this ordinary looking Hondas FCX Concept Vehicle sits an electro-chemical reactor:a hand-built,astronomically expensive power_plant known as a fuel cell.It’s expected to be running ordinary family cars on California’s roads within three years.So what exactly is a fuel cell,anyway? Why are governments,private businesses and academic institutions cooperating to develop and produce them? A fuel cell,very simply described,is a power generator,making electricity through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen.Fuel cells generate electrical power quietly and efficiently,without pollution.Unlike power sources that use fossil fuels,the only by-products from an operating fuel cell are heat and water.To be more technical about it,a hydrogen atom with its one electron,attempts to pass through a fuel cell membrane(膜) to unite with an oxygen atom.The membrane allows only the hydrogen proton(质子) to pass through,forcing its electron to run around the membrane to catch up with the proton on the other side.This creates electricity,water,and heat,but no exhaust emissions.If the fuel cell is powered with pure hydrogen,it has the potential to be up to 80-percent efficient.That is,it turns 80 percent of the energy content of the hydrogen into electrical energy.However,we still need to turn the electrical energy into mechanical work.This is accomplished by the electric motor.A reasonable number for the efficiency of the motor is about 80 percent.So we have 80-percent efficiency in generating electricity,and 80percent efficiency turning it into mechanical power.That gives an overall efficiency of about 64 percent.Honda’s FCX concept vehicle reportedly has 60-percent energy efficiency,which is twice or even three times more efficient than usual cars.But in spite of all the advantages described above,experts say,“We still have technical challenges getting this extremely complex system to work properly,the way customers expect it to work.There are challenges in using new fuels,and providing the new fuel basic facilities.And before fuel cell vehicles hit the road,there will have to be a network of hydrogen stations that will allow drivers to fill up with the flammable gas,under 36hundred pounds of pressure.”【解题导语】本文主要讲的是未来的新能源汽车的一些情况。

2019高考英语二轮专项总练习(全国通用版)-百日阅读强化练习(100ACandycornisoneofthesimplepleasuresofHalloween.Aroundsincethe1880s,thesewhit e,yellowandorangestripedcandiesaremadewithsugar,cornsyrup〔糖浆〕andotheringredients.Ofcourse,youcanenjoycandycornbythehandful.Butwecameupwith5funwaystocelebrat eandenjoythisseasonaltreat.espoonfulsofthecolorfulcandiestosweeten yourcoffee,teaorotherhotdrinks.Thesugarycandieswilldissolve〔溶解〕inthehotliquid.2.Makeicecreamsandwiches perfectforHalloweenbydecoratingthecreamyedgeswithc andycorn.Purchaseready-madeicecreamsandwichesandrolltheedgesinaplatefulofthecor n.Ormakeyourownbyfirstspooningyourfavoriteflavorofsoftenedicecreambetweentwosug arcookiesorchocolatecookies.Rolltheicecreamsideincandycorn.Wrapinplasticwraporf oilandfreezeatleast6hoursuntilfirm.Letstandabout10minutesbeforeeating.ethemasdecoration onthechocolateicingatopacake,cupcakesorbrownies(theco lorslookgreatagainstbrown).4.Makeaseasonalpartymix bycombining4cupscereal〔麦片〕and1/3cupmeltedbutter.Toss〔拌〕tocoat.Add1cupraisins,1cupcandycornand1(12-ounce)jardry-roastedpeanuts.Tosstomi x.Storeinanairtight〔密封的〕container.5.Makeattractivecandycorncookies.Makeyourfavoritesugarcookierecipe,rollito ut,cutthedoughwithabouta11/2-inchtriangularcookiecutterandbakethencool.Thenusin gafondant〔软糖〕rollingpin,rolloutyellowfondantonpaperuntilitis1/8-inchthick.Cutthefondantinto1 /2-inch-thickstripsandsetaside.Repeatwithwhiteandorangefondants.Placethestripss idebysideonthepaperandrolluntilthestripsbecomeonepiece.Cutoutacandycornshapefro mthefondantsheetwithyourtriangularcutter.Presslightcornsyruponthetopofyourcooki esandplacefondantsheetsonthecookies.Letdryatleast1hour.56、Forhowlonghavepeopleenjoyedthepleasuresfromcandycorn?A、Aboutthirtyyears.B、Lessthanonehundredyears.C、Aboutonehundredandthirtyyears.D、Overonehundredandfiftyyears.57、HowcanwemakeicecreamsandwichesperfectforHalloween?A、Bydecoratingthecreamyedgeswithcandycorn.B、Bydissolvingcandycornintheicecream.C、Bymakingsweetcakesontheicecream.D、Byputtingcornsyrupontheicecream.58、Whatistherightordertomakeaseasonalpartymix?①Add1cupraisins,1cupcandycornand1jardry-roastedpeanuts.②Tosstomix.③Tosstocoat.④Storeinanairtightcontainer.⑤Combine4cupscerealand1/3cupmeltedbutter.A、⑤①②③④B、①②③④⑤C、③④⑤①②D、⑤③①②④59、Wherecanthearticlebeused?A、Newscolumn.B、Socialactivitycolumn.C、Lifecolumn.D、Sciencecolumn.BLookingforcoolgiftsthatinspireothers?Here’sacollectionofunusualgiftsyoucanpersonalize〔刻名字〕andremember.Nothingspeaksofwonderfulgiftsuggestionsmorethanhavingthereceiver’sname,amonogramoralittlemessagewrittenonthegift.Apersonalizeditemmeanssomuchmor e.Ithintsatthelovingthoughts,makesthereceiverfeelspecial,andisagifttobetreasure d.Takealookatthesebestsellersitems.RemembertocheckoutthesectionsForHerandForHim .PersonalizedBouquetCoffeeMugSayitwithflowers!Thisprettywhitemugfeaturesthreecolorfulflowersthatformabun ch,withplentyofroomforyourownspeciallinesofpersonalizationaboveandbelowtheflowe rs.Bothusefulandstrong,thisceramic〔陶瓷的〕15ouncecoffeemugissuitableforavarietyofspecialoccasionsincludingbirthdays,anniv ersaries,Mother’sDay,orasabridesmaidgift.Toplineprovidesroomforupto15characterswhilebottomlineh oldsupto10characters.Price:$17.848oz.LeatherFlaskHe’llbeinhighspiritsashecarrieshisliquidlibations-alcoholicornonalcoholic-inthislu xuriousleatherandsilverflask,whichholds8ouncesofhisfavoritedrinks.Pocket-sizedf orportability,itincludesaspecialfunnelsohecanfillupwithease.Personalizedwithtwo linesofupto15charactersperline.Price:$28.04PersonalizedEsquireSwissArmyKnifeTheSwissCrosslogodesignatesthisstainlesssteel,multi-purposeknifeasagiftmarkedwiththelegendarySwisscreativedesign.FromthemakersoftheSwissArmyKnife,eachEsqu irefeaturesasmallknifeblade,nailfileandscissors.Personalizedwithonelineofupto8c haracters.Price:$33.99PersonalizedRoundClockKeyChainClassichorseshoekeychainhasahandsomesilverwatchattached.Makesauniquegiftwhe nengraved〔雕刻〕,addingapersonaltouch.Personalizedwithathreeinitialcharacters.SeeRulesofEng ravingforcorrectformatoffirstlettersofthename.Packingfree.Price:$21.2460、Whowillbeinterestedinthepassagemost?A、Someonewhoworksintheoffice.B、Someonewhosefriendwillgetmarried.C、Someonewhoservesthepatients.D、Someonewhodrivetohisoffice.61、Ifyouwanttosendyourmotheraspecialgift,whichofthefollowingismostsuitable?A、PersonalizedBouquetCoffeeMug.B、8oz.LeatherFlask.C、PersonalizedEsquireSwissArmyKnife.D、PersonalizedRoundClockKeyChain.62、Ifyouwantagiftwhichispackedfreeofcharge,ismostsuitable.A、PersonalizedBouquetCoffeeMugB、8oz.LeatherFlaskC、PersonalizedEsquireSwissArmyKnifeD、PersonalizedRoundClockKeyChain63、Ifyouwanttohaveapersonalizeditemwithmorecharacters,youwillchoose.A、PersonalizedBouquetCoffeeMugB、8oz.LeatherFlaskC、PersonalizedEsquireSwissArmyKnifeD、PersonalizedRoundClockKeyChainCThefederalgovernmentisabouttomakeahugeinvestmentinhighschool.AspartoftheAme ricanRecoveryandReinvestmentAct,Congresshasputasidemorethan$100billion,includin gacompetitive“RacetotheTop”fundthatencouragesinnovation〔创新〕inpublicschools.Buttherealrevolution,hiddenintheRacetotheTopguidelines〔准那么〕releasedbytheDepartmentofEducationlastmonth,isthathighschoolhasanewmission.Nolo ngerisitenoughjustforseniorgraduatestudents,orevenpreparethemforcollege.Schools mustnowshowhowtheyincreasebothcollegeenrollmentandthenumberofstudentswhocomplet eatleastayearofcollege.Inotherwords,highschoolsmustnowfocusongrade13.Somestates,schooldistrictsandnonprofiteducationalorganizationshavebeguntoga therdataabouthowfreshmen〔大一新生〕getalongincollegeaftergraduation,buttheyhaven’tmadefastprogress.Floridahasoneofthebestsystems,butevenitcan’texplainahighschoolgraduatewhoenrollsincollegeinanotherstate.Thenationisaskingp rincipalstodeliverstudentswhocansucceedincollege,withoutensuringtheyknowwhether whatthey’redoingisworking.TheDepartmentofEducationhasbeguntosolvethisproblembyinstructingstatesonhowt okeepgoodrecordsofitsgraduates’progressincollege.Thisgiveshighschoolsthetwopiecesofinformationtheymostneed:the ircollegeenrollmentrateand“collegeproficiency”rate(thespeedwithwhichgraduatescompleteayearofcollege-levelcoursework).RacetotheTophasfinallyestablishedarealisticpurposeforhighschoolinthe21stcen tury.Ifprincipalscannowgetthesupporttheyneedtofulfillthatpurpose,highschoolscan onceagainbetopproducersofAmericanpotential〔潜力〕.64、WhydoestheCongresssetupthe“RacetotheTop”fund?A、BecausetheCongresswantstokeepitincaseofemergency.B、BecausetheCongresswantstouseittosupportthepoorstudents.C、BecausetheCongresswantstoencouragethestudentstocreatesomething.D、BecausetheCongresswantstokeepitforelection.65、Whatdoesthewriterthinkofthedataabouthowfreshmengetalongincollege?A、Fruitful.B、Fast.C、Perfect.D、Slow.66、Whodirectsstatesonrecordingthegraduates’progressincollege?A、TheUSgovernment.B、TheDepartmentofEducation.C、Theforeignexperts.D、Theschoolprincipals.67、Whatcanwelearnfromthelastparagraph?A、RacetotheTophasreachedtheaimtorecordthegraduates’progressincollege.B、Principalshavefulfilledthemissionofrecordingthegraduates’progressincollege.C、Principalshaven’tgotthesupportfrom“RacetotheTop”fund.D、Highschoolshaven’tbeentopproducersofAmericanpotential.DOxfordUniversityhasintroducedconfidenceclassesforfemalestudentstogetthemtoc ompeteforjobsinfutureandwinchancestoworkinbestcompanies.Theymaybeyoungandgiftedbutresearchattheexcellentinstitutionhasfoundthatfema leundergraduates〔大学生〕areshyingawayfromapplyingtojobsinbanking,finance,managementconsultancy〔咨询〕,engineeringandresourcemanagement.Partlyasaresult,startingsalariesforwomenw hentheygraduateareonaverage£2,000to£3,000lower thantheirmalecounterparts.“WomenareearninglessonleavingOxford.Itisridiculous,”saidJonathanBlack,thecareersservicedirectorattheuniversity.“Wehavehighquality,highachievingstudentsofbothgenders.Butitappearsthatwomenare selectinglowerpaidjobs.TheyacceptmoreprejudiceincertainindustriesandaresayingIw on’tstruggleforthatreallyhighpaidjob’.Wearenottryingtopushloadsofwomenbutwearetry ingtosay,youshouldfeelabletoapplyforthesesortsofjobs.Boysseemtohaveamoreself-co nfidenceandseethebiggerpicturegenerally,evenwhentheirself-beliefisnotnecessaril ybasedonanygreateracademicadvantage.”Thefour-dayprogrammeatOxfordwillhelp45femaleundergraduatesimprovetheirself-confidenceanddecisionmaking,thinkpositivelyandbuildontheirstrengths.Confidencet rainingwillteachthemhowtodealwithoppositionandchallengingsituations.SuccessfulfemaleemployeesfromRBSandBP,whicharesupportingthecourse,willtalk abouttheirlivesandcareers.RBS’sinvolvementfollowsapromisebythebanktoincreaseitsnationalpercentageoffemalegrad uateapplicationsfrom35percentto50percentby2018.68、Whatistheworryingsituationforfemaleundergraduates?A、Theydon’tliketoworkincompaniesofferinglowwages.B、Theiropportunitiesarelimitedandtheirsalaryislower.C、TherearefewerfemalesadmittedtoOxfordUniversity.D、Theyrefusetoworkinbankingandfinancefields.69、Whatisthemistakenideaforfemaleundergraduates?A、Theythemselvesdon’tlikeworkingon.resourcemanagement.B、Theythemselvesthinktheyaresuperiortoboysinallsides.C、Theythemselvesthinkmenandwomenarebornequal.D、Theythemselvesthinktheyarenotgoodasboys.70、Whatcanwelearnfromthelastaragraph?A、RBSandBPwilladmitfemalesfromnowon.B、RBSwillcreatemorejobchancesforgirlsinfuture.C、RBSwillbetheonlychoiceforfemaleundergraduates.D、AllfemaleundergraduatesfromOxfordcanapplyforRBS.参考答案56、C细节理解题。

题型组合练(一)Ⅰ.单项填空1.—CanIspeaktoKen?—I’llgoandseeifIcanfindher.A.Takeyourtime.B.Hangonaminute.C.Who’sthat? D.Ofcourse.答案 B解析 句意为:——我能和Ken说话吗?——请稍等,我去看一下她在吗。
Takeyourtime 不要急,慢慢来;Hangonaminute请稍等;Who’sthat那是谁;Ofcourse当然。
2.Thediscoverywasmadeinthe1950s,whiletheofitwasnotrecognizeduntilhalfacentury later.A.sacrifice B.differenceC.significance D.insurance答案 C解析 句意为:在二十世纪五十年代就有了这一发现。
3.Itisacknowledgedthatgreatsuccessdiligenceandpersistence.(2017·天津五校联考二模,5) A.variesfrom B.resultsfromC.comesto D.appliesto答案 B解析 varyfrom不同于;resultfrom产生于……,起因于……;cometo共计,到达;applyto适用于。
4.Istillfindithardtoimaginethatsuchacleverchildmakesuchafoolishmistake.(2017·天津一中3月考) A.shall B.mustC.can D.should答案 D解析 should作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的,常常译为“竟会”、“居然”。

2019高考英语二轮新资料语法精练详解-冠词Ⅰ.单项填空1、—What do you think about ________ dress in the shop window?—Oh, it's very beautiful. Linda will be pleased if she can have it as ________ birthday present.A、a; aB、the; aC、a; theD、the; the答案与解析:B 句意:——你看那个商店橱窗里的裙子怎么样?——哦,很漂亮,如果把它作为生日礼物给琳达的话,她会很高兴的。
2、If you go by ________ train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get ________ fast one.A、/; /B、/; aC、the; aD、/; /答案与解析:B 句意:如果乘火车,你的旅行会很舒适,但你必须确保坐的是快车。
3、________ doctor told my mother to take ________ medicine three times ________ day, stay in ________ bed for several days, then she would be better soon.A、The; a; a; theB、A; the; the; /C、The; the; a; /D、A; /; a; /答案与解析:C 句意:医生告诉我妈妈这个药一天吃三次,并卧床几天,很快就会恢复的。
特指熟悉的医生和药,doctor与medicine前用定冠词;day前面不定冠词表示“每……”;stay in bed“卧床”,是固定用法。

alwarming教案Ⅰ. 单句语法填空1.Large quantities of oil ________ (be) imported from abroad every year.2.There is no doubt ________ he will be elected.3.Men's clothes tend ________ (button) from the right,and women' s from the left.4.I put ________ some sayings on the walls to remind them to do so.5.Many experts advocated ________ (reward) your child for good b ehavior.6.Under the ________ (circumstance) he felt unable to accept the jo b.7.I've never subscribed ________ the theory that people are more i mportant than animals.8.Our products are of higher quality and lower prices when ______ __ (compare) to those of our competitors.9.It's too hot,and the temperature is still ________ (go) up.10.Do you know in what circumstances it was ________ Jack achie ved his goal?【答案】1.are 2.that 3.to button 4.up 5.rewarding 6.circumstan pared9.going10.thatⅡ. 单句改错1.You have made a few mistakes,but as the whole you have done well.2.It was stating that they would continue to work there until the flo od went away.3.During the discussion,many members were opposed to my propo sal,that upset me greatly.4.Large quantities of air conditioners have sold since the temperatur e is high.5.A number of new machines were introduced from abroad,resulted in an increase in production.6.A big fire broke out last night;as the consequence,the house wa s completely destroyed.【答案】1.as→on 2.stating→stated 3.that→which4.have后加上been 5.resulted→resulting 6.第一个the →a温故知新夯实基础考纲单词精讲1. quantity n.量;数量;大量教材原句The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon di oxide into the atmosphere.当我们向空气中排放大量的多余的二氧化碳的时候,问题就开始了。

高中英语高考专题1 第5讲

高考二轮专题析与练 ·英语
第二部分 专题突破
When the team examined the results of the experiment more closely, they noticed that the monkeys tended to underestimate(低估) a sum compared with a single symbol when the two were close in value-sometimes choosing, for example, a 13 over the sum of 8 and 6.The underestimation was systematic: When adding two numbers, the monkeys always paid attention to the larger of the two, and then added only a fraction(小部分) of the smaller number to it.
After running hundreds of tests, the researchers noted that the monkeys would go for the higher values more than half the time, indicating that they were performing a calculation, not just memorizing the value of each combination.
高考二轮专题析与练 ·英语

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library.B. In a bookstore.C. In a classroom.2. How does the woman feel now?A. Relaxed.B. Excited.C. Tired.3. How much will the man pay?A. $520.B. $80.C. $100.4. What does the man tell Jane to do?A. Postpone his appointment.B. Meet Mr. Douglas.C. Return at 3 o’clock.5. Why would David quit his job?A. To go back to school.B. To start his own firm.C. To work for his friend.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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我十分遗憾错过了相聚的机会。请再次接受我真诚的道歉。 你真诚的, 李华
Dear Anne, I am indeed very sorry that I didn’t attend your birthday party the
Dear Tom, ①How is everything going? ②I feel terribly sorry for missing the
chance of answering your letter in time. You know, I’ve been preparing for the final exams these days. Now, I am writing to tell you my plans for the summer vacation.
【单句改错】 每句只有一个错误
1. I am so sorry for my mistake and I am now writing to apology for my carelessness. 1. apology改为apologize 2. Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last Saturday so I had to stay at home to look after my sick mother. 2. so改为because 3. I feel terrible sorry for missing the chance of attending your graduation ceremony. 3. terrible改为terribly
【单句改错】 每句只有一个错误
4. I very sorry to inform you that I did not manage to complete the book report you assigned last week. 4. very前面加am
5. Please fore inconvenience that I may have caused.
As for the coming summer holiday, I will first do a part time job in a fast-food restaurant. ③Not only will I earn some money but I will also gain some social experience through it. ④And then I will go on a trip to Sichuan, where there are a great number of places of interest. Finally, I’ll go to Ya’an to work as a volunteer. ⑤There is no doubt that children there are badly in need of help. ⑥I hope what I will do will make a great difference to them.
作文原题 假设你是李华,前天是你的外国朋友Anne的生日。你
本答应要参加她的生日聚会,但你当时正忙着准备期末考 试,忘了赴约。请写封信向Anne表达你的歉意,说明原 因,并提出补救的方法。
亲爱的Anne, 我十分抱歉我未能参加你前天的生日派对。 你邀请我去生日派对真是太有心了。我理应来与你庆祝这珍贵
5. careless改为carelessness
6. Again, I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apologize.
6. apologize改为apology
【单句改错】 每句只有一个错误
7. I am really sorry, but I’ve lost the book that you lend me when I stayed with you in June.
7. lend改为lent 8. I would like to buy a new copy of that book and post them to you. 8. them改为it
【单句改错】 每句只有一个错误
9. My mobile phone ran out of battery, because I didn’t get your text messages.
Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Hua
①先用I’m terribly sorry…对未能及时回信道歉,terribly加强了道歉 的语气。 ②接着简单讲明原因;be occupied with sth./doing sth.(忙于某事/做 某事)的运用体现了作者的语言功底,不是用简单的词汇busy,可给 评卷老师留下好印象。 ③Not only…but also… 连接并列句,属于本书在“写作基础”部分 训练的句型。注意:not only在句首,谓语动词要用倒装形式;gain some social experience的运用也体现了作者平时注意积累语言素材。
④ 运 用 了 where 引 导 的 定 语 从 句 修 饰 地 点 , 使 句 式 避 免 简 单 化 ; places of interest(名胜古迹)也运用得当,考生需注意积累,否则只 能生造出中式英语。 ⑤运用了There is no doubt that…(……毫无疑问)这样的万能句型; be badly in need of help(急需帮助)这一短语也给评卷老师眼前一亮。 ⑥make a difference(起作用、产生不同)这一短语也是增分点。 本篇句句高级、词词地道,怎能不拿满分?
③To start with, doing a part-time job is my dream because not only can I earn money by myself, but also it will broaden my horizons. ④In addition, it is a fabulous choice to visit some famous scenic spots in order to enjoy some appealing scenery. What is more, I will do some voluntary work to enrich my life.
⑤I sincerely apologize again for my mistake. By the way, what’s your plan to spend your summer vacation?
Yours sincerely, Li Hua
①第一句为朋友式的日常问候,符合朋友间书信的特点。 ②I feel terribly sorry for …用来引出道歉的内容,句型运用得当。 ③本段用了to start with, in addition, what’s more等连接词,使行文 连贯;not only…but also…也是必须学会运用的高级句型;broaden my horizons也体现了作者平时勤于积累,能给阅卷老师留下良好的 印象。 ④It is a fabulous choice to…(……是极佳的选择)一句是难得的高级 表达;appealing(吸引人的)一词也体现了语言能力。 ⑤最后一段,作者再次用I sincerely apologize again for表达了真诚的 道歉;并询问了对方的暑期计划,符合真实交际情境。
5. Once again, please accept my sincere apology. 请再次接受我真诚的 道歉。 6. Anyhow, I sincerely hope that we can fix another time for ... 如论如 何,我真心希望我们可以再找一个时间…… 7. I have been looking forward to it. 我一直都在期待着。 8. I’m awfully sorry for the sudden change of plan and feel it a great pity to miss the opportunity. 对突然的改变我感到十分抱歉,对错过 这个机会感到很可惜。
celebrate the precious moment 庆祝这珍贵的时刻 the final examinations 期末考试 be around the corner 即将到来 appointment 约会 accept sb. sincere apology 接受某人真诚的道歉 a face-to-face talk 一次面谈 for my health’s sake 为了我的健康 keep to sb. word 遵守承诺 further one’s studies 进修;继续学习
1. I’m terribly sorry I couldn’t reply to your email in time. 十分抱歉我 不能及时回复您的邮件。 2. I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of answering your letter in time. 我十分抱歉没有及时回信。 3. I sincerely apologize again for my mistake. 我再次为我的错误真诚 地道歉。 4. It is much to my regret that I missed the chance to get together. 错 过了在一起的机会,我感到很遗憾。