
牙科专业用语中英文对照通用类颊面Buccal舌面Lingual腭面Palatal近中面Mesial远中面Distal牙合面Oeclusal切端Incisal颈部Neck前牙Anterior中切牙Central侧切牙Latral尖牙Canine/cuspid后牙Posterior双尖牙Pre-Molar第一双尖牙First Prc-Molar第二双尖牙Second Pre-Molar磨牙Molar第一磨牙First Molar第二磨牙Second Molar智慧牙Wisdom覆牙合Over Bite覆盖Over Jet缺失牙Pontic牙模Model颜色Shade形态Shape/Anatomy金属牙合面Metal Occlusal金属舌面Metal Backing缓冲(离开)Relief牙合架Articulator工作模Master Model对牙合模Opposite Model参考模Study Model连接模Splint/Joint/Connect分开Separate烤瓷冠CMC烤瓷桥CMB胶托类全口腔胶托Full / Full Acrylic Denture ,F/F半口胶托Full Upper or Lower Acrylic Denture局部胶托Partial Acrylic Denture ,P/-or -/p钢丝卡环S.S.Wire Clasp钢丝牙合支托S.S. Rest个别托盘Special Tray,S/T蜡堤Bite Block胶托修理Repair软胶Soft Lining衬垫Reline弹性义齿Flexible Denture / Valplast胶托加网Add Mesh钢托类钢托Cobalt-Chrome Centure/Vatallium舌杆Partial Denture(美式)UPD/LPD 腭板Lingual Bar连续卡环Palatal Plate牙合支托Continue Clasp/Kennedy Clasp舌板Occlusal Rest上半口网状钢Lingual Plate半口胶托Full Upper Mesh钢托上加钢牙Full Upper or Lower Denture马蹄形Dummy前后杆Horse ShoeDouble Bar / Ant .& Post .Bar烤瓷类贵金属烤瓷Porcelain on Precious Alloy半贵金属烤瓷Porcelain on S/P(Semi-Precious)非贵金属烤瓷Porcelain on N.P.(Non-Precious)玛利兰桥Maryland Bridge嵌体Inlay桩核Post高嵌体Onlay瓷贴面Porcelain Veneer / Porcelain 假牙龈/牙肉Gum Porcelain全瓷冠Full Ceramic Crown(In-ceram)瓷边Porcelain Margin/Porcelain Shoulder涂金粉Gold Plating金属冠Full Metal Crown 金属边Metal Margin种植牙Implant桩连冠Post Crown/Down Crown 通透性的Transparent透明的Translucent不透明的Opacity一.At the registration挂号1. What can I do for you?2. What is wrong with you?3. Do you want to see a dentist?4. Which speciality do you want to register with?您要挂哪个科的号?5. Do you want to have your tooth pulled ( tooth filled )?您要拔牙补牙吗?6. For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙?镶牙?还是洁牙?7. Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?8. May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please?请告诉我您的地址,电话号码,年龄,职业。

口腔科(牙科)常用英文词汇1. 牙齿(Tooth)2. 牙龈(Gums)3. 咬合(Bite)4. 龈下刮治(Scaling)5. 根管治疗(Root Canal Treatment)6. 拔牙(Extraction)7. 补牙(Filling)8. 牙冠(Crown)9. 桥体(Bridge)10. 假牙(Denture)11. 正畸(Orthodontics)12. 牙齿美白(Teeth Whitening)13. 牙周病(Periodontal Disease)14. 龈炎(Gingivitis)15. 牙槽骨(Alveolar Bone)16. 牙髓(Pulp)17. 牙釉质(Enamel)18. 牙本质(Dentin)19. 牙菌斑(Plaque)20. 牙石(Calculus)当然,让我们进一步丰富这份文档,为口腔科(牙科)常用英文词汇提供更多实用的信息。
21. 牙龈出血(Gingival Bleeding)当刷牙或使用牙线时,如果你的牙龈容易出血,这可能是牙龈炎的早期迹象。
22. 牙齿敏感(Tooth Sensitivity)牙齿对冷、热、甜或酸的食物和饮料反应敏感,可能是牙釉质磨损或牙龈退缩导致的。
23. 牙齿矫正器(Braces)正畸治疗中使用的装置,用于调整牙齿的位置,改善咬合和牙齿排列。
24. 牙线(Floss)用于清洁牙齿之间和牙龈线下区域的细线,有助于去除食物残渣和牙菌斑。
25. 漱口水(Mouthwash)用于清洁口腔和消除口臭的液体,有的漱口水还含有抗菌成分,有助于预防牙龈炎。
26. 牙科X光(Dental Xray)一种诊断工具,用于检查牙齿和牙槽骨的内部结构,帮助牙医发现隐藏的问题。
27. 牙科诊所(Dental Clinic)提供牙齿检查、治疗和口腔卫生服务的医疗机构。
28. 牙科保健师(Dental Hygienist)专业从事口腔卫生教育和治疗,如清洁牙齿、拍摄X光片和指导患者正确的口腔卫生习惯。

西医牙科术语英文翻译以下是常见的西医牙科术语英文翻译:1. 龋齿:Cavities2. 牙髓炎:Pulpitis3. 根尖周炎:Periapical Periodontitis4. 牙周炎:Periodontitis5. 牙龈炎:Gingivitis6. 牙结石:Dental Calculus7. 牙齿美白:Teeth Whitening8. 牙齿矫正:Orthodontics9. 牙齿种植:Dental Implantation10. 牙齿拔除:Tooth Extraction11. 牙齿修复:Dental Restoration12. 根管治疗:Root Canal Therapy13. 烤瓷牙:Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown (PFM)14. 全瓷牙:All-ceramic Crown15. 牙髓摘除术:Pulpectomy16. 牙周刮治术:scaling and root planing17. 牙槽骨手术:Alveolar bone surgery18. 正畸治疗:Orthodontic treatment19. 口腔溃疡:Oral Ulcers20. 口腔癌:Oral Cancer21. 颞下颌关节紊乱病:Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)22. 智齿冠周炎:Pericoronitis of wisdom tooth23. 牙周脓肿:Periodontal Abscess24. 牙齿外伤:Dental Trauma25. 牙髓坏死:Pulp Necrosis26. 根尖囊肿:Periapical Cyst27. 龋齿预防:Cavity Prevention28. 窝沟封闭:Fissure Sealants29. 牙髓活力测试:Pulp Vitality Testing30. 口腔X光检查:Oral Radiography31. 口腔病理学检查:Oral Pathology Examination32. 口腔微生物学检查:Oral Microbiological Examination33. 牙槽突手术:Alveolar process surgery34. 牙龈移植手术:Gingival graft surgery35. 前牙美容修复术:Esthetic restoration of anterior teeth36. 后牙根管治疗术:Posterior root canal therapy37. 前牙外伤处理:Treatment of anterior tooth trauma38. 正畸保持器治疗:Retention and stabilization after orthodontic treatment39. 儿童牙病治疗:Pediatric dental treatment40. 老年人口腔保健:Oral healthcare for the elderly41. 牙齿咬合调整:Occlusal adjustment42. 牙齿脱敏治疗:Desensitization treatment for sensitive teeth43. 牙齿冷光美白治疗:Cold light whitening treatment for teeth44. 口腔癌筛查:Oral cancer screening45. 颞下颌关节紊乱病治疗:Treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD)46. 正畸治疗后的保持和稳固治疗(保持器治疗):Retention and stabilization treatment after orthodontic treatment (retainer therapy)47. 前牙美容修复术后的保持和稳固治疗(保持器治疗):Retention and stabilization treatment after esthetic restoration of anterior teeth (retainer therapy)48. 儿童牙病预防保健指导:Pediatric dental prevention and health guidance49. 老年人口腔保健指导:Oral healthcare guidance for the elderly50. 前牙美容修复术后定期复查(随访):Regular follow-up examination after esthetic restoration of anterior teeth (follow-up)。

西医口腔科术语英文翻译以下是50个常见的西医口腔科术语英文翻译:1. 龋齿:Caries2. 牙髓炎:Pulpitis3. 根尖周炎:Periapical Periodontitis4. 牙龈炎:Gingivitis5. 牙周炎:Periodontitis6. 智齿:Wisdom Teeth7. 牙列不齐:Malocclusion8. 牙缺失:Tooth Loss9. 牙石:Dental Calculus10. 牙菌斑:Dental Plaque11. 牙齿敏感:Tooth Sensitivity12. 牙齿漂白:Tooth Whitening13. 牙齿矫正:Orthodontics14. 牙套:Braces15. 口腔溃疡:Oral Ulcers16. 口臭:Bad Breath17. 牙列拥挤:Spaces in the Dentition18. 唾液腺囊肿:Salivary Gland Cysts19. 颞下颌关节紊乱:Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD)20. 口腔癌:Oral Cancer21. 牙髓坏死:Pulp Necrosis22. 根管治疗:Root Canal Therapy23. 口腔颌面部外伤:Maxillofacial Trauma24. 唇裂:Cleft Lip25. 腭裂:Cleft Palate26. 正畸治疗:Orthodontic Treatment27. 正畸保持器:Retention Appliance28. 牙周手术:Periodontal Surgery29. 前牙美容修复:Cosmetic Repair of Anterior Teeth30. 根尖囊肿:Apical Cysts31. 磨牙症:Bruxism32. 牙齿磨损:Tooth Abrasion33. 牙齿裂纹:Tooth Fractures34. 口腔粘膜病:Oral Mucosal Diseases35. 口腔颌面部感染:Maxillofacial Infections36. 口腔颌面部肿瘤:Maxillofacial Tumors37. 颞下颌关节紊乱综合症:Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)38. 唾液腺炎:Salivary Gland Infections39. 牙齿外伤:Tooth Trauma40. 牙齿修复体崩瓷:Porcelain Fracture or Chipping of Fixed Prostheses41. 前牙区美学修复重建手术:Surgical Esthetic Reconstruction of Anterior Teeth Area42. 前牙间隙美学修复重建手术:Surgical Esthetic Reconstruction of Anterior Gap Teeth Area43. 正畸矫治器脱落或损坏处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Loss or Damage44. 正畸矫治器附件脱落或损坏处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Accessory Loss or Damage45. 正畸矫治器加力不当处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Improper Force Application46. 正畸矫治器附件加力不当处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Accessory Improper Force Application47. 正畸矫治器弓丝脱落或损坏处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Archwire Loss or Damage48. 正畸矫治器弓丝加力不当处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Archwire Improper Force Application49. 正畸矫治器带环脱落或损坏处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Band Loss or Damage50. 正畸矫治器托槽脱落或损坏处理方法:Treatment of Orthodontic Appliance Bracket Lossor Damage。

牙科专业用语中英文对照Dental Terminology: English-Chinese ComparisonIntroduction:The dental profession utilizes specific terminology to effectively communicate and document various dental procedures and conditions. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive English-Chinese comparison of common dental terms. This will assist both dental professionals and patients in better understanding and utilizing dental terminology.1. Dental Anatomy:English: Dental AnatomyChinese: 牙齿解剖学(yáchǐ jiěpōu xué)Description: Dental anatomy refers to the study of the structure, function, and development of teeth. It includes terms related to the different parts of a tooth.2. Oral Health:English: Oral HealthChinese: 口腔健康(kǒuqiāng jiànkāng)Description: Oral health encompasses the overall well-being of the oral cavity, including the teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues. It involves maintaining proper hygiene and preventing oral diseases.3. Tooth Decay:English: Tooth DecayChinese: 龋齿(qūchǐ)Description: Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is the process of tooth deterioration caused by bacterial action.4. Dental Plaque:English: Dental PlaqueChinese: 牙菌斑(yá jūn bān)Description: Dental plaque is a sticky, colorless film that forms on teeth as a result of bacterial accumulation. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.5. Gingivitis:English: GingivitisChinese: 牙龈炎 (yágìng yán)Description: Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of the gums, usually caused by poor oral hygiene. Symptoms include redness, swelling, and bleeding gums.6. Periodontitis:English: PeriodontitisChinese: 牙周炎(yázhōu yán)Description: Periodontitis is a severe form of gum disease that affects the surrounding tissues and bone supporting the teeth. It can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.7. Dental Prophylaxis:English: Dental ProphylaxisChinese: 牙齿洁治(yáchǐ jié zhì)Description: Dental prophylaxis, also known as professional teeth cleaning, involves the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains from the teeth. It helps prevent oral diseases and maintain oral hygiene.8. Dental Extraction:English: Dental ExtractionChinese: 牙齿拔除(yáchǐ bá chú)Description: Dental extraction refers to the removal of a tooth from its socket. It may be necessary due to tooth decay, infection, overcrowding, or other dental issues.9. Dental Filling:English: Dental FillingChinese: 牙齿充填(yáchǐ chōngtián)Description: Dental fillings are used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay or trauma. They help to restore tooth function and prevent further deterioration.10. Root Canal Treatment:English: Root Canal TreatmentChinese: 根管治疗(gēn guǎn zhì liáo)Description: Root canal treatment is a procedure performed to save a severely infected or decayed tooth. It involves removing the infected pulp from the tooth's root canal and filling it with a suitable material.Conclusion:Understanding dental terminology is crucial for effective communication and overall oral health. By providing an English-Chinese comparison of common dental terms, this article strives to bridge the language gap between dental professionals and patients. Whether you are a dentist, dental student, or patient, this knowledge will assist you in better understanding and discussing various dental procedures and conditions.。

****(课程)理论教学大纲牙科专业用语中英文对照通用类颊面Buccal舌面Lingual腭面Palatal近中面Mesial远中面Distal牙合面Oeclusal切端Incisal颈部Neck前牙Anterior中切牙Central侧切牙Latral尖牙Canine/cuspid 后牙Posterior双尖牙Pre-Molar第一双尖牙First Prc-Molar第二双尖牙Second Pre-Molar磨牙Molar第一磨牙First Molar第二磨牙Second Molar智慧牙Wisdom覆牙合Over Bite覆盖Over Jet缺失牙Pontic牙模Model颜色Shade形态Shape/Anatomy金属牙合面MetalOcclusal金属舌面Metal Backing缓冲(离开)Relief牙合架Articulator工作模Master Model对牙合模Opposite Model参考模Study Model连接模Splint/Joint/Connect 分开Separate烤瓷冠CMC烤瓷桥CMB胶托类全口腔胶托Full / Full Acrylic Denture ,F/F半口胶托Full Upper or Lower Acrylic Denture局部胶托Partial Acrylic Denture ,P/-or -/p钢丝卡环S.S.Wire Clasp钢丝牙合支托S.S. Rest个别托盘Special Tray,S/T蜡堤Bite Block胶托修理Repair软胶Soft Lining衬垫Reline弹性义齿Flexible Denture / Valplast胶托加网Add Mesh钢托类钢托Cobalt-Chrome Centure/Vatallium舌杆Partial Denture(美式)UPD/LPD腭板Lingual Bar连续卡环Palatal Plate牙合支托Continue Clasp/Kennedy Clasp舌板Occlusal Rest上半口网状钢Lingual Plate半口胶托Full Upper Mesh钢托上加钢牙Full Upper or Lower Denture马蹄形Dummy前后杆Horse ShoeDouble Bar / Ant .& Post .Bar烤瓷类贵金属烤瓷Porcelain on Precious Alloy半贵金属烤瓷Porcelain on S/P(Semi-Precious)非贵金属烤瓷Porcelain on N.P.(Non-Precious)玛利兰桥Maryland Bridge嵌体Inlay桩核Post高嵌体Onlay瓷贴面Porcelain Veneer / Porcelain假牙龈/牙肉Gum Porcelain全瓷冠Full Ceramic Crown(In-ceram)瓷边Porcelain Margin/Porcelain Shoulder涂金粉Gold Plating金属冠Full Metal Crown金属边Metal Margin种植牙Implant桩连冠Post Crown/Down Crown通透性的Transparent透明的Translucent不透明的Opacity一.At the registration挂号二.1. What can I do for you? 三.2. What is wrong with you?四.3. Do you want to see a dentist?五.4. Which speciality do you want to register with?六.您要挂哪个科的号?七.5. Do you want to have your tooth pulled ( tooth filled )?八.您要拔牙补牙吗?九.6. For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙?镶牙?还是洁牙?十.7. Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?十一.8. May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please?十二.请告诉我您的地址,电话号码,年龄,职业。

牙科词汇tooth 牙齿teeth 牙齿{复数}stomatology [,stəumə'tɔlədʒi,】口腔医学prosthesis[ 复数prostheses ]['prɔsθisis] 口腔修复体mouth [mauθ] 嘴巴crowns [krauns] 各类冠类修复体smile [smail] 微笑dental ['dentəl] 牙齿的;牙科的technician [tek'niʃən] 技师,技术员;技巧纯熟的人tongue [tʌŋ] 舌头model ['mɔdəl] 模型casting ['kɑ:stiŋ]铸造;铸件wax [wæks]n.蜡 adj.蜡制的polishing ['pɔliʃiŋ]抛光;擦亮investing [investiŋ] n.包埋;熔模铸造 vt.投资finishing ['finiʃiŋ] 打磨;精修完成shade selection [ʃeid] [si'lekʃən] 比色modeling with wax 制作蜡型porcelain tooth ['pɔ:səlin,】瓷牙master cast ['mɑ:stə, 】工作模型design [di'zain] 设计try in 试戴impression [im'preʃən] 印模;印象,看法shade guide [ɡaid] 比色板plaster ['plɑ:stə, 】普通熟石膏;石膏;color ['kʌlə] 颜色;肤色connector [kə'nektə] 连接体;连接器inlay [,in'lei,】 n.嵌体 vt.镶嵌,嵌入牙的组成enamel .[i'næməl] n.牙釉质;瓷釉; vt. 涂以瓷釉;cementum . [si'mentəm] n. [基医] 牙骨质;水门汀dental pulp [pʌlp].[解剖] 牙髓dentin ['dentin] .n. 象牙质;牙本质(等于dentine) dental crown:牙冠;齿冠root of tooth[解剖] 牙根dental cervix . ['sə:viks]:牙颈cervical line ['sə:vikəl] 牙颈线牙的分类incisor teeth n. [in'saizə] [解剖] 切牙;门牙canines ['keinains] [解剖] 尖牙(canine 的复数形式)premolars [pri'məuləs] n. 前磨牙molars n. 磨牙deciduous teeth. [di'sidjuəs] n. 乳牙milk teeth 乳牙Permanent teeth. ['pə:mənənt] 恒牙牙的应用名词median line .【'mi:diən】.中线n.adj.或 middle linelong axis .【'æksis】.牙体长轴n.proximal surface ['prɔksiməl]邻面contact area .【'kɔntækt】. 接触区n.vt.line angle .【'æŋɡl】 .线角n.point angle [pɔint].点角n.incisor angle 切角height of contour .【'kɔntuə】.外形高点n.division into thirds . [di'viʒən].牙体三等份牙冠各面的命名labial surface .['leibiəl] .唇面adj.buccal surface . ['bʌkəl]. 颊面adjlingual surface . ['liŋɡwəl] . 舌面adjmedial surface .['mi:diəl]. 近中面adj 或 mesial ['mi:ziəl,] 近中的;中央的distal surface .[dis'təl]. 远中面adjocclusal surface .[ə'klu:səl,】adj.牙合面adjincisor ridge .切嵴n.attritional surface[ə'trɪʃən] 磨耗面adjdental cusp 牙尖tubercle ['tju:bəkl] 结节axial ridge ['æksiəl] 轴嵴。

一、牙齿1. Tooth:牙齿2. Incisor:门牙3. Canine:犬齿4. Premolar:前磨牙5. Molar:臼齿6. Crown:牙冠7. Root:牙根8. Enamel:牙釉质9. Dentin:牙本质10. Pulp:牙髓11. Cementum:牙骨质12. Cavity:龋洞13. Filling:充填物14. Extraction:拔牙15. Implantation:种植牙二、牙周1. Periodontium:牙周组织2. Gingiva:牙龈3. Periodontal ligament:牙周韧带4. Alveolar bone:牙槽骨5. Gingival recession:牙龈退缩6. Periodontitis:牙周炎7. Gingivitis:牙龈炎8. Pocket depth:袋深度9. Scaling:洗牙10. Root planing:根面整形三、口腔黏膜1. Oral mucosa:口腔黏膜2. Palate:上颚3. Tongue:舌头4. Cheek:颊部5. Lip:唇部6. Salivary gland:唾液腺7. Saliva:唾液8. Oral ulcer:口腔溃疡9. Oral thrush:口腔念珠菌病10. Leukoplakia:白斑病11. Erythroplakia:红斑病四、口腔疾病1. Dental caries:龋齿2. Periodontitis:牙周炎3. Gingivitis:牙龈炎4. Tooth abscess:牙周脓肿5. Oral cancer:口腔癌6. Temporomandibular joint disorder:颞下颌关节紊乱7. Bruxism:磨牙症8. Halitosis:口臭9. Cleft lip and palate:唇裂和腭裂以上是口腔医学中常用的一些英语名词。

一、牙齿解剖(Tooth Anatomy)1. 牙齿(Tooth)- 位于口腔中的硬质结构,用于咀嚼食物和助言发音。
2. 牙冠(Crown)- 牙齿的可见部分,通常露出于牙龈之上。
3. 牙根(Root)- 牙齿隐藏在牙龈下方的部分,与牙槽骨相连。
4. 牙釉质(Enamel)- 牙齿最外层的坚硬组织,负责保护内部组织。
5. 牙本质(Dentin)- 位于釉质下方的组织,构成了牙齿的主体。
6. 牙髓(Pulp)- 在牙齿中心的软组织,含有血管和神经。
7. 牙龈(Gums)- 包裹牙齿根部并保护口腔组织的粉红色组织。
二、牙科诊疗(Dental Treatment)1. 洗牙(Teeth Cleaning)- 牙医使用专业工具清洁牙齿表面和牙龈周围的牙石和菌斑。
2. 填充(Filling)- 用于修复蛀牙或损坏牙齿的材料。
3. 牙套(Mouthguard)- 一种用于保护牙齿和牙龈的设备,常用于运动时或夜间使用。
4. 牙冠(Crown)- 对牙齿进行保护和修复的一个人工套环状结构。
5. 牙槽骨移植(Dental Implant)- 通过将人工牙根植入牙槽骨来恢复缺失牙齿。
6. 牙周病治疗(Periodontal Treatment)- 用于治疗牙齿周围牙龈和支持组织的感染和疾病。
7. 牙根管治疗(Root Canal Treatment)- 清除牙髓并填充根管,以治疗感染或腐烂的牙齿。
三、牙医诊断(Dental Diagnosis)1. 牙科检查(Dental Examination)- 牙医对口腔进行全面检查以评估患者的口腔健康状况。
2. 牙石(Tartar)- 牙齿表面积聚的硬质菌斑,需要牙医进行清除。

以下是一些口腔医学技术相关的英语术语:1.Dental Assistant (DA) - 牙科助手2.Dental Hygienist - 牙科卫生师3.Oral Examination - 口腔检查4.Cavity - 蛀牙5.Braces - 牙套6.Denture - 假牙7.Orthodontics - 正畸学8.Endodontics - 牙髓病学9.Prosthodontics - 假牙修复学10.X-ray - X光11.Gingivitis - 牙龈炎12.Crown - 牙冠13.Root Canal Therapy - 根管治疗14.Periodontal Disease - 牙周病15.Oral Surgery - 口腔外科16.Anesthetic - 麻醉药17.Impression - 印模18.Tooth Extraction - 拔牙19.Dental X-ray Technician - 牙科X光技术员20.Cephalometric Analysis - 头颅分析21.Dental Prophylaxis - 牙科预防治疗22.Malocclusion - 错颌23.Intraoral Camera - 口内摄像头24.Amalgam Filling - 牙银充填25.Dental Implant - 牙植入术26.Dental caries - 牙齿龋齿27.Periodontal disease - 牙周疾病28.Gingivitis - 牙龈炎29.Orthodontics - 正畸学30.Dental implant - 牙齿种植31.Endodontics - 牙髓治疗学32.Prosthodontics - 修复性牙科学33.Root canal therapy - 牙根管治疗34.Dental abscess - 牙周脓肿35.Fluoride treatment - 氟化物治疗36.Bruxism - 牙齿磨损37.Halitosis - 口臭38.Crown - 牙冠39.Dentures - 假牙40.Local anesthesia - 局部麻醉41.Oral surgery - 口腔外科42.X-ray examination - X射线检查43.Dental plaque - 牙菌斑44.Tooth extraction - 拔牙手术45.Teeth whitening - 牙齿美白46.Dental Crown - 牙冠47.Dental Bridge - 牙桥48.Dental Implant - 牙种植入49.Root Canal Therapy - 牙髓治疗50.Teeth Whitening - 美白牙齿51.Orthodontics - 正畸学52.Dental Extraction - 牙齿拔除53.Periodontal Disease - 牙周病54.Gingivitis - 牙龈炎55.Oral Surgery - 口腔外科手术56.Cavity Filling - 蛀牙充填57.Denture - 假牙58.Endodontics - 牙髓病学59.Bruxism - 牙磨擦60.Fluoride Treatment - 氟化治疗61.Mouthguard - 护齿器62.Oral Prophylaxis - 口腔预防保健63.Dental X-Ray - 牙科X射线64.Gum Graft - 牙龈移植65.Oral Cancer Screening - 口腔癌筛查这些词汇涵盖了口腔医学技术中的一些基本术语,但口腔医学是一个广泛且不断发展的领域,因此还有更多的专业术语和技术细节需要学习。

口腔解剖学1.Oral cavity - 口腔2.Palate - 腭3.Oropharynx - 口咽部4.Salivary glands - 唾液腺5.Teeth - 牙齿6.Tongue - 舌头7.Periodontium - 牙周组织8.Maxilla - 上颌骨9.Mandible - 下颌骨10.Temporomandibular joint - 颞下颌关节口腔病理学1.Dental caries - 龋齿2.Periodontal disease - 牙周疾病3.Oral cancer - 口腔癌4.Gingivitis - 牙龈炎5.Halitosis - 口臭6.Toothache - 牙疼7.Oral thrush - 口腔念珠菌病8.Dental abscess - 牙周脓肿9.Temporomandibular joint disorder - 颞下颌关节紊乱10.Cleft lip and palate - 唇腭裂口腔医学检查及诊断1.Oral examination - 口腔检查2.Radiograph - X光片3.Dental impression - 牙印4.Biopsy - 活检5.Oral hygiene - 口腔卫生6.Dental plaque - 牙菌斑7.Dental pulp - 牙髓8.Dental crown - 牙冠9.Dental filling - 牙齿修复10.Orthodontic braces - 正畸矫正器口腔医学治疗1.Dental extraction - 牙齿拔除2.Root canal treatment - 根管治疗3.Dental implant - 牙种植体4.Dental prosthesis - 牙齿修复体5.Dental bridge - 牙桥6.Scaling and root planing - 洗牙和根面光整7.Tooth whitening - 牙齿美白8.Dental anesthesia - 牙科麻醉9.Oral surgery - 口腔手术10.Orthodontic treatment - 正畸治疗结论口腔医学专业英语是口腔医学从业者必备的语言工具。

一、基础学科1.牙齿名称英文中,人类的幼牙、恒牙分别为deciduous teeth、permanent teeth,其中还有以下的牙齿名称:central incisor 中切牙lateral incisor 侧切牙canine(cuspids)犬牙premolar bicuspids 前臼齿molar 颊齿2. 牙齿组成牙齿由牙冠和牙根组成,它们的英文分别是:crown 牙冠/牙冠部分root 牙根/牙根部分enamel 釉质dentin 牙本质pulp 髓质cementum 牙骨质3. 牙周病与牙周病相关的英文术语包括:gingivitis 牙龈炎periodontitis 牙周炎plaque 牙斑tartar 牙石scaling 洁牙二、临床学科1. 口腔外科口腔外科是口腔医学学科的一部分,涉及口腔疾病的手术治疗。
其相关英文术语包括:flap 掀瓣extraction 拔牙implant 种植maxillary 上颌的mandibular 下颌的2. 正畸学正畸学是口腔医学领域中解决牙齿、面部和颌骨的畸形和功能障碍的学科。
其相关英文术语包括:braces 牙套orthodontic wire 牙合板retainer 保持器clear aligners 透明矫正器3. 口腔医学影像口腔医学影像技术主要为口腔医师提供丰富的诊断信息。
其相关英文术语包括:digital radiography 数字化放射线技术panoramic X-ray 全景X光cone beam computed tomography 锥形束计算机断层扫描dental impression 牙印三、技术设备1. 智能牙刷智能牙刷在口腔保健方面逐渐成为一种趋势。

Chapter 11. Buccal vestibule 颊侧前庭2. Mouth anatomy 口腔形态3. Lips 嘴唇4. Gingiva (gums) 牙龈5. Tongue 舌头6. Hard palate 硬颚7. Soft palate 软颚8. Upper teeth 上颚牙9. Lower teeth 下颚牙10. Upper (Maxillary) arch上颚牙弓11. Lower (Mandibular) arch 下颚牙弓12. Anterior teeth=anteriors前牙13. Posterior teeth=posteriors后牙14. Centrals (8,9,24,25) 门齿15. Laterals (7,10,23,26) 侧门齿16. Canine/Cuspid/K9 (6,11,22,27) 犬齿17. Premolar/bicuspid 小臼齿18. First bicuspid (5,12,21,28) 第一颗小臼齿19. Second bicuspid (4,13,20,29) 第二颗小臼齿20. Molar 大臼齿21. First molar (3,14,19,30) 第一颗大臼齿22. Second molar (2,15,18,31) 第二颗大臼齿23. Third molar/Wisdom (1,16,17,32) 第三颗大臼齿/智齿24. Buccal/labial/facial surface颊侧面25. Proximal 邻接面26. Distal 远心27. Mesial 近心28. Cusps 咬头/牙尖29. Sulcus 凹槽30. Labial surface唇侧31. Lingual surface舌侧32. Incisal 切端33. Occlusal 咬合面34. Midline/Median line 人中线35. Structure 结构;构架36. Anatomical crown 解剖牙冠37. Clinical crown 临床牙冠38. Anatomical root 解剖牙根39. Clinical root 临床牙根40. Cemento-Enamel Junction (CEJ)牙骨质与牙釉质交界41. Cingulum 舌隆突42. Gingival sulcus 牙龈沟43. Gingival crest 牙龈乳头44. Neck of the tooth 牙颈45. Apex, Root end opening, Apical foramen 根尖, 根端开放, 根尖孔46. Apical 根尖的47. Enamel 牙釉质48. Dentin 牙本质49. Pulp 牙髓50. Bone 牙骨51. Cementum 牙骨质52. Periodontal membrane 牙周膜53. Nerve 神经54. Blood vessels 血管55. Root tip 根尖56. Mucosa 粘膜57. Alveolar process 齿槽突58. Periodontal ligament 牙周韧带59. Pulp chamber 牙髓室60. Root canal 根管61. Contact point 接触点62. Embrasure 牙缝63. Gingival fibers 牙龈纤维64. Pit/Fossa 窝65. Groove 发育沟66. Fissure 裂沟; 裂隙67. Furcation 根叉68. Tooth anatomy 牙齿形态69. Development groove 发育沟70. Central pit 中央窝71. Lingual fossa 舌窝72. Profile 侧面轮廓73. Emergence profile 萌出部轮廓74. Lingual anatomy 舌侧形态75. Marginal ridge 边缘嵴76. Ridge 牙嵴77. Secondary grooves 第二发育沟78. Lobe, Mamelon 发育叶, 切端结节79. Angle 角80. Angulation 角度81. Line angle 线角82. Labio-incisal 唇颊侧83. Mesio-labial 近心唇侧84. Disto-labial 远心唇侧85. Lingual-incisal 舌颊侧86. Mesio-lingual 近心舌侧87. Disto-lingual 远心舌侧88. Type 种类89. Occlusion 咬合90. Normal occlusion 正常咬合91. Excessive overbite 开咬92. Cross bite, edge to edge, end to end 反咬/错咬93. Classification 分类94. Excessive, Severe 严重的95. Overjet 水平覆盖96. Flare 外展97. Overbite 垂直深咬98. Anterior guidance 前牙引导咬合99. Canine guidance/Cuspid-guided occlusion犬齿引导咬合100. O cclusion plane 咬合平面101. C avity龋齿/虫牙/蛀牙102. H ollow 挖空103. F illing 填补104. C ontour 外形;轮廓105. C urve 曲线106. C urve of Wilson 威尔森曲线107. C urve of Spee 史比氏曲线108. D entition 齿列109. D iastema 牙间隙110. R ecession/Retract/Shrink (gingival, gum, tissue) 萎缩(牙龈/牙肉)111. B lack triangle 黑三角112. G ingival embrasure 牙龈牙缝113. I ncisal embrasure 切端牙缝114. E dentulous 无齿的115. E xcursive/Lateral movement 侧方运动116. F renum 系带117. G olden proportion 黄金比例118. L ong 长119. W ide 宽120. H emisect 拔掉一根牙根, 剩下一根牙根的牙121. J aw 颌122. T MJ—Temporomandibular joint 颞关节123. R ugae 皱褶124. P alate 腭125. V ibrate 振动126. V ibrating line 振动线127. I ncisive papilla 门齿乳头128. A lveolar ridge 齿槽骨嵴129. T uberosity/Maxillary tuberosities 上颌结节130. H amular notch 钩状切迹131. R etromolar pad 臼齿后垫(下颚)132. S mile line 微笑线133. S ymmetry 对称134. M atch 参照135. M imic 模仿136. T artar 牙结石137. T etracycline staining 四环素牙138. T ip 点;尖端139. S upragingival 牙龈上140. S ubgingival 牙龈下141. C ervical 牙颈142. T ori/Bone 牙骨Chapter 2143. O pposing model 对咬模144. A djacent teeth 临牙145. P ontic area缺牙区146. A butment 支台齿147. W orking model工作模148. M odel 模子/模型149. S olid model 参考模150. M aster model主模151. P ontic 桥体152. B ridge 牙桥153. C rown 牙冠154. P ontic design 牙桥缺牙区设计155. M odified ridge lap pontic偏侧型156. F ull ridge pontic/Ridge lap pontic马鞍型157. P oint contact 点接触158. H ygienic pontic/ /Sanitary pontic卫生型159. N o contact pontic 无接触型160. O vate pontic卵型161. E gg shape pontic 鸡蛋型162. B ullet pontic子弹型163. D uralay resin 树脂164. A djustment/reduction 调整165. M ark 记号166. R eduction coping 树脂coping167. A ll ceramic 全瓷168. E.max 易美169. E mpress/Pressable ceramic 铸瓷170. B isq-Bake 不上釉不打亮171. C omposite 复合材料172. B elle glass 玻璃牙173. B uild up 迭瓷174. B utton 小珠175. C AD-CAM system计算机辅助设计与制造176. S can 扫描177. S canner 扫描仪178. M illing machine 研磨仪179. C alcification/Chalky/Hypo-calcification/ Frosty 钙化不全180. C antilever bridge 悬臂式牙桥181. C aptek 黄铂金182. C hipped 碎裂;有缺口183. L ingual clasp seats 舌侧钩座184. C ollar 金属边185. M etal lingual collar 舌侧金属边186. H airline metal collar 头发丝般细的金属边187. C ollarless/no metal to show/no collar 不要金属边188. C ontact 接触189. I nterocclusal clearance 咬合间隙190. O cclusal contact 咬合面接触191. H eavy 深的;重的192. O pen 开193. P roximal contact 邻接面接触194. N ormal 正常195. E xtension/Extend 延伸196. S urface/Tight broad contact面接触/邻接面接触做宽做紧197. D iagnostic wax up=pre-op 刻蜡型198. D ie spacer 空间剂199. E tch/Etching 酸蚀200. F oil 锡箔纸201. F ull cast crown—FCC 钢牙202. G laze 上釉203. R eglaze 重新上釉204. I nlay/Onlay 嵌体205. M argin/Finish line 边缘206. S houlder with bevel margin肩台斜面margin207. F ull shoulder 肩台margin208. F eather margin 羽毛形margin209. C hamfer margin 弧形margin210. M aryland bridge 马利兰牙桥211. M etal frame/try in 金属试212. C oping 内冠213. M etal island, Metal occlusal spot 点咬金214. M etal occlusal 咬金215. O paque 不透明的216. P ink or tissue shade at gingival 牙龈做成粉红色或牙肉色217. P orcelain fused to metal----PFM 瓷牙218. H igh noble-HN 贵金属219. S emi precious-SP 半贵金属220. N on precious-NP 贱金属221. P orcelain butt margin=Porcelain shoulder margin 瓷边222. P ost and core 钉223. P roduct 产品224. F ix 固定225. C omplete/Finish 完成226. R etention groove 固位沟227. S tain 染色228. D ark stain=brown 深染色=染成棕色229. L ight stain=yellow to orange 浅染色=染黄色或橘黄色230. M edium stain=orange 中度染色=染橘黄色231. T emporary crown or bridge 临时牙冠或牙桥232. V eneer 贴面233. Z irconia/Zirconium 氧化锆234. Z irconia block 氧化锆瓷块Chapter 3 235. A crylic partial 树脂床236. A crylic tissue/gum/gingival shade 树脂牙肉比色237. L ight pink 浅粉红色238. P ink 粉红色239. R adish pink 深粉红色240. L ight meharry 深咖啡色241. M eharry 咖啡色242. D ark meharry 深咖啡色243. C lear 透明色244. C ingulum rest 舌隆涂rest245. A rtificial denture人造假牙246. D enture 义齿/假牙247. P atient 患者/病人248. N ame 姓名249. M esh 网子250. R einforce/Reinforcement 加强;加固251. B leach 漂白252. B leaching tray 漂白tray253. B order, Edge 边缘254. B ead line 腭封线255. B racing arm 抱持臂256. B racing plate 抱持片257. C lasp 钩子/卡环258. B ack action clasp 回力钩259. I-Bar clasp I钩260. G clasp G型钩261. R ing clasp 环型钩262. R oach or T-bar clasp Y bar263. A kers clasp Akers钩264. W ire clasp Wire钩265. T hermoflex clasp II代钩266. V alplast clasp 弹性钩267. D ouble Akers clasp 双重Akers钩268. B utterfly clasp 蝴蝶钩269. E sthetics hidden clasp 美观隐藏钩270. C ure 治愈271. C old cure 冷凝272. P ressure pot 压力锅273. H eat cure acrylic 热凝树脂274. C ustom tray 个人牙托275. D uplicate/Duplicating 复制276. E quipoise 平衡277. F estoon, Festooning 突彩278. F inger rest 指状rest279. F lange 牙肉280. S addle 鞍281. F lexible material cartridge 弹性注射材料282. F lipper/Nesbit/Unilat/Unilateral/Spider 排1-2颗牙的活动床283. F lush 齐平284. O pposing word 反义词285. F ood trap 塞食286. S pace 空间287. F ramework/Partial frame 金属床288. B ite block=base plate + wax rim 基底板+蜡堤289. R im/Bite rim/Wax rim 蜡堤290. B ase plate 基底板291. G uide plane 垂直导面292. I mmediate denture 临时假牙293. O verdenture 覆盖式义齿294. I njection 注射295. I njection valplast machine 弹性胶注射器296. M ajor connector 主(大)连接体297. H orseshoe design 马蹄型(状)腭板298. D ouble palatal bar/open palate关闭型马蹄状/开洞型腭板299. P alatal strap 腭系带300. P alatal plate 腭板301. F ull plate 全腭板302. L ingual plate 舌板303. L ingual bar 舌侧杆304. D ouble lingual bar/Kennedy bar 双舌杆305. M etal dummy teeth 颌面金属牙306. N ight guard 热压咬合板307. P acking 充胶308. P ost dam 腭后封309. P remiun denture 打麻子(唇侧) 310. S tipple/Stippling 斑点311. O range peel 橘子皮状(打麻子) 312. R emovable 活动313. R ebase 换底314. R eline 补底315. R eciprocal arm 抗衡臂316. R etention pin 固位钉317. S et up 排牙318. S eparator 分离器319. S oft liner 软底垫320. S tayplate 活动临时假牙321. V alplast 弹性床322. F lexible 有弹性的Chapter 4323. A ttachment 精密附件/牙扣324. M ini-attachment 迷你牙扣325. F emale 女性/母扣326. M ale 男性/公扣327. E RP attachment ERP牙扣328. B races 牙箍329. O rthodontic appliance矫正装置330. I mplant 种植体331. I mplant abutment 种植体支台齿332. A ccess hole 螺丝孔333. L ab screw 技工所用螺丝334. U nscrew 未拧紧335. A nalog 基台336. S crewdriver 螺丝刀337. T ransfer abutment 转移杆338. W axing or casting sleeves 蜡型管套339. S oft tissue 软牙肉340. H ealing cap 愈合帽341. L ocator 定位器342. S pace maintain 空间维持器343. S urgical 外科的;手术的344. S urgical stent 手术架345. T elescope 双层冠346. T elescope partial 双层冠+金属床347. T elescope copings 双层冠内冠348. V acuum forming sheet/material 真空机用材料349. V acuum forming machine 真空机350. S uction/Suck-up 吸力Chapter 5351. A rticulator 咬合器352. M etal articulator 金属咬合器353. P lastic articulator 塑料咬合器354. B ase 底座355. S tone base 石膏底座356. P lastic base 塑料底座357. B ite 咬腊358. W ax bite 咬腊359. B ubble 气泡360. B ulk/Bulky 暴361. B urr 棒362. D isk 切片363. D iamond disk 全钻切片364. C asting 铸造365. C aliper 量金尺366. S prue 铸道367. D amage 损坏368. B reak 破, 裂, 碎369. F it 密合370. N ot fit 不密371. F racture 瓷裂372. C rack 裂373. L ine crack 裂纹374. G ag reflex 呕吐反射375. L ock/Locked 紧闭, 锁上376. I ngot 瓷块377. P lunger 压铸棒378. I nsertion path 就位道379. A ngle of insertion 就位角度380. R otational path of insertion 旋转式就位道381. I nternal surface内表面382. I nvesting 包埋383. L aser welding machine 激光焊接机384. S oldering 焊接385. M alposition/Wrong position 位置不正386. M atrix, Index 基质;成型带387. M icroscope 显微镜388. M irror image=match exactly 完全参照389. M issing teeth 缺失牙390. M ount 上咬合391. N atural teeth 自然牙392. O verlap 重迭393. P olish 打亮394. R epolish 重新打亮395. P oor 差;不好396. P our up 灌模397. P rep 惫牙398. P utty 油灰399. P utty material 油灰材料400. P utty bite 油灰咬蜡401. R emove/Extract 拔除402. R eplace 排403. R ocking 翘动404. R ough 粗糙405. S mooth 光滑406. R ush 赶407. R x 指示单408. I nstruction/Prescription 指示内容409. S andblast machine 喷沙机410. S crape/Shave 刮掉;削平411. S eal 密合412. S eat on 戴在…上413. S hade 比色414. S hade guide 比色板415. B leaching shade 漂白比色416. E sthetic ingots shade guide 瓷块比色417. D ie shade 支台齿比色418. S ilicone bite (impression) 硅胶咬蜡(印模托)419. S ingle 单独齿420. S plint 连续齿421. S pot/Spots 斑点422. S team 蒸汽423. S trip 条纹; 移除424. S urveyor 平行观测仪425. U nsupported porcelain 金属太薄导致瓷的支撑力不足, 易裂瓷426. T ranslucency 透明427. T wist/Rotate/Rotation 旋转428. I mpression 印模托429. P ick-up impression 患者戴着牙冠或金属床印的模430. T ray 印模托的托/杆431. T riple tray 双面印模托432. M etal triple tray 金属杆双面印模托433. P lastic triple tray 塑料杆双面印模托434. T rim/Grind 修整435. U ndercut 倒凹436. B lock out 补倒凹;封凹437. W ax 蜡型438. X-ray X光Chapter 6439. A dditional/Extra 附加的;额外的440. A mount 数量441. S ingular 单数442. P lural 复数443. S everal 数个444. O dd 奇数445. E ven 偶数446. A xis 轴447. X-axis X轴/坐标横轴448. H orizontal 水平449. Y-axis Y轴/坐标纵轴450. V ertical 垂直451. B ar code/Stricker 条形码452. B lade 刀刃453. K nife 小刀454. C alcium钙455. g ypsum powder 石膏粉456. C heck 检查457. C heek 脸颊458. C ircumference 圆周459. C ircumferential/Around 周围的;环绕的460. D ental clinic/office口腔门诊461. D octor 医生462. C olor 颜色463. B lack 黑色464. B lue 蓝色465. B rown 咖啡色466. G ray 灰色467. P urple 紫色468. R ed 红色469. V iolet 紫罗兰色470. W hite 白色471. Y ellow 黄色472. D ark 深色的473. L ight 浅色的/轻的474. C ompany 公司475. F actory 工厂476. C osmetic/Cosmetically 美容的477. D ate 日期478. D ue date 交件日期479. D ental technology 做牙的技术480. D iagram 图解;简图481. F lat 平482. R elief 凸起483. G lue 胶水484. G old 金485. Y ellow gold 黄金486. W hite gold 白金487. S ilver 银488. L aboratory 技工所489. L eft 左边490. R ight 右边;正确的491. M agnet 磁铁492. M aterial 材料493. M irror 镜子494. S lim 苗条495. F at 肥胖496. N arrow 窄的497. N umber 数字;号码498. O ne 1/一499. T wo 2/二500. T hree 3/三501. F our 4/四502. F ive 5/五503. S ix 6/六504. S even 7/七505. E ight 8/八506. N ine 9/九507. T en 10/十508. O ld 旧的;老的509. O ld crown/bridge 旧牙/牙桥510. P an 盘子511. P ercentage 百分比512. P hoto 照片513. P iece 碎片514. P rosthetics 义肢的;假体的515. R igid 坚硬的516. Scale 天平/电子称517. S hape 形状518. S quare 正方形519. C ircle/Round 圆型520. C one 圆锥521. O void 椭圆形522. C ube 正方体523. R ectangule 长方形524. T rapezoid 梯形525. T riangle 三角形526. T aper 尖的527. C onvex 凸528. C onvex 凹529. S imilar 相似530. S ize 尺寸531. B ig 大532. S mall 小533. D eep 深的534. S hallow 浅的535. T hick 厚536. T hin 薄537. L ength 长度538. S hort 短539. H eight 高度540. H igh 高541. L ow 低542. S oftware 软件543. S tamp 印章544. S tapler 订书机545. S traight 直546. T rash 垃圾547. A ccess 入口, 通道548. A daptation 适应, 适合, 适合度549. A dvantage 优势550. A lign/Alignment 排列551. A lter 改变552. A ppliance 装置553. A ppointment 预约554. A rrangement 弧度555. A rtificial, fake 人造的556. A void 避开557. B alance 平衡558. B elong 属于559. B etween 在…之间560. B oth 两者都561. B ring 带上562. B ruxer 磨牙者563. D esign 设计564. S upplemental附沟565. S urface 面566. R estoration 修复567. R estorative 修复的568. C hairside 治疗的569. C hallenge 挑战570. C hange 改变571. C harge 收费572. C lose关闭573. C omplicate 复杂的574. C onnect 链接575. C ongenital 先天的576. C ontent 内容577. C onstruction 制作578. R econstruction 重建/重新修补蛀牙579. C onventional 传统型580. C ost 费用581. C orrect, right 正确的582. C reate 创造583. C ustom/Customization/Customized 订制584. C ustomer service 客服585. D ecrease 减少586. D isadvantage 劣势587. D isregard 忽视588. E ach 每一个589. E nclosed 包含590. E xcept 除…之外591. E xcluding 不包括592. E xist 现有的593. E xpand 膨胀594. E xpensive 昂贵595. E xpose/Uncover 暴露596. E xtrude 突出597. F abricate 生产;制作598. F ail/Failure 失败599. F ast 快速600. F ollow 按照601. F unction 功能602. F uture 将来603. G lossary 词汇表604. H our 小时605. I dea 理想606. I dentify 确认/确定607. I mmediate 立即608. I ncline 斜面609. I ncluding 包括610. H ole 洞611. H eal, Healing 愈合612. I nclude 包括613. I ncorporate 包含;合并614. I ncrease 增加615. I nformation 信息616. I nterference 干扰617. L earn 学习618. L ess 少于619. L evel 水平620. L imit 有限的621. L oose 松622. M ake 制作623. M anage 经理624. M anagement 管理625. S upervisor 主管626. S upervision 管理, 监督627. M aximize 最大628. M iddle 中间629. M inimize 最小630. M ix up 放混631. M obile 移动632. M odify 改良;改善633. M ore 大于634. N aturally 自然635. N ecessary 必要的636. N ote/Pay attention to 注意637. O ver glaze 过度上釉638. O ver polish 过度打亮639. P lace 位置640. P lacement 放置641. P reference 偏好642. P rocess 过程643. P rotect 保护644. P rotrude/Protrusion 突出645. P rovide 提供646. P rovisory 附带条件的647. Q uality control 质量管理648. Q uality control department 品管部门649. R ead 读650. R eceive 收到651. R edo/Remake 重做652. R efine 改进;改善653. R equire 要求654. R egular 一般的655. R etention 固位656. R everse 反向657. S ensitive 敏感658. S end/sent out 寄出659. S etting up time 凝固时间660. S heet 片661. S tage 步骤/工序662. S tandard 标准的663. S tress 压力664. S ubtle 一点点665. S uitable 合适的666. S upport 支持667. S wallow 吞668. T alk 说; 交谈669. T eam 组670. T echnique 技术671. T erminology 术语672. T est 测试;实验673. T ime 时间674. T itanium 钛675. T ouch 接触676. T rack 追踪677. T ranslation 翻译678. U rgent 紧急679. V acuum 真空680. W ork in 在…(哪里)工作681. W rong 错误的。

实用文档Chapter 11. Buccal vestibule 颊侧前庭2. Mouth anatomy 口腔形态3. Lips 嘴唇4. Gingiva (gums) 牙龈5. Tongue 舌头6. Hard palate 硬颚7. Soft palate 软颚8. Upper teeth 上颚牙9. Lower teeth 下颚牙10. Upper (Maxillary) arch上颚牙弓11. Lower (Mandibular) arch 下颚牙弓12. Anterior teeth=anteriors前牙13. Posterior teeth=posteriors后牙14. Centrals (8,9,24,25) 门齿15. Laterals (7,10,23,26) 侧门齿16. Canine/Cuspid/K9 (6,11,22,27) 犬齿17. Premolar/bicuspid 小臼齿18. First bicuspid (5,12,21,28) 第一颗小臼齿19. Second bicuspid (4,13,20,29) 第二颗小臼齿20. Molar 大臼齿21. First molar (3,14,19,30) 第一颗大臼齿22. Second molar (2,15,18,31) 第二颗大臼齿23. Third molar/Wisdom (1,16,17,32) 第三颗大臼齿/智齿24. Buccal/labial/facial surface颊侧面25. Proximal 邻接面26. Distal 远心27. Mesial 近心28. Cusps 咬头/牙尖29. Sulcus 凹槽30. Labial surface唇侧31. Lingual surface舌侧32. Incisal 切端33. Occlusal 咬合面34. Midline/Median line 人中线35. Structure 结构;构架36. Anatomical crown 解剖牙冠37. Clinical crown 临床牙冠38. Anatomical root 解剖牙根39. Clinical root 临床牙根40. Cemento-Enamel Junction (CEJ)牙骨质与牙釉质交界41. Cingulum 舌隆突42. Gingival sulcus 牙龈沟43. Gingival crest 牙龈乳头44. Neck of the tooth 牙颈45. Apex, Root end opening, Apical foramen 根尖, 根端开放, 根尖孔46. Apical 根尖的47. Enamel 牙釉质48. Dentin 牙本质49. Pulp 牙髓50. Bone 牙骨51. Cementum 牙骨质52. Periodontal membrane 牙周膜53. Nerve 神经54. Blood vessels 血管55. Root tip 根尖56. Mucosa 粘膜57. Alveolar process 齿槽突58. Periodontal ligament 牙周韧带59. Pulp chamber 牙髓室60. Root canal 根管61. Contact point 接触点62. Embrasure 牙缝63. Gingival fibers 牙龈纤维64. Pit/Fossa 窝65. Groove 发育沟66. Fissure 裂沟; 裂隙67. Furcation 根叉68. Tooth anatomy 牙齿形态实用文档69. Development groove 发育沟70. Central pit 中央窝71. Lingual fossa 舌窝72. Profile 侧面轮廓73. Emergence profile 萌出部轮廓74. Lingual anatomy 舌侧形态75. Marginal ridge 边缘嵴76. Ridge 牙嵴77. Secondary grooves 第二发育沟78. Lobe, Mamelon 发育叶, 切端结节79. Angle 角80. Angulation 角度81. Line angle 线角82. Labio-incisal 唇颊侧83. Mesio-labial 近心唇侧84. Disto-labial 远心唇侧85. Lingual-incisal 舌颊侧86. Mesio-lingual 近心舌侧87. Disto-lingual 远心舌侧88. Type 种类89. Occlusion 咬合90. Normal occlusion 正常咬合91. Excessive overbite 开咬92. Cross bite, edge to edge, end to end 反咬/错咬93. Classification 分类94. Excessive, Severe 严重的95. Overjet 水平覆盖96. Flare 外展97. Overbite 垂直深咬98. Anterior guidance 前牙引导咬合99. Canine guidance/Cuspid-guided occlusion犬齿引导咬合100. O cclusion plane 咬合平面101. C avity龋齿/虫牙/蛀牙102. H ollow 挖空103. F illing 填补104. C ontour 外形;轮廓105. C urve 曲线106. C urve of Wilson 威尔森曲线107. C urve of Spee 史比氏曲线108. D entition 齿列109. D iastema 牙间隙110. R ecession/Retract/Shrink (gingival, gum, tissue) 萎缩(牙龈/牙肉)111. B lack triangle 黑三角112. G ingival embrasure 牙龈牙缝113. I ncisal embrasure 切端牙缝114. E dentulous 无齿的115. E xcursive/Lateral movement 侧方运动116. F renum 系带117. G olden proportion 黄金比例118. L ong 长119. W ide 宽120. H emisect 拔掉一根牙根, 剩下一根牙根的牙121. J aw 颌122. T MJ—Temporomandibular joint 颞关节123. R ugae 皱褶124. P alate 腭125. V ibrate 振动126. V ibrating line 振动线127. I ncisive papilla 门齿乳头128. A lveolar ridge 齿槽骨嵴129. T uberosity/Maxillary tuberosities 上颌结节130. H amular notch 钩状切迹131. R etromolar pad 臼齿后垫(下颚)132. S mile line 微笑线133. S ymmetry 对称134. M atch 参照135. M imic 模仿136. T artar 牙结石137. T etracycline staining 四环素牙138. T ip 点;尖端实用文档139. S upragingival 牙龈上140. S ubgingival 牙龈下141. C ervical 牙颈142. T ori/Bone 牙骨Chapter 2143. O pposing model 对咬模144. A djacent teeth 临牙145. P ontic area缺牙区146. A butment 支台齿147. W orking model工作模148. M odel 模子/模型149. S olid model 参考模150. M aster model主模151. P ontic 桥体152. B ridge 牙桥153. C rown 牙冠154. P ontic design 牙桥缺牙区设计155. M odified ridge lap pontic偏侧型156. F ull ridge pontic/Ridge lap pontic马鞍型157. P oint contact 点接触158. H ygienic pontic/ /Sanitary pontic卫生型159. N o contact pontic 无接触型160. O vate pontic卵型161. E gg shape pontic 鸡蛋型162. B ullet pontic子弹型163. D uralay resin 树脂164. A djustment/reduction 调整165. M ark 记号166. R eduction coping 树脂coping167. A ll ceramic 全瓷168. E.max 易美169. E mpress/Pressable ceramic 铸瓷170. B isq-Bake 不上釉不打亮171. C omposite 复合材料172. B elle glass 玻璃牙173. B uild up 迭瓷174. B utton 小珠175. C AD-CAM system计算机辅助设计与制造176. S can 扫描177. S canner 扫描仪178. M illing machine 研磨仪179. C alcification/Chalky/Hypo-calcification/ Frosty 钙化不全180. C antilever bridge 悬臂式牙桥181. C aptek 黄铂金182. C hipped 碎裂;有缺口183. L ingual clasp seats 舌侧钩座184. C ollar 金属边185. M etal lingual collar 舌侧金属边186. H airline metal collar 头发丝般细的金属边187. C ollarless/no metal to show/no collar 不要金属边188. C ontact 接触189. I nterocclusal clearance 咬合间隙190. O cclusal contact 咬合面接触191. H eavy 深的;重的192. O pen 开193. P roximal contact 邻接面接触194. N ormal 正常195. E xtension/Extend 延伸196. S urface/Tight broad contact面接触/邻接面接触做宽做紧197. D iagnostic wax up=pre-op 刻蜡型198. D ie spacer 空间剂199. E tch/Etching 酸蚀200. F oil 锡箔纸201. F ull cast crown—FCC 钢牙202. G laze 上釉203. R eglaze 重新上釉204. I nlay/Onlay 嵌体205. M argin/Finish line 边缘实用文档206. S houlder with bevel margin肩台斜面margin207. F ull shoulder 肩台margin208. F eather margin 羽毛形margin209. C hamfer margin 弧形margin210. M aryland bridge 马利兰牙桥211. M etal frame/try in 金属试212. C oping 内冠213. M etal island, Metal occlusal spot 点咬金214. M etal occlusal 咬金215. O paque 不透明的216. P ink or tissue shade at gingival 牙龈做成粉红色或牙肉色217. P orcelain fused to metal----PFM 瓷牙218. H igh noble-HN 贵金属219. S emi precious-SP 半贵金属220. N on precious-NP 贱金属221. P orcelain butt margin=Porcelain shoulder margin 瓷边222. P ost and core 钉223. P roduct 产品224. F ix 固定225. C omplete/Finish 完成226. R etention groove 固位沟227. S tain 染色228. D ark stain=brown 深染色=染成棕色229. L ight stain=yellow to orange 浅染色=染黄色或橘黄色230. M edium stain=orange 中度染色=染橘黄色231. T emporary crown or bridge 临时牙冠或牙桥232. V eneer 贴面233. Z irconia/Zirconium 氧化锆234. Z irconia block 氧化锆瓷块Chapter 3235. A crylic partial 树脂床236. A crylic tissue/gum/gingival shade 树脂牙肉比色237. L ight pink 浅粉红色238. P ink 粉红色239. R adish pink 深粉红色240. L ight meharry 深咖啡色241. M eharry 咖啡色242. D ark meharry 深咖啡色243. C lear 透明色244. C ingulum rest 舌隆涂rest245. A rtificial denture人造假牙246. D enture 义齿/假牙247. P atient 患者/病人248. N ame 姓名249. M esh 网子250. R einforce/Reinforcement 加强;加固251. B leach 漂白252. B leaching tray 漂白tray253. B order, Edge 边缘254. B ead line 腭封线255. B racing arm 抱持臂256. B racing plate 抱持片257. C lasp 钩子/卡环258. B ack action clasp 回力钩259. I-Bar clasp I钩260. G clasp G型钩261. R ing clasp 环型钩262. R oach or T-bar clasp Y bar263. A kers clasp Akers钩264. W ire clasp Wire钩265. T hermoflex clasp II代钩266. V alplast clasp 弹性钩267. D ouble Akers clasp 双重Akers钩268. B utterfly clasp 蝴蝶钩269. E sthetics hidden clasp 美观隐藏钩270. C ure 治愈271. C old cure 冷凝实用文档272. P ressure pot 压力锅273. H eat cure acrylic 热凝树脂274. C ustom tray 个人牙托275. D uplicate/Duplicating 复制276. E quipoise 平衡277. F estoon, Festooning 突彩278. F inger rest 指状rest279. F lange 牙肉280. S addle 鞍281. F lexible material cartridge 弹性注射材料282. F lipper/Nesbit/Unilat/Unilateral/Spider 排1-2颗牙的活动床283. F lush 齐平284. O pposing word 反义词285. F ood trap 塞食286. S pace 空间287. F ramework/Partial frame 金属床288. B ite block=base plate + wax rim 基底板+蜡堤289. R im/Bite rim/Wax rim 蜡堤290. B ase plate 基底板291. G uide plane 垂直导面292. I mmediate denture 临时假牙293. O verdenture 覆盖式义齿294. I njection 注射295. I njection valplast machine 弹性胶注射器296. M ajor connector 主(大)连接体297. H orseshoe design 马蹄型(状)腭板298. D ouble palatal bar/open palate关闭型马蹄状/开洞型腭板299. P alatal strap 腭系带300. P alatal plate 腭板301. F ull plate 全腭板302. L ingual plate 舌板303. L ingual bar 舌侧杆304. D ouble lingual bar/Kennedy bar 双舌杆305. M etal dummy teeth 颌面金属牙306. N ight guard 热压咬合板307. P acking 充胶308. P ost dam 腭后封309. P remiun denture 打麻子(唇侧) 310. S tipple/Stippling 斑点311. O range peel 橘子皮状(打麻子) 312. R emovable 活动313. R ebase 换底314. R eline 补底315. R eciprocal arm 抗衡臂316. R etention pin 固位钉317. S et up 排牙318. S eparator 分离器319. S oft liner 软底垫320. S tayplate 活动临时假牙321. V alplast 弹性床322. F lexible 有弹性的Chapter 4323. A ttachment 精密附件/牙扣324. M ini-attachment 迷你牙扣325. F emale 女性/母扣326. M ale 男性/公扣327. E RP attachment ERP牙扣328. B races 牙箍329. O rthodontic appliance矫正装置330. I mplant 种植体331. I mplant abutment 种植体支台齿332. A ccess hole 螺丝孔333. L ab screw 技工所用螺丝334. U nscrew 未拧紧335. A nalog 基台336. S crewdriver 螺丝刀337. T ransfer abutment 转移杆338. W axing or casting sleeves 蜡型管套339. S oft tissue 软牙肉340. H ealing cap 愈合帽实用文档341. L ocator 定位器342. S pace maintain 空间维持器343. S urgical 外科的;手术的344. S urgical stent 手术架345. T elescope 双层冠346. T elescope partial 双层冠+金属床347. T elescope copings 双层冠内冠348. V acuum forming sheet/material 真空机用材料349. V acuum forming machine 真空机350. S uction/Suck-up 吸力Chapter 5351. A rticulator 咬合器352. M etal articulator 金属咬合器353. P lastic articulator 塑料咬合器354. B ase 底座355. S tone base 石膏底座356. P lastic base 塑料底座357. B ite 咬腊358. W ax bite 咬腊359. B ubble 气泡360. B ulk/Bulky 暴361. B urr 棒362. D isk 切片363. D iamond disk 全钻切片364. C asting 铸造365. C aliper 量金尺366. S prue 铸道367. D amage 损坏368. B reak 破, 裂, 碎369. F it 密合370. N ot fit 不密371. F racture 瓷裂372. C rack 裂373. L ine crack 裂纹374. G ag reflex 呕吐反射375. L ock/Locked 紧闭, 锁上376. I ngot 瓷块377. P lunger 压铸棒378. I nsertion path 就位道379. A ngle of insertion 就位角度380. R otational path of insertion 旋转式就位道381. I nternal surface内表面382. I nvesting 包埋383. L aser welding machine 激光焊接机384. S oldering 焊接385. M alposition/Wrong position 位置不正386. M atrix, Index 基质;成型带387. M icroscope 显微镜388. M irror image=match exactly 完全参照389. M issing teeth 缺失牙390. M ount 上咬合391. N atural teeth 自然牙392. O verlap 重迭393. P olish 打亮394. R epolish 重新打亮395. P oor 差;不好396. P our up 灌模397. P rep 惫牙398. P utty 油灰399. P utty material 油灰材料400. P utty bite 油灰咬蜡401. R emove/Extract 拔除402. R eplace 排403. R ocking 翘动404. R ough 粗糙405. S mooth 光滑406. R ush 赶407. R x 指示单408. I nstruction/Prescription 指示内容409. S andblast machine 喷沙机410. S crape/Shave 刮掉;削平411. S eal 密合实用文档412. S eat on 戴在…上413. S hade 比色414. S hade guide 比色板415. B leaching shade 漂白比色416. E sthetic ingots shade guide 瓷块比色417. D ie shade 支台齿比色418. S ilicone bite (impression) 硅胶咬蜡(印模托)419. S ingle 单独齿420. S plint 连续齿421. S pot/Spots 斑点422. S team 蒸汽423. S trip 条纹; 移除424. S urveyor 平行观测仪425. U nsupported porcelain 金属太薄导致瓷的支撑力不足, 易裂瓷426. T ranslucency 透明427. T wist/Rotate/Rotation 旋转428. I mpression 印模托429. P ick-up impression 患者戴着牙冠或金属床印的模430. T ray 印模托的托/杆431. T riple tray 双面印模托432. M etal triple tray 金属杆双面印模托433. P lastic triple tray 塑料杆双面印模托434. T rim/Grind 修整435. U ndercut 倒凹436. B lock out 补倒凹;封凹437. W ax 蜡型438. X-ray X光Chapter 6439. A dditional/Extra 附加的;额外的440. A mount 数量441. S ingular 单数442. P lural 复数443. S everal 数个444. O dd 奇数445. E ven 偶数446. A xis 轴447. X-axis X轴/坐标横轴448. H orizontal 水平449. Y-axis Y轴/坐标纵轴450. V ertical 垂直451. B ar code/Stricker 条形码452. B lade 刀刃453. K nife 小刀454. C alcium钙455. g ypsum powder 石膏粉456. C heck 检查457. C heek 脸颊458. C ircumference 圆周459. C ircumferential/Around 周围的;环绕的460. D ental clinic/office口腔门诊461. D octor 医生462. C olor 颜色463. B lack 黑色464. B lue 蓝色465. B rown 咖啡色466. G ray 灰色467. P urple 紫色468. R ed 红色469. V iolet 紫罗兰色470. W hite 白色471. Y ellow 黄色472. D ark 深色的473. L ight 浅色的/轻的474. C ompany 公司475. F actory 工厂476. C osmetic/Cosmetically 美容的477. D ate 日期478. D ue date 交件日期479. D ental technology 做牙的技术480. D iagram 图解;简图实用文档481. F lat 平482. R elief 凸起483. G lue 胶水484. G old 金485. Y ellow gold 黄金486. W hite gold 白金487. S ilver 银488. L aboratory 技工所489. L eft 左边490. R ight 右边;正确的491. M agnet 磁铁492. M aterial 材料493. M irror 镜子494. S lim 苗条495. F at 肥胖496. N arrow 窄的497. N umber 数字;号码498. O ne 1/一499. T wo 2/二500. T hree 3/三501. F our 4/四502. F ive 5/五503. S ix 6/六504. S even 7/七505. E ight 8/八506. N ine 9/九507. T en 10/十508. O ld 旧的;老的509. O ld crown/bridge 旧牙/牙桥510. P an 盘子511. P ercentage 百分比512. P hoto 照片513. P iece 碎片514. P rosthetics 义肢的;假体的515. R igid 坚硬的516. Scale 天平/电子称517. S hape 形状518. S quare 正方形519. C ircle/Round 圆型520. C one 圆锥521. O void 椭圆形522. C ube 正方体523. R ectangule 长方形524. T rapezoid 梯形525. T riangle 三角形526. T aper 尖的527. C onvex 凸528. C onvex 凹529. S imilar 相似530. S ize 尺寸531. B ig 大532. S mall 小533. D eep 深的534. S hallow 浅的535. T hick 厚536. T hin 薄537. L ength 长度538. S hort 短539. H eight 高度540. H igh 高541. L ow 低542. S oftware 软件543. S tamp 印章544. S tapler 订书机545. S traight 直546. T rash 垃圾547. A ccess 入口, 通道548. A daptation 适应, 适合, 适合度549. A dvantage 优势550. A lign/Alignment 排列551. A lter 改变552. A ppliance 装置553. A ppointment 预约实用文档554. A rrangement 弧度555. A rtificial, fake 人造的556. A void 避开557. B alance 平衡558. B elong 属于559. B etween 在…之间560. B oth 两者都561. B ring 带上562. B ruxer 磨牙者563. D esign 设计564. S upplemental附沟565. S urface 面566. R estoration 修复567. R estorative 修复的568. C hairside 治疗的569. C hallenge 挑战570. C hange 改变571. C harge 收费572. C lose关闭573. C omplicate 复杂的574. C onnect 链接575. C ongenital 先天的576. C ontent 内容577. C onstruction 制作578. R econstruction 重建/重新修补蛀牙579. C onventional 传统型580. C ost 费用581. C orrect, right 正确的582. C reate 创造583. C ustom/Customization/Customized 订制584. C ustomer service 客服585. D ecrease 减少586. D isadvantage 劣势587. D isregard 忽视588. E ach 每一个589. E nclosed 包含590. E xcept 除…之外591. E xcluding 不包括592. E xist 现有的593. E xpand 膨胀594. E xpensive 昂贵595. E xpose/Uncover 暴露596. E xtrude 突出597. F abricate 生产;制作598. F ail/Failure 失败599. F ast 快速600. F ollow 按照601. F unction 功能602. F uture 将来603. G lossary 词汇表604. H our 小时605. I dea 理想606. I dentify 确认/确定607. I mmediate 立即608. I ncline 斜面609. I ncluding 包括610. H ole 洞611. H eal, Healing 愈合612. I nclude 包括613. I ncorporate 包含;合并614. I ncrease 增加615. I nformation 信息616. I nterference 干扰617. L earn 学习618. L ess 少于619. L evel 水平620. L imit 有限的621. L oose 松622. M ake 制作623. M anage 经理624. M anagement 管理625. S upervisor 主管626. S upervision 管理, 监督627. M aximize 最大实用文档628. M iddle 中间629. M inimize 最小630. M ix up 放混631. M obile 移动632. M odify 改良;改善633. M ore 大于634. N aturally 自然635. N ecessary 必要的636. N ote/Pay attention to 注意637. O ver glaze 过度上釉638. O ver polish 过度打亮639. P lace 位置640. P lacement 放置641. P reference 偏好642. P rocess 过程643. P rotect 保护644. P rotrude/Protrusion 突出645. P rovide 提供646. P rovisory 附带条件的647. Q uality control 质量管理648. Q uality control department 品管部门649. R ead 读650. R eceive 收到651. R edo/Remake 重做652. R efine 改进;改善653. R equire 要求654. R egular 一般的655. R etention 固位656. R everse 反向657. S ensitive 敏感658. S end/sent out 寄出659. S etting up time 凝固时间660. S heet 片661. S tage 步骤/工序662. S tandard 标准的663. S tress 压力664. S ubtle 一点点665. S uitable 合适的666. S upport 支持667. S wallow 吞668. T alk 说; 交谈669. T eam 组670. T echnique 技术671. T erminology 术语672. T est 测试;实验673. T ime 时间674. T itanium 钛675. T ouch 接触676. T rack 追踪677. T ranslation 翻译678. U rgent 紧急679. V acuum 真空680. W ork in 在…(哪里)工作681. W rong 错误的。

口腔医学中英文对照常用词汇口腔医学中英文对照常用词汇口腔英语常用词汇Alveolarbone 牙槽骨 carcinoma of maxillary sinus上颌窦癌 carcinoma of tongue 舌癌 cellulitis of the floor of the mouth 口底蜂窝织炎 cementum 牙骨质dental arch 牙弓 dental crown 牙冠 dental defect牙体缺损 dental necrosis 牙坏死 dental sac 牙囊dentin 牙本质enamel 牙釉质endodontics 牙体牙髓病学extraction 拔牙术 fascial space infection 间隙感染fluoride 氟化物fracture of maxillary 上颌骨骨折gum,gingiva 牙龈herpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎infraorbital space 眶下间隙 jaw 颌骨 leukoplakia白斑 lichen planus 扁平苔藓 local anesthesia 局麻mucous cyst 粘液囊肿 odontoclasis 牙折 oralcandidiasis 口腔念珠菌病 oral hygiene 口腔卫生oral pathology 口腔病理学oral surgery 口腔外科orthodontics 正畸学 osteomyelitis of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎pediatric dentistry 口腔儿科学 periodontalligament 牙周韧带periodontal membrane 牙周膜periodontics 牙周病学prosthodontics 修复学pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙public-health dentistry 口腔预防医学 pulp 牙髓 pulp exposure 牙髓暴露pyogenic炎髓牙 pulpitis 术除摘骨牙 pulpectomy常用词汇口腔医学中英文对照放射radiation osteomyelitis osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎复aphthae 根端囊肿radicular syst recurrent 性骨髓炎tooth of 根管治疗 root root 发性口疮 canal therapy sublingual囊肿 gland syst 舌下腺牙根 sublingualspace 嚼肌间隙 space 舌下间隙 submasseteric tartar 牙石隙submaxillary space 颌下间颞颌关节 temporomandibular joint 牙 tooth replantation 龋齿thrush 鹅口疮 tooth decay牙槽abscess alveolar torsion 再植术of teeth 牙扭转根尖感infection apical 脓肿ameloblastoma 造釉细胞瘤肋裂囊cleft cyst branchial 染 apical syst 根尖囊肿carcinoma of 肿carcinoma buccal mucosa 颊粘膜癌龋齿of gingiva 牙龈癌 carcinoma of lip 唇癌caries冠折 circumvallate papillae 轮廓乳头crown fracture dental 乳牙deciduous teeth dental impaction 牙阻生,denticulusplaque 菌斑 dental root fracture 根折abscess denticle 髓石 dentoalveolar 牙槽脓肿 gingivitis 药物性龈炎 epulis 龈瘤drug-induced丝状乳头fistula apicalis 根尖瘘管filiform papillaefungiform papillae 菌状乳头叶状乳头foliate papillae牙龈炎gingivitis abscess gingival 牙龈脓肿牙teeth of injury 白血病龈炎leukemia in gingivitis常用词汇口腔医学中英文对照tooth luxated juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎损伤missing 牙脱位 lymphoepithelial lesions 淋巴上皮病of tooth 牙脱失 mixed dentition 混合牙列 mixed tumor色 salivary gland 涎腺混合瘤mumps 流行性腮腺炎 neviparadontoma 素痣occlusion 咬合palate 腭牙周膜瘤舌下炎parageusia 味觉异常 paraglossa 舌肿 paraglossiaperiapical 构音倒错paralalia 出语障碍,parotitis 腮腺炎disease 根尖周病abscess 根尖脓肿 periapicalpermanent pericoronitis 冠周炎periodontitis 牙周炎resorption 牙根吸收root teeth 恒牙 pulp horn 髓角sialolithiasis 涎石病 sebaceous cyst 皮脂囊肿tract 牙齿 thyroglossal sublinguitis 舌下腺炎 teeth牙移动tooth migration cyst 甲状舌管囊肿tongue 舌tooth replacement 牙复位 toothache 牙痛口唇Lips: 对称symmetry, 颜色color, 湿润度moisture, 紫绀cyanosis,疱疹 herpes.粘膜Mucosa: 颜色color, 色素沉着pigmentation, 溃疡ulceration.齿龈 Gums:齿龈脓漏pyorrhea, 出血 bleeding, 齿龈炎gingivitis, 齿龈肿胀swelling of gums.舌 Tongue: 颜色color, 乳头萎缩 papillary atrophy, 溃疡ulceration, 扁斜deviation, 运动movement,舌苔coating.牙齿Teeth:无齿的edentulous, 牙hygiene pooror口腔卫生欠佳或良好 number present, 齿数目口腔医学中英文对照常用词汇good, 牙根 roots, 齿髓炎pulpitis, 假牙false teeth, 龋齿caries, 失去的牙齿missing teeth,修补牙齿 dental repair( 牙冠crowns, 装桥术bridgework, 镶嵌inlay, 充填filling)口臭Halitosis(fetor oris; foul or bad breath)医学 Medicine基础医学 Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 免疫学 Immunology病原生物学 Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophysiology麻醉学 Anesthesiology急诊医学 Emergency Medicine口腔医学 Stomatology口腔基础医学 Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学 Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine中医学 Chinese Medicine中医基础理论 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献 History and Literature of Chinese MedicineFormulas of Chinese Medicine方剂学.口腔医学中英文对照常用词汇中医诊断学 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学 Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学 Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学Clinical Discipline of Chinese and WesternIntegrative Medicine药学 Pharmaceutical Science药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry药剂学 Pharmaceutics生药学 Pharmacognosy药物分析学 Pharmaceutical AnalysisMicrobial and Biochemical Pharmacy微生物与生化药学.口腔医学中英文对照常用词汇药理学 Pharmacology中药学 Science of Chinese Pharmacologyoral anesthesiology, oral anesthetics 口腔麻醉学...experimental stomatology 实验口腔医学...oral and maxillofacial surgery 口腔颌面外科学dentition n.齿系(齿列、牙列等),牙齿的加工;出牙,长牙口腔oral cavity龋齿,骨疡dental caries =tooth decay牙周病学periodontal disease脓溢pyorrhea齿龈 alveolar ridge舌叶,舌面前部 blade舌背 dorsum舌前的Front硬腭 hard palate牙槽脓溢Pyorrhea alveolaris marginal periodontitis牙周脓溢paradental pyorrhea去除局部刺激后,仍因牙周袋深而不断排脓垢性牙槽溢脓Schmutz pyorrhea局部卫生情况不良所致,有牙周袋形成的牙周溢脓拔牙extraction = surgical removalgingival epithelium 牙龈上皮口腔医学中英文对照常用词汇结合上皮junctional epithelium洁治术 oral prophylaxis结合牙 concrescence of toothKeratinocytes角质化细胞。

本文特意为大家收集整理了口腔专业英语常用词汇,希望大家喜欢!口腔专业英语常用词汇篇1一、Alveolar bone 牙槽骨二、carcinoma of maxillary sinus 上颌窦癌三、carcinoma of tongue 舌癌四、cellulitis of the floor of the mouth 口底蜂窝织炎五、cementum 牙骨质六、dental arch 牙弓七、dental crown 牙冠八、dental defect 牙体缺损九、dental necrosis 牙坏死十、dental sac 牙囊十一、dentin 牙本质十二、enamel 牙釉质十三、endodontics 牙体牙髓病学十四、extraction 拔牙术十五、fascial space infection 间隙感染十六、fluoride 氟化物十七、fracture of maxillary 上颌骨骨折十八、gum, gingiva 牙龈十九、herpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎二十、infraorbital space 眶下间隙二十一、jaw 颌骨二十二、leukoplakia 白斑二十三、lichen planus 扁平苔藓二十四、local anesthesia 局麻二十五、mucous cyst 粘液囊肿二十六、odontoclasis 牙折二十七、oral candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病二十八、oral hygiene 口腔卫生二十九、oral pathology 口腔病理学三十、oral surgery 口腔外科三十一、orthodontics 正畸学三十二、osteomyelitis of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎三十三、pediatric dentistry 口腔儿科学三十四、periodontal ligament 牙周韧带三十五、periodontal membrane 牙周膜三十六、periodontics 牙周病学三十七、prosthodontics 修复学三十八、pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙三十九、public-health dentistry 口腔预防医学四十、pulp 牙髓四十一、pulp exposure 牙髓暴露四十二、pulpectomy 牙骨摘除术四十三、pulpitis 牙髓炎四十四、pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎四十五、radiation osteomyelitis 放射性骨髓炎四十六、radicular syst 根端囊肿四十七、recurrent aphthae 复发性口疮四十八、root canal therapy 根管治疗四十九、root of tooth 牙根五十、sublingual gland syst 舌下腺囊肿五十一、sublingual space 舌下间隙五十二、submasseteric space 嚼肌间隙五十三、submaxillary space 颌下间隙五十四、tartar 牙石五十五、temporomandibular joint 颞颌关节五十六、thrush 鹅口疮五十七、tooth decay 龋齿五十八、tooth replantation 牙再植术五十九、torsion of teeth 牙扭转六十、alveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿六十一、ameloblastoma 造釉细胞瘤六十二、apical infection 根尖感染六十三、apical syst 根尖囊肿六十四、branchial cleft cyst 肋裂囊肿六十五、carcinoma of buccal mucosa 颊粘膜癌六十六、carcinoma of gingiva 牙龈癌六十七、carcinoma of lip 唇癌六十八、caries 龋齿六十九、circumvallate papillae 轮廓乳头七十、crown fracture 冠折七十一、deciduous teeth 乳牙七十二、dental impaction 牙阻生七十三、dental plaque 菌斑七十四、dental root fracture 根折七十五、denticulus,denticle 髓石七十六、dentoalveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿七十七、drug-induced gingivitis 药物性龈炎七十八、epulis 龈瘤七十九、filiform papillae 丝状乳头八十、fistula apicalis 根尖瘘管八十一、foliate papillae 叶状乳头八十二、fungiform papillae 菌状乳头八十三、gingival abscess 牙龈脓肿八十四、gingivitis 牙龈炎八十五、gingivitis in leukemia 白血病龈炎八十六、injury of teeth 牙损伤八十七、juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎八十八、luxated tooth 牙脱位八十九、lymphoepithelial lesions 淋巴上皮病九十、missing tooth 牙脱失九十一、mixed dentition 混合牙列九十二、mixed tumor of salivary gland 涎腺混合瘤mumps 流行性腮腺炎九十三、nevi 色素痣九十四、occlusion 咬合九十五、palate 腭九十六、paradontoma 牙周膜瘤九十七、parageusia 味觉异常九十八、paraglossa 舌肿九十九、paraglossia 舌下炎一百、paralalia 出语障碍,构音倒错一百〇一、parotitis 腮腺炎一百〇二、periapical abscess 根尖脓肿一百〇三、periapical disease 根尖周病一百〇四、pericoronitis 冠周炎一百〇五、periodontitis 牙周炎一百〇六、permanent teeth 恒牙一百〇七、pulp horn 髓角一百〇八、root resorption 牙根吸收一百〇九、sebaceous cyst 皮脂囊肿一百一十、sialolithiasis 涎石病一百一十一、sublinguitis 舌下腺炎一百一十二、teeth 牙齿一百一十三、thyroglossal tract cyst 甲状舌管囊肿一百一十四、tongue 舌一百一十五、tooth migration 牙移动一百一十六、tooth replacement 牙复位一百一十七、toothache 牙痛口腔专业英语常用词汇篇2一、oral pathology 口腔病理学二、oral surgery 口腔外科三、orthodontics 正畸学四、osteomyelitis of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎五、pediatric dentistry 口腔儿科学六、periodontal ligament 牙周韧带七、periodontal membrane 牙周膜八、periodontics 牙周病学九、prosthodontics 修复学十、pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙十一、public-health dentistry 口腔预防医学十二、pulp 牙髓十三、pulp exposure 牙髓暴露十四、pulpectomy 牙骨摘除术十五、pulpitis 牙髓炎十六、pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎十七、radiation osteomyelitis 放射性骨髓炎十八、radicular syst 根端囊肿十九、recurrent aphthae 复发性口疮二十、root canal therapy 根管治疗二十一、root of tooth 牙根二十二、sublingual gland syst 舌下腺囊肿二十三、sublingual space 舌下间隙二十四、submasseteric space 嚼肌间隙二十五、submaxillary space 颌下间隙二十六、tartar 牙石二十七、temporomandibular joint 颞颌关节。

1、Dentist ⽛科医⽣2、Dental Assistant ⽛医助理3、Dental Hygienist ⽛科⼝卫师4、Teeth ⽛齿5、Gingiva ⽛龈6、Incisors 门⽛7、canine ⽝齿8、Premolars ⼩⾅齿(前磨⽛)9、Molars ⼤⾅齿(磨⽛)10、Toothbrush ⽛刷11、Toothpaste ⽛膏12、Dental floss ⽛线13、Enamel 珐琅质(⽛釉质)14、Dentin 象⽛質(⽛本质)15、Pulp ⽛髓16、caries tooth 龋齿17、Root canal Treatment 根管治疗18、plombage 充填术19、Denture 假⽛(义齿)20、Periodontics ⽛周病学21、Pedodontics ⼉童⽛医学22、Orthodontics 齿列矫正学23、Oral Surgery ⼝腔外科24、Scaling 洗⽛25、Extraction 拔⽛26、Dental implants 种植⽛27、Fixed denture 固定义齿28、Activities denture 活动义齿29、Teeth beauty ⽛齿美容30、Dental clinic ⽛科门诊31、cover screw 覆盖螺丝32、abutment 基台33、healing abutment 愈合基台34、abutment for screw retension 螺丝固位基台35、atutment for cement retension 黏结固位基台36、abutmentfor attachment 附着基台37、straight abutment 直基台38、angled abut—ment ⾓度基台40、crown abutment 单冠基台41、bridge abutment 桥基台42、titanium abutment 钛基台43、ceramic abutment 瓷基台44、gold abutment ⾦基台45、esthetic abutment 美容基台46、easy abutment 简便基台47、custom abutment 客户基台48、wide-base abutment 宽基底基台49、hygiene cap 卫⽣帽50、protective cap 保护帽51、hygiene cover screw 卫⽣覆盖螺丝52、impressionc coping 印模帽53、transfer 转移体54、impression post 印模柱55、transfer coping 转移帽56、implant body transfer 种植体转移体57、abutment transfer 基台转移体58、analog 替代体59、implant body analog 种植体替代体60、abutment analog 基台替代体61、prosthetic coping 修复帽62、prefebricatedcoping 预成帽63、prosthetic screw 修复螺丝这些专业名词你——知道了吗?。
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学号:201209072108 班级:口腔二班姓名:陆小凯
Oral cavity Dentists use special terms to describe the surfaces of teeth. The labial surface(labi/o means “lip”), for incisor and canine teeth, is nearest the lips. The buccal surface(bucc/o means cheek), for premolar and molar teeth, lies adjacent to cheek, as illustrated in Figure 5-2. Dentists refer to both the labial and the buccal surfaces as the facial surface(faci/o means face). Opposite to the facial surface, all teeth have a lingual surface(lingu/o means tongue). The mesial surface of a tooth lies nearest to the median line and the distal surface, farthest from the medialline. Premolars and molars have an additional occlusal surface that comes in contact with a corresponding tooth in the oppsing arch. The incisors and canines have a sharp incisal edge.
Figure 5-3 shows the inner anatomy of a tooth. label it as you read the following description: A tooth consists of a crown, which shows above the gumline, and a root, which lies within the bony tooth socket. The outermost protective layer of the crown, the enamel, protects the tooth. Enamel is a dense, hard, white substance-the hardest substance in the body. Dentin, the main substance of the tooth, lies beneath the enamel and extends throughout the crown. Yellow in color, dentin is composed of bony tissue that is softer than enamel. The cementum covers, protects, and supports the dentin in the root. A periodontal membrane surrounds the cementum and holds the tooth in place in the tooth socket. The pulp lies underneath the dentin. This soft and delicate tissue fills the center of the tooth. Blood vessels, nerve endings, connective tissue, and lymphatic vessels are within the pulp canal. Root canal therapy is often necessary when disease or abscess occurs in the pulp canal. A dentist opens the tooth fromabove and cleans the canal of infection, nerves, and blood vessels. The canal is then disinfected and filled with material to prevent the entrance of microorganisms and decay. Three pairs of salivary glands surround the oral cavity. These exocrine glands produce saliva that contains important digestive enzymes. Saaliva is released from the parotid gland, submandibular gland, and sublingual gland on each side of the mouth. Narrow ducts carry saliva into the oral cavity.
颊面(bucc/ O是指面颊)对于前磨牙和磨牙是位于毗陵的面颊,如图5 - 2所示。
牙医把唇和颊面称为面部表面(faci / o意思是脸)。
牙医把唇和颊面称为面部表面(faci / o意味着脸)。
和面部表面相反一面,所有的牙齿都有舌表面(lingu / o意味着舌头)。
图5 - 3显示了牙齿的内部解剖。