一年级下英语教学计划进度表 ls




2023年部编版一年级下册英语教学计划及进度表教学计划教学目标:- 培养学生对英语的兴趣和积极参与研究的能力。

- 培养学生的听、说、读、写等基本语言技能。

- 帮助学生掌握基本的英语词汇和语法。

- 培养学生的实际应用能力,提升他们的交际能力。

第一单元:欢迎回到学校教学重点:- 学生能够用英语表达自己的姓名、年龄、家庭成员等个人信息。

- 学生能够听懂并正确运用一些简单的问候语。

- 学生能够简单介绍自己的学校和班级。

教学内容:- 词汇:姓名、年龄、学校、班级、问候语等。

- 句型:What's your name? How old are you? Who is in your family? 等。

第二单元:我的家庭教学重点:- 学生能够用英语描述自己的家庭成员。

- 学生能够用正确的形容词来描述自己的家庭成员。

- 学生能够用简单的句子介绍自己的家庭生活。

教学内容:- 词汇:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐、弟弟、妹妹等。

- 句型:This is my father. He is tall. My mom is kind. My sister is smart. 等。

第三单元:我的朋友教学重点:- 学生能够用英语表达自己的朋友。

- 学生能够用适当的形容词来描述自己的朋友。

- 学生能够用简短的句子介绍自己和朋友之间的关系。

教学内容:- 词汇:朋友、好、善良、聪明等。

- 句型:This is my friend. She is kind. We are good friends. 等。

第四单元:动物园教学重点:- 学生能够用英语表达各种动物。

- 学生能够用简单的句子描述动物的特征。

- 学生能够了解不同动物的生活性。

教学内容:- 词汇:动物名称,如elephant、n、tiger等。

- 句型:It's an elephant. It has a long nose. The n is strong. 等。



第一单元: 你好,我是新生
- 研究目标: 研究用英语问候和介绍自己
- 教学内容: Greetings(问候),Introductions(介绍)
- 教学重点: 学生能够准确地用英语问候和介绍自己
- 教学时间: 2周
第二单元: 我的家人
- 研究目标: 研究描述家庭成员的外貌和身份
- 教学内容: Family(家庭),Describing people(描述人物)- 教学重点: 学生能够用简单的英语描述家庭成员的外貌和身份- 教学时间: 2周
第三单元: 学校生活
- 研究目标: 研究描述学校和学校生活
- 教学内容: School(学校),Classroom objects(教室物品),School subjects(学校科目)
- 教学重点: 学生能够用英语描述学校的地点、教室物品以及常见学科
- 教学时间: 2周
第四单元: 喜欢的食物
- 研究目标: 研究描述喜欢的食物和说出自己的饮食偏好
- 教学内容: Food(食物)
- 教学重点: 学生能够用英语描述喜欢的食物和表达自己的饮食偏好
- 教学时间: 2周




- 通过研究英语,培养学生对英语研究的兴趣
- 掌握基本的英语听、说、读、写能力
- 培养学生的研究方法和自主研究能力
1. Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions
- 研究问候语和自我介绍的基本句型
- 练运用问候语和自我介绍进行对话
2. Lesson 2: Colors and Numbers
- 研究基本颜色和数字的表达方式
- 进行颜色和数字的练和游戏
3. Lesson 3: Family Members
- 研究家庭成员的称呼
- 练用英语介绍自己的家庭成员
4. Lesson 4: Food and Drinks
- 研究常见食物和饮料的名称
- 进行有关食物和饮料的问答和讨论
5. Lesson 5: Daily Routine
- 研究日常活动的表达方式
- 练描述自己的日常活动
6. Lesson 6: Weather
- 研究天气的表达方式
- 进行关于天气的问答和对话




Unit 2 Lesson 5单元复习 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Unit 3 Lesson 2
Unit 3 Lesson 3 Unit 3 Lesson 4
Unit 3 Lesson 5 单元复习 单元复习Revision 1、2
Unit 4 Lesson 1 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Unit 4 Lesson 5 单元复习 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Unit 5 Lesson 5 单元复习 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Unit 6 Lesson 5 单元复习
义务教育教科书 一年级下册
实际进度 课时 备注
Unit 1 Lesson1 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Unit 1 Lesson 5 单元复习 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Unit 2 Lesson 4
科目 英语
上课时间 周次
考试次 数

4.20 4.25
Hale Waihona Puke 4.27 5.23
5.11 5.16
5.18 5.23
5.25 5.30













3. 创设英语情景和环境,使学生们在一定的英语语言环境里习得“第二语言”。


4. 努力纠正发音,提高学生学习英语的积极性,让学生积极主动开口说英语。

六、教学进度表周次教学内容及复习、检测、考试安排1 开学习惯培养Unit1新授2 Unit 1 巩固练习Unit 2 新授3 Unit 2 新授巩固练习4 Unit 3 新授5 Unit 3 巩固练习6 Unit 4 新授7 Unit4巩固练习8 Project19 Project110 Unit 5 新授11 Unit5巩固练习Unit 6 新授12 Unit 6 巩固练习13 Unit7新授14 Unit7 巩固练习15 Unit8 新授16 Unit8 巩固练习17 Project218 Project2。



1. 掌握新学期教学内容,包括26个字母的发音、基本问候语等。

2. 提高学生的听、说、读、写英语的能力。

3. 培养学生的英语研究兴趣和积极性。

1. 以趣味性教学为主,结合游戏、歌曲、绘本等多种方式进行

2. 课堂互动,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动。

3. 激发学生研究英语的兴趣和动力。

1. 定期进行小测验,检查学生对教学内容的掌握情况。

2. 观察学生的口语表达、听力和写作能力的提高情况。

3. 学期末进行综合评估,了解学生整体的研究成果。

1. 教材《部编版新人教版一年级下册英语》,课件、绘本等辅

2. 音频设备和音频资料。

3. 教具、游戏道具等学具资源。





教学内容本教学计划根据部编版小学英语一年级下册的教材,共分为六大模块:My School, My Family, My Home, My Toys, Happy Birthday 和What's This?。

每个模块的具体内容如下:My School在本模块中,学生将研究到关于校园的基本词汇(如school, classroom, teacher, student等),了解学校的基本规则,研究短语和句型,并能够描述自己的学校。

My Family在本模块中,学生将研究到关于家庭的基本词汇(如father, mother, brother, sister等),了解家庭成员之间的关系以及日常生活,并能够简单地描述自己的家庭。

My Home在本模块中,学生将研究到关于房屋的基本词汇(如bedroom, bathroom, kitchen等),了解房间的基本设备并能够简单地描述自己的房间。

My Toys在本模块中,学生将研究到英语中常见的玩具词汇(如ball, doll, car等),知道玩具的品种和颜色,表达自己的玩具喜好。

Happy Birthday在本模块中,学生将研究到与生日有关的基本词汇(如cake, present, party等),了解有关生日的文化和俗,并能够简单地用英语表达祝福和感谢之情。

What's This?在本模块中,学生将研究到与各种物品有关的基本词汇(如table, chair, pen等),了解物品的种类和用途,能够简单地用英语描述物品。






1. 掌握基本英语单词的拼写和发音。

2. 学会运用简单的英语句子进行日常生活交流。

3. 了解一些基本的英语语法规则。

4. 培养学生的听力、口语、阅读和写作能力。

- 第1周:完成单元一和单元二的教学内容。

- 第2周:完成单元三和单元四的教学内容。

- 第3周:完成单元五和单元六的教学内容。

- 第4周:完成单元七和单元八的教学内容。

备注: 教师可以根据实际情况进行适当调整,以确保学生研究的进度和效果。












时间教学计划措施备注第一周2.13—2.171. 利用预学习的课时复习上学期的课堂指令以及复习上学期学过的知识。

2.完成M1 U1教学内容及习题。








第二周2.20—2.24完成M1 U2教学内容及习题。

第三周2.27—3.3完成M1 U3教学内容及习题。







3.13—3.171、第一次月考,质量分析2、完成M2 U1教学内容及习题第六周3.20—3.24完成M2 U2教学内容及习题第七周3.27—3.31完成M2 U3教学内容及习题1.继续严抓中等生单词的认读和后进生单词、课文的认读及理解。




- 每个单元的教学内容根据学生的研究进度和理解而定,可能需要适当调整课时。

- 教学课时可以根据学生研究情况和教师教学节奏进行灵活调整。

- 请根据课时安排合理分配每个单元的教学内容,并根据实际情况进行适当调整。

1. 培养学生基本的英语听说能力;
2. 研究并掌握一年级英语下册的基本词汇和句型;
3. 能够用简单的英语进行日常交流。

- 口语表达能力:进行听力和口语练,测试学生的听说能力;
- 书面表达能力:课堂小测验和作业,测试学生的词汇和语法掌握程度。

- 教科书:人教版一年级英语下册;
- 多媒体设备:投影仪、音响设备;
- 教学道具:卡片、图片等辅助教学材料;
- 课堂练册和作业本。

- 游戏化教学:通过游戏和趣味活动等方式激发学生研究兴趣;
- 听说结合:注重培养学生的听力和口语表达能力;
- 周期性复:定期复已学内容,巩固知识点;
- 小组合作:鼓励学生之间互相合作和交流。






2023年部编版一年级英语下册教学进度安排表第一学期Module 1: My School (2 weeks)- Week 1: Introduction to school objects and facilities- Vocabulary: classroom, schoolbag, desk, chair, etc.- Activities: Match objects with pictures, identify objects in the classroom- Week 2: Talking about school activities and timetable- Vocabulary: play, read, sing, dance, etc.- Activities: Describe activities in the timetable, role play different school activitiesModule 2: My Family (2 weeks)- Week 3: Introduction to family members and relationships- Vocabulary: father, mother, brother, sister, etc.- Activities: Match family members with pictures, describe family members using possessive pronouns- Week 4: Talking about family activities and routines- Vocabulary: eat, sleep, walk, play, etc.- Activities: Describe daily routines of family members, discuss favorite activitiesModule 3: My Toys (2 weeks)- Week 5: Introduction to toy vocabulary and categories- Vocabulary: doll, ball, car, teddy bear, etc.- Activities: Sort toys into categories, describe favorite toys- Week 6: Talking about toy preferences and playing with toys- Vocabulary: like, don't like, enjoy, share, etc.- Activities: Express toy preferences, discuss sharing toys with others第二学期Module 4: My Body (2 weeks)- Week 7: Introduction to body parts vocabulary- Vocabulary: head, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.- Activities: Point to body parts on a poster, sing a song about body parts- Week 8: Talking about actions related to body parts- Vocabulary: see, hear, smell, taste, etc.- Activities: Describe actions related to body parts, play a guessing game with body partsModule 5: My School Bag (2 weeks)- Week 9: Introduction to school bag items- Vocabulary: book, pencil, ruler, eraser, etc.- Activities: Match school bag items with pictures, describe items in the school bag- Week 10: Talking about school bag items and their uses- Vocabulary: write, measure, erase, draw, etc.- Activities: Discuss uses of items in the school bag, write sentences about school bag itemsModule 6: My Clothes (2 weeks)- Week 11: Introduction to clothing vocabulary- Vocabulary: shirt, pants, dress, shoes, etc.- Activities: Match clothing items with pictures, dress up dolls with different clothes- Week 12: Talking about clothing preferences and weather- Vocabulary: like, wear, hot, cold, etc.- Activities: Express clothing preferences, describe suitable clothing for different weather conditions总结本学期的教学进度安排共分为六个模块,每个模块持续两周。



1. 培养学生的英语听、说、读、写能力,使学生能用英语进行

2. 帮助学生了解英语国家的文化及俗。

3. 为学生未来的研究和生活打下坚实的英语基础。

1. 英语单词、短语、句子的认读与模仿。

2. 针对语言应用的相关话题进行教学,如日常生活、学校生活、节日等话题。

3. 通过童话、儿歌等形式,培养学生的英语阅读能力。

4. 初步介绍英语语法知识。

1. 创设真实情境,激发学生研究兴趣。

2. 多方式教学,如课堂教学、游戏等。

3. 鼓励学生通过互动交流,多参与课堂活动。

4. 定期组织英语角,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中更好地练英语口语。

1. 学生定期进行听、说、读、写综合测试,以检查教学效果。

2. 教师对学生的表现进行任课学期结束后的综合评估。




一年级下册英语教学计划单元分析进度表全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1English Teaching Plan Analysis and Progress Report (Second Semester, First Grade)Hey there! I'm super excited to share my thoughts and experiences with you about learning English this semester. It's been a wild ride, but I've learned so much and had a ton of fun along the way. Let me break it down for you unit by unit:Unit 1: Hello, Friends!Kicking off the semester, we jumped right into learning basic greetings and introductions. I'll be honest, some of those new sounds and words felt really weird in my mouth at first. But Miss Johnson made it all into fun games and songs, so before I knew it, I could say "Hello, my name is..." like a pro! Building those basics helped me feel way more confident to start using English.Unit 2: My FamilyAfter meeting all my classroom friends, we moved on to talking about our families. I loved bringing in photos anddrawing pictures of my parents, siblings, pets, and extended family. The "This is my..." structure got burned into my brain from all the repetition. I remember feeling so proud when I could rattle off descriptions of everyone in my family portrait!Unit 3: Colors and NumbersThis was one of my favorite units! We learned so many colors through craftivities where we made crazy art projects. And then counting...who knew numbers could be so fun? Between number songs, counting games, and even some addition and subtraction, numbers went from intimidating to click easy. Shoutout to my number buddies who helped me practice!Unit 4: My BodyOkay, this one was a little goofy at times with all the body part movements and gestures. But you know what? It really worked for cementing that vocabulary. Now if Miss Johnson says "Point to your elbow!" there's zero hesitation - my arm shoots right up. Getting physical with the learning made it stick like glue.Unit 5: Shapes and SizesI have to admit, I thought shapes would be pretty straightforward. Well, was I wrong! Between identifying 2D vs 3Dshapes, learning new shapes like oval and hexagon, and tackling tricky words like big/small vs large/tiny, my brain was stretched. The sorting activities and shape hunts around the classroom helped a ton though. Shoutout to my small group fortriple-checking each other!Unit 6: My DayRaise your hand if telling time on an analog clock still looks like an alien language!Raises handYeah, this unit covering daily routines and telling time was no joke. But all the acting out morning, afternoon, and nighttime schedules - plus making our own clockface crafts - really helped make sense of it. I may not have it perfect, but I'm leagues ahead of where I started!Unit 7: My HomeBy this point in the semester, expanding sentences with tons of new vocabulary felt pretty manageable. Talking about different rooms, furniture, and household items was fun, especially with all the show-and-tell sharing. I'll never forget when Alessandro brought his pet iguana to demonstrate "This ismy terrarium!" Priceless memories. Prepositions like in/on/under were a struggle at first, but keep practicing!Unit 8: My NeighborhoodThis unit kicked my learning into overdrive with soooo much new vocabulary for buildings, locations, transportation, you name it. The field trip around our neighborhood made it all click though. Plus, learning to give simple directions like "Go straight, then turn left" was incredibly satisfying. I felt like a little tour guide showing off my English skills!Unit 9: ClothingOkay, clothes terminology definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. Things like blouddresses vs dresses, galoshes vs rainboots...my head was spinning sometimes! Playing dress-up games while repeating "I'm wearing a _____" over and over drove it home though. Not going to lie, I may still occasionally mix up trousers and slacks. But practice makes perfect, right?Unit 10: Seasons and WeatherWhat did you think, Miss Johnson went easy on us for the final unit? Nope, we went full force into all the seasonal language - months, holidays, weather patterns, and seasonal activities. Once again, endless show-and-tell, arts and crafts, roleplaying,and games made it all stick. I'll never forget performing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with rain tombs for rain, and bundling up in my winter gear to act out "Frosty the Snowman."Wow, just re-living all those units has me feeling so proud of how far I've come! From barely knowing "Hello" to expressing myself through stories, conversations, and even plays and performances...my English skills have taken off. I'm amazed by how quickly I've picked it all up through Miss Johnson's creative, hands-on approach.Of course, I know this is just the start of my English learning journey. There's still so much more vocabulary to acquire, grammar concepts to master, and fluency to develop. But looking back at all I've already absorbed this semester gives me tons of motivation and confidence to stick with it. An awesome foundation has been built!I can't wait to see what new adventures second grade has in store. But for now, it's time to recharge over summer break. Maybe I'll keep practicing by teaching my pet hamster some simple English phrases. Or labeling household objects with sticky notes. Or who knows, maybe I'll even start trying to read some super basic books or watch shows in English!To all my fellow first grade English learners, keep working hard, be persistent, and most of all, have fun with it! The more you immerse yourself in English, the quicker it will start feeling natural. If a words seem confusing or you hit a roadblock, don't stress! Ask your teacher for help, look back at what's clicking, and give your brain more time and practice. Before you know it, English will go from seeming like an alien language to your second first language!Signing off for now...your unstoppable English learner,[Your name]篇2English Teaching Plan Analysis for Second Semester of First GradeWell, we're already halfway through the first grade and it's been a fun journey learning English so far! At the beginning of the school year, I was just learning the basics of the English alphabet and some simple words. But now in the second semester, the English lessons are getting a bit more challenging but also more interesting.Unit 1: My BodyIn this unit, we learned all the words for the different parts of the body like head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. It was pretty easy stuff but we did a lot of fun activities like singing songs while pointing to the body parts. We also made arts and crafts projects where we had to label the parts of the body on a drawing of a person. I remember struggling a bit with how to spell "shoulders" but I've got it down now.Unit 2: ColorsThis was one of my favorite units because I love colors! We learned words for all the basic colors like red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, brown, black and white. The teacher had us go around the classroom finding things of each color. We also did color-by-number activities and made our own color wheels. Now whenever I'm coloring, I try to label what colors I'm using in English.Unit 3: NumbersIn this unit, we focused on counting and number words from 1 to 20. We did a lot of practice counting objects and putting numbers in order. We also learned some fun counting songs and rhymes. I have to admit, I got a little mixed up between 14 and 17 at first because they sound pretty similar. But now I can count all the way up to 20 without missing a beat!Unit 4: ShapesHere we learned words for basic shapes like circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, star and heart. The teacher had us go around the classroom and identify things with each shape. We also did activities where we had to draw shapes and color them in different colors while saying their English names. This unit helped me realize that knowing shape names is important for describing things accurately.Unit 5: FamilyThis unit was all about family member names like mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa and more. We talked about our own families and who lives in our homes. One fun game we played was "Guess My Family" where we had to describe our family members without saying their names directly. We also made family portrait art projects and labeled each person. Some of the words were a little hard to pronounce at first like "aunt" and "uncle" but I've got them down now.Unit 6: PetsAnimal lovers like me really enjoyed this unit! We learned words for common pet animals like dog, cat, fish, bird, rabbit, turtle and more. We did activities where we had to describe ourpets or imaginary dream pets using the words we learned. We also read some cute stories about kids and their animal friends. I have a dog at home so I was able to teach the class what my dog's name is in English.Unit 7: FoodYum, this was a delicious unit! We focused on learning words for different types of foods and drinks like apple, banana, carrot, bread, milk, juice and more. The teacher brought in some plastic food models for us to practice identifying. We also learned how to say if we like or dislike certain foods. One highlight was when we got to sample some fruits and vegetables while saying their English names.Unit 8: ClothesThis unit helped us build vocabulary for different items of clothing. We learned words like shirt, pants, dress, skirt, shoes, socks, hat and more. We did fun activities like dressing up paper dolls with different outfit combinations. The teacher also had us describe what we were wearing that day in English sentence patterns like "I am wearing a blue shirt and black pants." Some of the words were a little tricky to spell like "sweater" but we kept practicing.Unit 9: WeatherOne important topic we covered was different types of weather. We learned words like sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy and more. We talked about how to dress for different kinds of weather and made weather diaries describing the day's conditions. We also learned some useful phrases like "It's raining outside" or "I need an umbrella today." Understanding the weather words helps me describe my surroundings better.Unit 10: ClassroomsIn this final unit, we focused on vocabulary related to things in the classroom like desk, chair, book, pencil, backpack, computer and more. The teacher had us go around labeling different objects. We also gave commands to each other using patterns like "Pick up your pencil" or "Open your book." Knowing all the classroom words makes it easier to follow instructions and discuss our learning environment.Overall, this second semester of first grade English has been packed full of useful vocabulary across many themes. While some of the words and pronunciation took time to master, all the activities, games, songs and hands-on practice made it easier to learn. I feel much more confident now describing things in my everyday world using English words. Heading into second grade,I have a solid base of vocabulary that will help me as I continue my English journey. Bring on the next challenges!篇3Unit 1: Hello, Friends!The first unit was all about introductions and greetings. We learned how to say "hello" and "goodbye" in English, as well as how to introduce ourselves by saying things like "My name is..." and asking "What's your name?". It was fun practicing with our classmates and getting to know each other better.At first, it felt a bit strange speaking in a different language, but our teacher made it really interactive and used lots of games and songs to help us pick it up quickly. One of my favorite activities was the "Hello" song where we had to go around the circle singing hello to each person. It was a lively way to start each class!By the end of the unit, I felt quite confident greeting my friends and teachers in English. The vocabulary wasn't too difficult since we were just learning basic phrases. Overall, it was a nice gentle introduction to the English language.Unit 2: Colors EverywhereThis unit focused on learning the names of different colors in English. I remember being amazed at how many colors there were compared to my native language! We started with the basic ones like red, blue, yellow etc. and then moved on to more specific shades.The teacher did a really good job of incorporating lots of visuals and hands-on activities to solidify the concepts. We had fun coloring worksheets, playing "I Spy" games to identify colors around the classroom, and even did some fun arts and crafts projects while practicing the new vocabulary.One memorable activity was making our own "Colors Book" where we had to draw a picture representing each color we had learned and label it correctly. It was a nice way to get creative while reinforcing what we had learned.Towards the end of the unit, we played classroom games like "Color Bingo" and did fun roleplaying activities where we had to describe colored objects to a partner. I think the interactive and dynamic approach really helped cement the color words in our minds.Unit 3: My FamilyLearning about family members was an interesting unit! We started by learning words like mom, dad, brother, sister and then went into some more advanced vocabulary for extended family like aunt, uncle, cousin and so on.The teacher made it relevant by having us talk about our own families and describe who lived in our homes. We even got to do fun drawing activities where we drew our family portraits and labeled each member.I remember feeling impressed that I could now understand those family relation terms in English which had previously sounded like gibberish to me. An activity I particularly enjoyed was making family trees where we mapped out our relatives using the vocabulary we had learned.Towards the end, we did some roleplaying where we pretended to introduce our family members to others which helped solidify the concepts. Overall, it gave me a deeper appreciation for how I could now share about my family in another language.Unit 4: Animals Around MeThis was one of my favorite units as I love learning about different creatures! We started by learning words for commonpets like dogs, cats, fish etc. and then moved onto farm animals, and eventually some wild ones too.The teacher capitalized on our interests with lots of fun animal-themed games, stories and even some pretend role-play. One memorable activity was going around the classroom and making the sounds that each animal makes - it was hilarious hearing everyone try to baa like a sheep or moo like a cow!We also watched some short video clips from nature documentaries which exposed us to seeing and hearing the new vocabulary we were learning in context. The teacher would pause and point out the names of animals we had just learned about.Towards the end, we did group projects where each group had to research a certain animal and prepare a short presentation teaching the rest of the class about it in English. It was impressive how much new vocabulary we had picked up over the course of the unit.Unit 5: Seasons and WeatherI enjoyed this practical unit about the changing seasons and different weather patterns. We learned words like hot, cold, rainy, sunny and the names of the four seasons among other key vocabulary.The teacher made it come alive by having us look out the classroom windows and describe the current weather we were experiencing each day as a warmup. We also did fun activities with props like umbrellas, sunglasses etc. while practicing the words.One memorable exercise was putting on a short weatherman skit in pairs where we had to dress up and present the weather forecast for the day/week to our classmates. We of course had a ton of fun with that one!Towards the end of the unit, we learned how to express preferences about different types of weather which helped make the language more practical for real-life conversations. Overall, it really deepened my understanding of how versatile this new language could be.Unit 6: Delicious FoodThis mouth-watering unit on food vocabulary left me hungry each class! We learned words for different food categories like fruits, vegetables, snacks and mains. We also picked up phrases for expressing likes/dislikes when it came to tastes.I remember the teacher did a great job making it interactive by incorporating games where we had to taste and identifydifferent foods while blindfolded. We also did fun exercises when we had to go "grocery shopping" around the class pretending to buy the fruits and veggies we learned.Describing favorite foods and least favorite dishes in English was a practical conversation we got plenty of practice with. An especially fun activity was conducting a survey of the class's food preferences and then presenting the results to the rest of the students.By the end of the unit, I felt like I had really expanded my English food vocabulary substantially. Discussing things like eating habits, meals and ingredients no longer felt intimidating.Overall, the first grade English curriculum provided me with a solid foundation in basic vocabulary, grammar structures and conversation skills. While some units were more enjoyable than others due to my personal interests, I appreciated how the teachers made the language come alive through interactive and hands-on methods.I am amazed at how far my English abilities have progressed compared to just one year ago when those words sounded like gibberish to me. I feel confident now holding basic discussions and performing simple tasks completely in English. More importantly, I've developed a love for this new language that hasmotivated me to continue my English studies further. I can't wait to see what new topics and challenges second grade has in store!。





以下是教学计划的详细内容:第一单元:My Family(我的家人)- 研究目标:研究家庭成员的词汇,能够简单描述自己的家人。

- 教学内容:家庭成员的词汇,简单的句子表达。

- 教学活动:家庭成员配对游戏,描述家人的图片。

- 教学评估:口头描述自己的家人。

第二单元:My School(我的学校)- 研究目标:研究学校场景的词汇,能够简单描述自己的学校。

- 教学内容:学校场景的词汇,简单的句子表达。

- 教学活动:参观学校场景,描述学校的图片。

- 教学评估:口头描述自己的学校。

第三单元:My Daily Routine(我的日常生活)- 研究目标:研究日常生活活动的词汇,能够简单描述自己的日常活动。

- 教学内容:日常生活活动的词汇,简单的句子表达。

- 教学活动:日常生活活动搭配游戏,描述自己的日常活动。

- 教学评估:口头描述自己的日常活动。

第四单元:My Toys(我的玩具)- 研究目标:研究玩具的词汇,能够简单描述自己的玩具。

- 教学内容:玩具的词汇,简单的句子表达。

- 教学活动:玩具配对游戏,描述自己的玩具。

- 教学评估:口头描述自己的玩具。

第五单元:My Body(我的身体)- 研究目标:研究身体部位的词汇,能够简单描述自己的身体。

- 教学内容:身体部位的词汇,简单的句子表达。

- 教学活动:身体部位认知游戏,描述自己的身体部位。

- 教学评估:口头描述自己的身体。

进度安排本教学计划将按以下进度进行:- 第一周:第一单元- 第二周:第二单元- 第三周:第三单元- 第四周:第四单元- 第五周:第五单元每周的教学时间为5小时,包括课堂教学和练活动。




新人教版-一年级下册英语教学进度表第一单元- 单元主题:我和我的家人- 单元目标:研究家庭成员的称呼和基本问候语- 教学内容:- 自我介绍和问候语- 家庭成员的称呼和问候语- 教学活动:- 组内互相自我介绍- 以角色扮演形式练家庭成员的称呼和问候语- 教学评估:- 学生进行自我介绍- 学生能正确称呼家庭成员和使用问候语第二单元- 单元主题:学校生活- 单元目标:研究学校的基本设施和日常活动- 教学内容:- 学校设施的名称和描述- 学校日常活动的表达方式- 教学活动:- 导览校园,学生互相介绍学校设施- 角色扮演学校日常活动- 教学评估:- 学生能正确描述学校设施- 学生能正确表达学校日常活动第三单元- 单元主题:食物和饮品- 单元目标:研究常见食物和饮品的名称和描述- 教学内容:- 常见食物和饮品的名称- 常见食物和饮品的描述- 教学活动:- 观看图片,学生说出食物和饮品的名称和描述- 角色扮演点餐场景- 教学评估:- 学生能正确说出食物和饮品的名称和描述- 学生能正确进行点餐对话第四单元- 单元主题:动物世界- 单元目标:研究常见动物的名称和基本特征- 教学内容:- 常见动物的名称- 常见动物的基本特征- 教学活动:- 观看图片,学生说出动物的名称和基本特征- 角色扮演动物园游览- 教学评估:- 学生能正确说出动物的名称和基本特征- 学生能正确进行动物园游览对话第五单元- 单元主题:节日和活动- 单元目标:研究常见节日和活动的名称和庆祝方式- 教学内容:- 常见节日和活动的名称- 常见节日和活动的庆祝方式- 教学活动:- 观看图片,学生说出节日和活动的名称和庆祝方式- 角色扮演庆祝活动- 教学评估:- 学生能正确说出节日和活动的名称和庆祝方式- 学生能正确进行庆祝活动对话以上是新人教版一年级下册英语教学进度表,共有五个单元。





- 教学内容:学生将学会用英语介绍自己的基本信息,如姓名、年龄和国籍等。


- 教学目标:培养学生的口语交际能力,提升他们对英语的兴趣。

- 教学方法:综合运用听、说、读、写的教学方法,通过合作

- 教学内容:学生将学会用英语表达日常生活中常见的动作和


- 教学目标:让学生能够在日常生活中运用英语进行简单的交

- 教学方法:通过图片、游戏和实物演示等方式,帮助学生理解并掌握相关词汇和语言表达。

- 教学内容:学生将学会用英语表达自己的家庭成员和朋友,并能够就他们的特征和兴趣进行简单的描述。

- 教学目标:培养学生的描述能力,提高他们对家庭与朋友的理解。

- 教学方法:通过图片、故事和角色扮演等方式,让学生参与互动,积极运用语言进行交流。

- 每个单元的教学时间约为2周,具体根据学生实际掌握情况灵活调整。

- 教学进度表仅供参考,实际教学进度应根据学生的研究情况和教学资源的配合进行调整。





一年级英语下册教学进度表第一单元: 问候与自我介绍 (2 周)1. 词汇与发音- 研究关于问候和自我介绍的常用词汇和短语- 研究正确的发音和语音语调2. 句型与对话- 理解并模仿简单的问候和自我介绍对话- 练运用这些句型进行真实情景的对话练3. 听力与口语- 听取和辨认简单的问候和自我介绍对话- 练准确地表达问候和自我介绍第二单元: 家庭与朋友 (3 周)1. 家庭成员- 研究基本的家庭成员词汇和关系- 研究如何用英语表达家人之间的关系2. 个人描述- 研究用英语描绘自己和他人的外貌特征和个性特点- 进行对话练,介绍自己并描述他人3. 朋友的介绍- 研究如何以英语介绍自己的朋友- 练用英语进行简单的交流和发表观点第三单元: 学校生活 (3 周)1. 学校设施- 研究学校内主要设施的名称和功能- 了解和运用有关学校设施的词汇和表达方式2. 学科和课程- 研究并掌握常见学科和课程的英文名称- 练以英语讨论和描述自己的研究科目和课程安排3. 校园活动- 研究和分享有关学校和班级活动的信息- 进行小组活动和角色扮演,模拟参与学校活动的情景第四单元: 动物世界 (2 周)1. 常见动物名称- 研究并记忆一些常见动物的英文名称和特征- 学会运用正确的发音和表达动物名称2. 动物特征和性- 理解和描述动物的特征和性- 练用英语对动物进行简单的分类和比较3. 喜欢的动物- 研究如何用英语表达自己喜欢的动物并解释原因- 进行小组讨论和展示,分享喜欢的动物信息第五单元: 日常活动和爱好 (2 周)1. 日常活动- 研究用英语表达日常活动和常见动词短语- 练讲述一天中的活动并描述活动的顺序2. 爱好和兴趣- 研究如何用英语表达个人的爱好和兴趣- 进行小组活动和角色扮演,分享和讨论爱好和兴趣3. 时间和频率- 研究用英语表达时间和频率- 练描述日常活动的时间和频率第六单元: 节日与庆祝 (2 周)1. 常见节日- 研究并了解一些常见的节日和庆祝活动- 研究相关的词汇和短语,了解庆祝活动的文化背景2. 庆祝活动- 研究如何以英语描述节日和庆祝活动- 进行小组活动和角色扮演,模拟参与庆祝活动的情景3. 个人经历- 研究以英语表达个人参加过的节日和庆祝活动- 练运用英语叙述个人的庆祝经历以上是一年级英语下册教学进度表的详细安排。

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work;listening, speaking and sounds like
their sounds they
reading practice; play a
animlas and guess make
dramma; sing and chant; play what animals they 绘本I am invited to
Using formulaic expressions to
offer people things; Using
formulaic expressions to serve
Using formulaic expressions to
express thanks
revise the language focous of unit 1-3, training speaking and listening skills
Smell and taste food, and tell what they like better.
more food words and feels about the food 绘本I am invited to a part
ning speaking and listening skills; finish tasks in real-life situation;绘本I am
第20-21 周
6.19-6.23 6.26-7.7
revision revise the language focous of unit 10-12, training speaking and listening ski review unit1- review the language focous of unit 1-12.
Using verbs to identify actions; Using verb phrases to indicate actions; Using the modal verb can to talk about abilities; Asking wh-questions to find out particular information about a person
Using nouns to indentify food
items; Using imperatives to give
simple instructions;
Using imperatives to express one's
rice, soup, egg, noodles;
第11-12 周
第13周 5.8-5.12 第14周 5.15-5.19
unit 8
sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy; How is the weather? It's…
Using the key words in the
context; Asking quesitons to find
第2周 第3周 第4周
2.20-2.24 2.27-3.3 3.6-3.10
unit 2 unit 3 revision
sheep, hen, dog, cat; What do you hear?
Using the key words in the context; Asking wh-quesitons to find out what people hear; Using formulaic expressions to indicate what people hear ; Using formulaic expressions to indicate what sound animals make
一年级 周次
英语 日期
科 教学内容
2016 -2017学年度第二学期教学计划进
第1周 2.13-2.17
unit 1
frog, rabbit, bee, bird; What do you see? I see…
Using the new words in the context; Asking wh-question to find out what people see; Using formulaic expressions to indicate what people see.
Do a survey about food they like.
more snack words 绘本Today I will fly
games; do a survey
Using nouns to identify objects; Using imperatives to give instructions; Using adjectives to describe things; Using formulaic expressions to greet people on New Years' Day; Using formulaic expressions to offer people things; Using simple present tense to express one's lrty
free talk; pair work and group work; listening, speaking and reading practice; play a dramma; sing and chant; play games; do a survey.
more toy words and feartures about them绘本Today I will fly
free talk; pair work and group
work; listening, speaking and reading practice; play a dramma; sing and chant; play
and chant
animals and color words; more features about the animals they see 绘本I am invited to a party
free talk; pair work and group Try to make
more animals and
revise the language focous of unit 7-9, training speaking and listening skills Watch me throw the ball
第15周 5.22-5.26
第16-17 周
第18周 6.12-6.16
unit 10 ride, skip, play, fly unit 11 gift, card, firecraft, firework unit 12 boy, wolf, farmer
第6/7周 3.20-3.31
unit 5
jelly, ice cream, sweet, biscuit; Do you like…? Yes./ No.
Using nouns to identify food; Using formulaic expressions to indicate one's likes; Asking yes/no questions to find out one's likes; Using formulaic expreesions to confirm or deny; Using formulaic expressions to offer people things
invited to a part
第5周 3.13-3.17
unit 4
ball, doll, bicycle, kite I like…
Using nouns to identify toys; Using adjectives to describe things; Using formulaic expressions to indicate one's likes;
第8周 4.3--4.7
unit 6
cola, juice, milk, water; What do you like? I like…
Using nouns to indentify drinks;
Asking wh-quesitons to aks for
specific infromation about a
free talk; pair work and group
work; listening, speaking and Talk about the
reading practice; play a
toys they like
dramma; sing and chant; play best.
games; do a survey
out specific information about
Using formulaic
expressions to describe weather.
unit 9 revision
T-shirt, dress, shorts, blouse; I need…
Using nouns to identify clothing items; Using verbs to indicate one's need; Asking whquestions to find out one's needs; Using formulaic expression to express one's likes and dislikes; Using formulaic expressions to express thanks