英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件英国文学Unit 6 Charlotte Bronte


英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件英国文学Unit 5 Charles Dickens

英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件英国文学Unit 5 Charles Dickens

他的主要作品有:《匹克威克外传》 (The Posthumous Papers of Pickwick Club, 1836-1837)、《雾都孤儿》 (Oliver Twist, 1838)、《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield, 1849)、《艰难时世》(Hard Times, 1854)、《双城记》 (A Tale of Two Cities, 1854)、《远大前程》(Great Expectations, 1860)等。
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—
to this place—then fair to look upon, with not a trace of this day’s disfigurement. 那时这里已是一片美景,全没了今天的扭曲和丑恶。


通过对英美文学作品的主题和思想内涵的分析,可以培养 我们的人文素养,提高对文学、文化和社会的认识和理解 。
艺术手法和语言特色是文学作品的重要组成部分,通过 探讨作品的艺术手法和语言特色,可以更好地欣赏文学 的技巧和魅力。
通过对作品艺术手法和语言特色的探讨,可以增强我们 的审美能力,提高对文学作品的鉴赏水平。
英美文学作品的语言表达富有特色,通过学习作品的艺 术手法和语言特色,可以学习到地道的语言表达方式, 提高英语语言表达能力。
英美文学选读课件ppt课 件
• 英美文学概述 • 英美文学作品选读 • 英美文学作品的赏析方法 • 英美文学作品在当代的影响和价值 • 总结与思考
从盎格鲁-撒克逊时期到文艺复兴时期, 英美文学逐渐形成和发展,涌现出许 多杰出的作家和作品。
从20世纪末至今,英美文学呈现出多 元化的发展趋势,涵盖了各种文学流 派和风格,如后现代主义、魔幻现实 主义等。
通过阅读英美文学作品,人们可以拓展视野、丰富内心世界,增强自我认知和自我成长的能力。同时 ,文学作品中所蕴含的人生哲理和智慧,也能为人们在生活中提供指导和启示。
英美文学在世界文学中的 地位
英美文学作为世界文学的重要组成部分,具 有深远的影响力和独特的魅力。通过学习和 研究英美文学,可以深入了解西方文化、历 史和社会背景,拓宽视野,提高跨文化交流 的能力。



successively. So charlotte and sister Emily returned home to, in the
desolate Yorkshire mountain spent his childhood. 15 years old when
she entered the miss WuLe do school, a few years later when
inspired her strong desire to express themselves in the literary
creation, prompted her into
• "Jane Eyre" write in 1846, is charlotte second novel. She borrowed a risen from poverty young woman struggles, to express his bosom, integrated su deeply touched when readers. Novels in 1847 autumn to the pseudonym of kohler bell, published in the next year they have immediately twice reprint. The author of an unknown technocrat, charlotte Bronte, thus enter the famous British novelist ranks.
describing the ending, legacy, obtained eyre back alone and helpless

英美文学课件Part Six English Poetry I

英美文学课件Part Six English Poetry I
• □ When we see only dry grass or hay by the roadside, a poem see more. Before him, the grass or hay can open its mouth, “ We are the flowers of yesterday.”

Half a league onward,

பைடு நூலகம்
Into the valley of death

Rode the Six Hundred.”
• The effect of the successive use of the phrase “half a league” seems to make us hear the clattering of horse-hooves.
Part Six English Poetry
• □ We generally say, “The winter is past, the spring is here.” But read the following passage and see how the poet paints a picture of spring and makes us
joined together, or when “the sound is an echo to the sense”, a poem can produce skillful effects which compels our admiration. • Following are some striking examples:
feel the merry atmosphere of the season:

英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件美国文学Unit 6 Henry James

英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件美国文学Unit 6 Henry James

Under all his culture, his cleverness, his amenity, under his good-nature, his facility, his knowledge of life, his egotism lay hidden like a serpent in a bank of flowers. 在他的修养、聪明和优雅的风度下,在他的和善、能干活熟谙世故的 外表下,隐藏着他的自私,好像是鲜花丛中隐藏着的一条毒蛇。 (注解:夜深人静,伊莎贝尔独自坐在即将熄灭的壁炉前,陷入深深 的思考中。经过了无限的痛苦和挫折之后,她认清了她丈夫的本质。)
if she had really married on a factitious theory, in order to do something finely appreciable with her money. 是否她真的是因为一种假想的道理才结婚,为了用她的钱做合适的事。 (注解:伊莎贝尔当初答应奥斯蒙德求婚时,表兄拉尔夫提醒她说,奥 斯蒙德因为她的钱才向她求婚。因为他一无所有。伊莎贝尔当时回答: 如果是这样,我的钱就算是用到了最需要的地方。)
An Appreciation of American Literature
Unit 6 Henry James
亨利 ·詹姆斯(Henry James, 1843—1916)美 国著名小说家和文学评论家,被誉为美国现代 小说和小说理论的奠基人。詹姆斯出身纽约一 个名门世家。父亲是哲学家、神学家。哥哥威 廉 ·詹姆斯(William James, 1842—1910)是著 名的心理学家和实用主义哲学家。“意识流” 一词即出自他的《心理学原理》。詹姆斯自幼 受到良好的教育, 并多次游历、求学欧洲,并 结识屠格涅夫、福楼拜、左拉等文学名家。曾 学习绘画,还进入哈佛大学学习法律,但不久 即辍学专事文学创作。他崇尚欧洲文化,1875 年起定居伦敦。1915 年,因美国未及时参加第 一次世界大战而加入英国籍,第二年病逝。

Unit 6 British Literature

Unit 6 British Literature

Unit 6 British LiteraturePeriods Seven and EightⅠTeaching aim: Enable students to have a good knowledge of British Literature.ⅡTeaching important points:1. Beowulf {贝奥武夫(一首古英文史诗的名字,同时也是此诗中的英雄的名字)}2. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (杰弗里·乔叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》)3. Stories about King Arthur (关于亚瑟王和他的骑士们的故事)4. William Shakespeare (威廉·莎士比亚)5. the Romance writers in the 19th century (19世纪浪漫派作家)6. The Brontes (布朗特三姐妹)7. Charles Dickens (查理·狄更斯)8. Sir Walter Scott (瓦尔特·司各特)9. Robert Louis Stevenson (罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森)10. Modernism (现代主义)11. Postmodernism (后现代主义)12. Joseph Conrad (约瑟夫·康拉德)13. Virginia Woolf (维吉尼亚·吴尔夫)14. wrence (D.H.·劳伦斯)15. E.M Foster (EM·福斯特)ⅢTeaching method: lecturingⅣTeaching times: 4 periodsⅤTeaching procedures:<Step One>Lead-inFirst, greeting the whole classSecond, review Unit 5. Ask the following questions:1.Where is the best agricultural land in Britain?2.In the aerospace industry, which two countries are ahead of Britain?3.What did Frank Whittle do in 1937?Suggested answers:1. In the southeast of England2. The US and Russia3. He developed the first jet engine.<Step Two>Explanations1. Early writing1). British literature concerned with Christianity: Anglo-Saxons’ illustrated versions of the bible: the most famous--- the Book of Kells2). Beowulf --- a long poem, one of the oldest of these early “Old English”(AD 6th C. —AD 11th C.的盎格鲁˙撒克逊的英语) literary works (古英语文学作品指8th C. AD—11th C. AD)3). Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)The most important work in Middle English (中古英语:11th C. AD—15th C. AD) Literature. It’s made up of a series of stories told by 31 pilgrims to entertain each other on their way to the Christian Church at Canterbury in south-east England. It’s quite noticeable for its diversity, not only in the range of social status among the pilgrims, but also in style of the stories they tell.杰弗里·乔叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》是中古英语文学中最重要的作品。



Analysis of Jane Eyre
• The story tells us about a little girl who spends her miserable life in an orphan school and then finds a job as a governess in Mr. Rochester’s family. Working as a governess, she falls in love with the master Mr. Rochester and vice-verse. On her wedding day she is shocked to find that Mr. Rochester has a wife who is mad and locked in the house. She is so disappointed that she leaves him. Later and finally marries him when he is in the most wretched situation.
• Then she gets a position of governess in the family of Mrs. Rochester, a rich squire. Rochester falls in love with her and she with him. They are about to marry when Jane finds that Mr. Rochester has a wife who is mad and secretly kept under lock and key in the house. She breaks the engagement on the wedding day and flees from the house. She goes through many hardships and is helped by a broth and a sister. With their help she gets a job of a teacher in a village. But it is difficult for her to forget Mr. Rochester and she tries hard to get back to Mr. Rochester’s house. It turns out that Mr. Rochester is blinded and disabled in the hand by a fire set by his mad wife who died in the fire. Mr. Rochester is penniless and disabled but Jane Eyre marries him.



南京交通职业技术学院教案授课主要内容说明:教师备课笔记由学校自订式样并附后备课笔记Unit 6 Introduction to Some Writers and Their Writings of the UK and the USALesson 11 the UK(一)教学内容1.本课是Unit6 Lliterature 的第一课时。






3.学生已掌握的学习策略尽管学生的知识和技能水平一般,他们还是掌握了pair work, group work, using the culture and background knowledge的阅读技巧。



(四)教学重难点1. 重点:莎士比亚十四行诗、罗密欧与朱丽叶内容。

2. 难点:认知各位作者与作品名称并能够对应起来。



Step1: Revision (2’)T: What did we learn last time?S: Education and sports.T:Good. Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Text A English LiteratureNew Lesson (新课内容)第二步:导入Step2: Leading-in (3’)Warm-up Questions:T: Now I have some questions to ask: do u know about English literature? or do you know some famous writings in the UK? You can use Chinese or English to answer my question. S: …shakespare, Charles …..Step3: (20’)(正文讲解)3.1 Go through the text by Indentify these pictures.(结合PPt 展示英国文学名家及作品。


5. His Major Theme 1) Shakespeare is against religious
persecution & racial discrimination, against social inequality & the corrupting influence of gold & money.
Lecture 1 William Shakespeare
• William Shakespeare (1564–1616) (1) Historical Background
• A. Queen Elizabeth I: a powerful England with the fast development of capitalism.
Shakespeare’s plays & poetry have had a pervasive (persistent) influence on world literature. Most of the great literary figures of the world have been inspired & stimulated by his achievement.
• 1. Brief Introduction
• William Shakespeare was the greatest writer of plays who ever lived.
• His friend & fellow playwright Ben Jonson said that Shakespeare was "not of an age but for all time."

英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件英国文学 Unit 1 William Shakespeare

英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件英国文学 Unit 1 William Shakespeare

在名城维洛那,有两家门第相当的名门望族— —蒙太古家族(Montague)和凯普莱特家族 (Capulet),累世的宿怨使两家势不两立,经常刀 剑相向,发生流血冲突。两个家族中的一对青年罗 密欧与朱丽叶却相爱了,好心的神父为他们举行了 秘密婚礼。可是,在一场争斗中,罗密欧却失手杀 了凯普莱特家族中的人,遭到放逐。朱丽叶的父母 执意让她嫁给另一个贵族青年。神父设妙计让朱丽 叶喝下一种药液,可以佯死42 个小时,待家人将其 下葬,再让罗密欧赶来相见,两人一同逃走。不幸 的是,罗密欧没有得到这一真实情况。他赶到墓穴, 以为朱丽叶真的死去,便服毒自杀。朱丽叶醒来, 看见罗密欧的尸体,遂用匕首结束了自己的生命。 两个在家族世仇下惨遭牺牲的年轻人以悲壮的殉情, 终于使两家化干戈为玉帛。
天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈, 给机缘或无常的天道所摧折, 没有芳艳不终于凋残或销毁。
(注解:诗人接着解释道,天上的眼睛有时发出灼热的亮光,它金色的 容颜又常遭乌云遮挡;无论是偶然的原因或是必然的变化,一切美好的 东西总会凋零。此为承,继续第一节的内容,同时极力渲染,将诗人要 表达的意思推向极至。单看sometime, often, every fair fromfair 几个措辞,就感到诗的气势如排山倒海,步步逼近,诗往下,似再无可 写处。)
An Appreciation of English Literature
Unit 1 William Shakespeare • Romeo and Juliet (Act II, Scene II) • Sonnet 18 Unit 2 English Essayists (Ⅰ) Francis Bacon • Of Studies • Of Marriage and Single Life Samuel Johnson • Letter to Lord Chesterfield


Of the comedies, The Merchant of Venice is quite famous.
An Introduction to British and American Culture
English Novel
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)
Robinson Crusoe describes how Crusoe makes great efforts to overcome the hardships and difficulties he encounters on the island. . .
Jane Eyre tells the story of an orphan, who has a loveless childhood at a terrible boarding school.
An Introduction to British and American Culture
English Novel
An Introduction to British and American Culture
Jane Austen (1775-1817)
佳句赏析 “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in profession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” 凡是有财产的单身汉,必定需要娶位太太,这 已经成了一条举世公认的真理。
Hamlet is the most performed play in the world.
An Introduction to British and American Culture

外教社2024新编英国文学史教程PPT课件 Unit 6

外教社2024新编英国文学史教程PPT课件 Unit 6

Key Words
Insufficient evidence to support religious claim Political turbulences staged the unresolved paradox between faith and reason.
Key Words
setting shape our interpretation of the work?
2. What are the features of Neoclassicism?
Writers and Works
John Bunyan (1628-1688)
1. Enlisted in the Parliamentary army and served in the English Civil War
Paradise Lost
1. The story 2. The character of Satan
The Epic Style and Milton’s Political Standing
Satan Arousing the Rebel Angels William Blake (1808)
e.g. love, books, truth…
2. Testify arguments
“to try” or “to attempt”, to analyze with logic
Questions for Critical Thinking
1. Why did Bacon write most of his works in Latin but Essays in English?

英美文学欣赏(第二版)课件 American Literature Unit 6 O

英美文学欣赏(第二版)课件 American Literature Unit 6 O

Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. When one loves one’s art no service seems too hard.
(注解:黛拉和吉姆都是作家笔下的典型人物:生活困顿却勤奋刻苦, 相互扶持。)
properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation 只以货色论长短,不以装潢来炫耀
the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors “北风”——“野外大厦” 的信使。 (注解:All Outdoors: 指所有露宿街头的人。)
他的小说一般都是短篇故事,有近300 篇,大多构思奇妙,情节机智 有趣,充满幽默,结尾往往出人意料。他善于捕捉和把握生活中的典型场 面,在一个生活片段里集中刻画人物心理,在很短的篇幅里达到一种思想 和艺术的完美结合。与他所描写的人物和场景相配, 他常在小说中使用普 通人的口语和俚语,使他的作品带有地方特色。
故事的结尾使人啼笑皆非,但又发人深思。作者以玩笑调侃的口吻叙述 一个下层小人物的一个生活侧面,来表现严峻的社会现实,正所谓 “一粒沙里看世界”。


England. • A keen interest in the Greek and Latin culture; the art
and science of ancient Greece and Rome were being born again after long years of neglect. • Essence: humanism
4.Daniel Defoe(1660-1731)
• One of the pioneers of the realistic novel in 18th century • Masterpiece: Robinson Crusoe (1719)
Robinson Crusoe
• Three types of sonnet
1) Petrarchan sonnet (彼特拉克体/意大利十四行诗 )
2) Spenserian Sonnet(斯宾塞体十四行诗) 3) Shakespearian Sonnet(莎士比亚/英国体十四行诗
Shakespearian Sonnet
• Language: ①different poetic forms, such as the sonnet, the blank verse and the rhymed couplet. ②rich in vocabulary and idiom.
3.John Milton(1608-1674)
• Forerunner of the English realistic novel • Based on a real story(P30) • plot (P30-31) • Image of Robinson Crusoe: typical of the English



英美文学作品中所蕴含的创新精 神和探索精神,可以激发读者的 创新意识和创造力。
通过对英美文学作品的分析和解 读,可以培养读者的批判性思维 和独立思考能力。
英美文学作品中所反映的社会问 题和人性的探索,可以为解决现 实问题提供启示,推动社会的进 步和发展。
• 总结词:莎士比亚的经典悲剧之一, 讲述了丹麦王子哈姆雷特为报父仇而 与亲人、爱人之间发生的一系列故事。
• 详细描述 • 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚的经典悲剧之一,讲述了丹麦王子哈姆雷特为报父仇
而与亲人、爱人之间发生的一系列故事。故事中充满了复仇、背叛、爱情和人 性的挣扎等元素,通过这些元素的描绘,莎士比亚深刻地探讨了人性的复杂性 和悲剧的本质。 • 哈姆雷特是一个复杂多面的人物形象,他既是一个勇敢、智慧的王子,又是一 个内心充满矛盾和痛苦的人。他的性格特点和情感纠葛是小说的核心内容之一 ,通过他的经历,小说探讨了人性中的善恶、忠诚与背叛等问题。同时,《哈 姆雷特》中的其他人物形象也十分鲜明,如克劳狄斯王后的虚伪、奥菲利娅的 悲惨命运等。 • 《哈姆雷特》的语言优美、生动,情节曲折跌宕。莎士比亚运用了丰富的修辞 手法和文学技巧,使得小说的表达更加生动有力。同时,《哈姆雷特》作为一 部悲剧作品,深刻地探讨了人性的
• 总结词:简·奥斯丁的代表作,展现了19世纪英国乡村的 日常生活和婚恋观念。
• 详细描述 • 简·奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》是一部描绘19世纪英国乡村生活和婚恋观念的经
典小说。通过对班纳特家庭中五个女儿的婚恋经历的叙述,展现了当时社会对 于婚姻和家庭地位的看法。小说中通过对人物性格、社会习俗和道德观念的刻 画,反映了当时社会的价值观和道德观念。 • 《傲慢与偏见》中的主要人物形象鲜明,伊丽莎白·班纳特和达西先生是小说 中最具代表性的角色。他们的性格特点和情感纠葛是小说的核心内容。通过他 们的经历,小说探讨了人性中的傲慢、偏见、爱情和社会地位等问题。 • 《傲慢与偏见》的语言优美、幽默,情节紧凑。小说中通过对人物心理活动的 描写和对社会现象的讽刺,展现了简·奥斯丁独特的文学风格。同时,小说中 通过对自然景观和乡村生活的描绘,展现了19世纪英国乡村的美丽风光和人 文风情。
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Thought had let its line down into the stream. It swayed, minute after minute, hither and thither among the reflections and the weeds, letting the water lift it and sink it, until—you know the little tug—the sudden conglomeration of an idea at the end of one’s line.
小说中既有遭受虐待的痛苦、寄人篱下的歧视,更有不屈不挠的抗 争、独立自尊的品质;既有无比残酷的现实、无法调和的矛盾冲突,更 有火热的激情和历久弥新、百折不回的爱情。简· 爱选择的也许是一 种最浪漫的爱情。
这里的选篇是小说第37章,也就是倒数第二章,主要描写 简·爱回到桑费尔德庄园与罗切斯特重逢的情形。
An Appreciation of English Literature
Unit 6 Charlotte Brontë
夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë, 1816—1855) 和她的两个妹妹——艾米 丽·勃朗特(Emily Brontë, 1818—1848)、 安妮·勃朗特(Anne Brontë1820—1849) 是著名的三姐妹作家。她出生在英国北部约 克郡荒凉山区一个贫苦的乡村牧师家庭,共 兄弟姐妹六人,幼年丧母,由姨母抚养。夏 洛蒂八岁时被送往一所条件恶劣的寄宿学校, 在饥饿、疾病和体罚的折磨下身心受到极大 摧残。她的两个姐姐都在学校染上肺病死去。 为了谋生,姐妹三人先后在有钱人家做家庭 教师,饱受寄人篱下的屈辱。这些痛苦的经 历在《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)中都有深刻的 反映。
—Virginia Woolf
Hale Waihona Puke 英美文学欣赏(第四版)作品简介
小说讲述女主人公简·爱争取自由与爱情的 故事。简·爱自幼失去父母,在舅母家寄居,遭 受百般虐待,后被打发到罗伍德寄宿学校,在 那里又受到非人的待遇。数年后,简应聘到桑 费尔德庄园当家庭教师。简·爱不卑不亢、独立 勇敢的个性赢得了庄园主人罗切斯特(Mr. Rochester) 的好感,不久两人相爱。直到在教 堂准备举行婚礼时,简才得知罗切斯特已有妻 室,他的妻子患有疯病,一直被关在庄园楼顶 的密室里。简受到意外的沉重打击,从桑费尔 德庄园出走了。举目无亲的简在路途中昏倒, 被圣约翰一家所救,在他们的帮助下当了乡村 教师。圣约翰是个献身宗教的青年,他立志到 印度做传教士。他看中了简·爱的坚贞与无私, 要求简和他结婚,一同到印度去。
My soul athirst and forbidden to drink—my heart famished and never to be fed. 我的灵魂干渴,却被禁止喝水——我的心饥饿,却一直得不到食物。
It will be satisfied, or it will take deadly vengeance on its frame. 它必须得到满足,否则它将向它的躯壳狠狠地报复。 (注解:罗切斯特此意是说他会更加痛苦。)
芬丁庄园是罗切斯特农场上的住宅,深深地隐藏在一座森林里, 原本是为了打猎短时住下而置备的。灾后余生的罗切斯特先生现在 就住在这里。简·爱到达这所房子后就把送她来的马车打发走了, 这表达了她的决心。她在朦胧的暮色中摸索着前进,来到了浓荫覆 盖下的荒凉的房子。罗切斯特为她打开了门,却没有意识到她的到 来。简·爱借送水的机会走进他的房间,两人重叙旧情,表达了各 自深切的思念。简·爱讲述了她离开后的际遇,还讲到了圣约翰的 求婚,解释了她所感受到了圣约翰的求婚和罗切斯特的爱的不同。 当然,罗切斯特也流露出了恋人的嫉妒。最后冰释前嫌。罗切斯特 向简爱正式求婚。
“我大叫着‘筒!简!简!’的时候,不知道哪儿传来了一个声音,但听 得出是谁的,这个声音回答道,‘我来了,请等一等我!’过了一会儿, 清风送来了悄声细语——‘你在哪儿呀?’”
Reader, it was on Monday night—near midnight—that I too had received the mysterious summons: those were the very words by which I replied to it. 读者呀,正是星期一晚上——将近午夜——我也接到了神秘的召唤, 而那些也正是我回答的活。 (注解:爱能够心神交汇,爱能够超越时空,爱的奇迹能够让祈祷 变成现实。)
“As I exclaimed ‘Jane! Jane! Jane’ a voice—I cannot tell whence the voice came, but I know whose voice it was—replied, ‘I am coming: wait for me’; and a moment after, went whispering on the wind the words—‘Where are you?’”
庄》(Wuthering Heights) 和安妮的《艾格尼斯·格雷》(Agnes Grey) 也相继出版,成为英国文学史上的佳话。次年,艾米丽和弟
弟先后去世,安妮不久也离开人间。1854 年,夏洛蒂和父亲的副牧 师结婚,数月后即因怀孕引起的并发症辞世。
夏洛蒂善于描写和刻画现实的生活场景,对压抑个性的社会发出 人道的抗议和深刻的批判,呼吁女性与男性在意识和感情上的平等。 小说《简·爱》成功地塑造了一位相貌平常、气质不凡、性格倔强、 感情强烈的新女性形象,她敢于与环境和传统习俗抗争,勇于求独 立人格和幸福爱情。
➢ Questions
1.Do you prefer Jane’s choice? What makes Jane return back to Mr. Rochester? 2.Do you think it believable that Jane could hear Mr. Rochester’s voice in the wind? How do you explain the phenomenon?
简· 爱仍然怀恋罗切斯特。在思想极度矛盾之时,简似乎听到了 罗切斯特的呼叫。她毅然决定重返桑费尔德庄园。等她费尽周折回到庄 园,那里已经成为一片废墟。疯女人放火烧了庄园,坠楼身亡。罗切斯 特在这场火灾中破产,双目失明,一只手残废。简终于和罗切斯特结婚 了。后来,罗切斯特的眼睛也得以奇迹般的复明。有真挚的爱情相伴, 他们生活得很幸福。
It was mournful, indeed, to witness the subjugation of that vigorous spirit to a corporeal infirmity. 看到那样充沛的精神屈服于肉体上的虚弱,真叫人伤心。
Just as if a royal eagle, chained to a perch, should be forced to entreat a sparrow to become its purveyor. 那正像一只高贵的鹰给锁在栖木上,不得不恳求一只麻雀去为它觅食。
夏洛蒂的父亲毕业于剑桥圣约翰学院,知识渊博,亲自辅导子女 读书,培养了三姐妹对文学的爱好,她们自幼以读写为乐,在自己 创造的想象的世界里调和现实生活的残酷与不幸。她们首先用笔名 合作出版了一部诗集,后来在小说创作上各自显示了杰出的才华。 1847 年,夏洛蒂的代表作《简·爱》问世,同年,艾米丽的《呼啸山
I will think what you like, sir: I am content to be only your nurse, if you think it better. 你愿意我怎么想我就怎么想,先生,只做你的护士我也已经满足了, 如果你认为这样更好的话。
It brought to life and light my whole nature. 它使我整个的天性复活并显露出来 (注解:这一段描写了简和罗切斯特在一起体会到了非常美好的爱 的境界。)