2. PubMed的主题词检索是其最具特色的 功能之一,能保证较好的查准率及查准 率。主题词组配副主题词使检索结果更 为专指,限定在主要主题词检索能使结 果更准确。
3.但是主题词检索也有一些固有的缺陷, 比如很多专指的概念没有相应的主题词, 一些新出现的概念要几年后才收录为主 题词这种情况下,不宜采用主题词检索, 采用字段限定检索等方法也能得到较好 的查准率。此外,主题词检索还可能会 漏掉一些最新的文献(in process citations),这也是需要注意的。
Clinical Queries临床咨询
诊断、预防以及治疗 Finding Systematic Reviews:提供系统 评价、meta分析、临床试验综述临床指 南等循证医学文献信息的查找
Medical Genetics Searches
4)应用MeSH主题词的Major Topic(主 要主题词)检索:
点选Restrictions Search to Major Topic headings only,
如果有多个主题词, 可以先分别对每个主题词进行检索, 再在高级检索的Search History中用检索 序号进行布尔逻辑运算; 也可以通过主题词检索页面的PubMed search 直接建立检索式
形变异词。 ▪ 截词功能只限于单词,对词组无效
布尔运算符AND,OR,NOT必须大 写 从左至右进行布尔运算 以通过加圆括符改变运算顺序
These databases combine elements of structured and unstructured databases They provide some structure for organizing information, but not as strictly as fully structured databases
English Database and English Literature Retrieval
Overview of English databasesIntroduction to commonly used English databasesEnglish Literature Retrieval SkillsReading and organizing English literaturePractice of English Database and Literature RetrievalAdvanced English Database and Literature Retrieval
English Literature Retrieval Skills
Choosing the appropriate keywords
The selection of keywords is crucial for the search results. Choosing keywords that are relevant to the topic and representative can improve the accuracy and efficiency of retrieval.
PubMed检索原理及途径1. 检索原理PubMed具有自动转换匹配功能(Automatic Term Mapping)。
2. 检索途径⑴基本检索PubMed的主界面有一个简单的提问词输入框及辅助工具栏,此外,其左侧栏还提供了几种检索功能:Journals Database , MeSH Database , Single Citation Matcher, Batch Citation Matcher, Clinical Queries, Special Queries, LinkOut, My NCBI (Cubby)。
在提问框输入自由词或检索表达式(可直接进行字段限定),点击go 即可进行自由词检索。
#号间可以用布尔逻辑符组佩检索,如#1 AND #2。
例:查找2004年以来的有关胎盘生长(placenta growth)和氧气(oxygen)的英文文献步骤:PubMed主页→点击limits,限定时间2004;语种为English→页面最下端点击go,在检索词输入框中,输入placenta gr owth AND oxygen→点击go→得到检索结果。
⑵主题词检索点击主页左侧栏MeSH Database,或从上面数据库PubMed下拉菜单中选中MeSH,即可进入MESH检索界面。
(2)索引 以单篇文献为著录对象,系统揭示它们的名称、著 者和所在出版物的位置,并按一定的原则和方法编 排而成的检索工具。
❖ 新生儿窒息所引起的医疗纠纷及相关法律问题思考/ 喻观培等//中华实用中西医杂志.—2004(6), 916-918
❖ 文献--记录有知识的一切载体 ❖ 构成文献必须具备三个基本要素:知识,载体,记
❖ (1)以载体划分:
以纸质材料为载体 以印刷为记录手段而形成的文献形式 是目前整个文献中的主体 也是有着悠久历史的传统文献形式
特点 不需要特殊设备 可以随身携带 随处随时阅读 但存贮密度小 体积大 占据空间大 不便于保存
❖ (2).从文献的内容特征进行检索的途径 ❖ ①分类途径:利用特定分类体系的分类号或分类类目作为检
《中国图书馆分类法》,将人类所有知识划分为22个基本 大类(一级类目),一级类目下分为二级类目,二级类目 下再分为三级类目……从一般到具体,越分越细 分类号:分类途径检索的标识
❖ 5、类书:辑录古代文献中的史实典故、诗赋或名物制度等原始资料, 按类或按韵编排,专供人们查找古代资料参考工具书。
❖ 6、表谱、图录:以列表形式提示有关知识内容的参考工具书称为表谱, 如《中国历史纪年表》,图录是一种以图形揭示事物形象,并配以文字 说明内容的参考工具书,人体解剖图谱、经络图、中草药图谱。
【英语六级】第一章医学 文献检索概论
❖ 为什么要学习这门课程? ❖ 本课程能学到些什么? ❖ 怎样学好这门课程?
Literature retrieval technology
Boolean Search
Boolean Search technology is a common and effective information retrieval method, which is based on the development of computer technology and information retrieval theory
Topic search
Topic search technology can be applied to all fields of text data analysis, such as news, report, paper, etc
Topic search technology has the characteristics of subjectivity, complexity, and uncertainty
Cluster analysis
• Cluster analysis is a data analysis method, which provides data into different groups according to cancer rules or algorithms, and then analyzes the characteristics and patterns of each group
Overview of Literature Retrieval
Definition of Literature Retrieval
Literature retrieval is an information retrieval technology that uses computer programs to search and retrieve relevant documents from a large corpus of text
第二讲 检索原理 (2)
词作为文献内容标识和检索依据的主题语言。 标题词:是从文献题目和内容中抽选出来,经过规范化 处理,用以描述文献内容特征的词,词组或短语。一般 分为主、副标题词。 1.标题词法的原理 是从科技人员熟悉的大量科技名词术语中,选出具 有实质性意义的科技名词术语,经过规范化处理,作为 标识,来直接表达文献所论及的事物──主题,而不管 该文献是从哪个角度,哪个学科来论述该事物主题的, 并将全部标识按字顺排列,而不管各个标识所表达的事 物──主题之间的关系。
自动设计 CAD CAM
我国广泛使用的《中国图书馆图书分类法》简称《中图法》,就是一种典型 的体系分类法,它由编制说明,基本大类,简表,详表,辅表五个部分组成。 现以1999年出版的第四版《中图法》为例,说明体系分类法的结构。 (1)编制说明:包括该分类法的编制过程,所依据的编制原则、部类及 大类的设置和次序的理由,对各种分类问题的处理方法,标记方法,使用方 法等。 (2)基本大类:采用五个基本部类。即马克思、• 列宁主义毛泽东思想, 哲学,社会科学,自然科学,综合性图书。在此基础上组成了22个基本大类 (一级类目) (3)简表 由三级类目组成,是《中图法》的基本类目表,浏览简表可 以很快了解整个分类体系的概貌,归类查表时只有从简表入手查详表,才能 做到准确快速。 (4)详表 又叫主表,由类号、类目和注释组成。 (5)辅表 也叫复分表,• 用来对主表中所例举的类目进行细分,可分为 “通用复分表”和“专用复分表”。
索词,与它后台数据库中存储的文件关键词进行比 对,如果能够匹配,就认为这条信息是你需要的, 立刻输出给你。
smith j
作者姓名检索 按照姓(全写) +名(缩写), 之间不用标点 键入作者姓名
"smith j"[au]
精确检索避免 PubMed自动 词汇转换,实 现精确查找
在检索框中键入期刊名,如:European journal of immunology,系统的“自动词语匹配”功能会将它转换成"Eur J Immunol"[Journal] OR "european journal of immunology"[All Fields]进行检索。
期刊数据库的作用: 1、可以查看期刊的详细信息,包括出版国家,出版社,出版语言, 期刊类目等等; 2、可以根据期刊的主题分类,查看medline收录的各学科的期刊, 比如查看medline收录的关于麻醉学(Anesthesiology)方面的期 刊; 2、方便检索某本期刊上被PubMed收录的所有文章。
• PubMed收录的期刊最早追溯至1865年,共收录了70余个国家
• PubMed 的子集Medline收录的文献最早追溯至1902年,现有
• 目前每年增加约60余万条文献记录; • 在全部记录中有76%的文献为英文;在2000年以来的记录中
• PubMed概况 • PubMed功能栏介绍 • 认识PubMed文献 • PubMed基本检索 • PubMed高级检索 • 主题词MeSH检索 • 循证及临床查询检索 • PubMed全文获取 • PubMed RSS学科跟踪
Key words
Key words
去掉某方面要求; 放宽检索范围; 同义词及缩写形式; 使用单数单词检索; 使用通配符; ……
时间放宽到1995年以来,不限定学 科领域
增加drug addiction的同义词:drug dependence,therapy的同义词: treatment
期刊覆盖的学科领域 (2011年)
• 农业和生物学 (182)
• 能源和动力 (55)
• 生物化学/遗传学/分子生物学 (253)• 工程和技术 (220)
• 商业、管理和会计学 (86)
• 环境科学 (110)
• 化学工程学 (95)
• 免疫学和微生物学 (104)
• 化学 (115)
• 材料科学 (141)
登录后主页:Home+Recent Actions
马哲 列学
社会科学 N O 自数 然理 科化 学 总 论
A B C D E F G H J I K 马哲社 政 军经文 语 艺文 历 列学会 治 事济教 言 术学 史 科 、 、 、 主 学 法 科 地 义 总 律 学 理 、 论 、 毛 体 泽 育 东 思 想 TB TD TE TF TG TH TJ 一 矿 石 冶金 机 武 般 业 油 金属 械 器 工 工 工学 、 工 业 程 业 仪 业 技 表 术
文献信息检索 的基本原理和过程
王 欣 wangxin@
¤ 一种搜索过程 ¤ 从已存储的文献资源中找出与需求相
¤ 匹配: 信息需求~信息集合
报道、存贮和查找文献的工具 两方面的职能: 存储职能:著录文献的特征,依据一定的规 律组织排列,使文献由无序变为有序。 检索职能:能够从中检出所需要的文献线索 “ 书海指南”
7 文献检索语言 (7)
主题词法 检索功能 侧重于特性检 索 检索标识 主题词-文字 符号 排列方式 字顺排列
分类法 侧重于族性 检索 分类号-数 码符号 等级排列
检索方法 (1)
常用法 从远及近查,用于了解某一事物发展的全过程
手工检索检: 书本型工具(目录索 引)
计算机检索: 文献数据库系统
事实检索 事实fact 数据data (直接, 确定) Reference book Numeric Database Property Database Textual-numeric Database Full-text Database 目录检索 目录 catalog 文献索引index, 文摘abstracts (间接相关) 图书/报刊/资料目录 :《中国国家书目 》 《全国总书目》 《Book in Print》 美国Bowker 收藏: 馆藏目录 联合目录(Union Catalog) 媒体: 印刷型目录 机读型目录 MARC Online Public Access Catalog(OPAC) 联机公共检索目录 OCLC: Online Computer Library Center
Institute of Resource Biology & Biotechnology
Institute of Resource Biology & Biotechnology
• SCI(科学引文索引)数据库
ACS(美国化学学会)全文电子刊 /
Байду номын сангаас
Related Records
学科分布、发展趋 势、机构/作者等
… Cited References 越查越深
Times Cited 越查越新
RelatedInRsetcitourtdeso越f R查e越so广urce Biology & Biotechnology
目的 ※ 方法
选题 查新 开题 全面检索 综述 话题跟踪 作者跟踪 期刊跟踪 跟踪检索 相关查找 模糊检索 单篇查找
Text words
MESH words
Tags Related articles
Single Citation Matcher Linkout 数据库
参考文献 获取全文
如何学好英语? 为什么要学习专业英语? 怎样学习专业英语? 医学英语学什么?
兴趣 坚持
在外企工作 医院、药房药剂师: 英文药品说明书 药检所、药厂质检:英美药典 新药研发:国外专利、专业期刊 升职称:毕业论文、发表论文要写英文摘 对外交流、出国
The Subject-Related English )。在日 常生活 交往中使用频率较低
a. 科技论文、科技报告、专业著述、实验报 告等; b. 科技使用手册(仪器、仪表、机械和工具 等的结构描述和操作规程); c. 药品、试剂说明书等。
长句 用词多样化: 表明: 表明 show, indicate, denote, signify Preliminary results indicate that... Recent study has indicated that... Previous work has shown that
广泛使用被动语句 语体的客观性, 人称行为主体(施 事者)在科技英语被动句中通常不予 出现, 而物称行 为主体则一般不能省略。 eg, Since AIDs was first reported by the Centers for Disease Control of American in June, 1981, its discovery was successively announced by many countries and regions.
Sec. 1.1
Term-document incidence matrices
Antony Brutus Caesar Calpurnia Cleopatra mercy worser
Antony and Cleopatra 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
Julius Caesar 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
The Tempest 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Hamlet 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Othello 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
Macbeth 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
Brutus AND Caesar BUT NOT Calpurnia
1 if play contains word, 0 otherwise
– On disk, a continuous run of postings is normal
and best
– In memory, can use linked lists or variable lenPogsttihng
in 1size/2ease 4of
45 173 174
1 2 4 5 6 16 57 132
2 31 54 101
Sorted by docID (more later on why). 17
Sec. 1.2
Inverted index construction
Doc 1
delaFuente GF
delafuente g*
O Brien J
AUTHOR: o brient j* or obrien J*
Obrien J
刊名(Source Title)检索规则
刊名字段采用词组检索,检索时可直接利用list表, 也可直接输入完整的或右截断的刊名, 如: biochemical and biophys*
science 只能检到SCIENCE;
刊名内标点符号、&号可以输进检索式,但检索时是 作为一个空格来处理的。 如:blood coagulation & fibrinolysis
要查看完整的刊名表以及每年更新的期刊收录变化 表,请访问如下网址:
http://science.thomsonreuters.c om/cgibin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=D
•这个老化合物有没有新的合成方法? •这种药物有没有临床试验? •这个概念是如何提出来的? •对于某个问题后来有没有勘误和修正说明? •还有谁在从事这方面的研究? •创始于这个研究机构的某项研究工作有没有研究论文发表? •这个理论或概念有没有应用到新的领域中去? •这个研究人员写过哪些论文并发表在该领域的权威性刊物里? •这个研究机构或大学最近发表了哪些文章?
2.2.9 美国《科学引文 索引》 Science Citation Index
1.《Science Citation Index》数据库简介
《Science Citation Index》简称SCI,创刊于1961年,
其反映的文献内容主要涵盖了生命科学、医学、物理、 生物、化学、工程技术、行为科学等150余个领域。 SCI 除了具有一般的文献检索系统所共有的特点之外, 特别在揭示文献之间的内在联系即利用文献与文献之间 相互引证的关系来回顾与追溯学术发展的渊源、科学研 究的趋势等方面,具有其突出的独到之处。
See Chapter 1, 3one of the basic principles of a literature search. The basic principles of literature search through the literature search is actually a search tool to find the information they need. The principle Simply put, the question is to identify and retrieve those stored in a retrieval system identification literature to compare two identification documents contain the same or need to retrieve the identification, put the logo features a literature retrieval system from in output, the literature is the literature search initially hit. This includes storage and retrieval of documents, as shown.Comparison and selectionStored procedure:the retrieval process :Document Information Search topicAnalysisAnalysisDocument Information featureInformation retrieval questionsBibliographic indexing ExpressionSearch language and name authorityCharacterizationExpressInfor matioCharacteriz ationExpressInformation collectionFormFormSearch Results(Perfectly matched, related, unrelated)2.Information storage and retrieval 1)information storageretrieval booksAbstract number: 020001Title: the dye in production of the microcomputer control Author: zhang Ming; Chien-ming wang; LiuJianYeInstitution: Beijing institute of chemical (Beijing 100001) Literature sources (source) : chemical technology, 2002.33 (6) 32-36Abstract: in this paper the dye production process in the microcomputer control, temperature control technology of application.Key words: the dye production microcomputer feeding control temperature controlClassified number: TQ7 TP3Literature characteristics, search fields, retrieval item: the title, author, institutions, literature sources, abstract, key words, classificationdatabaseDN--02174618AN--ETI – IMPRIVING LIGHT – METAL CASTINGS.AU – Vaccari , John A.CS –American Machinist & Automated Manufacturing, New York, NY USASO – Am Mach Autom Manuf v 130 n 6 Jun 1986 p 87 –89PY -- 1986SN – 0886-0335LA -- ENGLISHDT -- JA^(Journal Article)TC -- A^(Applications)AB –With high –strength aluminum-and magnesium - casting alloys having reached the limit of their mechanical performance by conventional …. ^5 refs.DE -- ALUMINUM AND ALLOYS – CastingID --^FOUNDRY PRACTICE - Permanent MouldCC -- 541 (Aluminum & Alloys) ^534 (Foundry Practice)2) information retrievalA; Appearance characteristics1. The title (title, the title, literature title) indexIn the production of dyes microcomputer control-0200012. The authors indexZhang Ming-020001Chien-ming wang see: zhang MingLiuJianYe see: zhang MingFamily name * in former name last3. Institutions indexBeijing institute of chemical-0200014. Literature number (registration number, ISSN number,the patent number, the number of report)B; Content features1. The theme indexThe dye production--02001 02 * * * * * * * * * *Microcomputer-02001 02 * * * * * * * * * *Feeding control--02001 02 * * * * *Temperature control--02001 02 * * * * *2. Classification indexTQ7 chemical industry02001 02 * * * * *TP3 automatic control02001 02 *****Computer search:1. Field retrieval: title, key words, the full text,, authors, institutions, the title, s, WenZhong, etc2. Simple retrieval: field, classification, subject3. Advanced retrieval: retrieval modelExample: S1. Dyestuff production AND (computer OR computers OR computer) AND melky charging AND temperature AND controlS2. (zhang Ming OR chien-ming wang OR LiuJianYe) / AU AND Beijing institute of chemical/CSS3. S1 AND S2Search topic: the application of computer in dyestuff production to retrieval?Literature characteristics, search fields, retrieval item: the title, author, institutions, literature sources, abstract, key words, classification3. Retrieval languageRetrieval language is in the field of literature retrieval people used to describe literature theme (content) characteristics or external characteristics and the questions of the information a special language. Because it is marking the language of literature characteristics, can also be called indexing language, because it is the index of language, can also be called as the index language.1) retrieval language in the literature retrieval in the roleIn the literature retrieval of the storage and retrieval process, retrieval language plays an important role in language communication, is the literature guarantee storage and retrieval two process, indexing andretrieval personnel both sides thought personnel of the bridge. If no retrieval language as indexing and retrieval of staff personnel common language, it will be difficult to make indexing of literature of the contents of the personnel express (indexing terms) and retrieval personnel to the same content to express the literature (retrieval language) agree, literature retrieval it cannot.For example, the computer, the computer, the computerConcrete, concrete, cementSo retrieval language is essentially indexing and retrieval of the agreement between language. Use retrieval tools must master the retrieval ?Self-taught contentSecond, literature retrieval procedureLiterature retrieval we have the following five program (step) :Analysis and research topic selection retrieval tools-sure way to search for clues to the literature retrieval, and ask for the original documents.1. Analysis research subject analysis to find the literature research is the most basic preparation before, to the retrievalprocess and retrieval effect has the crucial influence function. It includes:1) analysis of the main content of the research project, which subject, etc, to determine the subject keywords, relevant keywords and specialized subject range (a secondary classification mesh name and related categories name) retrieval marking.2) according to the subject for property analysis found mainly in literature in what publications, so as to determine the types of literature retrieval.3) according to the subject1) booksExample:Computer simulation of electronic circuits①R, Raghuram ②, NeW Delhi, India: Weiley③(1989)④246pp⑤,ISBN:8122401112⑥Note: (1) the title; (2) the authors; (3) of publication, the publisher; (4) the publication date; The total number of pages;(5) 6 international standard book number < ISBN number >.2) journalExample:JPressure Vessel Technol. Trans, ASME①V112 n.4②Nov.1990③P410~416④Note: (1) the abbreviation; the title (2) the time; the roll (3) the monthly publication; (4) : page number.3) the meeting literature例:Proceedings Fourth AnnualSymposium on Logic in Computer Science ①(Cat. No. 89 CH2753-2)②Paific Grove, CA. USA, 5-8June 1989③(Washington, Dc, USA :IEEE Computer, Soc press 1989 P263-72)④Note: (1) the meeting and conference record the name; (2) the order number; (3) the meeting place and time; (4) the meeting record the publisher, address and publication date and the page number. Usually, the Meeting in the literature have a Meeting in the characteristics, such as Proceedings, Symposium, Conference, Meeting, according to these features to determine whether theMeeting of the literature.4) the patent documentExample: Patent no: US 4202737Note: the Patent number is the United States code, US, the Patent document has "Patent" the network.5) technical reportExample: the Report KFKI-1983-57 (1), Hungarian Acad, Sci., Budapest (2), 1983 () (3) (4), 15 ppNote: (1) the technical report Numbers; (2) collect and compile technical report agencies address; (3) the time; announced (4) report pages. Technical Report has "Report" the network.6) degree thesisExample: j. a. George, (1) the "Computer Implementation of theFinite Element Method", (2) Ph. D. Dissertation (3), Stanford Univ(1) in the YuWei can be omitted when.拉丁字母-日文字母音译对照表Four, Chinese retrieval tools (printed)1 situationChina science and technology literature retrieval tools to establish the system of experience, we have from scratch, from a translation from printing wrote, to the process of development of the database.The publication of the retrieval tools in China.through decades of hard work, gradually layout automation, index WanShanHua, carrier to the direction of the diversification. In general, our country retrieval toolhas the following features:1) published in Chinese, domestic readers languagebarriers, without reading speed.2) system and structure step by step, standardization and normalization of the retrieval tools for the reader master the use method and sharing the document resourcesprovided convenience.3) morphological diversity. In recent years, more andmore domestic information processing orgnaizationcalculated by using the ?11 / 11。
比较与选择特征化 表示 特征化 表示存储过程: 检索过程:文 献 信 息 检 索 课 题分析分析文献信息特征 检索提问信息文献信息标识(检索点) 检索提问标识(检索词)检 索 结 果(完全匹配、相关、无关)2.信息存储与检索1)信息存储检索工具书文摘号:020001篇名:染料生产中的微机控制作者:张明;王小民;刘建业机构:北京化工学院(北京100001)文献来源(出处):化工技术,2002.33(6) 32-36摘要:本文研究了染料生产过程中微机在加料控制、温度控制技术中的应用。
关键词:染料生产微机加料控制温度控制分类号:TQ7 TP3文献特征、检索字段、检索项:篇名、作者、机构、文献来源、摘要、关键词、分类数据库DN--02174618AN--E187********TI – IMPRIVING LIGHT – METAL CASTINGS.AU – Vaccari , John A.CS – American Machinist & Automated Manufacturing, New York, NY USASO – Am Mach Autom Manuf v 130 n 6 Jun 1986 p 87 –89PY -- 1986SN – 0886-0335LA -- ENGLISHDT -- JA^(Journal Article)TC -- A^(Applications)AB –With high –strength aluminum-and magnesium - casting alloys having reached the limit of their mechanical performance by conventional …. ^5 refs.DE -- ALUMINUM AND ALLOYS – CastingID --^FOUNDRY PRACTICE - Permanent MouldCC -- 541 (Aluminum & Alloys) ^534 (Foundry Practice)2)信息检索a;外表特征1.题名(书名、刊名、文献篇名等)索引染料生产中的微机控制——020001 2.著者索引张明——020001王小民见:张明刘建业见:张明* 姓在前名在后3.机构索引北京化工学院——0200014.文献号码(登记号、ISSN号、专利号、报告号等)b;内容特征1.主题索引染料生产——02001 02***** 02*****微机——02001 02***** 02*****加料控制——02001 02*****温度控制——02001 02*****2.分类索引TQ7 化学工业02001 02 *****TP3 自动控制02001 02 *****计算机检索:1.字段检索:篇名、关键词、摘要、全文、著者、机构、刊名、年代、文种等2.简单检索:字段、分类、主题3. 高级检索:检索式例:S1.染料生产AND(计算机OR电脑OR微机)AND加料AND 温度AND控制S2. (张明OR王小民OR刘建业)/AU AND北京化工学院/CS S3. S1 AND S2检索课题:计算机在染料生产中的应用如何检索?文献特征、检索字段、检索项:篇名、作者、机构、文献来源、摘要、关键词、分类3.检索语言检索语言是文献检索领域中人们用来描述文献主题(内容)特征或外部特征和信息提问的一种专用语言。
作者 查询 刊名 查询 工具 查询 限制 检索 更换数 据库
检索 模式 逻辑 检索 篇名 检索 字段 检索
(一) 基本检索模式
系统默认的检索是关键词检索,在输入框中输入关键词,点击 如果勾了map term to subject heading,则进入建议选词状态 . 检索
如123,cancer ,AIDS等
如: Interleukin-6
c.带截词算符的单词 ,“$”, “:”,“#”,“?”
“$” “:” 右端无限截词,代替任意个字符,如hypno$可检 索出hypnotize、hypnotized、hypnotist、 hypnotizing等等; “#” 代表任何单个字母,但只可取代存在的字符,可出
点击主检索界面上的tool工具,输入一个主要概念词, 进行检索就可以得到下面的结果。
选择Tree选项,输入主 要概念词,进行检索
根据需要选择相 应的主要概念词 进行检索
2. Permuted Index(轮排索引): 可查阅完整及相关的标题或关键字。此表是按单 元词字顺排列所构成的字顺表。功能在于以某个 单词为突破口,指引检索人员使用正确的主题词
(Biological Abstracts/RRM)
Literature Sources
期刊论文于单一的资料库。即,使用者可以同 时在不同的文献类型中检索到相关资料。
Journals Books Review Articles Patents Conferences and meetings
图书馆员如何进行 图书馆的英文文献检索
图书馆员如何进行图书馆的英文文献检索As the role of libraries in providing access to information expands, librarians play a crucial role in conducting English literature searches. This article will explore the methods and steps that librarians can take to effectively perform English literature searches in libraries.Introduction:English literature searches are a fundamental task for librarians in academic, public, and specialized libraries. By conducting effective literature searches, librarians can help patrons access the relevant and reliable sources they need for their research. In this article, we will discuss the process that librarians can follow to conduct literature searches and highlight some useful resources.I. Understanding the Research Topic:Before conducting a literature search, librarians need to have a clear understanding of the research topic or the patron's information needs. By gaining a thorough grasp of the topic, librarians can better identify the key concepts and keywords associated with it.II. Developing a Search Strategy:Once librarians have a solid understanding of the research topic, they can develop a search strategy. A well-designed search strategy involves selecting appropriate keywords and Boolean operators to effectively retrieve relevant English literature.III. Identifying Relevant Databases:To conduct a comprehensive literature search, librarians should explore various academic databases that are relevant to the subject area. Some popular databases include PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. These databases contain a wealth of English literature sources and should be thoroughly explored.IV. Utilizing Advanced Search Techniques:To further refine search results, librarians can employ advanced search techniques within the selected databases. These techniques may include applying limits such as selecting specific publication years, language preferences, or focusing on specific document types.V. Evaluating and Selecting Sources:As librarians identify potential sources, it is crucial to evaluate their relevance, reliability, and validity. Librarians should check the credentials of the authors, publication dates, and peer-review status of the sources to ensure their quality. By critically examining the sources, librarians can curate a list of high-quality English literature for patrons.VI. Organizing and Presenting Search Results:Once librarians have gathered a selection of relevant English literature, it is essential to organize and present the search results in a clear and accessible manner. This can be done by creating annotated bibliographies, which include brief summaries and evaluations of each source, allowing patrons to quickly identify relevant materials.VII. Providing Additional Guidance:In addition to conducting literature searches, librarians should also offer guidance to patrons on how to independently navigate and conduct their research. By providing training sessions or workshops on effective literature search techniques, librarians empower patrons to explore and retrieve English literature on their own.Conclusion:English literature searches are an integral part of a librarian's role in assisting patrons with their research needs. By following a systematic process, including understanding the research topic, developing a search strategy, identifying relevant databases, utilizing advanced search techniques, evaluating sources, organizing search results, and providing guidance, librarians can effectively conduct English literature searches and support their patrons in accessing valuable research materials.。
第六讲 英文文献检索概述
农学 15. Cotton and Tropical Fibers Abstracts 16. Crop Physiology Abstracts 17. Faba Bean Abstracts 18. Field Crop Abstracts 19. Lentil Abstracts 20. Maize Abstracts 21. Plant Breeding Abstracts 22. Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts 23. Rice Abstracts 24. Soil & Fertilizers 25. Seed Abstracts 26. Sorghum and Millets Abstracts 27. Soyabean Abstracts 28. Tropical Oil Seeds Abstracts 29. Wheat , Barley & Triticale Abstracts
6.3 主要英文检索刊物
6.3.1 世界检索刊物发展概况 6.3.2 世界三大农业检索刊物 Agrindex Bibliography of Agriculture (B of A) CAB Abstracts
6.3.3 食品科技领域的权威性检索刊物:FSTA 食品科技领域的权威性检索刊物: 6.3.4 化学化工领域的权威性检索刊物:CA 化学化工领域的权威性检索刊物: 6.3.5 生物科学领域的权威性检索刊物:BA 生物科学领域的权威性检索刊物: 6.3.6 国际著名索引刊物
6.2 英文核心期刊
6.2.1 《乌利希国际期刊指南》 乌利希国际期刊指南》 6.2.2 北京大学主持编制 《国外人文社会科学核心期刊总览》(2000 年版) 《国外科学技术核心期刊总览》(2000年版
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
See Chapter 1, 3one of the basic principles of a literature search. The basic principles of literature search through the literature search is actually a search tool to find the information they need. The principle Simply put, the question is to identify and retrieve those stored in a retrieval system identification literature to compare two identification documents contain the same or need to retrieve the identification, put the logo features a literature retrieval system from in output, the literature is the literature search initially hit. This includes storage and retrieval of documents, as shown.Comparison and selectionStored procedure: the retrieval process :Document Information Search topicAnalysis AnalysisDocument Information feature Information retrievalquestionsBibliographic indexing ExpressionCharacterizationExpressInfor matioCharacteriz ationExpressInformation collectionSearch Results(Perfectly matched, related, unrelated) 2.Information storage and retrieval 1)information storageretrieval booksAbstract number: 020001Title: the dye in production of the microcomputer control Author: zhang Ming; Chien-ming wang; LiuJianYeInstitution: Beijing institute of chemical (Beijing 100001) Literature sources (source) : chemical technology, 2002.33 (6) 32-36Abstract: in this paper the dye production process in the microcomputer control, temperature control technology of application.Key words: the dye production microcomputer feeding control temperature controlClassified number: TQ7 TP3Literature characteristics, search fields, retrieval item: the title, author, institutions, literature sources, abstract, key words, classificationdatabaseDN--02174618AN--ETI – IMPRIVING LIGHT – METAL CASTINGS.AU – Vaccari , John A.CS –American Machinist & Automated Manufacturing, New York, NY USASO – Am Mach Autom Manuf v 130 n 6 Jun 1986 p 87 –89PY -- 1986SN – 0886-0335LA -- ENGLISHDT -- JA^(Journal Article)TC -- A^(Applications)AB –With high –strength aluminum-and magnesium - casting alloys having reached the limit of their mechanical performance by conventional …. ^5 refs.DE -- ALUMINUM AND ALLOYS – CastingID --^FOUNDRY PRACTICE - Permanent MouldCC -- 541 (Aluminum & Alloys) ^534 (Foundry Practice)2) information retrievalA; Appearance characteristics1. The title (title, the title, literature title) indexIn the production of dyes microcomputer control-0200012. The authors indexZhang Ming-020001Chien-ming wang see: zhang MingLiuJianYe see: zhang MingFamily name * in former name last3. Institutions indexBeijing institute of chemical-0200014. Literature number (registration number, ISSN number,the patent number, the number of report)B; Content features1. The theme indexThe dye production--02001 02 * * * * * * * * * *Microcomputer-02001 02 * * * * * * * * * *Feeding control--02001 02 * * * * *Temperature control--02001 02 * * * * *2. Classification indexTQ7 chemical industry02001 02 * * * * *TP3 automatic control02001 02 *****Computer search:1. Field retrieval: title, key words, the full text,, authors, institutions, the title, s, WenZhong, etc2. Simple retrieval: field, classification, subject3. Advanced retrieval: retrieval modelExample: S1. Dyestuff production AND (computer ORcomputers OR computer) AND melky charging AND temperature AND controlS2. (zhang Ming OR chien-ming wang OR LiuJianYe) / AU AND Beijing institute of chemical/CSS3. S1 AND S2 Search topic: the application of computer in dyestuff production to retrieval?Literature characteristics, search fields, retrieval item: the title, author, institutions, literature sources, abstract, key words, classification3. Retrieval languageRetrieval language is in the field of literature retrieval people used to describe literature theme (content) characteristics or external characteristics and the questions of the information a special language. Because it is marking the language of literature characteristics, can also be called indexing language, because it is the index of language, can also be called as the index language.1) retrieval language in the literature retrieval in the roleIn the literature retrieval of the storage and retrieval process, retrieval language plays animportant role in language communication, is the literature guarantee storage and retrieval two process, indexing and retrieval personnel both sides thought personnel of the bridge. If no retrieval language as indexing and retrieval of staff personnel common language, it will be difficult to make indexing of literature of the contents of the personnel express (indexing terms) and retrieval personnel to the same content to express the literature (retrieval language) agree, literature retrieval it cannot.For example, the computer, the computer, the computerConcrete, concrete, cementSo retrieval language is essentially indexing and retrieval of the agreement between language. Use retrieval tools must master the retrieval ?Self-taught contentSecond, literature retrieval procedureLiterature retrieval we have the following five program (step) :Analysis and research topic selection retrieval tools-sure way to search for clues to the literature retrieval, and ask for the original documents.1. Analysis research subject analysis to find the literature research is the most basic preparation before, to the retrieval process and retrieval effect has the crucial influence function. It includes:1) analysis of the main content of the research project, which subject, etc, to determine the subject keywords, relevant keywords and specialized subject range (a secondary classification mesh name and related categories name) retrieval marking.2) according to the subject for property analysis found mainly in literature in what publications, so as to determine the types of literature retrieval.3) according to the subject1) books Example:Computer simulation of electronic circuits①R, Raghuram ②, NeW Delhi, India: Weiley③(1989)④246pp⑤,ISBN :8122401112⑥Note: (1) the title; (2) the authors; (3) of publication, the publisher; (4) the publication date; The total number of pages;(5) 6 international standard book number < ISBN number >.2) journal Example:J Pressure Vessel Technol. Trans, ASME①V112 n.4②Nov. 1990③P410~416④Note: (1) the abbreviation; the title (2) the time; the roll(3) the monthly publication; (4) : page number.3) the meeting literature例:Proceedings Fourth AnnualSymposium on Logic in Computer Science ①(Cat. No. 89 CH2753-2)②Paific Grove, CA. USA, 5-8June 1989③(Washington, Dc, USA :IEEE Computer, Soc press 1989 P263-72)④Note: (1) the meeting and conference record the name; (2) the order number; (3) the meeting place and time; (4) the meeting record the publisher, address and publication date and the pagenumber.Usually, the Meeting in the literature have a Meeting in the characteristics, such as Proceedings, Symposium, Conference, Meeting, according to these features to determine whether theMeeting of the literature.4) the patent documentExample: Patent no: US 4202737Note: the Patent number is the United States code, US, the Patent document has "Patent" the network.5) technical reportExample: the Report KFKI-1983-57 (1), Hungarian Acad, Sci., Budapest (2), 1983 () (3) (4), 15 ppNote: (1) the technical report Numbers; (2) collect and compile technical report agencies address; (3) the time; announced (4)report pages. Technical Report has "Report" the network.6) degree thesisExample: j. a. George, (1) the "Computer Implementation of the Finite Element Method", (2) Ph. D. Dissertation (3), StanfordUniv俄文字母-拉丁字母音译对照表(1) in the YuWei can be omitted when.Four, Chinese retrieval tools (printed)1 situationChina science and technology literature retrievaltools to establish the system of experience, we have from scratch, from a translation from printing wrote, to the process of development of the database.The publication of the retrieval tools in China through decades of hard work, gradually layout automation, index WanShanHua, carrier to the direction of the diversification. In general, our country retrieval toolhas the following features:1) published in Chinese, domestic readers languagebarriers, without reading speed.2) system and structure step by step, standardization and normalization of the retrieval tools for the reader master the use method and sharing the document resourcesprovided convenience.3) morphological diversity. In recent years, more andmore domestic information processing orgnaizationcalculated by using the ?。