
写毕业后的打算英语作文My Plan after Graduation。
After graduation, I have a clear plan for my future. First of all, I plan to find a job related to my major. I have been studying marketing for four years, and I am very interested in this field. I hope to find a job in a large company where I can apply what I have learned and continue to grow in my career.In addition to finding a job, I also plan to continue my education. I am considering pursuing a master's degreein marketing or business administration. I believe that furthering my education will not only increase my knowledge and skills, but also make me more competitive in the job market.Apart from work and education, I also want to travel and see the world. I have always been fascinated by different cultures and traditions, and I believe thattraveling will broaden my horizons and enrich my life experience. I plan to visit Europe, Asia, and Africa, and immerse myself in the local customs and traditions.Furthermore, I plan to save money and invest in my future. I want to start saving for retirement and invest in stocks and real estate. I believe that financial planningis important for a secure and stable future, and I want to start early to ensure a comfortable retirement.Lastly, I plan to give back to the community and make a positive impact on the world. I want to volunteer for charity organizations and contribute to social welfare. I believe that helping others is not only a moral responsibility, but also a source of personal fulfillment and happiness.In conclusion, my plan after graduation is to find a job, continue my education, travel, save money, and give back to the community. I believe that with hard work and determination, I can achieve my goals and make a meaningful contribution to the world. I am excited about the futureand look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.。

毕业后的打算高中英语作文每个人都对未来抱有梦想,在未来有很多事情等待着我们,你毕业后有什么打算吗?下面,是小编为你整理的毕业后的打算高中英语,希望对你有帮助!毕业后的打算高中英语作文篇1What kind of job will you do after you graduate?We will have two choices. Academic work or Commercial work. Well, I want to do an academic work. For example, a university teacher. First of all, the academic work means freedom and independence. I’m free to use my own idea and make my own decisions. I’ll have plenty time to do my own research o r write my books. Furthermore, A university education is one of the basic factors that decide whether you could compete in the job market. I think I am suitable for academic, because I learned a lot of knowledge in the period of my undergraduate and graduate student. Above all, doing an academic work allows me to enjoy watching the latest development of science and technology. But if I work in a Commercial company, I will be kept under close watch of many supervisors. I don’t like such a life. What’s worse, many business activities full of deceit and competition. For many people the commercial work is easy to earn money. The academic work will bring me material comforts, and it’s my spirit pursuit.毕业后的打算高中英语作文篇2We will have two choices. Academic work or Commercial work. Well, I want to do an academic work. For example, a university teacher. First of all, the academic work means freedom and independence. I’m free to use my own idea and make my own decisions. I’ll have plenty time to do my own research orwrite my books. Furthermore, A university education is one of the basic factors that decide whether you could compete in the job market. I think I am suitable for academic, because I learned a lot of knowledge in the period of my undergraduate and graduate student. Above all, doing an academic work allows me to enjoy watching the latest development of science and technology. But if I work in a Commercial company, I will be kept under close watch of many supervisors. I don’t like such a life. What’s worse, many business activities full of deceit and competition. For many people the commercial work is easy to earn money. The academic work will bring me material comforts, and it’s my spirit pursuit.毕业后的打算高中英语作文篇3Everybody dreams about the future.There are many things waiting for us in the future,and sometimes I can't wait to become an adult.I'm excited about my future because I have big hopes and dreams.每个人都对未来抱有梦想。

毕业后的打算英语作文My Plan After Graduation。
As a college student, I have been looking forward to graduation day for a long time. It is a significant milestone in my life, and I have been thinking about my future plans after graduation. After careful consideration, I have decided to pursue a career in marketing.To achieve this goal, I plan to first gain some practical experience by working as an intern in a marketing firm. This will give me the opportunity to learn more about the industry and gain valuable skills that will be useful in my future career. I have already started looking for internships and have applied to several companies that I am interested in.In addition to gaining work experience, I also plan to continue my education by pursuing a master's degree in marketing. I believe that having a higher level ofeducation will help me stand out in the job market and give me a deeper understanding of the field. I have already researched several universities and programs and plan to apply to the ones that best fit my needs and goals.Aside from my career plans, I also have some personal goals that I want to achieve after graduation. One of them is to travel more and explore new places. I have always been fascinated by different cultures and want to experience them firsthand. I plan to save up some money and take a trip to a new destination every year.Another personal goal of mine is to improve my health and fitness. I plan to join a gym and start working out regularly. I also want to eat healthier and cook more meals at home.Overall, I am excited about the opportunities that await me after graduation. I believe that with hard work and determination, I can achieve my goals and have a successful career and a fulfilling personal life. I amready to take on the challenges and make the most of my post-graduation plans.。

你大学毕业后的计划是什么英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Plans After I Graduate From UniversityHi! My name is Andy and I'm 10 years old. I'm in 5th grade and I love school, especially English class. My teacher Mrs. Roberts asked us to write about what we want to do after we graduate from university. I got really excited because I have big dreams for my future!First off, I can't wait to go to university! My older brother Mark is a freshman at Arizona State University right now, studying computer science. He always tells me how much fun it is living in the dorms, making new friends from all over, and getting to pick exactly what classes he wants to take. It sounds like a blast! I definitely want that university experience for myself one day.As for what I'll study, I'm really interested in becoming a doctor. Both of my parents are nurses and they've taught me how amazing and important the medical field is. Getting to help people when they are sick or hurt seems so rewarding. I'mespecially interested in pediatrics and working with kids. Maybe I could become a pediatric surgeon or pediatrician!Of course, the path to becoming a doctor is really hard. First, I'll need to take a ton of science classes like biology, chemistry, and physics. Those seem pretty complicated from what my brother says, but I know if I study really hard I can get good grades. Then after 4 years of university, I'll need to go to even more years of medical school. That part seems super intense, but I'm ready to work as hard as I possibly can to make my dream happen.Once I finally become a doctor, I'll get to do the job I'm most excited about - actually helping sick kids get better! Whether it's setting broken bones, giving life-saving surgeries, or just talking to kids to cheer them up, I'll be making a positive difference every single day. It might sometimes be sad when kids are really ill, but I'll do everything I can to take great care of them.My ultimate dream is to even become a pediatric surgeon working at a big children's hospital like Boston Children's Hospital or Children's Hospital Los Angeles. There, I could get to operate on kids with serious injuries or conditions like cancer or heart disease. It would be amazing to have the skills to save kids' lives through complicated surgeries. Those little kids are justgetting started in life, so helping them be healthy enough to grow up and live full lives would make me so happy.Of course, that's still a very long way away since I'm just a kid myself right now! But thinking about it gets me excited to work hard in school from now until I achieve my goals. I'll need to get straight A's, be a star athlete to stay fit, read tons of books to build my knowledge, and more. It will be a lot of work, but I'm ready for it.In my free time once I'm a doctor, I'd love to go on medical missions to other countries that don't have as many resources. Flying around the world to volunteering my medical skills and treat kids who can't afford healthcare would be an incredible experience. My parents did a mission trip to Costa Rica before I was born and they talk about it as one of the most meaningful things they've ever done. I can't wait to get the chance to do something similar myself!I'm also really interested in teaching other kids who want to become doctors. Being a mentor, leading camps about healthcare careers, or maybe even teaching some university classes would allow me to share my passion with others. Who knows, I could even write books for kids about how the human body works! Spreading knowledge is power.Overall, I have veryyyyyy big dreams for life after university. Years and years of extremely hard work and study are ahead of me to become a doctor. But when I picture myself out there saving kids' lives, teaching the next generation, and helping those in need around the world, I know it will all be worth it. It's gonna be awesome!Being a kid myself still, maybe some of these dreams will change over the years. But no matter what career I end up pursuing, I'll be sure to alwaysaimtomaketheworldabetterpla ce! For now, it's back to 5th grade and one step at a time. Gotta run, my mom is calling me for dinner. Thanks for reading about my huge plans, talk to you later!篇2My Big Plans After University!Hi there! My name is Claude and I'm in 5th grade. My teacher Mrs. Johnson asked us to write about what we want to do after we finish university. University is where you go to school after high school to learn really advanced stuff. I'm not totally sure what I want to do yet since I'm only 10 years old. But I have some ideas!First off, I think it would be super cool to be a scientist and invent awesome new things. Like maybe I could build a machine that lets you teleport from place to place instantly! Or a potion that lets you breathe underwater like a fish. Or super strong robot suits that let you lift cars and stuff. That would be amazing!I see scientists on TV and in movies and they always have these crazy cool inventions. If I was a scientist I would want to create the most incredible inventions ever.Another idea I have is to be a video game designer. I LOVE playing video games - they are seriously my favorite thing ever. I like all kinds of games, from adventure games to racing games to games where you build your own worlds. It would be a dream come true to actually make my own video games that other kids could play. I have so many ideas for awesome games with crazy storylines, amazing graphics, and super fun gameplay. I could create worlds and characters unlike anything anyone has ever seen before! Maybe I could even make games that are educational too so kids could learn while having a blast.Or maybe I'll become a famous author and write books that kids love to read. I like writing stories and came up with this one recently about a group of kids who discover a ring that gives them superpowers, but then they have to fight off evil alienstrying to take over the world. It has action, humor, cool powers, you name it! If I wrote books, I would make sure they were always exciting from beginning to end with lots of unexpected twists and turns. Stories where you can't wait to see what happens next chapter!Of course, I haven't completely ruled out more "normal" jobs too. My dad is a doctor and I think that's a pretty neat job where you get to help people when they're sick or hurt. Or maybe I could be a teacher like Mrs. Johnson and teach kids all about math, science, writing, and more. Or a police officer keeping people safe. Or a chef cooking up delicious food. There are a lot of possibilities!Whatever I end up doing though, I know it will be something super awesome and fun. I don't want to get stuck doing a boring job where I just sit at a desk all day. Yuck, no thanks! I'd go crazy.I need a job where I can use my creativity and imagination. And it would be even better if I got to travel to exciting places instead of being stuck in one location. Maybe I could be a photographer for National Geographic and take pictures of cool animals and ancient ruins all over the world. Or a stunt person in movies doing crazy stunts and action sequences. Or a video game testerplaying new games every day and giving feedback before they get released. So many options!Another major factor is that I want to be rich and famous. Like really, really rich. Richer than a zillionaire! I want a huge mansion with its own waterpark, arcade, bowling alley, and movie theater. And I want garage after garage filled with exotic sports cars, motorcycles, monster trucks - you name it. Oh and my own private jet too so I can travel wherever I want at a moment's notice. And obviously I need to be super famous and have tons of fans so I can be recognized wherever I go. It would be so cool to have people asking for my autograph and crowding to get pictures with me. Maybe I could be a singer or actor and be on TV/movies all the time. Or a star athlete playing pro sports to stadiums packed with screaming fans. Getting paid millions and millions of dollars to do something fun? Yes please!No matter what though, I'm absolutely certain my life is going to be an adventure. Watch out world, because here I come! I'll be filling the pages of history books as the first kid to ever accomplish [insert amazing feat here]. You'll see - by the time I'm an adult, my name will be known everywhere as the person who [achieved incredible thing]. I have big, big, HUGE plans and nothing is going to stop me!Well, that's about it. Those are my main ideas so far for what I want to do after university. I have quite a few years left to decide for sure. But no matter what, you can bet it will be something unbelievably awesome, fun, creative, andlife-changing. A normal 9-5 office job? No thanks, I'm destined for way bigger and better things than that! Just you wait and see.篇3My Plans After I Graduate CollegeHey guys! I'm super duper excited to tell you all about my big plans for after I graduate from college. It's gonna be so awesome and fun!First up, I really really want to get a job being a zookeeper! I love animals more than anything in the whole wide world. My favorite animals are lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!). At the zoo, I could hang out with them all day and night. I would pet them, feed them, clean up after them, and make sure they are healthy and happy. What could be better than getting paid to play with cute furry critters?!If I can't find a zookeeper job right away, then I might have to take a different job first to earn some money. Maybe I could work at a pet store for a little while! That would still let me bearound animals which is the most important thing. I could help people pick out the perfect pets and supplies. I'd get to hold puppies and kittens all day - yippee!Once I have some money saved up, the next step of my plan is to buy a humongous piece of land out in the country. We're talking like 100 acres! Then I'll build myself a giant ranch and fill it with every type of animal imaginable. Cows, pigs, horses, chickens, you name it! My own personal petting zoo right in my backyard. That's the dream!I'll need to hire a bunch of people to help me take care of all those animals too. Maybe I could start my own company and be the boss! I'd have animal caretakers, veterinarians, farmers, and ranchers all working for me. Can't you just picture it? Paul's Pet Paradise Ranch - it'd be the best place on Earth!In between feeding times and cleaning up poop (there'd definitely be a lot of that!), I'd spend my days riding horses along the trails. Or I could go for a nice relaxing float down the creek in a rowboat. Gardening and growing veggies for me and my animal friends to eat would be so much fun too. We could have our own little self-sustained farm ecosystem!When I get a bit older, I'll probably want to start a family. My wife and I will live in the big ranch house, and our kids can runaround playing with the animal babies all day. They'll learn so much about nature and how to care for all sorts of critters. We could even have a little petting zoo area where people from the city could come visit and interact with the friendlier animals. Wouldn't that be the best childhood ever?At night, we'll all cozy up together inside and watch movies about animals. My favorites are The Lion King, Finding Nemo, and Bambi. Or we could read stories and books about taking care of pets and living on a farm. Then it'll be time for warm cookies and cold milk before snuggling up in our comfy beds. I can't wait to hear the cows moo-ing and pigs oink-ing as I drift off to sleep under the stars.When I'm a really old man, I'll get to look back on a life full of joyful memories surrounded by animals. Even if I'm too old and frail to take care of them myself anymore, I'll still go outside everyday to spend time with my furry, feathery, and scaley best friends. We'll sit together in the warm sunshine as I tell them stories about all our adventures throughout the years. What an amazingly happy and loving life that will be!So that's the big plan once I finish up college - zookeeper, pet shop worker, animal ranch owner, father, and then an old grandpa surrounded by every type of critter. Phew, it sure is anawfully big dream! But if I work really really hard and never give up, I just know I can make it happen. A life filled with animals is my calling. It's what I was born to do and who I am deep down in my heart.This is my one and only biggest dream in the whole wide world. I'll never stop striving to make it come true, no matter how many years it takes. Just call me Dr. Doolitttle because animals are simply the best!篇4My Plans After I Graduate From CollegeHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I love school, especially math and science class. I can't wait until I'm older and can go to college! College seems like such an awesome place to learn new things.My big sister Emily just graduated from college last year. She studied something called "business marketing" which sounds kind of boring to me. But she got a really cool job working for a company that makes video games! She gets to come up with ideas for how to advertise their games to kids like me. Pretty neat, right?Anyway, Emily told me all about what college is like. You live in these big buildings called "dorms" and have a roommate to share your little room with. There are cafeterias where you can get food, just like our lunch room at school but with way better food! And instead of having Mrs. Thompson as your one teacher, you have a different professor for each class you take. Wild, huh?Emily says that while college is a lot of fun, it's also a ton of work. You have to study really hard, write tons of papers, and take difficult tests. I'm not too worried though - I'm a great student and love learning new things. I'll just have to make sure I don't goof off too much!So what do I want to do after I finally graduate from college? Well, I've been thinking about it a lot lately. At first I wanted to be a scientist and invent super cool things. Like a machine that could beam me to school so I'd never have to ride the bus again. Or super powerful bionic arms so I could win every single arm wrestling match. How awesome would that be?!But then I started thinking more about what my absolute favorite thing in the whole world is: animals! I seriously cannot get enough of them. Every week I beg my parents to take me to the zoo or pet store just to look at all the different creatures. Mydream is to have my own petting zoo one day with every type of animal you can imagine.That's when it hit me - I should become a zoologist! A zoologist is someone who studies animals for a living. How cool is that?! I'd get to work with aardvarks, zebras, koalas, you name it. I could learn about how they eat, sleep, play, and pretty much everything about them. It combines my two biggest loves: science AND animals. A match made in heaven if you ask me!Now you might be thinking, "Jamie, that's a pretty tough job to get. Won't you need a ton of extra schooling after college?" You bet I will! But that's okay because I'm prepared to work as hard as I possibly can.From what I know, I'll need at least a master's degree if I want to become a zoologist. That means after getting my 4-year degree in college, I'll have to go to graduate school for another 2-3 years minimum. During that time, I'll take super advanced science and math classes all about the animal kingdom. I'll also get to put my skills to the test by working closely with experienced zoologists and getting hands-on experience with real animals.It's going to be incredibly difficult, but I'm up for the challenge. I'll study day and night, take notes like crazy, and askmy professors a million questions. I'm a sponge for knowledge so I know I can handle it! I might have to get tutors, drink gallons of coffee to stay awake, and survive mostly on packages of Ramen noodles. But it will alllllll be worth it to achieve my dream.After getting my master's degree, I'll then need to apply for jobs at zoos, aquariums, wildlife preserves, Universities, you name it. I'll start off as a low-level zoologist assistant, but I'll work my way up over time to having my very own area of expertise and research team. Can't you just picture me observing a tribe of gorillas in the wild, taking notes about their social behaviors? Or teaching students at a university all about the miraculous evolution of the giraffe? That's true paradise for me!Of course, my absolute dream scenario is to have my very own animal sanctuary or petting zoo. I'd get to care for any animal I want while also hiring other zoologists to research and educate people about the importance of conservation. I'd name it Jamie's Creature Kingdom and every kid in the world could come visit! We could have live shows where I introduce the animals one-by-one and fun activities to teach people about protecting endangered species. It would be the greatest place on Earth!Well, those are my big plans for after I graduate from college.I realize it's still a very long way off since I'm only 10 years old. But a girl can dream, right? I'll continue working as hard as I can in school, getting perfect grades and reading everything I can about zoology. With a ton of perseverance and a little bit of luck, I have no doubt I can make my zoologist dreams come true!Thanks for reading my essay. I put a lot of work into it, as you can probably tell! I'll keep chasing my ambitions no matter how tough it gets. After all, if you can dream it, you can achieve it. Wish me luck!篇5My Plans After I Graduate From CollegeHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about my big plans for after I graduate from college. It's gonna be so cool!First of all, I really want to go to a great college where I can study lots of awesome subjects. My favorite subjects are science, math, and gym class. I love learning about how things work and doing experiments. I'm also really good at math - I can do multiplication and long division super fast in my head! As for gym, I'm the fastest runner and best soccer player in my wholegrade. The college I go to has to have a really good science program, a big math department, and a nice gymnasium with lots of sports teams I can join.After I get into my dream college, I'll have to study really hard for four whole years to get my bachelor's degree. That means I'll be taking a ton of classes on all kinds of interesting topics. I'll spend a lot of time in lectures, libraries, and labs. It will be hard work, but I'm prepared! In elementary school, we already have to read tons of books and do big research projects. My teachers are getting me ready for all the reading, writing, and critical thinking I'll need to do in college.When I'm not studying, I'll get to experience the fun of being a college student. I'll live in a dorm with a roommate, go to frat parties, stay up all night cramming sometimes, and get way too much coffee and junk food from the dining halls. I'll make lifelong friends and have so many adventures on campus. It'll be the best!After four awesome years, I'll finally graduate college with my bachelor's degree. That's when the real fun begins! I have three different career paths I'm considering pursuing after college:Becoming a scientist and inventing cool new things. Maybe I'll discover a new species in the rainforest. Or I could become a chemist and create a new type of fuel for rockets that's better for the environment. If I go into biology, I bet I could even help cure diseases like cancer one day. How amazing would that be?Working as an engineer and building awesome structures. I could design skyscrapers that are earthquake-proof. Or maybe I'll get hired to construct incredible bridges spanning huge rivers and canyons. If I go into aerospace engineering, I might even get to build spaceships that go to Mars! Now that would really be out of this world.Becoming a professional athlete and playing sports for a living. With my speed and skills on the soccer field, I could potentially get signed by a major league team after college. I'd get paid millions to travel around and compete in the World Cup and Olympics for my country's national team. How cool would that be? Going pro in basketball would also be a dream career for me too since I'm so tall for my age.No matter which career I end up choosing, I know I'll be incredibly successful because I'll be armed with my college education. All those years of hitting the books will pay off bigtime! I'll get to live out my passion every single day at my dream job.On top of my career, I'm also really looking forward to getting married and starting a family after college. I'll meet the love of my life (hopefully a kind, smart, and sporty girl like me!) and we'll buy a big house in a nice neighborhood. We can get a dog and a few kids too so our house is always filled with pets running around and little ones laughing and playing. For family vacations, we'll go on adventures like exploring cool places in different countries, hiking tall mountains, and skiing down snowy slopes. It'll be the best!Another goal I have after graduating college is to make a ton of money at my dream job. That way, I can spoil my parents and make sure they get to retire early and relax for the rest of their lives. They've worked so hard to give me every opportunity, so I really want to give back to them. With my big college paycheck, I'll buy them a house at the beach somewhere warm like Florida or Hawaii where they can sip drinks by the ocean all day. I'll be able to afford for all of us to take amazing vacations to fun places year-round too!Those are just some of the huge plans I have mapped out for after I finish up at college. It's going to be such an exciting ride -I honestly can't wait to grow up! I'll get to have the coolest job ever, an amazing family, do tons of traveling, and make my parents proud. If I follow my dreams and believe in myself, I'm confident all of these wonderful things will come true for me. Graduating from college is just the beginning!。

大学毕业后计划的作文英文英文:After graduating from college, I have a clear plan for my future. First and foremost, I plan to find a job in my field of study. I have been majoring in computer science, and I am passionate about pursuing a career in software development. I have already started looking for job openings and networking with professionals in the industry.In addition to finding a job, I also plan to further my education by pursuing a master's degree. I believe that obtaining a higher level of education will not only enhance my knowledge and skills but also open up more opportunities for career advancement. I have been researching different graduate programs and have narrowed down my choices to a few universities that offer strong computer science programs.Furthermore, I plan to travel and explore differentparts of the world. I have always been fascinated by different cultures and traditions, and I believe that traveling will broaden my perspective and enrich my life experiences. I have already started saving money and making travel plans for the upcoming year.In terms of personal development, I plan to continue learning new skills and hobbies. I have recently taken up photography as a hobby, and I plan to dedicate more time to improving my skills and capturing beautiful moments. I also want to learn a new language, perhaps Spanish or French, as I believe that being multilingual will open up more opportunities for me in the future.Overall, I have a clear vision for my post-graduation plans, and I am excited about the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead.中文:大学毕业后,我有一个明确的未来规划。

毕业后打算英语作文After Graduation Plans。
After graduation, I have many plans for my future. Firstly, I plan to find a job in a company where I canutilize my skills and knowledge. I have been studying diligently for the past few years and I believe that I am well-prepared to enter the workforce. I am confident that I will be able to contribute to the success of the companythat I will work for.Secondly, I plan to continue my education. I am considering pursuing a master's degree in my field of study.I believe that furthering my education will open up more opportunities for me in the future. I am excited about the prospect of learning more and gaining new experiences.In addition to finding a job and continuing my education, I also plan to travel. I have always been fascinated by different cultures and I want to explore theworld. I believe that traveling will broaden my horizons and give me a better understanding of the world we live in.I am looking forward to experiencing new things and meeting new people.Furthermore, I plan to save money for the future. I want to be financially stable and secure. I will start by creating a budget and sticking to it. I believe that being responsible with my finances will set me up for success in the long run.Lastly, I plan to give back to my community. I want to volunteer my time and skills to help those in need. I believe that it is important to give back and make a positive impact on the world. I am passionate about making a difference and I am eager to get involved in volunteer work.In conclusion, I have many plans for my future after graduation. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and I am determined to work hard to achieve my goals.I am confident that with hard work and dedication, I willbe able to accomplish everything that I have set out to do.I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life and I am ready to embrace all of the challenges and opportunities that come my way.。

写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是店铺为大家收集的'毕业后规划英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家!毕业后规划英语作文篇1The new term will begin again. I worked out a new semester plan with my mom and dad. Lets see how I plan it.On the Chinese side, I decided to read an hour after class every day and read an extracurricular book one week to increase my extracurricular knowledge and expand my knowledge. I also decided to read a composition class to improve my composition to an ideal level. In the course of Chinese, I have to take an active part in speaking and publh my own understanding and ideas.In math, I think Im strong in th area, but I still have to work hard. Th semester, I will continue to learn the number of the Olympiad class, improve the number of mathematical abilities. I decided to stick to the 5 Olympiad exerces every day and win the two prize for th years competition. We should lten carefully to the math class, do not speak small words, and also take an active part in speaking.Computer my favorite aspect. I have the greatest interest in it. So I raed with my dad earlier th semester that I would like to take part in computer class learning and learn webpage making. And try to control the time of playing computer games as far as possible, and do not affect the learning.Englh my weakness, and Im most tired of it. My mother gave me an Englh class in Cambridge. I should also read more, remember Englh words more, and strive for some progress in Englh.On the sports side, Im going to train the devil and go outdoor every day after dinner, play badminton, play football, and so on. At home in the evening, we should exerce more, do dumb bells, and sit up and so on. I have to get up early in the morning, the best run and do exerces. Its best to report a track and field team.The plan done. But Dad asked me skeptical to the right, "can you do th?" I affirmative answer, "yes! Do it! I must finh the plan!" 毕业后规划英语作文篇2Time flies fast, the life of the middle school over. Feeling, really found a lot of wasting my time, perhaps the very high pressure, excessive began to indulge their lazy timid, in any case also of no use to regret it, but to grasp now, cherh now, at the same time, the next three years to make a plan to plan for their own future.The first thing to do to make clear your goal. My goal to be a university in three years. So my task to study hard in the past three years, find out the university subjects I have reported, and study hard in the time that I can control myself.First, good living and learning habits are the preme of learning1. inst on getting up at seven points per day.2. when you get up every day, you can have some time to memorize Englh words.3. have the habit of exercing, and play a ball to ensure the number of times a week.Two. To study in school and to find ones opponentOnly competition between students can advance together and develop together. Only competition, can stimulate the potential of their own, so that their ability to get a broaderdevelopment. We need enemies to make myself feel a sense of cr, let oneself no longer thought he admitted to the University and forget their duty immensely proud, still a student.Three, use cold summer and weekend weekend to workFor our students, our vion too narrow, as I dont know the outside world wide, but also very pleased with oneself. Students work to make us a supplement to our life, after all, after we have learned it, we are going to go into the society and make our own theoretical knowledge.To apply to society, work does not mean to go to work ahead of time, but to broaden our horizons. Learn from the experience of those who have already come to work.Facing the huge hole of the college entrance examination, we must work hard to get across. Now we have three years to achieve our goals silently and in a planned way. It no use to say anything now, so let us use practical action to prove our determination.毕业后规划英语作文篇3I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to th decion.Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true.And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence.翻译我决定在大学毕业后做一个中学老师。

After graduating from university,many young individuals face the pivotal decision of what to do next in their lives.Here are some common plans and considerations that graduates might have:1.Further Education:Some graduates may choose to pursue higher education,such as a masters degree or a doctorate,to specialize in their field of interest or to enhance their career prospects.2.Entering the Job Market:Many graduates will seek employment in their chosen field. This could involve applying for jobs,attending job fairs,networking,and preparing for interviews.3.Internships and Apprenticeships:To gain practical experience,some might opt for internships or apprenticeships,which can provide valuable insights into a particular industry and help build a professional network.4.Starting a Business:Entrepreneurialminded graduates may decide to start their own business,leveraging their skills and knowledge to create a product or service that meets a market need.5.Volunteering or Community Service:Some may choose to give back to their communities by volunteering or engaging in community service projects,which can be fulfilling and also enhance their resumes.6.Travel and Cultural Experiences:Taking a gap year to travel and immerse oneself in different cultures can be an enriching experience that broadens perspectives and provides life skills.7.Skill Development:Graduates might decide to learn new skills or improve existing ones through workshops,online courses,or certification programs to stay competitive in the job market.8.Public Service:Some may be drawn to public service careers,such as teaching,social work,or government positions,to make a difference in society.9.Research Positions:For those with a strong interest in academia or a specific field, working in research can be a fulfilling career path,contributing to the advancement of knowledge.10.Career Counseling:If unsure about their next steps,graduates might seek the adviceof career counselors or mentors to help identify their strengths,interests,and potential career paths.11.Financial Planning:Its also important for graduates to consider their financial situation,whether that involves paying off student loans,saving for future expenses,or managing their income wisely.12.Personal Development:Lastly,graduates should not overlook the importance of personal development,such as maintaining physical health,nurturing relationships,and pursuing hobbies and interests that contribute to a balanced life.Each graduates path will be unique,influenced by their aspirations,skills,and circumstances.Its essential to make informed decisions and to be adaptable to the everchanging job market and personal life goals.。

英语作文毕业后的打算英文回答:Planning for life after graduating from university can be both exciting and overwhelming. Here are some of my thoughts and plans for the future:Career aspirations:After graduation, I intend to pursue a career in the field of technology. My interest in coding and software development has grown steadily over the past few years, and I believe that this is where I can make a meaningful contribution to society. I am eager to join a dynamic and innovative company where I can apply my skills and knowledge to solve complex problems and create impactful solutions.Continuing education:While I am confident in the foundation I have built during my undergraduate studies, I recognize the importance of continuous learning and professional development. I plan to enroll in a specialized master's program to enhance my knowledge and skills in computer science and software engineering. This will enable me to stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field and increase my value to potential employers.Entrepreneurship:In addition to my career aspirations, I am also exploring the possibility of starting my own business. I am passionate about developing innovative tech products that can address real-world problems. I believe that entrepreneurship provides a unique opportunity to combine my technical skills with my creativity and drive to make a difference.Personal growth:Beyond my professional goals, I am committed topersonal growth and well-being. I plan to dedicate time to activities that nourish my mind, body, and spirit. This includes pursuing hobbies, volunteering in my community, and cultivating meaningful relationships with loved ones.Impact on society:Throughout my life, I have been inspired by the transformative power of technology. I believe that by using my skills and knowledge responsibly, I can make a positive impact on the world. I am particularly interested in leveraging technology to address issues related to sustainability, healthcare, and education.中文回答:毕业后的打算:大学毕业后的生活既令人兴奋,又令人感到不知所措。

After graduating from university,I have several plans that I am excited to pursue. Heres a detailed outline of my postgraduation plans:1.Further Education:I am considering pursuing a masters degree in a field that complements my undergraduate studies.This will not only enhance my knowledge but also open up more career opportunities.2.Professional Development:I plan to attend workshops and seminars to improve my professional skills.This includes learning about the latest industry trends and acquiring certifications that are relevant to my field.3.Internship or EntryLevel Job:To gain practical experience,I aim to secure an internship or an entrylevel position in a reputable company.This will help me apply the theoretical knowledge Ive gained during my studies.working:I understand the importance of building a professional network.I will attend industry conferences and join professional associations to meet likeminded individuals and potential mentors.5.Travel and Cultural Exchange:I have always been interested in different cultures and languages.I plan to spend some time traveling and possibly volunteering abroad to broaden my horizons and gain a global perspective.6.Personal Projects:I have a few personal projects that Ive been wanting to work on, such as writing a blog or starting a small business.This will allow me to explore my creative side and potentially turn a hobby into a career.7.Financial Planning:I will also focus on setting up a budget and saving money for future investments,such as further education or starting a family.8.Health and Fitness:Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial.I plan to join a gym, adopt a balanced diet,and incorporate regular exercise into my routine.9.Giving Back:I believe in contributing to society.I aim to get involved in community service projects or support charitable causes that align with my values.10.Continual Learning:Lastly,I am committed to lifelong learning.I will stay updated with the latest developments in my field and be open to learning new skills that can benefit my career and personal growth.In conclusion,my postgraduation plans are a mix of professional growth,personal development,and social contributions.I am eager to embark on this new chapter of my life with a clear vision and a determination to make the most of every opportunity.。

毕业后打算英语范文英文回答:After graduating from college, I plan to pursue a career that will allow me to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the world. I am particularly interested in fields such as education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. I believe that these fields offer opportunities to address some of the most pressing challenges facing our society today.In education, I am passionate about ensuring that all students have access to a high-quality education that empowers them to reach their full potential. I am particularly interested in working with underserved communities and students who face barriers to success. I believe that every student deserves the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.In healthcare, I am interested in working to improveaccess to affordable and quality healthcare for all. I am particularly interested in working on issues such as health disparities and chronic disease management. I believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy life, regardless oftheir income or insurance status.In environmental sustainability, I am interested in working to protect our planet and ensure a sustainablefuture for generations to come. I am particularlyinterested in issues such as climate change, water scarcity, and renewable energy. I believe that we have aresponsibility to protect our planet and ensure that future generations can enjoy the same beauty and bounty that we have today.I am confident that my skills and knowledge will allow me to make a meaningful contribution to any of these fields.I am a hard worker, I am passionate about making a difference, and I am eager to learn and grow. I amconfident that I can use my education and experience to make the world a better place.中文回答:毕业后,我打算从事一份能够发挥我的技能和知识、对世界产生积极影响的职业。

关于毕业后我想做的三件事情英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1After graduation, I have several ambitions which I am eager to pursue in order to fulfill my personal and professional goals. Here are three things I would like to do after graduation:1. Traveling around the worldOne of my biggest dreams is to travel around the world. I want to explore different cultures, meet new people, and experience new things. I believe that traveling can broaden my horizons and give me a better understanding of the world. I want to visit iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Great Wall of China, and the Taj Mahal in India. Additionally, I want to immerse myself in local cultures, try new foods, and learn new languages. Traveling will not only be a fun and enriching experience, but it will also help me grow as a person.2. Starting my own businessAnother one of my goals after graduation is to start my own business. I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship and I want to turn my ideas into reality. I believe that starting abusiness will allow me to be creative, take risks, and make a positive impact on society. I want to create a business that solves a problem or fulfills a need in the market. I also want to build a strong team, develop innovative products or services, and build a successful brand. Starting my own business will be a challenging journey, but I am confident that it will be a rewarding one.3. Continuing my educationAfter graduation, I also want to continue my education by pursuing a master's degree or a specialized certification. I believe that lifelong learning is essential for personal and professional growth. I want to deepen my knowledge in a specific field, develop new skills, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments. Continuing my education will open up new opportunities, expand my network, and enhance my career prospects. I also want to challenge myself academically and intellectually. Whether it is through a traditional degree program or online courses, I am committed to lifelong learning.In conclusion, after graduation, I have several ambitions which include traveling around the world, starting my own business, and continuing my education. These three things are important to me because they will help me grow as a person, achieve my goals, and make a positive impact on society. I amexcited about the future and I am determined to turn my dreams into reality.篇2After graduation, there are three things I would like to do to make the most of this new chapter in my life.Firstly, I want to travel and explore different cultures. I have always been fascinated by different countries and their traditions, and I believe that traveling is the best way to broaden my horizons and gain a deeper appreciation for the world. I plan to visit countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa to immerse myself in their history, art, and cuisine. By experiencing different cultures firsthand, I hope to become more open-minded and understanding of the diversity that exists in the world.Secondly, I want to pursue further education in a field that interests me. I have always been passionate about environmental conservation, and I believe that obtaining a master's degree in environmental science will equip me with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the planet. By continuing my education, I hope to contribute to the preservation of our natural resources and find sustainable solutions to environmental challenges.Lastly, I want to give back to my community through volunteering and charitable work. I believe that it is important to use my skills and resources to help those in need and make a difference in the lives of others. I plan to volunteer at local organizations that support marginalized groups and participate in fundraising events for important causes. By giving back to my community, I hope to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.In conclusion, after graduation, my three priorities are to travel and explore different cultures, pursue further education in environmental science, and give back to my community through volunteering and charitable work. I believe that by following these goals, I will be able to grow as a person, make a positive impact on the world, and live a fulfilling life.篇3After graduation, I have some clear ideas about what I want to do next. There are three things that I really want to accomplish in the near future.Firstly, I want to travel around the world. I have always been fascinated by different cultures and traditions, and I believe that traveling is the best way to broaden my horizons and learn moreabout the world. I want to visit countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America, and experience their unique customs and way of life. I want to immerse myself in different languages, taste exotic foods, and meet new people. I believe that traveling will not only be a fun and enriching experience, but also help me to become a more open-minded and tolerant person.Secondly, I want to start my own business. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship, and I have a few ideas for potential business ventures that I believe have great potential. I want to take the plunge and start my own business, and see where it will take me. I know that starting a business will be a challenging and risky endeavor, but I am willing to work hard and take calculated risks in order to achieve my goals. I want to create something that is truly my own, and make a positive impact on the world.Lastly, I want to continue my education and pursue a higher degree. I believe that education is a lifelong journey, and I want to continue learning and growing throughout my life. I want to pursue a master's degree in a field that I am passionate about, and deepen my knowledge and understanding of the subject. I know that furthering my education will require a lot of hard workand dedication, but I am willing to make the commitment in order to achieve my academic goals.In conclusion, I have three main goals that I want to accomplish after graduation: traveling around the world, starting my own business, and pursuing a higher degree. I believe that by achieving these goals, I will be able to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, and make a positive impact on the world. I am excited about the opportunities that the future holds, and I am determined to work hard and make my dreams a reality.。

英语作文毕业后的打算英文回答:After I graduate, I plan to take some time off totravel and explore different cultures. I have always been passionate about experiencing new things and meeting new people, so I want to take this opportunity to broaden my horizons. I have been saving up money for this trip and I am really looking forward to it.During my travels, I hope to volunteer and give back to the communities I visit. I believe that it is important to contribute to society and make a positive impact wherever I go. For example, I may volunteer at a local school or help with environmental conservation projects. I think it's a great way to learn about different issues and make a difference at the same time.After my travels, I plan to further my education by pursuing a master's degree in my field of interest. I havealready started researching different programs and universities, and I am excited about the prospect of continuing my academic journey. I believe that education is the key to personal and professional growth, and I am eager to challenge myself in a new academic environment.Overall, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead after graduation. I am ready to embrace new experiences, learn from different cultures, and continue my academic and personal development.中文回答:毕业后,我计划花一些时间去旅行,探索不同的文化。

毕业之后的打算英语作文范文英文回答:After graduation, I have a clear plan in mind about my future endeavors. Firstly, I aim to gain some practical work experience in my field of study. This will not only enhance my skills but also provide me with valuableinsights into the industry. For instance, if I major in computer science, I might apply for internships at tech companies or startups where I can work on real-world projects.Secondly, I plan to continue my education to pursue higher qualifications or certifications. This could be either through enrolling in postgraduate studies or taking specialized courses relevant to my career goals. For example, if I aspire to become a data scientist, I might consider earning certifications in machine learning or data analytics to bolster my expertise.Moreover, I intend to explore different opportunities for personal and professional growth. This may involve attending workshops, networking events, or even traveling to gain new perspectives and broaden my horizons. For instance, participating in hackathons or joining industry conferences can help me stay updated with the latest trends and connect with like-minded individuals.In addition, I aspire to contribute to society in meaningful ways. Whether it's through volunteering, mentoring, or initiating projects that make a positive impact, I believe in giving back to the community that has supported me throughout my academic journey. For instance, I might volunteer at local nonprofits or collaborate with peers on initiatives aimed at addressing social or environmental issues.Overall, my post-graduation plans involve a combination of gaining experience, furthering my education, exploring opportunities, and making a difference in the world around me.中文回答:毕业之后,我对未来的打算已经有了明确的规划。

英语作文本科毕业后的打算及原因My Big Plans After I Grow Up and GraduateHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Even though I'm just a kid, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do when I grow up and graduate from university. All the older kids and grown-ups are always asking me that question. At first, I didn't really know what to say. But now I have it all figured out!When I grow up, I'm going to be a zookeeper. I just love animals so much! We have a dog named Rufus and he's my best friend. I take really good care of him - I make sure he gets fed, goes for walks, and has lots of time to play every day. Whenever we go to the zoo, I'm fascinated watching all the different animals. I can spend hours looking at the monkeys swinging around, the elephants spraying water with their trunks, and the tigers prowling around. It's just so amazing how each animal is so different and unique.Being a zookeeper means I'll get to work hands-on with all those incredible animals every single day! I'll get to prepare their meals, clean their habitats, and even play with them sometimes. I'll learn so much about how to properly care for every kind of animal. I'll be like a real-life animal expert! Maybe I'll even get tohelp take care of baby animals that are born at the zoo. That would be the most fun of all.But first, I have to go to university and get my degree. I'm going to study something called zoology. From what I understand, zoology is all about learning everything there is to know about animals - how they behave, what they eat, where they live, and so on. I'll take lots of classes on biology, ecology, animal behavior, and conservation. I'll learn why certain animals are endangered and what we can do to protect them. I might even get to go on trips to study animals in their natural habitats, like forests, oceans, or savannahs. How cool would that be?University sounds hard though. I'll have to read a ton of big textbooks, write lots of papers, and take difficult tests and exams. My parents say I'll probably have to move away to a city with a good university that offers a zoology program. I'll miss them a lot, but they say I'll get to make new friends and have a roommate to live with in the dorms. The hardest part will be not getting to see Rufus every day. I'm going to miss that furry guy like crazy! But I'll make sure to come home for holidays and summers so I can play with him.After four years of hard work, I'll finally graduate with my zoology degree. Then I'll be ready for my dream job as azookeeper! I'd love to work at a huge zoo in a city like San Diego or New York. Imagine getting to hang out with panda bears, zebras, and artic foxes every day. I'll buy a little house near the zoo so I can bike to work. And I'll finally be able to get a new pet - maybe a parrot or a ferret to keep me company at home. Of course, I'll still come visit my parents and Rufus back home as often as I can.There's so much I want to learn about animals and so many adventures I want to have. Like maybe I'll get to go on safari in Africa someday! Or help out at an aquarium to swim with dolphins. Or even assist researchers studying animals in the Amazon rainforest. Wouldn't that be incredible? As long as I work hard in school, listen to my teachers, and never give up on my dreams, I know I can make it all happen when I grow up.Some kids want to be firefighters, police officers, or astronauts when they get older. And those are all awesome jobs too. But ever since I was a little kid, it's always been about the animals for me. They make me smile with their funny antics, I'm constantly amazed by how diverse they are, and I love learning about their hidden lives. So that's why I'm going to spend my life caring for them and keeping them safe at the zoo. Just call me a zookeeper-in-training for now!I realize being a zookeeper won't make me rich and famous. But you know what? I don't care about that stuff. I just want a career where I can follow my passion and do something meaningful that I truly love. As long as I get to be around those amazing animals every day, helping give them the best life possible, I'll be the wealthiest, most successful person in the whole world. At least that's how I see it for now. Who knows, maybe my dreams will change one day as I get older. But for an 8-year-old kid, I'd say becoming a zookeeper is a pretty awesome plan!。

毕业后的打算英语作文英文回答:After graduation, I have a few different plans in mind. One option is to continue my education and pursue amaster's degree in my field of study. This would allow me to further specialize in a particular area and increase my job prospects in the future. Another option is to start looking for a job in my field and gain some practical work experience. This would give me the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired during my studies in a real-world setting.If I choose to pursue further education, I am considering applying to several different universities both domestically and internationally. For example, I have been looking at programs in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Each of these countries offers unique opportunities for academic and personal growth, and I am excited about the possibility of studying abroad.On the other hand, if I decide to enter the workforce, I have been researching potential employers and job openings in my field. For instance, I have been networking with professionals in the industry and attending career fairs to learn more about different companies and their job requirements. I am particularly interested in companiesthat offer opportunities for professional development and growth, as I am eager to continue learning and advancing in my career.Overall, I am still weighing my options and considering the pros and cons of each path. I know that further education would require a significant investment of time and money, but it could also lead to greater career opportunities in the long run. On the other hand, entering the workforce would allow me to start gaining practical experience and earning a salary sooner. Ultimately, I want to make a decision that will set me on a path toward a fulfilling and successful career.中文回答:毕业后,我有几个不同的计划。

英语作文毕业后的打算英文回答:After graduation, I have a clear plan for my future. First of all, I plan to take a short break to travel and relax. I believe that taking some time off will help me recharge and gain a fresh perspective before I dive into the next chapter of my life.During this break, I plan to visit several countries in Europe, such as Italy, France, and Spain. I have always been fascinated by the rich history, culture, and architecture of these countries, and I can't wait to explore them in person. I also hope to immerse myself in the local cuisine and maybe even pick up a few cooking tips along the way.After my travel adventures, I plan to start looking for a job in my field of study. I have always been passionate about environmental conservation, so I hope to find a jobthat allows me to make a positive impact on the planet. Whether it's working for a non-profit organization, a government agency, or a private company, I am determined to find a career that aligns with my values and interests.In addition to working, I also plan to continue my education. I have always been a firm believer in lifelong learning, and I want to keep expanding my knowledge and skills. Whether it's taking online courses, attending workshops, or pursuing a higher degree, I am committed to investing in my personal and professional growth.Overall, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and I am determined to make the most of them. I know that the road ahead may not always be smooth, but I am ready to face the challenges head-on and continue learning and growing along the way.中文回答:毕业后,我对未来有着明确的计划。
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Graduation day is coming,everyone is looking forward to his dream。
After graduation ,maybe you want to be an excellent scientist ,businessman and even a soldier,but for me I just want to be a teacher。
Firstly,young as I was ,I have been dreaming to be a teacher which is the pursuit of my life。
Secondly,I like the feeling with students who can let me feel the youthful passion。
What is the most important is that education is the fundamental of one county ,education is to one county what food is to the body。
What’s more,I want to do my bit for our country’s education。
What is known to us is that teacher’s work is very hard,but I will do my best to be a qualified teachers and make my all effort to carry out my dream。