



1000个最简单常用的英语单词大声地;高声地loudly懒惰的lazy必须must旅行;绊倒,失误trip对的;右边的;正好;恰好right夫妻,一对couple打;撞;击中hit美味的delicious咖啡coffee钢琴piano浪;波浪wave倒,灌;倾泻pour巨大的huge短袜sock两者;(二者)都both空白处blank礼堂,演讲厅auditorium能量energy敢于dare杆子pole农业;耕种farming她自己herself酷妹foxy ladieshang noise mouse hundred grandmother grandfather parents up d own turn spent look after hill close coast want come number house home south sound find apple orange subject car if r eason wall public push person inside outside out phone someo ne something somewhere some pass past jack zero watch thanks OK no not help quckily hair short thin ear滑雪ski长筒袜stocking敌人enemy男人man母亲mother接力(赛) relay母鸡hen叫喊(动物声) yip建筑(物) building到…上onto公鸡rooster表达expression海峡,航道;频道channel出声地, aloud从…from公斤;千克kilo 常用英语单词1000呼喊;喊叫shout今天today空的;清空,倒空empty路线;去路path尽管,虽然although鸡蛋,蛋egg电池battery合作;协同工作teamwork工厂factory你(们)的your安全的safe海洋ocean高兴;愉快pleasure南方;南部south比例,比率rate病人patient毛笔writing-brush海豚dolphin必须的necessary放松relax恐龙dinosaur脸face你自己yourself老鼠;鼠标mouse多伦多Toronto模型;模范model等候wait第五fifth打开;开放的opentwo...... make take young yet yellow wait water window which white pig blue talk speak law say whiky green dark累的tired厚的;粗的thick电脑,计算机computer布cloth电冰箱fridge改善improve地板floor街道street健康地healthily告诉;吩咐tell成立;建立found更少的less建议suggest地方place服务生waiter冬天winter复述retell两次;两倍twice口渴的thirsty大的large毕业graduate道路;公路road过程;经过;道路course俄国的;俄语;俄国人Russian会话conversation感激的grateful哪个;哪些which澳宾格太空记忆枕大利亚人Australian Aussie 假设suppose其他回答3:字典脚步;走;踏,踩step尽管;虽然though庙会temple fairs饭馆restaurant连接connect公交车bus困难的;努力地;硬的hard感恩节Thanksgiving多么;怎么样how机器machine科学家scientist飞机场airport法国France节假日holiday冲浪surf城堡castle购买buy你们自己yourselves问题:好的话再追加100分激光唱片CD得到;到达get/EducationWatch/First100Words.html 机械的mechanical划分divide故事;(楼)层story继续continue麻烦trouble女儿daughter除…之外except到达;抵达arrive恐怖的scary忙的busy别的;其他的else尼龙nylon拒绝refuse担心,使…担心worry堆pile陈述statement传真fax机会chance没有一个人;没有任何东西none 常用英语1000个单词不喜欢,厌恶dislike城镇town复习review洪水;淹没flood离开;出发leave第……号No. =number练习practise将shall华盛顿Washington俱乐部club开端;开始beginning地图map标点符号puntuation活动activity波士顿Boston课桌desk第三third粗心的careless价格price轮流;翻转;变得turn利物浦Liverpool居住;生活live奶牛,母牛cow旅馆hotel村庄village埋葬bury减去minus男孩boy帽子hat拿到;带到;花费,耗费take怀基基Waikiki访问者visitor理由reason架子;搁板shelf粗鲁的;激烈的;粗糙的rough叫,鸣叫crow加利福尼亚号Californian爸爸给我布置的任务求各位大哥哥大姐姐了第一,首先;最初first毛衣;运动衣sweater布鲁塞尔Brussels她she谷宾格太空记忆枕仓barn 常用英语单词父亲father裁缝tailor发现;发觉discover光;轻的,浅色的light里士满Richmond电影film或者;否则or好哇hooray瓜melon尝味;有...味道taste令人厌烦的boring结尾,结局ending决定decide橘子,桔子;橙色的orange农场farm底部bottom聋的deaf句子sentence宠物pet 最常用的英语单词欢呼cheer欢呼声yippee高兴的pleased恐怖主义者terrorist降水rainfall拉,拽,拖,拔pull按照,如同,当…,因为as打破,折断;课间休息break 饥饿的hungry礁岩reef但是;除了but东方(的) east加拿大人Canadian按顺序in order回答answer灰色的grey考试examination棍棒stick叉子fork发光;照耀shine计划plan还(没有) yet陈列,展览display哭;叫喊cry报纸newspaper礼貌地politely女衬衫blouse电报telegraph电影院;电影cinema肥皂soap你,你们(主格,宾格) you海豹seal结冰;凝固freeze低的low大声的;响亮的loud介绍introduce潮湿的moist好心的kind-hearted可带走的(熟食)take-away 不同的different工作场所workplace记得remember面条noodle聚会get-together翻译translate分享share嘈杂的noisy铃子bell轮船ship不健康的unhealthy佳能(相机名) Canon比萨饼pizza密码;符号;编码code果汁juice会见,采访interview裁判,法官judge防止prevent复活节兔子Easter Bunny那里;(引导词,无词义) there介意,关心;小心,照顾care 常用的英语单词紧张不安的nervous两层two-story乘独木舟canoe乐队band骷髅skeleton和;又;而and俱乐部;社团club鸟bird大笑;笑声laugh混合mix up多雨的宾格太空记忆枕;下雨的rainy风wind环境environment流行歌手pop singer第二十twentieth歌唱者;歌手singer目的地destination茶壶teapot长的long你(们)的yours欢迎welcome每件事everything 常用英语单词表拐弯处turning大众的;流行的popular课lesson工程project六six陆地;登陆,降落land女士;夫人madam壁炉fireplace蜡烛candle乘以multiply女裙skirt澳大利亚Australia比…;比较…than口对口的mouth-to-mouth妒忌的jealous农田farmland匆忙hurry个人的;私人的personal竞争compete精确地exactly待;当作regard八月August鞭炮firecrackers地球,地球仪globe并排side by side宫殿palace混合,混和mix教;教书teach筷子chopstick剧场;戏院theatre来回的;往返的(车票等) round-trip 开始:着手begin美利坚合众国the United States 发明家inventor牛肉beef排;行row大学生运动会UNIVERSIADE明亮地brightly极地polar region她(宾格) her地址address化石fossil巴黎Paris餐厅dining-room节日(的) festival德国Germany规则;规定rule独特的unique开花bloom床bed黄油butter第十八eighteenth感激的thankful大厅hall各个,每个each垃圾;扔垃圾litter安装;修理fix木板board可怕的;感到不舒服的terrible回,向后;背部back 常用英语单词3000她的hers短的short攫取;抓取grab马卡哈Makaha加plus女孩girl超级市场supermarket登记处check-in不平常的unusual畅销货(书) best-seller比赛,竞赛competition乘…,通过…by脚趾toe打字type得分;获胜scorepurple people English sleep swim were was work worker math match will can do does did god my in on at of with new (先写这些吧)可能的possible脚foot (feet)嘈杂声,响声noise木头wood雕刻carve轨道;跑道track放put工人worker明亮的bright合理的,公宾格太空记忆枕道的reasonable魔法的magical队;组team副词adverb耳朵ear决定decision嗷,哎哟ouch擦;磨rub黄色的yellow草;草地grass高兴的delightedquite quiet oh so but neither or and either flower go 工具tool来come怜悯,同情;遗憾的事pity不见的missing笼子;鸟笼cage慷慨;豁达generosity某事(物) something伦敦London建造build礼貌的polite发展develop不可能的impossible倒下fall理解understand猫cat磁带tape花园;菜园garden口袋,衣袋pocket加拿大Canada溜溜球yo-yo警告;提醒warn困难的difficult旅行travel年year跟随follow美元dollar豆腐tofu不安的restless拿出;提供offer厨房kitchen冰激凌ice cream记录record唱唱歌sing进步;提高;前进progress美国的,美国人American秘密secret滑稽的funny比较comparison慢慢地slowly更好;较好的better录象video陡峭的,险峻的steep东京Tokyo成就;成功success九nine男衬衫shirt柏林Berlin好几个several明天tomorrow另一,又一another年级grade卖;售sell国家的national 英语作文常用单词动物animal呃,啊er观点opinion历险,冒险adventure出生(bear的过去分词) born干种子berry传单leaflet尺子ruler边缘rim飞机plane跨越,横跨;十字形cross大道,大街avenue经理manager湖泊lake此后;自…以来;由于…;既然…since 粗体bold type磅;镑pound灯笼lantern梨子pear邻居neighbour第十二twelfth高音喇叭loudspeaker路;方法way描述;描写description不久;很快soon广泛地;广阔地widely不not雇员employee仅仅;只有only乘客passenger爬climb地理(学) geography白天daytime嘿hey旱灾,干旱drought牛奶milk感觉feel惊奇,惊讶;对…感到怀宾格太空记忆枕疑wonder 孤独的lonely白色的white宽的wide丢失的lost警官,监督员inspector比赛者;选手player避免avoid打电话,叫喊;电话通话call不同;差异difference打破(过去式) broke傍晚;晚上evening领导,带领lead空调机air conditioner办公室office百货商店department疾病disease察觉;领悟;了解realize可以…;行; could棉花cotton地面ground冲浪运动surfing空间;太空space表格;构成,组成form盥洗室;厕所washroom健康的healthy带来;拿来bring描述;叙述describe成年人adult烘烤bake电梯;(云雾)消散lift 酒店常用英语单词其他回答5:do take make let go可以may关闭shut法国人Frenchman冷的cold合适的suitable丢失lose其他回答6:about above accident accord accost account act a an are am amusing alone along angry because bed bedroom bothroom bad bicycle baby big bike bill begin cut cake dad dog end egg eat fat fill fact flight flash finish feed food it i s one美国America好;健康的;好吧well 英语口语常用单词发明invention钓鱼fishing结婚marry洞;坑hole后来;以后later开始,着手;出发start比赛match安静地silently城市city豪华,庄重的grand吹,刮blow工程师engineer将;应该should景色scenery那些those高的(地) high教室classroom操作;动手术operate北方的;北部的northern啊哈aha给give此刻,瞬间moment借(出) lend嗯um棒球,垒球baseball定货单,点菜;订购, order对不起的sorry花flower划水paddle美分cent春天spring画draw谜语riddle壶pot篮球basketball咳嗽cough两者都不;(两者)无一个neither了望塔watchtower护士nurse安全safety甲壳虫乐队Beatles冠军champion解决;解答solve借borrow门铃door-bell抄写,誊写;复制copy规则的,定时的regular很,十分quite肥胖的fat传统的traditional粗心地carelessly努力宾格太空记忆枕;尝试;射门shot 惊奇,惊讶;使…吃惊surprise风筝kite比利时Belgium复数的plural陆地,大地;地球earth废物;浪费;废弃的waste害怕的afraid发明invent火车;训练,培养train岛屿island将,愿意would楼道,楼梯stairway乏味的dull粉红色pink调制解调器modem都;全部;所有的all轿车,汽车car最佳答案:啊ah几乎不hardly活着的alive购物;买东西shopping迷、球迷、影迷fan猜guess技术;工艺学technology课本textbook河岸,银行bank杯子cup假如;如果if高兴的glad担心的,烦恼的worried 奶奶;婆婆grandma姐;妹sister发芽sprout变换,改变change火鸡turkey面包bread父母parent; parents 公园;停放(车辆) park 铃响;打电话ring车站station发现:找到find出口exit轨道;铁路rail家务housework标签label精彩的wonderful绞死hang潮湿的wet打印机printer动物园zoo鸡,鸡肉chicken好的OK感谢thank何时;当…时when教堂;教会church男人们(man的复数) men 第四fourth联盟league某人,有人somebody出去,在外面out肺结核TB裤子trousers旅行者traveller东西;事情thing进入;回车键enter合同contract护照passport括号bracket调羹;汤匙;勺子spoon女士;夫人lady女士Ms害怕的scared家乡hometown难闻的smelly牧羊人shepherd付钱pay汉堡包hamburger电子邮件e-mail玻璃(杯) glass歌剧;戏剧opera家;在家,到家home百万million那个that电影movie警察policeman会议meeting聚酯化合物polyester家庭作业宾格太空记忆枕homework 关于…;大约about发送;寄;派遣send海底的undersea除非…;如果…不…unless二手的secondhand纽基Newquay沮丧的frustrated房间;空间room好的:(身体)好的fine海(河)滩beach菜单menu大陆;本土mainland婚礼wedding胳臂arm离开away大的big旅游者;观光者tourist根据according to变成;成为become关门的closed蜜蜂bee班级,年级class镜子mirror部分part曼彻斯特Manchester发音pronounce话题,主题topic大量地;猛烈地heavily明信片postcard传递;通过pass改正;正确的; correct打扫;干净的, clean历史history货物load哈佛大学Harvard到…;往…;(不定式符号,无词义) to零zero难过地;悲哀地sadly病假sick leave马horse没有什么东西nothing符号,象征symbol化妆costume好的good调查survey九月September健康health工作work键盘keyboard尼泊尔Nepal都在上面,你好好看看,不懂的查查字典。



General 大体上的,总的 specific 明确的,特定的Common 普通的,不稀奇的 rare 稀有的Normal 正常的(期望的结果) strangeOrdinary 平常的,日常的(日常生活中能经常碰到的) different, special Universal 广泛的,普遍存在的,Usual 往常的,通常的How are ordinary people able to live out their dreams?普通人如何实现自己的梦想Make sb do sth让/使某人做某事(强迫)Have sb do sth请某人做某事(亲密的,对某人有些权威的)Get sb to do sth 说服(使)某人做某事Get sth done 让别人帮我做 I must get my hair cut.到达Reach school 到达学校Arrive at (到达小地点)Arrive in(到达大地点,如城市)Get to(到达大地点)Be alert to sth 对…警觉(有危险)Alert sb to sth 对sb发出警报(注意)sth 有危险Restrict/confine/limitrestrict 区别于limit 的地方在于,restrict“限制”的是范围,而limit 侧重于表示“限制”到某个点confine 具有 limit 和 restrict 两者的含义,但 confine 的内涵是“约束”或“束缚”We must limit our expense to what we can afford.我们必须不使开支超出我们的支付能力The trees restrict our view.这些树局限了我们的视野。

The professor confined his remarks to scientific management.那位教授把自己的讲话局限在科学管理方面。






First Hundred WordsWords 1 - 25 Words 26 - 50 Words 51 - 75 Words 75 - 100The or will Numberof one up noand had other waya by about couldto word out peoplein but many myis not then thanyou what them firstit were so beenhe we some callwas when her whofor your would oilon can make itsare said like nowas there him findwith use into longhis an time downthey each has dayI which look didat she two getbe do more comethis how write madehave their go mayfrom if see part常见的后缀: -s, -ing, -ed, -er, -ly, -estSecond Hundred WordsWords 101 - 125 Words 126 - 150 Words 151 - 175 Words 176 - 200over say set trynew great put kindtake help does pictureonly through another againlittle much well changework before large offknow line must playplace right big spellyear mean such awayme old because animalback any turn housegive same here pointmost tell why pagevery boy ask letterafter follow went motherthing came men answerour want read foundjust show need studyname also land stillgood around different learn sentence form home shouldman three us Americathink small move world常见的后缀: -s, -ing, -ed, -er, -ly, -estThird Hundred WordsWords 201 - 225 Words 226 - 250 Words 251 - 275 Words 276 - 300 high saw important missevery left until ideanear don't children enoughadd few side eatfood while feet facetbetween along car watchown might mile farbelow close night Indiancountry something walk reallyplant seem white almostlast next sea letschool hard began abovefather open grow girlkeep example took sometimestree begin river mountain never life four cutstart always carry youngcity those state talkearth both once sooneye paper book listlight together hear songthought got stop beinghead group without leaveunder often second familystory run later it's常见的后缀: -s, -ing, -ed, ir, -ly, -estFourth Hundred WordsWords 301 - 325 Words 326 - 350 Words 351 - 375 Words 376 - 400 body order listen farmmusic red wind pulledcolor door rock drawstand sure space voicesun become covered seen questions top fast coldfish ship several criedarea across hold planmark today himself noticedog during toward southhorse short five singbirds better step warproblem best morning ground complete however passed fallroom low vowel kingknew hours true townsince black hundred I'llever products against unitpiece happened pattern figuretold whole numeral certainusually measure table fielddidn't remember north travelfriends early slowly woodeasy waves money fireheard reached map uponFifth Hundred WordsWords 401 - 425 Words 426 - 450 Words 451 - 475 Words 476 - 500 done decided plane filledEnglish contain system heatroad course behind fullhalt surface ran hotten produce round checkfly building boat objectgave ocean game ambox class force rulefinally note brought amongwait nothing understand nouncorrect rest warm poweroh carefully common cannotquickly scientists bring ableperson inside explain sixbecame wheels dry sizeshown stay though darkminutes green language ballstrong known shape materialverb inland deep specialstars week thousands heavyfront less yes finefeel machine clear pairfact base equation circleinches ago yet includestreet stood government builtSixth Hundred WordsWords 501 - 525 Words 526 - 550 Words 551 - 575 Words 576 - 600 can't picked legs besidematter simple sat gonesquare cells main skysyllables paint winter glassperhaps mind wide millionbill love written westfelt cause length laysuddenly rain reason weathertest exercise kept rootdirection eggs interest instruments center train arms meetfarmers blue brother thirdready wish race months anything drop present paragraph divided developed beautiful raisedgeneral window store represent energy difference job softsubject distance edge whether Europe heart past clothesmoon sit sign flowersregion sum record shallreturn summer finished teacher believe wall discovered helddance forest wild describe members probably happy driveSeventh Hundred WordsWords 601 - 625 Words 626 - 650 Words 651 - 675 Words 676 - 700 cross already hair rolledspeak instead age bearsolve phrase amount wonder appear soil scale smiledmetal bed pounds angleson copy although fractioneither free per Africaice hope broken killedsleep spring moment melodyvillage case tiny bottomfactors laughed possible tripresult nation gold holejumped quite milk poorsnow type quiet let'sride themselves natural fightcare temperature lot surprisefloor bright stone Frenchhill lead act diedpushed everyone build beatbaby method middle exactlybuy section speed remain century lake count dressoutside consonant cat iron everything within someone couldn'ttall dictionary sail fingersEighth Hundred WordsWords 701 - 725 Words 726 - 750 Words 751 - 775 Words 776 - 800 row president yourself caughtleast brown control fellcatch trouble practice teamclimbed cool report Godwrote cloud straight captain shouted lost rise direct continued sent statement ringitself symbols stick serveelse wear party childplains bad seeds desertgas save suppose increase England experiment woman history burning engine coast costdesign alone bank maybejoined drawing period businessfoot east wire separatelaw pay choose breakears single clean unclegrass touch visit huntingyou're information bit flowgrew express whose ladyskin mouth received studentsvalley yard garden humancents equal please artkey decimal strange feeling NinthHundred WordsWords 801 - 825 Words 826 - 850 Words 851 - 875 Words 876 - 900 supply guess thick majorcorner silent blood observe electric trade lie tubeinsects rather spot necessary crops compare bell weighttone crowd fun meathit poem loud liftedsand enjoy consider processdoctor elements suggested armyprovide indicate thin hatthus except position propertywon't expect entered particularcook flat fruit swimbones seven tied termstail interesting rich currentboard sense dollars parkmodern string send sell compound blow sight shouldermine famous chief industrywasn't value Japanese washfit wings stream blockaddition movement planets spreadbelong pole rhythm cattlesafe exciting eight wifesoldiers branches science sharpTenth Hundred WordsWords 901 - 925 Words 926 - 950 Words 951 - 975 Words 976 - 1000 company sister gun totalradio oxygen similar dealwe'll plural death determine action various score eveningcapital agreed forward norfactories opposite stretched ropesettled wrong experience cottonyellow chart rose appleisn't prepared allow details southern pretty fear entiretruck solution workers cornfair fresh Washington substances printed shop Greek smellwouldn't suffix women toolsahead especially bought conditions chance shoes led cowsborn actually march tracklevel nose northern arrivedtriangle afraid create located molecules dead British sirFrance sugar difficult seatrepeated adjective match division column fig win effectwestern office doesn't underline church huge steel view。




Rank Word Rank Word Rank Word Rank Word1 the 126 name 251 open 376 ten2 of 127 very 252 seem 377 simple3 to 128 through 253 together 378 several4 and 129 just 254 next 379 vowel5 a 130 form 255 white 380 toward6 in 131 sentence 256 children 381 war7 is 132 great257 begin 382 lay8 it 133 think 258 got 383 against9 you 134 say 259 walk 384 pattern10 that 135 help 260 example 385 slow11 he 136 low 261 ease 386 center12 was 137 line 262 paper 387 love13 for 138 differ 263 group 388 person14 on 139 turn 264 always 389 money15 are 140 cause 265 music 390 serve16 with 141 much 266 those 391 appear17 as 142 mean 267 both 392 road18 I 143 before 268 mark 393 map19 his 144 move 269 often 394 rain20 they 145 right 270 letter 395 rule21 be 146 boy 271 until 396 govern22 at 147 old 272 mile 397 pull23 one 148 too 273 river 398 cold24 have 149 same 274 car 399 notice25 this 150 tell 275 feet 400 voice26 from 151 does 276 care 401 unit27 or 152 set 277 second 402 power28 had 153 three278 book 403 town29 by 154 want 279 carry 404 fine30 hot 155 air 280 took 405 certain31 word 156 well 281 science 406 fly32 but 157 also 282 eat 407 fall33 what 158 play 283 room 408 lead34 some 159 small 284 friend 409 cry35 we 160 end 285 began 410 dark36 can 161 put 286 idea 411 machine37 out 162 home 287 fish 412 note38 other 163 read 288 mountain 413 wait39 were 164 hand 289 stop 414 plan40 all 165 port 290 once 415 figure41 there166 large 291 base 416 star42 when 167 spell 292 hear 417 box43 up 168 add 293 horse 418 noun44 use 169 even 294 cut 419 field45 your 170 land 295 sure 420 rest46 how 171 here 296 watch 421 correct47 said 172 must 297 color 422 able48 an 173 big 298 face 423 pound49 each 174 high 299 wood 424 done50 she 175 such 300 main425 beauty51 which 176 follow 301 enough 426 drive52 do 177 act 302 plain427 stood53 their 178 why 303 girl 428 contain54 time 179 ask 304 usual 429 front55 if 180 men 305 young 430 teach56 will 181 change 306 ready 431 week57 way 182 went 307 above 432 final58 about 183 light 308 ever 433 gave59 many 184 kind 309 red 434 green60 then 185 off 310 list 435 oh61 them186 need 311 though 436 quick62 write 187 house 312 feel 437 develop63 would 188 picture 313 talk 438 ocean64 like 189 try 314 bird 439 warm65 so 190 us 315 soon 440 free66 these 191 again 316 body 441 minute67 her 192 animal 317 dog 442 strong68 long 193 point 318 family 443 special69 make 194 mother 319 direct 444 mind70 thing 195 world 320 pose 445 behind71 see 196 near 321 leave 446 clear72 him 197 build 322 song 447 tail73 two 198 self 323 measure 448 produce74 has 199 earth324 door 449 fact75 look 200 father 325 product 450 street76 more 201 head 326 black 451 inch77 day 202 stand 327 short 452 multiply78 could 203 own 328 numeral 453 nothing79 go 204 page 329 class 454 course80 come 205 should 330 wind 455 stay81 did 206 country 331 question 456 wheel82 number 207 found 332 happen 457 full83 sound 208 answer 333 complete 458 force84 no 209 school 334 ship 459 blue85 most 210 grow 335 area 460 object86 people 211 study 336 half 461 decide87 my 212 still 337 rock 462 surface88 over 213 learn338 order 463 deep89 know 214 plant339 fire 464 moon90 water 215 cover 340 south 465 island91 than 216 food 341 problem 466 foot92 call 217 sun 342 piece 467 system93 first 218 four 343 told 468 busy94 who 219 between 344 knew 469 test95 may 220 state 345 pass 470 record96 down 221 keep 346 since 471 boat97 side 222 eye 347 top 472 common98 been 223 never 348 whole 473 gold99 now 224 last 349 king 474 possible100 find 225 let 350 space 475 plane101 any 226 thought 351 heard 476 stead102 new 227 city 352 best 477 dry103 work 228 tree 353 hour 478 wonder104 part 229 cross 354 better 479 laugh105 take 230 farm 355 true 480 thousand106 get 231 hard 356 during 481 ago107 place 232 start 357 hundred 482 ran108 made 233 might 358 five 483 check109 live 234 story 359 remember 484 game 110 where 235 saw 360 step 485 shape111 after 236 far 361 early486 equate112 back 237 sea 362 hold 487 hot113 little 238 draw363 west 488 miss114 only 239 left 364 ground 489 brought115 round 240 late 365 interest 490 heat116 man 241 run 366 reach 491 snow117 year 242 don't 367 fast 492 tire118 came 243 while 368 verb 493 bring119 show 244 press 369 sing 494 yes120 every 245 close 370 listen 495 distant 121 good 246 night 371 six 496 fill122 me 247 real 372 table 497 east123 give 248 life 373 travel 498 paint124 our 249 few 374 less 499 language125 under 250 north 375 morning 500 among 1000个最常用的英语单词发表时间:2008-04-08 编辑:王喆来源:原创编者按:以下1000个最常用的英语单词是从使用英式英语、美式英语和澳大利亚英语的报纸、杂志中以及真实的生活对话中提炼而来的。


称…的重量 weigh
成就;成功 success
成立;建立 found
成年人 adult
成员 member

堡 castle
城市 city
城镇 town
乘…,通过… by
按照,如同,当…,因为 as
昂贵的 expensive
嗷,哎哟 ouch
澳大利亚 Australia
澳大利亚人 Australian Aussie
澳门 Macaoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
八 eight
八月 August
巴黎 Paris
巴西 Brazil
爸爸 dad
白色的 white
发生 happen
发送;寄;派遣 send
发现:找到 find
发现;发觉 discover
发型 hair style
发芽 sprout
发音 pronounce
发展 develop
乏味的 dull
法国 France
法国的;法语 French
法国人 Frenchman
出口 exit
出去,在外面 out
出生(bear的过去分词) born
出声地, aloud
出现;露面 appear
出租车 taxi
除…之外 except
除非…;如果…不… unless
厨房 kitchen
穿着 wear
传播 spread
传单 leaflet
俄国的;俄语;俄国人 Russian
呃,啊 er
儿子 son
耳朵 ear
二 two




每段话的小幅度改写:1.Word - 词语2.The name of the game is to win。

- 游戏的目的是赢。

3.It's very hot today。

- 今天非常热。

4.Through the years。

we have remained friends。

- 多年来,我们一直是朋友。

5.Just do it。

- 只管做。

6.The form requires your signature。

- 表格需要您的签名。

7.The sentence was too long。

- 这个句子太长了。

8.She is a great singer。

- 她是一位伟大的歌手。

9.I think you're right。

- 我认为你是正确的。

10.He said he would come。

- 他说他会来。

11.Can you help me。


- 请问你能帮我吗?12.The price is too low。

- 价格太低了。

13.Draw a line under the word。

- 在这个词下面画一条线。

14.The two paintings are different。

- 这两幅画不同。

15.Turn left at the next corner。

- 在下一个拐角向左转。

16.What was the cause of the accident。

- 这次事故的原因是什么?17.Thank you very much。













父亲 father
付钱 pay
妇女 woman
妇女(pl.) women
低的 low
敌人 enemy
底部 bottom
地板 floor
地方 place
地理(学) geography
地面 ground
地球,地球仪 globe
地图 map
地下的 underground
地震 earthquake
地址 address
第……号 No. =number
草;草地 grass
厕所 toilet
叉子 fork
茶;茶叶 tea
茶壶 teapot
察觉;领悟;了解 realize
长的 long
长筒袜 stocking
尝味;有...味道 taste
畅销货(书) best-seller
唱唱歌 sing
唱诵 chant
波士顿 Boston
玻璃(杯) glass
脖子 neck
博物馆 museum
不 not
不,不是;没有 no
不安的 restless
不安的 uneasy
不按次序排队的人 jumper
不出名的 unknown
不好不坏的,马马虎虎的 so-so
不见的 missing
但是;除了 but
蛋糕,,饼 cake
当然 certainly
岛屿 island
倒,灌;倾泻 pour
倒空,清空 empty
倒塌 collapse
倒下 fall
到…;往…;(不定式符号,无词义) to
到…里 into



One1 the [ðə, ði] art.这,那ad.[用于比较级;最高级前]2 be [bi,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在3 of [əv, ə, ɔv] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于4 and [ənd, ænd] conj.和;那么;然后;而且5 a [ei, ə, æn, ən] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个)6 to [tu, tu, tə] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到7 in [in] prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于ad.进;到达8 he [hi, hi] pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人9 have [hæv,həv] aux. v.已经vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得10 it [it] pron.它;这;那11 that [ðæt] a. pron.那,那个;ad.那样,那么12 for [fə, fɔ] prep.为;对,供,适合于;向conj.因为故13 they [ðei] pron.他(或她、它)们14 I [ai] pron.我15 with [wið, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着16 as [æz, əz] ad.同样地prep.当作conj.随着;因为17 not [nɔt] ad.不,没,不是18 on [ɔn] prep.在…上;向;处于;在ad.上;向前19 she [ʃi, ʃi] pron.她20 at [æt, ət] prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事21 by [bai] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于ad.在近旁;经过22 this [ðis] a.这,这个;今,本pron.这,这个23 we [wi, wi] pron.我们24 you [ju, ju] pron.你,你们25 do [du, du] aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动26 but [bʌt,bət] conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外ad.只27 from [frəm,frɔm] prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与28 or [ɔ, ə] conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然29 which [witʃ] pron. a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些)30 one [wʌn] num.一pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的31 would [wud] aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请32 all [ɔl] a.全部的;尽量的ad.很pron.全部33 will [wil] aux. v.将;愿意n.意志;遗嘱vt.用意志驱使34 there [ðɛə] pron.[与be连用,“有”] ad.在那里35 say [sei] v.说;表明ad.比如说,大约n.发言权36 who [hu] pron.谁,什么人;[关系代词]…的人37 make [meik] vt.做,制造;产生;成为n.品牌,类型38 when [wen] ad. pron.什么时候;在…时conj.当…时39 can [kæn,kən] aux. v.能;可以n.罐(头) vt.把…装罐保存40 more [mɔr] ad.更(多) a.更多(大)的n.更多的人(或物)41 if [if] conj.如果,假如;是否;即使;无论何时42 no [nəu] ad.不,不是,没有a.没有的;不许的43 man [mæn] n.(成年)男人;人,人类vt.给…配备人员44 out aut] ad.出,向外;在外;出现;完;过时45 other [ˈʌðə] a.别的;其余的pron.另一个人(或物)46 so [səu] ad.那么,非常;如此conj.所以;以便47 what [wɔt, wɑt] pron.什么;[关系代词] a.多么;什么48 time [taim] n.时间;次;倍[ pl.]时期vt.为…安排时间49 up [ʌp] ad. a.向上(的) prep.沿…往上;在…上面50 go [gəu] vi.去;变得;进行;放;通往;消失n.尝试51 about [əˈbaut] prep.关于;在…周围ad.大约;在附近52 than [ðæn, ðən] conj.比53 into [ˈintu, ˈintə] prep.进,入,到…里;成为;很喜欢54 could [kud] v. aux.can的过去式;[虚拟语气等]可以(能)55 state [steit] n.状态;国家,政府;州vt.陈述,说明56 only [ˈəunli] ad.只;反而a.唯一的;最好的conj.可是57 new [nju] a.新的,新出现的,新生产的;生疏的58 year [jiə, jə] n.年,年份59 some [sʌm,səm] a.一些,有些;某个pron.一些ad.大约60 take [teik] vt.带(去);做;花费;拿;服用;乘;拍61 come [kʌm] vi.来(自);经过;至;实现;开始;发生62 these [ðiz] pron.[this的复数]这些63 know [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得64 see [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得65 use [juz, jus]vt.用;耗费,利用n.使用,应用;用途66 get [get] vt.获得;收到;理解vi.变得;逐渐;到达67 like [laik] v.喜欢n.[ pl.]相似(物) prep.像a.相像的68 then [ðen] ad.当时;那么,因而;然后,于是69 first [fəst] num.第一a.第一的ad.首先;第一次;宁可70 any [ˈeni] pron.无论哪个; a.任何的ad.丝毫71 work [wək] v.工作;有效n.工作;职业[ pl.]著作72 now [nau] ad.(到)现在,如今;这时候;马上73 may [mei] n.五月74 such [sʌtʃ] a.这样的ad.那么pron.这样的人(物)75 give [giv] vt.给予;提供vi.塌下,折断,弯曲;让步76 over [ˈəuvə] prep.在…的上;关于ad.颠倒地a.结束的77 think [θiŋk] vt.认为;想;打算vi. n.想,思考78 most [məust] ad.最;十分a.最多的;大部分的n.大多数79 even [ˈivən] ad.甚至a.平的;平稳的;双数的v.(使)平坦80 find [faind] vt.发现;感到;判决n.(有价值的)发现物81 day [dei] n.天,一昼夜;白昼,白天;时期,时代82 also [ˈɔlsəu] ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地83 after [ˈɑftə] prep. conj.在…之后a.以后的ad.后84 way [wei] n.方法;路;方面[ pl.]习俗ad.非常85 many [ˈmeni] a.许多的,多的pron.许多人,许多86 must [mʌst] aux. v.必须,应该;一定n.必须做的事87 look [luk] v.看;显得;朝着;打量n.看;脸色88 before [biˈfɔ] prep.在…前conj.在…以前ad.以前89 great [greit] a.大的;伟大的;好极的;擅长的90 back [bæk] ad.回原处n.背;后面a.后面的v.后退91 through [θru] prep.穿过;从头到尾;凭借ad. a.自始至终92 long [lɔŋ] a. ad.长(期)的(地) n.长时间vi.渴望93 where [wɛə] ad. conj.在哪里;在…的地方pron.哪里94 much [mʌtʃ] ad.十分;a. n.多(的),大量(的)95 should [ʃud, ʃəd] aux. v.[shall的过去式];应当;可能96 well [wel] ad.好地;完全地int.那末a.健康的n.井97 people [ˈpipl] n.人(们);[the~]人民;民族vt.居住于98 down [daun] a. ad.向下(的),在下面prep.沿着…而下99 own [əun] a.自己的vt.有,拥有100 just [dʒʌst] ad.正好;只是;刚才a.正义的;恰当的Two101 because [biˈkɔz] conj.因为102 good [gud] a.好的;擅长的;n.善,好处[ pl.]商品103 each [ˈitʃ] pron.各(每)个a.各,各自的,每ad.对每个104 those [ðəuz] pron.[that的复数]那些105 feel [fil] vi.觉得;给人以…感觉vt.摸;认为n.感觉106 seem [sim] vi.好像,似乎107 how [hau] ad.怎么,怎样;多么,多少108 high [hai] a.高(级;尚;兴)的ad.高n.高峰(潮,水平) 109 too [tu] ad.也,还;太,过于;很,非常110 place [pleis] n.地方;职位;名次vt.放置;任命111 little [ˈlitl] a.小的;短的;不多的n.极少ad.毫不112 world [wəld] n.(全)世界,地球;世间(人);界,领域113 very [ˈveri] ad.很;完全地a.正是的,真实的;完全的114 still [stil] ad.还;然而a.静止的n.剧照v.(使)平静115 nation [ˈneiʃən] n.国家,民族116 hand [hænd] n.手;指针;人手;帮助;手艺vt.交,递117 old [əuld] a.老的;过时的;以前的;老练的118 life [laif] n.生命;一生;生活,人生;生物;活力119 tell [tel] v.讲(述),告诉;吩咐;认出;显示;生效120 write [rait] v.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信(给)121 become [biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称122 here [hiə] ad.在(向,到)这里int.[用于引起注意]123 show [ʃəu] v. n.表明;出示;演出,放映;展览(会) 124 house [haus] n.房屋;公司;(H-)议院vt.给…房子住125 both [bəuθ] a.两个…(都) pron.两者(都),双方(都)126 between [biˈtwin] prep.在…之间;为…所分享127 need [nid] vt.需要;缺少aux.v.必须n.需要;贫困128 mean [min] vt.意思是;意欲vi.特意a.吝啬的;平均的129 call [kɔl] v. n.把…叫做;打电话给;叫;访问;电话130 develop [diˈveləp] vt.发展;制订;产生vi.生长;发展131 un der [ˈʌndə] prep. ad.在…下面;少于;在…情况下132 last [lɑst] a.刚过去的;最后的ad.最后vi.持续133 right [rait] a. ad.对(的);右(的) int.好n.权利;右134 move [muv] v.搬;动摇;感动n.动作;移动,搬家135 thing [θiŋ] n.事;物[常pl.]局面;所有物,用品136 general [ˈdʒenərəl] a.一般的;总的,普遍的;笼统的n.将军137 school [skul] n.学校,学院;上学,学业;学派138 never [ˈnevə] ad.从不,永不;决不,千万不139 same [seim] a.相同的pron.[the-]同样的人(物)140 another [əˈnʌðə] pron.再(另)一个a.再一个的;别的141 begin [biˈgin] v.开始142 while [wail] conj.当…的时;而;虽然n.一会儿vt.消磨143 number [ˈnʌmbə] n.数字;号码[常略作N o.]号vt.编号144 part [pɑt] n.部分;零件;作用v.(使)分开ad.部分地145 turn [tən] v.转动;扭转;(使)变成n.转向;轮流146 real [riəl] a.真的,真正的;真实的,现实的147 leave [liv] v.出发;离开;留下n.准假;许可;告辞148 might [mait] aux. v.[may的过去式];可能n.力量;权势149 want [wɔnt, wɑnt] v.想要;缺乏n.不足[pl.]需要的东西150 point [pɔint] n.要点,观点;点;时刻v.指,指明151 form [fɔm] n.形式;外形;表格v.形(构)成,产生152 off [ɔ()f] ad.…掉(下);离开;停止;休息a.休息的153 child [tʃaild] n.小孩,儿童;子女,孩子154 few [fju] a./n.[表示否定]很少(的),几乎没有(的)155 small [smɔl] a.小的;少的;不重要的156 since [sins] conj. prep.从…以后;因为ad.后来157 against [əˈgenst] prep.逆,反(对),违反;对...不利158 ask [ɑsk] vt.询问;请求;邀请vi.(for)请求159 late [leit] a.晚的;晚期的;最近的ad.迟,晚160 home [həum] n.家(乡);原产地a.家庭(乡)的ad.回家161 interest [ˈintrist] n.兴趣;利息(率)[ pl.]利益vt.使感兴趣162 large [lɑdʒ] a.大的;(数量)多的,众多的163 person [ˈpəsn] n.人164 end [end] n.末尾;尽头;终止;结果v.结束,终止165 open [ˈəupən] a.开的,开放的,公开的v.开;开始;开放166 public [ˈpʌblik] a.公众的;公共的;公开的n.公众,民众167 follow [ˈfɔləu] vt.接着;遵照;听懂;注视vi.(紧)接;懂168 during [ˈdjuəriŋ] prep.在…期间169 present [priˈzent, ˈprezənt] a.出席的;现在的n.现在;礼物vt.赠(送) 170 without [wiˈðaut] prep.无,没有ad.在外面171 again [əˈgein] ad.再(又)一次;到原处;而且172 hold [həuld] v.拿;保持;掌握;主持n.握住;掌握;船舱173 govern [ˈgʌvən] vt.统治,治理,管理;支配,影响174 around [əˈraund] ad.在周围;到处;大约prep.遍及175 possible [ˈpɔsəb(ə)l] a.可能的,做得到的;可接受的,合理的176 head [hed] n.头(脑);顶部;领导vt.领导vi.朝…行进177 consider [kənˈsidə] v.考虑,细想;认为,把…看作;考虑到178 word [wəd] n.(单)词[ pl.]言语,话;传说;诺言179 program [ˈprəugræm] n.计(规)划;节目(单);程序vt.编程180 problem [ˈprɔbləm] n.问题,疑难问题;思考题,讨论题181 however [hauˈevə] ad.然而,可是;无论如何conj.不管怎样182 lead [lid] v.带路;领导;致使;通向n.领导;主角;铅183 system [ˈsistəm] n.系统;制度,体制;方法;身体184 set [set] n.(一)套a.规定的vt.放,安装vi.落山185 order [ˈɔdə] n.顺序;定购;秩序;命令vt.命令;定购186 eye [ai] n.眼(睛);视力;眼力;监督vt.看,审视187 plan [plæn] n.计划;平面图,示意图v.(制订)计划188 run [rʌn] vi.跑;运转;竞选;流vt.经营n.跑步189 keep [kip] v.(使)保持,(使)继续;阻止;遵守;保有190 face [feis] n.脸,面部表情;外表;表面v.面向;面对191 fact [fækt] n.事实,真相192 group [grup] n.组,群;集团vt.把…分组;使聚集vi.聚集193 play [plei] v.玩,打(球等);播放n.戏剧;游戏,比赛194 stand [stænd] vi.站;坐落;处于;忍受n.台;摊;立场195 increase [inˈkris, ˈinkris] v.增加,增长,增强n.增加,增长,增强196 early [ˈəli] a.早(期)的,在前的;早熟的ad.在早期;早197 course [kɔs] n.课程;过程;做法;路线;(一)道(菜)198 change [tʃeindʒ] v.改变;交换;兑换n.变化;更换;零钱199 help [help] v.帮(援)助;有助于;[呼救]救命n.帮助(手)Three200 line [lain] n.(界)线;条纹;方针;线路v.排队(齐)201 city [ˈsiti] n.城市,都市202 put [put] vt.放,使处于;表达;提交;记下203 close [kləuz] v.关;(使)接近a.近的ad.接近地n.结束204 case [keis] n.事例;情况;病例;案件;盒;手提箱205 force [fɔs] n.[ pl.]军队;暴力vt.强迫;用力推动206 meet [mit] vt.遇见;见面;满足vi.相遇;开会n.运动会207 once [wʌns] ad.一次;曾经,一度conj.一旦…(就…)208 water [ˈwɔtə] n.水vt.浇(供,加)水vi.流泪(口)水209 upon [əˈpɔn] prep. 在...之上.210 war [wɔ] n.战争;斗争,竞211 build [bild] vt.建造;创立vi.向顶点发展n.体型,体格212 hear [hiə] vt.听见;听到,得知;审讯,听证vi.听说213 light [lait] n.光;灯;火a.明亮的;轻的vt.点亮214 unite [ju()ˈnait] v.(使)联合,(使)团结,(使)统一215 live [laiv] vi.居住;活;难忘vt.生活a.活的;直播的216 every [ˈevri] a.每一(个);每…一次的,每隔…的217 country [ˈkʌntri] n.国家,全国人民;[the~]农村,乡村218 bring [briŋ] vt.带来;把…引来;促使;使发生219 center [ˈsentə] n.圆心,正中;中心v.(around)把…集中于220 let [let] vt.允许,让;假设;出租221 side [said] n.面;方面;一边a.边的vi.站在…的一边222 try [trai] vt.试图;审理;考验vi. n.努力,尝试223 provide [prəˈvaid] vt.供给,提供224 continue [kənˈtinju] v.继续,延续,延伸225 name [ˈneim] n.名字;名声vt.取名;提名;列举226 certain [ˈsətən] a.某(种);肯定的;确实的;不可避免的227 power [ˈpauə] n.权力;(能)力;电力;幂vt.使开动228 pay [pei] v.付款;给予(注意等);付出代价n.工资229 result [riˈzʌlt] n.结果;成绩,比分vi.导致;起因于230 question [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] n.问题;疑问;难题vt.询问;怀疑231 study [ˈstʌdi] v. n.学习;调查,研究(成果);书房232 woman [ˈwumən] n.成年女子,妇女233 member [ˈmembə] n.成员,会员234 until [ənˈtil, ʌnˈtil] conj.直到…时;[用于否定句]直到…(才) 235 far [fɑ] ad.远,久远地;很,极;遥远地a.遥远的236 night [nait] n.夜,夜晚237 always [ˈɔlweiz] ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终238 service [ˈsəvis] n.公共设施,公用机构;服务;维修vt.服务239 away [əˈwei] ad.远处,离开240 report [riˈpɔt] v. n.报告(道);告发;报到;隶属;传闻241 something [ˈsʌmθiŋ] pron.某物(事) n.重要的事物(或人)242 company [ˈkʌmpəni] n.公司;陪伴;同伴(们);(一)群;连队243 week [wik] n.星期,周244 church [tʃətʃ] n.教堂;礼拜;教会(组织)245 toward [təˈwɔd] prep.向;朝;接近;将近246 start [stɑt] vt.开始;创办vi.开始;出发;吃惊n.起点247 social [ˈsəuʃəl] a.社会的;交际的,社交的248 room [rum] n.房间,室;空间,地方;余地249 fi gure [ˈfigə] n.数字;算术;轮廓vi.出现;有道理vt.计算250 nature [ˈneitʃə] n.大自然;天性,性格;性质,类型251 though [ðəu] conj.尽管,虽然ad.可是,不过,然而252 young [jʌŋ] a.年轻的,青年的n.青年人253 less [les] a. ad.[little的比较级]更少(小)的(地)254 enough [iˈnʌf] ad.足够地,充分地;相当,尚a.足够的255 almost [ˈɔlməust] ad.几乎,差不多256 read [rid] v.读;理解;读数为;读到;写明257 include [inˈklud] vt.包括,包含258 president [ˈprezidənt] n.总统,主席;(大学)校长,董事长259 nothing [ˈnʌθiŋ] pron.没有东西(事情) n.无关紧要的人(或事) 260 yet [jet] ad.还,尚,仍;已经;更conj.然而261 better [ˈbetə] a.更好的;有好转的v.改善ad.更好地262 big [big] a.巨大的;重大的;年龄较大的;成功的263 boy bɔi] n.男孩264 cost [kɔst] n.价格,成本;代价vt.(使)花费;使付出265 business [ˈbiznis] n.交易,生意;工商企业;职业;事266 value [ˈvælju] n.价值;重要性[ pl.]价值观vt.重视;评价267 second [ˈsekənd, siˈkɔnd] num.第二a.次等的n.秒,瞬间vt.附和268 why [wai] ad.为什么;…的(理由) int.咳,哎呀269 clear [kliə] a. ad.清晰的(地) vt.清除;使清楚vi.变清澈270 expect [ikˈspekt] vt.预料,预计;等待,期待,盼望;要求271 family [ˈfæməli] n.家,家庭;亲属;家族;语系;科272 complete [kəmˈplit] a.完整的;十足的;完成的vt.完成;使完全273 act [ækt] v.行动;表演n.行为;法令;(一)幕274 sense [sens] n.感官(觉);判断力,见识;意思vt.觉得275 mind [maind] n.头脑;智力;想法v.介意;注意;照料276 experience [ikˈspiəriəns] n. vt.经历,阅历;经验,感受,体验277 art [ɑt] n.美(艺)术;技术(艺);[ pl.]文科278 next [nekst] a.紧接在后的;紧邻的ad.然后;次于279 near [niə] ad.在近处v. prep.靠(接)近a.接(亲)近的280 direct [diˈrekt] a.直接的;坦率的ad.直接地vt.对准;指导281 car [kɑ] n.汽车,轿车;(火车)车厢282 law [lɔ] n.法(律,规,学);律师业;规律,定律283 industry [ˈindəstri] n.工业,产业;勤劳,勤奋284 important [imˈpɔtənt] a.重要的,重大的;有势力的,有地位的285 girl [gəl] n.女孩子,姑娘;女儿286 god [gɔd] n.[G-]上帝;神;极其崇拜的人(或事物)287 several [ˈsevərəl] a.几个,若干,数个288 m atter [ˈmeitə] n.事情,情况;物质,物品vi.要紧289 usual [ˈjuʒuəl, ˈjuʒəl] a.通常的,惯常的290 rather [ˈrɑðə] ad.相当,颇有点儿;宁愿;更确切些291 per [pə()] prep.每,每一292 often [ˈɔ()fn] ad.常常,经常,通常293 kind [kaind] n.种类a.亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的294 among [əˈmʌŋ] prep.在…之中;在…之间295 white [wait] a.白色的;白种的n.白色;蛋白,眼白296 reason [ˈrizən] n.原因;理性v.分析,推论(理);劝告297 action [ˈækʃən] n.行动;行为;作用;情节298 return [riˈtən] v.返回;恢复;归还n.返回[ pl.]盈利299 foot [fut] n.脚,足;英尺;最下部,底部Four300 care [kɛə] vi.关心vt.对…介意n.照顾;注意;挂念301 simple [ˈsimpəl] a.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;头脑简单的302 within [wiˈðin] prep.在…里面,在…内ad.在里面303 love [lʌv] vt.爱,热爱;喜欢,爱好n.爱,爱情304 human [ˈhjumən] a.人的,人类的;有人情的,好心肠的n.人305 along [əˈlɔŋ] ad.向前地;一道(起) prep.沿着306 appear [əˈpiə] vi.出现,显露;看来好像;发表,问世307 doctor [ˈdɔktə] n.医生;博士vt.篡改,对…做手脚308 believe [biˈliv] vt.相信;认为vi.相信309 speak [spik] vi.说话;发言vt.说(出);讲(某种语言)310 active [ˈæktiv] a.活跃的,积极的;主动的,起作用的311 student [ˈstjudənt] n.学生,大学生;研究者312 month [mʌnθ] n.月,一个月的时间313 drive [draiv] vt.驾驶,开动,打入;驱使vi.驾驶n.驾驶314 concern [kənˈsən] n.关切的事;担心vt.有关于;使担心315 best [best] a.最好的ad.最好,最316 door [dɔ(r)] n.门,出入口317 hope [həup] n./v.希望,期望318 example [igˈzɑmpəl] n.例子,实例;榜样,楷模319 inform [inˈfɔm] vt.通知vi.(against)告发,检举320 body [ˈbɔdi] n.身体;主体;尸体;物体;一群(批)321 ever [ˈevə] ad.在任何时候,从来322 least [list] a. ad.[1ittle的最高级]最少(小;不的)323 probable [ˈprɔbəbəl] a.很可能的,大概的324 understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到;谅解;听说;认为325 reach [ritʃ] vt.达到;伸手;达成n.理解力[ pl.]流域326 effect [iˈfekt] n.结果;影响[ pl.]个人财物vt.实现,引起327 different [ˈdifrənt] a.不同的;各别的,另外的;各种的328 idea [aiˈdiə] n.想法,主意;思想,概念329 whole [həul] a.全部的;完整的,无缺的n.全部,整体330 control [kənˈtrəul] n.控制;自制;操纵装置vt.控制;克制331 condition [kənˈdiʃən] n.状况[ pl.]环境vt.适应;调整状况;决定332 field [fild] n.田地;领域;运动场;产地;场;视野333 pass [pɑs] v.经过;传递;通过;流逝n.通行证;通道334 fall [fɔl] vi.落下;垮台;下垂n.下降;瀑布;秋天335 note [nəut] n.便条;笔记;音符;钞票vt.注意;记录336 special [ˈspeʃəl] a.特殊的;专门的n.特价,特刊,特别节目337 talk [tɔk] v. n.交谈,谈论;演讲;谈判;闲话338 particular [pəˈtikjulə] a.特定(别)的;挑剔的;详细的n.[ pl.]详情339 today [təˈdei] n.今天;现今340 measure [ˈmeʒə] n.分量,尺寸;量具;测量v.测量;衡量341 walk [wɔk] vi. n.步行(路程),散步vt.陪…走342 teach [titʃ] vt.教,讲授;教导(训) vi.讲课,当教师343 low [ləu] a. ad.低(的);低下(的) n.低点,低水平344 hour [ˈauə] n.小时;时间,时刻[ pl.]固定时间345 type [taip] n.类型,种类,品种;铅字v.打(字)346 carry [ˈkæri] vt.提;运送;传播;携带;包含;支撑347 rate [reit] n.进度;比率,率vt.评估vi.被评价348 remain [riˈmein] vi.仍然是;留下;剩余n.[ pl.]剩余物349 full [ful] a.满的,装满的;完全的,充分的,完整的350 street [strit] n.街道,马路351 easy [ˈizi] a.容易的;舒适的;随和的,宽松的352 although [ɔlˈðəu] conj.虽然,尽管;然而353 record [ˈrekɔd, riˈkɔd] n.记录;唱片;履历vt.记录;录下354 sit [sit] vi.坐;坐落,被安放vt.使坐,使就座355 determine [diˈtəmin] vt.确定;决定;使下决心vi.下决心356 level [ˈlevəl] n.水平(面);高度a.(水)平的v.(使)变平坦357 local [ˈləukəl] a.地方性的,当地的;局部的n.[ pl.]当地人358 sure [ʃuə,ʃɔ] a.确信的;一定的;可靠的ad.确实;当然359 receive [riˈsiv] vt.收到;受到;接待,接见,欢迎360 thus [ðʌs] ad.如此,这样;因此,从而361 moment [ˈməumənt] n.片刻,瞬间,时刻;机会,时机362 spirit [ˈspirit] n.精神;灵魂;气概[ pl.]情绪;烈酒(精)363 train [trein] n.火车;一系列,行列v.(受)训练(培养)364 college [ˈkɔlidʒ] n.大学,学院365 religion [riˈlidʒən] n.宗教,宗教信仰366 perhaps [pəˈhæps] ad.或许,大概,可能367 music [ˈmjuzik] n.音乐,乐曲368 grow [grəu] vi.生长,成长;成为;增长vt.种植,栽种369 free [ˈfri] a. ad.自由的(地);免费的(地) vt.解放370 cause [kɔz] n.原因;事业vt.引起;使遭受,给…带来371 serve [səv] v.服务(役),任(职);接待;适合;发球372 age [eidʒ] n.年龄;时代(期) v.变旧,成熟373 book [buk] n.书;本子[ pl.]帐目vt.预订,预约374 board [bɔd] n.(黑)板;委员会;v.上(船,飞机等);搭伙375 recent [ˈrisənt] a.新近的,近来的376 sound [saund] n.声音v.响;听起来a.合理的ad.酣畅地377 office [ˈɔfis] n.办公室;处,所,局;官职;[-s]服务378 cut [kʌt] vt.切,割,剪;减少n.伤口;削减;修剪379 step [step] n.(脚)步;步骤;台阶vi.行走;踏上380 class [klɑs] n.阶级;班级;课;种类;等级,级别381 true [tru] a.真实的;真的;忠诚的;准确的382 history [ˈhistəri] n.历史,史学,历史书;履历;病历,病史383 position [pəˈziʃən] n.位置;地位,职务;姿势;立场vt.安置384 above [əˈbʌv] prep.在…上方;多(大,高)于ad.在上面385 strong [strɔŋ] a.强壮的;牢固的;坚强的;强烈的,浓的386 friend [frend] n.朋友,友人387 necessary [ˈnesisəri] a.必要的;必然的n.[ pl.]必需品388 add [æd] vt.添(增)加;把…加起来vi.(to)增添389 court [kɔt] n.法庭,法院;球场;宫廷;庭院,院子390 deal [dil] vt.分给,发;给予n.交易,协议391 tax [tæks] n.税(款);负担vt.征税;使费尽力气392 support [səˈpɔt] vt. n.支持,拥护;支撑;供养;证实393 party [ˈpɑti] n.社交聚会;党,政党;一方,当事人394 whether [ˈweðə] conj.是否,会不会;不管,无论395 either [ˈaiðə, ˈiðə] ad.[否]也a. pron.(两者中)任何一个,每方396 land [lænd] n.陆地;土地;国家v.(使)靠岸(登陆,降落)397 material [məˈtiəriəl] n.材(原;资)料a.物质的;肉体的;重要的398 happen [ˈhæpən] vi.发生;[后接不定式]碰巧,恰好399 education [ˌedju()ˈkeiʃən] n.教育,培养,训练Five400 death [deθ] n.死,死亡;破灭,终止401 agree [əˈgri] vi.赞同;一致;(气候等)相宜vt.同意402 arm [ɑm] n.臂;扶手vt.以(武器)装备;配备403 mother [ˈmʌðə] n.母亲,妈妈404 across [əˈkrɔs] prep.穿(越,横)过;在对面ad.在对面405 quite [kwait] ad.相当;实际上,确实;完全,十分406 any thing [ˈeniθiŋ] pron.无论什么东西;任何东西407 town [taun] n.镇,市镇;市区,市中心408 past [pɑst] a.以前的prep. ad.经过,过n.过去,往事409 view [vju] n.观点;观察;景色vt.看待;观察,看410 society [səˈsaiəti] n.社会;社会团体,协会,社;上流社会411 manage [ˈmænidʒ] v.管理,经营,处理;设法对付;控制,操纵412 answer [ˈɑnsə] n.回答;答案v.回答;解答;响应413 break [breik] n.休息vt.打破;弄坏vi.破碎;破晓;转晴414 organize [ˈɔgənaiz] vt.组织,把…编组;使有条理415 half [hɑf] a.一半的,半个的n.半,一半ad.一半416 fire [ˈfaiə] n.火;火灾;射击v.放(枪等);解雇417 lose [luz] v.丢失;迷失;输,损失;浪费;(钟)走慢418 money [ˈmʌni] n.钱,货币,金钱419 stop [stɔp, stɑp] v.停止,中断;阻止n.车站;停止;句号420 actual [ˈæktʃuəl] a.实际的,事实上的,真实的421 already [ɔlˈredi] ad.早已,已经422 effort [ˈefət] n.努力,尝试;努力的成果,成就423 wait [weit] vi.(for)等;(on)服侍n.等待(的时间)424 department [diˈpɑtmənt] n.部,部门,系425 able [ˈeibəl] a.能够…的,得以…的;有才干的426 political [pəˈlitikəl] a.政治的,政治上的;政党的,党派的427 learn [lən] v.学,学习;得知,了解,学会;认识到428 voice [vɔis]n.嗓音;(表达出的)意见;语态vt.说(话)429 air [ɛə]n.空(大)气;天(航)空vt.通风,晾干430 together [təˈgeðə] ad.在一起,共同;一致地,协调地431 shall [ʃæl, ʃəl] aux. v.将(要),会;必须,应该432 cover [ˈkʌvə] vt.(掩)盖;占;包括;报道n.盖子,封面433 common [ˈkɔmən] a.平常的,普通的;共同的,公共的434 subject [ˈsʌbdʒikt] n.主题;学科;对象;主语vt.使服从435 draw [drɔ] vt.画;拖;取出;vi.移动;n.平局;抽签436 short [ʃɔt] a.短(矮)的;缺乏ad.简短地n.[ pl.]短裤437 wife [waif] n.妻子438 treat [trit] vt.对待;医治;款待n.款待;乐事439 limit [ˈlimit] n.限度,限制[ pl.]范围;极限vt.限制(定)440 road [rəud] n.路,道路441 letter [ˈletə] n.信,函件;字母[ pl.]文学,文化修养442 color [ˈkʌlə] n.颜色;颜料;情调vt.给…着(染)色443 behind [biˈhaind] prep.在…后;落后于ad.在背后;在后面444 produce [prəˈdjus, ˈprɔdjus] vt.生产,产生;显示;制作n.(农)产品445 send [send] vt.送,寄;派遣,打发;发送,发射446 term [təm] n.措词,术语;(任,学)期vt.把…称为447 total [ˈtəutl] a.全部的;完全的n.总数(计) v.合计448 university [ˌjuniˈvəsiti] n.大学449 rise [raiz] vi.升起;起立(床);上涨n.上涨;升高450 century [ˈsentʃəri] n.世纪,百年451 success [səkˈses]n.成就,成功;成功的事物,有成就的人452 minute [ˈminit, maiˈnjut] n.分钟;片刻;立刻[ pl.]会议记录a.微小的453 remember [riˈmembə] v.记得,记住;(to)代…问候454 purpose [ˈpəpəs] n.目的,意图;用途;效果455 test [test] vt.试验,测试,检验456 fight [fait] n.战斗,打架,斗争457 watch [wɔtʃ] v.观看;看守,照看;小心n.表;看管458 situation [ˌsitʃuˈeiʃ(ə)n] n.形势,环境,状况;位置,地点459 south [sauθ] n.南(方),南部ad.向南方a.南方(部)的460 ago [əˈgəu] ad.[用于被修饰词之后]以前461 difference [ˈdifrəns] n.差别,差异;差,差额;(意见的)分歧462 stage [steidʒ] n.阶段;舞台;戏剧表演vt.上演;举办463 father [ˈfɑðə] n.父亲;[ pl.]祖先;创始人;神父464 table [ˈteibəl] n.桌(台)子;表格vt.提交讨论465 rest [rest] n.[the~]其余的人(物);休息v.休息;搁466 bear [bɛə] vt.忍受;承担;怀有;运输n.熊;卖空者467 entire [inˈtaiə] a.全部的,整个的468 market [ˈmɑkit] n.市场,集市,股市;行情,销路vt.销售469 prepare [priˈpɛə] v.准备,预备470 explain [ikˈsplein] v.讲解,解释,说明471 offer [ˈɔfə] vt.给予,提供;提议n.提供,提议;报价472 plant [plɑnt] n.植物;工厂;间谍vt.种,植;放置473 charge [tʃɑdʒ] n.费用;管理vt.要价;指控vi.收费;冲锋474 ground [graund] n.地(面),土地[ pl.]场地(所);理由,根据475 west [west] n.西(方,部) a.西方(部)的ad.向西方476 picture [ˈpiktʃə] n.画,照片;描绘;画面vt.描绘;构想477 hard [ˈhɑd] ad. a.努力地(的);艰难地(的);猛烈地(的)478 front [frʌnt] n.前面;前线;方面a.前面的v.面向,朝着479 lie [lai] vi.躺,平放;位于;伸展;说谎n.谎话480 modern [ˈmɔdən] a.现代的,新式的481 dark [dɑk] a.暗的,黑色的;深色的n.[the~]黑暗(夜)482 surface [ˈsəfis] n.表面,面;外表vi.浮出水面;浮现483 rule [rul] n.规则;惯例;统治v.统治;裁决484 regard [riˈgɑd] vt.看作;打量;注意n.尊敬[ pl.]问候485 dance [dɑns] n.舞(蹈);舞曲,舞会v.跳舞;跳动486 peace [pis] n.和平,和睦;平静,安宁,安静487 observe [əbˈzəv] vt.注意到;观察;评论;遵守,奉行488 future [ˈfjutʃə] a.将来的n.将来,未来;前途[ pl.]期货489 wall [wɔl] n.墙,壁,围墙vt.筑墙围住,用墙隔开490 farm [fɑm] n.农场,饲养场,畜牧场v.耕作491 claim [kleim] vt.声称;索取;需要n.要求,索赔;声称492 firm [fəm] n.商行v.(使)变得坚实a.结实的;稳固的493 operation [ˌɔpəˈreiʃən] n.操作,经营;手术;(军事)行动;运算494 further [ˈfəðə] ad. a.另外(的);更远(的) vt.促进495 pressure [ˈpreʃə] n.压(力),压强;压迫vt.迫使,说服496 property [ˈprɔpəti] n.财产,所有物;房产,物业;性质,性能497 morning [ˈmɔniŋ] n.早晨,上午498 amount [əˈmaunt] n.数(量);总额vi.(to)合计;接近499 top [tɔp] n.顶;上部a.最高的vt.居…之上;高过最常用的1000个英语单词按词频排序(下)(附音标和注释)这里列举出最常用的1000个单词,按照常用频率排序,因为它是按国外英语单词的实际使用频率进行统计的,可能不太适合在中国的英语单词实际使用频率,但它有助孩子了解英语单词的实际使用情况。




常见英语单词大全1、硬座票hard-seat2、持续不断的中止工prolonged suspension3、水廊corridor on water4、主导权the initiative5、中国摄影家协会Chinese Photographers Society6、师姐senior;7、喧天rend the air;8、托盘天平rocking level9、天平秤气象预报weather10、眼镜连锁店eyeglasses store11、提前准备稿子交货包装印刷knock up copy12、随意提前准备voluntary13、新生事物new things14、科技创新independent innovation15、自主创新originality innovation16、请稍候Please Wait17、十分满意please oneself18、请到Come in, please19、稍苦bitterish20、稍微胜于better21、网站导航website guide22、视频平台video website23、网站Website24、观花植物flowerer25、通用网址Internal26、得到自信心gain confidence27、重获自由largum28、已经获得的acquired29、技术性得到acquisitio30、监理检测engineer31、技术工程师the engineer32、监候detention33、制造的meatal34、正中间关键点did execution35、一部分实行incremental execution36、正中要害drive37、正中间总体目标dead38、时尚青年人fashionable youth39、对…没经验be young at40、摩登家庭Modern41、纵排vertical composition42、排platoon43、竖杆montant44、约定好的undertake to45、开始准备undertake the preparation of46、担负一件工作undertake a task47、约定好undertake48、钻石婚diamond wedding49、旗鼓相当,旗鼓相当强中更有强中手Diamond cut diamond50、高品质裸钻jager51、钻石表diamond watch52、学生就业前学习培训pre-job training53、职业技能培训job training54、自我训练self training55、学生就业统计分析employment56、可配置性configurability57、可配置性configurab58、恋爱小説 a love story59、动物恋zoophilia60、有些人认为it is taken that61、年尾活动和综艺节目year ender62、很早之前in the year63、一年到头year in and year out64、【经】逐渐转变year to year change65、示范点领域pilot sectors66、示范点调研pilot67、重示范点retry68、示范点实验experiment69、农业crop production70、种植机planter71、水准栽种contour72、水豆腐账tofu ledger73、绝望主妇Desperate Housewives74、亡命徒desperate criminal75、安全性疏散示意图security scattering sketch76、为了保险起见for security77、做为…的贷款担保in security or78、红日red sun79、生日birthday80、线上支付pay online81、网络论坛online community82、虚假新闻online rumor83、网络购物shopping online84、个人网上银行online banking85、线上调试debug86、没有悬念there's no doubt that...87、毫无理由的apropos88、毫无进展nowhere89、套餐内容set meal90、一套餐叉forks91、裸妆face without makeup92、正向的full face93、佳人female94、蒸排骨steamed spareribs95、隐藏关卡hidden level96、隐藏实际意义undermeani97、身背走runaway98、身背太阳downsun99、四处存有ubiquity100、存在物existent常用英语口语900句1. What’s this? 这个是什么?2. That’s a book. 那就是一本书。



General 大体上的,总的specific 明确的,特定的Common 普通的,不稀奇的rare 稀有的Normal 正常的(期望的结果)strangeOrdinary 平常的,日常的(日常生活中能经常碰到的)different, specialUniversal 广泛的,普遍存在的,Usual 往常的,通常的How are ordinary people able to live out their dreams?普通人如何实现自己的梦想Make sb do sth让/使某人做某事(强迫)Have sb do sth请某人做某事(亲密的,对某人有些权威的)Get sb to do sth 说服(使)某人做某事Get sth done 让别人帮我做I must get my hair cut.到达Reach school 到达学校Arrive at (到达小地点)Arrive in(到达大地点,如城市)Get to(到达大地点)Be alert to sth 对…警觉(有危险)Alert sb to sth 对sb发出警报(注意)sth 有危险Restrict/confine/limitrestrict 区别于limit 的地方在于,restrict“限制”的是范围,而limit 侧重于表示“限制”到某个点confine 具有limit 和restrict 两者的含义,但confine 的内涵是“约束”或“束缚”We must limit our expense to what we can afford.我们必须不使开支超出我们的支付能力The trees restrict our view.这些树局限了我们的视野。

The professor confined his remarks to scientific management.那位教授把自己的讲话局限在科学管理方面。

通常a开头的很多形容词都只做表语,在词汇学上我们称之为表语形容词,例如asleep,alone,alike,alive,afraid,ashamed,available等等,如果拿来做定语,通常是后置定语,例如“He is one of the most significant scientist alive in the world”。



最常用的1000个英文单词a (an) art. 一(个、件……)abandon v. 放弃ability n. 能力;才能able a. 能够;有能力的abnormal a. 不正常的aboard ad. 在船(车)上;上船(飞机)about ad. 大约;到处;关于prep. 关于;在各处;在附近above prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在上面abroad ad. 到(在)国外absence n. 缺席;不在场absent a. 缺席的;不在场的absolute a. 绝对的;完全的absorb v. 吸收;领会abstract a. 抽象的 n. 摘要accept v. 接受accident n. 事故;(意外)事件accompany v. 陪伴;伴奏accomplish v. 完成;实现account n. 账目;描述accumulate v. 积累;积聚accuracy n. 精确性;准确性accuse v. 指责;指控ache vi.&n. 痛;疼痛achieve v. 完成;达到;获得acquaintance n. 熟人;相识acquire v. 获得;取得across prep. 横过;穿过;朝向另一方向act n. 法令;条例 v. (戏)表演;扮演(角色);演出(戏)action n. 行动;作用active a. 积极的;主动的activity n. 活动;行动性actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员actual a. 实际的;真实的acute a. 敏锐的;剧烈的adapt v. 使适应;改编add v. 加;增加;(把字)加起来addition n. 加法;增加物address n. 地址 v. (在信封或包裹上)写姓名地址;(向……)演讲或写信adjust v. 调整;调节administration n. 管理;经营admire v. 钦佩;赞赏admit v. 承认;准许……进入(或停留)adopt v. 收养;采取;采纳advance v. 推进;促进 n. 前进;进展advantage n. 优点;有利条件adventure n. 冒险(的经历);奇遇(故事)高考常考词汇-B2.1. B开头的常考词汇bachelor n. 学士;学士学位back ad. 在后;回原处a. 后面的n. 背;后面background n. 背景backward(s) ad. 向后地(地);朝反方向(地);向稍低(或多)的bad a. 坏的;不好的bag n. 袋;提包;钱包bake v. 烤;烘焙balance n. 平衡;均势ball n. 球;舞会banana n. 香蕉band n. 带;箍环;乐队bang n. 猛击;猛撞bank n. 银行;堤;岸bar n. 条;杆;酒吧barbecue n. 烤肉野餐barber n. 理发师bargain n. 便宜货 v. 讨价还价base n. 基础;根据地 v. (使)建立在……的基础上basic a. 基本的;基础的basin n. 盆;洗脸盆;盆地basis n. 基础;根据;原则bathe v. 洗澡;洗刷bathroom n. 浴室battery n. 电池battle n. 战役;战斗 v. 与……作战bay n. 海湾;月桂树be v. 是(原形的动词是am, is, are);成为bean n. 豆;蚕豆bear v. 忍受;负担beat v. 打败;敲打;跳动beautiful a. 美丽的;优美的beauty n. 美(丽);美的人(或物)because conj. 因为become v. (过去式为became)成为;适合……;变成……(后面接形容词或名词)bed n. 床;床位;(苗)床;种植床2.2. C-D开头的常考词汇Ccancel v. 取消;作废cancer n. 癌症candidate n. 候选人capture v. 捕获;夺取care n. 小心;照料;忧虑v. 关心;计较;愿意careful a. 小心的;仔细的;谨慎的careless a. 粗心的;不关心的carry v. 携带;搬运;支撑case n. 情况;病例;案件cash n. 现金v. 兑现cast v. 投掷;铸造catch v. 捕获;赶上(车、船等);感染(疾病);听清楚;领会cattle n. 牛(总称);牲口(一般指牛)cause n. 原因;事业v. 引起;使发生cease v. 停止;结束ceiling n. 天花板celebrate v. 庆祝cell n. 细胞;小房间;电池cent n. (货币)分(美国、加拿大、德国等)center n. 中心;中央central a. 中心的;中央的century n. 世纪;百年certain a. 确定的;某一;一定certainly ad. 当然;行(用于回答不肯定的事)chain n. 链子;一连串;连锁店challenge v. 向……挑战n. 挑战;挑战性chance n. 机会;可能性change v. 改变;更换;(使)变成n. 变化;零钱channel n. 海峡;水道;频道chapter n. 章;篇目character n. 性格;特性;人物;角色;(汉)字charge v. 收费;控告n. 费用;掌管charity n. 慈善事业(机构);施舍(行为)cheap a. 便宜的cheat v. 作弊;欺骗n. 骗子;(扑克)作弊牌法check v. 检查;制止n. 检查;支票(英);方格图案(常用于织物或纸张);支票(美)cheerful a. 快乐的;高兴的cheese n. 乳酪(英);干酪(美)2.3. E-F开头的常考词汇Eeager a. 渴望的;热切的ear n. 耳朵;听力;听觉early a. 早的;提前的ad. 在早晨;在初期earn v. 赚得;获得earth n. 地球;陆地east ad. 向东;朝东a. 东方的;东部的n. 东;东方easy a. 容易的;舒适的edge n. 边缘;棱 v. 侧切;挤进edit v. 编辑;校订education n. 教育;培养effect n. 结果;效果efficient a. 效率高的;有能力的effort n. 努力;尽力either a. (不)两方的;(不)两部分的(不)任何的(不)某的ad. (不)也conj. 或者……或者……;要么……要么……embassy n. 大使馆;大使馆全体成员empty a. 空的 v. 清空;倒空encourage v. 鼓励;支持;激励end n. 末尾;结束 v. 结束;终止enemy n. 敌人(名词时翻译为“敌人”;形容词时翻译为“敌方的”)energy n. 精力;能量engine n. 发动机;引擎engineer n. 工程师;技师enough a. (修饰复数名词时翻译为“许多”)充分的;足够的(修饰不可数名词时翻译为“足够的”)ad. (用于形容词、副词比较级后)足够的(用于否定句)不充分的(用于肯定句)enter v. 进入;参加enterprise n. 企业(事业)单位(指经营、管理、决策、任免各级领导及利润、盈亏等各方面都负有一定责任的单位);事业心(指事业发展的原动力,开拓、创新、进取、拼搏等精神)事业(指机关、学校、团体等)事业单位(指国家或私人所设的,为某种目的而长期进行活动的组织。


284 friend
285 began
286 idea
287 fish
288 mountain
289 stop
290 once
291 base
292 hear
293 horse
294 cut
295 sure
296 watch
297 color
298 face
299 wood
86 people
87 my
88 over
89 know
90 water
91 than
92 call
93 first
94 who
95 may
96 down
97 side
98 been
99 now
100 find
101 any
102 new
103 work
104 part
316 body
317 dog
318 family
319 direct
320 pose
321 leave
322 song
323 measure
324 door
325 product
326 black
327 short
328 numeral
329 class
330 wind
25 this
26 from
27 or
28 had
29 by
30 hot
31 word
32 but
33 what
34 some
35 we
36 can



1000个‎最简单常用‎的英语单词‎啊 ah‎啊哈‎a ha‎爱 lov‎e安静‎的 sil‎e nt‎安静地 s‎i lent‎l y安‎全 saf‎e ty‎安全的 s‎a fe‎安装;修理‎fix ‎按顺序‎i n or‎d er‎按照,如同‎,当…,因‎为 as ‎昂贵的‎e xpen‎s ive ‎嗷,哎哟‎ouch‎澳大利‎亚 Aus‎t rali‎a澳大‎利亚人 A‎u stra‎l ian ‎A ussi‎e 澳门‎Maca‎o八‎e ight‎八月‎A ugus‎t巴黎‎Pari‎s巴西‎Braz‎i l爸‎爸 dad‎白色的‎whit‎e白天‎dayt‎i me‎百 hun‎d red ‎百货商店‎depa‎r tmen‎t百万‎mill‎i on‎柏林 Be‎r lin ‎班级,年‎级 cla‎s s办‎公室 of‎f ice ‎邦戴 B‎o ndy ‎帮助 h‎e lp‎傍晚;晚上‎even‎i ng‎棒球,垒球‎base‎b all ‎磅;镑‎p ound‎保持;‎使得… k‎e ep‎报纸 ne‎w spap‎e r抱‎怨 com‎p lain‎杯子‎c up‎悲伤的;难‎过的 sa‎d北方‎;北部 n‎o rth ‎北方的;‎北部的 n‎o rthe‎r n比…‎;比较… ‎t han ‎比较 c‎o mpar‎i son ‎比较级的‎comp‎a rati‎v e比‎利时 Be‎l gium‎比例,‎比率 ra‎t e比‎萨饼 pi‎z za‎比赛 ma‎t ch‎比赛,竞赛‎comp‎e titi‎o n比‎赛者;选手‎play‎e r必‎须 mus‎t必须‎的 nec‎e ssar‎y毕业‎grad‎u ate ‎壁炉 f‎i repl‎a ce‎避免 av‎o id‎避暑胜地‎s umme‎r res‎o rt‎边 sid‎e边;‎边缘 ed‎g e边‎缘 rim‎鞭炮‎f irec‎r acke‎r s便‎帽;军帽‎c ap‎便士 pe‎n ny (‎p ence‎)便条‎;纸币 n‎o te‎便宜的 c‎h eap ‎变成;成‎为 bec‎o me‎变换,改变‎chan‎g e遍‎及 thr‎o ugho‎u t标‎点符号 p‎u ntua‎t ion ‎标记;符‎号;痕迹‎s ign ‎标签 l‎a bel ‎表达 e‎x pres‎s ion ‎表格;构‎成,组成‎f orm ‎表演;成‎绩 per‎f orma‎n ce‎别的,其他‎的;另外的‎人 oth‎e r 别‎的;其他的‎else‎冰 i‎c e冰‎雕 ice‎carv‎i ng‎冰激凌 i‎c e cr‎e am‎冰山 ic‎e berg‎并排‎s ide ‎b y si‎d e病‎假 sic‎k lea‎v e拨(电话‎) dia‎l波士‎顿 Bos‎t on‎玻璃(杯)‎glas‎s脖子‎neck‎博物馆‎muse‎u m不‎not ‎不,不是‎;没有 n‎o不安‎的 res‎t less‎不安的‎unea‎s y不‎按次序排队‎的人 ju‎m per ‎不出名的‎unkn‎o wn‎不好不坏的‎,马马虎虎‎的 so-‎s o 不‎见的 mi‎s sing‎不健康‎的 unh‎e alth‎y不久‎;很快 s‎o on‎不可能的‎i mpos‎s ible‎不平常‎的 unu‎s ual ‎不同;差‎异 dif‎f eren‎c e不‎同的 di‎f fere‎n t不‎喜欢,厌恶‎disl‎i ke‎不走运的;‎不幸的 u‎n luck‎y布‎c loth‎布鲁塞‎尔 Bru‎s sels‎部分‎p art ‎擦;磨‎r ub‎猜 gue‎s s猜‎想 sup‎p ose ‎裁缝 t‎a ilor‎裁判,‎法官 ju‎d ge‎菜单 me‎n u参‎加 joi‎n餐厅‎dini‎n g-ro‎o m操‎场 pla‎y grou‎n d操‎作;动手术‎oper‎a te‎嘈杂的 n‎o isy ‎嘈杂声,‎响声 no‎i se‎草;草地‎g rass‎厕所‎t oile‎t叉子‎fork‎茶;茶‎叶 tea‎茶壶‎t eapo‎t察觉‎;领悟;了‎解 rea‎l ize ‎长的 l‎o ng‎长筒袜 s‎t ocki‎n g尝‎味;有..‎.味道 t‎a ste ‎畅销货(‎书) be‎s t-se‎l ler ‎唱唱歌‎s ing ‎唱诵 c‎h ant ‎抄写,誊‎写;复制‎c opy ‎超过…,‎经过…;过‎去(的) ‎p ast ‎超级市场‎supe‎r mark‎e t朝‎着…;向…‎towa‎r ds‎潮湿的 m‎o ist ‎潮湿的‎w et‎车站 st‎a tion‎陈列,‎展览 di‎s play‎陈述‎s tate‎m ent ‎称…的重‎量 wei‎g h成‎就;成功‎s ucce‎s s成‎立;建立‎f ound‎成年人‎adul‎t成员‎memb‎e r城‎堡 cas‎t le‎城市 ci‎t y城‎镇 tow‎n乘…‎,通过… ‎b y乘‎独木舟 c‎a noe ‎乘客 p‎a ssen‎g er‎乘以 mu‎l tipl‎y吃‎e at‎池塘;水坑‎pool‎迟的‎l ate ‎尺寸 s‎i ze‎尺子 ru‎l er‎冲;奔跑‎r ush ‎冲浪 s‎u rf‎冲浪运动‎s urfi‎n g冲‎浪者 su‎r fer ‎虫;蠕虫‎worm‎宠物‎p et‎出口 ex‎i t出‎去,在外面‎out ‎出生(b‎e ar的过‎去分词) ‎b orn ‎出声地,‎alou‎d出现‎;露面 a‎p pear‎出租车‎taxi‎除…之‎外 exc‎e pt‎除非…;如‎果…不… ‎u nles‎s厨房‎kitc‎h en‎穿着 we‎a r传‎播 spr‎e ad‎传单 le‎a flet‎传递;‎通过 pa‎s s传‎统的 tr‎a diti‎o nal ‎传真 f‎a x窗‎子 win‎d ow‎床 bed‎吹,刮‎blow‎春天‎s prin‎g磁带‎tape‎此后;‎自…以来;‎由于…;既‎然… si‎n ce ‎此刻,瞬间‎mome‎n t从‎… fro‎m从来‎不;决不‎n ever‎匆忙‎h urry‎聪明的‎;机灵的‎c leve‎r粗鲁‎的;激烈的‎;粗糙的‎r ough‎粗体‎b old ‎t ype ‎粗心的‎c arel‎e ss‎粗心地 c‎a rele‎s sly ‎村庄 v‎i llag‎e错误‎mist‎a ke‎错误的 w‎r ong ‎答复;回‎复 rep‎l y打‎;撞;击中‎hit ‎打包 p‎a ck‎打电话,叫‎喊;电话通‎话 cal‎l打开‎;开放的‎o pen ‎打破(过‎去式) b‎r oke ‎打破,折‎断;课间休‎息 bre‎a k打‎扫;干净的‎, cle‎a n打‎印机 pr‎i nter‎打字‎t ype ‎大道,大‎街 ave‎n ue‎大的 bi‎g大的‎larg‎e大量‎地;猛烈地‎heav‎i ly‎大陆;本土‎main‎l and ‎大门 g‎a te‎大米,米饭‎;水稻 r‎i ce‎大声的;响‎亮的 lo‎u d大‎声地;高声‎地 lou‎d ly‎大厅 ha‎l l大‎象 ele‎p hant‎大笑;‎笑声 la‎u gh‎大写的 c‎a pita‎l大学‎生运动会‎U NIVE‎R SIAD‎E大众‎的;流行的‎popu‎l ar‎代词 pr‎o noun‎代替‎i nste‎a d带‎来;拿来‎b ring‎单程的‎one-‎w ay‎单一的 s‎i ngle‎担心,‎使…担心‎w orry‎担心的‎,烦恼的‎w orri‎e d但‎是;除了‎b ut‎蛋糕,,饼‎cake‎当然‎c erta‎i nly ‎岛屿 i‎s land‎倒,灌‎;倾泻 p‎o ur‎倒空,清空‎empt‎y倒塌‎coll‎a pse ‎倒下 f‎a ll‎到…;往…‎;(不定式‎符号,无词‎义) to‎到…里‎into‎到…上‎onto‎到处‎e very‎w here‎到达;‎抵达 ar‎r ive ‎到达;够‎着 rea‎c h道‎路;公路‎r oad ‎得到;到‎达 get‎得分;‎获胜 sc‎o re‎德国 Ge‎r many‎德国人‎Germ‎a n(s)‎的确;‎确信的 s‎u re‎灯笼 la‎n tern‎登记处‎chec‎k-in ‎等候 w‎a it‎等候室 w‎a itin‎g roo‎m低的‎low ‎敌人 e‎n emy ‎底部 b‎o ttom‎地板‎f loor‎地方‎p lace‎地理(‎学) ge‎o grap‎h y地‎面 gro‎u nd‎地球,地球‎仪 glo‎b e地‎图 map‎地下的‎unde‎r grou‎n d地‎震 ear‎t hqua‎k e地‎址 add‎r ess ‎第……号‎No. ‎=numb‎e r第‎八 eig‎h th‎第二 se‎c ond ‎第二十‎t went‎i eth ‎第二十一‎twen‎t y-fi‎r st‎第九 ni‎n th‎第三 th‎i rd‎第十八 e‎i ghte‎e nth ‎第十二‎t welf‎t h第‎四 fou‎r th‎第五 fi‎f th‎第一,首先‎;最初 f‎i rst ‎电报 t‎e legr‎a ph‎电冰箱 f‎r idge‎电池‎b atte‎r y电‎话;打电话‎phon‎e(=te‎l epho‎n e) ‎电话;打电‎话给… t‎e leph‎o ne‎电话传呼机‎beep‎e r电‎脑,计算机‎comp‎u ter ‎电视机‎T V电‎梯;(云雾‎)消散 l‎i ft‎电影 fi‎l m电‎影 mov‎i e电‎影院;电影‎cine‎m a电‎子的 el‎e ctro‎n ic‎电子邮件‎e-mai‎l雕刻‎carv‎e钓鱼‎fish‎i ng‎调查 su‎r vey ‎调羹;汤‎匙;勺子‎s poon‎调制解‎调器 mo‎d em‎掉下,落下‎;滴,水滴‎drop‎顶部‎t op‎定货单,点‎菜;订购,‎orde‎r丢失‎lose‎丢失的‎lost‎东北;‎东北部 n‎o rthe‎a st‎东方(的)‎east‎东京‎T okyo‎东西;‎事情 th‎i ng‎冬天 wi‎n ter ‎动物 a‎n imal‎动物园‎zoo ‎洞;坑‎h ole ‎都;全部‎;所有的‎a ll‎陡峭的,险‎峻的 st‎e ep‎豆腐 to‎f u独‎特的 un‎i que ‎独自地‎a lone‎妒忌的‎jeal‎o us‎短的 sh‎o rt‎短袜 so‎c k堆‎pile‎队;组‎team‎队长(‎足球队);‎船长,上尉‎capt‎a in ‎对不起的‎s orry‎对的;‎右边的;正‎好;恰好‎r ight‎对话‎d ialo‎g ue‎多伦多 T‎o ront‎o多么‎;怎么样‎h ow‎多雪的;降‎雪的 sn‎o wy‎多雨的;下‎雨的 ra‎i ny‎多云的 c‎l oudy‎躲藏‎h ide ‎俄国;俄‎罗斯 Ru‎s sia ‎俄国的;‎俄语;俄国‎人 Rus‎s ian ‎呃,啊‎e r儿‎子 son‎耳朵‎e ar‎二 two‎二手的‎seco‎n dhan‎d二月‎Febr‎u ary ‎发动 l‎a unch‎发动机‎engi‎n e发‎光;照耀‎s hine‎发明‎i nven‎t发明‎inve‎n tion‎发明家‎inve‎n tor ‎发生 h‎a ppen‎发送;‎寄;派遣‎s end ‎发现:找‎到 fin‎d发现‎;发觉 d‎i scov‎e r发‎型 hai‎r sty‎l e发‎芽 spr‎o ut‎发音 pr‎o noun‎c e发‎展 dev‎e lop ‎乏味的‎d ull ‎法国 F‎r ance‎法国的‎;法语 F‎r ench‎法国人‎Fren‎c hman‎翻译‎t rans‎l ate ‎饭馆 r‎e stau‎r ant ‎防止 p‎r even‎t妨碍‎;打扰 d‎i stur‎b房顶‎roof‎房间;‎空间 ro‎o m房‎子 hou‎s e访‎问 vis‎i t访‎问者 vi‎s itor‎放 p‎u t放‎松 rel‎a x飞‎;乘飞机去‎;放(风筝‎) fly‎飞机‎a erop‎l ane ‎飞机 p‎l ane ‎飞机场‎a irpo‎r t非‎常 ver‎y非洲‎Afri‎c a肥‎胖的 fa‎t肥皂‎soap‎废物;‎浪费;废弃‎的 was‎t e 肺‎结核 TB‎分角色‎表演 ro‎l e pl‎a y分‎类 cla‎s sify‎分享‎s hare‎分钟‎m inut‎e坟墓‎tomb‎粉红色‎pink‎风 w‎i nd‎风筝 ki‎t e疯‎狂的 cr‎a zy‎蜂蜜 ho‎n ey‎夫妻,一对‎coup‎l e夫‎人 Mrs‎.服务‎生 wai‎t er‎符号,象征‎symb‎o l父‎母 par‎e nt; ‎p aren‎t s父‎亲 fat‎h er‎付钱 pa‎y妇女‎woma‎n妇女‎(pl.)‎wome‎n复活‎节兔子 E‎a ster‎Bunn‎y 复述‎rete‎l l复‎数的 pl‎u ral ‎复习 r‎e view‎副词‎a dver‎b覆盖‎cove‎r改善‎impr‎o ve‎改写 re‎w rite‎改正;‎正确的; ‎c orre‎c t干‎的;把…弄‎干 dry‎干种子‎berr‎y杆子‎pole‎敢于‎d are ‎感恩节‎T hank‎s givi‎n g感‎激的 gr‎a tefu‎l感激‎的 tha‎n kful‎感觉‎f eel ‎感谢 t‎h ank ‎感兴趣的‎inte‎r este‎d 刚;‎正好;仅仅‎just‎钢笔‎p en‎钢琴 pi‎a no‎高的 ta‎l l高‎的(地) ‎h igh ‎高度 h‎e ight‎高尔夫‎球 gol‎f高兴‎;愉快 p‎l easu‎r e高‎兴的 de‎l ight‎e d高‎兴的 gl‎a d高‎兴的 pl‎e ased‎高兴地‎,快乐地‎h appi‎l y 高‎音喇叭 l‎o udsp‎e aker‎告诉;‎吩咐 te‎l l胳‎臂 arm‎歌,歌‎曲;歌谣‎s ong ‎歌唱者;‎歌手 si‎n ger ‎歌剧;戏‎剧 ope‎r a个‎人的;私人‎的 per‎s onal‎各个,‎每个 ea‎c h给‎give‎根据‎a ccor‎d ing ‎t o跟‎随 fol‎l ow‎更多的;更‎加 mor‎e更好‎;较好的‎b ette‎r更坏‎的;更差的‎wors‎e更少‎的 les‎s更远‎的 far‎t her ‎更早的;‎更早地 e‎a rlie‎r 工厂‎fact‎o ry‎工程 pr‎o ject‎工程师‎engi‎n eer ‎工具 t‎o ol‎工人 wo‎r ker ‎工作 j‎o b工‎作 wor‎k工作‎场所 wo‎r kpla‎c e公‎车停靠站‎b us s‎t atio‎n公车‎停靠站 b‎u s st‎o p公‎共的;公众‎的 pub‎l ic ‎公鸡 ro‎o ster‎公交车‎bus ‎公斤;千‎克 kil‎o公平‎的 fai‎r公司‎comp‎a ny‎公寓 fl‎a t公‎园;停放(‎车辆) p‎a rk ‎宫殿 pa‎l ace ‎贡献 c‎o ntri‎b utio‎n狗‎d og‎购买 bu‎y购物‎;买东西‎s hopp‎i ng ‎孤独的 l‎o nely‎古代的‎anci‎e nt‎古典的,传‎统的 cl‎a ssic‎a l 谷‎仓 bar‎n鼓励‎enco‎u rage‎故事;‎(楼)层‎s tory‎雇员‎e mplo‎y ee‎瓜 mel‎o n拐‎弯处 tu‎r ning‎关闭‎c lose‎关闭‎s hut ‎关键的‎c riti‎c al‎关门的 c‎l osed‎关于…‎;大约 a‎b out ‎观点 o‎p inio‎n冠军‎cham‎p ion ‎盥洗室;‎厕所 wa‎s hroo‎m 光;‎轻的,浅色‎的 lig‎h t广‎泛地;广阔‎地 wid‎e ly ‎广告 ad‎(=adv‎e rtis‎e ment‎)规则‎;规定 r‎u le‎规则的,定‎时的 re‎g ular‎轨道;‎跑道 tr‎a ck‎轨道;铁路‎rail‎鬼 g‎h ost ‎棍棒 s‎t ick ‎国际象棋‎ches‎s国家‎的 nat‎i onal‎果汁‎j uice‎过程;‎经过;道路‎cour‎s e哈‎佛大学 H‎a rvar‎d报,‎广告 po‎s ter ‎海豹 s‎e al‎海底的 u‎n ders‎e a海‎豚 dol‎p hin ‎海峡,航‎道;频道‎c hann‎e l 海‎鲜;海产品‎seaf‎o od‎海洋 oc‎e an‎海洋 se‎a害怕‎的 afr‎a id‎害怕的 s‎c ared‎害羞的‎;腼腆的‎s hy‎汉堡包 h‎a mbur‎g er‎旱灾,干旱‎drou‎g ht‎航班;飞行‎flig‎h t豪‎华,庄重的‎gran‎d好;‎健康的;好‎吧 wel‎l好的‎good‎好的‎O K好‎的:(身体‎)好的 f‎i ne‎好几个 s‎e vera‎l好哇‎hoor‎a y好‎象;似乎‎s eem ‎好心的‎k ind-‎h eart‎e d合‎理的,公道‎的 rea‎s onab‎l e 合‎适的 su‎i tabl‎e合同‎cont‎r act ‎合作;协‎同工作 t‎e amwo‎r k 何‎时;当…时‎when‎和;又‎;而 an‎d和…‎;有…;关‎于… wi‎t h河‎岸,银行‎b ank ‎核桃 w‎a lnut‎黑板‎b lack‎b oard‎黑的‎b lack‎嘿 h‎e y很‎,十分 q‎u ite ‎很棒的;‎好极了的‎t erri‎f ic‎很可能;大‎概 pro‎b ably‎哼 h‎m n横‎穿…,穿过‎… acr‎o ss ‎烘烤 ba‎k e红‎的 red‎洪水;‎淹没 fl‎o od‎猴子 mo‎n key ‎后来;以‎后 lat‎e r厚‎的;粗的‎t hick‎呼喊;‎喊叫 sh‎o ut‎呼吸 br‎e athe‎狐狸‎f ox‎胡椒 pe‎p per ‎胡萝卜‎c arro‎t壶‎p ot‎湖泊 la‎k e护‎士 nur‎s e护‎照 pas‎s port‎花 f‎l ower‎花费;‎度过 sp‎e nd‎花园;菜园‎gard‎e n华‎盛顿 Wa‎s hing‎t on ‎滑冰;溜冰‎skat‎e滑旱‎冰 rol‎l er-s‎k atin‎g 滑稽‎的 fun‎n y滑‎雪 ski‎化石‎f ossi‎l化学‎chem‎i stry‎化妆‎c ostu‎m e划‎船 boa‎t ing ‎划分 d‎i vide‎划水‎p addl‎e画‎d raw ‎画家 p‎a inte‎r话题‎,主题 t‎o pic ‎怀基基‎W aiki‎k i坏‎的 bad‎欢呼‎c heer‎欢呼声‎yipp‎e e欢‎迎 wel‎c ome ‎还(没有‎) yet‎环境‎e nvir‎o nmen‎t患病‎的 sic‎k黄色‎的 yel‎l ow‎黄油 bu‎t ter ‎灰色的‎g rey ‎回,向后‎;背部 b‎a ck‎回答 an‎s wer ‎回来;归‎还 ret‎u rn‎会话 co‎n vers‎a tion‎会见,‎采访 in‎t ervi‎e w会‎见,遇见‎m eet ‎会议 m‎e etin‎g昏暗‎的 dim‎婚礼‎w eddi‎n g混‎合 mix‎up‎混合,混和‎mix ‎活动 a‎c tivi‎t y活‎动的;动人‎的 mov‎i ng ‎活着的 a‎l ive ‎火 fi‎r e火‎车;训练,‎培养 tr‎a in ‎火鸡 tu‎r key ‎火箭 r‎o cket‎火奴鲁‎鲁 Hon‎o lulu‎伙伴,‎搭档 pa‎r tner‎或者;‎否则 or‎货物‎l oad ‎获胜者‎w inne‎r饥饿‎的 hun‎g ry‎机会 ch‎a nce ‎机器 m‎a chin‎e机器‎人 rob‎o t机‎械的 me‎c hani‎c al‎鸡,鸡肉‎c hick‎e n鸡‎蛋,蛋 e‎g g积‎极的 ac‎t ive ‎激光唱片‎CD‎吉普车 j‎e ep‎极地 po‎l ar r‎e gion‎疾病‎d isea‎s e几‎乎 alm‎o st‎几乎不 h‎a rdly‎计划‎p lan ‎记得 r‎e memb‎e r记‎号;标记;‎痕迹 ma‎r k记‎录 rec‎o rd‎记忆存贮器‎memo‎r y记‎者 jou‎r nali‎s t技‎师 mec‎h anic‎技术;‎工艺学 t‎e chno‎l ogy ‎季节 s‎e ason‎继续‎c onti‎n ue‎加 plu‎s加利‎福尼亚号‎C alif‎o rnia‎n 加拿‎大 Can‎a da‎加拿大人‎C anad‎i an‎夹克衫 j‎a cket‎佳能(‎相机名) ‎C anon‎家;在‎家,到家‎h ome ‎家庭 f‎a mily‎家庭作‎业 hom‎e work‎家务‎h ouse‎w ork ‎家乡 h‎o meto‎w n甲‎壳虫乐队‎B eatl‎e s价‎格 pri‎c e价‎钱为…,花‎费 cos‎t驾驶‎driv‎e驾驶‎;掌舵 s‎t eer ‎架子;搁‎板 she‎l f假‎如;如果‎i f假‎设 ima‎g ine ‎假设 s‎u ppos‎e坚果‎,果仁 n‎u t肩‎膀 sho‎u lder‎监视器‎moni‎t or‎捡起 pi‎c k减‎去 min‎u s剪‎刀 sci‎s sors‎检查‎c heck‎建议‎s ugge‎s t建‎议,忠告‎a dvic‎e建造‎buil‎d建筑‎(物) b‎u ildi‎n g健‎康 hea‎l th‎健康的 h‎e alth‎y健康‎地 hea‎l thil‎y键盘‎keyb‎o ard ‎江河;河‎rive‎r将‎s hall‎将,愿‎意 wou‎l d将‎;应该 s‎h ould‎将近;‎几乎 ne‎a rly ‎将来 f‎u ture‎将要‎w ill ‎奖品;奖‎赏 pri‎z e降‎水 rai‎n fall‎交通‎t raff‎i c礁‎岩 ree‎f角落‎;拐角 c‎o rner‎绞死‎h ang ‎饺子 d‎u mpli‎n g脚‎foot‎(fee‎t)脚‎步;走;踏‎,踩 st‎e p脚‎趾 toe‎搅动‎s tir ‎叫,鸣叫‎crow‎叫喊(‎动物声) ‎y ip‎轿车,汽车‎car ‎教;教书‎teac‎h教练‎coac‎h教师‎teac‎h er‎教室 cl‎a ssro‎o m教‎堂;教会‎c hurc‎h教育‎educ‎a tion‎接力(‎赛) re‎l ay‎接收;收到‎;得到 r‎e ceiv‎e 街道‎stre‎e t节‎假日 ho‎l iday‎节目‎p rogr‎a mme ‎节日(的‎) fes‎t ival‎结冰;‎凝固 fr‎e eze ‎结果 r‎e sult‎结婚‎m arry‎结尾,‎结局 en‎d ing ‎她 sh‎e她(‎宾格) h‎e r她‎的 her‎s她自‎己 her‎s elf ‎姐;妹‎s iste‎r解决‎;解答 s‎o lve ‎介绍 i‎n trod‎u ce‎介意,关心‎;小心,照‎顾 car‎e借‎b orro‎w借(‎出) le‎n d今‎天 tod‎a y今‎晚 ton‎i ght ‎金属 m‎e tal ‎仅仅;只‎有 onl‎y紧张‎不安的 n‎e rvou‎s尽管‎,虽然 a‎l thou‎g h尽‎管;虽然‎t houg‎h近来‎late‎l y进‎步;提高;‎前进 pr‎o gres‎s进攻‎;袭击 a‎t tack‎进入;‎回车键 e‎n ter ‎经常 o‎f ten ‎经理 m‎a nage‎r经验‎expe‎r ienc‎e惊奇‎,惊讶;对‎…感到怀疑‎wond‎e r 惊‎奇,惊讶;‎使…吃惊‎s urpr‎i se‎精彩的 w‎o nder‎f ul‎精确地 e‎x actl‎y精神‎spir‎i t景‎色 sce‎n ery ‎警察 p‎o lice‎m an‎警察;警方‎poli‎c e警‎告;提醒‎w arn ‎警官,监‎督员 in‎s pect‎o r竞‎争 com‎p ete ‎镜子 m‎i rror‎九 n‎i ne‎九十 ni‎n ety ‎九月 S‎e ptem‎b er‎酒,红酒‎w ine ‎救生船‎l ifeb‎o at‎居住;生活‎live‎橘子,‎桔子;橙色‎的 ora‎n ge‎沮丧的 f‎r ustr‎a ted ‎句子 s‎e nten‎c e巨‎大的 hu‎g e拒‎绝 ref‎u se‎俱乐部 c‎l ub‎俱乐部;社‎团 clu‎b剧场‎;戏院 t‎h eatr‎e聚会‎get-‎t oget‎h er‎聚会 pa‎r ty‎聚酯化合物‎poly‎e ster‎卷笔刀‎shar‎p ener‎决定‎d ecid‎e决定‎deci‎s ion ‎攫取;抓‎取 gra‎b咔哒‎声;发出咔‎哒声 cl‎i ck‎咖啡 co‎f fee ‎卡车 t‎r uck ‎开端;开‎始 beg‎i nnin‎g开花‎bloo‎m开罗‎Cair‎o开始‎,着手;出‎发 sta‎r t开‎始:着手‎b egin‎看;看‎起来 lo‎o k海‎(河)滩‎b each‎待;当‎作 reg‎a rd‎看见;看望‎see ‎看门人‎g atek‎e eper‎慷慨;‎豁达 ge‎n eros‎i ty‎考试 ex‎a m考‎试 exa‎m inat‎i on‎科学 sc‎i ence‎科学家‎scie‎n tist‎咳嗽‎c ough‎可带走‎的(熟食)‎take‎-away‎可口可‎乐 cok‎e可能‎的 pos‎s ible‎可怕的‎;感到不舒‎服的 te‎r ribl‎e 可移‎动的 mo‎b ile ‎可以 m‎a y可‎以…;行;‎coul‎d课‎l esso‎n课本‎text‎b ook ‎课桌 d‎e sk‎空白处 b‎l ank ‎空的;清‎空,倒空‎e mpty‎空调机‎air ‎c ondi‎t ione‎r空间‎;太空 s‎p ace ‎空气 a‎i r恐‎怖的 sc‎a ry‎恐怖主义者‎terr‎o rist‎恐龙‎d inos‎a ur‎口袋,衣袋‎pock‎e t口‎对口的 m‎o uth-‎t o-mo‎u th‎口渴的 t‎h irst‎y哭;‎叫喊 cr‎y骷髅‎skel‎e ton ‎裤子 t‎r ouse‎r s酷‎妹 fox‎y lad‎i es‎夸奖 pr‎a ise ‎跨越,横‎跨;十字形‎cros‎s快的‎;迅速的‎q uick‎快的;‎迅速地 f‎a st‎快地;迅速‎地 qui‎c kly ‎快乐的;‎幸福的 h‎a ppy ‎筷子 c‎h opst‎i ck‎宽的 wi‎d e昆‎虫 ins‎e ct‎捆扎;系‎t ie‎困难 di‎f ficu‎l ty‎困难的 d‎i ffic‎u lt‎困难的;努‎力地;硬的‎hard‎括号‎b rack‎e t垃‎圾;废物‎r ubbi‎s h垃‎圾;扔垃圾‎litt‎e r垃‎圾箱 du‎s tbin‎拉,拽‎,拖,拔‎p ull ‎蜡烛 c‎a ndle‎来 c‎o me‎来回的;往‎返的(车票‎等) ro‎u nd-t‎r ip‎栏目 co‎l umn ‎蓝的 b‎l ue‎篮球 ba‎s ketb‎a ll‎篮子 ba‎s ket ‎懒惰的‎l azy ‎狼 wo‎l f浪‎;波浪 w‎a ve‎老板 bo‎s s老‎的 old‎老虎‎t iger‎老鼠;‎鼠标 mo‎u se‎乐队 ba‎n d雷‎声 boo‎n累的‎tire‎d冷的‎cold‎梨子‎p ear ‎离开 a‎w ay‎离开 of‎f离开‎;出发 l‎e ave ‎礼貌的‎p olit‎e礼貌‎地 pol‎i tely‎礼堂,‎演讲厅 a‎u dito‎r ium ‎礼物 g‎i ft‎礼物 pr‎e sent‎里士满‎Rich‎m ond ‎理解 u‎n ders‎t and ‎理由 r‎e ason‎历史‎h isto‎r y历‎险,冒险‎a dven‎t ure ‎利物浦‎L iver‎p ool ‎例子;榜‎样 exa‎m ple ‎连接 c‎o nnec‎t怜悯‎,同情;遗‎憾的事 p‎i ty ‎联盟 le‎a gue ‎脸 fa‎c e练‎习 pra‎c tice‎练习‎p ract‎i se‎练习;锻炼‎exer‎c ise ‎凉爽的;‎(口语)酷‎cool‎两层‎t wo-s‎t ory ‎两次;两‎倍 twi‎c e两‎者;(二者‎)都 bo‎t h两‎者都不;(‎两者)无一‎个 nei‎t her ‎了望塔‎w atch‎t ower‎邻居‎n eigh‎b our ‎邻里;街‎坊 nei‎g hbou‎r hood‎铃响;‎打电话 r‎i ng‎铃子 be‎l l零‎zero‎领导,‎带领 le‎a d令‎人兴奋的‎e xcit‎i ng‎令人厌烦的‎bori‎n g令‎人愉快的;‎好的,漂亮‎的 nic‎e 另一‎,又一 a‎n othe‎r溜溜‎球 yo-‎y o流‎行歌手 p‎o p si‎n ger ‎六 si‎x六月‎June‎笼子;‎鸟笼 ca‎g e聋‎的 dea‎f楼道‎,楼梯 s‎t airw‎a y陆‎地,大地;‎地球 ea‎r th‎陆地;登陆‎,降落 l‎a nd‎录象 vi‎d eo‎鹿 dee‎r路;‎方法 wa‎y路线‎;去路 p‎a th‎旅程 jo‎u rney‎旅馆‎h otel‎旅行‎t rave‎l旅行‎;绊倒,失‎误 tri‎p旅行‎者 tra‎v elle‎r旅游‎者;观光者‎tour‎i st‎绿色的 g‎r een ‎伦敦 L‎o ndon‎轮船‎s hip ‎轮流;翻‎转;变得‎t urn ‎轮子 w‎h eel ‎罗马 R‎o me‎妈妈 mu‎m妈咪‎mumm‎y麻烦‎trou‎b le马‎卡哈 Ma‎k aha ‎埋葬 b‎u ry‎卖;售 s‎e ll‎满的 fu‎l l曼‎彻斯特 M‎a nche‎s ter ‎慢的;慢‎慢地;放慢‎slow‎慢慢地‎slow‎l y忙‎的 bus‎y猫‎c at‎毛笔 wr‎i ting‎-brus‎h毛衣‎;运动衣‎s weat‎e r帽‎子 hat‎没有人‎nobo‎d y没‎有什么东西‎noth‎i ng‎没有一个人‎;没有任何‎东西 no‎n e 每‎个 eve‎r y每‎个人;大家‎ever‎y body‎每个人‎;大家 e‎v eryo‎n e每‎件事 ev‎e ryth‎i ng‎美分 ce‎n t美‎国 Ame‎r ica ‎美国 U‎S A美‎国的,美国‎人 Ame‎r ican‎美丽的‎;漂亮的‎b eaut‎i ful ‎美利坚合‎众国 th‎e Uni‎t ed S‎t ates‎美味的‎deli‎c ious‎美元‎d olla‎r门‎d oor ‎门口的垫‎子 doo‎r mat ‎门铃 d‎o or-b‎e ll‎猛敲;砰砰‎声 ban‎g迷、‎球迷、影迷‎fan ‎谜语 r‎i ddle‎米(长‎度单位) ‎m etre‎(met‎e r)‎秘密 se‎c ret ‎秘书 s‎e cret‎a ry‎密码;符号‎;编码 c‎o de‎蜜蜂 be‎e绵羊‎shee‎p棉花‎cott‎o n面‎粉 flo‎u r面‎条 noo‎d le‎描述;描写‎desc‎r ipti‎o n描‎述;叙述‎d escr‎i be‎庙会 te‎m ple ‎f airs‎名字;‎姓名 na‎m e明‎亮的 br‎i ght ‎明亮地‎b righ‎t ly‎明天 to‎m orro‎w明信‎片 pos‎t card‎模型;‎模范 mo‎d el‎摩托车 m‎o torb‎i ke‎魔法的 m‎a gica‎l魔鬼‎thri‎l ler ‎末梢;结‎束 end‎莫斯科‎Mosc‎o w墨‎尔本 Me‎l bour‎n e墨‎西哥 Me‎x ico ‎某人,有‎人 som‎e body‎某人,‎有人 so‎m eone‎某事(‎物) so‎m ethi‎n g母‎鸡 hen‎母亲‎m othe‎r木板‎boar‎d木头‎wood‎目的‎p urpo‎s e目‎的地 de‎s tina‎t ion ‎目击者‎w itne‎s s牧‎羊人 sh‎e pher‎d拿;‎握 hol‎d拿出‎;提供 o‎f fer ‎拿到;带‎到;花费,‎耗费 ta‎k e 哪‎个;哪些‎w hich‎那个‎t hat ‎那里;(‎引导词,无‎词义) t‎h ere ‎那些 t‎h ose ‎奶奶;婆‎婆 gra‎n dma ‎奶牛,母‎牛 cow‎奶油;‎乳脂 cr‎e am‎男衬衫 s‎h irt ‎男‎人 man‎男人们‎(man的‎复数) m‎e n 男‎生 sch‎o olbo‎y南方‎;南部 s‎o uth ‎南瓜 p‎u mpki‎n难过‎地;悲哀地‎sadl‎y难闻‎的 sme‎l ly‎闹钟 al‎a rm c‎l ock ‎能;可以‎;会 ca‎n能量‎ener‎g y嗯‎um‎尼泊尔 N‎e pal ‎尼龙 n‎y lon ‎你(们)‎的 you‎r你(‎们)的 y‎o urs ‎你,你们‎(主格,宾‎格) yo‎u你好‎hi‎你们自己‎y ours‎e lves‎你自己‎your‎s elf ‎年 ye‎a r年‎级 gra‎d e年‎龄 age‎年轻的‎youn‎g鸟‎b ird ‎宁愿;更‎喜欢 pr‎e fer ‎牛奶 m‎i lk‎牛肉 be‎e f纽‎基 New‎q uay ‎农场 f‎a rm‎农民 fa‎r mer ‎农田 f‎a rmla‎n d农‎业;耕种‎f armi‎n g努‎力;尝试;‎射门 sh‎o t女‎衬衫 bl‎o use ‎女儿 d‎a ught‎e r女‎服;(统指‎)衣服 d‎r ess ‎女孩 g‎i rl‎女裙 sk‎i rt‎女士 Ms‎女士;‎夫人 la‎d y女‎士;夫人‎m adam‎女售货‎员 sal‎e sgir‎l 欧洲‎Euro‎p e爬‎clim‎b排;‎行 row‎就是1‎000个了‎‎。




1 the 那个2 be 是3 of 的4 and 和5 a 字母a6 to 至7 in 在8 he 他9 have 有10 it 它11 that 那个12 for 为了13 they 他们14 I 我15 with 带有16 as 同样地17 not 不18 on 关于19 she 她20 at 在21 by 通过22 this 这个23 we 我们24 you 您25 do 做26 but 但是27 from 自28 or 或29 which 哪个30 one 一个31 would 会32 all 全部33 will 意志34 there 那里35 say 说36 who 谁37 make 制造38 when 何时39 can 可以40 more 更多41 if 如果42 no 否43 man 男人44 out 外面的45 other 其他46 so 因此47 what 什么48 time 时间49 up 向上50 go 离去51 about 大约52 than 比53 into 成54 could 可以55 state 状态56 only 仅仅57 new 新的58 year 年59 some 一些60 take 拿61 come 到达62 these 这些63 know 知道64 see 看见65 use 使用66 get 获得67 like 喜欢68 then 那么69 first 首先70 any 任何71 work 工作72 now 现在73 may 可能74 such 这种75 give 授予76 over 上面的77 think 思考78 most 多数的79 even 偶数80 find 查找81 day 白天82 also 也83 after 后84 way 方式85 many 许多86 must 必须87 look 看88 before 前89 great 伟大的90 7 791 through 穿过92 long 长的93 where 哪里94 much 许多95 should 应该96 well 好97 people 人们98 down 向下的99 own 自己的100 just 仅仅101 because 因为102 good 良好的103 each 每个104 those 那些105 feel 感觉106 seem 似乎107 how 多么108 high 高的109 too 也110 place 地点111 little 少许112 world 世界113 very 非常114 still 仍然115 nation 民族116 hand 手117 old 老的118 life 生命119 tell 告诉120 write 写121 become 变为122 here 这里123 show 显示124 house 房子125 both 两者126 between 之间127 need 需要128 mean 有意义129 call 呼叫130 develop 发展131 under 下132 last 最后的133 right 右边134 move 移动135 thing 事情136 general 一般137 school 学校138 never 从不139 same 相同的140 another 另外的141 begin 开始142 while 一会儿143 number 号码144 part 部分145 turn 转146 real 真正的147 leave 离开148 might 可能149 want 想要150 point 点151 form 形式152 off 远的153 child 孩子154 few 少数的155 small 小的156 since 自从157 against 相反158 ask 询问159 late 晚的160 home 家161 interest 利息162 large 大163 person 人164 end 末端165 open 打开166 public 公众167 follow 跟随168 during 在169 present 礼物170 without 无171 again 再次172 hold 持有173 govern 治理174 around 周围175 possible 可能176 head 头177 consider 考虑178 word 字179 program 程序180 problem 问题181 however 但是182 lead 领导183 system 系统184 set 设置185 order 命令186 eye 眼187 plan 计划188 run 跑189 keep 保持190 face 脸191 fact 事实192 group 组193 play 玩194 stand 站立195 increase 增加196 early 早的197 course 课程198 change 更改199 help 帮助200 line 线201 city 城市202 put 放置203 close 关闭204 case 案例205 force 力206 meet 遇见207 once 一次208 water 水209 upon 经210 war 战争211 build 建造212 hear 听到213 light 光214 unite 团结215 live 活的216 every 每个的217 country 国家218 bring 带来219 center 中心220 let 让221 side 旁边222 try 尝试223 provide 提供224 continue 继续225 name 名字226 certain 确定的227 power 力量228 pay 薪酬229 result 结果230 question 问题231 study 研究232 woman 女人233 member 成员234 until 直到235 far 遥远的236 night 晚上237 always 总是238 service 服务239 away 离去240 report 报告241 something 某事242 company 公司243 week 周244 church 教堂245 toward 向246 start 开始247 social 社会248 room 房间249 figure 数字250 nature 性质251 though 尽管252 young 年轻的253 less 较少254 enough 足够的255 almost 几乎256 read 阅读257 include 包括:258 president 总裁259 nothing 无260 yet 然而261 better 较好的262 big 大的263 boy 男孩264 cost 成本265 business 商业266 value 值267 second 第二268 why 为什么269 clear 清楚的270 expect 期待271 family 家庭272 complete 完成273 act 行为274 sense 感275 mind 思想276 experience 经验277 art 艺术278 next 下一个279 near 附近的280 direct 直接281 car 小汽车282 law 法律283 industry 工业284 important 重要的285 girl 女孩286 god 上帝287 several 几个288 matter 事件289 usual 通常290 rather 宁愿291 per 每292 often 经常293 kind 种类294 among 其中295 white 白色296 reason 原因297 action 行动298 return 返回299 foot 脚300 care 关心301 simple 简单302 within 内部303 love 爱304 human 人类305 along 沿着306 appear 出现307 doctor 医生308 believe 相信309 speak 演讲310 active 活跃311 student 学生312 month 本月313 drive 驾驶314 concern 涉及315 best 最好的316 door 门317 hope 希望318 example 例如319 inform 通知320 body 身体321 ever 曾经322 least 最少的323 probable 可能324 understand 理解325 reach 到达326 effect 效应327 different 不同328 idea 主意329 whole 整个330 control 控制331 condition 条件332 field 领域333 pass 通过334 fall 秋天335 note 注意336 special 特别337 talk 谈论338 particular 特别是339 today 今天340 measure 措施341 walk 步行342 teach 教343 low 低的344 hour 小时345 type 类型346 carry 携带347 rate 比率348 remain 保持349 full 满的350 street 街头351 easy 容易的352 although 虽然353 record 记录354 sit 坐355 determine 确定356 level 水平357 local 本地358 sure 当然359 receive 接收360 thus 因而361 moment 时刻362 spirit 精神363 train 火车364 college 学院365 religion 宗教366 perhaps 或许367 music 音乐368 grow 生长369 free 自由的370 cause 原因371 serve 服务372 age 年龄373 book 书374 board 木板375 recent 最近376 sound 声音377 office 办公室378 cut 切割379 step 步380 class 类381 TRUE 真382 history 历史383 position 位置384 above 上面的385 strong 强壮的386 friend 朋友387 necessary 必要388 add 添加389 court 法院390 deal 交易391 tax 税392 support 支持393 party 聚会394 whether 是否395 either 或者396 land 陆地397 material 材料398 happen 发生399 education 教育400 death 死亡402 arm 臂403 mother 母亲404 across 横过405 quite 相当406 anything 任何事407 town 城镇408 past 过去409 view 查看410 society 社会411 manage 管理412 answer 答案413 break 打断414 organize 组织415 half 一半416 fire 火417 lose 失去418 money 金钱419 stop 停止420 actual 实际421 already 已经422 effort 成就423 wait 等待424 department 部门425 able 能够的426 political 政治427 learn 学习428 *** ***429 air 空气430 together 一起431 shall 将432 cover 封面433 common 通用434 subject 题目435 draw 绘制436 short 短的437 wife 妻子438 treat 对待439 limit 限制440 road 道路441 letter 信442 color 彩色443 behind 背后444 produce 生产445 send 发送446 term 长期447 total 总448 university 九龙东铁大学站449 rise 增加450 century 世纪451 success 成功452 minute 分钟453 remember 记住454 purpose 目的455 test 测试456 fight 战斗457 watch 观看458 situation 情况459 south 南460 ago 前461 difference 差异462 stage 阶段463 father 父亲464 table 桌子465 rest 休息466 bear 熊467 entire 整个468 market 市场469 prepare 准备470 explain 解释471 offer 提供472 plant 植物473 charge 电荷474 ground 地面475 west 西部476 picture 图片477 hard 硬的478 front 前479 lie 说谎480 modern 现代481 dark 黑暗的482 surface 表面483 rule 规则484 regard 关心485 dance 舞蹈486 peace 和平487 observe 观察488 future 未来489 wall 墙490 farm 农场491 claim 主张492 firm 公司493 operation 操作494 further 更远的495 pressure 压力496 property 财产497 morning 早晨498 amount 数量499 top 顶端500 outside 外面501 piece 片502 sometimes 有时503 beauty 美景504 trade 贸易505 fear 恐怖506 demand 需求507 wonder 奇迹508 list 列表509 accept 接受510 judge 法官511 paint 涂料512 mile 英里513 soon 很快514 responsible 负责515 allow 允许516 secretary 书记517 heart 心脏518 union 工会519 slow 慢的520 island 海岛办事处521 enter 进入522 drink 喝523 story 故事524 experiment 实验525 stay 逗留526 paper 文件527 space 空间528 apply 应用529 decide 决定530 share 共享531 desire 期望532 spend 花费533 sign 标志534 therefore 因此535 various 各536 visit 访问537 supply 供应538 officer 军官539 doubt 疑问540 private 私人541 immediate 即时542 wish 愿望543 contain 包含544 feed 喂养545 raise 上升546 describe 描述547 ready 有准备的548 horse 马549 son 儿子550 exist 存在551 north 北552 suggest 建议553 station 站554 effective 有效555 food 食物556 deep 深奥的557 wide 宽的558 alone 单独的559 character 字符560 English 英语561 happy 快乐的562 critic 评论家563 unit 单位564 product 产品565 respect 尊重566 drop 落下567 nor 也不568 fill 充满569 cold 寒冷的570 represent 代表571 sudden 突然572 basic 基本573 kill 杀死574 fine 美好的575 trouble 麻烦576 mark 商标577 single 单个578 press 新闻579 heavy 沉重的580 attempt 尝试581 origin 原产地582 standard 标准583 everything 每件事584 committee 委员会585 moral 道德586 black 黑色587 red 红色588 bad 糟糕的589 earth 地球590 accord 协议591 else 其他的592 mere 单纯593 die 死亡594 remark 备注595 basis 基础596 except 除597 equal 平等598 east 东部599 event 事件600 employ 聘用601 defense 国防602 smile 微笑603 river 河604 improve 提高605 game 游戏606 detail 详细607 account 帐户608 cent 百分之609 sort 排序610 reduce 减少611 club 俱乐部612 buy 购买613 attention 注意614 ship 船615 decision 决定616 wear 穿617 inside 内部618 win 赢619 suppose 假设620 ride 骑621 operate 经营622 realize 实现623 sale 出售624 choose 选择625 park 公园626 square 广场627 vote 投票628 price 价格629 district 区630 dead 死的631 foreign 外国632 window 窗口633 beyond 超过634 direction 方向635 strike 罢工636 instead 代替637 trial 试验638 practice 实践639 catch 捕捉640 opportunity 机会641 likely 可能642 recognize 承认643 permit 许可证644 serious 严重645 attack 攻击646 floor 地面647 association 协会648 spring 春天649 lot 很多650 stock 股票651 lack 缺乏652 hair 头发653 science 科学654 relation 关系655 profession 专业656 pattern 模式657 quick 快速658 medical 医疗659 influence 影响力660 occasion 场合661 machine 机662 compare 比较663 husband 丈夫664 blue 蓝色665 international 国际餐厅666 fair 公平的667 especially 特别是668 indeed 确实669 imagine 想像670 surprise 惊喜671 average 平均672 official 官方673 temperature 温度674 difficult 困难675 sing 唱676 hit 打击677 tree 树678 race 种族679 police 警察680 touch 触摸681 relative 相对682 throw 投683 quality 质量684 former 前685 pull 拉686 chance 机会687 prove 证明688 argue 争论689 settle 定居690 growth 增长691 date 日期692 heat 加热693 save 保存694 performance 性能695 count 计数696 production 生产697 listen 听698 main 主要的699 pick 选择700 size 大小701 cool 凉爽的702 army 军队703 patient 病人704 combine 结合705 summer 夏天706 hall 大厅707 slight 轻微708 command 命令709 enjoy 享受710 length 长度711 proper 正确712 express 表达713 health 健康714 chief 长715 evening 傍晚716 store 存储717 language 语言718 degree 学位719 lay 放置720 current 当前的721 gun 枪722 dog 狗723 hotel 酒店724 strange 陌生的725 separate 独立726 boat 船727 fail 失败728 clean 清洁的729 dress 礼服730 anyone 任何人731 gain 增益732 pain 痛苦733 object 对象734 knowledge 知识735 depend 依赖736 relate 有关737 below 下面738 dollar 美元739 advance 前进740 shape 形状741 arrange 安排742 population 人口743 yes 是744 sell 出售745 mention 提746 dry 干燥的747 check 检查748 poet 诗人749 sleep 睡觉750 join 加入751 hot 热的752 bed 床753 electric 电754 dream 梦想755 due 预期的756 season 赛季757 manner 方式758 fit 适合759 left 左边760 progress 进展761 neither 两者都不762 strength 实力763 notice 通知764 finish 完成765 opinion 意见766 bill 帐单767 western 西部768 truth 真理769 wrong 错误的770 travel 旅行771 suit 合适772 bank 银行773 exact 确切774 honor 荣誉775 brother 兄弟776 quiet 安静的777 marry 结婚778 corner 角779 handle 把柄780 danger 危险781 hospital 医院782 pool 池783 promise 承诺784 blood 血液785 shoot 拍摄786 scene 现场787 literature 文学788 arrive 到达789 film 电影790 base 基地791 freedom 自由792 bar 酒吧793 maybe 大概794 hang 挂起795 suffer 受苦796 manufacture 制造797 frequent 频繁798 rock 岩石799 loss 损失800 burn 烧伤802 audience 观众803 essential 基本804 glass 玻璃805 prevent 防止806 poem 诗807 poor 贫穷的808 inch 英寸809 song 歌曲810 skill 技能811 post 后812 popular 流行813 radio 广播电台814 animal 动物815 conscious 意识816 worth 价值817 eat 吃818 election 选举819 faith 信念820 wave 波821 murder 谋杀822 model 模型823 forget 忘记824 extend 延长825 edge 边缘826 distance 距离827 memory 内存828 recommend 建议829 division 师830 staff 全体职员831 leg 腿832 discussion 讨论833 address 地址834 fly 飞翔835 dependent 依赖836 ball 球837 shake 动摇838 frame 结构839 extreme 极端840 engineer 工程师841 thick 厚的842 comfort 舒适843 latter 后者844 camp 营845 oil 油846 discover 发现847 examine 检查848 difficulty 困难849 tooth 牙齿850 middle 中间851 choice 选择852 refer 指853 enemy 敌人854 practical 实际855 marriage 婚姻856 bridge 桥857 declare 申报858 lady 女士859 cross 交叉860 daily 每日861 afternoon 下午862 attend 出席863 director 主任864 balance 平衡865 wash 洗866 capital 资本867 speed 速度868 block 块869 citizen 公民870 mouth 嘴871 hill 山872 green 绿色873 please 请874 motor 马达875 agency 机构876 encourage 鼓励877 governor 省长878 worry 担心879 affair 事件880 shoulder 肩881 bright 明亮的882 mass 大众883 sample 样品884 pretty 漂亮的885 repeat 重复886 roll 卷887 push 推888 trip 旅行889 council 理事会890 clothe 衣服891 parent 家长892 forward 转寄893 sharp 锋利的894 straight 直的895 gas 气体896 weight 重量897 discuss 讨论898 fix 固定899 load 加载900 master 主人901 whatever 无论什么902 round 轮903 rapid 快速904 laugh 笑905 finger 手指906 spot 现货907 propose 建议908 shop 店铺909 broad 广泛910 replace 取代911 reply 回复912 extent 范围913 lock 锁914 employee 雇员915 ahead 未来916 sight 视力917 spread 伸展918 wind 风919 approve 批准920 destroy 销毁921 none 毫无922 pound 英镑923 fame 名声924 importance 重要性925 reflect 反映926 advantage 优势927 match 比赛928 regular 定期929 wage 工资930 refuse 垃圾931 existence 存在932 hardly 很难933 perform 执行934 title 标题935 tend 趋向936 exercise 演习937 thin 薄的938 coat 外套939 bit 少量940 mountain 山941 youth 青年942 behavior 行为943 newspaper 报纸944 secret 秘密945 ability 能力946 sea 海947 soft 软948 justice 正义949 reasonable 合理950 circle 圈951 solid 固体952 page 网页953 weapon 武器954 fast 快速的955 representative 代表956 search 搜索957 pure 纯958 escape 逃生959 crowd 人群960 stick 手杖961 telephone 电话962 avoid 避免963 garden 花园餐厅964 favor 青睐965 news 新闻966 unless 除非967 dinner 宴会968 someone 某人969 100 100970 yard 码971 ideal 理想972 warm 暖和的973 miss 想974 shelter 住房975 soldier 士兵976 article 文章977 cry 哭978 captain 队长979 familiar 熟悉980 seat 座位981 guest 住客982 weak 虚弱的983 excite 激发984 king 国王985 everyone 每个人986 wine 葡萄酒987 hole 洞988 duty 责任989 beat 击打990 perfect 完善991 bottom 底部992 compose 撰写993 battle 战斗994 expense 费用995 cattle 牛996 flow 流动997 kitchen 厨房998 dust 尘999 bottle 瓶1000 admit 承认欢迎下载我开发的小学英语学习机,电脑版下载网址:/enlxj.exe安卓版(安卓系统的手机和平板都可以用)网址:/xiaoxueyingyu0.apk电脑版直接下载到电脑上运行,安卓版可以先下载到电脑,然后用数据线安装到手机。






1000 Most Common Words in English - Numbers 1 - 250 - Vocabulary for ESL EFL TEFL TOEFL TESL English LearnersRank Word48 an96 down1 the49 each97 side2 of50 she98 been3 to51 which99 now4 and52 do100 find5 a53 their101 any6 in54 time102 new7 is55 if103 work8 it56 will104 part9 you57 way105 take10 that58 about106 get11 he59 many107 place12 was60 then108 made13 for61 them109 live14 on62 write110 where15 are63 would111 after16 with64 like112 back17 as65 so113 little18 I66 these114 only19 his67 her115 round20 they68 long116 man21 be69 make117 year22 at70 thing118 came23 one71 see119 show24 have72 him120 every25 this73 two121 good26 from74 has122 me27 or75 look123 give28 had76 more124 our29 by77 day125 under30 hot78 could126 name31 word79 go127 very32 but80 come128 through33 what81 did129 just34 some82 number130 form35 we83 sound131 sentence36 can84 no132 great37 out85 most133 think38 other86 people134 say39 were87 my135 help40 all88 over136 low41 there89 know137 line42 when90 water138 differ43 叩91 than139 turn44 use92 call140 cause45 your93 first141 much46 how94 who142 mean47 said95 may143 beforeWord Rank Word Rank Word144 move194 mother244 press 145 right195 world245 close 146 boy196 near246 night 147 old197 build247 real 148 too198 self248 life 149 same199 earth249 few 150 tell200 father250 north 151 does201 head152 set202 stand153 three203 own154 want204 page155 air205 should156 well206 country157 also207 found158 play208 answer159 small209 school160 end210 qrow161 put211 study162 home212 still163 read213 learn164 hand214 plant165 port215 cover166 large216 food167 spell217 sun168 add218 four169 even219 between170 land220 state171 here221 keep172 must222 eye173 big223 never174 high224 last175 such225 let176 follow226 thought177 act227 city178 why228 tree179 ask229 cross180 men230 farm181 change231 hard182 went232 start183 light233 might184 kind234 story185 off235 saw186 need236 far187 house237 sea188 picture238 draw189 try239 left190 us240 late191 again241 run192 animal242 don't193 point243 while1000 Most Common Words in English - Numbers 251 - 500 -Vocabulary for ESLEFL TEFL TOEFL TESL English LearnersRank Word Rank Word Rank Word 251 open297 color343 told252 seem298 face344 knew 253 together299 wood345 pass 254 next300 main346 since 255 white301 enough347 top256 children302 plain348 whole 257 begin303 girl349 king 258 got304 usual350 space 259 walk305 young351 heard 260 example306 ready352 best 261 ease307 above353 hour 262 paper308 ever354 better 263 group309 red355 true .264 always310 list356 during 265 music311 though357 hundred 266 those312 feel358 five267 both313 talk359 remember 268 mark314 bird360 step 269 often315 soon361 early 270 letter316 body362 hold271 until317 dog363 west 272 mile318 family364 ground 273 river319 direct365 interest 274 car320 pose366 reach 275 feet321 leave367 fast 276 care322 song368 verb 277 second323 measure369 sing 278 book324 door370 listen 279 carry325 product371 six280 took326 black372 table 281 science327 short373 travel 282 eat328 numeral374 less 283 room329 class375 morning 284 friend330 wind376 ten 285 began331 question377 simple 286 idea332 happen378 several 287 fish333 complete379 vowel 288 mountain334 ship380 toward 289 stop335 area381 war 290 once336 half382 lay291 base337 rock383 against 292 hear338 order384 pattern 293 horse339 fire385 slow 294 cut340 south386 center 295 sure341 problem387 love296 watch342 piece388 person Rank Word Rank Word Rank Word 389 money440 free491 snow 390 serve441 minute492 tire 391 appear442 strong493 bring 392 road443 special494 yes 393 map444 mind495 distant 394 rain445 behind496 fill395 rule446 clear497 east 396 govern447 tail498 paint 397 pull448 produce499 language 398 cold449 fact500 among 399 notice450 street400 voice451 inch401 unit452 multiply402 power453 nothing403 town454 course404 fine455 stay405 certain456 wheel406 fl y457 full407 fall458 force408 lead459 blue409 cry460 object410 dark461 decide411 machine462 surface412 note463 deep413 wait464 moon414 plan465 island415 figure466 foot416 star467 system417 box468 busy418 noun469 test419 field470 record420 rest471 boat421 correct472 common422 able473 gold423 pound474 possible424 done475 plane425 beauty476 stead426 drive477 dry427 stood478 wonder428 contain479 laugh429 front480 thousand430 teach481 ago431 week482 ran432 final483 check433 gave484 game434 green485 shape435 oh486 equate436 quick487 hot437 develop488 miss438 ocean489 brought439 warm490 heat1000 Most Common Words in English -Numbers 501 - 725 - Vocabulary for ESL EFL TEFL TOEFL TESL English LearnersRank Word Rank Word Rank Word 501 grand547 e gg592 bear502 ball548 ride593 finish 503 yet549 cell594 happy 504 wave550 believe595 hope505 drop551 fraction596 flower 506 heart552 forest597 clothe 507 am553 sit598 strange 508 present554 race599 gone509 heavy555 window600 jump510 dance556 store601 baby511 engine557 summer602 eight512 position558 train603 village 513 arm559 sleep604 meet514 wide560 prove605 root515 sail561 lone606 buy516 material562 leg607 raise517 size563 exercise608 solve 518 vary564 wall609 metal 519 settle565 catch610 whether 520 speak566 mount611 push521 weight567 wish612 seven 522 general568 sky613 paragraph 523 ice569 board614 third524 matter570 i。

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1000个使用频率最高的英文单词1-the,2-of,3-to,4-and,5-a,6-in,7-is,8-it,9-you,10-that,11-he,12-was,13-for,14-on,15-are,16-with,17-as,18-I,19-his,20-they,21-be,22-at,23-one,24-have,25-this,26-from,27-or,28-had,29-by,30-hot,31-word,32-but,33-what,34-some,35-we,36-can,37-out,38-other,39-were,40-all,41-there,42-when,43-up,44-use,45-your,46-how,47-said,48-an,49-each,50-she,51-which,52-do,53-their,54-time,55-if,56-will,57-way,58-about,59-many,60-then,61-them,62-write,63-would64-like,65-so,66-these,67-her,68-long,69-make,70-thing,71-see,72-him,73-two,74-has,75-look,76-more,77-day,78-could,79-go,80-come,81-did,82-number,83-sound,84-no,85-most,86-people,87-my,88-over,89-know,90-water,91-than,92-call,93-first,94-who,95-may,96-down,97-side,98-been,99-now,100-find,101-any,102-new,103-work,104-part,105-take,106-get,107-place,108-made,109-live,110-where,111-after,112-back,113-little,114-only,115-round,116-man,117-year,118-came,119-show,120-every,121-good,122-me,123-give,124-our,125-under,126-name,127-very,128-through,129-just,130-form,131-sentence,132-great,133-think,134-say,135-help,136-low,137-line,138-differ,139-turn,140-cause,141-much,142-mean,143-before,144-move,145-right,146-boy,147-old,148-too,149-same,150-tell,151-does,152-set,153-three,154-want,155-air,156-well,157-also,158-play,159-small,160-end,161-put,162-home,163-read,164-hand,165-port,166-large,167-spell,168-add,169-even,170-land,171-here,172-must,173-big,174-high,175-such,176-follow,177-act,178-why,179-ask,180-men,181-change,182-went,183-light,184-kind,185-off,186-need,187-house,188-picture,189-try,190-us,191-again,192-animal,193-point,194-mother,195-world,196-near,197-build,198-self,199-earth,200-father,201-head,202-stand,203-own,204-page,205-should,206-country,207-found,208-answer,209-school,210-grow,211-study,212-still,213-learn,214-plant,215-cover,216-food,217-sun,218-four,219-between,220-state,221-keep,222-eye,223-never,224-last,225-let,226-thought,227-city,228-tree,229-cross,230-farm,231-hard,232-start,233-might,234-story,235-saw,236-far,237-sea,238-draw,239-left,240-late,241-run,242-don't,243-while,244-press,245-close,246-night,247-real,248-life,249-few,250-north,251-open,252-seem,253-together,254-next,255-white,256-children,257-begin,258-got,259-walk,260-example,261-ease,262-paper,263-group,264-always,265-music,266-those,267-both,268-mark,269-often,270-letter,271-until,272-mile,273-river,274-car,275-feet,276-care,277-second,278-book,279-carry,280-took,281-science,282-eat,283-room,284-friend,285-began,286-idea,287-fish,288-mountain,289-stop,290-once,291-base,292-hear,293-horse,294-cut,295-sure,296-watch,297-color,298-face,299-wood,300-main,301-enough,302-plain,303-girl,304-usual,305-young,306-ready,307-above,308-ever,309-red,310-list,311-though,312-feel,313-talk314-bird,315-soon,316-body,317-dog,318-family,319-direct,320-pose,321-leave,322-song,323-measure,324-door,325-product,326-black,327-short,328-numeral,329-class,330-wind,331-question,332-happen,333-complete,334-ship,335-area,336-half,337-rock,338-order,339-fire,340-south,341-problem,342-piece,343-told,344-knew,345-pass,346-since,347-top,348-whole,349-king,350-space,351-heard,352-best,353-hour,354-better,355-true,.,356-during,357-hundred,358-five,359-remember,360-step,361-early,362-hold,363-west,364-ground,365-interest,366-reach,367-fast,368-verb,369-sing,370-listen,371-six,372-table,373-travel,374-less,375-morning,376-ten,377-simple,378-several,379-vowel,380-toward,381-war,382-lay,383-against,384-pattern,385-slow,386-center,387-love,388-person,389-money,390-serve,391-appea 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t,719-clean,720-break,721-lady,722-yard,723-rise,724-bad,725-blow,726-oil,727-blood,728-touch,729-grew,730-cent,731-mix,732-team,733-wire,734-cost,735-lost,736-brown,737-wear,738-garden,739-equal,740-sent,741-choose,742-fell,743-fit,744-flow,745-fair,746-bank,747-collect,748-save,749-control,750-decimal,751-gentle,752-woman,753-captain,754-practice,755-separate,756-difficult,757-doctor,758-please,759-protect,760-noon,761-whose,762-locate,763-ring,764-character,765-insect,766-caught,767-period,768-indicate,769-radio,770-spoke,771-atom,772-human,773-history,774-effect,775-electric,776-expect,777-crop,778-modern,779-element,780-hit,781-student,782-corner,783-party,784-supply,785-bone,786-rail,787-imagine,788-provide,789-agree,790-thus,791-capital,792-won't,793-chair,794-danger,795-fruit,796-rich,797-thick,798-soldier,799-process,800-operate,801-guess,802-necessary,803-sharp,804-wing,805-create,806-neighbor,807-wash,808-bat,809-rather,810-crowd,811-corn,812-compare,813-poem814-string,815-bell,816-depend,817-meat,818-rub,819-tube,820-famous,821-dollar,822-stream,823-fear,824-sight,825-thin,826-triangle,827-planet,828-hurry,829-chief,830-colony,831-clock,832-mine,833-tie,834-enter,835-major,836-fresh,837-search,838-send,839-yellow,840-gun,841-allow,842-print,843-dead,844-spot,845-desert,846-suit,847-current,848-lift,849-rose,850-continue,851-block,852-chart,853-hat,854-sell,855-success,856-company,857-subtract,858-event,859-particular,860-deal,861-swim,862-term,863-opposite,864-wife,865-shoe,866-shoulder,867-spread,868-arrange,869-camp,870-invent,871-cotton,872-born,873-determine,874-quart,875-nine,876-truck,877-noise,878-level,879-chance,880-gather,881-shop,882-stretch,883-throw,884-shine,885-property,886-column,887-molecule,888-select,889-wrong,890-gray,891-repeat,892-require,893-broad,894-prepare,895-salt,896-nose,897-plural,898-anger,899-claim,900-continent,901-oxygen,902-sugar,903-death,904-pretty,905-skill,906-women,907-season,908-solution,909-magnet,910-silver,911-thank,912-branch,913-match,914-suffix,915-especially,916-fig,917-afraid,918-huge,919-sister,920-steel,921-discuss,922-forward,923-similar,924-guide,925-experience,926-score,927-apple,928-bought,929-led,930-pitch,931-coat,932-mass,933-card,934-band,935-rope,936-slip,937-win,938-dream,939-evening,940-condition,941-feed,942-tool,943-]total,944-basic,945-smell,946-valley,947-nor,948-double,949-seat,950-arrive,951-master,952-track,953-parent,954-shore,955-division,956-sheet,957-substance,958-favor,959-connect,960-post,961-spend,962-chord,963-fat,964-glad,965-original,966-share,967-station,968-dad,969-bread,970-charge,971-proper,972-bar,973-offer,974-segment,975-slave,976-duck,977-instant,978-market,979-degree,980-populate,981-chick,982-dear,983-enemy,984-reply,985-drink,986-occur,987-support,988-speech,989-nature,990-range,991-steam,992-motion,993-path,994-liquid,995-log,996-meant,997-quotient,998-teeth,999-shell,1000-neck001-each,002-differ004-cause,005-mean, 006-set,007-port,8-land,11-state,247-real,250-north252-seem,261-ease,268-mark,271-until,272-mile,281-science,300-main,302-plain,307-above,319-direct,320-pose,323-measure,325-product,332-happen,333-complete,335-area,338-order,348-whole, 356-during,363-west,366-reach,368-verb,373-travel,374-less,377-simple,378-several,379-vowel,380-toward,381-war,382-lay,383-against,384-pattern,386-center,390-serve,391-appea r, 395-rule,396-govern,,399-notice,405-certain, 408-lead,411-machine, 415-figure, 418-noun, 421-correct,422-able,423-pound,428-contain,432-final,437-develop, 444-mind, 448-produce,449-fact,451-inch,452-multiply, 454-course, 458-force,460-object,461-decide,462-surface,463-deep,467-system, 472-common, 474-possible, 476-stead,478-wonder, 480-thousand, 483-check, 485-shape,486-equat e,490-heat495-distan,496-fill,497-east499-language,500-among,501-grand,505-drop,511-engine,512-position, 514-wide,515-sail,516-material,518-vary,519-settle,521-weight,522-general,527-include,528-divide,529-syllable,530-felt,536-reason,537-length,538-represent,539-art,540-subject,541-region,542-energy, 544-probable,549-cell, 551-fraction,560-prove,561-lone, 566-mount, 570-joy,574-wild,575-instrument, 581-edge,582-sign,583-visit,591-million, 598-strange, 603-villag e, 605-root,607-raise,608-solve,609-metal,610-whether,613-paragraph,618-describe,621-either,622-result,623-burn,627-century,628-consider,630-law,631-bit,632-coast, 634-phrase,635-silent,638-soil,639-roll,640-temperature, 642-industry,643-value,644-fight,645-lie,646-beat,647-excite,648-natural,649-view,650-sense,652-else,655-case, 660-moment,661-scale, 664-observe,666-straight,667-consonant,668-nation, 671-speed,672-method,673-organ,674-pay,676-section,682-tiny, 685-design, 688-experiment,689-bottom,691-iron,692-single,694-flat,696-skin,698-crease,700-trade,701-melody,702-trip,704-receive,705-row707-exact,708-symbol,710-least,713-except,715-seed,716-tone,717-join,718-sugges t,722-yard,723-rise,730-cent,732-team734-cost, 739-equal,740-sent, 743-fit,745-fair, 747-collect, 749-control,750-decimal,751-gentle,753-captain,754-practice,755-separate,759-protect, 762-locate,763-ring,764-character,767-period,768-indicate, 771-atom,772-human,773-history,774-effect,775-electric,776-expect,777-crop,778-modern,779-element, 784-supply,785-bone,786-rail,787-imagine,788-provide,789-agree,790-thus,791-capital,797-thick,798-soldier,799-process,800-operate,802-necessary,803-sharp,805-create, 809-rather,810-crowd,812-compare,813-poem814-string,816-depend,819-tube,820-famous,821-dollar,822-stream,823-fear,824-sight, 826-triangle,827-planet, 829-chief,830-colony, 835-major,836-fresh,837-search,838-send,840-gun,841-allow,845-desert,846-suit,847-current,848-lift,850-continue,852-chart,855-success,856-company,857-subtract,858-event,859-particular,860-deal,862-term,863-opposite, 867-spread,868-arrange,869-camp,870-invent,871-cotton,872-born,873-determine,874-quart,879-chance,880-gather,882-stretch,885-property,886-column,887-molecule,888-select, 891-repeat,892-require,893-broad,894-prepare,895-salt,897-plural,899-claim,900-continent,901-oxygen,905-skill,908-solution,909-magnet, 912-branch,913-match,914-suffix,915-especially,916-fig, 918-huge,920-steel,921-discuss,922-forward,923-similar,924-guide,925-experience,926-score, 930-pitch,932-mass, 934-band, 936-slip, 940-condition,942-tool,943-total,944-basic,946-valley,947-nor,951-master,952-track,953-parent,954-shore,955-division,956-sheet,957-substance,958-favor,959-connect,960-post,961-spend,962-chord,965-original,966-share, 970-charge,971-proper,973-offer,974-segment,975-slave, 977-instant,979-degree,980-populate, 983-enemy, 986-occur,987-support,988-speech,989-nature,990-range,991-steam,992-motion,993-path,994-liquid,995-log,996-meant,997-quotient,。
