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英语必修 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 学案学习目标:

1. 了解古代和现代奥运会的一些基本情况;

2. 进一步熟悉、

掌握一些阅读技巧(scanning, summarizing); 3. 掌握本课的重点词

汇和表达方式; 4. 帮助学生理解奥运精神,使学生更加关注奥运会. 重点难点:





完成时间 20 分钟。

激情投入,快乐学习 1. 词汇学习: winter Olympics _______________ summer Olympics _____________________ Olympic f lag ______ ____________ motto _____ ______ torch ___ __________ Mascot ___ ____________ stadium _________ ________ medal ___ __________ Athlete ___ ____________ competition ________ ______ gymnasium ________ _ 一轮阅读后,回答下列问题 1. Fast reading : True or False. ( )1. Men and women were allowed to take part in the ancient Olympic Games. ( )2. The Winter Olympic Games are held every three years. ( )3. The 28th Olympic Games will be held in

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Beijing. ( )4. A special village is built for competitors to live in. ( )5. To hold the Olympic is a rich prize and a big honor for a country. Reading comprehension 1. Pausanias was__________. A. a writer who lived in Ancient Greece B. an English writer 2,000 years ago.

C. a writer who wrote about the modern Olympic Games.

D. an athlete 2. Who could take part in the ancient Olympics in Greece? A. Greek nobles(贵族) B. Greek slaves. C. Greek women D. English nobles 3. Who can be admitted to the present Olympic Games? A. All the athletes from all over the world. B. Athlete from the developed countries. C. Athletes who can reach the required standard. D. Athletes from the Greek cities. 4. When will the next Winter Olympics be held? A. 2 006 B.2007 C. 200 8 D. 2009 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE? 预习案 A. Pausanias wasnt interested in the Olympics. B. It is easy to win the right to host the Olympics. C. Almost every country wants to host the Olympics. D. It costs little to host the Olympics. 二轮阅读后,完成下列习题 1) 完成表格 Ancient Olympic Games Modern Olympic Games Similarities 1. Both are held every ____________ years. 2. Both are held for ____________ instead of for ______________. 3. Both allow


__________ to take part in. 4. Both are about being able to run __________, jump __________ and throw _______. Differences 1. They were held just in ________. 1. They are held in many ________ now. 2. There were no _______ Olympics. 2. There are _____ and _______ Olympics. 3. Only free Greek ______ could take part. _____ and ______ were not allowed. 3. They may come anywhere in the _______. 4. There were _______ events. 4. There are many ___________ events. 5. Olive ______ were given to winners. 5. _________ are given to winners. Questions :

1.What upsets Pausanias about modern Winter Olympic Games?

2.What amazes Pausanias about the modern Summer Olympic Games?

3.Whe does Pausanias think Athens, Greece and Beijing, China should feel proud?

4.Why does Pausanias think people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?

5.What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games? Step

6. (自我检测) Go through the Reading again and then fill in the blanks with the books closed according to the given capital letter. The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two kinds of Olympic Games. One is the _________, the other is the __________. Both of them are ________ every ______ years. All countries can take part if

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