
Yu Lin Ling
Liu Yong
(丁祖馨 译)
Cicadas trill sad songs.At the post pavilion, The evening shower stops; We're saying goodbye, at this wayside stall. Who wants to drink, here at the Capital gate? The boatman's in a hurry, he calls,But we can't tear ourselves away. We stare, in tears, hand in hand, Struggling in vain to say what words we've got. Knowing how far south I'm to go,To drift along in the southern climate, Under the cloudy sky at dusk. Oh, the heartache! Lovers always weep, saying goodbye—And today is autumn, and, cold. When the wine finally leaves me sober, Where will I be? Along a river bank Lined with willows—in a morning breeze—Under a sinking moon. But our farewell is for a long time, And without you Beauty and happiness both will be wasted on me. Even when I have heartloads of love Who, oh who can I tell about it?

To face the powder and not to powder the face.Face the powder:面对硝烟Powder the face:涂脂抹粉——毛泽东《为女民兵题照》千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
From hill to hill no bird in flight;From path to path no man in sight.A lonely fisherman afloat,Is fishing snow in lonely boat.——柳宗元《江雪》床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
A tranguil night a bed, I see a silver light;I wonder if it's frost around.Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.——李白《静夜思》无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。
The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower; The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour.——杜甫《登高》葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。
With wine of grapes the cups of jade would glow at night,Drinking to pipa songs, we are summoned to fight.——王翰《凉州词》寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
I look for what I miss, I know not what it is,I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer.——李清照《声声慢》天高云淡,望断南飞雁。

□邓 颖 郭 勇
摘 要:《雨霖铃》是北宋婉约派代表诗人柳永描写离愁别绪的代表作。词中通过树立典型物象,营造了凄美的意 境,表达了作者对离别的伤感和生活的无奈。本文选取许渊冲、杨宪益和龚景浩的英译本对词牌名的翻译、文化意象词的 翻译和具体词句的翻译进行对比分析。
关键词:雨霖铃 词牌名 文化意象
一、《雨霖铃》三个英译本对比分析 《雨霖铃》是柳永从汴京(今河南开封)南下,与恋 人惜别之作,在倾吐离愁的同时,也抒发了对自身遭遇的 感概。该词原文如下: 寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。都门帐饮无绪,留 恋处、兰舟催发。执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。念去去, 千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。 多情自古伤离别,更那堪、冷落清秋节!今宵酒醒何 处?杨柳岸、晓风残月。此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。 便纵有千种风情,更与何人说。 词作为中国文学体裁中的韵文文体之一,本来是为配 乐歌唱而作的诗,每首词都应该有或曾有过一个乐谱。中 国古代的乐谱都属于某种宫调(宫、商、角、徵、羽五音 即声律),配词而歌就成了词调,每个词调古人都赋予其 一个名称,这个名称就叫词牌。 “词牌名”代表的是一首词的旋律,是作者填词时用 来标明依据何种曲谱而填词的一种名称,与词的内容没有 意义上的关联。词牌名的翻译,要考虑其神韵和美感,还 需考虑其历史来源。目前国内外常见的词牌名英译方法有 零译法、音译法、直译法和意译法。 “雨霖铃”这个词牌名记载了唐玄宗和杨贵妃的爱 情。杨贵妃死后,唐玄宗悲痛万分,听着窗外的雨中铃儿 叮当响,心怀无尽的思念,创作了“雨霖铃”。因此,这 个词牌名本身就有着文化内涵,代表着情人之间分离时的

许渊冲先生译作:How long will the full moon appear?Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky。
I do not know what time of the year’Would be tonight in the palace on high。
Riding the wind, there I would fly,Yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would beToo high and cold for me。
I rise and dance, with my shadow I play。
On high as on earth, would it be as gay?The moon goes round the mansions redThrough gauze-draped window soft to shedHer light upon the sleepless bed。
Why then when people part, is the oft full and bright?Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again;The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane。

临安春雨初霁英文版许渊冲译The spring rain in Lin'an had finally cleared up after a long and persistent downpour. The air was fresh and crisp, and the sun's rays gently caressed the earth, revealing the true beauty of the city. The streets were bustling with activity as people emerged from their homes, eager to enjoy the respite from the rain.The rain had left its mark on the landscape, washing away the grime and dust that had accumulated over the long winter months. The trees and plants seemed to have been rejuvenated, their leaves and blossoms glistening with the remnants of the rain. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of flowers, mingling with the earthy aroma of the damp soil.As I wandered through the streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world around me. The vibrant colors of the buildings and the intricate patterns of the cobblestones beneath my feet were a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the people who had built this city.One of the most striking features of Lin'an was its rich history and cultural heritage. The city had been a center of learning and intellectual discourse for centuries, attracting scholars, poets, and artists from all over the region. The grand temples and pagodas that dotted the landscape were a testament to the deep spiritual beliefs of the people who had once called this place home.As I explored the city, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to the past. The winding streets and hidden alleyways seemed to whisper the stories of the generations who had walked these same paths before me. I could almost hear the laughter and chatter of the local residents as they went about their daily lives, their voices mingling with the gentle sounds of the wind and the occasional birdsong.One of the highlights of my visit was a trip to the famous West Lake, a breathtaking natural wonder that had inspired countless poets and artists over the centuries. As I stood on the shore, gazing out over the shimmering surface of the water, I was struck by the sense of peace and tranquility that permeated the air.The lake was surrounded by lush hills and dense forests, creating a serene and picturesque landscape that seemed almost otherworldly.I could imagine the scholars and poets of old sitting by the water's edge, composing their verses and contemplating the mysteries ofthe natural world.As I walked along the paths that wound through the gardens and pavilions that dotted the lake's shores, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and awe. The intricate carvings and delicate architecture of the structures seemed to speak to the deep appreciation for beauty and craftsmanship that had been a hallmark of Lin'an's cultural legacy.One of the most striking features of the West Lake was the way it seemed to change with the seasons. In the spring, the cherry blossoms would bloom, painting the landscape in a soft, ethereal hue. In the summer, the lake would glisten in the sun, inviting visitors to take a refreshing dip. And in the autumn, the leaves would turn brilliant shades of red and gold, creating a breathtaking spectacle that would draw visitors from far and wide.As I wandered through the gardens and pavilions, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to the past. The stories and legends that had been passed down through the generations seemed to come alive in the very stones and trees that surrounded me. I could almost hear the echoes of the poets and scholars who had once walked these same paths, their words and ideas still resonating in the air.One of the most fascinating aspects of Lin'an's cultural heritage wasthe way it had been shaped by the influence of different dynasties and empires over the centuries. The city had been a hub of trade and commerce, attracting merchants and artisans from all over the region. This cross-pollination of cultures had led to a rich and diverse artistic tradition that was evident in the architecture, the crafts, and the cuisine of the city.As I explored the local markets and shops, I was struck by the incredible variety and quality of the goods on offer. From delicate silks and embroidered fabrics to intricate woodcarvings and exquisite porcelain, the artisans of Lin'an had clearly honed their skills over generations. I couldn't help but marvel at the level of craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into every item I encountered.One of the most memorable experiences of my visit was a visit to a local tea house, where I was able to sample a variety of traditional Chinese teas. The owner of the tea house was a knowledgeable and passionate guide, who took the time to explain the history and cultural significance of each type of tea. As I sipped the fragrant brews, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to the long and storied tradition of tea culture in China.Overall, my time in Lin'an was a truly transformative experience. The city's rich history, vibrant culture, and natural beauty left a lasting impression on me, and I left with a deep appreciation for theincredible diversity and complexity of Chinese civilization. Whether it was the intricate architecture, the delicate crafts, or the serene natural landscapes, every aspect of Lin'an seemed to speak to the deep artistry and creativity that had been a hallmark of this remarkable city for centuries.As I boarded the train to depart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy. I knew that I would miss the sights and sounds of Lin'an, the bustling streets, and the tranquil gardens. But I also knew that this was not the end of my journey, but rather the beginning of a lifelong fascination with the rich and diverse cultures of China. I vowed to return one day, to continue exploring the wonders of this remarkable place, and to deepen my understanding of the incredible legacy that it had left behind.。

许渊冲经典古诗词英译22首1 关雎Cooing And Wooing关关雎鸠,By riverside are cooing在河之洲.A pair of turtledoves;窈窕淑女,A good young man is wooing君子好逑.A fair maiden he loves.参差荇菜,Water flows left and right左右流之.Of cress long here, short there;窈窕淑女,The youth yearns day and night寤寐求之.For the good maiden fair.求之不得,His yearning grows so strong,寤寐思服.He can not fall asleep,悠哉悠哉,But tosses all night long,辗转反侧.So deep in love, so deep!参差荇菜,Now gather left and right左右采之.Cress long or short and tender!窈窕淑女,O lute, play music bright琴瑟友之.For the bride sweet and slender!参差荇菜,Feast friends at left and right左右芼之.On cress cooked till tender!窈窕淑女,O bells and drums, delight钟鼓乐之.The bride so sweet and slender!2 垓下歌XIANG YU’S LAST SONG力拔山兮气盖世,I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might, 时不利兮骓不逝。
But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t fight.骓不逝兮可奈何!Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care.虞兮虞兮奈若何!What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair!3 回乡偶书HOME-COMING贺知章He Zhizhang少小离家老大回,Old, I return to the homeland while young,乡音无改鬓毛衰。

20 世纪初,英国汉学家韦利(Waley)认为译诗用韵会因声损义, 因此他把诗译成自由诗或散体诗,这就开始了诗词翻译史上的诗体 与散体之争。一般说来,散体译文重真,诗体译文重美,所以散体与 诗体之争就升华为真与美的矛盾。许钧教授指出,翻译求真而诗更 求美,所以译诗应该在真的基础上求美,也就是说,求真是最低标准, 求美是最高标准。[3]许渊冲先生在论及中国古典诗歌翻译时曾提出 过著名的“三美”理论:“意美”、“声美”、“形美”,即“译诗要和原诗一样 能感动读者的心,这是意美;要和原诗一样有悦耳的韵律,这是音美; 还要尽可能保持原诗的形式,这是形美”。[4]
● 郭航乐
(泉州轻工职业学院,福建 晋江 362200)
摘 要:参照诗歌翻译标准从“音美”、“形似”和“意准”三 个 角 度 对 柳 永《雨 霖 铃》的 两 个 英 译 本 进 行 对 比 分 析,可 以 看 出 许 渊 冲 译 本 比 杨 宪 益 、戴 乃 迭 译 本 更 胜 一 筹 ,可 谓 是 音 形 意 三 美 皆 俱 ,为 古 诗 词 翻 译 不 可 多 得 的 佳 品 。 关 键 词 :《雨 霖 铃 》;诗 歌 翻 译 标 准 ;英 译 本 ;对 比 分 析 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-4458.2012.03.159 中 图 分 类 号 :H315.9 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1009-4458(2012)03-0398-02
扬顿挫、对仗工整,《雨霖铃》前后阕各五仄韵,分别为切、歇、发、噎、 阔、别、节、月、设、说,均押入声韵。英诗中也有头韵和尾韵,但其形 式比较自由,尾韵几乎没有一韵到底的,因此在英译中是很难保留汉 语诗词压韵的特点。比如杨译本就几乎没有规律的尾韵,是英诗中 的自由诗形式。许译本则十分注重译文的“音美”,采用了尾韵及两 行转韵的方式巧妙再现了原词中的韵律,其押韵方式为 AABB/CD- DC/EFGGFE/HHIIJJKKLL,体现在尾韵上为“chill- shrill,hour- shower,part- depart,gate-late,eyes- skies,way- away,lips -ships,old - cold,break - awake,trees - breeze,year- ap- pear,part- heart”。许译本押韵简洁明朗,注重韵律在表达诗意、 体现词人情感方面的重要性,使译文读者能够感受到该词的节奏感 和韵律感。所以,按照诗歌翻译的最高标准比较起来,许译本比杨译 本更胜一筹。


从《雨霖铃》的译文谈汉诗英译的意境传达[Abstract] Chinese poem translation is a difficult task. The success of translation of Chinese poems depends on whether it can approximately transmit artistic conception of Chinese poems and lead the readers into a space of imagination. It is difficult to translate the original meaning, the atmosphere and the charm completely. The English versions of many outstanding Chinese classical poems which are gently beautiful, vigorous and deep usually cannot present the original taste and flavor of the poetry. This thesis first points out that artistic conception is a kind of ideal artistic state, which can lead readers into the situation and emotion of a poem. It is impossible to express completely the primary taste and artistic conception of Chinese poetry to every reader. The reason is that the different historical culture connotations and different habits and customs as well as different thinking methods are formed in words and expressions. This thesis then takes the version of Bells Ringing in the Rain for example to analyze the difficulty of the conveyance of the poem briefly. In the point of the author’ view, artistic conception can be effectively transmitted to readers by the following three means: first, to express amorous feelings and ideas; second, to unearth images; finally, to stimulate imagination. The author narrates three ways through the comparison of the two versions of “bells ringing in the rain” and other examples for further explanation. At the end, the author points out that they are only three effective ways but not the absolute means.[Key Words] Chinese poetry; artistic conception; Bells Ringing in the Rain; solution【摘要】汉诗英译是否成功就在于能否成功的传达意境。

专业整理分享关雎Cooing And Wooing关关雎鸠, By riverside are cooing在河之洲. A pair of turtledoves;窈窕淑女, A good young man is wooing 君子好逑. A fair maiden he loves.参差荇菜, Water flows left and right左右流之. Of cress long here, short there; 窈窕淑女, The youth yearns day and night 寤寐求之. For the good maiden fair.求之不得, His yearning grows so strong,寤寐思服. He can not fall asleep,悠哉悠哉,But tosses all night long,辗转反侧. So deep in love, so deep!参差荇菜, Now gather left and right左右采之. Cress long or short and tender! 窈窕淑女, O lute, play music bright琴瑟友之.For the bride sweet and slender! 参差荇菜, Feast friends at left and right左右芼之. On cress cooked till tender!窈窕淑女, O bells and drums, delight钟鼓乐之. The bride so sweet and slender!垓下歌XIANG YU'S LAST SONG项羽XIANGYU力拔山兮气盖世,I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might时不利兮骓不逝。
But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won't fight.骓不逝兮可奈何!Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not格式DOC完美专业整理分享care.虞兮虞兮奈若何!What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair!回乡偶书HOME-COMING贺知章He Zhi zhang少小离家老大回,Old, I return to the homeland while young, 乡音无改鬓毛衰。

《雨霖铃》许渊冲译版许渊冲-- 诗译英法唯一人,北京大学教授,翻译家。
1999 年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。
《雨霖铃》柳永寒蝉凄切对长亭晚骤雨初歇都门帐饮无绪方留恋处兰舟催发执手相看泪眼竟无语凝噎念去去千里烟波暮霭沉沉楚天阔多情自古伤离别更那堪冷落清秋节今宵酒醒何处杨柳岸晓风残月此去经年应是良辰好景虚设便纵有千种风情更与何人说Cicadas chillAnd drearily shrill,We sta nd face to face at an eve ning hourBefore the pavili on, after a sudde n shower.Can I care for drinking before we part ?At the city gateWhere we're lin geri ng late,But the boat is wait ing for me to depart.Hand in hand, we gaze at each other's tearful eyes And burst into sobs with words con gealed on our lips.I'll go my wayFar, far awayOn miles and miles of misty waves where sail the ships, Evening clouds hang low in boun dless Souther n skies.Part ing lovers would grieve as of old.How could I sta nd this clear autu mn day so cold!Where shall I be found at day's early breakFrom wine awake ?Moored by a riverba nk pla nted with willow trees Ben eath the waning moon and in the morning breeze.ni be gone for a year.In vain would good times and fine scenes appear!However galla nt I am on my part,To whom can I lay bare my heart。

阐释学、接受美学影响下的翻译观•I. 阐释学,又称解释学,或诠释学(hermene utics)•广义:指对于文本之意义的理解和解释的理论或哲学。
•现代解释学的开创者是20世纪的德国哲学家M.海德格尔•50年代末德国哲学家H.-G.加达默尔把海德格尔的本体论与古典解释学结合起来,使哲学解释学成为一个专门的哲学学派•另外两位代表人物是德国的宗教解释学者R.K.B.鲍尔特曼(1884~1976)和意大利"解释学理论"的研究者E.贝蒂••1. 海德格尔的“前理解”:•由―先有‖(Vorhabe)、―先见‖(Vorsich t) 、―先识‖(有的译为―先设‖,Vorgrif f)三部分构成。
•汉斯一格奥尔格·伽达默尔:•1)“前见”:被特定的历史、文化、语言所浸染, 根本无法自由选择或摆脱历史文化通过语言对自身的预先占有。
(与海德格尔的―前理解‖一致)•通俗地讲,就是理解者对任何事物的理解都融有个人在此之前所形成的知识、观点、情趣等要素,每个理解者自身所具有的前见不同, 造成他们理解对象时有不同的个性特点,展现出不同的风格,暗示了文本意义多元化理解的可能。

Mount Heaven's Gate Viewed from AfarBreaking Mount Heaven's Gate, the great River rolls through,Its east-flowing green billows, hurled back here, turn north.From the two river banks thrust out the mountains blue,Leaving the sun behind, a lonely sail comes forth.静夜思床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
Thoughts on a Silent NightBefore my bed a pool of light—Is it hoarfrost upon the ground?Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright;Head bent, in homesickness I'm drowned.黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。

许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译英⽂版 唐诗是中国古典诗歌的艺术⾼峰。
下⾯是店铺带来的许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译,欢迎阅读! 许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译篇⼀ 孟郊 烈⼥操 梧桐相待⽼,鸳鸯会双死; 贞妇贵殉夫,舍⽣亦如此。
Folk-song-styled-verse Meng Jiao A SONG OF A PURE-HEARTED GIRL Lakka-trees ripen two by two And mandarin-ducks die side by side. If a true-hearted girl will love only her husband, In a life as faithfully lived as theirs, What troubling wave can arrive to vex A spirit like water in a timeless well? 许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译篇⼆ 孟郊 游⼦吟 慈母⼿中线,游⼦⾝上⾐; 临⾏密密缝,意恐迟迟归。
谁⾔⼨草⼼,报得三春辉? Folk-song-styled-verse Meng Jiao A TRAVELLER\'S SONG The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother Makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy; Carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends, Dreading the delays that will keep him late from home. But how much love has the inch-long grass For three spring months of the light of the sun? 许渊冲唐诗宋词英语翻译篇三 七⾔古诗 陈⼦昂 登幽州台歌 前不见古⼈,后不见来者; 念天地之悠悠,独怆然⽽涕下。


【作者单位】华南理工大学广东·广州 510641
1.《牡丹亭·标目》的三种英译本的比较研究 [J], 傅张萌;何大顺
2.《芙蓉女儿诔》英译本比较研究——以邦斯尔、霍克思、杨宪益三种英译本为例[J], 朱天发
3.《雨霖铃》三种英译本之比较 [J], 邓颖;郭勇
4.三评《玉台新咏》英译本——比较《孔雀东南飞》的两种译法 [J], 李贻荫
5.《芙蓉女儿诔》英译本比较研究——以邦斯尔、霍克思、杨宪益三种英译本为例[J], 朱天发[1]

基于柳永《雨霖铃》许渊冲译本的翻译美学探究蒋雯倩【摘要】《雨霖铃》是宋代词人柳永描写离愁别绪的佳作,文章通过赏析中国著名翻译家许渊冲译本Bells Ringing in the Rain,从\"三美论\"角度探讨在英译过程中如何最大限度地再现该词的美学特点,传递其神韵.认为译者在翻译诗歌时,应尽可能地挖掘其美学价值,更好地将翻译美学理论与中国古典诗词相结合,展现全方位的美.【期刊名称】《英语教师》【年(卷),期】2018(018)024【总页数】4页(P73-76)【关键词】翻译美学;《雨霖铃》;三美论;意境【作者】蒋雯倩【作者单位】212003,江苏镇江,江苏科技大学外国语学院【正文语种】中文引言诗歌是文学作品中最早出现的一种体裁,它用词精炼,意境深远,神形兼备,内涵丰富,且艺术风格独特。
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Cicadas chill
And drearily shrill,
We stand face to face at an evening hour
Before the pavilion, after a sudden shower.
Can I care for drinking before we part?
At the city gate
Where we're lingering late,
But the boat is waiting for me to depart.
Hand in hand, we gaze at each other's tearful eyes And burst into sobs with words congealed on our lips.
I'll go my way
Far, far away
On miles and miles of misty waves where sail the ships, Evening clouds hang low in boundless Southern skies.
Parting lovers would grieve as of old.
How could I stand this clear autumn day so cold!
Where shall I be found at day's early break
From wine awake?
Moored by a riverbank planted with willow trees Beneath the waning moon and in the morning breeze.
I'll be gone for a year.
In vain would good times and fine scenes appear!
However gallant I am on my part,
To whom can I lay bare my heart?。