8.充电本产品可以连接到电脑USB口充电,也可以通过专用USB 5V充电器充电,关机状态下,连接摄像充电座(DC 5V 2A USB口)与充电器,绿色指示灯长亮,充满电指示灯熄灭。
B.打开“timeset.txt”文本文档,在里面输入,要设置时间,请按以下格式设置:2012.01.01 12:00:00 Y(N) 表示2012年元月1号12点00分00秒Y是录像文件有时间水印显示,N是录像文件无时间水印显示。
RunCam 3 摄像机使用手册说明书
![RunCam 3 摄像机使用手册说明书](
3·包装内容电源/快门键工作状态灯麦克风 1microSD卡槽1234WiFi 状态灯WiFi/模式切换键Micro-USB接口麦克风 25678RunCam 3X 1Micro-USB线X 1USB视频电源线X 1说明书X 157861243充电状态(红色)DC 5-17VRunCam 3 电池是内置的,开机后当电池电量高于50%工作状态灯(绿色) 闪烁5次,低于50%工作状态灯(绿色) 闪烁10次,低于15%工作状态灯(绿色) 持续闪烁。
如果录制过程中电量降到0% ,摄像机将存储文件并关机。
RunCam 3 USB接口支持DC5-17V供电,建议使用手机充电器(输出5V 1A)为RunCam 3 充电。
充电时工作状态灯(红色) 常亮,约2小时充满;满电后,充电状态灯熄灭。
要在低温条件下延长电池寿命,请在使用摄像 机前将其置于温暖的地方。
警告:切勿将RunCam 3当做行车记录仪使用,会导致摄像机电池受损、引发安全隐患。
microSD卡(单独出售)要求:·microSD,microSDHC或microSDXC·10级,UHS-I级或UHS-II级·最高支持microSD 64GB卡注意事项:装卸microSD卡时请务必小心。
为谨慎起见,插 入或取出microSD卡前请关闭摄像机。
请参照microSD卡制造商的说明指示, 在可接受的温度范围内使用。
注意:连接电脑后若不能识别,请确认RunCam 3内有microSD卡;如不能正常读取 microSD卡内信息,请更换USB线或电脑USB接口重试。
·操作指引开机:长按电源/快门键 3秒(提示音“哔”3次)关机:长按电源/快门键 3秒(提示音“哔”5次)模式切换:开机后长按WiFi/模式切换键 ,可循环切换录像、拍照、OSD设置等三种工作模式。
迷你 DV 说明书
![迷你 DV 说明书](
迷你DV使用说明书MODEL: MDC250L V2.1一、 产品简介本产品是当今首款采用内置存储器的先进摄像器。
1、录像键(开始/停止)2、电源指示灯3、录音指示灯4、录像指示灯5、电源开关6、功能开关7、 TF卡插槽8、 USB接口9、摄像头10、麦克风11、迷你手电筒二、 操作说明1. 开机操作:将电源开关拨到“ON”处,先是红灯亮(大概2秒左右)到蓝灯或绿灯长亮即开机。
2. 开始录像:开机后,直接进入待机状态,功能开关打至VIDEO位置,蓝灯长亮,按下Start键蓝灯闪亮,录像开始。
3. 录像停止:在录像模式下,再次按Start键,则停止当前的录像,蓝灯快闪并保存录像内容,转为蓝灯长亮进入待机状态,重复第2、3点操作进入下一个片段录制。
(录像文件命名为VIDEO_001.... VIDEO_999存储在VIEDO文件夹内)。
4. 开始录音:开机后,直接进入待机状态,功能开关打至AUDIO位置,绿灯长亮,按下Start键绿灯闪亮,录音开始。
5. 录音停止:在录音模式下,再次按Start键,则停止当前的录音,绿灯快闪并保存录音内容。
6. 转为绿灯长亮进入待机状态,重复第4、5点操作进入下一个片段录制。
(录像文件命名为 AUDIO_001....AUDIO_999存储在AUDIO文件夹内)。
7. 关机:在待机状态下,将电源开关打至OFF,指示灯全灭,完成关机。
8. 连接电脑:在关机(指示灯全灭)或者VIDEO待机状态(蓝灯长亮)下时,可以做为U盘连接电脑,此时,电脑将会弹出可移动磁盘标识,录像文件保存目录为:可移动磁盘//Ucorder//VIDEO或AUDIO拔出可移动磁盘时,请点击右下角任务栏的可移动设备管理图标,在里面卸载该可移动存储设备,待系统确认可以安全拔出硬件后,再断开本产品与电脑的连接。
移动电源摄像机说明书The PowerCamconsists of two parts of functional unit: power bank unit and cameraunit. It can be used to charge the battery of DC-5V products, and also be used to recordhigh definition video and take photos. Power Bank Features Using high quality Li-ion battery cells, stable performance and long operation life.Multiple protection circuit, including overcharge, discharge protection, overload protection, etc.IR LED or LED torch function.Small and lightweight design, easy to carry, to meet emergency charging.Camera featuresSuper image sensor for low illumination video recording, quick light response.Full HD 1080P up to 30fps,720P up to 60fps.H.264 compression.Support up to 32GB micro SD card.RF remote control, easy operation.Integrated compact design, suitable formeeting recording, evidence recording, andoutdoor sports scenes, etc.Easy download to PC/MAC with USB plug.PowerCam LayoutPower Bank Operation1.Charging the PowerCamUse the micro USB cable to charge the PowerCam.The battery can be charged by following ways:(1). Charging from your computer’s USB.(2). Charging fromadapter’s USB.Ifthe red lightturns on, that means the PowerCam is in charge.Please wait for the red light turns off, which means the PowerCamis full of power. NOTE: When connecting with computer or adapter, it is recommended that the PowerCam is switchedoff.2.To Charge Other DevicesThe PowerCam fit for charging digital devices with DC-5V:(1).Connect your device to the USB outletof PowerCam.(2).Turn on the power of PowerCam to startcharging the device.When PowerCam’s battery close to low limit, the red indicator will light.3.Turning IR or LED Torch On/Off NOTE:This product has two configuration types: IR LED type and white-light LED type.(1).Turn on the power of PowerCam.(2).Keep push the remote control button○A 2 seconds to turn DV unit on.(3).Keep push the remote control button○C2 seconds will turn IR LED or LED torch on;and keep push the button○C2 seconds again, the IR LED or LED torch will be turned off.DVRecorder Operation1.Turning DVUnit On/OffSwitchon the power of PowerCam, Keep push the remote control button○A2 seconds will turn DV unit on. The blue indicatorwill light.Keep push the button○A 2 seconds again, theDV unit will be turned off.2.RecordingVideoTurn on the DV unit as in step 1. Keep push the remote control button○B2 seconds will start video recording, the green indicatorwill flash several times and then turn off.Keep push the button○B2 seconds again, the DV unit will stop recording, the blue indicatorwill lightand the PowerCam is in standby mode. The video streaming is divided into one file every 10 minutes.NOTE:(1). When the battery power is low, the bluelight will flash for seconds, and then the PowerCam will shut downautomatically. (2). When the memory is full, both the blue and green light will flash for seconds, and then the PowerCam will shut downautomatically.4.TakingPhotoBe sure the DV unit is turned on, short press the remote control button○B once to take a picture, the blue indicatorwill flash twice to indicatethat the picture was taken successfully.5.Setting the PowerCamConnect the PowerCamwith your computer USB port, a new removable disk will appear on the computer screen. Open the removable disk, you will find the file setup.exe under the root directory, double-click the file to run it, following window will appear:You can set date/time, frame size, videoimage quality, audiovolume, etc. After finishinglower left to save the settings. ClickdefaultSettings.Aftersafely removing the PowerCam from the computer and turn on the DV unit, the settings willtake effect.Specifications:Caution:ThePowerCam may become fairly hot during recording – this is normal. To ensure proper cooling do not block the flow of air to thecover of the PowerCam.No crash, do not open orknock thePowerCam. Do not expose them to fire, high temperatures, or water.We suggest charge with the qualifiedadaptor, if you find there is bulge or otherfaulty phenomena on PowerCam or charged device, pleasestop using it.Important:All jurisdictions have specific laws and regulations relating to the use of cameras and voice recorders. Before using any camera and/or voice recorder for any purpose it is the buyer′s responsibility to be aware of all applicable laws and regulations that prohibit or limit the use of cameras and voicerecorders, and to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.PowerCam是一款移动电源和摄像机合二为一的产品。
一、外型、按键(图片仅供参考,请以实物为准)1:摄像头、2:指示灯孔、3:开\关机键、4:电源工作指示灯、5:USB、6:电源指示灯、二、产品简介本产品具有高清数码摄像MINI DV,TF卡存储器,可拍摄照片和高画质视屏,本产品操作简便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带,是家庭安防、生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受各用户的青睐。
1.3、插座说明:USB插座(图示5),用于连接电脑,进行数据传输和DC 5V输出。
1、把摄像机端引出的视 频线接在VIP X1的视 频线接口端,用于将 摄像机端获取的模拟 信号转换成数字信号, 可使其在网络上进行 传输
2、X1的接线端子处可接 X1的电源线及球形摄 像机的控制线
•1 、 Archive Player 是用于播放历史档案的软件程 序,它可以从硬盘录像机中搜索到所要查看的摄 像机的录像文件,并进行回放,它还提供了录像 文档的转出和摘录功能,并可以刻录光盘在别处 使用查看。
•2、在桌面上找到所示图标 ; •双击此图标以启动该程序(也可Windows开始菜单 或从配置管理器启动); •该程序开始作为一个为期30天的演示版程序,也 可以再无授权的情况下正常使用。
快进/快退:快进或快退录像, 按住鼠标将移动按钮移动到向右或左侧,就会以所选定的速度进行快进 或快退,把移动按钮拉到下方则可以以固定速度播放
保存快照:快照会保存在配置管理器中所设置的存储路径 打印快照:打印前开始,在打印预览中。快照打印在默认 打印机 上一个书签:在播放标记跳过到以前的书签。 添加书签:设置当前位置的书签。 下一个书签:在播放标记跳过到下一个书签。
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五、视频播放软件操作流程 ◙ 查看选定的历史记录
6.1 一旦进入了从搜索结果中,播放的录像选择自动启动; 暂停/播放:使用此按钮可以暂停选定的录像和回 放再次点击恢复播放 最早的一帧:跳过到最后一帧 下一个图像:跳过到下一张画面
6.2 其他操作和控制
Coolook移动电源使用说明书(2012年8月修订版)Best iPower for You目录功能概述 (II)使用方法 (II)所需充电电源 (II)充电指示 (III)电量指示 (III)为移动电源充电 (III)移动电源给数码产品充电 (III)提醒 (IV)名词解释 (V)开机情况 (V)关机情况 (V)电源容量 (VI)放电效率 (VI)待机电流 (VI)常见问题Q&A (VI)安全提示及高阶说明 (VIII)更换电芯 (IX)限流跳线 (XI)感谢 (XI)品牌:Coolook 型号:PB-2000输入:DC 5V 0.5A-2.5A 输出:DC 5V 2.0A尺寸:120mm x 85mm x 23mm 输入接口:DC5.5/2.1(内正外负)输出接口:双USB输出(USB-A USB-B)其他:带一条USB转DC充电线功能概述本移动电源具有超高的容量,极高的效率,电芯智能保护,具有过流、过冲、过放保护。
1. 说明书简介尊敬的用户,感谢您选购此款携带式移动电源。
2. 重要安全事项使用移动电源前,请仔细阅读以下简明的规则并自觉遵守。
3. 使用操作介绍1.电源输入接口通过Micro USB给移动电源充电。
2.电源输入接口通过5V-2.1A USB接口给手机充电。
4. 为移动电源充电1.给手请用USB-DC3.5充电线及Micro USB转接头为移动电源充电,可用电源充电头适配器,电脑USB,手机的充电头,为移动电源充电,电源充电时蓝色灯会一闪一闪,灯在闪代表电源正在充电,四个灯全亮,代表电源已充满。
3.全天自动循环模式:数据线每次连接电脑,在可移动磁盘里,找到:时间文档,打开如下:2016.06.13 11:21:00 A1打开后 2016.06.13 11:21:00 A1最后面A1可以改成所需要的模式,具体更改如下:A1,A2,A3,是全天自动循环自动循环录像模式改为A1然后点击保存(拍摄视频分辨率1920*1080P)改为A2然后点击保存(拍摄视频分辨率1280*720P)改为A3然后点击保存(拍摄视频分辨率640*360P)注明:调节分辨率,视频画面缩小,像素不变4.移动侦测模式:数据线每次连接电脑,在可移动磁盘里,找到:时间文档,打开如下:2016.06.13 11:21:00 A1打开后 2016.06.13 11:21:00 A1最后面A1可以改成所需要的模式,具体更改如下:B1,B2,B3,是移动侦测录像模式改为B1然后点击保存(拍摄视频分辨率1920*1080P)改为B2然后点击保存(拍摄视频分辨率1280*720P)改为B3然后点击保存(拍摄视频分辨率640*360P)注明:调节分辨率,视频画面缩小,像素不变5.移动侦测操作提示:在移动侦测模式下,长按开机键约2秒钟,红蓝灯同时闪烁6下灭掉,此时进入移动侦测待机模式,当前面(约3米内)有物体晃动,红蓝灯闪烁一下,开始摄像,没有物体晃动,3分钟后自动停止拍摄,当前面有物体晃动,自动启动再次拍摄。
1.充电本机内置可充电锂电池,初次使用本机时,请先进行充电,MINI DV可以通过以下方式充电:(1)连接计算机充电,使用USB数据线与计算机连接,在U盘状态即可充电(2)用充电器充电,用USB数据线与充电器座连接,再把充电器插市电插座,(充电指示灯蓝灯常亮红灯慢闪,充电时间2.5小时为最佳)注意:当电池电量不足时,蓝灯慢闪三下本机会直接进入保护状态,无法开机。
轻按顶部顶上键,拍一张照片注意:*请务必确认D88S中已插入T-flash (Micro SD)卡,如未插卡开机,红灯长亮,蓝灯快闪。
D88S将在30秒后自动关机,如在开机前未插入T-F卡,容易引起死机现象*T-flash (Micro SD)的最大使用容量为32G*档保存保存需要一定的时间,请勿在保存时连续按操作键等,这样会导致录制的档无法顺利保存,并使生成的档不完整*请在充足照明的环境下,把镜头对准所摄对像,与被摄物保持50cm 以上的距离,这样将会得到正确,色彩自然,景物清晰,画面稳定的影像5.时间设置在产品插入TF卡连接电脑,在根目录中有一份档为时间同步文件,打开TAG.TXT文文件,严格按照附件的格式,写入要同步的时间即可6.关机在摄像状态或者待机状态下,长按Power键3秒,松开按钮,待指示灯熄灭,表示机器已经关机。
1.开机长按B键2秒钟红蓝灯长亮红灯熄灭蓝灯长亮进入待机状态2.夜视功能在待机状态下短按B键一次红灯闪一下开启夜视功能,再短按B键一次红灯闪2闪关闭夜视功能3.录像待机状态下短按A键一次蓝灯慢闪3次熄灭开始录像,暂停录像,再短按一次A键,蓝灯慢闪4次保存录像并进入待机状态4.移动侦测模式待机状态下长按A键2秒钟松手,此时红蓝灯慢闪3次熄灭,进入移动侦测模式(当侦测到移动物体自动录像,没有则不会录像)关闭移动侦测,长按A键2秒, 红蓝灯慢闪4次熄灭,退出移动侦测模式5.关机在任何模式下,长按B键红灯快闪并熄灭关机6.复位当机器死机时,点击复位键进行复位重启7.充电使用USB连接电脑或者充电器充电,充电大约4-6小时,充电中蓝灯长亮8.录像时间配置持续录像模式下每15分钟一段,移动侦测下3分钟一段9.时间修改关机连接电脑,新建文本文件time.txt.格式如下:2013.01.01 01:01:01产品规格:清晰度 1920*1080格式 A VI帧速 30fps角度 90°移动侦测距离直线2米左右低照度 1LUX电池容量 3000毫安录像时间 8小时左右移动侦测时间 48小时左右声音面积 40㎡耗电量 150MA/3.7V温度 -20-80℃操作温度 -10-60℃湿度 15-85%RH内存卡 TF 卡最大支持 32GB播发器迅雷看看,暴风等USB接口 USB1.1/2.0操作系统 2000/XP/Visat32/Win7内存损耗 10GB/小时充电时间 4小时左右。
用说明书A:电源按键B: 电量指示灯C: 镜头D: MICE: 录像指示灯F: TF卡插口G:摄像按键H: 电源充电口(Micro USB)I: 摄像机数据口/充电口(DC 5V 2A)J: 照明灯K:电源输出口(DC 5V 1A)感谢您使用我公司的便携微型录像产品,在使用本产品之前,请认真阅读本使用说明书。
注意事项:1. 请不要在高,多尘和潮湿的环境中使用本机;2. 尽量避免在特别干燥的环境下使用本机,以防静电;3. 不要让本机与硬物摩擦撞击,否则会导致外观磨花或其他硬件损坏;4. 本机在格式化或正在进行文件的上传下载时请不要突然断开连接,否则可能会导致程序错误;5. 本机被作为移动磁盘时,请按正确的文件管理操作方法存储导出文件,重要数据请做好备份,任何错误操作方法导致文件丢失,本公司概不负责;6. 请不要拆解本机,本机可以通过USB口充电;一、本机特色:1. 移动电源与摄像机结合的独特设计,TF卡槽外置2. 高清晰1000万摄像头3. 高清AVI格式,音视频同步录制;4. 录像分辨率: 1920*1080 10帧 1280*720 30帧 640*480 30帧 320*240 30帧可选5. 单独拍照功能照片质量达到4032*3024,像素为1200万.6. 内置高容量可反复充电聚合物锂电池.二、操作说明:摄像部分操作说明:1、开机:短按摄像开机键一次,蓝灯长亮,机器进入待机状态。
Guide of Easy-UseCatalogueProducts and ponents (1)Start to use (1)Installment of hardware (2)Installation and use of mobile App (3)Install ation of video camera (6)Setting of Wi-Fi network (11)Point-to-point mode (13)FAQ (14)Products and ponents1.Camera2.Power adapter3.Installation stent4.Guide for quick start5.DiscStart to use1. Download and install BVCam, download IOS in iphone store, search for Android system in GooglePlay. For convenience of installation, please scan the below two-dimension code to download BVCam installation. If your device can not be connected to GooglePlay, please scan the below APK two-dimension code for installation. Note: it is suggested to use the QR code Scanner self-contained by browser or from the third party to scan and download App, while direct downloading and installation of App file is not supported by the function of WeChat scanning.2. Clik “+〞to add a new camera. Clik and add the networked camera to enter into the added page of camera, fill out UID or add camera. Note: when the camera is initially used, please set camera to connect with your router referring to the part “setting camera to connect WIFI network〞in the instructions, then add camera3. Two methods for fast input of UID for camera: A, by scanning of two-dimensional code incamera, B, by searching camera in local area network.4. Filling in the name of camera and password of P2P . Default P2P password: 8888, click OK if confirmed. Successfully add camera. You are suggested to revise P2P visiting password for camera after camera is set.5. After displayed that camera is online, click camera which you just add to watch real time video, click at video interface, you can open the control disc of video.Add device, add networked device Name UIDNew cameraNew camera Add device, add networked deviceNameUID6. The icon and button of the pages in videoPTZ control Slide your fingers up and down, left or right on the video page, and you can control camera cradle head rotation, and the distance of cradle head rotation depends on the distance of your finger-sliding (need to be supported by the camera purchased)Allow the user to listen to the voice of camera and two-way voice inter (need to be supported by the camera purchased)take snapshot and record video filelevel of cradle head and vertical cruise (need to be supported by the camera purchased)images of horizontal and vertical turnoveradjust brightness and contrast6.Other functions on the pagesWatch current real time video picturesVideoCheck screenshot taken by the cameraScreenshotCheck the recording file in your mobile deviceVideotapeCheck the record of alarming events in the cameraAlarmingSet the camera1. Long press the list item for about three second or click the gear-like button to open the advanced configuration page of the camera.Video Screenshot Video recording Alarm2. Change the WIFI connection of the camera. Select “WIFI connection configuration〞, the camera will display available Wi-Fi hotspot. Select the name of your Wi-Fi (SSID), enter the passwords of Wi-Fi, and then press “OK〞to connect Wi-Fi. Note: after saving, if the camera has connected with WIFI, it will switch off the current connection and try to connect the new WIFI network, so that in App, the camera will be off-line temporarily for about 1 minute.4. SD card video-recording setting: set the mode of SD card video-recording and the frame size.5. Alarm configuration: Turn on or off motion detection alarm and set the interval time of alarm.Connect the camera with Wi-Fi networkIn case of a new camera or in case that your camera is installed at a new location, please reset the camera to factory settings (after the camera starts, press and hold the reset button for more than 5 seconds), AP mode is on after the camera is restarted, wifi indicator flashes slowly (every 3 seconds). And then open the setting of phone, connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as camera UID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera.1.Connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as cameraUID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera2.Choose “Add camera +〞in App3.Chose “connect the camer a with WIFI networkAdd device4. Scan QR code of camera UID, click “next〞, and then confirm that the name of WIFI network displayed is right, enter the correct WIFI passwords and click “Start〞to configure Wi-Fi.5. Wait until App prompts that Wi-Fi connection settings are pleted and the camera is online, click “add a new camera〞to add a cameraNotes: if APP always display failure, please check the following items:A. Before starting to configure Wifi, the indicator of camera does not flash slowly, AP isnot turned onB. The phone does not connect with AP of the camera, and it is necessary for configuration to connect your phone with AP hotspot of the cameraC. Support mon router but do not support public router for which login page authentication is needed.D.During configuration, check whether the network name, passwords and UID are right.E. In current, Chinese Wifi name and passwords are not supported.F Do not support 5G Wifi signalG. Check whether Wifi indicator is always on, if yes, the camera is connected with thenetwork, please directly add online camera, App may not detect that the camera issuccessfully configured due to network mask.H. If WiFi is in WEP encryption mode, please change it to WPA mode.Watch a video in point-to-point modeIn case that there is no a Wifi router, you can directly watch a view and operate the camera in point-to-point mode.Steps:1. Reset the camera, turn on AP mode until the camera restarts,2. After starting the camera, find Wifi configuration page in your phone with the name same as Wifi network of camera UID, without passwords, which is not encrypted.3. Connect your phone with the Wifi network, wait for Wifi signal symbol which suggests that your phone is successfully connected.4 Slimmer to router mode, directly add online camera, and then it can be used normally. If the camera has been added, it can be added directly.5. Open and watch a video after successful connection.FAQ1. Why the search tool cannot find the camera?Answer: Please confirm that the network is normal, close the firewall and security software, ensure that the camera is connected with the router.2. Why the camera always ask for the user name and passwords, in other words, the use nameis not right?Answer: The default passwords are 8888, if you forget the user name or passwords, you can reset the camera to factory settings to gain the default user and passwords.3. How can I recover the camera to the factory settings?Answer: Please press and hold the Reset button for about 5 seconds until the camera restarts.4. Why the image is not clear?Answer: Please remove the protective file of lens, if the question is not solved, please rotate the lens for focusing, and then the image will be clear.。
使用说明:适用于mn0510mh、mn0510ma/8g、mn0505mb、mn0505md、mn0505mf、 mn0502mc型号:照明功能长按按键3s以上,led照明开启,再轻按按钮则关闭led照明(mn0502mc除外);对数码产品充电:将充电线接入usb 口,轻按按键,即可给dc5v输入的电子产品充电,充电过程中电量指示灯长量,提示剩余电量。
(mn0502mc:无需按按键,充电过程中无电量显示);对移动电源充电:选择适配器(输出直流电压5v)或电脑usb口,将充电头插入移动电源充电口,即可给移动电源进行充电;电量查询:短按按键,即可查询移动电源剩余电量(mn0502mc不可查询剩余电量,在缺电的情况下会亮红灯,表示需要充电);休眠状态:在无充、放电(既待机状态),无照明时,5分钟后自动进入休眠状态;适用于mn1910me 型号:对移动电源充电:请用输出直流电压15~19v,电流≧2a的适配器对移动电源进行充电,充电时lcd显示充电状态(电量格成流水状跳动)和输出口输出电压。
第二. 移动电源使用方法。
第三. 注意事项。
配件清单:蓝盛便携式电源、八个转接头(Sony Ericsson、Apple、Mini 5Pin、Samsung、Micro 5Pin、LG、DC2.0、PSP)、DC3.5转接线(70cm)移动电源的应用范围移动电源可以给市场上绝大部分需要补充电量的通讯电子类数码产品供电或充电,范围包括:◆MP3:支持时尚一族的众多MP3、CD、MD播放器和便捷式DVD播放器,超级时尚的音乐享受,给生活增添源源不断的音符。
ProHD DT-X71FI DT-X71HI DT-X71CI 7寸便携式摄像机监视器使用说明书
![ProHD DT-X71FI DT-X71HI DT-X71CI 7寸便携式摄像机监视器使用说明书](
7" Portable On-camera LCD MonitorUser ManualModel: DT-X71FI HDSDI&HDMI, Waveform, Audio meter, Focus assistDT-X71HI 3GSDI&HDMIDT-X71CI HDMIPrefaceCongratulations on your purchase of this product. Please read this user manual carefully.1. All internal technologies of this product are protected, including device, software and trademark.Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.2. All brands and trademarks are protected and other relative trademarks in this user manual are the properties of their respective owners.3. Due to constant effort of product development, SWIT Electronics reserves the right to make changes and improvements to the product described in this manual without prior notice.4. The warranty period of this product is 2 years, and does not cover the following:(1) Physical damage to the surface of the products, including scratches, cracks or other damage to theLCD screen or other externally exposed parts;(2) Misuse, abuse or negligent operation to the product;(3) The product is disassembled by anyone other than an authorized service center.It is considered normal that the LCD bright dot defects are not to exceed three.5. For any suggestions and requirements on this product, please contact us through phone, fax, Email, etc.SWIT Electronics Co., Ltd. / SWIT Electronics USA, LLC.Address: 4300 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 230San Jose, CA 95129Toll free: 1 866 986-SWIT(7948)Tel: 408 260-8258Fax: 408 228-8438Email:************Website: MaintenanceMonitor1. Please keep the signal terminals and the cooling vent away from knife-edge, metal or liquid in order toavoid short-circuit and damage.2. Please don't try to disassemble any parts of the monitor by yourself, which would probably damage themonitor and do harm to human body, and it will cause the invalidation of product warranty.3. Please don't touch the screen with your fingers, which would probably deface the screen.4. Please don't press the screen; the LCD is extremely exquisite and flimsy.The powerPlease use the provided power adapter or the battery recommended by the manufacturer in order to avoid damage. For a third party power adapter, please make sure the voltage range, supplied power, and polarity of power lead are fit.Please disconnect the power cable or take off the battery under the following situations:1. If you do not operate this monitor for a period of time;2. If the power cable or power adaptor is damaged;3. If the monitor housing is broken.Working Environment1. Please don't lay this product on the unstable place.2. Please don't lay this product in hot, cold or wet location.Cleaning1. Please clean the screen with dry and downy cloth or special LCD cleanser.2. Please do not press hard when cleaning the screen.3. Please do not use water or other chemical cleanser to clean the screen. The chemical may damagethe LCD.4. For first time use, please tear off the factory LCD film. To protect the LCD screen, please post the LCDprotection film offered in the package.1. FeaturesDT-X71FI ◆High resolution 7” LCD Panel16:9, 1024×600, 16.77 million colors, 900:1 contrast, and H160°/ V160°viewing angle.◆Multiple inputs2 HD/SD-SDI, 1 HDMI and 1 Composite input.◆Loop through outputs2 HD/SD-SDI and 1 HDMI loop through output.◆HDMI converted to SDI outputSupported HDMI formats: 480i / 576i / 720p (50, 59.94, 60) / 1080i (50, 59.94, 60) / 1080P (23.98 24, 25, 29.97, 30), and the output SDI will embed the audio (48KHz) from HDMI.◆Waveform (Y, Cb, Cr, R, G, B) and full scale There are totally 6 kinds of waveform display, available under both SDI and HDMI, to check the Luminance (Y), Blue-difference (Cb),Red-difference (Cr), Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B), and the Y, Cb, Cr can be simultaneously displayed, R, G, B can be simultaneously displayed, and each of the waveforms can be set to full scale display.◆Vector scopeThe displayed vector scope pattern is available under both SDI and HDMI, represents saturation as distance from the center of the circle, and hue as the angle, in standard position, around it.◆Histogram (R, G, B)The histogram is a bar graph that shows the distribution of luminance values in the picture. There’re R, G, B histograms that individually displayed simultaneously, available under both SDI and HDMI.◆16-ch audio meterUnder HDSDI, it displays 16 channels audio bars, with mark, and under SDSDI or HDMI, it displays 2 channels audio bars with mark. The audio bar is green, and will turn yellow when audio exceeds-20dB, and turn red when exceeds -10dB.◆SDI timecodeUnder SDI input, it can display the SMPTE timecode, which is used extensively for synchronization, and for logging and identifying material in recorded media. ◆Peaking focus assist (red/blue switch)The Peaking focus assist function is to mark the sharpest edges of the image with red or blue color, for users to check if the subjects are focused.◆Zebra stripesZebra Stripes are used to check if the image is over exposed or not by showing black and white lines on the monitor. It is considered over exposed when luminance value exceeds 90%.◆False colorThe false color is used to aid in the setting of camera exposure. Under false color mode, there’s a false color key on the bottom of screen for reference. The over exposed subjects (above 101 IRE) on the monitor will display as RED, and the underexposed subjects will display as BLUE. For correct exposed subjects, it will display as green and pink.◆Blue OnlyUnder the Blue Only Mode, only the blue pixels are used to generate the image, because hue and saturation can be adjusted quicker and more accurately.◆DSLR scale zoom inThe Canon DSLR outputs the CMOS sensor ratio HDMI and this zoom in mode can make the effective image scale full screen on the monitor. ◆User definable function keysThere are 3 function keys on the monitor front panel, that permit users to define shortcuts for the various functions.◆User editable video titleUser can edit a video title for the current camera, and the title will display on the top of screen.◆Front and Rear 3-color TALLY light2 TALLY lights design, to give “live” signals to people in front of the camera, as well as the camera operator behind.◆Image FlipSet image to rotate by 180°.DT-X71HI◆High resolution 7” LCD Panel16:9, 1024×600, 16.77 million colors, 900:1 contrast, and H160°/ V160°viewing angle.◆3Gbps SDI supportAccepts 3G/HD/SD-SDI input.◆Multiple inputs1 3G/HD/SD-SDI, 1 HDMI, 1 Composite input and L/R stereo audio.◆Loop through outputs1 3G/HD/SD-SDI, 1 HDMI and 1 Composite video loop through output.◆SDI embedded audio outputThe SDI embedded audio can be output through3.5mm earphone on the front panel.◆Image Flip.Set image to rotate by 180°◆DSLR scale zoom inThe Canon DSLR outputs the CMOS sensor ratio HDMI and this zoom in mode can make the effective image scale full screen on the monitor.◆User definable function keysThere are 2 function keys on the monitor front panel, that permit users to define shortcuts for the various functions.◆User editable video titleUser can edit a video title for the current camera, and the title will display on the top of screen.◆Front and Rear 3-color TALLY light2 TALLY lights design, to give “live” signals to people in front of the camera, as well as the camera operator behind.DT-X71CI◆High resolution 7” LCD Panel16:9, 1024×600, 16.77 million colors, 900:1 contrast, and H160°/ V160°viewing angle.◆Multiple inputs1 HDMI, 1 Composite inputand L/R stereo audio input.◆Loop through outputs1 HDMI and 1 Composite loop through output.◆DSLR scale zoom inThe Canon DSLR outputs the CMOS sensor ratio HDMI and this zoom in mode can make the effective image scale full screen on the monitor.◆Image FlipSet image to rotate by 180°. ◆User definable function keysThere are 2 function keys on the monitor front panel, that permit users to define shortcuts for the various functions.◆User editable video titleUser can edit a video title for the current camera, and the title will display on the top of screen.◆Front and Rear 3-color TALLY light2 TALLY lights design, to give “live” signals to people in front of the camera, as well as the camera operator behind.2. Panel InstructionDT-X71FIFront view⑴ PHONE: Earphone jack⑵ POWER: Power on/offConnect with power cable or mount battery, press the “POWER” and the power indicator is turned on and after 10 seconds, the monitor will be switched on and get into normal working status. Press the “POWER” again, the indicator is turned off and monitor is switched off.Disconnect with power cable or take off the battery if the monitor will not be used for a period of time.⑶ SOURCE: Input signal selectionPress “SOURCE” and revolve the “OK” to select the input video signal.⑷ F1: User definable function key 1⑸ FOCUS: Peaking Focus AssistPress “FOCUS” once, it will display the current peaking on/off status. Press “FOCUS” again to switch on RED line focus assist, switch on BLUE line focus assist, and switch off in turn.⑹ F.COLOR: False colorPress “F.COLOR” once, it will display the current false color on/off status. Press “F.COLOR” again to switch on/off the false color mode.⑺ DISPLAY: Display current settingsPress “Display” to display safety mark, title and the current input signal information⑻ F2: User definable function key 2⑼ F3: User definable function key 3⑽ WAVEFORM: Display waveformPress “WAVEFORM” once, it will display the waveform menu as:Revolve “OK” to select a waveform display mode and turn it on.The selected waveform will display on the screen.⑾ VECTOR: Display vector scopePress “VECTOR” to switched on/off the Vector scope⑿ MENU: Press to enter Menu⒀ OK: Select and ApplyUnder menu system, revolve “OK” to adjust settings and press to apply; and out of menu system, directly revolve “OK” to adjust volume.⒁ TALLY Light:Red, Green and Yellow 3-color TALLY indicatorRear view⑴ DC 12V IN: Connect with DC12V 4-pin XLR power adapter. ⑵ TALLY Light: Red, Green and Yellow 3-color TALLY indicator ⑶ Battery mount:Connect with SSL-JVC50 battery (optional) to power the monitor. ⑷ SDI-OUT : HDMI converted to SDI output (BNC connector)⑸ ⑹ SDI LOOP1/2: HD/SD-SDI loop through output (BNC connector) ⑺ HDMI-IN: HDMI input⑻ TALLY controlling port (RS-232): terminal description is as follows:The RED light is on when connecting the terminal “R” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting. The GREEN light is on when connecting the terminal “G” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting. The YELLOW light is on when connecting the terminal “Y” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting ⑼ HDMI-LOOP: HDMI loop through output⑽ ⑾ SDI IN1/2: HD/SD-SDI input (BNC connector) ⑿ CVBS-IN: Composite video input (BNC connector)Input formatsTerminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Y G R GND GNDGND Input Supported formats CVBSPAL / NTSC480I / 576I / 480P / 576P1080i (60 / 59.94 / 50) 720p (60 / 59.94 / 50)HDMI1080p (60 / 59.94 / 50 / 30 / 29.97 / 25 / 24 / 23.98)1080i (60 / 59.94 / 50)SMPTE-274M1080p (30 / 29.97 / 25 / 24 / 23.98) SMPTE-296M 720p (60 / 59.94 / 50) SMPTE-125M 480i (59.94) SDIITU-R BT.656576i (50)DT-X71HIFront view⑴ PHONE: Earphone jack, for SDI embedded audio, HDMI audio and analog audio⑵ POWER: Power on/offConnect with power cable or mount battery, press the “POWER” and the power indicator is turned on and after 10 seconds, the monitor will be switched on and get into normal working status. Press the “POWER”again, the indicator is turned off and monitor is switched off.Remark: Disconnect with power cable or take off the battery if the monitor will not be used for a period of time.⑶ CVBS: Press to switch the input signal to Composite video⑷ HDMI: Press to switch the input signal to HDMI⑸ SDI: Press to switch the input signal to SDI⑹ OVERSCAN: Overscan / Underscan switch⑺ MENU: Press to enter Menu⑻ F1: User definable function key 1⑼ F2: User definable function key 2⑽ RATIO: 16:9 and 4:3 switch⑾ ZOOM:Picture Zoom-inPress “ZOOM” to switch ZOOM1: Canon DSLR scale zoom-in, and ZOOM2: pixel to pixel zoom-in.⑿ DISPLAY: Display current settingsPress “Display” to display safety mark, title and the current input signal information⒀ OK: Select and ApplyUnder menu system, revolve “OK” to adjust settings and press to apply; and out of menu system, directly revolve “OK” to adjust volume.⒁TALLY Light: Red, Green and Yellow 3-color TALLY indicatorRear view⑴ DC 12V IN: Connect with DC12V 4-pin XLR power adapter. ⑵ TALLY Light: Red, Green and Yellow 3-color TALLY indicator.⑶ Battery mount: Connect with SSL-JVC50 battery (optional) to power the monitor. ⑷ CVBS IN: Composite video input (BNC connector)⑸ SDI-LOOP: 3G/HD/SD-SDI loop through output (BNC connector) ⑹ SDI-IN: 3G/HD/SD-SDI input (BNC connector) ⑺ HDMI-LOOP: HDMI loop through output ⑻ HDMI-IN: HDMI input⑼ TALLY controlling port (RS-232): terminal description is as follows:The RED light is on when connecting the terminal “R” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting. The GREEN light is on when connecting the terminal “G” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting. The YELLOW light is on when connecting the terminal “Y” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting. ⑽ AUDIO L: Stereo audio left channel input (RCA connector) ⑾ AUDIO R: Stereo audio right channel input (RCA connector)⑿ CVBS-LOOP: Composite video loop through output (BNC connector)Input formatsTerminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Y G R GND GNDGND Input Supported formats CVBSPAL / NTSC480I / 576I / 480P / 576P1080i (60 / 59.94 / 50) 720p (60 / 59.94 / 50)HDMI1080p (60 / 59.94 / 50 / 30 / 29.97 / 25 / 24 / 23.98)SMPTE-425M 1080p (60 / 59.94 / 50) 1080i (60 / 59.94 / 50)SMPTE-274M1080p (30 / 29.97 / 25 / 24 / 23.98) SMPTE-296M 720p (60 / 59.94 / 50) SMPTE-125M 480i (59.94) SDIITU-R BT.656576i (50)DT-X71CIFront view⑴ PHONE: Earphone jack⑵ POWER: Power on/offConnect with power cable or mount battery, press the “POWER” and the power indicator is turned on and after 10 seconds, the monitor will be switched on and get into normal working status. Press the “POWER” again, the indicator is turned off and monitor is switched off.Remark: Disconnect with power cable or take off the battery if the monitor will not be used for a period of time.⑶ CVBS: Press to switch the input signal to Composite video⑷ HDMI: Press to switch the input signal to HDMI⑸ B/W: Black and White mode⑹ OVERSCAN: Overscan / Underscan switch⑺ MENU: Press to enter Menu⑻ F1: User definable function key 1⑼ F2: User definable function key 2⑽ RATIO: 16:9 and 4:3 switch⑾ ZOOM:Picture Zoom-inPress “ZOOM” to switch ZOOM1: Canon DSLR scale zoom-in, and ZOOM2: pixel to pixel zoom-in.⑿ DISPLAY: Display current settingsPress “Display” to display safety mark, title and the current input signal information⒀ OK: Select and ApplyUnder menu system, revolve “OK” to adjust settings and press to apply; and out of menu system, directly revolve “OK” to adjust volume.⒁TALLY Light: Red, Green and Yellow 3-color TALLY indicatorRear view⑴ DC 12V IN: Connect with DC12V 4-pin XLR power adapter. ⑵ TALLY Light: Red, Green and Yellow 3-color TALLY indicator ⑶ Battery mount:Connect with SSL-JVC50 battery (optional) to power the monitor. ⑷ CVBS IN: Composite video input (BNC connector) ⑸ HDMI-LOOP: HDMI loop through output ⑹ HDMI: HDMI input⑺ TALLY controlling port (RS-232): terminal description is as follows:The RED light is on when connecting the terminal “R” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting. The GREEN light is on when connecting the terminal “G” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting. The YELLOW light is on when connecting the terminal “Y” with “GND”, and goes out when disconnecting ⑻ AUDIO L: Stereo audio L input (RCA connector) ⑼ AUDIO R: Stereo audio R input (RCA connector)⑽ CVBS-LOOP: Composite video loop through output (BNC connector)Input formatsTerminal 1 2 3 4 56 7 89 Description Y G R GND GND GNDInput Supported formats CVBSPAL / NTSC480I / 576I / 480P / 576P1080i (60 / 59.94 / 50) 720p (60 / 59.94 / 50)HDMI1080p (60 / 59.94 / 50 / 30 / 29.97 / 25 / 24 / 23.98)3. Menu OperationPress “MENU” and it will display menu systemRevolve “OK” to select an item. The selected item will be highlighted display. Press “OK” to enter the selected item.Under menu system, press “MENU” to back to previous menu.The menu will automatically save and quit if it remains idle.4. Picture Settings SubmenuThe Picture Settings Submenu includes:⑴CONTRAST: 0-100 value adjustment⑵ BRIGHTNESS: 0-100 value adjustment⑶HUE: 0-100 value adjustment(Only available under Composite input)⑷SATURATION: 0-100 value adjustment⑸SHARPNESS: 0-100 value adjustment5. System Configuration SubmenuThe System Configuration Submenu includes:⑴RATIO: Select “16:9” or “4:3” to adjust the aspect ratio.⑵SCAN: “UNDERSCAN” / “OVERSCAN” selection⑶ZOOM: “OFF”, “ZOOM1” and “ZOOM2” selectionZOOM1: Canon DSLR scale zoom-inZOOM2: Pixel to Pixel zoom-in⑷MARKER:Select and set the safety markscale from 80%, 85%, 90% and 95%.⑸FLIP: Select “YES” to flip the image by 180°.⑹RESET: Revolve “OK” to RESET and press torecover all to factory setting.6. OSD Settings SubmenuThe OSD Settings Submenu includes:⑴ LANGUAGE: Menu language English / Chinese selection⑵ H-POSITION: Menu horizontal position (0-100) adjustment, real-time preview, default value: 50, center.⑶ V-POSITION: Menu vertical position (0-100) adjustment, real-time preview, default value: 50, center.⑷DURATION: Menu timeout settingSet a time (in seconds) in which the menuwill automatically quit if remains idle.Default: 10 seconds; Range: 5 seconds to60 seconds.7. Title Settings SubmenuRevolve "OK" button to select the letters, and press "OK" to input. Select SPACE to input space and DEL to delete the left letter. Max 10 letters are supported.After setting, press "MENU", the system willsave data to current user and quit menu. Themenu will automatically save and quit if itremains idle.8. Display Settings SubmenuThe DISPLAY settings submenu is to select theitems to be displayed on screen when‘DISPLAY” button is pressed. Revolve "OK" toturn on/off the items:(1) INFO: Including Input format, aspect ratio,underscan/overscan, zoom status(2) MARKER: Safety mark(3) TITLE: User edited title(4) MARKER4:3: The 4:3 scale mark on 16:9image. (Only available under HD input)9. FUNCTION KEY Settings SubmenuThe F KEY Settings Submenu is to define Function Keys on the front keyboard.The DT-X71FI has 3 function keys:F1, F2 and F3;The DT-X71HI and DT-X71CI has 2 function keys:F1 and F2.The available function items of each model are:-------------------DT-X71FI------------------- -------------------DT-X71HI------------------- 01-RATIO: Aspect ratio switch01-RATIO: Aspect ratio switch02-SCAN: Underscan / Overscan switch02-SCAN: Underscan / Overscan switch03-ZOOM: Picture Zoom-in03-ZOOM: Picture Zoom-in04-B/W: Color / Black & white switch04-B/W: Color / Black & white switch05-BLUE ONLY: Blue only mode switch on/off05-FLIP: Image flip06-ZEBRA: Zebra over exposure switch on/off07-VECTOR: Vector scope switch on/off08-PATTERN: Internal colorbar switch on/off09-RGB HIST: R, G, B Histogram switch on/off-------------------DT-X71CI------------------- 10-TIMECODE: SDI timecode display switch on/off01-RATIO: Aspect ratio switch11-F.COLOR: False color mode switch on/off02-SCAN: Underscan / Overscan switch12-AUDIO BAR: Audio meter display switch on/off03-ZOOM: Picture Zoom-in13-FOCUS: Peaking focus assist switch on/off, and 04-B/W: Color / Black & white switch red/blue selection05-FLIP: Image flip14-FLIP: Image flip10. SpecificationsLCD PerformanceSize 7.0 inchesResolution 1024×RGB×600Aspect ratio 16:9/4:3Color system NTSC/PALBrightness 400cd/m2Contrast 900:1Color 16.77 million colorsViewing angle H/V:160/160Video FormatSMPTE-425M ** 1080p (60 / 59.94 / 50)1080i (60 / 59.94 / 50)SMPTE-274M1080p (30 / 29.97 / 25 / 24 / 23.98)SDI *SMPTE-296M 720p (60 / 59.94 / 50)SMPTE-125M 480i (59.94)ITU-R BT.656 576i (50)480I / 576I / 480P / 576P1080i (60 / 59.94 / 50)HDMI720p (60 / 59.94 / 50)1080p (60 / 59.94 / 50 / 30 / 29.97 / 25 / 24 / 23.98) GeneralWorking voltage DC12V, or Battery 6.5V-17VDT-X71FI ≤15WPower consumptionDT-X71HI ≤8WDT-X71CI ≤7WWorking temperature 0℃~+40℃Working humidity 10%~90%Storage temperature -15℃~+60℃Storage humidity 10%~90%Dimensions192×139×47mmNet weight 550g* DT-X71CI doesn’t support SDI input;** Only DT-X71HI support SMPTE-425M format.11. Packing List1. Monitor ×12. User Manual ×13. Power adaptor ×14. Power cable ×15. Sun hood ×16. Screw ball head ×17. LCD protection film ×1This model is manufactured, warranted and supported by SWIT Electronics Co., Ltd. / SWIT Electronics USA, LLC, and distributed in North America by JVC Professional Video Products.To obtain service or for further information, please contact:SWIT Electronics USA, LLC.Address: 4300 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 230, San Jose, CA 95129Toll free: 1 866 986-SWIT (7948) • Tel: 408 260-8258·Fax: 408 228-8438Email:************•Website:Version: 130129。
Guide of Easy-UseCatalogueProducts and components (1)Start to use (1)Installment of hardware (2)Installation and use of mobile App (3)Installation of video camera (6)Setting of Wi-Fi network (11)Point-to-point mode (13)FAQ (14)Products and components1.Camera2.Power adapter3.Installation stent4.Guide for quick start5.DiscStart to useInstallation of mobile App1. Download and install BVCam, download IOS in iphone store, search for Android system in GooglePlay. For convenience of installation, please scan the below two-dimension code to download BVCam installation. If your device can not be connected to GooglePlay, please scan the below APK two-dimension code for installation. Note: it is suggested to use the QR code Scanner self-contained by browser or from the third party to scan and download App, while direct downloading and installation of App file is not supported by the function of WeChat scanning.2. Clik “+” to add a new camera. Clik and add the networked camera to enter into the added page of camera, fill out UID or add camera. Note: when the camera is initially used, please set camera to connect wi th your router referring to the part “setting camera to connect WIFI network”in the instructions, then add camera3. Two methods for fast input of UID for camera: A, by scanning of two-dimensional code in camera, B, by searching camera in local area network.4. Filling in the name of camera and password of P2P .Default P2P password: 8888, click OK ifAdd device, add networked device Name UIDPasswordNew cameraNew cameraconfirmed. Successfully add camera. You are suggested to revise P2P visiting password for camera after camera is set.5. After displayed that camera is online, click camera which you just add to watch real time video, click at video interface, you can open the control disc of video.6. The icon and button of the pages in videoAdd device, add networked device NameUIDPassword6.Other functions on the pagesVideoScreenshotVideotapeAlarmingSet the camera1. Long press the list item for about three second or click the gear-like button to open the advanced configuration page of the camera.Video Screenshot Video recording Alarm2. Change the WIFI connection of the camera. Select “WIFI connection configuration”, the camera will display available Wi-Fi hotspot. Select the name of your Wi-Fi (SSID), enter the passwords of Wi-Fi, and then press “OK” to connect Wi-Fi. Note: after saving, if the camera has connected with WIFI, it will switch off the current connection and try to connect the new WIFI network, so that in App, the camera will be off-line temporarily for about 1 minute.4. SD card video-recording setting: set the mode of SD card video-recording and the frame size.5. Alarm configuration: Turn on or off motion detection alarm and set the interval time of alarm.Connect the camera with Wi-Fi networkIn case of a new camera or in case that your camera is installed at a new location, please reset the camera to factory settings (after the camera starts, press and hold the reset button for more than 5 seconds), AP mode is on after the camera is restarted, wifi indicator flashes slowly (every 3 seconds). And then open the setting of phone, connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as camera UID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera.1.Connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as cameraUID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera2.Choose “Add camera +” in App3.Chose “connect the camera with WIFI networkAdd device4. Scan QR code of camera UID, click “next”, and then confirm that the name of WIFI network displayed is right, enter the correct WIFI passwords and click “Start” to configure Wi-Fi.5. Wait until App prompts that Wi-Fi connection settings are completed and the camera is online, click “add a new camera” to add a cameraNotes: if APP always display failure, please check the following items:A. Before starting to configure Wifi, the indicator of camera does not flash slowly, AP isnot turned onB. The phone does not connect with AP of the camera, and it is necessary forconfiguration to connect your phone with AP hotspot of the cameraC. Support common router but do not support public router for which login pageauthentication is needed.D. During configuration, check whether the network name, passwords and UID areright.E. In current, Chinese Wifi name and passwords are not supported.F Do not support 5G Wifi signalG. Check whether Wifi indicator is always on, if yes, the camera is connected with thenetwork, please directly add online camera, App may not detect that the camera issuccessfully configured due to network mask.H. If WiFi is in WEP encryption mode, please change it to WPA mode.Watch a video in point-to-point modeIn case that there is no a Wifi router, you can directly watch a view and operate the camera in point-to-point mode.Steps:1. Reset the camera, turn on AP mode until the camera restarts,2. After starting the camera, find Wifi configuration page in your phone with the name same as Wifi network of camera UID, without passwords, which is not encrypted.3. Connect your phone with the Wifi network, wait for Wifi signal symbol which suggests that your phone is successfully connected.4 Slimmer to router mode, directly add online camera, and then it can be used normally. If the camera has been added, it can be added directly.5. Open and watch a video after successful connection.FAQ1. Why the search tool cannot find the camera?Answer: Please confirm that the network is normal, close the firewall and security software, ensure that the camera is connected with the router.2. Why the camera always ask for the user name and passwords, in other words, the use name is not right?Answer: The default passwords are 8888, if you forget the user name or passwords, you can reset the camera to factory settings to gain the default user and passwords.3. How can I recover the camera to the factory settings?Answer: Please press and hold the Reset button for about 5 seconds until the camera restarts.4. Why the image is not clear?Answer: Please remove the protective file of lens, if the question is not solved, please rotate the lens for focusing, and then the image will be clear.。
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The PowerCamconsists of two parts of functional unit: power bank unit and cameraunit. It can be used to charge the battery of DC-5V products, and also be used to recordhigh definition video and take photos. Power Bank FeaturesUsing high quality Li-ion battery cells, stable performance and long operation life.Multiple protection circuit, including overcharge, discharge protection, overload protection, etc.IR LED or LED torch function.Small and lightweight design, easy to carry, to meet emergency charging.Camera featuresSuper image sensor for low illumination video recording, quick light response.Full HD 1080P up to 30fps,720P up to 60fps.H.264 compression.Support up to 32GB micro SD card.RF remote control, easy operation.Integrated compact design, suitable formeeting recording, evidence recording, andoutdoor sports scenes, etc.Easy download to PC/MAC with USB plug.PowerCam LayoutPower Bank Operation1.Charging the PowerCamUse the micro USB cable to charge the PowerCam.The battery can be charged by following ways:(1). Charging from your computer’s USB.(2). Charging fromadapter’s USB.Ifthe red lightturns on, that means the PowerCam is in charge.Please wait for the red light turns off, which means the PowerCamis full of power. NOTE: When connecting with computer or adapter, it is recommended that the PowerCam is switchedoff.2.To Charge Other DevicesThe PowerCam fit for charging digital devices with DC-5V:(1).Connect your device to the USB outletof PowerCam.(2).Turn on the power of PowerCam to startcharging the device.When PowerCam’s battery close to low limit, the red indicator will light.3.Turning IR or LED Torch On/Off NOTE:This product has two configuration types: IR LED type and white-light LED type.(1).Turn on the power of PowerCam.(2).Keep push the remote control button○A 2 seconds to turn DV unit on.(3).Keep push the remote control button○C2 seconds will turn IR LED or LED torch on;and keep push the button○C2 seconds again, the IR LED or LED torch will be turned off.DVRecorder Operation1.Turning DVUnit On/OffSwitchon the power of PowerCam, Keep push the remote control button○A2 seconds will turn DV unit on. The blue indicatorwill light.Keep push the button○A 2 seconds again, theDV unit will be turned off.2.RecordingVideoTurn on the DV unit as in step 1. Keep push the remote control button○B2 seconds will start video recording, the green indicatorwill flash several times and then turn off.Keep push the button○B2 seconds again, the DV unit will stop recording, the blue indicatorwill lightand the PowerCam is in standby mode. The video streaming is divided into one file every 10 minutes.NOTE:(1). When the battery power is low, the bluelight will flash for seconds, and then the PowerCam will shut downautomatically. (2). When the memory is full, both the blue and green light will flash for seconds, and then the PowerCam will shut downautomatically.4.TakingPhotoBe sure the DV unit is turned on, short press the remote control button○B once to take a picture, the blue indicatorwill flash twice to indicatethat the picture was taken successfully.5.Setting the PowerCamConnect the PowerCamwith your computer USB port, a new removable disk will appear on the computer screen. Open the removable disk, you will find the file setup.exe under the root directory, double-click the file to run it, following window will appear:You can set date/time, frame size, videoimage quality, audiovolume, etc. After finishinglower left to save the settings. ClickdefaultSettings.Aftersafely removing the PowerCam from the computer and turn on the DV unit, the settings willtake effect.Specifications:with upgrade and update. Please base on real object.Caution:ThePowerCam may become fairly hot during recording – this is normal. To ensure proper cooling do not block the flow of air to thecover of the PowerCam.No crash, do not open orknock thePowerCam. Do not expose them to fire, high temperatures, or water.We suggest charge with the qualifiedadaptor, if you find there is bulge or otherfaulty phenomena on PowerCam or charged device, please stop using it.Important:All jurisdictions have specific laws and regulations relating to the use of cameras and voice recorders. Before using any camera and/or voice recorder for any purpose it is the buyer′s responsibility to be aware of all applicable laws and regulations that prohibit or limit the use of cameras and voicerecorders, and to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.PowerCam是一款移动电源和摄像机合二为一的产品。