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Con tact with trainer to confirm trai ning theme, content and method
Assist to compile and evaluate trai ning docume nt and related backgro und material
Develop trai ning schedule accord ing to training pla n and make related arran geme nt
4. 开展培训效果的评估,提出改进意见;
Con duct trai ning effect evaluati on and put forward improveme nt;
Establish staff training time and course and other in formatio n file to record staff training process
Con tact with external trai ning in stitute based on compa ny training requireme nt and make in itial selectio n for course and provide exter nal training suggesti on to related dept and employ;
7•评估员工职称状况,对于存在职称达不到岗位要求人员进行培训,以获取岗位所需职称要求•Evaluate staff current position requirement, arrange training for those unqualified staff to meet with position
requireme nt.
Employee relatio ns
组织受理员工投诉和公司内部劳资纠纷Han dle complai nts and in ternal disputes 协同人力资源部经理处理有关劳动争议Support HR ma nager to solve labor disputes
协助招聘和薪资福利Support on recruitme nt and C&B
1. 制作有竞争力的技术方案,以赢得新载气项目,提高年度销售额
To prepare competitive tech ni cal soluti on, to win new CG project, in crease annual sales
2. 监控现有工厂损益情况,提出优化方案,以提高01
To monitor P&L of existing plant, optimize the system to improve OI
3. 跟踪并利用区域内二手设备信息,减少公司现金流
To monitor and relocate idle equipments in region, to reduce the cash flow
4. 联系集团技术专家,学习并推广新产品
To connect with expert in globe group, to study and spread the new tech no logy
5. 收集相关信息,以建立新工厂需要的数据库
To gather the in formatio n to create the database for new pla nt reference.
6. 灵活调整适应部门安排的其他工作职责Other tasks
assig ned by ma nager
Buildi ng a local compa ny culture and value system in accorda nee with the corporate and divisi on requireme nt s, guide employees sense of value, improve compa ny employer image;
1) Provide support and guida nee to man agers on all HR related on-going problems, in cludi ng but not limit t
o employee en gageme nt, reten ti on, term in ati on etc. 对于所有HR 相关事务包括但不限于员工劳动合
2) Man age employee disputes, accept employee compla int and labor dispute; and feedback accord ing to re
lated regulations and laws;负责处理员工纠纷和争议,受理员工的各类投诉及劳动纠纷;并参照国
3) An alysis and give con suit ing whe n new or updated gover nment and corporate policyies are made; Assist
to make HR related policies and regulations;针对国家劳动法律法规及集团规定的订立,进行及时的
4) Take part in employee talk and make record for the data source of employee relat on ship affairs; 参与各
5) Other tasks assig ns by superior.其他主管分配的职责。
Requireme nts:
1) Bachelor degree or above;本科以上学历;
2) At least 3 years worki ng experie nces in HR field in MNC, know well about each HR fun ctio n and practice;
3) Good com muni cati on, n egotiati on, in flue nee, mediati on and con flicts man ageme nt skill 良好的沟通、协
4) Stro ng organi zatio nal, multi-taski ng, and time-ma nageme nt skill. 较强的组织、多任务处理及时间管理
5) Proficient both in Chinese and English.良好的中英文表达能力。
Job descriptio n:职位介绍
1) Develop and impleme nt system-wide HR strategy and personnel policies, in cludi ng: 制定及执行全系统
Employee code of con duct (such as: work hours, vacati on days, sick leave, professi onal behavior, etc.) 员工行为规范(例如:工作时间,假期,病假,员工工作能力,等等)
How to main tai n professi onal office (such as: mai ntai ning n eat, clea n, and professi onal workspace) 维持办公室的职业化(例如:保持办公室整洁性,专业化的工作区域)
2) Resp on sible for worki ng with leadership to ide ntify and meet pers onnel requireme nts 负责与公司高层
Help to clarify roles and responsibilities 与员工申明各项工作调理与相关责任
Resp on sible for recruit ing and in tegrati on into compa ny 负责公司相关的招聘工作
3) Responsible for resolving “people problems ” with the appropriate department heads 与相关部门领导
4) Coordin ate with departme nt heads to ide ntify key tale nts & customise rete nti on/promoti on programs 与
5) Resp on sible for developme nt & adm ini strati on of compe nsati on & ben efit programs, con siste nt with law