Medical English Translation - 山东大学课程中心30

临床医学专业(五年制)培养方案(100301) Clinical Medicine (5-year Bachelor Degree 100301)一、专业简介(Ⅰ、Major Introduction )该专业主要培养具有基础医学、临床医学、预防医学知识与技能的医学毕业生。
The five years of systemic medical education will provide the students with the basic knowledge, skill and attitudes necessary for the medical practice. There are 51 compulsory courses that are classified into general courses, basic medical sciences and clinical medical sciences. Besides these, the student will take a one year rotation at clinical departments. If the student passes all the compulsory courses and gets enough critical marks, they will get the degree of Medical Bachelor. At the end of the medical education, the students will realize that the medical science is a broad, deep, and rapidly changing discipline. The mastery of medical knowledge and clinical skills requires lifelong self-education.二、培养目标(Ⅱ、Academic Objectives)培养具备基本医学知识、初步临床能力、终身学习能力和良好职业素质的医学毕业生。

Introduction to Medical English
授课单位: 授课教师:
“一个中心,两个基本点” 词汇 阅读 翻译
asthma, chronic disease, obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease(冠
此外,医学英语还吸收了一些其它语种 的词汇,如甲状腺肿(goitre [‘gɔɪtə(r)] 法语),流行性感冒(influenza [,ɪnflʊ'enzə] 意大利语),蚊(mosquito西班牙语), 人参(gingseng ['dʒɪnseŋ] 日语)。
(1)医学名词常用其外来复数(the foreign plural)形式
词源 外来复数 变复数的方法
axilla 腋窝
-a→ -ae
diagnosis 诊断
GK diagnoses -is → -es
appe -ix →-ices
bacterium 细菌 L bacteria
(3)为了简洁,常采用被动语态 及应用名词作定语构成复合词形 式,如cancer patient(patient with cancer),blood vessel wall(wall of the blood vessel)
在英语的历史发展过程中,大量吸收了其 他语系(主要是拉丁语和希腊语)的单词,大 大扩展和丰富了它的词汇。医学英语也不例外。 拉丁语和希腊语的词汇丰富多彩,并具有很强 的构词能力,所以在近代医学英语中,利用希 腊语及拉丁语的词根和词缀创造了大量的新的 医学术语。这种用词根和词缀构成的医学术语 在医学术语单词中占绝大多数。

“汉英笔译”课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息开课单位:翻译学院课程名称:汉英笔译课程编号:04222134英文名称:Chinese-English Translation课程类型:专业限选课总学时:32 理论学时:32 实验学时:0学分:2开设专业:翻译专业先修课程:无二、课程任务目标(一)课程任务本课程主要介绍汉外翻译历史与理论、翻译标准、翻译策略与技巧,通过两种语言的对比,根据翻译目的,选择恰当的翻译技巧,完成相应难度系数的汉英篇章翻译,提高学生汉英翻译的基本技能和鉴赏能力。
三、教学内容和要求(一)理论教学的内容及要求第一章汉英翻译的历史和基本概念1.了解汉英翻译的历史及代表人物;2.了解汉英翻译学习的重要性;3. 通过练习掌握直译、意译、功能对等等相关翻译专业术语。
第二章翻译的过程及基本技巧1. 了解汉英翻译过程的不同模式;2. 掌握分析理解原文的方法及译入语的表达特点;3. 掌握并理解翻译过程中使用的各种技巧。
第三章语言文化对比与汉英翻译1. 了解并掌握英汉语言文化的差异;2. 通过练习了解英汉差异对汉英翻译的影响与启示。
第四章汉英翻译中的主语选择1. 了解并掌握英汉两种语言在句式方面的差异;2. 通过练习了解英汉语句式差异对汉英翻译的影响和启示。
第五章汉英翻译中的词义选择1. 了解并掌握英汉两种语言在语义方面的差异;2. 通过练习了解英汉语句式差异对汉英翻译的影响和启示。
第六章汉语特殊句型的翻译1. 了解汉语“得”字句、“把”字句、外位结构、四字格等汉语特殊句型;2. 通过练习了解并掌握英汉语特殊句式的翻译技巧。


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任课教师:山东大学 戈立
Teaching Set-up
This course is conducted on a one-unit-a week basis preceded by a general introduction to medical English in the first week of the school term.
1. Word Formation 2. Group Discussion 3. Background Knowledge 4. Understanding the Text 5. Assignment
Unit 3 The Nervous System
Word Formation
neur/o- 神经 ( neuron, neurofibril )
pre- 在前 post ganglionic ) enter/o- 肠 ( enteric ) dendr/o-, dendri- 树 ( dendritic ) axo- 轴, 轴突 ( axon )
medull/o 髓质 ( medulla ) cyt/o, -cyte 细胞 ( cytoplasm ) mito- 线 ( mitochondrial ) -ule (使小后缀) ( spinule, tubule )
necle/o 核
( nucleus )
gangli/o-, ganglion/o- 神经节
( ganglia )
gli/o- 胶, 胶质 ( neuroglia )
peri- 周, 周围 ( peripheral )

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
College English(1)
世界旅游地理概况 World Tourism Geographic Profile 思想道德修养和法律基础 Cultivation of Ideological Morality and law basis 医用高等数学 Advanced Mathematics for medicine 医用化学 Medical Chemistry 军事理论 Military Theory 体育(1) Physical Education(1) 大学英语(2) College English(2) 现代眼科学 Modern Ophthalmology 中国近现代史纲要 Outline of Modern Chinese History 职业生涯与发展规划 Career & Development &Planning 医用物理学 Medical Physics 医学生物实验学 Medical and Biological Laboratory Science 细胞生物学 Cellular Biology 计算机应用基础 Application of computer science 美国社会与文化 American Society and Culture 系统解剖学 Anatomy 体育(2) Physical Education(2) Internet 世界旅游发展史
公共课 专业基础课 Basic major course 公共课公共课公共课公共选修课公共课
公共课 专业选修课 公共选修课

Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards
The Criteria of slation
❖Yan fu (严复):
·Faithfulness/ Accuracy ·Expressiveness/Smoothness ·Elegance/Popularity
—— Eugene Nida ( American translation theorist)
The Concept of Translation
❖ Translation is a kind of linguistic activity, which can express the ideas of the first language accurately and completely with the second language
Medical English Translation and writing
张晶 山东大学大外部
Chapter 1
A General Introduction to Medical English Translation
A General Introduction
❖The Concept of Translation ❖The Criteria of Translation ❖The Process of Translation ❖The Importance of Medical Translation ❖The Qualifications for Medical English
——Alexander F. Tytler
Essay on the Principles of Translation

English Translation and the Chinese Attainment
To avoid a lack of subjects
1. In regard to the operation tomorrow, it is postponed. 2. Only with large numbers of patients can we be confident that a small difference between two forms of treatment will be detected. 3. As it is digested slowly, milk sugar remains in the intestinal tract for a longer period than do other sugars.
English Translation and the Chinese Attainment
To decrease English-style expressions
Illness prevented him from going there. 原译:疾病妨碍他去那里。(此译文不符合汉 语的表达习惯,主要是因为这种译法硬按原文 的语法结构来翻译。此句的关键是将原文中的 宾语him译成汉语中的主语“他”) 改译:他因病未去那里。
Translation and English Grammar
1. The patient is not so sick but he should be hospitalized. 2. When you exercise vigorously, waste products which act as mild poisons to the nervous system are formed. 3. From this you can find out the ratio of oxygen reacting to water formed.

医学常用解剖部位英语翻译Medical Translation: Common Anatomy Terms in EnglishIntroduction:In the field of medicine, a clear understanding of anatomical terms is essential for effective communication. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used anatomical terms in English. By familiarizing yourself with these translations, you will be better equipped to navigate medical texts and discussions in the English-speaking world.1. Skeletal System:1.1. Skull - 颅骨(lú gǔ)1.2. Spine - 脊柱 (jí zhù)1.3. Rib - 肋骨(lèi gǔ)1.4. Pelvis - 骨盆(gǔ pén)1.5. Femur - 股骨(gǔ gǔ)1.6. Patella - 髌骨(bìn gǔ)1.7. Tibia - 胫骨(jìng gǔ)1.8. Fibula - 腓骨(fěi gǔ)2. Muscular System:2.1. Biceps - 二头肌(èr tóu jī)2.2. Triceps - 三头肌(sān tóu jī)2.3. Deltoid - 三角肌(sān jiǎo jī)2.4. Quadriceps - 股四头肌(gǔ sì tóu jī)2.5. Hamstring - 腘绳肌(hòu shéng jī)3. Cardiovascular System:3.1. Heart - 心脏(xīn zàng)3.2. Aorta - 主动脉(zhǔ dòng mài)3.3. Artery - 动脉 (dòng mài)3.4. Vein - 静脉 (jìng mài)3.5. Capillary - 毛细血管 (máo xì xuèguǎn)4. Respiratory System:4.1. Lungs - 肺 (fèi)4.2. Trachea - 气管(qì guǎn)4.3. Bronchus - 支气管(zhī qì guǎn)4.4. Diaphragm - 横膈膜 (héng gé mó)5. Digestive System:5.1. Stomach - 胃 (wèi)5.2. Liver - 肝(gān)5.3. Pancreas - 胰腺 (yí xiàn)5.4. Small intestine - 小肠(xiǎo cháng)5.5. Large intestine - 大肠 (dà cháng)6. Nervous System:6.1. Brain - 大脑(dà nǎo)6.2. Spinal cord - 脊髓(jí suǐ)6.3. Nerve - 神经(shén jīng)6.4. Neuron - 神经元(shén jīng yuán)7. Urinary System:7.1. Kidney - 肾 (shèn)7.2. Bladder - 膀胱(páng guāng)7.3. Ureter - 输尿管(shū niào guǎn)7.4. Urethra - 尿道 (niào dào)8. Reproductive System:8.1. Testes - 睾丸(gāo wán)8.2. Ovaries - 卵巢(luǎn cháo)8.3. Uterus - 子宫(zǐ gōng)8.4. Prostate - 前列腺 (qián liè xiàn)Conclusion:This article has provided a comprehensive list of common anatomical terms in English. By familiarizing yourself with these translations, you will enhance your medical knowledge and communication skills in English-speaking environments. Remember to continuously expand your vocabulary to excel in the ever-evolving field of medicine.。

山东中医药大学大一英语教材Introduction:Welcome to the English course for first-year students at Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This course aims to provide you with essential language skills and knowledge to communicate effectively in English. Throughout this textbook, we will cover various topics related to daily life, academic studies, and professional development. Let's embark on this exciting journey of learning English together!Chapter 1: Greetings and IntroductionsIn this chapter, we will learn how to greet people and introduce ourselves in English. We will cover basic phrases, such as "Hello," "How are you?" and "Nice to meet you." Through dialogues and interactive exercises, you will practice using these phrases in real-life situations.Chapter 2: Personal InformationBuilding on the greetings and introductions covered in the previous chapter, we will delve deeper into providing personal information in English. This includes discussing one's nationality, age, occupation, and hobbies. We will also explore the use of possessive adjectives and asking questions to gather information about others.Chapter 3: Daily ActivitiesIn this chapter, we will focus on vocabulary and phrases related to daily activities. From describing our daily routines to talking about leisure activities, you will learn how to express your actions and preferences inEnglish. Additionally, we will cover time expressions, such as "in the morning" or "at night," to enable you to discuss the timing of your activities.Chapter 4: Food and DrinksFood is an integral part of culture, and this chapter will introduce you to vocabulary and expressions commonly used when talking about food and drinks. You will learn how to order food in a restaurant, discuss your dietary preferences, and describe various dishes and flavors. Through role plays and interactive exercises, you will gain confidence in using English for culinary discussions.Chapter 5: Family and RelationshipsUnderstanding family dynamics and discussing relationships is an important aspect of language learning. In this chapter, we will explore vocabulary related to family members, marital status, and personal relationships. You will practice describing your own family and engaging in conversations about family life.Chapter 6: Education and AcademicsAs university students, it is crucial to develop the necessary language skills to succeed in academic settings. This chapter will cover academic vocabulary, including subjects, courses, and study-related terms. We will also focus on expressing opinions, engaging in discussions, and giving presentations in English.Chapter 7: Health and WellnessHealthcare and wellness are essential topics for every individual. In this chapter, we will learn vocabulary related to common illnesses, symptoms, and healthcare professionals. We will also discuss lifestyle choices and ways to maintain a healthy and balanced life. Through interactive exercises, you will enhance your ability to seek medical advice and describe your well-being in English.Chapter 8: Travel and TourismIn this chapter, we will explore travel and tourism vocabulary, enabling you to communicate effectively during your travels. You will learn how to book accommodation, ask for directions, and discuss your travel experiences. Additionally, we will introduce cultural aspects of different countries and provide tips for responsible tourism.Conclusion:Congratulations on completing this introductory guide to the English course for first-year students at Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through the chapters outlined in this textbook, we aim to provide you with a solid foundation in English language skills, enabling you to communicate confidently in various settings. Remember to practice regularly, engage in interactive activities, and seek guidance from your instructors. Good luck on your English language journey!。

附件2山东大学通识教育核心课程建设立项申请表课程名称:人与自然课程负责人:刘忠国联系电话:88392824开课单位:控制科学与工程学院填表日期:2013年11月山东大学教务处二O一三年五月一.课程基本情况课程名称(中)人与自然课程名称(英)Human and Nature课程中心网站/G2S/Template/View.aspx?action=view&courseType=0&courseId=2225学时36 学分 2 是否作为全校文化素质教育通选课开设过是计划开课时间2014年9月是否全英文授课是授课对象要求全日制本科生课程类别□国学修养□创新创业□艺术审美□人文学科□社会科学□自然科学■工程技术课程负责人情况姓名刘忠国性别男职称副教授研究方向生物医学工程学历/学位博士出生年月1966年2月E-mail liuzhg@近两年上课情况课程名称学时上课人数上课学年、学期学生评价生物医学信号处理58 30 2012年春季学期100分DSP原理与程序设计36 30 2011年秋季学期100分生物医学信号处理58 30 2013年春季学期100分DSP原理与程序设计36 30 2012年秋季学期100分课程组成员情况姓名职称学位所在单位项目中承担的任务签名刘园园讲师硕士控制学院教材建设,课堂教学王新沛讲师博士控制学院课程建设,课堂教学杨立才教授博士控制学院课程建设,课堂教学刘伯强教授博士控制学院网站建设,课堂教学刘常春教授学士控制学院教材建设,课堂教学课程组成员近两年开设的相关课程及学生的评价:开设了《生物医学电子学》、《定量生理学》、《生物医学工程导论》、《数字图像处理》、《Matlab程序设计与应用》等课程。

医学英语教程生物医学课文翻译生物医学课文翻译:Medical English Tutorial - Biomedical TextbookBiomedical research plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of human health and developing new treatments for diseases. In this tutorial, we will explore various topics in the field of biomedical sciences.Lesson 1: Introduction to Biomedical ResearchBiomedical research is the investigation of biological processes and diseases at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. This lesson will provide an overview of the different research methodologies used in the field, including genome sequencing, proteomics, and animal studies. We will also discuss the ethical considerations associated with biomedical research.Lesson 2: The Human Genome ProjectThe Human Genome Project was a landmark scientific initiative that aimed to map and sequence the entire human genome. This lesson will delve into the history of the project, its impact on biomedical research, and the novel insights gained from analyzing the human genome. We will also explore the future implications of this project in personalized medicine.Lesson 3: Genetics and DiseaseUnderstanding the genetic basis of diseases is crucial for the development of effective treatments. This lesson will focus on the relationship between genetics and common diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions.We will also discuss the advancements in genetic testing and the potential of gene therapy.Lesson 4: Stem Cells and Regenerative MedicineStem cells have the unique ability to differentiate into various cell types, making them valuable tools in regenerative medicine. This lesson will explore the different types of stem cells, their therapeutic potential, and the current challenges in their clinical application. We will also discuss recent breakthroughs in tissue engineering and organ transplantation.Lesson 5: Drug Discovery and DevelopmentDeveloping new drugs is a complex and rigorous process. In this lesson, we will explore the steps involved in drug discovery, from target identification to preclinical and clinical trials. We will also discuss the role of animal models in drug testing and the importance of drug safety and efficacy.Lesson 6: Biomedical ImagingImaging techniques play a vital role in diagnosing diseases and monitoring treatment efficacy. This lesson will provide an overview of various imaging modalities used in biomedical research, such as X-ray, MRI, and PET. We will also discuss the advancements in imaging technology and their application in precision medicine.Lesson 7: Biomedical EthicsEthical considerations are essential in biomedical research to ensure the welfare of human and animal subjects. This lesson will discuss the ethical principles and guidelines governing biomedicalresearch. We will also explore the ethical dilemmas associated with emerging technologies, such as gene editing and artificial intelligence in healthcare.By the end of this tutorial, you will have a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and advancements in the field of biomedical sciences. This knowledge will enable you to actively engage in discussions and contribute to the ever-evolving field of medical research.。

英文课程库翻译对照(参考)一、学院/开课单位基础医学院:Preclinical Medicine School 临床医学院:Clinical Medical College人文学院:College of Humanities中药学院:College of Traditional Chinese Pharmacy针灸学院:College of Acupuncture and Moxibustion管理学院:School of Management护理学院:College of Nursing信息中心:Information Center研究生部:Graduate faculty二、课程类别选修课:Selected Course必修课:Required Course专业基础课:Special Core Course专业课:Professional Course学位课:Degree course公共课:Public Course补本科课程:Supplement Undergraduate Courses三、专业名称1、中医:中医基础理论:Basic Theory of TCM中医临床基础:TCM Clinical Foundation 中医医史文献:TCM History and Document方剂学:Science of Formulae of Chinese Herbs中医诊断学:Diagnostics of TCM中医内科学:Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学:Surgery of TCM中医儿科学:Pediatrics of TCM中医妇科学:Gynecology of TCM 中医骨伤科学:Orthopedics & Traumatology of TCM中医五官科学:Otorhinolaryngology of TCM针灸推拿学:Acupuncture & Moxibustion 民族医学:Ethnomedicine/Medicine of Chinese Minorities临床中药学:Clinical Pharmacology of TCM中医养生康复学:Health-preserving& Rehabilitation of TCM中医护理学:Nursing of TCM2、中西医结合:中西医结合基础:The basis of Integrative Medicine中西医结合临床:Clinical Science of Integrative Medicine3、药学:药物分析学:Pharmacoanalysis微生物与生化药学:Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy4、中药学:临床中药学:Clinical Pharmacology of TCM中药化学:Chemistry of Chinese Meteria Medica中药药理学:Pharmacology of Chinese Meteria Medica中药制药学:Pharmaceutics of Chinese Meteria Medica中药生药学:Pharmacognostics of Chinese Meteria Medica5、公共管理:社会医学与卫生事业管理:Social Medical and Health Service Management四、学位类型科学学位:Science degree临床专业学位:Clinical professional degree五、学位层次:本科学位:Bachelor degree硕士学位:Master's degree博士学位:Doctor's degree/ Ph.D六、课程名称:1、公共课科学社会主义理论:Theories of Scientific Socialism自然辩证法:Nature Dialectics现代科技革命与马克思主义:Modern Science and Technology Revolution and Marxism硕士英语:English for Master’s Degree博士英语:English for Doctor’s Degree博士日语:Japanese for Doctor’s Degree 博士二外英语:Second Foreign Language for Doctor’s Degree (English)计算机应用:Application of Computer医用统计学:Medical Statistics名师大讲堂:Academician Lectures科研思路与方法:Scientific Ideas and Methods/ Research Courses汉语水平考试:HSK2、专业课/专基课/选修课/学位课(1)基础医学院课程内经专题讲座:Forums and Lectures of Internal Classic难经学术思想:Academic Thoughts of NanJing中国古代哲学:Ancient Chinese Philosophy中医基础专论:Monography of Basic TCM Theories伤寒论专题讲座:Treatise on Cold Diseases金匮要略专题讲座:Treatise on Golden Chamber温病学专题讲座:Treatise on Warm Diseases中医训诂考据学:TCM Textology Exegesis 中国医学史:History of TCM中医文献学:Philology of TCM文献检索:Literature Retrieval各家学说:Various Schools of TCM中医医案:Medical Records of TCM中医处方方法学:Prescription Methodology of TCM中医辨证学:TCM Syndrome Differentiation中医诊断古籍选读:Selected ancient readings of TCM Diagnosis中医内科学(中诊专业):Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine临床中药学:Clinical Pharmacology of TCM神经生理学:Neurophysiology生物化学:Biochemistry生物化学实验:Biochemistry Experiment 医学分子生物学:Medical Molecular Biology分子生物学实验:Molecular Biology Experiment实验动物学:Experimental Zoology神经解剖学:Neuroanatomy局部解剖学:Medical Topography头面部局部解剖学:Craniotopography医用细胞学基础:Medical Foundation of Cytology组织细胞分子学实验:Histiocyte Molecular Experiment病理生理学:Pathophysiology医学免疫学:Medical Immunology临床流行病学(DME):Clinical Epidemiology (DME)DME:Design, Measurement and Evaluation中医基础理论(补本科):The Basic Theory of TCM中医养生学概论:Introduction to TCM Health-preserving中医康复学概论:Introduction to TCM Rehabilitation中医饮食营养学:Nutriology of TCM循证医学:Evidence-based Medicine核酸研究技术在中医药学的应用:Application of Nucleic Acid Research Techniques in TCM(2)临床医学院中医内科学专题讲座:Treatises on Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine中医内科杂病研究:Miscellaneous Internal Diseases of TCM中医外科学专题讲座:Treatises on Traditional Chinese Surgery中医妇科学专题讲座:Treatises on TCM Gynecology中医儿科学专题讲座:Treatises on TCM Pediatrics西医内科学:Internal Medicine中西医结合内科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Internal Medicine中西医结合外科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Surgery 中西医结合妇科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Gynecology中西医结合五官科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Otorhinolaryngology针灸推拿学专题讲座:Treatises on Acupuncture and Massage中西医结合骨伤科专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Orthopedics and Traumatology 中西医结合儿科学专题讲座:Treatises on Integrative Pediatrics西医外科学:Surgery临床病理学基础:Basic Theories of Clinical Pathology(3)针灸学院针灸学:Acupuncture中医推拿学:Chinese Massage实验针灸学:Experimental Acupuncture针灸医籍各家学说:Various Schools of Acupuncture masterpieces中医气功学:Qigong of TCM针灸现代研究进展(博士):Modern Research Progress of Acupuncture and Moxibustion针刀疗法:Acupotomology therapy(4)管理学院高级统计学(一):Advanced Statistics(1)卫生经济理论与方法:Health Economic Theory and Method社会医学:Social Medicine现代医院管理:Modern Hospital Management卫生改革与卫生经济政策:Health Reform and Health Economic Policy卫生机构会计实务:Accounting Practice in Health Institution高等教育学:Higher Pedagogy教育管理学:Science of Educational Management药事管理学:Science of Pharmacy Administration药品知识产权实务:Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Practice高级数据库开发:Advanced Database Development高级网络技术:Advanced Network TechnologyQOL(生存质量)测量与评价:QOL Measurement and Evaluation社会与发展心理学:Social and Developmental Psychology宏微观经济分析:Macro and Micro Economic Analysis现代企业管理:Modern Enterprise Management医院质量与标准化管理:Hospital Quality and Standardized Management财务分析与管理:Financial Analysis and Management高级统计学(二):Advanced Statistics(1)卫生事业管理:Health Service Management流行病学:Epidemiology卫生统计数据库分析与应用:Health Statistics Database Analysis and Application经济法律通论(民法、诉讼法、合同法):General Theory of Economic Laws(Civil law, procedural law and contract law)知识产权法:Intellectual Property Law药品质量管理:Drug Quality Control药事法学:Law of Pharmaceutical Affairs 计算机统计软件应用:Computer statistics software applications组织行为学:Science of Organizational Behavior人力资源管理:Human Resource Management技术经济学:Technical Economics医药营销:Pharmaceutical Marketing企业战略管理:Enterprise Strategic Management决策支持系统(信息管理):Decision support systems (information management)教育心理学:Education Psychology电子商务:E-commerce项目管理:Project Management古代管理思想研究:Study on Ancient Management Thought论文写作:Essay writing健康教育与健康促进:Health Education and Health Promotion现代管理理论:Modern Management Theory公共关系与危机管理:Public Relations and Crisis Management卫生服务成本研究与应用:Research and Application on Cost of Health Services(5)中药学中药学专论:Monography of Science of Chinese Materia Medica分析测试技术:Analysis and Test Technology中药化学专论:Monography of Chinese Pharmaceutical Chemistry中药药理学专论:Monography of Traditional Chinese Pharmacology中药制药学专论:Monography of Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutics中药生药学专论:Monography of Traditional Chinese Pharmacognostics临床中药学专论Monography of Clinical Science of Chinese Materia Medica结构有机化学:Structure of Organic Chemistry波谱分析:Spectrum Analysis药性导论:Introduction of Drug Property 本草文献学:Philology of Chinese Materia Medica中医学选读:TCM Selected Readings中药成分分析:Analysis of Chinese Materia Medica Components中药信息学:Informatics of Chinese Materia Medica中药炮制学专论:Monography of Processing Chinese Materia Medica中成药学专论:Monography of Science of Chinese Patent Drug生物药剂学:Biological Pharmacology药用植物学专论:Monography of Medicinal Botany分子生药学:Molecular Pharmacognostics植物化学分类:Classification of Plant Chemistry中药资源学专论:Monography of Chinese Materia Medica Resources中药显微鉴定:Microscopic Identification of Chinese Materia Medica中药品种论述:Chinese Varieties Treatise 中药生物技术:Chinese Biotechnology生物制药专题:Special Subject on Biopharmaceutics药理学进展:Advancements of Pharmacology中药药效毒理研究思路与方法:Research Ideas and methods of Chinese Materia Medica Effect and Toxicology物理药剂学:Physical Pharmacology 科研思路与方法(中药专业) :Scientific ideas and Methods (for Chinese Materia Medica Profession)微生物与生化药学专论:Monography of Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacology 分子细胞生物学专论:Monography of Molecular Cell Biology中药生物技术应用:Biotechnology Applications in Chinese Materia Medica蛋白质工程:Protein Engineering计算机辅助药物设计:Computer-aided drug design微生物与生化药学研究方法:Microbial and Biochemical Pharmaceutical Research Methods药物分析专论:Monography of Drug Analysis药品质量控制:Drug Quality Control中药成分体内代谢与分析:Vivo Metabolism and Analysis of Chinese Materia Medica Components计算药物分析:Analysis of Drug Calculation生物药物分析:Biopharmaceutical Analysis 新药设计学:Science of New Drug Designing中药药理学:Chinese Pharmacology(6)护理学院护理研究进展:Nursing Research Progress 护理理论:Nursing Theory护理教育:Nursing Education中医临床护理概论:Introduction to TCM Clinical Nursing护理心理学:Nursing Psychology本翻译有不尽之处,欢迎各位老师同学提供更好的翻译建议!研究生院培养办。

《医学专业英语》课程教学大纲(Medical English)一、课程基本信息课程编号:14234018课程类别:专业选修课适用专业:临床医学专业学分:1总学时:16先修课程:大学英语后续课程:临床研究方法课程简介:主要教学方法与手段:采用课堂多媒体教学为主,针对学生听说能力不足情况,专业英语主要应用视频与音频材料,训练和提高学生灵活运用英文的能力。
4)书面表达能力:能根据医学专题或提纲在半小时内写出 120个词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯;能掌握基本的写作技能。
1、教学内容与学时分配(黑体,五号,顶格)课程总学时:其中讲授学时:实验(上机)学时:2、教学要求第一单元:肾脏健康(Kidney health)(4学时)教学目标:通过收听相关音频材料和观看相关视频材料,学习肾脏相生理学和疾病的英文描述方法及专业词汇。
教学内容:1) Llive kidney donation2) Chronic kidney disease (CKD)3) Kidney cancer4) The location, shape and structure of kidneys.5) Movie clip: Grey’s anatomy教学要求:1)掌握:肾脏的功能结构2)熟悉:肾脏相关疾病(chronic renal disease, renal failure and renal cancer)3)了解:肾脏移植(kidney transplant)重点和难点:1) 重点:用英文描述肾的功能及结构。

Translation of some General Words
The Choice of Meanings of Words Extending the Meanings of Words Submedical Words
The Choice of Meanings of Words
Submedical Words
As the term approaches, there is a good possibility of complications. The term cardiac arrest may be defined as an unexplained and unanticipated cessation of cardiac activity. Heart failure is a frequent and important complication of subacute bacterial endocarditis. The treatment of pulmonary edema due to congestive heart failure is outlined below. The cough is dry first and later productive of rusty or bloody sputum.
Extending the meanings of words
Architecture outlines may be preserved though all cellular details is lost. The constitutional effect of acute inflammation is characterized by leukocytosis and antibody formation. The course of the disease is extremely stormy with either a rapid progression to death or an equally rapid improvement. From the sidelines it often seems to me that people from 75 to 85 may well be made of better material and stand up to operations in a more satisfactory way than individuals between 55 and 65 years.
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Equivalent Translation
• Dynamic equivalence is a quality of a translation in which the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors. ——— Eugene A Nida, The Theory and Practice of Translation • It seeks to make the same impact without regard to the form of the original language.
Equivalent Translation
• • •
The woman patient has been a widow only six months. Acute and subacute hepatic necrosis more often complicates hepatitis in the elderly. The illness quickly responded to treatment. If a tumour is palpable, the disease is often too advanced to be treated radically.
Literal translation and fcience, as a branch of science, needs no special ethics. • He is dead, as you stand here. • Influenza has been with us a long, long time. • A cancer spreads its own seeds which plant themselves in other parts of the body. • The skill of the surgeon leaves nothing to be desired.
Negative translation and reverse translation
• Many mild cases are observed in which fever is low and of short duration. • The disease can affect any ages and the highest incidence is in the young and middle age groups. • Through this membrane materials are allowed to pass into the protoplasm. • AIDS was first recognized in the United States in 1981.
Concretion and abstraction
• An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. • Cancer of the uterus involves the body of the organ in about 1 in 7 cases. • Foods adequate in kind and amount during the pregnant months are very important to the health of both present and future generations.
Medical English Translation and writing
张晶 山东大学大外部
Chapter 3
Equivalence and Flexibility in Translation
Equivalence and Flexibility in Translation • To understand equivalent translation correctly • Literal translation and free translation • Concretion and abstraction • Negative translation and reverse translation
Equivalent Translation
• “There is always some loss in the communication process, for sources and receptors never have identical linguistic and cultural backgrounds…. The translator’s task, however, is to keep such loss at a minimum” (de Waard & Nida)