英语语言学 毕业论文
语言具有以下几个主要特征:1. 双重系统:语言既有音系(声音系统),也有词汇(词汇系统)。
2. 有限性:语言的符号系统是有限的,但可以通过组合和变换来产生无限的表达方式。
3. 社会性:语言是社会的产物,它反映了人们的文化、价值观和社会地位。
1. 音位:音位是语言中最基本的语音单位,它可以通过发音来区分不同的词汇。
2. 词汇:词汇是由音位组成的,它是语言中最基本的意义单位。
3. 句法:句法是词汇的组合规则,它决定了词汇如何组合成句子。
4. 语义:语义涉及词汇和句法的意义,它研究词汇和句子的意义以及它们之间的关系。
1. 语言变体:英语作为一种全球性语言,它在不同的地区有不同的变体,如美式英语、英式英语等。
2. 语言变异:同一种语言在不同的语境中也会发生变异。
英语语⾔学毕业论⽂(精选多篇)英语语⾔学毕业论⽂(精选多篇)第⼀篇:英语专业毕业论⽂:社会语⾔学the definition of sociolinguistics and its characteristic外语系06接本6班尹珊珊24号[abstract]sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations. it ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak to one another. sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language.[key words] sociolinguisticssociolinguistics variationsocial function [content]sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used. it also studies how lects differ between groups separated by certain social variables, e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc., and how creation and adherence to these rules is used to categorize individual socio-economic classes. as the usage of a language varies from place to place, and language usage varies among social classes. it is socialists that sociolinguistics studies.the study of language variation is concerned with social constraints determine language in its contextual environment. code-switching is the term given to the use of different varieties of language in different social situations. sociolinguistic differs from sociology of language in that the focus of sociolinguistics is the effect of the society on the language, while the latter’s focus is on the language’s effect on the society. while the study of sociolinguistics is very broad, there are a few fundamental concepts on which most sociolinguistic inquiries depend. sociolinguistics is different from many of the other branches of linguistics in that it studies external as opposed to internal language. internal language applies to the study of language on the abstract level, or in the head, put simply. external language applies to language in social contexts, or outside the head. this distinction is important, because internal language analyses, such as syntax and semantics, operate1on the assumption that all native speakers of a language are quite homogeneous in how they process and perceive language. external language fields, such as sociolinguistics, attempt to explain why this is in fact not the case. these two approaches, while distinct, complement each other in practice.understanding language in society means that one also has to understand the social networks in which language is embedded. this may apply to the macro level of a country or a city, but also to the inter-personal level ofneighborhoods or a single family.sociolinguistics as a field distinct from dialectology was pioneered through the study of language variation in urban areas. whereas dialectology studies the geographic distribution of language variation, sociolinguistics focuses on other sources of variation, among them class. class and occupation is one of the most important linguistic markers found in society.one of the fundamental findings of sociolinguistics, which has been hard to disprove, is that class and language variety are related. as can be implied from the example below, the working class tends to speak less standard language. the lower, middle, and upper middle class will in turn speak closer to the standard. however, the upper class, even members of the upper middle class, may often speak ‘less’ standard than the middle class. this is because not only class, but class aspirations, are important. men and women, on average, tend to use slightly different language styles. these differences tend to be quantitative rather than qualitative. that is, to say that women make more minimal responses than men is akin to saying that men are taller than women. the initial identification of a women’s register was by robin lakoff in 1975, who argued that the style of language served to maintain women’s role in society. a later refinement of this argument was that gender differences in language reflected a power difference. however, both these perspective have the language style ofmen as normat ive, implying that women’s style is inferior. more recently, deborah tannen has compared gender differences in language as more similar to ‘cultural’ differences. comparing conversational goals, she argued that men have a report style,aiming to communicate factual information, whereas women have a rapport style, more concerned with building and maintaining relationships. such differences are pervasive across mediums, including face-to-face conversation, written essays of primary school children, email, and even toilet graffiti. communication styles are always a product of context, and as such, gender differences tend to be most pronounced in single-gender groups. one explanation for this, is that people accommodate their language towards the style of the person they are interacting with. thus, in a mixed-gender group, gender differences tend to be less pronounced. a similarly important observation is that this accommodation is usually towards the language style, not the gender of the person. that is, a polite and empathic male will tend to be accommodated to on thebasis of their being polite and empathic, rather than their being male. sociolinguistics has drawn more and more attention since it became an independent discipline in mid 1960s. but scholars from various disciplines look at sociolinguistics from different perspectives, and carry out sociolinguistic study in different ways. this paper tries to understand sociolinguistics in terms of its definitions and the scope of sociolinguisticstudy to point o ut the lack of comprehensiveness in fishman’’s view on the definition of sociolinguistics.参考⽂献:《社会语⾔学概论》戴庆厦主编商务印书馆《社会语⾔学概论》祝畹瑾编著湖南教育出版社.《语⾔学概论》杨信彰⾼等教育出版社第⼆篇:英语语⾔学论⽂题⽬英语语⾔学论⽂题⽬13论国际商务谈判中的语⾔交际技巧33成⼈世界的童话——从⽂体学⾓度解析现今童话再度流⾏的现象49论⽂化差异与英汉商标互译55浅谈英汉句⼦结构差异59诗意的美和喜剧性幽默62试论⼴告英语的语⾔特点65统觉团对英语初学者词汇学习的影响67外语学习中应该重视中介语的作⽤69新闻报道中的转述动词研究73英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对⽐研究74英汉数字习语的对⽐研究76英译汉中词序的变动78英语⼴告的语⾔特征80英语双关语汉译的可译性限度101词义演变的原因与⽅式137从汉语中英语借词的翻译看⽂化交流138从价值观转换看斯佳丽的⾓⾊特征142从礼貌准则看中英⽂化的异同146从习语看英汉民族的⽂化差异149从英语⼈名中看性别歧视157动词过程类型的选择和话语隐性态度的表达161对母语在英语写作中词汇负迁移现象的思考162对严复译作中“信”的质疑167法律英语⽤词特征分析168法律语⾔翻译与法律⽂体177副词ever的句法环境和语义特征180功能语法视⾓下的英语报纸新闻标题的功能183⼴告⼝号语的语⾔特点189国际商务⽂化之对⽐研究204汉语中双关语的翻译213基于概念隐喻的诗歌解读228论⼴告英语中的幽默265论⼴告英语的语⾔特点268论汉英谚语的语⾔特征280论清教理念与美国西进运动282论莎⼠⽐亚⼗四⾏诗中的时间300论英语⼴告中⼏种常⽤修辞格及其汉译310论尤⾦?奥尼尔的表现主义⼿法324名词化的语篇功能330诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响339浅谈英语虚拟语⽓的语⽤功能340浅谈英语虚拟语⽓及其语⽤功能345浅析⼆⼗世纪计算机英语词汇的构成特点346浅析汉英动物谚语中的⽂化348浅析英汉语⾔中的性别歧视现象及其根源349浅析英语禁忌语及其发展352浅析英语⽆标志被动句356浅议译者能⼒359认知语⾔学⾓度下“within” 的空间隐喻意义365商标英语汉译的原则和⽅法384体育新闻英语⽂体研究375社会语⾔学视野中的⽹络语⾔418新闻英语中的语法特点研究423颜⾊词在英汉互译中的不对应性425移就的审美价值和⽣成基础426以认知为基础的颜⾊隐喻研究428隐喻认知功能研究的新视⾓429隐喻与⼀词多义的关系438英汉被动句对⽐研究439英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因。
As a high school student with a keen interest in languages, Ive always been fascinated by the intricate patterns and structures that form the basis of linguistics. My journey into the world of English linguistics began with a simple curiosity about how we communicate, which eventually led me to explore the subject in depth.Growing up, I was always intrigued by the way words could be combined to create meaning. I remember the first time I learned about phonetics, the study of the sounds of human speech. It was like unlocking a secret code that everyone around me was using without even realizing it. Understanding the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA opened up a new dimension to the English language for me, allowing me to appreciate the subtle differences in pronunciation that can change the meaning of words.One of the most captivating aspects of English linguistics is syntax, the way words are arranged to form sentences. Its amazing to think that a simple change in word order can completely alter the meaning of a sentence. For example, The cat chased the mouse and The mouse chased the cat convey entirely different scenarios, despite using the same words. This realization made me appreciate the complexity and precision of language.Semantics, the study of meaning in language, is another area that I found particularly engaging. Its not just about the literal meaning of words, but also the connotations and implications they carry. Idioms, for instance, are a rich source of semantic exploration. Phrases like break the ice or let the cat out of the bag have meanings far removed from their literal interpretations, and understanding them requires a deeper knowledge ofthe culture and context in which they are used.As I delved deeper into linguistics, I became increasingly aware of the importance of pragmatics, the study of how context influences the interpretation of language. Its not just what we say, but how, when, and to whom we say it that matters. This understanding helped me become a more effective communicator, as I learned to adapt my language to suit different audiences and situations.The study of language acquisition was another eyeopening experience. Its incredible to see how young children can pick up a language so naturally, and how different factors like environment and exposure can influence their learning process. This has made me reflect on my own language learning journey and appreciate the effort and patience required to master a new language.Furthermore, sociolinguistics, which examines the relationship between language and society, has given me insight into how language can be a reflection of social identity. Dialects, accents, and even the choice of words can reveal a lot about a persons background and social standing. This has made me more conscious of the way I use language and how it might be perceived by others.One of the most enlightening experiences in my linguistic journey was learning about language change and evolution. English, like all languages, has not remained static. It has been shaped by historical events, cultural interactions, and technological advancements. The emergence of newwords and phrases, especially in the digital age, is a testament to the dynamic nature of language.In conclusion, my exploration of English linguistics has been a rewarding and enlightening experience. It has not only deepened my understanding of the English language but also broadened my perspective on communication and its role in shaping our identities and societies. As I continue to learn and grow, I am excited to see where my passion for linguistics will take me next.。
在这种情况下,合作语言学习(cooperative language learning)得以产生,继而得到了广泛的关注和应用。
笔者也在英语口语教学(oral English teaching)中尝试了合作语言学习的方法。
教师的语音(pronunciation)、语调(intonation)、语气(tone)、措辞(expression)、语言习惯(language habit)等都是学生模仿和学习的对象,因此,实际的教学中我们经常会看到一个教师的学生在口语使用上有惊人的雷同和类似,而这种千人一律的口语并不是我们口语教学的初衷。
一、语音学在英语语法学中的基础作用1. 音素的定义与分类2. 音节的组成与结构3. 重音与音调二、语音学在英语语法学中的具体应用1. 语音规律对语法结构的影响(1) 语音变化与语法形式(2) 语音对语法意义的影响2. 语音与句法的关系(1) 语音形式与句法结构的对应关系(2) 语音连读对句法关系的影响结论语音学在英语语法学中扮演着重要的角色。
一、语法学在英语语音学中的基础作用1. 语音规则与语法关系2. 重读与语法意义关联3. 语法结构对语音形式的影响二、语法学在英语语音学中的具体应用1. 语法规则对语音的影响(1) 语法变化与语音形式(2) 语法对语音意义的影响2. 语法与韵律的关系(1) 语法结构对韵律的影响(2) 语法形式与语音调的关联结论语法学在英语语音学中发挥着重要的作用。
参考文献:1. Yule, G. (2010). The Study of Language (4th ed.). Cambridge University Press.2. Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2017). An Introduction to Language (11th ed.). Nelson Education.3. Ladefoged, P., & Johnson, K. (2010). A Course in Phonetics (6th ed.). Wadsworth Publishing.。
以下是其中一些方面:1. 语音学语音学研究语音的产生、使用和描述。
2. 语法学语法学是英语语言学的基础,用于研究言语产生的规则和机制,以及词汇和结构在句子中的使用。
3. 语义学语义学是研究语言意义的学科领域。
4. 语用学语用学是研究语言在特定上下文中实际使用的学科领域。
例如,“Mr Zhou have a sharp tongue,look out,it doesn’t cut your throat.”这句话看起来是像是在说舌头,但是,我们把这句话放到语境中,就可以想到,这里的“a sharp tongue”并不是什么锋利的舌头,而是牙尖嘴利、毒舌的意思,是发话者幽默、含蓄、间接的表达方式。
Grice认为,在人们运用语言进行交际时,交际的双方(发话者和受话者)还要遵守一些先决条件和原则,例如使用双方都能熟练运用的语言、交谈内容是双方都熟悉的话题,还有最重要的合作原则(cooperative principle,CP)。
英语语言学概论论文论文题目:An Analysis of Euphemism in English From the Politeness Principle of PragmaticsAbstractEuphemism, cosmetic words, is not only a lingual phenomenon, but also a cultural and social phenomenon.It is like a mirror, reflecting the values, aesthetic conceptions and moral concepts in some extent.Euphemism plays an important part in social communication.It is like lube that avoids hurting the other party’s feeling.It oils the human relationship in communication and helps to save face of communicators.If people make full use of euphemism, it can accelerate and facilitate human communication.This paper elaborates on the features and social functions of euphemism.And it focuses on the relationships between its polite functions and Politeness Principle.This thesis is composed of six parts with Chapter Four and Five as its core: The first chapter focuses on the origin and definitions of euphemism.The second chapter discusses the features of euphemism in many ways.The third chapter talks about the social functions of euphemism from the angle of pragmatics.The fourth chapter forms the basis of the whole research by connecting euphemism with politeness and face-saving theory.The fifth chapter centers on euphemism and Politeness Principle.The last chapter concludes the whole thesis.Appropriate use of English euphemism can contribute a lot to successful message exchange.Key Words: euphemism; social functions; Politeness Principle; face1.IntroductionThere is a humor: Once a Paris tourist resided in UK.A landlady told him sadly that, “My husband has just passed to the other side.” The guest looked from the fence of the garden but saw no one, feeling confused.The landlady explained: “I mean he’s kicked the bucket.” The guest comforted her that: “I hope his foot will be better soon.”The landlady felt unintelligibly and said: “No, he wasn’t here, he snuffed it… you know.” The guest wondered and said: “But you’ve got electricity here.”The reasons why the guest didn’t answer properly are that he didn’t realize that the landlady used euphemism, nor did he understand the “conversational implicature” of euphemism.What the landlady wanted to say is that her husband died.The word euphemism comes from the Greek word “euphemos”, meaning "auspicious/good/fortunate speech" which in turn is derived from the Greek root--- words eu, "good/well" + pheme, "speech/speaking".The eupheme was originally a word or phrase used in place of a religious word or phrase that should not be spoken aloud (Such as taboo).The primary examples of taboo words requiring the use of a euphemism are the unspeakable names for a deity, such as Persephone, Hecate, Nemesis or Yahweh.By speaking only words favorable to the gods or spirits, the speaker attempted to produce good fortune by remaining in good favor with them.“Euphemism is defined in the New Edition of the Oxford Concise Dictionary (1976) as‘Substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or direct one; expression thus substituted.’ IN Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (1973) the definition reads, ‘Substitution of an agreeable or inoffensiveexpression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.’”Euphemism is an important rhetorical means in English.Itplays an important role in people’s daily communication.Itis not only a culturalphenomenon, but also a social phenomenon.It just likes amirror, which reflects some social and psychological phenomena.2.Features of euphemism 2.1 Indirect and implicitThe most important character of euphemism is indirect and implicit.Euphemism always gives people hints in a roundaboutway.We can infer the deeper meaning and intention from the context.For example, when someone is ill, we always say heis under the weather.If someone is mad, we say he is soft inmind.2.2 UniversalityUniversality is something that is well-known and acceptedby all of the people.Though euphemism is indirect and itdoesn’t come straight to the point, people can easily inferits deeper implication.Some taboos connected with sex, death,or body functions are replaced by euphemisms.And the publichas accepted this kind of use.For example, when we refer to death, we seldom say “die”.We use the expression “pass away”.2.3 The feature of timesThe changes of language depend on the need and changes ofthe society.And euphemism undergoes a process ofmetabolism.It bears a marked brand of times.For example,“‘She is pregnant’ has many different euphemisticexpressions in different eras.(1) She has canceled all her social engagements.(1856)(2) She is in an interesting condition.(1880)(3) She is in a delicate condition.(1895)(4) She is knitting little bootees.(1910)(5) She is in a family way.(1920)(6) She is expecting.(1935)(7) She is pregnant.(1956)”But after 1960s, euphemisms of pregnant develop slowly because in modern times, people are not so implicit.They always mention things directly.And now, the phenomenon of pregnant is a cheerful thing.People will not be shy when mentioning it.3.Pragmatic functions of euphemism3.1 Taboo function“Taboo is the main psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism.Euphemism is the avoidance of the unpleasant, inelegant things.A famous sociolinguist Mr.Chen Yuan once said: ‘Generally speaking, the coming into being of euphemism all begins from taboo.’ From the origin of euphemism, we can see that taboo is the first function of euphemism.Euphemism has been using for a long time, and it is closely related to taboo.In fact, euphemism dates back to the language taboo in the early period of human civilization.When people try to avoid and give up taboo words, they have to find another word to replace this vacancy at the same time.Hence, people created euphemism.”There are some taboo things, such as birth, death, funeral, sex, nakedness, defecation, and urinate.If they are expresseddirectly, they are called taboo words and the feelings they give us are vulgar, crude and harsh, whereas if they are expressed indirectly, they are called euphemism, and the impressions they made on us are elegant, implicit and polite.The evading function of euphemism also works today.Some taboo notions cannot be easily removed from people’s mind.Though science and technology are highly developed today, the word “death” is the taboo words to all nations.Thus there are a lot of euphemisms related with it.“Such as pass away, answer the final call, be asleep in Jesus, be safe in the arms of Jesus, be at rest, be called to God, be home and free, be in Abraham’s bosom, cross the River Jordan, final sleep, go home, go to meet one’s maker, go to one’s own place, join one’s ancestors, join the great majority, return to dust, with God, be no longer with us, pay the debt of nature, tick the bucket, etc.”“Among those, ‘one-way-ticket’ is the synonym of ‘die’.It reflects the speaker’s experience of life.Life is just like travel.People set out to travel, but when they arrive to the termination, they cannot go back.In the past, people often used graveyard to express the place where the dead sleep peacefully.But the associations it gives us are horrified and gloomy.So now, people use funeral home and memorial park to replace them.In such a way, it comforts people.”3.2 Polite functionPolite function of euphemism is to avoid inelegant things and make people feel pleasant.As Joanna Channell put in her book Vague Language “Vagueness is used as one way of adhering to the politeness rules for a particular culture, and of notthreatening face.” It means that in real life, when peoplemeet with some unpleasant things or behaviors, they usually choose some vague expressions to avoid making bold or hurting other’s feeling----to use euphemism.It is harsh to say someone is deaf, so people use“auditory-impaired” to replace it.They sound moregracefully.“When English-speakers refer to the appearance,they don’t use the word ‘ugly’ or ‘awful’, which has strong derogatory sense.Instead, they use the word ‘plain-looking’or ‘not pretty’.” Westerners are sensitive to age.In their opinion, “old” equals to “useless” in some extent.In ordernot to hurt the feeling and self-esteem of the old, “old men”are replaced by “senior citizens” or “seasoned men”.Forthe word “senior” has many meanings.Except “older”, italso means higher in rank or authority.And the word“seasoned” means experienced.3.3 Tactical functionIf a same meaning is expressed in many different ways,their effects are entirely different.This is what we calledthe art of speaking.If we apply this strategy to our dailylife, our life will be more colorful.For example, on the plane,there are some bags that can be used by the passengers to shoothis cookies.People don’t print the words “vomit bag” onthe surface of the bag.Instead, they use the words “for motion discomfort”. And the result proved that the vomit phenomenonhas reduced.Because compared with the former words, the word“for motion discomfort” prevents the passengers fromvomiting when in a state of airsickness.This is the tactical function of euphemism.By contrary, if we use euphemism inappropriately, theresult would be worse.Try to compare the following two statements:I am an old cripple, drawing an old-age pension, working hard to raise vast quantities of vegetables on an allotment and well aware that, one of these days, I shall die. If, however, I listen to the voice of officialdom, it turns out that I am a disadvantaged senior citizen, registered as disabled, drawing a retirement pension, renting a leisure garden and, presumably, immortal because I shall never die--- I shall merely pass away.We can see that in the first statement, the author talks directly about his life status.The second statement is that the government officials make a survey of the hardship of citizens.They try to cover the facts by using euphemisms.4.Euphemism and politeness4.1 Euphemism and interpersonal communicationEuphemism has been widely used in the real human communication.It can be regarded as a kind of polite terms .In primitive and traditional society, taboo and euphemism are the two sides of a coin.They are used for social control and religious control.And in modern English, there are a number of words connected with holy, sex, body organ and body function.So when people’s topic refers to those, they have to find euphemisms to replace them.They often use some vague language to avoid mentioning them directly.4.2 Politeness and face-threatening theoryThe main function of euphemism is polite function.Thus, the main character of euphemism is polite.Politeness plays an important role in human communication.It oils human relationships.So euphemism accords with politeness willaccelerate human communication.5.Euphemism and Politeness PrincipleFrom the above, we know that euphemism has something to do with politeness.We can associate politeness with Politeness Principle.5.1 Leech’s politeness principle“Generally speaking, most of the euphemisms accord with conversational principle, especially politenessprinciple.Leech’s maxims of the Politeness Principle tend to go in pairs as follows:(1)Tact Maxim :a.Minimize cost to other;b.Maximize benefit to other.Some examples : a、If you keep this diet, you’ll be on the heavy side.(c.f.: If you keep on eating too much, you’ll become very fat.)b、Thank you for your kind hospitality.(c.f.: Thank you for your delicious food.)(2)Approbation Maxim:a.Minimize dispraise of other;b.Maximize praise of other.Some examples: a、He is a senior citizen now.(c.f.: He is an old man now.)b、Cao Yu is a Shakespeare of China.(c.f.: Cao Yu is the best playwright of China.)(3)Modesty Maxim :Minimize praise of self;b.Maximize dispraise of self.Some examples: a、This is a token of my regard for you.(c.f.: This is a present for you.)b、Your praise is the highest honor for me.(c.f.: Thank you for your praise.)Leech ties politeness to the relationship between both parties and the language used.He claims that “static” feature, such as social distance, interact with “dynamic” features, such as the kind of illocutionary demand the speaker is making on the maker, to produce an appropriate degree of politeness.The core of his politeness is to minimize the expression of impolite benefits.5.2 Polite function and Politeness PrinciplePolite function is the basic social function of euphemism.And Politeness Principle shows this function.Euphemism always abides by the Politeness Principle.In such a case, euphemism can make people’s relationship more harmonious.But there are also some exceptions.Euphemisms of military do not accord with Politeness principle most of the time.5.3 Politeness Principle and the cooperative PrincipleThe Politeness Principle shows equal and friendly relationships between people in the society.It demands that in communication, the speaker should cooperate with the hearer.The two parties use euphemisms to replace harsh words because it can meet the psychological needs of face-want.And the language used by the two parties should be appropriate.Generally speaking, the appropriateness of the speech is closely related with euphemism.However, “The Maxim of Relevance” of Grice’s “Cooperative Principle” limits the choice of euphemism.He suggests that in communication, the reply of the hearer should be closely related to the speech of the speaker.In the process of communication, the euphemisms used just now should be connected with the primary language symbols.In such case, it will provide a clue to the hearer so that he can understand the connotation of thespeech.This principle provides a lot of standard conversational implicatures. In a word, the two parties can understand the intention of each other from the context.A: How is John doing with his study at schoolB: He’s a machine.Here, from the literal meaning of B's reply, he seems haven’t answer A’s question.But at least, his answer violates Quality Maxim and Relation Maxim.We know that though B’s answer doesn’t cooperate with A’s question, we can still understand B’s meaning by the deeper implication of his speech.First, we should suppose that this conversation tally with Cooperative Principle.Second, we can guess the implication between machine and study.At last, we can infer that John is hard-working.Thus, if the utterance is not relevant with each other, we can reason.“Unlike presuppositions and entailments, implicatures are inferences that cannot be made from isolated utterances.They are dependent on the context of the utterance and the shared knowledge between the speaker and the hearer.”6.ConclusionEuphemism is an appropriate language form created by people to achieve an ideal communicative effect in the social interactions.“Enrighr D.J.stated that ‘If euphemism doesn’t exist, the movement of the world will stop and it will be filled with hatred.” Nearly no one can live without euphemism.Euphemism is not only a social phenomenon, but also a lingual phenomenon.The formation of euphemism is the result of social factors and psychological factors.From the day of its birth, there are countless ties between euphemism and thesocial culture.Euphemism develops while the society develops.Euphemism is a mirror.We can learn the values and moral concepts of the society.Euphemism that accords with Politeness Principle oils human communication because polite function is the main function of Politeness principle.If we make good use of this language form, it will accelerate and facilitate human communication.People’s interpersonal relations will be more harmonious.We can make full use of euphemism and make our life more colorful.References:1.李国南.辞格与词汇 [M].上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2001.2.胡春梅.论委婉语的构成及功能[J].浙江教育学院学报,2005,1.3.刘纯豹.英语委婉语词典[Z].北京: 商务印书馆,2001.4.吴祥云.委婉语的社会功用[J].昭通师范高等专科学校学报,2004,2.5.Joanna Channell.Vague Language [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000,6.6.李鑫华.英语修辞格详论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000.7.李树德.冯奇.英语修辞简明教程[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2003,10.8.Jean Stilwell Peccei.Pragmatics [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000,8.。
1 引言二语习得过程中,母语会不可避免地对学习者产生一定的影响。
2 英汉对比学习的理论依据在二语习得过程中,母语会产生迁移作用,这是被语言学家所证实的事实。
3 英汉对比的方面3.1 本体对比3.1.1 大小写方面在汉语中,我们不用考虑汉字的大小写,因为汉字不存在大小写的区别。
3.1.2 标点符号英汉语在标点上有些是不同的,如句号的写法。
如词组clear animosity,英语会读成clear,animosity,而美语会读成clear—ranimosity。
英语语言学毕业论文范文Abstract:This paper explores the dynamic nature of the English language from a sociolinguistic perspective, examining how societal changes have influenced its development over time.It delves into the historical, cultural, and technological factors that have shaped the English language, resulting in its current status as a global lingua franca.Introduction:The English language has evolved significantly from its roots in the early Germanic dialects to its modern form, which is spoken by over a billion people worldwide. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the sociolinguistic factors that have contributed to its evolution, focusing on key historical periods and the impact of globalization.Literature Review:Previous studies have highlighted the influence of various sociolinguistic factors on the English language, such as the Norman Conquest, the Industrial Revolution, and the advent of the internet. This section reviews the existing literature, providing a foundation for the subsequent analysis.Historical Development:This section traces the historical development of the English language, beginning with its Old English roots and moving through the Middle English period, the Early Modern Englishera, and into the present day. It discusses the linguistic changes that occurred during each period, including the Great Vowel Shift and the Standardization of English.Cultural Influences:Cultural factors have played a significant role in shaping the English language. This section examines the impact of literature, art, and other cultural expressions on language use and change, with a particular focus on the role of the English-speaking diaspora in spreading the language globally.Technological Advancements:The advent of new technologies, such as the printing press and the internet, has had a profound impact on the English language. This section explores how these technologies have facilitated the standardization and dissemination of English, as well as the emergence of new linguistic forms, such as internet slang and texting language.Globalization and English as a Lingua Franca:The final section of the paper discusses the role of English in the context of globalization. It examines the factors that have contributed to the rise of English as a global lingua franca and the implications of this for language diversity and cultural identity.Conclusion:The paper concludes by summarizing the key findings and reflecting on the future trajectory of the English language. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the sociolinguistic factors that influence language change inorder to appreciate the richness and complexity of the English language as it continues to evolve.References:A comprehensive list of academic sources, including books, journal articles, and online resources, is provided to support the arguments and analysis presented in the paper.。
1 概述应用语言学的基本内涵1.1 应用语言学的定义应用语言学是一门新兴学科,在应用语言学的定义这个问题上,国内外语言学界争论很多,目前,暂无对应用语言学的明确定义。
1.2 应用语言学的产生应用语言学这个概念最早是由波兰语言学家库尔特内(J.Baudouin de Courtenay,1845-1929)在19世纪下半叶提出来的,20世纪40年代,应用语言学这一术语在美国语言学界出现,此后很快发展成一门独立的学科。
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英语语言学概论论文论文题目:An Analysis of Euphemism in English From the Politeness Principle of PragmaticsAbstractEuphemism, cosmetic words, is not only a lingual phenomenon, but also a cultural and social phenomenon. It is like a mirror, reflecting the values, aesthetic conceptions and moral concepts in some extent. Euphemism plays an important part in social communication. It is like lube that avoids hurting the other party’s feeling. It oils the human relationship in communication and helps to save face of communicators. If people make full use of euphemism, it can accelerate and facilitate human communication. This paper elaborates on the features and social functions of euphemism. And it focuses on the relationships between its polite functions and Politeness Principle. This thesis is composed of six parts with Chapter Four and Five as its core: The first chapter focuses on the origin and definitions of euphemism. The second chapter discusses the features of euphemism in many ways. The third chapter talks about the social functions of euphemism from the angle of pragmatics. The fourth chapter forms the basis of the whole research by connecting euphemism with politeness and face-saving theory. The fifth chapter centers on euphemism and Politeness Principle. The last chapter concludes the whole thesis. Appropriate use of English euphemism can contribute a lot to successful message exchange.Key Words: euphemism; social functions; Politeness Principle; face1. IntroductionThere is a humor: Once a Paris tourist resided in UK. A landlady told him sadly that, “My husband has just passed to the other side.”The guest looked from the fence of the garden but saw no one, feeling confused. The landlady explained: “I mean he’s kicked the bucket.”The guest comforted her that: “I hope his foot will be better soon.”The landlady felt unintelligibly and said: “No, he wasn’t here, he snuffed it…you know.”The guest wondered and said: “But you’ve got electricity here.”The reasons why the guest didn’t answer properly are that he didn’t realize that the landlady used euphemism, nor did he understand the “conversational implicature”of euphemism. What the landlady wanted to say is that her husband died.The word euphemism comes from the Greek word “euphemos”, meaning "auspicious/good/fortunate speech" which in turn is derived from the Greek root--- words eu, "good/well" + pheme, "speech/speaking". The eupheme was originally a word or phrase used in place of a religious word or phrase that should not be spoken aloud (Such as taboo). The primary examples of taboo words requiring the use of a euphemism are the unspeakable names for a deity, such as Persephone, Hecate, Nemesis or Yahweh. By speaking only words favorable to the gods or spirits, the speaker attempted to produce good fortune by remaining in good favor with them.“Euphemism is defined in the New Edition of the Oxford Concise Dictionary (1976) as ‘Substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or direct one; expression thus substituted.’IN Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (1973) the definition reads, ‘Substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.’”Euphemism is an important rhetorical means in English. It plays an important role in people’s daily communication. It is not only a culturalphenomenon, but also a social phenomenon. It just likes a mirror, which reflects some social and psychological phenomena.2.Features of euphemism2.1 Indirect and implicitThe most important character of euphemism is indirect and implicit. Euphemism always gives people hints in a roundabout way. We can infer the deeper meaning and intention from the context. For example, when someone is ill, we always say he is under the weather. If someone is mad, we say he is soft in mind.2.2 UniversalityUniversality is something that is well-known and accepted by all of the people. Though euphemism is indirect and it doesn’t come straight to the point, people can easily infer its deeper implication. Some taboos connected with sex, death, or body functions are replaced by euphemisms. And the public has accepted this kind of use. For example, when we refer to death, we seldom say “die”. We use the expression “pass away”.2.3 The feature of timesThe changes of language depend on the need and changes of the society. And euphemism undergoes a process of metabolism. It bears a marked brand of times. For example, “‘She is pregnant’has many different euphemistic expressions in different eras.(1) She has canceled all her social engagements. (1856)(2) She is in an interesting condition. (1880)(3) She is in a delicate condition. (1895)(4) She is knitting little bootees. (1910)(5) She is in a family way. (1920)(6) She is expecting. (1935)(7) She is pregnant. (1956)”But after 1960s, euphemisms of pregnant develop slowly because in modern times, people are not so implicit. They always mention things directly. And now, the phenomenon of pregnant is a cheerful thing. People will not be shy when mentioning it.3.Pragmatic functions of euphemism3.1 Taboo function“Taboo is the main psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism. Euphemism is the avoidance of the unpleasant, inelegant things. A famous sociolinguist Mr. Chen Yuan once said: ‘Generally speaking, the coming into being of euphemism all begins from taboo.’From the origin of euphemism, we can see that taboo is the first function of euphemism. Euphemism has been using for a long time, and it is closely related to taboo. In fact, euphemism dates back to the language taboo in the early period of human civilization. When people try to avoid and give up taboo words, they have to find another word to replace this vacancy at the same time. Hence, people created euphemism.”There are some taboo things, such as birth, death, funeral, sex, nakedness, defecation, and urinate. If they are expressed directly, they are called taboo words and the feelings they give us are vulgar, crude and harsh, whereas if they are expressed indirectly, they are called euphemism, and the impressions they made on us are elegant, implicit and polite. The evading function of euphemism also works today. Some taboo notions cannot be easily removed from people’s mind.Though science and technology are highly developed today, the word “death”is the taboo words to all nations. Thus there are a lot of euphemisms related with it. “Such as pass away, answer the final call, be asleep in Jesus, be safe in the arms of Jesus, be at rest, be called to God, be home and free, be in Abraham’s bosom, cross the River Jordan, final sleep, go home, go to meet one’s maker, go to one’s own place, join one’s ancestors, join the great majority, return to dust, with God, be no longer with us, pay the debt of nature, tick the bucket, etc.”“Among those,‘one-way-ticket’is the synonym of ‘die’. It reflects the speaker’s experience of life. Life is just like travel. People set out to travel, but when they arrive to the termination, they cannot go back. In the past, people often used graveyard to express the place where the dead sleep peacefully. But the associations it gives us are horrified and gloomy. So now, people use funeral home and memorial park to replace them. In such a way, it comforts people.”3.2 Polite functionPolite function of euphemism is to avoid inelegant things and make people feelpleasant. As Joanna Channell put in her book Vague Language “Vagueness is used as one way of adhering to the politeness rules for a particular culture, and of not threatening face.”It means that in real life, when people meet with some unpleasant things or behaviors, they usually choose some vague expressions to avoid making bold or hurting other’s feeling----to use euphemism.It is harsh to say someone is deaf, so people use “auditory-impaired”to replace it. They sound more gracefully. “When English-speakers refer to the appearance, they don’t use the word ‘ugly’or ‘awful’, which has strong derogatory sense. Instead, they use the word ‘plain-looking’or ‘not pretty’.”Westerners are sensitive to age. In their opinion, “old”equals to “useless”in some extent. In order not to hurt the feeling and self-esteem of the old, “old men”are replaced by “senior citizens”or “seasoned men”. For the word “senior”has many meanings. Except “older”, it also means higher in rank or authority. And the word “seasoned”means experienced. 3.3 Tactical functionIf a same meaning is expressed in many different ways, their effects are entirely different. This is what we called the art of speaking. If we apply this strategy to our daily life, our life will be more colorful.For example, on the plane, there are some bags that can be used by the passengers to shoot his cookies. People don’t print the words “vomit bag”on the surface of the bag. Instead, they use the words “for motion discomfort”. And the result proved that the vomit phenomenon has reduced. Because compared with the former words, the word “for motion discomfort”prevents the passengers from vomiting when in a state of airsickness. This is the tactical function of euphemism.By contrary, if we use euphemism inappropriately, the result would be worse. Try to compare the following two statements:I am an old cripple, drawing an old-age pension, working hard to raise vast quantities of vegetables on an allotment and well aware that, one of these days, I shall die.If, however, I listen to the voice of officialdom, it turns out that I am a disadvantaged senior citizen, registered as disabled, drawing a retirement pension,renting a leisure garden and, presumably, immortal because I shall never die--- I shall merely pass away.We can see that in the first statement, the author talks directly about his life status. The second statement is that the government officials make a survey of the hardship of citizens. They try to cover the facts by using euphemisms.4.Euphemism and politeness4.1 Euphemism and interpersonal communicationEuphemism has been widely used in the real human communication. It can be regarded as a kind of polite terms .In primitive and traditional society, taboo and euphemism are the two sides of a coin. They are used for social control and religious control. And in modern English, there are a number of words connected with holy, sex, body organ and body function. So when people’s topic refers to those, they have to find euphemisms to replace them. They often use some vague language to avoid mentioning them directly.4.2 Politeness and face-threatening theoryThe main function of euphemism is polite function. Thus, the main character of euphemism is polite. Politeness plays an important role in human communication. It oils human relationships. So euphemism accords with politeness will accelerate human communication.5.Euphemism and Politeness PrincipleFrom the above, we know that euphemism has something to do with politeness. We can associate politeness with Politeness Principle.5.1 Leech’s politeness principle“Generally speaking, most of the euphemisms accord with conversational principle, especially politeness principle. Leech’s maxims of the Politeness Principle tend to go in pairs as follows:(1)Tact Maxim :a.Minimize cost to other;b. Maximize benefit to other.Some examples : a、If you keep this diet, you’ll be on the heavy side.(c.f.: If you keep on eating too much, you’ll become very fat.)b、Thank you for your kind hospitality.(c.f.: Thank you for your delicious food.)(2)Approbation Maxim:a.Minimize dispraise of other;b. Maximize praise of other.Some examples: a、He is a senior citizen now.(c.f.: He is an old man now.)b、Cao Yu is a Shakespeare of China.(c.f.: Cao Yu is the best playwright of China.)(3)Modesty Maxim :a.Minimize praise of self;b. Maximize dispraise of self.Some examples: a、This is a token of my regard for you.(c.f.: This is a present for you.)b、Your praise is the highest honor for me.(c.f.: Thank you for your praise.)Leech ties politeness to the relationship between both parties and the language used. He claims that “static”feature, such as social distance, interact with “dynamic”features, such as the kind of illocutionary demand the speaker is making on the maker, to produce an appropriate degree of politeness. The core of his politeness is to minimize the expression of impolite benefits.5.2 Polite function and Politeness PrinciplePolite function is the basic social function of euphemism. And Politeness Principle shows this function. Euphemism always abides by the Politeness Principle. In such a case, euphemism can make people’s relationship more harmonious. But there are alsosome exceptions. Euphemisms of military do not accord with Politeness principle most of the time.5.3 Politeness Principle and the cooperative PrincipleThe Politeness Principle shows equal and friendly relationships between people in the society. It demands that in communication, the speaker should cooperate with the hearer. The two parties use euphemisms to replace harsh words because it can meet the psychological needs of face-want. And the language used by the two parties should be appropriate. Generally speaking, the appropriateness of the speech is closely related with euphemism. However, “The Maxim of Relevance”of Grice’s “Cooperative Principle”limits the choice of euphemism. He suggests that in communication, the reply of the hearer should be closely related to the speech of the speaker. In the process of communication, the euphemisms used just now should be connected with the primary language symbols. In such case, it will provide a clue to the hearer so that he can understand the connotation of the speech. This principle provides a lot of standard conversational implicatures. In a word, the two parties can understand the intention of each other from the context.A: How is John doing with his study at school?B: He’s a machine.Here, from the literal meaning of B's reply, he seems haven’t answer A’s question. But at least, his answer violates Quality Maxim and RelationMaxim. We know that though B’s answer doesn’t cooperate with A’s question, we can still understand B’s meaning by the deeper implication of his speech. First, we should suppose that this conversation tally with Cooperative Principle. Second, we can guess the implication between machine and study. At last, we can infer that John ishard-working. Thus, if the utterance is not relevant with each other, we can reason. “Unlike presuppositions and entailments, implicatures are inferences that cannot be made from isolated utterances. They are dependent on the context of the utterance and the shared knowledge between the speaker and the hearer.”6. ConclusionEuphemism is an appropriate language form created by people to achieve an ideal communicative effect in the social interactions. “Enrighr D.J. stated that ‘If euphemism doesn’t exist, the movement of the world will stop and it will be filled with hatred.”Nearly no one can live without euphemism.Euphemism is not only a social phenomenon, but also a lingual phenomenon. The formation of euphemism is the result of social factors and psychological factors. From the day of its birth, there are countless ties between euphemism and the social culture. Euphemism develops while the society develops. Euphemism is a mirror. We can learn the values and moral concepts of the society. Euphemism that accords with Politeness Principle oils human communication because polite function is the main function of Politeness principle. If we make good use of this language form, it will accelerate and facilitate human communication. People’s interpersonal relations will be more harmonious. We can make full use of euphemism and make our life more colorful.. . . . References:1.李国南. 辞格与词汇[M]. : 上海外语教育,2001.2.胡春梅. 论委婉语的构成及功能[J]. 浙江教育学院学报,2005,1.3.刘纯豹. 英语委婉语词典[Z]. : 商务印书馆,2001.4.吴祥云. 委婉语的社会功用[J]. 昭通师范高等专科学校学报,2004,2.5.Joanna Channell. Vague Language [M].:上海外语教育出版社,2000,6.6.李鑫华. 英语修辞格详论[M]. :上海外语教育出版社,2000.7.李树德.冯奇. 英语修辞简明教程[M]. :复旦大学出版社,2003,10.8.Jean Stilwell Peccei. Pragmatics [M]. :外语教学与研究出版社,2000,8.. . 资.料. ..。