



雷达知识考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10题)1. 雷达的基本原理是什么?A. 声波反射B. 无线电波反射C. 光波反射D. 热能反射答案:B2. 雷达系统主要由哪几部分组成?A. 发射机、接收机、显示器B. 发射机、天线、显示器C. 发射机、天线、接收机D. 发射机、天线、接收机、显示器答案:D3. 雷达波的频率范围是多少?A. 30MHz-300MHzB. 300MHz-3GHzC. 3GHz-30GHzD. 30GHz-300GHz答案:C4. 雷达的探测距离与什么因素有关?A. 功率B. 频率C. 波长D. 所有以上因素答案:D5. 相控阵雷达的主要优点是什么?A. 重量轻B. 体积小C. 扫描速度快D. 价格低廉答案:C6. 雷达的分辨率主要取决于什么?A. 信号强度B. 信号带宽C. 信号频率D. 信号波长答案:B7. 雷达的抗干扰能力主要与什么有关?A. 发射功率B. 信号频率C. 信号带宽D. 信号调制方式答案:D8. 雷达波在大气中的传播损耗主要受哪些因素影响?A. 温度B. 湿度C. 大气压力D. 所有以上因素答案:D9. 雷达测速的原理是什么?A. 多普勒效应B. 相位差C. 时间差D. 频率差答案:A10. 雷达的探测范围与天线的什么特性有关?A. 增益B. 波束宽度C. 极化方式D. 所有以上因素答案:B二、多选题(每题3分,共5题)1. 雷达的主要应用领域包括哪些?A. 军事B. 航空C. 航海D. 气象答案:ABCD2. 雷达信号处理中常用的技术有哪些?A. 滤波B. 压缩C. 匹配滤波D. 频谱分析答案:ABCD3. 雷达系统的干扰源可能包括哪些?A. 自然干扰B. 人为干扰C. 电子干扰D. 机械干扰答案:ABC4. 雷达波的极化方式有哪些?A. 线性极化B. 圆极化C. 椭圆极化D. 随机极化答案:ABC5. 雷达信号的调制方式包括哪些?A. 调幅B. 调频C. 调相D. 脉冲调制答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. 雷达波不能穿透云层。



雷达试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 雷达的工作原理是通过发射和接收电磁波来探测目标的,这种电磁波被称为:A. 无线电波B. 红外线C. 紫外线D. 微波答案:A2. 下列哪项不是雷达系统的主要组成部分?A. 发射机B. 天线C. 显示器D. 接收机答案:C3. 雷达的分辨率是指雷达能够区分的最小目标距离或角度,下列哪项不是影响雷达分辨率的因素?A. 工作频率B. 脉冲宽度C. 雷达功率D. 天线增益答案:C4. 多普勒效应在雷达技术中主要用于:A. 目标检测B. 速度测量C. 距离测量D. 方向测量答案:B5. 下列关于雷达天线的说法,错误的是:A. 天线负责发射和接收电磁波B. 天线的形状和尺寸会影响雷达的性能C. 天线增益越高,雷达探测距离越远D. 雷达天线不能同时发射和接收信号答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 雷达系统的主要功能包括:A. 目标检测B. 目标跟踪C. 目标识别D. 目标摧毁答案:ABC2. 下列哪些因素会影响雷达的探测范围?A. 工作频率B. 脉冲宽度C. 雷达高度D. 目标大小答案:ACD3. 雷达信号处理的目的是:A. 提高信号的信噪比B. 检测目标的存在C. 测量目标的位置D. 消除干扰答案:ABCD4. 雷达的分类可以根据:A. 工作频率B. 探测目标的类型C. 雷达的用途D. 雷达的工作原理答案:AC5. 下列哪些技术可以提高雷达的抗干扰能力?A. 频率捷变B. 脉冲压缩C. 多普勒滤波D. 相控阵技术答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 雷达的探测距离与目标的大小无关。

(错误)2. 雷达的天线增益越高,其探测范围越广。

(正确)3. 雷达的分辨率仅与脉冲宽度有关。

(错误)4. 多普勒效应可以用来测量静止目标的速度。

(错误)5. 雷达天线的波束宽度越窄,其分辨率越高。

(正确)6. 雷达系统不能同时进行目标检测和目标跟踪。




1-2.已知某雷达对σ= 的大型歼击机最大探测距离为100Km,a)如果该机采用隐身技术,使σ减小到,此时的最大探测距离为多少?b)在a)条件下,如果雷达仍然要保持100Km最大探测距离,并将发射功率提高到10倍,则接收机灵敏度还将提高到多少?1-3. 画出p5图1.5中同步器、调制器、发射机高放、接收机高放和混频、中放输出信号的基本波形和时间关系。

第二章2-1. 某雷达发射机峰值功率为800KW,矩形脉冲宽度为3μs,脉冲重复频率为1000Hz,求该发射机的平均功率和工作比2-2. 在什么情况下选用主振放大式发射机?在什么情况下选用单级振荡式发射机?2-3. 用带宽为10Hz的测试设备测得某发射机在距主频1KHz处的分布型寄生输出功率为10μW,信号功率为100mW,求该发射机在距主频1KHz处的频谱纯度。

2-4. 阐述p44图2.18中和p47图2.23中、的作用,在p45图2.21中若去掉后还能否正常工作?2-5. 某刚性开关调制器如图,试画出储能元件C的充放电电路和①~⑤点的时间波形2-6. 某人工长线如图,开关接通前已充电压10V,试画出该人工长线放电时(开关接通)在负载上产生的近似波形,求出其脉冲宽度L=25μh,C=100pF,=500Ω2.7. 某软性开关调制器如图,已知重复频率为2000Hz,C=1000pF,脉冲变压器匝数比为1:2,磁控管等效电阻=670Ω,试画出充放电等效电路和①~⑤点的时间波形。




大四上学期雷达原理与系统期末考题(大部分)一. 填空选择:1, 下列不能提高信噪比的是(B )A , 匹配滤波器B ,恒虚警C ,脉冲压缩D ,相关处理2, 若一线性相控阵有16个阵元,阵元间距为波长的一半,其波束宽度为(100/16) 3, 模糊图下的体积取决于信号的(能量) 4, 对于脉冲多普勒雷达,为了抑制固定目标,回拨方向加入对消器,这措施对运动目标的检测带来的影响是出现了(盲速)5, 雷达进行目标检测时,门限电平越低,则发现概率(越大),虚警概率(越大),要在虚警概率保持不变的情况下提高发现概率,则应(提高信噪比) 6, 对于脉冲雷达来说,探测距离盲区由(脉冲宽度)参数决定。

雷达接受机灵敏度是指(接收机接收微弱信号的能力,用接收机输入端的最小可探测信号功率Smin 表示)7, 不属于单级站脉冲雷达系统所必要的组成部分是(B )A 收发转换开关B 分立两个雷达 8, 若要求雷达发射机结构简单,实现成本低,则应当采用的结构形式是(单级振荡式发射机)9, 多普勒效应由雷达和目标间的相对运动产生,当发射信号波长为3m ,运动目标与雷达的径向速度为240m/s ,如果目标是飞向雷达,目标回波信号的频率是(100MHz+160Hz ) 注:多普勒频率2d r f v λ=10,在雷达工作波长一定情况下,要提高角分辨力,必须(增大天线间距d ),合成孔径雷达的(方向分辨力)只与真实孔径的尺寸有关 11,只有同时产生两个相同且部分重叠的波束才能采用等信号法完成目标方向的测量 12,当脉冲重复频率fr 和回波多普勒频率fd 关系满足(fr )》fd )时,不会出现(频闪和盲速)13,只有发射机和接受机都是(相参系统),才能提取出目标多普勒信息14,大气折射现象会增加雷达(直视距离)15,奈曼—皮尔逊准则是在检测概率一定的条件下,使漏警概率最小,或者发现概率最大。




雷达原理试题及题库答案一、单项选择题1. 雷达的基本原理是()。

A. 反射原理B. 折射原理C. 散射原理D. 衍射原理答案:A2. 雷达测距的基本量是()。

A. 距离B. 速度C. 方位D. 仰角答案:A3. 雷达天线的主要作用是()。

A. 发射电磁波B. 接收电磁波C. 转换电能为机械能D. 转换机械能为电能答案:A4. 雷达的最小作用距离取决于()。

A. 发射功率B. 接收机灵敏度C. 天线增益D. 以上都是答案:DA. 多普勒效应B. 傅里叶变换C. 相位差D. 时间差答案:A二、多项选择题6. 雷达的主要组成部分包括()。

A. 发射机B. 天线C. 接收机D. 显示器答案:ABCDA. 线性极化B. 圆极化C. 椭圆极化D. 随机极化答案:ABC8. 雷达信号处理的内容包括()。

A. 信号检测B. 信号提取C. 信号分析D. 信号合成答案:ABC9. 雷达的主要性能参数包括()。

A. 作用距离B. 分辨率C. 精度D. 可靠性答案:ABCD10. 雷达的分类方式有()。

A. 按工作频段B. 按用途C. 按工作方式D. 按极化方式答案:ABC三、判断题11. 雷达的分辨率与其工作频率成反比。

()答案:×(错误)12. 雷达的天线增益越高,其作用距离越远。

()答案:√(正确)13. 雷达的最小作用距离与接收机灵敏度无关。

()答案:×(错误)14. 雷达波的极化方式不会影响其探测性能。

()答案:×(错误)15. 雷达的测速原理基于多普勒效应。

()答案:√(正确)四、填空题16. 雷达的________是雷达系统的核心,负责发射和接收电磁波。

答案:天线17. 雷达的________是雷达系统的关键部件,负责将接收到的电磁波转换为电信号。

答案:接收机18. 雷达的________是雷达系统的重要组成部分,负责显示雷达信号和目标信息。

答案:显示器19. 雷达的________是雷达系统的主要性能参数之一,决定了雷达的作用距离。



雷达基础理论试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 雷达系统的基本组成部分不包括以下哪一项?A. 发射机B. 天线C. 接收机D. 显示器答案:D2. 雷达的工作原理是基于以下哪种物理现象?A. 电磁波的反射B. 电磁波的折射C. 电磁波的衍射D. 电磁波的干涉答案:A3. 下列哪种波不能用于雷达?A. 微波B. 无线电波C. 声波D. 光波答案:C4. 雷达的探测距离主要取决于以下哪个因素?A. 目标的大小B. 雷达发射的功率C. 天气条件D. 以上都是答案:D5. 雷达天线的主要功能是什么?A. 发射电磁波B. 接收电磁波C. 转换电能为电磁能D. 以上都是答案:D6. 雷达的分辨率主要取决于以下哪个参数?A. 波长B. 带宽C. 脉冲宽度D. 以上都是答案:D7. 雷达的多普勒效应可以用于测量目标的什么?A. 速度B. 方向C. 距离D. 以上都不是答案:A8. 雷达的脉冲压缩技术可以提高哪种性能?A. 分辨率B. 探测距离C. 抗干扰能力D. 以上都是答案:A9. 雷达的隐身技术主要是通过以下哪种方式实现的?A. 吸收电磁波B. 反射电磁波C. 散射电磁波D. 以上都是答案:A10. 雷达的干扰技术中,哪种方式是通过发射虚假信号来欺骗雷达?A. 噪声干扰B. 欺骗干扰C. 脉冲干扰D. 以上都不是答案:B二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)1. 雷达的基本工作模式包括以下哪些?A. 搜索模式B. 跟踪模式C. 引导模式D. 干扰模式答案:ABC2. 雷达的天线类型主要有以下哪些?A. 抛物面天线B. 阵列天线C. 相控阵天线D. 螺旋天线答案:ABC3. 雷达的信号处理技术包括以下哪些?A. 脉冲压缩B. 频率捷变C. 多普勒滤波D. 目标识别答案:ABCD4. 雷达的抗干扰措施包括以下哪些?A. 频率捷变B. 功率控制C. 信号编码D. 空间滤波答案:ABCD5. 雷达的目标识别技术包括以下哪些?A. 形状识别B. 速度识别C. 频率识别D. 模式识别答案:ABD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 雷达的发射功率越大,其探测距离就越远。



(完整版)雷达系统导论第3-4章作业答案雷达系统导论作业[1] 3.1沿圆轨道绕地球飞行的卫星高度为5000海里,速度为2.7海里/秒。

(a )如果UHF (450MHz )雷达位于轨道平面内,当卫星刚出现在地平线上时观察到的多普勒频移是多少(地球半径为3440海里,忽略大气折射和地面反射的影响)?(b)当卫星处于天顶时多普勒频移是多少?解答:(a )当卫星刚出现在地平线上时径向速度为)(1.15000344034407.2cos 节=+?=+?==h R R v v v r α (注:1节=1海里/小时,1海里=1.852公里)故多普勒频移)(7.1) GHz f v v Hz f t r r d =??===((节)λ(b)当卫星处于天顶时径向速度为)(7.2节=r v故多普勒频移)(17.4) GHz f v Hz f t r d =??==((节)[2] 3.2. 220MHz VHF 雷达的最大非模糊距离为180海里。

(a )第一盲速(单位为节)是多少?(b) 重复习题(a ),但雷达工作在1250MHz 的L 波段。

(c) 重复习题(a ),但雷达工作在9375MHz 的X 波段。

(d)为了获得与(a )中的VHF 雷达一样的盲速,(c) 中X 波段雷达的非模糊距离(海里)为多少?(e)如果需要第一盲速为(a )中盲速的雷达,你愿意选择VHF 雷达还是X 波段雷达?请解释你的回答(有可能没有唯一解)。

解答:(a )Hz R c f c R T un p un p 450010852.11802103223 8===?=,(节)595045001022010397.097.0)()(97.0)(681==??==p p f f c Hz f m kt v λ (b )Hz f p 4500=,(节)1047450010125010397.0)()(97.0681===Hz f m v p λ (c )Hz f p 4500=,(节)140450010937510397.0)()(97.0681===Hz f m v p λ (d )海里)公里(8.1)(33.3450021032228==??===?=p p un un p f c cT R c R T (e )如果需要第一盲速为(节)5950)()(97.01==Hz f m v p λ,从上面的计算可以看出,随着雷达工作频率的升高(波长的减小),要求p f升高,则最大非模糊距离pun f R 2=下降,例如(d)中X 波段雷达的非模糊距离仅为1.8海里,对许多雷达应用来说太短了(脉冲多普勒雷达可使用高雷达工作频率)。



《雷达原理》作业,#21、根据雷达距离方程,决定雷达最大作用距离的参数有 。

2、根据雷达距离方程,要提高雷达最大作用距离,发射机可以采取的措施有 ,接收机可以采取的措施有 ,天线可以采取的措施有 。

3、根据雷达距离方程,在雷达其它参数不变的条件下,若发射机的发射功率为0t P 时,雷达的最大作用距离为0R ,若发射功率增加到016t P ,则最大作用距离为 。

4、根据雷达距离方程,在雷达工作波长和天线参数一定的情况下,雷达发射机的发射功率和接收机的接收机灵敏度决定了雷达的 。

5、雷达进行目标检测时,门限电平越低,则发现概率 ,虚警概率 。

要在虚警概率保持不变的情况下提高发现概率,则应 。

恒虚警技术是指,当噪声功率变化时,要保持 不变,则 。

6、在雷达信号检测中,保持虚警概率不变,则信噪比增加时,雷达的发现概率 。

7、恒虚警技术是指,当噪声功率变化时,要保持 不变,则 。

8、相干积累的目的是 。

9、多个脉冲进行积累能提高信噪比,原因是 。

10、雷达发射机有 和 两类。


主控振荡器用以产生 ___________ 。

11、 雷达接收机中AGC 电路用来( ),STC 电路用来( ),AFC 电路用来( )。

12. ( )式发射机是全相干雷达的重要组成部分,所谓全相干是指( )保持严格的( )关系,都是由( )经过分频、倍频、混频调整而得。


2、 简述单级振荡式和主振放大式发射机的优缺点?3、画出现代雷达接收机的通用框图。

4. 对N 级级联系统,第i 级的参数为(,)i i F G ,其温度为i T ,系统带宽为n B ,请证明系统总的噪声系数为321112121111N N F F F F F G G G G G G ----=++++ ,等效噪声温度为321112121N e N T T T T T G G G G G G -=++++ .。



雷达考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 雷达的工作原理是通过发射和接收什么波来检测物体的?A. 声波B. 光波C. 电磁波D. 热波答案:C2. 雷达的探测距离主要取决于以下哪个因素?A. 雷达的发射功率B. 雷达接收器的灵敏度C. 目标物体的大小D. 所有以上因素答案:D3. 下列哪项不是雷达的主要组成部分?A. 发射机B. 天线C. 显示器D. 导航系统答案:D4. 雷达波束的宽度通常用来描述什么?A. 雷达的分辨率B. 雷达的探测范围C. 雷达的发射功率D. 雷达的接收频率答案:A5. 多普勒效应在雷达技术中主要用于检测目标的什么?A. 速度B. 方向C. 距离D. 大小答案:A6. 雷达的分辨率是指雷达能够区分两个相邻目标的最小距离,通常与什么有关?A. 雷达的波长B. 雷达的发射功率C. 雷达的天线尺寸D. 目标物体的材料答案:C7. 雷达的频率越高,其分辨率越?A. 低B. 高C. 不变D. 无法确定答案:B8. 雷达的波长越长,其穿透能力越?A. 强B. 弱C. 不变D. 无法确定答案:A9. 雷达在军事领域主要用于什么?A. 导航B. 通信C. 侦察D. 所有以上答案:D10. 下列哪项不是雷达的干扰源?A. 电子干扰B. 地形反射C. 太阳辐射D. 目标物体的反射答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)1. 雷达在民用领域主要用于以下哪些方面?A. 气象监测B. 交通管理C. 航空导航D. 军事侦察答案:ABC2. 雷达的类型可以根据以下哪些标准进行分类?A. 工作频率B. 探测距离C. 用途D. 工作方式答案:ACD3. 下列哪些因素会影响雷达的探测效果?A. 天气条件B. 目标物体的形状C. 目标物体的材料D. 雷达的发射功率答案:ABCD4. 雷达信号处理中常用的技术包括哪些?A. 滤波B. 压缩C. 调制D. 解调答案:ABD5. 雷达的天线设计通常需要考虑哪些因素?A. 波束宽度B. 波束形状C. 增益D. 极化方式答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 雷达的分辨率与天线尺寸成正比。


2.毫米波雷达的频率范围通常在_______ GHz到_______ GHz之间。



填空题(共22分,1分/空)1、某雷达的发射频率为1000MHz,发射脉冲重复频率为200Hz,发射脉冲宽度为1us,发射峰值功率为100KW,则该雷达的PRT=________ms, 最大可能探测距离=_______km,发射平均功率=_______W。




6、 RADAR是______________________________________________________的缩写。






判断( )1 雷达发射的信号中含有丰富的目标信息机必须以连续波方式发射( )3 雷达是有源装置,即是主动遥感设备,能提高速度测量精度。





















雷达原理作业4-2016[推荐五篇]第一篇:雷达原理作业4-2016《雷达原理》作业,No.4 递交日期:2016.4.201.对固定目标和运动目标的相干脉冲多普勒雷达回波,分别通过相位检波器后,输出信号的主要区别是,回波脉冲在距离显示器上的主要区别是.。








8.如果雷达系统的PRF为1 KHz,工作频率为3 GHz, 气象杂波(云)的径向运动速度为10m/s,试设计一个一阶的MTI对消器。








10.1(a )1009080706050403020100 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1ε(b) 耗散功率为 30 0.15 30- 30 =170kW (c) 耗散功率为 0.5- 30 =30kW (d) 缺点:低效率使耗散的热量增大,同时也增大了冷却该器件的功率,是系统整体效率再一次下降。

10.2 (a)输出功率降低20 log280 300=0.60dB (b)雷达作用距离减少1-.10.3 (a)发射机功率降低20 l og 9 10=0.91dB (b) 最大辐射功率密度降低 0.91dB 1 (c) 雷达作用距离降低 10.4 比较:⨯ 0.91 =0.23dB 4(1) 固态发射机都具有较长的 MTBF 。

(2) 固态发射机采用了组件结构,维护相当容易(把坏组件拉出来,用另一个换上)。

(3) 不需要阴极加热器(不需要预热时间和降低发射机总效率的加热器功率)。

(4) 固态器件的工作电压比射频功率管的低的多。

(5) 不需要脉冲调制器(它当 C 类放大器使用时,晶体管可自脉冲调制,即在加上射频驱动信号时自动接通,而在驱动信号断掉时自动断掉)。

P d i s /P o u t3/ 2 (6) 固态发射机的噪声低而且稳定性好(检测大杂波回波中的小目标很重要)。

10.6 优点:(1)其不用谐振慢波结构,而是以快波结构为基础,所以其没有输出功率变化近似地与频率成反比的频率依赖性。

(2) 回旋管电路直径可以是几个波长,而且电子束不需要放在靠近射频结构的地方。

(3) 因为其没有带有谐振电路的常规微波功率源的尺寸限制问题,所以它们的功率控制能力可以相当大。

(4) 回旋调速管的增益,效率和输出功率比回旋行波管的较高。

缺点:(1) 由于回旋管用的磁铁通常是超导的,对某些应用来说,它可能是个负担,特别是如果该器件不得不工作在液态氦温度下的低温恒温箱里的时候。



雷达原理试题及题库答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 雷达的基本原理是利用电磁波的()。

A. 反射B. 折射C. 散射D. 衍射答案:A2. 雷达波束的宽度通常用()来表示。

A. 角度B. 距离C. 速度D. 时间答案:A3. 下列哪个参数不是雷达系统的主要参数?()A. 工作频率B. 脉冲宽度C. 脉冲重复频率D. 雷达重量答案:D4. 雷达的分辨率取决于()。

A. 工作频率B. 脉冲宽度C. 脉冲重复频率D. 雷达天线的尺寸答案:B5. 多普勒效应在雷达中主要用于测量目标的()。

A. 距离B. 方位C. 速度D. 高度答案:C6. 雷达的探测距离主要受()的限制。

A. 发射功率B. 接收机灵敏度C. 噪声水平D. 天线增益答案:C7. 雷达的天线增益与天线的()成正比。

A. 尺寸B. 重量C. 材料D. 形状答案:A8. 雷达的脉冲压缩技术主要用于()。

A. 提高分辨率B. 提高探测距离C. 提高目标识别能力D. 减少脉冲宽度答案:A9. 雷达的旁瓣是指天线辐射图谱中的()。

A. 主瓣B. 副瓣C. 零点D. 盲区答案:B10. 雷达的盲区是指雷达无法探测到目标的()。

A. 距离范围B. 方位角范围C. 仰角范围D. 速度范围答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 雷达的探测距离可以通过提高________来增加。

答案:发射功率2. 雷达的测距精度与________成正比。

答案:脉冲宽度3. 雷达的测角精度与________成反比。

答案:天线尺寸4. 雷达的多普勒频移与目标的________有关。

答案:相对速度5. 雷达的旁瓣抑制是为了减少________对主瓣的影响。

答案:副瓣6. 雷达的脉冲压缩技术可以提高________。

答案:距离分辨率7. 雷达的天线增益与________有关。

答案:天线设计8. 雷达的探测范围可以通过调整________来改变。

答案:天线波束宽度9. 雷达的盲区可以通过________来减小。



雷达系统导论作业第一章1.1(a) 要获得60nmi 的最大非模糊距离,雷达的脉冲重复频率应是多少? (b) 当目标处于最大非模糊距离上,则雷达信号往返的时间是多少?(c) 如果雷达的脉冲宽度为1.5,则在距离坐标上脉冲能量在空间的范围是多 少米? (d) 两个相等尺寸的目标如果要被1.5七的脉冲宽度完全分辨出来,则两者必须 相距多远(m)?(e) 如果雷达的峰值功率为800kW ,则平均功率是多少? ⑴ 这部雷达的占空因子是多少?解答:C C(a)R un =〒T p 二 f ,60nmi=0.081T pg ,2 2T p匚=警=密=般(阔=7.41(/(s),p ==1350HZ PT p(b)T R 二T p =740.74(七) (c)c =3 108 1.5 10^ =450(m)(eR = f p P =1.5 10“ 1.34 1 038 00 1 03=1.608kW学习参c 450= 225(m)(T) d cT p= 2.01 10”1.2 一部地基对空监视雷达工作频率为 1300MHz ( L 波段)。

它对于1m 2G- =1m 2)雷达横截面积的目标的最大检测距离为200nmi 。

天线尺寸为12m宽X4m 高,天线孔径效率为 嘉=0・65。

接收机最小可检测信号S min =10-13W ,确 疋:(a) 天线有效孔径A e (m 2 )和天线增益G[用数字和dB 表示,其中, G(dB)=10lgG]; (b) 发射机峰值功率;(c) 实现200nmi 最大非模糊距离的脉冲重复频率; (d) 如果脉冲宽度为2七,发射机的平均功率; (e) 占空比因子; (f) 水平波束宽度()。

解答:2(a) A e 」a A =0.65 12 4 =31.2m -7.36 103, G(dB) -10lg(7.36 103)=38.67dB(b)(c) f p二旦二3108= 405HzP2血270018526_6(d)氐二 R fp=1.29 10 2 10 405 =1.045kW(e)占空因子=fp =2 10405 = 8.1 10G=4魚Rmax珂RGAeb ]4 R= R 4max (4巧2S min = (200"852)4(4町2勺 0〔 28^ 何⑷ 件:)2恥 七GAF7410 31.2 1学习参0.23⑴厲=65 65 1.25D 121.3(a)雷达发射机平均功率为 200W ,脉冲宽度为14s ,脉冲重复频率为1000Hz ,则雷达的峰值功率是多少?(b)如果这部地基空中监视雷达的频率为 2.9GHz( S波段),矩形天线尺寸为 5m宽X2.7m咼,天线孔径效率:打=0.6 ,最小可检测信号S m in =1^2W (依据雷达方程中R是峰值功率),二=2m2,则地基雷达的作用距离(nmi)是多少?(c)接受到的回波信号功率是距离的函数,画出10〜80nmi的关系图。



雷达专业试题库及答案一、选择题1. 雷达的基本工作原理是利用电磁波的什么特性?A. 反射B. 折射C. 散射D. 吸收答案:A2. 下列哪项不是雷达的主要组成部分?A. 天线B. 发射机C. 接收机D. 显示器答案:D3. 雷达测距的基本原理是什么?A. 多普勒效应B. 回波时间差C. 波束扫描D. 频率调制答案:B4. 雷达的频率越高,其分辨率越:A. 低B. 高C. 无影响D. 不确定答案:B5. 雷达的天线波束宽度与什么有关?A. 波长B. 天线长度C. 频率D. 功率答案:B二、填空题1. 雷达的_________是用来接收反射回来的电磁波。

答案:接收机2. 雷达的_________是雷达系统的核心,负责产生和发射电磁波。

答案:发射机3. 雷达的_________是雷达天线发射和接收电磁波的方向。

答案:波束4. 雷达的_________是指雷达能够探测到的最小目标大小。

答案:分辨率5. 雷达的_________是指雷达能够探测到目标的最大距离。

答案:作用距离三、简答题1. 请简述雷达的基本工作流程。


2. 雷达的多普勒效应在实际应用中有什么作用?答案:雷达的多普勒效应在实际应用中主要用于测量目标的速度。


四、计算题1. 如果雷达发射的电磁波频率为10GHz,波长为3cm,求雷达天线的波束宽度。

答案:波束宽度与波长和天线长度有关,通常波束宽度可以通过公式θ = λ / (D/2) 计算,其中λ是波长,D是天线长度。


五、论述题1. 论述雷达在军事和民用领域中的应用。





















雷达系统大作业一汉译英1.线性调频信号2.二相编码信号3.侦察和监视雷达4.杂波抑制5.恒虚警检测6.合成孔径雷达7.干涉合成孔径雷达8.匹配滤波9.脉冲压缩10.多普勒滤波器组二英译汉1.RCS2.DPCA3.GMTI4.GMTD5.Discrete Fourier Transform6. in-phase and quadrature components7.PRF8. Doppler frequency of ground return9.Pulse compression10. Detection probability and the false-alarm probability三 12选31The velocity of the airborne radar is 100m/s, the beamwidth of the radar is 3 deg.(constant for different look direction), the wavelength of the transmitted signal is 0.03m, compute the clutter Doppler bandwidth of the main beam for the following look direction: (a) 0 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(b) 30 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(c) 60 deg(relative to the velocity direction);If the radar antenna is a phased-array antenna, and the broadside of the antenna is parallel to the velocity direction, then compute the clutter Doppler bandwidth of the main beam for the following look direction(Assume that the beamwidth of the phased-array at 0 deg is 3 deg ): (a) 0 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(b) 30 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(c) 60 deg(relative to the velocity direction).2The moon as a radar target may be describe as followings: average distance to the moon is 810844.3 m (about 208,000 nmi); experimentallymeasured radar cross section is 2111064.6m ⨯(mean value over a range ofradar frequencies); and its radius is 610738.1⨯m.(a) What is the round-trip time (seconds) of a radar pulse to the moon and back?(b) What should the pulse repetition frequency (prf) be in order to have no range ambiguities?(c) For the purpose of probing the nature of the moon’s surface, a much higher prf could be used than that found in (b). How high could the prf be if the p urpose is to observe the echoes from the moon’s half?(d) If an antenna with a diameter of 60 ft and aperture efficiency of 0.6 were used at a frequency of 430MHz with a receiver having a minimum detectable signal of 16105.1-⨯W, what peak power is required? Does your answer surprise you ;and if so ,why?(e) The radar cross section of a smooth perfectly conducting sphere of radius a is 2a π. What would be the radar cross section of the moon if it were a sphere with a perfectly smooth .conducting surface?Why might the measured cross section of the moon(given above) be different from this value?3A radar mounted on all automobile is to be used to determine the distance to a vehicle traveling directly in front of it .The radar operates at afrequency of 9375 MHz (Xband) with a pulse width of l0 ns(810-s).The maximum range is to be 500ft.(a) What is the pulse repetition frequency that corresponds to a range of 500 ft?(b) What is the range resolution(meters)?(c)If the antenna beamwidth were ︒6.what would be the cross-range resolution (meters) at a range of 500 ft ? Do you think this value of cross-range resolution is sufficient?(d) If the antenna dimensions were 1 ft by 1 ft and the antenna efficiency were 0.6,what would be the antenna gain (dB)?m radar cross section (e) Find the average power required to detect a 102vehicle at a range of 500 ft , if the minimum detectable signal is 13⨯W.5-104(a) What signal-to-noise ratio is required for a radar that makes a detection on the basis of a single pulse,when the probability of detection is 0.50 and the probability of false alarm is 610-? Assume a nonfluctuating target echo.(b) Repeat for a 0.99 probability of detection and the same probability of false alarm.(c) Repeat parts(a) and(b),but for a Swerling Case 1 fluctuating target.(d) Compare your results in a table.What conclusions can you obtain from this?5A civil marine radar is employed on boats and ships for observing navigation buoys, detecting land-sea boundaries,piloting,and avoiding collisions.Consider the following civil-marine radar:Frequency : 9400MHz(X band)Antenna : horizontal beamwidth = ︒8.0Vertical beamwidth = ︒15Gain = 33dBAzimuth rotation rate = 20rpmPeak power : 25kWPulse width : 0.15μsPulse repetition rate : 4000HzReceiver noise figure : 5dBReceiver bandwidth : 15MHzSystem losses : 12dBAverage time between false alarms : 4 hours(a) Plot the single-scan probability of detection as function of range (nmi),assuming a constant cross-section target of 102m(a navigation buoy) and free-space propagation.[You will find it easier to select the probability of detection and find the corresponding single-to-noise ratio,rather than the reverse.You need only consider probabilities of detection from 0.30 to 0.99.You may, for purposes of this problem, select a single (average) value of the integration improvement factor rather thanP(since the curve in the text does not try to find it as a function of dpermit otherwise).](b)Repeat (a) for a Swerling Case 1 target fluctuation model with average cross section of 102m. Plot on the same diagram as (a).(c) Comment on whether the average power of this radar is too low, just right, or too high for the job it has to perform here.(d) Why do you think this ship-mounted radar antenna has a15 elevation beamwidth when all the targets are located on the surface of the sea?6Consider the following air-surveillance radar :Frequency : 2.8GHz(S band)Peak power : 1.4MWPulse width : 0.6μsPulse repetition rate : 1040HzReceiver noise figure : 4dBAntenna rotation rate : 12.8rpmAntenna gain : 33 dBAntenna azimuth beamwidth : 1.35 degSystem losses : 12dBAverage false-alarm time : 20 minTarget cross section :22mPlot each of the following on the same coordinates (with range as the abscissa) :(a)The free-space single-scan probability of detection as a function of range (in nautical miles) for a constant cross-section target.[You will find it easier to select the probability of detection and find the corresponding single-to-noise ratio, rather than the reverse. You need only consider probabilities of detection from 0.30 to 0.99.You may, for purposes of this problem, select a single (average) value of the integration improvementP(since the curve in the factor rather than try to find it as a function of dtext does not permit otherwise).](b)The probability of detection as a function of range for the same situation as part (a) but with the detection criterion that the target must be found on at least 2 out of 3 scans of the rotating antenna. [You may assume that the range and the received signal power do not change appreciably over the three scans. For convenience of this calculation, you may assume that the single-scan false-alarm probability is the same as used in part (a).](c) Repeat (a) for a Swerling Case 1 with average target cross section of 22m.(d) Repeat (b) for a Swerling Case 1 with average target cross section of 22m.(e) Is the prf adequate for avoiding range ambiguities?(The radar in this problem is similar to the airport surveillance radar known as the ASR.)7(a) What is the probability of detecting a target on at least 2 out 4 scanswhen the single-scan probability of detection is 0.8?(b) What is the corresponding probability of false alarm in this case when10-?single-scan false-alarm probability is 8(c) What should be the single-scan false-alarm probability if the overall10-? false-alarm probability with a detection criterion of 2 out 4 scans is 8 (d) When the higher single-scan probability of false alarm of part (c) is10-single-scan probability of false alarm, what employed rather than a 8reduction in the single-to-noise ratio can be obtained?8An S-band (3.1 GHz) air-surveillance radar utilizes a staggered waveformwith four different prfs, which are 1222,1031,1138, and 1000Hz.(a) What is the first blind speed (knots) if a constant prf is used which hasa pulse repetition period equal to the average of the four periods of thestaggered waveform?(b) What is the first blind speed (knots) of the staggered prf waveform?Note that the i n for these four frequencies are 27,32,29,33respectively.(c)What is the maximum unambiguous range of the staggered prf waveform?(d) What is the depth (dB) of the first null of the staggered prf waveform?(e) What is the maximum MTI improvement factor for the staggered prf waveform, assuming a gaussian clutter spectrum with a standard deviation of 10Hz?9Consider an MTI radar with a frequency of 440MHz flying in an aircraft at a speed of 320kt. Its azimuth beamwidth is 6 degrees and its prf is 330Hz.(a) What is the Doppler frequency of the clutter echo and the spread in the clutter Doppler at azimuth angles of 0,45,and 90 degrees, where 0 is the head-on and 90 is the broadside? (You may assume that the elevation angle is zero, which is unrealistic of course, but it makes the problem simpler.)(b) Assume that TACCAR is applied so that the Doppler clutter frequencyis fully compensated along the center of the main beam (that is, the center frequency of the clutter Doppler spectrum is at zero Doppler frequency). DPCA is not applied. Sketch the Doppler space (the resulting clutter spectrum as a function of Doppler frequency) for the case where the radar antenna is pointing broadside at 90 degrees azimuth angle. For this problem you may assume that c σis the same as Δ2/c f . (Draw approximately to scale along the frequency axis.)(c) What is the value of p c f /σ when the antenna is pointing broadside as it is in part (b), where p f = prf and c σ= standard deviation of the clutter spectrum which can be approximated here by Δ2/c f ?(d) How well do you think a radar of this type detects moving aircraft targets in clutter?10Derive the error signal in one angle coordinate for the amplitude-comparison monopulse. Show that for small angular errors, the error signal is proportional to τθ,where τθis the angle of the target measured from the antenna pointing direction. The angular separation between the two squinted antenna beams is 2τθ[the one-way (voltage) pattern of the two antenna beams when not squinted can be approximatedby the normalized gaussian function exp(2/22θa -); where 22/776.2B a θ=,and B θ is the half-power beamwidth. Note that the hyperbolic cosine canbe expressed as cosh 2/)(x x e e x -+= and the hyperbolic sine as sinh 2/)(x x e e x --=; and for small values of x, sin x ≈ x and cosh x ≈ 1. Also, sinh 2x = 2sinh x cosh x.].11This problem involves range glint.(a) A dumbbell target at a long range from the radar has its two unresolved equal cross-section isotropic scatterers located in line in the radial (range) direction and separated by 10m. What is the phase differentbetween the echoes from these two scatterers when viewed by a radar at a frequency of 3GHz ? What is the range glint error in this case ?(b) What change in aspect angle(such as might be caused by a rotation of target about its center) will cause the two echoes to be by ︒180 out of phase , resulting is a severe glint error in range?(c) What change in frequency is needed to decorrelate the echo when the target is oriented as in (b) ?(d) What must be the pulse width [in (a)] in order to resolve the two scatterers (so that glint may be avoided)?12There are two methods for finding the radial velocity of a target. One is based on the Doppler shift λ/2r d v f =; the other is based on the rate of change of range with time ΔR/Δt. They give different measurement accuracies.(a) What is the expression for the radial velocity error,d v δ, found by measuring the Doppler frequency shift of a long quasi-rectangular pulse of width τ and RF frequency 0f ?(b) What is the expression for the radial velocity error, r v δ, found from the rate of change of range based on two range measurements 1R and 2R separated by a time τ, so that the velocity is τ/)(12R R v r -=, and τ is the same as the pulse width of the Doppler measurements ? The pulses in this range-rate measurement are of Gaussian shape with a half-power bandwidthB [use right-hand side of equation 2/102/10)/2(18.1)/2(18.1N E B N E T R πτδ==]. Assume the total value of 0/2N E in each of these two methods for radial velocity measurement [(a) and (b)] is the same.(c) What is the value of r d v v δδ/ ?(d) Based on your answer in (c), which is the more accurate method of velocity measurement, the Doppler method or the range-rate method ? (e) Under what conditions will these two methods give comparable accuracies (assuming the same total 0/2N E ) ?(f) Why do you think the Doppler method has not been used very often for a velocity measurement ?1 6 7 42 4 5 23 5 8 34 9 4 85 12 9 16 6 11 77 4 5 88 1 11 129 1 2 610 6 7 411 5 10 1112 9 3 613 5 2 914 7 1 215 5 9 616 9 3 717 8 7 118 1 5 1019 1 5 220 9 11 621 3 7 622 3 2 1223 10 9 624 10 3 125 10 4 926 10 5 927 3 1 728 11 8 929 5 10 430 4 11 331 4 2 1132 9 8 333 2 4 934 5 7 335 2 3 1236 11 9 437 7 3 638 8 12 539 4 10 840 5 10 6。

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雷达系统大作业一汉译英1.线性调频信号2.二相编码信号3.侦察和监视雷达4.杂波抑制5.恒虚警检测6.合成孔径雷达7.干涉合成孔径雷达8.匹配滤波9.脉冲压缩10.多普勒滤波器组二英译汉1.RCS2.DPCA3.GMTI4.GMTD5.Discrete Fourier Transform6. in-phase and quadrature components7.PRF8. Doppler frequency of ground return9.Pulse compression10. Detection probability and the false-alarm probability三12选31The velocity of the airborne radar is 100m/s, the beamwidth of the radar is 3 deg.(constant for different look direction), the wavelength of the transmitted signal is 0.03m, compute the clutter Doppler bandwidth of the main beam for the following look direction: (a) 0 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(b) 30 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(c) 60 deg(relative to the velocity direction);If the radar antenna is a phased-array antenna, and the broadside of the antenna is parallel to the velocity direction, then compute the clutter Doppler bandwidth of the main beam for the following lookdirection(Assume that the beamwidth of the phased-array at 0 deg is 3 deg ): (a) 0 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(b) 30 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(c) 60 deg(relative to the velocity direction).2The moon as a radar target may be describe as followings: average8108443.?m (about 208,000 nmi); experimentallydistance to the moon is1126.64?10m(mean value over a range ofmeasured radar cross section is610?7381.m.radar frequencies); and its radius isWhat is the round-trip time (seconds) of a radar pulse to the moon and (a) back?What should the pulse repetition frequency (prf) be in order to have (b)no range ambiguities?For the purpose of probing the nature of the moon's surface, a much (c)higher prf could be used than that found in (b). How high could the prf beurpose is to observe the echoes from the moon's half?if the pIf an antenna with a diameter of 60 ft and aperture efficiency of 0.6 (d)were used at a frequency of 430MHz with a receiver having a minimum16?10?1.5Does is detectable signal of required? peak W, what power why?so,and if your answer surprise you;of sphere smooth perfectly conducting The radar cross section of a (e)2?a. What would be the radar cross section of the moon if itradius a iswere a sphere with a perfectly smooth.conducting surface?Why might the measured cross section of the moon(given above) be different from this value?3A radar mounted on all automobile is to be used to determine the distance aat operates radar The .itof front in directly traveling vehicle a to frequency of 9375 MHz (Xband) with a pulse width of l0 ns(s).Themaximum range is to be 500ft.8?10(a) What is the pulse repetition frequency that corresponds to a range of 500 ft?(b) What is the range resolution(meters)?(c) If the antenna beamwidth were .what would be the cross-range?6resolution (meters) at a range of 500 ft ? Do you think this value of cross-range resolution is sufficient?(d) If the antenna dimensions were 1 ft by 1 ft and the antenna efficiency were 0.6,what would be the antenna gain (dB)?2m radar cross section Find the average power required to detect a10(e)vehicle at a range of 500 ft , if the minimum detectable signal is?13105?W.4(a) What signal-to-noise ratio is required for a radar that makes a detection on the basis of a single pulse,when the probability of detection is 0.50 and the probability of false alarm is ? Assume a 6?10nonfluctuating target echo.(b) Repeat for a 0.99 probability of detection and the same probability of false alarm.(c) Repeat parts(a) and(b),but for a Swerling Case 1 fluctuating target.(d) Compare your results in a table.What conclusions can you obtain from this?5A civil marine radar is employed on boats and ships for observing navigation buoys, detecting land-sea boundaries,piloting,and avoiding collisions.Consider the following civil-marine radar:Frequency : 9400MHz(X band)Antenna : horizontal beamwidth = ?.80Vertical beamwidth = ?15Gain = 33dBAzimuth rotation rate = 20rpmPeak power : 25kWPulse width : 0.15μsPulse repetition rate : 4000HzReceiver noise figure : 5dBReceiver bandwidth : 15MHzSystem losses : 12dBAverage time between false alarms : 4 hours(a) Plot the single-scan probability of detection as function of range (nmi),assuming a constant cross-section target of 10(a navigation buoy)and free-space propagation.[You will find it easier to select the2mprobability of detection and find the corresponding single-to-noise ratio,rather than the reverse.You need only consider probabilities of detection from 0.30 to 0.99.You may, for purposes of this problem, select a single (average) value of the integration improvement factor rather than P(since the curve in the text it find as a function of does not try to d permit otherwise).](b) Repeat (a) for a Swerling Case 1 target fluctuation model with average cross section of 10. Plot on the same diagram as (a).(c) Comment on whether the average power of this radar is too low, just 2mright, or too high for the job it has to perform here.(d) Why do you think this ship-mounted radar antenna has a15elevation beamwidth when all the targets are located on the surface of thesea?6Consider the following air-surveillance radar :Frequency : 2.8GHz(S band)Peak power : 1.4MWPulse width : 0.6μsPulse repetition rate : 1040HzReceiver noise figure : 4dBAntenna rotation rate : 12.8rpmAntenna gain : 33 dBAntenna azimuth beamwidth : 1.35 degSystem losses : 12dBAverage false-alarm time : 20 minTarget cross section :2 2m Plot each of the following on the samecoordinates (with range as theabscissa) :(a) The free-space single-scan probability of detection as a function of range (in nautical miles) for a constant cross-section target.[You will find it easier to select the probability of detection and find the corresponding single-to-noise ratio, rather than the reverse. You need only consider probabilities of detection from 0.30 to 0.99.You may, for purposes of this problem, select a single (average) value of the integration improvement P(since the curve in thefactor rather than try to find it as a function of dtext does not permit otherwise).](b) The probability of detection as a function of range for the same situation as part (a) but with the detection criterion that the target must be found on at least 2 out of 3 scans of the rotating antenna. [You may assume that the range and the received signal power do not change appreciably over the three scans. For convenience of this calculation, you may assume that the single-scan false-alarm probability is the same as used in part (a).](c) Repeat (a) for a Swerling Case 1 with average target cross section of2.(d) Repeat (b) for a Swerling Case 1 with average target cross section 2mof2.(e) Is the prf adequate for avoiding range ambiguities?2m(The radar in this problem is similar to the airport surveillance radar known as the ASR.)7(a) What is the probability of detecting a target on at least 2 out 4 scans when the single-scan probability of detection is 0.8?(b) What is the corresponding probability of false alarm in this case when 8?10?single-scan false-alarm probability isWhat should be the single-scan false-alarm probability if the overall (c)8?10? false-alarm probability with a detection criterion of 2 out 4 scans isWhen the higher single-scan probability of false alarm of part (c) is (d) 8?10single-scan probability of false alarm, what employed rather than areduction in the single-to-noise ratio can be obtained?8An S-band (3.1 GHz) air-surveillance radar utilizes a staggered waveform with four different prfs, which are 1222,1031,1138, and 1000Hz.What is the first blind speed (knots) if a constant prf is used which has (a)a pulse repetition period equal to the average of the four periods of the staggered waveform?What is the first blind speed (knots) of the staggered prf waveform? (b)n for these four frequencies are 27,32,29,33respectively. Note that the i(c) What is the maximum unambiguous range of the staggered prf waveform?(d) What is the depth (dB) of the first null of the staggered prf waveform?(e) What is the maximum MTI improvement factor for the staggered prf waveform, assuming a gaussian clutter spectrum with a standard deviation of 10Hz?9Consider an MTI radar with a frequency of 440MHz flying in an aircraft at a speed of 320kt. Its azimuth beamwidth is 6 degrees and its prf is 330Hz.(a) What is the Doppler frequency of the clutter echo and the spread in the clutter Doppler at azimuth angles of 0,45,and 90 degrees, where 0 is the head-on and 90 is the broadside? (You may assume that the elevation angle is zero, which is unrealistic of course, but it makes the problem simpler.)Assume that TACCAR is applied so that the Doppler clutter frequency (b).is fully compensated along the center of the main beam (that is, the center frequency of the clutter Doppler spectrum is at zero Doppler frequency). DPCA is not applied. Sketch the Doppler space (the resulting clutter spectrum as a function of Doppler frequency) for the case where the radar antenna is pointing broadside at 90 degrees azimuth angle. For this?/2fΔis the same as . that(Drawassume problem you may c c approximately to scale along the frequency axis.)?/f when the antenna is pointing broadside(c) What is the value of pc?f= standard deviation of theas it is in part (b), where = prf andc p/2f clutter spectrum which can be approximated here by Δ?c(d) How well do you think a radar of this type detects moving aircraft targets in clutter?10Derive the error signal in one angle coordinate for theamplitude-comparison monopulse. Show that for small angular errors, the ??is the angle ,where of the target error signal is proportional to??measured from the antenna pointing direction. The angular separation ?[the one-way (voltage) squinted antenna beams is 2between the two?pattern of the two antenna beams when not squinted can be approximated22); where by the normalized gaussian function exp(,?2?a/22?/2.a776?B and is the half-power beamwidth. Note that the hyperbolic cosine can ?Bx?x)/e?e2x?( and the hyperbolic sine as be expressed as cosh sinhx?x; and for small values of x, sin x ≈x and cosh x ≈1. Also,2(e)?e/?x sinh 2x = 2sinh x cosh x.].11This problem involves range glint.(a) A dumbbell target at a long range from the radar has its two unresolved equal cross-section isotropic scatterers located in line in the radial (range) direction and separated by 10m. What is the phase different between the echoes from these two scatterers when viewed by a radar at a frequency of 3GHz ? What is the range glint error in this case ?(b) What change in aspect angle(such as might be caused by a rotation of target about its center) will cause the two echoes to be by out of?180phase , resulting is a severe glint error in range?(c) What change in frequency is needed to decorrelate the echo when the target is oriented as in (b) ?(d) What must be the pulse width [in (a)] in order to resolve the two scatterers (so that glint may be avoided)?12There are two methods for finding the radial velocity of a target. One is ?/vf?2; the other is based on the rate of based on the Doppler shiftrd change of range with time ΔR/Δt. They give different measurement accuracies.?v, found radial the velocity error,by for the What (a) is expressiond measuring the Doppler frequency shift of a long quasi-rectangular pulse of width and RF frequency ??f0.?v, found from (b) What is the expression for the radial velocity error,r RR and the rate of change of range based on two range measurements21separated by a time , so that the velocity is , and is ???/R)v?(R?12r the same as the pulse width of the Doppler measurements ? The pulses inthis range-rate measurement are of Gaussian shape with a half-power bandwidthB[use right-hand side of equation?1.18]. Assume the total value of ?NE/2?T?0R1/1/22?B(2E/NN.18(2E/))100in each of these two methods for radial velocity measurement [(a) and (b)]is the same.(c) What is the value of ???vv/rd(d) Based on your answer in (c), which is the more accurate method ofvelocity measurement, the Doppler method or the range-rate method ? (e) Under what conditions will these two methods give comparable accuracies (assuming the same total ) ?N/2E0(f) Why do you think the Doppler method has not been used very oftenfor a velocity measurement ?1 6 7 42 4 5 23 5 8 34 9 4 85 12 9 16 6 11 77 4 5 8 1211 1 89 1 2 610 6 7 411 5 10 1112 9 3 613 5 2 914 7 1 215 5 9 616 9 3 717 8 7 118 1 5 10 2 5 19 111 6 20 921 3 6 712 22 3 29 23 10 63 24 10 1 9 4 10 255 26 10 97 27 3 19 8 28 1110 5 29 44 3 11 3031 2 11 43 32 9 89 4 2 337 3 34 5 2 3 12 359 11 4 366 37 375 8 38 1239 4 10 8 610 5 40。
