商务英语写作经典英语广告词Classic English Advertising Slogans in Business English WritingIntroduction:In the world of business, effective communication is crucial to promoting products or services. One powerful tool for reaching and capturing the attention of a target audience is through the use of advertising slogans. This article will delve into the realm of business English writing, exploring classic English advertising slogans and their impact on marketing campaigns.Section 1: The Importance of Advertising SlogansEffective advertising slogans are essential to grab the attention of potential customers and leave a lasting impression. They are concise, memorable, and often evoke emotions or appeal to specific needs and desires. The power of a well-crafted slogan lies in its ability to communicate the essence of a brand or product in just a few words.Section 2: Impactful Examples of Classic English Advertising Slogans1. Nike - "Just Do It"Nike's iconic slogan, "Just Do It," is a prime example of an advertising slogan that has stood the test of time. It is simple, memorable, and inspires action. By associating their brand with determination and success, Nike has successfully positioned themselves as a leader in athletic apparel and footwear.2. McDonald's - "I'm Lovin' It"McDonald's slogan, "I'm Lovin' It," has become ingrained in popular culture. With its catchy tune and positive message, this slogan appeals to customers of all ages, amplifying the brand's image as a provider of fast, enjoyable food. McDonald's has effectively used this slogan to create a sense of familiarity and comfort.3. Apple - "Think Different"Apple's slogan, "Think Different," encapsulates the brand's philosophy of innovation and uniqueness. By challenging conventional thinking, Apple positions itself as a company that pushes boundaries, inspiring customers to embrace creativity and individuality. This slogan has greatly contributed to Apple's success in the competitive technology market.Section 3: Elements of a Successful Advertising Slogan1. Conciseness: As attention spans shorten, it is crucial for advertising slogans to be concise and impactful. A short phrase or sentence that captures the essence of the brand or product can make a significant impact on potential customers.2. Emotional Appeal: Emotional resonance is a powerful tool in advertising. Slogans that evoke positive emotions or address consumers' needs and desires are more likely to resonate and be remembered.3. Uniqueness: A successful slogan sets a brand apart from its competitors. It should reflect the brand's personality and create a distinct image in the minds of consumers.Section 4: Creating Effective Advertising Slogans in Business English Writing1. Understand the target audience: To create an effective advertising slogan, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the target audience. Research their preferences, aspirations, and pain points to craft a slogan that speaks directly to their needs.2. Simplicity is key: Keep the slogan concise and simple. Avoid jargon or complex language that may confuse or alienate potential customers.3. Evoke emotions: Tap into the emotions of the target audience. Whether it is happiness, nostalgia, or a sense of adventure, a slogan that resonates emotionally will be more impactful.4. Test and refine: Before launching a slogan, it is important to gather feedback and conduct market research. Refine and revise the slogan based on the responses received, ensuring it aligns with the desired message and target audience.Conclusion:Effective advertising slogans have the power to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. Through concise, memorable language, these slogans communicate the essence of a brand or product, attracting customers and setting the business apart from its competitors. By understanding the importance of advertising slogans and the elements that make them successful, businesses can effectively leverage the power of business English writing to create impactful marketing campaigns.。
英语PPT 香水广告
Unique selling points
bines luxurious and low-key features. pletely break the traditional spl.
4.Perform the charm of graceful women.I 5.It will be endorsed by Oil Lee.
1.Love bite is different from almost perfume,it reveals elegent temperament,strong women,but not simple delicate fragrance great lady,she includes a real brave and bold,but also has a unique style of women. 2.The smell is mixed with May rose and jasmine,it has great originality of dissemination of the fragrance smell. 3.Love bite is timeless and will shock and amaze people with its lasting scent.
journey turn with wherever I future,my
Now we launch a sales promotion campaign.We provide free samples so that you can try our perfume on your skin before you buy. If you buy two bottles of our perfume,we will largess a box of facial mask.
I. General Introduction
Characteristics of Advertisements
广告的特点极为鲜明,由于受到各方面 的限制,尤其是篇幅空间、发布时间等的影 响,广告应尽可能的简练(Brief),常用简单 的口语化词汇及简单句;同时,为了吸引潜 在的不同消费群体,广告往往具有相当的创 新性(Creative),亲和力(Affable)、说服性 强(Persuasive)
I. General Introduction
不论采用何种方式,正文通常由如下四个 部分构成
1,引言(Lead-in Paragraph) 引言衔接正文主体与标题,使消费者对
广告的兴趣转化为对宣传对象的兴趣。 某些短小的广告也常常终止于引言部分。 2,内部段落(Interior Paragraphs) 内部段落是正文的中心部分,它要通过 较为详尽的描述使宣传对象清晰明了,具 有戏剧性、说明力,能够给消费者深刻 印象,从而引起消费者的兴趣
I. General Introduction
How Is an Advertisement Laid Out?
I. General Introduction
标题是广告中最重要的组成部分之一,也最容易引起人们的注意。 “好的标题,等于广告成功了一半” 。清晰(Clarity)和生动(Force) 是广告标题的主要特点。
Lesson 16:Advertisements
General Introduction
Writing Practice
剑桥商务英语中级课件Module 4
you can target a market they disappear quickly by choice of website
very cheap to produce and deliver
people delete them before reading
• Promoting a product involves developing a’(‘USP’): the FEATURES and BENEFITS which make it unlike any of the competing products. • There are four stages in promoting a product(‘AIDA’): • 1 attract the ATTENTION of potential customers • 2 arouse INTEREST in the product • 3 create a DESIRE for its benefits • 4 encourage customers to take prompt ACTION
TV commercials . _______________ reach millions of people but they are so xpensive.
. I tend to listen to my friends‟ recommendations more than word of mouth nything else so ________________ is probably the most effective.
Work in pairs. Think of one more advantage or disadvantage for each type of advertising in exercise 1. Think about issues such as:
商务英语广告语1.take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)2.poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。
(丰田汽车)3.fresh-up with seven-up.(seven-up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。
(七喜)4.intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。
(摩托罗拉手机)5.the choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。
(百事可乐)6.we integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。
(三菱电工)7.the relentless pursuit of perfection.(lexus) 追求完美永无止境.(凌志汽车)munication unlimited.(motorola) 沟通无极限.(摩托罗拉)9.feast your eyes.(pond’s cucumber eye treatment) 滋润心灵的窗户.(旁氏眼贴片)10.connecting people.(nokia) 科技以人为本。
(诺基亚)11.for the road ahead.(honda) 康庄大道。
(本田)e to where the flavour is. marlboro country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。
(万宝路香烟)13.focus on life.(olympus) 瞄准生活.(奥林巴斯)14.intel inside.(intel pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。
(英特尔奔腾)15.to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.....对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却多姿多彩(轩尼诗酒)。
TIME is ready to make time for you.(杂志,双 关)
Oh,I see!(哇!我看见了)(眼 镜,拟声)
Flowers speak from the heart.鲜花倾诉衷肠 (花店,拟人)
Beyond your imagination意 想不到的“天空”(大韩航 空)增补
Challenge the limits挑战极 限(三星)直 译
Life in your hands.(sony) 生活握在你手中(拟人)
Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可 能。(佳能打印机) 重复
Strong tractor,strong farmer(拖拉机广告) 勇猛的拖拉机,勇猛的耕田夫 生动形象
诱人身材跑出来 (Keep running,keep fit)
跑步机,强调跑。跑出来 的身材 Keep running,keep fit, healthy,nice过于口语 化,fit比较简单 容易记, 健康的,强壮的
小组成员:徐格格 王小卡 徐娇 吴瑶 程雪 王慧露 赵园 郭丽莎 PPT演讲:赵园
翻译举例和点评 翻译比较与欣赏 独创广告
Just do it!(nike)祈使句
Intelligence everywhere (摩托罗拉手机)智慧“演 绎”无处不在。省略句
Prepare to want one众望 所归,“翘首以待”(现 代汽车)
You’re worth it!(欧莱雅) 简单句
Good teeth,good health(高露 洁)牙好身体 就好
要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝 1.“Dabao”morning and night makes skin care a real delight. 2.Fair skin now?Dabao knows how.对偶
商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 4 “××”牌羊绒衫 (广告)
商标词作为一种专用符号, 是一种特殊类型的宣传广告。根据 美国广告大师E1 S1 鲁易斯( E1 S1Lewis) 的AIDI 原则, 一个成功 的广告应当具备以下四点: Attention (引人注意) , Interest (使 人感兴趣) , Desire (引发欲望) , Action (促成行动) 。由此可 见, 一个成功的商标译名应该是能吸引目的语消费者, 激发美好的 想象与购买欲望。由于不同语言存在不同的特点, 不同国家、民族 由于地理位置、自然环境、生活习俗、宗教信仰、经济发展等文化 背景的不同, 人们的思维方式、审美取向、价值观念等方面存在着 许多差异。因此, 商标词的翻译不应拘泥于原文, 而应灵活处理, 使商标译名产生和原商标词相等或接近相等的宣传效果。例如, “龙”、“凤”在汉语文化中是“权威、吉祥、力量”的象征, 因 而有不少商品以此命名。但在英语文化中“dragon”是一种凶残肆 虐怪物, 是邪恶的象征, 所以, 英语中没有用“dragon”作商标的。 这就是为什么著名药品企业沈阳飞龙, 英译名不是“Flying Dragon” 而是“Pharon”的原因。不过, 在商品词的翻译中, 也毋须谈 “dragon”色变, 避之犹恐不及。
(1) 谐音取义法 这种译法是在翻译时尽量选用与原商标词谐音而又有褒 义(或新意) 的词, 并能充分展示出商品的特色。以下几例可 谓运用此法之佳译。 Coke - cola : 可口可乐Coca 和cola 原为两种植物的 名称, 它们具有提神醒脑的功效。原名Coke - cola 给人们 提供了产品的原料以及功效方面的信息。译名“可口可乐” 在中国文化中给人带来美好的联想, “可口”一词给人一种 味道好的感觉, “可乐”则表示“可以带来快乐”。此外, 译名与原商标词在发音上很相近, 节奏也相符, 并且形式上 都具有同样的美感。Coke - cola 译为“可口可乐”, 真是 绝妙之译。
商务英语甜点广告xxx 第1篇The power of advertising ry day, it is easy to see advertisements nd us to see how many different advertisements you can see. The pducts you often see show the names of the companies that make them. This is a popular form of advertising.When you see a logo, there will be special patterns or symbols on many different pducts, namely logo. It is very difficult to forget the pduct or company A lot of people buy pducts becse they are made by a company. In fact, some people only buy pducts fm a famous company.They think it pves that they are fashionable and have good taste. It's common to see ads on TV or radio, and most of them are short enough to remind people of Nike, for example, all over the world with a slo: _just do _It_ advertisements often use interesting scenes, and it's easy to remember an entertainment advertisement. All advertisements are desied for people to buy pducts.For example, soft dnk advertisements may make a gup of fashionable young people have a good time. Young people are dnking soft dnks. The consultant says to you, _why don't you buy it? Like these people, you can be young and present Modern and fashionable._ You may think that advertising won't affect you, but the next time you buy a soft dnk, ask yoself: why am I just advertising this pduct? With the dlopment of mateal life, advertising is becoming and important in o daily life. Advertising pvides the la information about the pduct. Without advertising, consumers will not be able to know what the advertisements in their local stores can do to sell It's sold to a larger , so it's getting cheaper and cheaper as the goods are sold.Advertising also pvides money for newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, but there are also some views against advertising. Some people think that advertisements don't pvide too much information, they just try to persuade you to buy. They a demand for goods.Advertisements not only increase the cost of goods, but also damage the envinment. In fact, ry coin has o sides, advertising is no exception, but in today's world, advertising is not only necessary, but also beneficial.中文翻译:广告力量每一天,我们周围都很容易看到广告看看你能看到多少不同广告你经常看到产品都显示了制造它们公司名称这是一种流行广告形式当你看到一个标志时,在许多不同产品上都会出现特殊图案或符号,即logo,这是很难做到忘了产品或公司很多人买产品是因为它是某家公司生产事实上,有些人只买一家著名公司产品他们认为这证明了他们是时尚,有品位。
A: A project manager. 4. Q: what / responsible?W_h_a_t__ar_e__y_o_u_r_e_s_p_o_n_s_ib_l_e_f_o_r_?________
A: Growing and maintaining customer relationships. 5. Q: where / based? _W__h_e_r_e__ar_e__y_o_u_b_a_s_e_d_?_________________
Speaking: Asking questions about jobs
0. Q: why / like/ the company? Why do you like the company?
A: It’s like a family.
How long have you been
1. Q: long / working / the company?w_o_r_k_in_g__f_o_r_t_h_e__co_m__p_a_n_y_?___
4. 带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假(Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations)。、
其他的福利,例如交通补贴(Local Conveyance Allowance)、住房补贴 (Housing Allowance)、伙食补贴(Meal Allowance)、旅游津贴(Holiday Bonus)。
A: Two years. 2. Q: when / join? _W__h_e_n_d_i_d__yo_u__j_o_in__(t_h_e__c_o_m_p_a_n_y_)?__________
A: In 1978. 3. Q: was / first job? _W__h_a_t_w_a_s_y_o_u_r__f_ir_s_t_j_o_b_?_______________
商务英语广告词商务英语广告词大全1.客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first2.款式新颖众多 diversified latest design3.美观大方 elegant appearance4.美观耐用 attractive and durable5.品质优良疗效显著誉满全球欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome6.品种多样 numerous in variety great varieties wide varieties7.品种齐全 complete range of article, a great variety of goods8.让我们的商品走向世界 let our commodities go to the world9.色彩鲜艳 bright in color10.色泽光鲜 bright luster11.色泽艳丽 beautiful color12.深受顾客欢迎 we have won praise from customer to win warm praise from customers13.深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉 to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad14.款式多样 a great variety of model15.款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style16.款式齐全 various style17.款式新颖 attractive design fashionable style, novel in design up-to-date styling18.深受消费者的欢迎和好评 to be highly praised and a recited by the consuming public19.式样美观 aesthetic appearance, attractive fashion20.式样新颖大方 modern and elegant in fashion21.式样雅致 elegant in style22.式样众多 in many styles23.适合男女老幼四季穿着 suitable for men and women of all ages in all season24.外形大方 elegant shape25.享有盛誉 to win a high admiration26.新品迭出 new varieties are introduced one after another27.行销世界 to be distributed all over the world28.以工艺精细、针法灵巧多样、图案典雅大方而闻名中外。
Section 22 广告制作Advertisement 商务英语 教学课件(共52张PPT)
• 4. 要弄清楚不同广告媒体和方法的差异、 传媒方案的形成、控制广告本钱(běn qián) 的方法。只要仔细规划,就可以使自己的广 告投入不但值得也更有效。
• 4. 要弄清楚不同广告媒体和方法的差异、传媒方案的 形成、控制广告本钱(běn qián)的方法。只要仔细规 划,就可以使自己的广告投入不但值得也更有效。
• 1. 要让自己的广告看起来较为专业,采用专业的写 法,使用(shǐyòng)专业的图表。你的读者,特别是 第一次看到你们产品的人,都会根据广告的质量得 出有关你们公司品质的一个印象。
• You have to make your ad look professional and use professional-grade writing and professionallooking graphics. Your readers, especially those who will encounter your business for the first time, develop an impression of the quality of your company based on the quality of the advertisements.
The communication media is the means by which the advertising message is transmitted to the consumer. In addition to marketing objectives and budgetary restraints, the characteristics of the target consumers need to be considered when an advertiser decides what media to use. The types of media categories from which advertisers can choose include the following: a) Print—primarily newspapers and magazines; b) Audio—FM, AM and SW radio; c) Video—promotional videos; d) World Wide Web; e) Direct mail; f) Outdoor advertising— billboards, advertisements on public transportation.
《商务英语(2)》形成性考核册答案《商务英语(2)》作业(1)一、交际用语l. - Morning, Daniel. T oday I'd like to discuss the promotional ev ents of our productswith you.A. I can't agree with you more on that.B. Our customers are satisfied with our products.C. OK. I think we should draw up a thorough plan.2. —OK, what are your initial thoughts on our computers in China? Is there a market?A. They have the most need for computers.B. I am very optimistic about the ma rket opportunities in China.C. Our current agent agreements are broken up into regions.3. ——We would like to get in with the fall publication, if possible.A. What product are we talking about?B. Which edition would you like your adv ertisement to appear in?C. How much do y ou plan to spend on adv ertisement?4. —Do we need to fill in the application form?A. Yes, you must.B. Y es, you need.C. Y es, you may.5. —Great! May be from now on, I should try to buy goods online.A. I think so.B. That's all right.C. Why not? Go ahead.二、选择填空6. I know personal selling is also a v ery effectiv e tool for building buy ers‘confidence.A. toB. upC. with7. We are full of confidence the Chinese market.A. inB. onC. with8. Our adv ertising rates are size and location.A. depended onB. put onC. based on9. People are allowed to their money at ATMs.A. devoteB. depositC. demand10. The profitable sales v olume is the volume of sales that actually will businessthemost profit.A. earnB. getC. take11. Now we are able to browse shops in the world in our own home.A. the most fancyB. fanciestC. the fanciest12. Well, I will get the market survey with my colleagues.A. startB. startedC. to be started13. A good adv ertising program tells potential customers .A. why they need the productB. why do they need the productC. why they don't need the product14. The Smart Color Laser Copier 200 do a lot for y our business.A. had toB. daredC. could15. T ax, can be used in public serv ices, Is v ery important to our country.A. whichB. thatC. what16. Consumption and inv estment, meanwhile, accounted for 4.5 and 1.2 percentagepointsof first-quarter growth .A. respectfullyB. respectably C .respectively17. Any adv ice you giv e us will be kept strictly .A. secretB. unknownC. confidential18. The sandbags stopped her property from .A. to be floodingB. being floodedC. being flooding19. One of the basic functions of a bank is serv ices related to the storing andmanagementof money.1A. provideB. to prov ideC. prov ided20. our come is , tax we should pay.A. The higher, the moreB. Higher, moreC. The highest, the most三、阅读理解21-25 题:阅读对话,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。
商务英语 广告常用英语
商务英语广告常用英语商务英语:广告常用英语above-the-line advertising 线上广告广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等。
aount executive(AE)客户经理广告公司的业务人员职称。
客户经理往往须负责下列工作:1.与客户及内部其他部门共同计划广告(planning),向各部门传达客户的诉求;2.内部协调(coordination);3.将广告设计稿提供给客户;4.监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);aount service 客户服务客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作关系,及推动广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务。
advertising agency 广告代理商习惯上称为"广告公司",即《中华人民 ___广告法》中所称的广告经营者,一般设有许多职能和业务部门。
advertising campaign 广告活动有时称为"运动"或"战役"。
advertising department 广告部分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部。
airport advertising 机场广告利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上制作的广告。
Appeal 诉求广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应。
We’ve got a problem
4. Work in pairs
5. Work in groups of three. Look at the case study.
Then read your role cards and follow the instructions.
JIT供应方式具有很多好处,主要有以下三个方面: 1. 零库存。用户需要多少,就供应多少。不会产生库 存,占用流动资金。 2.最大节约。用户不需求的商 品,就不用订购,可避免商品积压、过时质变等不 良品浪费,也可避免装卸、搬运以及库存等费用。 3.零废品。JIT能最大限度地限制废品流动所造成的 损失。废品只能停留在供应方,不可能配送给客户。
准时生产(=JIT) 介绍
just-in-time Just In Time:JIT的基本原理是以需定供。即供方根
据需方的要求(或称广告牌),按照需方需求的品种、 规格、质量、数量、时间、地点等要求,将物品配 送到指定的地点。不多送,也不少送,不早送,也 不晚送,所送物品要个个保证质量,不能有任何废 品。
本小节学习重点: 1、熟悉相关词汇 2、学习掌握如何发现与解决问题的相关技
能 3、练习在听音和阅读过程中寻找具体信息
2.Work in pairs. Look at each situation and identity the problem.Then brainstorm ideas to find a Poka-Yoke way of preventing the problems.P80
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Who is the targeted audience?
❖ People who wa brand image does this advertisement set up?
❖ The car is very safe. ❖ Also, the car is very gorgeous and
❖ Now here it is. With a powerful braking system, it makes you believe that you are safer in this car.
Is there any creative thinking in the ad?
❖ There is a image of Death who feels sorry for the driver, because he thinks the driver is in danger. But the driver escaped amazingly because of the excellent performance of the car, which made Death very disappointed.
fashionable which stands for a high-quality life.
What is the core value involved in the ad?
❖ Driving involves danger sometimes,so we should cherish our lives, and buy a safe car.
❖ The ad is very convincing.
What media is the ad in?
❖ TV ❖ Internet
Does the ad introduce you to buy the product or does it promote sales around
❖ If I have the plan to buy a car, I would choose it after I look at the ad. Because safety is the most important thing for drivers.
What kind of advertisement does it belong to?
It’s a commercial advertisement.
What message does this advertisement convey?
❖ Senses danger and increases braking power. ❖ The car is very safe.