【参考文档】小学英语词汇课说课稿-范文word版 (12页)

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我从下面先说一下第一方面:一、说教材1.教材的地位及作用《》是科普版小学四年级下册第()单元的第()篇课文,本课重点围绕学生对几种体育运动是否喜爱这个题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型 Ilike ?\I don't like ?,让学生能够用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。
2.教学目标知识目标:学习掌握单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,学习运用句型 I like ?\I don't like ?。
3.教学的重点与难点教学重点:能听说单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,运用句型 Ilike ?\I don't like ?。

词汇教学设计案例一、教学内容:人教版三年级上册Unit 6 B Let’s learn二、课型:词汇课三、教学目标:1.复习数词1-92.能听、说、认读新单词balloon, kite, plane, boat, doll, ball, car3.能用所学单词进行“听单词贴图片”游戏四、教学重点:能听、说、认读新单词balloon, kite,plane, boat, doll, ball, car 五、教学难点:balloon, doll 的读音六、教学准备:图片,单词卡片,录音机,磁带,七、教学方法:活动教学法八、教学过程:(一)热身活动(包括组织教学与复习)1.师生之间打招呼2.一位同学过生日,出示蛋糕与蜡烛图片,唱Ten Little Candles Dance3.数蛋糕模型上的蜡烛数目,复习数词。
(教学设计意图:词汇复习放在语境中)(二)呈现与操练1.第一组balloon, doll, ball, car用词卡展示生词并领读。
2.第二组kite, plane, boat 使用“寻宝”游戏学习生词。
4.通过Let’s do 巩固词汇。
教学重点:1. 认识扇形统计图,知道扇形统计图表示的意义。

课程目标:1. 学生能够听懂、会说、认读并正确拼写与动物相关的词汇。
2. 学生能够运用这些词汇进行简单的对话和描述。
3. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,激发他们探索动物世界的热情。
教学重点:- 动物名称的词汇学习。
- 词汇的发音和拼写。
教学难点:- 正确发音,尤其是一些较难的单词。
- 词汇的灵活运用。
教学准备:- 动物图片或卡片。
- 音频材料,用于听力练习。
- 互动白板或多媒体设备。
教学过程:1. 导入(Lead-in)- 通过展示一些动物的图片,激发学生的兴趣。
- 提问学生:“你们知道这些动物的英文名字吗?”2. 呈现新词(Presentation)- 使用图片或卡片逐一介绍新词汇,并强调发音。
- 播放音频材料,让学生跟读。
3. 操练(Practice)- 分组进行单词接龙游戏,每组轮流说出动物的英文名字。
- 进行拼写比赛,看哪组学生能更快更准确地拼写出单词。
4. 应用(Application)- 让学生描述他们最喜欢的动物,并使用所学词汇。
- 角色扮演,模拟动物园的场景,学生扮演不同的动物进行对话。
5. 总结(Summary)- 快速回顾本课所学的词汇。
- 强调正确发音和拼写的重要性。
6. 作业(Homework)- 让学生画出他们最喜欢的动物,并写下其英文名字和简短描述。

---Title: Vocabulary Lesson Plan: "Colors and Shapes"Subject: English Language ArtsGrade Level: 2nd GradeDuration: 45 minutesTeaching Objectives:1. Language Objectives:- Students will be able to recognize and use common colors and shapes in English.- Students will be able to ask and answer questions about colors and shapes using appropriate vocabulary.2. Cognitive Objectives:- Students will develop their ability to classify objects based on colors and shapes.- Students will enhance their memory skills by recalling and using new vocabulary.3. Social-Emotional Objectives:- Students will work collaboratively to identify and discuss colors and shapes.- Students will develop confidence in speaking English by participating in group activities.Materials Needed:- Whiteboard and markers- Colored paper cutouts of shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)- Color cards (red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange)- Vocabulary cards with pictures of objects (car, ball, apple, house, sun)- flashcards with words and pictures- worksheets for practice activitiesTeaching Procedure:1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):- Greet students with a "Good morning/afternoon" and ask them to share what they did over the weekend.- Use a simple question such as "What did you do yesterday?" to practice the present simple tense.2. Introduction to New Vocabulary (10 minutes):- Begin by introducing the theme of the lesson: "Colors and Shapes."- Show the students the color cards and ask them to identify each color.- Point to each shape cutout and ask the students to name it.3. Vocabulary Practice (15 minutes):- Distribute vocabulary cards with pictures and words.- Ask students to match the pictures with the correct words.- Use the flashcards to review the words and encourage students to say them aloud.4. Group Activity: Color and Shape Sorting (10 minutes):- Divide the class into small groups.- Give each group a set of color and shape cutouts.- Instruct the students to sort the cutouts according to color and shape.- Each group will present their sorted items to the class.5. Interactive Activity: "Find the Item" (10 minutes):- Place the worksheets with pictures of items in different colors and shapes around the classroom.- Instruct the students to find and circle the items that match the target vocabulary.- After they have completed the task, review the answers as a class.6. Wrap-Up (5 minutes):- Conclude the lesson by reviewing the key vocabulary: colors (red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange) and shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).- Ask students to create a simple drawing using different colors and shapes.- Encourage them to describe their drawings using the new vocabulary.Assessment:- Observe students' participation in activities and their ability to use the target vocabulary correctly.- Check the completed worksheets to assess their understanding of the new vocabulary.- Hold a short quiz at the end of the lesson to test their recall of the colors and shapes.---Note: This template can be adapted to include other themes or specific vocabulary lists. Adjust the activities and materials according to the needs and abilities of your students.。
词汇课说课稿 全英

词汇课说课稿全英Good morning/afternoon everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my planned lesson on vocabulary for the English class.Lesson Objective:Our focus for today’s lesson is on vocabulary building. We will be learning new words and exploring ways to remember them as we go through daily life.Warm-Up:To begin, we will have a quick introduction that will include students’ opinions about why vocabulary is important in learning a new language. A simple vocabulary quiz will also be conducted to help spark discussion about their own vocabulary knowledge and areas for improvement.Introduction:Once the foundation has been established, we will move on to the lesson proper where I will start with a shortintroduction on the benefits of improving one’s v ocabulary. From there, I will proceed by introducing them to the vocabulary words selected for the day. To enable better understanding, sample sentences with each word will be given.In-Class Practice:Next, we move into the fun activity – an interactive game to help the students better retain the new words. They will be grouped into pairs and given various scenarios where they are to use the vocabulary words in a fun and engaging way. This game will also allow students to interact with one another, building their communication and collaboration skills.Follow-up Activity:Finally, the lesson will culminate in a written exercise that will enable students to combine previously learned words with the new words and create their own sentences. This activity will allow students to really engage and immerse themselves in the word bank they have learned throughout the lesson.Conclusion:In conclusion, today’s lesson has been about increasing vocabulary and learning how to better remember the new words. With the use of interactive games and group work, students will not only remember the new words but also go home with a deeper understanding of how to recognize these words in various contexts.。

本节课的主要目标是让学生能够:1. 掌握本课所学的词汇,并理解其在不同语境中的含义。
2. 能够正确使用这些词汇进行基本的英语交流。
3. 通过词汇学习,提高学生的英语阅读和写作能力。
本节课的词汇主要围绕日常生活中的常见物品和活动,例如:book, pen, read, write, play, run 等。
在教学方法上,我将采用以下几种方式:1. 直观教学法:利用图片、实物等直观教具,帮助学生形成对词汇的直观印象。
2. 情景教学法:创设具体情景,让学生在实际语境中学习和使用词汇。
3. 游戏教学法:通过词汇游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,加深对词汇的记忆。
4. 合作学习法:鼓励学生进行小组合作,通过讨论和互助,共同完成学习任务。
在教学过程中,我会注意以下几点:1. 确保每个学生都有参与的机会,让每个学生都能在课堂上有所收获。
2. 及时给予学生正面的反馈和鼓励,增强他们的学习信心。
3. 根据学生的接受能力,适时调整教学进度和难度。

PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit2 Colours A let’s learn说课稿尊敬的各位老师:大家好!我说课的内容是人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit2 Colours A let’s learn 部分.本节课的设计理念是将课堂教学生活化,在情境中快乐学英语。
教学目标的确定基于我对教材的分析、学情的了解及课程标准的解读:教材分析:本课内容是人教版小学英语三年级上册第2单元A let’s learn 部分。
教材通过Yifan和Sarah 介绍看见彩虹的颜色这一情景来呈现单词的词形和意义.学情分析三年级的学生经过一个学月的学习,能够问候他人,并介绍自己的姓名,对学习英语有着浓厚的兴趣,乐于参与课堂活动。
能运用I see。
能运用I see。
(词汇)课说课稿模版 公开课教案教学设计课件案例试卷

PEP小学英语(三)年级下册(Unit6 Let's learn)部分说课稿各位评委老师好,今天我说课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的PEP小学英语(三)年级(下)册第(6)单元(Let's learn)部分的内容。
本课的核心词汇为(16-20的数字),核心句型为(How many do you have? I have/ We have)。
教材通过(J ohn在赛车场的情境呈现了要学习的五个数字单词)让学生感知上述核心词句的语义及语用情景。
【心里特点】()年级学生(对于英语学习有浓厚的兴趣)【知识起点】在本课时之前,学生已经掌握了(1-15的数字词汇和 What do you see? I see的表达形式)等,是本课句型(How many do you have? I have/ We have)的基础保障。


课程名称:小学英语词汇教学课时:1课时年级:四年级教学目标:1. 让学生掌握本节课的10个新词汇,能够正确发音和拼写。
2. 培养学生运用词汇进行简单交流的能力。
3. 提高学生对词汇学习的兴趣,养成良好的词汇学习习惯。
教学内容:1. 新词汇:happy, sad, big, small, tall, short, red, blue, yellow, green2. 词汇运用:通过图片、情境等帮助学生理解词汇含义。
3. 词汇练习:设计多样化的练习活动,巩固所学词汇。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师用英语问候学生,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。
2. 教师展示与新课内容相关的图片或实物,激发学生学习兴趣。
二、新课教学(20分钟)1. 教师用英语介绍新词汇,并举例说明。
- Happy: I am happy today.- Sad: He is sad because he lost his pet.- Big: This is a big house.- Small: That is a small cat.- Tall: He is tall.- Short: She is short.- Red: This apple is red.- Blue: The sky is blue.- Yellow: The sun is yellow.- Green: The grass is green.2. 教师引导学生跟读,注意单词的发音和语调。
3. 教师组织学生分组,进行角色扮演,运用新词汇进行对话。
三、词汇练习(15分钟)1. 图片匹配:教师展示与词汇相关的图片,学生找出对应的词汇。
2. 词汇接龙:学生依次说出一个单词,下一个学生必须从前一个单词的最后一个字母开始,说出一个新单词。
3. 词汇填空:教师给出句子,学生根据句子意思填写适当的词汇。
四、总结与反馈(5分钟)1. 教师总结本节课所学词汇,强调重点。

课程主题:动物与自然教学目标:1. 学生能够认识并正确发音本课的动物单词。
2. 学生能够理解并使用这些单词进行简单的对话。
3. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性。
教学重点:- 动物单词的发音和拼写。
- 动物单词在句子中的运用。
教学难点:- 单词的准确发音。
- 单词在实际语境中的灵活运用。
教学准备:- 动物图片卡片。
- 单词卡片。
- 音频设备播放单词发音。
教学过程:1. 导入(Warm-up)- 通过播放一段简短的动物视频,激发学生对动物的兴趣。
- 提问学生:“你们看到了哪些动物?”引导学生用已知的单词回答。
2. 呈现(Presentation)- 展示动物图片卡片,逐一介绍新单词,如elephant, tiger, giraffe等。
- 重复单词发音,让学生跟读,注意纠正发音。
3. 操练(Practice)- 分组让学生使用单词卡片进行配对游戏,加深记忆。
- 进行角色扮演,学生扮演不同的动物,用“I am a...”句型进行自我介绍。
4. 应用(Application)- 创设情景,如动物园,让学生使用所学单词进行对话。
- 教师提问:“Can you tell me what animal you like and why?”鼓励学生用完整的句子回答。
5. 总结(Summary)- 回顾本课所学的单词,让学生尝试不看卡片说出单词。
- 强调单词的发音和拼写要点。
6. 作业(Homework)- 让学生画出自己喜欢的动物,并标注英文单词。
- 准备一个简短的对话,描述自己最喜欢的动物。
教学反思:- 课后,教师应反思教学方法是否有效,学生是否能够掌握所学内容。
- 收集学生的反馈,了解他们在学习过程中遇到的困难。

Unit 4 My homeA let's learn 说课稿Good morning, my distinguished judges. I feel great honored to have this opportunity to stand here and present my teaching plan to all of you. Today, my teaching topic is unit 4 My home (板书) and I’ll elaborate my arrangement in four parts:analysis of the teaching material, analysis of theteaching and the learning methods, teaching procedure and blackboard design.Part 1. Analysis of the teaching materialThe book is published by PEP. It is a book which attaches great importance to the cultivation of students’ comprehensive English abilities and it’s designed to develop students’ language knowledge, language skills, emotions and attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness. And the book 3 is for the students of grade 4. then let me talk about the teaching objectivesKnowledge aims:(1)Students are able to listen, speak, read and write the new words: bedroom, study, living room, kitchen, bathroom.(2)Students can master the sentence pattern: “Where’s Amy? Is she inthe study? Yes, she is.”Ability Aims:(1)Students are capable to use the sentence pattern and words to talk about the positions of some people or articles in real situations.(2)Students' ability of listening and speaking can be greatly stimulated by different kinds of practice.Moral aims:(1)Students' awareness of cooperation with others could be stimulated by pair and group works.(2)Arousing students' consciousness of loving their home.Key and Difficult Teaching Points(1)Students are able to listen, speak, read and write the new words: bedroom, study, living room, kitchen, bathroom.(2)Students can master the sentence pattern: “Where’s Amy? Is she in the study? Yes, she is”.(3)Students are capable to use the sentence pattern and words to talk about the positions of some people or articles in real situations.Part 2. The Teaching and the Learning MethodsAccording to Second Language Acquisition Theory, I’ll stick to the teaching principle during my class, which is “teacher-leaded, student-oriented and task-based”. My teaching methods are Direct Approach, Total Physical Response and Communicative Language.We will use the active study and cooperative study. Whole class work, group work, pair work all will be included in my class.The Teaching AidsI’ll use computer , PPT, picture , chart , radio , tape and so on.The using of pictures makes the presentation clear, direct and vivid. The students listen to the tape and follow it, which can help them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Part 3. Teaching proceduresWell, now we come to the third part: teaching procedures and it’s also the most important part. I divide it into 4 steps:Step 1 Warming-up and Lead inI’ll say hello to my students and lead them to sing a song and do some “shaking” actions. Just like this:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you,today? Fine, good, great. I’m fine, too. Thanks for asking. Now please stand up, let’s sing a song and do some shaking actions together. Are you ready? Let’s go.Mother finger, mother finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am, how do you do?Father finger , father finger, where are you?Here I am , here I am, how do you do?Then, play the “magic box” game within the help of pictures. Students will try to guess what’s in the pictures.Purpose: I try to make the class active by singing at first. In this way, I not only create a harmonious teaching atmosphere, but also narrow the distance between the teacher and the students. During the game, the students preview the content that will be learned in this class and make a foundation for the coming teaching procedure.Step 2 Presentation and PractiseThis course is very important. I’ll mainly talk about this step.Practice New wordsPlay a guessing game: show the pictures by PPT, partly not wholly, and let the students guess the words--study, living room, kitchen, bathroom and so on. After speaking out the answers, lead them to read.Then p lay a game “bomb game” to practice the new phrases.Purpose:I design this interesting activity to make the students clear about the exact meanings of these words. Meanwhile, asking them to read the words, I remind the students of words’ pronunciation and set games to deepen the impression of the new words.New sentence patternFirst, Show the dialogue and ask the students to listen to the tape. Thedialogue gives them an example how to describe their own home.Then ask the students the question: “Look, This is Amy’s home. We can see Amy is in the study, right? So,where is Amy?Is she in the living room?” Have some students answer the questions with the new words. Furthermore, we will play “sentence dragon” to practice thesentence pattern through Ask and Answer. The winner can get one star. Finally, play the tape again. Let them work in pairs to finish Let’s dopart and give them 5 minutes to make a new dialogue based on the dialogue we just learned, ask some pairs to share it.practice listening and speaking. Make sure that they have known the dialogue clearly, master the correct pronunciation and intonation, andthey can imitate the dialogue to describe their own classroom.Step 3 ProductionWork in groups. To be a little reporter.Students will be divided into a group of six. I will ask them to make a survey about where their mothers usually are when they arrive at home, ask students to finish the table in the PowerPoint and make a report. They can stand up and walk around the class to interview each other. I’ll encourage them to use more words besides today’s new words. In this way, I help students combine the new content with the previous one and extend their knowledge about home..After that, I will invite students to share their sentences. According to this,Step 4 SummarySummary can help students to consolidate their knowledge in time. Thus, I will let the students make conclusion, then, I give them some supplements timely. Besides, I will strengthen students' consciousness of loving their home.Step 5 HomeworkOpen homework can arouse students' thinking and stimulate their potential.I will let the students make a new dialogue with their parents by using what we learned this class and share it next class.Step 5 HomeworkPart 4. Blackboard designFinally, we arrive at the part of blackboard design. As you can see, at the top of the blackboard is the title of this lesson, and then the sentence patterns are presented on it.That's all for my class. May I clean the blackboard?。

小学英语讲课逐字稿词汇### 教案:小学英语讲课逐字稿词汇#### 一、教学目标1. 学生能够掌握本课所学的单词,并能正确发音。
2. 学生能够理解并使用这些单词在句子中。
3. 学生能够通过游戏和活动加深对单词的记忆。
#### 二、教学重点- 单词的正确发音和意义。
- 单词在实际语境中的运用。
#### 三、教学难点- 单词的拼写。
- 单词的灵活运用。
#### 四、教学准备- 单词卡片。
- 多媒体教学设备。
- 相关图片或实物。
#### 五、教学过程##### 1. 导入(5分钟)- 通过一首简单的英文歌曲《The Alphabet Song》开始课堂,激发学生的兴趣。
- 简短讨论歌曲中的字母,引出今天要学习的单词。
##### 2. 新课呈现(10分钟)- 使用多媒体展示单词卡片,每个单词配以图片或实物,帮助学生形成直观印象。
- 逐个单词教授,强调发音,让学生跟读。
##### 3. 操练(15分钟)- 分组活动:每组学生轮流抽取单词卡片,并用该单词造句。
- 角色扮演:模拟购物场景,学生使用所学单词进行对话。
##### 4. 巩固(10分钟)- 单词接龙游戏:学生轮流说出单词,下一个学生必须用前一个单词的最后一个字母开始新单词。
- 拼写比赛:限时内看谁能正确拼写出最多的单词。
##### 5. 应用(10分钟)- 完成一个小故事填空,使用本课所学的单词。
- 学生之间互相检查,确保使用正确。
##### 6. 总结(5分钟)- 快速回顾今天所学的单词。
- 鼓励学生在生活中寻找这些单词的应用。
#### 六、作业- 制作一个单词本,将今天学的单词记录下来,并尝试用每个单词造句。
- 准备一个小演讲,介绍一个使用这些单词的小故事。
#### 七、板书设计- 单词卡片贴在黑板上,旁边留白供学生补充句子。

课程名称:小学英语词汇课课程目标:1. 学生能够认识并掌握本节课的生词。
2. 学生能够正确使用所学词汇进行简单的日常对话。
3. 学生能够通过游戏和活动提高词汇记忆和应用能力。
课时:1课时年级:小学三年级教学对象:学生教学重点:- 学习并掌握本节课的生词。
- 能够运用所学词汇进行简单的描述。
教学难点:- 生词的记忆和运用。
教学准备:- 生词卡片- 多媒体课件- 游戏道具- 练习纸教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 热身活动:通过唱英文歌曲或做简单的英语游戏,活跃课堂气氛,让学生放松心情,进入学习状态。
2. 引入话题:教师用简单的英语提问,引导学生谈论与主题相关的内容,例如:“Do you like animals?”(你喜欢动物吗?)二、新课教学(25分钟)1. 展示生词:教师展示生词卡片,让学生看图识词,并用简单的句子描述图片内容。
2. 讲解生词:教师对每个生词进行详细的讲解,包括发音、拼写和意思。
3. 小组活动:将学生分成小组,每组讨论如何使用这些新词进行对话。
4. 示范对话:教师示范一个使用新词的对话,让学生跟随练习。
5. 多媒体辅助:利用多媒体课件展示生词的图片和例句,帮助学生记忆。
三、巩固练习(15分钟)1. 词汇卡片游戏:学生使用生词卡片进行“Memory”游戏,找出相同或不同的单词。
2. 句子接龙:学生轮流用所学词汇造句,并尽量使句子连贯。
3. 看图写单词:教师展示图片,学生根据图片内容写出对应的单词。
四、总结与作业(5分钟)1. 总结:教师带领学生回顾本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇。
2. 作业布置:- 复习本节课所学词汇。
- 用所学词汇写一篇小短文,描述一个场景或故事。
五、课后反思1. 教师反思本节课的教学效果,分析学生的掌握情况。
2. 调整教学方法,针对学生在学习过程中遇到的问题进行针对性的辅导。
教学评价:- 通过课堂观察,评价学生在课堂上的参与度和学习效果。
- 通过课后作业的完成情况,评价学生对词汇的掌握程度。

一、教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够认识并正确发音本节课的词汇,如“起床”、“刷牙”、“吃早餐”等。
2. 过程与方法:通过游戏、角色扮演等活动,学生能够在实际情境中运用所学词汇。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们积极参与课堂活动。
二、教学重点1. 词汇的准确发音和意义理解。
2. 词汇在实际语境中的运用。
三、教学难点1. 词汇的发音,特别是一些容易混淆的音节。
2. 学生能够在不同的语境中灵活运用词汇。
四、教学准备1. 教学PPT,包含词汇图片和例句。
2. 词汇卡片,用于游戏和练习。
3. 录音设备,播放正确的单词发音。
五、教学过程1. 导入(Warm-up):- 通过播放一首关于日常生活的英文歌曲,激发学生的兴趣。
- 简短讨论歌曲中的词汇,为新课内容做铺垫。
2. 呈现(Presentation):- 使用PPT展示词汇图片和对应的英文单词,教授正确的发音。
- 通过例句,让学生理解每个词汇在句子中的用法。
3. 练习(Practice):- 分发词汇卡片,进行“快速反应”游戏,加强学生对词汇的记忆。
- 小组合作,让学生用所学词汇编写简短的对话。
4. 应用(Application):- 角色扮演活动,学生模拟日常生活中的场景,如在餐厅点餐、在家做家务等。
5. 总结(Summary):- 回顾本节课所学的词汇,强调它们的发音和用法。
- 鼓励学生在日常生活中积极使用这些词汇。
6. 作业(Homework):- 让学生记录自己一天的活动,并用英语描述,第二天在课堂上分享。
六、板书设计- 词汇列表- 例句- 活动提示七、教学反思在本节课结束后,我会反思学生对词汇的掌握情况,以及他们在实际应用中的表现。

T: Look, I have some money.(出示两张截然不同的10元)S: Money! Money! Ten yuan! This money is 旧的,that money is 新的。

小学英语词汇教学教案精品文档小学英语词汇教学教案一、教学内容:人教版三年级上册Unit B Let’s learn二、课型:词汇课三、教学目标:1(复习数词1-92(能听、说、认读新单词balloon, kite, plane, boat,doll, ball, car3(能用所学单词进行“听单词贴图片”游戏四、教学重点:能听、说、认读新单词balloon, kite,plane, boat, doll, ball, car五、教学难点:balloon, doll的读音六、教学准备:图片,单词卡片,录音机,磁带,七、教学方法:活动教学法八、教学过程:热身活动1. 师生之间打招呼2. 一位同学过生日,出示蛋糕与蜡烛图片,唱Ten Little Candles Dance3. 数蛋糕模型上的蜡烛数目,复习数词。
呈现与操练1(第一组balloon, doll, ball, car用词卡展示生1 / 11精品文档词并领读。
2(第二组kite, plane, boat使用“寻宝”游戏学习生词。
4(通过Let’s do 巩固词汇。
鼓励已经会说的学生尝试告诉大家你手中的动物英语是什么,当他们讲到 rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, cat, duck等单词时,我就出示相应的教学卡片,同时教学生认读这一动物的单词。

小学英语词汇课教案模板(共3篇)第1篇:英语词汇课教案I.Teaching Objectivesnguage Objectives(1)Help students know the collocation and meanings of the following words and phrases: embarraed, instruction, far from, nothing like, looking forward to etc.(2)Help students acquire the use of adjective ending –ing and –ed.(3)Help students know the use of present continuous tense 2.Ability Objectives(1)Enable students to use these new words correctly in speaking and writing.(2)Enable students to use adjective ending –ing and –ed correctly in daily life to describe sth.II.Important Points 1.Master some phrase, and some new words 2.Master the use of adjective ending –ing and-ed III.Difficult Points Analyze components of a sentence IV.Teaching Methods 1.Practice, discover, Asking and Answering, Explaining 2.Teaching Aids: text book V.Teaching ProceduresStep IReading(1 minute)T: Good morning, boys and girls.First let’s read the new words and new phrases, please turn to page 113 and read the new words from enthusiastic to amazed, go(enthusiastic, amazing, information, website, brilliant, comprehension, instruction , embarraed, description, amazed)OK.Very good!Step II Lead-in(1 minute)T: Everybody, after we have studied this paage(My first day at senior high), we all know that the writer had a wonderful experience of his first day in senior high school.In this cla let’s study some useful words and phrases.Phrases(look forward to, far from, nothing like)and words(bored/boring tired/tiring excited/excitingsurprising/surprised interesting/interested embarraed /embarraing)Step III Careful analyzing(8 minutes)(此处挑两个讲即可)OK.Well done!Now let’s look at some of the difficult points in the text!The first one: 1.the clarooms in li kang’s school are amazing/ some students were embarraed at first.Fellows we have already learned the adjective ending –ing and –ed in our junior high school, so let’s turn to page 7 and complete the sentences.Two minutes.(then the teacher check the answers), then let us look at grammar 2 the 2nd one choose the correct explanation according to the exerxise we have done in page 7.ok it seems that you have a clear mind of the 2 kinds of endings, so let us find more examples in our text.(2nd paragraph, the cla rooms are amazing, the3rd I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s cla, the 4th paragraph some students were embarraed at first)The next one.2…and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(the sentence under the picture)Nothing like means,“丝毫不象”in chinese。
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词汇课型:PEP小学英语第四册第4单元It’s warm today说课稿我说的是PEP小学英语第四册第4单元It’s warm today 第一课时的内容。
能听懂会说句子It’s warm /cool/…in Beijing/…。
(2)知识目标:能听说认读A部分Let’s learn部分的单词;(3 ) 情感目标:了解自己家乡和中国城市名称的英文表述形式,能够听懂、看懂英文天气预报。
说教学重点、难点依据以上对教学目标的分析以及小学生的认识规律和英汉语言差异,对城市天气预报的正确表述应该是本课的重难点.所以我觉得应该让学生在听说训练,看地图点点、说说活动中逐渐掌握单词和句子.三、说教学方法说教法、学法及理论依据根据以上对教材的分析, 我采用情景法、直观法、多媒体辅助法、看图操练法等教学方法。
为学生创设轻松的课堂氛围,激发学生的兴趣,调动学生积极性. 在学法上,坚持“词不离句,句不离章”的教学原则,使学生以生活为课堂,逐步提高自己的综合语言运用机能,形成自主学习的能力。
说本课所采用的一些辅助教学手段(多媒体、教具、学具)在本堂课中,我准备的教具主要是以多媒体课件为主,还有准备单词图片卡片及自制单词卡, 13张中国地图,13个信封,每个信封里有一些单词卡,供学生分组活动用。
四、说教学程序呈现阶段我先呈现问题It’s ______in Harbin. It’s ______in Beijing . It’s ______ in HongKong.It’s _______in Lhasa。
37C ,hot, 25C ,warm, 8C, cool, -1C, cold.(1)hot, cold.边做动作,边操练单词句子如学生做很热状,并说It’s hot。
学生做很冷状,说It’s cold.个别操练,集体操练,最后我和大家一起完成Chant:Hot,hot ,it’s hot.cold,cold,it’s cold.(并配以动作)(2)warm,hot,cool,cold.在操练warm时,我带领大家读单词时一点一点站起来,warm,warm,warm,hot,这一过程也是由轻到响,操练cool时,则相反,从站到蹲,由响到轻。
教师先示范It’s warm in Beijing. (Twice).让学生模仿,操练,同桌互相说说,培养合作学习能力。
It’s hot in Hainan. It’s cold in Urumuqi.等。
)Unit 4 Do you like pears?说课我这堂课是以PEP教材Book 2第四单元为蓝本,加入了一些表达自己喜好的句型,如:I like ….Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.让学生在特定的语境内领悟和使用,进行有意义的交际,以此达到语言教学的真正目的。
以心理学角度讲,学生刚上课时心理处于紧张状态,通过用英语与学生打招呼,和他们一起唱Colour Song,可以活跃课堂气氛,消除紧张,集中学生的注意力,激发学习兴趣,使学生很自然地进入良好的学习状态,并且为下面的教学环节作下铺垫。
小学生对新事物总是充满着好奇,真实的水果对于他们来说是再熟悉不过,恐怕很难保持他们长时间的注意和高涨的情绪,因此我根据Colour Song中的颜色,设计了一套颜色卡,以此激发学生的好奇心。
四、情景设计,对话交流通过Zoom的出现,引出句子,然后采访学生交流是否喜欢该水果,接着,学生猜想zoo m是否喜欢该水果,对话进行了交换交流。
Unit 4 Do you like pears?【教学内容】Teaching contentsA.Let’s learnB.Let’s play【教学目的】Teaching aims and demandsA.Enable Ss to read and understand new words:pear, peach, orange, watermelon(学生能够听懂、会说新单词)B.Enable Ss to describe colors of different kinds of fruits(学生能运用颜色描述不同种类的水果)C.Enable Ss to say and understand the sentences:What do you like? I like…(学生能听懂、会说重点句)D.Enable Ss to ask and express the fruits what they like(学生能在实际情景中表达自己喜欢的水果)【教学重难点】Teaching importance and difficultiesA.New words(新单词)B.The pronounce of watermelon(单词watermelon的发音)C.To understand the meaning:It tastes good.(学生能理解句子意思。
)【教学准备】Teaching aidsA.Ss prepare some fruits what they like(学生准备一些他们自己喜欢的水果)B.Teacher prepares cards of fruits, some fruits what will learn(教师准备水果卡片及所学水果的实物若干及水果拼盘。
)C.六个盘子或果篮D.CAI(多媒体课件), a magic tree, a magic box (一个魔术箱和一棵魔树)【教学过程】Teaching procedureStep 1 warm up/ Revision(热身/复习)(1)Sing songsa.《Colour song》b.《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》c.《Teddy Bear》(Ss do actions with sing songs.学生边唱边做动作进行热身练习。
)(2)Color the RainbowCAI displays, asks Ss to help the frog to color the rainbow.(课件出示,让学生帮助小青蛙为彩虹着色。
)(3)Oral English(e.g.)A:Hi, B!B:Hello, A!A:How are you?B:I’m fine.A:What do you like?B:I like…(4)Review教师出示一个魔术箱magic box和一棵魔树magic tree.T: Look, I have a magic box and a magic tree. What’s in the box? Can you guess?(教师出示物品一角,让学生猜猜是什么东西。
复习已学过的知识: pen, pencil, ruler, bag, hamburger, bread ,etc. 当学生猜出后,教师将猜出的物品卡片贴于魔树上。
)(1)教师作出疑问状,问学生What else are there in the box?a. CAI displays a part of a fruit, and then teacher asks Ss to guess what it is. Teacher publishes the result.(课件出示一种水果的一部分,然后让学生猜猜是什么,老师再揭晓答案。
)b. CAI displays the whole picture of the fruit, and then teach the new word.(课件展示整幅水果图片,然后教新单词。
)·Teach pe arAsk Ss to listen to CAI and repeat, and say yellow pear.(让学生听音并跟读,然后结合水果颜色说出。
)Ask several Ss to read the word, and gives Ss who read better encourage.(抽一些学生读单词,并对读得好的学生给予鼓励。
)Teacher shows a pear, I like pear.引导学生说I like pear.有梨的学生就举出,然后将水果放入桌上的果盘或果篮中。