



2009模拟江西专升本九江学院数学2010年专升本高等数学模拟题一. 选择题:*1. 当«Skip Record If...»时,«Skip Record If...»与«Skip Record If...»比较是()A. «Skip Record If...»是较«Skip Record If...»高阶的无穷小量B. «Skip Record If...»是较«Skip Record If...»低阶的无穷小量C. «Skip Record If...»与«Skip Record If...»是同阶无穷小量,但不是等价无穷小量D. «Skip Record If...»与«Skip Record If...»是等价无穷小量*2. 设函数«Skip Record If...»,则«Skip Record If...»等于()A. «Skip Record If...»B. «Skip Record If...»C. «Skip Record If...»D. «Skip Record If...»3. 设«Skip Record If...»,则向量«Skip Record If...»在向量«Skip Record If...»上的投影为()A. «Skip Record If...»B. 1C. «Skip Record If...»D. «Skip Record If...»*4. 设«Skip Record If...»是二阶线性常系数微分方程«Skip Record If...»的两个特解,则«Skip Record If...»()A. 是所给方程的解,但不是通解B. 是所给方程的解,但不一定是通解C. 是所给方程的通解D. 不是所给方程的通解*5. 设幂级数«Skip Record If...»在«Skip Record If...»处收敛,则该级数在«Skip Record If...»处必定()A. 发散B. 条件收敛C. 绝对收敛D. 敛散性不能确定二. 填空题:6. 设«Skip Record If...»,则«Skip Record If...»_________。



2009年普通高等学校专升本考试试题文科综合第一部分 政治理论一、单项选择题(下列每题的选项中,有一项是最符合题意的。


每小题1分,共15分)1.物质的根本属性是 ( )A.速度 B.时间 C.空间 D. 运动2.“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”指的是 ( )A. 时间的间断性 B.时间的不可逆性C.时间的伸张性 D.时间的重复性3.“凡事预则立,不预则废”体现的是 ( )A. 原因和结果的辩证关系 B.必然性和偶然性的辩证关系C.可能性和现实性的辩证关系 D.本质和现象的辩证关系4.在人类社会发展过程中,起决定作用的因素是 ( )A. 地理位置 B.地理环境C.生产方式 D.人口因素5.科学发展观的第一要义是 ( )A.发展 B.以人为本C.全面协调可持续 D.统筹兼顾6.坚持实事求是的思想路线,就是大力弘扬与时俱进精神,不断推进( ),不断开拓马克思主义发展的新境界。

A.理论创新 B.制度创新C.科技创新 D.文化创新7.党提出的“一个中心、两个基本点”的社会主义初级阶段基本路线中,一个基本点是坚持改革开放,另一个基本点是A.坚持共产党的领导 B.坚持四项基本原则C.坚持自力更生 D.坚持艰苦创业8.“三个有利于”标准不包括以下哪些内容 ( )A. 是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力B.是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力C.是否有利于提高人民生活水平D.是否有利于构建社会主义和谐社会9.党的十七大明确提出要促进国民经济 ( )A. 良好发展 B.快速发展C.又好又快发展 D.健康发展10.在我国的政党制度中,民主党派是 ( )A.在野党 B.执政党C.参政党 D.反对党11.对于发展中国家来说,( )是最重要最根本的人权。

A.政治权和经济权 B.生存权和发展权C.知情权和监督权 D.社会权和文化权12.我国《婚姻法》规定的结婚年龄,男女分别不得早于 ( )A. 20周岁和22周岁 B.22周岁和20周岁C.20周岁和20周岁 D.22周岁和18周岁13.法律区别于道德规范、宗教规范等其他社会规范的首要之处在于 ( )A.法律是由国家创制并保证实施的社会规范B.法律是统治阶级意志的体现C.法律是由社会物质生活条件决定D.法律具有维护和巩固社会经济、政治制度的作用14.下列选项中,属于民事法律行为的是 ( )A.某教师到某商场购买了一台电脑B.某校系主任与校长订立了一份学生安全责任书C.某公安机关对某甲作出行政拘留7日的处罚决定D.某甲殴打某乙致乙重伤15.人民法院发现已经发生法律效力的判决或裁定确有错误,对案件依法重新审理并作出 裁判的程序,属于 ( )A.第一审程序 B.第二审程序C.审判监督程序 D.执行程序二、不定项选择题(下列每题的选项中,至少有一项是符合题意的。



【2023年】江西省九江市【统招专升本】计算机测试卷(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.在Excel97中引用公式时,如果公式中相关单元格内容发生变化,则公式的运算结果()A.会显示出错信息B.不会发生变化C.会发生改变D.与操作数无关2.某单位自行开发的工资管理系统,按计算机应用的类型划分,它属于()A.科学计算B.辅助设计C.数据处理D.实时控制3.下列关于快捷方式的描述,错误的选项是________()A.一个对象可以有多个快捷方式B.可以为快捷方式创建快捷方式C.删除快捷方式不会影响其链接的文件或程序D.一个快捷方式可以指向多个目标对象4.计算机中,通常用英文字母bit表示()A.字B.字节C.二进制位D.字长5.Word的字体对话框中,可以设置()A.字符间距B.首字下沉C.行间距D.段间距6.对于Windows 7操作系统,下列叙述中正确的是()A.Windows 7的操作只能用鼠标B.Windows 7为每一个任务自动建立一个显示窗口,其位置和大小不能改变C.Windows 7打开的多个窗口,既可平铺也可层叠D.Windows 7不支持打印机共享7.Word 2010中,在下列()视图方式下不能编辑文档A.草稿视图B.大纲视图C.页面视图D.阅读版式视图8.在Word 2010中,要同时在屏幕上显示一个文档的不同部分,可以使用()功能A.重排窗口B.全屏显示C.拆分窗口D.页面设置9.电子邮件是()A.网络信息检索服务B.通过Web页发布的公告信息C.通过网络实时交互的信息传递方式D.一种利用网络交换信息的非交互方式10.TCP/IP网络模型的中间两层从下往上分别是()和()A.网络层/网际层B.网际层/传输层C.传输层/应用层D.网络层/应用层二、多选题(10题)11.计算机网络按其覆盖的范围分类,可分为局域网和()A.城域网B.以太网C.广域网D.校园网12.计算机病毒的特点有()A.隐蔽性、实时性B.分时性、破坏性C.潜伏性、衍生性D.传染性、破坏性13.中文Windows中常见的窗口类型有()A.文档窗口B.应用程序窗口C.对话框窗口D.命令窗口14.以下()方法可以创建一个PowerPoint 2010的演示文稿A.启动PowerPoint 2010后,自动创建一个空白的演示文稿B.在开始选项卡中单击新建可以用系统提供的模板快速创建演示文稿C.可以在桌面的空白处单击鼠标右键,利用新建菜单中的Microsoft PowerPoint 2010来创建D.使用快捷组合键Ctrl+M,可以创建一个空白的演示文稿15.下列属于计算机安全维护的有()A.设置用户权限B.更新系统补丁C.制造和传播计算机病毒D.清理垃圾文件16.下列属于计算机犯罪现象的情况有()A.破坏他人计算机系统程序或数据B.由于操作错误造成信息资源的丢失C.盗窃他人计算机D.有意散布计算机病毒17.多媒体信息不包括()A.文本B.图形C.光盘D.声卡18.下列IP地址中,属于B类的有()A.高级程序设计语言有两种翻译方式,分别是()和()A.汇编B.解释C.编译D.编辑20.从物理连接上讲,计算机网络由()和网络节点组成A.路由器B.通信链路C.网卡D.计算机系统三、简答题(10题)21.简述Excel的退出方法22.一幅分辨率为1024×1024、颜色深度为1的黑白图像,不压缩存储时需要占用多少字节的内存空间?23.简述多媒体技术的应用24.建立一个如图1所示的Word文档,应采用哪些操作?(文字输入除外)25.简述解释程序与编译程序的作用与区别26.请问用于网络通信的传输介质有哪些?要求至少列举出四种27.简述资源子网和通信子网的组成和功能28.简述计算机的基本组成部分29.局域网的主要特点有哪些?30.某商店库存电器统计表如下简述用公式计算库存电器总价值栏的操作步骤.库存电器统计表电器名称单价库存数量库存电器总价值电视机2800 12冰箱2500 19洗衣机1200 31空调2450 26微波炉450 46电磁炉175 52四、综合题(3题)31.南桥芯片和北桥芯片各有什么样的作用?32.简述文件命名协议33.星型拓扑结构的优点和缺点是什么?五、单选题(0题)34.十进制数(-123)的原码表示为()A.11111011B.10000100C.10000100D.01111011六、单选题(0题)35.将Word 2010中多段文字复制粘贴到Excel 2010中,它们在()A.一个单元格B.同一行的多个单元格C.同一列的多个单元格D.不可粘贴参考答案1.C2.C工资管理系统主要用于管理员工的工资,处理的是数据,属于数据处理的范畴。



九江学院2015年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷之青柳念文创作一、填空题:(每题3分,共18分)0)(≠x f ,且一阶导数小于0,则)(1x f 是单调__________. 2.设)(1xe f y = ,则='y __________. 3.设⎰=21ln )(x x dt t f ,则=)(x f __________.4.=++++++∞→120151220142015lim 2015220142015x x x x x x __________. 5.设xy z =,t e x =,t e y 21-=,则=dtdz __________.6. 交换二重积分的积分次序,=⎰⎰eexdy y x f dx ),(10__________.二、选择题(每题3分,共24分) 1.设⎩⎨⎧>≤=10,010,10)(x x x f ,则=))((x f f ( )A )(x fB 0C 10D 不存在2.=-+∞→xx xx x sin sin lim( ) A 0 B 1 C 1- D 不存在 3.设⎩⎨⎧<+≥-=0,10,1)(x x x x x f 在点0=x 处,下列错误的是( )A 左极限存在B 持续C 可导D 极限存在 4.x y =在横坐标为4处的切线方程是( )A44=+-y x B 044=--y x C44=++y x D044=+--y x5.下列积分,值为0的是( ) A ⎰-+112)arccos 1(dx x xB ⎰-11sin xdx xC ⎰-+112arcsin )1(xdx xD ⎰-+112)sin (dx x x 6.下列广义积分收敛的是( ) A ⎰+∞1ln xdx B ⎰+∞11dx xC ⎰+∞11dx x D ⎰+∞121dx x02=-dy xydx 的通解为( )A 2x Ce y = B 2x Ce y -= C x Ce y = D x Ce y -=∑∞=++01212n n n x 的收敛域为( ) A )1,1[- B ]1,1(- C )1,1(- D ]1,1[- 三、断定题:(每题2分,共10分) 1.无穷小的代数和仍为无穷小.( ) 2.方程03=-x e x 在]1,0[内没有实根.( )3. 函数的极值点,一定在导数为0的点和导数不存在的点中取得.( ) 4.如果),(y x f z =在点),(00y x 处可微,则在),(00y x 处的偏导数存在.( ) 5.级数∑∞=-+-11)1(1)1(n n n n 发散.( )四、计算下列各题(共48分) 1. 3)cos 1(lim xdt t x x ⎰-→(5分) 2. ⎰++dx x2111(5分)3. )1ln(2x y -=求y ''(5分)4.1cos cos cos 222=++z y x ,求dz (5分)5.计算二重积分dxdy xx D⎰⎰sin ,D 是由抛物线2x y =和直线xy =所围成的闭区域.(7分)x y y +'='',初始条件为1,000='===x x y y的特解.(7分))1ln(-=x y 展开成关于2-x 的幂级数,并指出收敛域.(7分)8. 求概况积为2a 而体积为最大的长方体的体积.(7分)九江学院2013年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、选择题:(每题3分,共21分)1.函数x x y -+=1)arcsin(ln 的定义域是( )A []e e ,1-B []e ,1C [][]e e ,11,1 -D []1,1-e2.如果()x f 在0x x =处可导,则limx x →()()=--0022x x x f x f ( )A ()0'x fB 2()0'x fC 0D 2()0'x f ()0x f3.极限lim ∞→x =+-x x )21(( )A eB 2eC 2-eD 14.函数dx x x F ⎰+=)12()(的导数=)('x F ( )A )12(+x fB )(x fC )12(2+x fD 1)12(++x f 5.下列广义积分中,收敛的是( ) A ⎰+∞1xdx fB ⎰+∞∞-+21x dx fC ⎰-112x dx fD⎰-baa x dxf2)(6.微分方程0'"=-y y 的通解为( )A x e c x c y 21+=B x e c c y 21+=C x c x c y 21+=D 221x c x c y +=7.幂级数∑∞=03n nnx 的收敛半径等于( )A 31 B 1 C 3 D ∞+二、填空题(每题3分,共21分) 1.=-+-→2231limx x xx x .()x f =⎩⎨⎧+∞<<+≤<x ax x x 3,330,2在区间),0(+∞内持续,则常数=a . x e x y +=2在0=x 处切线方程是.,cos )(0x x dt t f x=⎰则=)(x f .5.过点(0,1,1)且与直线432112-=+=-z y x 垂直的平面方程为.,2xy e x z +=则=∂∂xz. dx y x f dy y⎰⎰24),(的积分次序得.三、断定题(Y 代表正确,N 代表错误,每小题2分,共10分)21x x y -=既有水平渐进性,又有垂直渐近线.( )()x f 可导且,0)(0'=x f 则0→∆x 时,()x f 在0x 点的微分dy 是比x ∆低阶的无穷小( ))(x f y =,知足,02'"=--y y y 且,0)(,0)(0'0=<x f x f 则函数()x f 在0x x =处取得极大值.( )4.⎰⎰Dd σ等于平面区域D 的面积.( )∑∞=+-12)12(1)1(n nn 发散.( )四、计算题(每题6分,共24分)2.计算不定积分.sin 2xdx x ⎰3.设函数),2,(2y x y x f z -=其中f 具有二阶持续偏导数,求.2yx z∂∂∂五、解答题(每题8分,共24分),2σd e Dy ⎰⎰-其中D 是由直线2,==y x y 及y 轴所围成的区域.2.求微分方程034'"=--y y y 在初始条件4|,2|0'0====x x y y 下的特解.()x f 3412++=x x 展开成2+x 的幂级数,并指出收敛区间.九江学院2012年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷 一、选择题:(每题3分,共18分) 1.下列极限正确的是( )A lim 0→x e x x=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+11 B lim ∞→x e x x=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+111C lim ∞→x x sin x1=1 D lim 0→x x sin x1=12.设函数()x f 在x x =处可导,且()20'=x f ,则lim→h ()()hx f h x f 00--=( )A 21 B2 C 21- D 2-3.函数()x f =⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠0,00,1sin 2x x x x 在=x 处的可导性、持续性为( )A 在0=x 处持续,但不成导B 在0=x 处既不持续,也不成导C 在0=x 处可导,但不持续D 在0=x 处持续且可导4.直线37423zy x =-+=-+与平面32=--z y x 的位置关系是( ) A 直线在平面上 B 直线与平面平行C 直线与平面垂直相交D 直线与平面相交但不垂直5.不定积分=⎰dx xex21( ) A +xe 1 C B +-xe 1 C C +-xe 1 C D +--xe1C6.设(),...2,1,10=<≤n na n ,下列级数中必定收敛的是( ) A ()211n nn a ∑∞=-B ()n nn a ∑∞=-11 C ∑∞=1n na D ∑∞=1n n a二、填空题(每题3分,共18分)())1(1-=-x x x f ,则()x f =.2.lim1→x =--1)1sin(2x x x .3.⎰--212121xdx =.4.交换二次积分次序:=⎰⎰dy y x f dx x 110),(.)(x y y =由方程xy e y x =+)ln(所确定,则==0'|x y .0=+xdy y dx 知足初始条件4|3==x y 的特解是. 三、断定题(Y 代表正确,N 代表错误,每小题2分,共10分)1.0=x 是函数()x f xx 1sin 2=的可去间断点.( ))(x y y =在0x x =处取得极小值,则必有()0'=x f .( )⎰1xdx 发散.( )xy e z =在点(2,1)处的全微分是dy e dx e dz 222+=.( )0lim =∞→nx u,则级数∑∞=0n n u 收敛.( )四、计算下列各题(每题8分,共48分) 1.求极限 .21cos 02lim xdt e x t x ⎰-→2.计算下列不定积分dx xe x ⎰-2.3.求幂级数∑∞=⋅+05)1(n nnn x 的收敛半径与收敛域.4.计算,dxdy xy D⎰⎰其中D 是由1,1==y x ,及1+=x y 所围成的区域.5.),,(xy x f z =其中f 具有二阶偏导数,求.,2yx zx z ∂∂∂∂∂6.求微分方程x e y y y =--32'"的通解.五、证明题(共6分)证明:当1≥x 时,.1ln )1(-≥+x x x九江学院2011年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.已知1(1)1x f x x-+=+,则1()________f x=2.23ln(1)lim ________x x t dt x →+=⎰3.无穷级数112nn n ∞=∑(收敛或发散)4.微分方程''x y xe =的通解为 5.过点(3,1,2)-且与直线431534x y z -+-==垂直的平面方程为(一般方程)二、选择题(每题3分,共15分) 1.下列极限不存在的是( )A 102030(2)lim (51)x x x x →∞++B 0sin lim n n x x x→ C 1lim sin x x x →∞ D lim ln x x →∞ 2.已知(1)0f =,'(1)1f =,则21()lim1x f x x →=-( ) A 1 B 2 C 12D 0 3.设()f x是持续函数,则40(,)x dx f x y dy =⎰⎰( )A 2404(,)yydy f x y dx ⎰⎰ B 2440(,)y ydy f x y dx ⎰⎰C 41104(,)dy f x y dx ⎰⎰D 244(,)yydy f x y dx ⎰⎰4.下列级数中条件收敛的是( ) A 111(1)n n n∞-=-∑ B 1211(1)n n n ∞-=-∑ C 11(1)n n n ∞-=-∑ D11(1)ln n n n ∞-=-∑ 5.设函数()f x 的一个原函数是1x,则'()f x =( )A ln x B32x C 1xD 21x-三、计算题(每题6分,共30分)1.求极限123lim 21x x x x +→+∞+⎛⎫ ⎪+⎝⎭2.求不定积分3ln x xdx ⎰3.已知ln y x y =,求dy 4.求定积分90⎰5.求幂级数13nnn x n ∞=∑的收敛域四、解答及证明题(共40分)1.做一个底为正方形,容积为108的长方形启齿容器,怎样做使得所用资料最省?(8分)2.证明不等式:ln(1)1xx x x<+<+(0)x > (7分)3.计算二重积分D,其中D 是由曲线221x y +=及坐标轴所围的在第一象限内的闭区域(8分)4.设函数22(,),xz f ye x y =-其中f 具有二阶持续偏导数,求2zx y∂∂∂(9分)5.求微分方程''3'2cos x y y y e x -++=的通解(8分)九江学院2010年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.已知2(2)3f x x x +=-+,则()________f x = 2.2020lim ________1t x xx e dte →=-⎰3.曲面2221ax by cz ++=在点(1,1,1)处的切平面方程为4.级数213nn n ∞=∑.(收敛或发散)5.微分方程''2'50y y y -+=的通解为 二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.已知2lim()01x x ax b x →∞--=+,其中,a b 是常数() A 1a b == B 1,1a b ==- C 1,1a b =-= D 1a b ==-2.曲线xe y x=()A 唯一水平渐近线B 既有水平渐近线又有垂直渐近线C 唯一垂直渐近线D 既无水平渐近线又无垂直渐近线3.若33'()f x dx x c =+⎰,则()f x =()A x c +B 3x c + C 5365x c + D 5395x c +4.已知⎰⎰=x t xt dte dt e xf 02222)()(,则=+∞→)(lim x f x () A 1 B -1 C 0 D ∞+ 5.改变二次积分的积分次序ln 10(,)exdx f x y dy =⎰⎰()A 10(,)y ee dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ B 0(,)y eee dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ C 0(,)yee e dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ D 10(,)ye e dyf x y dx ⎰⎰三、计算下列各题(每小题7分,共35分)1.求不定积分2(arcsin )x dx ⎰2.求由曲线1y x=与直线y x =及2x =所围成图形的面积3.求函数2222(,)z f x y x y =+-的二阶偏导数2zx y∂∂∂,(其中f具有二阶持续偏导数)4.求二重积分Dd σ⎰⎰,其中D是由两条抛物线2y y x ==所围成的闭区域.5.求幂级数211(1)21n nn x n +∞=-+∑的收敛半径及收敛域.四、解答及证明题(每小题8分,共40分) 1.设函数21()1x x f x ax b x ⎧≤=⎨+>⎩,为了使函数()f x 在1x =处持续且可导,,a b 应取什么值?2.设函数()y y x =由方程1y xy e +=所确定,求''(0)y 3.设0>>a b ,用拉格朗日中值定理证明:ln a b b a ba a b--<< 4.求过点(1,0,4)A -,且平行于平面:34100x y z α-+-=,又与直线113:112x y zL +-==相交的直线L 的方程 5.求微分方程2''1(')y y =+的通解九江学院2009年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.已知x x x f 3)1(2+=-,则=)(sin x f ______. 2.已知⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤+>=0,0,1sin )(2x x a x xx x f 在R 上持续,则=a _____. 3.极限=+∞→x x xx 2)1(lim _________. 4.已知)1ln(2x x y ++=,则='y _____.5.已知函数xye z =,则此函数在(2,1)处的全微分=dz _____________.二、选择题:(每题3分,共15分) 1.设)(x f 二阶可导,a 为曲线)(x f y =拐点的横坐标,且)(x f 在a 处的二阶导数等于零,则在a 的两侧( ) 2.下列无穷级数相对收敛的是( )A .∑∞=--111)1(n n nB .∑∞=--111)1(n n n C .∑∞=--1121)1(n n nD .∑∞=--11)1(n n n3.变换二次积分的顺序⎰⎰=2022),(yydx y x f dy ( )A .⎰⎰202),(x xdy y x f dx B .⎰⎰42),(xx dy y x f dxC .⎰⎰4022),(xxdy y x f dx D .⎰⎰42),(x xdy y x f dx4.已知⎰⎰=x t xt dte dt e xf 022022)()(,则=+∞→)(lim x f x ( ) A .1 B .-1 C .0 D .+∞5.曲面3=+-xy z e z 在点(2,1,0)处的切平面方程为( )A .42=-+y x B .42=-+y x C .02=++y xD .042=++y x三、计算下列各题(每小题7分,共35分)1.求极限)111(lim 0--→x x e x2.求不定积分⎰xdx x cos 23.已知02sin 2=-+xy e y x ,求dxdy 4.求定积分⎰-+52111dx x5.求二重积分⎰⎰+Dd y x σ)23(,其中D 是由两坐标轴及直线3=+y x 所围成的闭区域.四、求幂级数∑∞=-1)3(n nnx 的收敛半径和收敛域.(9分)五、已知),(xy y x f z +=,且f 具有二阶持续偏导数,试求yx z∂∂∂2.(9分)六、求二阶微分方程x xe y y y =+-6'5''的通解.(9分) 七、设0>>a b ,证明不等式ba ab a b -<-ln ln .(8分)九江学院2008年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷注:1.请考生将试题答案写在答题纸上,在试卷上答题无效. 2.凡在答题纸密封线以外有姓名、班级学号、记号的,以作弊论.3.测验时间:120分钟一、填空题(每题3分,共15分)1. 设函数⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧=≠+=0,0,)1()(2x k x x x f x 在=x 处持续,则参数=k __________.2. 过曲线2x y =上的点(1,1)的切线方程为_______________.3. 设x y arccos =,则==0|'x y _______________. 4. 设1)('=x f ,且0)0(=f ,则⎰=dx x f )(_______________.5. 设yex z +=2,则z 的全微分=dz _______________.二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.设)(x f y =的定义域为(0,1],x x ln 1)(-=ϕ,则复合函数)]([x f ϕ的定义域为( )A.(0,1)B.[1,e]C.(1,e]D.(0,+∞)2.设23231)(x x x f -=,则)(x f 的单调增加区间是( )A.(-∞,0)B.(0,4)C.(4, +∞)D. (-∞,0)和(4, +∞) 3.函数a ax x f (||)(+=为常数)在点0=x 处( )4.设函数3)(x x f =,则xx f x x f x ∆-∆+→∆)()2(lim 0等于( )A.26xB.32xC.0D.23x 5.幂级数∑∞=-1)21(n n x 的收敛区间为( )A.[-1,3]B.(-1,3]C.(-1,3)D.[-1,3)三、计算题(每题7分,共42分)1.30sin lim xxx x -→ 2.已知⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==⎰ta y udu a x tsin sin 0(a 为非零常数),求dx dy3.求直线2=+y x 和曲线2x y =及x 轴所围平面区域的面积. 4.计算二重积分⎰⎰Dydxdy ,其中D 是由22,x y y x ==所围平面区域.5.求微分方程xxy xy ln '+=的通解. 四、设二元函数)ln(22y x z +=,试验证2=∂∂+∂∂yz y x z x(7分) 五、讨论曲线1234+-=x x y 的凹凸性并求其拐点.(7分) 六、求幂级数∑∞=-111n n x n的收敛域,并求其和函数.(9分)七、试证明:当0≥x 时,x e x ≥-1(5分)九江学院2007年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题(每小题3分,共15分) 1.已知⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<≥+=0,0,)(2x e x a x x f x 在R 上持续,则=a _______.2.极限=+-∞→kx x x)11(lim _______. 3.已知3x e y =,则=dxdy _______.4.x x f sin )(=在],0[π上的平均值为_______.5.过椭球632222=++z y x 上的点(1,1,1)的切平面为_______.二、选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1.若级数∑2n a 和∑2n b 都收敛,则级数∑-n n n b a )1(( )A.一定条件收敛B.一定相对收敛C.一定发散D.能够收敛,也能够发散2.微分方程'''y y =的通解为( )A.xe c c y 21+= B.xe c x c y 21+= C.x c c y 21+=D.221x c c y +=3.已知131)(23+-=x x x f ,则)(x f 的拐点的横坐标是( )A.1=xB.0=xC.2=xD.0=x 和2=x4.设)('0x f 存在,则xx x f x x f x ∆∆--∆+→∆)()(lim 000=( )A.)('0x fB.)('20x fC.)('0x f -D.∞5.xxx 3sin lim 0→等于( )A.0B.31三、计算(每小题7分,共35分)1. 求微分方程0)'(''2=-y yy 的通解.2.计算⎰xdx x arctan3.计算⎰⎰Dxyd σ,其中D 是由抛物线x y =2和直线2-=x y 所围成的闭区域.4.将函数341)(2++=x x x f 展开成)1(-x 的幂级数. 5.求由方程xyy x )(sin )(cos =所确定的隐函数)(x f y =的导数dxdy .四、求极限)2(1sinlim2007>⎰++∞→n dx xx n nn (9分)五、设)(x f 在[0,1]上持续,证明:⎰⎰=πππ)(sin 2)(sin dx x f dx x xf ,并计算⎰+π2cos 1sin dx xxx .(10分)六、设持续函数)(x f 知足方程⎰+=π2)(2)(x dt t f x f ,求)(x f .(10分)七、求极限]arctan ln )1arctan([ln lim 2x x x x -++∞→.(6分)九江学院2006年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷 一、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)1.极限=+∞→x x x)21(lim ___________. 2.设]1,0[,)(3∈=x x x f ,则知足拉格朗日中值定理的=ξ___________.3.函数)ln(2y x z +=在点(1,1)的全微分是___________. 4.设⎰+=2221)(x tdt x f ,已知)(y g 是)(x f 的反函数,则)(y g 的一阶导数=)('y g ___.5.中心在(1,-2,3)且与xoy 平面相切的球面方程是_________.二、选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1.下列各对函数中暗示同一函数的是( )A.x x g x x f ==)(,)(2B.x x g e x f x ==)(,)(lnC.1)(,11)(2+=--=x x g x x x fD.||)(,0,0,)(x x g x x x x x f =⎩⎨⎧<-≥=2.当0→x 时,下列各对无穷小是等价的是( ) A.2;cos 1x x - B.x e x 2;1- C.x x );1ln(+ D.x x ;11-+3.已知函数的一阶导数x x f 22sin )(cos '=,则=)(x f ( )A.x 2cos B.C x +2sin C.22x x -D.C x x +-224.过点(1,-2,0)且与平面023=+-+-z y x 垂直的直线方程是( ) A.11231-=+=--zy x B.11231z y x =--=+C.012113-=-+=-z y x D.⎩⎨⎧==++--00)2()1(3z y x 5.幂级数∑∞=-12)2(2)1(n n nx n的收敛区间为( )A.)2,2(-B.)21,21(- C.)1,1(- D.)21,2(-三、计算题(每小题5分,共40分)1.求极限3sin tan limxxx x -→ 2.求摆线⎩⎨⎧-=-=)cos 1(2)sin (2t y t t x 在2π=t 处的切线方程.3.方程0=+-y xe exy 确定了一个隐函数)(x f y =,求0|'=x y .4.求不定积分⎰-+dx xe e xx)cos 1(2 5.求定积分⎰π202cos xdx x6.求由抛物线x y =2与半圆22y x -=所围成图形的面积.7.设D 为:422≤+y x ,求二重积分⎰⎰+Ddxdy y x )(22 8.求常系数线性齐次微分方程0'4'3''=--y y y 知足初始条件5)0(',0)0(-==y y 的特解.四、求函数⎰+-=xdt ttx f 0211)(的极值.(7分)五、求幂级数∑∞=+02!)12(n nx n n 的和函数.(7分)六、应用中值定理证明不等式:)0()1ln(1><+<+x x x xx(7分)七、求微分方程x e x y y y 3)1(9'6''+=+-的通解.(9分)九江学院2005年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分))(x f y =在),(b a 内有0)(>'x f ,0)(>''x f ,则函数)(x f y =在),(b a 内单调性为________,曲线)(x f y =的凸凹性为________.2.⎰=+________1xdx3.级数nn n n x 213)1(∑∞=-的收敛半径为________4.若2)(0='x f ,则________)]2()3([1lim 000=--+→h x f h x f hh 5.设函数)(x y ϕ=具有二阶持续导数,且2)0(=ϕ,5)0(='ϕ,知足方程⎰='-xdx x x x 0)(4)()(5ϕϕϕ,则________)(=x ϕ 二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.设n n n x n x f )1(lim )(-+=∞→,则=)(x f ( ) A e B 1+x e C 1-x e D 1 2.函数⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧<=>+=0sin 00)1ln(1)(x x kxx k x x x x f 当当当在),(+∞-∞持续,则=k ( )A 1B 2C 3D e 3.下列广义积分收敛的是( )A dx x⎰+∞11B dx e x ⎰+∞1C ⎰102x dxD ⎰10ln xdx4.设dt tt x f x ⎰-=0sin )(π,则⎰=π0)(dx x f ( ) A 2+π B 2-π C 2 D -25.设平面1π:012=+-+z y x ,2π:0342=+++z y x ,则平面1π与2π的关系为( )A 平行但不重合B 重合C 斜交D 垂直 三、计算下列各题(每小题7分,共35分)1.求极限)1ln(2cos 1lim 0x x xx --→2.若ax a x a x y arcsin 22222+-=,)0(>a 求0='x y 及0=''x y 3.计算二重积分⎰⎰++Dy x dxdy221,其中D 是圆域122≤+y x4.设函数),(y x z z =由方程0=-+z y x xye e e 确定,求dz5.求微分方程25)1(12+=+-'x y x y四、求函数⎰=xtdt x f 21ln )(的极值点与极值.(9分)五、设dx x n f n ⎰=40tan )(π)2(>n ,求)2()(-+n f n f 的值.(10分)六、将函数x e x x f 22)(=展开成x 的幂级数.(9分)七、证明不等式,当012>>x x 时,1212arctan arctan x x x x -<-.(7分)九江学院2004年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、选择题:1~10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中.只有一项是符合题目要求的.把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.1.20lim(1)xx x →+=( d )A. 1B.eC.2eD.2e25x y e =+,则'y =( b )A.2x eB.22x eC. 225x e +D.25x e +()3x f x x e =+,则'(0)f =( d )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4(,)-∞+∞内单调增加的是( a )A.y x =B.y x =-C. 2y x =D.sin y x =5.x e dx -=⎰( c )A.x e C +B.x e C -+C.x e C --+ D.x e C -+6.120x dx =⎰( c )A.1-B. 0C.13 D. 12x 是()f x 的一个原函数,则()f x =( a ) A.23x C + B.2x C.2x D. 2xy z e =,则zx ∂=∂( a )A.xy yeB.xy xeC.xy e D.y ecos()z x y =+,则2zx y ∂=∂∂( b )A.cos()x y +B.cos()x y -+C.sin()x y +D.sin()x y -+A 与B 相互独立,而且()0.4,()0.5P A P B ==,则()P AB =二、填空题:11~20小题,每小题4分,共40分.把答案填写在题中横线上. 11. 2031lim 1x x x x →+-=+. 12. 0tan 3lim x xx →=.20,()02,x x a f x x ≤⎧+=⎨>⎩点0x =处持续,则a=.2x y e =的极值点为x =.sin 2y x =,则''y =.3y x x =-在点(1,0)处的切线方程为y =. 17.12dx x =⎰.18.131cos x xdx -=⎰. 19.40sin cos x xdx π=⎰.2x y z e +=,则全微分dz =.三、解答题:21~28小题,共70分.解答应写出推理、演算步调·21.(本题满分8分)计算2222lim 4x x x x →---.22.(本题满分8分)设函数4sin y x x =,求dy .23.(本题满分8分)计算2cos x x dx ⎰.24.(本题满分8分)计算1ln ex xdx ⎰.25.(本题满分8分)甲乙两人独登时向同一方针射击,甲乙两人击中方针的概率分别为0.8与0.5,两人各射击一次,求至少有一人击中方针的概率.26.(本题满分10分)求函数3()31f x x x =-+的单调区间和极值.27.(本题满分10分)(1)求由曲线1,,20y x y x y x ====与所围成的平面图形 (如图所示)的面积S ;(2)求(1)中的平面图形绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积x V .28.(本题满分10分)设函数(,)z z x y =是由方程321x x y z e +++=所确定的隐函数,求dz .。



九江学院2010年“专升本”《高等数学》试卷一、填空题:(每题3分,共15分)1.已知2(2)3f x x x +=-+,则()________f x =2.2020lim ________1t x x x e dt e →=-⎰3.曲面2221ax by cz ++=在点(1,1,1)处的切平面方程为4.级数213n n n ∞=∑ 。

(收敛或发散) 5.微分方程''2'50y y y -+=的通解为二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.已知2lim()01x x ax b x →∞--=+,其中,a b 是常数( ) A 1a b == B 1,1a b ==- C 1,1a b =-= D 1a b ==-2.曲线xe y x=( ) A 仅有水平渐近线 B 既有水平渐近线又有垂直渐近线C 仅有垂直渐近线D 既无水平渐近线又无垂直渐近线3.若33'()f x dx x c =+⎰,则()f x =( )A x c +B 3x c +C 5365x c +D 5395x c + 4.已知⎰⎰=xt x t dt e dt e x f 022022)()(,则=+∞→)(lim x f x ( ) A 1 B -1 C 0 D ∞+5.改变二次积分的积分次序ln 10(,)e x dx f x y dy =⎰⎰( )A 10(,)y e e dy f x y dx ⎰⎰B 0(,)y ee e dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ C 0(,)y ee e dyf x y dx ⎰⎰ D 10(,)y e e dy f x y dx ⎰⎰三、计算下列各题(每小题7分,共35分)1.求不定积分2(arcsin )x dx ⎰2.求由曲线1y x=与直线y x =及2x =所围成图形的面积 3.求函数2222(,)z f x y x y =+-的二阶偏导数2z x y∂∂∂,(其中f 具有二阶连续偏导数)4.求二重积分Dd σ⎰⎰,其中D是由两条抛物线2y y x ==所围成的闭区域。



2009年专升本(大学语文)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 5. 古文阅读6. 现代文阅读7. 作文选择题在每小题给出的4个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。









[错误防范] 文章在写作上还将“理”与“情”、“议论”与“具象”互相融合,使作品形式精巧简练,立意深刻、蕴藉丰富。







【2023年】江西省九江市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.Her beauty can not()her stupidityA.make out ofB.make forC.make atD.make up for2.Since Dick was busy, he rarely had time to go to the cinema; _____()A.Jane did tooB.Jane didn’t as wellC.so did JaneD.nor did Jane3.Is there a connection between you eat and maintaining good health()A.thatB.whichC.whatD.whatever4.Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others,((), of course, made the others jealousA.whomB.thatC.whatD.which5.Mr. Smith()to Beijing, for I saw him in the library just nowA.can’t have goneB.mustn’t have goneC.shouldn’t have goneD.needn’t have gone6.He took her hand and felt the scar on her thumb,()of an accident with a kitchen knife in the early days of their marriageA.modeB.premiseC.signatureD.legacy7.()nobody was very enthusiastic about it, they decided to cancel the tripA.Seen thatB.Seeing thatC.To seeD.When8.The city consists of two parts: Jiangnan and Jiangbei. The former is now the center of trade and finance, and the_____ , the seat of government()sttterterte9.I don't think you can finish painting the wall alone in such a short time()A.do IB.can youC.can't youD.won't you10.In Chinese culture, children's marriage decisions were often made by parents()A.traditionalB.historicC.remoteD.initial二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.appreciatedB.regardedC.receivedD.supposed12.14()A.apartB.asideC.offD.back13.7()stsB.movesC.carriesD.continues14.58.()A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.MoreoverD.Whereas15.55.()A.determinationB.decisionC.explanationD.conversation16.Dad had a black comb. He bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would __61__ mehis comb and say,Good girl, help Daddy clean it. OK?I was __62__ to do it. At the age of five, this dull task brought me such__63__.I would excitedly turn the tap __64__ and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that I’d done a goodjob,I would happily returnthe comb to Dad. He __65__ affectionately at me and place the comb in his wallet.Two years later, Dad started his own __66__, which wasn't doing well. That was when thingsstarted to __67__. Dad didn't come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became __68__at him for placing our family in trouble. __69__time went by, an uncomfortable silencegrew betweenus. After my graduation from college, Dad’s business was getting back on track. On my 24th birthday,Dad came home __70__. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When Iturned to leave. he said," Hey, would you help me __71__ my comb?"Ilooked at him for a while,then __72__ the comb and headed to the sink.It hit me then; why, as a child, __73__ Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine(习惯)told me Dad was home early __74__ the evening with Mum and me. It __75__ a happy andloving family.Ipassed the clean comb hack to Dad. He smiled at me and __76__ placed the comb in his wallet.But this time. I noticed something __77__. Dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyeswhen he smiled. __78__his smile was still as __79__ as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good __80__ for his family61()A.askB.tellC.handD.take17.51.()A.effectiveB.differentC.personalD.creative18.47.()A.inB.forC.withD.of19.__________()A.StillB.BesidesC.In additionD.Once again20.61.()A.open toB.opened toC.open forD.opened for三、翻译(3题)21.The phenomenon of the holiday economy shows that Chinese people's consumption concept is undertaking great changes. According to statistics, the demand of Chinese consumers is shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and personal development. Therefore, the structure of products should be adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development. On the other hand, services should be improved to satisfy people's demand for an improved quality of life22.Yet he also says that girls have to do so much more when they compete with males for honours, top universities and good jobs23.学习方法因人而异,适合你的不一定对我有用四、词汇与语法(3题)24.______ do we suspect that this district is rich in mineral resources()25.How close parents are to their children ________ a strong influence on the character of their children()26.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _________ for her history examination()五、单选题(0题)27.—I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.—You apologize; it wasn't your fault()A.needn'tB.wouldn'tC.couldn'tD.mustn't六、单选题(0题)28.I found her sitting in the corner, reading(()newspaper, with(()in her eyesA.a; tearB.a picece; tearsC.a; tearsD.a piece of; tear参考答案1.D2.DD句意:迪克很忙,所以很少有时间去看电影;简也一样。



历年专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四2. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四3. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四4. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四5. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一C. 选项三D. 选项四6. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四7. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四8. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四9. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四10. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二D. 选项四二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。

- 例句:The _______ of the project was delayed due to bad weather.12. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。

- 例句:She is an _______ of the company, which means she has a lot of responsibilities.13. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。

- 例句:The _______ of the company has been growing steadily over the years.14. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。



2023年江西省九江市-统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.There was nothing we could do _____ wait at that moment()A.butB.rather thanC.in spite ofD.besides2.Have you seen the lion _____under that big tree()A.lyingyinginy3.Their youngest child is _____ because he is always given whatever he wants ()A.wastedB.spoiledC.destroyedD.uneducated4.The weather was good except for an()showerA.optionalB.intentionalC.additionalD.occasional5.He stayed patient and answered every single question, _____ obvious the answer was()A.no matter whenB.no matter whetherC.no matter whatD.no matter how6.Jack is accused stealing the books from the library()A.ofB.withC.onD.in7.Listening to light music can help patients make a((n)after an operation(()A.mistakeB.impressionC.recoveryD.living8.The man was sent to prison for six months,guilty of theft()A.being foundB.having been foundC.having foundD.to have been found9.The monitor_____the examination papers to the class for his teacher()A.deliveredB.distributedC.reportedD.presented10.Animals are one of the most important resources for human beings; however, by 2030,many species will have_____ according to some research()ed upB.died outC.gone upD.got rid of二、完型填空(10题)11.42.()A.aB.oneC.anotherD.first12.60.()A.spendingB.to spendC.spendD.spent13.58.()A.burdenB.troubleC.difficultyD.problem14.56.()A.came outB.got upC.looked outD.got down to15.Many people wrongly believe that when they reach old age, their families will place them in nursing homes. They will be __51__ in the hands of strangers for the rest of their life. Their __52__ will visit them only occasionally, and more often, they will not have any __53__ visitors. The truth is that this idea is __54__ unfortunate imaginary story. In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of the care __55__ elderly people need.Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studies __56__ the American family is changing. He reports that by the time the average American couple reaches 40 years of age, they will have more parents __57__ children. __58__, because people today live longer after an illness than people did years__59__, family members must provide long term care.More psychologists have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic. They believe that they are the best people __60__ the job. In other words, they feel that they could do the job better than anyone else. Social workers __61__ caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring for an elderly relative. Many caregivers believe they have __62__ to help their relatives. Some state that helping others __63__ them feel more useful. Others hope that by helping __64__ now, they will deserve care when they become old and dependent. Caring for the elderly and __65__ care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone who might be involved51()A.leftB.livingC.leavingD.sent16.12.()A.requireB.inspireC.engagemand17.()A.littleB.manyC.fewD.much18.64.()A.effortsB.achievementsC.possibilitiesD.happiness19.44.()A.generallyB.especiallyuallyD.seldom20.66.()A.had toB.shall have toC.would have toD.might have to三、翻译(3题)21.It is easy for kids to identify with the characters in cartoons, so they are considerably influenced by their words and behaviour22.For convenience,we may classify the English speakers into two groups: one in which the speakers use English as their native language, the other in which the speakers learn English as a second language for the purposes of education, commerce, and so on23.请把这本书给最先来的人四、词汇与语法(3题)24.A little learning is a dangerous thing,()the saying goes25.The old gentleman never fails to help________is in need of his help()26.There are two major problems linked with atomic power plants,()one is related to nuclear waste五、单选题(0题)27. The debate will ______ place tonight.A.beB.takeC.haveD.make六、单选题(0题)28.The bank has established()in many big cities in the worldA.partsB.twigsC.benchesD.branches参考答案1.A那时我们除了等以外,什么都不能做。



共 10 页,第 1 页2009年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试高等数学 答案及【解析】析一、选择题(每小题2分,共计60分)1.答案D.【解析】:注意函数的定义范围、解析式,应选D.2.答案C.【解析】:,()ln(f x x -=-()()ln(ln(ln10f x f x x x +-=-++==,选C.()()f x f x -=-3.答案D.【解析】:,,应选D.11lim 11x x x +→-=-11lim 11x x x -→-=--4.答案C.【解析】:由等价无穷小量公式,应选C.5.答案B.【解析】:是的可去间断点,应选B.00e 1lim ()lim 1x x x f x x→→-==⇒0=x )(x f 6. 答案D.【解析】:,应选D.(1)(1)1lim(1)1(1)222x f f x f f x →--''==-⇒=-7.答案D.【解析】:,,应选D.1(3)21()2f x x -=(4)()f x =3214x --8.答案A.共 10 页,第 2 页【解析】:,应选A.0d 2cos 20d sin y t k x x x t =⇒=⇒==切9.答案B.【解析】:由得d e ()e d x xf x x -⎡⎤=⎣⎦,2d e ()d(e )e ()e ()e e x x x x x xf x f x C f x C --⎡⎤=⇒=+⇒=+⎣⎦把代入得,所以,应选B.(0)0f =1C =-2()e e x x f x =-10.答案A.【解析】:根据可导与连续的关系知,应选A.11.答案A.【解析】: ,,应选A.34486y x x '=-+212480(2,2)y x x ''=-<⇒∈-12. 答案B.【解析】: ,,应选B.e lim 0x x x →-∞=0e lim xx x→=∞13.答案D.【解析】: 根据极值点与驻点的关系和第二充分条件,应选D.14. 答案A.【解析】:根据连续函数在闭区间上的性质及的条件,在对应的开区间内至少有一个最值,()()f a f b =应选A.15.答案B.【解析】: ,应选B.()1()ln f x x x '==⇒21()f x x'=-16.答案C.【解析】: =,应选C.2221(1)(1)(1)2xf x dx f x d x -=---⎰⎰221(1)2x C --+17.答案D.【解析】: 根据定积分的保序性定理,应有,应选D.22(1)x e dx x dx ≥+⎰⎰18.答案C.共 10 页,第 3 页【解析】:因,考察积分的可加性有1ln ,1|ln |ln ,1x x x ex x e⎧-≤≤⎪=⎨⎪≤≤⎩,应选C.1111ln ln ln eeeex dx xdx xdx =-+⎰⎰⎰19.答案C.【解析】:由广义积分性质和结论可知:是的积分,收敛的,应选C.21(ln )edx x x +∞⎰2p =20.答案C.【解析】:根据方程的特点是抛物面,又因两个平方项的系数相等,从而方程在空间直角220x y z +-=坐标系中表示的曲面是旋转抛物面,应选C.21.答案D.【解析】:,应选D.0(,)2a b a b a b π=⇒⊥⇒= :22.答案A.【解析】:因,直线在平面内或平行但直线不在平面{}2,7,3s =-- {}4,2,20n s n s n =--⇒⋅=⇒⊥⇒内.又直线上点不在平面内.故直线与平面的位置关系是平行但直线不在平面内,应选A.(3,4,0)--23.答案B.【解析】:原式00(,)(,)(,)(,)limlim h h f a h b f a b f a h b f a b h h→→+---=-00(,)(,)(,)(,)limlim 2(,)x h h f a h b f a b f a h b f a b f a b h h→-→+---'=+=-应选B.24.答案D 【解析】:,应选D 22()()()()2()()()x y x y d x y x y d x y xdy ydx z dz x y x y x y +-+-+--=⇒==---25.答案D.【解析】:积分区有{(,)|0,0(,)|0,02x y y a x r r a πθθ⎧⎫≤≤≤≤=≤≤≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭(,)ady f x y dx⎰共 10 页,第 4 页,应选D.20(cos ,sin )ad f r r rdr πθθθ=⎰⎰26.答案A.【解析】: 由格林公式知, ,(3)(2)228LDx y dx x y dy d S σ∆-+-=-=-=-⎰⎰⎰:应选A.27.答案C.【解析】: 根据可分离变量微分的特点,可化为220x y xdx e dy y++=知,应选C.22y x ye dy xe dx -=-28.答案A.【解析】: 由级数收敛的性质知,收敛,其他三个一定发散,应选A.110nn u ∞=∑29.答案C.【解析】: 根据可知,23ln(1),1123x x x x x +=-+--<≤ ,应选C.23ln(1),1123x x x x x -=-----≤< 30.答案B.【解析】: 令,级数化为,问题转化为:处收敛,确定处是否收敛.1x t -=1(1)nn n a x ∞=-∑1n n n a t ∞=∑2t =-1t =由阿贝尔定理知是绝对收敛的,故应选B.二、填空题(每小题2分,共30分)31.答案:.⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛≠≠-21,121x x x x 【解析】:.()1[()](1,)1()122f x x f f x x x f x x ==≠≠--32.答案:.21共 10 页,第 5 页【解析】:.2211cos ()1cos 2220sin 00()1cos 12limlim lim sin 2x x f x x x x x x x x f x x x x x x --→→→-==============:::33.答案:.2ln 【解析】:因,2223()221lim 12lim lim 1lim 1x xa axa x ax x a x x a a x a a x a e x x e x a e a a x x ⋅→∞-→∞→∞⋅--→∞⎛⎫⎛⎫++ ⎪ ⎪+⎛⎫⎝⎭⎝⎭==== ⎪-⎝⎭⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭所以有 .38a e =ln 2a ⇒=34.答案:.1=a 【解析】:函数在内处处连续,当然在处一定连续,又因为(,)-∞+∞0x =,所以.0sin lim ()lim1;(0)x x xf x f a x→→===0lim ()(0)1x f x f a →=⇒=35.答案:.043=+-y x 【解析】:因.2231340(1)3x y k y x y x =''=⇒==⇒-+=+36.答案:.1=ξ【解析】:.(2)(0)()2121120f f f x x ξξ-'=-⇒-=⇒=-37.答案:.⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛41,0【解析】:,应填或或或.1()100,4f x x ⎛⎫'=<⇒∈ ⎪⎝⎭10,4⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭10,4⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦10,4⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭10,4⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦38.答案:.7【解析】:.222200()()()()2(2)(2)(0)7xf x dx xdf x xf x f x dx f f f ''''''==-=-+=⎰⎰⎰39.答案:.{}12,8,4-【解析】:因向量与共线,可设为,b a b{},2,3k k k -,所以.5649564a b k k k k ⋅=⇒++=⇒={}4,8,12b =- 40.答案:.()222212y xe x ++共 10 页,第 6 页【解析】:.22222222222(12)x y x y x y z z z e xe x e x x+++∂∂=⇒=⇒=+∂∂41.答案:.()0,0【解析】:.40(,)(0,0)40fx y xx y f x y y∂⎧=+=⎪∂⎪⇒=⎨∂⎪=-=∂⎪⎩42.答案:0.【解析】:利用对称性知其值为0或.232420cos sin 0Dx yd d r dr πσθθθ==⎰⎰⎰⎰43.答案:.()⎰⎰102,yydx y x f dy 【解析】:积分区域,{{}2(,)|01,(,)|01,D x y x x y x y y y x y =≤≤≤≤=≤≤≤≤则有.21100(,)(,)yxydx f x y dy dy f x y dx =⎰⎰⎰44.答案:.xx x xe e C e C y ---+=41231【解析】:的通解为,根据方程解的结构,原方程的通解为230y y y '''--=312x x y C e C e -=+.31214x x x y C e C e xe --=+-45.答案:.1332+-n n 【解析】:当时,.2n ≥3321(1)331n n n u S S n n n n -=-=--=-+三、计算题(每小题5分,共40分)46.求.011lim 1x x x e →⎛⎫- ⎪-⎝⎭ 【解析】:20001111lim lim lim1(1)x x x x x x x e x e x x e x e x →→→----⎛⎫-== ⎪--⎝⎭.0011lim lim 222x x x e x x x →→-===47.设是由方程确定的隐函数,求.()y y x =ln sin 2xy e y x x +=dxdy共 10 页,第 7 页【解析】:方程两边对求导得x ()ln 2cos 2xy ye xy y x x x''++= 即 ()ln 2cos 2xy e x y xy y y x x x x ''+++= 2(ln )2cos 2xy xy x e x x y x x e xy y'+=--所以 .dydx=22cos 2ln xy xy x x e xy y y x e x x --'=+ 48.已知,求.2()x xf x dx e C -=+⎰1()dx f x ⎰【解析】:方程两边对求导得2()x xf x dx e C -=+⎰x ,即,2()2xxf x e-=-22()xe f x x--=所以.211()2x xe f x =- 故22111()24x xdx xe dx xde f x =-=-⎰⎰⎰ .222211114448x x x x xe e dx xe e C =-+=-++⎰49.求定积分.44|(1)|x x dx --⎰【解析】:4014441|(1)||(1)||(1)||(1)|x x dx x x dx x x dx x x dx---=-+-+-⎰⎰⎰⎰ 01441(1)(1)(1)x x dx x x dx x x dx-=-+-+-⎰⎰⎰ 014322332401322332x x x x x x -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-+- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭.641164118843323332=++-+--+=50.已知 求全微分.22xxy y z e +-=dz 【解析】:因,222222()(2)x xy y x xy y x z ex xy y e x y x+-+-∂'=+-=+∂共 10 页,第 8 页,222222()(2)x xy y x xy y y ze x xy y e x y y+-+-∂'=+-=-∂且它们在定义域都连续,从而函数可微,并有22xxy y z e +-=.z zdz dx dy x y∂∂=+∂∂22[(2)(2)]x xy y e x y dx x y dy +-=++-51.求,其中区域由直线围成.(2)Dx y d σ+⎰⎰D ,2,2y x y x y ===【解析】:积分区域如图所示:D 把看作Y 型区域,且有D (,)|02,2y D x y y x y ⎧⎫=≤≤≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭故有22(2)(2)yy Dx y d dy x y dxσ+=+⎰⎰⎰⎰.2222025()4y y x xy dy y dy =+=⎰⎰230510123y ==52.求微分方程的通【解析】.22x y xy xe -'-=【解析】:这是一阶线性非齐次微分方程,它对应的齐次微分方程的通【解析】为,20y xy '-=2x y Ce =设原方程的【解析】为代入方程得,2()x y C x e =22()x x C x e xe -'= 即有 ,22()x C x xe -'=所以 ,222222211()(2)44x x x C x xe dx e d x e C ---==--=-+⎰⎰ 故原方程的通【解析】为.2214x x y e Ce -=-+53.求幂级数的收敛区间(考虑区间端点).212nn n n x ∞=∑【解析】:这是标准缺项的幂级数,考察正项级数,212nn n n x ∞=∑x y→=2yx因,221112lim lim 22n n n n n nu n x l x u n ++→∞→∞+==⨯= 当,即是绝对收敛的;212x l =<||x <212n n n n x ∞=∑ 当,即是发散的;212x l =>||x >212n n n n x ∞=∑ 当,即化为,显然是发散的。



模拟试卷(一)参考答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1-5 CBBBD 6-10 ACCCC 11-15 DAABD 16-20 ABCBA二、多项选择题(10*2=20分)1.AD 2.ABD 3.AD 4.ABCD 5.BC6.ABD 7.ABD 8.ACD 9.BCD 10.ABD三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1.平均无故障工作时间 2. ARPANET 3.通信技术 4.多态性 5.内聚6.元组 7. DMA 8. Chart1 9. 24 10. 123400四、判断题(每小题1分,共10分)1.√ 2.X 3.X 4.√ 5.√ 6.√ 7.√ 8.X 9.X 10.X五、简答题(前5题每题4分,后两题每题10分共40分)1.参考答案:一个完整的计算机系统由硬件系统和软件系统两大部分组成。






断电后的内容全部丢失,既可以读又可以写,速度比Cache 慢,可分为静态RAM(SRAM)和动态RAM(DRAM)两种。








3. D
5. 2
1-5: DBDBC 6-10: DBADD 11-15: ACBBB
16-20: CDCCC 21-25: BABDA 26-30: DCABB
1-5:对错对错对 6-10:错对对错错
(1)26.3125 D=11010.0101 B
(2)253.34 D=375.26 O=FD57 H
(3)3A9D.4 H=15005.25 D



(2023年)江西省九江市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.There are many proverbs in Chinese.(), there are also many proverbs in EnglishA.MeanwhileB.SimilarlyuallyD.Typically2.()he will come is doubtfulA.IfB.WhetherC.ThatD.What3.Onlywhenwehurriedtotheairport______theflightwascancelled()A.wefoundB.didwefindC.havewefoundD.wehavefound4.It is_______ from my school to the railway station()A.two-hours walkB.two-hour's walkC.two-hour walkD.a two-hour walk5.All my friends said that the film was worth_____()A.seeB.to seeC.to be seeingD.seeing6.John has never been on time,()A.has JohnB.hasn’t JohnC.has heD.hasn’t he7.book Mary decides to buy, her mother will pay for it()A.WhereverB.WheneverC.HoweverD.Whichever8.you eat the correct foods be able to keep fit and stay healthy()A.Only if; you willB.Only if; will youC.Unless; you willD.Unless; will you9.I have no choice but his______ invitation()A.to acceptB.acceptC.acceptingD.accepted10.It is not always reliable to make a conclusion on the _____ of the first impression()A.basicB.baseC.basementD.basis二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.AlthoughB.WhenC.SinceD.Because12.63.()A.AndB.SoC.ButD.Thus13.57.()A.passionB.gameC.workD.life14.68.()A.improvesB.progressesC.changesD.goes15.46.()A.soldiersB.miceC.heroesD.cowards16.__________()A.knifeB.stickC.beltD.gun17.51.()A.AlthoughB.WhenC.SinceD.Because18.We got up early this morning and56 a long walk after breakfast. We walked57 the business section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city58 larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's59 Washington is a special kind of city.60 of the people in Washington work for the government.About 9:30 we went to the White House. It's61 the public from ten62 twelve, and there was a long line of people63 to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved pretty quickly.The White House is really white. It64 every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns65 around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds66 about four square blocks. I mean, they're about two blocks long67 each side.Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part68 the President lives and works can not be visited by the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of69 was the library, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named70 the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk71. There are72 old furniture, from the time73 the White House was74 built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and75 famous people from history56.()A.madeB.tookC.didD.set19.15()A.overB.byC.withD.beyond20.52.()A.attractedB.interestedC.frightenedD.surprised三、翻译(3题)21.What is important is not to choose a course but to find an excellent professor22.A pen is to a writer what a gun is to a fighter23.(Par2,Passage 3)Taking part in free time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting us from our worries and troubles四、词汇与语法(3题)24.When and where to hold the meeting ________ not been decided yet()25.—Just a moment. I haven’t finished packing my suitcase.— __________.It’s high time we left for the airport()26.The wind________us and we won the sailing race()五、单选题(0题)27.The kidney transplant operation was _____ complicated,so the operating team had to take special care to ensure its success()A.slightlyB.nearlyC.extremelyD.probably六、单选题(0题)28.The young man lost his job last month, but it wasn’t long _____ he founda new position in my company()A.beforeB.whileC.asD.after参考答案1.B汉语中有很多谚语,同样地,英语中也有许多。



2010年九江学院专升本计算机试题答案一、选择题1-5 CBACB 6-10 CDDCC11-15 BBBBC 16-20 BBDCD二、填空题1、冯·诺依曼或存储程序程序控制2、111010003、Ctrl+V4、CapsLock5、控制面板6、记事本7、Ctrl+Shift8、exe或com9、ctrl+A10、菜单栏下的“工具” “字数统计”11、页面12、F113、输入sheet2工作表中D14单元格中的数据14、3月19日15、浏览16、幻灯片放映17、 418、统一资源定位器19、网络加密技术20、光纤三、判断题1-5 对、错、错、错、错6-10 错、错、对、错、错11-15错、对、对、对、对四、简答题(略)1、(6’)简述计算机的特点和性能指标。









2023年江西省九江市统招专升本英语自考测试卷(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(20题)1.Whenever the man says something against his wife, she lose her temper()A.tends toes toC.intends toD.goes to2.My secretary usually opens my post it's marked private()A.forB.asC.unlessD.if3.Fast food doesn’t seem like a good idea, for it is()A.nutritiousB.unhealthyC.balancedD.tasty4. What's the _______between New York and Chicago?A.lengthB.SpaceC.distanceD.gap5.Able-bodied people just don’t realize how difficult it is_____good jobs()A.of disabled people to getB.of disabled people gettingC.for disabled people to getD.for disabled people getting6.Rural communities are usually morein their child-rearing methods, while in the town there is more variety()A.uniformB.likeC.similarD.same7.—He looks so young!—I agree with you. He looks 30, but he is45()A.actuallyB.basicallyC.accordinglyD.entirely8.There is absolutely no need to(). We will return to the airport very soonA.panicB.terrorC.frightD.rage9.Generally speaking, nodding your head is to saying yes()A.contraryB.equivalentC.secondaryD.relevant10.Mr. Smith left for London this morning. I had thought he ______ until next Monday()A.isn’t goingB.wasn’t goingC.won’t be goingD.hasn’t gone11.The defense computers calculate way to()the enemy missilesA.spoilB.harmC.destroyD.damage12.You had better stop watching too much TV unless you want to _____ your eye-sight()A.ruinB.crashC.blockD.break13.I enjoyed the party. Still,I’d rather _____ to the theater()A.to be goingB.goC.to goD.went14.Mr. Black has_____ arrived in New York and will meet with the Minister of Trade on Monday morning()A.stillB.yetC.alreadyD.barely15.We can’t _____his plan, for it’s exactly far beyond what we have expected ()A.go long withB.get on withC.give in toD.get out of16.Under no circumstances the party()A.we shall cancelB.shall we cancelC.we cancelD.shall not we cancel17.I think you'd better hold you position and don't ______ to their demands ()A.give offB.give upC.give awayD.give in18.We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane()A.will take offB.would take offC.has taken offD.had taken off19.______ is not known yet()A.Although he is serious about itB.No matter how we will do the taskC.Whether we will go outing or notD.Unless they come to see us20.It was ____she spoke hat I had realized she wasn't English()A.untilB.unlessC.not untilD.not unless二、选词填空题(10题)21.3.____22.Students at university can learn and make friends 1 will last a lifetime.However,the cost of studying is on the rise.This increase means that most students can get into money trouble 2 they do not know how to manage their money. It is not just the course fees.Students must also 3 for room and board.In addition,they may spend money 4 clothes,travel,and other things. Thus,students need to budget 5 .At most universities teachers can give students suggestions on how to spend their money.The first thing they suggest is to write down your 6 ,for example,the money you will get from your family or a part-time job.Then list all of your expenses.Put yourexpenses into two 7 : those that change (food,books,travel),and those that will stay the same (tuition,room and board).Add together all of your expenses. When you do this,you find it is 8 to plan out your budget.This means you can save your money,rather than trying to 9 from others.As you can see,there is more to learn at university than just 10 is taught in the classroom.____23.Researchers have found that people who go to concerts,shows and museums can live longer than 1 who do not.Experts from University College London have been examining the lifestyles of over 6,700 British people 2 15 years.They 3 how often the people went out and what kinds of events they attended.They found that people over 50 years old 4 regularly went to concerts were about 30 percent 5 likely to die over the next 14 years.The researchers said the over50s could extend their life 6 engaging with the arts.In addition to living longer concertgoers could also have more fun. The UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes there could be a lot of 7 in the research.He said arts and culture could 8 things like mental health,aging and loneliness.He 9 announced plans for the UK’s National Health Service to use the arts to help people live a healthier life.One researcher said,“Our results highlight the importance of 10 to explore new social factors that affect our health.” 1.____三、情景对话(10题)24.Task 2(每小题2分,共10分)M: Excuse me.71W: I'm sorry. Have you seen the sign on the wall, No smoking?M: Oh, sorry. Where can I smoke on this floor, please?W: I'm afraid it's not allowed in the whole building.M: Oh dear!72W: Sure. Help yourself, over there.M: Thank you very much.W: Don't you know smoking is not good for your health, young man?M:73 I tried many times to give it up, but I failed.74W: Yes, it's hard to stop! But if you have the nonsmokers'health and well-being in mind, you might succeed.M: You're right! Thanks very much. I'll try again to kick my smoking habit. W: That's OK. Well, if you're feeling bad now, you can smoke outside, in the open air, of course.M: Oh, no!75W: That's great!A. When I go without it, I feel very bad.B. I wonder if I could have a glass of water.C. Would you mind if I smoked here?D. Yes, I do.E. I'll start from now on!71.____()25.3()A.I am fine. Thank youB.Would you like to ask me any questions?C.And I like travelling a lotD.Because I know your company’s work,and I like itE.Tell me, why do you want to leave your present job26.68.____()27.72.____()28.Mary: Hello!1John: Sure, my name is John Smith and I’m from a small town called Brentwood in Essex which is in England.Mary: OK, Essex.2John: That’s in the southeast.Mary: Southeast?John: Yeah, yeah. It’s attached to London, just next to London.Mary: Oh, OK, but you said it’s a small town.John: It’s relatively small.3Mary: Oh, when I think of a small British town, you know, I think of really old houses, and nothing’s changed.4John: The cinema in Brentwood actually closed down, but it does have a very nice health centre and, as I said, lots of parks to play in.Mary:51()A.The population is only about 50,000B.Wow, it sounds like a nice place to live inC.Which part of England is that?D.Do you have modern stuff, like a health club, a movie theatre or things like that?E.Can you introduce yourself, please29.69.____()30.74.____()31.W: Would you please read this letter of application I've written? 66M: Oh, let me have a look.67But I have one suggestion.W: Good! What's that?M: If I were you, I'd change the beginning. 68W: Good idea, Jack. What do you think about the second part?M: Since you've asked me, I think it's too short. You should write much more information about your work experience.W: 69I'll change it. How do you feel about the last part of the letter?M: Very good.70W: I agree. I really appreciate your help. Do you think the end is all right? M: Oh, yes.A. I suppose you're right.B. You should write about your education first.C. It looks fine to me.D. I'd like to have your advice.E. But you should say something about your family, too66.____()32.8.____()33.Task 1(每小题2分,共10分)W:Good morning,Mr. Zhang. I am Chen Hua,and I'll be interviewing you. How are you today?M:66W:Can you tell me something about your experiences in this kind of work? M:Well,for many years,I managed a department for the Redstone Company in London. Now I work part-time because I also go to school at night. I'm getting a business degree.W:Oh,how interesting.67M:I'll finish school in a few months,and I'd like a full-time position with more responsibility.W:And why would you like to work for our company?M:68W:Could you please tell me about your special skills and interests?M:Of course,I'm good at computers and I can speak French. I used to take French classes at the local college.69W:Can you give me any references?M:Yes,certainly. You can talk to Mr. Wang,my boss,at the Redstone Company. I could also give you the names and numbers of several of my teachers.W:All right,Mr. Zhang.70M:Yes, I wonder when I'll be informed about my application for the job? W:Well,we'll let you know as soon as possible. Let's keep in touch. Thankyou very much for your coming.M:Thank you.A. I am fine. Thank you.B. Would you like to ask me any questions?C. And I like travelling a lot.D. Because I know your company's work,and I like it.E. Tell me, why do you want to leave your present job66.____()四、翻译(10题)34.(Par1, Passage 4)It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure what tax he ought to pay to the government because it depends on so many different things35.我不得不推迟原定的计划,这使我深感失望36.我希望你能理解为什么不让你去看电影37.Word came that the unexpected fire caused a great loss38.事实上,没有人能够不经过努力就一夜成名39.没有调查,就没有发言权40.我们应该尽快地找出事故的原因,而不是坐在这儿等41.他在大学里所学到的东西已彻底改变了他的生活42.It was 2001 when his brother was admitted to the Peking University43.The meeting will be put off till Friday五、阅读理解(10题)44.When Amelia Earhart saw flames coming from the engine, what did she do?A.She did nothing but pray for herself.B.She changed her direction and landed in Ireland.C.She continued lyingD.She lost hope of reaching land.45.Passage TwoWorking to a clear plan during an emergency will help to ensure that you are effectively prioritizing(优先选择)many demands upon your attention. Do not allow yourself to become distracted by non-vital activities. Always bear in mind the emergency action—Assess, Make Safe, Give Emergency Aid, and Get Help.Your approach should be brisk(快的), but calm and controlled, so that you can quickly take in as much information as possible. Your priorities are to identify any risks to yourself, to the casualties(伤亡人员), and to any other people around, then to access the resources available to you and the kind of help you may need.State that you have first-aid skills when offering your help. If there are no doctors, nurses, or more experienced people present, calmly take charge. First ask yourself these questions: Is there any continuing danger? Is anyone's life in immediate danger? Are there any other people who can help? Do I need specialist help?The conditions that caused the accident may still present further danger. Remember that you must put your own safety first. You can't help others ifyou become a casualty yourself.Often, very simple measures, such as turning off an electric switch, are enough to make the area safe. Sometimes more complicated procedures are required. Never put yourself and the casualties at further risk by attempting to do too much; be aware of your limitationsIn order to act effectively during an emergency, you are advised to _____()A.ask for help from a hospitalB.seek an expert's adviceC.turn to the police for helpD.follow a clear plan46.47.____47.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a sign that your job is doing harm to your health()A.Aches or pains for reasons unknownck of interest in activitiesC.Failing rememberingD.Eating too much48.Which of the following statements is NOT true()A.Children’s resistance to illness is directly proportional to their poor nutritional statusB.The well-nourished tend to recover quickly when they are illC.The poorly-nourished are most likely to be the victims of infections and diseasesD.The cycle indicates that illness can turn the poor nutritional condition for the worse49.The best title of this passage can be_______()A.Effect of EducationB.Dependence on EnvironmentC.IntelligenceD.Surroundings50.44.____()51.Which of the following is the author's suggestion()A.Open the gift immediately in front of the giverB.Wrap the gift carefullyC.Express the appreciation for the gift you receiveD.Buying a present card to avoid the trouble in shopping52.What can we learn about the Health and Retirement Study()A.It has been carried out by the National Institute on Aging for about 20 yearsB.The study surveys the Americans of all agesC.The two economists have done enough research in this fieldD.The two economists administer memory tests to many old people every two years53.What is Career Consulting()A.It is a company offering jobs for peopleB.It is a movie played by Charles ChaplinC.It is a plant making hunting toolsD.It is a business company helping people find jobs六、作文题(1题)54.Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a composition on the topic: Hazards of High Altitude Throwing. You should write at least 120words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. 1. 高空抛物在生活中成为一大隐患;2. 高空抛物的危害;3. 你的看法参考答案1.A无论何时这个男人说反对他妻子的话,她往往都会发脾气。



2024江西专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 江西是中国的哪个省份?A. 东部省份B. 西部省份C. 南部省份D. 北部省份2. 专升本是指什么?A. 本科升硕士B. 大专升本科C. 高中升大专D. 初中升高中3. 2024年江西专升本考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 200分C. 300分D. 500分4. 以下哪项不是专升本考试的科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 体育5. 专升本考试的报名条件是什么?A. 必须是全日制大专在校生B. 必须是全日制本科生C. 必须是高中毕业生D. 必须是初中毕业生6. 专升本考试通常在每年的哪个月份举行?A. 1月B. 6月C. 9月D. 12月7. 专升本考试的合格标准是什么?A. 达到总分的60%B. 达到总分的70%C. 达到总分的80%D. 达到总分的90%8. 专升本考试的报名流程通常包括哪些步骤?A. 网上报名、现场确认、缴费B. 现场报名、网上报名、缴费C. 缴费、网上报名、现场确认D. 现场确认、缴费、网上报名9. 专升本考试的复习资料通常包括哪些?A. 历年真题、模拟题、教材B. 教材、小说、漫画C. 漫画、教材、历年真题D. 小说、漫画、模拟题10. 专升本考试的录取原则是什么?A. 按照考试成绩从高到低择优录取B. 按照报名先后顺序录取C. 按照考生户籍所在地录取D. 按照考生年龄大小录取二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 江西位于中国的______地区。

12. 专升本考试的目的是选拔______。

13. 2024年江西专升本考试的报名时间是______。

14. 专升本考试的考试科目通常包括______、______和______。

15. 专升本考试的报名条件要求考生具有______学历。

16. 专升本考试的成绩通常在考试结束后______天内公布。

17. 专升本考试的合格标准是考生的总分达到______。



09江西专升本单选题试题以及答案Vocabulary and Structure1-3 D A B4.until5.D6-10 D D D A B11-15 B B D A A16-20 C B B A D21-25 B C A / B26-30 D A C C A31-32 A D33.Although或Though34-35. C C36-40. A A D B DFart III(20 minutes)1. The course is so difficult that is certainly the reach of begin ners.A) out C) throughB)in D) beyond选D. beyond表示:超出……之外,非……所能及beyond the reach/ability of sb:超出某人的能力之外2. Being short of food and fuel, we are with a very difficult s ituation.A) faced C) caughtB) managed D) handled选A. be faced with为固定搭配.表示"面临,面对"3. By the end of last month, we on this project for more tha n 6 weeks.A) have worked C)are workingB) had worked D) will work选B. by the end of + 过去的时间点根据这个时间状语可知,这里该用过去完成时。

4. He didn't realize he had left files in his customer's office he went back to the company.A) what C) unlessB)which D) who选项打错了。

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