



I. 教学内容
•本课时学习基本情态动词 can 和 must 的用法
II. 教学目标
•学会正确使用情态动词 can 和 must
III. 教学重点
•学习情态动词 can 和 must 的用法
IV. 教学难点
V. 教学准备
VI. 教学过程
Step 1: 导入新知

Step 2: 学习情态动词 can 和 must
1.教师通过示范和要求学生模仿的方式,向学生介绍情态动词 can 和 must 的用法。

2.教师给出一些例句,让学生用 can 和 must 填空,巩固所学内容。

Step 3: 学习表示能力、许可和义务的句型



八年级上册英语第六单元教案(新目标、带教学反思和说课稿)Unit6I’mmoreoutgoingthanmysisterAgoodfriend…HascoolclothesIspopularinschoolLikestodothesamethingsasmeIsgoodatsportIsgoodatschoolworkmakesmelaughThefifthperiodI.TeachingAimsandDemands.knowledgeobjectskeyvocabulary.Readingpassage.oralpratice.Readingandwritingpractice.2.AbilityobjectsReadingskill.writingskill.communicativecompetence.3.moralobjectTakeanactivitypartinallkindsofsocialactivities.Getachancetotrainyourintergratingskills.II.TeachingImportanceandDifficultyoralpratice.writingandspeakingpraticeIII.TeachingmethodsListeningandwritingmethods.Readingandwritingmethods.communicativeapproach.Pairwork.IV.TeachingAidsAprojector.Piecesofpaperonwhichstudentswritethefivestatements.V.TeachingProcudruesStepIGreettheclassasusualandcheckthehomework.StepIIShowthenewwordsontheblackboard.ReadthenewwordstostudentsandaskthemtorepeatUnit6I’mmoreoutgoingthanmysisterAgoodfriend…HascoolclothesIspopularinschoolLikestodothesamethingsasmeIsgoodatsportIsgoodatschoolworkmakesmelaughThefifthperiodI.TeachingAimsandDemands.knowledgeobjectskeyvocabulary.Readingpassage.oralpratice.Readingandwritingpractice.2.AbilityobjectsReadingskill.writingskill.communicativecompetence.3.moralobject Takeanactivitypartinallkindsofsocialactivities. Getachancetotrainyourintergratingskills.II.TeachingImportanceandDifficultyoralpratice.writingandspeakingpraticeIII.TeachingmethodsListeningandwritingmethods.Readingandwritingmethods.communicativeapproach.Pairwork.IV.TeachingAidsAprojector.Piecesofpaperonwhichstudentswritethefivestatements.V.TeachingProcudruesStepIGreettheclassasusualandcheckthehomework.StepIIShowthenewwordsontheblackboard.Readthenewwordstostudentsandaskthemtorepeat.StepIII3aInthisactivityfirstreadthearticletostudents.Thenans weranyquestionsstudentsanyask.Forexample,S:what’sview?T:It’swhatyouthinkaboutsomething.It’showyoufeelaboutsomething.StepIV3bFirstletstudentslookatthechartinActivity2aonpage38. ThenaskstudentstowritetheirownsentencesaboutHolly’sfriendandsomesentencesaboutmaria’sfriend.StepV3cInthisactivityfirstaskstudentstosaysomeofthewordsan dphrasesfromthisunittheycanuse.Forexample, Tall,short,thin,heavyAthletic,intellectual,shyoutgoing,seriousStepVI2aInthisactivityfirstaskstudentstolookatthenamesandth efirstcolumnofthetalbe.Tellstudentstheywillhearanin terviewertalkingtoHollyandmaria.Theyaretalkingabout whattheylikeabouttheirbestfriends.StepVIIPairworkFindSomeoneforthejob!Focusstudentsonthejobad.Askstudentsiftheyknowthewor d—abacus.Iftheydon’tknow,explainittothem.Abacus—aframewithballsthatwasusedtodoarithmetic,longbeforecalculators.StepVIIIHomeworkandSummaryTodaywe’vereviewedthekeyvocabularyinthisunitbyreadingpratic e..Andwe’velearnttowriteaboutourbestfriends.Nowhomework,writ edownthewordsyouunderlinedinActivity3ainyourexercis ebook.StepIXBlackboardDesignUnit6I’mmoreoutgoingthanmysisterSentencesstudentswrite:Thenameofastudentwhoshouldge tthejobThesixthperiodI.TeachingAimsandDemands.knowledgeobjectsReviewingthekeyvocabularyinthisunit.writingpratice. justforfun.2.AbilityobjectsSelfcheckskill.writingskill.3.moralobjectStudyhardandmakegreatprogress.II.TeachingImportanceandDifficultywritingpratice.ReviewingthekeyvocabularyQuiet,funny ,outgoingkind,athleticIII.Teachingmethodsmunicativemethod.IV.TeachingAidsAprojector.Ataperecorder.V.TeachingProcudruesStepIGreettheclassasusualandcheckthehomework.StepIISelfcheck1Afterstudentsfinishwritingtheirsentences,writeanumb erofstudent’sanswersontheblackboard.myfriendlikessports.She’sveryathletic.Paulisneverquiet!Hecan’tstoptalking.mr.wangisakindman.Healwayshelpsothers.maryisafunnygirl.Shealwaysmakesmelaugh.janeisn’tveryoutgoing.Shelikestostayathomeandrest.StepIII2Firstaskdifferentstudentstoreadthequestions ontheleft.Studentsread.Areyoutallernow?Areyoumoreintellectual?Areyoumorepo pular?Areyouabetterstudent?Thenaskstudentstothinkofthemselvestwoyearsago.Howar etheydifferentnow?StepIVjustforFun!Asktwostudentstoreadthedialoguetotheclass.Twostuden tsread.A:IthinkIseethetwins.Isthatjuva?B:No,that’sjala.jalahascurlierhairthanjuva.A:Andjuvaistallerthanjava.writethewordscurly—curlierontheblackboard.Explainthewordscurlytostuden tsordrawasimplepicturewhatcurlierhairmeans.StepVworkbookReadthisarticleaboutAliandAhmet.Thenanswerthequesti onsStepVISummaryThisclasswe’vereviewedthekeyvocabularyoftheunit.Andwe’velearnthowtocompareourthemselvesbetweennowandtwoye arsago.Ihopeyoucanmakegreatprogress.StepVIIIHomeworkFinishofftheexercisesoftheworkbookStepIXBlackboardDesignUnit6I’mmoreoutgoingthanmysistercurlycurliercurlyhair。



八年上英语unit6说课稿Unit 6 "I'm going to study computer science." 是八年级的英语课程中一个重要的单元,它主要围绕未来规划和职业选择进行讨论。

以下是本单元的说课稿:教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够理解并运用本单元的关键词汇和句型,如“be going to”结构来表达将来的计划和意图。

2. 技能目标:学生能够通过听力和阅读材料获取信息,提高预测和推理能力。

3. 情感态度价值观目标:激发学生对未来职业的思考,培养他们规划自己未来的兴趣和能力。

教学重点:1. 掌握“be going to”结构的用法。

2. 学习与职业相关的词汇,如“doctor”, “pilot”, “singer”等。

3. 能够运用所学知识进行简单的职业规划和讨论。

教学难点:1. “be going to”结构的使用,尤其是在不同情境下的准确运用。

2. 学生对职业规划的理解和表达。

教学方法:1. 任务型教学法:通过设计相关任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习和使用语言。

2. 合作学习:鼓励学生小组合作,共同探讨和完成学习任务。

教学过程:1. 导入(Lead-in)- 通过展示不同职业的图片,激发学生对职业的兴趣。

- 提问学生他们未来想成为什么样的人,引入“be going to”结构。

2. 呈现(Presentation)- 教授“be going to”结构的用法,并通过例句进行演示。

- 介绍与职业相关的词汇,并通过图片或实物加深学生的理解。

3. 练习(Practice)- 学生个人或小组练习使用“be going to”结构描述自己的未来计划。

- 通过角色扮演或情景对话,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识。

4. 应用(Application)- 学生根据所学知识,完成一个关于未来职业规划的写作任务。

- 组织一个小型的职业展览会,学生可以展示自己的职业规划,并与其他同学交流。

【人教版】新目标八年级英语上册:Unit 6 单元教学设计

【人教版】新目标八年级英语上册:Unit 6 单元教学设计

【人教版】新目标八年级英语上册:Unit 6 单元教学设计一. 教材分析人教版新目标八年级英语上册Unit 6主要围绕“野生动物”的主题展开,通过学习本单元,学生能够掌握关于野生动物的词汇和表达方式,提高运用英语进行交流的能力。



二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够运用简单的英语进行日常交流。



三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握本单元的生词和短语,理解课文内容,掌握阅读技巧。



四. 教学重难点1.重点:本单元的生词和短语,以及课文内容的理解。


五. 教学方法采用任务型教学法,通过设定各种真实的任务,引导学生参与课堂活动,提高学生的英语应用能力。


六. 教学准备1.教师准备:提前熟悉教材内容,设计教学活动,准备教学素材。


七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用图片或视频展示一些野生动物,引导学生谈论他们所知道的野生动物,激发学生的兴趣。








八上unit6教案及反思新目标八年级(上)初二Unit 6 Section A《新目标英语阅读教学的互动模式案例设计及反思》谢乃莹参加首轮新课程改革的学生,目前已经进入了高年级的英语学习阶段。




















Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.说课稿Section A (1a-1c)褚新梅一、教材分析本课是新目标英语八年级上册《Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.》的第一课时,主要内容是通过复习一些旧的职业名词和学习一些新的职业的词汇,并使用be going to 谈论长大以后打算做什么工作以及打算怎样实现目标。

二、教学设计Teaching procedures and waysStep I Lead-inT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Would you like to tell me your parents’ jobs? Please tell me like this: “My mother is a ...; My father is a ...”S: My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.S: My father is a policeman. My mother is a nurse.S: ...T: Good. Please write their jobs on the board.Draw a chart with two columns on the board, with “father”and “mother”as the headings. And let students write their parents’ jobs on the board.In this way, help them to review the words they have learned about job before such as doctor, teacher, policeman, waiter, driver and so on.Step II New words learning (Section A: 1a)Show some word cards to students and help them to learn some new jobs.T: Now please look at these cards. Do you know what jobs they are doing?First get students to identify the jobs by themselves, then read each word and explain both in English and Chinese. Students repeat after the teacher.T: Computer programmer is a person whose job is to write programs for a computer (Introduce computer games)Pilot - a person who flies a planeBaseball player - a person who plays baseball (introduce basketball player, volleyballplayer ...)Engineer - someone whose job is to design or build roads, bridges, machines etc Actor - a man who plays a role in a play or a film or television programs (introduce actress)Ask some students to read each new word to the class, correct their pronunciations. T: Do you think these jobs are interesting? (Students may have all kinds of responses.) Now rank them please. 1 is the most interesting and 6 is the least interesting.Check their answers and find out the most interesting job in the students’ eyes.T: Who made engineer number 1? Hands up! ...Step III Function presentationT: (Ask one of the students) Would you like to be a computer programmer in the future?S: Yes. I like to be a computer programmer.T: That is to say, “You are going to be a computer programmer in the future.”(On the board)Circle “are going to” on the board.T: Tod ay we’ll learn to talk about future intentions using “be going to”. Future intention means something you want to do or plan to do in the future. Clear?Ss: Yes.T: We learned to talk about future plans using “be +v-ing” structure in unit 3. Remember? Could you give me an example?S: I’m buying a new bike. (Write on the board and circle the “-ing”word)S: —Where are you going next week?—I’m going to my grandmother’s home next week.T: Very good. We can use “be+v-ing”to talk about future events. Today we’ll talk about future intentions using “be going to”structure. Look at this sentence:I’m going to be a computer programmer when I grow up. (On the board)Circle “when I grow up” and point out that it is not a question but means time.T: Please read after me.Students repeat the sentence after the teacher. Then let them practice making moresentences with the words in activity 1a, using the structure: I am going to be a ... Step IV Listening (Section A: 1b)Call attention to the items in activity 1b. Let students read the items before listening to the tape. Then tell them what they are supposed to do.T: Look at the example given. “computer programmer” is connected with “study computer science”. That is to say, if you are going to be a computer programmer, you should/need to study computer science. Clear?Then play the tape, students do the match work.Play the tape again and students check their answers.After listening, ask students to practice reading the phrases in activity 1b and explain what a professional basketball player is.Step V Oral practice (Section A: 1c)First get students to practice the conversation in 1c on page 59 in pairs.Call attention to the two questions:What are you going to be when you grow up?How are you going to do that?T: What-question asks about the jobs and how-question asks about the actions you will take. Is that clear? Now look at the conversation in the picture. Let’s read it. Boys play role A. Girls play role B. Together, OK?Then let them work in pairs and make more conversations about the other jobs.Get several pairs to demonstrate their conversations to the class.Step VI Summery and HomeworkT: Now let’s come back to the key words and sentences we have learned today. Pointing to the board, let boys read the key words first and ask girls if they have made some mistakes, and then let girls ask and boys answer using the sentences on the board.Call attention to the word order, pointing out we should say “what are you” not “what you are”, “how are you” not “how you are”.On the board:Homework:Have a conversation about your future job with your partner and write down your conversation on your exercise book. Please use what and how questions.三、课后反思对于本节课内容来说,重点就是职业词汇和两个句型,掌握一般将来时be going to +V (动词原形)。



八年级上册英语第六单元教案(新目标、带教学反思和说课稿)Lesson plan for unit 6, Volume 1, Grade 8八年级上册英语第六单元教案(新目标、带教学反思和说课稿)前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。




unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sistera good friend … has cool clothes is popular in schoollikes to do the same things as me is good atsportis good at schoolwork makes me laughi. teaching aims and demands1.knowledge objectskey vocabulary. reading passage. oral pratice. reading and writing practice.2.ability objectsreading skill. writing skill. communicativecompetence.3.moral objecttake an activity part in all kinds of social activities.get a chance to train your intergrating skills.ii. teaching importance and difficultyoral pratice. writing and speaking praticeiii. teaching methodslistening and writing methods. reading and writing methods.communicative approach. pairwork.iv. teaching aidsa projector. pieces of paper on which students write the five statements.v. teaching procudruesstep i greet the class as usual and check the homework.step ii show the new words on the blackboard.read the new words to students and ask them to repeatunit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sistera good friend … has cool clothes is popular in schoollikes to do the same things as me is good at sportis good at schoolwork makes me laughi. teaching aims and demands1.knowledge objectskey vocabulary. reading passage. oral pratice. reading and writing practice.2.ability objectsreading skill. writing skill. communicative competence.3.moral objecttake an activity part in all kinds of social activities.get a chance to train your intergrating skills.ii. teaching importance and difficultyoral pratice. writing and speaking praticeiii. teaching methodslistening and writing methods. reading and writing methods.communicative approach. pairwork.iv. teaching aidsa projector. pieces of paper on which students write the five statements.v. teaching procudruesstep i greet the class as usual and check the homework.step ii show the new words on the blackboard.read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.step iii 3ain this activity first read the article to students. then answer any questions students any ask. for example, s: what’s view?t: it’s what you think about something. it’s how you feel about something.step iv 3bfirst let students look at the chart in activity 2a on page 38.then ask students to write their own sentences about holly’s friend and some sentences about maria’s friend.step v 3cin this activity first ask students to say some of the words and phrases from this unit they can use. forexample,tall, short, thin, heavy athletic, intellectual, shy outgoing, seriousstep vi 2ain this activity first ask students to look at the names and the first column of the students they will hear an interviewer talking to holly and maria. they are talking about what they like about their best friends.step vii pairwork find someone for the job!focus students on the job ad. ask students if they know the word—abacus. if they don’t know, expl ain it to them.abacus—a frame with balls that was used to do arithmetic, long before calculators.step viii homework and summarytoday we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary in thisunit by reading pratice.. and we’ve learnt to write about our best homework, write down the words you underlined in activity 3a in your exercise book.step ix blackboard designunit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sistersentences students write: the name of a student who should get the jobthe sixth periodi. teaching aims and demands1.knowledge objectsreviewing the key vocabulary in this unit. writing pratice. just for fun.2.ability objectsself check skill. writing skill.3.moral objectstudy hard and make great progress.ii. teaching importance and difficultywriting pratice. reviewing the key vocabulary quiet, funny, outgoing kind, athleticiii. teaching methodsself check method. writing method. communicative method.iv. teaching aidsa projector. a tape recorder.v. teaching procudruesstep i greet the class as usual and check the homework.step ii self check 1after students finish writing their sentences, writea number of student’s answers on the blackboard.(1)my friend likes sports. she’s very athletic.(2)paul is never quiet! he can’t stop talkin g.(3) mr. wang is a kind man. he always helps others.(4) mary is a funny girl. she always makes me laugh.(5)jane isn’t very outgoing. she likes to stayat home and rest.step iii 2first ask different students to read the questions on the left. students read.are you taller now? are you more intellectual? are you more popular?are you a better student?then ask students to think of themselves two years ago. how are they different now?step iv just for fun!ask two students to read the dialogue to the class. two students read.a: i think i see the twins. is that juva?b: no, that’s jala. jala has curlier hair than juva.a: and juva is taller than java.write the words curly—curlier on the blackboard.explain the words curly to students or draw a simple picture what curlier hair means.step v workbookread this article about ali and ahmet. then answer the questionsstep vi summarythis class we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary of the unit. and we’ve learnt how to compare ourthemselves between now and two years ago. i hope you can make great progress.step viii homeworkfinish off the exercises of the workbookstep ix blackboard designunit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sistercurly curlier curly hair-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。



【人教版】新目标八年级英语上册:Unit6单元说课稿一. 教材分析人教版新目标八年级英语上册Unit6主要围绕着“节日”这一主题展开,通过学习本单元,学生能够掌握关于节日的词汇和表达方式,了解不同国家的节日习俗,提高自己的跨文化交际能力。


二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,对于学习新的词汇和表达方式有一定的掌握。



三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握关于节日的词汇和表达方式,了解不同国家的节日习俗。



四. 说教学重难点1.重点:掌握关于节日的词汇和表达方式,了解不同国家的节日习俗。


五. 说教学方法与手段1.交际法:通过模拟真实场景,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识进行交流。



六. 说教学过程1.导入:以一段关于节日的视频导入,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时引导学生思考:你们知道哪些节日?最喜欢哪个节日?2.新课呈现:通过PPT展示本节课的主要内容,包括节日词汇和表达方式,不同国家的节日习俗等。






人教版新目标八年级英语上册第6单元说课稿大家好,今天我要说课的内容是人教版新目标八年级英语上册第6单元SectionA的前部分,Title(题目)是I`m going to study computer science。

其主要的内容是:“Talk about the future.”一话题。

由于本单元具有两部分:SectionA 和SectionB, 从教材的整合来说本部分即有形容词用法的延续,又为后面将来时的学习打下基础,具有承上启下的作用;再则,从本单元来说它既是本单元的基本语言内容,又为本单元知识扩展和综合语言运用奠定坚实的基础。







八年级英语上册第六单元教学计划及教学重点难点一、单元分析本单元以“I'm going to study computer science.”为主题,重点学习一般将来时“be going to”结构。


二、教学目标(一)知识与技能目标1. 词汇:学生能够准确认读、理解并运用以下单词和短语:doctor, engineer, violinist, pilot, pianist, scientist, college, education, medicine, university, London, article, send, grow up, computer programmer, be sure about, make sure, resolution, team, foreign, able, be able to, question, meaning, discuss, promise, beginning, at the beginning of, improve, write down, physical, themselves, have to do with, self -improvement, take up, hobby, weekly, schoolwork 等。

2. 语法:掌握一般将来时“be going to”结构的构成(肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答)和用法,理解其表示计划、打算或有迹象表明要发生某事的含义,如“I'm going to play basketball tomorrow.”“It's going to rain because there are many dark clouds.”3. 听说读写能力-听力:能听懂有关未来计划和职业理想的简单对话和短文,准确获取计划内容、职业选择以及相关原因等信息。



初二英语上册第6单元 Section A 说课稿一、教材分析本单元主要讲述了关于节日和活动的话题,通过学习了解了节日的起源、庆祝活动以及人们参与活动的方式。






三、教学重点1.学习并掌握重要词汇和短语,如festival, celebration, decorate, enjoy等。











六、教学资源准备1.PowerPoint 简介介绍节日和活动的图片和文字资料。












教学过程Step 1 导入新课1.引入“科技”的话题,利用图片、视频等媒体展示现代科技产品的普及和在生活中的应用。

2.学生交流讨论,回答以下问题:–现代科技对人们生活有哪些影响?–现代科技产品有哪些?Step 2 课文讲解1.同学们打开课本,找到Unit6的相关内容。



Step 3 课堂练习1.学生分小组进行讨论,回答课本中的问题。


Step 4 生词学习1.老师带领学生学习课文中的生词和短语,包括但不限于:–communication–invention–electronic–helpful–efficient2.学生进行词义理解和拓展,完成相应的练习。

Step 5 扩展活动1.老师利用多媒体设备展示现代科技产品的图片,学生进行识别、讨论和描述。


Step 6 小结与作业1.老师对本节课的重点内容进行小结,并提醒学生复习和巩固所学的知识。





新修订初中阶段原创精品配套教材八年级上册英语第六单元教案(新目标、带教学反思和说课稿)教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改The sixth grade English Volume 6 lesson plan (new goals, withteaching reflection and lectures)教师:风老师风顺第二中学编订:FoonShion教育八年级上册英语第六单元教案(新目标、带教学反思和说课稿)unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sistera good friend … has cool clothes is popular in schoollikes to do the same things as me is good at sportis good at school work makes me laughthe fifth periodi. teaching aims and demands1. knowledge objectskey vocabulary. reading passage. oral pratice. reading and writing practice.2. ability objectsreading skill. writing skill. communicative competence.3. moral objecttake an activity part in all kinds of social activities.get a chance to train your intergrating skills.ii. teaching importance and difficultyoral pratice. writing and speaking praticeiii. teaching methodslistening and writing methods. reading and writing methods.communicative approach. pairwork.iv. teaching aidsa projector. pieces of paper on which students write the five statements.v. teaching procudruesstep i greet the class as usual and check the homework.step ii show the new words on the blackboard.read the new words to students and ask them to repeatunit6 i’m more outgoing than my sistera good friend … has cool clothes is popular in schoollikes to do the same things as me is good at sportis good at school work makes me laughthe fifth periodi. teaching aims and demands1. knowledge objectskey vocabulary. reading passage. oral pratice. reading and writing practice.2. ability objectsreading skill. writing skill. communicative competence.3. moral objecttake an activity part in all kinds of social activities.get a chance to train your intergrating skills.ii. teaching importance and difficultyoral pratice. writing and speaking praticeiii. teaching methodslistening and writing methods. reading and writing methods.communicative approach. pairwork.iv. teaching aidsa projector. pieces of paper on which students write the five statements.v. teaching procudruesstep i greet the class as usual and check the homework.step ii show the new words on the blackboard.read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.step iii 3ain this activity first read the article to students. then answer any questions students any ask. for example,s: what’s view?t: it’s what you think about something. it’s how you feel about something.step iv 3bfirst let students look at the chart in activity 2a on page 38. then ask students to write their own sentences about holly’s friend and some sentences about maria’s friend.step v 3cin this activity first ask students to say some of the words and phrases from this unit they can use. for example,tall, short, thin, heavy athletic, intellectual, shy outgoing, seriousstep vi 2ain this activity first ask students to look at the names and the first column of the talbe.tell students they will hear an interviewer talking to holly and maria. they are talking about what they like about their best friends.step vii pairwork find someone for the job!focus students on the job ad. ask students if they know the word—abacus. if they don’t know, explain it to them.abacus—a frame with balls that was used to do arithmetic, long before calculators.step viii homework and summarytoday we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary in this unit by reading pratice.. and we’ve learnt to write about our bestfriends.now homework, write down the words you underlined in activity 3a in your exercise book.step ix blackboard designunit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sistersentences students write: the name of a student who should get the jobthe sixth periodi. teaching aims and demands1. knowledge objectsreviewing the key vocabulary in this unit. writing pratice. just for fun.2. ability objectsself check skill. writing skill.3. moral objectstudy hard and make great progress.ii. teaching importance and difficultywriting pratice. reviewing the key vocabulary quiet, funny, outgoing kind, athleticiii. teaching methodsself check method. writing method. communicative method.iv. teaching aidsa projector. a tape recorder.v. teaching procudruesstep i greet the class as usual and check the homework.step ii self check 1after students finish writing their sentences, write a number of student’s answers on the blackboard.(1) my friend likes sports. she’s very athletic.(2) paul is never quiet! he can’t stop talking.(3) mr. wang is a kind man. he always helps others.(4) mary is a funny girl. she always makes me laugh.(5) jane isn’t very outgoing. she likes to stay at home and rest.step iii 2first ask different students to read the questions on the left. students read.are you taller now? are you more intellectual? are you more popular?are you a better student?then ask students to think of themselves two years ago. how are they different now?step iv just for fun!ask two students to read the dialogue to the class. two students read.a: i think i see the twins. is that juva?b: no, that’s jala. jala has curlier hair than juva.a: and juva is taller than java.write the words curly—curlier on the blackboard. explain the words curly to students or draw a simple picture what curlier hair means.step v workbookread this article about ali and ahmet. then answer the questionsstep vi summarythis class we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary of the unit. and we’ve learnt how to compare ourthemselves between now and two years ago. i hope you can make great progress.step viii homeworkfinish off the exercises of the workbookstep ix blackboard designunit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sistercurly curlier curly hairFoonShion教育研究中心编制Prepared by foonshion Education Research Center。

新目标英语八年级上册unit 6 反思

新目标英语八年级上册unit 6  反思

新目标八年级英语(上)Unit6 第一课时教学反思双河民族中学刘凤琼本节课通过对将来职业的介绍使学生掌握一般将来时的be going to结构。














新目标英语八年级上册unit 6英语教案

新目标英语八年级上册unit 6英语教案

Unit6 I'm going to study computer science教案双河民族中学刘凤琼一、教学内容分析本节课的教学内容是人教版新目标八年级英语上Unit6 I'm going to study computer science的第一课时1a-1c。

本课位于人教版八年级上6 单元的第一部分,其主要内容就是学习关于职业的单词以及be going to的用法,用一般将来时谈论未来自己与他人理想的职业及原因,为实现理想所做出的打算和安排,以及制定未来一段时间内的学习计划。


二、教学目标(1).知识目标: 要求学生掌握关于职业的名词computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ….本课主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。





三、教学重点、难点(1)重点词汇:要求学生掌握关于职业的名词computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ….(2)重点句型:本节课要求学生掌握并能够正确运用:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.(2)难点:一般将来时be going to 中be 的具体形式和后面接动词原形的用法学生容易混淆. 学生根据自己喜欢的职业,运用所学知识谈论自己打算怎样做来实现目标则既是难点,又是能力训练点。



教案人教版八年级上册unit6英语教案(共5篇)第一篇:教案人教版八年级上册unit6英语教案Unit6I’m going to study computer science Section A 1a-1c一、教学准备:多媒体课件二、Teaching aims:1、Knowledge aim:要求学生掌握关于职业的名词:computer programmer , engineer, bus driver, basketball player, cook, teacher, pilot, scientist, doctor, violinist, pianist, Actor.., Sentence patterns:what do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a/an...How are you going to do that?I’m going to...语法:be going to...表示一般将来时2、Ability aims:能听懂有关人生理想的词汇及表达;能听懂有关未来计划的表达;能进行有关人生的谈话;能进行有关将来计划的讨论;培养学生应用英语谈论将来计划;提高学生听、说、读、写等能力。

3、Emotion aims:通过对人生理想的讨论,让学生从小就树立自己的人生理想,并且现在就下定决心,为理想而努力奋斗,使他们成为有理想,有抱负,有动力,健康成长的新一代青少年。

三、Teaching keys and difficulties:1、重点词汇:computer programmer , engineer, bus driver, basketball player, cook, teacher, pilot, scientist, doctor, violinist, pianist, Actor...2、重点句型:what do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a/an...How are you going to do that?I’m going to...3、难点:语法:一般将来时be going to 中be的具体形式和后面接动词原形的用法学生容易混淆,学生根据自己喜欢的职业,运用所学知识谈论自己打算怎样做来实现目标则既是难点,有时能力训练点。

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Unit 6 I’utgoing thaA good friend … Has cool clothes Is populal
Ldo the same things as me Is good aIs good at school work Makes me laugh
I. Teaching Aims and Demandwledge Obvocabulary. Reading passage. Oral pratice. Reading and writing pra2. Ability ObReading skill. Writing skill. Communicatival ObTake an activity part in all kindal activGet a chaain your intergrating skills.
II. Teaching Importance and Difficulal pratice. Writing and speaking praIII. Teaching Methods
Listening and writing methods. Reading and writing methodunicative approach. PairwIV. Teaching Aids
APaper on which students wve staV. Teaching ProcudruI Glass as usual andwII Show the new wordblackboard.
Read the new words to students and aatUnit 6 I’utgoing thaA good friend … Has cool clothes Is populal
Ldo the same things as me Is good aIs good at school work Makes me laugh
I. Teaching Aims and Demandwledge Obvocabulary. Reading passage. Oral pratice. Reading and writing pra2. Ability ObReading skill. Writing skill. Communicatival ObTake an activity part in all kindal activGet a chaain your intergrating skills.
II. Teaching Importance and Difficulal pratice. Writing and speaking praIII. Teaching Methods
Listening and writing methods. Reading and writing methodunicative approach. PairwIV. Teaching Aids
APaper on which students wve staV. Teaching ProcudruI Glass as usual andwII Show the new wordblackboard.
Read the new words to students and aaIII 3a In this activad the article to students. Then answer any quudents any ask. For exampl: W hat’s view?
T: It’s what you think aboug. It’s how you feel abougIV 3b
First let students look aart in Activity 2a on page 38. Then ask studwwabout Holly’s friend andabout Maria’s friendVIn this activask studawords and phrauan use. For example,
Tallavy Athlllectual, shy Outgoing, seriouVI 2a In this activask studlook at the names andlualbe.Tell studwill hear an interviewer talking to Holly and Maria. They are talking about what they like aboubdVII Pairwork Findb!
Focus studb ad. Ask studw the word—abacus. If they don’t know, explaAbacus—a frame with balls that was used to do along before calculaVIII Homework and Summary
Today we’ve reviewedvocabulaunit by reading pratice.. And we’ve learnt to write about our bds.Now homework, write down the words you underlined in Activity 3a in your exercise bIX Blackboard Design
Unit 6 I’utgoing thaudents write: The name of a student who should gb
The sixd
I. Teaching Aims and Demandwledge ObReviewingvocabulaunit. Writing pratice. Juun.
2. Ability Oblll. Writing skillal Obudy hard and make great progII. Teaching Importance and
Writing pratice. Reviewingvocabulary Quiet, funny, outgoing Kind, athlIII. Teaching Methodld. Writing method. Communicative method.
IV. Teaching Aids
AA tadV. Teaching ProcudruI Glass as usual andwII SelAfter studwritingwrite a numbudent’s answblackboard.
(1)d l’s very athl(2) Paul is never quiet! He can’alking.
(3) Mr. Wang is a kind man. He always hel(4) Mary
is a funny girl. She always makes me laugh.
(5) Jane isn’t very outgoing. She lay at home andIII 2First ask dudad the quleft. Students read. Are you taller now? Are youllectual? Are youular? Are you a budent?
Then ask studlves two years ago. How adw?IV Just
for Fun!
Ask two studad the dialogulass. Two students read.
A: I think Iwins. Is that Juva?
B: No, that’s Jala. Jala has curlier hair than Juva.
A: And Juva is taller than Java.
Wwords curly—curlblackboard. Explain the words curly to studdraw a simple picture what curlier hair meaV WorkbRead this article about Ali and Ahmet. Then answer the quVI Summary
This class we’ve reviewedvocabulaunit. And we’ve learnt howare ourthemselves between now and two years ago. Iu can make great progVIII HomewFxWorkbIX Blackboard Design
Unit 6 I’utgoing thaurly Curlier Curly hair。
