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1. Where is the watch?

A . On the chair.

B . On the bed.

C . On the sofa.

2. Who has a white shirt?

A . Tom.

B . Bill.

C . Mike.

3. Where does Lily’s pen friend come from?

A . China.

B . Japan.

C . America.

4. What’s the date today?

A . May 31st .

B . June 1st.

C . July 1st.

5. How long does it take Peter to go to work?

A . 10 minutes.

B . 25 minutes.

C . 35 minutes.


6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。

(1)When may it be?

A . In the morning.

B . In the afternoon.

C . In the evening.

(2)Where will the two speakers go after supper?

A . The park.

B . The school.

C . The cinema.

7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。

(1)What will Tony do this weekend?

A . See a film.

B . Visit a zoo.

C . Have a party.

(2)Which subject does Betty learn at weekends?

A . Chinese.

B .English.

C . Maths.

(3)What does Betty think of after-school classes?

A . Useful.

B . Boring.

C . Interesting.


8. 听独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。

(1)How was the weather yesterday?

A . Rainy.

B . Cloudy.

C . Sunny.

(2)How old is Liu Mei?

A . 10.

B . 11.

C . 12.

(3)What did Liu Mei’s father do after lunch?

A . He went to the zoo.

B . He went to the store.

C . He worked on the computer.

(4)What did Liu Mei and her mother buy in the store?

A . A dress.

B . A bicycle.

C . A birthday cake.

(5)What time did Liu Mei and her mother have supper?

A . At 6:10.

B . At 6:20.

C . At 6:30.


9. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

My dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had a 1, but it was not

always 2to make a living on the sea.He stayed out late 3hewanted to catch enough fish for the family.

When the weather was 4, my father didn’t work, andhe drove me to school. Before he left, he would 5me a big kisson the face and tell me to be a good boy.6for me, it was soembarrassing .

I remembered the day. Iwas 12 years old. I thought I was too 7for a good-bye kiss. We gotto school and came to a stop. He had his usual big smile and started to kiss 8before he l eft, but I put myhand up and said, “No, dad.” It was the 9time that I talked to him inthat way. So he got a 10. I said, “Dad, I’m too old for agood-bye kiss. I’m too old for any kind of kiss. “My dad 11mefor a long time, and his eyes were filled with tears . I 12saw him cry. “You are right,” hesaid, “You are a big 13. I won’t kiss you anymore.”

It wasn’t long afterthat when my dad went to the sea for fish but he never 14. I was so sad that I wanted one more15from my father.

(1)A . boatB . carC . busD . bike(2)A . funB . boringC . hardD . easy(3)A . beforeB . afterC . becauseD . if(4)A . fineB . badC . coldD . hot(5)A . showB . makeC . giveD . blow(6)A . AndB . ButC . OrD . So(7)A . youngB . oldC . smallD . big(8)A . youB . meC . himD . her(9)A . oneB . nextC . firstD . last(10)A . smileB . messageC . surpriseD . interest(11)A . looked atB . shouted atC . walked toD . ran to(12)A . alwaysB . usuallyC . sometimesD . never(13)A . babyB . studentC . sonD . man(14)A . came outB . came backC . came upD . came down(15)A . timeB . lookC . thingD . kiss五、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

10. 阅读理解
