
1.童年趣事英语⽇记 When I was a child, every weekend, my father would take me to grandma's house to fish. I remember it was a Sunday with a clear sky. My father took me to grandma's house. When I got to grandma's house, my father took me to the river to catch small fish. When I got to the small river, I looked at the clear river. From time to time, I could see several small fish swimming around in the river. I couldn't wait to take my father's hand and let him take out the fish basket. I waved it around in the river. The little fish ran away, and I seemed to hear them say to me, "stay away from us and don't hurt us, will you?", I told them, "don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." My father showed me how to catch fish next. I saw my father pick up the fish basket and wave it. The lively fish were included in the "basket" by my father. Looking at those elves, they are still cute. Gradually, I learned to fish like my father. Looking at those little fish, I can't help but be happy for my harvest. However, when I squatted down and looked at it carefully, I found that they all looked at me with their mouths open and their eyes looking at me, very pitiful. I think they must miss their parents! So I put these lovely little fish back into the river. I saw them swimming away alive and looking back from time to time. I seemed to hear them say to me, "thank you for letting us go!" Seeing that the sun was still half red, my father and I went back to grandma's house. When grandma asked me why I had an empty fish basket, I told grandma what had happened. Grandma gently touched my head and praised me and said, "my great grandson is sensible!". Now, I'm eleven years old, but it's still so interesting to aftertaste it.2.童年趣事英语⽇记 Childhood is a painting with our colorful life; Childhood is a song, in which there is our happiness and happiness; Childhood is a dream with our imagination and vision. Every child's childhood is colorful, and so is my childhood. There are pain, laughter, happiness and sadness... In the vast memory, I have one thing that is the most interesting. One weekend, my parents and I went to Qilihai to catch crabs. We first found a 1-2 meter long bamboo rod, tied the prepared meat with a line, and then tied the other end of the line to the bamboo rod. A fishing rod is ready. We started fishing for crabs. I threw the fishing rod out hard, but a crab took the bait in a moment. I slowly dragged it out of the water, picked up the crab with a scribe and quickly put it into the bucket. In this way, I caught many crabs, but my mother was different. As soon as my mother caught a crab, she was caught by the crab. I laughed. When I was laughing, I was added to my feet by the crab. I jumped up with a "whoosh", accidentally knocked down the bucket containing crabs, and two or three crabs climbed out. Let's pick up crabs quickly, I picked it up for a long time and only found half. Some crabs climbed into the hole and some into the grass. We dug them out with a small shovel for a long time. I took advantage of my parents' carelessness to take all their crabs into my bucket. I thought to myself, "ha ha, I must have a crab feast tonight!" Days are always like fine sand sliding through your fingers, passing by inadvertently. Now, I'm 10 years old. Whenever I recall my childhood, it makes me happy. Childhood - really happy!3.童年趣事英语⽇记 Childhood is ridiculous, so many stupid things will happen. In the memory of my childhood, such a thing happened that I couldn't help laughing as soon as I remembered it. It was a sunny weekend. I went out to play crazy. My mother asked me to go home on time at 10 o'clock, but I forgot the time as soon as I played, and I didn't get home until 11 o'clock. I knew I had done something wrong, so I didn't dare to go in through the front door. I had to sneak in through the back door like a mouse. I was afraid that my mother would find out and let her beat me up, so I wanted to do something to please my mother so that I wouldn't be beaten. What to do? By the way, the pants I changed yesterday were not washed. So I wanted to wash clothes to please my mother. I put my dirty pants in the basin and tried to recall my mother's washing process. I remember when my mother washed the clothes, it seemed that she put the clothes in the basin first, put water on it, put some washing powder and rub it clean. I put on the water and put on the washing powder. How much detergent? I think it will be clean if you put more. So I put a little first, not enough, then a little, not enough. Finally, I simply put all a bag of washing powder on it. I rubbed it with all my strength, but it was not clean. I took off my shoes and stepped on my clothes barefoot. As a result, I accidentally knocked over the basin. "Pa" with a loud noise, the basin and I turned over all at once. Mother was startled by the loud noise and hurried to the backyard. Seeing my embarrassment, my mother quickly pulled me up. Ask me: what are you doing? I didn't dare to hide, so I had to tell my motherin detail. After listening to my story, my mother didn't know whether to scold me or praise me. The storm finally subsided, but childhood was gone forever. I will never forget this memory, because it contains the good memories of my childhood.4.童年趣事英语⽇记 Childhood is a poem, in which we have innocent and unforgettable years; Childhood is a song in which we live a carefree life; Childhood is a dream with our childish imagination and pursuit. There are many interesting stories in my childhood, but there is one interesting story that I can't forget so far. I remember when I was nine years old, one day, my mother and I went to the zoo to see camels. There are two small humps on the camel's back. The soles of its feet are thick and big. It chews very cute. Its upper and lower teeth are grinded alternately, and its white foam is covered with its beard. My mother said to me, "camel is a boat in the desert. It can not eat or drink for three days and nights." So I asked, "Mom, how can it not eat or drink for three days and three nights?" The mother thought for a while and couldn't tell the reason, so she said, "you child, no matter what, you always like to get to the bottom." After returning home, I thought: we are always smarter than camels. We can also eat or drink for three days and three nights! When I had dinner the next morning, I tried not to eat or drink. When I was hungry, I endured and insisted. But at noon, I was so hungry that I wolfed down a lot. Afterwards, I thought: what is the reason? So I checked the information on the Internet. From the information, I know that the camel's hump is two huge energy storage reservoirs. When walking in the desert, I always eat the food poured out of my stomach, chew, grind and swallow it to maintain the nutrition of my body. But people can't do it. It's really a joke, but I think it's also an interesting discovery! How naive and ignorant childhood is, but how innocent childhood is!5.童年趣事英语⽇记 Many interesting stories of childhood, such as stars, shine in the sky of memory, among which the brightest one is our family's trip to the seaside of Qingdao. At noon one day in the summer vacation, we came to Qingdao, which we had been longing for for for a long time. We first came to the "stone o l d m a n " b e a c h , w h e r e t h e w a v e s a r e f l a t a n d t h e s a n d i s f i n e , t h e s u n i s w a r m , a n d t h e s e a b r e e z e b l o w s a c r o s s o u r f a c e s , w h i c h i s v e r y c o m f o r t a b l e . S u d d e n l y , m y b r o t h e r s h o u t e d e x c i t e d l y l i k e C o l u m b u s f o u n d t h e n e w w o r l d : " c o m e h e r e ! C o m e h e r e ! " I t t u r n e d o u t t h a t t h e r e w a s a s t r a n g e s t o n e n o t f a r a w a y , l i k e a h u n c h b a c k o l d m a n ; C l o s e r l o o k , l i k e a b i g t u r t l e . M y b r o t h e r s u g g e s t e d t h a t w e c o m p e t e . W h o e v e r c a n c l i m b t h i s s t o n e i s t h e k i n g ! A s s o o n a s w e h e a r d i t , w e r u b b e d o u r h a n d s a n d w e r e e a g e r t o t r y . M y b r o t h e r h e l d d o w n t h e s t o n e a n d j u m p e d u p l i k e a m o n k e y . B u t t h e s t o n e s e e m e d t o b e t i c k l e d a n d t r e m b l i n g . M y b r o t h e r w a s l i k e a d r u n k m a n , s h a k i n g o n t h e s t o n e w i t h a " p l o p " . H e f e l l i n t o t h e w a t e r a n d s p l a s h e d a f e w f e e t h i g h . I n t h i s w a y , w e c l i m b e d u p t h e s t o n e o n e b y o n e a n d f e l l i n t o t h e w a t e r , l a u g h i n g a n d l a u g h i n g t o g e t h e r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 8 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 9 " > 0 0 " H e y , t h e t i d e i s e b b i n g . L e t ' s g o t o t h e s e a ! " D a d c a l l e d u s , a n d a g r o u p o f u s w e n t a f t e r t h e w a v e s a g a i n . L i k e a n a u g h t y c h i l d , t h e s p r a y k e p t r u n n i n g i n t o t h e s e a . W h e n I w a s e x h a u s t e d , i t s u d d e n l y t u r n e d a n d r a n t o w a r d s m e a n d k i s s e d m y l i t t l e f e e t . W h e n I b e n t d o w n t o e m b r a c e i t , i t r a n a w a y s i n g i n g a g a i n / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 0 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 1 " > 0 0 A t t h i s t i m e , t h e r e a r e m a n y t o u r i s t s o n t h e b e a c h . S o m e l i e o n t h e b e a c h a n d e n j o y s u n b a t h i n g ; S o m e w e r e d i g g i n g f o r s m a l l s h e l l s . . . A t t h i s t i m e , a v o i c e o f " o u c h , o u c h " c a m e f r o m a d i s t a n c e . I t t u r n e d o u t t h a t h i s b r o t h e r ' s f o o t w a s c l a m p e d b y a s m a l l c r a b . H e s a t o n t h e b e a c h , s h a k i n g h i s f e e t d e s p e r a t e l y , t r y i n g t o g e t r i d o f t h e s m a l l c r a b , b u t h e c o u l d n ' t g e t r i d o f i t . H e w a s s o a n x i o u s t h a t h e w a s a b o u t t o c r y , a n d t h e s m a l l c r a b s t a r e d a t h i s e y e s a n d d i d n ' t l o o s e n h i s b i g c l a w s , I t s e e m s t o s a y : " w h o s e n t y o u t o m y t e r r i t o r y ? T o d a y , l e t y o u t a s t e t h e p o w e r o f t h e g e n e r a l ! " W e c o u l d n ' t h e l p l a u g h i n g w h e n w e s a w o u r b r o t h e r ' s e m b a r r a s s m e n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 2 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 3 " > 0 0 A t s u n s e t , w e b a t h e d i n i t s a f t e r g l o w a n d h a p p i l y " w e n t h o m e " . / p >。

童年趣事的英语作文一:In my childhood, filled with a lot of interesting young Fun, will not help laughing sometimes question that all of us should ask. One thing that made me worry a new memory. I remember that during the last one year when Sunday morning, I was sitting comfortably on the sofa and watch television with relish. Inadvertently, I saw on television a chicken farm in the chicken, all kinds, colors, yellow, white, a very lovely. Small brain, the eyes turn round Liuliu stop, coupled with the hairy body, especially elicit people like. I felt I needed to have an idea of buying a handful of chick-let. Mom in the kitchen cooking, I went to my mother around grinning, and said : "Mother, father to father, I have bought a few chicks! Overtime, it will give you time to buy, ah? "I have a lot of pouting and said :" I really hate! "You know they collapsed on the sofa again, a second time to have passed. Suddenly, I scare up, the refrigerator is not the egg? I think about while talking to himself on, do it! Won two eggs through the refrigerator. "Hen hatching chicks depending on the temperature of the eggs were hatched to, if I were to the hatching, eggs are being squeezed easily broken. Of the usually like my mother always said that his father's body stove, the father's quilt is definitely hot. "I think that the father was an egg carefully into the yard, and patiently wait for the birth of her chicks. Dad back, the storm will soon have to open their eyes, into a bedroom, opened quilts, sleeping only heard the father was not namedsoon, I immediately went past, and my father was out of paper shining his pants. I Wuzhuozui secretly smiled, and her mother came running over and down the back of the skull. Dad angry and said : "Dzodzo, is not a good thing you do? "I will detail in the dark to tell the parents. We all laughed, and her mother rubbed my small brain : "dumb children, no eggs were hatched chicks! "My eyes what we sway. How interesting to me! It made me understand a profound truth : that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action.在我的童年,有很多很多充满稚趣耐人寻味的事,有时想起来就会情不自禁地笑。

童年趣事英语作文(10篇)1.童年趣事英语作文篇一In the depths of my memory, there is a small box. As soon as the box is opened, those interesting and beautiful memories will fly out and hover in my heart.When I was a child, I heard my grandparents say, never point to the moon, otherwise I would have my ears cut off by Chang’e. After listening, I thought to myself: Chang’e is too cruel. She just pointed at the moon and her ear would be cut off. From then on, I hardly even looked at the moon.One day, a group of elderly people were chatting under the big banyan tree downstairs, while children were playing nearby. The elderly are discussing the moon, saying that there are Chang’e and Wu Gang living on the moon. Because Chang’e cannot tolerate people talking about her, whenever someone points to the moon, she will come down and cut off people’s ears. The old people were discussing while pointing to the moon. At that time, I was really worried for them because Chang’e was about to come down and cut off their ears!But the sky was quiet, without Chang’e descending, only the moon like a white jade bowl.I was extremely puzzled, so I ran to ask my mother. Her mother said, “Then you go try it.” That night, I anxiously raised my hand, pointed to the moon, and then quickly ran to the corner, covering my ears. Time passed by minute by second, and I didn’t see Chang’e come down. She came down and cut off my ears. At that time, I realized that it was just a legend, not true.Childhood is so beautiful and happy. But, in childhood, will you still come back?2.童年趣事英语作文篇二My childhood anecdotes are as countless as the stars in the sky. Some have been forgotten, while others are still vividly remembered.I remember one time, it was in summer when the weather was very hot. The leaves rolled up in the sun, the grass lowered its head under the sun, and the whole earth was baked by the sun and smoked. My brother and I sat at home with the air conditioning on, sweating profusely without moving. So, my older brother went to the refrigerator to get an ice cream and wolfed it down.I saw my brother eating an ice cream, and I also wantedto eat it. When I opened the refrigerator, I was really surprised. There was no ice cream left in the refrigerator. So I went out to buy. Because it was noon and the supermarket was very hot, no one opened the door.I walked home angrily. Suddenly, I had an idea and came up with a good idea. I poured a lot of cold water on the whole refrigerator, up and down, left and right, food and Mantou, ready to eat ice cubes.In a while, I finished it and then I went to watch TV.Unconsciously, several hours had passed and I was watching TV with relish, but I forgot about the ice in the refrigerator. In the afternoon, my mother came back. She was preparing to cook, opened the refrigerator, and was furious. When she saw that it was all ice, she immediately asked me what was going on. I said, “Because there’s no ice cream left, so I...”My mother laughed heartily after listening, “Don’t do this next time.” I nodded.Now, thinking back then, how foolish and naive it was.3.童年趣事英语作文篇三Childhood is as free as a bird, as happy and joyful as a toy, and as rich and colorful as seasoning.I remember that it was a hot summer and I fell asleep because it was too hot. So I carefully took two bottles of Baijiu - elm money from the kitchen cabinet. I took another bag of Xiaomi from the garage, picked it up, and ran towards the chicken flock. I left Xiaomi and wine on the ground.Firstly, I need to place it in the middle and let all the chicks come over. After I finished releasing it, all the chicks really ran over happily together.I grabbed a little black chicken, poured Baijiu into its mouth, and grabbed a white chicken, 1, 2, 3, 4... I counted 32 chickens in total.But later on, I regretted feeding them alcohol. They all collapsed after a few steps. I thought they were dead, so I burst into tears. My grandmother heard the crying and quickly walked over, saying to me; “Don’t be sad, they just fell asleep.”Sure enough, after a few minutes, the chicks stood up lively again.So I was very happy, so I stopped crying and laughed heartily.At this moment, my grandfather woke up and I ran to my good friend Zhang Xi’s house.There are countless joys in childhood, and I enjoy it.4.童年趣事英语作文篇四My childhood was ignorant. There is one thing that still lingers in my memory, and whenever I think of it, I laugh.I remember it was the summer vacation when I was in first grade, and my grandparents took me to my hometown in the countryside. Grandpa saw that I was idle and bored, so he made a clay doll for me to play with and said to me, “Girl, Grandpa will make a small clay figurine for you, take it to play with!” I heard that there was a toy playing with, so I couldn’t wait to run over and take the clay doll that Grandpa handed me, bouncing back and forth to congratulate my grandmother.Seeing my grandmother washing clothes, I held a mud doll in both hands and reached out to her, saying, “Grandma! Grandma! Look, Grandpa has made me a mudperson.” My childish voice still carried a hint of pride.But when I withdrew my hand, I found it covered in mud and thought to myself, “Why is this little clay figurine so dirty?”? I must find a way to clean it up.Just as I was pondering, my grandmother walked out with her washed clothes. A sudden thought flashed through my mind - to bathe the mud doll.In the afternoon, while my grandparents were out, I took a bath for the mud doll. However, when I returned to retrieve it, I found that there was nothing left in the bathtub except for the brown mud. I was extremely depressed at the time, why is the mud doll missing? Why is there mud? One question mark after another gathered in my mind, leaving me puzzled.Later, I told my grandfather about this matter, and he laughed heartily upon hearing it. “Silly girl, that’s because once mud gets soaked in water, it turns into mud.” I was extremely sad at the time!Now, whenever I recall this incident, I can’t help but laugh.How interesting childhood is!5.童年趣事英语作文篇五Childhood is colorful, and childhood is joyful. The things I did in my childhood were both funny and amusing, and there is one thing that I will never forget.That was when I was in first grade. One day, when I came home from school, my dad didn’t finish work and my mom went out. I had to do my homework on an empty stomach. After a while, my stomach became unwilling and made a gurgling sound, as if it had been burned by fire.I had to put down my pen and turn on the TV to pass the time. The TV is playing the story of the Red Army’s Long March. When the Red Army was hungry and had no food, they ate belts. Watching them eat with relish, my saliva flowed down.So, I went to the cabinet and found a belt that was about to retire, turned on the gas, and according to the TV, I had to burn it on low heat for 5 minutes first. Then remove the thread from the belt, cut it into sevenor eight small pieces with a knife, and simmer on the fire for ten minutes. I said to myself in my heart, “Okay, okay, almost okay.”After finally stewing it, I couldn’t wait to soak it in cold water, mix it with salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar, chili peppers, sugar, and some scallions, and mix it with chopsticks. I grabbed two pieces of leather straps and chewed them up, but couldn’t help but spit them out with a “wow”sound. Oh my goodness! There are so many flavors: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, with an indescribable and strange taste.At this moment, my parents came back with vegetables and looked at me holding a bowl of leather belts in one hand and two pieces of unbroken leather belts in the other. My expression at that time must have been unbearable with pain. When my parents understood the reason for the situation and laughed together, my mother burst into tears.Childhood anecdotes are always the cutest and most unforgettable in life, and we should cherish them well. Childhood anecdotes will always remain in beautiful memories.6.童年趣事英语作文篇六My childhood was colorful and filled with various beautiful memories. The most fascinating thing that my mother talked about was an interesting incident that happened to me.When I was a child, I was very lively and lovely. It is said that when I was three or five years old, I loved trampoline very much. I go to the nearby amusement park to jump once a day, and every time I cry and go home because I love trampolines so much. What a complete trampoline enthusiast!But once, my dad was going out to do something and didn’t have time to take me out to play. I can’t go play on the trampoline anymore. I was very disappointed and cried to the ground. Just when I was most bored, I lay on the bed and with a bang, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. This big bed is just a super large trampoline! Do whatever you say, and I stood on the bed, jumping up with joy, like a little flea. I was panting from jumping, and when I got tired, I lay down in bed to rest.My mother heard the noise in the room and came to see a cheerful and excited me. She couldn’t even bearto disturb my happiness. She touched my little head, scraped my nose, and said, “Silly child, you have broken the bed, so you have to go to sleep on the floor!”Every time my mother brings up this interesting story, my family will inevitably burst into laughter.I thought to myself: I used to be so mischievous, but fortunately I have become better now!7.童年趣事英语作文篇七Childhood opened the door to memories for me, and interesting things came to mind: drinking ink, frying eggs, and shaving my eyebrows, but the most memorable thing for me was shaving my eyebrows.One day, I saw my dad looking back and forth in front of the mirror, even brushing his beard with a toothbrush.I approached and asked, “Dad, what’s in your hand? It looks so fun, this is a razor.” After shaving, my dad went out to work. This thing is really strange. I want to try it when I have time. One time, my mom said to me, “I’m going to find something for your aunt. I’ll be back in a while!”“Okay.”I have a chance to give it a try! I thought happily. After finishing speaking, I ran to the bathroom and wentto get my dad’s toothbrush. But I was greatly disappointed because I didn’t have a beard, and on second thought, I had a devilish idea: don’t I have eyebrows? I used a toothbrush to brush, but my eyebrows flew away. At this moment, my mother came back and when she saw me, she laughed so much that tears streamed down her face. “Why?”“You... you... hahaha! You’re laughing me to death!” At this moment, another group of unwelcome guests arrived, and the neighbors saw me as if they had seen a ghost. I screamed and my eardrums were shattered by them. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was so scared that my face turned pale and I faintedMy childhood anecdotes still come to mind today.8.童年趣事英语作文篇八In my childhood, I had a strong curiosity and wanted to learn and do whatever came to my mind.When I was a child, I was helpful but also quite bad. Remember that day when the sunshine was bright and the air was fresh. Mom and I came to a lake, which was very lively. Mom said, “Why don’t you change your swimsuit?” I said, “Mom, it’s a pity to play in the water on such a sunny day. I still want to take a walk on the beach by the lake.”“Is that okay?”Mom said.So I walked by the lake, facing a gentle breeze that made me feel relaxed and happy. So I ran on the beach on the lake, and the sand under my feet made me itch so much. You can also play on the water because there is a safety line on the water surface. I am laughing and running in the icy lake water. Huh? What is this?I looked carefully and it turned out to be a snake. I rolled my eyes and dug a hole in the beach. I picked up the snake and wrapped it in a big circle inside the hole, and even poured some water.Haha, you little snake still wants to scare me. You must die now! Looking at this snake, I have an indescribable feeling in my heart.Then, I continued my journey by the lake. I put on my swimsuit and made all necessary safety preparations before entering the lake. Let the cool lake water submerge my neck together, as if it’s about to sink.I played in the lake for a while, and then the sun set. The sunset at that time was really beautiful, no less than the sunrise.Today’s lakeside trip was really enjoyable.9.童年趣事英语作文篇九In my childhood, I was likea little bird flying out of a cage, happy and joyful. After many interesting stories, the most unforgettable one for me was when my cousin and I went to find a grasshopper.I still remember, at that time, my cousin and I marched towards the forest holding a small bamboo cage. Little grasshopper! Where are you? My cousin and I searched around, our eyes wide open. Suddenly, my cousin raised his thumb and placed it on his lips, saying softly, “Shh, don’t make a sound.” He bent down, walked lightly, and with a fierce pounce of his hands, “Got it! Got it!” my cousin shouted loudly. You’re just a little grasshopper and you’re being followed! That looks like the Great Sage of Qi Tian. My nose snorted and said, “You’re older than me, just catch a little grasshopper, what a look!”I made up my mind to catch a big grasshopper. I looked around, searching up and down, only hating my parents for giving me two less eyes. Later, I caught one that was too small and uninteresting. I caught another one, medium, but don’t want it, ah! I finally found a big and fat grasshopper, and I was so happy thatI couldn’t close my mouth. Suddenly pouncing on it, “Wow!” I grabbed a handful of grass leaves and let go, oh! Originally, the grasshopper had already jumped aside. I hurried to chase after it, but with a pounce, my foot slipped and I fell. The grasshopper couldn’t be found, but I ended up with dirt on my face. My cousin burst into laughter upon seeing this. After laughing, he told me, “You need to be patient use your brain to think.”The sun is setting in the west, and the colorful clouds cover the sky. The heat has dissipated, and the cool breeze is blowing on our faces. My cousin and I are heading back home. I raised my neck and my voice lit up: “Today is a good day, anything I want to do can be done...”10.童年趣事英语作文篇十Everyone will do something unexpected in his childhood, and my most interesting thing is to taste the wine. I remember that when I was five years old, my parents were not at home.I was particularly curious about how my family had so many bottles of wine. I wanted to be a wine tasting queen.I first tasted wine like plain water, Baijiu. I tooka small glass and poured half a glass of wine. Aftertasting it on my tongue, it didn’t taste much, so I decided to take a bite and dry it. That arrogance might have scared my mother. I tilted my neck and poured it into my mouth, it was so spicy! I immediately ran to the bathroom and vomited. After vomiting, I immediately picked up the juice and drank it. After drinking it, I thought to myself, will this wine expire? Why is it so bad, but adults think it tastes good.How about I change it again? This time I changed to a red wine, red wine. Thinking that red must be very sweet, just as I was about to taste it, a picture suddenly flashed through my mind, which was to make sure to use a tall glass when drinking red wine. So I moved a chair up to get the cup, and after countless efforts, I finally got the tall cup in my hand. I first poured the wine into the glass, like those who drink red wine on TV, elegantly holding it up with the gap between my middle and ring fingers. It looked like I was drinking, but as soon as I drank it, I immediately vomited. I said sadly, this red wine is really delicious, bitter and spicy, and I won’t drink it anymore. I don’t know where adults think it’s good to drink, but I won’t drink it anymore.。

My Childhood Memories: Funny Stories
During my childhood, I had many funny experiences that now bring a smile to my face whenever I think about them. These stories not only entertained me but also taught me valuable lessons. In this article, I will share three of my favorite childhood memories and provide translations for non-English speakers.
Another amusing incident happened during a family trip to an amusement park. I was around eight years old at that time and was fascinated by the roller coasters. My parents agreed to let me go on one of the smaller rides. However, as soon as the ride started, I realized I wasn't as brave as I thought. tly holding on to the safety bars. The people in the nearby rides started laughing at my terrified expression. Although I was scared in the moment, looking back, I can't help but laugh at myself. This experience taught me that it's okay to be scared and that sometimes, we need to step out of our comfort zones to overcome our fears.

Childhood Fun: A Couple of Delightful TalesChildhood is a time filled with innocence, laughter, and endless adventures, where even the simplest of moments can turn into cherished memories. Here are two amusing anecdotes from my own childhood that still bring a smile to my face whenever I recall them.The Great Kite AdventureOne sunny spring afternoon, my best friend Tom and I decided to embark on a kite-flying adventure. Armed with our colorful paper kites and a sense of invincibility, we raced to the vast open field behind our neighborhood. The sky was a perfect canvas, blue and cloudless, just waiting for our kites to paint it with vibrant hues.As we ran and pulled, our kites danced gracefully in the wind, soaring higher and higher. Tom's kite, adorned with a fierce dragon, seemed to dominate the sky, while mine, a graceful butterfly, fluttered alongside, trying to keep up. Suddenly, a gust of wind caught us off guard, and before we knew it, our kites tangled in mid-air, spinning wildly like two drunken dancers.Desperate to untangle the mess, we both tugged and pulled, but our efforts only seemed to make things worse. Finally, in a fit of laughter and frustration, we let go of the strings, watching helplessly as our kites drifted further and further away, until they became mere specks in the horizon.Though we lost our kites that day, we gained something even more precious—a memory of pure joy and camaraderie that still warms my heart.The Misadventures of the Missing ToothAnother hilarious childhood mishap involved my first lost tooth. I was six years old, and the excitement of growing up was palpable in the air. My bottom tooth had been wobbling for weeks, and I couldn't wait for it to fall out so I could trade it in for a shiny quarter from my mother's special tooth jar.One fateful evening, while devouring a juicy apple slice, I felt a sudden jolt in my mouth. With a triumphant grin, I reached inside to extract my prize, only to find...nothing. My tooth had vanished!Panic set in as I frantically searched the area, scanning the floor, the table, even my mouth to make sure I hadn't accidentally swallowed it. But the tooth was nowhere to be found. Just when I thought all hope was lost, my mother suggested we check the apple.Sure enough, there it was, nestled comfortably in the fruit's fleshy embrace. With a mix of relief and amusement, I carefully extracted my tooth from the apple and proudly deposited it in the jar, earning myself a cool quarter and a lifelong story to tell.These are just two of the countless delightful tales from my childhood, moments that, though fleeting, have left an indelible mark on my heart. They remind me of the simple joys of life and the boundless imagination of a child's mind.。

我的童年趣事英语范文1.我的童年趣事英语范文篇一Childhood is like a rainbow, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and the different colors of the rainbow also record different things in my childhood.I remember one time that left a deep impression on me. During the Spring Festival, our whole family went back to our hometown. My father invited relatives to come home for a reunion dinner. Of course, at this moment, I was happy at home because I had friends from relatives who were older than me playing with me.There were three or four friends who took me to the upstairs restroom. I looked confused and didn’t know what was going on. My friends took a red stool and asked me to sit on it. I sat down at a loss, and then my friends boldly picked up my sister’s cosmetics and painted on my face. At that time, my sister was having dinner downstairs, completely unaware that we were doing “bad”things. My friends picked up different cosmetics and painted left and right on my face, treating me like a “doll”for them to experiment with.They added oil and vinegar to my face, turning me into a “cat face”until my sister came up, and they didn’t notice. Sister opened the restroom door and couldn’t help but laugh or cry, but upon seeing that her beloved cosmetics had been stained and damaged, we stomped our feet in anger.Childhood is colorful, and I hope to stay in the world of childhood forever.2.我的童年趣事英语范文篇二Today was the first day of our military training.A sharp whistle woke us up in the early morning.We were dressed in a hurry and rushed to the playground quickly.When we lined up,there came a soldier who said that he would be in charge of our training.He was strict with us.He kept us training almost for all day.After that,we were all exhausted.I thinkI will never forget it.3.我的童年趣事英语范文篇三When I was a child, I remember one thing that I found very interesting, which was drinking ink.When I was 5 years old, I entered the study and just wanted to come in and take a look. I saw a bottle ofblack stuff on the table, and I was curious. I looked at it and thought, ‘What is this black thing?’? Can I drink it? I really want to drink it. I hesitated repeatedly, but finally gathered the courage to pick up the black bottle and open it, but I couldn’t open it!I suddenly thought of asking my mother to help me open it, but I was afraid that my mother wouldn’t let me touch it. It took me a lot of effort to open the black bottle. I took a sniff, but the smell was not very pleasant. After hesitating for a while, I finally gathered the courage to take a sip. I just took a sip and it didn’t taste very good, but it made my mouth black. I quickly washed my mouth clean. At this moment, my mother saw me and asked me, “What did you go to the study for?” I couldn’t say a word, afraid my mother would find out. My mother asked me again, “Did you drink ink, just a black bottle?”I nodded. Never drink again in the future, go wash your mouth quickly. “Originally, my mother discovered this secret from my mouth.I feel very interesting about this matter, don’tyou think? There were many interesting things about my childhood, but I feel that it was the most interesting.4.我的童年趣事英语范文篇四In my childhood, there were many interesting things, but the most interesting thing was catching chickens.In the summer vacation that year, I went back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. At that time, my grandmother raised many chickens. I liked them very much, so I played with them every day. Once, a little chicken ran out of its cage and ran around in the yard, causing me to be very anxious. Because my grandmother was drying food in the yard, I was afraid that the chickens would eat the food indiscriminately. Therefore, I decided to catch the chickens in a cage.But the chicken was slippery and small, making it difficult to catch. After chasing after it for a while, I couldn’t catch it, and I was sweating all over. So, I ran to my grandfather and asked him how he could catch the chicken. Grandpa said, “To catch a chick, you need to use your brain. Why don’t you think of how to let the chick run into the cage on its own?”After finishing these words, Grandpa kept silent.I listened to my grandfather’s words and gradually calmed down. At this moment, I saw a basket and suddenly had an idea. So, I propped up the basket with a wooden stick, sprinkled rice grains on the bottom, and tied one end of the basket with a thin thread. I grabbed the other end from a distance. Then I hid next to the trap that had just been set, and when the chick ran over to eat the millet when it was hungry, I pulled the string fiercely, and the chick was covered inside. Ah, finally caught it!Catching chickens left a deep impression on me and was the most interesting thing in my childhood.5.我的童年趣事英语范文篇五When I was a child, my favorite thing was to go fishing by the small river with my father.That time, I helped my dad carry the fish bucket and closely followed him, like his small tail. Arriving at the small river, my father started fishing and soon caught several small fish. I cheered and quickly ran to the bucket to chat with the fish.Do you have parents, Xiaoyu? “Xiaoyu’s mouth closed and opened, as if answering my question, but Icouldn’t hear what it was saying. So, I put my head slightly into the bucket to listen, but still couldn’t hear what the little fish was saying, so I put my head back in again. Looking at my eager eyes, the little fish spat a string of bubbles at me, which made me extremely happy. I quickly turned my head and shouted to my father, “Dad! Dad! The little fish is talking to me.”“Oh? What did you say?”“I said... I said...”I scratched my head and didn’t know how to answer. Finally, I stomped my foot and said, ‘It’s whispering to me, I won’t tell you.’Suddenly, my father shouted to me loudly, “Come here, I caught a big fish!” I ran quickly towards my father with a fish bucket, only to be knocked down by a stone halfway, the bucket flipped over, and the fish flew away. Dad quickly ran over to help me up and said, “Are you okay? I told you to be careful! Didn’t you fall anywhere?”I threw Dad’s words aside and carefully picked up the little fish. While wiping the dirt off the fish’s body, I said, “Sorry, little fish. Are you okay?” After confirming that the little fish was okay, I gently put it back in the bucketLooking back now, how interesting it was when I talked to Xiaoyu in my childhood!。
【英语作文】童年趣事 Funny Things in Childhood

【英语作文】童年趣事 Funny Things in Childhood 【英语作文】童年趣事funnythingsinchildhood
isthehappiestperiodinlife,becausetherearefewtroublesandworriesat 因此,这是一个令人满意的时刻
kidsinmyhometownwecouldgetallmaterialsaroundsometimes,wemightquarrel 因为不同的地区,我们和其他孩子相处得很好,但有时他们甚至被禁止

童年趣事英语日记(10篇)1.童年趣事英语日记篇一Fun stories from childhood are the most precious. When we were young, we made many jokes due to our childhood ignorance. Opening the door of the memory box, childhood anecdotes came one after another. When I was 5 years old, I was still studying in kindergarten. As a young and ignorant person, I added some dazzling colors to the treasure trove of memories.One morning, as soon as I woke up, my dad came to call me for dinner. When I was eating, because my dad made it very thick, I couldn’t drink it in my mouth. So I said to everyone, “Why didn’t this rice run into my mouth?” Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this. Afterwards, I realized that rice wouldn’t run into my mouth on its own.This matter has accompanied me for 8 years now. Whenever I mention it, everyone still laughs heartily, but I believe it will always accompany me!2.童年趣事英语日记篇二There were many interesting things about my childhood, but that one thing is unforgettable to me. Let me introduce it toyou.I still remember when I was three years old, I often saw my grandmother busy in the kitchen, so I became interested in cooking. One day, while my grandfather and grandmother were not at home, I picked up a large basin and without hesitation put in a large handful of flour, water, salt, vinegar, yeast, rice, MSG, and other seasonings. By the way, there was soy sauce, and I stirred it up and down with a spoon. Looking at this mess of mud, I thought to myself, why can my grandmother take shape. Thinking about it, my grandmother has already returned and said to me with a mix of tears and laughter, “You put so much water, of course it can’t take shape anymore...”Whenever I think of this, I can laugh out loud.3.童年趣事英语日记篇三Everyone has interesting childhood stories, and whenever I think of them, I can’t help but laugh.I was only 5 years old that year and still immature. At that time, I always couldn’t distinguish between a chicken and a bird, so I made a joke.At that time, I caught a little chicken in thechicken coop. I thought it was a bird, so I cut off the feathers on the chicken wings. And tied it to the legs of the table. At this moment, my grandmother came back and asked me what I was doing? I replied, “I caught a little bird to play with.” My grandmother said in confusion, “Is this a bird?”Whenever I think of this, I can’t help but laugh because it’s so funny!4.童年趣事英语日记篇四Childhood is joyful, childhood is carefree, and childhood life is Everyone has their own childhood, and my childhood was childish, ignorant, and joyful and ridiculous. Childhood is like a colorful cloud, drifting towards the azure sky in a moment. Once I went to give food to a piglet, and I placed the food on the ground. When the piglet saw it, a swarm of bees gathered around it. I took the opportunity to pick up the tail of a little pig and raised my knife to chop it down. I only heard a little finger growl and ran away.The piglets were so frightened that they all crawled into the pigsty. After the arduous struggle the next day, both the piglet and I were injured. My face was painted and my feet were torn. I sang “My shoesare torn, my hat is torn...”at home and started playing. Hey! Think about it, how childish and ridiculous I was back then!5.童年趣事英语日记篇五Childhood is happy, beautiful, interesting, colorful, and colorful. My childhood was interesting. When I was a child, I often saw other children eating marshmallows, and I also wanted to eat them. But there’s not a penny in my pocket, what should I do. Oh, if not, I can do it myself. Well, that’s it.When I got home, I took out white sugar and cotton and started making them. First, take out the stick from the cotton, then sprinkle white sugar on top and insert the stick. Okay, the cotton candy is ready. I couldn’t wait to take a bite. Oh, why is the taste different.It is this incident that still makes me laugh heartily when I remember it to this day.6.童年趣事英语日记篇六Six years ago, in a winter, my dad was shaving his beard. He was leaning against his face with a buzzing machine in his hand. At that time, I was attracted by this buzzing thing, so when my dad went out to do something, he got it in his hand. Hehe, there’s fun now. I followed my dad’s exampleand turned on the switch, placing it on my chin. It was so crispy and comfortable. But my dad used it to shave, and I didn’t have a beard. In the end, I locked my target on my eyebrows. With the sound of scratching, my eyebrows also disappeared. At this moment, my mom walked over and I quickly hid the razor behind me. My mother asked, “What’s hidden behind me?” I smiled and took out my razor, saying, “It’s fun.” When my mother saw my eyebrows, her face pulled down. Say word by word: Come to your room immediately and reflect on yourself I stuck out my tongue and flashed into the room.Childhood is like this, full of innocence and ridicule.7.童年趣事英语日记篇七Childhood is like countless stars in the sky, but in my heart, the brightest one is still this star, shining continuously, for an unknown amount of time.I remember when I was 3 years old, my mother went outside to work overtime. She called some children to come and play with me, afraid that I would be lonely. We played casually, and someone accidentally touched the kettle. The sound of the kettle made us think it was a bomb, and the other children were all in a panic.I thought, “I can’t do this here, I have to throw the bomb away.”. Without further ado, I walked cautiously to take away the deadly bomb. As soon as I touched it, my hand turned red and I fainted. When I woke up, those children had already left but my mother came back, and I immediately told her what had happened earlier. My mother smiled and said, “Silly child, the kettle doesn’t explode, it’s just like a timer, ticking away. It wasn’t until I heard it that I understood.”.This is my childhood anecdote, both before and now.8.童年趣事英语日记篇八Everyone’s childhood has interesting memories worth remembering, and of course I am no exception. If you don’t believe me, listen:In the winter when I was five years old, after a heavy snowfall, a thick layer of snow accumulated on the ground. As soon as the snow stopped, our snow loving friends gathered together to prepare for an ice and snow battle.We were divided into two pairs of men and women. In order to protect ourselves, we first built a “city wall” with snow that could withstand “shells”, and then made many snow balls as “shells”. Allpreparations were ready, and with a “start”command, an ice and snow battle began. “White shells” were flying everywhere, and after everyone had a wild fight, they woke up. It turned out that they were hitting their own people. We immediately adjusted our direction and quickly hit the opponent.Our “city wall”was particularly loose and collapsed shortly after. Mom walked over and helped us build a new “city wall”. This time, the “city wall”was particularly strong.The battle of the second half began, and I picked up a big snowball and threw it at a key player of the men’s team. However, he had a sudden inspiration and easily dodged the snowball. I picked up another snowball and fired it towards another team member, this time hitting the target. Ah。

相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编整理的童年的英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友!童年的英语作文篇1Time flies,but the memories of my childhood still like a sweet dream.When I remind of those funny things,I always wear a big smile on my face.Althought they are infantile,innocent and silly,I cherish them a lot.I know the fact that I can not experience them any more.The first time I played roller-skating,I was excited.It was my classmate’s birthday,he invited many friends to the skating rink.I wasn’t good at roller-skating.He suggested me skate by the side.then he would ask his brother who was proficient to teach me.According to his brother,I could skate freely .Finally,he organized all his friends.We put our hands on others’ shoulder.We skated like a train.All the people in the skating rink stopped to watch us.I thought they might feel our passion. and be deeply affected.【参考译文】时光飞逝,但童年的记忆仍然像一个甜蜜的梦。

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my happy childhood英语150词(5篇)

my happy childhood英语150词(5篇)my happy childhood英语作文150词篇3My childhood, it is a song with a happy mood, a record of my childhood fun, big and small.Remember once, my mother to sleep on the sofa, 3 years old I sit on the floor playing with blocks, three feet saliva down, and I am also helping to put on a pair of, silly smile. Suddenly, I saw a like rabbit ears two iron piece, and put on a small black ball. I take this black things, bare little feet kipper, snapped, ran the sofa over there.Then I ride on mom, picked up the iron went to mother in the nostrils, mother was I woke, see this stupid idea, I will understand. Mom smiled and took me, I gladly run. Mother catch up with me, a picked up said to me: kid, dont always think of some way to deal with me! I jumped out of his mothers arms and ran away.This is my childhood story, remember now, I feel funny.我的童年,是一首带着快乐调子的歌曲,记录着我童年大大小小的趣事。
【英语作文】童年趣事 Funny Things in Childhood

【英语作文】童年趣事 Funny Things in Childhood童年是人生中最宝贵的时光,充满着无忧无虑、快乐和惊喜。

关于童年趣事的英语作文1.关于童年趣事的英语作文篇一How naive I was when I was a child! Looking back at the scene at that time, I can't help laughing, because there is an interesting thin g still fresh in my memory!One day, I saw my father shaving in the bathroom. I asked him what is the benefit of shaving? My father said, "You can make yourself hand some." I remember my father's words.One day, I watched TV with Lily, a cat in my family, in the living room. I found that Lily also had a beard on her face. Well, my father shaves his beard every day to be handsome. Isn't my lily handsome? So I brought my father's razor and soap from the bathroom. I followed my father's example. First I put soap on Lily's face, and then I took out a razor. But Lily always dodged to the left and right, which was very uncooperative. I held Lily's face and said to it earnestly, "Lily is t he best. We will shave today, and it will be the most beautiful boy in the street immediately." But it ran away unexpectedly.At this time, the doorbell "Dingling, Dingling" rang, and I hurrie dly went to open the door. It was my father who came home. I called my father. My father laughed loudly when he saw the appearance of Lily. E ven the big front teeth were almost laughing off. I asked curiously, " Dad, didn't you say shaving can make you handsome?" My father said, "T he cat's beard is used to measure the mouse hole, and it can't be shav ed." I suddenly realized, He lowered his head in embarrassment.I still remember it! Now, I can't help laughing!Childhood is beautiful, unforgettable and happy. Let's cherish and recall childhood together!2.关于童年趣事的英语作文篇二My childhood is a book, in which my story is recorded. Among the many stories, I think catching tadpoles is a very interesting thing.I remember that on a sunny weekend, I made an appointment with my friends to catch tadpoles. To play in the water, the adults were worri ed, so my mother also accompanied us to catch tadpoles. When we came t o a pond, we saw many black tadpoles in the pond. We were so happy tha t we couldn't wait to take off our shoes, roll up our trouser legs, take the empty bottles prepared in advance, and suddenly disappeared into the water.Tadpoles are "smart ghosts". When we put our hands into the waterto catch them, these "smart ghosts" suddenly ran to the other side of the pond. We couldn't catch them anyway. We were so angry. At this tim e, a partner paid attention, and we did it according to his method. We put our hands in the water quietly and did not move. The tadpoles slowly swam over. When they swam to the heart of our small hands, we quickly held up our hands. Finally, because the force was a little strong and the speed of the handle was a little fast, we still failed to catch the tadpole. At this time, the mother on the bank said, "The tadpoles like to be quiet. When the tadpoles get into your palm, you slowly lift them up. Don't move the water. Otherwise, the tadpoles will slip away before you lift them up."After listening to our mother's words, we tried again, once, twice, three times... The speed of our hands was slower and slower. Finally, when we slowly lifted our hands to the water, a few small tadpoles rem ained in our hands. Slowly, we caught enough little tadpoles and took them back to the shore.These tadpoles look very interesting. We put them in a basin, and they swim around in the basin. Their mouths suck, as if they are drink ing water and as if they are eating microorganisms, and the water around them is also slightly shaking. They have long tails and sleek bodie s. They look like big black commas. When they swim in the water, the tail flicks, and the water around them ripples slightly! At this time,I teased them with a small twig to make them swim in a neat line in the water, but as soon as I put the twig into the water, the tadpoles fled everywhere. It was like we were desperate to fight on the playground after class! I tried several times without success, so I took the tw igs out of the water and stopped disturbing them. Do you think it's st range? I don't bother them. Sometimes they line up in long lines to swim in the water. It's really like us coming home in line after school. It's really interesting!At this time, my mother came to us and said, "Tadpoles belong to n ature. They love the warm water. There is enough oxygen and many micro organisms for them to eat and drink. Don't play with them for a long t ime. If you play with them for a long time, you will kill them. Beside s, the tadpoles will become frogs when they grow up." After listeningto my mother's words, we watched the tadpoles for a while, and then took the pot and sent them back to their own home. At that time, I seemed to see little tadpoles turning into little frogs, and those littlef rogs were still singing happily in the field!3.关于童年趣事的英语作文篇三Funny things in childhood are like colorful kaleidoscopes. Some m ake you laugh, some make you cry, and some make you aftertaste. But th e most interesting thing is this.When I was five years old, my father-in-law gave me a golden rabbi t. This golden rabbit has snow-white fur and two long ears on a small head. Its small eyes are slightly red, and there is a three-petal mout h under its small and exquisite nose. The golden rabbit has short fron t legs, long back legs and a short tail. This golden rabbit is so cute that I can't put it down.One weekend, my father and mother went out to do business, and I p ainted at home alone. I took the golden rabbit to my side and drew whi le observing. After a while, I finished painting and began to feed the golden rabbit. Looking at the snow-white hair of the golden rabbit, I thought: the color of the golden rabbit is too monotonous. It's better to dye it with more colors. I picked up my pen, dipped it in blue pain t, dyed the body of the golden rabbit blue, dyed the head of the golde n rabbit yellow, dyed the tail of the golden rabbit red, and finally d yed its feet green. In a short time, the golden rabbit was dyed into c olorful by me.As soon as my parents came home, they saw my "masterpiece". They w ere shocked and asked me what happened. I told my father and mother th e whole story, and they couldn't laugh or cry after hearing it.Although a few years have passed, this interesting event has remai ned in my mind forever and I will never forget it. When I think of it, I can't help laughing.4.关于童年趣事的英语作文篇四In my childhood, I was as naughty as the stars in the sky, often glittering; There are as many interesting things in childhood as pearl s in sacks; Life in childhood is as sweet as a lollipop.I remember one morning when I was four years old, when I got up, m y mother helped me get dressed. I followed my mother to the bathroom, and watched her squeeze the "soft candy" on the toothbrush. After putt ing it in her mouth, it disappeared, and inexplicably there were many white foam. I thought I was eaten by my mother, and immediately ran totell my brother. The elder brother smiled and said, "Mom is eating 'so ft candy', which is delicious once in the morning and evening. Mom del iberately hides the 'soft candy' and won't let you eat it. Do you want to taste it?" I nodded incredulously.Early the next morning, my parents went to work and left me and my brother at home. I didn't know when my brother brought "soft candy". I grabbed it and tasted a little first. "It's really delicious, and ther e is a smell of strawberry!" I said in surprise. I thought to myself: It's so delicious that I don't share it with me. My mother is too stin gy. Now I found your secret. I will eat it every day. I ate up the "so ft candy" no matter what. The elder brother smiled inexplicably beside him, but did not speak.In the evening, my mother found that the toothpaste was gone. She asked me and my brother, who said, "My sister ate it." I quickly expla ined, "I ate soft candy? How could it be toothpaste?" I thought my mot her would hit me, Unexpectedly, my mother said in a gentle tone, "sill y girl. How can you eat toothpaste? It's to help us clean up our oral hygiene. It can't be eaten. From tomorrow, I will teach you to brush y our teeth." My mother also criticized my brother and told him not to t ease me again.I haven't done anything like that since I ate toothpaste.Childhood is full of innocence and childishness, and also full of curiosity, which is why we continue to grow. Childhood is the starting point of life. It is a golden time like a dream. It is like a boat, fu ll of toys, candy, and joy5.关于童年趣事的英语作文篇五Childhood is a song, a song full of happiness; Childhood is a pai nting, a colorful painting; Childhood is a flower, a flower with a smi ling face... In that colorful childhood, one interesting thing happene d, which formed our golden childhood.In my memory, one of the most interesting things that impressed me was fishing shrimp with my father.I remember that time, my father and I worried for a long time abou t the tools for catching shrimp in order to catch a lot of shrimp in m y grandmother's vegetable field. Suddenly, we found several long bambo o sticks, and also found several long lines. Tie them together to form two "shrimp fishing rods". Then we dug two large and fat earthworms and tied them on two lines. In this way, our shrimp fishing tools are fo rmed.Next comes the most critical step - shrimp fishing. Because this is my first time to catch shrimp, I will first see how my father catches shrimp. My father swung the "shrimp rod" forward and threw it into the small pond. Then he stood there quietly, waiting for the shrimp to bite. Suddenly, a greedy shrimp saw the earthworm hanging on the line, looked around again, found that there was no dangerous situation aroun d, immediately swam to the earthworm, and held the big earthworm tightly with his legs. As soon as the time came, Dad quickly lifted the "sh rimp rod" and threw it onto the ground. In this way, we will have a small shrimp in our pocket.I saw my father catch a small shrimp so easily, and I also tried i t. Because it is the first time, I am not very skilled. We didn't grasp the strength when we were shaking the line, so we didn't shake it we ll. However, I am not discouraged and continue to work hard. Finally, with my unremitting efforts, it was time to harvest - a small shrimp was hooked! When I saw a shrimp caught the bait, I hurriedly raised the "shrimp fishing rod" to show off to my father. As a result, I accident ally let it fall again. Alas, it's really a joyous occasion.I was a little discouraged. When I dropped the "shrimp fishing rod " to play elsewhere, suddenly, four words "practice makes perfect" pop ped out of my mind. These four words guide me to pick up the "shrimp f ishing rod" and continue fishing. Soon, another shrimp caught the bait. This time, I calmed down. After a while, I lifted the "shrimp rod" and quickly threw it onto the soil. yeah! I succeeded!How happy it is to catch shrimp! Because of these happy anecdotes, my childhood has become more happy! I will treasure it well and keep it as a good memory!。

以童年趣事为题的英文作文英文:When I think back to my childhood, there are so many fun and memorable things that come to mind. One of my favorite childhood memories is when my friends and I used to play hide and seek in the neighborhood. We would always choose the biggest and most complex house to play in, andit was so much fun trying to find the best hiding spots. I remember one time I found a great hiding spot in the attic and stayed there for what felt like hours before someone finally found me.Another fun thing we used to do was to have "picnic" in the backyard. We would pack our favorite snacks and drinks in a basket and lay out a blanket on the grass. We would pretend that we were having a real picnic in the park, and it was always so much fun to just sit and chat with my friends while enjoying our snacks.中文:每当我回忆起童年时光,脑海中总会浮现出许多有趣而难忘的事情。

童年趣事英语作文150字Childhood Fun。
When I think back to my childhood, there are so many fun and exciting memories that come to mind. One of my favorite childhood memories is when my friends and I would have sleepovers and stay up late telling ghost stories. We would huddle together in our sleeping bags, wide-eyed and eager to hear the scariest stories we could think of. We would take turns trying to outdo each other with the most spine-chilling tales, and we would all end up laughing and screaming in equal measure.Another fond memory I have is of playing in the park with my friends. We would spend hours running around, playing tag, and climbing trees. We would come home covered in dirt and grass stains, but we were always smiling and laughing. Those carefree days of playing in the sunshine are some of my happiest memories.I also remember the excitement of going on family vacations. Whether it was a trip to the beach or a visit to a theme park, I always looked forward to the adventures we would have. I loved exploring new places and trying new things with my family by my side.Overall, my childhood was filled with so much fun and laughter. I am grateful for all the wonderful memories I have, and I look back on those days with a sense of nostalgia and joy.。

用童年趣事英文作文英文,When I was a child, I had a lot of interesting experiences. One of them was when I tried to catch a frogin a nearby pond. I was with my friends and we saw a frog jumping around in the water. I thought it would be fun to catch it and show it to my parents.中文,当我还是个孩子的时候,我有很多有趣的经历。
英文,So I waded into the pond and tried to catch the frog with my bare hands. It was slippery and fast, and I couldn't get a good grip on it. My friends were laughingand cheering me on, but I was determined to catch the frog.中文,于是我走进池塘,试图用我的双手抓住青蛙。
英文,After a few attempts, I finally managed to grab the frog. But as soon as I lifted it out of the water, it slipped out of my hands and jumped back into the pond. My friends laughed even harder, and I felt a little embarrassed.中文,经过几次尝试,我终于抓住了那只青蛙。

以童年趣事为题的英文作文英文:When I think about my childhood, there are so many fun and interesting memories that come to mind. One of the most memorable things that I used to do as a child was building forts in the living room with my siblings. We would gather all the blankets and pillows we could find and create the most elaborate and cozy forts. It was always so much fun to have our own little hideaway where we could play games, read books, and just hang out.Another fun thing we used to do was have water balloon fights in the backyard. We would fill up a bunch of balloons with water and then chase each other around,trying to dodge the incoming water balloons. It was always a hilarious and refreshing way to spend a hot summer day.In addition to these activities, I also have fond memories of going on family camping trips. We would pack upthe car with tents, sleeping bags, and all the necessary supplies, and head out to a nearby campground. We would spend our days hiking, roasting marshmallows over the campfire, and telling ghost stories. It was always an adventure and a great way to bond with my family.中文:当我回想起我的童年时,有很多有趣的回忆涌上心头。

英文作文童年趣事150英文:During my childhood, there were countless amusing incidents that left an indelible mark on me. One such memorable event happened when I was around eight years old during a family camping trip.It was a warm summer day, and my family decided to spend the weekend camping in the woods. As soon as we arrived at the campsite, my cousins and I were ecstatic, running around and exploring every nook and cranny. We set up our tents, built a campfire, and prepared for a night under the stars.As darkness fell, we gathered around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing ghost stories. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and excitement. Suddenly, out of nowhere, we heard rustling in the bushes nearby. Everyone fell silent, and our imaginations ran wildwith thoughts of bears and other forest creatures.Just as we were about to flee to the safety of our tents, a mischievous raccoon emerged from the bushes, its tiny hands clutching a bag of marshmallows it had stolen from our supplies. Instead of being scared, we burst into fits of laughter at the sight of the furry intruder.With its beady eyes and twitching nose, the raccoon seemed just as surprised to see us as we were to see it. For a moment, we stared at each other in disbelief before the raccoon darted back into the darkness, leaving us in stitches.The incident became the highlight of our camping trip, and we couldn't stop retelling the story for weeks afterward. It taught me the valuable lesson of finding joy in unexpected moments and not taking life too seriously.中文:在我的童年中,有无数令人念念不忘的有趣事件。
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初中英语作文之童年趣事idliketotellyousomethingaboutmychildhood.wheniwassixyearsold,iwasalo velygirl!
oneday,myfathersawsomefishintheriver,soheaskedme,whycanfishonlylive inwater?ithoughtaboutit,thenigavehimtheanswer,becausetherearesomecats onthebank.myfatherlaughedwhenheheardthat.thenhesaid,youaresmart!iwa shappytohearthat.
maybeyouwillsay,itsafunnyanswer.now,ithink,itisveryinteresting.andnowi amsmart.myparentslovemeverymuch.iamsohappytohavethatchildhood. 篇二:初中英语作文之童年趣事
初中英语作文之童年趣事idliketotellyousomethingaboutmychildhood.wheniwassixyearsold,iwasalo velygirl!
oneday,myfathersawsomefishintheriver,soheaskedme,whycanfishonlylive inwater?ithoughtaboutit,thenigavehimtheanswer,becausetherearesomecats onthebank.myfatherlaughedwhenheheardthat.thenhesaid,youaresmart!iwa shappytohearthat.
amsmart.myparentslovemeverymuch.iamsohappytohavethatchildhood. 篇三:童年趣事作文150字
Goodmorningeveryone!now,it’sgreathonortostandheretoshareastoryofminewithyou. wheniwasyoung.iwasjustanaughtylittleguy.Beacuaseofweak,ialwaysill.Ho spitalisoneoftheplacesiofenvisited.ilikeplayingneedlesforiwanttobeadoctor ,soineedn’thavetoinjected.Everydayiwillgiveaninjectionstopatients.iusedtogiveaninj ectionstomypatientwhoisapanda.affterinjectedsomuchwatertomydollwhic hwasmadebyclothandcutton,itbecameverywet.mymotherwasenoughtocrea temisunderstandingswhensheknewwhatihaddone.Fanally,sheputitinthe.su nshinesocoulddrythemmorefast.
wheniwasachild,iwascuriousaboutallthings.Therefor,manychildishthingsi haddone.onedayibroughtsomegoldfishfromthefishmarket.iputtheminaglas sfishtank,butthenextdaysomeofthemweredead.myfriendtoldmethereasonw。