2020高考英语一轮复习 专题突破13 完形填空之词语辨析

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[2020·福建高考]One of the easiest things in the world is to become a fault­finder. However, life can be __1__ when you are not busy finding fault with it.

Several years ago I __2__ a letter from seventeen­year­old Kerry, who described herself as a world­class fault­finder, almost always __3__ by things. People were always doing things that annoyed her, and __4__ was ever good enough. She was highly self­critical and also found fault with her friends. She became a really __5__ person.

Unfortunately, it took a horrible accident to change her __6__.

1.A.lonely B.great

C.quiet D.uneasy

[答案] B 句意:但是,当你不总是挑剔的话,生活可以很美好。lonely意为“孤独的”;great意为“极好的”;quiet意为“安静的”;uneasy意为“心神不安的”。故答案选B。

2.A.received B.answered

C.expected D.rejected

[答案] A 句意:几年前,我收到了一封来自17岁的Kerry的信,在信中她将自己描述成了一个世界一流的吹毛求疵的人,几乎总是因为各种事情而烦恼。


3.A.threatened B.interrupted

C.bothered D.spoiled

[答案] C threaten意为“威胁”;interrupt意为“打断”;bother意为“使……恼怒,烦恼”;spoil意为“宠坏”。根据下文“People were always doing things that a nnoyed her”及常识可推知,爱吹毛求疵的人容易烦恼。故答案选C。

4.A.anything B.everything

C.something D.nothing

[答案] D 句意:人们总是做些让她恼怒的事情,她觉得一切事情都不够好。anything意为“任何事情”;everything意为“一切事情”;something意为“某件事情”;nothing意为“没有事情”。上文提到Kerry觉得人们总是做些让她生气的事情;由此可推知,此处指没有事情足够好,表示否定意义。故答案选D。

5.A.caring B.boring

C.interesting D.surprising

[答案] B 句意:她变成了一个真正令他人厌烦的人。caring意为“有同情心的,感到关心的”;boring意为“令人厌烦的”;interesting意为“有趣的”;surprising意为“令人惊讶的”。根据语境并结合常识可知,经常挑别人毛病的人会让人感到厌烦。故答案选B。

6.A.attitude B.plan

C.measure D.explanation

[答案] A 句意:不幸的是,一场可怕的事故才改变了她的态度。attitude 意为“态度”;plan意为“计划”;measure意为“措施”;explanation意为“解释”。根据本段最后两句可知,Kerry改变了自己的处世态度。故答案选A。


一、Back in the eighties, when all my schoolmates were receiving phone messages on their pagers (寻呼机),I was still getting post­it notes (便利贴) from Mom saying that “Billy __1__”. This system of written notes

seemed to __2__, so I never considered updating.

1.A.left B.called

C.sang D.guessed

答案:B Billy“打电话”了。

2.A.stop B.continue

C.work D.appear

答案:C 从来没想过更新成新产品,因为原来的便利贴“奏效”。

二、The boat was hit violently. Dad was always at his best in any danger, but at this moment he ________.

A.suffered B.fell

C.froze D.withdrew

答案:C 父亲“惊呆,吓呆”了。

三、Suddenly the Scout (童子军) leader stood up and said, “MA am, I think we can help you.” He then __1__ five minutes rearranging his group so that adequate space was __2__ for the family.

1.A.wasted B.left

C.paid D.spent

答案:D spend time doing...“花时间做某事”。

2.A.convenient B.available

C.probable D.comfortable

答案:B available“可得到的,可使用的。”

四、This scene moves all of the worldwide football fans and tells about the true ________ of football, inheritance and happiness.

A.meaning B.message

C.feature D.explanation

答案:A 足球真正的“含义”(meaning)——传承和快乐。

五、She sat at the end of the drive­thru holding a ________ that rea d, “Have a great day.”
