



3. Native words and borrowed words 本族语词和外来语词
Native words / Angle-Saxon words
Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are native
words. They form the great majority of the
Another important characteristic is that function words belong to a relatively small and permanent set of words, in comparison to content words. The total number of functional words is about 154. They are stable; they do not come and go with changing fashions and ideas.
basic word stock of the English language.
The basic word stock is the foundation of the
vocabulary accumulated over a number of
epochs. Most native words in modern
What causes the differences between sound and form?
➢ 1) More morphemes than letters, ➢ 2) Stabilization of spelling, ➢ 3) Deliberate change of spelling by

英语词汇学 ppt课件

英语词汇学  ppt课件
and suffixation? 3. What do we mean by literary and common
words? 4. What is the difference between grammatical
meaning and lexical meaning? 5. What are the differences between
meaning), capable of performing a given syntactic function.词是语言组织中的基本 单位,能独立运用的,具有声音 、意义 和语法功能。
1.The Development of the English vocabulary(英语发展史)
eg. (1) hām(home)的变格: Singular
Subjective hām
Possessive hāmes
Objective hām
Plural hāmas hāma hāmum hāmas
6)Loan Words 外来语
(1) Introduction of Christianity(基督教) Fr. Latin: bargain, cheap, inch, pound, cup, dish, wall, wine, etc.; abbot, alter, candle, disciple, hymn, martyr, num, priest, pope, shrine, temple, etc. (2) Scandinavian invasion — Vikings Fr. Old Norse: are, they, their, them, till, call, die give, take skin, sky, window, ill, weak, etc.



English Lexicology(II)
I.The definition of conversion
Conversion is a word-formation whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero derivation(零位派生 零位派生). 零位派生
Word-formation III
Important Points
I. The Definition of Conversion II. Types of Conversion Verb-Noun Noun-Verb Adjective-Noun Adjective-Verb Noun-Adjective
English Lexicology(II)
a) to denote state of mind or state of sensation: desire, dismay, doubt, love, smell, taste; b) to denote an event or activity: attempt, fall, hit, laugh, release, search, shut-down, swim; to give a cry, shudder, start, howl, laugh to have a look, swim, ride, try, drink to make a dash, dive, guess to take a peep, turn



weekday skyline outline sidewalk feedback
工作日 地平线 轮廓 人行道 反馈

headache deadline outlook underline upload

头痛 期限 希望 下划线 上传
二. 近形词、近音词、 同音词对比记忆法 1. seam n. 缝,接缝;煤层 【记法】由于该词和词义为“好象”的单词 seem 读音相同 【联想】这里好象(seem)有接缝(seam) 2. forth ad. 向前,往外 【记法】由于该词和词义为“第四”的单词 fourth 读音相同 【联想】排名第四(fourth)难满足,鼓足劲头向前(forth)追 3. render v. 使得,致使;给予,提供 【记法】我们已学过词义为“读者”的单词 reader ,它与 render在词形上只相差一个字母 【联想】老师提供(render)参考书,众多学生成读者(reader)
1、ag ag = do , act 做,动 agent [ag做,办理,ent名词后缀,表示人;做事者,“办理人”] 代理 人 agency [ag 做,作 ency 名词后缀] 代理,代理处,机构,作用 2、agri agri = field 田地,农田 (agri 也作 agro, agr) agriculture [agri 田地,农田,cult 耕作 –ure 名词后缀] 农业,农艺 agronomy [agro农田→农业,nomy …..学] 农学 agrestic [agr 田地→乡村→乡野] 乡间的,乡野的,粗野的 3、ann ann = year 年 (ann也作enn) annual [ann 年,-ual 形容词后缀,……的] 每年的,年度的 perennial [per-通,全,enn年,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 全年的,四季 不断的


-- from Linguistics in Language Teaching. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.,1972: 111 (Wilkinson)
About the course
1.1 Aims of the course
– Give a systematic description of the English vocabulary.
• What is a word?
– The minimal free form of a language, which has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.
– Ultimately improve your receptive and productive skills in language processing as well as language production.
1.3 Arrangements
• Oral Presentation
– Group of 4-5 for ONE CHAPTER – One group each week
• Essay
– A short essay about the relevant topic(s) – 3 weeks before the end of the course
1.4 Grade
• Oral presentation • Short essay • Final exam
An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology


b. Bound roots: Quite a number of roots derived from foreign sources, esp. from Greek and Latin, belong to the class of bound morphemes. A root, whether it is free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.

uniped, pediform

sound phon
phonetics, microphone

solar, insolation
月 moon lun
lunar, lunatic
星 世界 生命
star world life
astro(er) cosm(o) bi(o)
Notice what the following words have in common: e.g. -tain contain, detain retain (L tenere "to hold")
-ceive conceive, deceive receive. (L capere "to take") revive vitamin vital vivacious vivid In Modern English, they are not words, and not free morphemes; they cannot exist on their own. Nor can they be used to form new words, because these items have no identity outside the small group of words in which they appear. So on formal grounds, ceive, -tain are considered bound morphemes or bound roots which always occur in morphemic sequences, i.e. in combination with roots or affixes.

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT
❖ 2. synonyms and idioms
B: rapid growth of present-day English Vocabulary and Its causes
❖ Neologisms(新词) after World War II ❖ Reasons: ❖ 1. progress of science and technology科技
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
Bloomfield布洛姆菲尔德(美国语言学家教育 家) and ❖ a French linguist, Antoine Meillet(梅耶,法 国语言学家)
❖ “some linguistic forms(语言形态), which we call bound forms(限定/非自由形态) are never used as sentences.
invaded by Angles盎格鲁, Saxons撒克逊, Jutes朱特人
❖ Vocabulary: 5000-6000 words,chiefly Anglo-Saxon/ some Old Norse古斯堪的那维 亚语
❖ Old Norse words (are, they, their, them, till, call, die, give, take, skin, window, ill, weak)

现代英语词汇学概论7 Sense relations between wordsPPT课件

现代英语词汇学概论7 Sense relations between wordsPPT课件

goodness virtue
e of synonyms: 1.) The choice and use of synonyms: ◆Avoiding repetition:
1.Definition of antonyms:
Words that are opposite
2.Types of antonyms: 1.) According to semantic contrast(语义
对比): ◆ Contraries相对性反义词 ◆ Complementaries互补反义词 ◆ Conversives换位反义词
Chapter VII Sense Relations Between Words
Teaching Contents
I. Synonymy 1.Definition 2.Kinds 3.Patterns e II.Antonymy 1.Definition 2.Types 3.Relevant points e III. Hyponymy IV. Semantic Field
3)Fake synonyms: having no similar or identical denotative meaning
doubt & suspect: 怀疑, 疑心
object & oppose反对
Relationship between antonyms (oppositeness of meaning)

英语词汇学教程课件第3章English Lexicology 3

英语词汇学教程课件第3章English Lexicology 3
English Lexicology
Lecture Three
The Development of English
The 5000 or so languages of the world can be grouped into about 300 language families, on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammars.
The early English settlers do not seem to have made much of an effort to understand the language of the Britons. They did not learn many words from the Celts. The English added only a handful of Celtic words to their language, like clout, cradle, crock, dun, slough, cumb (valley), torr (hill). Place names formed a large group. Thames, Wye and Avon are Celtic river names, and so are some city names like York, London, Kent. These words came into English as the result of daily contact between Celt and Anglo-Saxon.
Because of these and other influences, the English vocabulary changed enormously and became the largest and most complex in the world, and the grammar changed its emphasis from inflections to word order.

初中英语词汇学精美课件pp t(8)

初中英语词汇学精美课件pp t(8)

re (back) +cur(跑)=recur


oc (to/towards )+cur(跑)=occur

(跑来) →v. 出现,发生
(“跑出去”,“出行”) →n.远足,旅 行
pan (到处)+dem +ic→ pandemic
(到处流行的) →(疾病)大流行的;大流行性 疾病
epidemic epi(在…之间)+dem(人民)+ic(…
的)=epidemic (“流行于人民之中的“) →adj.流行的,传
+ure=arboriculture n.树木的培植/栽培
api (“bee”)+ cult (“till”) +ure=apiculture
flori (“flower”)+ cult (“till”) +ure= floriculture

adj.圆形的 n.摆线
cycl(圆)+o +ne=cyclone

cycl(圆)+i+ cal=cyclical

5.dem=people 人民
democΒιβλιοθήκη acydem(人民)+o +cracy (统治)=democracy

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英语词汇学教程  全套课件-精选文档
长子,赑屃/囚牛 次子,螭吻 三子,蒲牢 四子,狴犴 五子,饕餮 六子,蚆嗄 七子,睚眦 八子,狻猊/负屃 九子,椒图 /貔貅

长子,赑屃(bìxì ) /囚牛(qiúniú) 次子,螭吻(chīwěn) 三子,蒲牢( púláo) 四子,狴犴(bìàn) 五子,饕餮(tāo tiè) 六子,蚆嗄(bā xià) 七子,睚眦(yá zì ) 八子,狻猊( suān ní )/负屃(fù xì ) 九子,椒图( jiāotú)/貔貅( pí xiū)
Biblioteka 莎士比亚大约掌握24000个词。 丘吉尔能使用90000个词。 一个受过高等教育的英国人一般能掌握 25000词以上。 美国大学对外国学生的英语要求是掌握 4000词。 学会常用的5000个词,就能理解97%左 右的内容。

大学英语四级(CET-4)词汇量4500 大学英语六级(CET-6)词汇量5500 英语专业四级(TEM-4)词汇量6000 英语专业八级(TEM-8)词汇量8000 托福 (TOEFL)词汇量7500 雅思 (IELTS) 词汇量8000 研究生入学考试 (GRE)词汇量12000 你的词汇量……?
Skill of memorizing new words

charisma Chairman Mao revealed his charisma to the whole world. (a natural ability and personality to attract and interest other people and make them admire you领袖魅力/气质/风采)
8000-15000词汇量 (GRE词汇量) abrasion equivocate morbid belligerent fortuitous peccadillo coalesce immaculate procrastination divulge loquacious taciturn


A. Old English (Anglo-Saxon Period)
(449---1100) Attendance and Assignments:
B. Middle English (1100---1500) give you some color to see
4) The influence of other cultures and languages 补充: NCEPU= North China Electric Power University flat---apartment
• 由于 综合国力强大促进了美语的地位和进一步 推广反过来美语的发展也反作用于 社会甚至全 世界.
• colour---color
• practice (v. n.) About the Final Exam
• rubber---eraser lift---elevator (escalator)
• underground---subway The feature of language
enlarge your vocabulary lexicon + -ology = lexicology
•(cousin) flat---apartment
• lift---elevator (escalator)
lexicology : the study of words and the relation of words
vocabulary: 词汇总称, 词汇量 word: 单词
The more words you memorize, the larger your vocabulary is.

语言学教程 第三版 第三章 词汇学

语言学教程 第三版 第三章 词汇学

Word 4: writing Word 5: written ■Word 2 “fat” fat fatter fattest ■So WORD may be used both as a general term (then fat, fatter, and fattest are just one word) and as specific items (then fat, fatter, and fattest are three words).
Chapter 3 Lexicon主讲人Fra bibliotek钱 军
3.1 What is word? 3.1.1 Three senses of “word” 3.1.2 Identification of words 3.1.3 Classification of words 3.2 The formation of word 3.2.1 Morpheme and morphology 3.2.2 Types of morphemes 3.2.3 Inflection and word formation 3.2.4 Sememe vs. morpheme, and phoneme vs. morpheme 3.3 Lexical change 3.3.1 Lexical change proper 3.3.2 Morpho-syntactical change 3.3.3 Semantic change 3.3.4 Phonological change 3.3.5 Orthographic change
■Predeterminers: all, both; half, one-third, three-quarters …; double, twice, three times …; such, what (exclamative), etc. ■Central determiners: the; this, these, that, those; my, our, your, his, her, its, their; which, what (relative), what (interrogative); a, another, some, any, no, either, neither; each, every; enough, much, more, most, less; a few, a little), etc. ■Postdeterminers: next, last, past, additional; many, several, few, little; one, two, three …; (a) dozen), etc. ■When different sub-classes of determiners occur together, they follow the order of pre-determiners + central determiners + post-determiners.(×*five the all boy,√all the five boys) ■*their all trouble ■*five the all boys ■*all this boy ■*all both girls

自考英语词汇学 第二章课件

自考英语词汇学 第二章课件

In fact, more than twenty-five percent of modern English words come almost directly from classical languages. 事实上,现代英语词汇 中有 25%以上几乎是直接从古典语言中直接介入的 (WBD)。 In modern English, word endings were mostly lost with just a few exceptions. It can be concluded that English has evolved from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present analytic language.在现代英语中,除了少数几个 词之外,词尾几乎都消失了。可以这样说,英语已 从古英语的综合型语言发展成了现在的分析型语言 。
- The Indo-European is one of them. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. 印欧 语就是其中之一。该语系包括欧洲的大多数 语言、近东诸语言和古梵语。

2.2.2 Middle English (1150-1500) -中古英语 Although there were borrowings from Latin, the influence on English was mainly Germanic. 虽然英语也从拉丁语中借词,但影响英语的主要还 是日耳曼语。 Between 1250 and 1500 about 9000 words of French origin poured into English. Seventy-five percent of them are still in use today.从 1250 年 到 1500 年的 250 年间,大约有 9000 个法语词汇 进入到英语中,其中 75%仍在使用。 If we say that Old English was a language of full endings. Middle English was one of leveled endings. 如果说古英语是全词尾的话,那么中古英 语的词尾已去了一半



• Motivation deals with the connection between name (word-symbol) and its sense (meaning). It is the relationship between the word structure and its meaning. •Motivation refers to the connection between
II. The Debate over the Connection between Sound and Meaning
– The naturalists maintain there is a natural/intrinsic connection between sound and meaning. – The Conventionalists, on the other hand, hold that the relations between sound and meaning are conventional and arbitrary. The meaning of a word is a kind of linguistic social contract.
III. Types of Motivation
– Onomatopoeic Motivation – Semantic Motivation – Logical Motivation – Morphological Motivation – Etymological Motivation
1. Onomatopoetic Motivation (拟声理据)
They are closely connected but not identical. • They are both related directly to referents and are notions of the words but belong to different categories. • Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind. Concept is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on. • But meaning belongs to language, so is restricted to language use. A concept can have as many referring expressions as there are languages in the world. Even in the same language, the same concept can be expressed in different words.

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英语词汇学教程  全套课件-精选文档

Unit 1 英语词汇概说
1.1 Language, Linguistics and Lexicology

What is language?

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. It is a specific social action and a carrier of information.
没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几; 而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。 ---英国语言学家威尔金斯(Wilkins)
《英语词汇学教程》 A Survey of English Lexicology

理论指导:现代英语语言。 研究对象:英语词汇。 学习内容:单词的结构、构词法、单词的意义及 词义关系、英语词汇的构成、词义的历史演变、 成语及词典知识。 学习目标:1.比较系统地掌握英语词汇的知识; 2.比较深入地了解英语词汇的现状及其历史演变 过程;3.能对现代英语词汇发展的趋势和所出现 的现象作出分析和解释,提高运用英语的能力。
英谷物不是干货heartman换心人不是有心人maddoctor精神病科医生不是发疯的医生eleventhhour最后时刻不是十一点blinddate由第三者安排的男女初次会面并非盲目约会或瞎约会personalremark人身攻击不是个人评论sweetwater淡水不是糖水或甜水confidenceman骗子不是信得过的人criminallawyer刑事律师不是犯罪的律师servicestation加油站不是服务站restroom厕所不是休息室dressingroom化妆室不是试衣室或更衣室horsesense常识不是马的感觉capitalidea好主意不是资本主义思想familiartalk庸俗的交谈不是熟悉的谈话blacktea红茶不是黑茶blackart妖术不是黑色艺术blackstranger完全陌生的人不是陌生的黑人whitecoal作动力来源用的水不是白煤whiteman忠实可靠的人不是皮肤白的人yellowbook黄皮书法国政府报告书以黄纸为封不是黄色书籍redtape官僚习气不是红色带子greenhand新手不是绿手bluestocking女学者女才子不是蓝色长统袜chinapolicy对华政策不是中国政策chinesedragon麒麟不是中国龙americanbeauty一种玫瑰名为美国丽人不是美国美女englishdisease软骨病不是英国病indiansummer愉快宁静的晚年不是印度的夏日greekgift害人的礼品不是希腊礼物spanishathlete吹牛的人不是西班牙运动员fren Much Do You Know About the English Vocabulary?

初中英语词汇学精美课件ppt (27)

初中英语词汇学精美课件ppt (27)
▪ we don’t like Tom because he always tries to dance attendance on /ingratiate himself with the boss in order to earn his approval.
❖Ingratiate: try hard to get sb.’s approval , by doing things to please them ,expressing admiration ect.
▪ j. I can’t understand what he is after.
▪ I can’t make out /figure out what he is after.
•Thank you for
பைடு நூலகம்
I took the children to the zoo today to make up for the party they missed yesterday.
c. I used to believe his all stories: now he rarely succeeds in deceiving me.
let us discuss exercise 10
a. I waited for her ages, but he didn’t come.
I waited for her ages, but he didn’t show up.
b. I took the children to the zoo today to compensate for the party they missed yesterday.
❖f. He knows the theory very well but he is very poor at explaining the stuff clearly to a class.
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• bow /bcu/ n the device used for shooting arrows
• saw /scu/ v to scatter seeds
• sow /sau/ n female adult pig
Identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning, e.g. • dear /dic/ n a loved person • deer /dic/ n a kind of animal • son /s?n/ n a male child of someone • sun /s?n/ n the heavenly body from which the earth gets warmth and light
• (4) any effective remedy;
• (5) (BrE) molassehs.
• 例1:board:木板→餐桌→会议桌→董事 会
• 例2:candidate:穿白袍的人→身着白袍申 请职位的人→候选人
5.2 Homonymy
• Homonyms are generally defined as words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.
Two Approaches to Polysemy
• The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach.
• Concatenation is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until there is no connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary meaning.
• Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to
all natural languages. This is particularly
true of highly developed languages like
English. In modern English, an
Though these senses have little in common, they all derive from special application of the central idea of head as a part of the body.
2) Concatenation连锁型
2) Origins of homonyms
➢Change in sound and spelling
➢Borrowing 借入外来词的结果 ➢Shortening 词语缩略的结果
homonyms and polysemants
Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully identical with regard to spelling and pronunciation. This creates the problem of differentiation.
• The word treacle is an illustrative example: (1) wild beast;
• (2) remedy for bites of venomous beasts;
• (3) antidote for poison or remedy for poison;
➢All the meanings are independent of one another, but can all be traced back to the central meaning.
Take head for example:
the head of the school, six pence per head, the head of a page, to come to a head, to lose one’s head, six head of cattle
2) Concatenation连锁型
1) Radiation辐射型
➢Semantically, radiation is the process which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.
1) Types of homonyms
➢Perfect/absolute homonyms完全同形同音异义词 ➢Homographs同形异义词 ➢Homophones同音异义词 Of the three types, homophones constitute the
largest number and are most common.
The second principal consideration is semantic relatedness. The various meanings of a polysemant are correlated and connected to one central meaning to a greater or lesser degree, e. g. head (See 5.1 Polysemy) .
1. Two approaches to polysemy
➢Diachronic approach历时研究方法 It is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word。
overwhelming majority of words are
polysemous. There are words that have
two or three senses, and the most
commonபைடு நூலகம்y used ones can have as many
as over a hundred.
Perfect homonyms
• Perfect homonyms are words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning, e.g.
• bank n the edge of the river, lake, etc. • bank n an establishment for money
important criterion
• One important criterion is to see their etymology, i.e. homonyms are from different sources whereas a polysemant is from the same source which has acquired different meanings in the course of development.
Chapter 5
1. Polysemy 2. Homonymy
5.1 Polysemy
• Polysemy means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time.
• The bulk of English words are polysemantic; one –meaning words are rare and are mainly scientific terms such as hydrogen, molecule, and so on.
• On the other hand, meanings of different homonyms have nothing to do with one another. In dictionaries, a polysemant has its meanings all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate entries.
➢ The first meaning is the primary meaning. Later meanings are called derived meanings.
➢Synchronic approach共时研究方法
Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time. 从 共时的角度看,在同一个历史时期,同 一个词可以拥有许多不同的意义。