(PEP)三年级英语下册 课文及翻译整理

人教版pep英语三年级下册课文及翻译整理Unit 1A:Let's talkJohn:Let's go home !Zhang Peng:OK !Zhang Peng:Uh-oh ! Where is my pencil box?John:Look ! It's in your deskZhang Peng:Oh yes !John:And your pencil ! It's under your book !Zhang Peng:Silly me ! Thanks !B:let's talkWu Binbin:Mr Jones this is Amy She's a new studentMr Jones:Hi AmyAmy:Hi Mr JonesMr Jones:Where are you from?Amy:I'm from the UKB:Start to readMy name's Mike I'm from CanadaHe's from CanadaThis is John He's my friendShe's my friend She's a studentThis is Miss WhiteHe's a teacher She's a teacherThis is Zhang Peng He's a student约翰:我们回家吧!张鹏:好的!张鹏:哦!我的铅笔盒在哪里?约翰:看!它在你的书桌里。

大学体验英语四(综合教程)Unit 1Men and Women's PrejudicesPassage A: The Unsung Heroes: What About Working Dads?1.随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。
(take on)With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.2. 他感到他再没有必要对约翰承担这样的责任。
(make a commitment)He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.3. 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露茜却喜欢呆在家里看书。
(as opposed to)Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading.4. 充其量可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心(conscience)或没有资格的权力追求者。
(at best, at worst)At best he's ambitious, at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.5. 我们已尽全力说服他,但是却毫无进展。
(strive,make no headway)We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway.Passage B: A Manifesto for Men.Think about it1.因特网的普及给人们提供了迅速、方便地获取信息的机会。
(access to)The popularity of Internet provides people with quick and convenient access to information.2.既然他不同意这个计划,再考虑此事就没有多大意义。

2. An apple everyday keeps a doctor away.
NO.1 原始版本:一天一苹果,医生远离我~
NO.2 进击版本:一天一个App,博士学位远 离我……
NO.3 神经版本:一天一遍小苹果,医生也救 不了我……(绝了~~)
此次四级考试中有一道题是将一篇中 文短文翻译为英语,涉及中国园林、 丝绸之路、中秋节等传统历史文化。 考生们的翻译五花八门:
Four Great Inventions
四大发明音译成Star Farming
诸侯成了pig monkey(猪猴)
princes 20
but you open your umbrella when it rains.
You say that you love the sun,
but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.
你说你喜欢雨, 但是下雨的时候你
你说你喜欢阳光, 但当阳光播撒的时
你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香; 后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。
你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量; 后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。
你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘; 我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。
子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。
gun指po南wd针er摇身一变成了高端大气的GPS r火oy药al则是霸气的TNT/fire medicine

Unit 5 Canada-"The True North"李黛予和她表妹刘倩要去加拿大大西洋海岸的蒙特利尔市看望她们的表兄妹们。
有人想在不到五天的时间里横穿加拿大,他们忘了加拿大从东海岸到西海岸共有5,500 公里。
那儿的湿度很大,所以树都长得特别高,一些高达90 多米。
火车先是穿越落基ft脉,她们设法看到了野ft 羊,甚至还看到了一只大灰熊和一只鹰。

译林版八年级下册英语词汇表新整理精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】Unit 11过去2现在,目前3刚才4曾经/used to5自…以来6曾经7北方的,北部的8已婚的,结婚的9妻子 (pl. wives)10街区11自…以来12在…期间13把…变成…/turn … into14污染;污染物,polluted15工厂16废料;废品17意识到;实现vt.& (=realise) 18改进,改善vt.&19形势,情况20在某种程度上/in some ways21然而22不可能的, possibly23以前,过去,已经24孤独的,寂寞的, alone25不时,有时,偶尔/from time to time26尽管,即使这样27丈夫28采访;会见29一生/all one's life30还,仍近来,最近32过去的33环境34交通车辆,运输工具35环境,条件,状况36返回37最近,上一次;最后38到(在)国外39小学教育的;初级的40保持联系/keep in touch(with) 41交流,交际vi.&42交流,交际43(答语)正是,没错44习惯于,适应于/be/ get used to 45狭窄的46开阔的空地 spaceUnit 21旅行 (=traveling) traveller2嘿,喂3想念,思念vt. Miss4极好的,美妙的5(在)室内的6过山车,环滑车 coaster7速度8乘坐9卡通片,动画片10人物11这样的(人或物)det.&12例如/such as13(庆祝)游行14魔法15派,馅饼16感觉到,意识到17两人,两件事物;几个人18一对;几个,几件/a couple of 19在…末尾/at the end of20城堡21沙;沙滩22农村,乡下23结束24结婚,嫁,娶vi.&25死的26美丽;美人27海边的28主题公园 park29帆船运动,航行30除了…以外31景色,风景32高山33公事;商业;生意34出差/on business35直达的,直接的36航班;航行37要点38细节39美味的,可口的40海鲜41机场42亲戚Unit 31联网的,在线的2节目;计划,方案3遥控器 control4(表示惊奇、高兴等)啊5频道6键盘7机件;单位8(电脑)主机 unit9鼠标 (pl. mice/mouses)10显示屏,屏幕11文字处理 processing12收到,接到13导游,向导14图标15点击vi.&16亚洲17非洲18欧洲19美洲 American20世界着名的,举世闻名的21贸易22南方的,南部的23国际的24聚集,集合vi.&25巨大的26黑暗27岛屿28几个,数个det. Several29草坪30放松,休息31辛苦的;艰难的32音乐剧 music33关于…就讲这么多,…至/so much for sth34底,底部35挑选36戏剧,剧本37网站38做梦,梦想vi.&39梦想;想像/dream of/ about40护照41海岸42帆 sailing43澳大利亚(人)的44对立的人(或物)45介意vt.&46打印;印刷vi.&47高兴,乐意48不客气,很乐意效劳/my pleasure 49预订,订(房间、车票等)vt.&50(英国)英格兰51女王52统治者;管理者53英镑54由…组成/be made up of55欧洲的56美元Unit 41读物2烹饪,烹调3小说4德国5知识6空闲的;多余的7法国(人)的8作者,作家9丑陋的10感动,触动11紧靠,碰,撞12筋疲力尽/be tired out13捆,绑14从一边到另一边15腹部;胃16直到…为止17手指18极小的19摔倒/fall over20继续vt.&21也22设法完成;管理vt.&23举起,抬高;提高24大批,大群25应该,必须,一定modal26不能的,不会的,disabled27肩膀28交;递,给29上交,递交/hand in30…等等/and so on31评论32归还33准时/on time34续借;更新;重新开始35一系列;系列节目36出版社 house37拒绝,回绝vt.&38出版39到目前为止/so far40成功, successfully41翻译vt.&42销售量43一本(份,册);副本44加拿大(人)的45每次,依次/at a time46在线,联网47航行vt.&48隐藏的, hid49信心50经历,经验51建议,忠告,劝告52图书管理员53习惯54古典的55在…对面;与…相反56开启;开创;开辟/open upUnit 51礼貌,礼仪;规矩2嗯,什么,啊3打断(谈话),插嘴/cut in (on sb/ sth)4礼貌地5垃圾,杂物6水龙头;旋塞7流动, run/run,runner8采,摘9遵守,顺从vt.&10(人、车等)排队等候11轮流,(轮流的)顺序12符合习俗的;正确的13问候,打招呼 greeting14与某人握手/shake sb's hand15亲吻16亲密的;严密的 closely17交谈,谈话18避免19话题;主题20表现vi.&21民从,群体22公开地,在别人面前/in public23推,挤vi.&24插队,加塞/push in (=<美>cut in)25撞,碰vi.&26挡住某人的路/in one's way27触摸,碰28原谅,宽恕29劳驾/excuse me30到…时,直到…为止31也,还有/as well (as)32大声地33正如,如同34谚语,格言35罗马人36偶然,意外地/by accident37讨论38表达39公共的,公开的40解释vt.&41保护,使免受/keep sb from sth 42警告,告诫vt.&43停车44乱丢杂物vi.&45成功的46在某时 (=some time)47不久以后/soon after48冒险做49软体虫,蠕虫50痛,疼痛51收获52真正地53练习;训练;实践54蜡烛55目的56内容;目录57总结,归纳58客人,宾客59主人;主持60首要的是/above all61不礼貌的 polite, politelyUnit 61接受训练;培训,训练vi.& training2奥林匹克运动会 Olympic Games (=the Olympics)3支持4有意义的, meaningless5瞎的6聋的残疾的8年老的9无家可归的10志愿做,义务做vi.&11期待,指望;预料vt.&12成年人13智力的14缺陷,障碍15机会16(运动)比赛项目;大事17同样的,类似的18放弃/give up19必须的,必要的20培训,训练21任务,工作22运动员23教练24黄金;金牌25银;银牌26自信的27背景28密切地29实现,达到30奖赏,奖品31捐献32慈善;慈善机构 charities33机构,组织 organize34一对一地35血36西南方n.,adj.&37西北方n.,adj.&38项目,工程;课题39引言;介绍40疾病41手术42帮助,伸出援助之手 a helping hand43幸存者Unit 71特别,尤其2基础的,基本的3教育4平等的5权利6扩散;分布;展开, spread7采访者8失明9主要地,大部分地10病例;案例11治愈12医学的,医疗的13治疗14病人15买得起;能做16去看病/go to hospital17在飞机(船、火车)上/on board18做手术19自豪的,骄傲的20读者21医学;药22发展;加强vi.&, developed,23治疗;处理 treatment24继续开展,继续下去/carry on(with) 25传单;散页印刷品26分发;提出/hand out27举行, held28创建,建立vt.&,set,29建起,设立/set up30包括,包含31战争32组织33苍白的34事情,问题35检查36秘书 secretaries37决定/make up one's mind38印度39官员Unit 81挖(洞,沟等)vi.&,dug, digging2认真的,严肃的 seriously3面包果4减少,降低vt.&5关上(开关)/turn off6回收利用,循环利用7导致;造成8明智的,充满智慧的9塑料10分开,隔开vt.&11回收利用,循环利用12允许13砍倒/cut down14处罚,惩罚15罚款16限制17依靠,依赖,指望18依靠,取决于/depend on/ upon 19丰富的;富有的20资源21明智地,充满智慧地22用完,耗尽/run outbe used up 23导致,产生24差异,不同(之处) different 25(对…)有影响,起作用/26展示;陈列vt.&27污染, pollution28伤害;损害29活着的,活的30调查31空的32灰尘,尘土33有害的34土壤35在正确位置/in place36煤37石油;原油;食用油38气体;煤气39形成vt.&40满不在乎地;粗心地,careful ,carefully41再使用42简单的43步骤;措施44电力;力量。

英语幽默笑话带翻译1:A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: "I think that he is very ill." "I am afraid that he is dead." said the doctor,Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: "I'm not dead. I'm still alive." "Be quiet, "said the wife. "the doctor knows better than you"医生懂得多一个男人在街上被出租车撞倒送进了医院.他的妻子站在他的床前对医生说:"我想他伤得很厉害."医生说:"我怕他已经死了."听到医生的话,这个男人转动着头说:"我没死,我还活着."妻子说:"安静,医生比你懂得多."2:You can't go without meThe bus is very crowded. A man tries to get on, but no one gives way to him."Hey, let me get on the bus." the man shouts."It's too crowded. You'd better take the next bus." a passenger says to him."But you can't go without me. I'm the driver." the man says. 没有我你们走不了公共汽车上很拥挤.一位男士想上车,但是没有人给他让路. "喂,让我上车"那位男士喊道."车太挤了,你最好坐下一辆"车上的一位乘客对他说."但是没有我你们走不了.我是司机"那位男士说道.3:DrunkOne day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk.""But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman"醉酒一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家;这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题;他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察;如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了;” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀”4:HospitalityThe hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a pieceof cheese which he laid on the guest's plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese""In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.好客由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意;这家的小男孩悄悄地离开了屋子;过了一会儿,他拿着一片奶酪回到房间,把奶酪放在客人的盘子里; 客人微笑着把奶酪放进嘴里说:“孩子,你的眼睛就是比你妈妈的好;你在哪里找到的奶酪”“在捕鼠夹上,先生;”那小男孩说;5:Dear white, something you got to know .When I was born, I was black. When I grow up, I am black. When I'm under the sun, I'm black. When I'm cold, I'm black. When I'm afraid, I'm black. When I'm sick, I'm black. When I die, I'm still black. you---white people, When you were born, you were pink. When you grow up, you become white. You're red under the sun. You're blue when you're cold. You are yellow when you're afraid. You're green when you're sick. You're gray when you die. And you, call me "color"亲爱的白种人,有几件事你必须知道; 当我出生时,我是黑色的我长大了,我是黑色的我在阳光下,我是黑色的我寒冷时,我是黑色的我害怕时,我是黑色的我生病了,我是黑色的当我死了,我仍是黑色的;你---白种人,当你出生时,你是粉红色的;你长大了,变成白色的;你在阳光下,你是红色的;你寒冷时,你是青色的;你害怕时,你是黄色的;你生病时,你是绿色的;当你死时,你是灰色的;而你,却叫我「有色人种」6:Where is the fatherTwo brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings. "Look," said the elder brother. "How nice these paintings are" "Yes," said the younger, "but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father"The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained, "Obviously he was painting the pictures."兄弟俩在看一些漂亮的油画;“看,”哥哥说,“这些画多漂亮呀”“是啊,”弟弟说道,“可是在所有这些画中,只有妈妈和孩子;那爸爸去哪儿了呢”哥哥想了会儿,然后解释道:“很明显,他当时正在画这些画呗;”7:How Many RabbitsTeacher: Now, Jonathan, if I gave you three rabbits and then the next day I gave you five rabbits, how many rabbits would you haveJonathan:Nine, sir.Teacher: NineJonathan:I've got one already, sir.多少只兔子老师:好,乔纳森,假如我给你三只兔子,第二天我又给你五只,你一共有多少只兔子乔纳森:一共有九只,先生;老师:九只乔纳森:先生,我本来就有一只;8:These Are My JeansAfter going on a diet,a woman felt really good about herself----especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago.“Look,look.” she shouted while running downstairs to show her husband.“I can wear my old jeans again.”Her husband looked at her for a long tim e,when said,“Honey,I love you,but these are my jeans.”那是我的裤子一个妇女在减肥一段时间后自我感觉特别好——特别是当她又能穿上很早以前就穿不上的牛仔裤时;她跑下楼冲她丈夫喊道:“快看,快看;我又能穿上以前的裤子了;”她丈夫看了她好一会儿,然后说:“亲爱的,我爱你;但那是我的裤子;”9:The mean man's partyThe notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment, he said, "Come up to 5th floor, find the door in the middle and ring the doorbell with your elbow. When the door is open, push it with your foot.""Why use my elbow and foot""Well, gosh," was the reply, "You're not coming empty-handed, are you"吝啬鬼请客一个出了名的吝啬鬼终于决定要请一次客了;他在向一个朋友解释怎么找到他家时说:“你上到五楼,找中间那个门,然后用你的胳膊肘按门铃;门开了之后,再用你的脚把门推开;”“为什么要用我的肘和脚呢”“你的双手得拿礼物啊;天哪,你总不会空着手来吧”吝啬鬼回答;10:All I do is pay"My family is just like a nation," Mr. Brown told his colleague. "My wife is the minister of finance, my mother-in-law is the minister of war, and my daughter is foreign secretary." "Sounds interesting, " his colleague replied. "And what is your position""I'm the people. All I do is pay."我要做的一切就是付钱布朗先生告诉同事说:“我的家简直就象一个国家一样;我妻子是财政部长;我岳母是作战部长,我女儿是外交秘书;”“听上去挺有意思的,”他的同事说,“那你的职务是什么呢”“我就是老百姓;我要做的一切就是付钱;”。
一单元Let’s start 去一个地方有许多种方式,看这些图片。
A部分Let’s learn 你怎样去上学?我骑自行车去上学。
乘飞机坐轮船步行骑自行车坐公共汽车乘火车乘地铁Let’s play 你怎样去上学?我步行去上学。
Let’s talk莎朗,你怎样去上学?我家很近。
Group work你怎样去上学?我通常步行去上学,因为我家很近。
Let’s read 莎朗,今天下午我们去公园吧。
到时候见!B部分Let’s learn看交通灯。
Let’s talk我怎样能到中山公园?你可以乘15路公共汽车。
Let’s rea d 看并且找出不同之处。
C部分Pronunciation 山峰打对处理猪大的罐子盘子Read and match 菜海滩大头针茶Good to know 1.人行横道2.右转弯3.单行道4.禁止驶入5.自行车禁行6.禁止左转故事时间:这儿有15美元,我们去快餐店吃午饭吧。

最新电大《英语翻译基础》翻译句子复习整理英译汉A big reward will make the brave come forward重赏之下,必有勇夫。
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。
A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards你如果事先略作盘算,后来也不至于有那么多的麻烦了。
A mastery of Chinese and English is essential for E-C or C-E translation做英汉/汉英翻译必须掌握好汉语与英语。
A new kind of aircraft—small,cheap,pilotless—is attracting increasing attention。
A red sun rose slowly from the calm lake。
A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river。
A tiny staggerer came suddenly rocking into the yard.一个刚刚学步的小宝宝突然摇摇晃晃地走进院子After all preparations were made ,the planes were flown across he U.S to San Francisco.一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就飞越美国去旧金山。
All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马。
All the articles are untouchable in the museum.博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸。

12456Love and logic: The story of fallacy爱情与逻辑:谬误的故事I had my first date with Polly after I made the trade with my roommate Rob. That year every guy on campus had a leather jacket, and Rob couldn't stand the idea of being the only football player who didn't, so he made a pact that he'd give me his girl in exchange for my jacket. He wasn't the brightest guy. Polly wasn't too shrewd, either.在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会;那一年校园里每个人都有件皮夹克,而罗伯是校足球队员中唯一一个没有皮夹克的,他一想到这个就受不了,于是他和我达成了一项协议,用他的女友换取我的夹克;他可不那么聪明,而他的女友波莉也不太精明;But she was pretty, well-off, didn't dye her hair strange colors or wear too much makeup. She had the right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer. If I could show the elite law firms I applied to that I had a radiant, well-spoken counterpart by my side, I just might edge past the competition.但她漂亮而且富有,也没有把头发染成奇怪的颜色或是化很浓的妆;她拥有合适的家庭背景,足以胜任一名坚忍而睿智的律师的女友;如果我能够让我所申请的顶尖律师事务所看到我身边伴随着一位光彩照人、谈吐优雅的另一半,我就很有可能在竞聘中以微弱优势获胜;"Radiant" she was already. I could dispense her enough pearls of wisdom to make her "well-spoken".“光彩照人”,她已经是了;而我也能施予她足够多的“智慧之珠”,让她变得“谈吐优雅”;After a banner day out, I drove until we were situated under a big old oak tree on a hill off the expressway. What I had in mind was a little eccentric. I thought the venue with a perfect view of the luminous city would lighten the mood. We stayed in the car, and I turned down the stereo and took my foot off the brake pedal. "What are we going to talk about"she asked.在一起外出度过了美好的一天之后,我驱车来到了高速公路旁一座小山上一棵古老的大橡树下;我的想法有些怪异;而这个地方能够俯瞰灯火灿烂的城区,我觉得它会使人的心情变轻松;我们呆在车子里,我调低了音响并把脚从刹车上挪开;“我们要谈些什么”她问道;"Logic."“逻辑学;”"Cool," she said over her gum.“好酷啊,”她一边嚼着口香糖一边说;"The doctrine of logic,” I said, "is a staple of clear thinking. Failures in logic distort the truth, and some of them are well known. First let's look at the fallacy Dicto Simpliciter."“逻辑学的原理,”我说道,“即清晰思考的主要原则;逻辑上出现的问题会歪曲事实,其中有些还很普遍;我们先来看看一种叫做‘绝对判断’的逻辑谬误;”"Great,” she agreed.“好啊,”她表示同意;"Dicto Simpliciter means an unqualified generalization. For example: Exercise is good. Therefore, everybody should exercise."“‘绝对判断’是指在证据不足的情况下所作出的推断;比方说:运动是有益的,所以每个人都应该运动;She nodded in agreement.她点头表示赞同;I could see she was stumped. "Polly," I explained, "it's too simple a generalization. If you have, say, heart disease or extreme obesity, exercise is bad, not good. Therefore, you must say exercise is good for most people."我看得出她没弄明白;“波莉,”我解释说,“这个推断太过简单化了;如果你有心脏病或者超级肥胖症什么的,运动就变得有害而不是有益;所以你应该说,运动对大多数人来说是有益的;”"Next is Hasty Generalization. Self-explanatory, right Listen carefully: You can't speak French. Rob can't speak French. Looks like nobody at this school can speak French."“接下来是‘草率结论’;这似乎不言自明,对吧仔细听好了:你不会说法语,罗伯也不会说法语,那么这所学校里好像是没有人会说法语;”"Really" said Polly, amazed. "Nobody"“是吗”波莉吃惊地说;“没有人吗”"This is also a fallacy," I said. "The generalization is reached too hastily. Too few instances support such a conclusion."“这也是一种逻辑谬误,”我说,“这一结论太草率了,因为能够支持这一结论的例证太少了;”She seemed to have a good time. I could safely say my plan was underway. I took her home and set a date for another conversation.她似乎学得很开心,而我也可以放心地说我的计划正在稳步推进中;我把她送回家,并且定下了下一次约会交谈的日子;Seated under the oak the next evening I said, "Our first fallacy tonight is called Ad Misericordiam."第二天晚上,坐在那棵橡树下,我说:“今天晚上我们要谈的第一个逻辑谬误叫‘文不对题’;”She nodded with delight.她高兴地点了点头;"Listen closely," I said. "A man applies for a job. When the boss asks him what his qualifications are, he says he has six children to feed."“听好了,”我说,“有个人去申请工作,当老板问他有什么应聘资格时,他说他有六个孩子要抚养;”"Oh, this is awful, awful," she whispered in a choked voice.“哇,这太可怕了,太可怕了,”她哽咽着轻声说到;"Ye s, it’s awful," I agreed, "but it's no argument. The man never answered the boss's question. Instead he appealed to the boss's sympathy - Ad Misericordiam."“对,是挺可怕的,”我表示赞同地说,“但这不是理由;这个人根本没有回答老板的问题,而只是在博取老板的同情,这就是‘文不对题’;”She blinked, still trying hard to keep back her tears."她眨着眼睛,仍在竭力地忍住眼泪;Next," I said carefully, "we will discuss False Analogy. An example, students should be allowed to look at their textbooks during exams, because surgeons have X-rays to guide them during surgery.“接下来”,我小心地说,“我们来讨论‘错误类比’;举个例子:学生考试时应该允许看课本,因为外科医生在做手术时可以看 X 光片;”"I like that idea," she said.“我喜欢这个主意,”她说;"Polly," I groaned, "don't derail the discussion. The inference is wrong. Doctors aren't taking a test to see how much they have learned, but students are. The situations are altogether different. You can't make an analogy between them."“波莉,”我抱怨道,“别打岔,这一推论是错误的;医生们不是在参加考试以检查他们学到了多少,而学生却是;他们的情况完全不同,你不能将他们作类比;”"I still think it’s a good idea," said Polly.“我仍然认为这是一个好主意,”波莉说;With five nights of diligent work, I actually made a logician out of Polly. She was an analytical thinker at last. The time had come for the conversion of our relationship from academic to romantic.经过五个夜晚的辛勤努力,我竟然真的将波莉打造成了一个逻辑行家,她总算能够分析思考了;现在应该是时候让我们的关系从学术向浪漫发展了;"Polly," I said when next we sat under our oak, "tonight we won't discuss fallacies."“波莉,”当我们又一次坐在那棵橡树下的时候我对她说,“今晚我们不讨论逻辑谬误了;”"Oh" she said, a little disappointed.“哦”她回答说,有一点失望;Favoring her with a grin, I said, "We have now spent five evenings together. We get along pretty well. We make a pretty good couple."我赞许地对她笑了笑,说:“我们在一起已经度过了五个晚上,相互之间挺合得来,我们是蛮相配的一对;”"Hasty Generalization," said Polly brightly. "Or as a normal person might say, that's a little premature, don't you think"“草率结论,”波莉伶俐地说,“或者是按一般人的说法,这个结论有些不成熟,你不这样认为吗”'I laughed with amusement. She'd learned her lessons well, far surpassing my expectations. "Sweetheart," I said, patting her hand in a tolerant manner, "five dates is plenty. After all, you don't have to eat a whole cake to know it's good."我被逗得笑了起来,她功课还真学得不错,大大超过了我的预期;“亲爱的,”我开口说,同时宽容地拍了拍她的手,“五次约会已经够多了,毕竟你不需要吃掉整个蛋糕才知道它是不是好吃;”"False Analogy," said Polly promptly."Your premise is that dating is like eating. But you're not a cake. You're a boy."“错误类比,”波莉立即回应;“你的前提是约会就如同吃东西;可你不是蛋糕,你是个男孩;”I laughed with somewhat less amusement, hiding my dread that she'd learned her lessons too few more false steps would be my doom. I decided to change tactics and try flattery instead.我又笑了笑,不过不觉得那么有趣了,同时还不能表露出我害怕她学得太好了;再错几步我可就无法挽回了;我决定改变策略,转而尝试奉承她的办法;"Polly, I love you. Please say you'll go out with me. I'm nothing without you."“波莉,我爱你;请答应做我的女朋友,没有你我什么也不是;”"Ad Misericordiam," she said.“文不对题,”她说;"You certainly can discern a fallacy when you see it," I said, my hopes starting to crumble."But don't take them so literally. I mean this is all academic. You know the things you learn in school don't have anything to do with real life."“你还真是能在遇到逻辑谬误时一一辨别它们了,”我说,心里的希望已经开始动摇;“不过不要对它们太死板,我是说这都是些学术的东西;你知道,学校里学的东西和实际生活根本没有什么联系;”"Dicto Simpliciter," she said. "Besides, you really should practice what you preach."“绝对判断,”她说道,“而且,你自己教的东西应该自己身体力行;”I leaped to my feet, my temper flaring up. "Will you or will you not go out with me"我一下跳了起来,怒火中烧,“你到底愿不愿意做我的女朋友”"No to your proposition," she replied.“我不愿意,”她答道;"Why" I demanded.“为什么”我追问道."I'm more interested in a different petitioner - Rob and I are back together.“我对另一位求爱者更感兴趣――罗伯和我重归于好了;”With great effort, I said calmly, "How could you give me the axe over Rob Look at me, an ingenious student, a tremendous intellectual, a man with an assured at Rob,a muscular idiot,a guy who’ll never where his next meal is coming you give me one good reason why you should be with him ”我极力地保持着平静,说道:“你怎么会甩了我而选择罗伯看看我,一个聪明过人的学生,一个不同凡响的学者,一个前途无量的人;再看看罗伯,一个肌肉发达的蠢材,一个有了上顿没下顿的家伙;你是否能给我一个充足的理由,为什么要选择跟他””Wow, what presumption I’ll put it in a way someone as brilliant as you can understand,”retorted Polly,her voice dripping with sarcasm.””Full disclosure -I like Rob in told him to say yes to you so he should have your jacket”“喔,这是什么假设啊为了让像你这样聪明的人能够明白,我这么说吧,”波莉反驳道,声音里充满了讽刺,“事情的真相是——我喜欢罗伯穿皮衣;是我让他同意你们的协议的,这样他就能拥有你的夹克”Unit 2The confusing pursuit of beauty令人困惑的对美的追求If you're a man, at some point a woman will ask you how she looks.如果你是一位男士,肯定在某个时候会有女士问你她看起来怎么样;You must be careful how you answer this question. The best technique is to form an honest yet sensitive response, then promptly excuse yourself for some kind of emergency. Trust me, this is the easiest way out. No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer.对于如何应对这个问题,你一定得小心;最好的对策就是给一个诚实但又谨慎的回答,然后借口有急事马上脱身;相信我,这是最简单的方法;对于她的这一问题,无论你事先练习多少次,都不会找到正确答案;The problem is that men do not think of their looks in the same way women do. Most men form an opinion of themselves in seventh grade and stick to it for the rest of their lives. Some men think they're irresistibly desirable, and they refuse to change this opinion even when they grow bald and their faces visibly wrinkle as they age.其原因是,男性和女性对外表的看法截然不同;大多数男性对自己外表的评价在七年级时就形成了,而且终生不变;有些男性认为自己有不可抗拒的魅力,即使随着年龄的增长,他们头发掉光了,脸上布满皱纹,他们仍然拒绝改变这种看法;Most men, I believe, are not arrogant about their looks. If the transient thought passes through their minds at all, they like to think of themselves as average-looking. Being average doesn't bother them; average is fine. They don't affix much value to their looks, or think of them in terms of aesthetics. Their primary form of beauty care is to shave themselves, which is essentially the same care they give to their lawns. If, at the end of his four-minute allotment of time for grooming, a man has managed to wipe most of the shaving cream out of the strands of his hair and isn't bleeding too badly, he feels he's done all he can.我相信,大多数男性都不会对自己的相貌感到过分自傲;如果他们偶尔想到自己外表的话,他们愿意认为自己样貌中等;长相普通不会使他们有任何烦恼,因为普通就已经是很好了;男性不是特别注重自己的外貌,也不会从美学的角度去审视自己;他们的打扮方式主要就是刮刮胡子,就像打理自家草坪一样;对于一位男性来说,如果能花四分钟刮刮胡子,结束之后再把粘到头发上的剃须膏擦净,又没有出血太厉害,他就觉得自己已经尽心尽力了; Women do not look at themselves this way. If I had to guess what most women think about their appearance, it would be: "Not good enough." No matter how attractive a woman may be, her perception of herself is eclipsed by the beauty industry. She has trouble thinking I'm beautiful, She magnifies the smallest imperfections in her body and imagines them as glaring flaws the whole world will notice and ridicule.女性可不是这样看待自己的;如果非要我猜测大多数女性对自己的相貌是如何评价的话,那肯定是:“还不够好;”一位女士,无论她看起来多么吸引人,她对自己的看法总是由于受美容业的影响而蒙着一层阴影;要她认为“我很漂亮”是一件难事;她把身体上的极小的不完美之处加以放大,并且幻想这些缺点十分明显,以至于全世界的人都会注意到并且嘲笑她;Why do women consider their looks so deficient This chronic insecurity isn't inborn, but created through the interaction of many complex psychological and societal factors, beginning with the dolls we give them as children. Girls grow up playing with dolls proportioned so that, if they were human, they would be seven feet tall and weigh 61 pounds, with tiny thighs and a large upper body. This is an absurd standard to live up to, especially when you consider the size of the doll's waist, a relative measurement physically impossible for a living human to achieve. Contrast this absurd standard with that presented to little boys with their "action figures". Most of the toys that young boys have played with were weird-looking, like the one called Buzz-Off that was part human, part flying insect. This guy was not a looker, but he was still extremely self-confident. You could not imagine him saying to the others, "Is this accessory the right shade of violet for this outfit"为什么女性会把自己的外貌想得这么差呢这种长期的不安全感并不是与生倶来的,而是由许多复杂的心理和社会因素的相互作用造成的,从小时候大人们给她们买洋娃娃时就开始了;女孩成长过程中摆弄的洋娃娃,如果按照身材比例还原为真人大小的话,就会是 7 英尺高,61 英磅重,大腿纤细,上身丰满;要达到这样的标准是很荒唐的,尤其是当我们想想那种洋娃娃的腰围尺寸,就知道其相对尺寸对任何一个活人来说都是不可企及的;与女孩玩具的这种荒唐标准相比,小男孩们得到的“动作玩偶”却是完全不同的模样;大多数男孩的玩具都样貌古怪,例如那个叫作“蜜蜂侠”的玩偶,一半像人,一半像会飞的昆虫;这个玩偶尽管样子不好看,但仍然非常自信;你肯定无法想象他会问别人说:“这个配饰的紫罗兰色和这件外套配不配呢”But women grow up thinking they need to look like Barbie dolls or girls on magazine covers, which for most women is impossible. Nonetheless, the multibillion-dollar beauty industry, complete with its own aisle in the grocery store, is devoted to constant warfare on female self-esteem, convincing women that they must buy all the newest moisturizing creams, bronzing powders and appliances that promise to "stimulate and restore" their skin. I once saw an Oprah Show in which supermodel Cindy Crawford dispensed makeup tips to the studio audience. Cindy had all these middle-aged women apply clay masks and other "wrinkle-removing" products to their faces; she stressed how important it was to adhere to the guidelines, like applying products via the tips of their fingers to protect elasticity. All the women dutifully did this, even though it was obvious to any rational observer that, no matter how carefully they applied these products, they would never have Cindy Crawford's face or complexion.然而,女性在成长过程中却认为自己应该长得像芭比娃娃或杂志的封面女郎那样,这对大多数女性来说是不可能的;尽管如此,产值达几十亿美元的美容业,在超市化妆品销售专区的配合下,总是在不停地攻击着女性的自尊,使其相信自己只有购买最新的保湿面霜、古铜散粉,以及各种美容器具,才能“激发和恢复”肌肤活力;我曾经看过一期奥普拉脱口秀,在节目中,超级名模辛迪克劳馥和演播室里的观众分享了自己的化妆秘诀;辛迪要求这些中年妇女在脸上敷上黏土面膜和其他去皱产品;她还强调一定要遵守这些方法,例如:往脸上涂抹这些产品时,要用指尖,这样可以保护皮肤的弹性;所有这些妇女都非常忠实地按照辛迪说的做了;可是对任何一个理智的旁观者来说,无论她们如何认真地使用这些产品,她们都不可能拥有辛迪那样的面容或肤色;I'm not saying that men are superior. I'm just saying that you're not going to get a group of middle-aged men to plaster cosmetics to themselves under the instruction of Brad Pitt in hopes of looking more like him. Men don't face the same societal focus purely on physical beauty, and they're encouraged to reach out to other characteristics to promote their self-esteem. They might say to Brad: "Oh yeah Well, what do you know about lawn care, pretty boy"我并不是说男性优于女性;我的意思是你不可能让一群中年男子在布拉德皮特的指导下把化妆品敷到自己脸上,期望自己能看起来更像布拉德;与女性不同,男性的外貌美不是社会所关注的唯一焦点;人们会鼓励男性借助其他特征来提升自尊;他们也许会对布拉德说:“是吗那么帅哥,你对草坪维护又知道多少”Of course women argue that they become obsessed with appearance as a reaction to pressure from men. The truth is that most men think beauty is more than just lipstick and perfume and take no notice of these extra details. I have never once, in more than 40 years of listening to men talk about women, heard a man say, "She had gorgeous fingernails" To most men, little things like fingernails are all homogeneous anyway, and one woman's flawless pink polish is exactly as invisible as another's bare nails.当然,女性会争辩说她们对外表的热衷追求是出于对来自男性的压力的一种反应;而事实是,大多数男性认为美丽不仅仅来自于口红和香水,而且他们也不会去注意这些额外的细节;四十多年来,我在听男性谈论女性时,从来没有一次听到过哪位男性这样说:“她的指甲真漂亮啊”对大多数男性来说,像指甲这样小的东西看起来都一样,无论一个女士的指甲是用粉色指甲油涂得完美无瑕,还是光光的毫无修饰,男性都一概视而不见;By participating in this system of extreme conformity, women are actually opening themselves up to the scrutiny of other women, the only ones qualified to judge their efforts. What is the real benefit of working this hard to appease men who don't notice when it only exposes women to prosecution from other women女性参与这种极端的从众行为,实际上是把自己置于其他女性的审视之下,因为只有那些女性才有资格评价她们所付出的努力;但是,如此费力地去取悦男性而他们却根本不会注意,同时又只是招致其他女性的指责,这样做究竟有什么好处呢Anyway, to get back to my original point: If you're a man, and a woman asks you how she looks, you can't say she looks bad without receiving immediate and well-deserved outrage. But you also can't shower her with empty compliments about how her shoes complement her dress nicely because she'll know you're lying. She has spent countless hours worrying about the differences between her looks and Cindy Crawford's. Also,she suspects that you're not qualified to voice a subjective opinion on anybody's appearance. This may be because you have shaving cream in your hair and inside the folds of your ears.不管怎样,言归正传:如果你是一位男性,当有女士问你她看起来怎么样时,你千万不能说她看起来很糟糕,那样肯定会使她立刻迁怒于你,这也是你咎由自取;但是,你也不能慷慨地大放空洞之词,赞美她的鞋子和裙子是多么相配,因为她知道你是在说谎;她已经花费了无数个小时发愁自己的容貌不能和辛迪克劳馥的一样;而且,也许因为你的头发和耳廓上粘着剃须膏,她会怀疑你根本没有资格对任何人的外表给出主观评价;Unit 4Achieving sustainable environmentalism实现可持续性发展的环保主义Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or disapproval of plastic surgery. But now that everyone from Ted Turner to George H. W. Bush has claimed love for Mother Earth, how are we to choose among the dozens of conflicting proposals, regulations and laws advanced by congressmen and constituents alike in the name of the environment Clearly, not everything with an environmental claim is worth doing. How do we segregate the best options and consolidate our varying interests into a single, sound policy在上流社会,对环境的敏感就如同信仰民主、反对整容一样,是一种不可或缺的态度;然而,既然从泰德特纳到乔治.布什,每个人都声称自己热爱地球母亲,那么,在由议员、选民之类的人以环境名义而提出的众多的相互矛盾的提案、规章和法规中,我们又该如何做出选择呢显而易见,并不是每一项冠以环境保护名义的事情都值得去做;我们怎样才能分离出最佳选择,并且把我们各自不同的兴趣统一在同一个合理的政策当中呢There is a simple way. First, differentiate between environmental luxuries and environmental necessities. Luxuries are those things that would be nice to have if costless. Necessities are those things we must have regardless. Call this distinction the definitive rule of sane environmentalism, which stipulates that combating ecological change that directly threatens the health and safety of people is an environmental necessity. All else is luxury.有一种简便的方法;首先要区分什么是环境奢侈品,什么是环境必需品;奢侈品是指那些无需人类付出代价就能拥有的给人美好感受的东西;必需品则是指那些无论付出什么代价,都一定要去拥有的东西;这一区分原则可以被称为理性环保主义的至高原则;它规定,对那些直接威胁人类健康与安全的生态变化采取应对措施是环境保护的必需品,而其他则都属于奢侈品;For example, preserving the atmosphere - stopping ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect - is an environmental necessity. Recently, scientists reported that ozone damage is far worse than previously thought. Ozone depletion has a correlation not only with skin cancer and eye problems, it also destroys the ocean's ecology, the beginning of the food chain atop which we humans sit.例如,保护大气层——阻止臭氧损耗及控制温室效应——是环境保护的必需品;近来,科学家报告说臭氧层遭受破坏的程度远比我们先前认为的要严重得多;臭氧损耗不仅与皮肤癌及眼疾有关,而且它还会破坏海洋生态;而海洋生态是食物链的起点,人类则位于该食物链的顶端;The possible thermal consequences of the greenhouse effect are far deadlier: melting ice caps, flooded coastlines, disrupted climate, dry plains and, ultimately, empty breadbaskets. The American Midwest feeds people at all corners of the atlas. With the planetary climate changes, are we prepared to see Iowa take on New Mexico's desert climate, or Siberia take on Iowa's moderate climate温室效应所可能引发的热效应是非常具有毁灭性的:冰川融化、海岸线被淹没、气候遭受破坏、平原干涸,最终食物消失殆尽;美国中西部地区的粮食供养着全世界;随着全球气候的变化,我们难道准备看到衣阿华州变成新墨西哥州的沙漠气候,而西伯利亚变成衣阿华州的温和气候吗Ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect are human disasters, and they are urgent because they directly threaten humanity and are not easily reversible. A sane environmentalism, the only kind of environmentalism that will strike a chord with the general public, begins by openly declaring that nature is here to serve human beings. A sane environmentalism is entirely a human focused regime: It calls upon humanity to preserve nature, but merely within the parameters of self-survival.臭氧损耗和温室效应是人类的灾难,而且是需要紧急处理的灾难,因为它们直接威胁到人类,且后果很难扭转;理性环保主义——唯一能够引起公众共鸣的环保主张——首先公开声明,自然是服务于人类的;理性环保主义是一种完全以人类为中心的思想;它号召人类保护自然,但是是在人类自我生存得到保证的前提之下;Of course, this human focus runs against the grain of a contemporary environmentalism that indulges in overt earth worship. Some people even allege that the earth is a living organism. This kind of environmentalism likes to consider itself spiritual. It is nothing more than sentimental. It takes, for example, a highly selective view of the kindness of nature, one that is incompatible with the reality of natural disasters. My nature worship stops with the twister that came through Kansas or the dreadful rains in Bangladesh that eradicated whole villages and left millions homeless.当然,这种以人类为中心的主张与当下盛行的环保主义是格格不入的,后者已经沉溺于对地球的公然崇拜;有的人甚至声称地球是一个活的生物体;这种环保主义喜欢把自己看作是神圣的,其实它只是感情用事而已;比如,在自然是否友善的问题上,当下的环保主义采取了高度选择性的片面的观点,而这种观点与自然造成的灾难这一现实是不相协调的;当龙卷风肆虐堪萨斯州,当瓢泼大雨袭击孟加拉国,毁灭了整座整座的村庄,使几百万人失去家园的时候,我对自然的崇拜便停止了;A non-sentimental environmentalism is one founded on Protagoras's idea that "Man is the measure of all things." In establishing the sovereignty of man, such a principle helps us through the dense forest of environmental arguments. Take the current debate raging over oil drilling in a corner of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ANWR. Environmentalist coalitions, mobilizing against a legislative action working its way through the US Congress for the legalization of such exploration, propagate that Americans should be preserving and economizing energy instead of drilling for it. This is a false either-or proposition. The US does need a sizable energy tax to reduce consumption. But it needs more production too. Government estimates indicate a nearly fifty-fifty chance that under the ANWR rests one of the five largest oil fields ever discovered in America. It seems illogical that we are not finding safe ways to drill for oil in the ANWR.非感情用事的环保主义是建立在普罗泰哥拉的格言“人是万物的尺度”的基础上的;在建立人类权威的过程中,这条原则会帮助我们梳理各种错综复杂的关于环境保护的争议;就以当前关于是否在北极国家野生动物保护区的某一角落开采石油的激烈争论为例吧;环保主义者联盟动员人们反对目前正在试图通过美国国会审议、使这一开采行为变得合法化的一项立法行动;他们散布说美国应该保护并且节约能源而不是开采能源;这其实是一个错误的非此即彼的主张;美国确实需要征收高额的能源税以减少能源消耗,但同时也需要生产更多的能源;政府的估测表明,在北极国家野生动物保护区的地下蕴藏着美国五大油田之一的可能性几乎到达 50%;我们没有寻找安全的方法开采北极国家野生动物保护区地下的石油,这看上去是不符合情理的;The US has just come through a war fought in part over oil. Energy dependence costs Americans not just dollars but lives. It is a bizarre sentimentalism that would deny oil that is peacefully attainable because it risks disrupting the birthing grounds of Arctic caribou.美国刚刚经历了一场战争,其部分原因就是为了获取石油;对能源的依赖使美国不但付出了金钱的代价,而且也付出了生命的代价;就因为可能破坏北美驯鹿的繁衍地而放弃能够以和平手段获得的石油,这是一种十分怪异的感情用事;I like the caribou as much as the next person. And I would be rather sorry if their mating patterns were disturbed. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. And in the standoff of the welfare of caribou versus reducing an oil reliance that gets people killed in wars, I choose people over caribou every time.我像别人一样喜欢驯鹿;如果他们的交配模式受到干扰,我会感到非常遗憾;但是,鱼和熊掌不能兼得;是要保护驯鹿,还是要为了避免人们在战争中丧生而减少对石油的依赖,面对这一僵局,我每次都会选择人类而不是驯鹿;I feel similarly about the spotted owl in Oregon. I am no enemy of the owl. If it could be preserved at a negligible cost, I would agree that it should be - biodiversity is after all necessary to the ecosystem. But we must remember that not every species is needed to keep that diversity. Sometimes aesthetic aspects of life have to be sacrificed to more fundamental ones. If the cost of preserving the spotted owl is the loss of livelihood for 30,000 logging families, I choose the families with their saws and chopped timber over the owl.我对俄勒冈州的斑点猫头鹰的态度也是一样;我绝不是仇视猫头鹰;如果花很少的代价就可以保护猫头鹰,我会赞同它应受保护——毕竟,生物多样性对生态系统是非常必要的;但是,我们必须记住,保持生物多样性并不意味着要留住每一种物种;有时候,为了更加根本的利益,我们不得不牺牲一部分生活中美的东西;如果为了保护斑点猫头鹰而让三万伐木工家庭失去生计,我会选择伐木工家庭包括他们的锯子和砍伐的木材,而不是猫头鹰;The important distinction is between those environmental goods that are fundamental and those that are not. Nature is our ward, not our master. It is to be respected and even cultivated. But when humans have to choose between their own well-being and that of nature, nature will have to accommodate.重要的是,我们要区分哪些东西对环境保护是根本性的,哪些是非根本性的;自然受我们的监护,而不是我们的主人;我们应该尊重自然,也可以开发利用自然;但是,如果人类必须在自身的福利和自然的福利之间作出选择,自然则必须作出让步;Humanity should accommodate only when its fate and that of nature are inseparably bound up. The most urgent maneuver must be undertaken when the very integrity of humanity's habitat, ., the atmosphere or the essential geology that sustains the core of the earth, is threatened. When the threat to humanity is lower in the hierarchy of necessity, a more modest accommodation that balances economic against health concerns is in order. But in either case the principle is the same: protect the environment - because it is humanity's environment.只有当人类的命运与自然的命运密不可分时,人类才应该作出让步;当人类栖息地的完整性比如大气层或维持地球核心的基本地质状况受到威胁时,人类就必须立即调整自己的行为;而当人类受到的威胁不大,不太需要对自己的行为进行调整时,恰当的做法是平衡考虑经济方面和与之相对的健康方面的因素,以便作出适度的调整;但是,无论是哪种情况,其遵循的原则是一致的:保护环境,因为这是我们人类的环境;。

下面是学习啦小编带来的英语文章带中文翻译,欢迎阅读!英语文章带中文翻译1金融政策领域区块链革命一旦发生F e w i s s u e s i n f i n a n c i a l p o l i c y a r e m o r ec o n t r o v e r s i a l t h a n t h e i m p a c t o f b l o c k c h a i n,t h ed i s t r i b u te d l e d g e r t e c h n o l o g y t h a t s i t s b e h i n d t h e d i g i t a l c u r r e n c y b i t c o i n. D o e s i t t h r e a t e n n o t o n l y t h e p r of i t s o f f i n a n c i a l i n t e r m e d i a r i e s b u t a l s o t h e i r b u s i n e s s m o d e l s?在金融政策领域,没有什么问题比区块链的影响更有争议了。
这种技术会不会威胁金融中介的利润,甚至危及它们的商业模式?C o u l d i t u n d e r m i n e t h e c o n t r o l t h a t c e n t r a l b a n k e r s e x e r t o v e r g l o b a l p a y m e n t s a n d s e c u r i t i e s p r o c e s s i n g? O r i s i t a t o o l t o s t r e a m l i n e c l u t t e r e d p r o c e s s e s,i m p r o v e r e s i l i e n c e a n d e n h a n c et r a n s p a r e n c y?它会不会削弱央行对全球支付和证券处理的控制?抑或它是简化繁杂过程、提高抗压能力和增强透明度的工具?T h e c a s e f o r c h a n g e i s c l e a r.E v e n i f t h ed a n ge r o u s e x p e r i m e n t of n eg a t i v e i n t e r e s t r a t e s p r o v e s t o b e sh o r t e r li v e d t h a n m a n y f e a r,b a n k s r s q u o; n e e d f o r m o r e o p e r a t i n g l e v e r a g e w i l l r e m a i n i n a m o d e s t g r o w t h ec o n o m y.实施改革的理由很明显。

About car engineOf all automobile components,an automobile engie is the most complicated assembly with dominant effects on the function of an autombile.So, the engine is generally called the"heat"of an automobile.在汽车的所有部件中,汽车发动机是最复杂的组件,其对整车性能有着决定性的作用。
There are actually various types of engines such as electric motors,stream engines,andinternal combustion engines.The internal combustion engines seem to have almost complete dominance of the automotive field.The internal combustion engine,as its name indicates,burns fuel within the cylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to propel the vehicle.事实上,按动力来源分发动机有很多种,如电动机、蒸汽机、外燃机等。
Engine is the power source of the automobile.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder.However,this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars or trucks.The puston attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin,called a piston pin or wrist pin.The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft.The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft,which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large bearings called rod bearing.Similar bearings, called main bearings,are used to mount the crankshaft in the block.发动机是整部车的动力来源。

历年英语二翻译新题型整理总结二、综合填空In1999, the price of oil hovered around $16 a barrel、 By全文结束》》, it had21 the $100 a barrel mark、The reasons for the surge22 from the dramatic growth of the economies of china and India towidespread23 in oil-producing regions, including Iraq and Nigerias delta region、 Triple-digit oil prices have24the economic and political map of the world,25 some old notions of power、 Oil-rich nations are enjoying historic gains and opportunities,26 major importers includingchina and India, home to a third of the worldspopulation27 rising economic and social costs、 Managing this new order is fast becoming a central28 of global politics、 Countries that need oil are clawing at each other to29 scarce supplies, are willing to deal with any government,30 how unpleasant, to do it 、In many poor nations with oil , the profits are being ,lost to corruption,31 these countries of their best hope for development、 And oil is fueling enormous investment funds run by foreign governments,32 some in the west see as a new threat、 Countries like Russia, Venezuela andIran are well supplied with rising oil33, a change reflected in newly aggressive foreign policies、 But some unexpected countries are reaping benefits,34 costs, from higher prices、 Consider Germany、35 it imports virtually all its oil, it has prospered from extensive trade with a booming Russia and the Middle East、 German exports toRussia36128 percent from2001 to全文结束》》、In the United States, as already high gas prices rose37 higherin the spring of全文结束》》,the issue cropped up in the presidential campaign, with Senators McCain and Obama38 for a federal gas tax holiday during the peak summer driving months、 And driving habits began to39 ,as sales of small cars jumped and mass transport systems40 the country reported a sharp increase in riders、21、A、 comeB、 goneC、 crossedD、 arrived22、A、 coveredB、 discoveredC、 arrangedD、 ranged23、A、 intensityB、 infinityC、 insecurityD、 instability24、A、 drawnB、 redrawnC、 retainedD、 reviewed25、A、 fightingB、 strugglingC、 challengingD、 threatening26、A、 andB、 whileC、 thusD、 though27、A、 confineB、 conflictC、 conformD、 confront28、A、 problemB、 questionC、 matterD、 event29、A、 look forB、 lock upC、 send outD、 keep off30、A、 no matterB、 what ifC、 only ifD、 in spite of3 1、A、 abolishingB、 deprivingC、 destroyingD、 eliminating32、A、 whatB、 thatC、 whichD、 whom33、A、 interestsB、 taxesC、 incomesD、 revenues34、A、 as many asB、 as good asC、 as far asD、 as well as35、A、 AlthoughB、 BecauseC、 Since36、A、 advancedB、 grewC、 reducesD、 multiplied37、A、 evenB、 stillC、 ratherD、 fairly38、A、 askingB、 requestingC、 callingD、 demanding39、A、 changeB、 turnC、 shiftD、 transform40、B、 fromC、 acrossD、 over三、阅读理解:Part III Reading Comprehension(40%)Direction: There are4 passages in this part、 Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements、 For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, andD、 You should decide on the best choice、 Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha pencil、PASSAGE1、Henric Ibsen ,author of the play"A Dolls House",in which a pretty, helpless housewife abandons Her husband and children to seek a more serious life, would surely have approved、、 From January Ist ,xx, all public companies in Norway are obliged to ensure that atleast40% of their board directors are women、 Most firms have obeyed the law, which was passed in2003、But about75 out of the480 or so companies it affects are still too male for the governments liking、 They will shortly receive a letterinforming them that they have until theend of February to act , or face the legal consequences---which could include being dissolved、Before the law was proposed, about7% of board members in Norway were female , according to the Centre for Corporate Diversity 、The number has since jumped to36%、 That is far higher thanthe average of9% for big companies across Europe or Americas15% for the Fortune500、Norways stock exchangeand its main business lobby oppose the law, as do businessmen、" I am against quotas for women or men as a matter of principle," says Sverre Munck , head of international operations at a media firm、 "Board members of public companies should be chosen solely on the basisof merit and experience,"be says、 Several firms haveeven given up their public status in order to escape the new law、Companies have had to recruit about1,000 womenin four years、 Many complain that it has been Difficultto find experienced candidates、 Because of this, some of the best women have collected as many as25-35directorships each, and are known in Norwegian business circles as the "golden skirts"、 One reason for the scarcity is that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companies---they occupy around15% of seniorpositions、 It has been particularly hard for firms in the oil, technology and financial industries to find women with a enough experience、 Some people worry that their relative lack of experience may keep women quiet on boards, and that In turn could mean that boards might become less able to hold managers to account、 Recent history in Norway, however, suggests that the right women can make strong directors、 "Women feel more compelled than men to do their homework," says Ms Reksten Skaugen , who was voted Norways chairman of the year for全文结束》》, "and we can afford to ask the hard questions, because women are not always expected to know the answers、"41、The author mentions Ibsens play in the first paragraph in order to 、A、 depict womens dilemma at workB、 explain the newly passed lawC、 support Norwegian governmentD、 introduce the topic under discussion42、 A public company that fails to obey the new law could be forced to 、A、 pay a heavy fineB、 close down its businessC、 change to a private businessD、 sign a document promising to act43、 To which of the following is Sverre Munck most likely to agree?A、 A set ratio of women in a board is unreasonable、B、 A reasonable quota for women at work needs to be set、C、 A common principle should be followed by all companies、D、 An inexperienced businessman is not subject to the new law、44、The author attributes the phenomenon of "golden skirts" to 、A、 the small number of qualified females in managementB、 the over-recruitment of female managers in public companiesC、 the advantage women enjoy when competing for senior positionsD、 the discrimination toward women in Norwegian business circles45、 The main idea of the passage might be 、A、 female power and liberation in NorwayB、 the significance of Henric Ibsens playC、 womens status in Norwegian firmsD、 the constitution of board members in NorwayPASSAGE2、While theres never a good age to get cancer, people in their20s and30s can feel particularlyisolated、 The average age of a cancer patient at diagnosis is67、 Children with cancer often are treated at pediatric (小儿科的)cancer centers, but young adults have a tough time finding peers, often sitting side-by-side during treatments with people who could be their grandparents、In her new book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, writer Kris Carr looks at cancer from the perspective of a young adult who confronts death just as shes discovering life、 Ms、 Carr was31 when she was diagnosed with a rare from of cancer that had generated tumors on her liver and lungs、Ms、Carr reacted with the normal feelings of shock and sadness、 She called her parents and stocked up onorganic food, determined to become a "full-time healing addict、" Then she picked up the phone and calledeveryone in her address book, asking if they knew other young women with cancer、 The result was her own personal "cancer posse": a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine editor, a cartoonist and a MTV celebrity, to name a few、 This club of "cancer babes" offered support, advice and fashion tips, among other things、Ms、 Carr put her cancer experience in a recent Learning Channel documentary, and she has written a practicalguide about how she coped、 Cancer isnt funny, but Ms、Carr often is、 She swears, she makes up names for the people who treat her ( Dr、 Fabulous and Dr、 Guru ), and she even makes second sound fun ("cancer road trips," she calls them)、She leaves the medical advice to doctors, instead offering insightful and practical tips thatreflect the world view of a young adult、 "I refused tolet cancer ruin my party," she writes、 " There are just too many cool things to do and plan and live for、"Ms、Carr still has cancer, but it has stopped progressing、Her cancer tips include using time-saving mass e-mails to keep friends informed, sewing or buying fashionablehospital gowns so youre not stuck with regulation blue or gray and playing Gloria Gaynors "I Will Survive" so loud you neighbors call the police、 Ms、 Carr also advises an eyebrow wax and a new outfit before you tellthe important people in your illness、 " people you tell are going to cautious and not so cautiously try to see the cancer, so dazzle them instead with your miracle," she writes、While her advice may sound superficial, it gets to the heart of what every cancer patient wants: the chance to live life just as she always did, and maybe better、46、 Which of the following groups is more vulnerable to cancer?A、 Children、B、 People in their20s and30s、C、 Young adults、D、 Elderly people、47、 All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _______、A、 Kris Carr is a female writerB、 Kris Carr is more than31-year-old、C、 Kris Carr works in a cancer center、D、 Kris Carr is very optimistic、48、 The phrase "cancer posse" (Line4, para、3 )probably refers to ________A、 a cancer research organizationB、 a group of people who suffer from cancerC、 people who have recovered from cancerD、 people who cope with cancer49、 Kris Carr make up names for the people who treat her because ________A、 she is depressed and likes swearingB、 she is funny and likes playing jokes on doctorC、 she wants to leave the medical advice to doctorD、 she tries to leave a good impression on doctor50、 From Kris Carrs cancer tips we may infer that________A、 she learned to use e-mails after she got cancerB、 she wears fashionable dress even after suffering from cancerC、 hospital gowns for cancer patients are usually not in bright colorsD、 the neighbors are very friendly with cancer patientsPASSAGE3 Questions51 to55 are based on the following passage:Should a leader strive to be loved orfeared?This question,famously posed by Machiavelli,lies at the heart of Joseph Nyes new book、Mr、Nye,a former dean of the Kennedy School of Govemmentat Harvard and one-time chairman of Americas National Intelligence Council,is best known for promoting the idea of "soft power",based on persuasion and influence,as a counterpoint to "hard power",based on coercion(强迫) and force、Having analyzed the use of soft and hard power in politics and diplomacy in his previous books,Mr、Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between power and leadership,in both the political and business spheres、Machiavelli,henotes,concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved,but as it is difficult for the two to go together,it is much safer to be feared than loved、"In short,hard power is preferable to soft power、But modem leadership theorists have come to the opposite conclusion、The context of leadership is changing,the observe,and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated、In modem companies and democracies,power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies(等级制)are being undermined,making soft power ever more important、But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion、Mr、Nye argues、Instead,he advocates a synthesis of these two views、The conclusion of The Powers to Lead ,his survey of the theory of leadership,is that a combination of hard and soft power,which he calls mart power?is the best approach、The dominant theoretical model of leadership at the moment is ,apparently,the “transformational leadership pattern”、Anone allergic(反感)to management term will already be running for the exit,but Mr,Nye has performed a valuable service in rounding up and summarizing the various academic studies and theories of leadcriship into a single,slim volume、He examines different approaches to leadership,the morality of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effcctiveness of a particular leader、There are plcnty of anccdotes and examples,both historical and contemporary,political and corporate、Alsa,leadership is a slippery subject,and as he depicts varioustheories,even Mr、Nye never quite nails the jelly to the wall、He is at his most interesting when discussing themoral aspects of leadershipin particular,the question of whether it is sometimes necessary for good leaders tolie-and he provides a helpful12-point summary of his conclusions、A recuming theme is that as circumstances change,different sorts of leadcrs are required;a leader who thrives in one environment may struggle inanother,and vice versa、Ultimately that is just a fancy way of saying that leadcrship offers no casy answers、51、From the first two paragraphs we may learn than Mr、Machiavellis idea of hard power is______、A、well accepted by Joseph NyeB、very influential till nowadaysC、based on sound theoriesD、contrary to that of modem leadership theorists52、Which of the following makes soft power more important today according to Mr、Nye?A、Coercion is widespread、B、Morality is devalued、C、Power is no longer concentrated、D、Traditional hierarchies are strengthened53、In his book the Powers to lead,Mr、Nye has exmined all the following aspects ofleadershipEXCEPT_____、A、authorityB、contextC、approachesD、morality54、Mr、Nyes book is particularly valuable in that it _____、A、makes little use of management termsB、summarizes various studies conciselyC、serves as an exit for leadership researchersD、sets a model for contemporary corporate leaders55、According to the author,the most interesting part of Mr、Nyes book lies in his _____、A、view of changeable leadershipB、definition of good leadershipC、summary of leadership history。

句子1.①It's an important matter.②The article is full of matter.③It is a matter of no laughing.④After turning back from the post office, he had brought a lot of printedmatter.翻译:①这事很要紧。
2.①Modern communication facilities were equipped in each fishing boat,so the fishermen could get in touch with each other at any place.②Regulations regarding the handing of hazardous wastes have becomemore stringent and complex. Facilities can no longer ignore their wastes.③All the facilities in this lab should not be taken out without permission.④The site ideally should have sufficient lands to provide a buffer zonebetween the facility and the public surrounding it.翻译:①每条渔船都装有先进的通讯设备,因此渔民们可以在任何地方都能保持联系。
理想的处理现场在设施及周围公共环境之间应有足够的隔离带3.①He had a shelf there, where he kept his Bohemian papers and his pipesand tobacco, and his shears and needles and thread and tailor's thimble.②There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass wasdead.③To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is evenharder.④Formality has always characterized their relationship.Most US spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth's atmosphere翻译:①他放在那儿有一个架子,摆着他的波希米亚报纸、烟斗、烟叶,还有大剪刀、针、线,以及裁缝用的顶针。

Unit 1Ⅰ. Useful Expressions1. 被系在…上be attached to…2. 探索行为exploratory behavior3. 偶尔on occasion4. 父母的责任parental duties5. 揭示,阐明throw light on6. 最终目的an ultimate purpose7. 要做的动作desired action8. 所希望的结果desirable outcome9. 关键critical point10. 育儿观 value of child rearing11. 弥补某种错误行为making up for a misdeed12. 回想起来in retrospect13. 善意的well-intentioned14. 前来帮助某人come to sb.’s rescue15. 极其熟练、温和地with extreme facility and gentleness16. 适用于apply to17. 发展到evolve to18. 发展创造力promote creativity19. 值得追求的目标worthwhile goalsⅥ. Sentence Translation1. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing.(=然而,我和艾伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。
)2. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. (=他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。

1. 一旦拿定主意,他就不太可能改变了。(unlikely) Once he makes a decision,he is unlikely to change.
2. 大多数父母都会竭尽全力满足子女的合理需要。(meet)
Most parents try their best to meet their children's reasonable needs.
6.我发现很难与那些一贯固执已知的人合作。(…it…) I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.
Those who follow the fashion at great cost should change their lifestyle as soon as possible. 8.老师的言行或多或少会影响学生一生,所以老师必须注意这一 点。( affect, require ) What the teachers say or do will more or less affect the students for the rest of their lives, so the teachers are required to pay attention to it. 9.尽管这些地震灾民失去了他们所有的财产, 他们有信心重新过上 好日子。 (possession) Although the victims of the earthquake lost all their possessions, they have confidence in living a good life again . / they are confident of leading a good life again. 10.他提醒我是我锻炼的时候了。(remind) He reminded me that it was time for me to do exercise.

高三按字母顺序翻译字母 A1、他在朋友最需要的时刻背信弃义地抛弃了他们。
(abandon)He faithlessly abandoned his friends in their moment of need.2、我正要离校,天开始下大雨。
(about)I was about to leave my school when it began to rain heavily / pour.3、经理不在的时候由我负责。
(absence)In the absence of the manager, I shall be in charge.4、昨天,他因为生病而缺席了会议。
(absent)He was absent from the meeting because of illness yesterday.5、温度越高,空气能吸收的水蒸气就越多。
(absorb)The higher the temperature (is), the more vapour the air can absorb.6、女儿全神贯注地看卡通,压根儿没听见我对她说的话。
(absorb)My daughter was absorbed in her cartoon so that she didn’t hear what I was saying to her at all. / My daughter was so absorbed in …that …7、我们坚信这个高科技产品总有一天会被接受,因为事实胜于雄辩。
(accept)We firmly believe that this hi-tech product will be accepted one day because facts speak louder than words.8、每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。
(access)Now / Nowadays every child in the countryside has access to education.9、游客只有坐小船才能去那个岛屿。

1.香囊(scented sachet),古代也称“香袋”,通常是用布缝制或彩色丝线编织的袋子,里面塞满香草(aromatic herbs)。
例如,双鱼或成对蝴蝶图案象征男女之爱;莲花或牡丹花(peony flower)等图案象征女性;松树和仙鹤图案象征长寿;石榴(guava)图案象征很多孩子。
翻译:Scented sachets, also called “fragrant bags” in ancient times, are bags usually sewed with cloth or weaved with multicolor silk threads and stuffed with aromatic herbs. The fragrant bags were originally used for absorbing sweat, repelling insects and warding off evils. Scented sachets are not only useful, but also ornamental. They come in different shapes and sizes, such as round, oval and many others. And they are normally decorated with elaborate patterns, with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning.For instance,a double-fish or double-butterfly pattern smybolizes the love between a man and a woman;patterns like lotus or peony flowers symbolize women;pine and crane patterns symbolize longevity and a guava pattern is the symbol of lots of children.A nice scented sachet is not just an ornament,but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness.2.中国民间艺术与中国哲学统一于“阴阳(yin-yang)生万物”这一理念。

Currently, the most important task is to develop domestic economy and improve people’s living standard. To achieve the goal, we must alter the old economic system, so as to further production. Besides, we should also open up to the world, to learn science and technology from other countries. As long as we insist on open-up policy, we are sure to build our nation into a strong socialist country.(2)为了接待每年数以百万计的外国游客,我国旅游部门正在想方设法改善旅游住宿设施。
To receive millions of foreign tourists annually, our tourism department has tried all means to improve accommodation facilities. To meet the needs of increasing development of tourism industry, new tourism centers are being exploited in many areas, more and more modern hotels are being built, and more foreign language speaking guides are being trained.(3)教育在社会经济发展和提高人类文化素质方面起着重要的作用。
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英语①②翻译第一单元:1、他快速地瞥了她一眼(giance)He glanced at her quickly.2、随着云层的到来,天色很快暗了下来。
(darken)As clouds were coming , it darkened quickly.3、我觉得这份工作对我来说是小事一桩。
(a piece of cake)I think this job is a piece of cake for me.4、他为自己拥有这张着名的CD感到丰常自豪。
(proud)He was very proud having this famous CD.5、当火车驶进车站时,乘客们很高兴这趟旅途终于结束了。
(pull into)When the train pulled into the station , passengers were happy that the journey was finally over.第二单元:1、把那张碟买回来更省钱。
(economical)It might be more economical to buy the disk.2、你们能赶得上那趟火车吗?(in time)Will you be in time for the train?3、我们长话短说吧,我还要开会呢。
(brief)Let’s keep this conversation brief , I have meeting to attend.4、我妹妹真是大方,买这么多东西送给她的朋友。
(generous)It is generous of my sister to buy so many things for her friends.5、对于这份工作,你要先考虑一下有什么喜欢和不喜欢的地方。
(like,dislike)You should first of all consider your likes and dislikes about the job.第三单元:1、在夜里他几乎无法看清道路。
(barely)He could barely see the road at night.2、非常感谢你多年来多公司的忠诚。
(loyalty)Thank you very much for your years of loyalty to the company.3、维护这栋房子很难,因为它太大了。
(maintain)Is very difficult to maintain the house ,as it is to large.4、俱乐部免费赠送T恤衫,以吸引年轻人加入。
(give ,away ;tempt)The cup give away T-shirts for free to tempt young people to join.5、他昨天穿了一件黑夹克,与他们经常穿的花衬衣形成鲜明对比。
(present acontrast to)He wore a black jacket yesterday ,presenting a sharp contrast to the colored shirt he usually wears第四单元:1、他坚持认为自己的信仰(belief)是唯一正确的信仰。
(insist)He insists that his belief is the only right one.2、我只有在收到报告后才能给你准确的数字。
(only…)Only after I have received the report can I give you the exact mumbers 3、我8点终于你见面。
顺便问一声,你能叫约翰也来吗?(by the way)I’ll meet you at 8 o’clock. By the way ,could you ask john to come too.4、这个坏消息很快成为这个小镇上每个家庭谈论话题。
(topic)The bad news quickly became the topic for every family in the town.5、在我过去1个月时间里,至少有15个人遭到抢劫(rod).(in the course of )At least 15 people were robbed in the course of the past month.第五单元:1、除夕夜,中国人通常是不睡觉的。
(on the eve of)On the even of the Chinese New Year , Chinese people usually remain awake.2、这对夫妇是他们共同的朋友介绍认识的。
(mutual)The couple were introuduce to each oher by their mutual friend.3、和老板争吵(argument)之后,他辞职了.(quit)He quit his job after an argument with his boss.4、他们建设新机场的建议最终被拒绝(turn down)了。
(proposal)Their proposal to build a new airport has finally been turned down.5、如果你回顾一下,你会发现自己取得了很大的进步。
(look back)If you look back ,you will see that you have made a great progress.第六单元:1、公司正在找具有音乐天赋的年轻女孩子。
The company is trying to find young girls with a talent for music.2、要想知道真相,你就得揭开这个秘密。
(unlock)If you want to know the truth ,you have to unlock the secrets.3、玛丽很擅长学外语,因为她生来就记性好。
(be born with)Mary is good at learning a foreign language since she was born with a good memory.4、夫妇两对彼此都很坦率,这是他们幸福婚姻的关键(key).(open)The couple’s being open with each oher is the key to their happy marriage.5、这个歌手唱的很好,赢得了观众的热烈掌声。
(appiause).(perform)The singer performed beautifully and won big applause from the audience.第七单元:两个朋友坐在角落里闲聊。
(chat)The two friends sat in a corner ,chatting.2、我都英语老师对我的影响很大。
(have an influence on)My English teacher has a great influence on me.3、年轻司机比年长司机更有可能出事故。
(be likely to do sth )Young drivers are more likely to have accidents than older drivers.4、你要么现在跟我一起打的走,要么自己步行回家。
(either …or ..)You can either come with me by taix now or walk home by yourself.5、他现在住在澳大利亚,所以我们只是偶尔见到他。
(occasionally)He lives in Australia now , so we only see him occasionally.第八单元:1、我们对大脑知之甚少,认识到这一点至关重要。
(vital, recognize)It is vital to recognize how little we kown about our brain.2、我们在家里过个安静之夜的期望被客人的到来给破坏(ruin)了。
(expectation) Our expectation of having a quiet night at home was ruined.3、现在你已身处现实世界,开始职业生涯时机已到。
(it is to …,get sth started)You are now in the real world and it’s time to get your professional life.4、一旦确定你中意的公司,最好浏览该公司网站以获得尽可能多的信息。
(once)Once you have identified companies that you like ,you’d better visit their websites to learn as much as you can.5、倘若你对自己的未来还不确定,就应该找到你最感兴趣的是什么。
(be certainabout)If you are not certain about your future ,you should identify what interests you most.。