
Unit 2 Robots Ⅰ. 单元教学目标Ⅱ. 目标语言Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov写于1951的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和作者的生平。
如Isaac Asimov1951年描述的机器人的部分功能已经被应用于现实生活和工作中。
1.1 Warming Up介绍了什么是机器人和不同种类及不同形状的机器人。
1.2 Pre-reading 通过讨论机器人是否像人类一样有自己的思维、是否有感情引出Isaac Asimov的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed,为本单元的Reading做好了铺垫。
1.3 Reading的课文是Isaac Asimov写于1951的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。
1.4 Comprehending共有3个练习,练习1是关于克莱尔的情感变化,练习2是关于课文内容的5个问答题,旨在考查学生对课文的理解;练习3要求学生比较机器人Tony在physical, mental两方面与人的异同,与Pre-reading 部分的问题相呼应。
1.5 Learning about Language分为两部分,Discovering useful words and expressions 是本单元词汇练习题;Revising useful structures是本单元语法练习题,通过本单元的学习,要求学生熟练掌握不定式的被动语态。
人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案2篇

人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robo ts》教案2篇Teaching plan of unit 2 robots for senior high school English El ective of PEP人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案2篇前言:英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。
本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案2、篇章2:人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案篇章1:人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案教学准备教学目标Teaching goals 教学目标1.Be able to learn some important words and phrases2.Help students to learn about robots and science fiction教学重难点eaching important points教学重点Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house.Teaching dif ficult points 教学难点How Claire’s emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house.教学过程Teaching procedures 教学过程Step I Warming upPresent a photo of robots. Then ask students to say something about robot.What is on the blackboard?What is a robot?What can a robot do?Step II Pre-readingAsk students to predict question:If you have a robot, will you fall in love with it ?Introduce the background of the text.Step III ReadingFast reading1.What is the text mainly about?It is mainly about how a household _________ was _________ ________ in a family.2.Find the characters in the storyLarry Belmont: working in a company that makes robotsClaire: Larry’s wife, a housewifeTony: the robotGladys Claffern: a woman that Claire envies3.Tell stu dents that Claire’s feelings towar ds Tony changed as the story developed. Read the story again and then fill in the blanks.Comprehensio nRead the sto ry again and find out Claire’s sense of failure and what helps did Tony offer to her.SummaryFill in the blanks according to the knowledge that we have learnt in this class.The company for which Larry worked was to have a newly?made robot____(call)Tony experimented with by his wife Claire at home. At _____first sight of Tony, Claire felt ________(alarm). She thought it was absurd tha t a robot seemed more like a human than a ______ .For as long as three weeks, Tony wanted tohelp her to dress, which made Claire ________(embarrass) and she refused him. But she was glad that Ton y could make her home ________, give her a new h aircut and change her makeup. To improve her home,he could also ________ a list of items for her to buy. And finally Tony helped Claire win the victory to be ________ (envy)by those ladies like Gladys Claffern who Claire wanted to be like. ________made us unbelievable was that Claire fell in love ______Tony—a robot !课后习题Homework1.Surf the Internet to get more information about science fiction..2.Preview the language points in the text.篇章2:人教版高中英语选修7《Unit 2 Robots》教案【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】教学准备教学目标教学目标1.语言知识: 使学生理解文章中表达情感变化词汇;熟悉有关机器人方面的话题。

人教版高中英语选修七Unit2 Robots 阅读课教学设计英语组周水玉一、指导思想与理论依据1、指导思想本课题结合新课程的理念,将课堂教学融于具体的语言情境之中,努力培养学生的综合语言运用能力,并把听、说、读、写语言技能的训练综合运用于课堂教学之中。
关于机器人高一教材中Computers这一单元中也有所涉及,而这个单元侧重于介绍20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov 发表于1951 年的一部科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。
2)课文分析:Satisfactio n Guara nteed是一部有趣的科幻小说,文中描述了某公司试验的家庭机器人Tony 是一个除去面无表情外,身材高大,相貌英俊,聪明机智的完美男人,仅三周的时间就使女主人坠入爱河。
最新-高中英语 Unit2 Robots Period 6优秀教案 新人教版选修7 精品

Period 6 Listening and Reading TaskTeaching aims1.Learn about robots and robots in the fight against landmines.2.Help students to learn how robots are helping human beings in clearing landmines.Teaching proceduresStep 1Lead-inPresent the pictures on Page 54 and ask students to tell what each robot does.(Students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely.) Step 2Listening1.Listen to the interview and number the pictures in the order that you hear about them.Keys:4,2,1,3.2.Listen to the interview again and fill in as much of the table as you can.ShareStep 3Reading task1.As we know,Robots are designed and built to do a task that is dangerous,uncomfortable,or repetitive for humans.Today we are going to read a magazine article about landmines.First,ask students to read this piece of news about landmines.Three decades of war in Cambodia have left scars in many forms throughout the country.Unfortunately,one of the most lasting legacies of the conflicts continues to claim new victims ndmines,laid by the Khmer Rouge,the Heng Samrin and Hun Sen regimes,the Vietnamese,the KPNLF,and the Sihanoukists litter the countryside.In most cases,even the soldiers who planted the mines did not record where they were placed.Now,Cambodia has the one of the highest rates of physical disability of any country in the world.At the current rate of progress,it may take as many as 100 years to clear all the mines in Cambodia,and the UN estimates that with current technology,it will take nearly 1100 years to clear all the mines in the world.2.Next,present the students some mine signs and remind students that in spite of so many warning signs,there are still many victims as the pictures show.(In spite of so many warning signs,there are still many victims.Look at the following pictures.)3.Ask students to glance through the text quickly and answer the following questions in Exercise 1 on Page 58.(1)What is the main topic of this article?Which part of the text tells you that?(2)Who wrote the article?(3)What do the three pictures show you?(4)Where is research being done on robots that can find landmines?(5)In which two countries might the robots be used?Suggested answers:(1)The main topic is the role of robots in the fight against landmines.The title tells us that.(2)Natasha Wesley.(3)Someone using a metal detector to find landmines;the robot that can find landmines;some people who have lost their legs because of landmines.(4)Chiba University (Japan).(5)Afghanistan and Cambodia.4.Work in groups to write questions for these answers in Exercise 2.Check your work with your partner.Suggested answers:5.Read the article again carefully and look at each paragraph in turn.Underline the sentence which sets out the main idea of that paragraph.Then fill in the table below.Suggested answers:Step 4Discussion1.First,ask students to read the following materials.From the text we've learned how serious the situation is.Many lives are put into danger.So we must do something to improve the situation.As we know,the US hasn't yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty.I hope you will write a letter of suggestion to the president of the US.You may refer to the text2.Encourage students to write a letter of suggestion to the president of the US,for the US hasn't yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty.In the letter you will suggest the US should stop manufacturing landmines and spend more money on solutions to clearing landmines,for example developing new robots to remove the landmines.You can refer to the following material:Producing one landmine costs $3,yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1000 to find and destroy,according to the ICBL.Over 80 per cent of the 15 000 to 20 000 landmine victims each year are civilians,and at least one in five are children,according to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).The deadly legacy of landmines far outlasts the conflicts that gave rise to them.Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq,Cambodia,Afghanistan,Colombia,and Angola. If time is limited,ask students to finish it after class.Step 5HomeworkFinish writing the letter to the president of the US.A sample:Dear Mr.President,I read in the newspaper that the US hasn't yet committed to the Mine Ban Treaty.I'm writing to suggest your country sign on the agreement.1.Landmines kill or badly injure around 26 000 people every year.There are about 100 million landmines buried just beneath the surface of the ground in 60 countries.Among the most contaminated countries are Iraq,Cambodia,Afghanistan,Colombia,and Angola.I think this is one reason why people in these countries hate the US so much.2.Producing one landmine costs $3,yet once in the ground it can cost more than $1000 to find and destroy,according to the ICBL.So stop manufacturing landmines and spend more money on finding solutions to clearing the landmines.As you know,your country has designed the most advanced robots.Why not use your advanced technology and spend more money on designing some robots to clear the landmines.If so,it will benefit the whole world.People all over the world will think highly of you and your country.You and your country will become more influential.Japan has set a good example.They have developed robots that can be used to clear landmines.I hope your government will follow Japan's example.Thank you for reading the letter.I hope you will consider my suggestions.I believe you also hope the whole world will enjoy peace.Let's work together and make a peaceful world.Yours sincerely,Sun Cheng。
人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 2 Robots教学设计

人教版高中英语选修7 Unit 2 Robots教学设计人教版高中英语选修7Unit2Robots教学设计《英语》(人教版)选修7Unit2Robots第一课时任务型教学设计一、教学内容分析教学内容《英语》(人教版)选修7Unit2Robots第一课时教学对象高二学生教学项目词语industrialmilitaryvacuumhelicopter结构课文其他Listening&Speaking教学目标语言知识熟悉有关机器人种类与功能的话题。
运用任务TaskofUnit2:TheFutureRobotcompanyinAmericaisholding arobotdesigncompetition.Designyourrobotandwriteades ignplan.TaskofPeriod1:makealistofdifferentkindsofrobotsandt heirfunctionsanddecidewhatkindofrobotsyouwanttodesi gn.二、课堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第-5分钟热身导入,启动教学播放有关奥特曼的动画片段:.canyoumakealistofworkswhichincluderobotsascharacters?2.whatisarobotinyouropinion?思考有关机器人的作品。
高中选修7 Unit 2 Robots 第一课时教案

Senior 2 Book 7 Unit 2 RobotsThe First Period教案――姓名Teaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ Warming upDeal with Warming Up. Present photos of different kinds of robots. Then ask them to say something about his or her favorite robot.Step Ⅱ Pre-readingAsk students to discuss the questions in Pre-reading in groups. Students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely, no matter what it is. Encourage students to use their imagination.Step Ⅲ ReadingDeal with the reading part.ScanningAsk students to scan the text and find out what Tony looks like.Show the following questions on the blackboard.1. What did Tony look like?2. What did Tony do to make Claire and her home elegant?Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.Ask students to read the text carefully and then complete the table on Page 12.Then discuss the comprehending questions on Page 12 in groups.T: L et’s read the text carefully and then do the comprehending exercises on Page 12.Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day.Then she remembered-Tony was just a machine.She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed.ExplanationDuring this procedure, play the tape recording for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, explain the text and deal with the language problems.Step Ⅳ Homework1、Remember the characteristics of science fiction.2、Surf the Internet to learn more about robots and science fictions.3、Surf the Internet to learn about Isaac Asimov.。

Unit 2 robotsPeriod 1warming up and ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language语言目标a. 重点词汇和短语fiction, cartoon, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth,embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut,accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful,affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave aloneb. 重点句型1. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.2. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.3. By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thoughtshe was having an affair.2. Ability goals能力目标: Help students to learn about robots and science fiction.3. Learning ability goals学能目标:Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand.Teaching important points教学重点Teach students to enjoy science fiction. Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house. Helpstudents to sum up characteristics of science fiction.Teaching difficult points 教学难点HowClaire’s emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house.Teaching methods教学方法Discussing, explaining, reading and practicingTeaching aids教具准备The multimedia computerTeaching procedures 教学过程Step I Warming upPresent a photo of robot. Then ask students to say something about robot.1.What is on the blackboard?2.What is a robot?3.How does a robot work?(A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. )4. There are many types of robots and they can do different work. Can you name some of them?(Entertainmentrobots,Industrial robots,Domestic robots)5. What Science fiction about robots have you ever read?(star war,cJ7,terminator, Transformers)6.What is science fiction?(The science fiction is defined as a form of modern literature ,which is intended to predict future of human world and inspirehuman imagination and novelty of scientists.)Step II Pre-reading1.Introduce the background of the text.2.Ask students to predict some questions:Do you think it is possible for a robotthink for itself?have feelings?have its own needs and desires?look and feel like a human being?3 .Imagine that one day you find your best friend a robot, what is your feeling? Can you accept him or her as before?Step III ReadingFast reading1.What is the text mainly about?It is mainly about how a household _________ was _________ ________ in a family.2.Find the characters in the storyLarry Belmont:working in a company that makes robotsClaire:Larry’s wife, a housewifeTony:the robotGladys Claffern:a woman thatClaire envies3.Read the story and decide whether the following statements are true or false.a. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired a robot to accompany his wife.( )b. Claire didn’t like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last.( )c. Tony could understand Claire when she said she was not clever.( )d. Tony was eager to help Claire. He scanned quite a lot of books in the library,but he could find no ways out.()e.It was Claire that first decided to invite Gladys and her friends to her house.()f.Claire’s guests were fi lled with admiration when they saw her house was completely changed.( )g.Claire was very happy to find that Gladys envied her.( )h. The company was satisfied with Tony’s report because he had successfully madea woman fall in love with him..( )(F T T F F T T F)4.Reading for structurePart 1(Para 1- Para 3):meetPart 2(Para 4- Para 8):helpPart 3(Para 9- Para 11):lovePart 4(Para 12):leaveCareful reading for details1.2.Find out how Claire’s emotion developed____ _____ ____ _________ _____A.Sad to remember he was just a machineB.accepted himC. proud of himD. refused to have Tony at her houseE. trusted himF. loved himComprehensionRead the story again and answer the following questions in group.1. Why did Tony open the curtains?(He wanted Claire’s guests to see him and Claire together so that she would be envied by the women guests.)2. What did Tony do to prevent Claire from being harmed?(Tony prevented Claire from being harmed by making her feel good about herself. He helped her make her and her home elegant so that she would not feel like a failure.)3. Why did Tony have to be rebuilt?(Tony had to be rebuilt because the company felt that they could not have women falling in love with a robot.)4.Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Tony?A. Because he was a robot.B. Because she didn’t like him.C. Because he was more like a being than a machine.D. Because he never changed his facial expressions5.We can infer that when Claire first saw Tony, she felt alarmed by _____.A. his appearanceB. his abilityC. his facial expressionsD. his cleverness6.Why did Claire buy the items from the shop?A. Because her husband was to return.B. Because Tony was to leave.C. Because Tony wanted the house transformed.D. Because she thought she needed them.7.The robot Tony helped Claire to realize her dream by______.A. making her home elegantB. giving her a new haircut and changing the makeup she woreC. giving her advice on her dressesD. all the above8. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Tony opened the curtains?A. To let other women see everything.B. To show the risk of Claire’s marriage.C. To let other women envy Claire.D. To make Claire elegant just like her neighbor.9. As a result, the experiment shows _____.A. Claire and Tony fell in love with each otherB. Tony had to be rebuiltC. Tony was angry with his designerD. Both A and B10. All the following statements are true except _____.A. Tony tried to please ClaireB. Claire tried to displease TonyC. Tony managed to protect ClaireD. Gladys admired Claire for TonyStep IV Post reading DiscussionIn groups,discuss the following questions.•What suggestions do you want to give to Larry Belmont as an engineer?•What suggestions do you want to give to Larry Belmont as a husband?•If you were Claire, would you marry the robot ,Tony?Step V Mini Debate1. Do you think Tony was also in love with Claire?2. If so, do you think it acceptable for Claire and Tony to be in love? Useful expressions (推测与确信)I think/ don’t think… I believe / don’t believe…I guess/ suppose… I wonder…I’m sure that … I have a belief that…Is it possible that…? Are you sure that…?Step VI HomeworkSurf the internet to learn more about robots and science fiction.Surf the internet to learn about Isaac Asimov.。
英语:Unit 2《 Robots》课教案-listening and writing(新人教版选修7)

J: Well, Victoria, I think he looks strange. I like these ones, though. (reading) Paro can open and close its eyes and move its flippers. Tama recognises her own name. She purrs when she’s patted. That shows she’s happy, but if you hit her she’ll give you an angry hiss. Gradually her behaviour changes and she develops her own personality.
A: But Jamie, don’t you think it’s sad if the person thinks of the robot as a real pet? J: No, I don’t think so, not if he gets enjoyment from it. A: Well, I don’t believe a robot can be a true friend even if it does develop its won personality.
Writing task
Imagine you are a robot pet that belongs to a child. Imagine what life would be like with a child. Then write a diary from the robot pet’s point of view.
A sample
October 12th, 2007 I had a terrible morning. When Terry got up, he carried me to the table by my tail and made me sit on the table while he ate breakfast. He is such a messy boy and I got bits of food all over me.
人教版高中英语Unit 2 Robots教案2023

人教版高中英语Unit 2 Robots教案2023Unit 2 Robots – Lesson Plan 2023I. Introduction- Greetings and warm-up activity: Ask students if they have ever interacted with robots or have any knowledge about robots.- Engage students in a brief discussion about the use of robots in today's society.- Present the lesson objectives: to explore the topic of robots, understand their impact on society, and practice relevant vocabulary and grammar.II. Vocabulary- Introduce key vocabulary related to robots: artificial intelligence, automation, humanoid, prototype, etc.- Use real-life examples and visuals to help students understand the meanings of the words.- Engage students in activities such as matching exercises, fill in the blanks, or creating sentences using the new vocabulary.III. Reading Comprehension- Provide students with a reading passage from the textbook (Unit 2, Robots) that discusses the benefits and risks of using robots in various industries.- Have students read the passage individually, and then in pairs or small groups, discuss their understanding of the text.- Facilitate a class discussion to check comprehension and address any questions or uncertainties.IV. Listening Activity- Play an audio recording or video related to robots, such as an interview with an expert or a news report on the latest advancements in robotics.- Provide students with a set of comprehension questions related to the listening activity.- Allow students to discuss their answers in pairs or small groups before sharing their responses with the whole class.V. Grammar Focus: Modals of Obligation and Permission- Introduce and explain the grammar point of modals of obligation and permission using examples related to robots.- Provide students with guided exercises to practice using modals of obligation and permission in context.- Offer additional examples for students to create their own sentences using the target grammar.VI. Speaking Practice: Role Play- Divide students into pairs or small groups and assign each group a specific scenario involving robots.- Instruct students to create a dialogue using the target vocabulary and grammar from the lesson.- Encourage students to engage in realistic conversations and apply their knowledge of robots and the related vocabulary.VII. Writing Activity- Assign a writing task where students need to imagine and describe a future world in which robots play a significant role.- Encourage students to use vocabulary, grammar, and ideas discussed throughout the lesson.- Provide a word count requirement to ensure students write an adequate amount of content.VIII. Review and Wrap-up- Conduct a quick review of the key points covered in the lesson, such as vocabulary, grammar, and the impact of robots in society.- Allow students to ask any remaining questions or share their thoughts and reflections on the topic.- Provide a short summary of the lesson and remind students of the importance of understanding and embracing advancements in technology.IX. Homework- Assign homework tasks related to the lesson, such as completing a vocabulary exercise, writing a reflection paper on robots, or researching a specific robot innovation.Note: This lesson plan is designed for the Unit 2 Robots in the People's Education Press (人教版) high school English textbook. However, it can be adapted to other textbooks and teaching materials as necessary.。
高中英语 Unit 2 Robots教案

Unit 2 Robots Ⅰ. 单元教学目标Ⅱ. 目标语言…Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov写于1951的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和作者的生平。
如Isaac Asimov1951年描述的机器人的部分功能已经被应用于现实生活和工作中。
Warming Up介绍了什么是机器人和不同种类及不同形状的机器人。
Pre-reading 通过讨论机器人是否像人类一样有自己的思维、是否有感情引出Isaac Asimov的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed,为本单元的Reading做好了铺垫。
Reading的课文是Isaac Asimov写于1951的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。
Comprehending共有3个练习,练习1是关于克莱尔的情感变化,练习2是关于课文内容的5个问答题,旨在考查学生对课文的理解;练习3要求学生比较机器人Tony在physical, mental两方面与人的异同,与Pre-reading 部分的问题相呼应。
Learning about Language分为两部分,Discovering useful words and expressions 是本单元词汇练习题;Revising useful structures是本单元语法练习题,通过本单元的学习,要求学生熟练掌握不定式的被动语态。

Unit 2 RobotsⅠ. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals▲ Learn literary work about science, robots and science fiction writer—Isaac Asimov▲ Talk about robots▲ Express supposition and belief▲ Revise the Passive Voice (I) (including the infinitive)▲ Science fiction ge nre: imaginative writingⅡ. 目标语言功能句式Supposition and belief I think ...I suppose ...Maybe ...I don’t think ...I doubt ...I guess ...I believe ...I wonder ...I don’t believe ...词汇1.四会词汇fiction, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, embarrassed, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, cushion, awful, affair, declare, envy, biography, junior, navy, talent, chapter, divorce, obey 2.认读词汇household,Isaac Asimov, Larry Belmont, Claire, Gladys, makeup, Marion, Philadelphia, PhD, The Foundation Trilogy,empire3.词组test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone, set aside, in all, be bound to4.重点词汇desire, satisfaction, embarrassed, alarm, alarmed, sympathy, elegant, accompany, declare, envy, obey结构The Passive Infinitive:The company’s new car is going to be designed in the coming months.重点句子She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. P11Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. P11By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. P11It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious. P16Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov写于1951的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和作者的生平。
高考英语总复习 Unit 2 Robots教学案 新人教版选修7-新人教版高三选修7英语教学案

Unit 2 RobotsStep 1 课前准备——单元考点自查自测1.词汇分层级识记过关2.语境活用填写过关3.经典句式背诵仿写过关4.类词巧积累事半功倍(一)分门别类攻单词——识形辨意·拓展应用(二)写用结合记短语——译写短语·语境活用(三)仿写活用练句式——经典句型·仿写背诵1.重点难点考点学通练透2.归纳总结拓展开阔视野3.方法规律技巧权威点拨4.面面俱到打创高效课堂第一时段 Warming up & Reading1.desire n. 渴望;欲望;渴求 vt. 希望得到;想要[教材原句] Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires?你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗?(1)have a strong desire ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ to do sth.for sth. 迫切想要做某事急于想得到某物have no desire to do sth. 不想做某事(2)desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事desire that... (should) do sth. 渴望……(3)desirable adj . 想要的;可取的;值得拥有的单句语法填空①He has a desire ________ success though he has failed many times.②It is not easy to get a ________(desire) job that corresponds with interests. ③Anyone ________(desire) to vote must e to the meeting.④The school strongly desires that the project ___________(finish) before the end of this month.完成句子⑤In order to achieve goals, you must have ________________ so.要实现目标,你必须有实现它们的强烈愿望。
高中英语 设计方案(一)Unit2 Robots Period 2优秀教案 新人教版选修7

设计方案一Teaching aims1.To learn the useful expressions and sentence structures.2.To enable students to use language points both orally and in written forms.Teaching proceduresStep 1Learning words and phrases1.desire n.渴望;欲望;渴求;vt.希望得到;想要Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires?你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗?[拓展](1)desire作名词时,可接不定式或者for短语作定语,还可以接that引导的同位语从句。
(2)desire作及物动词时的常见搭配:desire sth./to do sth./sb.to do sth./that...[注意]desire作名词后接同位语从句以及作动词后跟宾语从句时,从句常常用虚拟语气,即“(should)+动词原形”结构。
The teacher desires me to come to school on time.=The teacher desires that I should come to school on time.2.test out 试验;考验It was going to be_tested_out_by Larry' wife,Claire.它将由拉里的妻子克莱尔来试验。
[拓展]test sb.on sth.就某事(物)测试某人test sth.on sb./sth.在某人(物)身上做试验test sb.for sth.为某事检查某人Mr.Li will test us on_ grammar next week.下周李老师要检测我们的语法。

Unit 2 RobotsI. 教学内容分析本单元的话题是机器人,文学作品中的机器人以及科幻小说作者——阿西莫夫。
Warming Up部分展示了几副图画,通过让学生们讨论这几副图画,导入本单元的话题,并让学生试着给机器人下定义。
Learning about Language部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。
Using Language部分中的阅读文章介绍了科幻小说作者——阿西莫夫。
Summing Up部分引导学生对本单元所学的知识进行归纳和总结。
II. 教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 学习重要的词汇好短语;(2) 复习语法被动语态。
2. 教学难点(1) 激发学生学习科学,热爱科学的热情;(2) 学会写作有关的人物传记。
III.教学计划本单元建议分为五个课时第一课时:Warming Up & Listening (Workbook)第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending第三、四课时:Learning about Language第五课时:Using LanguageIV.教学步骤:Period 1 Warming Up & Listening (Workbook)Teaching Goals:1.To discuss different kinds of robots and their functions.2.To know more about today’s robots.Teaching ProceduresStep 1. Leading-in1. Tell Ss something about robots and arouse their interest in robots.Robots are good at doing thesame task over and over again,exactly the same way. Allrobots are machines. They have computer instructions. They paint cars. They lift heavy loads. They enter some areas those are too dangerous for man. Some robots have different shapes. Some are simply arms. Robots with different shapes can do different work. People can control these robots from a distance.2. Ask Ss to talk about the following questions.(1) Do you know any robots?(2) What’s the characteristic of robots?(3) What’s the function of robots?(4) What’s the definition of a robot in you opinion?Step 2. Warming Up1. Ask Ss to read the introduction of robots in Warming Up and compare with their ideas about robots.2. Ask Ss to talk about the pictures of Warming Up and make a list of anything with robots as characters. Then let them present their list before the class.3. Ask Ss to read the following text and then finish the true or false questions.Henry wants to borrow a book from the library. He comes to the library with his classmates. They can't see any assistant in it, but only some robots standing there. Henry says to the robot, “Hey, give me a book on music.” But the robot doesn't move. Then another student tells Henry, “You must say ‘Excuse me’ and ‘please’ first when you want some help.” Henry does so and the robot brings the book. But Henry can't get the book from the robot's hands. He thinks for a moment, then he says a word to the robot. The robot gives him the book. Henry gets the book and goes home happily.(1) There is no assistant in this library. ( )(2) Henry wants to listen to music in the library. ( )(3) The robot doesn't move first because it's broken. ( )(4) Teachers and robots work in the library. ( )(5) Henry may say“Thanks” when he wants to get the book from the robot. ( )Suggested Answers:(1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F (5) TStep 3. Listening (Workbook)1. Lead Ss to Listening. Teacher may say, “Today we are going to listen to a radio interview in which a science reporter talks about recent robots. From it, we can learn more about today’s robots. Before listening to the tape, please look through the exercises on P54 quickly.”2. Play the tape and ask Ss to finish Ex2 on P54.3.Ask Ss to work in pairs, listen to the tape and finish Ex3 on P54. Play the tape again and ask them to check the answers.4.Ask Ss to discuss the following questions in pairs.(1) What are the negative aspects of each robot that Emma talks about?(2) How can we deal with the negative aspects of each robot?Step 4. Homework1. Ask Ss to surf the Internet and find some information about robots.2. Ask Ss to preview the reading text.Period 2 Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingTeaching Goals:1. To get Ss to know the life of Tony.2. To get Ss to know more about what robots can do for people.3. To develop Ss’ reading ability.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Pre-reading1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures of Pre-reading on P10 and discuss the following questions.(1) What are they?(2) Where can we find them?(3) What can they do for people?2. Ask Ss to imagine a robot that can think, feel, has its own needs and desires, and looks and feels like a human being. Then ask them to talk about the following question.Can we find the robot in our life?3. Tell Ss that the robot cannot be found in our real life but we can find it in the text we are going to learn next.Step 2. Fast reading1. Ask Ss to read the text quickly and try to find the main idea of the text.2. Ask Ss to find the relationships between the characters in the text.Suggested Answers:Larry Belmont — employed in a company that maked robots.Claire Belmont — Larry’s wife, a housewifeTony — the robotGladys Claffern — a woman that Claire enviesStep 3. Intensive reading1. Ask Ss to read the text carefully and answer the questions in Ex1 on P12.2. Ask Ss to look through the following sentences and try to find whether they are true or false according to the text.(1) On the second morning, Tony brought Claire breakfast and then dressed her. ( F )(2) Tony wanted to please Claire by borrowing books from the library. ( F )(3) Tony gave Claire a new haircut and made her up. ( T )(4) When Claire fell off a ladder, Tony caught her. ( T )(5) At last, people managed to have women falling in love with machines. ( F ) Suggested Answers:(1) F (2) F (3) T (4) T (5) F3. Play the tape, and ask Ss to listen and pay attention to Tony’s characteristics that were similar to those of a human being and different from those of a human being. Then ask them to finish Ex2 on P12.Step 4.Consolidation1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and try to retell the story.2. Ask Ss to underline what they cannot understand in the text. And tell them the language points will be dealt with in the next period.Step 5. Homework1. Ask Ss to write the retold story.2. Ask Ss to preview Learning about Language.Period 3 & 4 Learning about Language Teaching Goal:1. To get Ss to master the new words and expressions.2. To get Ss to master the grammar point: the passive infinitive and v–ed form as adjectives.Step 1.Word study1. fiction(1)【U】小说He writes fiction.他写小说。

牛津英语9B Unit2 Robots教案VocabularyTeaching objectives:1. To learn the names of different parts of a robot.2. To design an ideal robot3. To write an article to describe the ideal robot.Teaching procedure:Step 1:In weaker classes, students probably will not know what some of the words in Part A mean. Write the words on the blackboard and help them finish the part. e.g.: What’s the use of a camera/battery/hand/wheel/speaker?A camera takes pictures.A battery gives us power.A hand helps pick up things.Wheels help things move.We can hear sound through a speaker.Step 2:Show students robot pictures and ask students what other features a robot might have. This will help students with Part B. Encourage students to use their imagination.① Ask students to look at the picture on page 24 and answer the questions.② Ask students questions according to the pictures shown:What does it look like?What is there on the head/in the face/on both sides of its body?How does it speak?What is the use of the arms/hands?How does it move?What kind of energy does it have?Step 3: Explain the context of part b. Daniel is writing an article to describe his ideal robot. Have students work in pairs and complete theexercise.Step 4:Ask volunteers to read the completed article for the class. Check for mistakes and mispronunciations.Homework:1. Preview Grammar 12. complete some exercises.。
高中英语人教版Unit2Robots 教学设计

教学设计Teaching aims:the students’ reading and speaking ability.some useful words,expressions and some important sentences.the students to sum up the main idea and make a summary of the passagetheir opinions by answering and arguing the questions.their awareness of studying hard and loving scienceTeaching Methods:Explaining, reading and practising, pair work and group argumentTeaching Aids:A multimedia and reward cards .Teaching Procedures:I、Pre-review before class(课前预习)Preview the words and phrases of U2( part one )II、Group work in class(课内探究)Step1:Leading in:Task 1:you like to see a robot dace ? Now let’s enjoy the videoWho are dancing ?__________________________________________________________________What is a robot ?_____________________________________________________________________[设计说明]利用视频导入,把机器人这个主题更直观的展示给学生,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲,提高课堂效率。
高二英语(人教版)-选修七 Unit 2 Robots (1)-教案

2.Listen to two samples from two studentsand make the evaluation.
3.Read teacher’sversion.
Yes. Tony changed her makeup and made her home more elegant. Even Gladys, who was everything Claire wanted to be, envied her. It’s Tony who helped her gain the sense of satisfaction.
Studentslook at a picture, try to figure out the robot and predict what happened.
Q1:Can you imagine there is a robot in the picture? Who is the robot?Andwhat happened?
1.Itwas disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.(P3L19)
2.It was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.(P4L24)
3.How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.(P5L40)
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高中英语U n i t2R o b o t s教案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANUnit 2 Robots Ⅰ. 单元教学目标Ⅱ. 目标语言Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov写于1951的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和作者的生平。
如Isaac Asimov1951年描述的机器人的部分功能已经被应用于现实生活和工作中。
1.1 Warming Up介绍了什么是机器人和不同种类及不同形状的机器人。
1.2 Pre-reading 通过讨论机器人是否像人类一样有自己的思维、是否有感情引出Isaac Asimov的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed,为本单元的Reading做好了铺垫。
1.3 Reading的课文是Isaac Asimov写于1951的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。
1.4 Comprehending共有3个练习,练习1是关于克莱尔的情感变化,练习2是关于课文内容的5个问答题,旨在考查学生对课文的理解;练习3要求学生比较机器人Tony在physical, mental两方面与人的异同,与Pre-reading 部分的问题相呼应。
1.5 Learning about Language分为两部分,Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元词汇练习题;Revising useful structures是本单元语法练习题,通过本单元的学习,要求学生熟练掌握不定式的被动语态。
1.6 Using Language分为两部分,Listening and speaking是Molly 和Kate 讨论Satisfaction Guaranteed的对话录音,要求学生根据对话内容学会运用表达自己观点的常用句型。
Reading, discussing and writing部分的内容是科幻小说家Isaac Asimov的生平介绍。
第一题要求学生根据时间线索了解在作者生命中发生的重要事件;第二、三题要求学生讨论Isaac Asimov的“机器人三定律”。
2.教材重组2.1 将Warming Up、 Pre-reading、 Reading与Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。
2.2 把Learning about Language 和Workbook的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS及USING STRUCTURES整合在一起上一节“词汇语法课”。
2.3 将Using Language的内容设计成一节包括听说读写在内的“综合技能课(一)”。
2.4 将Workbook的LISTENING和READING TASK设计为一节“泛读课”。
3. 课型设计与课时分配1st Period Reading2nd Period Language study3rd Period Integrating skills (Ⅰ)4th Period Extensive reading5th Period Integrating skills (Ⅱ)Ⅳ. 分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语fiction, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful,affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave aloneb. 重点句型She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.2. Ability goals能力目标Help students to learn about robots and science fiction.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand.Teaching important points教学重点Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house. Help students to sum up characteristics of science fiction.Teaching difficult points 教学难点How Claire’s emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house.Teaching methods教学方法Discussing, explaining, reading and practicing.Teaching aids教具准备Multimedia computer.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ Warming upDeal with Warming Up. Present photos of different kinds of robots. Then ask them to say something about his or her favorite robot.T: Good morning / afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms ...T: In this class we are going to learn about robots. Who would like to tell me what a robot is?S1: A robot is a machine.T: What kind of machine?S2: A robot is a kind of machine that can do a variety of complex human tasks.T: How can a robot perform human tasks?S3: A robot is controlled by a computer.T: You are right. Then we can give the definition of a robot like this: A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. Now look at some pictures. Divide them into different types and decide your favorite one.A list of movies about robots:Short Circuit 2, The Iron Giant, Future world, Blade Runner, The Time Machine, Power Rangers Time Force — The End of Time (2001)Step Ⅱ Pre-readingAsk students to discuss the questions in Pre-reading in groups. Students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely, no matter what it is. Encourage students to use their imagination.Possible answers:1. You would find the robot in the first photo in a factory. It is an industrial robot that picks up, carries and moves loads.The second robot is a robot dog. The robot dog is a toy that would be found in people’s home.The third robot would be used as a surveillance tool that can travel over open terrain. It has a camera on its top at the front to feed back to the operators of the robot what lies in its path.2. There are many types of robots: industrial robots used in manufacturing; domestic robots such as vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers; entertainment robots such as toys and those in theme parks; robots used in toxic waste cleanup and in underwater and space exploration; surgical robots; bomb disposal robots and those that can detect landmines; airborne robots used to search for people (such as in an area affected by an earthquake).3. Students’ own answers. All answers are correct.Step Ⅲ ReadingDeal with the reading part.ScanningAsk students to scan the text and find out what Tony looks like.T: OK. I’m glad you had a heated discussion. Now I’d like you to meet Tony—a robot that looks exactly like a human being. He is a character in the science fiction Satisfaction Guaranteed by Isaac Asimov. Please read the text and find the answers to the following questions.Show the following questions on the PowerPoint.1. What did Tony look like?2. What did Tony do to make Claire and her home elegant?Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers:1. He was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.2. Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. He also suggested Claire buy new curtains, cushions, a carpet and paint for the house and new dresses for herself. He made improvements on the house so that the house looked very elegant.Careful readingAsk students to read the text carefully and then complete the table on Page 12.Then discuss the comprehending questions on Page 12 in groups.T: L et’s read the text carefully and then do the comprehending exercises on Page 12. Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers:2.1. He wanted Claire’s guests to see him and Claire together so that she would be envied by the women guests.2.2 Tony prevented Claire from being harmed by making her feel good about herself. He helped her make her and her home elegant so that she would not feel like a failure.2.3 Tony had to be rebuilt because the company felt that they could not have women falling in love with a robot.2.4 Students give their own answers.2.5 Sentences:How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day.Then she remembered-Tony was just a machine.She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed.3.T: From the development of her emotion, we can see Tony was designed as a Mr. Perfect. He is designed not to harm Claire or allow her to be harmed. This is one of Isaac’s three laws for robots. Later in this unit we will learn more about his three laws. Characteristics of science fictionT: As you know, the story was written in 1951. With the development of science, some of the functions performed by Tony have come true. From this story we can draw a conclusion: Science fiction is often based on scientific principles andtechnology. Science fiction may make predictions about life in the future. Please remember these are some characteristics of science fiction. If you are interested, you may write short science fictions in your spare time.ExplanationDuring this procedure, play the tape recording for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, explain the text and deal with the language problems.T: Now we will deal with some difficult language problems. Now I will play the recording of the text for you. Please make a mark where you have difficulties.After listening to the recording, explain the difficult sentences to students. Before explaining the difficult points, students are asked to refer to the notes to the text on Pages 88-89.T: Do you have any difficulties with the textS1:Could you please explain the sentence to us:She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.T: Because Tony didn’t look like a machine at all, when Tony offered to help her get dressed, she was embarrassed, perhaps shy to get a “man” help her get dressed.S2: How to understand this sentence: Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.T: In spite of the fact that Tony looked so human, he was just a machine. So Claire thought it was foolish that Tony offered her sympathy. Do you have any other questions?Ss: No.T: Maybe someday we will have robots that have feelings and can also think for themselves. Please remember science fiction reflects scientific thought; things-to-come based on things-on-hand. OK, that’s all for today. Don’t forget to surf the Internet to learn more about the great writer and his stories. Of course you will learn more about robots.Step Ⅳ HomeworkRemember the characteristics of science fiction.Surf the Internet to learn more about robots and science fictions.Surf the Internet to learn about Isaac Asimov.The Second Period Language studyTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语fiction, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful, affair, firm, firmly, declare, talent, obey, victory, envy, marriage, biography, explanation, divorce, chapter, navy, test out, turn aroundb. 重点句型Revise the Passive Voice (including the Infinitive)2. Ability goals能力目标Enable students to use both the useful words and expressions and structures freely. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标By doing related exercises in the textbook enable students to use both the useful words and expressions and structures freely.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点The use of the passive infinitive.Teaching methods教学方法Explaining and practicing.Teaching aids教具准备Multi-media computer.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ RevisionAsk students to tell the characteristics of science fiction.Step Ⅱ Word studyDeal with exercises about useful words and expressions. When doing Ex1 and Ex3 on Page 13, students may use an English-English dictionary so that they can understand the situations where the words are used.Ex1 will help students to form the habit of thinking in English.Ex2 will help students to master the useful words and phrases in context.Ex3 will help students to learn more about word formation and use the words in proper situations.After dealing with Ex3, point out words like alarmed are adjectives, when following the link verb be, it is used to describe a feeling. Sentences that have such structures are not passive.T: Look at the following sentence: My mother felt alarmed when I had my hair coloured purple. If I use was to replace felt, the sentence will be: My mother was alarmed when I had my hair coloured purple. Is this a passive sentence?Ss: No. Though the structure seems like a passive sentence, it is not. A passive sentence indicates a passive action while this sentence describes a situation when someone has the feeling of alarm. “Alarmed” is an adjective formed by v+ed.T: Quite good. Please remember not all be + v +-ed /-en / -t sentences are passive. Step Ⅲ Grammar studyGo over the passive voice: be + v +-ed / -en / -tT: Please give some examples of passive sentences.S1: My homework was eaten by the dog.S2: The toy is made by hand....T: Good. Please remember the passive is formed with any time frame of the verb.Show the following on the PowerPoint.to be + past participlee.g. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.Research is now being done on a cure for this disease.The game of Monopoly can be played by two to four players.Reports on several new gun laws were being discussed.My stereo has been stolen by a thief.Go over the infinitiveT: In Unit 1 we’ve learned the infinitive. Please recall the functions of the infinitive. Ss: Except predicate, the infinitive can function as subject, object, predicative, attribute, adverbial and object compliment.T: Today we are going to learn more about the infinitive—the passive infinitive. Explanation of the passive infinitiveto be + past participleeg. to be given, to be shut, to be openedWhen the grammatical subject of the sentence receives the action, we use the passive infinitive.For example:She hates to be laughed at. (others laugh at her→ she is laughed at by others)I am expecting to be given a pay rise next month. (give me a pay rise→ I will be given a pay rise.)be to + passive infinitive (to be + past participle) is often used in notices and instructions.Examples:This cover is not to be removed.The medicine is to be taken three times a day.To be taken three times a day after meals.These benches are not to be removed from the changing rooms.No food of any kind is to be taken into the examination room.Deal with Exx 1-4 on Page 14. Ask students to do the exercises one by one. Then continue with the exercises on the workbook. While dealing with Ex2 on Page 56, point out to students that “need to be done” has the same meaning as “need doing”. Before translating the sentences in Ex3, students should decide the key words and main structures first. After students have finished, show some students’ work on the projector or bulletin board on the computer, check their work with the whole class. Correct the errors if there are any.Ask students to write down the sentences in Ex3 in their exercise books after class. Step Ⅳ HomeworkGo over the key words and expressions.Go over the grammar.Do Ex3 on Page 56.The Third Period Integrating skills (Ⅰ)Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语explanation, junior, navy, talent, chapter, divorceb. 重点句型It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to express supposition and belief.Learn to write a paragraph describing the new type of robot.3. Learning ability goals学能目标By proper language input, students learn to express supposition and belief.Use their imaginations and write a paragraph describing the new type of robot.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点Write a paragraph describing the new type of robot.Teaching methods教学方法Listening, discussing, reading and writing.Teaching aids 教具准备Multi-media computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ Lead-inTalk something about Isaac Asimov.T: After we learned the short story by Isaac Asimov, I asked you to find some information about the writer. Now who would like to say something about him?S1: He is a Russian-born American writer.S2: He has written popular works on science and the history of science, as well as a number of science fiction classics, including I Robot (1950), The Foundation Trilogy (1951-53).S3: One of his famous quotes is “I write for the same reason I breathe — because if I didn’t, I would die.”T: Thank you. Now I’ve come to understand why he could write around 480 books. Now let’s read his biography and learn more about him. When you read the text, please pay more attention to the timeline.Step Ⅱ Reading, discussing and writingDeal with his biographyAfter students read the text, they are asked to do Ex 1 on Page 17. The timeline will help students to remember the events in his life.After dealing with Ex1, ask students to work in groups to write a profile for Isaac Asimov. Several minutes later, present their work and correct the errors if there are any. Then show a sample to students.Sample profile:Isaac Asimov, Writer / ChemistBorn: 2 January 1920Birthplace: Petrovichi, U.S.S.R.Died: 6 April 1992 (HIV infection)Best Known As: Prolific writer of popular science and science fictionIsaac Asimov was born in the former Soviet Union, but grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He taught biochemistry at Boston University until he retired in 1958 to become a full-time writer. Asimov had been publishing short stories since the late 1930s, and in 1952 published his first novel. The author of the classic I Robot series and The Foundation Trilogy, Asimov wrote more than 400 books and won every major science fiction award. He also wrote popular books and essays on science and technology, earning him the nickname “The Great Explainer.”Discuss his three laws for robotsStudents are divided into different groups to discuss his three laws for robots. Several minutes later, ask some students to present their opinions to the rest of the class. Finally teacher may speak out his or her opinion.A sample of teacher’s opinion:Opinion for the three lawsRobots are tools for humanity. Without the three rules, they would become a danger to human beings. Without the three rules, perhaps they will kill us. Robots, so far, are strong. Robots have fast computational brains, and they might not have the capacity to understand things, but if they ever do, they’ll likely be better than us at it. If we don’t put laws, or rules, or mechanisms in place to ensure that we don’t create somethingthat can destroy us, we’d be running a careless risk of destroying ourselves by negligence or omission, wouldn’t we?Opinion against the three lawsWithout the three laws, robots would eventually become more intelligent and physically stronger than their human creators. Rather than guiding and adjusting the robot towards good, ethical behavior, the Three Laws acts as a barrier to freedom, creating a free-will prison, an apt metaphor because, like the prisoner in a jail, the robot is confined to the behavioral steel and concrete walls of its mind. To imagine what this would like, think back to your childhood. At some point, you wanted something like a toy or piece of candy that your parents denied you. How did that make you feel Probably frustrated, angry, and trapped. Eventually you grew out of that because you understood the role of your parents better, but Three Laws robots don’t get to grow up. Their parents, the Three Laws, are always there, no matter how mature a robot is, saying ‘no’ to certain thoughts, engende ring those same feelings you had as a child when your parents said ‘no’. Certainly no one deserves to be put in this situation forever; otherwise, robots might become depressed and wish for their own death (only, because of the Third Law, they probably can’t suicide). And perhaps the greatest sin anyone can commit is to create a being, human or robot, that wishes it didn’t exist.Step Ⅲ Listening and speakingListeningDeal with the listening exercises. By doing Ex3, students learn to express supposition and belief. This exercise will lay a good foundation for Ex4.T: OK, so much for Isaac’s biography and his three laws for robots. Let’s come back to his short story Satisfaction Guaranteed. How do you like this story?S1: I like the story very much. I wish to have a robot like Tony at my house.T: You are not alone. Someone else wants to have such a Tony too. Now please listen carefully and then guess who she is.Ask students to look through the questions before playing the tape. Play the tape again when necessary.DiscussingStudents are asked to work in groups and imagine having robots in their houses to do the housework. Discuss what positive or negative effects the situation would be. Don’t forget to use expressions used to express supposition and belief. Students are given five minutes. Five minutes later, ask some students to present their ideas to the whole class. Encourage every student to use his imagination, because there’re no right or wrong answers, only different opinions. After students present their opinions, teacher speaks out his or her opinion.A sample of teacher’s opinion:-Positive effectsI think it is wonderful for people to have robots in their houses to do the housework. After a day’s work, when people get home, they can be really rela xed with everything prepared by their robots. A robot never gets tired. Nor does it complain. Life will be very easy and comfortable.-Negative effectsMaybe people can enjoy a very comfortable life with the help of their robots. But at the same time I believe people will lose the ability to do housework. As time goes on, people cannot live well without a robot’s help. I think that kind of life would be terrible.WritingStudents are asked to work in groups. First decide the purpose of the robot, then make a list of the abilities the robot has. Next draw a picture on a piece of paper and name its parts and explain what each part does. Finally write a paragraph describing the robot and what it can do. Show the following to help students to design their robots or print it out.Tips on designing your robotsFor each robot that you build, you will have to choose options for six major robot characteristics. Each characteristic gives rise to one or more questions. These are: Looks: What does the robot look like Is there a reason for it to look as it doesSensing: How does the robot “know” or figure out what’s in its environment If it were put in a different environment, would it be able to figure out this new environmentMovement: How does the robot move within its environment If it were put in a different environment, would it still be able to move within this new spaceManipulation: How does the robot move or manipulate other objects within its environment Can a single robot move or manipulate more than one kind of objectEnergy: How is the robot powered Can it have more than one energy sourceIntelligence: How does the robot “think” What does it mean to say that a robot “thinks” Not all robots have to have all six characteristics. For example, some robots don’t need to manipulate things, so they have no manipulating characteristics. Some robots have more than one manifestation of a characteristic. For example, a robot may be able to sense its environment using both a vision system and sonar.Things to Think AboutBefore designing your own robot, you might want to think about:a. situations or tasks for which it makes more sense to use robots rather than humans.b. why it has been difficult to build robots that replicate human characteristics.c. whether it will ever be possible to build a robot whose intelligence will be close to that of a person.You may also want to:a. list all the robots you know, whether from movies, television, literature, toys etc., and then think about why all these creatures are considered to be robots.b. think about how you can tell if something is a robot. Is it by looks, behavior, or something elsec. ask how you might communicate with a robot. Would you use speech, press button, type words, make gestures Are these things different from what you’d do if you were talking to a computerStudents are asked to discuss first. If there is not enough time, they can finfish it outside class.Step Ⅳ HomeworkWrite a paragraph describing a new type of robot.The Fourth Period Extensive readingTeaching goals教学目标1. Ability goals 能力目标Learn about robots and their fight against landmines.2. Learning ability goals学能目标Help students to learn how robots are helping human beings in clearing landmines. Teaching important points教学重点How robots are helping human beings.Teaching difficult points教学难点How to improve students’ reading skills.Teaching methods教学方法Listening, reading and discussing.Teaching aids 教具准备Multi-media computer.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ Lead-in and listeningT: Good morning / afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms ...T: What’s the topic of this unit?Ss: Robots.T: Quite right. Let’s recall what a robot is.Ss: A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. T: A robot is a machine that performs a function, either to aid in everyday life or simply to entertain. Now look at the following pictures of robots and tell what each robot does.Show the pictures on Page 54 on the PowerPoint.After talking about what tasks each robot can complete, continue with the listening exercises.Deal with the listening exercises on Page 54. Ask students to pay attention to the function of each robot.Step Ⅱ Reading taskWhile dealing with the reading material, ask students to pay attention to the reading skills.T: From the interview, we learned some more functions of a robot. As we know robots are designed and built to do tasks that are dangerous, uncomfortable, or repetitive for humans. Today we are going to read a magazine article about landmines. First read this piece of news about landmines.Show the following on the PowerPoint.Three decades of war in Cambodia have left scars in many forms throughout the country. Unfortunately, one of the most lasting legacies of the conflicts continues to claim new victims daily. Land mines, laid by the Khmer Rouge, the Heng Samrin and Hun Sen regimes, the Vietnamese, the KPNLF, and the Sihanoukists litter the countryside. In most cases, even the soldiers who planted the mines did not recordwhere they were placed. Now, Cambodia has one of the highest rates of physical disability of any country in the world. At the current rate of progress, it may take as many as 100 years to clear all the mines in Cambodia, and the UN estimates that with current technology, it will take nearly 1,100 years to clear all the mines in the world. T: This is the situation in Cambodia. Here and there are the mine signs. In spite of so many warning signs, there are still many victims. Look at the following pictures.Fast readingAsk students to find the answers to Ex1 using fast reading skills.T: From the above we can see clearing landmines is challenging. Luckily scientists and engineers have designed a robot to do the job. Now open your books at Page 57 and read the text quickly and then do Ex1.Explain the two reading skills to students.Scanning—reading very fast to find specific pieces of information. Skimming—reading very fast to find only the main ideas of a text.Five minutes later check the answers with the whole class.Careful readingAsk students to read the text carefully and then do Ex1. Students will discuss the answers in groups first, and then check the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers:1.1 The main topic is the role of robots in the fight against landmines. The title tells us that.1.2 Natasha Wesley.1.3 Someone using a metal detector to find landmines; the robot that can find landmines; some people who have lost their legs because of landmines.1.4 Chiba University. (Japan)1.5 Afghanistan and Cambodia.Main figures in the textAsk students to review the facts linked to the figures. Students are asked to work in pairs. Seven minutes later show the suggested answers on the PowerPoint. Suggested answers:2.1 How many people are killed or badly injured by landmines every year?2.2 How often is someone killed or injured by a landmine2.3 For how long do landmines keep causing damages?2.4 How many landmines are buried beneath the surface of the ground?2.5 In how many countries are landmines buried?2.6 How many landmines are removed every year?2.7 How many landmines are buried in the ground every year2.8 How big is the robot that can find landmines2.9 How much does it weigh2.10 How many legs had it got?2.11 When was the agreement to stop the manufacture and use of landmines signed?2.12 How many countries signed on the agreement?。