
2015年四川外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试《翻译硕士英语》真题(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Word Derivation(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.The 1among the allies was no secret to the enemy.(harmony)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:harmony)【解析】(句意:盟国间关系和睦,这对敌军而言已不是秘密。
)2.The situation there was 1. Something must be done promptly.(tolerate)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:intolerable)【解析】(句意:那的情况令人无法忍受,我们必须立刻采取行动。
)3.This is made of 1material.(resist heat)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:healt resistant)【解析】(句意:它由耐热材料制作而成。
此处显然需要一个形容词,heat resistant耐热的,耐高温的。
)4.She was a very 1 social scientist. She proved that apart from self-love, there were other basic human instincts.(observe)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:observant)【解析】(句意:她是一位观察力敏锐的社会科学家,她证实除了利己主义,人类还有其它本能。

缈昏瘧纭曞+鑻辫瀛︿綅MTI鑰冭瘯鍥涘窛澶栧浗璇ぇ瀛?013骞寸湡棰?/div>(鎬诲垎锛?00.00锛屽仛棰樻椂闂达細90鍒嗛挓)涓€銆?font>鈪? Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate words derived from the words given in parentheses at the end of the sentences.(鎬婚鏁帮細10锛屽垎鏁帮細10.00)1.The government fretted that the 1 had illegally got the technology for making nuclearweapons. (terror)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歵errorists[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭斂搴滄媴蹇冩亹鎬栧垎瀛愬凡缁忛€氳繃闈炴硶鎵嬫鑾峰緱浜嗗埗閫犳牳姝﹀櫒鐨勬妧鏈€傚緢鏄庢樉璇ヤ粠鍙ヤ腑缂哄皯涓€涓富璇紝鑰屽埗閫犳牳姝﹀櫒鐨勮偗瀹氭槸浜猴紝鍥犳鍙互鑲畾鏄亹鎬栧垎瀛愩€?/div>2.A recent study says women easily form negative attitude to other women, while on the otherhand men are more 1 of their peers. (tolerate)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歵olerable[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭渶杩戠殑涓€椤圭爺绌惰〃鏄庡コ浜哄緢瀹规槗瀵瑰叾浠栫殑濂充汉褰㈡垚涓嶅ソ鐨勫嵃璞★紝鑰岀敺浜哄浠栦滑鐨勫悓鑳炴樉寰楄鏇村瀹广€傜敱while鍙煡杩欓噷琛ㄨ浆鎶橈紝鍗崇敺浜虹殑鎯呭喌鍜屽墠闈㈢殑涓嶄竴鏍凤紝鍐嶇敱are more鍙煡杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓舰瀹硅瘝锛屽洜姝ゅ彲浠ョ‘璁よ繖閲岄渶瑕佸~tolerable銆?/div>3.A man of learning, if he does not wish to 1 himself, must never cease to participate inpublic affairs. (grade)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歞egrade[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬鏋滀竴涓湁瀛﹁瘑鐨勪汉涓嶆兂闄嶄綆鑷繁韬唤鐨勮瘽锛屼粬灏辫涓嶅仠鍦板弬涓庡埌鍏叡浜嬬墿涓潵銆傜敱杩欓噷鐨勪笉瀹氬紡缁撴瀯鍙煡闇€瑕佸~鍐欎竴涓姩璇嶏紝铏界劧grade涔熷彲浠ヤ綔鍔ㄨ瘝锛屼絾瀹冧綔鍔ㄨ瘝琛ㄧず鈥滆瘎鍒嗭紱鎶娾€︹€﹀垎绛夌骇鈥濈敤鍦ㄨ繖閲屽苟涓嶅悎閫傘€俤egrade琛ㄧず鈥滆船浣庯紱浣库€︹€︿涪鑴革紱浣库€︹€﹂檷绾э紱浣库€︹€﹂檷瑙b€濄€?/div>4.Wastes only become pollutants when their levels rise to the point at which nature"s 1systems are overwhelmed and can no longer cope. (pure)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歱urification[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬彧鏈夊綋搴熺墿鐨勯噺瓒呰繃浜嗕竴瀹氱殑闄愬害浠ヨ嚦浜庡ぇ鑷劧鐨勮嚜鍑€绯荤粺涓嶈兘姝e父杩愪綔鏃讹紝搴熺墿鎵嶄細鍙樻垚姹℃煋鐗┿€傝繖閲屾槸涓€涓悕璇嶇煭璇紝鍥犳瑕佺敤pure鐨勫悕璇嶅舰寮忋€俻urification system琛ㄧず鈥滆嚜鍑€绯荤粺鈥濄€?5.The child let out a scream and then shrieked 1. "Stop it! Stop it! You"re killing me!"(hysteria)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歨ysterically[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氶偅涓皬瀛╂瓏鏂簳閲岃埇鍦板皷鍙潃锛氣€滀笉瑕侊紝涓嶈锛屼笉瑕佹潃鎴?鈥濊繖閲岄渶瑕佷竴涓瘝鏉ヤ慨楗皊hriek锛屼竴鑸敤鍓瘝鏉ヤ慨楗板姩璇嶏紝鎵€浠ヨ鐢ㄥ叾鍓瘝褰㈠紡銆俬ysterically琛ㄧず鈥滄瓏鏂簳閲屽湴鈥濄€?/div> 6.Apart from adding to the economic 1 of society, unemployment results in dissatisfied andfrustrated individuals who are forced by circumstances to remain unproductive. (balance)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歩mbalance[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬け涓氶櫎浜嗕細澧炲姞绀句細鐨勭粡娴庝笉骞宠涔嬪锛岃繕浼氶€犳垚浜轰滑鐨勪笉婊″拰澶辨湜锛屽洜涓轰粬浠彈澶变笟鎵€杩笉鑳藉垱閫犵浉搴旂殑浠峰€笺€傞鍏堢敱鍙ュ瓙缁撴瀯鍒ゆ柇杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓悕璇嶏紝鍐嶆牴鎹彞鎰忓彲鐭ュけ涓氫細瀵艰嚧缁忔祹涓嶅钩琛★紝鍥犳瑕佸~imbalance銆?/div>7.What he wants to spell out in his book is the corruption of the rich and their 1 desirefor more money and power. (satiate)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歩nsatiate[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫粬鎯冲湪涔︿腑闃愯堪鐨勬槸瀵屼汉浠殑鑵愯触浠ュ強浠栦滑瀵逛簬閲戦挶鍜屾潈鍒╂案涓嶆弧瓒崇殑娆叉湜銆傞鍏堢敱鍙ュ瓙缁撴瀯鍒ゆ柇杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓舰瀹硅瘝锛屽啀鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰鍙煡锛屽瘜浜轰滑鏄椽寰楁棤鍘岋紝姘歌繙涓嶇煡婊¤冻鐨勶紝鍥犳瑕佺敤satiate鐨勫弽涔夊舰瀹硅瘝銆俰nsatiate琛ㄧず鈥滀笉鐭ヨ冻鐨勨€濄€?/div>8.The one industry 1 by the general depression of trade is the beauty industry becauseAmerican women continue to spend on their faces and bodies. (affect)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歶naffected[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬敮涓€涓€涓湭鍙楄锤鏄撳ぇ钀ф潯褰卞搷鐨勪骇涓氬氨鏄編瀹逛笟锛屽洜涓虹編鍥藉濂充粛鐒跺湪浠栦滑澶栬矊涓婅姳璐逛簡寰堝銆傜敱鍚庡崐鍙ョ編鍥藉濂充粛鐒跺湪浠栦滑澶栬矊涓婅姳璐逛簡寰堝鍙煡缇庡涓氭槸鏈彈璐告槗钀ф潯鐨勫奖鍝嶇殑銆備絾瑕佹敞鎰弖naffected鍜宒isaffected鐨勫尯鍒紝unaffected琛ㄧず鈥滀笉鍙楀奖鍝嶇殑锛涜嚜鐒剁殑锛涚湡鎸氱殑锛涗笉鐭弶閫犱綔鐨勨€濓紝鑰宒isaffected琛ㄧず鈥滀笉婊$殑锛涙湁鍙涙剰鐨勶紱鎰ゆ劋涓嶅钩鐨勨€濄€?/div>9.The most 1 and largest German liner to be built since the war was launched at Hamburg.(luxury)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歭uxurious[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭垬鍚庡痉鍥芥渶澶ф渶璞崕鐨勭彮杞湪姹夊牎寮€寤轰簡銆傜敱the most and the largest鍙煡杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓舰瀹硅瘝锛宭uxury鐨勫舰瀹硅瘝褰㈠紡涓簂uxurious锛岃〃绀衡€滃ア渚堢殑锛涗赴瀵岀殑锛涙斁绾电殑锛涚壒绾х殑鈥濄€?/div> 10.Women predominate in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when theydo reach better positions, they are 1 paid less than a man for the same job. (vary)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歩nvariably[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬濂抽暱涔呬互鏉ヤ竴鐩翠粠浜嬬潃鎶ラ叕浣庡粔锛屽崙寰紝绱㈢劧鏃犲懗鐨勫伐浣滐紝浣嗗綋浠栦滑鏈夋満浼氳幏寰椾竴浠芥洿濂界殑宸ヤ綔鏃讹紝鎵€寰楃殑宸ヨ祫鍗存瘮鍚屼竴宀椾綅涓婄殑鐢峰悓浜嬭灏戙€傝繖閲岄渶瑕佷竴涓壇璇嶆潵淇グ鍔ㄨ瘝are paid锛屽啀鐢卞彞鎰忓彲鐭ヤ粬浠墍寰楃殑鎶ラ叕鎬绘槸姣旂敺鍚屼簨瑕佷綆锛屾墍浠ュ簲鐢╥nvariably銆?/div>浜屻€?font>鈪? For each sentence below there are four choices A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that BEST completes the sentence. Then write the correct letter on the Answer Sheet. (鎬婚鏁帮細20锛屽垎鏁帮細20.00)11.The storm sweeping over this area now is sure to cause ______ of vegetables in the comingyear.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.scarcity 鈭?/span>B.varietyC.rarityD.invalidity瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫竴鍦烘毚椋庨洦甯嵎浜嗚鍖哄煙锛屽苟涓斾細瀵艰嚧鏄庡勾钄彍渚涘簲鐨勪笉瓒炽€俿carcity琛ㄧず鈥滀笉瓒筹紱缂轰箯鈥濓紝variety琛ㄧず鈥滃鏍凤紱绉嶇被锛涙潅鑰嶏紱鍙樺寲锛屽鏍峰寲鈥濓紝rarity琛ㄧず鈥滅綍瑙侊紱鐝嶈吹锛涚弽鍝?闇€鐢ㄥ鏁?锛涚█钖勨€濓紝invalidity琛ㄧず鈥滄棤鏁堬紝鏃犱环鍊尖€濄€傝繖閲岃娉ㄦ剰鍖哄垎scarcity鍜宺arity杩欎袱涓瘝锛岄兘琛ㄧず涓嶅鐨勬剰鎬濓紝浣嗕竴涓己璋冧笉瓒筹紝鍙︿竴涓己璋冪弽璐点€?/div>12.The connoisseurs" opinions differed greatly as to the question whether the picture onshow was a (n) ______ Picasso painting.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.explicitB.reliableC.stringentD.authentic 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氳嚦浜庡睍鍑虹殑杩欏箙鐢绘槸涓嶆槸姣曞姞绱㈢殑鐪熷搧锛岄壌璧忓浠剰瑙佷笉涓€銆俥xplicit琛ㄧず鈥滄槑纭殑锛涙竻妤氱殑锛涚洿鐜囩殑锛涜杩扮殑鈥濓紝reliable琛ㄧず鈥滃彲闈犵殑锛涘彲淇¤禆鐨勨€濓紝stringent琛ㄧず鈥滀弗鍘夌殑锛涜揩鍒囩殑锛涢摱鏍圭揣鐨勨€濓紝authentic琛ㄧず鈥滅湡姝g殑锛岀湡瀹炵殑锛涘彲淇$殑鈥濄€?/div>13.Today surgery is more concerned with repairing and ______ functions than with the removalof organs.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.redesigningB.reviewingC.restoring 鈭?/span>D.reserving瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱幇鍦ㄧ殑澶栫鎵嬫湳鏇村鐨勬槸鍏虫敞淇籍鍜屾仮澶嶅櫒瀹樺師鏈夌殑鍔熻兘鑰屼笉鏄幓鎺夋煇浜涘櫒瀹樸€俽edesign琛ㄧず鈥滈噸鏂拌璁♀€濓紝review琛ㄧず鈥滃洖椤撅紱澶嶄範锛涜瘎璁猴紱妫€璁紱妫€闃呪€濓紝restore琛ㄧず鈥滄仮澶嶏紱淇锛涘綊杩樷€濓紝reserve琛ㄧず鈥滃偍澶囷紱淇濈暀锛涢绾︹€濄€?/div>14.The effect is ______, he said, because sleep-restricted people report not feeling sleepy,even though their performance on tasks declines markedly.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.pennissiveB.permissibleC.permutableD.pernicious 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬畠鐨勫奖鍝嶆槸鎭舵€у惊鐜殑锛屽洜涓烘嵁璋冩煡锛岄暱鏈熺己涔忕潯鐪犵殑浜哄敖绠″叾宸ヤ綔鑳藉姏鏄庢樉涓嬮檷鍗存病鏈夊洶鎰忋€俻ennissive娌℃湁杩欐牱鐨勫崟璇嶏紝permissible琛ㄧず鈥滃彲鍏佽鐨勶紱鑾峰緱鍑嗚鐨勨€濓紝permutable琛ㄧず鈥滃彲鎺掑垪鐨勶紱鑳戒氦鎹㈢殑鈥濓紝pernicious琛ㄧず鈥滄湁瀹崇殑锛涙伓鎬х殑锛涜嚧鍛界殑锛涢櫓鎭剁殑鈥濄€?/div>15.All human communication experts agree that we use both verbal and nonverbal methods to______ message to each other.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.transferB.convertC.modifyD.convey 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭墍浠ヤ汉闄呬氦娴佺殑涓撳閮借禐鍚屾垜浠悓鏃朵娇鐢ㄨ瑷€鍜岄潪璇█鐨勬柟寮忔潵浼犻€掍俊鎭€倀ransfer琛ㄧず鈥滆浆璁╋紱杞锛涙崲杞︹€濓紝convert琛ㄧず鈥滀娇杞彉锛涜浆鎹⑩€︹€︼紱浣库€︹€︽敼鍙樹俊浠扳€濓紝modify琛ㄧず鈥滀慨鏀癸紝淇グ锛涙洿鏀光€濓紝convey琛ㄧず鈥滀紶杈撅紱杩愯緭锛涜涓庘€濄€?/div> 16.With its power of displaying a reality that has no ______ existence, the mirror couldsymbolize the mystery of the universe.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.unrealB.surrealC.tangible 鈭?/span>D.pragmatic瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱敱浜庡彲浠ュ睍绀轰笉鍙Е纰扮殑涓栫晫锛岄暅瀛愯兘澶熻薄寰佸畤瀹欑殑绁炵銆倁nreal琛ㄧず鈥滀笉鐪熷疄鐨勶紱鍋囩殑锛涘够鎯崇殑锛涜櫄鏋勭殑鈥濓紝surreal琛ㄧず鈥滆秴鐜板疄涓讳箟鐨勶紱绂诲鐨勶紱涓嶇湡瀹炵殑鈥濓紝tangible琛ㄧず鈥滄湁褰㈢殑锛涘垏瀹炵殑锛涘彲瑙︽懜鐨勨€濓紝pragmatic琛ㄧず鈥滃疄闄呯殑锛涘疄鐢ㄤ富涔夌殑锛涘浗浜嬬殑鈥濄€?/div>17.Job fairs are usually very lively and informal, and you can roam ______, surveying what is on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everydayrun of things.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.at restB.at peaceC.at leisure 鈭?/span>D.at speed瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭嫑鑱樹細閫氬父寰堟椿璺冭€屼笖涓嶅お姝e紡锛屼綘鍙互鎮犻棽鍦版极娓稿叾闂达紝鐪嬬湅鎻愪緵鐨勬湁浜涗粈涔堝矖浣嶏紝鎼滈泦涓€浜涘钩鏃跺彲鑳芥病娉ㄦ剰鍒扮殑灏变笟淇℃伅銆傝繖閲岃€冩煡瀵瑰嚑涓瘝缁勭殑杈ㄦ瀽锛宎t rest琛ㄧず鈥滈潤姝紱浼戞伅锛涘畨鐪犫€濓紝at peace琛ㄧず鈥滃浜庡拰骞崇姸鎬佲€濓紝at leisure琛ㄧず鈥滀粠瀹瑰湴锛涢棽鐫€鍦扳€濓紝at speed琛ㄧず鈥滆繀閫熷湴锛岄珮閫熷湴鈥濓紝鐢眗oam鍙煡锛屽彧鏈塧t leisure鏈€鍚堥€傘€?/div>18.In children"s story books, a policeman is sometimes depicted as a ______ figure but, as amatter of fact, he is very helpful in enforcing law and order.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.pompous 鈭?/span>B.courageousC.gallantD.staunch瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬湪瀛╁瓙浠殑鏁呬簨涔︿腑锛岃瀵熻鎻忕粯鎴愯嚜澶ф诞澶哥殑褰㈣薄銆備絾浜嬪疄涓婁粬浠浜庣淮鎶ゆ硶寰嬪拰娌诲畨杩樻槸寰堟湁甯姪鐨勩€傝繖閲岃娉ㄦ剰杞姌璇峛ut锛屾墍浠ut鍓嶈鐨勫簲璇ユ槸璀﹀療涓嶅ソ鐨勬柟闈紝鑰屽湪鎵€缁欑殑鍑犱釜璇嶄腑锛屽彧鏈塸ompous鏄船涔夌殑銆俻ompous琛ㄧず鈥滆嚜澶х殑锛涙诞澶哥殑锛涘崕鑰屼笉瀹炵殑锛涚埍鐐€€鐨勨€濓紝courageous琛ㄧず鈥滄湁鑳嗛噺鐨勶紝鍕囨暍鐨勨€濓紝gallant琛ㄧず鈥滆嫳鍕囩殑锛屽媷鏁㈢殑锛涘崕涓界殑锛涢泟浼熺殑鈥濓紝staunch琛ㄧず鈥滃潥瀹氱殑锛涘繝璇氱殑锛涘潥鍥虹殑鈥濄€?/div>19.The motion picture is only a series of still photographs which are ______ and viewed inrapid succession to create the illusion of movement and continuity.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.slicedB.spliced 鈭?/span>C.splitD.spilt瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱數褰卞彧鏄竴绯诲垪鐨勯潤鎬佺収鐗囧彔鍔犲湪涓€璧凤紝蹇€熷湴娴忚杩囧幓灏变細浜х敓涓€绉嶅姩鎬佸拰杩炵画鐨勯敊瑙夈€俿lice琛ㄧず鈥滃垏涓嬶紱鎶娾€︹€﹀垎鎴愰儴鍒嗭紱灏嗏€︹€﹀垏鎴愯杽鐗団€濓紝splice琛ㄧず鈥滄嫾鎺ワ紱鎺ュ悎锛涗娇缁撳鈥濓紝split琛ㄧず鈥滃垎绂伙紱浣垮垎绂伙紱鍔堝紑锛涚寮€锛涘垎瑙b€濓紝spill琛ㄧず鈥滀娇婧㈠嚭锛屼娇娴佸嚭锛涗娇鎽斾笅鈥濄€?/div>20.There are certain pairs of words which illustrate the way in which sexual connotations are given to feminine words while the masculine words retain a serious businesslike ______.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.lookB.auraC.sensationD.facade 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭湁涓€浜涜瘝琛ㄦ槑浜嗕竴浜涘叧浜庡コ鎬х殑璇嶆槸鍖呭惈鎬у唴娑电殑锛岃€屼竴浜涚敺鎬ц瘝鍗存樉寰楀緢姝e紡锛屽氨鍍忓叾澶栬〃涓€鏍枫€俵ook琛ㄧず鈥滅湅锛涙牱瀛愶紱闈㈠鈥濓紝aura琛ㄧず鈥滃厜鐜紱姘旀皼锛?涓绛夌殑)棰勫厗锛涙皵鍛斥€濓紝sensation琛ㄧず鈥滄劅瑙夛紱杞板姩锛涙劅鍔ㄢ€濓紝facade鈥滄闈紱琛ㄩ潰锛涘瑙傗€濄€?/div>21.In their productions, choreographers of modern dance have introduced humor, protestedsocial injustice, and ______ psychological problems.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.solvedB.exacerbated 鈭?/span>C.probedD.interfered瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬湪鍒朵綔杩囩▼涓紝鐜颁唬鑸炵殑缂栬垶鑰呭悜浠栦滑浠嬬粛浜嗗菇榛橈紝鍙嶅绀句細涓嶅叕锛屼互鍙婁笉鏂伓鍖栫殑蹇冪悊闂銆俿olved琛ㄧず鈥滆В鍐充簡鐨勨€濓紝exacerbated琛ㄧず鈥滃姞閲嶇殑锛屾伓鍖栫殑鈥濓紝probed琛ㄧず鈥滆皟鏌ョ殑鈥濓紝interfered琛ㄧず鈥滃Θ纰嶇殑锛屽共娑夌殑鈥濄€?/div>22.Right up until the 19th century, physicians and philosophers regarded sleep as a state ofnear ______ in which there was no mental activity, a kind of halfway stage betweenwakefulness and death.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.oblivion 鈭?/span>B.fantasyC.allusionD.illusion瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱洿鍒?0涓栫邯锛屽唴绉戝尰鐢熷拰鍝插瀹朵滑杩樺皢鐫$湢褰撲綔涓€绉嶈繎浼间簬绁炲織涓嶆竻鐨勭姸鎬侊紝杩欐椂鍊欐病鏈夋€濈淮娲诲姩锛屽氨鍍忓浜庤閱掑拰姝讳骸涔嬮棿鐨勪竴绉嶇姸鎬佷竴鏍枫€俹blivion鈥滅蹇椾笉娓咃紝閬楀繕鈥濓紝fantasy鈥滃够鎯筹紱鐧芥棩姊︼紱骞昏鈥濓紝allusion鈥滄殫绀猴紱鎻愬強鈥濓紝illusion鈥滃够瑙夛紝閿欒锛涢敊璇殑瑙傚康鎴栦俊浠扳€濄€?/div>23.Associated with the issue of enabling older people to be active participants in a country"s development is the need for lifelong learning programs to ______ members of theageing population to find employment.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.empower 鈭?/span>B.entrustC.embedD.entice瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氳鑰佸勾浜烘垚涓哄浗瀹跺缓璁惧彂灞曠殑绉瀬鍙備笌鑰呮槸缁堢敓瀛︿範椤圭洰鐨勯渶瑕侊紝瀹冭兘浣胯€佸勾浜烘壘鍒颁竴浠藉悎閫傜殑宸ヤ綔銆俥mpower鈥滄巿鏉冿紝鍏佽锛涗娇鑳藉鈥濓紝entrust鈥滃鎵橈紝淇℃墭鈥濓紝embed鈥滄牻绉嶏紱浣垮祵鍏ワ紝浣挎彃鍏ワ紱浣挎繁鐣欒剳涓€濓紝entice鈥滆浣匡紱鎬傛伩鈥濄€?/div>24.The parents are ______ towards the issue as to whether their child should walk to schoolor the father should drive him to school.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.ambivalent 鈭?/span>B.ambiguousC.arbitraryD.approximate瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬浜庡瀛愭槸搴旇姝ヨ涓婂杩樻槸鐢辩埗浜插紑杞﹂€佷粬浠笂瀛﹁繖涓€闂锛屽闀夸滑鎸佷笉鍚屾剰瑙併€俛mbivalent琛ㄧず鈥滅煕鐩剧殑锛涘ソ鎭剁浉鍏嬬殑鈥濓紝ambiguous琛ㄧず鈥滄ā绯婁笉娓呯殑锛涘紩璧锋涔夌殑鈥濓紝arbitrary琛ㄧず鈥滀换鎰忕殑锛涙鏂殑锛涗笓鍒剁殑鈥濓紝approximate琛ㄧず鈥滆繎浼肩殑锛涘ぇ姒傜殑鈥濄€?/div> 25.However, there is some evidence that culturally ______ management result in higher andbetter business performance as well as increased competitiveness.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.congenitalB.coincidentC.contingent 鈭?/span>D.congruent瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱劧鑰屼竴浜涜瘉鎹嵈琛ㄦ槑渚濇嵁涓嶅悓鐨勬枃鍖栨潵杩涜绠$悊浼氬甫鏉ユ洿楂樻洿濂界殑鍟嗕笟琛ㄧ幇锛屽苟鑳芥彁鍗囩珵浜夊姏銆俢ongenital琛ㄧず鈥滃厛澶╃殑锛屽ぉ鐢熺殑锛涘ぉ璧嬬殑鈥濓紝coincident琛ㄧず鈥滀竴鑷寸殑锛涚鍚堢殑锛涘悓鏃跺彂鐢熺殑鈥濓紝contingent琛ㄧず鈥滃洜鎯呭喌鑰屽紓鐨勶紱涓嶄竴瀹氱殑锛涘伓鐒跺彂鐢熺殑鈥濓紝congruent琛ㄧず鈥滈€傚悎鐨勶紝涓€鑷寸殑锛涘叏绛夌殑锛涘拰璋愮殑鈥濄€?/div>26.All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons______ slowly into the sky.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.ascending 鈭?/span>B.elevatingC.escalatingD.increasing瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬綋浜轰滑鐪嬪埌鎴愬崈涓婄櫨鐨勫僵鑹叉皵鐞冪紦鎱㈠湴鍗囦笂澶╃┖鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浣撹偛鍦哄唴鐨勬墍鏈変汉閮藉紑濮嬫鍛艰捣鏉ャ€俛scend琛ㄧず鈥滀笂鍗囷紱鐧婚珮锛涜拷婧€濓紝鍙綔涓嶅強鐗╁姩璇嶏紝elevate琛ㄧず鈥滄彁鍗囷紱涓捐捣锛涙尟濂嬫儏缁瓑锛涙彁鍗団€︹€︾殑鑱屼綅鈥濓紝escalate琛ㄧず鈥滀娇鈥︹€﹀姞鍓э紱鍔犲墽鈥濓紝increase琛ㄧず鈥滃鍔狅紝澧為暱锛屾彁楂樷€濄€?/div>27.His office is ______ to the President"s; it usually takes him about three minutes to getthere.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.relatedB.adhesiveC.adherentD.adjacent 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫粬鐨勫姙鍏绂绘€荤粺鍔炲叕瀹ゅ緢杩戯紝浠栭€氬父鍙3鍒嗛挓灏辫兘璧板埌閭i噷銆俽elated琛ㄧず鈥滄湁鍏崇郴鐨勶紝鏈夊叧鑱旂殑锛涜杩扮殑锛屽彊杩扮殑鈥濓紝adhesive琛ㄧず鈥滅矘鐫€鐨勶紱甯︾矘鎬х殑鈥濓紝adherent琛ㄧず鈥滈檮鐫€鐨勶紱绮樼潃鐨勨€濓紝adjacent琛ㄧず鈥滈偦杩戠殑锛屾瘲杩炵殑鈥濓紝adjacent to涓庝复杩戯紱涓庯紱涓磋繎锛涢偦杩戠殑銆?/div>28.These melodious folk songs are generally ______ to Smith, a very important musician ofthe century.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>mittedB.contributedC.ascribed 鈭?/span>posed瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氳繖浜涗紭缇庣殑姘戞瓕閮芥槸鍙插瘑鏂墍鍒涳紝浠栨槸鏈笘绾潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑涓€浣嶉煶涔愬銆俢ommit锛岃〃绀衡€滅姱缃紝鍋氶敊浜嬶紱鎶娾€︹€︿氦鎵樼粰锛涙寚娲锯€︹€︿綔鎴橈紱浣库€︹€︽壙鎷呬箟鍔♀€濓紝contribute琛ㄧず鈥滆础鐚紝鍑哄姏锛涙姇绋匡紱鎹愮尞鈥濓紝ascribe琛ㄧず鈥滃綊鍥犱簬锛涘綊鍜庝簬鈥濓紝compose琛ㄧず鈥滄瀯鎴愶紱鍐欎綔锛涗娇骞抽潤锛涙帓鈥︹€︾殑鐗堚€濓紝铏界劧compose鏈夊垱浣滅殑鎰忔€濓紝浣嗘病鏈塩ompose to杩欐牱鐨勭敤娉曪紝ascribe to琛ㄧず鈥滃皢鈥︹€﹀綊鍥犱簬锛屽皢鈥︹€﹀綊灞炰簬鈥濄€?/div>29.As a gifted writer, an ______ politician, a penetrating thinker, he stood far above theintellectual movement of which he become the leader.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.inherentB.ingenious 鈭?/span>C.indigenousD.indulgent瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫綔涓轰竴涓ぉ璧嬬寮傜殑浣滃锛屼竴涓澃鍑虹殑鏀挎不瀹讹紝涓€涓繁閭冪殑鎬濇兂瀹讹紝浠栬繙杩滆秴鍑轰簡浠栨墍棰嗗鐨勬枃鍖栬繍鍔ㄦ湰韬€俰nberent琛ㄧず鈥滃浐鏈夌殑锛涘唴鍦ㄧ殑锛涗笌鐢熶勘鏉ョ殑锛岄仐浼犵殑鈥濓紝ingenious琛ㄧず鈥滄湁鐙垱鎬х殑锛涙満鐏电殑锛岀簿鍒剁殑锛涘績鐏垫墜宸х殑鈥濓紝indigenous琛ㄧず鈥滄湰鍦熺殑锛涘湡钁楃殑锛涘浗浜х殑锛涘浐鏈夌殑鈥濓紝indulgent琛ㄧず鈥滄斁绾电殑锛涘瀹圭殑锛涗换鎬х殑鈥濄€?/div>30.At the inaugural address yesterday the President got his most enthusiastic ______applause when he talked about tax cuts which would help revive the economy.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.simultaneousB.spontaneous 鈭?/span>C.homogenousD.heterogeneous瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬湪鏄ㄥぉ鐨勫氨鑱屾紨璁蹭腑锛屽綋鎬荤粺璋堝埌鎸叴缁忔祹鐨勫噺绋庢斂绛栨椂锛屼粬鑾峰緱浜嗘皯浼楄嚜鍙戠殑锛屾渶鐑儓鐨勬帉澹般€俿imultaneous琛ㄧず鈥滃悓鏃剁殑锛涜仈绔嬬殑锛涘悓鏃跺彂鐢熺殑鈥濓紝spontaneous琛ㄧず鈥滆嚜鍙戠殑锛涜嚜鐒剁殑锛涙棤鎰忚瘑鐨勨€濓紝homogenous琛ㄧず鈥滃悓璐ㄧ殑锛涘悓绫荤殑鈥濓紝heterogeneous琛ㄧず鈥滃鐩哥殑锛涘紓绉嶇殑锛沎鍖栧]涓嶅潎鍖€鐨勶紱鐢变笉鍚屾垚鍒嗗舰鎴愮殑鈥濄€?/div>涓夈€?b>Part 鈪?Reading Comprehension(鎬婚鏁帮細3锛屽垎鏁帮細40.00)A One of the most pivotal moments in American literature occurred near the end of thenineteenth century as authors such as a young man named Stephen Crane began to embrace a literary style forged in Europe a bit earlier and which would come to be known as naturalism. Crane was born to parents in the ministry and grew up in a household grounded in religious beliefs and context. Yet, before long, Crane had, for the most part, rejected religion and the idea of divine intervention in favor of a more hands-on approach to the world. As he began to develop as a writer, naturalist themes of man versus nature, the unrelenting power of nature, and an objective view of the world began to dominate his writing. Naturalists attempted to depict the most accurate view of life unadulterated and unobstructed by external commentary or spiritual intervention. Ultimately, Crane"s masterful short story The Open Boat stands as one of the most complete and developed works of thenaturalist genre.B The first apparent element of naturalism in The Open Boat is its subject matter鈥攁shipwreck. Being as true to life as possible is one of the most common goals of a naturalistic writer, and, in this short story, Crane is no exception. It did not come from Crane"s imagination. Rather, it stemmed from his personal experience. As a young war reporter, Crane was on his way from Florida to Cuba when his vessel, the Commodore, encountered a violent tempest. Within hours, the ship had sunk, leaving a few lucky survivors on a tiny lifeboat to be subjected to the fury of nature. Throughout the story, Crane depicts scene after scene as if they were snapshots or a short film of what the men in the boat were up against. Through his prose, Crane is able to reveal the unadulterated,brutal realism manifest in nature itself.C At the end of the story, the men"s realization of the strength of nature helps them toovercome their fear of drowning and accept the death of the oiler. The men are afraid of drowning, which is evident when they recite, "If I am going to be drowned鈥?" This is recited at three different times, before and during their long night out on the boat, thus suggesting that the men are afraid of drowning. During the long night, "A high cold star on a winter"s night is the word he feels that she says to him. Thereafter he knows the pathos of his situation." Each man realizes that nature is greater than him; therefore, each man understands that he must endure whatever nature throws at him. Also, during this night on the boat, each man comes to the conclusion that his fate is in the hands of nature, in the morning, the men see that they will not be rescued by anyone. As a result of their understanding of their situation that is acquired during the night about the might of nature, they are able to overcome their fear of drowning, and thus death.D Prior to the time when the men jump out of the boat, "the correspondent, observing the others, knew that they were not afraid." The men, because they understand the strength of nature, are able to conquer their fear of death. The men accept their fate; whatever it may be. "There were no hurried words, no pallor, no plain agitation. The men simply looked atthe shore."The correspondent, in the face of mortal peril before leaving the boat, is also not afraid of dying, "it merely occurred to him that if he should drown it would be a shame." When the men swim onto shore, they know that they may die or just as easily live; the outcome is out of their control. Thus, it comes as no surprise to the men when they see one of their comrades, the oiler, dead. The fact that he is the strongest of the men when he "was swimming strongly and rapidly," further shows the power of nature that the men have come to realize. The men"s understanding of nature allows them to overcome their fear of death bydrowning and make a run at the shore without trepidation.E As Crane continues with the theme of man versus nature in The Open Boat , the element ofpessimism, crucial to any naturalistic work, becomes quite apparent. The men are at the mercy of the storms and the seas and cannot do much to save themselves. In this sense, Crane reveals the indifference of nature and the universe in relation to the life or plight of human beings in general. It is obvious to him that angels will not swoop down and save the unfortunate men. The situation of the shipwreck is ideal because ordinary, everyday people must face an extreme situation from which it is more than likely that they will perish. Crane continually creates a mood of impending doom and the punishing nature of the universe throughout the story. Along the way, he provides little commentary on the situation, forcing readers to place themselves immediately in the boat with the men while enforcing the dark tone of the story. But, even to Crane and most naturalist writers, all is not lost. Though the outcome is bleak, Crane does add a glimmer of hope to the story. While in general the individual may seem insignificant in the grand scheme or the universe or to nature itself; Crane instills the importance or camaraderie in the story. For instance, all the sailors cast their ranks aside and help each other swim to shore for safety. In order to survive, the individuals in the boat must cooperate and help each other against the forces of nature.Together they have some dominion of control over their fate, but less so individually. Though they are isolated out among the waves in sight of shore, they remain unified in their struggle for survival, which undermines the predominant pessimistic outlook or the story asa whole.F While Crane"s work The Open Boat is a dark account of a chance situation that turns fatal for many, but not all, of the crew of the Commodore, it also sets forth the main elements of a naturalistic literary work at the turn of the twentieth century. Despite the fact thatnature can be unrelenting and compassionless towards humans at any given moment, Crane ultimately shows how individuals still always have the capacity to strive together to overcome hardships and disasters. Furthermore, the accuracy and detail by Crone shun any possibility of a sugarcoated reality and reveal the true ferocity of nature as it is. Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1? Onyour Answer Sheet, writeYES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVERN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this.锛堝垎鏁帮細10.00锛?/div>(1).In Crane"s view, nature is merciless to human sufferings.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歒ES[瑙f瀽] 鑷劧涓讳箟鐨勪竴涓緢閲嶈鐨勭壒寰佸氨鏄〃鐜板ぇ鑷劧鐨勬棤绌峰姏閲忥紝琛ㄦ槑浜虹被鏃犳硶涓庤嚜鐒舵姉琛°€傜敱E娈典腑鐨処n this sense, Crane reveals the indifference of nature and the universe in relation to the life or plight of human beings in general. It is obvious to him that angels will not swoop down and save the unfortunate men.鍙互鐪嬪嚭浠栬涓哄ぇ鑷劧瀵逛簬浜虹被鐨勮嫤闅炬槸鏃犲姩浜庤》鐨勩€?(2).Naturalists" view of life was often obstructed by spirituality.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div> 瑙f瀽锛歂O[瑙f瀽] 鐢盇娈典腑鐨凬aturalists attempted to depict the most accurate view of life unadulterated and unobstructed by external commentary or spiritual intervention锛庡彲浠ョ湅鍑鸿嚜鐒朵富涔夎€呬滑瀵逛簬浜虹敓鐨勬€佸害涓嶄細鍙楃簿绁炵殑骞叉壈銆?/div> (3).A negative outlook on life and events is a major theme of The Open Boat .锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歒ES [瑙f瀽] 鍦ㄨ繖鏈功涓紝浣滆€呭瀹炲湴鎻忓啓浜嗛偅娆℃捣闅惧彂鐢熺殑鍏ㄨ繃绋嬨€傜敱E娈电涓€鍙ヨ瘽As Crane continues with the theme of man versus nature in Theopen Boat锛宼he element of pessimism, crucial to any naturalistic work, becomes quite apparent. 鍙互鐪嬪嚭瀵逛汉鐢熺殑娑堟瀬鎬佸害涔熸槸鏈功鐨勪富鏃ㄤ箣涓€銆?/div> (4).Naturalists placed more emphasis on representing life as it appeared to them.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歂OT GIVERN[瑙f瀽] 璇ヨ杩板湪鏂囦腑鏈彁鍒般€?/div>(5).In The Open Boat , Crane attempts to address his own spiritual beliefs to his readers.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歂O[瑙f瀽] 鐢盓娈典腑鐨凙long the way, he provides little commentary on the situation, forcing readers to place themselves immediately in the boat with the men while enforcing the dark tone of the story. 鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛屼綔鑰呭苟娌℃湁鎬ヤ簬璇勮鎴栬〃杈捐嚜宸卞浜虹敓鐨勭湅娉曪紝浠栧彧鏄敖鍙兘鐪熷疄鐨勬弿鍐欙紝鐒跺悗璁╄鑰呰嚜宸卞幓鎬濊€冿紝鍘绘劅鎮熴€?/div>(6).For each question below, choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Then writethe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Which of the following can be inferred from this passage about Stephen Crane?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.He enjoyed the ministry and listening to preachersB.He did not enjoy writing when he was youngC.He was rivaled by no other author of his timeD.He was not in tune with the beliefs of his parents 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 杩欐槸涓€閬撶粏鑺傞锛屼俊鎭富瑕侀泦涓湪绗竴娈点€侰rane had, for the most part, rejected religion and the idea of divine intervention in favor of a more hands-on approach to the world.鍙煡锛孋rane鏄弽瀵瑰畻鏁欑殑锛屼粬鎯充翰鑷幓浣撻獙杩欎釜涓栫晫鑰屼笉鏄粠瀹楁暀鐨勮搴﹀幓鐪嬪緟杩欎釜涓栫晫锛岀敱姝ゅ彲瑙佷粬涓庣埗姣嶇殑淇′话鏄笉鍚岀殑銆?/div>(7).According to this passage, The Open Boat is important as a naturalist work because ---|||________|||---.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.it is a true account based on Crane"s own personal experience 鈭?/span>B.it is based on a series of events in a shipwreck that Crane heard ofC.it reveals that the isolation of an individual is a dangerous tacticD.it does not attempt to glorify Crane"s heroism against nature瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 杩欐槸涓€閬撴帹鐞嗛锛岀敱绗簩娈典腑鐨凚eing as true to life as possible is one of the most common goals of a naturalistic writer. 鍙煡鐪熷疄鎬у浜庤嚜鐒朵富涔夌殑灏忚鏄潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑锛岃€? The Open Boat杩欐湰涔︽濂芥槸渚濇嵁浣滆€呯殑浜茶韩缁忓巻鑰屽啓鎴愮殑锛屽洜姝ゅ畠鐗瑰埆绗﹀悎鑷劧涓讳箟灏忚鐨勮姹傚拰鐗瑰緛銆?/div> (8).The author discusses nature in paragraph C in order to ---|||________|||---.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.show that nature is always a strong support for people in plightB.prove that it is a futile effort to fight against the forces of nature 鈭?/span>C.highlight the importance of mutual efforts in surviving a disasterD.reveal Crane"s belief that only divine intervention can save humanity瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 杩欐槸涓€閬撴帹鐞嗛锛屽彲鐢ㄦ帓闄ゆ硶鏉ュ仛銆傞鍏圓椤逛笌鍘熸枃鏄笉绗︾殑锛屽ぇ鑷劧骞舵病鏈夊府鍔╅偅浜涙繁闄峰洶澧冧腑鐨勪汉銆侰椤逛腑鐨刴utual efforts鍦ㄥ師鏂囦腑骞舵病鏈夋彁鍒般€侱椤逛篃涓庡師鏂囦笉绗︼紝Crane鏄弽瀵筪ivine intervention鐨勶紝鎵€浠ュ彧鑳介€夋嫨B椤广€?/div>(9).Besides shipwreck, another naturalistic element of The Open Boat is manifest in ---|||________|||---.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.placing the reader in the midst of the plight of the characters 鈭?/span>B.depicting a bleak scene in a more or less light tone。

四川大学2014年翻译硕士考研真题及答案I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target languages respectively. (30′)1. Overseas remittance: 海外汇款;国外汇款2. European Union Emission Trading Scheme: 欧盟排放交易体系3. carbon sink: 碳汇4. TPP Agreement: 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Partnership)5. COP 19: 联合国气候变化大会第19次缔约方大会[ the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change]6. Malthusian Theory of Population: 马尔萨斯人口论7. sub-Saharan Africa: 撒哈拉以南非洲8. Maastricht Treaty: 马斯特里赫特条约9. Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC):《中国南海缔约方行为公告》10. HSBC:汇丰银行11. the House of Lords:英国上议院12. purchasing power parity:购买力平价13. China-Britain Business Council (CBBC):英中贸易协会14. Wikileaks:维基解密15. rep by pop:人口数决定代表数(representation by population);人民代表16. 创业板市场:Growth Enterprise Market17. 中国共产党第十八届三中全会:the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC (communist party of China)18. 棱镜亊件:PRISM;the US surveillance program PRISM19. 《本草纲目》:compendium of materia medica20. 假冒及盗版产品:counterfeit and pirated products21. 页岩气:shale gas22. 土豪: rich rednecks;Beverly Hillbillies;upstart;rural rich;local tyrant; local lord23. 比特币:bitcoin24. “脱光”(11月11日): ending the situation of being single; say goodbye to the single lives25. 现房与期房: complete apartment and forward delivery housing26. 老年痴呆: senile dementia; Alzheimer’s disease27. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆: Madame Tussauds28. 热岛效应: Urban Heat Island Effect29. 《环球时报》:Global Times30. 《史记》: Historical RecordsII. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120’)Source Text 1:The biographer should sternly confine himself to the functions as introducer and should give no more discussion than is clearly necessary for making the book an independent whole. A little analysis of motive may be necessary here and there, when for example, your hero has put his hand in somebody’s pocket and y ou have to demonstrate that his conduct was due to sheer absence of mind. But you must always remember that a single concrete fact were a saying into which man has put his soul is worth pages of psychological analysis. We may argue till Doom’s Day about Sw ift’s character, his singled phrase of dying like a poisoned rat in a hole, tells us more than all the commentators. The book should be the man himself speaking or acting, or nothing but the man. It should be such a portrait as reveals the essence of character. And the writer who gives anything that does not tell upon the general effect is like the portrait painter who allows the chairs and tables, or even the coat and cravat to distract attention from the vase. The really significant anecdote is often all that survives of a life. And such anecdotes must be made to tell properly instead of being hidden away in the wilderness of the common place. They should be a focus of interest instead of a fallible abstract for a book of miscellaneous. How much would be lost of Johnson if we suppressed the incident of the penance and to(*). It is such incidents that in books as often in life suddenly reveal to us all regions of sentiment, but never rise to the surface in the ordinary routine of our day.Source Text 2:The term genetically modified organism (GMO) refers to plants, microbes and animals with genes transferred from other species in order to produce certain novel characteristics (for example resistance to pests, or herbicides) and are produced by recombinant DNA technology. Four main sources of hazards of GMO are discussed by scientists worldwide:those due to the new genes, and gene products introduced; 2) unintended effects inherent to the teclinology; 3) interactions between foreign genes and host genes; and 4) those arising from the spread of the introduced genes by ordinary cross-pollination as well as by horizontal gene transfer.GM crops contain material, which is not present in them under natural conditions, and they form a part of our daily diet. To understand what effect they can have on us and on our animaJs, it is very important to study the influence of these GM plants in different organisms for several generations. At present, these studies are lackii.j from the scientific literature. Also, several detrimental effects of GM crops had been showed on the metabolism of animals. The hazard of GMO was shown for animals and the environment in many investigations. Earlier it was shown that consumption of GM food by animals led to the negative changes in their organisms. Experiments, conducted by A. Pusztai showed that potatoes modified by the insertion of the gene of snowdrop lectin (雪花莲凝集素),stunled the growth of rats, significantly affected some of their vital organs, including the kidneys, thymus (陶腺),gastrocnemius muscles (聪肠肌)and othersand damaged their intestines and their immune system.Source Text 3:科学是讲求实际的。

2015年四川外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试《翻译硕士英语》真题(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Word Derivation(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.The 1among the allies was no secret to the enemy.(harmony)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:harmony)【解析】(句意:盟国间关系和睦,这对敌军而言已不是秘密。
)2.The situation there was 1. Something must be done promptly.(tolerate)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:intolerable)【解析】(句意:那的情况令人无法忍受,我们必须立刻采取行动。
)3.This is made of 1material.(resist heat)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:healt resistant)【解析】(句意:它由耐热材料制作而成。
此处显然需要一个形容词,heat resistant耐热的,耐高温的。
)4.She was a very 1 social scientist. She proved that apart from self-love, there were other basic human instincts.(observe)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:observant)【解析】(句意:她是一位观察力敏锐的社会科学家,她证实除了利己主义,人类还有其它本能。


2014年四川外国语大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 5. 应用文写作9. 材料作文单项选择题1.“黄河,你千百年来坚韧地浇灌着华北大地,养育着华夏子孙,就如一位慈祥、坚韧的伟大母亲护养着她生养的儿女!”运用了()A.比喻、对比B.比喻、拟人C.明喻、夸张D.拟人、夸张正确答案:B解析:句中将“黄河”比作“母亲”,运用了比喻的修辞手法;另外,黄河“养育华夏子孙”则是将其拟人化,运用了拟人的修辞手法。

2014 年英语翻译硕士考研真题 第一部分短语翻译。 英译汉部分(1'*15=15') CATTI GRE GDP play of words Kumara Jiva semantic translation cultural untranslatability descriptive translation studies idiomatic expressions in English ideological conflict interpreter's booth negative transfer of culture over-loaded translation Robinson Crusoe Gone with the Wind (今年考了好多翻译理论里的专有名词。。)
Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than thebitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has “comebetween” oneself and a beloved. This is always a distortion of reality, forpeople are not the captives or victims of others---they are free agents,working out their own destinies for good or for ill.
We tend to treat persons like goods. We even speak of thechildren “belonging” to their parents. But nobody “belongs” to anyone else. Eachperson belongs to himself, and to God. Children are entrusted to their parents,and if their parents do not treat them properly, the state has a right toremove them from their parents’ trusteeship.

翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试四川外国语大学2014年真题(总分:94.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate words derived from the words given in parentheses at the end of the sentences.(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.The front army troops were 1 by a large contingent of students from the military academy. (strength)(分数:1.00)解析:strengthened[解析] 句意:军校的学生分队加入后,前线部队实力得到了增强。
2.I was looking forward to a casual stroll, but he walked at a 1 pace. (vigor)(分数:1.00)解析:vigorous[解析] 句意:我希望只是随意逛逛,但是他走起来步伐矫健。
3.A 1 of cultures or ideas occurs when two very different cultures or people meet and conflict. (collide)(分数:1.00)解析:collision[解析] 句意:当两种截然不同的文化或民族相遇并碰撞时,便会产生文化和观念上的冲突。
4.The 1 purpose of scientific discourse is not the mere presentation of information and thought, but rather its actual communication. (fundament)(分数:1.00)解析:fundamental[解析] 句意:科学论述的最根本的目的不只是传递信息和表达思想,更重要的是现实的交流。

2014年四川外国语大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(总分:54.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:25,分数:50.00)1.“黄河,你千百年来坚韧地浇灌着华北大地,养育着华夏子孙,就如一位慈祥、坚韧的伟大母亲护养着她生养的儿女!”运用了()(分数:2.00)A.比喻、对比B.比喻、拟人C.明喻、夸张D.拟人、夸张2.象形、指事、会意、形声都有的一组字是()(分数:2.00)A.益盂戌朱B.涉伐豕疫C.布刃取囤D.易甘贼旗3.跟“野生”词性相同的是()(分数:2.00)A.女式B.男士C.出生D.野游4.“他会英语”、“他会说英语”和“他会来的”中的三个“会”字的词性分别是()(分数:2.00)A.动词、助动词、助动词B.助动词、助动词、动词C.助动词、动词、动词D.动词、助动词、动词5.划分汉语词类的标准应该是()(分数:2.00)A.语法意义B.语法功能C.形态标志D.音节结构6.普通话语音系统里,p[p h ]的发音特征是()(分数:2.00)A.双唇不送气清塞音B.双唇送气清塞音C.双唇浊鼻音D.唇齿清擦音7.“小李,你还记得咱们第一次见面的情景吗?”这个句子从结构上看是()(分数:2.00)A.体词性(名词性)偏正短语作宾语B.主谓短语作宾语C.兼语短语作宾语D.连动短语作谓语8.下面几组外来词,借用方式相同的一组是()(分数:2.00)A.卡宾枪、香槟酒、道林纸B.汉堡包、沙发、吉普车C.易拉罐、幽默、意识流D.艾滋病、迪斯科、保龄球9.长江全长约6300公里,流经青海、西藏……()个省、自治区、直辖市,流域面积达180余万平方公里:(分数:2.00)A.9B.10C.11D.1210.科举制度从隋朝持续到了清末,总共持续了多少年()(分数:2.00)A.1200B.1300C.1400D.150011.由于推崇高门大姓,古代的“郡望意识”很流行。

2015年四川外国语大学英语翻译硕士MTI真题及答案解析2015年四川外国语大学英语翻译硕士MTI真题及答案解析(1/30)Vocabulary第1题The______among the allies was no secret to the enemy.(harmony)下一题(2/30)Vocabulary第2题The situation there was______. Something must be done promptly.(tolerate)上一题下一题(3/30)Vocabulary第3题This is made of______material.(resist heat)上一题下一题(4/30)Vocabulary第4题She was a very ______ social scientist. She proved that apart from self-love, there were other basic human instincts.(observe) 上一题下一题(5/30)Vocabulary第5题You can live longest and best and most______by attaining and preserving the happiness of learning.(reward)上一题下一题(6/30)Vocabulary第6题You think I′m joking? No! I′m in dead______.(earn)(7/30)Vocabulary第7题Many times he demonstrated his______to other cops.(fear)上一题下一题(8/30)Vocabulary第8题In modern society, workers are in danger of being______. They become extension of the machine.(human)上一题下一题(9/30)Vocabulary第9题______, most of these students studying overseas will come back eventually instead of settling down there permanently.(presume)上一题下一题(10/30)Vocabulary第10题Nobody knows for sure how much these free official banquets have cost the people, but it musthave reached on______figure.(astronomy)上一题下一题(11/30)Vocabulary第11题The emotional strain of attending his dying mother______all his strength.A.sappedB.depletedC.enervatedD.enfeebled(12/30)Vocabulary第12题The social worker claimed that it was impossible for the old man to live on his______pension.A.inadequateB.insufficientC.meagerD.skimpy上一题下一题(13/30)Vocabulary第13题The mystic found it hard, if not impossible, to______his philosophic position.A.stateB.verbalize/doc/e5696360.html,municateD.deliver上一题下一题(14/30)Vocabulary第14题Literary magazines give $ 200______for critical articles from people who want to make a name for themselves in this field.A.emolumentB.remunerationC.stipendD.honorariums上一题下一题(15/30)Vocabulary第15题He displayed______ignorance in handling what was an only routine personnel problem.A.opprobriousB.deplorableC.culpableD.regrettable上一题下一题(16/30)VocabularyEuropeans______the indigenous Indian population they met with.A.supplantedB.displacedC.rectifiedD.renovated上一题下一题(17/30)Vocabulary第17题Disappointment followed his hopes of______after the costly operation.A.rejuvenescenceB.renascenceC.rejuvenationD.recrudescence上一题下一题(18/30)Vocabulary第18题He attempts to______the truth by appealing to dishonest, ignorant and irresponsible bigotry.A.vitiateB.adulterateC.contaminateD.pervert上一题下一题(19/30)Vocabulary第19题The typical ______professor was rapt in solving an equation while crossing against a red light.A.inattentiveB.abstractedC.absent-mindedD.oblivious上一题下一题(20/30)Vocabulary第20题A newly independent colony was plunged into ______ by warring factions and a lack of central leadership.A.riotB.anarchyC.disorderD.disturbance上一题下一题(21/30)Vocabulary第21题______parents are relying even more heavily on tutors and cram schools to help their children succeed.B.AnxiousC.FretfulD.Farsighted上一题下一题(22/30)Vocabulary第22题G. B Shaw wondered how parents could wait until their anger cooled in order to ______ their children in cold blood.A.flogB.spankC.thrashD.scourge上一题下一题(23/30)Vocabulary第23题A______smile that in the next minute turned into an embarrassed blush.A.winsomeB.blitheC.cherryD.sunny上一题下一题(24/30)Vocabulary第24题The judge′s ruling that political beliefs of the accuse d were______to the question of his guilt.A.extrinsicB.superfluousC.inessentialD.immaterial上一题下一题(25/30)Vocabulary第25题A corrupt public official was______by colleagues afraid of inquires into their own affairs.A.palliatedB.glossed overC.whitewashedD.extenuated上一题下一题(26/30)Vocabulary第26题"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it," wrote Oscar Wilde, a composer of brilliant______.A.mottosB.aphorismsD.epigrams上一题下一题(27/30)Vocabulary第27题The manager______a clerk whose clumsiness was responsible for the complete breakdown of operations in his department.A.rebukedB.admonishedC.reprimandedD.reproached上一题下一题(28/30)Vocabulary第28题They______the mounting evidence of discrepancies in the report as justifying a new investigation.A.beckonedB.invokedC.subpoenaedD.conjured上一题下一题(29/30)Vocabulary第29题According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, only 25% of those who suffer hip ______ever fully recover; as many as 20% will die within 12 months. Even when patients do recover, nearly half will need a cane or a walker to get around.A.frankincenseB.fragmentsC.fracturesD.fraction上一题下一题(30/30)Vocabulary第30题A steady flow of the ______weapons spread its genial influence throughout the frontier, and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.A.covetousB.covetedC.covetingD.covet上一题下一题(31~35/共40题)Reading ComprehensionChris Hrapko isn′t afraid of tough conversations. As the founder of a nonprofit social-service agency, she battles bureaucracies on behalf of the homeless and the working poor. But there is one conversation Hrapko avoided. When her 92-year-old mother fell and broke her hip earlier。

西班牙语1 李怡
(2014级1. 2班)


四川外国语大学16MTI 回忆版百科1.以下不属于四大盆地的是:准噶尔盆地、吐鲁番盆地、柴达木盆地、塔里木盆地2.道路制:唐宋-辽金3.“武”是哪一种:指事4.《声无哀乐论》作者:嵇康5.不属于北宋四大理学家:朱熹6.桂榜:乡试7.“三武一宗之厄”:佛教8.不是“宋初四大书院”:丽泽书院9.“辋川别业”:王维10.不属于“善本三义”:抄本、足本、精本、旧本11.“文章合为时而著,诗歌合为事而作”:白居易12.“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮”:秦观13.不属于“四大传奇”:琵琶记14.讲究“义理、考据、辞章”的是:姚鼐nài15.关于佛教宗派:净土宗16.不是楷书四大家:王羲之17.江西著名的砚台:歙s hè砚18.风声鹤唳出自哪场战争:淝水之战19.以下不属于黏着语系的是:芬兰语20.“语言天赋说”:乔姆斯基21.古文字、今文字的分水岭:隶书22.以下不属于外来词的是:坦克、土豆、引擎、卡片23.表示疑问的句子:我也不知道他去哪儿了24.“蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明”的修辞手法:拟人25.下列句子没毛病的是:中国人在一千多年前就已种植和使用麻油了。
四川外国语大学17MTI 回忆版百科1.早期文化中,是夏王朝统治中心的是:A红山文化B二里头文化C陶寺文化D大汶口文化2.《尚书》把天下分为九州,九州不包括:A兖州B雍州C徐州D并州3.“旧时毛谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家”,毛氏家族的籍贯在:A琅琊B南京C洛阳D会稽4.最早系统提出“六书”的是:A仓颉篇B经典释文C说文解字D一切经首义5.“节葬”“明鬼”主张的先秦流派:A儒家B墨家C名家D阴阳家6.《通典》的作者:7.普贤菩萨的道场位于:A普陀山B五台山C峨眉山D九华山8.“X谷园”属于哪一种园林:(复习园林那一章节,看哪些是哪一种园林类别,并记住相应的代表)9.《抱朴子》的作者10.“北宋四大类书”不包括:11.《天下郡国利病书》的作者:12.屈原的《九歌》不包括哪一篇:13.《拟咏怀》组诗的作者14.以下诗句中,哪一句不是李商隐所作:(基本都没见过。

缈昏瘧纭曞+鑻辫瀛︿綅MTI鑰冭瘯鍥涘窛澶栧浗璇ぇ瀛?013骞寸湡棰?/div>(鎬诲垎锛?00.00锛屽仛棰樻椂闂达細90鍒嗛挓)涓€銆?font>鈪? Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate words derived from the words given in parentheses at the end of the sentences.(鎬婚鏁帮細10锛屽垎鏁帮細10.00)1.The government fretted that the 1 had illegally got the technology for making nuclearweapons. (terror)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歵errorists[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭斂搴滄媴蹇冩亹鎬栧垎瀛愬凡缁忛€氳繃闈炴硶鎵嬫鑾峰緱浜嗗埗閫犳牳姝﹀櫒鐨勬妧鏈€傚緢鏄庢樉璇ヤ粠鍙ヤ腑缂哄皯涓€涓富璇紝鑰屽埗閫犳牳姝﹀櫒鐨勮偗瀹氭槸浜猴紝鍥犳鍙互鑲畾鏄亹鎬栧垎瀛愩€?/div>2.A recent study says women easily form negative attitude to other women, while on the otherhand men are more 1 of their peers. (tolerate)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歵olerable[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭渶杩戠殑涓€椤圭爺绌惰〃鏄庡コ浜哄緢瀹规槗瀵瑰叾浠栫殑濂充汉褰㈡垚涓嶅ソ鐨勫嵃璞★紝鑰岀敺浜哄浠栦滑鐨勫悓鑳炴樉寰楄鏇村瀹广€傜敱while鍙煡杩欓噷琛ㄨ浆鎶橈紝鍗崇敺浜虹殑鎯呭喌鍜屽墠闈㈢殑涓嶄竴鏍凤紝鍐嶇敱are more鍙煡杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓舰瀹硅瘝锛屽洜姝ゅ彲浠ョ‘璁よ繖閲岄渶瑕佸~tolerable銆?/div>3.A man of learning, if he does not wish to 1 himself, must never cease to participate inpublic affairs. (grade)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歞egrade[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬鏋滀竴涓湁瀛﹁瘑鐨勪汉涓嶆兂闄嶄綆鑷繁韬唤鐨勮瘽锛屼粬灏辫涓嶅仠鍦板弬涓庡埌鍏叡浜嬬墿涓潵銆傜敱杩欓噷鐨勪笉瀹氬紡缁撴瀯鍙煡闇€瑕佸~鍐欎竴涓姩璇嶏紝铏界劧grade涔熷彲浠ヤ綔鍔ㄨ瘝锛屼絾瀹冧綔鍔ㄨ瘝琛ㄧず鈥滆瘎鍒嗭紱鎶娾€︹€﹀垎绛夌骇鈥濈敤鍦ㄨ繖閲屽苟涓嶅悎閫傘€俤egrade琛ㄧず鈥滆船浣庯紱浣库€︹€︿涪鑴革紱浣库€︹€﹂檷绾э紱浣库€︹€﹂檷瑙b€濄€?/div>4.Wastes only become pollutants when their levels rise to the point at which nature"s 1systems are overwhelmed and can no longer cope. (pure)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歱urification[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬彧鏈夊綋搴熺墿鐨勯噺瓒呰繃浜嗕竴瀹氱殑闄愬害浠ヨ嚦浜庡ぇ鑷劧鐨勮嚜鍑€绯荤粺涓嶈兘姝e父杩愪綔鏃讹紝搴熺墿鎵嶄細鍙樻垚姹℃煋鐗┿€傝繖閲屾槸涓€涓悕璇嶇煭璇紝鍥犳瑕佺敤pure鐨勫悕璇嶅舰寮忋€俻urification system琛ㄧず鈥滆嚜鍑€绯荤粺鈥濄€?5.The child let out a scream and then shrieked 1. "Stop it! Stop it! You"re killing me!"(hysteria)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歨ysterically[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氶偅涓皬瀛╂瓏鏂簳閲岃埇鍦板皷鍙潃锛氣€滀笉瑕侊紝涓嶈锛屼笉瑕佹潃鎴?鈥濊繖閲岄渶瑕佷竴涓瘝鏉ヤ慨楗皊hriek锛屼竴鑸敤鍓瘝鏉ヤ慨楗板姩璇嶏紝鎵€浠ヨ鐢ㄥ叾鍓瘝褰㈠紡銆俬ysterically琛ㄧず鈥滄瓏鏂簳閲屽湴鈥濄€?/div> 6.Apart from adding to the economic 1 of society, unemployment results in dissatisfied andfrustrated individuals who are forced by circumstances to remain unproductive. (balance)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歩mbalance[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬け涓氶櫎浜嗕細澧炲姞绀句細鐨勭粡娴庝笉骞宠涔嬪锛岃繕浼氶€犳垚浜轰滑鐨勪笉婊″拰澶辨湜锛屽洜涓轰粬浠彈澶变笟鎵€杩笉鑳藉垱閫犵浉搴旂殑浠峰€笺€傞鍏堢敱鍙ュ瓙缁撴瀯鍒ゆ柇杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓悕璇嶏紝鍐嶆牴鎹彞鎰忓彲鐭ュけ涓氫細瀵艰嚧缁忔祹涓嶅钩琛★紝鍥犳瑕佸~imbalance銆?/div>7.What he wants to spell out in his book is the corruption of the rich and their 1 desirefor more money and power. (satiate)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歩nsatiate[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫粬鎯冲湪涔︿腑闃愯堪鐨勬槸瀵屼汉浠殑鑵愯触浠ュ強浠栦滑瀵逛簬閲戦挶鍜屾潈鍒╂案涓嶆弧瓒崇殑娆叉湜銆傞鍏堢敱鍙ュ瓙缁撴瀯鍒ゆ柇杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓舰瀹硅瘝锛屽啀鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰鍙煡锛屽瘜浜轰滑鏄椽寰楁棤鍘岋紝姘歌繙涓嶇煡婊¤冻鐨勶紝鍥犳瑕佺敤satiate鐨勫弽涔夊舰瀹硅瘝銆俰nsatiate琛ㄧず鈥滀笉鐭ヨ冻鐨勨€濄€?/div>8.The one industry 1 by the general depression of trade is the beauty industry becauseAmerican women continue to spend on their faces and bodies. (affect)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歶naffected[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬敮涓€涓€涓湭鍙楄锤鏄撳ぇ钀ф潯褰卞搷鐨勪骇涓氬氨鏄編瀹逛笟锛屽洜涓虹編鍥藉濂充粛鐒跺湪浠栦滑澶栬矊涓婅姳璐逛簡寰堝銆傜敱鍚庡崐鍙ョ編鍥藉濂充粛鐒跺湪浠栦滑澶栬矊涓婅姳璐逛簡寰堝鍙煡缇庡涓氭槸鏈彈璐告槗钀ф潯鐨勫奖鍝嶇殑銆備絾瑕佹敞鎰弖naffected鍜宒isaffected鐨勫尯鍒紝unaffected琛ㄧず鈥滀笉鍙楀奖鍝嶇殑锛涜嚜鐒剁殑锛涚湡鎸氱殑锛涗笉鐭弶閫犱綔鐨勨€濓紝鑰宒isaffected琛ㄧず鈥滀笉婊$殑锛涙湁鍙涙剰鐨勶紱鎰ゆ劋涓嶅钩鐨勨€濄€?/div>9.The most 1 and largest German liner to be built since the war was launched at Hamburg.(luxury)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歭uxurious[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭垬鍚庡痉鍥芥渶澶ф渶璞崕鐨勭彮杞湪姹夊牎寮€寤轰簡銆傜敱the most and the largest鍙煡杩欓噷闇€瑕佷竴涓舰瀹硅瘝锛宭uxury鐨勫舰瀹硅瘝褰㈠紡涓簂uxurious锛岃〃绀衡€滃ア渚堢殑锛涗赴瀵岀殑锛涙斁绾电殑锛涚壒绾х殑鈥濄€?/div> 10.Women predominate in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when theydo reach better positions, they are 1 paid less than a man for the same job. (vary)锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歩nvariably[瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬濂抽暱涔呬互鏉ヤ竴鐩翠粠浜嬬潃鎶ラ叕浣庡粔锛屽崙寰紝绱㈢劧鏃犲懗鐨勫伐浣滐紝浣嗗綋浠栦滑鏈夋満浼氳幏寰椾竴浠芥洿濂界殑宸ヤ綔鏃讹紝鎵€寰楃殑宸ヨ祫鍗存瘮鍚屼竴宀椾綅涓婄殑鐢峰悓浜嬭灏戙€傝繖閲岄渶瑕佷竴涓壇璇嶆潵淇グ鍔ㄨ瘝are paid锛屽啀鐢卞彞鎰忓彲鐭ヤ粬浠墍寰楃殑鎶ラ叕鎬绘槸姣旂敺鍚屼簨瑕佷綆锛屾墍浠ュ簲鐢╥nvariably銆?/div>浜屻€?font>鈪? For each sentence below there are four choices A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that BEST completes the sentence. Then write the correct letter on the Answer Sheet. (鎬婚鏁帮細20锛屽垎鏁帮細20.00)11.The storm sweeping over this area now is sure to cause ______ of vegetables in the comingyear.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.scarcity 鈭?/span>B.varietyC.rarityD.invalidity瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫竴鍦烘毚椋庨洦甯嵎浜嗚鍖哄煙锛屽苟涓斾細瀵艰嚧鏄庡勾钄彍渚涘簲鐨勪笉瓒炽€俿carcity琛ㄧず鈥滀笉瓒筹紱缂轰箯鈥濓紝variety琛ㄧず鈥滃鏍凤紱绉嶇被锛涙潅鑰嶏紱鍙樺寲锛屽鏍峰寲鈥濓紝rarity琛ㄧず鈥滅綍瑙侊紱鐝嶈吹锛涚弽鍝?闇€鐢ㄥ鏁?锛涚█钖勨€濓紝invalidity琛ㄧず鈥滄棤鏁堬紝鏃犱环鍊尖€濄€傝繖閲岃娉ㄦ剰鍖哄垎scarcity鍜宺arity杩欎袱涓瘝锛岄兘琛ㄧず涓嶅鐨勬剰鎬濓紝浣嗕竴涓己璋冧笉瓒筹紝鍙︿竴涓己璋冪弽璐点€?/div>12.The connoisseurs" opinions differed greatly as to the question whether the picture onshow was a (n) ______ Picasso painting.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.explicitB.reliableC.stringentD.authentic 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氳嚦浜庡睍鍑虹殑杩欏箙鐢绘槸涓嶆槸姣曞姞绱㈢殑鐪熷搧锛岄壌璧忓浠剰瑙佷笉涓€銆俥xplicit琛ㄧず鈥滄槑纭殑锛涙竻妤氱殑锛涚洿鐜囩殑锛涜杩扮殑鈥濓紝reliable琛ㄧず鈥滃彲闈犵殑锛涘彲淇¤禆鐨勨€濓紝stringent琛ㄧず鈥滀弗鍘夌殑锛涜揩鍒囩殑锛涢摱鏍圭揣鐨勨€濓紝authentic琛ㄧず鈥滅湡姝g殑锛岀湡瀹炵殑锛涘彲淇$殑鈥濄€?/div>13.Today surgery is more concerned with repairing and ______ functions than with the removalof organs.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.redesigningB.reviewingC.restoring 鈭?/span>D.reserving瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱幇鍦ㄧ殑澶栫鎵嬫湳鏇村鐨勬槸鍏虫敞淇籍鍜屾仮澶嶅櫒瀹樺師鏈夌殑鍔熻兘鑰屼笉鏄幓鎺夋煇浜涘櫒瀹樸€俽edesign琛ㄧず鈥滈噸鏂拌璁♀€濓紝review琛ㄧず鈥滃洖椤撅紱澶嶄範锛涜瘎璁猴紱妫€璁紱妫€闃呪€濓紝restore琛ㄧず鈥滄仮澶嶏紱淇锛涘綊杩樷€濓紝reserve琛ㄧず鈥滃偍澶囷紱淇濈暀锛涢绾︹€濄€?/div>14.The effect is ______, he said, because sleep-restricted people report not feeling sleepy,even though their performance on tasks declines markedly.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.pennissiveB.permissibleC.permutableD.pernicious 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬畠鐨勫奖鍝嶆槸鎭舵€у惊鐜殑锛屽洜涓烘嵁璋冩煡锛岄暱鏈熺己涔忕潯鐪犵殑浜哄敖绠″叾宸ヤ綔鑳藉姏鏄庢樉涓嬮檷鍗存病鏈夊洶鎰忋€俻ennissive娌℃湁杩欐牱鐨勫崟璇嶏紝permissible琛ㄧず鈥滃彲鍏佽鐨勶紱鑾峰緱鍑嗚鐨勨€濓紝permutable琛ㄧず鈥滃彲鎺掑垪鐨勶紱鑳戒氦鎹㈢殑鈥濓紝pernicious琛ㄧず鈥滄湁瀹崇殑锛涙伓鎬х殑锛涜嚧鍛界殑锛涢櫓鎭剁殑鈥濄€?/div>15.All human communication experts agree that we use both verbal and nonverbal methods to______ message to each other.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.transferB.convertC.modifyD.convey 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭墍浠ヤ汉闄呬氦娴佺殑涓撳閮借禐鍚屾垜浠悓鏃朵娇鐢ㄨ瑷€鍜岄潪璇█鐨勬柟寮忔潵浼犻€掍俊鎭€倀ransfer琛ㄧず鈥滆浆璁╋紱杞锛涙崲杞︹€濓紝convert琛ㄧず鈥滀娇杞彉锛涜浆鎹⑩€︹€︼紱浣库€︹€︽敼鍙樹俊浠扳€濓紝modify琛ㄧず鈥滀慨鏀癸紝淇グ锛涙洿鏀光€濓紝convey琛ㄧず鈥滀紶杈撅紱杩愯緭锛涜涓庘€濄€?/div> 16.With its power of displaying a reality that has no ______ existence, the mirror couldsymbolize the mystery of the universe.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.unrealB.surrealC.tangible 鈭?/span>D.pragmatic瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱敱浜庡彲浠ュ睍绀轰笉鍙Е纰扮殑涓栫晫锛岄暅瀛愯兘澶熻薄寰佸畤瀹欑殑绁炵銆倁nreal琛ㄧず鈥滀笉鐪熷疄鐨勶紱鍋囩殑锛涘够鎯崇殑锛涜櫄鏋勭殑鈥濓紝surreal琛ㄧず鈥滆秴鐜板疄涓讳箟鐨勶紱绂诲鐨勶紱涓嶇湡瀹炵殑鈥濓紝tangible琛ㄧず鈥滄湁褰㈢殑锛涘垏瀹炵殑锛涘彲瑙︽懜鐨勨€濓紝pragmatic琛ㄧず鈥滃疄闄呯殑锛涘疄鐢ㄤ富涔夌殑锛涘浗浜嬬殑鈥濄€?/div>17.Job fairs are usually very lively and informal, and you can roam ______, surveying what is on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everydayrun of things.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.at restB.at peaceC.at leisure 鈭?/span>D.at speed瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭嫑鑱樹細閫氬父寰堟椿璺冭€屼笖涓嶅お姝e紡锛屼綘鍙互鎮犻棽鍦版极娓稿叾闂达紝鐪嬬湅鎻愪緵鐨勬湁浜涗粈涔堝矖浣嶏紝鎼滈泦涓€浜涘钩鏃跺彲鑳芥病娉ㄦ剰鍒扮殑灏变笟淇℃伅銆傝繖閲岃€冩煡瀵瑰嚑涓瘝缁勭殑杈ㄦ瀽锛宎t rest琛ㄧず鈥滈潤姝紱浼戞伅锛涘畨鐪犫€濓紝at peace琛ㄧず鈥滃浜庡拰骞崇姸鎬佲€濓紝at leisure琛ㄧず鈥滀粠瀹瑰湴锛涢棽鐫€鍦扳€濓紝at speed琛ㄧず鈥滆繀閫熷湴锛岄珮閫熷湴鈥濓紝鐢眗oam鍙煡锛屽彧鏈塧t leisure鏈€鍚堥€傘€?/div>18.In children"s story books, a policeman is sometimes depicted as a ______ figure but, as amatter of fact, he is very helpful in enforcing law and order.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.pompous 鈭?/span>B.courageousC.gallantD.staunch瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬湪瀛╁瓙浠殑鏁呬簨涔︿腑锛岃瀵熻鎻忕粯鎴愯嚜澶ф诞澶哥殑褰㈣薄銆備絾浜嬪疄涓婁粬浠浜庣淮鎶ゆ硶寰嬪拰娌诲畨杩樻槸寰堟湁甯姪鐨勩€傝繖閲岃娉ㄦ剰杞姌璇峛ut锛屾墍浠ut鍓嶈鐨勫簲璇ユ槸璀﹀療涓嶅ソ鐨勬柟闈紝鑰屽湪鎵€缁欑殑鍑犱釜璇嶄腑锛屽彧鏈塸ompous鏄船涔夌殑銆俻ompous琛ㄧず鈥滆嚜澶х殑锛涙诞澶哥殑锛涘崕鑰屼笉瀹炵殑锛涚埍鐐€€鐨勨€濓紝courageous琛ㄧず鈥滄湁鑳嗛噺鐨勶紝鍕囨暍鐨勨€濓紝gallant琛ㄧず鈥滆嫳鍕囩殑锛屽媷鏁㈢殑锛涘崕涓界殑锛涢泟浼熺殑鈥濓紝staunch琛ㄧず鈥滃潥瀹氱殑锛涘繝璇氱殑锛涘潥鍥虹殑鈥濄€?/div>19.The motion picture is only a series of still photographs which are ______ and viewed inrapid succession to create the illusion of movement and continuity.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.slicedB.spliced 鈭?/span>C.splitD.spilt瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱數褰卞彧鏄竴绯诲垪鐨勯潤鎬佺収鐗囧彔鍔犲湪涓€璧凤紝蹇€熷湴娴忚杩囧幓灏变細浜х敓涓€绉嶅姩鎬佸拰杩炵画鐨勯敊瑙夈€俿lice琛ㄧず鈥滃垏涓嬶紱鎶娾€︹€﹀垎鎴愰儴鍒嗭紱灏嗏€︹€﹀垏鎴愯杽鐗団€濓紝splice琛ㄧず鈥滄嫾鎺ワ紱鎺ュ悎锛涗娇缁撳鈥濓紝split琛ㄧず鈥滃垎绂伙紱浣垮垎绂伙紱鍔堝紑锛涚寮€锛涘垎瑙b€濓紝spill琛ㄧず鈥滀娇婧㈠嚭锛屼娇娴佸嚭锛涗娇鎽斾笅鈥濄€?/div>20.There are certain pairs of words which illustrate the way in which sexual connotations are given to feminine words while the masculine words retain a serious businesslike ______.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.lookB.auraC.sensationD.facade 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氭湁涓€浜涜瘝琛ㄦ槑浜嗕竴浜涘叧浜庡コ鎬х殑璇嶆槸鍖呭惈鎬у唴娑电殑锛岃€屼竴浜涚敺鎬ц瘝鍗存樉寰楀緢姝e紡锛屽氨鍍忓叾澶栬〃涓€鏍枫€俵ook琛ㄧず鈥滅湅锛涙牱瀛愶紱闈㈠鈥濓紝aura琛ㄧず鈥滃厜鐜紱姘旀皼锛?涓绛夌殑)棰勫厗锛涙皵鍛斥€濓紝sensation琛ㄧず鈥滄劅瑙夛紱杞板姩锛涙劅鍔ㄢ€濓紝facade鈥滄闈紱琛ㄩ潰锛涘瑙傗€濄€?/div>21.In their productions, choreographers of modern dance have introduced humor, protestedsocial injustice, and ______ psychological problems.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.solvedB.exacerbated 鈭?/span>C.probedD.interfered瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬湪鍒朵綔杩囩▼涓紝鐜颁唬鑸炵殑缂栬垶鑰呭悜浠栦滑浠嬬粛浜嗗菇榛橈紝鍙嶅绀句細涓嶅叕锛屼互鍙婁笉鏂伓鍖栫殑蹇冪悊闂銆俿olved琛ㄧず鈥滆В鍐充簡鐨勨€濓紝exacerbated琛ㄧず鈥滃姞閲嶇殑锛屾伓鍖栫殑鈥濓紝probed琛ㄧず鈥滆皟鏌ョ殑鈥濓紝interfered琛ㄧず鈥滃Θ纰嶇殑锛屽共娑夌殑鈥濄€?/div>22.Right up until the 19th century, physicians and philosophers regarded sleep as a state ofnear ______ in which there was no mental activity, a kind of halfway stage betweenwakefulness and death.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.oblivion 鈭?/span>B.fantasyC.allusionD.illusion瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱洿鍒?0涓栫邯锛屽唴绉戝尰鐢熷拰鍝插瀹朵滑杩樺皢鐫$湢褰撲綔涓€绉嶈繎浼间簬绁炲織涓嶆竻鐨勭姸鎬侊紝杩欐椂鍊欐病鏈夋€濈淮娲诲姩锛屽氨鍍忓浜庤閱掑拰姝讳骸涔嬮棿鐨勪竴绉嶇姸鎬佷竴鏍枫€俹blivion鈥滅蹇椾笉娓咃紝閬楀繕鈥濓紝fantasy鈥滃够鎯筹紱鐧芥棩姊︼紱骞昏鈥濓紝allusion鈥滄殫绀猴紱鎻愬強鈥濓紝illusion鈥滃够瑙夛紝閿欒锛涢敊璇殑瑙傚康鎴栦俊浠扳€濄€?/div>23.Associated with the issue of enabling older people to be active participants in a country"s development is the need for lifelong learning programs to ______ members of theageing population to find employment.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.empower 鈭?/span>B.entrustC.embedD.entice瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氳鑰佸勾浜烘垚涓哄浗瀹跺缓璁惧彂灞曠殑绉瀬鍙備笌鑰呮槸缁堢敓瀛︿範椤圭洰鐨勯渶瑕侊紝瀹冭兘浣胯€佸勾浜烘壘鍒颁竴浠藉悎閫傜殑宸ヤ綔銆俥mpower鈥滄巿鏉冿紝鍏佽锛涗娇鑳藉鈥濓紝entrust鈥滃鎵橈紝淇℃墭鈥濓紝embed鈥滄牻绉嶏紱浣垮祵鍏ワ紝浣挎彃鍏ワ紱浣挎繁鐣欒剳涓€濓紝entice鈥滆浣匡紱鎬傛伩鈥濄€?/div>24.The parents are ______ towards the issue as to whether their child should walk to schoolor the father should drive him to school.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.ambivalent 鈭?/span>B.ambiguousC.arbitraryD.approximate瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬浜庡瀛愭槸搴旇姝ヨ涓婂杩樻槸鐢辩埗浜插紑杞﹂€佷粬浠笂瀛﹁繖涓€闂锛屽闀夸滑鎸佷笉鍚屾剰瑙併€俛mbivalent琛ㄧず鈥滅煕鐩剧殑锛涘ソ鎭剁浉鍏嬬殑鈥濓紝ambiguous琛ㄧず鈥滄ā绯婁笉娓呯殑锛涘紩璧锋涔夌殑鈥濓紝arbitrary琛ㄧず鈥滀换鎰忕殑锛涙鏂殑锛涗笓鍒剁殑鈥濓紝approximate琛ㄧず鈥滆繎浼肩殑锛涘ぇ姒傜殑鈥濄€?/div> 25.However, there is some evidence that culturally ______ management result in higher andbetter business performance as well as increased competitiveness.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.congenitalB.coincidentC.contingent 鈭?/span>D.congruent瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氱劧鑰屼竴浜涜瘉鎹嵈琛ㄦ槑渚濇嵁涓嶅悓鐨勬枃鍖栨潵杩涜绠$悊浼氬甫鏉ユ洿楂樻洿濂界殑鍟嗕笟琛ㄧ幇锛屽苟鑳芥彁鍗囩珵浜夊姏銆俢ongenital琛ㄧず鈥滃厛澶╃殑锛屽ぉ鐢熺殑锛涘ぉ璧嬬殑鈥濓紝coincident琛ㄧず鈥滀竴鑷寸殑锛涚鍚堢殑锛涘悓鏃跺彂鐢熺殑鈥濓紝contingent琛ㄧず鈥滃洜鎯呭喌鑰屽紓鐨勶紱涓嶄竴瀹氱殑锛涘伓鐒跺彂鐢熺殑鈥濓紝congruent琛ㄧず鈥滈€傚悎鐨勶紝涓€鑷寸殑锛涘叏绛夌殑锛涘拰璋愮殑鈥濄€?/div>26.All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons______ slowly into the sky.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.ascending 鈭?/span>B.elevatingC.escalatingD.increasing瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬綋浜轰滑鐪嬪埌鎴愬崈涓婄櫨鐨勫僵鑹叉皵鐞冪紦鎱㈠湴鍗囦笂澶╃┖鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浣撹偛鍦哄唴鐨勬墍鏈変汉閮藉紑濮嬫鍛艰捣鏉ャ€俛scend琛ㄧず鈥滀笂鍗囷紱鐧婚珮锛涜拷婧€濓紝鍙綔涓嶅強鐗╁姩璇嶏紝elevate琛ㄧず鈥滄彁鍗囷紱涓捐捣锛涙尟濂嬫儏缁瓑锛涙彁鍗団€︹€︾殑鑱屼綅鈥濓紝escalate琛ㄧず鈥滀娇鈥︹€﹀姞鍓э紱鍔犲墽鈥濓紝increase琛ㄧず鈥滃鍔狅紝澧為暱锛屾彁楂樷€濄€?/div>27.His office is ______ to the President"s; it usually takes him about three minutes to getthere.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.relatedB.adhesiveC.adherentD.adjacent 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫粬鐨勫姙鍏绂绘€荤粺鍔炲叕瀹ゅ緢杩戯紝浠栭€氬父鍙3鍒嗛挓灏辫兘璧板埌閭i噷銆俽elated琛ㄧず鈥滄湁鍏崇郴鐨勶紝鏈夊叧鑱旂殑锛涜杩扮殑锛屽彊杩扮殑鈥濓紝adhesive琛ㄧず鈥滅矘鐫€鐨勶紱甯︾矘鎬х殑鈥濓紝adherent琛ㄧず鈥滈檮鐫€鐨勶紱绮樼潃鐨勨€濓紝adjacent琛ㄧず鈥滈偦杩戠殑锛屾瘲杩炵殑鈥濓紝adjacent to涓庝复杩戯紱涓庯紱涓磋繎锛涢偦杩戠殑銆?/div>28.These melodious folk songs are generally ______ to Smith, a very important musician ofthe century.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>mittedB.contributedC.ascribed 鈭?/span>posed瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氳繖浜涗紭缇庣殑姘戞瓕閮芥槸鍙插瘑鏂墍鍒涳紝浠栨槸鏈笘绾潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑涓€浣嶉煶涔愬銆俢ommit锛岃〃绀衡€滅姱缃紝鍋氶敊浜嬶紱鎶娾€︹€︿氦鎵樼粰锛涙寚娲锯€︹€︿綔鎴橈紱浣库€︹€︽壙鎷呬箟鍔♀€濓紝contribute琛ㄧず鈥滆础鐚紝鍑哄姏锛涙姇绋匡紱鎹愮尞鈥濓紝ascribe琛ㄧず鈥滃綊鍥犱簬锛涘綊鍜庝簬鈥濓紝compose琛ㄧず鈥滄瀯鎴愶紱鍐欎綔锛涗娇骞抽潤锛涙帓鈥︹€︾殑鐗堚€濓紝铏界劧compose鏈夊垱浣滅殑鎰忔€濓紝浣嗘病鏈塩ompose to杩欐牱鐨勭敤娉曪紝ascribe to琛ㄧず鈥滃皢鈥︹€﹀綊鍥犱簬锛屽皢鈥︹€﹀綊灞炰簬鈥濄€?/div>29.As a gifted writer, an ______ politician, a penetrating thinker, he stood far above theintellectual movement of which he become the leader.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.inherentB.ingenious 鈭?/span>C.indigenousD.indulgent瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氫綔涓轰竴涓ぉ璧嬬寮傜殑浣滃锛屼竴涓澃鍑虹殑鏀挎不瀹讹紝涓€涓繁閭冪殑鎬濇兂瀹讹紝浠栬繙杩滆秴鍑轰簡浠栨墍棰嗗鐨勬枃鍖栬繍鍔ㄦ湰韬€俰nberent琛ㄧず鈥滃浐鏈夌殑锛涘唴鍦ㄧ殑锛涗笌鐢熶勘鏉ョ殑锛岄仐浼犵殑鈥濓紝ingenious琛ㄧず鈥滄湁鐙垱鎬х殑锛涙満鐏电殑锛岀簿鍒剁殑锛涘績鐏垫墜宸х殑鈥濓紝indigenous琛ㄧず鈥滄湰鍦熺殑锛涘湡钁楃殑锛涘浗浜х殑锛涘浐鏈夌殑鈥濓紝indulgent琛ㄧず鈥滄斁绾电殑锛涘瀹圭殑锛涗换鎬х殑鈥濄€?/div>30.At the inaugural address yesterday the President got his most enthusiastic ______applause when he talked about tax cuts which would help revive the economy.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.simultaneousB.spontaneous 鈭?/span>C.homogenousD.heterogeneous瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 鍙ユ剰锛氬湪鏄ㄥぉ鐨勫氨鑱屾紨璁蹭腑锛屽綋鎬荤粺璋堝埌鎸叴缁忔祹鐨勫噺绋庢斂绛栨椂锛屼粬鑾峰緱浜嗘皯浼楄嚜鍙戠殑锛屾渶鐑儓鐨勬帉澹般€俿imultaneous琛ㄧず鈥滃悓鏃剁殑锛涜仈绔嬬殑锛涘悓鏃跺彂鐢熺殑鈥濓紝spontaneous琛ㄧず鈥滆嚜鍙戠殑锛涜嚜鐒剁殑锛涙棤鎰忚瘑鐨勨€濓紝homogenous琛ㄧず鈥滃悓璐ㄧ殑锛涘悓绫荤殑鈥濓紝heterogeneous琛ㄧず鈥滃鐩哥殑锛涘紓绉嶇殑锛沎鍖栧]涓嶅潎鍖€鐨勶紱鐢变笉鍚屾垚鍒嗗舰鎴愮殑鈥濄€?/div>涓夈€?b>Part 鈪?Reading Comprehension(鎬婚鏁帮細3锛屽垎鏁帮細40.00)A One of the most pivotal moments in American literature occurred near the end of thenineteenth century as authors such as a young man named Stephen Crane began to embrace a literary style forged in Europe a bit earlier and which would come to be known as naturalism. Crane was born to parents in the ministry and grew up in a household grounded in religious beliefs and context. Yet, before long, Crane had, for the most part, rejected religion and the idea of divine intervention in favor of a more hands-on approach to the world. As he began to develop as a writer, naturalist themes of man versus nature, the unrelenting power of nature, and an objective view of the world began to dominate his writing. Naturalists attempted to depict the most accurate view of life unadulterated and unobstructed by external commentary or spiritual intervention. Ultimately, Crane"s masterful short story The Open Boat stands as one of the most complete and developed works of thenaturalist genre.B The first apparent element of naturalism in The Open Boat is its subject matter鈥攁shipwreck. Being as true to life as possible is one of the most common goals of a naturalistic writer, and, in this short story, Crane is no exception. It did not come from Crane"s imagination. Rather, it stemmed from his personal experience. As a young war reporter, Crane was on his way from Florida to Cuba when his vessel, the Commodore, encountered a violent tempest. Within hours, the ship had sunk, leaving a few lucky survivors on a tiny lifeboat to be subjected to the fury of nature. Throughout the story, Crane depicts scene after scene as if they were snapshots or a short film of what the men in the boat were up against. Through his prose, Crane is able to reveal the unadulterated,brutal realism manifest in nature itself.C At the end of the story, the men"s realization of the strength of nature helps them toovercome their fear of drowning and accept the death of the oiler. The men are afraid of drowning, which is evident when they recite, "If I am going to be drowned鈥?" This is recited at three different times, before and during their long night out on the boat, thus suggesting that the men are afraid of drowning. During the long night, "A high cold star on a winter"s night is the word he feels that she says to him. Thereafter he knows the pathos of his situation." Each man realizes that nature is greater than him; therefore, each man understands that he must endure whatever nature throws at him. Also, during this night on the boat, each man comes to the conclusion that his fate is in the hands of nature, in the morning, the men see that they will not be rescued by anyone. As a result of their understanding of their situation that is acquired during the night about the might of nature, they are able to overcome their fear of drowning, and thus death.D Prior to the time when the men jump out of the boat, "the correspondent, observing the others, knew that they were not afraid." The men, because they understand the strength of nature, are able to conquer their fear of death. The men accept their fate; whatever it may be. "There were no hurried words, no pallor, no plain agitation. The men simply looked atthe shore."The correspondent, in the face of mortal peril before leaving the boat, is also not afraid of dying, "it merely occurred to him that if he should drown it would be a shame." When the men swim onto shore, they know that they may die or just as easily live; the outcome is out of their control. Thus, it comes as no surprise to the men when they see one of their comrades, the oiler, dead. The fact that he is the strongest of the men when he "was swimming strongly and rapidly," further shows the power of nature that the men have come to realize. The men"s understanding of nature allows them to overcome their fear of death bydrowning and make a run at the shore without trepidation.E As Crane continues with the theme of man versus nature in The Open Boat , the element ofpessimism, crucial to any naturalistic work, becomes quite apparent. The men are at the mercy of the storms and the seas and cannot do much to save themselves. In this sense, Crane reveals the indifference of nature and the universe in relation to the life or plight of human beings in general. It is obvious to him that angels will not swoop down and save the unfortunate men. The situation of the shipwreck is ideal because ordinary, everyday people must face an extreme situation from which it is more than likely that they will perish. Crane continually creates a mood of impending doom and the punishing nature of the universe throughout the story. Along the way, he provides little commentary on the situation, forcing readers to place themselves immediately in the boat with the men while enforcing the dark tone of the story. But, even to Crane and most naturalist writers, all is not lost. Though the outcome is bleak, Crane does add a glimmer of hope to the story. While in general the individual may seem insignificant in the grand scheme or the universe or to nature itself; Crane instills the importance or camaraderie in the story. For instance, all the sailors cast their ranks aside and help each other swim to shore for safety. In order to survive, the individuals in the boat must cooperate and help each other against the forces of nature.Together they have some dominion of control over their fate, but less so individually. Though they are isolated out among the waves in sight of shore, they remain unified in their struggle for survival, which undermines the predominant pessimistic outlook or the story asa whole.F While Crane"s work The Open Boat is a dark account of a chance situation that turns fatal for many, but not all, of the crew of the Commodore, it also sets forth the main elements of a naturalistic literary work at the turn of the twentieth century. Despite the fact thatnature can be unrelenting and compassionless towards humans at any given moment, Crane ultimately shows how individuals still always have the capacity to strive together to overcome hardships and disasters. Furthermore, the accuracy and detail by Crone shun any possibility of a sugarcoated reality and reveal the true ferocity of nature as it is. Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1? Onyour Answer Sheet, writeYES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVERN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this.锛堝垎鏁帮細10.00锛?/div>(1).In Crane"s view, nature is merciless to human sufferings.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歒ES[瑙f瀽] 鑷劧涓讳箟鐨勪竴涓緢閲嶈鐨勭壒寰佸氨鏄〃鐜板ぇ鑷劧鐨勬棤绌峰姏閲忥紝琛ㄦ槑浜虹被鏃犳硶涓庤嚜鐒舵姉琛°€傜敱E娈典腑鐨処n this sense, Crane reveals the indifference of nature and the universe in relation to the life or plight of human beings in general. It is obvious to him that angels will not swoop down and save the unfortunate men.鍙互鐪嬪嚭浠栬涓哄ぇ鑷劧瀵逛簬浜虹被鐨勮嫤闅炬槸鏃犲姩浜庤》鐨勩€?(2).Naturalists" view of life was often obstructed by spirituality.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div> 瑙f瀽锛歂O[瑙f瀽] 鐢盇娈典腑鐨凬aturalists attempted to depict the most accurate view of life unadulterated and unobstructed by external commentary or spiritual intervention锛庡彲浠ョ湅鍑鸿嚜鐒朵富涔夎€呬滑瀵逛簬浜虹敓鐨勬€佸害涓嶄細鍙楃簿绁炵殑骞叉壈銆?/div> (3).A negative outlook on life and events is a major theme of The Open Boat .锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歒ES [瑙f瀽] 鍦ㄨ繖鏈功涓紝浣滆€呭瀹炲湴鎻忓啓浜嗛偅娆℃捣闅惧彂鐢熺殑鍏ㄨ繃绋嬨€傜敱E娈电涓€鍙ヨ瘽As Crane continues with the theme of man versus nature in Theopen Boat锛宼he element of pessimism, crucial to any naturalistic work, becomes quite apparent. 鍙互鐪嬪嚭瀵逛汉鐢熺殑娑堟瀬鎬佸害涔熸槸鏈功鐨勪富鏃ㄤ箣涓€銆?/div> (4).Naturalists placed more emphasis on representing life as it appeared to them.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歂OT GIVERN[瑙f瀽] 璇ヨ杩板湪鏂囦腑鏈彁鍒般€?/div>(5).In The Open Boat , Crane attempts to address his own spiritual beliefs to his readers.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歂O[瑙f瀽] 鐢盓娈典腑鐨凙long the way, he provides little commentary on the situation, forcing readers to place themselves immediately in the boat with the men while enforcing the dark tone of the story. 鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛屼綔鑰呭苟娌℃湁鎬ヤ簬璇勮鎴栬〃杈捐嚜宸卞浜虹敓鐨勭湅娉曪紝浠栧彧鏄敖鍙兘鐪熷疄鐨勬弿鍐欙紝鐒跺悗璁╄鑰呰嚜宸卞幓鎬濊€冿紝鍘绘劅鎮熴€?/div>(6).For each question below, choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Then writethe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Which of the following can be inferred from this passage about Stephen Crane?锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.He enjoyed the ministry and listening to preachersB.He did not enjoy writing when he was youngC.He was rivaled by no other author of his timeD.He was not in tune with the beliefs of his parents 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 杩欐槸涓€閬撶粏鑺傞锛屼俊鎭富瑕侀泦涓湪绗竴娈点€侰rane had, for the most part, rejected religion and the idea of divine intervention in favor of a more hands-on approach to the world.鍙煡锛孋rane鏄弽瀵瑰畻鏁欑殑锛屼粬鎯充翰鑷幓浣撻獙杩欎釜涓栫晫鑰屼笉鏄粠瀹楁暀鐨勮搴﹀幓鐪嬪緟杩欎釜涓栫晫锛岀敱姝ゅ彲瑙佷粬涓庣埗姣嶇殑淇′话鏄笉鍚岀殑銆?/div>(7).According to this passage, The Open Boat is important as a naturalist work because ---|||________|||---.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.it is a true account based on Crane"s own personal experience 鈭?/span>B.it is based on a series of events in a shipwreck that Crane heard ofC.it reveals that the isolation of an individual is a dangerous tacticD.it does not attempt to glorify Crane"s heroism against nature瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 杩欐槸涓€閬撴帹鐞嗛锛岀敱绗簩娈典腑鐨凚eing as true to life as possible is one of the most common goals of a naturalistic writer. 鍙煡鐪熷疄鎬у浜庤嚜鐒朵富涔夌殑灏忚鏄潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑锛岃€? The Open Boat杩欐湰涔︽濂芥槸渚濇嵁浣滆€呯殑浜茶韩缁忓巻鑰屽啓鎴愮殑锛屽洜姝ゅ畠鐗瑰埆绗﹀悎鑷劧涓讳箟灏忚鐨勮姹傚拰鐗瑰緛銆?/div> (8).The author discusses nature in paragraph C in order to ---|||________|||---.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.show that nature is always a strong support for people in plightB.prove that it is a futile effort to fight against the forces of nature 鈭?/span>C.highlight the importance of mutual efforts in surviving a disasterD.reveal Crane"s belief that only divine intervention can save humanity瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 杩欐槸涓€閬撴帹鐞嗛锛屽彲鐢ㄦ帓闄ゆ硶鏉ュ仛銆傞鍏圓椤逛笌鍘熸枃鏄笉绗︾殑锛屽ぇ鑷劧骞舵病鏈夊府鍔╅偅浜涙繁闄峰洶澧冧腑鐨勪汉銆侰椤逛腑鐨刴utual efforts鍦ㄥ師鏂囦腑骞舵病鏈夋彁鍒般€侱椤逛篃涓庡師鏂囦笉绗︼紝Crane鏄弽瀵筪ivine intervention鐨勶紝鎵€浠ュ彧鑳介€夋嫨B椤广€?/div>(9).Besides shipwreck, another naturalistic element of The Open Boat is manifest in ---|||________|||---.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.placing the reader in the midst of the plight of the characters 鈭?/span>B.depicting a bleak scene in a more or less light tone。