出国个人简历个人简历姓名:XXX 性别:XX 出生日期:XXXX年XX月XX日国籍:XXX 婚姻状况:未婚手机号码:XXXXXXXXXXX电子邮件:*******************教育背景201X年-201X年 XXXX大学专业:XXXXX- 在校期间,我主修XXXXX专业,主要学习了XXX方面的知识。
工作经历201X年-201X年 XXX公司职位:XXXXX- 在XXX公司工作期间,我负责XXXXX工作。
技能与能力1. 语言能力:- 母语:XXXXX- 流利掌握:XXXXX- 良好掌握:XXXXX2. 计算机技能:- 熟练使用XXXXX软件,能够熟练处理各类办公文档和电子表格;- 了解XXX编程语言,具备简单的编程能力;- 具备良好的网络搜索和信息整理能力。
3. 沟通能力:- 自信、清晰的口头表达能力;- 能够通过书面形式进行准确、简洁的表达;- 具备良好的倾听和理解能力。
个人特质- 积极主动:对待工作和学习态度积极,乐于接受挑战和新的任务;- 团队合作:擅长团队协作,具备良好的团队意识和合作精神;- 细致认真:工作细致,注重细节,有良好的自我管理和组织能力。
自我评价- 通过多年的学习和工作经验积累,我具备了扎实的专业知识和较强的实际工作能力。
附件- 个人作品集(或其他相关附件)以上是我的个人简历,希望能够得到您的考虑。
以下是我的个人简历:基本信息:姓名:[姓名]性别:[男/女]出生日期:[日期]籍贯:[省份]现居住地:[城市]教育背景:[时间] - [时间],[高中/初中/小学],[学校名称][时间] - [时间],[本科/硕士/博士],[专业],[学校名称]学术成绩:在高中/本科/硕士阶段,我的学习成绩一直名列前茅,多次获得奖学金。
其他语言:[如有其他语言能力,请列出]实践经历:[时间] - [时间],[实习单位],[实习岗位][时间] - [时间],[志愿者组织/活动],[志愿者岗位][时间] - [时间],[课外活动/社团],[担任职务]科研经历:[时间] - [时间],[科研项目名称],[研究成果/论文发表][时间] - [时间],[科研项目名称],[研究成果/论文发表]荣誉与奖励:[时间],[奖项名称],[颁发机构][时间],[奖项名称],[颁发机构]个人特长:1. [特长1],如:钢琴、绘画、编程等;2. [特长2],如:领导力、团队合作、沟通能力等;3. [特长3],如:学术研究、社会实践、志愿服务等。
申请理由:1. 贵校在国际上的声誉和学术地位吸引了我,我相信在贵校深造能够为我提供更好的学术资源和环境;2. 我对贵校的师资力量和课程设置非常感兴趣,希望能在此基础上进一步拓宽知识领域,提升自身能力;3. 我国正处于快速发展阶段,我渴望在国外学习先进的知识和技术,为国家的建设和发展贡献自己的力量;4. 我在学术和实践过程中积累了一定的经验和成果,相信能适应贵校的学习和生活环境,取得更好的成绩。
出国留学个人简历范文(一)CONTACT INFORMATIONNameAddressCity, State, ZipTelephoneCell PhoneEmailSUMMARY STATEMENT (Optional)Include a brief list of the highlights of your candidacy.EDUCATIONList your academic background, including undergraduate and graduate institutions attended.Graduate Institution, City, StateDegree, MajorDate of GraduationDissertationGraduate Institution, City, StateDegree, MajorDate of GraduationThesis Undergraduate Institution, City, State Degree, MajorDate of Graduation EMPLOYMENT HISTORYList in chronological order, include position details and dates.POSTDOCTORAL TRAININGList your postdoctoral experiences, if applicable.FELLOWSHIPSList internships and fellowships, including organization, title and dates.LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONList type of license, certification or accreditation and date received.PUBLICATIONS / BOOKSPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONSSKILLS / INTERESTS出国留学个人简历范文(二)xxxXXXLanguage和文化大学XXX,100083中华人民共和国个人资料出生日期:8,7,1968性别:女出生地点:厦门市,福建省婚姻状况:单一国籍:中华人民共和国中国卫生部: 09/86-07/88 优秀的教育附中,北京的TEH石油大学毕业:07/88 荣誉:高材生类监控国家“荣誉学生” 最高成绩从大学高中在全国高校招生考试 09/88---07/92北京语言文化大学,北京 (原名北京语言学院) 外语系专业:英语未成年人:语言学,法语和计算机科学学位:学士荣誉:院长的名单大学奖学金,连续4年以上工作经验08/92---01/94北京市科学和科技大学,北京研究外语系助理项目:英文,中文/中英文翻译的计算机程序的改进07/93---压力。
留学个人简历模板(精编4篇)留学个人简历模板(1)Mickey Rowlings1001 East Sunrise ,Tucson, AZ 85718Telephone No: 520-209-1023Email id:OBJECTIVE :Position as financial or investment advisor with a leading invest ment firm, specializing in the management of large corporate CREDENTIALS :CFP, 199NASD 6 And 7NASD 63EXPERIENCE :Financial Advisor, 1995 - PresentConsultants, Tuscon, AZManaged a six-figure diversified portfolio that has experienced at least 20% annual growth over the course of seven Conducted company research and analyzed profiles, identifying a number of start ups that have yielded significant Monitored account activity Investment Analyst, 1989 - 1994Hoover Associates, Portland, ORPrepared investment analyses for clients, including several with more than $500M in total assets under Communicated with sell-side analysts and company Assessed economic Selected and monitored investments in bonds, banks, automotives, andEDUCATION :University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Finance, June 1994University of Texas, Austin, TX, Accounting, June 1988留学个人简历模板(2)Personal Information:Name:Date of Birth:July 12, 1971 Birth Place: BeijingSex: Male Marital Status: UnmarriedTelephone:Work Experience:1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .Summer of 1997BIT Company as a technician ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division in dependently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to d esigning web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;Education:1991 - August 1996 Automation, Tsinghua University,Achievements & Activities:President and Founder of the Costumer CommitteeEstablished the organization as a member of BITPresident of Communications for the Marketing AssociationRepresentative in the Student AssociationComputer Abilities:Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HT ML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL softwareEnglish Skills:Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Pas t CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213Others:Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic Have coordination skills, teamwork Studious nature and dedication a re my greatest 副标题#e#留学个人简历模板(3)personal informationname:height: 178cmdate of birth: jan 10, 1984sex:malemarital status:unmarriedtelephone:e-mail:work experienceXX- presentbank sales department, ** provincial branch,agricultural bank of position:tellerresponsibilities:to provide all retail banking counter transactions to clients and refer sales opportunities to appropriate sales specialist when opport unities are identified .educationseptmber XX-july XX** uniwersity,packagingseptmber XX-july XX** senior middlecomputer abilities skilled use of windows, word, excel, powerpoi nt,flexibility in the use of various software for office use andhave a stronger ability to calculate and documentenglish skills 4 college english test, a certain listening, speaking, reading and writingothers aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dy namic environment . have coordination skills, teamwork studious nat ure and dedication are my greatestreferences will be supplied upon留学个人简历模板(4)出国留学英文个人简历范文模板时间一晃而过,我们又将面临求职找工作的挑战,你的简历写好了吗?那么优秀的简历都是怎么写的.呢?以下是小编为大家整理的出国留学英文个人简历范文模板,欢迎阅读与收藏。
个人简历表个人简历个人简历姓名:_____________________________ E _ mail :_____________________________联系电话:_____________________________联系地址:_____________________________个人概况:姓名:________________ 性别:________出生年月:____年__月__日健康状况:___________毕业院校:_______________专业:____________________电子邮件:_______________手机:____________________联系电话:_______________通信地址:_______________邮编:____________________教育背景:____年--____年___________大学__________专业(请依个人情况酌情增减)主修课程:________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我)论文情况:____________________________________________________(注:请注明是否已发表)英语水平:*基本技能:听、说、读、写能力*标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE.....计算机水平:编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减)获奖情况:________________、________________、________________(请依个人情况酌情增减)实践与实习:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)工作经历:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)个性特点:___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另:(如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!)*附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量!姓名:E _ mail :联系电话:联系地址:个人简历(一)姓名◆个人简历毕业院校:所学专业:联系电话:电子邮箱:请在此替换个人照片个人信息姓名性别出生日期户口现居地址籍贯婚姻状况学历毕业院校专业电子邮件电话求职目标教育背景实习经历2008.1~2008.2♦积极学习业务知识2007.7~2007.8♦指导客户开户流程2006.7~2006.8♦参加过实践活动2006.9~2008.62007.7~2007.82006.9~2007.62006.3~2006.12获奖情况♦学术类:♦实践类:技能与培训♦语言水平:中级口译证书英语六级♦计算机水平:上海市电脑中级证书熟练办公软件操作姓名:_____________________________ E _ mail :_____________________________ 联系电话:_____________________________ 联系地址:_____________________________个人概况:姓名:___________________性别:________出生年月:_______________健康状况:___________毕业院校:_______________专业:____________________电子邮件:_______________手机:____________________联系电话:_______________通信地址:_______________邮编:____________________教育背景:____年--____年___________大学__________专业(请依个人情况酌情增减)主修课程:________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我)论文情况:____________________________________________________(注:请注明是否已发表)英语水平:*基本技能:听、说、读、写能力*标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE.....计算机水平:编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减)获奖情况:________________、________________、________________(请依个人情况酌情增减)实践与实习:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)工作经历:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)个性特点:___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另:(如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!)*附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!)例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量!。
Masterful in electronic circuit; MCS 51, MCS 96, X86 series; ADSL, MSDSL, HDSL, E 1; industrial supervision and control; program controlled telephone exchanger and TCP/IP
Designed the management board by using an Intel 80C188EB processor, studied the TC 2.0 Compiler and rewrote its startup code, and developed a locator and a simple debugging tool
Master of Engineering Degree obtained in July 19xx
Work Experience
January 19xx - December 19xx
Chairted the research and development work in the Nanjing Leader Electronics Company
In the research and development processes, read extensively on production reliability and solved many problems related to production reliability and electromagnet compatibility
Primary designer of the HTD-120 Program Controlled Telephone Exchanger
XXXX年-XXXX年 XXX大学本科/硕士/博士。
XXXX年-XXXX年 XXXX大学本科/硕士/博士。
出国英文简历范文一ObjectiveTo obtain an offer of acceptance into Master program in LLM for the fall term, 20xxEducation09/20xx---07/20xx School of Law, China University of xxxxx Major: International Economic LawDegree: Bachelor in Law08/20xx—09/20xx Went to xx College ,xx University on behalf of China University of xxx to exchange academic research for a month as an exchange studentStandard TestTOEFL:650(63/67/65) TWE:4 DATE:20xx/08/20Internship07/20xx xxxx Law FirmResponsibility: Assistant for lawyerSorted cases, collected evidence materials and analyzed cases07/20xx-08/20xx xxx Law FirmResponsibility: Assistant for lawyerCollected and sorted cases, did minutes of court trail and wrote the documents for judicature09/20xx-10/20xx High People's Court of xxx ProvinceResponsibility: Assistant for judgeSorted folder, did minutes of court trail and held a courthearingPublicationxxx“On Legal Characteristics and Nature of International Factoring”, Published on “ SCIENCE”, sponsored by xxx Scientific and Technical Publishing Company is one of the most important periodicals in P.R.China. 20xx/11.xxx “On Ex ercise of Right of Self-defense in International Laws”, Published on “Education Exploration”, sponsored by xxx Provincial Institute for Educational Research Academy is one of the most important periodicals in P.R.China. 20xx/11.Honors and awardsThe first prize in National English T alent Trial Contest in xx Province,20xx.09The excellent report of TV station in China University of xxx The best hostess of TV station in China University of xxxThe academic year scholarship in China University of xxxThe third-class scholarship in the first grade,20xx-20xxThe third-class scholarship in the second grade,20xx-20xxThe first-class scholarship in the third grade, 20xx-20xxCertification of Piano (Rank 7), xxx of Music, ChinaExtracurricular ActivitiesBeing the secretary of Public Relations Department of the School of International Law, China University of xxxBeing the hostess, report and planner of TV station in China University of xxxOrganized promotional activities about law knowledge and answered the questions in the communityOrganized students to attend the court hearings.Being the translator for University Foreign Affairs Office of International Exchange Cooperation Center in China University ofxxx出国英文简历范文二XXXEducation09/20xx—07/20xx xxxxx of Fine Arts, ChinaSpecialty:The Chinese Ink Wash Figure PaintingDegree:BachelorMiddle School affiliated to xxxxx of Fine Arts, Beijing 09/2000—07/20xx Senior high schoolPersonal SkillsCalligraphy, Seal Cutting, Print Woodcarving, Print Stone Carving, SculpturePersonal Works20xx The works of Ink Wash Sketch named “Girls Series” was selected for the exhibition of the 4th in May Art Cover Works in xxx of Fine Arts07/20xx Awarded the only golden prize of China in the brushwork contest of “Silk Road of the New Century” held by xxxxxxGroup20xx Went to Anhui Province for Sketch, and the works of “Hong Village Series” was collected by Chinese Painting Department20xx The works of “going to the Countryside for Sketch” was selected for the exhibition of Teaching Excellent Works in the end of year in China Central Academy of Fine Arts2001 The color sketch of “Still Life” portraying Middle School Attached to xxx of Fine Arts was left in school for collectionThe works of “Still Life” was also collected into the book o f “Classical Works Collection of Teachers and Students for 50Anniversary of Middle School Attached to xxx of Fine Arts” which was published in 20xxTeaching ExperienceTutored the art students more than 50 prepared for College Entrance Examination during the vocation, and now these students have been accepted by all kinds of art academies and comprehensive universityActivity Experience20xx Was elected as the Chairman of the second Student Union in Chinese Painting Department12/20xx Organized the students of Chinese Painting Department to participate in performance activity for celebrating the New Year in China Central xxof Fine Arts20xx Was elected as the Organization Department Secretary of Student Union of Chinese Painting Department in China xcademy of Fine Arts was elected as the Monitor and Commissary in charge of sports in class20xx Was elected as the Proprietor of Diligently Studying Society in China Central xx of Fine ArtsHonor experience20xx Awarded the third scholarship in xxx of Fine Arts20xx Awarded the honor of the excellent student leader in social work in xxx of Fine ArtsHobbyPhotograph, Going to the Countryside for Multi-Culture Collaborative Learning Project (exercitation in 31 places all over the country。
出国英文简历范文(一)EDUCATIONBachelor of Arts, Political ScienceExpected June 20xxUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIALOS ANGELESMajor GPA: 3.46, Overall GPA: 3.59Coursework includes: Principles of Thinking and Philosophy, Business Law, LaborPolicy, International, Comparative and American Politics, Ethnic Studies,Community Development, Statistics, Grassroots Organizing, Macro Economics,and Calculus.Education Abroad ProgramSummer 20xxUniversity of Chiang MaiThailandAs part of the Program, completed a 15-page independent research report onThai student civic involvement, including community service and voting behaviors.LEGAL RELATED EXPERIENCEReebok International Ltd.Los Angeles, CASeptember 20xx-PresentLegal InternConduct extensive web-based and conventional legal research for athleticapparel corporation.Develop concise legal advertising guidelines for marketingdepartment on use ofcertain descriptive terms.Prepare presentations for supervisor on legal aspects of Internet privacy andintellectual property.Areas of legal research also included employment, sales, and contracts.ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCEAmerican Red CrossLong Beach, CASummer 20xxSummer Youth Services CoordinatorJoined organization as youth services staff; rapidly promoted to Lead Coordinator.Directed continual expansion of youth involvement in Red Cross health anddisaster preparedness programs.Supervised and actively involved over 100 youth volunteers in programs and services.LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCEUCLA Pre-Law SocietyPresident and TreasurerSeptember 20xx-PresentPlan and supervise all Society events, which have included presentations by areaattorneys, an LSAT preparation course forum, and informal discussions with UCLA Law School students.Collaborate with law school counselors to schedule information panels withvarious law schools.Create an alumni network that will aid Society members in choosing law schoolsand finding employment.United Cambodian Students of UCLAPresident September20xx-June 20xxRevitalized the morale of the organization by stressing individual needs andre-assessing the importance of members.Supervised a leadership board consisting of eight personnel and a membershipcomprised of 30 members.Drafted and administered the addition of a mentorship and internship program to UCS.出国英文简历范文(二)Seeking for a PV systems engineer position (Adapt to traveling on business)13EDUCATIONJobs professional technical institute // Sep.20xx - Jun.20xx Bachelor in Electrical Engineering and AutomationGraduation thesis: development and application of solar photovoltaic power generation technology researchCERTIFICATESFamiliar with solar battery components (Silicon solar cell phalanx combination work certificates)Cartographic software: CAD (CAD engineer certificate)Familiar with RESTcreen PVsyst basic operation of photovoltaic power station design softwareHave more proficient English listening ability (CET-4)PV SYSTEM DESIGN RELATED EXPERIENCEQiaobu Amperex Technology Limited // Dec.20xx - Jun.20xx PV system designer assistantInvolved in photovoltaic power generation projects, assisted designer from the preliminary exploration to the last in the implementation of the installationSurveyed and recorded the scene situation, and assisted the designer in the feasibility analysisResponsible for the photovoltaic power station system components configuration diagram wiring diagram equipment layout CAD figure drawing, etcQiaobu Solar electric power co., LTD // Jun.20xx - Sep.20xx Intern technicianResponsible for the photovoltaic cell components testing workAssisted with cell interconnection of the fixed in weldingOTHER EXPERIENCEAs a College office assistant, collected data // May.20xx - Nov.20xxmember of school volunteer team, took part in activities // Sep.20xx - Oct.20xxWon the school debate team // Nov.20xx - May.20xxHONORSThree comprehensive school scholarships (20xx-20xx)School outstanding members (20xx)HOBBIESLike to travelBasketball, badminton出国英文简历范文(三)Name: diyifanwenDate of birth: 1988.10objectiveDirection: customer service supervisor, customer manager Other requirement: actively explore new market, flexible applied science the advanced marketing methods, which makes the benefit maximization. Positive optimization recombinate resources, establish efficient quality team, through years of hard work, became the Chinese first-class marketing master, to go outof the country, for the internationalization of Chinese enterprises, to contribute their strength.Work experienceVice President of business association (20xx-09 ~ so far)Practice contents: business association, vice President of market actively investigating, careful analysis and planning, open up new part-time jobs. During the period of school, organization and participation in table tennis competition; And the members jump SAO market expansion together; And the team together, positive from school application, is responsible for the reception and campus recruitment booth arrangement work; The shop opened, from incoming to logistics, and member backbone to overall arrangement, received good positive benefits. Open the new member of the vision and thinking, with a complete the enterprise association's basic purpose!The monitor (20xx-01-so far)Practice contents: the monitorResponsible for positive, finish school leaders and teachers to task. Sincere enthusiasm, led the class committee and students, to organize all kinds of meaningful activities to improve the class cohesion, the friendship between classmates more sincere. Unity and care for students, and actively help life or learning difficulties of students.Education experienceThe 20xx-09 ~ so far nanjing university marketing degreeComputer level: the primaryThe detailed computer skills: MS office operation skills such as word, excel, powerpoint, frontpage and other office software.Higher school in jiangsu province computer grade level certificate.Skills feats: IT skills: MS office operation skills such as word, excel, powerpoint, frontpage and other office software.Higher school in jiangsu province computer grade level certificate.English skills: CET 4 strong listening and speaking ability. Good reading and writing ability.。
出国申请个人简介(一)Billy Cox712, College BuildingHot Springs, AR, 63278OBJECTIVEObtain marketing / management position in music industry.SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONSExperienced promotions director for three national web sites focusing on new and upcoming musical acts. All types of music covered from various perspectives.Thorough knowledge of music promotions specializing in Internet and radio campaigns for newly released albums and singles.Ability to communicate on various levels with advertisers, artists, corporate clients and media contacts.Capable of layout and design work.Experienced in digital imaging, including pixel editing with Adobe Photoshop and digital halftoning.Proficient in copywriting.ACCOMPLISHMENTSPromoted three times in one year period to Vice President In Charge of Marketing at . Responsible for increasing article submission from area freelance contributing writers. Edited and provided additional creative guidance to contributors. Initiated various promotion campaigns involving live music acts in coordination with local radio and television stations.Successfully launched promotional web site geared toward local rock bands in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Focused promotions, link exchanges and advertising toward regional exposure. Traffic increase of over 700% in first year. Response surveys indicates successful regional penetration.Awarded designing woman of year award, (1997), for original artwork and marketing campaign content geared toward promotion of non profit classical music concerts in Newark-Delaware region.EXPERIENCE, Philadelphia, PA June 1998 to PresentWeb Site Manager / Editor –Chief editor for rock band promotions company. Responsible for article submission, editing and tour information updates for 38 bands. All site promotional material including photographs, animation and music files are submitted for edits and proof reading prior to release to site.Infinity Outdoor Boards, Wastewater, MD May 1996 to May 1998Promotions Liaison –Principal marketing consultant for outdoor billboard promotions company. Inventory of 1,100+ boards extending from Washington DC to Albany, New York. Initiated promotional campaigns for various regional retailers and business concerns. Implemented myriad board rotation strategies to maximize exposure over geographic areas of 5-100 square miles. Extensive use of survey data and demographic analysis for targeted marketing efforts.Braindrain Music, Buffalo, NY January 1996 to May 1996Promotions Editor –Wrote various promotions for area concert tours. Introduced company to concept of on line marketing with regional and potentially national focus. Outlinedmarketing plan for Internet sales campaign in conjunction with area cable television and radio spots.EDUCATIONUniversity of Maryland, Bertam, MD December 1996B.S. Liberal Arts, Computer Graphics Minor.出国申请个人简介(二)DAWEI WANGApt. 1, Wuyi Road Changsha, Hunan, P.R. China 410007WORK EXPERIENCE19xx.3-present Materials EngineerHunan Human Resource, Changsha, China.Direct and conduct studies on forming and thermal treatment of mentals. Al-based alloys and metallic materials and on the properties and characterization of materials.Co-ordinate production testing and control of metal refining and foundry operations.Inspecting and testing the quality of materials products for exporting & importing.Supervise technical staff and manage materials-related projects/contracts.19xx.8-.11 Metallurgical EngineerChangsha Machine Tools Foundry Plant, Changsha, ChinaCo-ordingate production testing and control of metal smelting, molding, forming.Heat treatment processing of dual-metal band saw imported from Germany. Materials selection and test, welding.EDUCATION19xx.8-19xx.8 National University of Science & Defense Technology, Changsha, China. B. Eng. in Metallurgical Engineering.出国申请个人简介(三)Paul William Marrow(use bold type face to make important information stand out) Home address: Other address:45, Sunset Drive, (if you have any other address work or university etc)ManchesterM3 7EYTel. (0161) 542 6781 Date of Birth: 6. 11. 1983Email: Nationality: BritishEDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONSUniversityof Tsinghua Bsc(Hons.) Computer Science 20xx-20xxSubjects include: (list the relevant parts of your syllabus to the job you are applying for)Software engineering and system software. Visualisation and computer graphicsI obtained 74% in my second year exams equivalent to a 2:1 (include any results which are good)My project involved test automation techniques, which required independent research skills (mention relevant project or dissertation work, also useful skills such as team work or problem solving)Manchester Grammar School 1999-20xx‘A’ Levels: Mathematics C, Physics C, Biology D (Chinese graduates applying to a Western company or university should establish how grades are scaled in China)7 GCSEs including Mathematics, English and SpanishWORK EXERIENCEHorse and Hounds Pub, Manchester 20xx to presentPart time barmen serving customers and managing the accounts (shows you can keep accounts and balance the books) Odeon Cinema, Manchester Summer 20xxAssisting customers, keeping accounts and booking films (shows more evidence of being good at numbers)ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTSPresident of Anglo-Chinese Understanding Society, Tsinghua University; involved booking guest speakers (evidence of organising skills)I enjoy playing football for the University football teamOther interests include sailing and reading sci fi novelsADDITIONAL INFORMATIONProgramming skills in Java and Modula 3. Good knowledge of Linux and SQL (explainacronyms unless they are common. In this case computer employers would know what you mean) Good level of spoken SpanishFull clean driving licenceREFEREESI am happy to supply these on request (it is not essential to name these in your CV and you might be running out of space. In any case you could put them in your covering letter if necessary)。
一、留学个人简历的内容1、个人信息(Personal Information)包括:姓名、联系方式(电话、邮件、地址),这一部分通常可以放在页眉。
2、教育背景(Education Background)包括:学位、专业、就读院校、入学时间和毕业时间、GPA等信息。
个人简历个人概况姓名:性别:女出生年月:年月日籍贯:江苏省南京市健康状况:良好教育及工作背景1988/9~1994/6 江苏省南京市小学1994/9~1997/6 江苏省南京市中学1997/9~2000/6 江苏省南京市中学2000/9~2004/6 南京大学(专业:)2004/6~2008/5 南京公司,职务:2008/5~2009/11 有限公司,职务:2009/11~至今德国公司,职务:曾获奖励/证书大学英语四级大学英语六级PMP(项目管理专业人员资格认证)ISTQB(国际软件测试工程师认证)性格爱好性格开朗积极上进,喜欢探索新鲜事物,待人友好,乐于助人,热爱生活,敢于挑战学习和生活上的困难;爱好听音乐,运动(比如打羽毛球,游泳,瑜伽等),舞蹈,园艺,锻炼品格,陶冶情操。
- XX年-XX年本科,XXX大学,专业:XXX
- XX年-XX年硕士,XXX大学,专业:XXX
- XX年-至今 XXX公司,职位:XXX
- 在XXX领域发表了X篇学术论文,收录于X个国际期刊上- 参与了X个国际会议并做了X次学术报告
- 获得了X个学术奖项
- 母语:汉语
- 其他语言:XXXX
- 熟练掌握XXXX软件及工具,如XXXXX
- 具备XXXX领域的专业技能,如XXXXX
- 在XXXXX方面有深入研究和实践经验
- 学习能力强,具有良好的分析和解决问题的能力
- 具备团队合作能力和良好的沟通能力
- 思维清晰,具备较强的组织、计划和执行能力
- 具备适应能力和抗压能力
- 阅读:对于相关领域的文献进行深入研究和探索
- 旅行:喜欢走进不同的文化和风景,拓宽视野
- 运动:爱好羽毛球,通过运动保持身体健康
出国英文简历范文English:Name: XXXNationality: ChineseDate of Birth: XX/XX/XXXXAddress: XXXXXXXXPhone: XXXXXXXXEmail: XXXXXXXXObjective:To obtain a challenging position in an international company where I can utilize my language skills and knowledge of international business to contribute to the company's success.Education:- Bachelor of Arts in International Business, XXX University, China, 20XX-20XX- Master of Business Administration, XXX University, UK, 20XX-20XXWork Experience:- Intern, International Sales Department, XXX Company, China, 20XX-20XX- Assistant Manager, International Marketing Department, XXX Company, China, 20XX-20XX- International Business Development Manager, XXX Company, UK, 20XX-presentLanguage Skills:- Mandarin: Native- English: Fluent- Spanish: BasicComputer Skills:- Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)- Experience with CRM systemsInterests:- Traveling: I have visited over 20 countries and have a deep understanding of different cultures.- Reading: I enjoy reading books on international business and current affairs.- Volunteering: I have volunteered for international charity organizations and have a passion for helping others.References:Available upon request中文:姓名:XXX国籍:中国出生日期:XX/XX/XXXX地址:XXXXXXXX电话:XXXXXXXX邮箱:XXXXXXXX求职目标:在国际公司获得一份具有挑战性的职位,利用我的语言能力和国际商务知识为公司的成功做出贡献。
以下是WTT精心推荐的一些出国英文简历模板,一起来学习下吧!出国英文简历模板(一)Personal DataName: ***** **Gender: MaleAddress: ***************University,**** *****Tel: (***) **********E-mail:******@****.Career objectiveTo be *****by a **** pany in *****as a *******Education****** College, ***University******* School, ****.MajorBusiness **********Summer Jobs************************EnglishCET 4: ****pointsCharacterAmbitious, honest and reliable, easy to approachHobbies*******References: *************出国英文简历模板(二)Name:Miss.xxxNationality:China(Mainland)Current Place:TianheHeight/Weight:157 cm50 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:31 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Accountant: accounting 、Working life:5Title:Senior titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a monthExpected salary:¥3500~¥5499Preferred working place:Tianhe YuexiuWork experiencepany's name:WATTONE CONSULTING &;SERVICES CHINA LTD.Begin and end date:2021-06-20XX-08Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports &; Exports Job Title:AccountingJob description:Routine1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the periodBusiness munication with foreign customersReasons for leaving:Self-improvementpany's name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An Zhi Li Textile Co., Ltd.Begin and end date:20xx-10-2021-06Enterprise nature:Industry:Garment/Textile/Leather/ShoesJob Title:AccountantJob description:Routine1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period2.Accounting of inventory, including procurement of materials, goods into the sales;3 monthly provision for depreciation of fixed assets;4.Accountingwages, wage rates calculation of social insurance, employee benefits, education funds and union funds;5.Clean up the current accounts, including receivables, payables, and is responsible for the reconciliation of accounts receivable, clearing;6.Accounting,carry-over costs;7.Calculate the tax declaration to pay on time;8.Profits.Theend of carry-over of reckoning;9.Preparation of accounting statements, do the financial analysisMonthly1 internally to employees to Information external to go to the Inland Revenue Department tax.(2) to deal with the accounts: do vouchers, registration books, summary of the certificate, registration ledger.Reasons for leaving:Get marriedpany's name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Magic Power GroupBegin and end date:20xx-01-20xx-10Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Other IndustriesJob Title:Finance/Accounting AssistantJob description:1, responsible for daily financial cashier of the pany division, including cash bank inflow, outflow, ine, payment matters;Reasons for leaving:to do accountingpany's name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Kim Young Metal Plating Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 2002-04-2003-12Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/ShoesJob Title:CashierJob description:(A) the balance of payments and records of the moary fundsCashier moary funds management includes two aspects: First, the processing of daily currency receipt and expenditure of funds business; accounts of accounting for the balance of payments business.Specifically, this work include the following six areas:(1) do a cash basis accountingAuditors audit signature of proof of payment instrict accordance with the provisions of the cash management system, review and handle collections and payments.(2) do the bank deposits of cash basis accountingReasons for leaving:to do Finance/Accounting Assistantpany's name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An town Hong Chun Textile Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 2001-10-2002-04Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/ShoesJob Title:StatisticianJob description:Statistical work duties:1, and resolutely obey the mand of superiors, conscientiously perform their work orders;2, in strict pliance with pany rules and regulations, to conscientiously fulfill their duties;Reasons for leaving:to do CashierEducational BackgroundName of School:shunde polytechnicHighest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation:2021-01-0 1Name of Major1:accountingName of Major2:Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No2021-032021-01shunde polytechniceconomygraduation certificate108315202106000564Language AbilityForeign Language:EnglishLevel:goodLanguage ability:Have a good mand of both spoken and written EnglishChinese level:excellentCantonese Level:perfectRelevant skills and abilitiesI have strong organizational ability, good resource analysis, and full use of all resources, there is a strong independence, strong analytical skills, able to adapt to the fast-paced, with strong experience and practical ability, able to workindependently.Self-remendation letterI am cheerful and lively, like to make friends, and good at municating with others, friends, have good interpersonal skillsSeriously study and work, careful, pragmatic, responsible, motivated, and more patience in dealing with people.出国英文简历模板(三)ObjectiveTo obtain an offer of acceptance into the Master Program in Economics or relative areaEducation Background09/20xx-07/20XX xxxx UniversitySchool of Economics, Department of EconomicsGPA: 3.0/4.0 (overall), XX/4.0 (major)Degree: BachelorProfessional &; Research Experience20xx Research on Development Economics of xx University Economics CollegeDescription: Peasant worker’s living conditions and reason of entering into city in xxPosition: leader of the groupResponsibilities: designed the questionnaire and sent it out randomly in xxx.Organized the members to investigate and posed the reportDynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas 20xx xxx University Economy Investigation of xxx, xx province,Responsibilities: Assist the professor to municate with the local government and enterprises, collecting the datum and posed the thesisResearch Report on self-supporting economic model of xx20xx research on the data of China xxand China xx,Description: Analyzed the present status and future development trend of China xx andChina xx from the view point of industrial economics and analyzedthe present status and future development situation of China xx industry.20xx xx Business Strategy petitionDescription: The petition simulates the international cosmetic market in a new economics environment by software.biningwith all the main factors, each group operates a suppositional cosmetic pany on the inter and petes with another suppositional one.Finalpetition result lies on the price of stock.Though the inter environment is the suppositional one, the professional knowledge and skills and the management of a pany is similar with the real one, so the joiner should give a plete decision-making.Achievements: Practiced my professional knowledge and the operation ability in Economics, and improve myability of analysis and planning.20xx xx University Challenge CupDescription: Award for 5.4 Youth Science of xxx University Challenge Cup, which is the mostInfluential honor in xxx University, is the highest prize in the extracurricularactivates of xx University.Achievements:Designed a topic about financial market, I did a good research on the currentsituation bout Chinese financial market, and improve my research ability andoperation with my classmates.Publication &; PaperResearch Report on self-supporting economic model of xx published onFuture Economist, xxx University.Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban AreasAnalysis on Developmental Restrict Factor of Chinese Third IndustryThe Inventor of xxx, Analysis of Marketing Strategy of xx Inter Development Co.,LtdReport of Analysis of xxx Industry AnalysisReport of Research of Rural Agriculture Development Social Activities2003-20xx Planer of Youth Volunteer Association of xxx University2003-20xx Volunteer of Love Society of xx University 2003-20xx English Culture munication Association xxUniversity2003-20xx Member of Consultation Society xx University2003-20xx Member of Outside Department, Green Life Society, xxx University20xx-20xx Member of Slipper Association xxxUniversityStandard TestTOEFL:627 TWE: 5.0 Date: 08/19/20xxGRE:1190 TWE: 5.0 Date: 06/06/20xxputer SkillsProficient in office software such as word,excel,PowerPoint and FrontPage,Excellent ability of cartography and webpage makingProficient in photoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks and Macromedia FlashHaving the foundation of programme (C language and VB) prehending asp and phpProficient in economics software:eviews,ps and sas看过“出国英文简历模板”的人还看了:1.移民英文简历模板2.出国英文简历模板3.出国申请英文简历模板4.出国签证英文简历模板5.移民英文简历模板6.出国留学英文简历范文模板。