• • • •
* Second stage: Transcedentalism (p.56-59) Raph Waldo Emerson: Nature Henry David Thoreau: Walden
• Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter • Herman Melville: Moby Dick • Edgar Allan Poe: Gothic novels • “Tales of Grotesque and Arabesque” • Poe’s position in the world literature (P.114-115)
The first peak of literature in US
• Two stages of Romanticism in the first half of 19th century of US: • * First stage: • Washing Irving: Father of American literature; the first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame • A History of New York • The Sketch Book: “Rip Van Winkle” “Sleepy Hollow” • James F. Cooper: • Leather-stocking Tales: The Pioneer • The Last of the Mohicans • The Prairie • The Pathfinder • The Deerslayer
• American Movement of Enlightenment (P.27-28) Writers of enlightenment Benjamin Franklin: The Authobiography; Poor Richard’s Amanack The Importance of Benjamin Franklin’s “The Autobiography”. (P. 35-37) Thomas Paine: Common Sense; Thomas Jefferson: The Declaration of Independence
)二、课程基本信息课程名称(中文):美国文学课程名称(英文):American Literature课程类别:□通识必修课□通识选修课 专业必修课□专业方向课□专业拓展课□实践性环节课程性质*: 学术知识性□方法技能性□研究探索性□实践体验性课程代码:周学时:2 总学时:32 学分: 2先修课程:英国文学授课对象:英语师范、英语专业本科三年级学生三、课程简介《美国文学》课程的目的是培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法。
The Outline of American LiteratureI Colonial Period (1607—1765)Colonial Part: American PuritanismII Revolutionary Period (1765—1800)1 The Great Awakening2 The EnlightenmentIII The Age of Romanticism (1800—1865)1 American Romanticism2 New England Transcendentalism 新英格兰超验主义IV The Age of Realism (1865—1918)1 Beginning2 Local Colorism 乡土文学3 American Naturalism (1908—1918)V American Modernism (1918—1945)(I)Modern PoetryAmerican Modernism first began in poetry.3 types of poems:A: Chicago PoetsB: Leading figures in the poetic revolution---Imagism and New-poetry MovementC: in-between poets1 Great playwright of the 1920s2 playwrights of the 1930s(II) Modern Novels1 Lost Generation----Ernest Hemingway2 The Age of Jazz----F. Scott Fitzgerald3 Literature of Depression4 Literature of the South / the Southern Renaissance5 Other famous novelists in the 1920s6 Female Writers7 Literary critics: New Criticism“新批评派”8 Black Literature:Harlem Renaissance哈莱姆文艺复兴(III) American DramaVI Contemporary Literature (1945-- )(I) Postwar Novels(II) Postwar Dramas(III) Postwar Poetry(IV) Multiethnic LiteratureAmerican LiteratureI Colonial Period (1607—1800)ⅠIntroductionThe period stretches roughly from the settlement of Americans in the early seventeenth century through the end of the eighteenth. The major topic is about American Puritanism, the one enduring influence in American literature.II American PuritanismPuritansEnglish religious and political reformers who fled their native land in search of religious freedom, and settled and colonized New England in the 17th century. They at first wished to reform or ―purify‖ their religious beliefs and practices. To them, religion should be a matter of personal faith rather than a ritual.PuritanismPuritanism is the practices and beliefs of puritans.American PuritanismThe Puritans established their own religious and moral principles known as American Puritanism which became one of the enduring influences in American thought and American literature. American Puritanism stressed predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement (or the salvation of a selected few)from God's grace. With such doctrines in their minds, Puritans left Europe for America in order to establish a theocracy in the New World. Over the years in the new homeland they built a way of life that stressed hard work, thrift, piety, and sobriety.The main doctrines of American Puritanism1 They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity. They considered that man was born sinful, was a sinner and could note redeem his original sin.“In Adam’s fall, we all sin.”2 Man did not know whether they could be God’s chosen people, but should live a saint-like life at ordinary times according to God’s will. The Holy Bible was the guidebook to man’s behaviors.3 Puritanism encouraged people to struggle in their career. If one’s business was booming, it proved that he had gained god’s providence. Puritans meant to prove that they were God’s chosen people, enjoying his blessing on this earth as in heaven.4 Puritans dreamed of living under a perfect order and worked with indomitable courage and confident hope toward building a new Garden of Eden in America, where man could at long last live the way he should.5 Puritans stressed hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety. In people’s daily life, religious activities were a matter of first importance and all others should serve the religion. Their lives were disciplined and hard.Significant change in the character of American PuritansPractical idealist, doctrinaire opportunistComparison between American Puritanism and Chinese ConfucianismInfluence of Puritanism on American literature1 the spirit of optimism bustles out of the pages of many American authors2 symbolism as a technique has become a common practice in the writing of many American authors3 simplicity has left an indelible imprint on American writingPuritan style of writingThe style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric is plain and honest, with a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.III Literary Scene in Colonial Period(I)form, content and writing style in the literature of the early colonial period form: personal literature in its various forms;content: served either God or colonial expansion or both;writing style: imitated and transplanted English literary traditions(II)Two sorts of literary figures in Colonial PeriodA write for religion(1)Captain John Smith (1580—1631) 约翰.史密斯船长Led the first group of immigrants in 1607Settled down and established the first British colony—Jamestown ColonyA Description of New England 《新英格兰介绍》The General History of Virginia <弗吉尼亚通史>(2)William Bradford (1590—1675) 威廉.布雷福德Led Mayflower in 1620 and arrived at Cape CodEstablished the Plymouth ColonyOf Plymouth Plantation <普利茅斯开发史>Chapter IV: Showing the Reasons and Causes of their Removal4 reasons and causes:①Escape religious persecution②For wealth③For a new and better life④Having ―a great hope and inward zeal‖ to do the spadework for disseminating ―the gospel of the kingdom of Christ‖ in the new world(3)John Winthrop (1588—1649) 约翰.温思罗普Led the first group of Puritans in the Great Immigration in 1630Captain of AbraThe first governor of the Massachusetts Bay ColonyA Model of Christian Charity <基督教博爱的典范>--manifested the purpose and intention of their journey(4)Anne Bradstreet (1612—1672) 安妮.布雷特兹里特Passenger on AbraOn the Burning of My HouseTo My Dear and Loving HusbandIn Reference to My ChildrenAs Weary Pilgrim <疲乏的朝圣者>The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America <美洲最近出现的第十缪斯>Several Poems Compiled with a Great V ariety of Wit and Learning, Full of Delight <一些风格各异,充满机智和学识的诗歌>Contemplation <沉思>(5)Edward Taylor (1642—1729) 爱德华.泰勒Metrical History of Christianity <基督教史>God‘s Determinations Touching His Elect: and the Elect‘s Combat in Their Conversation, and Coming up to God in Christ Together with the Comfortable Effects Thereof <上帝的决心>Preparatory Meditations 217首<受领圣餐前的自省录>B write for civil and religious freedom(1) Roger Williams (1603-1683) 罗杰.威廉斯The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience(2) John W oolman (1720-1772) 约翰.乌尔曼Some Considerations on the Keeping of NegroesA Plea for the PoorThe Journal(3)Thomas Paine (1737—1809) 托马斯.潘恩Common Sense (<常识>1776);The American Crisis (<美国危机>Dec. 1776—April 1783);The Rights of Man (<人的权利>1791—92);The Age of Reason (<理智时代>1794—95);(4)Philip Freneau (1752—1832) 菲利普.弗瑞诺The British Prison ship <英国囚船>The Rising Glory of America <美洲光辉的兴起>The Indian Burying Ground <印地安人墓地>The Wild Honey suckle <野金银花>(5) Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810) 查尔斯.布罗克丹.布朗Wieland (or The Transformation: An American TaleEdgar HuntlyOrmondArthur Mervyn2 The 18th Century:Enlightenment and the Great AwakeningEnlightenmentAn 18th-century movement that focused on the ideals of good sense,benevolence, and a belief in liberty, justice, and equality as the natural rightsof man.The Great Awakening: series of religious revivals, which began with the evangelicalism of Jonathan Edwards.Revolutionary WarThe War of Independence, 1775-1783, fought by the American colonies against Great Britain.(1)Jonathan Edwards (1703—1785) 乔纳森.爱德华兹Outstanding representative of PuritanismPersonal Narrative (<自述>1740);Freedom of the Will (<意志的自由>1754);The Doctrine of Original Sin Defend (<原罪说辩>1758);Images or Shadows of Divine Things (<神灵的形影>)(2) Benjamin Franklin (1706—1790) 本杰明.富兰克林social reform; scientist;The Autobiography (<自传>)Poor Richard‘s Almanac (<格言历书>)―Thirteen Virtues‖ (13条美德)1 Temperance: eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation;2 Silence: speak not but what may benefit other or yourself; avoid triflingconversation;3 Order: let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have itstime.4 Resolution: resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what youresolve.5 Frugality: make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e. waste nothing.6 Industry: lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off allunnecessary actions.7 Sincerity: use no hurtful deceit; think accordingly and justly; and if you speak,speak accordingly.8 Justice: wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.9 Moderation: avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think theydeserve.10 Cleanliness: tolerate no uncleannliess in body, clothes, or habitation.11 Tranquility: be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.12 Chastity: rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness,or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.13 Humility: imitate Jesus and Socrates.(3)Thomas Jefferson (1743—1862) 托马斯.杰斐逊3rd President of the U. S.Declaration of Independence (<独立宣言>1776)II The Age of Romanticism (1800—1865)1 American RomanticismRomanceEmotionally heightened, symbolic American novels associated with theRomantic period.RomanticismA reaction against neoclassicism. This early 19th- century movement elevatedthe individual, the passions, and the inner life. It stressed strong emotion,imagination, freedom from classical correctness in art forms, and rebellionagainst social conventions.NeoclassicismAn 18th-century artistic movement, associated with the Enlightenment, drawing on classical models and emphasizing reason, harmony, and restraint.(1)Washington Irving (1783—1859) 华盛顿.欧文father of American literaturethe first American writer of imaginative literatureinspiring the American romantic imaginationThe Sketch Book or The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon <见闻札记>―Rip V an Winkle‖ <里普.凡.温克尔>―The Legend of Sleepy Hollow‖ <睡谷的传说>(2)James Fenimore Cooper (1789—1851) 詹姆斯.费尼莫.库柏The Spy <间谍> (1821)The Leather-Stocking Tales <皮袜子五部曲>:The Pioneers <开拓者>(1823)The Last of the Mohicans <最后的莫希干人> (1826)The Prairie <草原> (1827)The Pathfinder <探路者> (1840)The Deerslayer <杀鹿者> (1841)2 New England Transcendentalism 新英格兰超验主义or American RenaissanceTranscendentalismA broad, philosophical movement in New England during the Romantic era(peaking between 1835 and 1845). It stressed the role of divinity in nature and the individual s intuition, and exalted feeling over reason.(1)Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803—1882) 拉尔夫.瓦尔多.爱默生A founder of the Transcendental movement. Moreover, Emerson was not only theshaper of a distinctly American philosophy embracing optimism, individuality, and mysticism, but one of the most influential figures of the nineteenth century.The American Scholar, an addre ss delivered before Harvard‘s Phi Beta Kappa Society, attacked American dependence on European thought urged the creation of a new literary heritage LanguageTranscendentalist ClubThe Dial <日晷>杂志Nature <论自然>Self Reliance <论自立>Essays: First Series <散文选:第一集>Essays: Second Series <散文选:第二集>Representative Men <代表性人物>English Traits <英国人的特性>The Conduct of Life <论为人处事>(2)Henry David Thoreau (1817—1862) 亨利.大卫.梭罗Walden is now considered one of the best-selling books in the history of American literature, and its critical reputation continues to grow as much as its popular acceptance. In addition, Walden has long been a staple of the American literature curriculum at universities in the U.SWaldon or Life in the Woods <沃尔登/华尔腾or林中生活>Civil Disobedience <非暴力反抗>or<论公民的不服从>The Maine Woods <缅因森林>Letters to Various Person <书信集>(3)Edgar Allan Poe (1809—1849)埃德加.爱伦.坡Famous American poet, short-story writer, and literary criticMost controversial and misunderstood in AmericaWell received in Europe, England, Spain, esp. in FranceA: PoemsTo Helen <献给海伦>The Raven <乌鸦>Israfel <伊斯拉菲尔>B: Short stories: Tales of the Grotesque and the ArabesqueMS. Found in a Bottle <在瓶子里发现的手稿>The Fall of the House of Usher <厄舍古屋的倒塌>The Masque of the Red Death <红色死亡的化妆舞会>C: literary theoryThe Poetic Principle <诗歌原理>The Philosophy of Composition <创作哲学>Review of Twice-Told Tales 评霍桑的<故事重述>3 Romantic Poets:(1) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807—1882) 亨利.华兹渥斯.朗费罗V oices of the Night <夜籁集>--catch the attentionBallads and Other Poems <歌谣及其它>Evangeline <伊凡吉林>Hiawatha or The Song of Hiawatha <海华莎之歌>The Courtship of Miles Standish <麦尔思.斯丹狄士的求婚>Tales of a Wayside Inn <路边酒肆的故事>(2) Walt Whitman (1819—1892) 沃尔特.惠特曼The greatest Romantic poet in the 19th centuryLeaves of Grass (1855)<草叶集>Drum-taps (1865) <桴鼓集>(3)Emily Dickinson (1830—1886) 艾米莉.狄金森Great female productive American poetWrite about common things in daily lifePoetry of Emily Dickson (1955) <艾米莉.狄金森诗集>:Because I Could Not Stop for Death <因为我不能等待死神>I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died <我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声>My Life Closed Twice before Its Close <我从未失掉过这么多但有两次4 Romantic Novelists:(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804—1864) 纳撒尼尔.霍桑affected by Puritanism and enlightened by Transcendentalismpioneer of psychological novel 心理小说的开创者wrote about the dark side of society and human natureusing symbolismThe Scarlet Letter <红字>(2) Herman Melville (1819—1891) 赫尔曼.梅尔维尔sailor and whale-hunterMoby Dcik <白鯨>5 Slavery-Abolishing Movement: 废奴运动AbolitionismActive movement to end slavery in the U.S. North before the Civil War in the 1860s.(1) Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811—1896) 哈丽特.比彻.斯托夫人Uncle Tom‘s Cabin <汤姆叔叔的小屋>>A reaction against ―the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism‖3 great advocators of American realistic literature in the 19th centuryWilliam Dean Howells (1837—1920) 威廉.狄恩.豪威尔斯Henry James (1843—1916) 亨利.詹姆斯Mark Twain (1835—1910) 马克.吐温1 Beginning(1)William Dean Howells (1837—1920) 威廉.狄恩.豪威尔斯Novelist, literary critic and playwrightStandard-bearer of realistic literature 现实主义文学的旗手Made for the triumph of realism over romanticismRemained for over 3 decades the de facto dean of American literatureThe Rise of Silas Lapman <赛拉斯.拉帕姆的发迹>(2)Henry James (1843—1916) 亨利.詹姆斯Master of psychological realism 心理现实主义的大师novelist of psychological analysis 心理分析小说家pioneer of American Stream of Consciousness 意识流文学先驱Novel of manners 世态小说Daisy Miller <苔瑟.密勒>The Portrait of a Lady <贵夫人画像>2 Local Colorism 乡土文学Mark Twain (1835—1910) 马克.吐温pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens 塞缪尔.朗荷恩.克莱门斯Famous American humorous novelistThe Celebrated jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1865) <卡拉维拉县弛名的跳蛙>Innocents Abroad (1869) <傻子国外旅行记>Roughing It (1872) <艰苦岁月>The Gilded Age (1873) <镀金时代>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) <汤姆.索亚历险记>The Prince and the Pauper (1881) <王子和贫儿>Life on the Mississippi (1883) <密西西比河上>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1886)<哈克贝里.费恩历险记>----fathered Modern American literatureA Connecticut Y ankee in King Arthur‘s Court (1889) <在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州美国人>3 American Naturalism (the last decade of the 19th century)NaturalismLate 19th- and early 20th-century literary approach of French origin thatvividly depicted social problems and viewed human beings as helpless victims of larger social and economic forces.(1)Stephen Crane (1871—1900) 斯蒂芬.克兰American novelist and poetWriter and journalistNovels:Maggie, A Girl of the Street <街头女郎玛琪>----the first naturalistic work in American literature historyThe Red Badge of Courage <红色英勇勋章>(2)Theodore Dreiser (1871—1945) 西奥多.德莱塞American naturalistic writerJournalistSister Carrie <嘉莉妹妹>Jennie Gerhardt <珍妮姑娘>The Financier <金融家>The Titan <巨头>The ―Genius‖ <天才>An American Tragedy <美国的悲剧>----the greatest American novel(3) O. Henry (1862—1910) 欧.亨利William Sydney 威廉.辛德尼Short-story writers:The Gift of Magi <麦琪的礼物>The Cop and The Anthem <警察与赞美诗>Ironic coincidence and surprising ending(4) Jack London (1876—1916) 杰克.伦敦Martin Eden <马丁.伊登>----semi-autobiographyThe Call of the Wild <野性的呼唤>White Fang <白芳>4 muckrakers 黑幕揭发者journalists in majorityexpose the greed and cruelty of big businesses as well as the corruption of political circles①Upton Sinclair (1878—1968) 厄普顿.辛克莱The Jungle <屠场>--Chicago slaughterhouse②David Graham Phillips (1867—1911) 大卫.格雷厄姆.菲利普斯③Robert Herrick (1868—1938) 罗伯特.赫里克V American Modernism (1918—1945) 现代主义时期American Modernism first began in poetry.Chicago : the revolutionary center against traditional poetryPoetry <诗刊> (a magazine)(I) Poems Between Two Centuries ( the 19th and 20th centuries):3 types of poems:A: Chicago PoetsAdhere to the tradition of WhitmanReflect feelings of laboring people(1)Carl Sandburg (1878—1967)卡尔.桑德堡American modern poet and biographical writerBenefit from his humble personal backgrounds and rich experience Write plain poems for plain people “为朴素的人民写朴素的诗”To be sound of the people 成为“人民的声音”Contribution to colloquial style of American literaturebe awarded the American Poetry Society prize in 1919 and 1920 be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his Complete Poems in 1950<诗歌全集>In Reckless Ecstasy <心醉神迷>Chicago Poems <芝加哥诗集>Famous Imagist poems:Fog <雾>Lost <失落>The Harbor <港口>←→Chicago <芝加哥>Cool Tombs <清冷的墓>I Am the People, the Mob <我是人民群众>The People, Y es <人民,是的>The American Songbag <美国歌集>--folk songs of cowboys, vagabond and black peopleBiography of Lincoln (6 volumes) <林肯传>1 autobiography1 historical novelCornhuskers <碾米机>Smoke and Steel <烟与钢>Good Morning, America <早安,美国>Collected Poems <诗集>B: Leading figures in the poetic revolutionImagism and New-poetry Movement(1)Ezra Pound (1885—1972) 埃兹拉.庞德a Established Imagism(意象派)with British poet T. E. Hulme in 1908; (1908—1917) T. E. 休姆(1883—1917)b Suggested 3 principles for Imagism with Richard Aldington (理查德.奥尔丁顿)and Hilda Doolittle (1886—1961)(希尔达.杜利特尔)c Sponsored V orticism (漩涡主义) with painter Windham Lewis (1882—1957) (温德姆.刘易斯) in 1914;d the leading role in poetic renovation and renaissance in the first 25 years of the 20th centurye father of modern American poetryPersonae (1909) 《人物》Exultations (1909) 《狂喜》Cathay (1915) 译著《华夏》Homage to Sextus Propertius (1917) 《向赛克斯特斯.普罗波蒂斯致敬》Hugh Selwyn Mauberley <休.赛尔温.毛伯利> (1920)The Cantos <诗章>(2)William Carlos Williams (1883—1963)威廉.卡洛斯.威廉斯The Red Wheelbarrow <红色手推车>Paterson <佩特森>unique theory on literary composition―say it! No ideas but in things.‖ (Book I, Paterson)“思想仅寓于事物中”Free verse and accentual verse 自由体诗、重音诗a most important figure in modern American poetry(3) T. S. Eliot (1888—1972) T. S. 艾略特famous American poet, playwright and criticmajor figure in New Poetry Movementa key to modern British and American poetry了解现代美国诗歌的钥匙The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock <J. 阿尔弗雷德.普鲁弗洛克的情歌> Gerontion <小老头>The Waste Land <荒原>The Hollow Men <空心人>Ash-Wednesday <圣灰节>Four Quartets <四个四重奏>(4) E. E. Cummings (1894—1962) 卡明斯Poet and modern painterAgainst traditional poetry with bold attempts at composing poemsUnique styleCubism & Dadaism--guide his poems 以立体派、达达派风格指导诗歌创作Tulips and Chimneys <郁金香和烟囱>XLI Poems <诗四十一首>Is 5 <是5>No thanks <不谢>Complete Poems <全集>Drama: Him <他>Santa Claus <圣诞老人>Prose:The Enormous Room--4 months‘ wrong experience in prison <巨大的房间>Eimi—his experience in Russia <艾米>Six Non-lectures—speeches at Harvard <六个非讲座> C: in-between poets1 Robert Frost (1874—1963) 罗伯特.弗罗斯特Robert Frost (1874-1963):Frost received four Pulitzer Prizes for his poetry.The Road Not TakenMending WallFire and IceAcquainted with the NightStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening―New England poet‖My butterfly <我的蝴蝶>A Boy‘s Will <少年的意志>North of Boston <波士顿以北>Mountain Interval <山间>New Hampshire <新罕布什尔>West-Running Brook <向西流去的小溪>A Further Range <又一片牧场>Mending Wall <修墙>After Apple-Picking <摘苹果之后>The Birches <白桦树>A Witness Tree <见证树>Steeple Bush <尖塔丛>A Masque of Mercy <假慈悲>Collected Poems <诗选>Complete Poems <诗歌全集>In the Clearing <林间空地>won Pulitzer Prize 4 timesAppointed as professor or visiting poet by dozens of universitiesBe entitled ―national poet‖ by American senate at age of 75Recited his poem The Gift Outright on Inauguration Day of John Kennedy <全心全意的奉献>Last poem at age of 88(II) American DramaDisapproved by Puritanism, American drama started late and developed slowly. European drama entered its heyday at the end of the 19th century. Many small theatres appeared in America under the influence of European drama. Famous ones are as follows:Washington Square Theatre in 1915→Theatre Guild in 1919剧院协会Provincetown Theatre in 1915 普罗文斯敦剧社Group Theatre in 1931 同仁剧社1 Great playwright of the 1920sEugene O‘Neil (1888—1953) 尤金.奥尼尔America‘s greatest playwrightAmerican ShakespeareA prize-winning playwright:4 times won the Pulitzer Prize (1920; 1922; 1928; 1957)and one time won the Nobel Prize (1936)Beyond the Horizon <天边外>--the Pulitzer Prize in 1920(reality destroy people‘s ideal life)Anna Christie <安娜.克里斯蒂>–the Pulitzer Prize in 1922the Nobel Prize in 1936 for the above twoBound East for Cardiff <东航加迪夫> (1916)In the Zone 《在这一带》(1917)The Long V oyage Home 《漫长的返航》(1917)The Moon of the Caribbean 《加勒比的月亮》(1918)Emperor Jones <琼斯皇帝> (1920)The Hairy Ape <毛猿> (1922)--workers be treated as animals in capitalist societyDesire under the Elms <榆树下的欲望> (1924)--bourgeoisie families fought for property and its consequencesThe Great God Brown <大神布朗> (1926)Strange Interlude <奇妙的插曲> (1928)Lazarus Laughed <拉散路笑了>Mourning Becomes Electra <悲悼> (1931)Ah, Wilderness <啊,荒野> (the only comedy)The Iceman Cometh <卖冰的人来了>--people‘s void and despair during the 30s crisisLong Day‘s Journey into Night (on stage after death)<进入黑夜的漫长旅程>--the Pulitzer Prize in 1957The above two underlined –the best works2 playwrights of the 1930sClifford Odets (1906—1963) 克利福德.奥德茨born in Philadelphia and reared in the Bronxquit school at 15 to become an actora founder of Group Theatre after acting with the Theatre GuildWaiting for Lefty <等待老左> (one-act play dealing with a taxi strike)(III) Novels Between Two World Wars1 Lost Generation----Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway (1899-1961) 厄内斯特.海明威Outstanding modern American novelistjournalist & war experienceThree stories and Ten Poems (1923) 《三篇短篇小说和十首诗》In Our Time (1925) 《在我们的时代里》--a new shining literary star with unique styleThe Sun Also Rises (1926) 《太阳照样升起》—the first long novelA Farewell to Arms (1929) 《永别了,武器》Death in the Afternoon (1932) 《午后之死》Green Hills of Africa (1935) 《非洲的青山》Winner Take Nothing (1933) 《胜者无所得》To Have and Have Not (1937) 《富有与贫穷》For whom the Bell Tolls (1940) 《丧钟为谁而鸣》The Old Man and the Sea (1952) 《老人与海》Awarded the Nobel Prize in 19542 The Age of Jazz----F. Scott Fitzgeraldoutstanding American novelistF. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) 弗.司各特.菲茨杰拉德The Romantic Egoist 《浪漫的利己主义者》―→This Side of Paradise (1920) 《人间天堂》Flappers and Philosophers (1921) 《轻佻女郎与哲学家》Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) 《爵士乐时代的故事》The Beautiful and Damned (1922) 《漂亮冤家》The Diamond as Big as the Ritz 《大如里兹饭店的钻石》(a short story) The Great Gatsby (1925) 《大人物盖茨比》All the Sad Y oung Men (1926) 《一代悲哀的年轻人》---(a collection of short stories)Tender Is the Night (1934) 《夜色温柔》The Last Tycoon (1941) 《最后的一个巨头》3 Literature of Depression:①John Steinbeck (1902—1968)约翰.斯坦贝克American novelistWrite long novels, plays, short stories, travel notes and news etc.Of Mice and Men (1937) 《鼠与人》The Grapes of Wrath (1938) 《愤怒的葡萄》②John Dos Passos (1896—1970) 约翰.多斯.帕索斯American novelist & social historianWrite novels, plays, reportage, travel notes and prose etc.Manhattan Transfer (1925) 《曼哈顿中转站》U.S. A. 《美国》三部曲:The Forty-Second Parallel (1930) 《北纬四十二度》1919 (1932) 《一九一九》The Big Money (1936) 《赚大钱》His achievement in composition earned him reputation4 Literature of the South / the Southern RenaissanceThe Virginia Review 《弗吉尼亚评论》(1925)The Fugitives “逃亡者派”/ Agrarian“重农学派”The Fugitives 《逃亡者》杂志Southern Review 《南方评论》杂志→Kenyon Review 《肯庸评论》杂志→The New Criticism 新批评派(1)William Faulkner (1897—1962) 威廉.福克纳modern novelist19 novels and 3 collections of more than 70 short storiesThe Marble Faun (1924) 《玉石收神》The Sound and the Fury (1929) 《喧哗与骚动》Light in August (1932) 《八月之光》Absalom, Absalom! (1936) 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》Go Down, Moses (1942) 《去吧,摩西》(2)Katherine Anne Porter (1890—1980) 凯瑟琳.安.波特female writer born in Texas of a family with a long southern heritage educated in convent and private schoolslater traveled widelythe settings for her fiction, in addition to her native state, include Mexico, where she lived for some time, and Germany, where she resided more briefly.The Flowering Judas (1930) 《开花的紫荆树》The Leaning Tower (1944) 《斜塔》A Ship of Fools (1962) 《愚人船》(3)John Crowe Ransom (1888—1974) 约翰.克劳伍.兰塞姆Tennessee poetA Rhodes Scholar at Oxford (1913)A member of the English department of V anderbilt UniversityA leader of the AgrarianAn editor of The FugitivesFounded and edited Kenyon ReviewPlaced stress on New CriticismContributed to the Agrarian anthology: I‘ll Take My Stand5 Other famous novelists in the 1920s(1)Gertrude Stein (1874—1946) 格特鲁德.斯泰因/斯坦Born in PennsylvaniaEducated abroadWent abroad in 1902 where she lived until her deathHer salon in FranceThree Lives (1909) 《三个女人的一生》(2)Sherwood Anderson (1876—1941) 舍伍德.安德森Windy McPherson‘s Son (1916) 《饶舌的麦克逊的儿子》Winesburg, Ohio (1919) 《小城畸人》The Triumph of the Egg and Other stories (1921) 《鸡蛋的胜利及其它》Death in the Woods and Other Stories (1933) 《林中之死及其它》A Story-Teller‘s Story (1924) 《讲故事人的故事》(3)Sinclair Lewis (1885—1951) 辛克莱.刘易斯Editor & journalist22 novelsnovelist of social problems 社会问题小说家plot: escape--seek--compromisefirst American author awarded the Nobel Prize (in 1930)Our Mr. Wrenn (1941) 《我们的霍恩先生》Babbitt (1922) 《巴比特》Main Street (1920) 《大街》Arrowsmith (1925) 《阿罗史密斯》Elmer Gantry (1927) 《艾尔默.甘特利》Dodsworth (1929) 《多滋沃斯》It Can‘t Happen Here (1935) 《这不可能在这里发生》6 Female Writers(1)Edith Wharton (1862—1937) 伊迪丝.华顿Born in a distinguished New Y ork family。
“美国文学”课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息开课单位:翻译学院课程名称:美国文学课程编号:223114英文名称:American1iterature课程类型:专业拓展课总学时:36 理论学时:36实验学时:O学分:2分开设专业:翻译专业先修课程:英国文学二、课程任务目标(一)课程任务《美国文学》是翻译专业本科学生的必修课程,是为培养和检验学生美国文学的基本理论知识和理解、鉴赏美国文学原著的能力而设置的一门专业理论课程。
美国文学部分(American Literature)一.殖民时期文学(The Literature of the Colonial Period)1.本章考核知识点和考核要求:1) 早期殖民地时期的文学的特点2) 十八世纪美国文学的特点(重点是独立革命前后时期文学)3) 主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品4) 术语:the colonial period, American Puritanism, Puritans, Enlightenment in American, the Great Awakening2.主要作家作品John Smith第一个美国作家A True Relation of Virginia and General History of Virginia.Anne Bradstreet 殖民地时期女诗人The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America (1650)Jonathan Edwards十八世纪上半叶大觉醒时代的代表人物“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林,散文家、科学家、社会活动家,曾参与起草《独立宣言》。
《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanac(收录格言警句)《致富之道》The Way to Wealth《自传》The Autobiography (富兰克林原意为写给儿子的家书)Thomas Paine 托马斯·潘恩,散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人。
《常识》Common Sense ( Paine 最知名的政论文:It was inspired by the first battle of the Revolutionary War—the Battle of Lexington in Concord.)《美国危机》American Crisis《人的权利》Rights of Man《专制体制的崩溃》Downfall of Despotism《理性时代》The Age of ReasonPhilip Freneau 菲利普·弗伦诺,著名的“革命诗人”。
美国文学史复习大纲一:作家作品1.Sherwood Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio(小镇畸人,1919) The Triumph of the Egg(鸡蛋的胜利,1921)2.John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath(愤怒的葡萄,1939,strong sociological novel,1940年获普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)),1962年获诺贝尔文学奖①the foremost novelist of the American Depression.美国大萧条时期最杰出的小说家。
②代表作:“Of Mice and Men”《人鼠之间》portrayed the tragic friendship between two migrant workers “The Grapes of Wrath”《愤怒的葡萄》regarded as masterpiece ,showed the migration of the Okies from the Dust Bowls to California ,a migration that ended in broken dreams and misery but at the same time affirmed the ability of the common people to endure and prevail. Theme : strength comes from unity i-we ;faith in life; struggle to live better2.John Dos Passos: 约翰多斯帕索斯His trilogy U.S.A(美利坚)---The 42nd Parallel(北纬42度,1930), 1919(1932), The Big Money(1936), Three Soldiers。
美国文学部分(American Literature)一.殖民时期文学(The Literature of the Colonial Period)1.本章考核知识点和考核要求:1) 早期殖民地时期的文学的特点2) 十八世纪美国文学的特点(重点是独立革命前后时期文学)3) 主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品4) 术语:the colonial period, American Puritanism, Puritans, Enlightenment in American, the Great Awakening2.主要作家作品John Smith第一个美国作家A True Relation of Virginia and General History of Virginia.Anne Bradstreet 殖民地时期女诗人The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America (1650)Jonathan Edwards十八世纪上半叶大觉醒时代的代表人物“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林,散文家、科学家、社会活动家,曾参与起草《独立宣言》。
《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanac(收录格言警句)《致富之道》The Way to Wealth《自传》The Autobiography (富兰克林原意为写给儿子的家书)Thomas Paine 托马斯·潘恩,散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人。
《常识》Common Sense ( Paine 最知名的政论文:It was inspired by the first battle of the Revolutionary War—the Battle of Lexington in Concord.)《美国危机》American Crisis《人的权利》Rights of Man《专制体制的崩溃》Downfall of Despotism《理性时代》The Age of ReasonPhilip Freneau 菲利普·弗伦诺,著名的“革命诗人”。
页眉内容《美国文学》课程教学大纲课程编号:ENGL2018课程类别:专业必修课程授课对象:英语、英语师范专业开课学期:春(第6学期)学分:2主讲教师:朱新福指定教材:《美国文学选读》(第I 、II 册),龙文佩、杨岂深主编。
第一课 Introduction to American Literature.课时:第一周,共2课时教学内容Introduction to American Literature.第一节Why should we take this course?The importance of learning literature.American literature from its colonial period to present(postmodern).第二节How to prepare this course.How to make an oral presentation.How to do research work.思考题:1.How much do you know about American Literature?2.Literature and culture/ history/ society.第二课 Irving’s Short Stories课时:第二周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/story.2、Oral presentations on the author/ story.3、Detailed study of the text / story.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: W. Irving in China思考题:1.Discuss W. Irving’s writing styles.2.The social and historical background of American Romanticism.第三课Poe’s Poems and Stories课时:第三周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of theauthor/poems/story.Oral presentations on the author/poem/story.Detailed study of the text.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: Poe in China思考题:1.Discuss Poe’s main ideas in “The Philosophy of Composition”.2.Discuss the themes of the poems such as “To Helen” and “Alone”.第四课Emerson’s & Thoreau’s Essays课时:第四周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/essayOral presentations on the author/essay.Detailed study of the text.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: Emerson in China/ ecocriticism思考题:1.Discuss the main ideas of Transcendentalism.2.Discuss the importance of returning to nature.第五课Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter课时:第五周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novel.Oral presentations on the author/novel.Detailed study of the text第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: Hawthorne in China/ Hawthorne’s short stories.思考题:1.What do you know about Puritanism?2.Discuss the symbolism in the novel.第六课Whitman’s Poems课时:第六周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poems.Oral presentations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the poems.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: Whitman in China/ Whitman and Guo Moruo思考题:1.Discuss the democratic ideas in “Leaves of Grass”.2.Discuss free verse and its influence.3.Discuss Whitman’s environmental consciousness.第七课Melville and His Moby Dick.课时:第七周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novel.Oral presentations on the author/novel.Detailed study of the novel.思考题:1.Discuss symbolism in Moby Dick.2.Eco-critical ideas in the novel.3.Melville and His Moby Dick in China.第二节Questions and answersDiscussion and Responses from the StudentsHomework: Moby Dick in China第八课 Emily Dickinson’s Poems课时:第八周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poems.Oral presentations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the poems.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: Dickinson in China.思考题:1.Discuss the themes in Dickinson’s poems.2.Discuss the characteristics of Dickinson’s poems.第九课 Twain’s Huck Finn课时:第九周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novel.Oral presentations on the author/novel.Detailed study of the novel.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: Twain in China.思考题:1.Discuss American realism.2.Discuss local colorism.3.Discuss Mark Twain’s humor and language.4.Racialism in Huck.第十课James’s fiction课时:第十周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background of the author/novel.Oral presentations on the author/novel.Detailed study of the novel.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: James in China.思考题:1.Discuss the international theme in James’s novels.2.Discuss James’s psychological realism.3.Characterizations in Daisy Miller.第十一课O Henry & Dreiser课时:第十一周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/fiction.Oral presentations on the author/fiction.Detailed study of the novel/short stories.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: fiction reading.思考题:1.Discuss the surprising ending in O Henry’s stories.2.Discuss the title character in Sister Carrie.第十二课Modern American Poets (Part I )课时:第十二周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poets/poems.Oral presentations on the poetsDetailed study of the poems第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: the difference between modernism and postmodernism.思考题:1.Discuss Robert Frost’s style.2.Discuss Carl Sandburg and Wallace Stevens’s styles.第十三课Modern American Poets (Part II )课时:第十三周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poets/poems.Oral presentations on the poets/poems.Detailed study of the poems.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: E. Pound in China.思考题:1. Discuss the themes of The Waste Land and The Love Song Of J.Alfred Prifrock..2.W.C. Williams and his style.第十四课O’ Neill’s Plays课时:第十四周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background of the playwright/plays.Oral presentations on the playwright/plays.Detailed study of the plays.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework: Liu Haiping and O’Neill(刘海平教授与奥尼尔在中国的接受)。
John Steinbeck (1902—1968),诺贝尔文学奖得主 The Grapes of Wrath反映30年代大萧条时期中部农民向加利福尼亚 的移民过程; Tortilla Flat Cannery Row William Faulkner (1897—1962)诺奖得主,美国南方文学代表人物 The Sound and the Fury (书名来自《麦克白》,第一个叙述者是白痴 Benjy) As I Lay Dying Go Down Moses 去吧,摩西 Absalom, Absalom! 特征:意识流;多人称叙事(multiple points of view)
Fitzgerald (1896—1940) This Side of Paradise The great Gatsby Tender is the Night (书名出自Keats 《夜莺颂》)所谓爵士乐时代 说法也出自他的书 Hemingway (1899—1961)(诺贝尔文学奖获得者) (1899—1961) The Sun Also Rises A Farewell to Arms For Whom the Bell Tolls The Old Man and the Sea 有所谓海明威式的英雄人物:A man can be destroyed but not defeated,语出《老人与海》;还有所谓 "冰山风格":冰山移动之 庄严,因其有8分7在水下.指多靠对话和动作对人物内心进行暗示的
I. Colonial Time
Anne Bradstreet (1612—1672),北美第一 位女诗人
Age of Enlightenment and Independence War Benjamin Franklin (1706—1790): Poor Richard's Almanac; Autobiography Thomas Paine(1737—1809): two important pamphlets: Common Sense; American Crisis
二、具体教学内容第一章殖民时期的文学(2 学时)1.教学目的和教学基本要求通过这一部分内容的学习,了解美国文学的起始可追溯到早期北美殖民主义时期。
《美国文学(一)(二)》教学大纲张立新编写英语专业课程教学大纲514 目录前言 (515)一、概述 (515)二、课程教学目的和基本要求 (515)三、课程主要内容及学时分配 (515)Unit One: Early American and Colonial Period to 1776 (518)Unit Two: Democratic Origins and Revolutionary Writers, 1776-1820 (522)Unit Three: The Romantic Period, 1820-1860: Essayists and Poets (524)Unit Four: The Romantic Period, 1820-1860: Fiction (526)Unit Five : The Rise of Realism: 1860-1914 (527)Unit Six: Modernism and Experimentation: 1914-1945 (529)Unit Seven :American Poetry Since 1945: The Anti-Tradition (532)Unit Eight :American Prose Since 1945: Realism and Experimentation (534)Unit Nine: Southern Literature (539)Unit Ten: African American Literature (540)Unit Eleven: Jewish American Literature (541)四、Reference Books (541)美国文学(一)(二)前言一、概述美国是世界上最年轻的国家之一。
美国文学复习大纲美国文学1THE LITERATURE OF COLONIAL AMERICA1.1 The first permanent English settlement in North America wasestablished at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.1.2 The first writing that we call American were the narratives andjournals of these settlements.1.3The first American writer is Captain John Smith,settled inJamestown.1.4 The first American poet is1.5 Puritan Thoughts:the puritans establish their own moral andreligious principles known as American Puritanism, which became one of the enduring influences in American literature. American Puritanism stressed on predestination, depravity, original sin, and salvation of selected few from God's grace. With such doctrines in their minds, Puritans left Europe for America in order to establish a theocracy in the new world. over the years in new homeland they establish a new way of life stressed on hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety( 其中也包括个人主义再现)1.6Anne Bradstreet-------the first poet in America by crisis-------the first woman poet in America-------she settled in Massachusetts------ The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America2THE LITERATURE OF REASON AND REVOLUTION2.1主要文体------ politics essay2.2 The War for Independence-----1776-1783---ended in the formation ofa Federative bourgeois democratic republic- the United States ofAmerica2.3 Benjamin Franklin-----思想:自助者天助(God helps those who help themselves)2.4 Thomas Paine----- Great Commoner of Mankind----- Rights of Man; The Age of Reason; Agrarian JusticeAmerican Crisis (a series of 16 pamphlets)2.5 P32 ①for though the flame of liberty may sometimes cease to shine,the coal can never expire.------ spirit / enthusiasm of struggle② but if a thief breaks into my house---- British government2.6★Philip Freneau-----美国前期浪漫主义的代表诗人/ the mostoutstanding writer of the post-Revolutionary period----- “The Poet of Revolution”----- “Father of American Poetry”(连线)----- he settled in Mount Pleasant, near Freehold, NewJersey---- The Wild-Honey Suckle(If nothing once, you nothing lose)3THE LITERATURE OF ROMANTICISM3.1起止时间:Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book(1819-1820)---Whitman’s Leaves of Grass(1858)3.2浪漫主义的一般特点:moral enthusiasm, faith in the value ofindividualism and intuitive perception, a presumption thatthe naturalworld was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source ofcorruption.3.3Oversoul: an all-pervading power for goodness from which all thingscome and of which all thing are a part.3.4美国国歌:Star-Spangled Banner3.5Literature from: novels, short stories, poems.3.6The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature becamea permanent convention of American literature.3.7★Washington Irving---- Father of American short stories(连线)-----the messenger sent from the new world to theold world----- the first great prose stylist of Americanromanticism----- Sketch Book (33篇文章+ 1篇自传)----- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow3.8James Fenimore Cooper--------The founder of the frontier stories-------- two kinds of immensely popular stories:the sea adventure tale; the frontier saga.The best of his many sea romances was ThePilot---------★连线Leatherstocking Tales(TheDeerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, ThePathfinder, The Pioneers, The Prairie)------“The nearest approach yet to anAmerican epic”3.9William Cullen Bryant-----Thanatopsis(意为view of death)To a Waterfowl3.10★Edgar Allan Poe------ the founder of detective stories-------T o Helen: perfumed sea(one’s home land)of yore (cherish the ancient time/ancient beauty) bore to (brought to);wont to (be accustomed to)classic face (face of classic beauty) To the glory that was Greece, And the grandeur thatwas Rome (the great achievement in Greece and Rome) --------Annabel Lee (①倒数第二个stanza 运用comparison 的手法表现了对LEE 的爱。
目标本教学大纲的目标是:1. 培养学生对美国文学的基本认识和理解;2. 了解美国文学的历史发展和不同文学流派;3. 分析和解读美国文学中的重要作品和主题;4. 培养学生的批判性思考和分析能力;5. 提高学生的写作和口头表达能力。
教学内容本教学大纲包括以下主题和作品的学习和讨论:1. 移民文学时期- 威廉·布拉德福的《马萨诸塞州的历史》 - 纳撒尼尔·霍桑的《红字》- 华盛顿·欧文的短篇小说集《谋杀故事集》2. 浪漫主义文学运动- 爱默生的散文集《自然》- 爱伦·坡的短篇小说集《黑鸦》- 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的《白鲸》3. 现实主义文学- 马克·吐温的《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 - 亨利·詹姆斯的《麦克白斯特》- 卡特琳·安妮·波特的《威尔斯的故事》4. 历史小说- 西奥多·德莱赛的《林肯传》- 威廉·福克纳的《押沙龙,押沙龙!》- 托妮·莫里森的《亲爱的》5. 现代主义文学- 弗朗茨·凯夫卡的《变形记》- F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》- 埃内斯特·海明威的《老人与海》教学方法为达到上述目标,我们将采用以下教学方法:1. 课堂讲授:教师将介绍每个主题的背景知识、作品的概要和主要主题。
2. 阅读讨论:学生将阅读每个作品,并参与小组讨论,以理解作品的细节、主题和意义。
3. 文学分析:学生将学习如何分析文学作品的风格、结构、语言和主题,从而培养批判性思考和分析能力。
4. 写作任务:学生将进行文学评论、作品比较和主题探讨等写作任务,以提高他们的写作和表达能力。
二、教学目标1. 掌握美国文学的重要作家、文学流派和发展历程;2. 理解美国文学作品的主题、文学技巧和风格;3. 分析和评价美国文学作品在社会和文化背景中的地位与意义;4. 培养学生的文学鉴赏能力和批判思维能力;5. 提升学生的阅读理解和写作能力。
三、教学内容1. 美国文学的起源与发展:欧洲殖民地时期、移民文学、开拓时代、现代主义文学等;2. 重要作家与作品:爱默生、惠特曼、狄更斯、海明威、弗兰纳里奥康纳等;3. 文学流派与主题:自然主义、现实主义、黑人文学、女性文学等;4. 文学时期与社会背景:美国独立战争、内战、20世纪社会变革等;5. 文学批评与研究方法:文学理论、文本分析、主题阐释等。
四、教学方法1. 大课堂讲授:通过讲座和多媒体展示介绍美国文学的重要内容和作家;2. 小组讨论:组织学生进行小组活动,共同研究和分析文学作品,提升学生的合作和批判思维能力;3. 文学欣赏:组织学生进行文学作品的朗诵、演绎和赏析,培养学生的文学鉴赏能力;4. 独立研究:引导学生选择并深入研究一个美国文学作品或作家,撰写研究报告;5. 课堂演讲:学生进行文学作品的演讲和分享,提升口头表达和写作能力。
五、考核方式1. 平时表现:包括课堂参与、小组讨论、作业完成情况等;2. 期中考试:考察学生对基本概念和作品的理解和分析能力;3. 期末论文:学生选择一个特定的美国文学作品或作家进行深入研究,撰写一份论文;4. 课堂演讲:学生进行对所选文学作品的演讲和分享,展示对作品的理解和观点。
六、参考教材1. 《美国文学概论》- 约翰·斯库利、葛雷·诺布尔著2. 《美国文学经典导读》- 弗朗西斯·洛夫著3. 《美国文学史》- 亨利·格雷厄姆·佛吉著4. 《美国文学简史》- 波兰尼·米汉著七、教学进度安排1. 第一周:介绍美国文学的定义、研究方法和重要性;2. 第二至四周:美国文学的起源与发展;3. 第五至八周:重要作家与作品;4. 第九至十二周:文学流派与主题;5. 第十三至十五周:文学时期与社会背景;6. 第十六周:文学批评与研究方法;7. 第十七周:学生独立研究报告展示;8. 第十八周:期末论文提交和课堂演讲。
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三、教材及主要参考书教材:童明:《美国文学史》[增订版] ( A History of American Literature, Revised and expanded edition).北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2010.主要参考书:常耀信:《美国文学简史》[第二版](A Survey of American Literature,2nd edition).天津:南开大学出版社,2003.四、考核内容与考核目标Part 1Early American Literature: Colonial Period to 1815 Chapter 1 The literature of the New World1. “discoverer” of America: Christopher Columbus, 1492; Amerigo Vespucci ( Hence“America”,1507 world map) (识记,次重点)2.Native (Indian) American Oral literature: origin stories, trickster tales ,historical narratives (理解,次重点)Chapter 2 The Literature of Colonial America: 1620-17633. Jamestown: first English settlement in North America(识记,重点)5. Captain John Smith: First author in the history of American literature (aboutJamestown) (识记,一般)6.William Bradford: Father of American history, author of Of Plymouth Plantation(识记,一般)7. In 1620, the Bradford party sailed on the Mayflower and came to Cape Cod,Massachusetts. (识记,次重点)8. Anne Bradstreet: the first poetess in the colonial period:The Tenth Muse LatelySprung up in America(识记,一般)9.Jonathan Edwards: the great thinker of the “Great Awakening”(识记,一般)Chapter 3 Literature and American Revolution:1764—181510. American Puritanism (重点,理解)11. The 18th century, in America, as in Europe, is known as the Age of Reason andEnlightenment. (识记,次重点)12. Enlightenment in America (理解,次重点)13. Deism and Unitarianism(理解,一般)14. Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard’s Almanacs; Autobiography(理解,重点)15.Thomas Paine: Common Sense; The American Crisis; The Rights of Man(识记,重点)16. Thomas Jefferson: The Declaration of Independence(理解,重点)17. Alexander Hamilton: The Federalist Papers (co-author) (识记,一般)18. Philip Freneau: the poet of “American Revolution”: The Wild Honey Suckle, TheIndian Burying Ground(识记,重点)Part 2American Romanticism 1815—1865Chapter 4 The Age of American Romanticism1.definition and characteristics of American Romanticism (应用,重点)2.First flowering of American literature(识记,次重点)Chapter 5 Early Romanticism1. The three early romanticists: Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, andWilliam Cullen Bryant (识记,重点)3.Washington Irving: The Sketch Book, in which two of Irving’s best known stories“Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” are included(理解,重点); A History of New York(识记,一般); A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus(识记,一般)4.James Fenimore Cooper: The Leather-stocking Tales ( The Pioneers, The Last ofthe Mohicans, The Prairie, The Pathfinder, The Deerslayer), the mythic hero of this series is Natty Bumppo (理解,重点)5.William Cullen Bryant: Poems : Thanatopsis (meaning meditation on death); Toa Waterfowl (about Nature’s power) (识记,次重点)Chapter 6 Transcendentalism and Symbolic Representation1.The Transcendental Club: 1) published 16 issues of The Dial; 2) establishedBrook Farm, a utopian community (识记,一般)2.Transcendentalism as a philosophy (应用,重点)3.Ralph Waldo Emerson:1)the leading spokesman for Transcendentalism (识记,重点).2)Nature: “the manifesto of American transcendentalism” (理解,重点).;3)Essays (First serirs,1941, Second series,1844): “The Over-soul”,“Compensation”, Self- Reliance ( from which comes the idea “Trust thyself’);“The Poet”.(识记,一般)4)Representative Men(识记,一般)5)Address: “The American Scholar”( called America’s “ intellectualDeclaration of Independence”); “Divinity School Address”. (识记,次重点)6)His poetry(识记,一般)7)His style(识记,一般)4.Margret Fuller: first editor of The Dial, author of Woman in the NineteenthCentury (advocating for women’s rights) (识记,一般)5.Henry David Thoreau:1)today primary remembered for two of his works: Walden and the essay “CivilDisobedience”. (识记,重点)2)Nature and Implications of Thoreau’s revolt as revealed in Walden and“Civil Disobedience”(理解,重点)3)Thoreau’s style: thinking in imagery (理解,一般)Chapter 7 Hawthorne, Melville and Poe1.Hawthorne, Melville and Poe are masters of “negative capability”. (理解,重点)2. Nathaniel Hawthorne1)Hawthorne’s moral vision(理解,次重点)2)Hawthorne’s themes: sin and evil, internal contradiction, male withdrawalfrom marriage(识记,重点)3)Hawthorne’s style: 1) elevated in diction and restrained in rhetoric, thusgraceful and polished; 2) allegory and symbol; 3) irony and ambiguity(识记,重点)4)Novels: Scarlet Letter (应用,重点); The House of Seven Gables(识记,一般); The Blithedale Romance(识记,一般); The Marble Faun(识记,一般)5)Short stories: Young Goodman Brown; The Minister’s Black Veil; MajorMolineux; Rappcinni’s Daughter; The Birthmark(识记,一般)3.Herman Melville1)His major works: Moby Dick(应用,重点)2)Other works: Typee; Omoo; Mardi; Redburn(识记,一般); Billy Budd(理解,次重点)4.Edgar Allen Poe1)Father of American detective stories(识记,重点);2)His only novel: Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym(识记,一般)3)Gothic fiction: E.g. The Fall of the House of Usher(识记,一般);4)Short stories: Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque(识记,一般)5)Theme of his poems: Beauty associated with sadness (melancholy)(应用,重点). E.g. The Raven; To Helen; Ulalume; Annabel Lee(识记,一般)Chapter 8 Whitman and Dickinson1.Walt Whitman1) free verse (理解,重点)2) Collected poems: Leaves of Grass(识记,重点)E.g.Song of Myself (celebrating the Self and Individualism) (理解,重点)O Captain! My Captain! (in mourning of Lincoln) (识记,次重点)2. Emily Dickinson; wrote nearly 2000poems,but fewer than 20 were published1) Recluse of Amherst(识记,重点)2) Themes of her poems: individualism and spirituality; suffering, dying and death(识记,次重点)3) style: short words and phrases separated and joined by dashes. (识记,一般)Chapter 9 A House Divided: Writing Against Slavery1. Harriet Beecher Stowe (Lincoln called her “the little lady who made this big war),author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1851-1852) (理解,重点)2. Frederick Douglass: Narrative of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845)(识记,次重点)3. Harriet Ann Jacobs : Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861) (识记,一般)Part 3American Realism 1865—1914Chapter10 The Age of Realism1. subdivided into two periods: the period of an expanding continental nation from1865 till the 1890s and the “progressive period” from the 1890s to 1914. (识记,一般)2. Realism as a broader term is also inclusive of naturalism, regionalism and localcolor writing. (识记,一般)3. Parameters (characteristics ) of Realism (运用,重点)Chapter 11 Regional and Local color Writing1. Mark Twain1) Four Types of his writing:A) personalized fiction ( The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn; The Gilded Age: A Tale of To-day; The Tragedy ofPuddd’nhead Wilson) (理解,重点)B) Travel fiction (The Innocents Abroad; Roughing It; A Tramp Abroad; Life onthe Mississippi; Following the Equator) (识记,一般)C) Historical romance ( T he Prince and The Pauper; A Connecticut Yankee in KingArthur’s Court; Personal Reflections of Joan of Arc by the Sieur Louis Conte) (识记,一般)D) Tall tales (The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County; The Man thatCorrupted Hadleyburg) (识记,次重点)2)“All Modern literature come from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.”(Ernest Hemingway) (识记,重点)Chapter 12 Henry James and William Dean Howells1.William Dean Howells1)held a central position in the development of American realism,representative of Mid-western realism. (识记,重点)2)His long essay of criticism: Criticism and Fiction(识记,一般)3)Novels: The Rise of Silas Lapham (1885) (识记,重点); A Hazard of NewFortune (1890) (识记,一般)2.Henry James1) Themes of his novels: (识记,重点)A. The international theme;B. the emotion-of-life theme;C. The artist theme;D. psychological realism2) Novels: Three of the best:The Wings of Dove; The Ambassadors; The Golden Bowl(识记,次重点)3) The two best-known novellas: Daisy Miller; The Turn of the Screw(识记,一般)4) Other works: The American; The Portrait of a Lady(识记,次重点)Chapter 13 Literary Naturalism1. Philosophical elements and literary characteristics of Naturalism(应用,重点)2. Hamlin Garland’s “veritism”(理解,次重点)3. Stephen Crane (1871-1900)1) Two of his well-known novels: Maggie of the Streets(理解,次重点); The RedBadge of Courage(理解,重点)2) Three well-known short stories: The Open Boat; The Monster; The Bride Comesto Yellow Sky. (识记,一般)4. Frank Norris (1870-19020: American Zola1) The naturalist characteristics of Frank Norris’s “Romance “(理解,次重点)2) Novels: McTeague(理解,重点); Octopus(识记,一般); The Pit(识记,一般)5. Jack London(1876-1916)1) London’s naturalist view of life and Man(应用,重点)2) Works:The Call of the Wild(应用,重点); White Fang(识记,一般); The SeaWolf(识记,一般); Martin Eden(识记,一般); Iron Heel(识记,一般)6. Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)1) Major theme of Dreiser’s fiction(应用,重点)2) Works: Sister Carrie(应用,重点); Jennie Gerhart;The Genius(识记,一般); An American Tragedy(理解,次重点);Trilogy of Desire: a. The Financier; b. The Titan; c. The Stoic(识记,次重点)Chapter 14 Women Writing on the “Woman Question”1. “Woman question” in the late 19th century and early 20th century(理解,一般)2. Kate Chopin (1851-1904)1) Her theme (理解,一般)2) Her work: The Awakening(理解,重点)3. Edith Wharton (1862-1937)1) Her theme(理解,一般)2) Works: The Age of Innocence(应用,重点); The House of Mirth(理解,次重点);T he Great Inclination(识记,一般); Ethan Frome(识记,一般)Part 4American ModernismChapter 15 Modernism in American Grain1.American modernism: Second flowering of American Literature(识记,次重点)2.General observation (理解,一般)3.The formal dimensions(理解,一般)4. Philosophical paradigms for modernism(理解,次重点)5.Two short-hand definitions(理解,一般)Chapter 16 The Evolution of Modernism1.Robert Frost (1874-1963)1)His vision and Style(理解,一般)2)Poems: The Road Not Taken (depicting a choice made that makes all thedifference)(理解,重点); Mending Wall ( criticizing the famous line: Good fences make good neighbors) (理解,重点); “ Stopping by the woods on a Snowy Evening(理解,重点); A Boy’s Will(识记,一般); After Apple-picking(识记,一般); The Overn Bird(识记,一般); Ice and Fire(识记,一般)2.Willa Cather (1873-1947): Author of My Ántonia(识记,重点)3.Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941): “The grotesques”in Winesburg, Ohio(理解,重点).Chapter 17 American Modernism in Europe1.Gertrude Stein (1874-1946): the coiner of “The lost Genration”.2.Ezra Pound (1885-1972)1)Imagist movement (eg. “In a Station of the Metro”) (运用,重点)2)The Cantos (some themes)(理解,次重点)Chapter 18 Modern Fiction Between the Wars1.William Faulker (1897-1962)1)Style and Themes ( perspectivism / polyphonic novel; psychoanalysis/ “stream of consciouness”; types of families and characters in the South) (理解,次重点)2)Novels: The Sound and Fury(应用,重点); As I Lay Dying(理解,次重点);Light in August(理解,次重点); Absalom, Absalom!(理解,次重点)3)Short story: “A Rose for Emily”(应用,重点)2.Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)1)recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954,one of the finest literary stylist of the 20th century.(识记,一般)2)Spokesman for “The Lost Generation”(应用,重点)3)His style (diction and syntax; the Iceberg Principle) (理解,重点)4)Hemingway Code Hero (应用,重点)5)Works: The Sun Also Rise( a fine example for “The Lost Generation”,理解,重点)s; A Farewell to Arms(理解,重点); For Whom the BellTolls(理解,重点); The Old Man and the Sea(理解,重点); In Our Time(识记,一般); Death in the Afternoon(识记,一般); The Green Hillsof Africa(识记,一般); A Clean, Well-lighted Place(识记,一般);The Snow of Kilimanjaro(理解,一般); To have and Have not(识记,一般); Indian Camp(识记,一般)3. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)1)spokesman for “The Jazz Age” and “The Roaring Twenties”.(识记,重点)2)Works: The Great Gatsby(应用,重点); Tender is the Night(识记,重点)4.John Dos Passos (1896-1970): author of USA, a trilogy consisting of TheForty-second Parallel; 1919, and The Big Money (理解,次重点)5.John Steinbeck (1902-1968): recipient of Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962,primarily remembered for three of his many novels: In dubious Battle; (识记,一般)Of Mice and Men; (识记,一般)The Grapes of Wrath(理解,重点)Chapter 19 Modern American Poetry1.T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)1)His visionary of The Waste Land (理解,重点)2)His poems: The Waste Land(应用,重点); The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (应用,重点); Ash Wednesday(识记,一般); The Hollow Men(识记,一般);Four Quartets(识记,一般)2.Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)1)“ Of Modern Poetry” is Stevens’s carefully considered statement ofmodernism. (识记,一般)2)“Sunday Morning” is one of the best-known poem by Stevens (depicting awoman not going to church but enjoy the sunshine and contemplating whatdivinity is.) (识记,一般)3.William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)1)His themes(理解,一般)2)The Red Wheelbarrow(应用,重点)4. e.e.cummings (1894-1962): His themes and style(eg. “ Buffalo Bill’s)(识记,一般)Chapter 20 African American Literature and Modernism1.Harlem Renaissance (理解,重点)ngston Hughes ( 1902-1967): leading writer of the Harlem Renaissance, andone of the most original and versatile black writers in the 20th century;remembered for his poetry. (识记,一般)3.Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960)1) a major figure in the Harlem/New Negro Renaissance; (识记,一般)2)Her most important novel: Their Eyes were Watching God (1937) (识记,一般)5.Richard Wright (1908-1960): Author of Native Son(理解,重点); Black Boy(识记,一般); The Man Who Lived Underground(识记,一般).Part 5 American Literature Diversified: 1945 to the New MillenniumChapter 21 Literature Diversified Under New Conditions1.Existentialism (理解,一般)2.Postmodernism(理解,一般)Chapter 22 American Theater: Three Major Playwrights1.Eugene O’Neill, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller are unanimously the bestspecimens of American theater in the 20th century.(识记,重点)2.Eugene O’Neill (1888-1953): Winner of 1936 Nobel Prize for Literature(识记,一般)1)Expressionism(理解,一般)2)His plays: The Hairy Ape (理解,重点); The Emperor Jones(理解,次重点);Desire Under the Elms(理解,次重点); Beyond the Horizon(识记,一般); TheIceman Cometh(识记,一般); Long Day’s Journey into Night(识记,一般)3.Tennessee Williams (1911-1983): the most important dramatist that emergedafter WWII.1)The Glass Menagerie: Tennessee Williams’s autobiographical play. (识记,重点)2)A Streetcar Named Desire(识记,重点)4.Arthur Miller (1915-2005): Author of All My Sons(识记,一般); Death of aSalesman(理解,重点); The Crucible(识记,一般)Chapter 23 Major Fiction Writers: 1945 till 1960s1.Ralph Ellison(1914-1994): Black novelist, author of Invisible Man(识记,重点)2.James Baldwin (1924-1987): black writer, author of Go Tell it on the Mountain(识记,一般)3.Flannery O’Conner (1925-1964): a southern writer, author of Wise Blood. (识记,一般)4.Saul Bellow (1915-2005): Jewish writer1)winner of 1976 Nobel Prize for Literature.2)Works: Dangling Man(识记,重点); The Victim(识记,一般); The Adventuresof Augie March(识记,重点); Henderson Rain King(识记,重点); Seize theDay(识记,一般); Herzog(识记,重点); Humbolt’s Gift(识记,重点);Mr. Sammler’s Planet(识记,重点); The Dean’s December(识记,一般); MoreDie of Heartbreak.(识记,一般)5.Bernard Malamud (1914-1986): Jewish writer, author of The Natural; TheAssistant; The Tenants; The Fixer; Dubin’s Lives(识记,一般)6.J.D. Salinger (1919-2010): author of The Catcher in the Rye(理解,重点).7.Joseph Heller (1923-1999)1)Black Humor(理解,重点)2)Catch-22(理解,重点)Chapter 24 Poetic Tendencies Since 19451.Sylvia Plath (1932-1963): a confessional poet(识记,一般)2.Allan Ginsberg (1926-1997)1)Beat Generation (应用,重点)2)Best and most influential poem: “Howl”(理解,重点)Chapter 25 Fictional Inclinations Since the 1960s1.John Barth (1930-): postmodern writer, related with the term “metafiction”(识记,一般)2.Thomas Pynchon (1938-): postmodern writer, author of V(识记,重点);Gravity’s Rainbow (识记,重点); The Crying of Lot 49(识记,一般)3.John Updike(1932-2009): author of the Rabbit series: Rabbit, Run (1960) (识记,重点); Rabbit Redux (1971) (识记,重点); Rabbit is Rich (1981) (识记,重点); Rabbit at Rest (1990) (识记,重点)Chapter 26 Contemporary Multi-ethic literature and Fiction1.Toni Morrison (1931-)1)African American novelist, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature.(识记,一般)2)Novels: The Bluest Eyes(识记,重点); Sula(识记,一般); Song of Solomon(识记,一般); Tar Baby(识记,一般); Beloved(识记,重点).2.Alice Walker (1944-): African American novelist, author of The Color Purple(识记,次重点).3.Maxine Hong Kingston (1940-): Chinese American writer, author of The WomanWarrior(识记,重点);China Men(识记,重点); Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book(识记,一般)4.Amy Tan (1952-): Chinese American writer, author of The Joy Luck Club(识记,重点)Chapter 27 Globalization of American Literature: Diasporic Writers1.Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977): author of Lolita(识记,重点)2.Issa Bashevis Singer (1904-1991): 1978 winner of The Nobel Prize for Litearture,author of The Magician of Lublin; Gimpel the Fool(识记,重点)五,考试方式及试卷结构1.考试类型:闭卷、笔试2.记分方式:五级等级制(五等)3.考试时长:考查课、100分钟4.试题类型及比例:填空:20%;选择:30%;名词解释:20%;问答题:30%5.难度等级及比例:易:50%,中等难度:30%,难:20%;识记:50%,理解:30%,应用:20%6.课程总评成绩构成:平时成绩占60%,期末考试占40%。