美国电视剧介绍 英文 ppt课件
英语演讲PPT 美剧

《生活大爆炸》是这部电视剧主要描述了加州理工 Leonard(实 验物理学家)和Sheldon(理论物理学家)与他们的邻 居——一个想成为演员却在餐馆打工的漂亮女孩 Penny之间发生的故事。该片的喜剧效果是在两个 主角的书呆子气和高智商与Penny的社会交往能力 和常识之间的对比中达到的。
Theoretical physicist 1 Master’s degree and 2 Doctor’s degrees IQ is 187 Goosy神经质 Obsession强迫症 Cleanliness洁癖 Poisonous tongue毒舌 Perfectionist完美主义者 Fail to understand sarcasm(讥讽) Afraid of his mother Childish
) The Columbia broadcasting company
One of the big three U.S. radio and television company, main is some crime drama, including "CSI" "" crime psychology wait.― CBS , 案剧包括《CSI》《犯罪心理》等.
may lead . to a quite successful business…if they will be able to earn a start-up capital of $250 thousand.
She's a poor working class girl who has had a rough childhood and current adult life, riven by genuine poverty and a childhood raised by a mother who was usually absent and was dangerously incompetent when she was around

• Crawley family and their
servants in the post-
Edwardian era—with
the great events in
history having an effect
on their lives and on the
British social hierarchy.
Seven Kingdoms; the second
covers the rising threat of
the impending winter and
the mythical creatures of
the North; the third
chronicles the attFra bibliotekmpts of
the exiled last scion of the
English TV series
白圣杰 赵永泰
• The tv is broadcasted in the form of season
• One season usually has 20~30 episode
• It is broadcasted one episode a week
• The Emmy awards which is usually held in
realm's deposed dynasty to
reclaim the throne.
The series,
set in the fictional
Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey, depicts the lives of the

American commercial television in the middle of September each year to April of the second year late this time as a broadcast season, because of the absolute highest ratings and become a priority among priorities in the television broadcast. A series of weekly broadcast only one set, more than 4 months to remove non broadcast season, a season of the TV series remained in the 25 set.
CNN and BBC are two most important news media.
Refers to an audience gathered together to discuss a radio or television program the topic of the host.Soap "今夜秀"(The Tonight Show)和"大卫深夜秀"(The Late Show with David Letterman)
Basic information
Classification system of US TV drama Types of US TV drama Some of our favorite TV drama

MICHAEL SCOFIELD is a desperate man in a desperate situation. His brother, LINCOLN BURROWS is on death row and scheduled to die in a few months for an assassination. Michael is convinced Lincoln did not commit.
这是一部以“科学天才”为背景 的情景喜剧。主人公Leonard和 Sheldon是一对好朋友,他们的 智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对 量子物理学理论可以倒背如流, 无论你问他们什么问题,都难不 倒他们,但是说到日常生活,这 两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了 脾气。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一 位美貌性感的女孩Penny ,顿时 吸引了Leonard的目光,而且她 最近刚刚变成单身。Leonard和 Sheldon还有两个好朋友Howard Wolowit和Rajesh。《生活大爆 炸》就是讲的这一个美女和四个 科学阿宅的故事。
When it come to the festivals and big events like Christmas and Olympic games , the series will go off air(停止广播) for weeks even months. Emmy Awards is the highest award in the U.S. television industry. audience ratings is very important . When a series have a low audience rating , the series will be cut (砍). On the contrary, it will get renewal for the next season.

• 1、哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS) Columbia Broad-casting System • 2、美国广播公司(ABC) American Broadcasting Company • 3、全国广播公司(NBC) National Broadcasting Company
• 4、福克斯广播公司(FOX) Fox Broadcasting Corporation • 5、哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网(CW) Columbia Broad-casting System and Warner Bros. Network • 6、HBO 电视网(HBO)Home Box Office • 7、探索频道(Discovery Channel) • 8、国家地理频道(NGCI) National Geographic Channels International
Some popular American TV programs
• • • • Prison Break Growing Pains Friends House Heroes Lost 24 CSI
Major American TV networks
How to learn English from watching American TV series?
• Step 1: watch an episode with the Chinese subtitle; • Step 2: watch an episode with the English subtitle; • Step 3: watch an episode without subtitle;
• Micheal: (Surprised) Whitecastle? • Clerk: It.s a fast food restaurant that serves those little square burgers. • Micheal: I know what it is. (Fires another two rounds in to the air, then points the gun back at her.) I.m not playing games. • Clerk: Sir, you have half a million in your bag already. Don.t you think it would be better.? • (Police sirens wail right outside. Micheal puts his hands up, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them again he.s smiling slightly and turns.) • Police Officer: This is the police, you are completely surrounded.
Friends老友记的英文介绍ppt 适于翻译课(有很多内容挡在图片后面,放映时可见)

So the translation work seems to be very important and tough.
Thus today I’d like to make a comparison on two different subtitle translation versions of “Friends”. You can tell how subtitle influences the foreigners’ understanding to the sitcom.
(三) 替换---Switch 例如 E7P05 Rachel: I’ll give you ten free Ralph Lauren shirts. 原译文: 我送你十件名牌衬衫。 Rachel向Joey许诺要送他十件拉尔夫·劳伦牌子的衬衫。拉尔夫·劳伦是美国知 名的服装品牌,但少有中国观众知晓,此处译为名牌衬衫,简洁易懂
The sitcom lasts so long isn’t for no reason. It had made too much laughter and tears. The typical American sense of humor in this serial attracts not only native audience but also foreigners. Its ways of humor made influence on later sitcoms, for example, The Big Bang(生 生 活大爆炸), 爱情公寓). 活大爆炸 and even Chinese sitcom Ipartment(爱情公寓 爱情公寓 这部情景剧能持续十年是有原因的, 这部情景剧能持续十年是有原因的,十年来它制造了无数 欢笑与感动。 欢笑与感动。其中所蕴涵的典型的美国式幽默不仅吸引着本土 的观众,也令外国人开怀大笑。 的观众,也令外国人开怀大笑。他的幽默方式对后来者影响深 例如生活大爆炸,甚至也被中国情景喜剧爱情公寓借鉴。 远,例如生活大爆炸,甚至也被中国情景喜剧爱情公寓借鉴。

• 第二季又名《精神病院》,只保留近一半的 主要演员,留下的演员诠释与第一季完全不 同的角色。故事发生在在1964年新英格兰 地区的「石楠崖疗养院」,住在这里的只有 三类人:医生护士、牧师修女、精神病人 (准确地说是精神病罪犯)。这所「疗养院」 由修女Jude(Jessica Lange饰)和高级神 职教士Timothy O’Hara(Joseph Fiennes 饰)共同管理。精神病医生Thredson (Zachary Quinto饰)的超前思维经常与 Jude修女的管理方式产生矛盾。疗养院的常 住医生Dr. Arden(James Cromwell饰), 看起来很温和,但他绝非好人。事实上,本 季的「恐怖力量」——被称作「锉工」的变 异人类——就源自他的双手。这些可怕的生 物隐藏在精神病院外的树林里,他们是 Arden医生用囚犯(病人)进行活体实验后 的产物。Arden有可能是一个纳粹。
Murder House (凶宅 )
Asylum Coven(疯人院)( Nhomakorabea巫集会 )
Freak Show
• 第一季又名《谋杀之屋》。Ben(迪伦· 麦克德莫特 )是一位治疗师,他和妻子Vivien(康妮· 布里登) 带着自己的女儿Violet(泰莎· 法米加)搬到了洛杉矶 ,而搬家的原因则是Ben曾犯下了严重的错误而威胁 到了自己的家庭。那么这段设想中的新生活将面临 的唯一问题就在于:一个闹鬼的新家看起来不像是 重新开始的好地方。 • 他们的房子对被诅咒者和疯子们有强大的吸引力: Constance是个好管闲事的邻居,一口拖长音的南方 口音,看起来她知道很多关于这所房子的可怕历史 ;她智障的女儿Adelaide总会羞涩地傻笑着诅咒住 这房子的人会死去;那个被烧伤的人,Larry,总是 很可疑地跟踪Harmon一家人;房中的管家Moira是 个总爱指手画脚的人,她异常地与Ben和Vivien关系 融洽...... • 这部由《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)创作人瑞恩· 墨菲 (Ryan Murphy)和布拉德· 法尔查克(Brad Falchuk)打 造的另类剧集是两人自《整容室》(Nip/Tuck)和 《欢乐合唱团》的又一次合作,由迪伦· 麦克德莫特 (Dylan McDermott)、康妮· 布里登(Connie Britton)和 杰西卡· 兰格(Jessica Lange)等诸多明星主演,被描 述为一部与性心理有关的惊悚剧,主要讲述了一个 三口之家在经历过意外流产和出轨之后,搬到新家 里试图重建感情的故事。其中男主人一名精神疗法 专家。然而这栋房子似乎知道他们每个人心中最恐 惧的东西,并且不停地玩弄他们。。

Desperate housewives
绝 望 主 妇
We can learn many things from the American TVs,so if you have some free time or if you want to spend you free time meaningful,you can choose one of these TVs which you are interested in.Finally,hope you have a good time !
Thank you!
According to the famous Alexandre Duma's novel ”The Count of Monte Cristo” (基督山伯爵)
Wealth, beauty and dignity of this town pronoun, but a woman for revenge is determined to destroy every one here.Emily Thorne just moved to Hampton, her neighbors are all rich .She made a lot of friends, seems very easy to integrate into the town.But such a young girl alone in the paradise life don't let a person feel strange?In fact, Emily everything here is not strange - she was born here, grew up here, until one day the millionaire neighbor Grayson ruined her family, killed her parents, to overturn their family's reputation.These years Emily lonely and helpless to wander, and now she's back, filled with anger, with the desire for revs in a small and beautiful town called Mystic falls(神秘瀑布镇). This town has a long history. There have vampires , werewolves(狼人), witches (女巫) and hunters(猎人) Almost one thousand years ago, their generations lived here untill today. So this is a story about love ,friendship, revenge and killing among human beings and these supernatural beings.

Principal Cast
Masters of Horror( 恐怖大师)
This drama by the horror film director Mick Garris with his friends in 2002 . During their talk, Freemasonry. Aft er this, Garris called the 10 dtf本 克eilimrr套·er加ocs剧rte利iosrr集ti斯sef最lsao,.nw初I2dnt0创om20g02意ae0年st来5hte他,e自rGr和o于taot一hr恐rcei众srr怖e业ais片t内e导a同演h好o米rror t在he加p州ro共du餐ce。r 席an间d 他dir们ec相to谈r o甚f 欢tw,o 惺惺 p相o惜sts。, c在re此at之e 后ea,ch加1利h斯ou召r 集"m席as间te的rs1o0f h位o导rro演r"以se及ri其es他(a恐to怖ta流l o的f 高tw手o 相se约as共on同s and 2GMa打 身 集6noik造兼1dree小dpN一制,oi时osnT套作or,s的tdoTu恐人ean“rus怖和krt)恐aea,片导spD怖hNu剧演oiot大aMn集两rti师oiiok。个Cen”a职2,s系0Jc务0oa列5hl,年lny(,打,S总造加tu共出a利两r每t斯 p季ro2m6集ine)n,t d唐ire·卡cto斯rs卡h尔av利e、斯图尔 b特e·e戈n 登inv、o三lve池d崇, u史ni、ted约a翰s·t麦he克h诺or顿ro、r f鹤ilm田l法ov男er等s i名n 声the显t赫hr的ill 导of 演ho相rr继or参th与e 其feast. 中,联合为恐怖片爱好者奉上惊险刺激 的恐怖盛宴。

1)电视剧的内容介绍 2)电视剧的主要演员的资料 3)电视剧的观后感
• The drama describes two 20-year-old's IQ of the California Institute of Technology Physics, Leonard, (experimental physicist) and Sheldon (theoretical physicist) with their door - a would-be actor was working in a restaurant Penny between the story of a beautiful girl.
• 他展现出一种严格遵守程序;缺 乏了解的讽刺、挖苦和幽默;和 一个完全缺乏谦卑。这些特征 是主要来源的角色的幽默。这 听起来很疯狂。
Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali
• Rajesh, Ph.D. – Rajesh, who originally comes from New Delhi, India, works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinks alcohol. However, he has had much better luck with women as opposed to his overly confident best friend Howard. His parents are often seen via webcam. In three of them, he is the only one who don’t have a girlfriend.

Founded in 1935 May, by silent film era of large companies fox film company and 20th century film company merger is a 3040 dock in the good seven of eight big movie one of companies.
American popular culture
The Movie
The classification of American movies
Horror Film , Science Fiction , War Film
Drama Films, Cartoon, Action-Adventure
华纳兄弟电影制片公司(Warner bros),
April 1923 by warner 4 brothers created. At that time Burbank. Warner Brothers 1917 began in New York in the release of films showing business and establish warner fon is headquartered in New York, studios in Hollywood nearby
In 1912 American independent film company boss cristiano lai hamel put his company and n. bowles etc six or seven small film company merger, the universal studios, composed in 30-40 in the become American film 8 big one of companies. La hamel in 1914 in Hollywood studio and north built for clap with ground, exterior named universal city. In 1915, universal city was officially opened on March.

Dub for some parts
Using apps
•No.3 Videos
1.《Sex and the city》 ---Auld lang syne (友谊天长地久)
3.《The Big Bang Theory 》
Thank you!
Each episode consists of several narrative lines, leading from a suspense(n.悬念) to a touching climax(n&v高潮,顶点) during the week and ending on Friday with a crisis point.
《Desperate Housewives》1------8
Learning clauses and advanced expressions Tips:Pick 1&2&8.
《Downton Abbey》1------6 唐顿庄园
Formal English expressions & authentic British pronunciation. Tips: Mainly about the British aristocracy.(英国贵族) The plot is
Some American TV stories revolve (围绕)
around one or very few story lines. Some American TV series have a lot of story

•The Vampire DiariesThe Vampire Diaries is an American television series(电视连续剧)。
Elena Gilbert &KatherinePierceStefan SalvatoreFor over a century, I have lived in secret. Until now, I know the risk, but I have to know her.Damon SalvatoreMy choice is always you –Damon 我的选择永远是你Who is this beautiful woman? Isshe Elena?•Of course NoHer name is Katherine。
Selfish &beautifulDemon Stefan Katherine•At last ,which one do you like first? Evil Demon or gentleman stefan?The endGossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan’s elites.And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell.You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。
Blair is a Queen Bee ofManhattan’s socialscene.He was oftendescribed as awomanizer andparty lovers.In the eyes of others, she is a beautiful and prefect girl .Nate Archibald is the perfect "Golden Boy" in the Upper East Side.Secondly, Let me give you a brief introduction to Gossip Girl This American TV Series isfull of fashion elements,notto make people feel contrivedand stiff.And the mainfeatures of this American TVSeries is the backgroundmusic is the most popularmusic.Because of focusingon family,friendship and loveof the scene description andan uniqueperspective,“gossip girl”soon attracted the attentionof many young viewers.Thanks the appreciationDesperate housewives•Do you have desire?•Do you know what is desperate?•Let’s see—Desperate housewivesWives and husbandsDesperate Housewives "truest representation of American society today, and today's American marriage.READY? Now Loading…After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. When he returns home to Starling City, his devoted mother Moira, much-beloved sister Thea, and best friend Tommy welcome him home, but they sense Oliver has been changed by his ordeal on the island. While Oliver hides the truth about the man he's become, he desperately wants to make amends for the actions he took as the boy he was . shipwreck ['ʃɪprek] n. 海难;遇难船vt. 使失事;使毁灭;使失败presume [prɪ'zjuːm] vi. 相信;擅自行为vt. 假定;推测;擅自Moira['mɔirə] n. 莫伊拉(女子名)Thea['θi:ə] n. 西娅(女子名)o rdeal[ɔː'diːəl] n. 折磨;严酷的考验;痛苦的经验amend[ə‘mend]vt. 修改;改善,改进;vi. 改正,改善;改过自新Most particularly, he seeks reconciliation with his former girlfriend, Laurel Lance. As Oliver reconnects with those closest to him, he secretly creates the persona of Arrow -a vigilante –to right the wrongs of his family, fight the ills of society, and restore Starling City to its former glory. By day, Oliver plays the role of a wealthy, carefree and careless philanderer he used to be -flanked by his devoted chauffeur/bodyguard, John Diggle -while carefully concealing the secret identity he turns to under cover of darkness.reconciliation[,rek(ə)nsɪlɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]n. 和解;调和;和谐;甘愿persona[pə'səʊnə; pɜː-] n. 人物角色;伪装的外表chauffeur ['ʃəʊfə; ʃəʊ'fɜː]n. 司机;vt. 开车运送vi. 当汽车司机flanked by 两侧conceal[kən'si:l] vt. 隐藏;隐瞒under cover of 隐藏在…下;在…之掩护之下vigilante[,vidʒi'lænti] n. 义务警员;治安维持会成员philanderer[fɪ‘lændərɚ]n. 玩弄女性的男人;爱和女人调情的男人However, Laurel's father, Detective Quentin Lance, is determined to arrest the vigilante operating in his city. Meanwhile, Oliver's own mother, Moira, knows much more about the deadly shipwreck than she has let on –and is more ruthless than he could ever imagine.Quentin ['kwentin] n.昆廷(男子名)vigilante[,vɪdʒɪ‘læntɪ] n. 义务警员;治安维;持会成员let on 泄露;假装ruthless['ruːθlɪs] adj. 无情的,残忍的Paul Blackthorne asDetective Quentin Lance.Colin Donnell asTommySusanna Thompsonas Moira QueenStephen Amell asOliver QueenKatie Cassidy as LaurelLanceThank You!The Big Bang TheoryThe drama describes two 20-year-old's IQ of the California Institute of Technology Physics, Leonard, (experimental physicist) and Sheldon (theoretical physicist) with their door -a would-be actor was working in a restaurant Penny between the story of a beautiful girl.这部电视剧主要描述了加州理工学院两个二十多岁的高智商物理学,Leonard(实验物理学家)和Sheldon(理论物理学家)与他们的对门——一个想成为演员却在餐馆打工的漂亮女孩Penny之间发生的故事。

❖ 博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇丰。
friend s
《Friends》它完全具备消费良品的素质,而更 重要的是,在不断的笑声中,它让我们看到 了另一种和我们一样普通的生活,形形色色 的人因为情感、原则、利益、地位等问题产 生矛盾、闹出笑话,同时,亲情、友情、爱 情也在这里升华。《Friends》无形中成为人 们日常生活的一面镜子,可以让我们学习生 活,去欣赏生活中的那些真善美。
Chandler Bing 扮演者:马修·派瑞Matthew Perry
钱德为罗斯的大学同学,因而与罗斯、莫 妮卡相识甚久。
喜好逞口舌之利。公认是以幽默感在武 装自己,以避免流露真实的感情;有点精 神质。
在大公司上班,颇受老板器重但他本身 更想当幽默作家。喜欢冷眼旁观再讽刺 挖苦大家,常常会有不好笑的幽默感出 现。非常害怕给女友下承诺。常被人误 认是同性恋。交女朋友屡屡受挫。钱德 总是担心自己会是六人中最晚结婚的孤 独老人。有一自第一季即分分合合的女 友珍妮丝。因为父母在感恩节离婚,最 讨厌感恩节的欢乐气氛。
Rachel Green 扮演者:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿Jennifer Aniston
瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫 的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处。
未经世事的医家千金小姐,生活上的大白痴。 个性因此也有些娇纵;另外,没什么主见,对 人言听计从。婚姻问题上,本想走上同母亲 一样的道路,但当她了解到自己爱结婚贺礼 胜过未婚夫时,就从婚礼上跑掉了。

• Chandler: So I have a flaw! Big deal!...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this? Flaw这里是fault、drawback或shortcoming的意 思,吹牛的时候你可以说My father is so perfect, he has no flaw….,big deal单独用在某句话中多 半表示反语或者反问,用的更常见的是no big deal.意思是没什么大不了的。
Episode 3, Season 1
• Chandler's reunited with his beloved cigarettes, which the rest of his friends can't stand. Monica dates a man all her buddies love but with whom she's bored. And poor, honest Phoebe can't deal with the fact that her bank gave her one thousand dollars that isn't hers, plus a soda company gives her seven thousand more unwanted bucks after she finds a dismembered thumb in a can of soda.
• Monica: Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? 好了,现在开始Alan的批判会吧!谁先来? (Alan-bashing是个有趣的组合,我们也可以用 的,比如看到Monitor欺负谁了,也可以来个 monitor-bashing嘛。“take the first shot”也值得 记下,各种场合都可以用,“谁先来?”)

• After that, American film industries developed so slowly that it took more than 10 years to revival.
• After the war, a lot of European directors went to America which lays the foundation of America’s transforming to the biggest film country in the world.
Two years later, Lucas produced another great movie, STAR WARS, which made the tickets incomes increase rapidly.
Spielberg and Lucas were both graduated from the University of South California. These new directors used the point technology and skills to make the films which brought American film industries a new life.
Jurame American films
• Actually, I just want to divide my presentation into 3 parts. But consider that most of us were born in late 1980s or early 1990s, I made the fourth part to introduce some nice films to you.
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• As we know,many people like to watch drama, there some Excellent works.
• Grimm is an American occult detective police procedural drama series. It debuted in the U.S. on NBC on October 28, 2011. The show has been described as "a cop drama—with a twist... a dark and fantastical project about a world in which characters inspired by Grimms' Fairy Tales exist", although the stories and characters inspiring the show are also drawn from other sources.
Nick is a homicide detective, whose aunt marie (kate burton) tells him that he is descended from a line of hunters, called grimms, who fight supernatural forces. Even before his abilities manifested, nick had an exceptional ability to make quick and accurate deductions about the motivations and pasts of individuals, which has now expressed itself as his ability to perceive aspects of the supernatural that nobody else can see. He temporarily lost his grimm power after the event of season 3 finale through a revenge scheme by adalind, but regained them in the season 4 episode "highway of tears".
• Homicide investigator Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Department learns he is descended from a line of guardians known as Grimms, charged with keeping balance between humanity and the Wesen, or mythological creatures of the world (Wesen is the German word for being or creature). Throughout the series, he mut of dangerous creatures, with help from his Wesen friend, Monroe, and his partner, Detective Hank Griffin.
• A limited number of episodes of a television show may be called a miniseries or a serial or limited series. Television series are without a fixed length and are usually divided into seasons (U.S.) ,yearly or semiannual sets of new episodes. While there is no defined length, U.S. industry practice has traditionally favored longer television seasons than those of other countries.
Juliette silverton (seasons 1–4) and eve (season 5-6), nick's girlfriend, a veterinarian. She was originally unaware of nick's duties as a grimm until he tells her in the finale of season 1. However, by season 2, a magically induced amnesia removes nick from her memory altogether, to the extent that she only forgets nick while still remembering characters like monroe when she only met him through nick. Although nick's aunt marie suggested that he leave juliette for her safety, nick decided to stay with her. He postponed his original plans to propose to her while he explores his new life as a grimm. She eventually regained her memories and learned the truth of nick's abilities, joining him in dealing with some wesen-related problems, such as finding a cure for a disease that gave human children the appearance of wesen.
• In television, a serial has a continuing plot that unfolds in a sequential episode-by-episode fashion. Serials typically follow main story arcs that span entire television seasons or even the full run of the series, which distinguishes them from traditional episodic television that relies on more stand-alone episodes.