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六年级下册Unit3 A Let’s talk课堂练习

班级:__________ 姓名:__________

一、Read and choose. 请根据上下文,小组讨论,选出所缺的句子。

A: What happened?

J: I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.

A: That’s too bad. Are you all right?

J: I’m OK now. Come and look at my photos f rom the Labour Day Holiday.


J: Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. ②____________________. Look, it’s very small.

A: Oh, yes. It looks like a mule.③______________________

J: Yes, we did.We saw lots of grapes there, but④______________________. They won’t be ready till August.

二、Pair work发挥想象,John在新疆还去了哪些地方,还做了哪些事情,与同桌合作编对话.

A: John, where else did you go in Xinjiang?

John: I went to …

A: What did you do in…?

B:I …

三、Guess and talk.请选择以下其中一位朋友,根据他/她的音乐相册封面进行猜测,发挥想象,猜猜他/她的旅程是如何的,并进行同桌对话。

Word bank参考单词:

went to a park, went swimming, went shopping, saw the snow, played with snow, saw a film, had a cold, had good food, climbed mountains, made a snowman, saw flowers, read a book, rode a bike, fell down, went to Harbin(哈尔滨), slept, went skiing(滑雪), went to Xuexiang(雪乡), ate ice cream,fell down, ate ice cream, drew pictues, had lessons, shared the food, sang songs...


A: How was ____'sholiday in ____? B: She had a ____ holiday.

A: Where did she/he go? B: She/He went to … on…

A: What did she/he do? B: She/He …

A: Did she/he…?B: Yes, she/he did./No, she/he didn’t.
