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5. 经济学
1. 天文类(天文类,气象类)
2. 地理类(地质类,地理类)
3. 物理类
4. 生物类(动物类,植物类)
5. 化学类
6. 医学类
1. 社会学
1. 冰箱的发展
3. 印第安人变篮子的故事
14 电视对美国政治的影响
18 女性对美国建立初期的贡献
19 北美城市的发展
20 壁炉的构造
22 北美城市的发展改革
23 美国早期城市功能的发展
25 营养学研究的历史
31 房租租金的控制
34 城市的发展以及移民,工业化
39 印第安人捕鱼的生活方式
40 一周工人工作时间的演变
46 宾夕法尼亚暖气锅炉的改造
55 建立公园的计划
69 美国报纸上气象报道图的变化
73 科学,技术工业三者在不同时间段的关系 80 美国调查方式的实施
84 美国早期印刷业的内容
96 homestead act 的弊端
2. 物理类
2. 水循环
4 哈德逊河派的绘画
5 创造文化的材料和技术的阐述
21 美国早期雕塑的发展
28 19世纪末20世纪初艺术的发展
32 西方艺术发展史
36 美国水彩画协会的发展
49 古代陶瓷的制作方式50 19
57 希腊陶瓷技术的发展
68 北美陶瓷的制作
72 哈莱姆文艺复兴
89 19世纪静物艺术品
91 不同时期艺术装饰风格的简介
100 小提琴的发展和使用
4. 经济类
42 美国铁路发展给美国带来的影响45 19世纪的家庭工作
52 美国劳动力从农业到工业的转变
58 从狩猎到农业的改变对人类生活的影响60 美国棉花在19时期作为重要的出口商品71 地理位置对城市发展的影响
93 洛杉矶城市的发展
94 美国工业化给美国经济带来的改变
5. 动物学
16 鸟的祖先
17 鹦鹉产卵的方式
30 蝴蝶的种类
59 历史上第一只鸟的介绍
62 关于鸟换毛的事
63 鸟躲避侵略者的三种策略
64 蚂蚁工作方式的介绍
75 早期狩猎对大型体格动物灭绝的影响79 动物行为的研究
86 蚂蚁生存使用的各种信号
95 昆虫怎样用信息素来传递信息98 松鼠吃橡果的迷
6. 考古学
41 地球物种灭绝的分析
59 历史上第一只鸟的介绍
75早期狩猎对大型体格动物灭绝的影响78 远古的文字 88 化石的形成
90 某时期变化对海洋生物的影响
7. 人类学
10 人类饮食活动的变化
39 海边印第安人的捕鱼生活方式
8. 植物学
11 竹屋怎样防御外界的侵害
9. 地质类
13. 27 土壤分解法
38 有关冰河时代的
41 地球物种灭绝的分析
74 冰川的形成及融化
76 泥土的形成及其用途
87 热能在大气中传输
92 岩石层对气候的影响
10. 生物类
15 菌类对农业的影响
51 美国建立自然生态保护园的介绍77 生物灭绝的原因 11. 农业类
15. 菌类对农业的影响
29 一种农业机器在美国的普遍使用
12. 天文类
24 地球极地激光的形成和外形26 关于某彗星的介绍 35 一种岩洞对观察天象的影响
65 彗星的coma的形成
81 木星的简介
97 对月亮两个区域的研究
13. 心理类
33 关于做决定的研究
37 人的声音对个性的影响
66 小孩学说话
79 动物行为的研究
82 婴幼儿时期的模仿对人和动物的影响
14. 医学类
43 抗感染药的发明
44 大脑中神经系统的结构
15 教育类
47 美国在20世纪初对移民者的介绍
16. 人物类
48 不同领导的领导风格
17. 化学类
6 硫酸钾在造玻璃和肥皂时的作用 53 玻璃纤维的使用方法
54 被作曲家采用越来越多的音乐元素56 民歌定义的不同理解
72 哈莱姆文艺复兴
19. 地理类
67 某个奇特地方的植被
20. 文学类
99 碳水化合物和气温的关系

swimming machines (og practice set 6)
tunas, mackerels, and billfishes (marlins, sailfishes, and swordfish) swim continuously. feeding,courtship,
reproduction, and even rest are carried out while in constant motion. as a result, practically every aspect of the body form
and function of these swimming machines is adapted to enhance their ability to swim.
many of the adaptations of these fishes serve to reduce water resistance (drag). interestingly enough,several of these hydrodynamic adaptations resemble features designed to improve the aerodynamics of high-speed aircraft. though human engineers are new to the game, tunas and their relatives evolved theirhigh-tech designs long ago.
tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have made streamlining into an art form. their bodies are sleek and compact. the body shapes of tunas, in fact, are nearly ideal from an engineering point of view. most species lack scales over most of the body, making it smooth and slippery. the eyes lie flush with the body and do not protrude at all. they are also covered with a slick, transparent lid that reduces drag. the fins
are stiff, smooth, and narrow, qualities that also help cut drag. when not in use, the fins are tucked into
special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth
contours. airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight
for the same reason.
tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have even more sophisticated adaptations than these to improve their
hydrodynamics. the long bill of marlins, sailfishes, and swordfish probably helps them slip through the
water. many supersonic aircraft have a similar needle at the nose.
most tunas and billfishes have a series of keels and finlets near the tail. although most of their scales
have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet.
the keels, finlets, and corselet help direct the flow of water over the body surface in such as way as to
reduce resistance (see the figure). again, supersonic jets
have similar features.
以上内容就是老托福阅读 100篇的部分内容介绍,托福备考阶段当让选择真题备考是再好不过了,如果考生


1995.10 .............................................................................................. (13)
1995.12 .............................................................................................. (23)
1996.01 .............................................................................................. (33)
1996.05 .............................................................................................. (45)
1996.08 .............................................................................................. (55)
1996.10 .............................................................................................. (65)
1996.12 .............................................................................................. (75)
1997.01 .............................................................................................. (85)
1997.05 .............................................................................................. (95)
1997.08 .............................................................................................. . (105)
1997.10 .............................................................................................. .. (115)
1997.12 .............................................................................................. . (125)
1998.01 .............................................................................................. . (135)
1998.05 .............................................................................................. . (145)
1998.08 ..............................................................................................
1998.10 .............................................................................................. . (165)
1999.01 .............................................................................................. . (175)
1999.05 .............................................................................................. . (185)
1999.08 .............................................................................................. . (195)
1999.10 .............................................................................................. . (204)
2000.01 .............................................................................................. . (214)
2000.05 .............................................................................................. . (224)
2000.08 .............................................................................................. . (234)
2000.10 .............................................................................................. . (244)
2001.01 .............................................................................................. . (256)
2001.05 .............................................................................................. . (266)
2001.08 .............................................................................................. . (276)
2001.10 .............................................................................................. . (286)
2002.01 .............................................................................................. . (296)
2002.05 .............................................................................................. . (306)
2002.08 .............................................................................................. . (316)
2002.09 .............................................................................................. . (326)
2002.10 .............................................................................................. . (336)
2003.01 .............................................................................................. . (346)
2003.08 ..............................................................................................
2003.10 .............................................................................................. . (366)
2004.01 .............................................................................................. . (376)
2004.05 .............................................................................................. . (386)
2004.08 .............................................................................................. . (396)
2004.10 .............................................................................................. . (406)
2005.01 .............................................................................................. . (415)
2005.05 .............................................................................................. . (425)
2005.08 .............................................................................................. . (435)
question 1-9
investigation of the deep-ocean
keywords: ocean, researchers, techniques, samples, rocks
the ocean bottom – a region nearly 2.5 times greater than the total land area of the earth –
that even today is largely unexplored and uncharted. until about a century ago, the deep – ocean floor was
subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the earths surface, the deep – ocean bottom
although researchers have taken samples of deep – ocean rocks and sediments for over a century, the first detailed global investigation of the ocean bottom did not actually start until 1968, with the beginning of the national science foundations deep sea drilling project (dsdp). using techniques first developed for the offshore oil and gas industry, the dsdps drill ship, the glomar challenger, was able to maintain a steady the ocean floor.
the glomar challenger completed 96 voyages in a 15 – year research program that ended in november 1983. during this time, the vessel logged 600,000 kilometers and took almost 20,000 core samples of seabed sediments and rocks at 624 drilling sites around the world. the glomar challengers core
samples have allowed geologists to reconstruct what the planet looked like hundreds of millions of years ago and to calculate what it will probably look like millions of years in the future. today, largely on the
of evidence gathered during the glomar challengers voyages, nearly all earth scientists agree on the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift that explain many of the geological processes that shape the earth.
the cores of sediment drilled by the glomar challenger have also yielded information critical to understanding the worlds past climates. deep – ocean sediments provide a climatic record stretching back
chemical and biological activity that rapidly destroy much land – based evidence of past climates. this record has already provided insights into the patterns and causes of past climatic change – information that may be used to predict future climates.
(a) is not a popular area for scientific research
(b) contains a wide variety of life forms
(c) attracts courageous explorers
(d) is an unknown territory
(a) uecognizable
(b) ueachable
(c) unusable
(d) unsafe
3. the author mentions
in line 5 because
(a) the earths climate millions of years ago was similar to conditions in outer space
(b) it is similar to the ocean floor in being alien to the human environment
(c) rock formations in outer space are similar to those found on the ocean floor
(d) techniques used by scientists to explore outer space were similar to those used in ocean exploration
4. which of the following is true of the glomar challenger?
(a) it is a type of submarine.
(b) it is an ongoing project.
(c) it has gone on over 100 voyages.
(d) it made its first dsdp voyage in 1968.
(a) breaking
(b) locating
(c) removing
(d) analyzing
6. the deep sea drilling project was significant because it was
(a) an attempt to find new sources of oil and gas
(b) the first extensive exploration of the ocean bottom
(c) composed of geologists from all over the world
(d) funded entirely by the gas and oil industry
(a) basis
(b) purpose
(c) discovery
(d) endurance
(a) years
(b) climates
(c) sediments
(d) cores
9. which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as being a result of the deep sea drilling project?
(a) geologists were able to determine the earths appearance hundreds of millions of years ago.
(b) two geological theories became more widely accepted by scientists.
(c) information was revealed about the earths past climatic changes.
(d) geologists observed forms of marine life never before seen. questions 10-21
basic to any understanding of canada in 20 years after the second world war is the countrys impressive population growth. for every three canadians in 1945, there were over
in 1996. in september 1966
depression of the 1930s and the war had held back marriages and the catching – up process began after 1945. the baby
boom continued through the decade of the 1950s, producing a population increase of nearly fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. this rate of increase had been exceeded
only once before in canadas history, in the decade before 1911, when the prairies were being settled. undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950s supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a
stood at 28 per thousand, one of the highest in the world.
stood at the lowest level in 25 years. partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war, but it was also caused by changes in canadian society. young people were staying at school longer, more women were working, young married couples were buying automobiles or houses before starting families, rising living standards were cutting down the size of families. it appeared that canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the western world since the time of the industrial revolution.
although the growth in canadas population has slowed down by 1966 (the increase in the first half of the 1960s was only nine percent). another large population wave was coming over the horizon.
would be
10. what does the passage mainly discuss?
(a) educational changes in canadian society.
(b) canada during the second world war
(c) population trends in postwar canada
(d) standards of living in canada
11. according to the passage, when did canadas baby boom begin?
(a) in the decade after 1911
(b) after 1945
(c) during the depression of the 1930s
(d) in 1966
(a) canadians
(b) years
(c) decades
(d) marriages
(a) new
(b) extra
(c) accelerating
(d) surprising。
